Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 26, 1889, Image 1

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"ip'F y .
ys, 'g
K j on want Board, Rooms, Homes or
Help, advertise In THE DISPATCH.
Parehiwers can be found for everjlhln;
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH Is tho beat advertising
medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try It.
That Controls the Republican
Organization in the
Empire Stale.
Although tho Other Leaders Were
Allowed to Do tho Talking,
The Platform Makes Such a Declaration,
and Chnnncey Depew Echoes tbo Senti
ment In Ilia Addrcia A Ticket Nomi
nated Almost Wllhont Opposition Gov
ernor Hill Arraigned in Strong Terms
Massachusetts Republicans Pat Them
selves In Line lor the Coming Cam
paign Braekctt Placed In the Field for
Governor The Ohio Democracy.
The Republicans of New York met in
convention yesterday at Saratoga. Piatt
was in supreme command, and the utmost
harmonv prevailed. The platform declares
that the liquor traffic should be restricted,
and Chauncey Depew, the temporary chair
man, spoke to the same effect In the Mas
sachusetts convention J. Q. A. Bracked
was nominated for Governor, after a brief
Saratoga, September 25. The story of
to-day's Republican Convention is a story
of the masterly force and political ingenuity
of one man. It is an illustrative incident
in the career of a man -who has ascended to
power from the depths to which a crushing
fall brought him. The man is Thomas C.
Piatt, who, while holding no place in poli
tics or the Government, and while operating
simply from a merchant's office, has yet
managed to impress the Government of the
nation and control the politics of one party
in the greatest State in the Union.
Just a year ago Mr. Piatt was one of four
Republican leaders who divided the man
agement of the newly-created machine in
this State. Mr. Piatt is now the big head
of the party organization unopposed, if
not unquestioned. The party called this
convention, and the two leaders who had
not "profited by the party's fortunes, decided
to let Mr. Piatt run his own convention in
his own way, and take the full responsibility
for it
The proposed absence of the third and
fourth man of the quartet was published
broadcast The people discussed it, the
newspapers dwelt On, and the Republicans
became excited over it The consequence
was that public opinion reached out its
strong arms and literally dragged the ab
sentees to Saratoga.
Mr. Miller came trailing in, the last man
to get here. Mr. Depew was met with an
offer ol a conspicuous and congenial place
in the convention. Mr. Miller was told he
could have practically every place on the
ticket about to be nominated. But Mr. Mil
ler would not let his henchmen figure on the
Piatt ticket.
As this engineering took until last night,
the slate fixed upon as the ticket to be nom
inated by the convention was not publicly
known until early this morning. But every
thing that was wanted had been accom
plished. The big four were together. The
harmful rumor that the party was in
was silenced sufficiently to give the Repub
lican editors and leaders a basis for denial,
and more than all this, Thomas Cassar
Piatt was not left to run the convention
alone. The only public part he took in it,
by the way, was to introduce a resolution in
favor of holding a World's Pair in New
To-day's convention consisted of 777 dele
gates. The increase of representation will
be 84, of which Kings county and New York
each gain 15 delegates. In the other counties
of the State the increase is small in each
case, some counties making no gains, but
none losing a delegate. There are, however,
gains in Oneida aid Onondaga counties,
owing to the increased Republican vote in
1888 over the Republican vote in 1884.
The convention was called to order by
Chairman Knapp, of the State Committee,
and prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Mc
Kean. After prayer the roll of delegates
was ordered called, but on motion of ex
Governor Cornell the reading of the roll
was dispensed with and the Chairman an
nounced that the roll as prepared by the
Secretary of the State Convention would
stand as official unless changed by order of
the convention. C. M. Depew was an
nounced as the temporary Chairman of the
In accepting the position to which he had
been chosen, Mr. Depew said:
GEJfTXEMKlf I return you my thanks for
the high honor conferred in selectine me to
preside over your deliberations. It is always a.
m1 nsd itUflnAtiitn tn tn . nt..t . . .
IT ?.r ""? - "o .iiairman 01 tne
.Republican Convention of the htitc of Hew
York. We are here taking one of the too in
frequent days from our avocations ana pursuits
to (jive our time and our best thoucht to the
higher and more important business of the
government or the Commonwealth. The fa
miliar truism that the prosperity and happiness"
of the people depenc" upon the. wise ad
ministration of public affairs applies with un
usual force to onr action.
The experience of a quarter of a century has
demonstrated that the prosperitr, development
and progress of the Republic, and the bJjrhest
interests of onr State, are best promoted and
advanced under Republican administration. It
Is therefore for us to labor with enthusiasm
and harmony for Republican success. The dis
putes and controversies among Republicans,
the accounts of which fill the air, exist only in
the Imagination, ad come only from the pen
and tongues of the enemy.
When we last met the Democratic party was
in possession of the Government, and for four
years had enjoyed Its long-coveted opportunity
to prove its capacity for affairs. After a long
and exhaustive debate In the press and upon
tbe platform the power has been taken from
Its hands. That its 25 years of tutelage In the
minority and under the very best instruction of
Republican statesmen have failed to teach it
the art of government is due to inherent and
radical defects in the organization, and its
principles, which are beyond the 'cure of tho
jnnt nonet purposes and of the wisest brain.
The surplus In the Treasnrv. which has con
stituted so large a factor in discussion and at
tempted legislation, still exists and Increases.
Alt parties admit its evils, and Its dangers are
transparent, but the surplus is not money to be
trifled with or squandered. It belongs to the
people, and represents unnecessary taxation.
The effort to dispose of it led to tho extra
ordinary attempt to put in force the experi
ment of rodncing the surplus by destroying the
prosperity which made it possible. For the
first time in 15 years the Republican party is In
possession of the executive and legislative
branches of the Government
The whole responsibility now devolves upon
them, confident m their ability to wisely ad
minister the trust The surplus will be re
duced by removing unnecessary burdens and
adjusting taxation upon private lines. In
ternal revenue and tariff laws are never per
fect but when they are reformed by their
friends, as they will be during the coming
session of Congress and the administration of
our President i
The modifications will remove unnecessary
taxation without impairing in any degree the
bed rock principle of protection of American
industries The persistency and consistency
with which, under one name and another, the
advocates of free trade march, year after year,
to certain destruction extort a compliment for
their courage if they fall to obtain one for their
It was said of the old Bourbon that "he
learned nothing and f oreot nothing," but his
modern prototype has changed tho phrase so
that it may read: "He learns nothing, but for
gets everything."
