Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 26, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    '"- ? '
. SEETEMBER?l26889.
C "i il
He at Length Thinks of Writ
ins to His Mends.
An Allegheny Woman Supposed to
Know of His Whereabouts.
TYhichHay Have Affected His Mind and
Caused Him to Wander.
Definite information that the missing
Alleghenian, Gus L. Otterson, is at least in
the land of the living, has been at length
received by his wire, in tne shape of a letter
which reached her on last Tuesday, exactly
six weeks after his departure from this city.
Otterson's partner, Mr. Harry Swindell,
also received a letter from him on the same
day, in which he said, after dealing at
length with private matters, that he had no
intention of agaiiTreturning to Allegheny,
but giving no clew to his fntnre movements
or indicating in any way his plans for the
fntnre. Both letters bore date of the 16th
of the present month, and were postmarked
the 23d, and the interval between the in
ternal date and that of the official stamp,
a period of seven days, wonld seem to in
dicate that the letters were written at
a distance and forwarded to some person in
this city to be mailed. Where this mys
terious gentleman is, or what he is doing, is
still a matter of conjectnre, but if his wile
and business partner have no knowledge of
his whereabouts, there seems to be one per
son, and that, too, a woman, who could if
she would, furnish a clew to his present
abiding place.
ilr. Harry Swindell was asked yesterday
if the conjecture was true that Otterson was
, in Paris; that he was there with a lormer
female resident of Allegheny, and whether
there was any cause of a domestic or busi
ness character which might have induced
him to take such a prolonged vacation. He
"I am at as complete a loss to account for
my partner's disappearance as anyone could
be. I know ot no reason for his taking this
step, and X only Enow ot bis movements
just as much as is contained in his letter to
me on Tuesday, in which he said that he
had left Allegheny, and had no intention ot
returning. Our business relations ere on
a friendly basis, and we were doing a brisk
trade, and I know with regard to his family
affairs, that he and his wife were much at
tached, and that his wife thought the world
of him.
"The idea ot his being in Paris is all fool
ishness, and so is that about his being ac
companied there by a woman. If vou ask
me where be is I say I don't know, but I
am inclined to the opinion that he has gone
"West I am sick and tired of being spoken
to about this case, and 1 wish the newspa
pers would let up on thefree advertising
they are giving me. Ko, i have no state
ment to make that I would care to see pub
lished "
Mr. Swindell was asked to produce the
letter, but this he declined, stating that it
contained private matter and was only
about eight lines in length.
A call was thenmade on Mrs. Otterson at
her house. She did not display any hesi
tation in speaking about her' husband's dis
appearance, but was very much affected
when speaking of their "family relations
which, she said, were of the most cordial
kind. Mrs. Otterson is a young ladr of
prepossessing appearance, but looks very
much worn by the continued eccentricities
of her husband.
In reply to a question as to when she last
heard from Mr Otterson, she said:
"1 heard of him for the first time since he
went away on last Tuesdav, just six weeks
to a day, since he left Union station for
Hew York. Mr. Swindell came up here on
that morning and asked me if I had heard
trom Gus, stating that he had just received
a letter from him. I told him I had not,
and he gave me the letter to read. It was
prettv long, and wound up by saying that
jMr. Otterod would not again return to live
in Allegheny. It was dated the 16th of
Sejber, and had no address. Shortly
after the letter carrier came with a letter to
me from my husband. It also was without
address, but was dated the 16th and the
postmark on the cover was that of the 23d."
Mrs. Otterson here produced the letter,
but declined to allow it to be read. It was
a half sheet of ordinary note paper such as
is used for foreign correspondence, and
written only on one side, The cover bore
no clew to the maker, but the water mare:
was that of an American manufacturer.
Mrs. Otterson read the conclusion, which
read as follows:
I am away from everybody. I shall spend
the balance of my life awav from Allegheny.
The balance of my life will be spent among
strangers, bo good-bye.
"The letter is certainly Mr. Otterson's
writing," continued the lady, "but it is not
at all in the manner he is in the habit of
writing. He always writes exactly as he
speaks, in a cheery, straightforward, wav,
and this is so difierent that only that"l
know his hand I wonld not believe that it
came from him. It does not say a word
about where he is or what he intends doing,
and is not by any means an affectionate
letter. I cannot conceive any reason for
Mr. Otterson's strange absence. We had a
comfortable home, never had any unpleas
antness, and as for me, I thonght the world
of him; I thought nothing too good for him.
He was doing a good business and had not
an enemv in the world. He had hosts of
friends, and was a fine fellow, well liked bv
all who knew him. As to his continued
absence it is a mystery to me, and I can
assign no reason for it The very day
before he went away I helped to pack
his valise, and we were on the most
friendly terms. He asked me if I would
not go along with him and take a
two week's vacation trip, but as I wanted
to be here for the wedding of a relative I
told him to go by himself. Before this I
was always in the habit of accompanyiug
him on his trips. He was to go to .New
York ou business and was to be awav four
days, but before he went I agreed with him
that he ought to take two weeks, and he
finally concluded to do so, and so it was ar
ranged. "Had he much money? Yes, quite a sum.
I counted it for him on the table, and it
amounted to $125. I said it was quite a sum
to take away for two weeks, but he said a
man never knew what expense he would
incur in traveling. He went away in the
best of spirits. I did not see him off, but
one 'of his friends from the store went with
him to the Union depot. I understood he
booked to New York. I have not'seen or
heard from him since that time up to last
"You had no reason to suppose that Mr.
Otterson was otherwise than sound in
"That has been troubling me for some
time. Mr. Otterson suffered greatly from
dyspepsia; in fact, he was a chronic dys
peptic, ana it occurred to me the other day
to ask the doctor who attended him whether
the disease ever affected the brain, and he
said that it sometimes did very seriously.
Anyway, my husband seemed to me to be
in the best of health when he departed.
