wvmmfi&s&ggBm&Baat -v .iss fflBftu,ra: . ,-w.r TEWh' PITTSBUEG" ''DlSPATOHWEDlNESDAf i .v ' J rass SEPTEMBERS !25jjl88W i I I" Ijje B$M. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, ISIS. Vol.44. Jio.30. Entered st 1'lttsburg lostoffice. ioveinberlt, 1SS7, as second-class matter. Business Offlce97andS0 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Ofnce, Room 48, Tribune Building, ewYok. Average net circulation of tbe dally edition of THE DlsrATClI for six months ending August a, 1S53, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,045 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation or the Scndav edition of The DisriTCU for three months ending August 31, 1SS9, 55,643 Copies per Issue. TERMS OP THE DISrATCU. rosTAGE thee in the united ETATrs. Daili Dispatch, One Year t 8 CO Daily Dispatch, 1'cr Quarter 2 00 Dailt Dispatch. One Month 70 Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 Daily DisrATCH. Including Sunday.Sm'ths. Z SO Daili Dispatch, Including Sunday. 1 month 90 bra DAT DISPATCH, One 1 car 2 50 A eekly Dispatch, One Year 125 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at IScenU per week, or Including bunday edition, at . accents per week. PITTSBURG. WEDNESDAY, SEP. 35, 18SSL THEIEAGUE PLATFOEM. The deliverance of the Republican League Convention yesterday was princi- pally noticeable for its careful adherence to the regulation line of Republican utter nnces. It was safe and conservative rather than brilliant, original or radical. The rumored resolution calling for the repeal of the civil service act was conspic uous by its absence. This is a creditable demonstration that the membership of the Republican clubs take a higher view of politics than to make it a mere competition for spoils, and accept Republican pledges as more binding than the duty of rewarding party workers. Outside of this the deliv erances which indorso the administration, call for the protection of colored people in tbe South, denounce the Democratic grab in "West Virginia, pay honor to the vet erans of the war, and indorse Boyer and Beaver are decidedly of the conventional character. It would have been interesting if the or ganization could have risen to the height of shaping party policy on such questions as corporation or trnst abuses. But perhaps it would be too much to expect purely polit ical organizations to break over the rule of following rather than leading publin opinion. A GEEAT HELD FOE EITTEBPBISE, The arrival of the members of the Pan American Congress, at Kew York, brings out interviews with them showing that many of the South and Central American republics are keenly alive to the work of cultivating trade relations with the United States. The delegates from Honduras and Bolivia are quoted as declaring that the re sults of the English and French domination of their trade are disadvantageous to the development of their industries; and that they are anxious to call in the commercial competition of the United States as a re dressing influence. Perhaps a more de cided weight will come from the formal ut terances of the representatives of such coun tries as Chili and the Argentine Republic, which are tbe leading South American re publics. But every indication is to the ef fect that a great field is open for our indus tries and commerce in the countries to the south of us, if we shape our commercial policy to cultivate it THE DANCE WILL GO Off. The iron government of the German Em pire seems determined to test its strength and the patience of the people. Having brought almost every pursuit of man in the Fatherland under tbe strict eye of the drill sergeant and the detective, Prince Bismarck Las now attempted to dictate how, when and where Germans shall dance. And it is cot the interference of a kindly critic either, Ijut of one who denounces dancing as a per nrciocs amusement. Children are to practice dancing only under Government supervis ion, under set conditions, and between the hours of noon and 8 r. n. They may not learn to waltz, and the polka and some other lighter dances are forbidden to them also. In fact, it will be almost as difficult to learn to dance as to escape service in the army in Germany from now on. Hitherto the harmony of tho German federation of States, and the loyalty of the masses to the Emperor have been unde niable. But can any federation, any body of sensible Teutons, attached to the waltz ss to their mugs or beer and good old pipes, tolerate such tyranny as .this? Prince Bis marck might as well have ordered that no German citizen should drink more than one glass of lager a day. It comes naturally to the good German to dance. He dances as befights, with all his might. Ruleswritten, on official paper, or cast upon slabs of iron, are hardly likely to be obeyed when they impinge upon thefreedom of the home. Even if the death penalty were to be attached to waltzing, we believe the witching strains of Strauss or Waldteufel would not call in rain upon the men and women of the fatherland. They wonld dance still, though it be a dance to death. THEPEBSEVEBA1TCE OF THE PROPHETS. The indomitable character of the weather prophet is illustrated by the Rev. Irl Hicks, of St. Louis. Last month this mete orologic sharp scheduled a choice assort ment of storms and cyclones for the period from the 10th and 15th, which were to rav age the land. Over the greater part of the country at that time the weather was one of unbroken sunshine and great heat. But an Atlantic cyclone made itself felt along the extreme coast line. So the undaunted Hicks claims an "appalling fulfillment of our calculations," and proceeded to assign "reactionary storms of energy" for the past few day. The ideal autumn weather which we enjoyed may appear to Knock out this prediction. But Hicks and his admir ers will discover a storm in Mexico or a blizzard in British Columbia and proudly point out how he hit it. This is such stuff as weather prophets are made of. HABITS TELL TALES. It is not to be supposed, of course, that every man looks forward to embezzling a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Per haps he may be a junior clerk in a bank with a chance to pilfer by the thousand only, or he may be the President, with a i lofty contempt for thefts of less than a million. And still there is a moral for all in the story of Simon Baruch, a Spanish gentleman, who brought the results of his brother's embezzlement in Austria to this country, and was captured, as narrated in The Dispatch yesterday. Simon Baruch might still be a free man, in possession of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, if be had not had the habit of frequently laying his left forefinger alongside his nose. The detective knew he had the Simon pure embezzler when he saw that left forefinger travel to its accustomed couch in the lee of a Spanish nasal organ. Of the habit of putting the left forefinger beside the nose it may be said that it is aesthetically in bad taste; it lends a suspic ion of irony to the expression, and can easily be interpreted in an offensive sense by other parties. Financially speaking the case of Mr. Baruch demonstrates the costliness of the habit. Supposing Mr. Baruch put his fin ger to his nose one hundred and fifty thou sand times dnring his lifetime up to date, each indulgence cost him one dollar. He could have had a great deal more fun with a dollar than that, had he taken thought. So, unless a man harbors no ambition to reach wealth via embezzlement and Canada, there are plenty of reasons why he should not fall into the inartistic, offensive and ex pensive habit of laying his left forefinger to his nose. A SUGGESTION TO VISITORS. Tne tens of thousands of Pittsburg's friends from neighboring towns and adjacent country who have been thronging our streets this week, certainly do not find the occasion short of attractions. Not only the Exposi tion, but the circus and the regular places of amusement with lively attractions con tribute abundantly to the entertainment of eye and ear, not to speak of the