? THE PirTSBtJR& 'DISPATCH, THURSDAY,' SEPTEMBEHW26, -188ft Pf ?- j& 7m' M .. ? INABLAZEOFGLOKY. i f Cumberland Celebrates Her Centen nial in the Best of Style. PRESIDENT HARRISOFS VISIT. The Sensation Caused oy the Arrest of a Gang of Burglars. ALL THE SEWS FROM 5EARBI T0W5S C0MBEKLA2TD, Ms., September 25 To day closed the celebration of the Allegheny County Centennial. Heavy clouds ap peared in the morning, but no rain came. The feature of the day was the presence of President Harrison. He arrived from Deer Pajk at 12 o'clock and was escorted by the G.A. R. to Hon. Lloyd Lownde's resi dence, where luncheon W3S spread. Presi dent Harrison was accompanied by ex-Senator Henry G. Davis. The party left for Deer Park at 3.30 this afternoon. The President bowed gracefully in recog nition of the lusty cheers which greeted him along the route of the military and civic parade and trades display. Eight bands of music were In line, and the procession was a mile lone;. Prof. Fost made another successful balloon ascension and para chute leap this afternoon, fie went up 3,000 feet. The McKeesport Baseball Club defeated the Scottdale club 6 to 1. The Eckhart and Barton Football Clubs played this moraine, re sultinc in favor of the former by a score of 2 to 0. To-night the display of fireworks, on tho Potomac bank, was grand. Tugs and skiffs, Cajl lighted, plied up and down amid shooting rockets. A BHAVE WOMAN Refuses to Reveal tbo Whereabouts of Her Treasure to Robber. rsrrctAi. tileciulk to ths DisrATCttt New Brighton. September 25. This after coon at 320 o'clock two men entered the resi dence of Louis Fridiger, In this place, and bound his wife to tbo bottom of the crib of ber 6-week-old inrant with a clothes line. The child was given a drug, and tho lady gagged with a towel, after which the pair cave the house a thorough search for SJA which they had seen Mr. Fridigcr's father hand to him a few even ings before. All efforts to induce Mrs. Fridigcr to tell where the money had been concealed were in vain, and after remaining two hoars the men were frightened away by passing foot steps. The woman remained bound until 6.30 thi evening, when she was discovered by her husband upon his return from work. The money had been placed in the toe of an old shoe, and was saved. The lady's condition is serious, as the thieves told her one move on ber part would result in the strangulation of her babe, as they had tied one end of the rope around the little one's throat. Four dollars and a dirk knife were left in theiriaste to escape. One of the men was tall and slim, wore a light suit and dark hat and had a dark mustache. The other had a light mustache and wore a dark suit and a light hat. Ihey were seen loafing about the hone for two or three days. There are crowds of people in the neighborhood of the house, and great ex citement prevails. A TARDY CONFESSION. Abraham Coffman Endeavorine to Secure tbo Pardon of Four ConTlcts. rfPECIAL TELEORAJI TO TUB DISPATCH I bcOTTDALE, September 25. Nearly five years ago six men were sent to the penitentiary for 12 years each for robbing Adam Keck, a well known resident of this place. Their names were Abraham Coffman, Jacob Weible, Jacob Baylor. James Dobson, Joseph Workman and George W. Coffman. The robbery occurred on the night of January 14, 1SS5, and the ar rests were made the following day Their trial soon followed, and they were all convicted and sentenced as stated. It now appears, if the confession of Abe Coffman is to be believed, that four of the men were entire innocent, and have served nearly five years imprisonment for the deed commit ted by others, who are still at liberty. In his confession, which is addressed to Governor Heaver. Coffman says that Jacob Weible, George Coffman, Joseph Workman and James Dobson had nothing to do with the robbery. Ha makes the confession, be says, because the thought that four innocent men were suf fering for the crime of others has preyed heavily on his mind, and he cinnot sleep at eight for thinking about them and their fami lies. He bones to be relieved of this heavy harden by making the statement. An effort is now being made to have the four men par doned, and it is tbonght they will soon be re leased. A SENSATIONAL CASE. Prominent Yonnu Men Arrested an a Nam I ber of Charges of Burglary. .KrrCIAL TELEGKAM TO TUB DISPATCH, t Voosteb, September 25. For