'6-- TSEJ PCTTSBTIRQt DIlgATCP3ft THE BALL The Home Sluggers Touch Up Pitcher Krock. SENATOBS EASILY BEATEN. Haul Does Well in the Boi for the Home Players. THE TRIU1IYIRS BUI OMAHA CLUB Kew Tort and Boston ach Win An other Game. HOREABOUTTHEBROTHEEHOODSCHEME The home ball club scored another easy victory over the Senators yesterday. Haul pitched and did fairly veil. The Boston clnb has bought all the Omaha players. A member of the Boston team writes signifi cantly about the Brotherhood scheme. New Yorks and Bostons again von. Other games. Although the game yesterday at Recrea tion Park between the home team and the men from Washington was not one of the brilliant kind, it was brim full of inter esting features. It was one of those con tests that in many respects remind one of the good old times when everybody wanted to see the ball flying round the field and runs coming in. There was precious little science about the game, bnt the 600 or 700 people who saw it enjoyed themselves all the same. Maul pitched for the home team and Krock was twirling for the visitors. The un certainties of the former andthe pounding ad ministered to thn latter kept everybody in good humor. The visitors were badly beaten as far as re sults go, and after the game bad proceeded an inning or two were never in the hunt, although they threatened to make a dangerous rally at one stage. However, the game they put np was far from the standard of the local men. Without doubt the visitors had an idea that Albert .Maul would, metaphorically speaking, be pie for them. At one time it really looked as if be would, and the spectators almost gave up all hope of victory, Alaul pitched in a very deceptive way. maul's east stile. His style was such that it caused everybody to think be would be pulverized. However, he got thronch all right, though at times some what shaky. The visitors could not take much liberty with him, and it may be that Manager Hanlon's prediction to the efJect that he will be a first-class pitcher will come out all right. Maul certain ly needs steadying. He has some very effective curves and excellent speed. It cer tainly seems as if it would be better to give him a thorough test than to waste time and run great risks of defeat by trying so many un known youngsters. Krock, the ex-Cbicagoan, was thumped hard indeed, but it is only fair to say that his sup port was very bad. Of course, the error col umn does not represent a large amount of mis takes, but, for instance, six runs were made in the fourth inning by hard hitting after the side should have been out. This -certainly is very tough, indeed, on a pitcher. Still, however, the fact remains that be was battered good and hard. This heavy hitting pleased the crowd, and anything that pleases invariably is at tractive. The visitors were first to score. In the sec ond inning, after Wise had made a single, Arthur Irwin got bis base on balls and each runner was advanced a stage by a wild pitch. Mack sent a grounder to Rowe. and the latter threw Wise out at the plate. Mack stole sec ond, aided by a passed balk Clark's long fly to Sunday allowed Irwin to score the run. SIZED UP KEOCK. The home players, in the next inning, began to size up Krock. Maul led off with a two liacger to left, and scored on Miller's sincle in the same direction. Howe's sacrifice sent Mil ler to second, and after Beckley had gone out on a fly to Hoy the venerable Deacon banged the ball over Hoy's head for three bases. The visitors, in their half, also got down to hard work. After Krock had been retired at first J.Irwin got his base on balls and reached sec ond on Hoy's sing.e. Irwin stole third and Hov got to second. Doth runners scored on Wilmot's three-bagcer to right. Wise struck out and Wilmot tallied on A. Irwin's single. Thescore was now! to2infavoro Washington, 'but in the sixth inning the local sluggers settled tc ques;wn oi victory or aeieat Dy scoring tix ruVx. Hanlon led off with a scratch single and Sunday made a successful bunt Dunlap's sacrifice advanced both men a case, aud Maul knocked a grounder to A. Irwin, who made a bad throw to the plate, and Hanlon scored. Miller went out on a foul fly to J. Irwin. SOME HEAVT HITTING. Rowe tben made a single, sending Sunday home, and Beckley's three-bagger to the left fence allowed Maul and Rowe to score. White followed up with a double to left and Beckley tallied. Then Jocko Fields sent the Deacon home on a double to left. Hanlon came to the plate for the second time, but was retired at first. In the fifth inning Sunday led off with a single to left, and scored on Dunlap's two bagger to center. A passed ball sent Dunlap to third, and he scored on J. Irwin's fumble of Miller's grounder after Maul was out. Rowe knocked a long fly to Wilmot, who fumbled it, and Miller ent to third and Rowe to Second. Beckley's sacrifice sent Miller home. In the eighth inning, after two men were out, Hanlon got his base on balls and Sunday hit for a sin gle and stole second. Dunlap made a double to left, sending both runners home. Id the sixth inningtbe visitors became a little troublesome. Riddle led off with a two bagger to center field, ana Krock got bis base on balK J. Irwin then sent Riddle home by a single, Krock getting to third. Hoy's sacrifice sent Krock home. Maul fumbled Wilmot's grounder, and the latter got safely to first and J. Irwin to second. Wise made a double, Irwin sconne and Wilmot reaching third. A Irwin tben knocked a foul fly over to the left field bleachers, and White caught the fly. Wilmot, however, scored before the Deacon conld throw the ball to the home plate. This ended the run getting. Umpire Knight did fairly well. Following is the score: riTTSliUIlGSR B r AE IWASH'TOS. K B T A K Miller, c 2 Itowcs I llecklev. 1... 1 White. 3..... 1 Melds. 1 0 Hanlon. m 2 Sunday, r.H 3 Dunlap, 2... 1 Haul, p..... 2 0,J. Irwin, 3. 2 1 Hoi. m 1 0 Ullmot, I... 2 Wise. 2..... 0 A. lnrln. s. 1 Mack, 1 0 0 11 Clark, c... 0 13 Kiddle, r.... I Krock, p.... 1 1 0 0 0 Totals . 13 17 24 11 31 Totals 8 8 24 13 3 Plttsburgs 0 0 2 6 2 0 0 213 Washington! 0 13004008 Rinied runs Plttsburgs. 4: YY'ashlnctons. 4. 71 no-base hits White, Fields, Dunlap, 2: ilaul. Wise, Ulddle. . ' h Three-base hits Beckler. "White. "Wilmot. Total bases on hits Plttsburgs, 26; Uashlnc tons. 12. bacrlllcc hits Rowe, i; Beckley, Dunlap, J. Irwin. Hoy, Clark. -Stolen bases Sunday, 2, Ilaul, J. Irwin, Mack, Clark. Double play Wise, A. Irwin and Mack. First base -on errors 1'lttsburgs, 2; Washing ton s. 3. First base on balls Miller, Hanlon, 2; J. Irwin. I; A. Irwin, Krock. 