WKtBm j.t" HV- !?vWP3l PV" "J IMf t. . Js-a ' , " ''i 'Sfcrr :33ST3 .&? THE PITTSBUBG DISPATCH, THURSDAY, .SEPTEMBER 26, "189. 7?J .iff'- ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1S48. VoLtt. Xo. SL Entered at I'lttsbnrg l'ostoffice, November 14, 1SS7, as second-class matter. Business Offlco 97 and 90 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 76, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Cittern Advertising Office, Boom , Tribune Building, ew York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of lliE Dispatch for sir months ending August SI, 18K8. as sworn to before City Controller, 30,045 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of Tar DiSPATCU for three months ending August SI, HSa, 55,643 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF TIIE DISPATCH. I-OSTAGE FEEE IS THE rKITED STATES. DAILY DlsrATCTI, One Year t 8 00 DtILT DISPATCH, I'er Quarter.. ... 1 00 Daily Dispatch, OneMonth 70 Daily Dispatch. Including fcunday, 1 year. 10 00 Daily dispatch. Including Sunday.Sm'ths. 2 SO Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday. 1 month SO bPXD ay Dispatch, Onelear 250 Wxua.Y Dispatch, One Year 1 3 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered brcarriersat K cents per wee V, or Including Sunday edition, at IP cents per -week. ""PITTSBURG. THURSDAY. SEP. 26. 1888. IVES' RESPITE. Young Mr. Ives,well and variously "known as the "if apoleon of "Wall street," "the master thief of "Wall street," the dash ing "financier, "and so forth, did not exactly secure an acquittal yesterday, hut he got the next most desirable thing, a divided and discharged jury. The considerations which induced two jurors to stand out for acquittal ire not stated. "Whether it was a case of personal sympathy or a foggy state of mind produced by Ives' counsel is im material. The fact is that while there is hardly ever much difficulty or delay in getting a verdict against a defendant whose operations are on a small scale, there is something so immense about "irregulari ties" which involve hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars that there is usually some one on the jury who can be persuaded not to see the transaction in the light thrown upon it by the prosecution. The career of Ives has been extensively commented upon as the most extraordinary that the business annals of the country pre sent. The proceedings by which he gained control of, and subsequently wrecked, the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton road, are conceded to have been unapproached for audacity even in the history of the boldest speculations. Should the prosecution again fail on the particular charges upon which the jury yesterday disagreed, there are so many other matters in the railroad deal upon which Ives can be held that his chance of ultimate escape is very remote indeed. The final outcome of the brief but extra ordinary career of this meteor of "Wall street certainly will not promise encouragement for imitators. The precocity ot youthful cenius ceases to dazzle when it brings up in a losing wrestle with the courts. THE CHINESE INVASION. "Is civilization a failure or is the Cau casian played out?" This exclamation quoted from the fervent rhyme of Truthful James seems peculiarly appropriate to the feelings of the Pittsburg ward worker on learning that the purpose of the application for naturalization papers to a Chinaman, refused in the United States Court yester day, was to qualify him for appointment on the police force. The idea of appointing a representative of the Central Flowery King dom to a place of which there are not enough to go around among the Caucasian race, is calculated to make the laborers in municipal elections feel that they are ruined liy Chinese cheap labor. The application for naturalization was refused on account of the law of 1882; hut the political rank and file may not unnaturally feel inclined to ask the Department of Public Safety to explain this rumored disposition toward wasting good police positions on 3 Chinaman whose laundry supporters could not carry a single primary. TEE CAMPAIGN FUND CEE1TFICATE8. The publication of that scheme by which subscribers to the Republican campaign fund ore to receive an elegantly engraved certifi cate, with the payments distributed over a term of years, naturally arouses an outcry from the opposition. The Democratic papers are prompt to scent boodle in the project, and so impartial a specimen of the mugwump class, as the Providence Jour nal considers it "rather significant evidence that the party conscience has beeuso warped by the methods of Quay and Dudley as to take complacently to a perpetual corruption fund of this kind." As The DisrATcn pointed out when it published this scheme, its character as a corruption fnnd depends entirely upon the way in which the money is used. "We have heretofore argued the deterioration iu both parties shown by their reliance upon large campaign funds as the chief lever of political work. But with regard to this method of raising funds it remains to he seen whether its success in raising money first, and the use it is put to next, justify the judgment which puts it down to cor ruption. Indeed, a much more obvious criticism of the plan would take quite another view of the certificates. So far as we can see they have exactly the tame value, on a somewhat enlarged scale, as the prettily printed card which the regular Sunday school scholar gets on putting a penny into the missionary . fund. That so juvenile a device will ex tract the funds from the Republican rank to any excessive amount, we consider more than doubtful. E0BSEEY ON DOUBLE TUSH. In the growth of Southern industries, the train robbing business appears to have reached the height of a boom. The two cases 'in which trains were successfully stopped and plundered in the South yester day indicate that the fiery Southrons are not more prompt on the trigger when confronted with the muzzle of a revolver in the hands of a highwayman than the meek rail roader over the far "Western plains, or the mudsill trainmen o! the "Wisconsin forests. "Without desiring to raise any sectional feeling, it might be suggested that a large share of the energy and powder which the Southerners expend in suppressing apocryphal negro insur rections might profitably be directed to locating lead mines in the bodies of the professional train robbers. The national extent of these crimes calls for urgent measures and quickness of the trigger wherever they appear. riNANCIEBING TOE TEE FAIR. The true inwardness of the financiering for the "World's Fair heightens the likeli hood that Congress in the end will have to supply the wherewithal. "We hare heard much in the papers of Chicago's guaranteed millions, and of Uew York's promised millions too. "We will hear much more yet in the bluffing vein from both places. But it is solemnly stated, nevertheless, that the only real, tangible money so far put up in New York is Mr. Dana's 510,000, and $50, 000 from Roswell P. Flower. "What re mains of the millions is in the nature of prospectus, programme, probability, possi bility, pledges with conditions attached, and so forth. Chicago's financiering is bolder but even more deceptive. A stock company with $10,000,000 capital is the plan there. Nobody need feel surprised that the stock is pretty nearly all taken, since but 2 per tent is re quired to be paid in now, with no further call until Chicago is selected lor the site. Every man, woman and child in Chicago has been invited to become a shareholder, an immediate payment of 20 cents enabling any one to sign for a 510 share. How far the remaining 59 80 can be relied on as forth coming may be inferred from the fact that so little regard is had to the ability of the sub scribers to meet the balance of their obliga