profit of the pocket or the instruction of the mind. But the most interesting of thp sights, we are sure, is the one which Pittsburg itself pre- sents.of a large city in that process of grand, visible growth which illustrates the wonder ful industrial and mercantile activity of the times we have happened upon. It is a privilege to live in an age like this, when upon every line of natural prog ress human intelligence is making astonish ing advances. The Pittsburg of to-day, with its six, eight and ten-story buildings; its cable cars whirling along by steam power at twice the old-time rate of speed; its handsome bridges spanning the rivers at many new points; its magnificent new county buildings which are justly esteemed tbe finest in the land; its long-promised postoffice taking on final proportions; its new Exposition quarters, whose present stage is but a glimpse and an assurance of what they will be when completed the Pittsburg of to-day, we may confidently suggest, is vastly interesting and instruc tive when compared with the Pittsburg of fifteen years ago, when the first Exposition was held across the river upon Smoky Isl and. Much though the visitor will see in the city proper, they will miss the most agree able and pleasing experience if they fail to take in what were formerly mere suburbs,but are now the residence quarters of the Pitts burg and Allegheny. An hour or two can not be more delightfully spent than by making the tour of Fifth and Penn avenues through the East End, by cable, or by tak ing a like trip through Allegheny. Our friends and neighbors who have been hear ing with wonder of the fabulous growth of Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City and other famous towns of the West, will at once see that Pittsburg, too.has put on its seven leagued boots, like the giant in the fable, and is making such astonishing strides to ward pre-eminence as, a few years ago, the most imaginative could not have dreamed of. And in viewing tbese abounding evi dences of Pittsburg's growth, our visitors will have, besides, the gratifying knowledge that the prosperity and advancement which they see here, as well as the splendid pros pects for the future which these things pre sage, but typify and illustrate on a large scale tbe conditions of activity throughout the whole region. It is the growth and development of "Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio, West Virginia and Northern Maryland which is so largely making the wonderful growth of Pittsburg. THE COAL CONSOLIDATION. The latest phase which rumor takes con cerning the coal consolidation is to the effect that the combined corporation will be formed. In addition, it expands the scheme to the very liberal proportions which will take in the Kanawha mines. This is prob ably about as authentic as the preceding rumor that the deal was off, or any of the previous variations which have been afloat with reference to the scheme. The probability of success by means of a consolidation, in controlling the coal trade and preventing competition, does not appear to be much enhanced by the new proposi tion. Supposing capital enough to be got together to buy up all the mines in opera tion on the Kanawha as well as those on the Monongabela, what will be the result? In the first place the operation of a wholesale purchase or such property must necessarily enhance its price. To that increase of capitalization, add the profits which the promoters of the scheme must take for floating the securities by which the money must be raised; and there is a mate rial enlargement of the charge on coal nec essary to pay returns on tho capital. This will offer a premium on the opening of new mines in the undeveloped coal territory which lies between this point and tbe Gulf of Mexico; and that premium will not be at all decreased by the presence of a big cor poration which founds its existence on the policy of buying up competitors. It must be left to the coal interests to de cide whether they will be benefited by going into a scheme, in its nature involving a large increase of capitalization on the basis of increased returns from an unattainable exclusive control of the market. It is, however, worth while to note that the scheme is not one that promises well for theindustrial prosperity of Pittsburg. Coal is our basic staple what ever the life of natural gas. If this consol idation has any measure of success in pre venting competition, the first conquest must be in the local market for river coal, thus enhancing the cost of tbe fuel on which Pittsburg's manufactures are fonnded. Besides that the departure from the safe, conservative and successful organization on which our coal trade has grown to its pres ent magnitude, for a policy which natur ally leads to an unhealthy and dropsical or ganization like that of the railroad system, is not one which promises the surest found ation of publio prosperity. These considerations certainly are suffi cient to warrant the public in failing to feel any very keen desire for the success of, the project, or any decided regrets if it should not be consummated. "The relation of the yard to the meter" is a subject under discussion by scientific people just now. They explain it to mean the exact fraction which expresses the greater length of the French meter over the English yard. Pittsburgera who are using natural gas by meter, however, will be apt to think that the relation of tho yard to the meter is that the cubic yard of gas which the meter records is about equal to a foot of gas in actual heating power. The statement of the esteemed Atlanta Conititulion that "a good deal of Repub lican boodle has been imported to Ohio. In other words the bar'l is on tap," shows a vital inaccuracy of information. What ever side the Standard Oil barrel may take in the politics of other States, it is on tap for the benefit of the Democracy in Ohio. It might almost be accepted as a good rea son for letting New York have the World's Fair, if the Riverside Park site would shame the New Yorkers into the completion of Grant's monument there. John L. Sulmvait is now threatening to thrash the Boston newspaper reporter who wrote up the account of his last spree. John is decidedly premature in this respect. He should adhere to the political precedent of cultivating friendly relations with the press until he gets elected to Congress. After that he will be at liberty to suppress the licentious newspapers. The report that New York has secured a 820,000,000 fund for the World's Fair, of which Mr. Andrew Carnegie gives 2,000, 000, is calculated to create the impression that Wall street is watering the stock of that enterprise more vigorously than it has done with any railroad. Of course Boulanger claims that he was counted out. The French General is fully versed in the regulation methods by which af defeated American candidate explains what hit him. The Chinese army is said, if all the re serves are called in, to number 100,000,000 men. But the exact military value of that hundred million, in the way of fighting power, is so small that the figures do not find it easy of expression. A hundred mill ion sheep would not be likely to present any decided terrors to a small pack of active and enterprising wolves. When the New York jurors get to inter rupting Colonel Fellows in his speech for the prosecution of Ives, the public deter mination that Fellows shall never succeed in convicting anyone, may be said to have reached high water mark. The Pension Commissionership presents the unique case of the office seeking the man, and making a hard job of it to find him. The report that the, boss pickpocket of the country has been in town for the prose cution of outside business in connection with the circus, should cause the politicians present to examine their pockets and make certain that they have been relieved of none of the prizes of politics which they fondly believed themselves to carry about with them. The Marquis of Londonderry's "twenty years of coercion," which he regards as the proper remedy for Ireland, might be re ceived with more favor if some two hundred years of coercion had not already proved a failure. , In the game of politics the Republican party at present seems to hold the long suit of clubs. PEOPLE OF PROMINENCE. Queen Louise of Denmark has just, cele brated ber72d birthday anniversary. Mrs. Mona Caibd, who started the "Is Marriage a Failure?" business, has been study ing Buddhism. Senator and Mrs. Stanford have been visit ing their old borne at Sacramento, CaL, for tho first time in several years. Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, is tbe finest linguist in. Congress, but there are those among his colleagues who are more proficient In profane language. Mb. Hubert Hekkomer has been at work oa bis house at Boshey for five years, and it will take five years more to finish it. He is making it a work of art, for art's sake. John S. Graham, son of ex-Speaker Graham, who, after the death of his brother in tbe railroad wreck west of Altoona, took his place as clerk in tbe Treasury Department, has resigned to connect himself with tho stove works of Baldwin & Graham, Harrisburg. Mr. M. M. Estee, a delegate to the Inter national American Congress which meets next month, was entertained at a complimentary banquet the other evening in San Francisco, Senator Stanford, Representative Morrow and Governor Waterman being among his hosts. Hon. John Dalzem, has closed a lease of the residence No. 1501 Massachusetts avenue, Washington, for two years. It is in the heart of the fashionable section, between Bcott and Thomas circles, and well fitted for elegant en tertaining. Mr. Dalzell boarded at tho Arling ton Hotel, with his family, during the sessions of his first term in Congress, but for the second will enjoy the greater seclusion and-comfort of his own establishment. Thomas Bailey Aldrich has returned from Europe in good health and spirits. His twin boys have just reached the age of 21. Tho boys have worked hard and stand high in their class at Harvard. Mr. Aldrich took them to Europe with him. They spent ten days In Lon don, went to Paris and saw tbe Exposition, made a tour in Switzerland and Italy and then returned to England. Like true Bostonians, they were glad to get back to their native land. Thomas A. Edison caught a severe cold while visiting Sir John Pender at Foot's Crag, near tbe village of Cudlip, England. A chill greatly aggravated his chronic deafness and kept him in bed for a few hours. He will sail for this country on Saturday. Tho peculiar position bo now holds is well Illustrated by a question asked him by a reporter. "When will the public hear from you again, Mr. Edison!" "Oh, pretty soon," was the answer; "I have a few inventions under way." Sextt-fouk members of No. 2 Fire Engine Company, of Harrisburg, have just closed a jolly visit at Washington. They are the crack oompany of Pennsylvania's capital, and whilo they did a deal ot serenading and toasting themselves, they were met half way on that ground by the local firemen. They left Wash ington yesterday for Baltimore, and from there will take in Richmond, Winchester, Frederick and Hagerstown. They expect to reach home Saturday, and then a great receotion and banquet will be given them. Mr. Harry Lacy, of tbe "Still Alarm" Theatrical Company, piloted tho boys about the Capital. A 'PLEA OP USDEY Decides a Case In Which a Considerable Amount of Money Was Involved. Madison, Wis.. September 21 Many relics of the Gogebic mining craze came to the Bur face in tho Supreme Court in tbe form of de cisions in a number of suits resulting from the big deals in mining property of two and three years ago. Themost important suit is thatgrow ingout of the failure of J. E Burton, tbeex-min-ingking, entitled theCentralTrust Company of New York against Burton. In the suit the former applied in the Circuit Court of Wal worth county for a receiver of property mort gaged by Burton to secure notes for $330,000 given the trust company. Burton set up a defense of usury. The tnut company demurred to the answer, and tbe Cir cuit Court overruled the demurrer, and also refused to annoint a receiver. The trust com pany then took an appeal, hut the Supreme Court affirms both orders appealed from. A NAIL iff HIS, SKULL. A Alan Carries a Piece of Iron la His Head for Months. BRnxJEPORT, Conk., September 24. John Stewart rammed his head against a stone cell In Fairfield county jail five months ago. He was a prisoner and attempted suicide. He was taken to the hospital and his bond treppanned. Two weeks ago he recovered sufficiently to get about tbe hospital, but Saturday be grew worse, and he died this morning. An autopsy reveals that a two-inch Iron nail bad been thrust into bis skull whlob the physi cians had tailed to discover. THE TOPICAL TALKEB. Blind Men's Ways A Pleasant Change In Scenery Bnrnom In England. Two blind men came marching down Fifth avenue on Sunday afternoon. They were arm inarm. When tbey came to Smlthfield street one of them turned toward tbe City Hall, but tho other gave him a sharp tug, saying: Let's go down Fifth avenue." "Whyr" asked the other, "Oh, there is so much more to see." It is a curious thing, which 20 years' intimacy with hundreds of blind people has taught me, that a blind man never acknowledges his lack of sight in bis conversation. V In reply to E. M. M. the tremendous operatic fact may he recorded that tbe song, "Lis ten to My Tale of Woe," or "Little John and His Bister Sue," was sung when "Nadjy" was J at the Bijou last season Dy air. nanus vvnson and his partner and right bower, Miss Marie Jansen. And thoy sang it very well. They are still singing it in "The Oolah" at the Broadway Theater, New York. TnE 'scenery used in Miss Wainwrieht's production of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" at the Opera House this week is not at all what we are accustomed to see here. Several of the scones are pictures of real artistic value. The servants' hall, in tho second scene, of tho second act, tor example, is a rarely quaint interior of an old mansion. The furniture is historically accurate and unusually complete. Tho gallericd hall, with its- huge fireplace, in which the brass mounted bellows is a conspicu ous feature, its old-fashioned settles, it3 tablo whorebn reigns a genuine punch bowl of the day represented, afford a guiding glimpse at the fashion of life in tho era of the play. Another painting ot considerable beauty is the bower of roses in sight of tbe Duke Orsino s palace. Other scenes rarobardly less remarkable for taste and ability u the artists. Tho chime of bells which occasionally pulses prottlly is another evidence of the care and in tuitive artistic sense that prevails in this pro duction. Miss Wainnght must be congraulated on this achievement, and so mnst her advisers and tbe executors of her desire. Not least among these, I strongly suspect, should be plated Mr. Julian Magnus. In another way the interior of a postofflce shown in Tho U. S. Mail" is worthy of praise. It is highly realistic and no doubt will provo a great feature when the proper dramatic strength of thatscene is developed. V It is not understood, I think, how ambitious are the plans of Mr. P T. Barnum for his En glish tour. He will take all his animals, and not a single English performer will he hire. Instead ot English artists, Mr. Barnum will take with him Americans with peculiarly American specialties. And yet the circus and the various troupes of performers will really be subsidiary to the great spectacle of "Fall of Rome" produced la this country by the Kiral- fys. The circus as a whole will enter Rome as a sort of triumphal parade after the fashion of the triumph of a Roman emperor aftera vic tory. There are one or two difficulties ahead of the circus in England. One of them is tbe absence of the big advertising spaces Barnum A Bailey have been wont: to use here. The boardings, however, will offer a fair amount of room for the elaborate colored posters. It is feared by the managers of the show that the night parade