8trnck,out Fields. Hoy. Wise, Kiddle. Passed balls Miller, 1: Clark, 1. M lid Ditch-Maul. Left on bases Plttsburgs, 8; Washington!, 8. Time of game One hour and 50 minutes. Umpire Knight. BATTING WON IT. The Babies Use the Sticks and Defeat the Phillies. Cleveland, September 24. The Clevelands batted like champions in the seventh arid eighth innings to-day and thereby won the game. Score: CtSVELA'Dn n r a z; FSILA8. B B r A X i, Radford, r. Strieker, 2.. McKean,s Twltch'U.. Tebeau,,.. Gllks. m... Zimmer. 1. sntcl'ffe, c UCatln, p.. 110 0 0 4 1 1 1 10 1 2 2 2 12 2 0 0 10 0 1 i 0 0 0 11 i I Deleh'ty, 1.. 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 18 0 4 3 1 0 18 0 1 0 0 0 0 Myers. 2 1 thonjp.on, r l Clements, c I Fogarty, m. 1 Parrar. 1 0 0 0 i 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 Hallman, s.. 1 BANGED (t , I Anderson, p 0 0 0 0 0 I t T0WI....11551J IotU....ll27i?,i ssssssssT I ssssBh illusion aMrifii'rfiTmi'iiltsssiiJsiiiif r n ifTfrif - - vfffmtM(SMfW Cleveland's 0 00000330 S Philadelphia 0 0031000 1 S Karned runs Cleveland!, S; Philadelphia!, 1. Th'ee-basehlts Tebeau. Pogarty, 2. Sacriucehlt-Hallman. Stolen bases Radford. Gilks. First base on balls-Clevelandi 4; Philadel phia, . Hit br pitched ball-Rid ford. Struck out-C'levelands, 4: Philadelphia, 4. 1'asscd balls-Sutcll3e. Clements. Time of game One hour and & minutes. Umpire Lynch. SOME TALL SLUGGING. The Giants Win a Lively Gams From the Hooaleri. Indianapolis, Ind., September 24. To day's game resolved itself into a slugging i match in which the New Yorks came out ahead. In the first inning the visitors jumped onto Shreve and hammered out nine runs, and in the third the Hoosiers pounded Welch out of the box. Fee relieved Shreve in the fifth and in that inning- gave five men bases on balls resulting in four runs for the Giants. The game as called back to the s9th, in the sev enth inning, after the Hoosiers had scored one run, on account of darkness. Attendance 1,000. Score: ixDrrous. k b r a z HEW TOBKS. B, B T A X Hlnes, 1 0 O C Gore, m 3 eery. i s Andrewi, m 2 'Dennv, 3. .. 2 Glasscock, s 3 Buckley, c. 1 Mcbeachy, r 2 Basset!,:.... 0 Shreve. o. . 0 rilcman. r. 2 ward, s..... z Hlch'dron.i I 0 U'KonrLe, 1, 2 0jl-wlng. c... 1 lwuuui. a... m v miner, j 1 Welch, p.... 0 Crane, p.... 0 ee,p V 0 Totals. ....12 12 18 6 S Totals 16 12 IS 13 5 Indianapolis 2 16 2 0 112 .etr Torks 10 2 4 0-18 Earned runsIndlanapolls, 6- lew Yorks, S. Two-base hits Andrews, 2; Glasscock, 2; Con nor, Gore. Home runs Connor. O'Kourke, Buckley. Sacrifice hlts-Bassett, Ewlne. Stolen bases McGeacby. 4; Glasscock. Double play Ewlng to Ward. First base on balls By bureve, 2; by Fee, 7; by Welch, 4: by Crane. 2. Hit by pitched bail-Gore. Struck out By Shreve. 1: by Fee. 1; by Crane, 2. Pas6ed ball Buckley, 4. lid pitches-Crane, 2: Fee, 1. First base on errors Indianapolis. 3; Mew Yorks. 2. Time or game Two honrs and 7 minutes. Umpire McQuald. PFEFFER'S COSTLV MUFF. Oil Mistake Gives Boston a Game at Chlcnco. Chicago, September 24. To-day's game was a pitchers' contest throughout, with honors even. Ffeffer's muff in the first, of an easy thrown ball to second, lost the game to Chicago. Farrell was badly injured in the eighth, giving nay to Darliug. There were no features of especial mention. Attendance, 3,100. Score: ciiicaoos. b b p a r BOSTONS. B B r A X Kyan. m.... 0 VanHalt'n.1 1 Duffy, r 1 Anson, 1.... 0 rrefler. 2.... 1 Wlll'mson, s 0 Burns, 3. .. 2 Farrell. c. 0 Darling, c. 0 Butch'son,p 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 14 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 Klcbardson 1 1 Kelly, r. c. 1 Nash. i. 0 IS rou inert, 1. 1 Johnston, m J Sulnn, 2. I . mlth. s 0 Ganzel. c... 0 Madden, r.. 0 ltadb'rne, p 0 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 13 3 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 Totals. , S 7 27 18 Total 7 7 2716 2 Chlcagos 1 0 0 2 110 0 Bostons 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 Earned runs Chlcagos. 3: Bostons, fi- 0-5 0-7 Two-base lilts Johnson, Anson. Home runs Johncon. Burns. Stolen bases Duffy, Klcbardson, Kelly. First base on balls--Off Hutchinson, 4; off Bad bourne, 2. Struck out By Hutchinson. 3: by Kadbourne, 2. Time of game One hour and 55 minutes. Umpire Powers. IRWIN IS ALL RIGHT. He Terr Well Sntlsfled With His Treat. ment In ibe League. STF-CIAI. TXLEGBAH TO TUX DISrATCB. I Washington-, September 21 "Just before the Washington club started on Its last West ern tnp," said President Walter Hewettthis afternoon, "I had a long talk with Arthur Irwin, captain of the team, regarding the plans of he Brotherhood of baseball players. I a'ked him point blanc if he or any of bis asso ciates in the Washington club had anything to complain abont so far as my treatment of them is concerned, and he at once answered in the negative. Following this up, I put the ques tion to him concerning the Johnson scheme, and was informed that, so far as be bad any knowledge of the matter, it was an out and out fake. "Why, there has not even been a meetme of the council." remarked Irwin, "and certilnly nothing would be attempted without a consul tation between members of that body, which comprises representatives of every club in the National League. It is not our purpose, either, to call such a meeting until the League mag nates convene in November, and then we will lay our grievances before them." Lragne Record. 5rl P" Aon. Lost.Ct. Won. Lost, Ct. New Yorks...7S 40 .G6lCleveUnds...57 68 .463 Bostons 77 41 .653 Plttsburgs...55 6S .447 Philadelphia:! 53 .5I3 Indianapolis 54 71 .132 Chlcagos til 63 .4Seshlngtons39 75 .342 IN GREAT FOR9L The Brooklyn Brace Up and Shut Colnm bun Onr. New Yobk, September 24. The Bridegrooms played in great form to-day and easily defeated Columbus. Just 2,025 spectators witnessed the game at Washington Park.BrookIyn. Caruthers did magnificent work and his support was about perfect. O'Brien's home run and the infield worx of Esterday and Smith were also features. Gastrightu as knocked out of the box in the second inning and Easton took his place. Po lice were numerous, owing to the demonstra tions yesterday. Score: Brooklvns .71.0 6 0 0 1111 10 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base hits Brooklyns, 10: Colnmbus, 3. Krrors Brooklvns, 0: Columbus, 2. Earned runs Brooklyns. 