tions. A railroad, or a bank, or any other business enterprises, would not, of course, be thought ot seriously on the basis of sub scriptions like these but they will do to print and make a big showing for the World's Fair. For the moment there is no talk in the rival quarters of asking Uncle Sam to help out; but that will come later. About the same time it may dawn upon Congress that if the Exposition is to be a national one, and if Uncle Sam is expected to supply the funds, tbenation'scapital is the proper place to have it Meantime the competition between the big city of the East and the big city of the "West, as to which can make the biggest promises, has all the exciting interest which attaches to that frequent incident of a poker game which is commonly known as "bluff- THE EESPONSIBILITY HIGHER TJP. The Teport is that Twombley, the engi neer who caused the fatal collision at Chica go, had the reputation of a drinking man, and was intoxicated when the accident oc curred. This puts a grave responsibility upon him, but leaves even a greater respon sibility on the officers of the road who left him in a position where his failing could produce such fatal results. Of course a man whose recklessness and intoxication cause the loss of life cannot plead his personal vice as an excuse or pal liation. But there is nevertheless a degree of irresponsibility in his position. No such irresponsibility, however, can be urged on behalf of the officers who, knowing that fault, left ,him in the place, where it resulted fatally. "Whatever the motives for such negligence may have been, they wtre totally insufficient to warrant the hazard to the public of an intoxicated en gineer. If it is true, as reported, that the superiors of this engineer knew that he was a drinking man, they ought to be liable to severe punishment for criminal negligence. Most certainly there is no adequate pro tection to the traveling public if railroad officialp, by reason of favoritism or for any other motives, can put drunken engineers in charge of trains, without being htld crim inally responsible. TO THE DOGS. "Cave caneml" would take on a new meaning if the example of the Newfound land dog who was recently caught robbing a house in Baltimore were to be generally followed by the canine race. The criminal annals of the country contain few if any parallels of this Baltimore bow-wow's ob liquity. He had a hnman accomplice, it is true, but he committed the actual stealing unassisted. He seems to have been a sad dog, for whose reform there is little hope. Luckily the average dog is not conscious of his burglarious powers. If he thieves at all, the thefts are usually trifling, involving bones or waste matters that are of little or no value to anybody else. A dog we knew, once carried his robberies to a systematic finish rarely heard of. He robbed butchers exclusively, but he never selected a victim within two miles of home. By this means he was able to enjoy for many years a large addition to his regular rations. But at last he went once too olteu to the butcher's. He was never seen again unless may be in sausages. Another dog who was not properly aware , of the distinction between mcum and tuum stole one by one about SO dog biscuits, and buried each of them separately in the garden. But a snowstorm came up and buried the ground and the biscuits under several leet of snow, which did not melt for a month, and the unhappy thief did not get a single biscuit It is decidedly unpleasant to think of the trusty friend of man as a burglar, and we sincerely trust that the dogs of Allegheny county and in some places they outnumber the human population will not be per suaded to lollow in their Baltimorean brother's footsteps. Of course notoriety may seem attractive to some curs, but we must respectfully remind them that a vio lent death usually accompanies publicity of this sort THE ABABIAN IMMIGRATION. The objections to the reported immigra tion of Arabs, which have been heard since those ancient nomads have appeared in this country by the modern methods of travel, rouses a Western cotemporary to put in a plea for giving the Arabs a show. It points out that there are immense tracts of desert lands in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and California, that no railway corporation or cattle baron desires to grab, and asks why the Arabs should not be permitted to enter in and occupy those lauds. This might be well enough if it was what the Arabs came for. The fact pre sents itself, however, that the sons of Ish mael do not have to come to the new hem isphere in order to find deserts. They have at their very doors in Arabia,Egypt and Africa the largest and most inexhaustible stock of deserts possessed by the known world. Is it conceivable that any enterpris ing Arab who can take up whole States of desert land in the Sahara and elect himself as a Sheik or Senator to the Soudanese Con gress, should journey all the way to the United States in order to get a mere quarter section of Nevada sage brush and furnish a population which will maintain seats for a couple ol California millionaires in the United States Senate? Exactly why the Arabs, who, by the way are not Arabs, but Syrians, come to this country, it is hard to guess. In view of the clear indication that it is not for the purpose of taking up pre-emption or home stead claims, in the deserts, the authorities should take pains to impress upon tbetn that this is a land where people have to work. A discovery of that sort may make this coun try less attractive to our Oriental re-cn-lorcements. Tub reriorted declaration of a window glass manufacturer, that this industry needs the proposed combination, in order to "keep prices down and prevent the importation of foreign window glass" puts the scheme in a novel light From the complaints which have been heard on the score of -low prices, it was understood that the glass. trade had no trouble in keeping prices fully as low as any member of the trade deems necessary. THE perfect and bright fall weather of the past three days confers unalloyed enjoy ment on every one except the unhappy prophets, who had scheduled storms and earthquakes for the present week. Mb. John L. Sullivan is asserting that the reported declaration of Mb, setting forth his desire and intention to enter upon a Congressional career is a base fabri cation, and puts him "in n ridiculous posi tion." John must have discovered that the business of a Congressional canvass is in compatible with the highly ornate sprees, for which he has such "an indubitable genius. Mb. Chatjhcey M. Deeew was as elo quent as usual at the New York Republi can convention, but it is intimated that his oratory was not half so eioquent as the silence of Hiscock and Miller. New Yoek is offering fame and fortune to the man who will invent a novelty for the use of that city's exposition as original and startling as the Eiffel tower. How would it do to have the New York courts succeed in convicting a notorious and whole sale thief instead of failing in every such prosecution? Boulaxgeb at least is thoroughly con vinced of the fundamental truth of the proverb that republics are ungrateful to those who furnish them political amuse ment. One of the inevitable features in politics is presented to the public anew, in the fact that as soon as there is any talk of Cabinet changes, Hon. John R. Thomas, of Illinois, bobs up serenely once more with his alleged mortgage on the Navy portfolio. "With steel rails at 530 per ton and the New England cotton mills goings into full operation, 1889 is making an undeniable record for business prosperity. "Wrrii Clans Spreckels running one big refinery in Philadelphia, another in New Orleans, and two or three in San Francisco, the public can hope for cheap sugar once more, until the big contestants conclude to pool