The failure of experience to improve or con
vert him from the error of his doctrines and
their fatal results reminds me ot a small boy
whom I once saw wandering among tho smaller
gravestones In the Peekskill churchyard.
Forgetting the fate of his companions, who
lay under the sod, he was serenely eating green
apples and singing "Nearer, My God. to Thee."
But now that it Is for us to administer affairs,
the needs of the country demand that the pro
tection of our industries shill be supplemented
by every effort to find for their surplus a
market The consistent policy of tho Republi
can ad ministration for a quarter of a century
has not only advanced and maintained wages,
bnt promoted productiveness, invention, skill,
ingenuity and good workmanship, so that our
output is beyond our home needs and must
compete in foreign markets with the manufact
ures of the Old World.
The most interesting part of tho great inter
national exhibition at Baristo an American
are the palaces, erected bv the South American
Republics, and their contents, absolutely un
known to us. Immigration and enterprise have
stimulated in these countries our neighbors
an industrial development in the last ten years
more rapid than our own. The whole of this
vast and inarvelously increasing trade now be
longs to Europe. Eight years aco an eminent
Republican statesman foresaw tbo advantages
of a closer alliance with these countries, and
endeavored to bring it about
Now bo finds himself again in the office of
Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the President
who appointed him, a broad, comprehensive
and liberal-minded statesman, in full harmony
with his views. The Monroe doctrine, when
enumerated 70 years ago, became the common
faith of all political parties in this country.
The danger then was that the young and weak
nationalities which asserted their independence
might fall under the domination of European
and monarchical powers, and the United States
Government said in emphatic language that it
would never permit European Governments to
overthrow these republics and gain a foothold
upon these continents.
But the rapid and peaceful evolution in the
material conditions for half a century have
gn en a larger scope and grander meaning to
the famous doctrine of Monroe. It will find
expression in the congress which our adminis
tration has invited to meet next month at
Washington, In which will be represented the
republicof Noith and South America. It will
be an initial movement toward a permanent po
litical friendship and the closestcommercial al
lianco among all countries on the Western
There are two principles of the Republican
creed which the party will neither surrender
nor compromise nor abate. It will march with
them as serenely to defeat as to victory, know
ing that truth is eternal and in the end will
prevail. These two principles are the
and the purity of the American home. Un
holy combinations in which vast pecuniary in
terests insult the equal protection of the law
granted to all legitimate pursuits by throwing
their power and their money into the scale of
one party or the -other will, in top end, snecumb
to the rising and resistless tide of publio hon
esty and virtue. The party which went cheer
fully and repeatedly to disaster and finally ex
tricated slavery, which under all discourage
ments and horrors, successfully fought the re
bellion and saved the nation, and which upon
the untried fields of reconstruction bnilt this
magnificent, expansive and unequalcd new
Republic will not cease agitation and reasser
tion and effort until the ballot box secures the
honest expression of the popular will, and the
liquor traffic is placed under proper control.
Had thelaws prepared and presented by the
Republican party in relation to high license
been placed upon the statute book of our State
one-third of the saloons would have been al
ready closed, thousands of wrecked homes
would have been repaired, and other thousands
of young men would have been saved. The
burden of taxation, resting upon farm and
homestead and business would have been
lightened and millions of dollars would have
been flowing into the State Treasury.
Tho truism that tho ballot is the safeguard
of liberty has a larger meaning not often discussed-
Ours is a Government by majorities.
We have no other means of ascertaining pub
lic opinion, and obeying its will The educa
tion of -our people is to accept the verdict and
arcordingly acquiesce, bnt if the verdict of the
majority is tainted with fraud then our scheme
ot Government has failed and there is nothing
but anarchy to replace it
The triumphant and confident majority, re
peatedly cheated out ot its rights, is a danger
too appalling to contemplate. It is the duty of
Congress, as well as the State, to see that this
momentous question, which cannot be obscured
by epithet or party shibboleths, shall be so set
tled that the count is beyond dispute, tho voter
free from intimidation and the safeguards
thrown about him which shall place his vote
beyond the reach of threat or purchase.
The Republican party emphatically reaffirms
its previous declarations upon the question of
evil service reform, and the laws which are
upon the statute book on this subject will be
carried out in their letter and spirit by the
present administration.
Six months hare elapsed since we elected to
the Presidency Benjamin Harrison. Ho came
into power under difficulties which have not
attended any other Republican administration
since Lincoln. His Renublican predecessors
found the national house furnished with mod
ern views and progressive ideas, and their duty
was their preservation and enlargement But
General Harrison found his filled with a curi
ous collection of useless antiquities and patent
political panaceas.
it oecame necessary ior mm nrst to send the
antiquities to the lumber room and empty the
vials of their dangerous mixtures. The first
cruher launched under the new administration,
surpassing the record and bewildering the
senses, is a happy harbinger of a new navy,
which shall redeem the credit of America upon
the seas and protect a commerce which is to
embrace the world.
In Europe this summer I met many states.
men of the Old World and found among them a
iresa appreuension ana a proiunaer respect
for American statesmanship. The conduct
and the issue of the negotiations in tho Samoan
difficulty had impressed them with a new idea.
mat in an matters wnicn concern wo interests
of the western hemisphere the United States
was a power whose wishes were potential. The
accomplished work of the first six months and
its promise for the balance of the administra
tion lead us, the Republicans of New York, to
reaffirm our faith in the principles enunciated
at Chicago and our confidence in President
The Committee,on Permanent Organiza
tion reported for permanent rhairman the
name of State Senator George B. Sloan, of
Oswego. In his speech Mr. Sloan criticised
Governor Hill's use ol the veto power, and
warned his hearers that the danger to the
Republican party in this campaign is inat
tention. . The. Committee on Resolntions, through
Hon. Carroll Smith, of Syracuse, next
made its report, as follows:
The Republicans of New York rejoice in the
restoration of Republican supremacy in the
nation, and take pride in tho part this State
had in that result We congratulate President
Harrison upon the success of his administra
tion, and declare our perfect confidence In its
integrity, efficiency and patriotism. We re
affirm the National Republican platform of
1688, and emphasize our approval of these doc
trines, -s
Protection to American industries and to
American labor; the extension of American
trade and fostering of American shipping in.
terests; liberal and equitable pension laws, and
9 to
a discriminating preference of Union veterans
in appointments to public offices; a national
election law to secure the honest choice of
representatives in Congress; the restoration of
the efficiency of the postal service; the re
habilitation of the navy; the purification and
elevation of tho civil service; the encourage
ment of popular education and the promotion
thereby of national patriotism.