During the two weeks I knew he would be
away I was rather worried that he did not
write to me, but did not attach any import
ance to it, as I was aware he had adistate
K "
to letter writing. But when that time had
elapsed and no word came, Mr. Swindell
sent a telegram to the Gilsey House, where
Mr. Otterson had said he would
stay, and the first indication that
we received of anything being wrong
was from the reply, whieh said
that my husband had not registered there.
As to what has happened him since is a
matter of conjecture. I thought be might
have been killed for his diamonds and
money and thrown into a sewer like Dr.
Cronin, and it was not till abont two weeks
ago that I heard something which partially
set my mind at rest This was Irorn a young
woman who wrote me a threatening letter,
and whom I asked to call on me to explain.
She did so, and told me that I need have no
fear about my husband, that he was alive,
but did not want to return again to Alle
gheny." "I suppose yonr husband was a thor
oughly domesticated man?"
"Yes. He always returned home before
11:30, and I never knew him to be absent
one night from the house. I had heard,
though, that during my absence on a visit
at Johnstown, this young woman would
mace him call for her to go to the theater,
and would make him bring her out buggy
riding. She was absent from the city when
my husband left, but returned here five
days after he had left for New York."
"With regard to the report that a middle
aged woman had accompanied Mr. Otterson
on his vacation, Mrs. Otterson said that she
had beard from a gentleman friend of hers
something concerning a woman answering
the description given, and had been prom
ised more information in a day or so. Mean
while she had been told not to say anything
about what had been told her.
Later Mr. Swindell allowed Otterson's
letter to him to be seen, and following is a
verbatim copy.
Snp 15-189
Harry I think is nonthing more, tbhan
wrigbt to let you know uiv intentions so yon
may know what to do with the store I am out
of it, and dont want to know any more abont
it or anyone. I am away and will stay away
forever. I wish you would show this letter to
yonr mouther and fauther so that they will
know. Gus.
The writing is very plain and legible, but
the spelling, as will be seen, is verv bad.
The peculiarity in connection with it all is
that he misspells some verv simple and
easy words, while others, that are often
used as "catch words" are spelled correctly.
Mr. Swindell wasaskedif Mr. Otterson was
so illiterate as his letter seemed to signify.
and he said he was. He was positive Otter
son had written the letter.and said he wonld
swear to his writing. The paper was a sin
gle sheet of note size, written on one side in
what seemed to be a "cramped-' style. The
paper was oily and thin and not of common
manufacture. There was nothing about it
to indicate where it had been written. The
envelope containing it had a United States
2-cent stamp on it which had been
canceled in Pittsburg. The paper
used in making the envelope was
not tbe same as the paper on which the
letter was written, but the address was evi
dently written by the same hand.
Mr. Swindell is of the opinion that Mr.
Otterson wrote the letter and backed the en
velope, and that it was sent here inclosed in
another, then stamped and mailed. He is
not anxious that Mr. Otterson return to the
city now, that this letter gives assurance of
his physical well being. He only desires
that the business of the firm will not be
affected by his mysterions partner.
They Soy They Will Slake a Good Show
ing an Armstrong Say.
IiOcal Union No. 10, of painters and dec
orators, will hold a meeting to-morrow
evening to decide to turn out on Armstrong
Day. The members of tbe union deny that
tbey are dissatisfied and say that they will
vote almost unanimously to turn out L.
A. 1397, Knights of Labor, painters, will
also turn out for sure and there is a strong
probability that the other unions will do
Secretiry Martin has received answers
from 14 lodges of the Amalgamated Associa
tion Iron and Steel "Workers to the effect
that they will turn out strong. The
other lodges have not yet met to vote upon
tbe matter.
Movement! of Pltmbnrerrs and Others of
Wide Acqun.lntn.ncc
B. L. Brady was released from the
Riverside Penitentiary on a pardon from Gov
ernor Beaver yesterday. Brady was convicted
on a charge of false pretense in the Venanco
County Court, and sentenced to 15 months' im-
Erionment. He had served 'eight months of
is term.
President "Weihe, of the Amalgamated
Association of Iron and Steel 'Wbrkcrs.has left
for a ten days' trip to the West. He will co to
Bcllaire to try to settle the trouble at the Bell
aire Steel Works, where the members of tbo
Association struct against three non-union
It was reported around labor headquar
ters last evening that Mr. Wright, of the
Knights of Labor General Executive Board,
would arrive in the city to-day to investigate
the musical muddle between tbe Great West
era Band and the Knights of Labor.
Charles Fayes, a distinguished Trench
scholar, Mho lives at 1818 Carson street, is en
gaged In the workof teaching his own language
and some others to private students. He comes
to Pittsburg well equipped, having been a
French barrister and trai eler.
Building permits uere issued yesterday
to Joseph Hufnagle for a $12,000 store building
of four stories, on Butler street between Forty-fifth
and Forty-sixth streets, and to Dr. C.
bpohr, for a two-storv brick dwelling on
Hiland avenue, to cost 7,000.
The Japanese Embassy passed through
the city yesterday en route for Washington.
The party consisted of 0 people, including
servants. Some of the legation strolled ua
and down the Union depot for the 15 minutes
they remained here.
Charles Lewis was elected Colonel of
the First Regiment of belectKnichts at a meet
ing last night. He succeeds Colonel John
Bowand, who was made Grand Commander
some time ago.
The mother of John J. Davis, the As
sistant City Controller, is lying dangerously ill
with an affection of tbe heart at her home, on
tbe Southsidc. Tbe lady is 70 yean old.
Ensign Joseph H. Rohrbacher, a son of
Paul Rohrbacher, of SewicMey, will accom
pany Dr. Holland on his scientific expedition
George J. Fisher, a well-known citizen
of the Third ward of Allegheny, celebrated his
fiftieth birthday last night at his home, 71 Sec
ond street
C. Barchfeld, of Cedar avenue, Alle
gheny, President of the German Fire Insur.
ance Company, is gone to New York for a few
Charles E. Clark, Robert D. Totten,
Walters. Ash worth and Frank K. JlcCance
were to-day admitted to the Allegheny County
Bar. .