some months past a gang of burglars have been a terror to the town. Depredations have been frequent, and were committed in a daring manner. Last night William Eakin, a well-known yonng man, was arrested at the depot as he was pre paring to leave town. A box in his possession was found to be jammed full of jewelry worth several hundred dollars, and which was stolen from D'Nice's store a t eck a or two ago. After beingtakento1ailEakinweakerea,andgave In formation which led to the recovery of hundreds of dollars' worth of bootvwhich hid ipn tiLm from nearly a dozen business places during the past year. Fred Foot and Frank Maukwere jailed this morning as accomplices in the crimes charged to Eakin. The police are also after Hartley Shaffer, aged IS years, who is the supposed leader of the gang, and at whoso home the plunder had been secreted He skipped and was traced to Mansfleld. His mother, the widow of the lato Dr. Moses bhaffer, Wooster's pioneer physi cian who died recently, is also to bo arrested for concealing the stolen property. Her high standmz makes the case very sensational, bkeleton kejs and burglar tools, the handi work of young Shaffer, were found on the A GANG OF IIOKSE THIEVES That Ron the Stolen Animal Across the Line Into Canadn. ISFECIAX, TELEGRAM TO THE DIBrATCILl Frasklis, September 25. Horse thieves have been operating steadily in this section for several weeks, and some 11 horses bare been stolen, and in but one instance has any of them been recovered. Last Sunday night a horse belonging to a man named Vogan was stolen fromRaymilton. Pursuit was at once In stituted and the thieves wero captured near Erie and the horse recovered. One of the men, named Belicks, is confined in jail, while his partner was bailed out in the sum of J1.000. It has been discovered that a regular organ ized band of horse thieves existed in this part of the htatc, and that the horses stolen were taJ-eri to Canada, via Erie, and there disposed of. The traffic in stolen horses has been very large, and the detectives baTe discovered a "fence" in Canada where the stolen animals were purchased from the thic cs and shipped to the large cities. Officers have been put to work and it is thought the gang will be captured or scattered. DEATH IN THE SHAFT. Two Hungarians Crashed Because of the Carelessness of One. lErXCXAX. TZLKOBAX TO TIM DlSPATCn.3 U-ioirTovrcr, September 25. Yesterday 10 miners, the full number allowed by law, were on the cage on the bottom of tho Leisonring Shaft No. 3 ready to come out of the mine. Just as the cage started upward another came running through the passage way and jumped others, and himself and another man were caught between the cage and tne cnbbin of the shaft and their lives crashed out instantly Both men were literally torn to pieces. 3hey were Hungarians and their names are un known. He Resigns the Position. "TSrECIAI. TELIQKAM TO THE DISrATCH.l m .3EAVEB FAXXS, September 25. Dr. H. H. "! George has banded in his resignation as Presi dent of Geneva College, of this place, and the resignation has been accepted by tho board. He will retain his position, however, until a successor has been appointed, which will not bo before the holidays. The trouble among the students last session and the unfavorable criti cisms on the policy of Dr. George at that time is what has compelled him to resign. A Round Ilonse Foreman Ilichly Esteemed. isrrciAL txuohaii to tux dispatch. Dekbt, September 25. The presentation of an elegant sutw ws o iu t weman ocs mc-I Clelland, of tho round house here, the other! evening, Indicated both his popularity -with Ms associates, the Uonore, and their sincere re grets that he nrast leare tbem, though he goes to the more responsible position of round honse foreman at Altoona, To be Gobbled by the Trust. ISFECIAL TEMKJHAM TO TUB DISPATCn.1 Zaestclle, September 25. A committee of capitalists representing the United Glass Company of Syracuse, N. Y., have been in the city trying to purchase the window glass plant of the Kearns Gorsuch Company. The plan of the purchase is to exchange the plant for its equivalent of. stock in the United Glass Com pany, which already controls the plants of all the companies jn New Vork, and the leading ones in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Representa tives of the company here state that the trans fer has not yet taken