rB tnasi" -a ftT Lvsap? "-itf JN; WtfX '- a i ?&&" THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER-f25 - 1889. 'jZ3 ifLTJ f FTOTJCH OF NATURE ThatMade Exposition Visitors Friend r' ly to Colored Singers. QUAINT MELODIES ARE PREFERRED A Surprise is Promised When the Total Ex position Attendance is Known. BRIEF MENTION OF SOME EXHIBITS The removal of the Jubilee singers from the balcony of the Exposition to a conveni ent stand on the lower floor yesterday was a wise act Every song was heartily ap plauded. It was noticed that the genuine was preferred to any sham, and the strident tenor or the shrill, high notes of the females were received with more real applause when a tender "Suwanee River" was being ren dered than when all the artificial melodies in the world were given. That "one touch of nature makes the whole world kin" was thown last night, when a typical Southern song was given, and every individual in the vast crowd or listeners kept up a faint, un easv, unconscious shuffle, in perfect time with the quaint, catching old tune direct from the little cabin in the clearing. In spite ol a day almost threatening, the attendance yesterday was splendid, and when the official figures for the full attend ance are given toward the close, there are some disgruntled ones who will be surprised and many delighted friends who will be more than pleased. The lady billiardist attracted a great deal of attention yesverday, as she succeeded in making some very clever shots indeed, considering her opponent (her husband bv the way) is willing to tackle anybody in a "luujor no count game, .mrs Shaw has been very ill, and but a lew weeks ago was able to again take up the cue alter a several months' siege. The novelty of the thing, however.and the adroitness of the hand some lady's left hand shots, was amply suffi cient to w In for her applause that her skill by no means deserved. Her nerve is coming back again, sne says, and something good may be looked for before the engagement closes. BOGGn & BCHL, 115, 117, 119 and 121 Federal Su. Alle benr. On the main aisle is found two very hand some cases in white and gold, with massive plate glass sides, m which the costly exhibit of this great drt goods is inclosed. The cases are connected by a lattice work at either en trance, on the top of which the linn name is made prominent in gold letters on white ground. On the roof of each case this indica tion is also given so that people in the galleries can locate the exhibit very easily. In front of one case is a wax figure of a handsome and stylishly dressed lady in black silk costume, wearing a black velvet Pans wrap heavily embroidered, embodying a most significant illustration of the latest fashions. Within one case is disclosed all manner of rich fabrics, mostly silk, w bich give emphasis to the ma terials in vogue tor fall and winter dresses, either lor street and home wear or lor recep tion and ball use. In the outside row are noticed a pale green silk overskirt of net, with ap plique of white chenile flowers in clus ters, with green stems and leaves of silk, a combination in fine Henrietta cloth, tabac shade, with brocaded silk overdress. An even ing costume in old rose with brocaded front. Another in very rich heavy white silk basan applique brocade for a front. Another of silk gauze is ornamented in feathery spray work of tinsel and silk. A Reseda green with em broidered front is most corgeously wrousht. An embroidered stuff dress is a gem. A gorge ous black net with brown embroidery is marvelous. A plum-colored fabric with old gold embroidery down the side and drooping to the back lorms a most stylish dress. A bl-ck tnmmea with far gives another rich effect. Inside this row of special dresses, is built up a form of silk in various stales, which entirely nils the center, upon which are placed silk, leather and gauze fans of exquisite beauty. The other case is filled with imported wraps for ladies, misses and children exempli fying in a most delightful manner the styles and materials a la mode this fall. THE BUSY NAIL MACHINES. Oliver Si Roberts' Wire Co., Limited. One of the mew: interesting exhibits in Machinery Hall, and one where the crowd is the thickest. Ik about the -wire nail display. Two machines turning out thousands of 20 penuy and tbripenny nails give pleasure to al most every visitor, be he young or old. A very instructive case of samples is in front, where some 1GS varieties of wire nails are shonn from the little thiu picture tack, scarce a quarter inch long, to the largest spike used in framing a bouse These machines are of the M. If. Smith patent, made in Brooklyn, N. Y., six sires of which do service at the mill No. 2, 801 uingnam street, pittsuurg, southside. Wire nails are fast superseding the old style of cut nails. The very significant circular of this company tells us in terse, pithy terms why "the nail of the future is cleaner, cheaper and bet ter in every respect. By using wire nails, first, you get more nails for a cent; second, you get JOU pounds of nails (not scrap and slivers) In every keg; third, j ou get a nail that will hold till doomsday." Besiue nails in coarse of man ufacture, nails in Less pded up in quantity, you see in this display all manner ot wire, of every gauge made by this company and barbed wire, one of their most important specialties. DEMMLER BROS., 326 AND 52S S3IITH , HELD ST. Kltclien nnd Household Conveniences. Turn where you will at this display and the ejes are contronted by Pasteur filters, these filters that give you pure, clean water to drink, end which themselves are easily kept clean, a point casilv forgotten or imperfectly performed by other alleged filters. A further inspection revealed an assortment of those nice nee boil ers, w here the rice is steamed in an inner ves sel submerged in boiling water: invaluable car Eet sweepers from Grand Kapids. that do the eavywurk thoroughly; brass and lacquered coal vases; nickel and wooden ornamental pep per mills for the dining table; egg poachers, jelly strainers, tin helmets for tin wedding oc casions, dish mops, ho: water urns, brass 6 o'clock tea kettles with alcohol lamps; 'sensi ble" sadirons, three in one set, one handle for the three presses: vegetable cutters for shaping the beets, carrots, etc., for decorating dishes; Krusius Brothers' cutlery, dinner knives, carv ing sets, silver mounted horn handles and ecissors. Barllrtt'a Furnaces nnd Ranee. Mechanical Hall is enriched by many fine exhimts, among them are these heating and cookinc appliauces, whicn have been success ful in the market since 1847. This exhibit con tinues to attract the attention of crowds of visitors Interested in studying the best methods for beating their homes and making their kitchen arrangement . as perfect as science can guide them. Ihe portable and brick-set tur naces are of a very superior nature, they aro adapted for anv kind of fuel, coal, wood, coke and natural gas. The kitcheners and the J. C. B. grand active wrought steel ranges, also the broiler, are models of perfection and economy. A double safety pipe for conducting heat in and through partitions and walls with absolute safety from fire forms one of the Bartlett spe cialties. Mr. J. C Bartlett, So. 203 Wood street, is the city agent for Dellaven's ranges, stoves and repairs. A separate display of these goods, including the "Cinderella,'1 is found in the main building. Dnbbs' Art Portraits. It seems as if the faces, which look at one from these walls, devoted to the Dabbs' gallery are about to address jou, so very natural they , seem. The highest award of praise should be given for the excellence of expression, the clearness of the eyes and the positions in which they have been placed to secure these require ments. The Hamilton Hotel Is located very centrally, and under its new management has been improved in every possi ble way until it is now a strictly first-class bouse. Its accommdaotions are excellent, the table the best, and the rates reasonable. The bar is stocked with the finest liquors. An Important Exhibit. Fato A Freese, of Plymouth. O., have in operation at the Pittsburg Exposition one of their celebrated "Ohio Bnck and Tile Ma chines," and cordially invite those interested to see this machine work. Don't miss This. Hot waffles on the portico of cafe. A most delicious delicacy for 6 cents These are made