their issues again. The Valley road connection with Pitts burg, and a new line from this city to Lake Erie, is taking the shape of a definite promise for future realization. The Emsworth people are beginning to appreciate the tact that if they can estab lish their own competing gas company that fuel may come down from the position of a luxury to that of an economy within the reach of all. The t rain robbing industry in the South appears to be sharing in the general activity of business. The declaration of the Virginia Quakers against Mahone should suggest to the heads of the party the incompatibility of an alliance between an administration of morality and a political organization of dis honesty. One year in the workhouse as a sentence for bigamy does not seem very severe, hut it will probably restrain the marrying pro pensities of the person sent to the workhouse, for at least the next twelve months. PEOPLE OP PR0UINEKCB. Mb. James McNeill Whistler, the ec centric artist, is again threatening to visit America, He proposes to stand and deliver what he calls his "Ten O'clock." a-lecture so called because It begins at 10 o'clock at night Air. Whistler is the original of Bunthorne, in "Patience," and is one of the most talked of men about London. His housekeeper stood as the model for his picture, the "Woman in White," which was exhibited In this country some years ago. The Maryland Legislature, which is to he elected in .November, will choose a United States Senator. Among the candidates for the position are Senator Wilson, Governor E. E. Jackson, John Brown, James Alfred Pearce and Henry Page. Mb. A. C. Gunteb is one of tho most fortu nate of authors. Instead of receiving the usual beggarly 10 per cent royalty on the sale ot his novels, ho pockets the entire net re turns, which, on his three books, all published within two years, amount to the nice little sum of$S0,000. Cablyle was a most eccentric man rude, rough and almost brutal sometimes. An Ameri can, who called upon him at his modest house in Cheyne row, Chcl'ea, found the philosopher stretched at full length on an old rag, smoking a red clay pipe with a stem a yard long. With out rising, he pointed to a chair, and asked his visitor whether ho would have a pipe and a glass of whisky. Both being declined, the sage cned out in a deep Scotch voice: "What, an American, and not drink or smoko ! Why, man, youare not true to the best productions of your country. I imoko American tobacco and drink American w hisky." A good story is told of Governor Tom Ben nott, now a citizen of Richmond, Ind., who presided over the destinies of Idaho more than a decade ago. A member of the Legislature, who had been annoyed b7 his neighbor's hog, introduced a bill compelling the owner to keep the prescribed animal within a pen. The bill passed and went up to Governor Bennett for his approval. To the surprise of the members and the chagrin of its sponsor, it was returned with bis veto. When asked tho reason, ho ex claimed: "I don't believe in tho bill in the first place, and if I did. I wouldn't sign a bill that spelled hog with a big H and Governor with a little g." Senator Shaeon, whose unfortunate con nection with the notorious Sarah Althea Hill caused his death, was a man of generous im pulses. Originally a lawyer, ho went Into real estate speculations and failed; became a broker in San Francisco, and was cleaned out Ral ston, then in his glory, took him up, sent bim to Nevada to look after the interests of the Bank of California. He showed marked ability in protecting Ralston's loans; secured some valuable mines, bought a profitable railroad, and became Senator Sbaron, of Nevada. When Ralston died ho assumed bis debts, and settled on Mrs. Ralston, after she bad been abandoned by all her friend?, a fortune of nearly half a million of dollars, assigning as a reason, "She is tho widow of my benefactor." , Comjiodoue Vandebbilt made J100.000, 000, beglnninc with no money and very little education. Ho could write his name, and that was about tho extent of his scholastic acquire ments. His name, which was good for any amount on a check, was not much to look at He conld not pronounce the letter V, and al ways called himself Wanderbllt A new clerk at the postoffice greatly annoyed him by look ing for his letters under the Ws. "Don't look among the Ws; look among the Wees," said the millionaire. At the age of 80. tho Commo dore was a match for the wholo street He opened all his own letters, dictated his an swers on the margin; spent an hour in trans acting business involving many millions, and then went to bis stables. He was very proud of bis horses, and liked to lead the road and he generally did. Ilnrd to Mm eh. From the Chicago lew.1 Senator Evart, of New York, is visiting among the English nobility. Any member of the nobility who has not provided himself with an unabridged dictionary will find himself in a bad fix when he rubs up against the senator. THE TOPICAL TALKER. Kntnrc'a Fall Opening Not DIneb to Look At SonpWitl Not Save Him A Rational Doc Sweet Sympathy. Fkoji present appearances there will not be a very brilliant display of autumnal tints in the foliage this year. A row of maple trees near Edgeworth, in the Sewlckley Valley, which in other years has been notable for the gorgeous color it lent to a beautiful landscape In f he fall, is already nearly bare of leaves. The unusual humidity of the summer is responsible for this. The dogwood trees, which are about the first to wear autumn's bright livery, are in the same plight most of them having shed their leaves. The hickories are beginning to turn yellow, but it is not so varied a color as usual. All tho transformation of nature at. this season prom ises to take on a sober and sad tinge, as if the trees had not the heart to mark the departure of so sloppy a summer with decorations of any account . SOAP WON'T SAVE HIM. September's sun shines over all. And everywhere the public can Admire the harmony this fall That rests on plans Republican, lint still there seems tho deuce to pay In fair Virginia's State alone, 'Whence comes the cry to Mr. (Juay For soap to save poor Boss Mahone. The Seyetono State Is safe enough. For strong In clubs Is Boyer's band; And clubs are trumps, quite quantum suff. To keep the party in command. Ohio's lit for victory; To Indiana's help has flown The sturdy youngster, Ba'oo McKee "I must have soap, " says Boss Mahone. Yes soap might help him. " Mr. Quay Remarks, and rubs awhile his chin. lie will not send the soap to-day To waste good soap would be a sin. For from Virginia's shores the news, Sad but too straight, has swiftly flown That soap her voters mean to use To wash their hands of Boss Mahone. There is a little black and tan terrier in this town who possesses something very like rational power. In fact a lady who knows him intimately declares that ho is uncanny in his intelligence. A few weeks ago, while this small dog was being washed upstairs, one of the ladles of the household discovered in a corner of tho parlor a bone, which the dog had evidently hidden there. She threw the bone out of the window. When the dog came down from his bath ho went straight to the spot where the bone had lain. Either he was hungry or he was sus picious. There was no doubt about his feel ings wnen he discovered that tne bone bad been removed. As he turned and looked about the room his anger was shown by every part of him. It happened that the lady who had thrown the bone away entered the room at this moment with a domestic The dog looked at both of tbcm intently, and apparently read the guilty secret of one of them aright for he flew at her the next moment with great savageness, and tried very hard to bite her. He was re pulsed happily. Surely, the ability to reason Is shown In the conduct of this dog. . Sweet sympathy. No