Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 26, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    -!. ,
Leading Features of Markets at Lib
erty's Slock Yards.
Trimes ana Tjdy Batcher Stoclc Stronger,
Low Grades "Weak.
nwrrv ev Prr-rSTiTTpn TlrPATCH.
Weiixesdat, September 25. 1SS9.
The rnn of cattle this week varied very
little from last, the total bein? about 150
loads. In the supplies were 25 to 30 cars of
common to low grade stock irom Chicago.
The balance were from Ohio and Indiana,
with a few loads Irom Greene and "Washing
ton counties. The a erage quality of stock
in this week's supplies was better than for
several weeks p ist. Prices for export cattle
were better than a week as", but the quality
of those on the market this week was also
better. The best prices obtained was 4c
for prime 1,630-pound steers, which were
bought for export purposes. Common and
low grade stock were 1015c lower than last
week. Nice tidy butcher stock, from 1,200
to 1,300 pounds, were fairly steady at last week's
prices. S. M. Lafferty A. Co. sold 19 head of
Greene county cattle, averaRlng L250 pounds,
at 4e for the best.
S. B. Hedses reports the cattle situation as
follows: "The best price obtained this week
for export cattle was 4c This was Jc better
than anything sold last week, but
The Qualiu Was Better
last week. We could get better prices still if
the quality was up to standard of other mar
lets. Export cattle are bnneinc Detter prices
in Chicago than at East Liberty the past week,
for the reason that better selected stock are on
the markets there. Here our export cattle are
(renerally brought aown in price by haying
some inferior stork mixed in with each car
load. The prime have-to suffer from their as
sociations as humans sometimes have to da
Light, tidy batcher stock was scarce in our
our markets this week. and. as a consequence,
brought a shade better prices than they would
have clone a week ago."
Rfw.v nuicMI cleaned up at noon today.
The demand for freb cows shows improve
ment, aud anj thing choice found ready sale at
outside rates.
Slirrp, Iiombi and Hoes.
The run was light and quality poor. Mon
days receipts were ten loads, against nearly
double that number the previous Monday.
Borne six loads hare come in since the begin
ning of the week. The run being light, demand
was active and buyers were forced to pay not
les than 25c above prices that ruled a week
ago. All dealers agree that quality of sheep
and lambs offered the past few weeks is poor.
No signs of elevation in quality are yet in
The supply of hogs thus far has been larger
than last week, hut was not up to demand. The
bulk or thoe offered were ot inferior quality,
or what stockmen term unfinished or unripe
stock. The objection to the hogs now coming
to market is that the farmers are not sufficiently
generous in the use of corn for their feeding.
Choice cornfed hogs of light weight readily
crmmand the outside of the market. For all
curb orders are ulenty, but there his been an
utter impossibility to fill them. The highest
price realized for tons this week was $1 To. The
general range to-day was S4 40 to SI 60.
AlcCnll & Co.'a Review.
The supply of common and medium cattle
was in excess of demand, and trade for that
class was ery slow and a shade lower, while
good to prime cattle were in light supply, and
sold readily at a shade higher prices. We
give the following as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300
to 1,600 pounds. 254 60; good, 1,200 to 1.400
pounds, S3 7&4 10: good. 1,000 to 1,200 pounds,
butcher grades. $34j370, rough, fat, 1,100
to 1.300 pounds, S3 103 40; mixed lots,
steers and heifers, 800 to 1.000 pounds, $2 25
2 75; b-;Hs and fat co-vs,, 51 5C2 25; fresh con s
and spr cgcrs. 25l0per head.
The supply of hozs tni week iras abontequal
to the demand, and the market was more active
on heavy trades. To-day the supply is very
light and the market 10c per cwt higher than
ytsterday. Sales to-day were 'as follows; Phila
delphia, $4 Su4 63; fair to best corn fed York
ers, 4 504 t5, common and grassers, $4 250)
4 40. rough. 3 254 00.
Ihe receipts ot sheep this week were licht
and the market active at an advance of 1520c
per cwt over last week's prices. We give the
following as rnling prices: Prime Ohio and
Indiana withers, weighing here 110 to 120
ponnds, S4 754 90; good. 90 to 100 pounds, $4 50
4 75; fair to good mixed, 75 to SO pounds, S3 S5
64 25: god yearlings, 75 to 80 pounds, S4 45
4 75; common to fair, 50 to 60 pounds, $3 b04 40;
good lambs. $5 506 25: veal calves, 55 606 25.
Heavy calves not wanted.
By Tclesropb.
Kasar City Cattle Receipts, 6,962 head;
shipments. 5,606 head: quality of offerings gen
erallj conimon;ben native beef steers firm; com
mon steady to weal; ;grass rangers slowandw eak;
dockers and feeding steers weak, gooa to
choice cornfed teer $4 004 25: common to
medium. $2 903 75; stockers and feeding
steers, $1 G03 lo: cows. $1 352 50; grass range
steers. SI 60ffi2 6a Hogs-Receipts, 6,336 head;
shipments, 297 head; opened firm and closed
ueakand a shade lower: good to choice light,
$4 10l 23; hearvand mixed. 53 504 05. Sheep
Receipts, L3S1 head; shipments, 93 head;
steady; good to choice muttons. 3 604 00;
stockers and feeders. S2 0063 25.
New York Beeves Receipts, 81 carloads
for the market, 27 carloads for citv slaughter
ers direct and 11 car loads for exportation: the
, tradmcwasslmr, and common ordinary steers
were 15e per 100 pounds lower:nativesteers?3 20
4b0 per ICO ponnds: bulls and drv cows, $1 50
2 o; exports. 2,2s0 quarters of beef. Calves
, Receipts. 2.000 head: steady lor vealsat SgScper
ponnd; dull and weak for grassers and butter
milks atSf 3c. Sheep Receipts. 10,500 head
and 1.500 head were carried over yesterday;
steady and firm for sheep: dull and easier for
lamb-; sheep sold at 45Kc per pound; Iambs
at SHlic with some ot the best at 77Kc
S0".,celp,8 8.050 head; reported steady at
4 5064 80 per 100 pounds for hogs and $4 90
o 10 lor choice pigs.
ST. Louis Flour firm, but trade li-ht.
w heat Cash higher aud very firmly held-offerings
and trading light. Options higher.
Artcr a c decline there was are?ction that car
ried prices up IJc and close was at the too
r,5- . red, cash 79?c: September, closed Sfflic
bid; Ortober. 79c bid; December. 81Vc asked
Hay, 84c bid. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed,
cash. 29c; October, clned at 30c asked- De
cember.2S&c bid; year, 2b&c; January.2SVc bid
May. 30JJc bid. Oats tinner; No. 2 calKlWc-'
Way, 22Jic; October, ISc bid: January 2u$c
Barlej steady; Wisconsin, 60g67c: Minnesota.
6065c Provisions strong and higher all
CHICAGO The .Drorers' Journal reports
Cattle Receipts, 16.000 head: shipments. a&OO
head: market slow. 510c lower; beeves $4 40
4 63: steers. S3 004 30; stockers and feeders.
81 752 90; cows, bulls and mixed. II 25S?3 00
Texas cattle ,3 20. Western Tracer!'
52 403 SO. Hogs-Receipts, 20,000 headshl?
lnents. 9,000 head: market stron"- mixed
J?,90iL?r'BfT&g4T80: "eht."O075;
sklps, S3 504 2 Sbeep-Receipts. 8,000 head
shipments, 2.500 head; market stron natives
TttS$5? 15:
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 2,200head; ship
ments. 2.000 bead: market slow; choice heaw
native Bieera, x nnni i; tair to cood do S3 SO
64 15; stockers and feeders. S2 10g2 60- 'ranee
steers. $2 ISO'S 00. Hoes Receipts. 3,300 head
snlpments, 300 head: market steady; fair to
choice heavy, 3 854 20; packing grades. S3 70
6!4 00; light, fair to beM. $4 101 4a ShcVp
Reccipts, 2,100 head; shipments. 200 head: mar
ket steady: fair to choice, S3 204 25.
BtrrrALO Cattle Steady and firm: receipu
140 carloads through. 2 sale. Sheep and lambs
Receipts, 11 carloads through. 21 sale; sheen
active; Hmbs lower; buyers and sellers apart
steep, S4 505 00; lambs, $8 006 &a Hoes'
strong, and 1520c higher on Yorkersateady on
others; receipts, 15 carloids through, 30 sale
medium and heavy. $4 l1)! 45: mixed, 50
4 65; corn 1 orkers, H 751 80: Slichigan York
ers, HS04 70.
Dry Goodi.