from Marvin's self-raising pancake flour. Special Exposition Note. The Ice cream served at the Cafe is supplied toy Mr. George P. Luther, the proprietor of the Cyclorama Cafe, Allegheny. Foe best brands of-pure rye whiskies, go to Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First nvenne, second door below "Wood street. HOW HE CARED F0R HER. The Odd Benson of n Calomel Man for gienlloc Another's Wife. An elopement recently occurred In Calu met which developed a rather odd reason, on the part of the wicked man in the affair, or his act in stealing another man's wife. Jt appears that all the persons interested are Irish. The woman is said to be comely, five feet tall, with brown hair and bine eyes. The deserted husband, an industri ous man,, who had a comfortable home, searched for his truant -wife and her lover, and a few days ago found them at McDon ald's station. They were living as man and wife under an assumed name. The husband went boldly to the mean house which they occupied. He found tnem living in poverty. The house con tained no furnishing, except a bed upon the floor and two drygoods boxes. The wife said, when asked why she had left a good home for such miserable surroundings, that she was happy as long as she could bewitn the man whom she loved. The man justi fied his conduct bv saying that before he left Ireland a Catholic priest had told him to look after this woman in America. The husband le!t them in their poverty. 75 CENTS TO BEATBtt AND KETlJn.N-.75 CENTS. Yla Plttsbnrs and Lnke Erlo K. K. Beaver Fair, September 24, 25, 26 and 27. Tickets good to return until the 28th, in clusive. Elecnnt Small Home for Rent. That lovely little house on Grant avenue, Allegheny, So. 4 Kleber's row, for rent on reasonable terms. It has six rooms, bath room and finished attic, natural and light gas, marble mantels, etc., and is accessible by two street car lines, and bnly 15 minutes walk from Pittsburg postoffice. The location is the prettiest and healthiest in the two cities. Inquire at Kleber's Music Store, 506 "Wood street. For the Triennial Conclave of Knlshts Tem plar nt Washington, D. C, Oct. S to 11. The Penna. E. R. will sell excursion tickets, Pittsburg to "Washington, D. C, and return, from 5th to 8th, good to return until Oct. 31, with the privilege of stopping off at Baltimore and Harrisburg on the re turn trip. Boys' and Cbildreu's Fall Styles. Those prominent originators of fashions, Brokaw Bros., of New York, have designed many cuts and nobby shapes for boys' and children's clothing this fall. These are to be had only at Sailor's, 56, 53, 60 Sixth street. The materials are unusually pretty and of great variety in patterns. Children's Day. In our children's cloak and suit depart ment beautiful new styles in all sorts ot fall and winter coats and dresses, from 2 years to 14-year sizes. You are invited. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. 8500,000 Worth of Men's, boys' and children's clothing, gents' furnishing goods and hats will be sold at net cost for the next 3 days to-day, Thurs day and Friday. This sale shall be the greatest event of the season; cash only buys these goods. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Seo the New Fancy Two-Toned Velvets at 65 Cents. Cheap at 1; a lull line of colorings for trimming cloth dresses. JOS. HOKNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Newly Married Conplesi Making preparations for housekeeping do not forget that Dreydoppel soap is a very important article to have. The finest and best for all purposes that soarj can he used for. Benders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthful to wear. Full pound bars, 8c per pound, at grocers everywhere. s J.'l1 " Children's Department Opening; of Fall Styles To-Day And all this week. Come, and bring the children. Jos. Hokxe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. They Aro No Fraud. Tickets issued by Hendricks & Co., pho tographers, 68 Federal street, Allegheny, are good for just what they call lor, regard less ot what others say. If rou hold a ticket bring it in before October X. Come and see for yourself. The Most Value lor Yonr Money In Our Hosier? Department, Especially in children's stockings of all kind. oee tnem to-aay. JOS. HOEKE & Co.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Cai.Ii at 82 Federal street before you leave for home and take with j'ou six quarts of six year old, positively pure, Gnckenheim er, Finch, Gibson or Overholt rye whisky for $5, or a single quart lor 51. "We will box and ship it anywhere if you wish. arwp Opening; Day In Children's Wraps and Dresses For fall and winter to-day. Come and see these newest styles all prices good to finest goods made. JOS. HOBKE &j CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. The BIcsest Clothing: Sale Pittsbnre ever saw takes place during the next three days, to-day; Thursday and Fri day, at the P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House, cor. Grant and Diamond sts. Change la Time of Ball Train. On and after Thursday, 26th inst, the baseball train will leave Union station at 230 P. M., Central time, instead of 2:40 as heretofore. Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden "Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Horning's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. 5650. Hebrew New Year's cards arenowreadyat L. Breuninger&Co's., 535 Smithfield street, Pittsburg. Pa. They have the largest variety and lowest prices. Ladies' Salt Parlor, Opening to-day and Thursday of early fall street and afternoon dresses. Paecel & Jones, 29 Fifth ave. Geo. H. Bennett & Bbo 135 First avenue, second door below "Wood street, for pure rye whiskies. English linen collars, new styles. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Exposition. The famous Jubilee Singers. Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at Be Haan's Big 67 "Wylie ave. Call or send by mail, wsu English linen collars, new styles. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. All druggists keep it. Klein's "Silver Age." MP LEGAL NOTICES. JNO. A. WILSON, Attoraey at Law, 119 Fourth ave. TpSTATE OF GEORGE GLASS, DE JCi CEASED. Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of George Glass have been cranted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. MARY A GLA-S and DAVIS GLASS, executors. o. 67 Wylie ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. se4-43-Tv- t3mDisplay advertisements one dollar per ignore or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted. For Sale, To Let. etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements 'will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Trus D1S PATCH. PITTSBUKO. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5n9 Bntler street. EMIL G. STUCKET. ath street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACQ., Wylie ave. and Fnltonst. N. bTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OASXAKD. MCALLISTER 4 SHElBLEK,5thav.a;Alwood at. SOUTHSIDE. . JACOB SPOHN, No. I Carson street H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street, ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. . II. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FBFJ) H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGOEUSibON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. FEIUSY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer. So. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Male Hcln. WANTED-KRRAND BOY-643 PENN AVE., second floor. sc25-65 WANTED-TWOGOOOrLASTEKEItS. AP PLY to JOHN BOOMER, Ureensburp, Pa. se25-I4 WANTED-A GOOD TINNER TO DO ROOK ING and job work. DUFFY CLAKKS. 