of tho circus in London, which it is proposed to give after the New York fashion, will not be. allowed to take place. There is reason to believe that the London police will Interfere because of the immense crowds a torchlight parade wonld attract, and the field for thieved the crowds would afford. ;INTEB-8TATE COMMERCE CASES. Ocean Sates Advanced as an Excuse for Alleged Discrimination. Kansas City, September 21 The Interi State Commission was in session hereto-day. The cases of most general interest, were heard at the afternoon session. They were those of Lehman, Huzginson fc Co., ot Humboldt, Kan.,, against the Southern Pacific, Texas Pacific, Central Pacific, Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe, Missouri, Kansas and Texas and the Atlantic and Pacific roads. The complaint charges that the railroads discriminate in, freight rates against them In favor ot 'Missouri river points. They charge specifically hat the rate on sugar In car lots from San Francisco toi Kansas City is 65 cents per 100, while tho rate to Humboldt, 117 miles nearer San Fran cisco, is 85 cents per 100; that the 20 cents additional is then local charge between Kansas City and Humboldt The complainants ask that tbe rate be so adjusted as to do away with tbe discrimination. Tho general answers of all the roads were in substance the same. Thoy state that tbe rato of 65 cents to Missouri river points from San Francisco is an unjust rate for tbe service, but that it is forced upon them by the competition over the ocean; that if such rate were not made, water rates to New York and other sea ports, and thence to Missouri river nouns would be les and thereby injure tbe business of the various roads. On sugar shipped around Cape Horn, the answers further state, to New York, thence to Missouri river points and thence to Humboldt, Kan., the local rales west of the Missouri river would be added to the rates to New York and the Missouri river, making the rate 85 cents. The roids claim! that was tbe manner of fixing tbe Humboldt rate and deny that there is any discrimination against Humboldt. The Commission adjourned till to-morrow. PE0M0TI0NS IN THE AEMI. A Lively Contest Promised for Three Posi tions Soon to Be Tacani. Washington, September 21 Secretary Proctor is ocenpying his spare time before tbe return of tbe President examining the applica tions of candidates for the vacancies that are to occnr next week in the subsistence and Quartermasters' departments of the army, through tbe retirement of two officers on ac count of age. These are Colonel Amos Beck with, subsistence department, and Captain Charles H. Hoyt, Quartermasters' department, the former retiring October 4, and the latter September SO. Besides these there is another vacancy that has been left unfilled since tho retirement of Colonel William W. Burns, sub sistence department, September 1, because it was then thought best to wait and fill all the places at once. These retirements necessitate tho appointment of two commissaries of sub sistanco with the rank of Captain, and one of' Assistant Quartermaster with the same rank. It is ordinarily presupposed that such vacan cies shall be filled by promotion from the line of the army, and, of course, servicemen declare that they should bo so filled, but there is a be lief growing that Secretary Proctor and the President intend to take advantage of a law passed during the Arthur administration, which provides that such appointments may be made from civil life. Tbe Adjutant General's Department, the pay department, and the ordnance department are so constituted by law that vacancies must li filled from the armv. while tho Quarter. master's, medical, subsistence and J udge-Ad-, vocates Department are open to civilians The' retirement of Colonel Beck with will cause the promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel George Boll to be Colonel, Major Micbael Small to be Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain Charles B. Penrose to bo Major. AEID LANDS OF THE WEST. The Report Which Will bo Made by the Conorcsslonnl Committee. CHICAGO, September 21 Major J. y. Powell, Chief of the Geological Survey, arrived in Chicago to-day on his way' to Washington, after 55 days' constant work as advisory mem ber of the senatorial committee investigating irrigation In the West. Major Powell said: "We visited North and South Dakota, Montana, Washington terri tory, XJregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Indian territory Kansas, Colorado. Wyoming and Nebraska, or everv State and territory in which there are arid lands. We held 80 meetings and heard oner 200 witnesses. The arid land that can be irrigated and thus made productive will in. clnde tbe larger portion of eich State visited. In all over 100.000,000 acres. Tbe work of the committee will be the preparation of a report upon the advisability of congressional appro priations for surveys in the arid district. There is not much doubt but that such appro priations will be made. I do not believe Con gress will ever take In charge the construction of the ditches and reservoirs. Whoever does It, when It Is done, will revolutionize the Wcbu Destroying- Pet Phrases. From the Courier-Journal, t This newfangled smokeless powder will never do. What would war correspondence bo with out "the bmoke of battler" And after a Presi dents! election, what would become of the newspaper writer's "Now that the smoke of battle has cleared awayT" A SILTEE WEDDING. TwentT-FIvo Yoara of Conjugal Felicity Appropriately Celebrated. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Kearns, of Market street, McKeesport, celebrated their silver wedding last evening. About 75 of the most prominent McKeesport peoplo gathered at the home to participate In the festivities, and offer congratulations to tbe doctor and his esti mable wife on completing the one-fourth of A century of married bliss. Mrs. Kearns, who was dressed in black velvet trimmed with lace, and her daughter, Mrs. Klrkpatrick, of Leech burg, arrayed In white satin, received the guests in the spacious drawing room. The contrast of the dresses of mother and daughter was extremely pretty. The guests began to arrive at 8 o'clock. The reception room was beautifully decorated, the mantel being banked with ferns, and choice cut flowers were interwoven through the green foliage. Large potted plants were tastefully arranged in an alcove at the rear of the roam. Dr. and Mrs. Kearns received a large quan tity of presents from their friends. Among them were a silver tea service, ladles, cruets and salvers. A yery edible repast was served and tbe guests did ample justice to the good things. Ludwig had charge of the' decorations and Kennedy provided the repast in his usual stylo. COIIjE-AEMBTKONG. A Church Wedding Held In Allegheny Last Evening;. The marriage of Miss Mary Emma Coyle, daughter of R. J. Coyle. to Mr. Francis Arm strong, took place last evening in the First Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, Rev. David Kennedy officiating. The bridal party was preceded by tho ushers, R, 3. Coyle and R. B. Coyle, brothers of tho bride, and Messrs. Grove and Mcllvan. The bride was drossed in a handsome im ported costume of dark wine and Persian, with sash drapery, and wore a pair of elegant dia mond earrings, the gift of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong departed Immediately for a Western trip of two weekB' duration, and will then he at home to their friends at the resi dence of R. W. Scott, Garfield street, Alle gheny. WEDDINGS TO COME. Tho Approaching Pnul Nuptials at Oakmont Station. Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Nellie Paul, daughter of J. W. Paul, of Oak mont. to Mr. Francis H. Skelding, a New York banker. September SO is the time set for the event. An interesting feature of the wedding will be the music composed by Mr. Bert Nevin, a brother-in-law of the prospective bride, who, it will be remembered, composed tbe music for his own wedding some two years ago. The wedding of Miss Catherine Julia Stoney to Mr. Harry Homer Phillips, will take place at Calvary Church, East End, this evening. A WEDDING TO-DAL McKeesport Social Circles Interested in the Hartmnn-Caoshey Nuptials. A pretty home wedding will take place this evening in McKeesport. Miss Tilly Hartman, daughter ot William Hartman, and Mr. R. J. Caughey, assistant paymaster at the National Tube Works, being the contracting parties. Rev. Montgomery, of the C. P. Church, will officiate. The bride will wear white silk, with pearl trimmings, and carry Nephetas roses. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple will depart for an eastern trip. E00SETELT A PH1L0S0PHEE. Ho Talks at a Little Length on tbe Subject of Civil Service Reform. rflPKCIAL TELEOKAM TO TUX DISFATCH.1 Washington, September 21 The return to the capital of Mr. Theodore Roosevelt one of the Civil Service Commissioners, is a. signal for the renewal of the attacks on him and on the civil service law, Mr. Roosevelt takes tbe opposi tion very philosophically, like one who .feels that be is on the right side, but perhaps just a trifle in advance of the sentiment of the poli ticians, if not the public In conversation this afternoon he spoke as follows In regard to the prospect of a backset for civil service reform: 'The repeal of the law," he said, "or a failure to appropriate for its enforcement twice the amount of money now appropnated would be an immense evil For any Congressman to at tack civil service reform would be an evil act: for a Republican to do so would be party ireacoexy a Dase oreacn oi xaitn." "Do you think, these attacks come from any powerful source!" the reporter asked. f V They come from three classes of men: those who cannot get office, and probably could not, anyhow, comfort themselves by attacking civil service reform: those whose political power de- Sends upon nothing but their capacity for ped ling political patronage are, of course, op Sosed to it. The other class is composed of ull people deluded by the other two." "Do you think there is any danger of arc peal of the law?" "No: for if nothing else stood in the way, tho President's veto would prevent this. The President would certainly veto any act repeal ing tbe law, and by no possibility could the op position get strength to pass it over his veto." "May Congres3not fail to make an appro priation!" 'Ibave too much faith in the majority of members of Congress to believe that such a thing will happen. The Republican party is strongh in favor of tho law," he added, "and every Republican who acts against it is a bolter." "Are not tho Democrats pledged to ltssup portr r "I am a Republican," was the reply, "and I cannot speak for the Democratio party at all." THE INTEENATIONAL C0NGEESS. A Number of the Delegates From South America Have Already Arrived. Kew Yore, September 21 A distinguished lot of visitors to this country arrived at this port to-day, on the City of Para, being dele gates to the coming International Congress, from the various Spinish-American countries. Secretary of State Blaine was to have met tbe visitors at the barge, as tho Congress is one in which he takes great interest, it is said, but he did not appear, possibly on account of the ex tremely early and unexpected hour. The dele gates were met at quarantine by a reception committee and taken on board of the revenue cutter Manhattan. Mr. Charles B. Flint, of this city. Commissioner to tbe International Congress, acted as master of ceremonies. A half dozen gentlemen acted on the Becen. tlon Committee with Mr. Flint. The delegates were Dr. Juanto Cassellanos, delegate frjin Salvador; Dr. Joaquin Arrleta Rossi, attache, and Samuel Valdloyesa. Secretary; Senor Juan Francisco Velarde, delegate from Bolivia; AI cibiades Velaide and E. C. Fiallos, Secretary. Ex-Minister Roberts, from Chill, and Julio M. Foster, Esq., of Santiago, Chili, were also taken on board the cutter, as was Captain Wbalen, of the barge office, who had boarded the City of Para at lower quarantine. In reference to the coming Congress, Senor Selya, a delegate from Honduras, said: "Our people are very enthusiastic over this International Congress and expect many advantageous re sults from it. Wo wish to develop our mining and agricultnral interests, but our mines are what we want to see in operation as soon as soon as possible. Wo need railroads and en largement of our commerce with foreign countries, especially with the United btates All classes iu our country desire closer relations with your people. NAGLE ON THE TEAIN. Nevertheless Jnsttco Field Snya lie Is Not Now Under Protection. Chicago, September 21 Justice Field ar rived iu Chicago to-day from tho Pacific coast. Ho was asked: "Is Marshal Nagle traveling with your" "No. I havo. had no protection since leaving Tacoma." It was asserted, however, that Marshal Nagle traveled on the same train with Justice Field, but J ustice Field said that Nagle was not of his "Marshal Nagle directs his own affairs," Bald Justice .Field, when questioned on this point. "I have nothing to do with his actions. He goes and comes wben bo chooses. I have no body guard, I assure you." Justice Field and party left the city for tha East this afternoon on the Lake Shore Limited. ST. L0DI8 IN THE SWIM. An Effort to Securo .the Proposed Fnlr at That Village. ST. Louis, September 21 A well attended meeting of prominent railroad officials of roads centering here revealed the fact that great in terest Is being taken by them in the World's Fair, and that active efforts will be made by them to bring it to this city. The assessment of $1,000,000 on the railroads will be promptly subscribed, and In all likelihood that sum will be exceeded by them. A meeting of newspaper proprietors also brought out subscriptions largely Iu excess of the sum assessed upon them. The individual subscription of the dally papers are: Olote democrat, $20,000; JttpubUo, $20,000; Post-Dlt-patch, 116,000; Star Sajinet, (10,000; Chronicle, $2,000. THE EAILE0AD TICKET. Its History From tbe Time it Leaves tbe Printer's Hands Until Used nnd Destroyed now Theft and Fraud are Prevented A Perfect System of Account Keeping;. "Not one In ten of the people who travel and Americans are the greatest travelers on earth, as well as the most inquisitive realize the complexity ot the railroad systems in the United States," remarked Colonel C. E. Grey, a well-known railway passenger agent. "When people complain of the long strip of printed paper that the ticket agent carefully stamps and presents to them in an envelope neatly folded, they never think of the uses to which that ticket Is put after they have given it to tho conductor and finished their ride. Let me ex plain. Tickets are called local or foreign, ac cording as they read, between terminal points on the issuing line or to points beyond the lines of the Issuing corporation. Tbey are printed on the order ot the general passenger agent, tn lots of 100,000. each lot having a serial number, and the tickets in each lot being numbered consecutively. The initial point Is left blank, to be inserted when agents at various points make requisitions for tickets. These are known as 'blank' stock tickets. Each destina tion has a separate form number, without ref erence to the initial point: so that a ticket reading To St. Louis would havo the same form number, whether sold at New York, Phil adelphia or a way station. When the tickets are sent by the printer to the general passen ger agent, the bill for printing them is sent to tbe auditor of tho road, who charges the gen era passenger agent on his books with that In voice. Tho Affent's responsibility. "When a local agent needs tickets, he fills out a blank form of requlsition,wbich he sends to the general passenger agent, who stamps the tickets called for with the number of tbe office making the requisition, and the name of that office as an initial point, and sends them to the local agent with an itemized Invoice; the local agent then checks up the Invoice to see that it tallies with his requisition and the tickets