Nrw York. September 25. With rainy
weather there was a moderate business In dry
goods. Jobbers had fair trade under the cir
cumstances, bargains and specialties receiving
most attention. At first hands mail orders
were moderate, and business on the spot was in
active; woolen falmcs selling fairly welL The
market for cottbn goods was steady and in good
shape andJbere was a cood business In spring
t'LH!L I I II IBM X1W9 "o uuuuauu,
m '
Our great-sale of men's fancv scarlet under
wear at 60c takes place. These goods are
well worth f 1 00. . P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new
Court House.
Use A,
. & P. Baking Powder. I
TJcnrr Realizing Causes a Break
Wheat A Rnlge Later on and Losses
More Than Rccoreied Corn
nnd Onts Tamer
Chicago There was a big speculative trade
In wheat again to-day, though the volume of
business was scarcely larger than yesterday.
The market was erratio and foil of surprises.
For some time it looked like a bear market,
and as though opening figures (82c for Decem
ber) were going to the top. So general was the
realizing early that prices broke nearly a cent.
Rut the bear element did not press their luck,
and before noon there was a rally ot c from
inside figures. Later the market experienced
another substantial bulge, which carried De
cember to 82K82?gC and May to S4c,
Cables were mixed. During the last half of
the session a decidedly strong tone was de
veloped and prices reached their highest range,
final closing figures being at the extreme top.
September, October and year made a net gam
for the day of Jigc, and December and May
of Jigjjjc.
Cord uas moderately actire and a shade eas
ier. Trading was largely of a local character,
though some outside country business was trans
acted in the way of selling October. The market
opened at about yesterday's closing prices, was
steady for a time, then sola off e, ruled quiet
and fluctuated bnt little, closing a shade lower
than 3 csterday.
Oats were quiet and steady, without new
features of importance.
More was doing in mess pork, with trading
chiefly in November and January deliveries.
The market was stronger and prices 10c
hieher, and closed comparatively steady.
Quite a good business was reported, and the
feeling decidedly stronger in laru. Prices were
advanced 710c and the appreciation was
fairly well supported.
A. fairlv active trade In ribs was reported.
Considerable strength was developed and prices
were 2$BoC higher ana moaerateiy weu sup
ported. The leading futures ranged as follows-
Wheat No. 2. October. S0X817981c:
December. &USS;bl0iiS2c: year. 81)050
7bS0Kc; May. fc4K8og3SSoi4c.
CoKh-No. 2, October, JlK323131Vc;
November, 31631M31X31c; May, 33j
Oats No. 2, October. 19c:November,lSKc;
May. 2222JS2222Mc
Mess Fork, per bbU October. $11 15Q11 15;
November. f9 R2(9 6509 52H9 6JJ; Janu
ary, $9 32JS9 37K-
Lakd. per 100 6s. October. Jo 97K6 02fc
November, to 905 975 905 92; January,
55 S35 92J5 b&t6 9m
Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. October, $5 07J
5 10; November, H 75Q4 85i 7o; January,
$1 754 75.
Casn quotations were as follows: flour
firm; winters, S4TO4 la No. 2 spring wheat,
SOKc: No. 3 sprinc wheat, 6768cj No. 2 red,
SJc. No. 2 corn. 31JJffi31c No. 2 oats, lBc
No. 2 rye. HUc No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1
flaxseed, $1 2oI 25. Prime timothy seed, Jl 26.
Mess pork, per bbi, $11 12& Lard, per 100
pounds, S6 106 12- bhort rib sides (loose),
5 2353a Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $4 37K
4 5a Short clear sides (boxea). So S7X5oO.
Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour,
27.000 barrels; wheat, 167,000 bushels; corn. 607.
000 bushels; oats, 240,000 bushels; rye, 2b,000
bushels; barley. 78.000 bushels. Shipments
Flour, 15,000 barrels: wheat, 27,000 bushels:
corn. 30000 bushels: oats, 2C9.000 bushels; rye,
2,000 bushels; barley. 41,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was actire: fancy creamery, 21825c;
fine. 1719c; finest dairies, 2022c; fair to good,
9l0c Eggs, 1515Kc.
Newt Yoke Flonr stronger and fairly active.
Wheat hpot irregular, stronger and quiet:
options more active and irregular at Jiic
higher and firm. Barley quiet. Barley malt
dulL Spot firm and dull; options steady and
quiet. Oats spot dull and steady; options
active and firm. Coffee Options opened
barely steady and 1020 points down, closing
firm and unchanged to 16 points down; sales,
71.250 bags, including September, 15.4o15.50c;
October, 15.3015.45c; November, 15.2515.35c:
December, 15.2515.40c; Jinuarv, 15.3Ul5.40c;
Kebruarv. 15.25fel5.35c; March, 15.254S15.40c;
April, 1530c; May, 15 30fi15.40c; spot Rio easy
and quiet; fair cargoes, I9c Sugar Raw nominal-
refined steady and in fair demand. Mo
lassesNew Orleans duU. Rice in fair demand
and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow quiet.
Turpentine nominal at 47Ji47Jic. Eggs
Fresh in demand and firmer; western, fresh,
2122c; receipts, 3,670 packages. Pork firm.
Cutmeats strong; sales, pickled bellies, 10
Sounds averaging, 7c; 12 pounds, 6c Lard
igher; strong and moderately active; sales,
-w estern steam, $6 45, closing 'at $S 50: Sep
tember, S3 50; October. $6 4b6 47, closing at
$6 46: November, 6 3S6 39. closing at $6 35;
December, 6 30; Januarv. $6 26t 31, closing
at $6 30; February. $6 33 bid; March, $6 36 bid.
Butter Fine in demind and firmer; creamery.
1225c; do held at 1220ft. Cheese quiet and
stronger; western, 7tifc.
i- "niLADELrniA flour firm but quiet.
v neat speculative market weaker; spot lots
of good grades firm: No. 3 red. on track, 75
76c; steamer No. 2:redm grain depot, 80c; No.
2 rea, on tract, 83c; No. 2 red, in export ele
vator, S2c;No. 2 red, September. SlkS813c;
October, 81MS2c; November. 82KSSc; be
ceruber, 84&M5c, Corn qnlet: No. 2 low
mixea. in grain depot. 40c; No. 2 mixed, on
track, 40Jc: do do, in Twentieth 6trcet eleva
tor, 40Ui.:No. 2 higu mixed, in gram depot.
40Kc; No. 2 mixed. September. ityiiQi4c;
OLtober, 40K40Kc; November, 40K41c; iJe
cember, 3940c Oits Car lots in fair demand:
No. 3 white. 2526c; No. 2 white, in cratn
depot, 2727Jc; options quiet but firm; No. 2
white. September, 26K27c: October, 27KQ
273ic; November, 2Si62sc; December. 29W
29ic. Butter scarce, strong and in good de
mand; Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 2425c;
do prints, extra, 2830c Eggs firm, and tresh
laidscarcn and wanted; Pennsylvania firsts.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
firm; cash. 71c; October, 71Jc: No. 1 North
ern, S2c Corn quiet; Nm, 3. 32g32Kc Oats
firm: No, 2 white, 2222Xe. Rye hrm; No. 1,
42?i43c Barley steady; No. 2, jn store. 62c
bid. Provisions steadv. Pork Cash, firm
cash. $11 15; October, JU'20. Lard Cash, J595;
October, 6 Oft Cheese higher; Cheddars, 8J
Baxtimobe Provisions quiet and firm.
Butter active aud firm for choice: western
packed. 1617c: creamery, 2122c. Eggs quiet:
fresh. 192uc. Coffee dull and easv; Rii car
goes fair, 19c.
Toledo Cloverseed active and easier; cash
The Columbia Hotel, at Cape May, N. J.,
was totally destroyed by fire early yesterday
Congressman Nutting, of Oswego, N. Y.,
denies the Washington dispatch that ha has
expressed an intention to resign on account of
ill health. One of bis attending physicians ex
presses confidence in his ultimate recovery.
The new cruiser Charleston, which has been
put in proper condition to be turned over to the
Government, has been taken to the Mare Island
Navy Yard, where she now awaits a telegram
from the Navy Department announcing the
formal acceptance. The band and rrew of the
receiving ship Independence at Mare Island
gave the new cruiser an enthusiastic welcome
when she arrived there.
The naval commission appointed to select a
site for a navy yard on the Pacific coast, north
of the forty-second parallel, has formally re
ported to the Secretary of the Navy that in its
judgment Puget Sound is the best locality in
the entire region, and that Port Orchard pos
sesses advantages over all its other divisions,
and that the particular site should be sought
behind Bainbrldge Island.