518 Grant st. se25-W YTT-ANTED-ASSISTANT CHEMIST F'R A V steelworks. Address, with reference, X., Dispatch office. se25-34 WANTED FIRST-CLASS TINNER. AD DRESS ALTER MARSHALL CO., Moorevllle, Pa. se2I-77 -VTTANTUD-THKEE OR FOUR GOOD TIN VV NERS at once. GEO. W. STEVENSON & BEO., 537 Liberty st. . se25-W WANTED-A COMPETENT DRUG CLERK: one that sne&kfc German preferred. Address or call SSW PENN AVE. seM-63 Tn-ANTED-B"00KKEErER, EXPERIENCED it In planing mill business. Address PLA.N IKG MILL, Dispatch office SC25-M WANTED- GOOD METAL PATTEUN makers. Apply at WESTINGHOUbE EL. CO.'S SHOPS, between 9 and 10 A. M. se25-3 WANTED-A MALE COOK (CATHOLIC) FOR an Institution In the city: good references required. Address COOK, Dispatch office. se-4S WANTED- GOOD PLASTERER. CALL immediately at 3005 PENN AVE.. orAT BUILDINGS, Arch st. and Parkway, AUegheny. se5-91 T7-ANTED-BOY TO LEARN THE BARBER VV trade. One with one vear's experience preferred. Apply 17 SHILOH ST., Mount Wash ington. se25-99 TTT ANTED CAREFUL BOY. ABOUT 16 V rears, for permanent position, in an East End office. Address, in own handwriting. G. P. B., Dispatch office. e25-37 TT7ANTED-YOUNG MAN BETWEEN 15 w and 20 Tears to tend horse, with experience in grocery; mast live in the Fifth or Sixth ward, Allegheny. No. 101 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. se5-39 TTANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A V V wife or a lively correspondent to send their address and stamp to THE AMEWOAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB. Box 643, Clarksburg, W. Va. selS-45 WANTED-A FEW GOOD SOLICITORS onc who understands bookkeeoing will be given a special opportunity. Call between 10 and 12 o'clock. COMSiEHCIAL AGENCY, 163 Firth avenue. seK-53 WANTED-ASHOESALESMAN-ONETHAT can speak German and has bad some ex Jerlence preferred: musthaie reference. Apply . L. TRirsCHLER, cor.Twellth and Carson ts., Southside. seS-94 WANTED-EVERY GOOD. SMART AGENT within Smiles of Allegheny that wants to make monevto call on S. H. BURNS, 31 Middle St.. Allegheny. Pa. Open from 8:30 to 10 A. M., 3::W to 5:30 F. M. se24-33 WANTED-A GOOD SHOP DRAUGHTSMAN who has had some experience in architect ural work can find cmnloyinent If application Is made immediately at WESTING HO USE ELEC TRIC CO.'S Snot's, Garrison alley. "se2-2l" -TTTANTED FOR THE UNITED STATES V V army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 35 years; good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance. Applvat NO. 915 PENN AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa. jy21-30-wsa WANTED-AGENTS ON THE NEW IM PERIAL edition of Zell's encyclopedia !n Ave volumes, Just issued, and other works. For liberal terms and territory, address T. ELL WOOD ZELL. Publisher, Philadelphia. se!4-91 WANTED-A BOY ABOUT 18 YEARS OF age lor general office work: one who under stands stenography: a good opportunity open to a bright boy to learn a nrst-cla3 business. Ad dress. In own handwriting, ELEVATORS. Dis patch office. SC25-43 WANTED - FIRST-CLASS BARBERS FOE first-class Jobs: also everyone interested 1 ' barbers' supplies to read our advertisement in another column on tills page. ROSS W. KLACK. the largest barbers' 6upply dealer, 80 Diamond St., Pittsburg. 6e23-23-MtVF -TTJANTED-SALESMEN AT S75 PER MONTH V salary and expenses, to sell a line ofsllver- platcd ware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Bartlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se!4-90-D WANTED-AGENTS TO SELL THE PIN LESS Clothes Line: the only line ever In vented that holds the clothes without pln: a per fect success: patent recently Issued: sold only by agents, to whom the exclusive right is given: on receptors) cts. we will send a sample line by mall: also circulars, price list and terms to agents; secure your territory at once. Address WOR CESTER FINLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass. au2S-39-ws Female HelD. -TVTANTED-A GERMAN GIRL, AT NO. 11 VV ACKLEY far., Allegheny. seS5-I9 WANTED A LAUNDRESS-A GOOD Imner preferred. Inquire at WEST PENN HOSPITAL, Twenty-eighth street. seJS-69 TTTT ANTED AN EXPEHIENCEDSALESLADY W for our art embroidery department; must understand stamping. FLEISHMAN & CO., Pittsburg. se5-27 WANTED-GOOD GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK In small fauiilr: tt mlnntes' ride from Alle gheny. Apply, between 3:30 and S r. it. on Thurs day, at 137 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. se25-U Male nml Female HelD. w ANTED-CARRIAGE DRIVER, 50 LABOR ERS, farm hands.? col.men. house and nurse girls, dishwashers and pan try girls. 2 dining room girls, hotel cook. MEEHAN 'S, 545 Grant st. &ei-D WANTED TEACHERS. TEACHERS, teachers: the names and addresses of six unemployed male teachers and three female teachers: give age. experience, and salary when last employed. Address K., Dispatch office. se25-44 WANTED-STKO.NG SOLICITORS, BOTH ladles and gentlemen, for our new book, "Mary. Queen ortbe House oi David:" salary SoOtofiO per month: one agent reports 140 orders from 151 calls; another has sold over 2. Coo copies. Call at any time between 9:30 x. Ji and 4:30 p.m., at room 4S. Eisner and Phillips Building, KEY STON E PUBL1SHIN G CO. se25-44 Situations. WANTED-POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS D. E. bookkeeper, with good references. See SHEPARD & CO.. 54 Filth ave. se24-39 WANTED-SITU ATION-KY A YOUNG man. to learn the Jewelry trade: best of reference. If desired. J. A. c, Dispatch office. se24-7 Financial. WANTED-S500 TO S500.1I00-TO LOAN ON mortgages. 4, 5 and 6 per cent. J AS. W. DRAPE & Co.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Tele- phone No. 975. se25-52-WTS WANTED-MORTG AG J!S-l.O00, 000 TO LOAN in large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. COYLEi CO., 131 Fourth aye. my21-C0 WANTED TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of 1J, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on X percent, tree ortax; also smaller amountsat5andBpercent. BLACK RAIRD, va x ourtn avenue. &ezi-ajrj w . xjttoi, wi . ,1 A Ttf romnnn ,,; ,, r3ArTO. Binrt unit nnward at A n .... 1500, 000 at Hi per cent on 'residences or business property: also in adjolnlug counties, s. H. VHENCH. UUIU1 ,uu. .toi-CM-V aiUccllaneo n. afcreetn to pay fl per week you can set Kssesilon of fine gold or ellrer watches, clocKt 1 w dUmnn(4a allvAPVaM. tr .T f 1TUI vir pouesfion oiddo goiaor buvca nsicues, ciockl Jewelry, diamonds, silverware, etc J.AI1TSUH, JCWeilf lUAlUUUUB, BI11CI Vt- 130 Federal St.. Allegheny,. Pa. set2-MTiTsa -TirANTED-MORTGAGES-LCe0,000TOLOAN V V -on city and suburban properties at 4, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. JL PENNOCK 4 SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap'-fU WANTED. -V ' miscellaneous. TTTANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES VV paid for second-nand-furniture, carpets ana honsefiola goods of all kinds. 1211 PENN AVENUE- an26-2o-MWr ANTED-A GOOD SECOND-HAND QUAR- TEK or half medium hand power printing press. Address W- CE YLER, 811 Main St., Brad- aock. Pa. st25-88 -TTTANTED-MANUFACTURERSTO OCCUPY V a manufacturing site on 11. A O.K. K. at Griffin, free. Address P. D. BARNHART. W est Newton, Pa. seSt-70 WANTED - SECOND-HAND REMINGTON typewriter In good condition: medium Roman type preferred. Address, with partlcu lars. ALLEN, Dispatch office. se25-117-WTSU WANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a line gold watch for each onolrl the club at f 100 per week. Address P. o. ROX 501, and I will call and snow you the watch. J! WANTED -TO OBTAIN FOR A CUSTOMER an Interest in some established business in this city; wholesale preferred; Si, 000-110. 000. Ad dress, in confidence, F. O. BROWN & CO.. 90 Fourth ave., room a. se2o-3Z WANTED-ONE SECOND-HAND INCAN DESCENT dynamo. 300 lights or less, ana if possible wire and lamps. Address U. C. L., care Hotel Bover. city, up to and including Oct. 1, 18S9. or call 'in person on said date at 9 A. M. SC25-98 . ANTED-BY PEARSON. LEADING, PHO TOGRAPHER, 90 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making line cabinets at II 60 per dozen: photos delivered when promised; instan taneous process. mhl3-63 WANTED-CONTRACTORS IN BRICKWORK wanting bricklayers and Journeymen brick layers wanting work can rave their wants regis tered free of charce at the headquarters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT AbSOCIA TION. 93 Fourth ave., first floor, front office. Open until 9 P. M. Sat. se22-6-MWTSn WAN TED-ALL BAKBEES TO KNOW THAT we are still supplying every first-class bar ber shop from our mimmoth stock: please bear In mind that we manufacture barbers' supplies in addition to those that we are sole agents for: we challenge competition In Speicher's Dandruff Cure, Black's Keystone Snow Flake Egg Shampoo Cream, Black's Celebrated Keystone razors; tuetc razors are made in Germany especially for ns. Wo are onlv one block from the Postoffice and Court Mouse nnd imlte every barber to call and see our establishment, built up by our own energy and means. ROSS W. BLACK, No. 80 Diamond street. Pittsburg. Pa. 