The resolutions arraign Governor Hill for
vetoing such measures as the Constitutional
convention bill, tha. excise reform bills, the
ballot reform bill and the liquor tax bill, and
continue as follows:
The repeated efforts of Republican Legisla
tures to secure ballot reform, and thoroughly
practicable temperance legislation, are proofs
of the right purpose and good faith of the Re
publican party. No step backward will be
taken, and we pledge our determination to per
severe until salutary and adequate provisions
of law on these vital subjects are embodied in
tho statutes of the State.
The report was unanimously adopted and
the nominations ensued, the result being:
For Secretarv of State, John I. Gilbert, of
Malone; for Controller, Martin W. Cook, of
Monroe; for State Treasurer, Ira "W. Hedges,
of Rockland; for Attorney General, James
M. Varnum, of New York"; for State Engi
neer, "William P. "Van Resselaer; for Judge
oi the Court of Appeals, Judge A. Haight,
ot Buffalo.
With the exception of the Judgeship, nil
the nominations were unanimous, only one
name being presented; For the Judgeship
the name of Judge Alfred Conkling Coxe
was also presented, but Judge Haight was
nominated on the first ballot by a vote of
440 to 311.
At 6.30 the convention adjourned.
Hon. Chnnncey P. Black Discusses Demo
cratic Principles and Points Oat tbo
Best Way to Meet tho Assaults
of Partr Enemies.
New York, September 25. The Hon.
Chauncey F. Black, of Pennsylvania, Presi
dent of the National Association of Demo
cratic Clubs, addressed the Harlem Demo
cratic Club at the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth
Street Clubhouse to-night on "The
History, Principles and Organization of the
Democratic Party." The main points oi
the address were as follows:
First, Governor Black spoke of tho time
honored birth of the Democratic party over a
century ago. He said that the fathers of the
Republic are also tho fathers of Democracy;
that other parties may come and go, but the
Democratic party is here so long as the Repub
lic shall last Ho continued: "It is founded
on tho axiomatic principles of political science.
It adopts tho doctrines of Jefferson that
it is a wise and frugal government that shall
restrain men from Injuring one another, which
shall leave them otherwise free to regulate
their own pursuits of industry and improve
ment and which shall not take from the
month of labor the bread it earns.
So long as an enemy of
home rule and republican principles
remains, so long the Democratic party must
stand eternal guard. No other party has sur
vived the century of its birth. Governor Black
traced the progress of Hamilton's ideas of
subsidies, pillage and tyranny, as they appear
from time to time in other par
ties, particularly In the Republican
party of to-day, and pictured the
progress of jobbery and plunder under forms
of law as practiced by the Republican party In
the interest of monopolies and rings, and which
now, a quarter of a century after the war has
closed, demands tbo continuance of war taxes
to maintain the infamous corruption of
Governor Black closed with an earnest ad
vocacy of the system of Democratlo societies
as the best method of meeting the assaults of
the enemy of the Republic He said he had
been accused of riding this idea as a hobby. But
he said: "If any blisters are to be raised
by this hobby riding, I am the man who Is to sit
on them. There are four shoulders to this
hone, and I Invito you all to get up and ride
with me. and I promise that yon shall ride to
prompt and certain victory." N
Massachusetts Republicans Are Ready for a
Little Modification No Prohibi
tion in Theirs Tho Ticket
Placed In the Field.
Boston, September 25. The Massachu
setts Republican Convention assembled here
to-day, all of the prominent politicians of
the party in the State being present. The
platform congratulates the country upon
the restoration of the Republican party to
power; commends the wise and prudent con
duct of the Treasury Department; rejoices
in the restoration of dignity and vigor to
the conduct of onr foreign affairs; congratu
lates the President upon the practical wis
dom and honest purpose with which he has
dealt with the complicated question of ap
pointments; commends the presentcivil serv
ice policy and pledges the support of the Re
publicans of Massachusetts in all efforts to
root out the evil of patronage from politics;
looks to Congress to defend a sound cur
rency and resist an increase in the present
silver coinage and also to bring about a re
duction of the surplus revenue.
A feature of the document is a request to
the Representatives and Senators from
Massachusetts to support a thorough and
equitable revision of the tariff, so as to
adapt the protection which it affords to
changed business conditions, affecting New
England industries in common with those
of the rest of the country. It also demands
a national election law, favors a liberal
policy toward the soldiers and sailors, asks
for aid for our steamship lines and favors an
increase of the navy. The late election is
held to have settled, the prohibition question
in the negative.
A formal ballot was then taken to select
a candidate for Governor. The vote stood:
Whole number of votes, 1,428; necessary
for a choice, 715; J. Q. A. Brackett, 743; W.
W. Crnpo, C73; John D. Long, 1; F. H.
Capen, 9; Haile, 1. Brackett was declared
nominated, and the ticket was completed
with but little opposition.
Plnek Up Their Coornse and Decide to
Nominate a Ticket.
Jackson, Miss,, September 25. The Re
publican State Convention, the first assem
bled in several years, met here to-day. A.
K. Bruce was Temporary Chairman. He
made a brief conservative address, not com
mitted fully to the nomination of a State
ticket, but advised if nominations were
made that they choose such men as would
command the consideration of Republicans
and at least the respect of the Democrats.
He was followed by General Chalmers, who
denounced the Democratic party, State and
national, in unmeasured terms, and advo
cated the nomination ot a State ticket
There was a large sentiment in the con
vention opposed to any nominations being
made, but when it came to a vote, the re
sult showed 159 in favor and 95 opposed to a
ticket being placed in the field. The fol
lowing is the ticket: James R. Chalmers
for Governor; James D, Lynch (white), pt
Clay county, Lieutenant Governor; M, 8.
Gohson (colored), Secretary of State; John
S. Jones (white), Treasurer.
No More Protection to bo Accorded to the
Memphis Gamblers.
Memphis, September 25. Every gamb
ling bouse in the city, with the exception of
the two pool rooms, was closed to-night on
warrants issued by Judge DiAose, of the
Criminal Court
This action is attributed bv sporting men
to the death of Mike Blessing, the "King"
of the fraternity, which occurred at Chicago
about a week ago.