Simon F. Walker, a colored boy of lSyears,
will be hanged-at Chesterfield Court House,
Virginia, on Friday. He was convicted of an
attack upon Mary Ann Quill, aged 10 years.
There is a rumor afloat that friends of Walker
will attempt to take him from the Sheriff on
the day of execution. The Judge of the county
has ordered the Sheriff to have a large posse of
armed men on hand to quell any disturbance
that may occur.
A cave sparkling with gold, silver and
sapphires has been discovered in the Lincoln
mine at San Pedro, N. M which has long pro
duced ore of great value. The cave is about
100 feet long by 50 wide, and the s'des aie
thickly studded with the precious metals and
stones, while bowlders of carbonate were found
scattered on the floor. The -company onlv
recently refused $23a000 for this mine. The
camp is greatly excited.
At a meeting of the miners, mine owners
and business men of Denning. N. M., and vicin
ity, a strong set of resolutions were adopted
urging the free importation of lead ores into
the United States from Mexico and emphat
ically stating that the taxation of imported
lead ores would cripple the smelting enter
prises, drive Mexico to adopt retaliatory meas
ures to the detriment of the commercial rela
tions with that Republic The meeting was
non-partisan and was well attendedby Repub
licans as well as Democrats.
The city of Charleston, W. Va., is in a state
of terror through the evident determination ot
unknown incendiaries to destroy the place.
Tuesday morning the first attempt was made
and by noon the department had been called
out four different times. Again at 3 o'clock
four tires were started at once, all under such
circumstances as to leave no doubt of in
ceudiarism. Property valued at over $60,000
was destroyed. A number of men are patrol
ing the treeu with Winchester rifles, and
every suspicious character Is made to give an
account of himself. Bo Jar no one has been
arrested, but it an Incendiary is captured there
is no doubt he will be lynched.
To-Dny J
Our great sale of men's fancv scarlet under
wear at 50c tokcsAplace. These goods are
well worth U 00. P. C. O. O.,
Cor. Grant and" Diamond .ati.-oDp. new
Conrt House. - -l
Sale of the Bakewell Property on
Boss Street for a Ronnd Sum,
Files of Counterfeit Money Good Enoozh to
DeceiTe the Yery Elect.
The most important transaction in real es
tate hereabouts yesterday was the sale by
Black & Baird oi the Bakewell property,
comprising 160 feet on Boss street, from
Water to First, by 84 feet deep, to Elno E.
Clark, for 54&.000. There are eight brick
buildings on the ground, all of them old,
and most of them of little value, It is un
derstood they will he torn down and the site
nsed for manufacturing purposes. Ibis prop
erty was deeded by Thomas Bakewell shortly
before his death, almost 25 years ago, to bis
nephews and nieces, for whom the transaction
was made.
Much of the property thereabouts was in
cluded in the site of the old Bakewell glass
works. The passenger depot of the Baltimore
and Ohio railroad, lately vacated, was the
packing house. It is the only building remain
ing the or glasshouse plant. Superintendent
Patton said yesterday that he had thisbuildlng
examined a short time ago, when it was found
that the timbers and supports were In as good
condition as at first. This building, it is said,
will be remodeled for the useof the freight de
partment of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad.
William Dlckerman, editor" of the United
Statu Treatury Couhterfett Detector, is in the
city. He was encountered in the office of the
Fidelity Title and Trust Company yesterday,
where he uas exhibiting a large number of
counterfeit notes os, 10s and 20s, some of
which he had obtained from Pittsburg hanks,
they having escaped the eagle eyes of the ex
aminers. He was surrounded by several finan
ciers, nearly all of whom said the money on
exhibition was good enough for them. The
inexperienced reporter, of course, pronounced
the bills all gennine. Chicago is the head
quarters for the manufacture and distribution
of "queer" money. From that center it finds
its way to every part of the country, Canada,
Mexico, and even Europe. In the course of a
brief interview Mr. Bickerman said:
"The engraved counterfeits are more danger
ous that those made by the photographic pro
cess. With the exception of two series of
plates from which S3 bills of the Manufac
turers' National Bank, of Amsterdam, N. Y.,
and the Fort Stanwlx National Bank of Rome,
N. Y., are made, the best counterfeit plates
have been captured by the Secret Service. A
very fine counterfeit $50 bill was lssutd some"
eight years ago from a senes of plates from the
celebrated Charles F. Ulrich. The 100 bills
printed from a series of plates, engraved in
Brooklyn by Charles Smith for WilUam E.
Brockway, were but little less perfect than the
genuine. Buttbe finest counterfeit from every
point of view, was a 5300 United States note of
the series of 1869. It was about equal to the
genuine in skill and workmanship. So danger
ous was the co -nterf eit that the Treasury De
pal tment decided to retire all the notes of that
issue, and to-day only a few of the genuine re
main in circulation, and the banks receive
them only for deposit,
"Within the past year three very dangerous
counterfeits have made their appearance. The
new 3 counterfeit silver certificates are, on the
whole, well done. The most noticeable defect
will be found in the portrait of. General Grant,
which lacks the life-like expression of the orig
inal. The mole on the right cheek, visible in
the genuine. Is missing, and so is the stud on
the shirt front. Again, the entire face of the
connterfeit is lighter than the genuine. On
the medallion on the back of the note, the date
18S6 is not very distinct in the counterfeit. The
figure 0 looks more like an U.
"The new 110 silver certificate which ap
peared a few months ago Is produced by the
photographic pen and ink process. These coun
terfeits are signed by B. K. Bruce,Rcgister,
and A. M. Wyman, Treasurer; The portrait of
Robert Morris is well done. The third recent
counterfeit is a $20 treasury note. This, also,
is a photographic pen and ink sketch. The
first description of it came to me from Mr.
Vincent, paying teller of the Western National
Bank. The note presents a remarkably fine
appearance, and if it were not for the lathe
work would bear close examination. The back
of this counterfeit is not as finely executed as
is Its face. The green ink is off color. Still all
20 notes of the series of 1875, 1B78 and 1S80
should be bandied with care, as these series
have all been counterfeited.
"Two great obstacles have thus far stood in
the way of the cleverest counterfeiters, the
fiber paper and the geometrical lathe-work.
The paper known as the Crane patent, with the
fibers and two silk threads running lengthwise
throughout the note, offers an insuperable ob
stacle to the counterfeiter. The only way that
he can get this kind of paper is by stealing it,
for he does not know how to make it. So, too,
the lathe work has defied the most persistent
efforts of the connterfeiter, and consequently
lathe work is the chief feature in all bank note
There have been many profitable deals In
Pittsburg real estate within the last four or
five years. The Ben Venue plan of lots hung
fire for a long time. Four years ago the prop
erty was placed in the hands of a prominent
Fourth avenue real estate firm. The price set
upon It was $30,000. The firm pushed things,
and within six weeks sold J60.000 worth of lots,
and bad a few left. Twenty-eight houses have
been built, all of them first-class. Only two or
three of the lots are vacant.
The gentleman from whom this information
was obtained added: '-Twoor three years ago
I made a proposition to several local capitalists
that if they would furnish $1,000,000 for invest
ment on Penn avenue I would guarantee to
raise the price of real estate on that thorough
fare to $500 a foot. Steps were taken to raise
the money, but something occurred which
threw cold water on the project, and it was
abandoned. Subsequently 500,000 was raised
for the same purpose. This was only half the
amount originally required to bring land up
to $500 a foot, but it wis so judiciously invested
that it had the desired effect, ana my promise
was made good. It would require very little
effort to secure the same results on any of the
down-town streets Liberty, for Instance,
which is lined on both sides with houses totally
unfit for business, as now carried on."
Speaking of the outlook for real estate, be
"I think the movement is only in its infancy
There are large amounts of unoccupied land in.
the immediate vicinity jvhich .will be built on
sooner or later. I think business next year will i
sooner or later. I think business next year will
be on a Very large scale. A great deal of East
ern capital will be sent here for investment. A
few years ago Philadelphia capitalists would
hardly talk about Pittsburg real estate. The
big municipal debt and high taxes placed itat'a
discount. But they think, differently now. I
was there a short time ago, and they listened
eagerly to all I had to say on the Bubject."
Locnl Stocks Still Suffering; From Too Much
Sear LIvelv Blddlnc.