'lbc largest manufacturer of and dealer in barbers' supplies; not the com petitor or successor Of any firm; 12 years at the present stand. " 6e23-23-3iwT WANTED-BARBERS TO CALL AT OUR exhibition aud learn the method of doing business; also get acquainted with the enterpris ing barbers' supply man, A. Edlls; be has great Ideas In new stTles of barbers' furniture, and takes pleasure in explaining to everyone how be made his success: we bare a Bpeclal laboratory where we manufacture all barbers' toilet goods: we are manufacturers and proprietors of Edlls' Monogram Dandruff Cure and Hair Invigorator, Edits' Cream of Violets. Cosmetique de Vienna, Vienna razors, Vienna Egg blurapoo, Exposi tion Sea Foam, Electric Hair Dye, etc.; our establishment is situated op your way to the Exposition; we occupy 5 num bers, 5 floors: our salesroom Is 36 feet front and 50 feet deep: 6 windows, each 60x120, which gives plenty of light, so our customers are able to In spect onr new and elegant designs of furniture which we manufacture on the premises; all goods are inspected by A. Edlls before the same is put to our salesroom: remember that wc lead and tnat we are the only manufacturers; remember that we are the only manufacturers of barbers' sup plies and furniture in Western Pennsylvania. A. EDL1S & CO., leading mannlacturers and dealers In barbers' supplies and furniture, successors to S. Help, formerly No. 80 Diamond St., now5G2, 604, 06, 503, 510 Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa. SC25-S1WF FOR SALE IMPUOVED REAL ESTATE. Enst End Residences. FOR SALE -ON VERY EASY TERMS, AT bhadyslde neat new house, 6 rooms, attic, bath, range, nat. gas fixtures, hot and cold water; lot 'SunSoft.: for fl, 600. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. se25-50-uwr FOR SALE-H000-ELYSIAN AVENUE NEAlt Fifth ave., E. E., new two-story frame dwell ing rooms and attic hall, slate mantels, gas, etc, with Slots each 24x100 feet: this Is a corner prop erty and very desirable. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. se24-83-TWTS FOR SALE -A DELIGHTFUL EAST END residence piare Just laid out In lots 40x135 feet, on line of proposed WllklnEburg electric road, and within one (1) minute's walk of new Fifth ave. station, P. li. U.; city Improvements and conveniences; reasonable prices and terms. BLACK i BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. sel8-5!-19, 21,23, 25, '.7. 30 FOR SALE-4 ACRES, OAKLAND, WITH substantial 10-room brick residence: 2 min utes' walk from Fifth ave. cable line; this prop erty Is very desirably located: can be nicely sub divided into ellglole building lots which will retail rapidly at a handsome profit; nrice low: terms easy. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth are. se22-8I-MVvT FOR SALE-A RARE OPPORTUNITY IS NOW offered to any desiring to purchase a home in the choicest location in Oakland, as very lib eral terms can be made In the purchase of the re maining houses on Forbes street and Coltart square; 9 and 13 rooms, well built, elegantly finished; fine surroundings, quick transit, only 15 minutes from postoffice by cable line. For terms, prices and plans see W. A. HERRON A SONS, SO Fourth avenue. se4-64-MWi' PO 18 SAL K-OAKLAND,' FOURTEENTH ward, a new 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing, 8 rooms, bath, w. c, hall, laundry, etc, Elate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, fine chandeliers, both gases, city water and house wired lor electric lights, plate glass windows, electric bells, good sewerage, street paved with asphaltum and paid for. beautiful shade trees in front of house, a few minutes from cable cars: price $6,500; a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time: Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. see 4-D Ilazclwood Residences. FOR SALE MODERN QUEEN ANNE 5 AND 8 room dwellings: large yards, porches, etc ; lots 24x120: price 2.500 and S3. 650: terms 1C per cent cash, balance monthly payments If desired; sec ond Avenue Electric Street Railroad will pass within 300 Teet of these dwellings. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 1 ourth ave. se!3-39-D Allcchenr Residences. 171ORSALE-S5.000 WILL BUY IIOUSE SEVEN rooms, front norch. good cellar and stable, on Franklin street, Allegheny. A. 1). W ILSON, 55 Federal St. se25-40-WS I7IOR 8 ALE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, NO. ) 291 North; auction sale adjourned until Satur day next at 2 o'clock r. a. ; sale positive. A. J. PENTECOST. se23-5-D FOR SALE-DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, NO. 291 North; auction sale adjourned until Sat urday next, at 2 o'clock P. M. ; sale positive. A. J. PENTECOST. se23-5-D FOR SALE NO. 214 LACOCK STREET, ALLE GHENY (near Sandusky st.) lot 21x100 ft.: 2 ?:ood ho uses, one lu front, one In rear; all renting or 54 per mo. ; price low, W. A. HERRON Jt SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se25-50-MWT FOR SALE-NEW 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE Second ward, Allegheny; close to Pleasant Valley Electric road, and ten minutes' walk to market house: 2 nice porches; lot 3x101: price S2.2C0: easy payments. W. W. McN KILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. 6e22-67-jrwrssu FOR SALE-ATA BARGAIN, BRICK HOUSE, two stories and mansard, 8 rooms, laundry, bath, water closets, back and front stairs, back and front yards, bav window; all modern Im provements: call and see about it. A.. D. WIL SON, 55 Federal St., Allegheoy. sel9-l-MWThs FOR SALE TO SETTLE AN ESTATE, house 5 rooms, hall, attic and cellar, lot 20x liSfeet. and house 4 rooms, attic, hall aud cellar, lot 20x66 leet, nat. gas, water In yard: alsu brick house 4 rooms, attic, ball and cellar, lot 20x66: will sell together or.wlll sell separate. For full particulars call on A. D. WILSON, So Federal St., Allegheny. sel9-l-MWTbs Snbrirban Residences. FOR SALE-FOUR HOUSES AT M'GUN NIGLE, Chartiers township, at very low price: 5 rooms, finished attic, good cellar, good sized lot; a desirable Investment. J. K. MUR PHY, Cratton, office op. R. R. station. se2i37-ws8u FOR SALE LOT. Glen wood Lota. FOR SALE-LOT'S AT GLENWOOD, NEAR the station: graded streets, sidewalks, city water, houses and lots lor sale. (1,350.11,750. (2,000, ten per cent cash, balance on monthly payments: Second Ave. Electric Railway will pass in front of these lots; B. & O. Railroad fare monthly tickets, 5K cents per trip; 12 minutes from Smithfield St. GEORGE C. BURGW1N, 150 Fourth ave. Jy24-12-MWSU Suburban Lots. FOR SALE MAPLE WOOD PARK LOTS; terms easy. GEO. S. MARTIN & CO., lto Fourth ave, eI9-3 F OR SALE-A BARGAIN IN A LOT 25x100 Fot nt Tnrtlpi llreek. near Westlnehouse new works; will 6ell for SI25 on easy payments. MEL LON BROTHERS, 6349 Station st, E. E. ses;-49-Mwr Fnrm. FOR SALE-FARM 170 ACRES; GOOD BUILD INGS; best of soli underlaid with coal, near new railroad, only S30 per acre. ED. WimsH, 410 Grant St. Pittsburg, Pa. se25 FORSALE-FARM 75 ACRES, 1 MILES FROM Glenflrld sta.. Ft. Wayne R. R.; houses rooms; nlentyoflrultand water. For full partic ulars call on A. D.WlLSONi 55 Federal St.. Alle gheny. . Se25-40-W8 FOR SALE-FARM 17 ACRES-JARRETT homestead, 8 miles from Pittsburg on Wash ington pike: 5 minutes walk to R. R. station; choice place for florist, gardener or hotel. ED WIITISH. 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg, Pa. se51-D FOR SALE A NICE FARM OF 60 ACRES, fronting on the Perrysvllle road, near Per rysvllle: land lays well and Is In good state of tillage: dwelling and outbuildings, orchard, water, etc., etc. J AS W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pitts mrg. sc21-68-MWS FOR SALE-A FARM OF 75 ACRES. ONE and a quarter miles from Dixmont station; farm in high state or cultivation, containing about 800 of the different kinds or fruit trees, ex cellent barn and outbuildings and good fencing; will be sold cheap. Inquire 77 ERIE STREET, Allegheny. se24-43 FOR SALE FARM OF 80 ACRES, IN PENN township, on the Northern turnpike; 3 miles from Wllkinsburg; house or S rooms and out buildings, fences, springs: 30 acres coal, with bank open and custom lor same: the soil is pro ductive: also free gas for lighting and heating house; this farm would suit for stock garden or dairy purposes; price 182 50 per acre; worth 1100. "W. H. GBAJIAM, 2628 Penn ave., city. " Se2S-33-TnYfTSU FOR SALE-LOTS. East End Lots. FOR BALE A FEW CHOICE BUILDING lots on Fifth ave. near Craft ave., Oakland, Fourth ave. Cl3-5'l-13,ll, 17,19,21, 23, 23, 27,30 FOR SALE-LARGE LEVEL LOT 24x100 FEET on River ave., good central East End location, for 250. and on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St.. E. E. se22-49-UWT FOR SALE-SECURE ONE OF THOSE VERY desirable lots for a home or investment. Villa Park plan; now Is the time to secure a selection. Colored plan from JOHN F. BAXTER. Agent. 