Standard Oil's Astounding Injunction
Under Its Many leases,
If the Octopus Wins, It Can Tie Up Yast
Areas in Pennsylvania
Farmers Can't Bell for Town lots, Esilroa-fa Any.
thin; trot Agriculture.
The Standard Oil Company seeks to re
strain farmers who leased to it from selling
even rights of way to railroads. It con
tends that its oil leases, for 51 and upward,
give it absolute control of every leasing
farmer's lands for everything except farm
ing purposes. If it wins, Pennsylvania
must suffer with Ohio and Indiana.
Findlay, O., September 25. All North
western Ohio (in fact everywhere in the
State where oil and gas leases on farm
lands have been taken by the Standard Oil
Company and its corporations, with a view
of developing the oil and gas resources) is
in a condition of great alarm over an in
junction suit which the Standard Oil Com
pany has brought in the courts in this
county against the Toledo, Findlay and
Springfield Railroad, now being built from
Toledo to Springfield, to restrain the rail
road people from passing with their track
over lands on which the Standard holds oil
and gas leases. The railroad company had
bought the right of way for its tracks from
the farmers, and was proceeding with its
line when the Standard stopped everything
by filing an injunction, in which it is
claimed that, in all contracts, the leased
lands were subject only to farming pur
The Standard people assume, and will so
argue in court, that when a farmer leases
them bis land for oil and gas purposes, he
by that act relinquishes all control of his
property, except for agricultural uses; that
he cannot even lay out a race track upon
it for his own use, or divide it into town
lots, without first obtaining the consent of
the oil company; that the farmer has no
rights whatever in, on or about the prem
ises, only such as pertain to purely agri
cultural pursuits that he cannot construct
a roadway or drain a swamp upon his own
lands without infringing upon the rights
which the Standard Company obtained
when it secured an oil and gas lease upon
his premises; in short, the Standard Oil
Company in this suit claims an absolute'
control oi aii lanus upon wnicn inev noio.
leases for all uses, purposes and privileges
other than those of a purely agricultural
This remarkable and astounding assump
tion, as brought out by this suit, has al
ready created a world of consternation here,
where every acre of farming land is covert
by ono of these oil and gas leases, many cf
which were obtained for "$1 and other valu
able consideration;" if the courts hold the
Standard's claim to be good, there- is noth
ing to keep them from ownin.r and control?
mg Ohio, Indiana, Fennsylmnia and pavj
oi wgworKjorcvtrypurrBjgB BaYQ.-;agjw
cultural purposes. . .
The hearing of this injunction suit will
come up before- Judge Pendleton, of the
Hancock County Court of Common Pleas
in this city, on Fridav morning, and the de
cision of the Court will be awaited with
eager interest The, Standard will be repre
sented by their best attorneys. The rail
road company have also secured able legal
talent, and the contest will be a battle royal.
A Million Wongs Preparing to Wlpo tbo
Lees Out of Existence.
New York September 25. Simultane
ously two big Chinese proclamations ar
rived among the lSTew" York Chinamen
to-day, which will undoubtedly threaten
the peace and prosperity of thousands of
Chinamen here and throughout the United
States. One of these proclamations in
forms the Wongs all over the United States
that the entire Wong family in the prov
ince of Canton has declared war against the
Lee family of that province, on account of
a legal complication between a few mem
bers of the two great families which the
authorities were unuble to settle, and that
the only way left now is for the two factions
to fight it out
The proclamation appeals to the Wongs
of America for munitions of war or money
to buy the same. It declares that there are
over 1,000,000 able-bodied Wongs at home
to thrash the Lees if they could only get
hold of some of the Yankee killing ma
chines. The proclamation of the Lees asks
their cousins for the same favors, with an
equal assurance of annihilating all the
Annual tfee ting: of tho Society of the Army
of tho Tennessee.
Cincinnati, September 25. The
twenty-second annual reunion oi the Society
of the Army of the Tennessee began its meet
ing to-day. General Sherman, on taking
the chair, made no formal speech, but
pleasantly congratulated the members upon
so large an assembly nf men in such ap
parent good health. He said that looking
down into their faces he could almost
recognize every member of the society who
had once been members of the army of the
Tennessee, He then proceeded to business.
Chicago was unanimously selected as the
place for the next reunion, the time to be
announced by the President of the society.
It was agreed that the meeting should, be
held coincident with the unveiling of the
Grant monument in that city, the cere
monies of which are to be under the-
ausplees of the society. General Andrew
Hickenlooper, of Cincinnati, was unani
mously chosen as orator of the occasion.
Later in the day the members attended a
reception given by the Chamber of Com
Reckless RnnnlLir of nn Engineer
Cnuses a Disastrous Wreck.
Wilmington, Del., September 25. A
collision occurred between a wildcat engine
and a caboose filled with 40 men, on the
Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad,
near Claymont, this morning.. Twelve
men were injured as follows:
Joseph Hughes, John O'Neil, George Phil
lips, Patrick Sweeny, Daniel McNicbol,
Harry McKendal, John King, James Cava
nagh and John Lane, laborers; William
Gibbs, trackman; Jas. Legg, engineer;
Frank P. Hawkins, fireman.
Hughes is the most serionsly injured, being
hurt internally and having a ragged wound
on the forehead. Gibbs, Cavanagh and
one or two others' are also be
lieved to have sustained internal injuries.
Engineer Legg knew of the train ahead of
him, and the men on the wrecked train Bay
that he was going at the rate of a mile a
SEPTEMBER 26, 1889.
Is All That Prevented Major Warner Ac
cepting the Vacant Pension Chair
Ills Formal Letter Declining
the Proffered Honor.
Deer Park, September 25. Major Will
iam Warner, of Missouri, has finally de
clined to accept the office of Commissioner
of Pensions, which was tendered him by
the President The following letter was
written at the date given, but at the urgent
solicitation ot the President, Major Warner
agreed to withdraw It and reconsider his
determination. To-day, however, after con
sultation with his business partners, he tele
graphs that he must adhere to his original
declination, and his letter is therefore made
public as follows:
Washington, September 1ft, 1B39.