There was a good demand for local stocks
yesterday, and the sales were 44S shares. Buy
ers were in the majority, but they almost uni
formly insisted on concessions. The opening
prices were fractionally lower than Tuesday's
close, but good bidding caused a reaction in the
afternoon ana final quotations showed small
The natural gas stocks were prominent for
weakness, Wheeling leading the downward
movement. Thero was uo particular change in
Philadelphia, but closing figures showed a
slight recovery. None of them were wasted
very badly. Holders claimed that the depres
sion was the result of an unfounded scare, and
that tbe companies were earning as much as
..nal fin th nthAr hand, a brnkpr ran
'his reason for not wantlnzthem that they had
no luture: dios, oueta auu eaico were.
MoasiHQ. Airzmrooir.
nio. Aiicea ma. AlKea
Pitts. l'et.S. AM. x.. 425
Cominerclala. Bank
Mer. AMau. Mit. B's. eiii
Masonic Banc
Allegheny Ins. Co 51
Allemannla Ins. Co . .. JSH
Birmingham lus. Co.. 40
CltUens' Insurance
Wheeling Uas Oo, 2r,
Columbia Oil Co.,
... i.'S
Forest OI Un ,
Hjlclood Oil Co...,
Washington Oil Co..
central Traction.
Citizens' Traction
Pittsburg Traction....
Fleisant Vallev
Pitts., Alle. & Man....
ntts. June. U. K. Co..
P.. C&St. L. It. B...
Pitts. & Vet.K.K.Co.
P. W. R. K.Co. nrcf
Union Bridge 15
La Nona Mining Co...
Luster Minim? Co,
Yankeefalrl Mln.Co..
Westmarhouse Electric
U. b. &SIg. Co
U. S. & big. Co. pref.
23 xC
wet tlnghouseA.lt. Co,
At the morniii!? session fin Rhnrpc of Electric
brought 5VA, 4 51, 20 People's Plpeage 1 115
Philadelphia Gas 35,20 Wheelinc Gas 27 2o
2SJi and 20 Central Traction 51. At the af tei
noon call 10 shares of Commercial National
Bank went at 96, 100 Pittsburg and AVestern
common at 13, 20 Philadelphia Gas at355 100,
s. o. October, at 85 and 1 membership at $150.
E.d P. Long sold 25 shares Airbrake at 1HK.
50 shares Philadelphia Gas at 3 20 shares
Electric at 51, and C. L. ilcCutcheon sold 100
shares Philadelphia Gas at .1 and a 50-share
lot at the same price. P.. J. Stuney. Jr., sold SO
shares Philadelphia Gas at 3 F. D. Morris
& Co. bonght 35 BharesiUnion Switch at 19 and
sold 300 shares La Noria at IK.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 169.725 shares, including Atchison,
U.325; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
14,230: Louisville and Nashville, 36.418: Bead,
ing, 11,600; St. Paul, 10,130; Union Pacific, 6,110.
A Finnnclul Expert Soya There la No Cause
for Alnrm.
The banking business is slowly widening and
broadening and deepening was the assurance
obtained from several leading financiers yester
day. Honey was reported plenty, with 6 per
cent as the average rate, but sometimes a little
more and sometimes a little less, according to
the quality of the collateral. The clearings
were $2,221,748 65 and the balances $563,803 85.
Speaking on the question of money Mr. Bus
sell Sage said on Tuesday: "i think that the
money scare is about over, and there are only a
few days lelt in which to work the market on
reports of flurries, spasms, or scarcity in the
supply of funds. There may be a poor bank
statement this week, but it will wind up the
season, and from October 5 we may look for
ward to considerable easiness both in time and
call loans."
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 48 per cent, last loan 4K. closed offered
at 5. Prime mercantile paper, 57. Sterling
exchange quiet but steady at U 83 for 60-day
bills and $4 Si for demand.
CloalncTlond Quotations.
D. B. 4s.rer
1263JIM.K. AT.Gen.5
177,'Mlltnft! lTnlonfte .
U. S. 4s. covp
,102 Si
U. 8. 4s. reg IOo5
. J. C. Int. Cert...H3X
U. b. 4Ms, coup,... liwH
Nortuern Pac. lsts.JMH
Northern Pac. 2ds..H3M
Northw't'n consols. WH
Northw'n deben's..llo
Oreron & Trans. 63.104X
racincosor'95 us
LiOulslanastampedts 85
Missouri 6s 101
lenn. new net. 6s... 107
Tenn. new set. 5s. ...lot
Tenn. new set. 3s.... "4M
Canada So. 2ds 96)4
Cen. Tactile, lsts 114
Den. & H. !., lsta ..123y
Den. ft It. Q. 4s 7VH
l.&K.a.West,lsts. 110
KrlcZds 104
il. K. iT. Gen. 63.. $6
St.L. 4I.M. Cen.Ss 89
StL. A S. P. Gcn.il. 118
St. Paul consols ....126
rx., PcL. O Tr Ht. 90
rx.,Fcll.G.Tr.KctB J7X
Union Pac. lets 115
West Shore 106
Government and State bonds were dull and
New Tore Clearings, $102,055,371; balances,
Boston Clearings. $13,719,254; balances, JL
962,582. Money 22 per cent
Baltimorb Clearings. $L975,2S1; balances.
Philadelphia Clearings, $11,769,201; bal
ances, $1,991,583.
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bans of England on balance to-day Is
159,000. Bar silver, 42 l!-16d. per ounce.
Paris Threeper cent rentes, 86f 37fcfor the
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, $11,310,000.
Oil Men In New York Hankering After the
Old System.
Oil struggled along below the dollar mark all
day yesterday. The market opened weak at
9Sc, advanced on light buying in New York
to 93iic declined on longs getting out at Brad
ford to OSJgC, rallied a little on local buying and
closed firm at98c.'
Outside of the depression in refined, the prinj'
cipal bearish factor was said to be the Jeffer
son Center mystery, which has been hanging
over the market for several days. Some think
it will come in big, while others hold the con
trary opinion. .What effect it will have upon
the market remains to be seen, but it it not
likely that it will have much bearing either
way. since conditions go for very little in the
present state of the trade.
A petition was presented to the directors
of the New York Consolidated Ex
change yesterday afternoon, signed by 100
members, requesting them to return to the old
system of tr.iding. It is believed that the
change is favored by a majority of Pittsburg
Featarea of the, Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oaauey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 9SW Lowest 93K
Highest 09liCtosed 93
Average runs... 49,549
Average shipments 60.142
Average charters 41,707
Hcflned. New York. 7.10c
Kcllnei London, 5 IU6d.
Keflned, Antwerp, HHr.
Keflned. Liverpool, 6tl.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts. 983c;
calls, 99c ""
Other Oil Markets.
Bradford, September 25. National transit
certificates opened at 99c; closed at 96jc:
highest, 99; lowest, 9Sc; clearances, 744U00
TXTUSTIX.I.E, September 25. National transit
certificates opened at 9Sc; highest, StiHc;
lowest, 9Sc: closed at 96c
Oil, CITY. September 25. National transit
certificates opened at 9&e; highest, 99Kc;
lowest, 9SJic: closed, 93Kc 8ales, 89.000 bar
rels; clearances, 626,000 barrels; charters, 97,8o0
barrels; shipments, 83,695 barrels; runs, 47,773
New Yor, September 25. Petroleum
opened steady at 9Sc, and advanced slowly
until the last hour, when a slight reaction oc
curred, the market closing firm at 9Sc. Stock
Exchange: Opening, 9SJ-c; highest, 99c;
lowest, 'J3l4c closing. 9Sc. C-ibsnlidated Ex
change: Opening. Gbc; highest, 99c; lowest,
98c; closing, 98c. Total sales, 4J4.000 bar
rels. (
A Large List of Males Shows Business Is
, ricking Up.
"W'. E. Hammett. of 404 Smlthfleld street,
Pittsburc, and Wilkinsburg, sold lot No. 81,
plan No. 2. Wilklns' estate, Wilkjnsburg, to
Warren C. Wilkins for S700; also, lot No. 77 for
$775, same plan; also; lots Nos.2,3and 4, plan
No. 1, for t2,70O; also, lot No. 7, in same plan.
and in char,es Xmstrontfs pUn of lot
.Tl.v o n x... . .-,-7
for S3.S to bamuel J L,ndwlck; also, lots Nos. 3
Wilkinsburg, to P. S. Evans for 81.200: also,
lots Nos. 6, 6 and.7, in came plan, to E. 8. Evans
for $1,800. He also placed a mortgage on
Wilklnsburr property of 3,000 and one of 51,100
for three years at 6 per cent: also, sold lot No.