512 Smithfield street. se22-77-jtvfTSu TJIOR SALE - BEAUTIFUL AND LEVEL A. building lots, 24x25 ft. front, on Home-wood ave. and Clawson street. Just at Homewood sta tion, at S650 upward. TV. A. HEREON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se4-65-ws FOR SALE HERRON HILL PARK LOTS, 40x 100 feet: now is the time to buy; tho comple tion of the Wylie ave. cable road will enhance prices: call at the office for colored plan. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourtn ave. se22-63 FOR SALE-EAST END LOTS-H50 AND 1500, desirably located, and within reach of P. H. R. and Fifth ave. cable road, commanding a magnlflccntvlew: easy terms. BLACK & BAIRD, 9a Fourth ave. 3A-210O. seS-72-9,lL13,17,19,a,23.25,27.30 FOR SALE A HAN DSOME LARGE LOT 41X111 feet ou Euclid ave., on line of new lllland Park Cable Line, handy to lllland and .Neglcy aves., at Hi pet foot front and terms to suit pur chaser. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. Be22-50-wrsu TTOR SALE-S52 PER FOOT, TVALLINGFORD JD Place, bhadyslde, lot 63x181 feet; this lot must be sold at once, and will be-sold away below the market value: enhancing in value rapidly: a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. se25-25 FOR SALE-BAUM GROVE LOTS-S40 TO S3) a foot front: sewered, curbed and flagstone sidewalks complete: where can you duplicate these prices? Full Information from MELLON BROS., Station St., E. E., or JOHN F. BAXTER. Agt., 512 Smithfield St. se2!-77-MWTSU FOR SALE-HERRON HILL PARK LOTS, 40x 100 feet: Jnst opened to the public: tbe Wylie ave. cable road within 5 minutes walk, and only 15 minutes ride from postoffice; all city conven iences: nirrA slrmairnlnoent vkw of the Country L for miles; low prices and easy terms will be given wau wno ouuaat once: cauai me umen iur col ored plan of this bcautiral place. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. se22-63 Hazelvrood Lots. I710R SALE-CHOICE LOTS IN THE BLAIR estate, within 3 to 5 minutes' walk of Hazel wood and Glenwood stations: fine level lots re quiring no grading or filling; wide street, city water, gas, natural gas. sidewalks, pavements, schools,, stores, etc.: on line of the electric street car line now building: 10 minutes by the B. to. R. R. from tbe new depot: all express trains stop: monthly tickets, fare fi.S cents; prices (125 to 1,0U); 10 percent cash, ba anro long time: monthly pay ments lr desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., W Fourth ave. seI8-48-D Allegheny Lots. FOR SALE-2 BUILDING LOTS ON WESTERN avenue. 20x124 feet each: price f 1,750 each. A. D.WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. sel9-2-D FOR SALE-ON SHEFFIELD STREET. ALLE GHENY lot 30x121 ft.; has two brick stables on rear: a splendid location to build yon a home; call and see ibout it. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. sel9-2-ws Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-LOTS AND DWELLINGS IN all parts of the two cities: call at office and get our new catalogue of properties for sale, with colored pi in of lots Just out and free to all upon application. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. se25-49-D FOR SALE AT BRADDOCK-DES1RABLE business site; old 51. E. church property. comer Braddock ave. and Tenth St., at puhllc ss'e, by order of court, on premises, on next Sat- nruavatoF. H. inquire oi n&v. x. n. uuiiib, Braddock; E. J. SUA1L, attorney, Bakewell Law Building, Pittsburg, or P. S. TODD, trnstee, Braddock. se25-23 FOR SALE BUSINESS. EuslncM Chances. FOR SALE-A FINE GROCERY STOKE DO ING an elegant business; is one Of the best stands In the city; a good chance to right party; owner wants to leave city. Address J. S.. Dis patch office. se24-62 OR SALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FAMI LY grocery on one of the best thoroughfares in Allegheny; a line paying business, mostly on a cash basis: this Is one of the most desirable stands In either city. Particulars from J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. se25-51 FOR SALE-SALOON IN GREENVILLE,.; good location; elegant walnnt furniture, two pool tables, good stock; brick building 75 ft. deep; on public square; lot 99 ft. deep; good city 6.000 inhabitants; natural gas: good rea sons for selling. Address CLIFF BOYD, Green ville, O., lock, box 55. sel9-35 OR SALE-ONE OF THE LARGEST AND best retail grocery stores. In heart of the city; will invoice about (9,000. Also smaller grocery stores In good locations In the two cities, bakeries, drugstores, drygoods and notion stores, feed store, confectioneries, restaurants, boarding houses and other business chances: free particu lars. SHEPARD A CO., 54 Firth ave. ael7 OR SALE-1N THE LIVELIEST TOWN IN Western Pennsylvania the stock And fixtures of the New York Clnthlnir and Gents' Fnrnlthlnc :; Goods; House, located at 135 Fifth avenue. Mc- Acesport, jra.; can reauce siock lofuuu; posses sion given at onccwlth a long lease; this is a rare chance; no better location in tbe city. Inquire at 135 Fifth avenue, McKeesport. F. 8. GLEASON. SC12-70 FOR -SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machincr-v ana Metals. F OM SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: renalrlne-nromntlv attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECO..HM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 F OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes and styles teot In stock, from 4 to lOOh. n.: all refitted: eood as new. at lowest S rices; mounted portable engines. S to 25 n. p. 1-25 Park way. J. S. YOONG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MVfF OR SALE- HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second band; wire aud manllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. au5-l7-Mwr Miscellaneous, FOR SALE-CATHOLIC BOOKS AND RE LIGIOUS articles. JOHN J. MURPHY having resumed business at his old stand. 532 Grant street, is offering great bargains In above goods. se25-31 EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACAD EMY. Chester. Pa. Twentv-eighth year opens September 18. A MILITARY COL LEGE. Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Archi tecture, Arts. Thoroughly organized, prepara tory courses. Circulars of Mr. P. G. PAUL SON, 441 Wood st, city. Col. CHAS. E. HYATT, President. jyl&KMvs Efliewortli Boardiiin bM Day School For cirls, 122 West Franklin street, Baltimore, Md.. Mrs. H. P. LEFEBVRE, principal. This school will reopen on Thursday, the 19th of September. The course of instruction em braces all the studies included in a thoronsh English education, and tho French and Ger man languages are practically taught. j)30-6b-W3 NOTICES. MEMBERS OF WASHINGTON LODGE No. 253, F. & A. M.. will meet at Free masons' Hall WEDNESDAY, September 25, at 1 o'clock P. M to attend the funeral of our late Brother Posko. Members of sister lodges are cordially invited to attend. By order of i W. M. James R. Mukpiiy, See. se25-S8 THE MEMBERS OF SOUTHSIDE LODGE No. 158 K. of L.. aro earnestly requested to meet attboir hall. Eighteenth and Sarah strcets,Southside, on THURSDAY.at 1 o'clock F. M., sharp, to attend tbe funeral of our late Brother William Morgan. Members of sister lodges are cordially invited to attend. By order of the C. C. tAttest: SILVANUSDA"WES,K.ofRtS. se2387 MEETINGS. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THERE will no a meeting of the stockholders of tbe McKeesport Light Company at their office, corner Third street and Btrawberry alley, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8. 