Secretary James Petrie, of the Steam
boat Officers' Association, has Just returned
from a short visit with friends In Beaver county.
John McLain, of Claysville, Pa., tran
scribing clerk in the Pennsylvania Legislature,
is stopping at the Seventh Avenne Hotel.
L Henry Smytbe and Miss Alice Cary
Smythe while making a "grand tour," are so
journing by the way at the Anderson.
G. B. Wilkenson. of Port Henrv, N.Y.,
extensively connected with the iron industry,
is registered at the JDuquesne.
Mrs. Henry Leurins, of Unioutown, nee
Miss Hetty Lowenthal, of this city, Is visiting
her parents, on Locust street
-John DeWitt, of New York, the well-
known musician and song writer and composer,
is a guest at the Duquesne.
George Fairbanks, of the great scale
manufacturing firm of the name in Chicago, is
staying at the Duqucsne.
Mr. ahd Mrs. V. A. L Dixon, of Phila
delphia, are guests at tbe Dnqnesne.
G. T. Bradon, of Oil City, is staying at
the Monongahela.
0. H. Link, of Philadelphia, is staying
at the Anderson. '
The Republican League Clubs Enjoy
a Boat Ride on the River.
Harmony and Fun Tied With Buttonholing
as the Features.
The flame of General Hastings' ambition
was vigorously fanned yesterday on board
of the Mayflower, and the cool breezes of
the Monongahela blew gently upon the
smoking domes of thought appertaining to
about all the political leaders of Allegheny
county. There are scores of Major E. A.
Montooth's friends in this county and the
State who will be much interested to learn
that General Hastings considers his Guber
natorial boom so far advanced that it is
time to fish for the soldier vote an element
in next year's campaign already pre-empted
by the gallant Alleghenian. In brief, Ad
jutant General Hastings has promised to be
present in Pittsburg on Grand Army Day,
the formal arrangement having been quietly
made under cover of the Mayflower's steam
whistle yesterday by General Hastings and
General Guthrie. Although this was the
most important outcome of the excursion,
there were scores of minor political happen
ings The excursion of yesterday was the in
spiration ot the Tariff Club as an auxiliary
to tbe State League of Clubs convention,
and was a glittering success in every sense
of the word. The day was perfect, the May
flower was loaded with good cheer, which
was open-bandedly dispensed, the Grand
Army Band's music bade dull care begone,
and the hosts were polite, jovial and at
tentive to all wants. The stage of water
precluded an extended trip, and, as a matter
of fact, very little attention was bestowed
upon nature's panoramic beauty, for the air
was redolent with politics. It is a remark
able commentary upon the gathering of up
ward of a thousand men bent upon enjoy
ment that there was not an angry word
spoken on board the boat There was
plenty of badinage and good-humored rail
lery, spiced with animated expressions of
opinion, but nothing marred the pleasure of
the occasion. On the lower deck, where
the refreshments were at the call of every
body, fun reigned supreme.
several gentlemen with tough paims
"patted" untiringly, while an indefatigable
whistler evolved "Old Zip Coon," both as
an incentive to agile young Republicans,
who cut pigeon-wings and threaded the
mazy in the most approved styles. It was
merriment, innocent and unrestrained, and
kept the youngsters busy, while their
seniors did business upon the hurricane
decks. It was especially noticeable that the
brand of harmony put up for the last few
days bv the Allegheny county politicians
was still dominant, and that the chaste and
beautiful image of white-winged peace in
closed all present beneath her brooded
But the politicians afloat were by no
means innocents abroad. The gang plank
of the Mayflower is seldom crossed by so
manv feet walkiuc in such diverse political
paths. The Grand Army Band was qnite
right in playing "The Campbells are Com
ing" as the politicians swarmed over the
levee, but to carry the simile further, one
would have to include the MacGregors,
MacDonalds, and all the rest of the clans.
Among those who were present were: -Edwin
8. Stuart H. A. Paul, William Flinn,
General D. H. Hastings, S. D. Warmcastle, H.
H. Byram, Colonel Passmore, James Walker,
John N. Necb, General Kinzer, Walter Os
borne. A. C. Robertson, Colonel John T. Glenn,
A, J. Logan, W. D.Porter, M. J.-Callaghan, B.
D Layton. John A. Heed. H. P. Ford. J. O.
Horne. Chill W. Hazzard. Philip Flinn, James
V. Preston, R, H. Lindsay, P. J. Koehn
lcln. Captain W. & V right, , Charles
Jahn, H. I. Gnurley. Arthur Bates, Dr.
Barchfeld. Dr. Orr. William German, Dr. C.
G. Foster. Lemuel Googins, R. J. Davis, J. H.
Chilton, Cicero Smith, Demosthenes A.
Jones, Sam McCord, William licClearv,
Dave Collingwood, George N. McCain, J, E,
Bell, Bob Herbert, Ernest Heinrichs, J. K.
Aiken, J. D. Littell, Gen. A. L. Pearson, Gen
eral Guthrie, Sheriff Gray, Coroner McDowell,
and hosts of others.
Congressman John Dalzeli was not pres
ent H. D. W. English was to have been
there, but went to Greensburg yesterday to
tender 510,000 life insurance upon the late
Congressman Welty McCullough's life to
his widow. Major E. A. Montooth was
very earnestly invited to be present, but
had important business elsewhere. Senator
George W. Delamater was also pressed to
remain, but lound it impossible to prolong
his stay in Pittsbarg. James S. McKean
was unable to arrange bis business so as to
enable him to accompany tbe exenrsion.