place, but that it is prob ablo that ft will in the near future. LOCAL ITEMS. LIMITED. Incident! of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading Geoege Cousiks, a Kittanning farmer, felt a little gay yesterday. He flourished a pocket book and walked down Penn avenue arm in arm with one Cumm. Cumm was sent to the work house tor 30 days; the farmer paid $1 and costs. An East End Alderman made a complaint against two Well-known cattle dealers for keep ing diseased cattle in the East Liberty stock yard. Agent Dean will investigate the case, Thomas Moore, an employe at the Twenty eighth street glasshouse,was fined 810 and costs by Alderman Porter for ill using a boy named Dolph Caplnos, who works at the same place. The citizens of Emsworth, Kilbners town ship, have subscribed 1,000 to bore for gas, so that they will be able to supply themselves in dependent of the Bellevno Gas Company. CHARLES Bower, 19 years old, tried to strangle himself yesterday in the Central sta tion. Sergeant Gray was passing through at the time and stopped him. The Versailles Natural Gas Company will Eut another well down at McKeesport. Tho ole will bo bored from 2,000 to 3,090 feet. The Board of Viewers yesterday held a pre liminary meeting on the paving and grading of De Soto street. A gasoline stove exploded yesterday at the residence of Mr. Furee, No. 75 Arch street, Allegheny. One of Booth k Flinn's borses fell over the Boyd's Hill bluff and was killed. THE STEAM NAVIGAT0ES. Arrangements for the Entertainment of the Notional Board. The Committee on Arrangements for the convention of the National Board of Steam Navigation has made nearly-all the prepara tions for the entertainment of the many steamship owners and navigators who will attend the sessions in this city next Tuesday and "Wednesday. For the business meetings and the banquet the committee has engaged the new large banquet hall on the First ave nue front of the ilonongabela House. The Mayflower has been secured for the ex cursion and a band employed. The Finance Committee has made satisfactory progress in the wsyof securing money. The meeting will be a very important one, and the topics of discussion will be of national moment. The officers ot the National Board are the following: President, A. C. Cheney, the head of the Garfield National Bank, of New York: First Vice President, B. D. Wood, of New Orleans; Second Vice President, F. A. Churchman, of Philadelphia; Treasurer, Captain Addison Lysle, of Pittsburg; Secretary, J. W. Bryant, of New Orleans; Assistant Secretary, Charles H.Boyer. of New York; Executive Committee, General James S. Negley. Pittsburg; J. B. Coyle. Portland, Me.; J. W. Miller, Providence; D. M. Munger, F. W. Vosbnrgh, H. F. Diraock and H. A. Bourne, New York: G. W. Pnde, Sr Philadelphia; A. M. Halliday. Cincinnati; H. C. Haartstick, St. Louis: C. P. Truslow, New Orleans, and John Quill, Mobile. STOLE THE LAGER. Two Allegheny Citizens Walk Off With a Keg and Are Arrested. Jacob Shenkel and George Datt, two well known Allegheny characters, wanted to start a private "speak-easy" for their own benefit yesterday, and, as a consequence, they got into the hands of the law. They were passing along Madison avenue, and noticed the beer wagon of Enz & Shaffer standing in front of the Madison clubhouse. It was loaded with nice little "eighths," and thinking the load was too much for the horses, they relieved them of one of the small-sized barrels and started off with it. Detective Eichenlaub wanted to do some business with the keg himself, and arrested the two men. Mnrrlace Licenses Granted Yesterday. Sim. Kesldenee. t E. F. Welsh... Alleghenv (Jennie 11. Adair Allegheny KobertJ. Caurher I Mathilda E. liaitman. 5 Mason Jackson MaryU. Gordon McKeesport .McKeesport ....I'ittsburir Pittsburg Jacob Glamser Pittsburg (Lenaliloch 1'ltuburir j Herman E. Ilelt Allegheny J bophla L. BrufReman Allcjchcny j Leopold V. bchwelzer Allegheny jMary btralman Allegheny J Oliver GIttens Plttsbnre 1MB) Creld Pittsburg 5-UUiaraH.Kidd Pittsbunr J Mary E. Lentz Pittsburg C Louis Rudolph Pittsburg JuEtlna hollc Pittsburg (Christina Shane Plttsburir Mary Craven Pittsburg I Konrad Schmidt Pittsburg I Margaretha liergman Pittsburg (William Ashlln Pittsburg J Maria L. lee Pittsburg (Joseph II. blauson Allegheny (Mary Thompson Allegheny (John F. Dollmsn, Jr lenn township IbaTahll. Bower l'enn township (Passldo Scssi Plum township ( Christina CallcJ Plum township (John Kersten Penn township I Augusta Cicpull Penn township (William P. Hays Unlontown J Mary E. Klce Unlontown (Robert S. Grey McKeesport Marybcltz Mch.ceport ( James W. Adams. Pittsburg 1 Annie E. Hugus Pittsburg (James C. Johnson... Pittsburg Stella behenck Pittsburg 5 Moses Gentry Pittsburg Hattle Cisco Pittsburg Rheumatism, BEING due to the presence of uric acid in the blood, is most effectually cured by the use of Ayers Sursapa rilla. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other, and take it till tho poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from tho system. We challenge attention to this testimony: . "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic cout, being able to -walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, withoutrelief, I saw by an advertise ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of tins distressing com plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsapanlla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has .effected a complete cure. I have since had no re turn of the disease" Mrs. K. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125tu st. New York. "Ono year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, being con fined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debili tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every vwy. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this woll-known medicine." Mrs. L. A, Stark, Nashua, N. H. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PEXPiEEDBT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price tl; six bottles,$5. Worth a bottles- BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA. ISO CUPS FOB n. CHOICEST, PUBE8T. BEST. TBT IX ItU-XZTT BEDUCIKG THE FORCE. Pnrochtal Schools Taking Avrny PnolU In the Thirty-fourth. The Thirty-fourth Ward School Board will hold a meeting Saturday evening to re duce their corps of teachers. There are at present six teachers and a principal in (the school and only 213 pupils enrolled. The rale is that there must be at least 40 pupils for each teacher. The enrollment now is as follows: Miss Brislin, 12; Miss Lain 15; Miss McMahon, 34; Miss McDonough, 47; Miss Keenan 19, and Miss Foley, 86. The average attendance is about 200. This school at one time had a large en rollment, but because of Cardinal Gibbons' parochial school order to Catholic parents it has greatly decreased. MILK SHAKE ARRESTED. Martin Hanled to tho Police Sutton ta Consequence of Trouble. John A. Martin, known as "Milk-Shake" Martin, had a squabble with Gledhill, the oyster man, in the market house yesterday afternoon, which resulted in Martin's arrest and his being taken to Central station in the patrol wagon. He put up ft forfeit shortly afterward for the hearing this m6rn ing. The trouble was about some trade dis pute. THE EVERETT PIANO Pleases Every Musician Tbo Everett Clnb or Ce-OporntlTO Plau or Selling; Piano "Will save you 575 in the price of your piano. You can suit yourself in the man ner ofpayingforit either in payments of 51 per week, $10 per month, or you can pay cash. Ifyouwant a piano, don't miss this opportunity, but apply for membership at once. Send for circular or call and see us. Alex. Boss, Manager, 137 Federal st, Allegheny. What the people say: It is a great satisfaction to me to add a word of praise to the Everett upright piano. The one I purchased cannot be excelled. F. W. Winter Indianapolis, Ind. As fine a piano as there is in the country. B. B. Brtowif, Danville, Ky. We are much pleased with piano, and find it all you recommended. Mes. S. A. McGinnis, Xenia, O. Your piano, after two years' service, gives satisfaction. I am well pleased with it. James E. Hakmeb, Chicago, 111. The quality of tone of my Everett piano is clear and sweet, and the piano is hot readily affected by sudden changes in the weather. Mrs. 0. C. Stohe, Brodhead, Wis. In tone, finish and accent a reliable in strument. Miss Kate J. Pearson, Xenia. O. The Everett piano I bought continues to give the very test satisfaction, and is ad mired for its sweetness and volume of tone. and also for elegance of finish. For tone, compass and delicacy of touch, I consider it superior to any instrument in this city. its Mes. L. Glick, Canton, Miss. Meet the Meter. The