love had I when Beauty came; And she to me inclined. Her looks did not my heart inflame, Kor her I had no mind. No lov. had I when Vassar put A learne i maid In view. She wrote her love In Latin but Her stockings were too blue. And still no love at all bad 1 When rich Miss Crossus smiled; But though I hated poverty, I would not be beguiled. No love bad I until she spoke. Who read my ev'ry thought. And knew me not as other folk, But as a sweetheart ought. A lo e have I who's sure to be My -ove always sweet Sympathy. H. J. A LABGE CROP OF CORN. Tho Outlook Is Now More Promising Than nt First Snppoaed. ... Chicago, September 25 The Farmer1! Re view, in its next issue, will publish the follow ing: Present indications point to a much larger corn crop than has been anticipated by the statisticians generally. Tbe quality, however, will not be equal to that of 18S8, except in Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky and Kansas. Tbe latter State will harvest a fine crop this year to offset tbe failure of last The condition of corn in Nebraska was excellent during the early part ot the growing season, hut hotwinds in August brought down the high averages in some coun ties, and early frosts damaged late planted com in localities. The low condition of maize in other States is easily accounted for by tbe un favorable season. Illinois, Indiana. Ohio, Michl gan and Wisconsin suffered from a cold, wet spring, which was very favorable for cut worms, followed by a long drouth in July and August Minnesota and Dakota suffered for rain the season through. It is as jot too early to esti mate tbe probable yield of shelled corn, but from tbe reports of correspondents, we esti mate the crop as follows: Average Yield. State. Acreage. Bushels. Bushels. Illinois 7.783,790 34 261,818,860 Indiana 3,676,71) 30 132.162.064 Ohio 2,747,600 S7 10I.C6L200 Kentucky. 3,223,880 30 96.716,400 Missouri 6,732,275 41 276,023,275 Iowa 8,001,994 42 336,299,758 Kansas 6.220,591 40 243,824,540 Nebraska 4,629,677 23 175,927,726 Michigan 957,833 36 34,432,163 "Wisconsin 1,016,232 34 34,531,888 Minnesota 724,951 29 21,023,579 Dakota 816,621 25 20,415,625 Assuming that the crop in other Mates will be equal to that of 1SSS, or 515,275,000 Total crop of 18S9 will be 2,258,292,083 Against a total In 1SS8 of. 1, DOT, 790, too We summarize the reports of correspondents relative to the present condition of corn as follow : Illinois. 92 per cent: ludlana, 94: Ohio, 81; Ken tucky, 101; Missouri. 93; Iowa, 93: Kansas, 110; Ne braska, 96; Wisconsin, 7J; Michigan, 6a; Minne sota, 82; Dakota, 71. IT PULLED DOWN HIS CHIN. Tbe Extractlngof n Tooth Makes a Fellow' Chin a Foot Long. BlEMIjrailAM, ALA., September 25. People who were around the Union depot here this morning saw the most remarkablo physical deformity that has ever been seen in these parts. It was a colored man with a chin 12 inches long by actual measurement and only 2X incnes wide at the widest place. His mouth had been drawn down at least 3 inches below the nose, and it was with difficulty ho could eat so contracted had become the orifice. When asked what caused him to be 1n such an unsightly condition, be said that about six months ago be bad an aching tooth palled, and the dentist injured bis jawbone. From that time on be suffered great pain, and his chin began swelling and his faco getting out of shape until it bad assumed it present shape. The colored man's name was Tobias Wilklns He lives at Hull, Ala. and was going to Atlanta to be treated. FOR THE SUPREME BESCU. Hon. Alfred Russell, of Detroit, a Candidate for tho Vacnnt Place. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THB DISFATCTM Washington, Soptember 25, Michigan Re publicans have for somo months been urging on President Harrison tbe fitness of Hon. Alfred Russell, of Detroit, for the vacancy on the Supreme Bench. Secretary Proctor, a class mate of Mr. Russell, has taken great interest in his candidacy. A prominent gentleman just arrived from Deer Park says the President Is seriously discussiue Mr. Russell's name. Mr. Russell is about 60 years of age and a native of Vermont Senator Edmunds has fre quently taken occasion to speak of his legal ability. He has held but one office, that of United States District Attorney under Grant Tempera Mutnntur. From the Detroit Journal.l "Washington couldn't tell a He even when he saw one," says an exebangc. That may have been true in the early days of the Republic, but nowadays when Washington "sees" a lie it goes it several better. DEATHS OF A DAT. Father Joseph P. Dole. Chicago, September 25. The Eev. Father Joseph 1'. Botes, head of St. Mary's parish, was found dead In his :halr at bis parsonage this morning. He died of heart disease, probablr about midnight. ' ,EIIziCook. ' London, September 23, Ella Cook, the poetess. aiea w-uar at w imoicaon, wucro sue naa lived la seclusion for many rears, bae was born In lms. . DREAMING OF 0-J)AY. ' The Old Ladlea at the Home for Aged Peo ple All Rendv for To-Day'a Notable Reception Tho Preparations Made Yos .terday Tbe Weddlae of Yesterday Society Gossip. The old ladles at tbe Home for Aged People in Wilkinsburg must have bad bright dreams last mcht They certainly had material enough to build visions upon, for all day yesterday their wealthy benefactresses were busy at the institution preparing .for the annual reception to-day, at which they exoect to entertain about GOO people. The most Interesting feature to-day will be the tible filled with the old ladles' work, and every inmate of the house is represented at that table, even to tbe poor old blind woman who has knotted the fringe on a towel, equally a, wpll as soma favnrnri urtth nfirhc wntild do. She, by tho way, is one of the pets of the lnsti- tutlop, for in spite of her infirmity she is so cheerful and happy. By bearing the voice of any one of the directors or ladies connected with tbe house sbe can tell immediately who it is. She .said yesterday: "Oh, we arn't in visiting trim to-day, we are all busy, but to morrow we'll all have our 'Sunday faces' on and onr silk dresses.'r Mrs. L. W. Watt and her daughter, Mrs. Quincy Scott will preside over the old ladies' table, on which will be found everything that an accd person's Imagination could conjure up, and some articles manufactured in the fashion of 50 years ago. Quilts, sboebags, stocking bags, work baskets, pin cushions, aprons of all descriptions, and iron holders in such an im mense variety and number that it would seem every house in Pittsburg could be supplied with several. A great deal of skill is here ex hibited in knitted articles, mittens with plain and fancy backs, and of every color. Laces iu a variety of patterns and colors. For every article on this table the old ladies furnlsbed the materials themselves and did the work, so tbey are allowed to Bet the price, and when sold they retain one-half of the proceeds for "pin money," the remainder going to the sup port of tbe house, Mrs. Samuel Fisher, Mrs. John Caldwell and Mrs. Brown, assisted by Misses Dalzell. Cald well and Miller, will have charge of the fancy work table. Here is a decided contrast to tbe old ladies' table, as might be expected. Tbe articles are all made and donated by the Board of Directors and their friends. Everything that is dainty and new is to be found on this table, and the articles, one and all, are evi dence of exquisite taste and unlimited financial resources. Drapes Mantel scarfs, dresser sets, bair receivers, chair backs, handker chief cases and pincushions In the most endless variety of material and in the most novel and unique designs. Dolls Dolls of every descrip tion, in fact a whole family of dolls, from the baby doll, with its pretty little soft mull robe and white merino cloak, to the lull fledged so ciety doll. The glassware table, to which all the promi