86, in plan No. 2, Wilkinsburg, to G. A. Beuman
for S750; also, lot No. S3, in same plan, to James
A. Wilson for $650.
Kelly 4 .Sogers, NoeaiSStaUon street. East
End, report sales as follows: Sold for M. Kauf
man to P. Carsaro hpuse and lot on Orphan
street, .twenty uri irara, lor fi,iuu;soiainr
Mellon Bros, to Mrs. Conners a lot on Euclid
avenue, 41x110, for 51.70a They also placed a
mortgace for $3,000, three years, at 6 per cent
on East End property.
John F. Baxter, 512 Smlthfleld street, sold to
L. M. Truitt lot No. 215, Villa Park plan,
Brushton station, frontage of 40 feet on Grazier
street by 137 to a 20.foot alley for $500.
Kced B. Coyle b Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to P. J. OMJonoghue lots Nos. 52 and 53 in
Marlon Place plan for J100.
James W. Drape & Co. sold a small house and
lot in the East End. lot about 30x130 feet, and
a small house, for $3,000 cash. Theyalso placed
three mortgages on suburban properties and
house and lots in MrKecsport of 59,200 at 6 per
cent; also a mortgage of $6,000 at 5 3-10 per cent
on houses and lots in the city.
VW. A. Herron 4 Sons sold No. 33 Rebecca
street, Allegheny City, 48x100 feet.-witb a six
room frame cottage bouse, for $3,850.
Samuel W. Black & Co. sold to the Second
Avenue Electric Railroad Company an acre
lot.corner Second avenue and Amerlcus street,
Glenwood. for a prico sccrefatlmrfsorm The
company proposes to erect thereon a handsome 1
ouuaiiig tor iimcw una a car house.
Thomas McCaffrey, 8503 Butler street, sold
for Robert McClain a hit on Butler street.
Eighteenth ward, near Sbarpsburg bridge, for
$2,000. He also sold for Mrsj Mary Hannen, to
William Williamson, property 4772 Liberty
avenue, lot 20x86 feet, with brick dwelling, for
Teutonla Insurance....
Union, Insurance.......
Western Ins. Co ...?...
People's N.O.&K, Co
Philadelphia Co
Pine Hun Uas
Gives a Fresh Impetus to Trading lo Kail-
rond Shares Strong on Louisville
nnd Nashville A Drop add a
Roily In Snsnr Trust.
New York, September 25. The stock mar
ket to-day was but little different from those
of the past two weeks, and while dull and
stagnant for the great majority of stocks a few
specialties showed even greater strength or
weakness. The London market was remark
ably strong this morning, and especially for
Louisville and Nashville, which, It is believed,
the foreign pool intended to keep up until the
113,000,000 new stock has been taken. That
stock was the feature of the forenoon, and in
London was up 1 per cent, last night's price
here, and though it opened at an advance of
only per cent, at 78 it was forced np to
i9Ji, aud held in that neighborhood through
out the day. Its activity was by far the most
remarkable feature, and it furnished nearly
a quarter ot the entire dealings in railroad
'liio rest of the market did not respond to the
strength in Louisville, and Sugar Trusts, aftef
opening down K.l retired to !T the lowest
price of yesterday, bnt afterward recovered
the loss when the general market began to
mend. The hears brought considerable pres
sure upon the list in the forenoon, and Burling
ton, Lackawanna and Northern Pacific
preferred were specially weak under tUe
attack. Tennessee Coal, however, was the one
strong feature of the general list, and under
what looked like pool manipalationit advanced
from 52 last evening to 5o and then on sales
of only 1,000 shares declined to 52K.
As on yesterday, the rates of money were
held high in the forenoon, but relaxed later in
the day, and in the afternoon the bears also re
laxed their pressure upon the market and a
better tone was soon felt all around. The ad
vances outside of the specialties, however,
were only fractional, tbongh some material
gains were made in a few stocks, among which
Manitoba was most conspicuous, jnmning from
111 to 115, the rise being accompanied by a re
newal of the rumors of an advantageous alli
ance with some other road. Union Pacific was
also a feature in the last hour on the report of
an increase in the net earnings for August of
$327,736. The other specialties which shoned
great strength were Canada Pacific Benver.
Texas aud Fort Worth, and Milwaukee,Lake
Shore and Western preferred.
The marketquieted down afterdelivoryhonr,
ana while there was a slight recession from the
best prices, the close was firm, generally at
fractional gains forthe diy. The final changes
are almost all in the direction of higher figures.
Denver, Texas and Ft. Worth rose 1, Canada
Pacific and Union Pacific each lii, Tennessee
Coal and Louisville and Nashville each L and
Manitoba 3.
Railroad bonds were a little more actire, the
sales reaching $874,000, but the Louisville, New
Albany and Chicago 6s, which were the feature
of the day, contributed $135,000 to the total.
The market was generally steady, and the fluc
tuations, outside of the bonds mentioned, were
confined to small fractions. The Louisville Ss
opened at 104 and rose to 106 on large transac
tions, closing at the top figure, a gain of 1 per
The folio wine table snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the New York Stock fexenange yester
day. Corrected dally for Tin DisrATcn by
M'hitnet & Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of Mew York Stoct Exchange, 57 fourth avenue:
Hlgh Low tnr
est est. Uld.
50 49 50
39 ZS'4 28i
t9 , ti'A ess
HH 'M 54
rax 121st" mx
iiii 22ji n
10i 107M 1W5,
73), T1H 73
1159s 115 1151
1BZH 102 102)1
."" .".'.' nn
35 .... 35
1133 IWi 113
TJX 72 72H
100 100 99U
.',' 32 32
147 HSM 17
liy, 152j 152
75 75 55
23 23 23
64, 63)4 64
105J4 105k( 10oK
79M 78K 777,
Vi VZTi 12M
74 73K 74 X
10814 108H 10SU
29 29 59
f 17
MS 63 68'4
33)4 38 3fc
50H 494 bOi
Wi 18 18H
5734 57H 57H
32 32K Z2H
75 74H 74
23) , 23M
33M S3X 34
33), S3) 33U
47H 46), 47
ZSH 22 23H
lis ' iiii 114),
61 61 6J
HI III 110)4
20H 20 20
65 637a 64V
17S4 17 J7X
32!i 21H &S
M'i 81 H 84)
im 70X 704
988 97 98M
24), 23t 24
58 574 57JJ
Idc. Am. Cotton on 50f
Atcn., lop. & a. F.... ZSh
Canadian facile &&h
Canada Southern 54
Central of New Jerser-122
Central Pacini.
Chesaoeake & Ohio.... 23M
C. Bur. ft Oullir.....l089
C, Mil. St. Paul.... nit
C, Mil. St. P.. pr....H5!4
c, at. l. & puts
c, at. i.. a Pitts, pf.
C St. P..M. U 35
c. tit. p.. it. a o., pr. ....
C A .Northwestern.. ..113
C4 Northwestern, pf. ....
C, C, C. &I 72
C, M., C. A I., pf 100
Col. Com & iron 32
Col. A Hocklnic Vai
Del.. L. A W 147
Del. A Hudson 152)j
Denver&lllo G
Denver A Bio O.. pi
E.I.. Va. AUa ....
E. T.. Vs. & Ga. 1st pr. 75
K T . Va. A Oa. 2d pf. 23i
Illinois Central.
Lake trie A Western
Lake Lrle A West. pr.. 64
Lake Shore AM. a 105H
Louisville A Nashville. 78M
Michigan central
Mobile Ohio
Mo.. Kan. Alexas.... 12
Missouri pacific 74,'i
New 1'ort Central 10SV
N. V.. L. . A W 29
. i.. i au u
n. x c. a st. l. nr.. 68
S.I.. C. Abt.li. 2d pr zsu
N. Y AN. B 50
N. If.. O. A V 1SH
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk & Western, of. 57K
Northern Pacific 32J4
Nortnern Pacific oref. 75
UMoA Mississippi ZSH
Oregon Improvement. .. .
Oregon rranscon 333
Pacific Mall 33H
Peo. Dec. A Evans
Phlladel. A Heading ZX
Pullman Palace Car
BIcnmona A W. P. r 22X
JUcnmond A W.P.T.pf ....
St. P., Minn. A Man .111
Ht.L.ASan Fran
St. L. A San Fran pr.. 61
St.L. A San F. 1st pf..lll
Texas Pacific H
Union Pacinc 64
Wabasn 17
Wabash preferred 319
Western Union S4H
Whreling A L. j. 70
bngar Trust 9SJ
National Lead Trust.. 23H
Chicago Uas Trust.... Sif
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members Xtw York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 13H 53U
Reading 23)4 239-1.
Iiufialo. Pittsburg and Western 9
LehlKh Valley 63X 535(
LchlKh .Navigation MM MU
Nortnern Pacific 32), 32K
Northern Pacific preferred 75 75'.,
Boatnn Stocks.