Treasurer William Thornton, of the State
League ot clubs, could not remain in Pitts
burg on account of Eastern business. Bill
Leeds heard about Senator Quay's visit to
Philadelphia and concluded not to tarry
with the excursionists. But the band
played vigorously, although putative lead
ers were absent
The boat swung out into midstream with
Captain Lew Clark on deck, and a merry
hodge-podge of music flowing forth. Gen
eral Hastings and William Flinn chatted
about the arbitration or Pittsburg con
tractors' claims against the Flood Commis
sion, and agreed that it was time tbe ac
counts were fixed up. Mr. Flinn congrat
ulated General Hastings upon the progress
ol affairs at Johnstown, "and General
Beaver's name did not awake laudatory
John Keeb sat down ou a bench directly
under the big steam whistle. The pilot
turned the whistle loose and a gallon or so
of water, which had been lurking in the
whistle, was dumped with remarkable ac
curacy upon Mr. Nceb's Adonis-like form.
Then the boys surrounded John and tried to
get him to go up to the captain and pay a
quarter fot the bath. The boat glided down
stream and tbe boys began to grow sociable.
Nothing much was said or done until tbe
Davis Island dam was reached and in
spected, the Ha.) flower running into the
lock to give everybody a chance to sec the
biggest temporary dam in the world. By the
time the boat was headed up stream the
fires of enthusiasm had been kindled under
the political pot and the sizzling began.
By some mysterious agency everybody
commenced to tend toward General Has
tings, and tbe digits of his good right hand
began to work in the old-fashioned pump
handle style. Tbe General has a stalwart
grip, but "everybody wrung his hand with
fen or, and it was slightly swelled before he
got home.
Coupled with the handshake came a per
fect multitude of proffers of support, offers
to run as delegates for him, for an office for
winch he still refuses to avow himself a can
didate. Whole wards and cities, and coun
ties were pledged in the most reckless man
ner to the hero of Johnstown. If the prodi
gal promises made are redeemable at par,
the Hastings boom does not lack for help.
The Adjutant General smilingly received
all these protestations, but not for ones did
he vary his response of "You're very kind.
I am much obliged to you." A Philadel
phia man, bubbling ovor with enthusiasm,
guaranteed the solid delegation from tbe
Quaker City, and handsome President
Stuart made no bones about expressing his
opinion that Hastings was a very strong
The word-was passed around and the Mon
tooth men began to hustle. They circulated
all aronnd the boat and stood up some of
theboys who had been issuing promissory
political notes, payable upon maturity to
D. H. Hastings. And, although the per
sonal inspiration of the Allegheny countian
was absent, his friends cot in some telling
blows among the members - of the league
clubs. It was a unique situation, but it
must be confessed that the Montooth inter
est did not suffer. Then the boys got to bet
ting wine oh the Gubernatorial situation,
when, lol and behold, some Delamater men
bobbed up as takers of bets, and showed the
possession ot thecourageof tbeir convictions.
There was a lull during the consumption
of the lunch, which consisted of potato and
chicken salad, roll sandwiches, cheese and
coffee, served a la democratique in thin
wooden plates for the solids, and tin cups
for the liauid.
Then a howl of delight filled the ambient
air as Demosthenes Jones threw himself
into the oratorical arena and made a corking
speech, in which he sounded Major Mon
tooth's praises in bis own inimitable style,
evoking roars of applause as he formulated
involved sentences in quick succession.
Then Broadax Smith followed his forensic
brother in a speech upon Republican prin
ciples in general and his original interpre
tation thereof in particular.
There were no more speeches until Gen
eral Hastings happened to stray downstairs.
He was recognized and yells of "speech!
speech!" rent the atmosphere. The General
hud to respond. He said: "I wish my voice
was big enough to reach you all and express
my gratification at this meeting. I have
simply to thank you for this handsome
Captain Clark had promised to get the
excursionists back to Pittsburg by 7 o'clock
in order to give the Eastern people time to
pack up and board the 8 o'clock train. To
do this it became necessary to forego the
visit to Braddock, and at 6.45 o'clock the
Mayflower drew up at tbe wharf and dis
charged its tired but contented load.
Tnle of a Cow That Perniciously Pervades
Duqucsne Heights.
Samuel F. O'Brien, the agent of the
Humane Society, has been for many weeks
haunted by a cow. Mr. O'Brien lives in
that elevated rural region called Duquesne
Heights. The cow also lives there, and per
vades the neighborhood. She is the prop
erty of James Florence, a salesman. The
cow is said to be exceedingly vicious, and
has tossed several people on her horns. She
is allowed to run at large, and keeps the
women and children of Duquesne Heights
terrorized. About two months ago she
severely injured an old lady named Roucb.
bhe was conhned to her bed for several
weeks. Since then the animal tossed alittle
girl, but did not severely hurt her.
One day last week the cow walked into
Mr. O'Brien's cellar. The house stands
high, and the cellar floor is on a level with
the yard. The cellar door was left open and
her cowship strolled in. It was her hungry
day. She ate 13 loaves of bread which Mrs.
O'Brien had just baked and laid out on a
cooling board. Not satisfied with that, she
ate nearly half a bushel of potatoes which
were in a basket This was too much, and
Mr. O'Brien decided to appeal to the law.
He searched the statute book several days
in search of a law which would make short
work of a vicious cow. He could not find
snch a statute as he thought ought to be in
the book, but, not to be balked by the over-
signt oi tne gentlemen wno meet at nams
burg, he determined to abate the cow as a
public nuisance. He went before Alderman
McMasters, oi the Second ward, and filed
an information against James Florence for
the maintenance of a nuisance. Tbe in
formation is a study in black aud white. It
reads as follows:
"The defendant aforesaid, with force and
arms, near unto the common highway and
near the public streets unlawfully and
knowingly did keep and still doth keep
a certain cow ot a ferocious, fnrious
and vicious nature, and the said cow on
the day and year aforesaid, beptember'231 and
on the said other days and times, at tbe county
aforesaid, near unto a common highway ana in
and near the public streets, then and there un
lawfully and Knowingly did permit and suffer,
and still doth permit and suffer to go at large,
by reason whereof tbe good people ot this Com
monwealth and tbe citizens of the County of
Allegheny, on the day and year aforesaid and
on the said other days and times, at the connty
aforesaid, could not nor can thev now go. re
turn, pass and labor in and through the said
common highways and public streets without
great danger and hazard of being torn, maimed,
gored aud injured by the said cow and losing'
wicii lives, w iue ieab uaiuajie, lerror anu
common nuisance of all the people and citizens
aforesaid in. by and through tbe said common
bighnayand public streets then going and re
turning, passing, repassing and laboring, to the
evil example, eta, and against the peace and
dignity of 'the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania." A constable notified Mr. Florence of the
trouble into which his cow had plunged
him, and he appeared before Alderman
McMasters and gave bail for his appearance
when wanted. The time for the hearing was
not fixed, because Mr. O'Brien was not
present That gentleman was sitting on the
high porch of his Duquesne Heights home,
softly and sweetly humming:
"This is the cow with the crumpled horn,
That entered my cellar one summer morn,
And left me of grub almost totally shorn."