sent, records It In a book furnished him for that purpose, signs a certificate that it is correct, and forwards it, with the certificate attached, to the auditor, who credits tho general pas. seoger agent with the number of tickets issued, and charges tbe invoice to tbe local agent individually. In selling these tickets, the agent must follow the consecutive numbers and make daily and monthly reports, showing the form number and consecutive number ot those sold. This report Is sent to the auditor, who records the report of each office in a separate book. You would naturally think that the agent was then relieved from;further responsibility for the tickets be has sold, but it is not so. The conductor receives tbe ticket, punches the coupon, tears it off and at the end of his run turns It In with others to the ticket receiver at his terminal nnlnt whn nnsnrfa them and returns them to the auditor with his own report every day. Outlawed Pastebord. "The auditor turns totho agent'sreport book, checks the coupon on tbe agent's report, and, when all the coupons reported are In his hands, credits the agents with the tickets named in his report, which balances his account so far as that report is concerned. The cash received by tbe agent has, of coarse, been turned over to the treasurer as soon as possible after its receipt. If the agent has accidentally spoiled or torn a ticket, he preserves It or returns it to tbe auditor with his report, and he Is credited with it When tickets In the hands of an agent are stolen dr are missing, the agent reports at once to the auditor, who sends a special agent from his own office to examine the office repqrt ing the loss. All tickets-reported missing by this special agent are at once 'outlawed,' and all roads over whose lines tbe coupons thereon read are notified, but these tickets are still car ried on the auditor's books as a charge against the agent's account. After notification, for eign roads accept 'outlawed tickets' at their own risk. If tbe butlawed ticket turns up. the blue stamp on tbe back (which is necessary to the validity of all tickets) Is examined, and If the date of this stamp is. one day previous to the agent's report of loss, the agent must pay for the ticket if, after the report, the agent 13 credited with the ticket." Checking Up Accounts. "Sometimes it becomes necessary to change a form or withdraw it from sale. In this case the general passenger agent requests the audi tor by letter to recall all tickets bearing that form number, which is done by a formal letter from the auditor to the agent, which forms part of the records of the agent's office. Upon his return of all tickets In his office so recalled he Is credited with them nnd relieved of responsibility for them. At the end of the month the auditor sends a statement to each connecting road, showing each ticket sold by his agents over that road during the montb, whereupon the connecting road draws on the selling road for its proportion of the ticket sales. Leased lines are operated as separate corporations in this respect. Connecting roads' check up the auditors statement by the cou pons tbey have collected dunng tbe month, and if any coupons have been collected that do not appear on tbe statement tbey do not look for them in their own offices, but request tbe selling road to report to them tbe date of sale. They may have been reported the preceding montb: but railroads take nothipg for granted, and will not credit the selling road until spe cially advised. Local tickets are reported and turned in to the auditor by the selling agent at the close of business every day, and destroyed when properly accounted for.. In tbe case of foreign tickets the coupons are kept for one year. Swindlers Have No Show. "Now, I have traced the ticket from the printer until it has been taken up, canceled and returned to the auditor. At the close ot the year, during which the coupon Is kept, it is taken to the foreign ticket room' in the audi tor's office, and placed in charge of the chief clerk ot that room, who puts It in a lockbox, of which he holds the key. Then he takes the box to another room, always accompanied by a witness, turns its contents into a macerator, re taining a full and complete statement of each ticket or coupon in the box, closes and locks be macerator, turns on the steam and hot water, and together with bis witness watches until tbe ticlvets are reduced to pulp, which is afterward dried and sent to the paper, mill to reappear as new tickets. Tbe system, as you see, is extremely complicated, but it is as per fect a system ot checks and balances as can be devised. Under it a would-be swindler would have a short rope." New York Star. THE NEW POSTAL CAEDS. Three Sizes to bo Made, to Salt All Tastes and Uses. rSPICIAL TEUCQltAM TO TITS DISPATCH. I Washington, September 21 The new postal cards will be of three sizes. The first size will be, In round numbers, 2 by i inches; the second, 3 by 5, that in use at present, and the third, S by clinches. They will sell for a cent apiece, as heretofore, without distinc tion of size. Why, then, it may be asked, should there be three sizes instead of one? In the opinion of the Postmaster General, who Is the author and finisher of the Idea, the la'dles of the United States want a neat little card, of pretty tinted board for shopping purposes. They have only a few words to say, such as, "l shall need a yard more of that twilled silk," or "Will Mr. Wanamaker please add one paper of puis to the list of articles ordered by Mrs. Smith this morning." and It will tickle their fancy to havo a sweet, dainty card, all of their own, to write this message on. Size No. 2 will be used for ordinary pur poses of correspondence, the Postmaster General thinks, just as it is now, but size No. 3. he believes, will fill a long-felt want to the mercantile community for advertising par poses. When tbe great Wanamaker shop, for instance, wants to give a weather report and a floor walkers' directory and a long and familiar talk to its lady customers about babies' wraps and children's school umbrellas. It ought to have room to spread itself out. Tbe cramped dimensions of tbe old-fasbioned card did very well for the cramncd dimensions of the old- '.fashioned announcements: but tho slap-you-on- tne-DacK style oi aaveriisenieui. ui uu sprung Into existence Bince Philadelphia be came the leading retail market of the world, has quite outgrown such bounds. Naturally there is a good deal of amusement over this whole postal card performance. The size chosen for the largest card is one which every postmaster In tbe country will condemn, becauso It Is going to give blm a lot of trouble in making up his packages of mail, and the cards are certain to be torn and broken on the edges in transit. Then, who is going to pay a cent for a small card, when be can get a big one for the same priceT He Should Go West. From the Baltimore American, i Philadelphia has a man with two mouths. What a pity It Is that it has not also an Expos), tlon to boomi Perhaps it can lend its curiosity to Chicago on favorable terms. A Hnprrnbnnrinnco of Gas. From the Columbus Dispatch.) Up in Findlaytbe otber day tbey bad two political conventions running at one and the same time. The inhabitants declare that the natural gas wells were"completely eclipsed. M ATTIIS'METfiOPOLlTM. .. Makbiff Up a Hospital. iTrEWTOKKBtraii.nsraeui.s.'i New Yobt; September 21 The New York Hospital, one ot the oldest and wealthiest In stitutions in the city, will probably be pretty well shaken up within two or three day by aa 'investigation of the condnctof lu sufriBtead ent'and surgeons In holding an autopsy upon the body of Frederick W. Doty Tfotras Doty fell to the sidewalk about a week age, when leaving a Sixthra venue saloon, i He was picked up apparently dead. Sis body was taken to the New York Hospital, notwithstandlse the rules that no dead body should be reeelved there. The attendants of the hospital say that Doty was still alive when the ambulance ar rived, but died shortly