1889, between the hours 7 and 10 o'clock, to elect nine directors to serve for tbe ensuing year, and to attend to sucb other business that may coma before them. G. L. REIBER. se24-V9 DIVIDENDS. Office of asphalt Block Co., Fourth and Walnut St.. philadelphia. pa. DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this day declared a divi dend of TEW (10) PER CENT, payable from tbe profits of the half year, at the office of the company, September 25, 1889. WM. CALHOUN, Secretary. September 20, 1889. e24-S8 REPORTS. THE OHALFONTE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On the beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt-water baths in house. se3-77.p E. ROBERTS & SONS. mo LET OFFICES TO RENT WESTINGHOUSE BUILDING. Apply to BTTJPER1NTENDENT OF THE BUILDING. au25-22.MWl TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LKI-K1RKPATRICKBT., NEAR WYLIE ave., S rooms and finished attic, both gases, h. and c. wafer; good location: 825 per month. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fonrth are. se24-85 TO LET-FOB 115 PER MONTE-A COMPLETE brick bouse, 8 rooms, latn improvements, 106 Plymouth st.. 55 mlnntes' from P. O. W. A. HERRON A SONS, SO Fourth ave. se20-95-Mwr TO LET-CORNER PENN AVE AND FIFTH street, large 3 story brick dwelling 12 rooms. recently papered and painted, both gases: ail conveniences; In excellent order and espetlaliy adapted for offices: desirable location. SAM'L W. BLACK A CO.. 90 Fourth aye, e2S-M-wS East End Residences. TO LET A iNEAT TWO-STORY FRAME dwelling house of six rooms, on Dlthrldgc st., near cable cars: has hot and cold water: w. c Inquire at 4504 F1PCH AVE. se25-62 TO LET-NEAT NEW OAKLAND HOUSES. Just finished, 8 rooms, latest Improvements; street paved: 3 squares from cable cars. VY. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se25-50-WTS TO LET-HOUSE OF 14 ROOMS. STABLE and ontbnlldlngs: large grounds; on Negley avenue, near Penn avenue cable cars. Inquire of HEN RY ROBERTS, at Oliver A Roberts Wire Co., Southside. sel9-10 AHeabcny Residences. TO LET--A NEAT HOUSE, 7 ROOMB, IN first class order, Lacock, near Sandusky St.. Allegheny. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se24-72 TO LET-ON PENN AVJ5.-NEAR REBECCA St., convenient brick house of 7 rooms and bathroom; reduced rent till April 1. 1HOS. LIG GETT, 'No. 114 Fourth ave. "bc2S-0 TO LET-NO. 72 PAGE ST.. ALLEGHENY, 3 nicely furnished rooms, second floor, bath, laundry, both gases: no children; low rent; good neighborhood. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenne. se24-S5 TO LET-AN ELEGANT AND VERY DESIK ARLE Qneen Anne dwelling of 9 rooms, bath, laundry, and every modern convenience, on Ful ton street, Allegheny. Call at SPENCER'3 DENTAL ROOMS, SCgPennave. se25-i2 Suburban Residences. ' TO LET-BELLEFIKLD HOUSE, FURNISHED complete throughout; 7 rooms, hall, both gases, bath, range, and every convenience; rent low: C253. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. se22-64 ' Business Stands. TO LET-COB. THIRTY-EIGHTH ST. AND Penn ave., business bonse of store and eight largerooms: rent low; possession st once: Ho. 1 lo cation for drng store, tailor or shoe store. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. sc24-10 . ADnrtmcnU. TO LET-A SUITE OF APARTMENTS IN Smltn block. Inquire on premises. 93 WYLIE AVE. se25-70 T 10 LKT-2 LARGE ROOMS-53 FEDERAL ST., Aiiegneny; suitable for ngnt mannrg. onsi- ttln.n.'hl 51. 53.55. 5S ness. TO LET-CORNER PENN AVE. AND FIFTH St.: choice double parlors; recently papered and reflttvd: especially adapted for offices for pro fessional men or others requiring large, light, handsome rooms; location unexcelled. se25-55-wrs Offices, Desk Room, etc TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two or the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found in the city; rent, 200 and $300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. M. and If. v.. Or between 2 and 4 P.M. jy23-67 mo LET-STORE OR OFFICE ROOM, WITH J large-vault, suitable for insurance office or similar business, in Germanla Savings Bank building. No. 419 Wood street: room formerly oc cupied by George Relneman as saloon, and now temporarily occupied by tbe American Express Co.; it is two steps below grade, mating a first class basement. Inquire at THE BAN K. 1e23-63-D Miscellaneous. TO LET-LOT OF UNFURNISHED ROOMB for housekeeping: seven-room house; four storerooms with dwelllngsrclosetonew Exposi tion. Inquire of S. MUSGRAVE, 44 Fourth st. se22-24-MWTSU PERSONAL. PERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTEE DEPOT, late 7C Fifth avenue, removed to C41 Smith deld street; fresh oysters received dally: orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMCRLE. Mgr. sel-92-D PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! New and old, ancient and uouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientlflc-30, 000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. 900 Liberty st. au3-9S PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family tar occa sioned by the wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing apparel, and which, ol course, was done In a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble tney agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave.. corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. au30 PERSONAL-HAUt ON LADIES' FACES We are pleased to state to all oar fair leaders whom nature has unkindly provided with s growth of facial hair that they can have it de stroyed forever without pain, scar, shock, trace or Injury by the electric needle operation by consult ing DR. J. VAN DYCK,electro-surgeon, at Hotel Albemarle, PUtsbnrg. Dr. Van Dvck was caUed to our city to treat several society ladles, and will have parlors at Hotel Albemarle nntll Thurs day, September 28, and during the. visit he can treat a number of new patients. Book free. se25-71 LOST. LOST-A GOLD ARROW. WITH DIAMOND setting, in Allegheny, on Sept. 19. A liberal reward wlU be paid the finder at FIRST NA TIONAL BANK, Allegheny City. se25-45 LOST-A LADY'S SILVER WATCH-BETWEEN Home A Ward's store and Exposi tion building. Finder will be rewarded by leav ing at SEVENTH AVENUE HOTEL.. 6C25-30 LOST-S3. 000 REWARD-ON ORABOUTJUNE 23, 13S6, there were lost or stolen from the United States registered mall pouch for St. Louis, between Pittsburg and Indianapolis, 31 Alexander county, Illinois, bonds, numbers 73, 79, SO, S3, 90, SI, 92, 93, 94. 95, 50, 68, 67, 63, 69, 70, 71. 72, 73, 74, 75. 76, 77. 78. 79. 80, 81, 82, S3, 84, 85. 88, 87, 88. with a lot of past due coupons attached. These bonds were addressed to A. J. Well A Co. Ihe above re ward will be paid and no questions asked for the return of the bonds and coupons, or SI. 000 reward will be paid for positive proof that the bonds have been destroyed. Address all communications to A.J. WEIL A CO.. Bt. Louis. Mo. sel3-C4-MWI- PROPOSAL.-. Office of the Secbetary of the CBETABYOF THE "1 TROLLERS. I dol District. r r. Pa., Sept. 24. 18S9. J Board of controllers. Allegheny school ALLEGHENY. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at this office until 7 o'clock p.m MONDAY, Sept.-30, 18&9. for the pnrcbase of the highest rate of premium above par of EChool bonds amounting to 830.000, bearing in terest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually, of denominations and pay able as follows: 4 bonds of the denomination of $1,000. payable July L" 1904. 4 bonds of the denomination of $500, payable July L 190L 4 bonds of tba denomination of 11,000, payable July 1, 1905. 1 bonds ot the denomination of 500, payable July 1, 1905. 4 bonds of the denomination of $1,000, payable Jnly J, 1908. 4 bonds ot tbe denomination of $500, payable Jul vL 1900. 4 bonds of the denomination of $1,000, payable July L 1907. 4 bonds ot the denomination of $500, payable July J, 19U7. 4 bonds of tbe denomination of $1,000, payable July 1, 1908. 4 bonds of the denomination of $500, payable July 1. 1908. Address all communications to R. B. SCA.N DRETP. Secrelary. se25-47 AUCTION SALES. JjiARE CHANCE ESIHABLE NORTH AVE. RESIDENCE, ALLEGHENY CITY. AT AUCTION On the premises, BATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 0 At 2 o'clock P.M. Lot 40x80, corner of North ave. and Orchard allev, on which is erected that desirable brick residence known as No. 291 North ave., contain ing 12 rooms, with brick carriage bouse, sta bling; building fitted out in complete order: nat ural and artificial gas; sewage complete. Terms, ono-third cash, balance five to ten years; call and examine premises. AT J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st sel8-ll.MWF A UCTION SALE- Manufacturing property. River ave., cor. Mo Fadden St., Allegheny City, WEDNESDAY, September 25. 