Names of Those Who Will Entertain
Sooth American Visitors.
To-morrow afternoon a meeting will be
held at the Chamber of Commerce to make
arrangements for entertaining the foreign
delegates to the International American
Congress, who will visit Pittsburg in No
vember. The matter has been placed in
charge of the Chamber of Commerce, and
the following committee has been named to
attend to the entertainment:
William E. Schmertz, chairman; George A.
Kelly, John Bindley, John HRicketson, James
B. Pcott, John F. Dravo, Reuben Miller, Calvin
Wells, George H. Anderson. James Allison,
Hon. John Dalzeli. Hon. Thomas M. Bayne
Major William McCallin, Hon. R. T. Pearson'
Miyorof Allegheny: H. p. Ford, President of
Select Council; George L. Hallidav, President
of Common Council; James H. Lindsay, Presi
dent of Select Council, Allegheny; James
Hunter, President of Common Council, Alle
gheny; John Harper, George A. Bcrrv, A.
Groetzingcr, C. ileyran. M. W. Watson, W. W.
Young. Hon. B. F. Jones, H. W. Oliver, Jr.
John W. Chalfant, W. D. Nord, General C. L.
Fitzhugh, Charles W. Hubbard, A. E. W.
Painter, Max K. Moorbead, A. F. Keating, A.
M. Byers, Alex. Bradley, R. Mnnro, Joshua
Rhode. Alex. Nimick. William Mcfcnnwnv
n.... .. Ttr ii.4. nAn.ntn ir.ifi.. t- -. '
Joseph D. Weeks, Addison LGriffln, W.G.Park!
Joseph Walton, W. P. DeArmit, H. C. Frick!
Addison Lysle. .Captain John S. Wood. W. W
O'Neil, Colonel Ji M. Bcboonmaker, Samuel
Brown. D. (J. Ripley, Thomas Wichtman. T. B.
Atterbury. J. B. Ford, H. Sellers McKee. Jesse
H. Lippincotr, William Loeffler, James A.
Chambers, William Rea, James Hemphill
Charles Lockhart, J. J, Vandergrift, L. o'
Herhst Simeon Beymer. J. E. Schwartz, V
W. Lawrence, H. K. Porter, Wilson Miller
George Westinghonse. Jr., S. S. Marvin, Will
lam Weihe, James Campbell, Robert Pitcairn
J. N. McCollongh, J. T. Patton, J. Morton
Hall, D. McCargo. E. B. Taylor. B. h. Me
Henry, Thomas E Watt.iE. M. O'Neill, S. P
Harbison, N. P. Heed, Albert J. Barr, H. H.
Byram, Jonn N. Neob, Charles T. Nevin, W.
A. Magee, John M. Kelly.Thomas J. Keenan"
George Dilworth. A. M. Marshall, C. B. Batch!
elor, J. D. Bernd, Peter Dick, E. T. Dravo, M
Atwood, John H. Dalzeli.
These gentlemen will meet at 2:30 to-morrow
McCInre & Co. Purchase 134 More Ovens
nt Iiemont Motion.
A special telegram from Scottdale yester
day stated that the McClure Coke Company
had purchased the Lemont works of Eobert
Hogsett. The plant consists of 131 ovens
and about 175 acres of coal. This gives the
McClure Company 1,658 ovens and 2,200
acres of coal territory.
Gas Shortage Feared.
It is reported that Lindsay & McCutch
eon, of Allegheny, fear a shortage of nat
ural gas this winter, and are commencing
to stack up muck iron with the hope of get
ting at least enough gas to work steadilv in
tbe finishing department
Only Ono Non-Union.
The committee of the striking horseshoers
made another tour ot the supposed non-union
shops and found them to be all right, with'
the exception of one on Smallman street.
Use Thea Nectar Tea.
Has Set Some People Looking For
ward, Hence the Nationalists.
An .Effort Being Hade to Organize a Party
Based on This Creed.
There is a movement on foot in this city
that is operating so quietly that few people
have noticed it and yet it Is doing a vast
amount of leavening. It is no less than the
preliminary work, to the formation of a
Nationalist Club on the idea laid down in
Edward Bellanfy's book "Looking Back
ward." Propagandists are working up the
scheme all over the country, and some
people may be astonished to waEe up some
morning and find socialism permeating
nearly the whole nation.
There are about 14 people on Mt Wash
ington who arc quietly paving the way to
organization, and prominent among them is
a business man, Mr. C. H. Bcacb. The
movement is more radical than socialism,
though it has nothing of the red flag about
it The movers call themselves National
ists, because they appeal to all, and the
movement is not one of class like socialism,
as commonly understood in this country.
As Sylvester Baxter says In his reply to
another of its adherents, Dr. Edward
Everett Hale, who finds faultwiththename:
"It was not until an arrangement of the
industrial and social system on a higher
ethical basis, and for the more efficient pro
duction of wealtb, was recognized as the in
terest, not of one class, but equally of all
classes, of rich and poor, cultured and
ignorant, old and young, weak and strong,
men and women, that there was any pros
pect that it would be achieved.