gas meters now rapidly coming into use, should not be regarded as an enemy, for by using Anderson burners, and this can be done at as low a cost as $1 50, if this is done you will be enabled to save money on the house contract of Jast year. The Auderson gas fire is certainly the most artistic gas-saving device in the mar ket. Now on exhibition at the office of Stand ard Plumbing Co., 82 Fourth avenue. Thrsu DOKT FAIL TO SEE Our 815,000 Diamond At our display in Exposition. - Wattles & Sheafee, Jewelers, 37 Fifth avenue. A A Hodqe, D. D., LL. D .Princeton Semi nary, says of the American Supplement to the Encyclopedia Bntannica- "I have been spec ially delighted with its religious articles." Friday and Saturday Bemnant days; half price for remnants of dress goods; come early; no humbue, no humbng. Enable & Shusiebj" 35 Fiith avenue. This Moraine We will offer 3,000 men's fine overcoats at $10, worth every cent of $20. P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House. Air exceptional bargain are those slightly imperiect French drap d'etes, ?2 50 quality for $1 25 a yard. Hughs & Hacke. TTSSU The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. is the place to get your teas, coffees and bak ing powder, iteauuiui presents. xus BemDant Sale. Dress goods remnants half price, half price, Friday and Saturday, September 27 and 28; come early; get the pick. Knable & Shustek, 35 Fifth ave. Geo. H. Bennett & Bbo., 135 First avenue, Pittsburg, are the largest holders of pure rye whisky in the city. Use A. & P. Baking Powder. Otrs 24-inch wide plushes at 75c and $1 a yard are the best value shown in the city, all latest colorings. HTJOUS & Hacke. TTSSU Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Dies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ttsu Use A. & P. Baking Powder. DIED. ASBURY On 'Wednesday, September 25, 18S9, at 3 o'clock a. h., Maria asbuby, relict of the late Geo. Asbury, in her 0th year. Funeral services will bo held at her late residence, corner Forty-ninth and Hatfield streets, on FnroAT aftksmoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 3 DAVIN Tuesday, September 24, 18S9, sud denly in Colorado, Kov. Thomas Davin. pas tor of St. Columbus Church, Johnstown, Pa. Notice of funeral hereafter. DEMPSEY On Tuesday. September 24, 1S9, at 11 F. JfM HOEKIS Dempset, aged 70 years. Funeral from bis late residence, 193 Steuben street. Thirty-sixth ward, on Thbbsday, at 8 a. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. ( 2 LABKHT On Tuesdar. Soptcmber 24, 1889. at 3 10 f. M., John Labkik, in his 70th year. Funeral from his late residence, 44 lownscnd street, on Thursday uoru;r a at 8.30 o'clock. Services at St. Paul's Cathedral at 0 A. ir. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. MORGAN On Tuesday, September 24, at 2 40 A. ir., William Moegan, aged 44 years. Funeral from the family residence, 2204 Car son street, on Thursday, September 28, at 2 l. ir. . 2 BCHTJET25 On Monday, September 23, 1SS9, in Chicago, III., at 1 r. if.. Hemian, son ot the late Henry and Carolina Schuetz, aged 2 years, 14 days. Funeral takes place from his brother-in-law's residence, John E. Haines, on Flsk, near Davis st. Seventeenth warn, jfittstmrg, on Thubs . day. September 28. 1689, at 2 o'clock. Friends of family are respectfully invited to attend. Carriages will leave Beinhauer & Son, 20 Grant st. at 1 P.M. 8 JAMES ARCHIBALD & iJRO . LIVERY AND BALE STABLES, 117, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors beloir Smithneld st, next door to Central Hotel. Carnages for fnnerals,S3. Carriages for operas, parties, &x, at the lowest rates. All new car. najres. Telephone communication. myl-li-TTS -pEFRESENTEK IN JPHl'SBORU IN 1SI ASSISTS . !9JUn,C968S: Insurance Co. of Xortli America, Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. 