5. Two-base bits Fonts, Caruthers, O'Connor, 2: Greenwood. Thrce-baae hit Plncknev. Home run O'Brien. struck out By Caruthers, 5: by Kaston, 2. Umpire Henkle. Association Record. Perl per Won.I,ost.ct. Won.Ist.ct. BrooUyns 83 41 .669iClnclnnatls...66 59 .63 St. Louis .78 44 .639 Columbus 54 71 .425 Athletics es 5a .5;,KansasCltys..51 72 .415 Baltlmores....65 53 .55liLoulsvllles....26 99 .3)8 Games To-Day. Natioitai, League Washingtons at Pitts burg; New Yorks at Indianapolis: Bostons at Chicago; Philadelphias at Cleveland. Amebicait Association No games sched uled. IUTERiTATioirAi. Leaotte Hamlltons at London. YonnKstown Won. Yotjncstowx, September 2t The first game of ball of the Youngstown-Akron series was played here this afternoon. Tho visitors were defeated. Gray striking out 11 men. Fike, Akron's catcher was struck by a pitched ball while at tho bat and remained nnoonscious for nearly half au hour. Score: Youngstowns I 03 0 0022 17 Akrons 0 000010001 Karned runs Youngstown, l. Umpire Christy. International Lengao Games. EFEClAl. TJCLEGBAMS TO THE PlSrATCH.1 At Rochester Kochcsters 0 0 Buffalos 0 1 At Toledo Tolcdos 0 0 Torontos 2 0 At Detroit Detrotts i Londons ...o 1-9 05 0-1 0-8 1-15 8-7 Game called on account of darkness, Bonrht Omaha Onr. Omaha, Neb September 21 At a secret meeting of the President and Directors of the Omaha Baseball Association to-day, it was de cided to accept the proposition of Messrs. Sod en. Conant and Billings, of Boston, for the sale of the entire Omaha team to that city. Wherllng Wheelmen. Wheeling, W. Va., September 24. At a large meeting of wheelmen held this evening, it was determined to fix the dates for the State meet on October 15, 16 and 17. Arrangements were also perfected for bringing wheelmen from Ohio and Pennsylvania, and several hun dred whefllmAn trill h .,-. a .-i.i one-half mile track for racing will be prepared. No International Crlckrt This Tear. TORONTO.Septeniber2t The Ontario Cricket Association will not send an eleven to Phila delpbla this year to meet the Americans in an international contest. The Inability of four officers of the Halifax garrison, who are mem ben of the team to get away, it the main rea son for coming to tali decision. A PLAYER HEARD IROMl One of Boston' Team lUnken a Plain State ment About the Kerr Scheme He Says It Is All Rlsbt and Will be a Sure Go. Sr. Loins, September 24. The editor of a local paper to-day received the following letter from a well-known member of the Boston club. It is the only statement so far received from a player in relation to the stand about to be taken by the Brotherhood. For that reason it is a most important document, corroborating as it does statements made by other parties, and which have already been published: "I thought I would write you a few lines in regard to the Brotherhood of National League Flayers. You remember in the spring I wrote you that we contemplated a strike owing to the way we had been treated by the Directors of the League iu relation to the classification system. After careful consideration of the matter, however, we concluded that to strike then wonld be to break our contracts, and would be sure to rob us of the sympathy of the public. "After a long discussion, we concluded to start an association of our own, and to ask no more favors from the directors of the League. Some of the best men in the land are back of the scheme, and the players and all. will be beard from just as soon as the season of 18S9 comes to a ciose. The new Brotherhood con tract is one of the best ever gotten up. It will hold the players to their agreement tighter than a vise. It will not only give the public good ball playing, but every player will work with a will, knowing that he is directly inter ested in the gate receipts. The better position a club holds the more money there will be for the members of that team, at the close of the season. Some people are of the opinion that the pUyers will try to run the thing to suit themselves. This is not the idea. Men of money will not invest large sums without knowing what is in store for them. It will simply be a trausfer to other directors. The parks will be located in the best parts of all the cities, and agents have been working it up since spring. I could have told you a lot of this before, but I wanted to get at all the facts so that you could depend on anything I told you. The players, of course, are keeping the. matter quiet, and no matter what happens do not mention my name in connection with this letter. Spalding is all broken up over to-day's developments, and so is Anson. Director Co nant will get here to-day. I hear that he and the other directors of the Boston club are wild." DK0PPED DEAD IN THE HOTEL. John C. Oavltt.an Old Pittsburgcr, Failed to Reach His Old Home. News was received in the city last night, of. the sndden death in Washington, D. C, of John C. Davitt, Jr., an old Pittsburger. Mr. Davitt was born in Pittsburg 51 years years ago. He became connected with the Pennsylvania Salt Company, some. 20 years since, and about 10 years ago removed to Philadelphia where he had charge of the company's offices. He had arranged to take his annual vacation and began it in Wash ington. Yesterday he was abont to start for Pitts burg, and was leaving the Arlington Hotel, when be dropped dead. The particulars of his death, were not forwarded. Mr. Davitt leaves two sisters in Pitts bnrg: Miss Molly Davitt, and Mrs. Hutchinson.lWilliam Davitt, of Cleveland, was his brother. Tourists, Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle ot Syrnp of Fig", as it acts mo't pleasantly and effectually en the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and Jl bottles by all leading drug gists. Two Hundred nnd Seventy-Five Mile Into the Hlshpnt Point In the Allegheny Monnt nina for S3 00. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company an nounces their antumnal excursion to Lloyds ville, Pa. (Bhododendrou Park), on Thurs day, September 26, leaving Union station at 8:10 A. 21., returning, leave Lloydsville 5 p. si. At this season of the year the mount ains are robed in their autumnal garb. Nothing could be more pleasing than a ride over the Alleghenies around the beautitul horseshoe and the thrilling ride over the Bell's Gap Railroad. Gallon and Mandolins. Warranted true and not to split. The American Antique oak......f 8 00 The Arion Mahogany 10 00 The Conservatory Rosewood,, first quality IB 00 The Conservatory Rosewood, second quality 12 00 The Washburn Rosewood, 822 to. . 