Bin After due deliberation, I am compelled
to decline the appointment of Commissioner
of Pensions. I appreciate the great compli
ment paid me by the tender of tbo Commls
sionership, and did not business engagements,
which I have no right to break, forbid it no
personal sacrifico would prevent my accept
ance. I should esteem it a high honor to be
Commissioner of Pensions under your adminis
tration, and aid as best I could In carrying out
yonrwise and liberal policy toward the old
soldiers and sailors entitlod to pensions under
existing laws, and to co-operate with you in
securing the necessary additional legislation
for the nation's defenders. Feeling, as I
do, a deep Interest In the proper and liberal
administration of the pension laws, it is with
the slncerest regret that I mako this declara
tion, especially alter the full and frank con
versation I had with you and tho Honorable
Secretary of ths Interior on Saturday last, re
assuring me, as It did, that our comrades have
no truer or wanner friends. Thanking you for
the confidence expressed in me by your offer,
and again expressing my deep regret that I am
compelled by what I esteem bigb duties to
others than myself to decline the office. 1 beg
leave to snbscrlbe myself sincerely your
friend, William Warner.
It is possible President Harrison may
make another selection for Commissioner
while at Deer Park, but if he does, the an
nouncement will probably not be made pub
lic until after his return to Washington.
George Francis Train Perfectly Content In
His Quarters In Charlcstown Jail A
Poetical Prodnctloa Which He
Says Longfellow Could
Not Have Written.
Boston, September 25. Citizen George
Francis Train is aa happy in jail as upon
the stump, and he vows he will not volun
tarily abandon his pleasant quarters at the.
Charlestown jail. He said this morning:
"I'm so pleased with this 12-foot square,
white-walled palace that I will never leave
it unless I'm forced out of it; but if I ever
get free, I'm going to accept one of the sev
eral offers I have received from the dime
museum managers of this city and Provi
dence and New York. I've written a poem
describing my cell. It would have taken
Longfellow or Holmes a whole day to write
an equally good poem, but I wrote it in less
than an hour. You see what the Btyle is:
No pegs or shelves or nailing on white
washed walls
To hang or put your clothes;
And yet I dreamt of marble halls,
Saratoga and Newport balls.
I dreamt and slept all night as sound
As bloodhounds do In. mongrel pound.
No maniacs' yells are there;
As In the Tombs, they put the lunatics
"I, George Francis Train, did that, and I
am the person who used to work in a Cam
bridge grocery store and roll barrels of
nour through the back door of SmMhtV
honse." -
Mr. Train passed the greater pari of the
morning in reading his poems" to the
newspaper men who called npon him. He
is writing lines to the memory of "My
Friend, Wilkie Collins." He also showed
Jiis visitors how he used to spar in his
younger days. He expresses his disgust for
the Boston papers by carpeting the floor of
his cell with them. "The Boston papers
don't report my lectures fully enough,"
was his complaint.
Tho Pennsylvania Company Presents a
Healthy Statement of Business.
Philadelphia, September 25. The
statement of the business of all lines of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company east of
Pittsburg and Erie for Angust, 1889, as
compared with the same month in 1888,
shows an increase in gross earnings of $603,
025, an increase of expenses of $119,974, and
an increase in net earnings of $483,051.
The eight months of 1889, as compared with
the same period of 1888, show an increase in
gross earnings of $1,168,319, an increase in
expenses of $710,314, and an increase in net
earnings of $458,005.
All lines west of Pittsburg and Erie for
the eight months ot 1889 show a surplus of
all liabilities of $114,140, being a gain as
compared with the same period of 1888 of
So 111 That She Is Vnnble to Slove Without
Newt York, September 25. Mrs. J. G.
Blaine, Jr., who is suffering from inflam
matory rheumatism at the home of Dr.
Charles A. Doremus, 93 Lexington avenue,
has become so much worse that she cannot
move without assistance and is much ot the
time under the influence of morphine. This
condition, Mrs. Blaine's sister, who is with
her, says is aggravated by the bad weather.
Two nurses are in constant attendance upon
Mrs. Blaine had intended to leave Dr.
Doremus' house and go to apartments of
her own in town until she should entirely
recover, but her physician will not permit
her to be removed until she is considerably
better. ,
Indiana Coal Winer Determined Not to
Accept a 15-Cent Hcdactlon.
Brazil, Ind., September 25. The mass
meeting among the striking miners to-day
rejected, for the third time, unanimously,
the block coal operators' demand for a 15
cent reduction. They still demand arbitra
tion. Mass meetings will be held at Perth
and Knlghtsville to-morrow and next day
to get nearly 200 minera at work there to
Every mine in the district has been
ordered closed where the operators have re
fused to sign a yearly contract for last year's
The Snicldo of a Hnsband and Father
Destroys the Family.
Odessa, September 25. A. teacher of
this city named Sause committed suicide to
day. His wife was so much affected that
she lost her reason. She killed her five
children, carried their bodies to a third
story window and threw them to the ground.
She then threw herself out, receiving fatal
Another Storm on the Const.
New1 York, September J25. A heavy
storm prevails along the New Jersey coast
and the surf is high. The wind is blowing
in shore, nnfl tnnnh damace will nnrinnlit-
I edly be done at high tide to-night
For the Gentlemanly. Train Bobbers
to Ply Their Vocation.
Almost Identical Methods of Distinct Parties,
of Bandits.
Ko Attention Is raid to Passengers Under the Hew
Train robbing is being reduced to an ex
act science. Within six hours two Southern
trains, some hundreds of miles apart, were
rifled in an almost exactly similar manner.
The express and mail cars were the only
ones disturbed. Scarcely an attempt at re
sistance was made in either case.
Mobile, Ala., September 25. The Mo
bile and Ohio south-bound mail and pas
senger train was held np at 310 this morn
ing by train robbers at Bnckatunna, Miss.,
a station 70 miles north of Mobile. The
train was due here at 6 A. M. Just before
the train left Bnckatunna two men mounted
behind the tender of the train, and climb
ing over, covered Engineer Jack Therrel
and Fireman Thomas Hust with their re
volvers. The robbers were disguised with red ban
danna handkerchiefs over the lower part of
their faces. The leader ordered the engin
eer to pull out and to stop at the bridge two
miles below Bnckatunna, and to place the
train so that the express and mail car should
be on the further side of the bridge from
the rest of the train, the bridge being a tres
tle over a deep creek.
"You obey instructions, or it is death,"
he said. The engineer looked down the bar
rel of the pistol and slowly pulled the lever.