A. AT. LandGr't7s.l07H
Atch. A Top. IS. B... asi
llOBtouA Albany.. .215H
hoston A illlne.....20o
C. B. AU 1WX
Wis. Central, com,
Wis. Central pr.,
Calumet A Beds.
franklin SH
Huron M
Usceols, 9U
Pewable 2H
QuIneT 50
Bell Telepnone 204
Boston Land 6K
tVater Power 6K
nAstern n. n iu
FUntAPereM. pfd. 92
Mexican Uen. com., loif
Mex.C.lstmtK. bds. 67X
Ji. Y. ANewEng... SUM
N. Y. AN.E.7S ...128
Ugrt.AIj.Cham.com. 5
Old colour 177
itutland preferred.. 45
Tamarack 105
ban Diego 27
Mlnlne Stocks.
New Yoke. September 25. Best and Bel
cher. 315: Caledonia B. H.. 300; Chollar. 180:
Crown Point, 200; Colorado Central, 100; Con
solidated California and Vireinla. 637W: Com
monwealth, 200; Deartwood Territory. 160; Eu
reka Consolidated, 175; Gould & Curry, 190;
Hale and Norcross, 295; Homestake, 900; Horn
Silver.l2oJron Sih er,200: Mexican, 360; Mutual,
140; Ontario. 3400; Ophir, 450: Occidental,
145; Plymouth, 100: Savage, 200; Sierra Nevada,
250: Union Consolidated, 305; Ward Consoli
dated, 140; Yellow Jacket, 300.
Business Notes.
A labge short interest is reported, in Sugar
Trust ,
Since October, 18t8, 36 national banks have
gone into liquidation and only two failed.
Rumor that tbe Northern Pacific will run an
opposition line on Fnget Sound is confirmed.
The financial situation Bhows steady im
provement. Bankers dp something every
Yesterday was a bnsy day with real estate
agents. Nearly all of them reported big things
on the string.
The local demand for the Frick Coke Com
pany bonds is not exhausted. Only a few re
main unsold.
It is probable that the experiment of trading
in oil futures will be dropped and the Exchange
retqrn to the old plan.
A number of Fourth avenue hustlers at
tended the circus yesterday, taking their
children as an excuse.
The American Bank and Insurance Guaran
tee Company has been incorporated in Newark,
N. J., with a capital of $1,000,000. Tbe object is
to make arrangements with individuals, firms
br corporations to purchase claims that are
held against any insolvent bank, financial in
stitution or insurance company, and take as
signment of such claims.
The reports of 25 savings banks in the City of
New York on July 1 makes the following show
ing: Total resources. $354,931,377; due deposit
ors. $300,193,442; other liabilities, $22,963; sur
plus, $54,764,971; number of open accounts July
1, 723,621; deposits received during six mouths
ended June 30, $45.6o9,VS6; deposits withdrawn
In that period, $44,828,749: amonnt of interest
paid depositors In that period. $9.330,802.
Slrop'y apply "SWATS
ternrmeaitlne required,
Slrop'y apntT 'SWATNZ'S OnfTMEST.'l No In-
Cures tetter, eczema.
lieu, erysipelas, all ui
face, hands, nose, etc
unsightly -eruptions on the
eruptions on tne
ng the skin clear.
and healthy. Its crest healing and curative
powers are possessed by no other remedy,
your druggist for BWATUX'a OiKTMisi.
Baiter is B8oming--.Cheese Very
Firm Potatoes Quieter.
Choice Bar Active Corn ani Oals Steady
Wheat Pinner.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, J
Wednesday, September 25. 1888. J
Country Produce Jobblus Price.
The situation is practically the same as at
onr last report. The demand for choice grades
of butter continues active, and prices am very
firm at the recent advance. A rise in cheese
has already reached Eastern markets, but
Pittsburg's conservatism is shown in the fact
that old rates are maintained. Tne firmness of
eggs shows no abatement. Potatoes are easier
on better supplies. The apple situation is
steadily improving, and a choice article finds
ready sale at our quotations. The grape crop
in this vicinity is reported light, but alone tbe
lake shore is unusually large, and our markets
are well supplied from that source. Tropical
traits are quiet and tending to a lower level.
Late cool weather has boomed tomatoes and
prices have doubled since the beginning of the
Buttee Creamery, Elgin, 2830c; Ohio do,
26Q27c; fresh dairy packed, 2325c; country
rolls, 2122c A
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 252 40;
medium, 2 S02 40.
Beeswax 2830c $ & for choice: low grade,
Cideb Sand refined, J6 507 SO; common.
3 Wi 00; crab cider. S3 00S 50 $ barrel;
cider viueirar. KKB12C oereallon.
Cheese-OMo, 99Kc; New York, lOfllC;
Limburger. 89c; domestic Sweitzer,912;
unpurieu owcuzer, c
EGOS 1920c $) dozen for strictly fresh.
FECrrs-Apples,!150350f) barrel: whortle-,
berries, 75S0c $ pail; peaches. $1 602 0 V
bushel box; grapes. Concords, 45c $ pound,
catawbas, b3cj Delawares. 79c; Bartlett
pears, $5 00 $ barrel; quinces, $1 001 25 f
bushel, cranberries. Jerseys, 3 003 25 ft
bushel box.
Feathees Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1,
do, 40045c; mixed lots, 3035c l fi.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c$
pair: old, 6570 ft pair.
Seeds Clover; choice, 62 &s to'busbel. $0 60
$1 bnshel; clover, large English, 62 S9, J6 00;
clover, Alsike, 18 SO; clover, white, 9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 ft". SI 65; bine grass, extra
clean. 14 Its. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 ft', 21 00;
orchard grass, 14 As. SI 65: red top, 14 fis, tl 25;
millet, 60 Rs, $1 00: German millet, 60 As,
Jl 0; Hungarian grass, 60 &s, $1 00; lawn
gras, mixture of fine grasses, 12 60 bushel of
14 lbs.
Tallow Country, 4Jcj city rendered, 4J
-Tropical Fbotts Lemons, common, $5 00
5 60; fancy. $6 006 60: oranges, II 605 CO.
bananas, $2 00 firsts, $1 50 good seconds. 91
bunch; cocoanuts, SI 004,50 9 hundred; figs,
8K9c ft B; dates, 546c f ft.
Vegetables Potatoes SI 752 00 V bar
rel; tomatoes, home-grown, Jl 00 f) bushel;
wax beans. 50c ! bushel; green beans, 4050c f)
bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, 75cf 1 00 f
bushel; home-grown cabbages. Jl 25160 )) bar
rel; celerv, 40c $1 dozen: Southern sweet pota
toes, 2 75, Jerseys, S3 25.
The grocery situation Is unchanged. Goods
are moving out freely at old rates. Coffee op
tions have been fluctuating in Eastern markets
since the beginning of the week, but there has
been no material change in prices. Package
coffee Is firm. Sugar Is easy.
Green Coctee Fancy Bio, 2223Xc;
choice Rio, 2021Kc; prime Rio, 20c; low grade
Rio, 1819Kc; old Government Java, 27c: Mar
acalbo, 2324c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos, 20
23Kc; Caracas, 2123c; peaberry, Kio, 2325c;
La Gnayra, 2223c
roasted (in papers standard erands,
23c; high grades. 2oK2flkc; old Government
Java, bulk, 31K32&c; Maracaibo, 2627c:
Santos. 2123c; peaberry, 26c; choice Rio. 24c:
prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 2lic; ordinary. 21c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassla,8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 70080c
PETnoLETJMKiobbers prices) 110 test 7c:
Ohio, 120,8Kc;headIight, 150, 8&c; waterwhite.
iuc; gioDe. uc; eiaino, 10c; carnaoine, uc;
royallne, 140.
Sybups Corn syrups. 26ffi29c: choice sugar
syrups, 3345286: prime sugar syrup. 3C33c:
strictly prune; 8335cniew maple syrup, 90c'
N. 0. Molasses Fanry. 48c; choice, 46c;
medium. 43c: mixed, 4042c -
Soda Bl-carbln kegs. 34c; bi carb in Ks,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lJic; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, ?
ser. 8Kc; paraffine, Il12c
Rice Head. Carolina. 77c: choice, ,6
7c; prime, 56c: Louisiana, 66ic
8takch I'earf, 3c; cornstarch, &6c; gloss
starch, 67c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don laers, $3 10: California London layers,
$2 50; Muscatels. $2 25; California Muscatels,
$1 85; Valencia, 7JJc; Ondara Valencia, 9J10c;
sultana, 8Mc; currants, 45c: Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes, 6K13c; Salnnica
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, $ 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lau, fl ft, 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c; new nates,
56c Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, 116)15c; citron
per &, 2122c; lemon peel, ft B, 1314rrorange
peel. 12Kc
Dried Fruits Apple, sliced, per lb 6c;
apples, evaporated, 6V&6c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated. 1215c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted. 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 2!fiMKc: blackberries, 7Sc: huckle
berries. 10W2C
Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c; granu-
latea. ec; coniecuoners- a, ec: standard
A, 8c; soft whites. 78c: yellow, choice,
7c;yeIlow, good, "fyi7c, yellow, fair, 7Jc;
vellow. dark. bc
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 50; medi
um, half bbls (COO). $2 75.