1SS9, 3 p.m. on the premises. A large brick building, one and two-stones high, with frame office; lot 104x210 feet, extending from W. P. R. R. to P. & W. B, R,. with siding. Termsmade known at sale. BLACK & BAIRD, sel8-51-MWF 95 Fonrth ave. mHE PITTSBURG PHOTO-ENGRAVIN G COM X FANY,lncorporatedl88S.DlSPATCHBUlLD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond st. Engravings ol buildings, machinery, portraits, cuts for cata logues, etc; reproductions of pen and Ink draw ings, wood cnt prints, manuscripts, etc. : print ing, binding, blank books, t se4-42VwB A. WHITELET. 128K THIRD AVR, UPSTAIRS. Gents' shoes soled and heeled In 15 minutes for 75 cents. Finest work in the city. au23-80-wT OFFICIAL-PlTTSBfcKG. INo. 73.1 AN ORDINANCE LOCATING PERRY street, from Webster avenue to Bedford avenne. Section 1 Bo It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same, that Perry street, from Webster avenue to Bedford avenue, shall be and is hereby located as fol lows, to wit: The center line shall begin at a Din on the center line of Webster avenue at a distance of 243.67 feet west from the center line of Kirkpatrlck street, thence deflecting to the right 90 08' 10" for a distance of 386.1 feet to the center line of Bedford avenue, aud said Perry streef shall he of a width of 40 feet. Section 2 Tbatany ordinance or part of or dirance conflicting with the provisions ot this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 30th dav of August. A. D. 1889. S. D. WARMOABTLE. President of Helect Council, pro tem. Attest: GEO. 8HEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L. HOLL1 DAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, September 4, 1839. Approved: WM. McOALLlN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 138, 20th day of September. A. D. 1889. se24-66 No. 62. , AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE grading; paving- and curbing of Franks town avenue, from Fifth avenue to Home wood avenue, in tbe Twenty-first ward of Pitts burg. whereas. It appears by the petition and affi davit on file in the office of the Clerk ot Coun cils that one-third in interest of tbe owners of property fronting and abutting upon' tbe said stroet bave petitioned the Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing of the same, therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained' and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tne same. That the Chief of tbe Department ot PubUc Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance with tbe acts ol Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of tbe'sald city of Pittsburg re lating thereto and regulating the same, for pro fosals fot the gradinc, pavlneaud curbing of 'rankstown avenue, from Fifth avenue to Homewood avenue, tbe contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by tbe said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and ex- fiense of the same to be assessed and collected n accordance with, the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, &. D. 18S9. Section 2 Thai any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance he and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained ana enacted lntd a law in Councils, this 30th day of August, A. D. 1SS9. a D. WARMCASTLE, President of Select Council, pro tem. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLI DAY, President of Common Council. At test: GEO, BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. September 4, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W.H. Mc CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 123, 16th day of September. A. D., 18S9. se2l-6S No. 72. AN ORDINANCE LOCATING VTLLA. street, from Penn "avenue to Friendship avenne. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Villa street, from Penn avenue to Friendship avenue be and the same shall be located as follows, to-wit: Tbe west 5-foot line shall begin on the north 5-foot line of Fenn avenne at a distance of4S6.S7 feet west from a stone monu ment at the intersection of the north 5-foot line of Penn avenne ana the east 5-foot line of Fairmount street, thence deflecting to tbe left 95 50' in a southerly direction a distance of about 2,131 feet to Friendship avenue, and the said Villa street shall be of a width of 0 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same 13 hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this SOtb day of Antrnst. A. D. 1886.- S. D. WABMCaSTLE. President of Select Council Pro Tem. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's OfBce.-SeptembeH, 1SS9. Approved; WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, pajre 136, 20th day of September, A. D. 1889. se24-66 No. 71. 1 AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING M'KEE place, from Ward street to Bates street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pitubarg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That McKee place, from Ward street to Bates street, be and the same shall be located as fol lows, to wit: The east 25-foot line shall begin on the south'5-foot line of Ward street at a distance of 223.61 feet westwardly from an angle in Ward street, beginning the intersection of the said 5-foot line with the center line, thence deflecting to the right 90 for'a distance of 86.59 feet to an angle, thence deflecting to the right 86 U' for a distance of 373.28 feet to the center line of Bates street, intersecting tbe said line at an angle of 81 25", and at a distance of 233.61 feet west from a stone monnment on the center line of Ward street, and the said McKee place shall be of a width ot fifty (50) feet and to be located in accordance with a plan on file in tbe office of the Chief of Department of Public Works. Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affecu this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 30th dav of Augnst, A. D. 18S9. S. D. WARMCASTLE. President of Select Council, pro tem. Atiest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Belect CounciL GEO. L. HOLLI DAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, September 4, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: TV. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 135, 19th day of September, A. D.J889. se24-66 AIN0.64J N ORDINANCES-AUTHORIZING THE coustrnctlon of a sewer on Murtland street from Penn avenue to a connection with a sewer on Kelly street. Section 1 Bo it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Cblef of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance witb tbe acts of As sembly of the Commonwealtb of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of tho said city of Pittsburg relating thereto aud regulating the same, for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer to inches in diameter on Murtland .street from tbe south side of Pann avenne to a connection witb a sewer at Kelly street, tbe contract there for to be let In tbe manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to bo assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. "An act relating to streets and sewers -in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A.D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils thisSOth dav of August, A, D. 1889 S.D. WARMCASTLE, President of Select Council pro. tem. Attest: GEO.SHEFPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO.L.HOLLHAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerl of Common Council. Mayors Office. September 4, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 130, 16th day of September, A. D. 1889. se24-CS No. 78.1 AN ORDINANCE-RELOCATING SYL VAN avenue, from a point distant about 200 feet east of property of B. fc O.R. R. Co., for a distance of 400 feet eastwardly. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is bereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the south 5-foot line of Sylvan avenue, from a point distant about 200 feet east of property of B. & O. R. R. Co. for a distance or 400 feet east wardly, be, and the same shall hereby be re located as follows, to wit: The south 5-foot line of Srlvan avenue shall begin at aP. C, distant westerly 355.44 feet from tbe first angle east of bridge over Watson's Hollow, thence deflecting to the right 23 12 and by tbe chord of a curve of a radius of U6.60 for a distance ot 9L91 feet to a P. T., thence deflecting to the rlght2312' for a distance of 85.05 feet to a P. C., .thence deflecting to the left 89 2C and by the chord of a curve M a radius of 97.62 feet for a distance of 123.75 feet to a P. T thence de flecting to the left 89 20 for a distance of 29L67 feet to a piu situated on the said 5-foot Une of Sylvan avenue and distance eastwardly about 215 feet from property ot the-B. & O. R. R. Co., and said street shall be ot a width of 40 feet. section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and tbe same Is bereby re pealed so far as the same affecu this ordi nance, j Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 30th day of August. A. D. 188V. S. D. WARMCASTLE. President of Select Council, pro tem. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Belect CounciL GEO. L. HOLLI- 0FFaM&-Frn0mita. , DAY. f,ro,j' Cos GEO. JttKrTJt , Cleric t CewMiL ef umtnuit C Mayor's 0e.ftatBr 4. 18eS. As WM. McCALLDT. Mayer. Attest: frr.T.F.AHY Maver'g Clerk. Reertded In Ordinance Book, voL 7. MM Mft'l 20th day of September. A. D.im tin-t A No. 74. J .V . N ORDINANCE BELOCATlIWf i Falrmeant street, rroffl a point (Uara 212.60 feet northerly fresa the north fire-feet Une of Broad street to Margaretta street. Section 1 Be it ordattwd and enacted by tfce city of Pittsborg in Seieet a4 Common Com cils assembled, and it is hereky ordained aV enacted by tbe authority of the sane, that raftr moant street from, a point distant, 21101 feet .northerly from tbe north 5-foot Jiae of Bread. street to Margaret'a street, be and the mhm shall be relocated. aa follows. So wit: The aaet 5-foot line shall befdn at a stoae BOBaet oa tbe said east 5-feot line of Fairamunt st Mat. aa located by a plan approved by Caudle Booms t her 30. 1872. distant 212.80 feet nortlMriy from a stone monument on tbe north C-feotHeejC Broad street, thesee defleetiwc te taw Mile 51' for a distance of 48MZ fMt kj, pin. thence deflecting to the left MT 'W ' for a distance of 448.73 feet to a pis. thesee deflecting to the left 88 4 40" for a tiMtaaes of 366.14 feet to a pin on tbe caster Use ot JMaiaja retta street. Intersecting the said Hae at as angle of 1219'20"anaatattaaeee ef, SUM feet east of the west 5-feot liae of Bahaaaa street, and the said FairsaevM street ahatt he pf a width of 59 feet. Section 2 That any orosaanoo or part at ordinance conflicting with the srovtalona eC this ordinance be ami the same It haigsy re pealed, so far as the saaw aKaeas thai etaV nance. Ordained and enacted Isto a law 1b OwaaaHa this 30th dayof Aneost. A. D. MM , , a DJWARMCASTLK ProsHaajaC Bllaat CounciLprotem. Attest: UKO.SBEWMKB, Clerk of Seieet Council,. GKO. L. BOLLI-. DAY, President of Common CouaeB. AtteMt, GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common CoaaeM. Mayor's Office, September 4, 1888. Aparevsdt WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. A. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk Recorded In Ordinance Boefc. vol. 7, aaas W, 20th day of September, A. D. 18. seM-4T A No. 63J N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TMM, grading. paving and curbing- of Muinowtt' street, from the bridge near Thirty-third stw at, 1 to tbe west Une of Denny property to the Twlf-Zi teenth ward of Pittsburg. "A wnereas, it appears by the petition awls davit on file in the office of tbe Clerk of C ens that one-third in interest of the property fronting and abuttiBg apes, the.s fluccft nave petitionee toe onaeus i city to enact an ordinance xor tae gnu lUvlnjr wd ftn.TMni.nf tiia aanu ftk.nnk Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted ay lie cltv of Plttfthnre. In SplMtt ami CntDnaa rmms cits assembled, and It Is hereby ordatesA aaal enacted by tbe authority ot the sameThat 8j . Chief of the Department of Public Werka J7 and is hereby authorized and directed te ' veruse. in accordance wits tne acw oc bly of the Commonwealth of Penna yivaam tbe ordinances of said cltv ot Pittibarerw ing thereto and regulating the same, for jaa posala for grading, paving and curMnjref Jeefrv wooo street irom tne orrage near 10: street to the west line of property of tbe Daaar elrs. The contract therefor to be let hi the" manner directed br the said act of . ana ordinances, ine cost ana exvesae ot . . j same to be assessed and collected in amm4 ' V ance with tbe provisions of an act ot AteeaaMr --;! ottbe Commonwealth of PeBBsylvanfe, ealal v." ,f "An act relating to streets and sewes hi Mm '. . "ft of tbe second class," approved the Jar efj J Section 2 That any ordinance or aaat at or dinance conflicting witb tbe previslaaa et that UlUUMUD UMIU tUD MUtfJ ntTOCIJ finMnK . wZ so far as the same affects this nnliimmn -' i Ordained and enacted into a law is I this 30th dav of Ancruat. A. D. 188&. a T TTT . T . OVTT -C TU.1.I.., JL fTnnnml nrn f Am AttMt f413n St tl UP X TtA Clerk of Belect CounciL GEO.L.HOLJ9Af, President ot Common Coaaeil. Attest: 84K. BOOTH. Clerk of Common CoaaeH. Mayor's office, SeptemMr 4, UN. .im proved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: w. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordmance Book. voL 7. pa 138, . . 16th day of September, A. D. 1888. sefc-fts v SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE K8 OETVED at the office of City CetrHc nntll SATURDAY, tbe 28th day of September' at 2 P. St., for the furnishing and deliver isg oc twelve (12) flatloads of good straw mannw. Flats to measure not less than 88ftjcl0aS It. f in. Six. (6) flatloads to he delivered at Ohtf r arm lanoing, mouuBgaaeiariTer. niin- ins loads to be delivered at Negley Rob lamlajg :3 Aiiegneny river. i Tbe Department of Awards reserves. 1 right to reject any or all bids. ' ' R.CLKXKIV, se24-14 Chief ot Department of Cnaa, DANCING ACABKHIKs. rilUUMA-O UAMJUIU AUAUe-JH. jU-W Fourth ave. Members of tbe Jatls Association of the Teachers of DaoerBg of mm United States, Canada and Franee. Oiiiflhma,- Tnesday events, at 7:w. ueteher j. oate' every evenlDp, of which three areolar eaafjkj ners each week. Ten lesson tielMts-'ajL flaw dren's openintr Saturday afteraooe, OewheraJ For particulars caU at academy. sees-H PROF. BROOKS' DANCING ACADEMY, Sixth and Liberty streets. Ladies' and fee tlemen's class will commence Tharsday, Oete. berS,at8 o'clock P. JT. Misses' and maatea'. class Saturday, October 5, at 3 o'clock. Ladles' o'clock. Music and full explanation fordaBe-'- M ing tne new military Bcuubtmnx? qiiwiaw,, g adopted by tbe American Society of Prolesoowt-! of Dancing, ana tne wasmngioa Jii-ewt aaei-t ?- Gavotte lor sale, ou cents a copy: jfori lars see circulars at music stores.- " amusements! EXPOSITION, jr THE famous JUBILEE SINGERS. AFTERNOON and EVENING. leABB B LIOU THEATER. MATINEE TO-DAY, U. B. MHI f September 80 Monroe JtUJco in. -My Aunt Bridget." se26--wa - RAND OEERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT," and MARIE Saturday "WAINWRIGHT Matinee. IN TWELFTH NIGHT. September 30 BOOTH-MODJHSKA. se28-14 H ARRIS' THEATER EVERY SE1E& NOUN and evenlne. THE WAIFS'OF NEW YOR& Week, September 30 WILBUR OPERA CO.- se22-ll TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-Night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday aaat' ' Saturday. TONT PASTOR'S OWN COMPANY, i: seat-B T HE NEW WORLD'S MUSEUM Allnp-hnnv Cltv. - . week September 28, tbe Colored-Bearded Lady ana otner new snracvioBS. A. big stage performance coming next week, A. O. Babel, the Cowboy Pianist. eeES-38 r EXCURSION TICKETS Will be issued by the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD For the celebration of tbe ZIQHTZXKTH AXSIYZBSAXT Ol THX HOME FOR AGED PROTESTANT - WOMEN, THURSDAY..SEPTEMBER 28. TO WTLK1NSBURG. se24-41 kj FOR RENT. Second Story Front Rooms, HAMILTON BUILDING; The most desirable and convenient vnnm In thn cltv: containine? lanre flreeree vault, 'steam heat, and natural gaj hearth as m.11 All M,.wiilniflniM mnrtHflflMn nji T,lntl f .. RD1I, H au..vuui.u,- Mwa..ww .... prcin, , ant. xieut rcauuuio. .... 8. HAMILTON, te25-6S-irnr7 91 and 96 Fifth ave. plANOb, ORGANa 8. HAMILTON, 81 AND 83 FIFTH A.VENTTK, Pittsburg. Pa. apae-74-D TTTE HERlSBY WISH TO NOTIFY OUR. Y T menus ana customers that on aeeeoat holidays will be closed Thursday and Frida; will be open Saturday mm-nine. liRODDEM'K'O COl. seZi-63 212, 241 and 246 Fifth aiv, . erl 1 4 H Kt 5 Wj u 4fi -&H