The National party arose to carry it out
by political methods. It probably took that
name because its aim was to nationalize the
functions of production and distribution.
Indeed, it could not well have bad any
other name, for its purpose was to realize
the idea of the nation with a grandeur and
completeness never before conceived, not
as an association of men for cer
tain political functions affecting their
happiness only remotely and super
ficially, but as a family, a vital
union, a common life, a mighty heaven
touching tree, whose leaves are its people,
led from its veins and feeding it in return.
The most patriotic of all possible parties, it
sought to justify patriotism and raise it
from an instinct to a rational devotion, by
making thenativeland truly a Fatherland
a father who kept the people alive and was
not merely an idol for whom they were ex
pected to die."
Nationalists hold that the designations of
the two prominent existing parties are
neither of them distinctly characteristic and
might be borne with equal apnropriateness
by one or the other. Collectiveness is too
obstinate, and socialism, whether justly or
unjustly, is too suggestive in its associa
tions, etc. While it is not at all probable
that the Nationalists will put a ticket in the
field in 1892, they expectto help mold public
opinion. Mr. Beach states that it may be
some generations hence ere the party at
tempt radical rearrangement yet that work
has been prosecuted for some time. The idea
is to work by
to not only politics, but to all social, politi
cal and religious relations. This is to be
done by organization and discussion. Its
teachings being a part of those of Christ,
church organizations are precluded from
opposing, say the propogandists. The idea
is that if the social power of money can he
destroyed by a reorganization of human
economy, the temptation to hug lucre will
e gone. J.1 eveyrone had au tne money ne
ceded, and couldn tuse any more n ne ana
it, he wouldn't have any surplus Iving
around him to tempt him. He wouldn't be
bothered wilh it, aud wopldvreject it just as
the ordinary palate would reject whisky
were it not for its stimulating effect Any
one can make a more palatable and a
cheaper drink for the quenching of thirst,
and if there were no drunk in alcoholic com
pounds they would not be used.
Nationalist organizations have been
formed in CaraDridge, Boston, Lynn, Al
bany, New York City, Philadelphia, Ports
mouth, N. H.; Hartford, Conn.; Washing
ton, D. C; Chicago, Baltimore, Muskegon,
Mich.; Minneapolis, Kansas City, Chetnpa,
Tacoma, Oakland, Cal.; Independence, Mo..'
and in many other places, and in some they
have begun practical work in the field of
municipal politics. In Washington, for
instance, a Nationalist club will petition
Congress to place the lighting of the city
in the hands of the District Commissioners,
with a view to have the city furnish gas at
50 cents per thousand feet, instead of pay
ing the Washington Gas Light Company, a
private corporation, $1 25 per thousand.
He Gives a Stntcment of the Reported
Shortaee of S300.
W. T. Lewis, ex-Master Workman of N.
D. A. 135, Knights of Labor, coal miners,
has issued a circular in reply to the charges
made by Secretary and Treasurer Eobert
Watchorn that the former was short 5300 in
his accounts. The charges were made at the
recent convention held at Wilkesbarre and
excited considerable comment in labor cir
cles. In the circular Mr. Lewis says:
"Life is too short to fool away dignifying
Robert Watchorn by paying at entlon to bis
malicious spleen; bat when be and bis co
slanderers undertake to nse my name in con
nection with money matters tbey will find me
at home. Had ho asked any member of the
executive board of 135 he would have found
out all abont tho 300. Every honest man can
plainly seenbrougb these insinuations. For
the benefit of all I send a full report of all
moneys handled for Graph Creek, together
with the receipts and final account, as ren
dered to me by B. P. Taylor, of L A. 2731"
He then gives a detailed statement of the
transaction in which he is supposed to have
rendered no account of the money.
Rapid Work.
Booth & Flinn's laborers in the East End
succeeded in laying 120 feet of piping from
tbe railroad as far as Frankstown avenue
yesterday. During last night they laid
down V feet across tKe avenue and erected
a bridge for traffic They expect to finish
the work altogether by Saturday afternoon.
A Powerful fighter. '
Joseph Raymond attacked McLaughlin,
an attache of the St Charles, in the hotel
yesterday, and almost tore the clothing
from bis body. Detectives Sol Coulson and
Jjemmel hadf a tough wrestle before they
landed Raymond. No reason was given for
tbe onslaught
To Examine Toifchers.
About 15 school teachers will be examined
this morning at the Allegheny High School
by Superintendent Morrow and Prof. Dodds
for the vacant positions in the corps of
teachers decided on by tbe Board oi School
Control. The teachers must be proficient in
mathematics, rhetoric, etc.
Hit With a Hatchet.
A family row occurred in the house of
Mrs. Margaret Garrison, on Enterprise
street, last night. It was stated that Mrs.
Garrison strnck her husband over the head
with a hatchet, inflicting a severe scalp
Visit our cloak room for the newest
styles in jackets and long wraps.
The most efficacious stimulant to excite
the appetite is Angostura Bitters.
The United Gloia Company Now Owns 996
Pots Only Two Firms In tbe New Local
The window glass workers of this city are
specnlating on the result of the visit of
President Campbell to the East to try to
effect a settlement of the wage dispute there
and get the different factories under way.
The most trouble is expected from tbe
United Glass Company, whose office is at
Syracuse, N. Y., and is in the Northern
district This company is the syndicate
which owns all the New York window
houses, and is branching out all over the
At present the Unitef" Company owns 296
pots, which is claimed to be about 20 per
cent of the trade. One hundred and six of
these pots are in the West, and the company
is gobbling others. The factories they now
control in the West have not started np yet,
and probably will not begin operations until
the wage scale is signed in the Eastern and
Northern districts. The scale in the East is
always 5 per cent lower than it is in Pitts
burg and west of this city. Another confer
ence will be held in Philadelphia to-morrow
to attempt to decide on the scale.