nent glassworks have donated, will be presided over by Mrs. Samuel Fulton, and will be a very popular table on account of the beauty and useininess oi tne ware aispiayeo. .uuncu win bo served from 12 o'clock to 4 The menu will ba elegant, as Mrs. Samuel Chadwick, Mrs. Jobn Dalzell, Mrs. Judge Mellon, Mrs. Jane Gorman and Mrs. David Bell will have entire charge. With four spacious dining rooms they will be able to entertain a large number of visi tors. In addition to tbe lunches. Ice cream, cake and fruit will be served in a charming little refreshment room, presided over by Misses Mary L. Jackson and Jane Holmes. This reception is the one great event of the year to the 55 old ladles congregated together in the institution, and in their quaint old-fashioned expressions they betray the interest and the enthusiasm with which thoy look forward to the day. "Why Tve been working on these iron-holden ever since last reception," said one, and "I've just been making aprons and aprons all summer to sell to-morrow." The care of this happy household depends unon Miss Elizabeth Carter, matron, and Miss Ellen Hultz, assistant The officers are: Miss Jane Holmes, President; Mrs. Samuel McKee, Vice President; Mrs. Mary Thurston. Secre tary, and Miss Mary L. Jackson, Treasurer. AN EAST END WEDDING.. Miss Knihcrlno Sloney Mnrrled to Dr. Harry Phillips. Tho wedding of Miss Katherlno Stoney and Dr. Hurry Phillips, which .took place at Cal vary Church, East End, last evening, proved quite a magnet The church was crowded with prominent society people, East Liberty, Pitts burg and Allegheny being represented. Under Miss Killikelly's skillfnl touch the organ pealed forth Mendelssohn's Wedding Marcb. The bride, leaning uppn ta e arm of her father, preceded by the ushers, met the groom and best man at the altar. The ceremony was performed by Rev. George Hodges. Mr. Ewart acted as best man, Messrs. Hart Van Oaten Lizgett and Bmgler as ushers, The bride was a vision of gfflish beauty in white silk, cut en trains. Sbe carried a large bouquet of bride roses tied with white satin ribbon. The selections of music were from Hugenots, Gnellinante, Mendelssohn, Wagner and Loesborn. There are five sisters in tbe family, and this is tbe third one that has been married in Calvary Church, Miss Killikelly presiding at tbe organ tor all of. them. After the wedding a reception was held at the residence of the brine's parents, on Roup street The floral decorations, consisting of cut flowers, ferns and potted plants, were unusually fine, and were furnished by A. M. A J. B. Murdoch. Tbe supper was served by Kuhn, the East End caterer. IN A SOCIAL WAT. Some Little Scraps of Local Gossip for Leisure Moments. The Golden Rod. although the national flower, is not a favorite with Pittsburg florists. They say it is minus a value on account of its plentifnlness in the suburbs of the city. On all tbe country roads leading from the Pan handle Railroad the stalks of tbe yellow flowers are as thick as hops. Up the Allegheny valley on both eidescof the river It flourishes. Consequently the Pittsburg dealers in flowers hope no Golden Rod fad will arise, because it will never pay them. The Misses Mary, Sadie and Teresa Mooney, of Sandusky street Allegheny, accompanied by their uncle, Mr. Joseph Daily, of Manito, 111,, arrived home yesterday, after a tonr of three months of traveling in Ireland, London, Paris, Rome and other points of interest on tbe con tinent THE engagement of Miss Cora If. Easton and Mr. Jobn H. Hubbard is announced. Miss Easton Is the daughter of W. W. Easton, in tbe well known firm of Biber & Easton, Mr. Hubbard is ono'of the firm of Hubbard &. Co. The marriage will occur sometime in tbe near future. The furniture that has been ordered for tho new Duquesue Clnb House will surprise the people here. It will be the most elaborate in Pittsburg. A "reverential smile" Is what a Pittsburg belle designates falling in love with her pastor. The art gallery is considered to bo the whole Exposition by the frequenters of city studios. AMUSEMENT NOTES. THE advance salo for tbe Booth-Modjeska engagement of next week at the Grand Opera House begins to-day. Tbe following Is tho repertoire for the week: Monday, "The Mer chant of "Venice;" Tuesday and Thursday, Hamlet:" Wednesday and Friday, "Riche lieu;" Saturday matinee, "Much Ado About Nothing;" Saturday night, double bill tragedy and comedy "The Fool's Revenge," and "Donna Diana." "MY Aunt Bkidget," famous everywhere as one of the most mirth-provoking skits of the day, will follow the 'U. S. Mall" at the Bijou. On Tnesday (G. A. R. Day) there will be a special matinee. The box office opens for the. sale of seats this morning. Ax 1 o'clock this afternoon Prof. Seymour, the mind reader now at tho World's Museum, will give one of his 'celebrated driving tests, finding a hidden article, no matter how far he may have to drive in a carriage in search of it THE first operettes of the season will be given at Harris' next week by the ever popular Wilbur Opera Company, which appears in repertoire, opening with "Princess Trebi zonde." Kennedy's Bright Lights will hold the boards at Harry Williams' Academy next week. It is spoken of as a strong combina tion. NEW AMERICAN STEAMSHIP LINE. Its Vessels Will Not Trnverao tbe Ocean, but tho Great Lakes. Detroit, September 25. The second of three large wooden steamships for the Ogdens burg Transit Company will bo launched by the Detroit Dry Dock Company from their ship yard at the foot of Orleans street at 2:15 on Thursday afternoon. These ships will form a line between Chicago and Ogdcnsburg In con nection with the Central Vermont Railroad. Junt the Style for awlnc. From the New York l'rcss.l Tbe great American hog has two legs. You are quite as likely to find blm under a nobby silk tilo, and a fur-Hned' overcoat .as In rough and homely garb. ,v c ! EHGLIBH YIEWS'OFTHE UNITED STATES.-" What a Tory Orson Predicts Woald Happen If Ireland Got Home Rale. From the London Spectator. We are convinced that American opinion and American strength, a strength irresistible by any European State if It were once fully exerted, constitute two of tbe many dangers which would result from tbe concession of home rule. That measure would almost Infalli bly result In a declaration of Independence. Some of the Irish leaders may be quits sincere in declaring, as tbey do when speaking on this side of tbe water, that they bave no such scheme in their heads; but their best motive is the desire to be a nation with a separate career, and without Independence they are not such a nation. The highest and therefore in tbe long run the most operative aspirations of their people, would not be gratified by liberty as a parish. England would always be accused of intriguing, always hated for her wealth, always suspected of meditating invasion; the causes of friction would be endless, and some of them justly resented by the weaker side, and In some impulsive hour the final declaration would be made. The vote once passed in Dublin, tbe inde pendence of Ireland would be recognized by the American Union in a week. A hundred motives would induce the politicians of Wash ington to recommend that course, and the peo ple, after a moment of hesitation, would accept the advice. They bave never quite forgiven England for recognizing the belligerent rights of tbe South. Tbey bave never forgotten that their own freedom was In part owing to French assistance, and that their success has, never theless, never in all the subsequent time em barrassed France, except indeed, by making her for a-rooment think Lafayette a great man. All tbe desire to give Great Britain a lesson, which deflects American politics before every Fresideutal election, all the aspiration to stretch tbe States over the provinces of tbe Dominion to the pole, all tbe anxieties of