1a20-s3-D WESTERN INSVEANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. Assets. SHS.501S7 NO. 4U WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIltlCK, President sIOHN B. JACKSON. Vioe President fe2-26-TTS WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. NEW ADTERTISEaiERTS. STARTING -THE- SEPTEMBER LIMITED! - We are now perfecting the preliminaries for starting our September Limited on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, It Will tnake rapid work and quiok re turns to the advantage ot our large con stituency of buyers. A vestibule train, saving time and its equivalent, money, to all, with that safety in buying, that is felt in traveling on the Chicago Limited. The constant arrival of new Fall Carpets, Furniture and Curtains. makes the pressure for space in our sales rooms so heavy that something must "break." We have decided it must be last seasonT prices on stacks of, goods whose room is preferable to their company. We ring out the old and ring in the new. The goods are standard. O ur reputation rests on none better. Fashion's changeable whim is their only demerit. The admired new of to-day will be the sliehted old next year. They are then the peers of the present when future use and true worth are considered. NOTE THE DAY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 12! Be ready at the start, and reap the ad vantage ot the first comers. Here are a few examples of the speed of our Limited. Ho they suggest bargains? Scores equally as good in every department, that limited newspaper space forbids mention and lim ited store space compels rapid transit. PARLOR FURNITURE! 6 Piece Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Em bossed Plush, going now at $40 00; i Pieces Parlor Suite, Upholstered in the best qual ity Mohair Plush last month, (125 00 now, $75 00. DINING ROOM! 8 ft. Extension Table, 6 Dining Chairs and Sideboard, going now at (35 00. Side boardAntique Oak last month, (30 00 now (18 00. BEDROOM! Three pieces, Antique Oak or Imitation Mahogany, last month (35, now (27. Three pieces, Solid Walnut, last month (50, now (38. CAflPET DEPARTMENT! Royal Wilton Carpet, last month (2 50, now (2 per yard. Wilton Back Velvet, last month (1 25, now tl per yard. Moquette, last month (1 50, now (1 per yard. Body Brussels, best grade, last month (1 25, now (1 per yard. Tapestry Brussels, best grade, last month 75c, now 65c per yard. Extra Supers, best grade, last month 75c, now 60 and 55o per yard. OJcClintock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. - Sel2-TTS Men's Medium Weight .UNDERWEAR1. V FOR FALL V In English and French Balbriggan, Light, Medium and Heavy Weight; also Medium Weight Jersey Ribbed Balbriggan; Light, Medium and Heavy "Weight Natural Wool: Silk and Wool; Cashmere: White and Colored Merino; Pure Bilk in all weights, from 3 to 20 threads; also our Jersey Bibbed in Natural and Gold Colored-WooL MEN'S V HALFHOSE In Natural Wool. Silk and Wool; English hand-mado Cotton Heavy Weight. Genuine' Bcotch Lambs' Wool and Heavy Weight Pure Silk; also a line of Merino Hall-Hose Heavy Weight at 25c that are extra value. Another lot at 35 Cents a Pair. Former price, 50c a pair. HORNE & WARD, il FJJFTS JL YEN UE. se21-D JAS. MNEJL & BRO., BOILERS, PLATK AND SHEET-IKON WORK. PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALING BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to t Ornish all work In oar line cheaper and better than bj the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val lev Railroad. fe5-55-TTS TEETH, $5, $8, $10. t Gold flllinzs from SI no. AmsJean, COe: sliver. 75c: white alloy. L Gold Crowns a specialty. OR. 3. M. McOLAREN, Corner Smltljflold and Fourth avenue. JeS3-TTsu DRUNKENNESS Or ihe Liquor Hsbit Positively Cured by Administering, Dr. Hilaes' Golden Specific. It en be ftven in a cop or coffee or tea wlthont the knowledge of the person taking It: U abso lutely Jiarmleu. and will effect a permanent and peedy core, whether the patient ! a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Ihoaundi of Drunkards have been nude temperate men who hare taken Uolden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe ther quit drinking from their own free -will. XT HKVER 1TAILS. The system once Impregnated with the Bpeeinc, It becomes an utter Impossibility. for the liquor appetite to exist. For sale br A.J. Esnkln, IK,""?? TA,,pLwbar?; S. Holden Ofc, 68 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Trmdo supplied by flco. A, Kelly & Co., fltUburs, i-a, e-U-n NEW ADTEStlSEMSNTS. CLOAKS -AND WRAPS. The fall and Winter season has opened in our Cloak Department with most gratifying results. You will find garments that are sensible, stylish and cheap, tailor-made and unexcelled in Bhape and fit We mention, but a few prices to show you what' we are doing: Tailor-made Stockinette Jackets, (2.99. Broadcloth Jackets, (3.43, Hisses' Jackets, (2.48. Beal