150 00 The American Mandolin 12 00 The Washburn Mandolin, ?22 to.... 75 00 Sold only by H. Kteber & Bro., 506 Wood street. iuwp For the Triennial Conclave of Knlshts Tem plar at Washington, D. C, Oct. 8 to 11. The Penna. R.R. will sell excursion tick ets, Pittsburg to Washington, D. C, and re turn, from 5th to 8th, good to return until Oct. 31, with the privilege of stopping off at Baltimore and Harrisburg on the return trip. 8500,000 Worth or Men's, boys and children's clothing, gents' furnishing goods nnd hats will be sold at net cost lor the next 3 days to-day, Thurs day and Friday. This sale shall be the greatest event of the season; cash only buys these goods. P. C. C. C., cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Only One Opinion. Exposition visitors partaking of refresh ments here in the city nave only one opinion of Fraiienheim & Vilsack's Pittsburg beer, viz, it is unexcelled for flavor and purity. Tho nicsest Clolhine Snlo Pittsburg ever saw takes place daring the next three days, to-day, Thursday and Fri day, at the P. C. C. C , opp. the" new Court House, cor. Grant and Diamond sts. Opening Day In Children's Wraps nnd Dresses For fall and winter to-day. Come and see these newest styles all prices good to fin est goods made! Jos. Horne & Cos Penn Avenue Stores. The Blcct Clothlug Sale Pittsburg ever saw takes place daring the next three days, to-day, Thursday and Fri day, at the P. C. C. C", opp. the 'new Court House, cor. Grant and Diamond sts. It is absolutely pure. Age." .Klein's "Silver MWF Exposition. Jubilee Singers afternoon and evening. Besinnera' Climes In Dancing. Thuma's Academy, 64 Fourth ave., will open for the season next Tuesday, October 1. Three classes for beginners. See amusement column. Particulars at academy. Men's underwear, fall and winter weights. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Geq, H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First avenue, Pittsburg, are the largest holders of pure rye whisky in the city. For nervous indigestion use Klein's "Silver Age," It will help you. mwf Men's fine neckwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s lUO Fifth ave. Exposition. Jnbilee Singers afternoon and evening. Fob nervous indigestion nse Klein's "Silver Age.'V It will help yon. mwf Men's fine neckwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'g, 100 Fifth are. 'Exposition. The famons Jubilee Singers. Silver OHver Ix ii absolutely pure. Klein's Age." UwT MADEANEWKECORD. Kingston Lowers the Mile and Quarter Mark to 2:0G 1-2. HE BKATS EACELAKD AND TENNY. More Tban Twelve Thousand People See the Great Event. THE WINNERS AT L0UISTIL1B. Some Excellent lire Bird Shootiiig by Local Shots General Sporting. Kingston, the famous race horse, lowered the record lor a mile and a quarter to 2.-06. beating Baceland and Tenny in a great race at Gravesend. There was some good racing at Lonisville. An interesting live bird shooting match took place at Brunot's Island. Race Teack, Gbavesekd. Septembe 24. The great first special was run and won this afternoon. Fully 12,000 persons shook off their usual decorum, shouted wildly, threw their hats in the air, shook their neighbors hands vigorously and felt glad that they were present to see the acknowledged king of the turf Kingston cleverly ridden by the colored Archer, Isaac Murphy, pass under the wire a leugth in front of Raceland, Banker August Bel mont's representative. Tenny was first to respond to the bugler's call, resplendent in new colors. He was profusely applauded as he cantered past the stand. But the assemblage broke loose in one wild hurrah shortly afterward, when Raceland Kingston and Los Angeles passed by toward the post. INTENSE EXCITEMENT. The excitement was intense as they wheeled ab out ready for the word "go." "They're off," shouted the crowd,and so they were at the first asking, with Los Angeles, Raceland, Tenny and Kingston together. Tho pace was very slow in the first quarter, and, passing the stand after having traversed a quarter of a mile, Raceland led by four lengths. At the end of three-quarters of a mile Raceland was two lengths in the van. Kingston and Los Angeles were lapped, with Tenny three parts of a length behind. Making the turn for home Los An geles was beaten and Barney began to ply his whip. Hamilton and McLaughlin also went to the whiD. but Murnhv merely Shook Kingston up. That was all that was necessary. The great racer gamely responded, and, coming with a rush, was soon in the van. Raceland then was second, Tenny third, and Los Angeles was out of it. THE PACE WAS TEBEIFIC. The pace in the last f nrlong was terrific, but Kingston was the king of the lot, and amid the wildest excitement he galloped under the wlrn a winner by a length in 2:06 the fastest time oh record. Tenny, always a game finisher, 'made a fine fight for the place, but Jimmie was not to be beaten out of second place and a share of the applause, and landed Raceland in second place by a good neck. Los Angeles was ten lengths awav. The fractional time was 26, 6Ki. ia6K, lMfi and 2KWK- It was a field day for the tailers. Rlx strong favorites passed under the wire winning in suc cession. The betting ring was filled with a happy crowd, while tho "bookies" looked any thing but pleasant. All in all, it was the ban ner day of the meeting. v First race, six furlongs Starters: Gregory, Frontena, June Day and Mamie B. Gregory won, Mamie B second, June Hay third. Time. 1:15. Second race, mile and eighth Starters: Tara gon. King Cra. Bronzomarte, Counemara, bt. Luke, crank Ward, Golden Keel, I.archmont, Philander, Taragon won. Golden Keel second, Bronzomarte third. Time, l:54tf. RECLARE WINS A KACE. Third race. Willow stakes, for 2-year-olds, six furlongs Starters, Kuperta, Paradox, Urnldess, Hectare, Amazon. Slnola II. Martha, Gloaming, Golden Horn. Keclare won, Ruperts second, Binoia inira. nme, uujt, fourth race, the first special, mile and a quarter Starters Kingston. Raceland. Los Angeles. Tenny. Kingston won, Raceland second, Tenny third. Time, 2:06K. Fifth race, one mile Starters: The Forum. V.rmnnt OpnilitnTi.. RIU RtrnM llnVo nf th Highlands, Cracksman, btately, Etrurla, Hyjiasur ana isen iiarrison. iracKsman won, uen Harri son second, .btrnna third. Time, 1 blith race, five rnrlones Starter sfHi. Athenla filly, bourle. Colonel Hunt; Drake, Mer Iden, Forest King, Sain Morse. Merlden won, Sam Morse second, Colonel Hunt third. Time, l:0Mf. Seventh race, five furloaps btarters: Carneale, General Gordon. Young Duke, Mute, Grlmalal, Little Barefoot, Village