The train mn rapidly down to the spot in
dicated, and the engineer put the train just
where the man with the pistol wanted it
Then there appeared a third robber, dis
guised like the other two. These three
made the engineer and fireman come with
them to the express car and the engineer
had to call out to Expressman J. W. Dun
ning to open the door of the car.
The wooden door was already open, bnt
the iron-barred door was closed and locked.
Dunning was turned with his back to the
door and when he turned round he looked
down the muzzles of three revolvers. The
command was given and Dunning opened
the barred door and the chief robber
jumped in, the other two remaining outside
to guard the engineer and fireman.
The leader made the messenger dump the
contents of the safe into a canvass sack,
but noticing that he was not closely
watched, Dunning shoved some of the
money aside, so that about $1,000 was
hidden, the robbers getting $2,700. All this
money belonged to the Mobile and Ohio
Railroad Company. Alongside the express
car door was a pile of $70,000 Government
money en route to Florida, which the
robbers failed to notice.
Then the robbers made the expressman
eet out of the carand'gc- with them to the,
suspected mat roDoery was going on, anat
tried to set into the baggage car with a
number of registered packages of mail.
Just as he stepped to the end door of the
car he saw that the robbers had intercepted
him. The robber leader, supposed to be
Bunch, faced him, pistol in hand, and find
ing Bell's arms full of packages, said:
''Dump those here on my left arm."
There were 24 packages in all, and Bell
dumped them as requested. The robber
made Bell band him a registered pouch, and
ordered the agent to open it, but Bell hod
no key. so the robber carried the pouch off
with him. The pouch was made up at
Meridian, and the contents and value are
unknown. Just then Billy Scholcs. the
conductor, who had been trying to find ont
the trouble, and had armed himself with a
Winchester, came out of the rear of the
train, waved his lantern and shouted:
"What's the matter?"
The robbers fired two shots at him, cry
ing ont: "Come np here and you'll see
what's tho matter."
The engineer told the robber to let up on
shooting, as the train hands would open fire
and be shooting their own men. There was
no more shooting and the train was ordered
to pull out at once, which it did, the robbers
disappearing in the undergrowth on the
west side of the track. They pulled down
to Citronelle and met the accommodation
train, which was sent back to the scene of
the robbery with detectives and an armed
The leader of the robbers is a man six feet
high, of about 170 pounds weight, dressed in
common clothing and a slouch hat. His as
sistants wore common clothing and nothing
to distinguish them. When (he handker
chief slipped down a little oft of the leader's
face, the express messenger says he saw he
had a black mustache and thinks he had a
The leader of the train robbers, who held
np the Mobile and Ohio train at Bukatun
na, Miss., this morning, is believed to be
Rube Burrows, a noted desperado, the man
for whom a search created so much excite
ment in the northern part of the State a few
months ago. At that time it was believed
Lhe was organizing a gang to hold up some
train, and the Mobile and Ubio Company,
anticipating an attack, armed all its train
hands with Winchester rifles. This was
made public, and was doubtless what the
robber referred to this morning, as he said
during the progress ot robbing the mail car:
"The Mobile and Ohio dared me to hold up
a train, and I wanted to show them I could
do it"
Five Bold Brigands Secure 810,000 and
Three Bacs of Silver.
Fort Worth, Tex., September 25. A
few minutes before 10 o'cIock last night, as
the north-bound Santa Fe train was pulling
out of Crowley, ten miles south of this city,
three men boarded the train 'and two others
jumped on the locomotive. The two on the
engine placed pistols to the heads of Engi
neer Monohan and Fireman Crager, and
told them to pull out and stop when told.
When two miles from Crowley, the engineer
was ordered to stop. Then the robbers cut
the engine, baggage, mail and express cars
from the rest of the train, and made Mono
han 'pull half a mile further.
A short, fleshy xounS man and a dark
mustached, burly looking fellow then got
into the express car and ordered the mes
senger to show them the money. Be pointed
to three bags of Mexican silver. One of the
men ripped open a sack and shoveled the
silver out of the door, while the other one
threw out the other sacks. They took two
packages said to contain $5,000 each, but
overlooked three or four money packages
for Fort Worth. The short man finally
ordered those with him to let the two full
sacks alone- Tho engineer was then made
to couple up and move. The robbers started
in a westerly direction. The train reached
here at midnight, and a powe of 20
started in pursuit at once.
;- v?5t '- ,"
''1:.'Z iJLnrmimtm yar siiHirhl W
5 T V '- rATCH. frftiiiriw aiseiil', -
' WANTS are alwan trawpltr TMesedsa1
to Whe advertised la THE MsYAVCK.
A St. LobIs Man's Now Method of Dhpo
of Unprofitable Secarkles CsJbs; a
IMrtol awl Threats, He Prim
aFreAtable Bargsla.
St. Loots, September 25. There are a
number of ways of selling unprofitable
stocks, but the hip-pocket process is the
latest tits originator is Otto F. Oberbeck,
manager of the National Droggtit, and the'
purchaser is Mr. J. Cliff Richardson, who
is well known as a wholesale druggist, and
who was until the fire of tlst New Year's
Day the manager of the big wholesale drug
house known as the Richardson Drug Com
pany. J. O. & James Rie&ardson, Jr., sold
their stock in ihe National Drvggit ton
syndicate which is represented by Manning
Tredway,,of the Qreely-Burnham Grocer
Company, and the change of ownership
threw Oberbeck ont of the office of manager (
and president of the company. He was the
owner of 25 shares of the company's stock,
and finding that the control of the paper
had been turned over to the Tredway Com
pany, with which he was not on good terras,
he concluded to make Mr. Richardson pur
chase his stock, so he visited the office of
the Richardson-Taylor Drug Company this
afternoon in company with, a friend named
.Hoagland. The irate manager became ex
'cited and began to make demands.
"I want .you to give me $750 for my
stock," he said.
"Why," said Mr. Eiehardsoa, "yon of
fered it to me a few days ago for $20 a share,
and said you would nos buy mine because
yon did not consider the stock in the com
pany -worth a cent. X can sell tills stock for
you to the parties who bought mine. Leave
it with me, I will sell it"
Oberbeck consulted Hoagland, and then
returning to Mr. Richardson's desk, said:
"Write me out a check for $500 now and I
will give yon the stock, 1 want it now
do you understand? I will not put np
with this any longer. Give me the check
do you hear ? Or you will force me to use
Oberbeck threw his hand back to his
pistolpocket and held it on the buti of a
revolver. Hoagland was armed, too, and.
he stood ready to defend Oberbeck in case
of trouble. Dr. Taylor, of the Richardson
Taylor Company, stood by. Mr. Richard
son quietly turned to his brother and said;
"Jim, write him a check for $500."