Plush Bacques, (1S.98. WRAPS FOR STOUT LADIES, 44, 46, 48 Bust Measure. In Cloth, (9.74, (10.60, (12 and (15. In Plush, (12, (14, (16 to (30. We make a specialty of these sizes in all goods. SPECIAL: GO pieces all-wool Serge, 42 inches wide, worth 75c, this sale. 57c. 50 pieces, 42-inch Black Cashmere, extraordinary value, all-wool( 60o. 75 pieces Fine Wool Cashmere, double width, usual 60c, now 34c. 100 pieces Black and "White Checks, Plaids and Stripes at prioes below' any house in Pittsburg BOo, 63c, 75c and (1. ( Two Entrances) Sixth street and Penn ave. se24 MILLINERY OPENING -OH- Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 26, 27 and 28. We will show a large and choice assortment of the latest Novelties in Trimmed Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children, at most rea sonable prices. Untrimmed Hats in all the lead ing shapes and shades. Fleishman & Co., PITTSBURG, PA. B025-D act Dress Goods. SMBE Every department in the house is now full to overflowing with a well selected stock of goods for fall and winter wear. Prices will be found right Visitors cordially invited to look-through. No trouble ,to show goods. . Win. Semple's, 165, 167, 169 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA, DRESS GOODS SPECIAL LINES. 52-inch all-wool Habit Cloths, 45, 50, 62 and 75c. 46-inch French Wool Cashmeres, all colors, at 50, 62 and 75c, are grand values. 40-inch fancy Flaids, black and white and bjack and gray plaids and stripes, all wool, at 40, j;o and 75a 40-inch all-wool Colored Tricots and Cloth Suitings, 31 and 37c. Hundreds of pieces plain and fancy Dres3 Fabrics, 10 to 25c. Special bargains in 46-inch Black Cashmeres and all-wool Henri ettas at 50, 62 and 75c. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Newest styles in Cloth Jackets $1 50 up. Stockinette Jackets 3 and up for black. Tailor-made Directoire Newmarkets and Jackets, Plush Coats, Wraps, Sacques and Jackets at low prices. Large lines Fall and Winter weight UNDERWEAR for Men, Ladies and Children. BLANKETS, all-wool, full size, $2 75 up. See the 4 pound St Mary's Blankets at $3 50 a pair. No such valua ever offered anywhere, FLANNELS of all kinds at low prices. All-wool Country Flannels l8; as, 30 and 35c . NEW FALL MiLLINERY now open. ' - . . , eS-B ., .- B. & B. i TnunsDAT, September 28, Largest "CLOAK PARLORS" IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, Teeming with people from morning to night now-a-days. and everybody EeM sbargate whether they buy "Wraps. Jackets or Cloaks, 'whether In Cloth, Stockinet, Plusn or Seal. Bargains also for the Children. Choicest possible lines In Misses and Children's Cloaks and Coats. LACE CURTAINS, Our new stock of Curtains is un questionably the" finest in these cities as to extent, varieties, Styles and values. Extra quality Brussels effects in a very large assortntent Ot Choice styles, white and ecru, $i 50 up. Very attractive' quality Notting hams, 85c, 90c, $1 and upward. The genuine Tamboured and Irish points begin at $$ a pair and go to $25, including an extraordi nary display of beautiful goods. i to $S is the route of the real Brussels "easy stages" make the variety very extensive and the' styles are surely elegant New combination Silk and Mad ras, choice variety of colors, $& 50 per pair, finished. The goods in the piece $t 2 $ a yard. See the "Bagdad Curtains"- the Sultan's own. The "tony" thing this season. Special values fine Chenille Por tieres $6, $6 50, $j and 7 50. New Tapestries, Raw Silks, Spun Silks, Pettit Points, Ramies, etc., etc., 50c a yard and up. New Table Covers: 0x4 xancy fringed Bheilas, rich antique colorings. 8x4 Satin Tapestry Covert, satin center, figured border, exquisite antique colorings. B06GS & BUHL, 115,1,7,119.121 Federal sfcjAllegheny, ie2S- Pay for the Right Kind. The best Clothing in the country for Men, Youths, Boys and Children: Wana maker prices. The magnet we use to se cure trade is our own reliable make of Clothing. Every customer will be a willing, satisfied customer; every garment we sell de pendable, and best to be got anywhere for its price. ' We have all the resources in hand good clothing, gen erous business principles, and prices low enough to the last penny. We expect to gain your co operation by giving you bet ter than anybody else can. lnats what our store started for; will be kept going