Maid, Pearl Set. Pearl bet won. Grimaldl second, Young Duke third. Time, l:01K. tPrevlous to yesterday the record for one and a Quarter miles was held bv Drv Mononole. who covered that distance In 2:07 In 1&S7, carrying 106 pounds. This year Hlndoocratt has gone the distance In 2:0734, with 107 pounds up. and Exile. iiai th with 116 pounds, made a mark of 2-07X. SPOBr- ISO ED.l Entries for to-morrow's races at Gravesend: First race, three-quarters of a mile Bella B 114 Sounds, Salvlnl 112, Colonel Hunt 112, LanttellZ, Lanola 108, Second race, one mile Little Mlnch 114 pounds, Madstone 112, Belle. d'Or 112, Bess 110: Swift 106, Tavlston 105, Oarsman 100. Panama 98. intra race, three-quarters or a mile uramercy, King William, Kenwood 100 pounds each, Grei orr 118. Carrie C 93. Jennie V fillv 105. crt reg ClvTl Service 108, Umstone 93, St. James 102. EstelleU9, Dilemma 8L Millie V llllams 91. Pearl Set IDS. Fourth race, one and three-sixteenth miles Exile 118 pounds. Badge 116, Bella B 102, Elyton 102, Hypocrite 100, Castaway II. 97, Elve 90. Kalolali 98. Fifth race, three-quarters of a mile Kings Own, Major Daly, Carbine 108 pounds. Blackburn 118, "Sixth race, one mile My Fellow 122 pounds. JO.CJIC UM. .UllUCUbC 1M. Gypsy Queen 103, Blue Rock, Vermont, Castaway II.. Zephyrus, Tipstaff 112 each, Auranla 104, Cartoon 117. .ANOTHER SHORT DAY. The Favorites Continue to Get Beaten at Louisville. Louisville, Kt.. September 24. The short horses continue to win and only two favorites won toay. The surprise of the day was the win of Blarney Stone, Jr., a 10 to 1 shot, in the Sanford stakesfor2-year-olds. Kitty Cheat ham was on odds as a favorite, but she finished third, but was given the place Milton, who ran second, being disqualified on account of a loul at the sixteenth pole. First race, half mile, telling Starters : Elsie Gaylord 85 pounds, Aunt Kate 91, Trifle 94, Sister Geneva 100, Siivet Lake 103, Venango 104, Evallna? 104, Luella 104 Post odds 4 to 1 Aunt Kate, Kvc llna and Luella 2 to 1 each. Trifle 4 to 1. others from 10 to 20 to 1. Aunt Kate and Sister Geneva were the leaders almost the entire way, the former winning by half a length, Geneva second, bllver Lake third. Time. 61. Second race, half mile Starters: Ellen Douglass 91 pounds, Blue Maid 100, GUdoga 91, Samantha ICO, fakir 103. Camilla 106, 111 Spent 113, Pilgrim 113. Post odds-Blue Maid I to I, Pilgrim and Camilla 3 to I, Ellen Douglass 6 to I, others 7 to U to 1. Lllcn Douglass followed by Bine Maid and bamantba, was the order to the stretch, where the Maid came on and won handily, Samantha sec ond. Fakir third. Time, l;49. Third race, one and one-sixteenth miles Star, ters: Wary 110 pounds. Glockner 1M, Cams 105. LlzrteLR). Tenlfkeloo. Kate Mrflone 1(7. sn,?. set 107. Post odds-Wary 4"to 5, Carns 2 to 1, Kaie Malone 5 to I, others 8 to 12 to 1. Wary, after los ing two slow races In inferior company, made a runaway race of It, leading by two lengths all the way. Carns was 6econd, a length ahead of Kate juaiuuc luiru. jiiuic nub );itcu. Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile Starters Ecstacy 102 pounds, Dell Wyman 102. Martin C 102, SwampFoX 1W, bam Mack 105, Argentall2. Amos A 112, Censor 105. Vatout 112. Bettlna 109 Post odds Swamp iox 15 to 1, May U 2 to I Argenta 3 to 1, Bettlna 4 to 1, Valout 5 to 1, others from 10 to 25 to 1 After an hour's delay at the post Swamp Fox got the start, the Held straggling Swamp Fox and vatout made the race to straight. where Bettlna came, and a rattling finish ensued Swamp Fox first by a neck, Bettlna second. Mav O. who could not get through the field, third Time, 1:17. Fifth race, Sanford stakes,, one mile Starters Blackburn 1(3 pounds, Kitty Cheatham 1OT. Mil ton 110. Bill Letcher 110, Blarnev Stonolio. John McCullough 103. Post odds-Kitty Cheatham 7 to 10, Milton 3 to 1. Blarney Stone 10 to 1, lim Letcher 6 to 1. others from 10 to 40 to 1. Cheatham aud Milton ran neck and neck to the straight with Blarney Stone and BUI Letcher alternating In third place. Milton was In Iront down the straight, Cheatham second. At the sixteenth pole btoval fouled Cheatham, and Blarney Stone on the outside came with a rush and won easily, Milton a length before Cheatham. Milton was dlj- UUailUCU. VUMUlillUKHfUU, Dill .LASLCUcr third 'lime, 1:45. Sixth race, seven-eighths of a mile Ht.w.... Lucy F. 8 pounds. Mackenzie 91, Weeks 97. i. 100, Cla.-norios, Bonnie Klttie 105, Bon Air iiw Rhody Prtngle 108, Cast Steel 103, May Laos lor Daisy Woodruff 113, Post odds-May Laps and Cast Steel 4 to 1, Bon Alr to 1, others 6 to 15 to 1 lago, McKenzle and Bon Air were the gait all around into the sixteenth pole, where Lucy p. ran np and won by a neck, McKenzle second, a head before Bon Air. Time. 1:X. Ba Entries for to-morrow's races: First race, sevenelghthi or a mile, selllnrR. lute S4 pounds. Sliver Lake 100, Lens Ban si: Heart's Ease 104, Little Crete 110? " Second race, one mile, welter welght-f Iyer u pounds. Lottie S 65, Cecil B 95, W. U. Morris ill Plunder 125, Brandolette 187 " Third race, three-quarters of a mile. selling Dahlia 98 pounds. Consignee 99. La La v ,, John Morris 105, Long Brook luS, Boot Jack iu? Btck ?,'n 105. Qulndara Belle 104, Marker no-, rourth race, three-quirteri of a .niile, slingi uayy uicas ss puuuui, JTUUBUa 00, JUCCinClty 104, II irririiiM tiiiiiti i in-rrrttn 1 1 ' Harambore 105. Isgo 105, Metal 113, Berenader 113. Deer Lodge 117. Fifth race, one mile. selilng-Chnrcblll Clark S3 pounds, Long Light 88, Mirth 88, Winning Ways 9, Hew Castle 100, Spectator 100, Ormle 102, Som erset 104. ' Sixth race, one and one- sixteenth mlleshandlcap Eva Wise 100 pounds. Tenacity 100, Burch lis Glockner 105, Birthday lis, Harry Glenn 112. Nevada 110, Bonlta 109. "" GOOD SHOOTING. Local Shots Have a Big Sweepstake at Hrnnot'a Ialnnd. Tho live-bird shooting contest, promoted by Messrs. Crowe and Richardson, at Brunot's Is land yesterday, was a great success. The shoot ing was excellent and the attendance good. The conditions were ten birds each and tlO entrance. There were 14 entries, maklng'SUO to be divided into four prizes. The results show that an un usual number got share of the second, third and fourth prizes. W. O. King took first money by killing ten straight. Messrs. E. E. Sbaner, C. A. Brown, C.ii. Hostetter, B. ShanerandJ. P. Andrews divided second money, with nine each. C. Richardson, J. O. Hanlon, Joseph Glesenkamp, F. F. Davidson and J. C. Crow divided third, with eight each. T. D. Thompson. G. E. Sny der and a H. King, Jr., divided fourth, with seven each. ' Clovelnad Races. Cleveland, September 24. The fall meet ing of the Ohio Association of Trotting Horse Breeders closed to-day. Summary of events: Kennard House stake. 