Oberbeck maintained his belligerent at
titude until the check was written. Then
he signed the stock, and Dr. Taylor was
witness to the signature. The check was
handed to Oberbeck and he started ont of
the office, but he turned and said:
"Cliff, it is good for you that von bought
that stock; if yon hadn't I would have shot
The episode has caused an immense-seasa-'
tion in business circles.
The Handsomest Woman In Lynn Leaves
Her Hnsband for Another Man.
Lynn, Mass., September 25. Frederick
D. Wieland, Superintendent of the Thompson-Houston
Electric Light Works, has
eloped with the handsomest woman in Lynn
and is supposed to be enjoying her society
in New York under the name of Drnmmond
Vernon. Her name is Mrs. George A. Jones.
The elopement is the more interesting from
the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Jones were but
recently married. They came to.this coun
try from England bnt three or four months
ago, and Mr Jonea was gives employment
bj themahjrnbjifteiwsra jiri&esl, Ms he.;
Jones was so gratefairto "Wieland for his
assistance that ne insisted npontaking him
to his home and presenting him to his
pretty wife that she, too', might tbankhim.
Mrs. Jones attracted Wielihd, whose
fondness for other women led to a separation
from his wife. Mrs. Jonea was soon in the
toils, and then Wieland. planned to get rid
of the husband, who was dependent npon
his position in the electric works, and at
Wieland's Instigation he was discharged.
There was nothing for him to do but return
to England. He started, but meeting with
an accident' returned. He got Tiold of let
ters by the guilty couple, and pat the police
on their track. '
Sarvlvora Tell How the English War Ship
Was Wrecked on the Rocks.
Halifax, September 25. The ship
Emerald arrived this morning, having on
board the Captain, officers and men saved
from the wrecked war ship Lily. The vessel
was steaming slowly near Amour point, a
headland on the southeast side of Foitean-
bay, Labrador, in a thick fog, on the 16th,
when the lookout shouted: "Breakers
ahead." The engines were reversed, but
too late. The ship grounded on the rocks.
A tremendous sea was running, and the ship
began to pound heavily. Land was about
70 yards from the ship. Boats were launched,
but were overturned by the force of the
waves. In this way; five seamen were lost
The Emerald, which was lying at anchor
some miles away, came to the rescne of the
people of the Lily. All were taken off a
short time before the ship broke np. Every
thing was lost except the rifles and some
ammunition. '
Conspiracy and Ferjnrr Charged Against
New York's SberlfT and Others.
New York, September 25. It is under
stood that the grand jury took a unani
mous vote to-day to indict Flack and his
associates in the matter of his alleged di
'vorce, and it is believed that indictments
will be presented in court as soon as they
can be drawn up, which will probably be in
a few days.
These indictments, it is said, will charge
Sheriff Flack, Will Flack, Referee Meeks,
Civil Justice Monell and Sheriff Flack's
co-respondent in the divorce suit, Mrs.
Reynolds, alias Raymond, alias Cherry,
with conspiracy to procure a fraudulent di
vorce, and with perjury.
The Honse Where Mrs. Hamilton Blabbed
the Nurse Now Deserted.
Atlantic Citt.JT. J., September 25
Noll cottage, where Mrs. Robert Ray Ham
ilton committed the assault upon Nurse
Donnelly, for which she was sentenced to
two years in State's prison, bore on its front
to-day the sign, "For Rent." Mrs. Rupp,
accompanied by Baby Beatrice and Nurse
Donnelly, have vacated it They went to
Philadelphia this afternoon, where, it is
said, Mrs. Rupp will reside hereafter.
What disposition will be made of Baby
Beatrice cannot be learned.
The Report Makes a Demand for Rlfiea
and Say Cause Trouble.
Oklahoma Crxr, Ind. T., September
25. The citizens have determined to hold a
charter election within ten days. Captain
Stiles claims that he has evidence that a
White Cap organization is being formed,
and has called for 250 extra Winchesters.
If Captain Stiles attempts to suppress the
next election with bayonets, as he did that
of last Saturday, there will be a bloody
al Estate dm be seM Inroata .aaveo
(HIlUIillUIAlUB. .,
i- mnv tiTctnlMfiff
" T , S
illage f Kfcb&M SHifi
its tie Cmitf tf the tned
Samoa. Blaise aad Miw Mifriwi- W5
Vjtf Ai9 af ITkab 4La ) w-
iMAHtns . xrwmj ,
Abeatl50rrosIeBt Ousts Aw AX MittiM
The village of BiekSeM 19m.
witsew ro-asy ose ot ne as
dings ever BolemaiMd fan. SM'sMMi
of Emmons Blaine aad MfafJOOiiiiiishf
are to take place at booh.
includes many nnmnrr of
25. This evening, ia the beaatifei
of the Spring Hoase, U seaiesl f-j happjj
tsMiBe-Mcuormie; wetfeftag party, :
ing about M9 gaestc Prof. D. H.1
bines and hk orchestra of eighi pieeee, ifsaaj
-aiDany, is tnere renderiafr itlseWoai, aaijl
all ia all, it is the happiest seeM gaffctftaV
in the history of BiehSeJd Springs is miftit
of prominence. ' jJ23B
At noon to-morrow Ebh&obs BMaitfjS
of Secretary of State Jases 1 WmimtfSSn
Hiss Anita McCormJok, of C , jjl
(laughter of the famoas "reaper IkjW-iBt
inventor, the late Cyras MeCgssaiA.'ySl
be made man and wife. The napfM kSil
will be tied by JSer. Herrtek Jofaeasiiil
noted Chicago divine, in. Ae yitttsg Biatfj
Presbyterian Church ia Am yUla$JlKl
ir'fll be assisted by Rev. S. V. T. Jawtssay,!
paster of the charek. The isteriar f afel
.1.1. Ii im C.I . Jx a . Jt III. 1 .fl
wuuiuu ia juac-iy UWHUM VMS aBHHU
n-a-uxt-Lff-ilBOgtj: l?m.MI ATlOWHur'
At the carriage entraaee there wMkB
zv-ieot area oi ceaar bows, arefcM wMhltafl
clematis, and the posts of the saaw wWj
IMMMjl .vlfl, ..nil if - T " TiSM
"'" wm auiu uaga. xiarwHSjsm
be masted on ton and ia frost tLm .