both parties to rivet tbe Irish vote, and all the float ing impression of Irish suffering, would tend together to Induce the Union to protect Ire land. That would mean war with a State stronger tban ourselves, with 2,000,000 of allies, ready to die for ber, living in our own streets, and with an indefensible territory, which yet must be defended, stretching along ber side. Even un der those circumstances, England might sur vive or emerge victorious; but to say that tbey would not be serious .circumstances, or that Ireland, in tbe event of rebellion, could be sub dued with ease, is utter folly. Ko State, how ever powerful, will over aeain do with ease any thing to which the American Republic is strongly opposed. There is not a diplomatist in Europe who does not know this, or who does not hold that Napoleon HL was only sane in quitting Mexico, and that Prince Bismarck showed his wisdom when, rather than quarrel seriously with Washington, be abandoned all pretentions In Samoa. A BLUE BLOOD CONYICI'S PAEDON. A Descendant of Patrick Henry Released From the Ohio Penltentinrr. lERCIAITXLXOBAUTOTIIIISrATCa.l Columbus. September 25. Two Federal prisoners were to-day pardoned from the peni tentiary by President Harrison, one of whom is a descendant ot Patrick Henry, the eloquent Irish orator of Continental Congress fame. The prisoner referred to Is Edward Fontaine. He was sent up from the Southern district of Tennessee on a one year sentence for breaking into a postoffice, and his short term would have expired October 9. Fontaine was but 17 years of age when the crime was committed, and laid in tbe Tennessee jail for five months previous to being brought to the prison here." In a letter from the Judge who sentenced Fontaine, received by Warden Coffin at tbe time of the arrival of the young blue-blood, it was stated that the prisoner was supposed to have been laboring under kleptomania, caused by typhoid lever, at the time the crime was committed, and bis sentence was. therefore, placed as low as the law would justify. In the same letter it was stated thatFontaine'sfamily were among the most prominent and Influen tial in Tennessee. The Dardon was asked more for tho purpose of reinstating the young pris-1 oner as a citizen than anytning eise, as, accoro ing to the Government laws, a man once con victed is barred from tbe exercise of suffrage, unless a pardon is secured. The line of Fon taine's decent from tbe Irish aristocracy is on his mother's side. His great grandmother, of that branch of the family, was a sister of Patrick Henry. The other prisoner was Mollie Sullivan, tbe notorious female character and counterfeiter, of Cincinnati. FUNEKEAL SUPERSTITIONS. An Old Hearse Driver's Chat on the Follies of Many People. From the Bocnesler'DemocratJ - Of all superstitions, those pertaining to the burial of tbe dead are the most numerous and inconsistent The other day a reporter inter viewed a city hearse driver on the subject and elicited some curious Information concerning the unaccountable things people do when they see a funeral procession. "Don't it make you feel serious to be driving dead men and women about the city?" asked tbe reporter. "Mo, sir; not half so serious as it would be driving live men about who are always in a dickens of a hurry to get somewhere." "I suppose you see many interestmgslghts np on your perch on the hearse." "Of coarse I do. The strangest thing ot all I notice is bow many people are afraid to cross a funeral procession. They will wait and wait in carriages and on foot until the last carriage has Sassed. no matter how big a hurry they're In. ometimes you'd think people thought the car riages were loaded with smallpox the way they get away. Some silly old women are afraid to count the carnages in the procession for fear they'll die sometime. If this was true Pm afraid rival undertakers would be dying every day. I've seen women drop on their knees and cross themselves when they sawaprocesion coming. Men do it tuo, but do it quick and sly. Others turn and walk with the procession a little way, and men and women both will cut mighty short corners to avoid meeting a funeral procession Well, I've driven the dead many years, and ain't dead yet" A DEEAM SA7ES A-CBUKOH. Dllsa Fcrsrmon's Vision Prevents the De. traction of n New Edifice. LOUISVTLI.E, September 25. The Jefferson Street Methodist Church, which was dedicated bere by Bishop Keener last Buuday, would have been in ashes the day before but for a singular dream of Miss Belle Ferguson, tbe church organist Miss Ferguson was much interested in the coming dedication, and bad worked assiduously to get the new organ in good condition. The matter weighed heavily on her mind, and on last Thursday night she dreamed several times that the organ w in bad condition. The next day sbe could not shake off the impression, and on Friday even ing she grew so uneasy that sho tooUa friend and wont to tho church. As soon as they opened the door thoy found the altar beginning to blaze from a bundle of rags which had been used in oiling and varnish ing the wood work. The fire was easily extin guished, but a little later the church would probably have been destroyed. It is supposed tbe rags were ignited by spontaneous com bustion. THE PAKK0T MAI PEACB. An Injudicious Capture Made by Men Wbo Didn't Think of It. New York, September 25. John Ittncr, of One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Webster avenue, is kicking himself, even as he kiqks his dog, for relying on a talkative parrot to keep burglars away from bis road house. Neither proved in the least effectual. Burglars got into bis house and cleaned it out Tbe only opefnl thing about it is that they took the parrot away, and that the bird may wake up enough to give them away, for Mr. Ittnerhad taught tho cunning bird to cry: "It's along time between drinks," and thus stir up the memories of. laggards in tbe business of treating. SHU Room for Improvement. From the Baltimore American, i Great Britain boasts that her Parliament is the greatest legislative body in the world; but it does not justify her claims. It will never be unequaled until it is peerless. ONE LOOK. 'I'm sick of the world." be said; "I am sick or the world and lire; Of tbe double-faced hypocrisy. And the strain of the godless strife. "I am sick of the fools that succeed; I am sick or the sages that fall; ' Of the pitiless laughter of wealth. And or poverty's pitiful wail. I am tick or the devils that leer At Innocence passing by; , I will bar my door to the world ; I will lay me down and die." Bat there came a change as he spoke, And the mitts were burned away; And tho midnight darLnrss or his despair Was turned to Jocund day. And the sun broke forth once more, Till his rlories filled tbe skies. And the mailcal power that wrought thi change W one look In a woman's eyes. MiUt Copley in Motion Trantcrift, "' ' GLIA5ED IN G0TIA'I?f;V ' Stabbed by His Sen. mnr tobx bubxau btzcxaM.i New Yobk. September 25. Paul Beagart. 