3-year-olds Forest City Farm's b. c. Winter 1 12 1 a. K. Warner's b. I. Kamonla Wilkes. ...2 2 12 Time, 2:sX. 2:3 2:), 2:37J. Novelty stake win and out Lakeland 1 arm's ch. c Haroldmont 1 2 W. C. Fair's br. c. Cyrus ., 2 0 Time. 2:43K. 2:54. Champion stallion stake n. P. W ade's br. b. Gold Leaf J. W. Vogleson's blfc. b. Orphan Boy, 'lime. 2:H 2:203, 235, 2:25. Agalnsttlme Tlme2:14M ,, C. F. Emery's b. h. Patron Time, 2:24, 2:16. Bearer Fair Races. Beaveb, Pa., September 24. The County Fair opened here to-aay with very good first day's attendance. Trotting and pacing for country horses under 6 years, which were never entered for a preminm, were scheduled for to day, but as no entries were made a special pacing race was gotten up. Printer Boy, Jen nie K and Grey Harrison went on fortbree beats. Printer Boy took two heats, the best time being 240. The 2.30 pace and 3-minute trot open to all, and the running race for coun try horses will come off to-morrow. The fair will continue four days. Ihe exhibits were up to the average. One of the features of the fair will be ball games on Thursday and Friday be tween the Beaver Greys and the female club which played in Pittsburg last week. A Good Race Proposed. An admirer of aquatics called at the office last evening and stated that either McChesney or Martin, of Fat Luther's Boat Club, will row any member of the Columbia Club within four weeks for a substantial stake. The idea is to see what clnb has the best rowers. A race, such as proposed, wonld be of considerable local Interest, and it would have the rare qual ity of being an honest one. Ilnyes Wnnta to Flcht.v Jack Hayes called at this office lasf nightand left the following challenge: "lam willing to fight Billy Corcoran under any rules to a finish with or without gloves for a stake of 230 a side. 1 will be at The Dispatch office on Saturday evening at 9 o'clock to make a match." The Great Uorien Matched. Boston, September 21 A match for $2,500 a side has been arranged by the owners of the trotting stallions Alcryon and Nelson. The race will place at Fleetwood Park, New York, some time in October. ' Rnln Stopped Them. Philadelphia, September 24. The open ing of the Grand Circuit Trotting meeting an nounced for to-day at the Philadelphia Driving Park was postponed until to-morrow on ac count of ram. Wlshlna Gate Won. London. September 24. The Newmarket first October meeting opened to-day. The race for the eleventh great foal stakes was won by Mr. J. V. Lawrence's Wishing Gate, Mr. J. C. Hill's Pioneer was second and Lord Bradford's Swift third. EUPP OR RAPP, WHICH ? ABtrpnc Probability That the Latter Is the , iiy Name of the Millionaire German. . ConradjW. Bupp, a 70-year-old German laborer, of Philadelphia, is said to claim heirship to $2,500,000 lying somewhere in this vjcinity, and, from the story Conrad tells, it seems probable that the man from whom he claims heirship may have been the fonnder of the Economite Society, and that the orthography of the name may have be come mixed. Conrad says that in 1805, George Bnpp came to this State and settled in Beaver county and not succeeding in business as he expected removed to Pittsburg and invested in coal mines and iron works; that George had married in Germany and alter he became settled sent for his wife and son, but both soon died and that dropping all correspondence with Faderland, he turned his attention to money making, and accumulated a fortune estimated at several millions of dollars; that the son died in Pittsburg and the wife in "Wurtemburg, supposably a village in Bntler county. Cnnrad states that there are a number of heirs, each of whom are en titled to $2,500,000. He further states that he is the only living brother, two having died, and that there are five sisters, fonr of whom are married. It is said he has en gaged Consnl Bemak to go to Germany and establish the claim. Some of the prominent members of the Economite Society were spoken to, but they did not attach much importance to Conrad's claim, from the fact that heirs had for a long time been turning up at intervals to dispute the right of the society to George Bapp's wealth. As the amount spoken of would be about the size of the supposed value of the Economite holdings, the cir cumstance of the nearness of the name lends color to thebeliel that its fonnder is the man Conrad has in view. As he is 70 years old, he is not likely to see the end ot the matter. THE WEATHER. For Fesfern Penn tylvania, fair, fol lowed by light rains, winds shifting to westerly, slightly cooler,except in West ern Pennsylvania, stationary tempera ture. For Ohio and Indiana, increasing cloudi ness and rain; colder northwesterly winds. For West Virginia, fair, followed by light rain, stationary temperature, colder weather on Thursday, northerly winds. PrrrSBUBO, September 24, 1889. The United States Signal Service offloerla this city furnishes the following: Time. Ther. lhsr. 8:00A. V 59 12:00 X 64 1:00 r. m 2:00 r.M 65 Mean temp ,,, 61 Maximum temp.... GS Minimum temp.... 55 itange II (:00F. X., Precipitation. , .Cb 8KOF.lt. ..60 River at tr. hours. x., 6.2 teet, a rite of 0,2 feet In 14 River Telegrams. tSPECIAI. TXLIQKAUl JO TBS DISTATOR.I MoBOASTOWW-River 3 feet 6 Inches and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 62 at 4 P. K. , Wabbbw River S-10 foot and falling. Weather clear and pleasant Bbowksville River i feet 10 inches and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 67' ate p.m. Sn Py-1B Q, 1 GALLANTJLEAGUERS: Continued from Second Page. ' claret punch. Tho lunch was served in the ordinary of the hotel. Everything was done in most recherche style. The reception was held in the parlor of the hotel and was a brilliant affair. At the western end of the reception room Captain John A. Beed, of the Americas Club In troduction Committee; President Stuart, of the Bepubjican League; Harry Paul, Presi dent of the Americus Club; Senator Dela mater, James S. McKean, candidate for the postmastersbip ot Pittsburg, and General Hastings were arranged in line and shook hands with all who passed through the room. The room was crowded by politicians who desired to see the various candidates for Governor. Among those who presented themselves to shake Hands with Senator Delamater, General