afterward. Five hours after tbe arrival of tbe ambulance tbe autopsy was held, although no permission to bold It bad been obtained from JJoty's family, as the law required. Dotys friends have protested against tbe action of the hospital staff, and have created a tremendous stir to-day by claiming that Doty may have been tbe victim of the Burgeon's knife, as was Bishop, the mlndieader. Tbe hospital officials have made a bad mess to-day ot their side of the story. Some of them claim that Doty was dead when he was brought to tho hospital. In which case tbey had no right to receive him. Others say that he died after arriving, Jn which case they acknowledged to have been Indecently hasty in cutting him up.' The Coroner announces that he will thoroughly Investigate tbe whole affair. Dotys people are very well-to-do. The young man took advantage of his mother's absence In the West to go o3 on a terrific spree, with re sults as stated. The Largest of All Ingots. A 600-pound Ingot of gold stands on a track in the outer office of the Chase National Bank here. It Is said to be the largest ingot of gold; ever run, and is the first large Invoice of bul lion sent hero from Montana. The gold dust of which It is composed was brought down tbe mountains to Helena In" sacks, and the cast of the block and tha Government assay was made here. Its valde is $100,316.29. The value of the ordinary gold brick of commerce Is (7,098. A policeman with a big night stick in his hand and two heavy revolvers in his pockets guards the enormous Ingot day and night. Going to See His Brotber Married. Walker Blaine arrived here late last night and left to-day for Richfield Springs, to attend tho wedding ot Emmons Blaine and Miss McCormlck. Mr. Blaine rode in an ordinary common palace car, although Steve Elklns and Colonel R. C. Kerens had tried hard to have him travel in a special ear over the West Bboro Railway. At Albany he expected to meet his father and the other members of the family, and accompany them to Richfield. After the wedding Secretary Ulaine and wife will go to Washington for the winter. Republicans around town sook hands with Walker Blaine in such a hearty, congratulatory way. this morning, that ha was obliged to remind them that his brotber was the principal In the affair. He Was a Friend of 8ewnrd'. Nelson Marvin Beckwith, 83 years old, died at his home In Fifth avenue, this morning. He was the son of Judge Beckwith, who helped to draft the constitution of New York State. He was an intimate friend of William H. Seward, who in. 1867 made him American Commissioner General at the Paris Exposition. At the Centennial Exposition, In Philadelphia, Mr. Beckwith was the New York State Com missioner. Sued for 35,098 Libel. Robert Ruzlcka has sued for libel Joseph S. Cada, the rather vttoperous editor of theFVe Citizen, a Bohemian weekly. In a recent issue of the Ciiiien, Mr. Cada described Ruzlcka as a well known scoundrel and a crazy drunkard, and said that he deserted his wife and children; that he was a criminal, and should be loan Insane asylum or State prison; that he was guilty of a felony and other charges. Mr. Ruzlcka thinks that this description of him damaged his lepuUtion to the extent of $5,000. Changed the SIrn Over the Door. Mrs. Ida Schroeder, 43 years old, lost her hus band last March. A benefit society to which he had belonged paid her $3,000. She bought out a small grocer in Hobskeo, and engaged William Boemg as cleric William was 18 years old and his salary was $4 25 a weak. By and by Hne'leir;inIoVa"wIthrjhlmrtwo- weeks ago the popped the question to him, and last-night they were married. This morning a sign painter changed "Scbroeder" to "Boenig," before "fine groceries," on the sign over the door. In the Interest of Harmony. From the Washington Post.1 We aid glad to learn that a Brick Trust baa recently been organized. With political cam paigns warming Into action in several State, we regardverythlng that is likely to shove up the price of missiles as a movement In the In terest of peace and harmony. THE FIGHT FOB THE FAIR. Representative Residents of tbe Rival Cities Talk Upon the Subject. Chicago, September 21 W. F. Mldgely. Vice President of tbe American Steam Boiler Insurance Association, of New York, came to the World's Fair headquarters this morning. Said he: "Much is to be gained by extending our business in the West and Northwest, and this is gradually becoming the sentiment of New York business men. To show you I am In favor of Chicago, I will insure all the World's Fair boilers and buildings for nothing and give $1,000." Mr. William McMurtrie Speer, Secretary of the New 'York World's Exposition, made a friendly call on the Secretary this morning. He is on his way west to attend a wedding, and as tbe Chairman ot the Execntive Committee, Mayor Cregteri while In the East, called on Mayor Grant, he thought be would reciprocate. He expressed the kindest feelings for Chicago and said that tbe bitterness of tbe New York papers to this, city was not shared by the mem bers of his committee, that they recognized Chicago's right to the Exposition as much as theirs, and while he could not speac for the committee, he had no doubt but that if Con gress sanctioned the holding of it at Chicago, New York would do its best to make it a grand success. He mentioned that the hotel Keepers of New York had met and passed resolutions agreeing not to raise their rates during the Fair, and that they would raise whatever amount of money was assigned them by the Finance Committee. He stated that there was no doubt that the money could be readily raised and that all necessary funds for pre liminary expenses and for carrying on the Ex position would be forthcoming whenever suit able plans were determined upon. Tbe difficulty, he stated, was that their city conld not nroride anv money and the narks could not be utilized until the legislators sanc tioned the plan. He recognized that while Chi cago bad many sites, they had but one, but that one he thought was satisfactory to the great majority of New York people, and he had ,no doubt but tbatlts selection would be ratified by tbe general committee. TKI-STATE TRIFLES. Air Ohio boy of li purposely cut his foot to avoid being sent to school. Fifteen potatoes that weigbed 21 pounds were raised by a farmer in Wetzel county, W.Va. Mb. SAI.UVE, of Tionesta, has a badly scarred face, the result of a recent encounter with a squirrel. Quite a number of deer have been seen In Southern Pennsylvania. Small game Is also very plenty the resnlt of close, strict enforce ment of the State laws. Geokoe B. Hickhak, of West Chester, has just received an oider for 10 head ot hogs from Frank James, of Mexico, the famous ex-outlaw of Missouri, now settled down. Habbt C. Donaldson, a son of School Di rector Donaldson, of Chester, met with a pe culiar accident a day or two ago while playing baseball. The sphere was thrown toward htm with great force, and as it sped past bis bead it whizzed bo close to his temple that tbe current of wind paralyzed totally tbe right side of his face. He is in. the doctor's care, a Two Italians and a performing bear visited an Island near Wllliamsport a tew days since, where a crew of men were getting out logs de posited by the Juno flood. Louts Schnltz, one of the crew, offered ta wrestlo the bear, and, a ring being formed, the bear gave blm a hug, then rolled blm over the Island and sat oa him. In response to his appeals the Italians flaaUjr called off the brute. tsv iagis itrpn cuiim A Detroit Pete wo tried is HP wife with an ax. was lets with a SS fee. A Conneetleut pear tree, over a eeninry old, eentalas ripe Irait aael qaHeaawaber of blossoms. A Qnfaey, III., paper says ftwe ka J?.0 wild f owe wllkia tfce eerperate tteHs of that city. A man with the odd Base ot WMtm O. 2TS tried recenay at Hewlf tta, SUefc, for stabbing a man. He was aeqaJHed , , A horse weighing 1,109 peeaek, owBei by a man in Dover, N.H got baagry is tbe night, left Bis stall and climbed a teBRStee andjiarrowpalrof stairs into the