Salt-N 0. 1. f bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, bbl. SI 06:
dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal; bbl, SI 20;
Higgtns' Eureka, 4-tm sacks, $2 80; Hiegins'
Eureka, 16-14 pockets. $3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, $2 00
2 25;2ds$160165: extra peaches. $2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, $I1 50; Hid. Co.
com, 70890c: red cherries, 90c$l:Lima beans,
$1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7685c; mar
rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, $1 401 60; Bahama do, $2 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengaees, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears. $2 60; do greengages, $2; do.
egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90; red
cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, $1 401 60;
strawberries, $1 10: gooseberries. Jl 301 40;
tomatoes, 90cSl 00: salmon. 1-B, $1 752 10,
blackberries, tc; succntatn. 2-& cans, soaked:
99c;dogTeen, 2 fis.$125160; corn beef, 2-ft
cans. $2 05; 14-ft cans, $14 00; 1 aked beans, $1 45
01 50; lobster, 1-ft, $1 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines, domestic xAfi,
$4 504 60; sardines, 'domestic Ks. $3 258 oO;
sardines, imported. Us. $11 5012 60; sardines,
imported. 3. $18; sardines, mustard, H 60; sar
dines, spiced, $4 SO.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 f?
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed,
$36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4C $ ft; do medium, Georgo's cod,
6c; do large. 7c; boneless bake In strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6KB7$c. Herring
Round shore, $5 00 bbl; split, $7 00; lake,
52 00 W 100-ft half bbl. White flsh, $7 00 100
fi half bbL Lake trout, $5 60 half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. 'Iceland halibut, 13o
J fi. Pickerel, K barrel, $2 00; Vt. barrel, $1 10;
Potomac herring, $5 00 fl barrel, $2 50 f i
Oatmeal $6 30.26 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oic No. 1 winter strained, 6557o
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grnin, Flonr nnd Feed.
Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
17 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chi
cago, 6 cars of barley. 1 -of malt, 1 of oats, 1 ot
middlings. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and fit.
Louis, 1 carof middlings, 1 of barley. By Pitts
burg and Lake Erie, 1 car of oats, 1 of flour.
By Pittsburg and Western, 3 cars of hay, 1 of
flour. Bales on call, 1 car of No. 2 wheat, 83c,
10 days; P. Bi B: 5 cars of No. 2 w. oats, 26c,
10 days, P. B. B,; 1 car No. 2 w. oats, 26Jc 10
days, P. K. R.: 3 cars No. 2 y. e. corn, 42c, Octo
ber delivery, P.B. B; 1 car sample oats, 2tUe,
spot, B. & O. Choice hay is in good demand at
quotations. Wheat is a shade firmer. Corn
aud oats are steady. The truth as to flour situa
tion Is not easy to arrive at. One prominent
jobber reports that prices are a shade higher
than last week at sources of supply. Another
reports that markets are weaker, and offers to,
luruisu canoaa iota ot mu ucsi. spring patents
In wood at $5. The cash buyer has been able
to do better than our quotations for .1 few days
past, and, in accordance with stubborn facts,
we reduce our prices.
WHEAT-Jfew No. 2 red, 82S3c; No. 8, 77
Cokjt No. 2yellow,ar, 4243c; high mixed
ear, 40Q41c; No. 2 vellow, shelled, 40c: hleb
mixed, shelled, 8339c; mixed, shelled, 87
OATS No, 3 white, 2727J$c; extra No. 8,
awhoc; mixeu, zzoaic
RYE No. 1 Pennnvl
RYE No. 1 'Pennnvlvanla and Ohio, 505Ic;
No. I Western, 4849c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio.
No. I Western, 4849c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
icr Johblnp- Drices Fancv winter and
spring patents,' $5 00g5 60; winter straight,
H 2-534 60; clear winter, H OOgl 25; straight
XXX bakers', $6 598 76. Bye or, K SO
4 75. t
Millfeed Middlings, fine white. SIS 000
18 50 fl ton; brown raidcHiaet, H250gl8 08; win
ter wheat bran, Sll 6S&11 75; chop feed, 660
HAT-Baled timothy, choice. 4 OSfM 36;
No. 1 do. S12 0fiai2 W)r No. 2 do. Sll O&fflll 6
I loose from wagon, 511 00013 00, accordis to
uuamy; n o. 1 upiana prairie. ww vr,-ta.,
tl 007 50; packing do. $7 75S (XL
Btbaw Oats, w 60k7 09; wheat and rye
Straw, SO 00g6 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, llc; sugar-cared
bams, medium, c sngar-curd bass, ssaU,
1; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10e;sugar
cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 7Kc; sugar-cured Calllornla bams,
7Jic; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 16c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sugar-cured dried
beet rounds. 13c; bacon sbqnlders, 6c; bacon
clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 5c: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, 'heavy, Sll 60; mess pork, -family,
S12 60. lard Refined, in tierees, eKc: balf
barrels, 6c; 60-fi tubs. Cc; 20- palls. 7c; 60-1)
tin cans, 6c; 3-lb tin palls. 7,c; 5-ft tin pails,
7c;10-t tinjiails. 6Jjc:6-ft tin palls. 7c: 10-lb tia
pans, vc nmoxea sausage, long, oc; large, oc
rresn porx unKS,
9d- Boneless bams. 10c&
rips zeet,
ball barrel, U 00; quartor barrel.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 460 to 550 Bs,
6c; 650 to 650 &s, 6c; 660 to 750 fts, 67c
Bheep, 8c f) ft. Lambs, 9c fl lb. Hogs, 6c
Fresh pork loins. 8c
The trade shows no new features since our
last! report. Markets are actire. All dealers
report unwonted activity. The amount, of staff
going out from the various yards indicates a
lively condition of things. ' A leading lumber
man said to-day: "Our trade was never as good
as it is now as to volume of stuff bandied, bnl
we have made more and done less in years gone
Clear boards, per M S 083600
belect common boards, per M 30 00
Common boards per.H. ....... ........... 20 00
Sheathing U 00
Pine frame lumber perM 23 06027 00
Shinnies, No. 1, 13 in. per M. S0O
Shingles, Ho. 2, Win. per M....s ..... J 73
Lath ............,......,.. ... 300
Clear boards, per M. I 600)
Surface boards .'.. SO 0636 00
Clear, X-lnch beaded ceiling 26 00
Partition boards, per M 36 00
Flooring-, No. 1 ,...- 3000
Flooring. No.2... 56 00
Yellow pine flooring , 39 0804009
Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 1.... 3000
Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... K 00
Weather-boarding, H-luch 20 (0
hard woods yard quotations.
Ash, lto41n $40
Black walnut, green, logrun... 5
Bl ek walnut, dry, logrun n... GO
Cherry 40
Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 20
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 2Z
Dry white oak boards, lln JO
West Va. yellow pine, 1 inch 20
WestVa. yellow pine, IK inch
West Va. yellow poplar, Htolln. ...... 1
Hickory, W to 3 In...... , 18
Hemlock building lumber, per M. ......
Bank rails, ....... ... ....