48 years old, ft well-known and wealthy resident of Brooklyn, was stabbed four times by his 30-year-old sou Paul last night Young Paul and bis brother Joseph got to fighting ia the yard behind the house. While their father was try ing to separate" them Paul threatened to "do blm np." Mr. Beingart ordered Paul to leave the house. Paul sld he would go far ITS. Mr. Bangartgota (tick, and caught Paul by the collar to flog hfm. Paul turned on hut father, threw blm down and drew a knife. Mr. Bon gart roared for help. His son choked him un til be could shout no more, and then plunged the knif twice" Into his breast and once Into his neck and cheek. ,As tbe young man raised the knife for another lunge Mrs. Bnngart rushed in and pulled him off. Mr. Bnngart, though weak from, loss ,of blood. Jumped up, threw his arms around Paul, and held him fast until his youneerboy fetched a policeman, who took the unnatural sou off to prison. Mr. Bnn gart was unable to appear In court to-day. The son is held without bait A Beggar W1A a. Bank Accent. Charles GesseUne, white-haired! and ragged, has sold matches and begged In Fifth avenue, near Fourteenth street; for several years. He became angry to-day at two women who re fused to give him money, and swore at them. They complained to a policeman, and he lugged Gesselise into a police court The officer re ported that he found a $10 gold piece, seven silver dollars and one1 dollar In change upon the prisoner: There was also a bank book on a Williamsburg bank showing MOO to the old man's credit On tbe way to court Gesseliae offered the officer 817 it he would let him go. The wealthy beggar was sent to the island for six mouths, Cflptared After a Bloody Fight. "Big" Flnnerty, a notorious all-around rascal, robbed a young man from Vermont ot a 1980 watch about a year ago, and then disappeared. Detective Listen, who had long been looking for him and tbe watch; met him In Canal street and tried to arrest him. In a mlnufe thief and officer were down on the pavement, fighting like mad. Every time Flnnerty got on top ha pounded the officer's head on the stones, ana every time the officer got on top he hammered Finnerty's head with his club. Pretty soon both men were covered with blood. Finnerty's jaw was broken, and the detective's right ear was half torn, off- Eventually another officer turned up, and after getting two black eyes landed Finnerty in JalL Flnnerty has served. five years for shooting a man and four years for highway robbery. He was a Plnxerton de tective all last summer. Argentine Delegates Arrive. The Inman liner City ot Paris, which arrived to-day, made tbe voyage from Qneenstown in 6 days and IS minutes, or S hours behind her record. She had on board Dr, Manuel Quln tana and Dr. Rflque Baens Pens, delegates of the Argentina Republic to the Pan-American Conference at Washington next month. The delegates came from Buenos Ayers to New York via Liverpool, as they were unable to eer direct steamship passage to this port They were met in the lower bar by -Consul General Adolfo Q. Cairo, Dr. Ernsto Bosch. Charge d' Affaires, and Commissioner Charles R.' Flint, on a Government tug. In tbe cabin of the City of Paris were also Charles H. Wyndhaxa, En glish actor, Kate Forsvtbe and a great host of returning tourists. A WAB INCIDENT BECALLED By the Pensioning of a Woman Whoso Husband Was a Rebel. rsrXCIAX.lTZXXOKAlC TO Tta DISrATCH.1 Chaexestos, W. VA-, September 25. The receipt to-day fay Mrs. Mary Finson, of this county, of a pension check for $2,500 recalls to mind one of tbe tragic incidents of the re bellion. When the war broke out Mrs. Pinson, now 75 years of age, resided with her husband and five children on Bine creek; The husband was an ardent Confederate, while his wife warmly espoused the Union cause. When President Lincoln called for volunteers the oldest son, Harvey, broke awswfrom parental restraint and enlisted in the Union army. The boy's action made tbe father furious, and he swore he would shoot the first Yankee coming in sight of tho housed - During the summer of 1881 a squad of 18 Fed erals, In charge of a Lieutenant, stopped in front of tbe boose, and the officer climbed up on a fence and sit down. Pinson shot him, firing through a window. The soldiers fired several volleys into xbe house, and Finson was killed and three of the children mortally wounded. A few months later Harvey was killed on the Federsllslde. Mrs. Pinson has since bad a hard straggle with the world, hut now tbe Government has insured her the necessaries of life, at least during her remain ing years. PABIS PULL OF PLEAS. The Exposition Buildings Overran With the Festlfrroas Insects. From the Paris Register. J One of the remarkable features of the exhi bition year in Paris has been tbe scourge of fleas, which has taken uncompromising posses sion of all strangers arriving from parts of the world where fleas are notso previous. No Par isian can ever be gotten to admit that the fleas are born here. They may come from Pay-de-Dome, from Bolssy-les-Vacbes, or be brought here by tbe Arabs and Algerians at tbe exhibi tion; but the fact that public vehicles and hotels swarm with them, is inconceivable to him. In tbe United States "tbe wicked flea wben no man pursueth" sticketh unto tbe yel low dog and vagrant cat but in Paris his flea ship disdains any kind of game but a writhing human victim. The flea of 1889 is as agile as a chamois, ana as he skips gleefully frpm one square inch of cutaneous territory to tbe next tho flesh rises behind him in tall welts as big as 50-centlme Eleces. These wounds do not heal with time, at are red and angry for at least a week, and one small but active flea can produce them at the rate of one a minute. Paris may officially deny the existence of fleas within ber walls, bat a chorus of American sufferers at the Ex position and elsewhere will readily attest A Brave Man Trembles. From the Chicago Times. The Czar of-Rnssia, wbo has braved intrigue and dynamite In all its forms, shrinks from a meeting with a quiet old German named Bis maick. TKI-STATB TBIPLES. Habiiy Fullin. of SteubenvlUe, who has almost reached tbe alloted time of three score and ten, ran a 60-yard race with a Mr. Benedict, who is a professional, and beat him with ap parent ease. A black snake seven feet in length was killed near Casstown,' Miami county, O., a few days ago by Mr. Samuel Harbaugb, of that place. A well-knows OH City man, who has for years acted as usher in one of thexhurcbes. recently went away for a vacation. He took a seat In the cars ssveral minutes befora the train started, and every time a person stepped in ho would get up and show him or her to a seat As the passengers entered he would say: "Right down this way, please," or "Here are good seats down this way." After a while a friend reminded him that he was not in a church and it was hardly necessary for him to seat the congregation. At an old-folks' picnic in Tioga county, a few days ago, one of tbe speakers was Rev. Joel Jewell, of Sylvanla the oldest minister in that part of Pennsylvania. He is 88 years of age, and to all appearance as young as he was 20 years ago. He said, among other good things, that he had not tasted tea or coffee for ST.years, with one exception, and. better yet had never used intoxicating liquor. ' A Yotma lady with a peachy complexion and a wealth of auburn hair went into Gaylord's barber shop In Wilkesbarre yesterday, and let ber tresses flow to bave them curled. The bar ber wore the mass of hair around tbe hot Iron and staggered back as'lf he bad bean shot The lady's hair was full "of electricity, and the muscles of his arm were sore for an hour. WnEKLUTO boss barber In a whisper to new journeyman: ''Bo very particular about that gent's pimple. He spent a dollar in this shop last week." Wilson Milio, of Sandy Creek, near Erie, was killed by a fall from a barn a few days since, and his wife died an hour later from the shock of bis death? They leave U chaarea. The father had 96,080 life lamanoe. cinm v A former tosriur tt Lasts itsNiflM highseheets ia Iwstoaa is mw drtrtac oartiaWleWta. f i;; Mrj.JBert Heeler, f Hase owtty, Ul.T the mother of 12 eMMrea, gave Mftkr the) umer aay to a IB pemd Bey. X. Z. MeCrllHs, Deiier, X., ftU , up tbe dues on his life IsisaraBeeJaKisMtBe to prevent Its expiring expired MeMeU aa Bouraiterward, Twenty-two pumpkins grewias; e sse . vine, and nearly all of tfcetaashHKeasa fcatf busbel measure, was a sight lately seen oa a farm la Cherokee county, ua. Several skeletons reeenay BMtttftfts .oi Water street, New Bedford, Mans are be lieved to he those of EngHsh soldiers wko died frost Injuries received in a fight wMaJehaPaas Jones la