bar left. where he was found the next mornlsg. A pair of horses were steles &ea as Iowa City woman and taken to a town 86 me distant. The men who took them there were arrested oa suspicion, and to and the horses' owner the animals were turned loose by Mw officers and followed back to the lady's hara... Tha old engine bease at Harper's Ferry, used by tbe great astt-slavery leader aedbss iouowers as a place of refuge from the setdtefs and citizens sarroasdlag them. Is to be deeael- ' ished, and wffl disappear forever, unless tkeaa yet unsubstantial rumor that It has beea par chased by aa assoolatkm of .Boaters geatleBaea for removal to Philadelphia should be true. A rainy-day game of progressive eefere at the State Fair at Waverly; N. J fe wMefc the forfeit was a kiss, led to the marriage of the loser and tbe winner at tbe fair greasds es Wednesday. Miss Harriet Lsekwsed, of Springfield, and Richard A. Parker, of COates township, were the bride and groom at Mm oe caslon. and both of them were exMfettoM te the fair, as well as friends of a year's staadlsg. Braidentown, Fla.,has a genulae tmr rlosity In the shape of a three-legged pie; Tie llttie thing is perfect In every respeet, beta the finest of a litter of six, except that aWleR foreleg Is absent, the place where It seeeM have been being marked by a boneless projec tion tout an inch in length. He stems to get around with perlect ease, and Is always ready for a frolic with bis little brothers asd sisters when tbey come around. There is a man living in Hartford, Conn.,, who deserves the prize for absent mlndedness. A few days ago he was haiias; his boots blaeked by an Italian street boot black. Just as tbe job was flubbed and the gentleman had picked out a nickel from his purse, an acquaintance stepped up' aad began talking. The first gentleman absent-mindedly put the nickel In his poeket and gave the pone to the bootblack, who seized it asd djsan. appeared. The purse oostaiued $3 let. Though sailors are proverbially so ta perstltlous that, when a ship gets a revatatioa of being unlucky. It is of tea disSouttti geta crew to salfher, it is not of tea that a sWctgets that reputation before she is lannolioaVjTaJs appears to be the tate of tste -raiser mm Cisco, now Being dbih sy use Works. It Is reported that the Pacific coast think the name Is ualaskyi; that if the ranlser foes to sea bearish It sae" ?im never be heard of again. This .belief is foasil.. - on the loss of a number of vessels bearing Mt '; -' name, and it has resulted, In an esert to have -the name of tbe ship ehasged. A Scranton man who bad observed a butcher bird carrying1 off bamWa bees aad sparrows, finally traced the bird tea large thorn bush bard by the river bask; aearlyfcaU a mile away. Impaled on the sharp tfceras he found 13 beetles, 8 bumble bees, S sfaiteted mice, asd the skeletons of 7 Eagiufe saarrews. While be was making thtomterestiaesaseevery of the butcher bird's nice and aeearato. work, the master of the bosh suddenly appeared, ea cled about- the spot a number of riaies, piped spitefully at the intruder, and seemed to be greatly afraid that the mas was sjeiac to dis turb itscfloiee and neatly arranged eoMesMon of things, Washington is the Gretas, Greea- far ruuaway'couples from tbe adjacent States.1" The ease with which a marriage beease eaa be obtained and tbe many attractions the city offers to strangers make If such. Hundreds of young men aad women, aad sld ones, too, tat that matter. In consequence go to the Capital yearly from Virginia and Maryland to have the marriage knot tied. The laws of marriage ta both of the States mentioned are, oeaipara tively sneaking, exceedingly exacting, aad it is to avoid these, as well as the displeasure of aa feeling parents, that the triple planned and carried out. One of the moat interesting staeHesof the habits of migratory fowl is the rare ifiteeK gence which they show in guiding themselves by prominent landmarks. Aa WngHshm-in who was shootine la Labrador sesaarean. .- 'knee, recently stated that wt lie fa an mt'sMb BJfc.. basa of a ranee of ksu-ka was lnterestea'isaffiJfj l ' serving tne-precision wita wmcu boosefw m abreast of two prominences, conspicuous jects In the landscape. At that pomtr ey ." swerved from west to south. At times the cM. ganders, leading flocks of young- birds, were greatly troubled in enforcing their orders for a shift of route. A weddiDg ceremony was performed ia St, Louis Sunday evening under peculiar cir cumstances. Last Wednesday H. C. BUUaajs. ley was married. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Stephen M. Greene, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, of which Mxs.BU Ungsley bas been a member for years, Mr. Billlngsley comes from a well known Tennasseo family, which for years has been closely r asso ciated with the Southern Methodist Church. When the arrangements for the weddssg were arranged he gave tbe bride full sway. aad. she selected the minister of her own church, and, like a chlvalrlc person, Mr. BUlingsley made no objection. Since then it appears be bas re ceived a strong letter from nls father on this subject, which wound np by advising him to nave a soutnera jieiaooisi minister mess tne marriage ceremony over again and taey were tied up again. Last Thursday Mrs. N. B7Urden, re siding between Mt- Homer and Tavars. Fla, had an experience with snakes that, forstlady. was rather exciting. Hearing a coram among her chlckeas In the back yard she covered a large chicken snake, which she killed. A short time afterward a second dis turbance among the fowls announced tha presence of another Intruder, which proved to be a huge black snake, and he had, wbea dis covered, succeeded la swallowing nearly half the length of his deceased predecessor. This one was also dispatched. At a later hearia tbe evening, a third call by the frightened chickens brought the lady to their tfeferse, and. muoh to her trepidation, the turtroae proved to be a large rattlesnake. After a lively skirmish tbe plucky lady succeeded la harpoon ing blm with a pitchfork and dispatched him with a hoe The two first snakes were each over 6 feet long, while tbe "rattler" measured 6 feet 8 Inches and had U rattles aad a Button. FUNNY MEN'S FANCIES. Slim waists, are often the result of, 'mere force ot habit. .Boston tttrald. a .' "Yes," said the poet to the boy, as he iteppud Into the elevator, "ism going np. I want to feel for once, in my life that I'm a rising poet." Uotton Courier. It was asked for. Friend (to Demo cratic officeholder) What's that you say? En gaged on your last sad rites; Officeholder Yes, my last sad writes, lhavs just penned my resignation. New Tort Sun. Baglej I saw a man to-day that John L. Sullivan can't hold a candle to. Bailey Why can't he? Bagley Because he'd est It. The man was aa Esquimau. Xoehttttr ?ott-Exprui. A season ot humiliation "So you arel golngiawayfortwo or three months? Going for health?" "tb, no. My health Is all ntht but I'm going to keep oat of sight while I am railing a beard. XOitonHtrala She knew better. Wife Well, what do you think Is the matter with my husband, doctor? Doctor I fear be has got water on the brain. W.-l'll bet he ain't. If it's anything It's whisky. Boston Courier. A mean man. Wife X believe that mors women than men go to heaven Husband You do? What makes yon think of W. Women live better lives than men. H.-1 grant It, Muy, but there Is one thing that leads me to think there are very few women oa the other side. W. What Is that? H.-It is spoken of as the silent shore.-"'" Courier. THE CUHC The elam, ofall the birds that swim. And fish that cleave the air. Doth moat of all both large and small Adorn the bin of fare. In stew or fry, or wet or dry, -y In batter, shell, or bake: Dor ham, nor Iamb, nor Jam, nor yam, , J From elam can take the cake. He leads sew cheer to lager beer. ', r lt him be fresh or "high;" He's good with ale, and gin-cocktall. And tola, rock and rye. s Let others sing the joys of spring, wneosaipsieie"a . wiwana-1 WHa three eheers f"1! it ujf PtfS i 'i