Boat stnddlna.. .... ........M
Coal car plank
Ash , sao osa5 CO
Walnut lor run, green 25 0OSMS 00
Walnut log run. dry. 35 00AM oo
White oak plank, frreen ISCoSgSoO
White oak plank, dry - IB 002S 00
White oak boards, dry WOoaaaoO
WestVa, yellow pine, lln 2OO0A3 0O
WestVa. yellow pine, Hi In .20 06486 00
Yellow poplar 20 oaset 00
Hickory, 1)4 to 3 In . ISOaasoo
Hemlock ... 11 09013 00
Bunk rails 14 00
Boatstuddlng. 14 00
Coal car. plant ,..-. WOO
The success that Is attending the physicians
of the Polypathic Institute In the treatment of
all forms of kidney and urinary diseases Is truly
wonderful. Among the many patients who
have been cured and have riven testimonials
for publication, are Mr. H.Robertson, kidney
JI...U A...4 .1 A.,... aa. S U.li..m..h..ii m.1... I
bad severe hemorrhages and lost three
uarts of blood at one time; Mr. J. V.
mlth, whose disease caused him to be in
constant fear of becoming Insane: a lady who
had a tumor, measured five feet around her ab
domen, and had been unable to He down for
over three months, received an operation and
over 30 quarts (60 ponnds) of dropsical fluid
was taken from her; Mr. Henry Walter,
rheumatism of many years standing. The
complication of diseases that are tbe outcome
of diseased condition of tbe kidneys Is really
alarming. It you have weakness or pain across
the small of the back, tired feeling;
with lack: of ambition, scanty or copi
ous flow of urine, with pain
in voiding It. with a red or whitish sediment,
a pale, sallow or waxy skin, or pain in different
parts of tbe body, you have symptoms pointing
unmistakably to a diseased condition of the
kidneys, and yon should lose no time In con
sulting some one who makes a specialty of your
disease Dr. Sbafer and bis medical associates
give especial attention to this class of diseases.
Consultation free and price of treatment within
the reach ot all. Remember the Polypathlc
Medical Institute is permanently located at
Pittsburg. 420 Penn avenue. Office hours, 10 A.
H. to 4 p.m., and 6 to 8 p. M. Sundays, 1 to 4 v.
X. se24-TTS
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. $125,080.
. Transacts a General Banking Business,
jyS-TTS ;
Kojal aud United States Mall Steamers.
Britannic, Oct, 2. UamlBrlUnntc, Oct. 30,10 am
Adriatic, Oct.9, 5:30 pm 'Adriatic Nov. 6. 3pm
Teutonic Oe.18, 10:30am Teutonic Nov. 13. am
Germanic Oct. 23. 3pm Germanic 'o v. 20,3pm
Ifrom White Star dock, foot of West Teeth st.
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates,
130 and upward. Second cat) In. 335 and upward,
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steer-ge. CO.
White Star drafts payable on demand la all the
principal banks thronjhont Great Britain. Ap
ply to JOHN J. MCCUUMICK, 401 Smlthfleld st..
ttttsburp, orJ.BltHCEiSMAX, General Acent,
41 Broadway, New York. seia-D
Bothnia, BepL25,5.30AifiEtruria. Oct. 12, 7i39jlx
Umbrla, Sept.28.7:30AM Auranla, Oct. 19,1m
Serria, Oct. 8, 2:S0 r X Bothnia, Oct. 23. 3 r M
Gallia, Oct. 9. 3:30 A MiUmbrla. Oct. 28,6:30 A M
Cabin passage, sen, S30 and 100: Intermediate,
(35. Steerage tlcketa to and from all parts oi
Knrope at very low rates.
VEKNON B. llKOWN ACO., General AjenU,
4 Bowlinr Green. New York.
MCCUrUiiuii. Agent.
Fourth are. and Smlthfleld st.. PltUhnrz.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc
General azents, 307 Walnut st- Philadelphia.
Full information can be had of J. J. MCCOR
MICK. Fourth avenue and Smlthfleld street.
LOUIS MOESER, 616 Smlthfleld street. .
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passace (as to VB. according- to locaMoa
f stateroom. Excursion SS to see.
Steerage to and from Europe at lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., General Agents,
S3 Broadway, New York.
J. J. MoCORMICK, Ageat, PltUbirg. Pa.
eras 00
0975 00
0036 00
0095 00
oofs 00
00S6 00
14 00
14 00
14 09
"Wir tea wmI riwfcwTwf IJii
wa awemt.fcr Vtmai ,3e etesjMsl
sOaviny. Ceaoe tMsVtretMry dnsetg '
ry. SOtAPOWA Am jvkc weric
ltoftLf, aad aei&ar injuw lumA ar
fa,1jric Tbem why d It yof 3i
ao&seue, vry acBtwsM. Amtm.
Ladfoe. Awake 1 temr Itftstti mil-
Wo are at stake, the MATCNkW,
everywhere. It olen am
Cor. Wood and Lfcerty
nrr.TirH 'pt.ttwh ma
1 T.- -H i- J-J
WAIifajJVtVI Blil 3t .
QlttGHAMS, PRBWf m :
For largert aaeertaeat sad towtet jpaJpM,!
oaii 1
all, bad ho
ee aoA
wahee iwt ;
Issue travelers' credits ttireas 1
Morgan & Co, New Xotk Faseyevts
Members ChJeago Beard ot
Pittsburg Petroleaai Eretiange. .
45 SIXTH ST., Plttabun;
f -
K .
A Home Secnri
Rye Per Cent Merest
The Fidelity Title aad Trest Ceepif
iorsaie. atji tciaiia aceraea nwreef.
iteannmDerot au-year nrK Btenfi
tbe H. C Frick Coke Coraeaar.
Stock of which Is $5,C0O,00. f nMy paid ta.
These bonds are redeeraabta trai
fund at the rate of 5100.000 per anaftBL. k
commenclne Jnlv 1, UL Interest ee
aemi-annuaiiy, January ana jui
office of this company.
We have carefully examined into tbe tfmmf-i
ness of this security, and can rccemneM t&ms
one ot tbe most desirable investaseMs o& W"
121 123 Fourth avease, .
seiamB nttsaargl
As old residents know and back 9Je of PMtsw '
hurt; papers prove, is tbe oldest eaB44eee4 1
and most prominent physician in the oy, de--votine
special attention to all ehresle diMasesL. ;
MCDnilCand mental disca iw.. ntyslimT Ji
IMun V UUOdecay, nervous-deMHqr. ktesreC
enenrv. ambition and hose, lmrtaked e-L-
DM ODDS aiffl
" ?.-, TI
MSstf "3a
orr, disordered sight, self distrust, linnhfnlnnir.l.
dizziness, sleeplessness, nimnlea. rnBtieai'. im-vr .
poverlsbed blood, failine powers, orgaste weak....
nesa, ayspepsia. constipation. eoasampitBvaad
uHinjr tne person ior ousinees, society aaa I
rlsn- n.nniinAtitlv Hf.ltf.nfi n.lv.t..ai
. . y....l..lM.-J, OWbJ wu. ua,Ke,3 uiuin.i
blotches, falling hair, bones pains. gKiniintar-Jy-l
uleers, old sores, are cured for life, and, Mee4- .
uuisuua uiuf uuuiy enaicateu ixo sae agvteau , &
IIDIM ADVtKWner and Madder demes Fl
Unilinil I iments. weak back. nreL a4
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and nllierl.
painful symptoms receive searching treB4vr
ptompt reiiet sou rea cures.
Dr. Whlttier's life-lone exte4s4re.
ence, insures scientincaRd-reltsuM
on common-sense orinelules. Com
free. Patients at a distance as carefuHy treated '
asiinere. uuice noun 1 a. w n t r. x. una
dav. IB A. If. to 1 P. K. onlv. DR WHTPTiaKs
l 81 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. . . " t
arafl-j n Uli-S
o3s:'s OottOXL
posed of Cotton Soot. Tsmt a
Pennvroval a recent dteeerrsrv bv
old Dhvslclau. Is museemfnUu uas
Bioauitu Safe. ErlectnaL Price SL bv bmi
aaIm). Tiullp. fialr Tnm AmarUJt. Rff riMltas
Y Cotton Root Compound and take bo sBfestitate. !
or moiose s stamps ior seated paraeaiaa. a-:
areas roiin lj.l.x cuhfahi, no. 3 1
Bock, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, JHeb.
3-Sold in Pittsburg, Pa, by Joseph Flees-lf
m; a oon. xJiamonu ana aiarae hs.
tnlrtnff .AlAAtUirt ARfi WW
tlal treatment! Dr.S. K. LafccAs
M.n.u.i'. ststne oMeet
moat experienced soeotaMst is?
tbe citr. Consultatlwa tna iailh
strictly conadeawaL Ottm"
hours V to 4 and 7 to sp. x.;. Sundays. 3tai
M.Consultthem personally, or write. Degswa
Lake. 328 Penn avc, Pittsburj; Pa
1el2-4o-DWk , ,.
Body A Mind. Lack of Strenjrth, Vlf or aa4 ni
Telopmen t, cansea ot x-rron, sxcessea. ae. JHtt.
MriDE cf siLT-THkiTXlurr. and Frofs
(sealed) free. Address EEIB MK1UCA1
Uuaaio. a. 1. hshm
For men! Cheeks tbe
davs. aad cures in five
N, V