Thomas D. Catlin, of Ottawa, HI., and
President of tha Western Window Glass
Manufacturers' Beneficial Association, says
that all the Illinois factories have been sold
to the United Company,
Secretary Loeffler, of the association,
when asked yesterday if the organization
had been disrupted, said:
For tbe past year or more we have had an
association in name only. It disorganized at
that time because it was nnable to control the
price lists. When every man commenced sell
ing at bis own figures, we concluded to drop the
thing, and since then all tbe association has
done is to try to bandle the wage difficulty. If
it was necessary to call a meeting for anything
the association shonld take cognizance of, we
cqnld do it without any trouble.
The real cause of the late trouble in the
association was fully explained in The
Dispatch one week ago yesterday. It is
on account of the action of the three mem
bers of the Wage Committee who signed the
scale without first getting the consent of the
other three Western members. The facto
ries in the West have not yet been started
at the advanced Pittsburg' price. It was
also stated at the time that the outcome of
the matter would be a disruption of the as
sociation. A number of prominent manufacturers
are opposed to the premature local combi
nation. The talk was started by the receipt
of circulars sent out by the United Glass
Company who wanted to purchase several'
Pittsburg concerns. No dicker was made,
and since then, two firms have tried to in
terest the others enough to form a combina
tion. Several of them when spoken to yes
terday stated that' Abel, Smith & Co. and
O'Leary Bros, are the only firms who are
talking np the scheme.
A Monopoly of Admiration at tbe Exposition
Last Night.
Maid and matron, and even the men gath
ered by thousands, last night, aronnd Boggs
& Buhl's case, and showered praise and ad
miration upon the disrjlay that had been-
fixed up during the day. A complete change
in tbe elegant case, so well adapted for its
purpose. In it there is now a graceful and
'most life-like figure, costumed in the most
elegant manner as a bride. A wide panel
in front of very high novelty silk, a bodice
and train of very rich cream pean d'soie,
topped off with elegant point lace neckdress
and a beautiful veil, make up a costume
that any bride would be proud of, and one
that prospective brides should by all means
see. Strange as it may seem to beholders
not a thread nor a button has been used,
neither have the goods been cut It is sim
ply a piece of exquisite draping. The goods
are all taken from B. & B.'s silk depart
ment The display does credit to the firm
as well as to the Exposition.
To those who wish to enjoy a cup of
good tea we would ask them to give Thea
Nectar tea a trial. A pure Chinese tea put
up in 1 lbv boxes; we are now giving a
special present with it in-order to have.lt
introduced inevery family; all'varieties of
teas, coffees and the celebrated A. & P.
baking powder at the Gt. Atlantic and
Pacific Tea Co.
34 Fifth ave., Pittsburg.
1703 Carson st, Pittsburg.
4314 Butler st, Pittsburg.
6127 Penn ave., Pittsburg.
126 Federal st. Allegheny.
128 Fifth ave., McKeesport
Via PIttibarg and Lake Erie R. R.
Beaver Fair, September 24, 25, 26 and 27.
Tickets good to return until the 28th, in
clusive. Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in
the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of
bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as
a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of
all family flours.
Death to the Oyster.
The oyster season has come and with it a
big demand forIarvin's famous shell and
hand-made oyster crackers. There is no
danger of the supply running out, however.
Yon can get all yon want from your grocer.
Remnants Half Price.
Eemnants half price. Friday and Satur
day, 27 and 28, all remnants of dress goods
at half price. Enable & Shusteb,
35 Fifth ave.
This MornloB
We will offer 3,000 men's fine overcoats at
?10, worth every cent of $20.
P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House.
Fob sale Catholio.books and religious
articles. John J. Murphy having resumed
business at his old stand,' 532 Grant street,
is offering great bargains in above goods.
Only One Opinion.
Exposition visitors partaking of refresh
ments here in the city nave only one opinion
of Frauenheim & Yilsack's Pittsburg beer,
viz, it is unexcelled for flavor and purity.
Half Price. Half Price.
Remnants of dress goods half price, half
price. Come with the crowds. All dress
goods remnants half price, half price.
Knable & Shtjsteb, 35 Fifth ave.
This morning we will only charge $2 60
for those children's all-wool suits, former
price $5. P. C. C. C,
Opp. new Court House.
Extra good values in black silks at 65c,
75c, 85c aad 95c a yard.
Geo. H. 3ennett & Bko 135 First
avenue, second door below Wood street, for
pure rye whiskies.
Shobt-hand and typewriting taught at
evening sessions of Duff's College, 49 Fifth
are. tts
This Morning
We will sell men's fine cassimere suits at
?10; worth 518 and 20. Special sale to-day,
P. O. C. C, cor. Grant aud Diamond sts.,
opp, the new Court House.
Use Thea Kectar Tea.
Blankets, blankets, from $1 50 to $40
per pair, all sizes and colors.
ttssu Hugus & Hack-
Cabinet photos, 51 per dor. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and. 12 Sixth st. ttsu '
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. is
the place to get your teas, coffees and bak
ing powder. Beautiful presents. lbs
Hen's fine neckwear at James H. Aiken
&Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.
Tha Scream of a Lady Member Caue a
Panic la the Audience.
There was an episode at the Bijou Theater
last evening. During the evening, and
while the curtain' was down between acts,
the shrill screams oi woman, coming from
behind tha stage, startled the audience.
The screams were continued and agonizing.
Many persons in tbe audience thought that
fire had burst forth on the stage. Men and
women jnmped np, and a number of women
rushed for the doors. It was with difficulty
that order could be restored, and the audi
ence assured that there was no fire. Specu
lation was great among tbe auditors as to
the cause of the screaming, and was aug
mented by the failure of one of the ladies of
the company to appear during the remainder
of the play.
The cause of the disturbance was a fight
between two of the members of the company..
a or some time mere nas oeen a outer leel
ing between Frank David, the leading
gentleman ef the U. S. Mail Company, and
the property man. This feeling, other
merdbers of the company say, was the result
entirely of a misunderstanding. Last even
ing Mr. David was feeling pugnacious.