for; and is on the road to get. i.ooo styles of goods for to-measure work. WANAMAKER' & Brownj Sixth street and Penn avenue. se2C-rj p ATB1TTS. -- O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 311 Fifth avenue, above Hmlthaeld, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 Tears. se260 trsw ABTEKTamummi. M X ' , 1 . -1 .. . j . . ' . , I , L 1 I - -1 - -I JL j iiJi o Jt'i r - XmX IMPORTANT NOTICE. G-USKYB POPULAR ONE-PRlOE WILL BE THURSDAY September -AND Be Open as Usual Saturday, SeptembSS 11 WE ARE THE GRANDEST LINE OF - CLOAK For Ladies. Misses and Children comprises the latest NOVELTIES from Paris, Berlia aad Ifsw Itati our prices will be found THE LOWEST. ' f This week w offer una finw PLUSH Satin-lined, at $Q so and 11 M, anywhere else. 6oo fine Seal Plush Sacques every one a special bargain. - .; - - - Our laUor-made Jackets at tne best tor tne money to be bad anywhere. A grand variety ot over 135 styles of From $$, $6, $&, 10 to $50. 240 styles of Children's Wraps from, to $15, exquisite 1 Our own importation of All-wool Ribbed French Vests, x, Fine American Ribbed Wool Vests, 73c Fine American Ribbed Cotton Vest?, 38c and 50c Our Natural .Wool Vests, 48c, ever offered. Out importation of of an inspection. 510, 512. 514 MARKET ST. PITTSBURG, PA. 20,000 GRADUATES. The best accommodations. The best methods. Tho best results Bend for Circulars. Night School Opens VISITORS FROM POINTS OUTSIDE TME CITX are requested to look for our exhibit of WA.LL AT THE EXPOSITION. We are slioiving some designs inn decided merit. WM. H. ALLEN, BSf "WJHV TXtTNIZXJE, MANAGER. f" A I IT1"MVI W. L. Douglas' name wjTw i wiw onoea aavertisea Dynim VMntrt lnlntt kink n.l... .nil l.r..l.. ...J. by others claimed to be as good, on which dealers mate more profit bat send direct teffteterrV and receive bv return mail what you want. fittvir,ri ttfn ,.U.. . i.. t JZTZiii' tpe.sUe and width nsnaliy worn, and Inclose HVHJto...Ma.v. 4WU.W-, It W. L. DOUGLAS S3 Both Ladles' Shoes are made In sixes from 1 widths. STYLES OF Lmmmm&5' Jv i "The Freneh Opera," "Tho Spanish Areh Opera," "Tha American CsmnH-htM," rMr1 Medium Cemmon.8ent." All mad In Button in the Latest Styles. Alto, Freaefc tsWar ?al Front Laee, on S3 Shoo only. 'i&m SPECIAL W. UDOUGLASI3GRAINSHOE (laced) for Gentlemen, with heavy WMP .... bbo atriQtiy waterproai, lejusiaui. ni. uviraww, Brntm, I H.J.4 0.M.Lane.irortv-flfth and Batler Carter, 73 Fifth avenue. S. O. Sperber. 1388 Carson street. la AUeckeay m Federal stteet, aad. . a. Hol&aaa, 73 Bebeeea ttreet, 'it- n rt& STORE CLOSED w and FRIDAY c aJ .Vi ii.T I 26 and 2; '."J&L' -; - WILL- M rr ' y SHOWING 5t Si"1 over brought to Pittofetec. Chafi Tailrir.Tnari " JACKET worth JKandi8. No 'sck' at 14 95, $16 50, tii 75, trWl 1 U 753 50, 14 50, $5 75, fmawm . . jt'a wtrsa 2R3HW 68c, 74c are the best for tW : Cashmere Hose, now open, k wrkyl --3H AND 27 FIFTH AVEMBEl BPEOIALTXHe: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, ' Type-Writing, Com"! Axthaeri Penmanships ', Address J. O. BUTTS'S SON. Monday, September SO. aatt-79-TM -. . PAPEE whiclt are entirely novel, pOMMg-i soWtm? ana tne price are stamped on the bottom of'i before leavlor his factory: tab) protest! sk1 nvi... L .. . V ..Tt. 2 price with orderl Prompt delivery aad mitMfao . uuuuuija, Braettoa, Ms. r W. L. DOUGLAS tfo eurtc for PO OnUC amsrraatmt!-i Our eliims for this shoe over all otter S3 t ureriisea ere: ;, It contains better malarial. It Is more stylish, bitter fitting tad darsbt., It aivei belter aeneral iil!rnlin i. It saves more money for the consumer. Itl area! meetti I. da. fa nt.plt It cannot be duplicated by any otter miaefte. mrvr. is the bait In the world, aad has a target nana men any oiner J snoe earerilieo, CC nnn"l be paid to any person who ?vT,UUU mors taeabore statements to ! The following Una ot (hoes will bofoaad; sol the same high standard of excellence. n $5 00 GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE. , S4 00 HAND.SEWEO WELT SHOE. ' S3 50 POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. $2 50 EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. 2 25 WORKWOMAN'S SHOE. S2 00 GOOD-WEAR SHOE. nn..j ci it nnVR' scMnnL DMnrt AU made In Congress, Bastes aud Late, i AND S2 SHOES -.".. to 7, Inelndias half aJaea, aad B,C,D, B mA LADIES' SHOES. streets. J. N. Frokrtar. aWFrMh av OMr.bjHewT A" 1