the Revolutionary War- ' Trey, ST. T.t aad Kansas CHy, He-Vare v both safferiac? ftren Isvastani nt u TV. janitor ot aseaoet is Troy declares that atii lions of the iaseets made tbe batMiBg-tfcoir headquarters, aaa tfeahe swept then Of hy j "When Mrs. Hastis, of Cariisfe, X.r, i., passea over iw oars river aer anssanasasa . anemtah aH ready fer hex monnmeet. "PA' T" ' portion at It reads "Slut mtnt bereewad.A&A . single thing from hr Mfeaber danaKhectt,," ,J vaars of mu. uc '-. A. very eariew" eollceHoB Vte"- garters U kept at the HokensaWara at jsertm. Whenever tkere is a weeMiiBtae HohenzoUernfamay.aBBHibaret these start SsJL,""8, wlth tbe ralMsh of Mm sewk-' married princees,are distettated aateag MsasW On Elce street, Bt 2anf,Mv9 as oM." lady named French. She U nearly 80 yean oM """ """J "una, ana has been so for fee past years. Yet such a remarkablo memory has sfte Sj wi!.TS.e oatbe mm cSeT haPM 'IS A kind stranger helped George OMia ger, of Aurellus, Mch., to hoard a train at Lan sing the other evening; ana was thanked fer it, but no stranger wiH ever attempt tone so kind again and escape without scars, for this one picked Mr. OhIInger's pocket of J6 hi cash, some railroad tickets, and a cheekier UA A Brooklya saloonkeeper Based Koer net; a few days ago gave two beers to a seedy looking aad Impeonaloas lsdlvMaal for tbe mercantile equivalent of a lottery tieket Mr Koeraer placed bat UMe vsdae upon the paste board satol Satartay, when he leaned that toe ticket was "a winner." aad iW one at that being worth exactly S,988. If the most useful aaaa is tae aaepiesi man, a genUeaan in Steep Fa, Me.; mast enjoy supreme Mies. Jeefaes ksseteg a & erai swre in which aa s minima w wiin witu oTBryujisg tram nwmw ie sjaav aiaaj h comas, irom eera soaa to stocklnn. ha la alas th tHui fcufcar and gravestone masafaetoraad keeps a BMIIUS, -Bea WfllkuBs, of LaasiBg. Mjek novel way of riadtog his fteeef waHaen. Every Sunday morning fer the past a yean he has sat down before the glass aad Bailed the hair out of the lower part of his feee.wnha pair of tweezers. He says that it hart Htt avast anything at first, but he don't mind Ki.Ht now. He is 75 years old, aad to leaded wttfc nerve and grit r. Probahlt the) most valaaWe pearet Ik Atlanta to one owned by W. W. Dwiaa. a eea ductor oa the West Point RaHread. It' Is worth fiea. Me. Dualep has been.eered that price for his bird, bat refused to take it. The parrot Is a One African gray and is aa exeaHont talker. Wben yon go about him he ftm re-' gards yon critically, cocks bis head to oae side, winks one eye at yea slyly, and says: Tat a MeObirdV Mr.DuBhkppaldJieforhispftrTat, and taught re to talk. ., . H. Ot Wheatly, employed ia aw asylum atMllledgavllle,Ga., has a wonderful dog. He sends him oa errands to asy oae aheat the in 8tltutio9tortolBestaaypleee.tae deg hav ing learned the places by name, aad efeeytee; every Instruction. He can count aad speH, aad invariably, before retiring for the sight, kneels by tbe side of Mr. Wneatly's bed and says his prayers. He can ellmb a ladder from taeoaeer side, placed at aa angle of 80 degrees, aad per forms a number of tricks that require more mental strength than is usually found ia "the canine family. A remarkable passenger who arrived -is Las Vegas, N. M., the other night wasaHtMe boy named Manuel Brazil. 8 years' oM.. who came alone from the Azores Islands, eJt-tfca coast of Portanl. ta niwe fcla tuua Wa- Brasfl, a cattjemaa who Uvea near M Sam , nor, and with wham he wlH hereafMr saajHTMs hesne.' -TheHMfe feKewiaaded to JoflMtalM' jrora were wen vacross loe coBimeat uu igauia- .' t :mento.-"CaL.and from Baerasasasf .Laa Pfi-J Vegas. It was wonderful trip tor a efetiol nls years alone aad -unable to speak Kngllsa to make, hut he got through in good order. A Belleville, Mich., paper says: "A large, black animal, about the size of. a year ling calf, with eyes as large as teacups and shining like coals of fire, has been searing the life out of some of the citizens north of that place. In one instance a young man was goteg to tbe barn to put out his hone when tbe ani mal attacked him. but he succeeded in aKMeg it a smart blow with the' Whip and the beast started for the woods, leaping over a fire-Beard fence as easily as a man would a small dHea." It is f nrther stated that every one who has sees tbe "ndjioos objeok" is a temperance man. For the last 15 or 30 years travelers bats occasionally brought specimens of a very re markable amber from some locality la South ern Mexico. The only Information gained con cerning it is that it Is brought to tbe cease by satires who say that it occurs in the interior so plentifully that it to used by them In making fires. Tbe color of this amber is a rich golden yellow, and when viewea In different posWens it exhibits a wonderful fluorescence, sunHar to that of uranine, which it also resembles jla color. A recent speoimen is oven more beaaW ful than the famous so-called opalescent or. green amber found in Catania, Sicily. This material would be extremely valuable for use in the arts. It is believed that aa expedition has started for the locality where it to ft and in tbe interior. , Miss Ada Kooh, the daughter ot ex Mayor Koch, of Sbamokis, Pa., felt a twitch ing of her right jawbone recently watte rlatttag an aunt in Reading. Sbe entered ahed-reea, followed by her cousin, Kate SeoaJk.'asd while standing before a mirror smHed at a humorous remark. When sbe eanght the re flection of this smile in the glass she almost sank to the floor. She beheld a grinning image, with the right tide of its face twisted out of shape. The grotesque and weird ex pression caused Miss Bchultz to shriek with alarm. Miss Koch called on Dr. Reese, aa em inent physician, who said that her trouble was probably paralysis of the facial nerve, but was not sure. Miss Koch's face la repose is beaa ful, but now when she smiles its expression is hideous. ' HUMOROUS HITS, The humorist is about the only man-., who likes to bave his work laugbed L-Bsiton Courier. Fishermen ought to have, the best" corre spondents. They are always ready to drop a line. Baltimore American. "Meet ine on the ceraer tonite," he wrote, "and dew not file." And she answered him, There is no sueh word as 'rale.' "Lawrence American. "Is the slclc man oat ot danger!" asked ; friend. : "So," answered his wife, "the docter Is still visiting him. "Km. f, Mrs. Cum so I see that Mr. Rock's will, disposes of tie, C0O, 090 worth of property. Cumso Yes, Bock's was a man of great will power. Sta Xqrk Sun, ' & t Servant maid Madam, the doctor. Lady (who Is having a delightful call from a neighbor) It Is Impossible to receive blm now. Bay that I am 111: ianirancitca Watp. First critic I have noticed one peculiar paradox In our profession. Second critic What's that? First critic The more we roast an author the rawer be feels. Tors Hnutt Exprttt. Dr. Fossle Are yon in favor of reducing the surplus? Miss Wayter-Indeed I am 1 1 think It's a perfect shame to see so many unmarried men. Tim. On Their "Wedding Journey. She This It Minerva. Be-Was the married? She No; the was the Goddess of Wisdom. Life. An advertising agency issues a diagram of the best way for an advertiser to reach a "u Ion Democrats." 'Avery good way to P0 that feat woald be to advertise for secoad-asno l&nrliJiAfl.LAia7a Kti&t. Policeman Do yoa have to take care otlt the dog? Nurse girl-No. The missis says I'm too Ten andtaexperleneea. I only look alter the cauaren. -Life. ' - Critic "What does that fashionably at- tired young man with wlnrs reprasow t Cartoonist Tbe aacel or style. '.'"JS CrittVWaa ever saw an angel wear a. swain . Carta.!st-.-Wli avar SSW oaO.th4tytteVt.l 'LVetf . -"- ,.. - n.iaaasssSsssssl -" t vShhBJBBSJJBi rHF7 KriBfotof-&fojJt Zskt .jSufe..-, . Mi., ."' . t -- T Sri VS. Lli HarcxaEjHaa . .r i. . ?i . i.