"BlaJBe-MeCorraiek" wilt be wwfc tsTaj
star, over the side entraaee of the i
Miss KcCormiek. the bid, will l
enter the church by the side m
avoid the crowd infroaC 8Imi
with her brother Cyras H.
Alter entering the ekaree. tfegr wt Wt J
the center aisle to the eiiaaeal sm wQMfe
tney wui De met oy we croon awe tta
man, Walker Blaine. The grown aad aw
man win enter ue cauron rraat
vestry room. When taer meet thai
ox tne onae win, present r to the 9-ajj1
After the presentation the canuuay aifly
performed by the auaistftrsv There wit. y
no bridemaids. A large BmWepajatl
.,-,.. .,. r i -
irora jaicnneMs Bpmgaaaa vntairy ajgal
rEcetveu lavitaueBS ia ue eaorM..
will be served at the KaCorauak i
T. R. Proctor, of the Sarins ""
will be assisted by Backett, of UtitjaysJI
usuua iiu me enures save w
and are: F. A. Ktteo.HaroW
and Stanley MeCarauek. of ChlaaaW.
C. F. Spragne, of Boston. Thegants tmm:
nearly all arrived, bnt mora ara axaalsatla
to-morrow Morning. Hob. Jaoes Or. jMatal
arrived here last night ia a saesial
uuMTitft.-Jua Matta
Jr.. and the Jsieasr Bf
MeCormiek. cottage are Mrs. :
Mias Anita MeCormiek. Mies Yifaaaia 1
Cormick. Mrs. Stieknev. of Cbiata.-3fBt.i
Algernon S. S alii van, Mrs,. Htaiainndfa
xtew xorc, ana jira. uaaiagtoa, at Dimit.
The guests registered aithe Spriag J
are the following:
Colonel and Mrs. W. F. cftsJTar. Htv. aaU
Mrs. Dr. John Hall, Mr. asd Mrs. SR Wt
Mrs. Huntington, Miss N. C. TTinlrliiimJHt'l
and Mrs. Sanger Brown, MrsvP. 8. QttaMiau
Hoter, Mr. and Mrs. Heary Day, Mba HmTi
ana jits. Alfred a. Mason aad Waiter
roscb, of New York; Mrs. Cyras' Scatty.
Frank Farwell, James A. Ryersea, Jfc.
Ryerson,C... Fav.W.G. MtCeiaalwX!
a.eep, uivnn w. nyersoa, JSr.. JfaiiJjs
Johnson, Dr. V. U. Grav. Mias esi
E. Waitc, Prof. William & Toakkw.1
Miss 11. L. Roberts and Mr. aad Mai
W. ST. Nixon, of Chicago: Mrs. Join 3tHsc
ana Mtm Miner, or rrinceton, n. j.;m.iu c, A
Whittier. C. F. Stanwood. Miss Staaweed
T PI- anil H T Snnnna r TOte...... If .ujn
Mrs. 6. F.Becker, ot Clayton, N. y!; Robes!
xi. i-arxiuson, oi Cincinnati: t. .u. trtucer.l
Mrs. H. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. B, K Tascart
of WatartowB, N. Y.: Mrs. J. "Weeks, of Be-l
iron; jur.ana jars. J. J. TUUBgaast, of TratVj!
N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. Joha T. Mott Mrs. aj
Wright and H. C. Wright, of Watertown, Jtl
x ., ana colonel and Mrs. Coppjoger, U. 8. A. ',
Richfield Springs to-night is a graadi
scene of illumination. At the McCormialclj
cottage James G. Blaine gave a Ianeheoa la i
the members of the Blaine and ATcCormicki
families only. At 4 o clock, at the coMnge.ii
Mrs. McConaick and her daachter-i-a-IawV j
Mrs. Cyrus H. MeCormiek. save a tea yutv'M
to the guests, whica was enjoyed by all. yl
Ocean .Ones Of ore Wreektx Hnmmoyj
Resorts on the Jersey Coast. i
AsbttrtPark. September 35. It haeft
stormed heavily all day along this seette
of the New Jersey sea coast. Tie, wrf hi J
been high and stroag, and at 8 o'elaak" t-'
night its roar could be heard nearly a ;a
inland. At Long Branch it has eat ftsrthec
into the bluff on the east side of Oeeaa
mna 4l,A famnn aaaa. il.tv.wfl. m&J 4ld
.wv, uw JMM.WW0 vbmu u,iifii,aj mm V,!
night it threatens to cat clear aewas'.tjhal
roadway, opposite the place where tfce
East End Hotel used to stand. Up at H-1
month Beach and Low Moor the sarf haal
wrought considerable damage. It baa tera.
out what was left of the 6ul1theia,1
wrecked by the big storm of two weeks ace.f
and has cat big gaps in the lawns of Hfce
cottagers. The lawns of the wrecked
tages of A. F. Carpeater and George Baf-3
den have been badly injured. The barf-jl
heading of the costly cottage of Joha MiMas
Cornel, the arcnitectnral iron merebaat, of
j.i kw xors, is aDoui a complete wreear. '
To-night the sea was battering away- aa j
tne lounaation wans ot yw cottage or J. A;f
Scrymser, and it looked as, if the eaitaga
wouia toppis down into tne water, xaa a
is also cutting out the lawns of the caMa
of the late Frederick' C. Potts, the eeajll
prince. No damage has been done at Se-J
bright U p above Highland Beach the
nas aimon aoaoiea the width of the
inlet through the Sandy Hook peala
General Mahoaa'a Sekeaso to Kke
Nesro Yete SoH for Hta.
Richmond, September 35. Kaheae hail
jnst sent out a circular to the ealareij
preachers all over the State. Ia wkiak hai
recommends the appointment of "rkKagfi
bosses," to stir np tne eolered. Tatars. QJheeaj
are to be paid so mueh per capita far all thai
voters whose names are placed is the ngat-J
tration books. -ijfcw
These same circuMrs, with Mabeoe's' pfe-J
ime prmiM dd hub, are awe seat ta-ske
wwreu wuurcix ia too great aiassy-
with a strOae appeal to theav te sea.
thairhHaaada, sweetheartr m;I"liiiHn.ij
are maae to regieter.