He and the property man became
involved in a word quarrel 'in the
flies, when Mr. David attacked
and struck his enemy. Only two or three
blows were exchanged in a lively manner,
when Kirtland Calhoun, the stage manager,
interfered. He 'considered it to be his duty
to preserve order on the stage. He rushed
between the combatants and seized Mr.
David's hands. The property man was
getting the worst ofthe fight Mf.XJalhoua
is a little man, but he held Mr. David se
.curely. The leading man resisted the stage
manager's interference most emphatically.
ana tne two men struggled together. Mr.
David was finally thrown UDon his back on
the floor, and other members ofthe company
rusuing in, tne ngut was stopped.
One of the lady members of the company,
who is of nervous temperament, went into
hysterics and screamed violently. It was
hershrieh which alarmed the audience.
She was so overcome by the affair that she
did not recover sufficiently to appear again.
She was conveyed to her room in the Al
bemarle Hotel. For ten minutes at least
she conld not even recognize her husband.
Manager Gulick was much disturbed by
the unfortunate occurrence. He immedi
ately went back to the stage and demanded
full explanations of the affair. The parties
concerned expressed great regret for what
had taken place. It is more than likely
that apologies and peace making will be the
order to-day.
The Significant Plaint of 18-Yeai-Old Girl
Sent to Dlxmont.
A. handsome young girl named Mamie
Jackson, 16 years of age, and a resident of
2618 Penn avenue, was committed to Dix
moot yesterday by order of Court She had
been in jail three days by a commitment of
Alderman Porter. The girl is a prey to the
deepest melancholy, and stood at her cell
door muttering: "If he had only done what
he promised to-do, everything would hare
been all right." The tragedy of a life is ex
pressed ,in those few words.
j ;.. Thnht iv be Armmtrong.
A telegram'frnm'Bichniond, VaT, gives a
description of a man who killed himself in a
cemetery last Sunday, and Pittsburg friends
of W. J. Armstrohg;"who escaped from an
Eastern madhouse on tbe 10th instant, be
lieve that the suicide is Mr. Armstrong. A
reward of $500 was offered for Mr. Arm
strong's return to the asylum. Further
inquiry will be made.
505 and 507 MARKET STREET,
H- '
' '
Ten show rooms filled with tbe latest produc
tions of the Furniture and Upholstery Art
from the recognized manufacturing centers of
the world,
Novelttesof London production.
Novelties ot Paris production.
Novelties of Vienna production.
Our own Importation.
Novelties of American production, Including
those ot our own manufacture. "
Visitors to Hew York are cordially invited to
call and examine our stock and prices. Tho
central location of our Mtahltahment fadiola.
ing Eden Musee) makes it easy of access from
all parts ox t-eeity. se-106-TM U
mwm THE SM6E?
A Bather Sensational Episode Occurs
at the Bijou Theater.
mrs wmruiu..... !Setx '
Kuxuaxxju mp --,
" - " $?.
; lkjuds STOCK
Customers aB agree ffeac IMralaMtTl'-'J
.-- t
"iey get here in line Uress Goea .e.
ceed any they can find.
Not 8 prleea and ebsiMwe
fine all-wool
colors, asserteats the largest:
s - chwideBergesatT&cayart.f''!
e wide Serges at ft a y
( wMe Cheviot Serge ata "
- eh wide Cashmere Bergs at 96a. "
wide Serges, bread wafcC at lk
C t 9X 1 ..
6echwid Geergetta SmM)l 'if
ft yard,-grand value.
64-Iac- wide fine Bb
Serge at H 59 aad IS.
68-lne wido clot- fis
Serge, only SS a yard.
66-Inch wide Cheviot Serfe,
at IB 50 a yard.
A sifll finer EngBsh Casterne
at $8 50 a yard.
Inch wide at $1 yard. .
-inch wide, bard twisted aad tee,'? J
-ash wide, extra fine, eKjj ,-
weight, 60 a yard. "f.
46-lnch wide, heavy weight; at K JSfS
"-vM-iae- 'do, zae-tsm welt at
..t . r . - rr T..-
-.' W. ssj.sF
'W'lA iOf-A .
"...JSi ' --
New fancy weaves In plain ooier BaK--" V
lags, such as Granite Armnres, D4goN
nil Armnres, Valesca Cords. Narrow '
and Wide Wale Diagonals, all right
weights and elegant finish. T
The best Broadclotbs having wiT
and quality, ft a yard, tl a yard; ta
best at fS and 18 50 a yard. Oar ltee of t
colorings exceeds In variety all foraaetiJ
Combination Robe Patterns, all t-tj
latest Paris conceits, at 10 60 aad np to T
the finest shown.
StjIlshCTothAppUqM Dress Pttfl ,-'
at 17 60 each, In sew saades. -- 4tSl-l
y . -5SS-fc
Tha largest assortaeat of Amel
Plaids, double-widtb goods, at58'5
imported Plaids np to SB SO a jwdJSo
eluding moucho-ir designs aad o5r
latest novelties.
French All-wool Cashmeres sadHea-
rietta Cloths, Wtvlead aUeepeWSa '
la these fabrics, for quality aad lowaes 1
of price. - .,
The Jacket boom In our
Department b lee tha bargalaa '
is Jackets of medium and heavy welgat -j
' w
cloths, In newest shapes, are here la
stacks black aad colors. 4l
nm -n- :
An size Is Cloth Mantles and. Sheet
Wraps new goods coming la every day.
Pari novelties elegant LeBg Vraps
now arriving:
Thlsgreatestdlsplay of Ladles' Btj -
Cool aad Cold Weather Wraps of s
kinds is unequaled.
Additional salespeople to wait oa yet
in this department.
vJlIL s 1
Cert-ti 5H k
"i V H LN
- 8Qjkj9k7
,M i
3 fs?SsiiJIBkf
l z
S" '
? -.1
?' 'B
-Sf I
Sh-vMtt ?
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