Hastings and Major Montooth were: Dr. C. C. Wiley, Captain A. J. Logan, Captain John A. Logan, John Doyle, John N. Neeb, Harry D. W. En glish, Captain Edward S. Wright, Philip Flinn, Charles Jahn, Hon. John F. Devoe, Hon. James L. Graham, William Eisner, James L. Burke, Chill W. Hazzard, Henry I. Gourley, Bobert Lindsey, Sheriff Leeds, of Philadelphia,Ch3ries H. McKee, Samuel D. Warmcastle, ex-Sheriff Gray, Henry P. Ford- and other prominent Bepnblicans. -at aoont ussu o ciocc tne crowa or gen tlemen in the parlor began to call for speeches. Mr. Stuart was first called out He expressed the warmest thanks to tho Americns Clnb for its entertainment Its reputation, Mr. Stnart said, bad extended beyond the confines of the State. He re lated some humorous circumstances concern ing the visit of the Americus Club to Wash ington last March. President Stnart tben introduced Senator Delamater, who deliv ered a most stirring address, directed chiefly to the young Republicans of the State. "The glory of the Republican party," he said, "is its positive and progressive ideas and principles. It has been always fear less. Its platforms have been plain, posi tive and progressive-." Senator Delamater praised the "Republican Leasue and its work, saying that he was proud to be a member ot that organization. General Hastings was tben called for, and after some delay he appeared and made a speech. He said he knew that the preat crowd wonld "let np" if they appreciated the embarrassment of Mr. Stnart, Senator Delamater, Major Montooth and himself. General Hastings expressed the opinion that all the Bepnblicans of Pennsylvania had to do was to get ont the vote, he know ing that the vote of Pennsylvania was Re publican all the way through. He believed, he said, that Boyer would have 'a majority of from 50,000 to 60,000. He expressed great satisfaction at the apparent harmony of Al legheny connty politicians. Loud calls were then made for Major Montooth. the Pittsbnrg candidate for the Gubernatorial nomination, but he conld not.1 De lountl anywhere in the hotel. His friends were much disappointed that he was not present to orate. After that calls were made for Colonel Chill W. Hazzard, and he made the humor ous address of the evening. Other local politicians made short speeches, and the reception wonnd. np in a blaze of glory. Colonel W. A.-'Stone was expected to be present, but found himself unable to come and so telegraphed. Senator Butler, of South Carolina, visited the reception, accompaoied by Colonel J. W. Echols, of this city. He received an ovation. Although a member of the State league of clubs, Senator Delamater's character istic modesty prevented him from attend ance upon the convention of yesterday. He leaves for home this morning." At 1:30 this afternoon the Mayflower will start up the Monongahela laden with the Bepnblicans in attendance upon yesterday's convention. Ex-Speaker H. K. Boyer was to have been the lion of last nizht's reception, bnt at the last moment a telegram was received stating that he had found it impossible to reach Pittsburg. His absence was very much re gretted, as many wanted to meet the candi date for State Treasurer. , GBNTXEMEK WHO WILL J0URNET.. The Names of Delegates to the National Convention of Clubs. The list of delegates and alternates to the National Convention of League Clnbs at Nashville is as follows: .First Congressional district-John Flnley First ward, Philadelphia, Harrison and Morton club; Gilbert A. liilf, M. S. "Quay club; alternates, William McWade, John A. Logan club; John Cruise, Thirtieth Ward Philadelphia club. Second district Samuel M. Clements, Union Republican club: Harry Lennart. Twentieth Ward Philadelphia Kennbllcan club: alternates. J. R.Jones, Eighth ward Philadelphia Kepub- ilcandub; F. D. Jones, Young Kennbllcan club. Third dLtrict-Theo. B. Philadelphia Republican club: James B. Anderson, Alpha club: alternates. William L. Smith, Sixth Ward Philadelphia Republican club; Joseph Klcmmer, Union Republican club. Fourth district-John T. Ulenn, Fifteenth Ward Philadelphia Republicans; G. L. Pfoutz, Conti nental club; alternated, Theo A. Oraham, First Blaine club: Irving B. Brower, Eighty-seventh clnb of the Twenty-ninth ward, Philadelphia. Fifth district M. J. Callahan, Antl-Cobden club; John W. Bain, United Republicans, Twen- Tas secret of my happiness b, I have fhnnrn SVS7 ny old Blacking Brush, and have BEAUTIFULLY POLISHED WITHOUT LABOR. Wolff'sAOMEBIacking ProdsoaapolishwithoTxtthecUbztah,andaasKifi Kill tatt a Ki on mm's, and dra on teanai't Aoa. Why stick to old ways in these days of progress J Sold by Shoo Stares, Grocers, Drugsists, etc. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA. MWTSU The Highest Praise. 'I am a Presbyterian clergyman and a Doctor of Divinity, bnt lam not afraid to recommend Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as the purest and most efficient preparation as a medicine that I Enow of, and my experience is a large one." rev.b. mills, LL. D. "I highly recommend Daffy's Pure Malt Whlskev and prescribe It extensively In my prac tice." B. W. Hutchinson; M. D., New York. "Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is free from fusel oil, adulterations, or foreign1 impurities, and these qualities should recommend it to the high est public favor." Tbof. Henrt A. Mqtt, Ph. D., F. U. S.. j New.Tork. "I concur In the Indorsement of all that has been said of Duffy's Pnrf Malt Whiskey." I F. E. SPINNER, Late Treasmfer of the United Btates. Can any higher lndors iments than the above be prodncea for any knowi article? . ,. Do they not prove the purity and power of this Great Remedyr He sure, however, anc secure only the gennlne, and take none hut Duff' 's. It li sold by all repnta ile druggists. t BEECHAM'S PILLS ACT TiTK-B 8KA.GrXO ON A WEAK STOMACH. 2Sot. A Box OF ALL. DR00QI8T0. . HAPPY! jfcJfej ATERFROOF PHOT ty-lfth ward.-VhHaairtplila; altente.?j5V JC. iTaig. nm esbq ,esuo; a. jl jsaoxaracE. ami Cobden club. Sixth district-Lev G. McCamler. West Ches ter: O. D. WIUls. Chester. alternatesKobert Jj Henderson, Phoenlxvllle; John Grlflla. Chester. Seventh district J: T.-Hendrlcks, Doyleatown; A. B. Miller, Pottstown: alternates. J. K. Cosely, Doylestown: J" rant Wlckersham, Pottstown. Tenth district A; JiSanflmau. Columbia; T. O. Wiley, Lancaster; alternates, A. R. -Bear, Lltltzv H. M. Bear, Lancaster. Eleventh district E- P. Kingsbury1. Scranton; tK. Wiilsrd, Scranton. Alternates W. J. and, Scranton; 11. A. Knopp, Scranton. Thirteenth dlstrlct-Hon. U. D. Philips. Gor don! U. U. Sf Inert, Pottsvllle. Alternatea-M. H. Kohler, Shenandoah: B. H. Koch. PotMvtlle. Sixteenth district R. C Hardmao, Bedford: D. Barndollar. Everett. Twenty-first district J. B. Lanx. Greeusburg: David Jrr. West Newton. Alternates Christ Crlbbs, Ureensborg; L L Robertson, West Newton. Twenty-second district H. P. Kord. Pittsburg; J. K. Aiken. Pittsburg. Alternates Lemuel Uooglns, Pittsburg: J. 8. Seaman, Pittsburg. Twenty-third district-John N. NecD. Pitts burg: John Dalzell, Pittsburg. Alternates J. W. Prescott, Allegheny; H. M- Datt, Allegheny. Twenty-fourth dlstrlct-Dr. D. G. Foster, Craf ton: William German. McKeesport. Alternates J. . Thompson, McKeesport; J. W. MeCready, Mansfield Valley Twenty-fifth district J. J. Petree. SharpsvWe; D. Jameson, New Castle. Alternates P. W. Lowry. Butler; L. A. Burrell, Sharon. Twenty-sixth district W. J. Robinson. Erie: Oearge A. Chase, Tltusvllle. Alternates Well ington Downing, Erie: W. G. Powell, Sprlng boro. Twenty-seventh district E. W. Parshall, War ren: Jfranfc Barnhart, Warren. Alternates E. Walker, Warren; C W. Dhday, Warren. The districts omitted either had no repre sentation of permanent clubs or failed to choose delegates CO the convention. Boston Has Qoeaq Boodle to Spare. Boston, September 24. The Board of Aldermen has -passed-an order to devote $50,000 to be received from the State for a new armory, and to the erection of statues to Grant, Farragnt and Sheridan. The order is subject to an opinion from the cor poration connsel as to its legality. Dentil of Sir. John Larkln. Mr. John Larkin, an old man ot 70 years of age and a distant relative of Postmaster larkin, has departed from this life. Mr. Larkin was an old resident of Pittsburg, was respected by all whq knew him, and. his many friends will be sorely afflicted over his loss. ROGERS' ROYAL NERVINE PI extremely palatable to the taste and attractive to the eye. resembling a rich; red wine but it is guaranteed to be absolutely free from all in jurious substances, i It destroys the craving for strong drink, substi tuting for that injurious stimulation the splendid exhilaration ofjrood digestion, free circulation and PEBFECTHEALTH. When vonr BKAXNJS OVEKWOBKliD through strain of anxiety and press of business, when your HEAD THKOBS with a sickening pain, KOYAL HERVLNE IONIC will give new vigor tothe nerves and build up and invigorate the WHOLK SYSTEM In the same way as If the partaker there of b ad benefited Py a sharp walk or ride on horse back. KOTALSEKVLNE TONIC is warranted on the manufacturers' professional honor to be abso lutely free from all mineral or poisonous drugs. se20-63-w Practically Taught at Duff's College, 49 FIFTJ3C ATE. -O-EVENING SESSIONS. aul4-25-w TOO LATKTO CLASSIFY. ANTED-F1KST-CLASS MAC KJIST DIE VV maker preferred; ISO GKANT AVE.. Alle- .. Alle seis-1 gneny, JTBWSlHKSa- octL - ,r.i Have you used PEARSsoap? NO GLITTERING It. is our desire to impress upon the public: first, the fact that we are positively selling out all our stock to quit business; second: that we are selling at lower prices than may ever be offered again. Our goods must be seen to be appreciated', Belovj we give prices on a few articles: Decorated 56-piece Tea Sets at $3 70 per set and ranging up to'$20 per set. Decorated Chamber Sets, complete with? jar, at $4 19 per set and ranging up to $45 per seU English decorated lOO-plcce Dinner Sets, nice goods, at $13. 90 andi ranging up to $300. Brass Extension Piano Lamps, witK large burner and umbrella shade, all complete at $8 90 andi runging'up to $50. Decorated vase or Table LampSj wtth large burner and decorated shade to match, at $2 20 and ranging up to $24, reduced from $35. Banquet Lamps " (which are all the go in tlie East) complete with-decorated" bisque, or umbrella shade at $3 95 and ranging up to $26 50, Sogers' Dinner Knives at $1 24 per set. Brass Extension .,, Hanging Lamps at $1 40 each and ranging in price up to $24. Gas Fixtures, Bronzes and Clocks, Chandeliers and1 Hall Lights, Art Potteries, comprising Bisque, Royal Wor cester, Old Hall, Crown Derby, Hungarian, Wurtemberg and other famous wares; Fancy Tables, in Bronze and Onyx, Pedestals and Easels. Full line of domestic pressed and rich " cut Glassware, for hotel and household. Wedding and An niversary Gifts at viostng uut The J.P.Smith Lamp, Glass and China Co 935 Penn Ave.. Between Ninth and Tenth Sts. FURNITURE AND CARPETS GRANDEST VARIETY! BEST QUALITIES! NEWEST STVLES! 1EECH Oasli f,rn3. Credit a emd 925 Pm avonue, jwar Ninth street. f- V- . ",,'. X KBIT AT4WIJMlBWisWUritTJr fur Cur. f ' Girrit? -JfRUMFTVfiiinVwBurfinrrfr' ITriQliTllrM QFEAlH. MUBGI5T5NDQEAUrlwnfltaK TrlECHASAVDErR&.BArin.Mo GfrETTbXffrttjr. nnof'rnvi m; ffTATZal X7V109ffQi7aULSas if mm c a W4n SC4-13-WT PROPERTY OWKERS. A VOLUME OF INFORMATION ON T - ROOFS FREE OF COST! If yonhave decided to plaee a tin reef upon your house yon should, In justice to yourself, obtain the best possible informa tion in regard to tia for reefing pat-poses. No property owner oaa aJenl to wain "ig norant, when a whole velase of iafiarMa- tion devoted to the selection, layiigJaSeT. paiuiing oi a uo root can oe naa mraMHSV mg. Messrs. Merchant & Co., ot ttasu sjsjjg are conceueu to oe authority oa wareslsv' Thev have devoted much time. lasWa r . .- ....vi- -v '-Sr3 mass of tacts upon this subject, whiotv arej of great interest to property owners.- 'Tha constant inquiry from property owners tor these books evinces the fact that there tia" considerable quiet thinking being dose jast rftw by a large number of geatleaea, who have heretofore given the subjeet very lktle consideration. What the outeoise will be, almost anyone oan anticipate. A l&tter class of roofing is sure to follow, as a natural consequence. A wise property owner wBl send for Merchant & Co.'s new beekrr ad," after reading it, he will certainly eeaela&e; that there was ranch that he did not know upon the subject of tin roofs. Philadelphia Eeal Estate Record, September 11, '8V '-'-. .. se3Wr7V UTnAfTD MTW T09 season's eatefa of jJLUiilM MJjUO Bloater Mesa Mackerel' MACKEREL " " QUO. K. H rEVEN80N fc CO.. SIXTH AVENUE. JaH-SB-Jtwr j, US P-R " -j h;4 GENERALITIES prices. f - pC3-WTsn LOWEST PRICES! EASIEST TERMS! BEST TREATMENT! 'S IBZoixse, .u- . i St the umtn fMTwyfr ' III THE WMU. Jjrtf 'rTr Sy newe Mitt y MWBIItMTATMHK .4 33 eaflttmfai II ss!TTfl"isssEisssssssssM e- ., sBflnBss9' Mi. ti m OHPBHijFWKi i, - u m 'Jf. f