Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 25, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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series of resolutions presented previously in
the convention, but referred without debate,
n. lucky thine for Mr. J. L. Callaghan.a hust
ling Philadelphian, who had an incendiary
resolution upon anti-civil service reform in
his inside pocket. He had it out in com
mittee meeting but rot promptly squelched.
The following platform was reported by
theCommittee upon Resolutions, and sub
sequently adopted by the convention with
out a dissenting voice.
We cordially indorc-c the administration of
President Benjamin Harrison because it stead
ily devotes ltseu to me wors 01 uroau anu iu-
JL trusty officials and makes its rule of inflexible
critical evasion of the public statutes, because
it proposes honestly to collect and honestly to
disperse the proceeds of public taxation, and
Eeekssoto adjust tbe burdens thereof that
those persons and interests able to bear most
shall bear most, and those able to bear least
shall bear least, and that in all cases the vexa
tious and inquisitorial forms of taxation shall
be first reduced and abolished; because it is
pledged to give to suffering comm'nity the
seeded help in the necessary work of public
education in order that thereby the citizenship
of the whole oountrymav be elevated.
We further declare that, in view of recent
events in several of the Southern States it has
been clearly sbown that there exists in that
section a bitter animosity toward our colored
fellow citizens which manifests itself in oppres
sions, persecution and outrage.
That it is tbe duty of all good citizens to use
every endeavor to protect them in the enjoy
ment of their civil and political rights;
that we view with Indignation and alarm the
revival in tbe South of an unprovoked and
cruel hostility toward the colored race.
That we call upon the Presidentand the Con
gress of tbe United States to take fuch action
as wilt secure the rights guaranteed to every
citizen without distinction of race, color or
previous condition of servitude.
That we believe with the Republicans of
West Virginia that General Nathan B. Goff
"was dulv elected Governorof the State of West
Virginia at the election held in November,
1SSS; that at the same election the Republican
candidates in a majority of the Congressional
districts were also duly elected, and that upon
an honest return of the vote they should re
ceive certificates of said election.
That tbe action pursued bv the Democratic
authorities in the State of West Virginia is
necessarily subversive of free government.
That if protection to American industries be
the cornerstone of our political f.ilth, then pro
tection to those who fought in defense of the
Union is its capstone. That we reverence the
memory of those Intrepid martyrs whe'gave op
their lives on the field of battle in defense of
our Union.
That the Hon. Henry K. Boyer, the Republi
can nominee forStateTreasurer.by reason of his
rigorous Republicanism and prominent fitness
lor tne ouice in question is ueservmg 01 me
cordial and active support of all the patriotic
That be is a conspicuous representative of
the young Republicans of the Commonwealth,
and his candidacy appeals especially to our
sympathies and merits our zealous support.
That we earnestly pledge ourselves as in
dividuals and as an organization to labor dili
gently to secure his triumphant election, and
we call upon all club organizations throughout
tbe State to take immediate steps to this end.
That the administration of Governor Beaver
continues toinerit tbe confidence and approval
of the Republicans ofPenusylvania. From its
inception it has been able, dignified and clean
in every department, ana aeserves tne con.
turned respect and approval of the citizens of
the Commonwealth.
Then came tbe adjournment niter an invi
tation to the delegates to make themselves
at home in the Tariff Club headquarters,
and a notice that the Allegheny county
delegates would caucus immediately after
the adjournment. They did caucus. More
harmony was in the air and they pulled it
down. It was seen by Mr. Flinn's friends
that the Americus Club had all the pipes
laid for the nomination of A. J. Logan as
Pittsburg's Vice President, and Harry Paul
as delegate-at-large trom this end 'of tbe
State. So to temporize, the caucus was
called. Each place was fought for inch by
inch. The deadlock in the Philadelphia
caucus over the choice of Charles P. Ettla
and William Ljn for the secretaryship of
the league disqualified both men, as a fight
was to be avoided, and it Ihowed the Pitts
ourgers a way out of the snare. 'Squire E.
II. Lindsay was agreed upon as the nominee
for secretary. Then H. P. Pord was agreed
upon as a compromise national dele
gate from the Pittsburg district,
while John Neeb bagged the same
honor in Colonel Bayne's bailiwick.
Then it was found that each
Congressional district was entitled to two
delegates, and J. K. Aiken, President of
the Dalzell Republican Club, was put on as
Mr. Ford's running mate, with Mr. Hngh
Kennedy as ilr. Neeb's. Tbe balance of
the Allegheny county slate will be found in
the regular routine list The slate went
through the convention without a skip.
When the afternoon session was begun
everybody was smiling. All the differ
ences had been patched up and it was plain
sailing. As the story books say, every
thing was lovely and the goose hung high.
President Stuart announced that the elec
tion of the Executive Committee for next
year, based on the number of Senatorial
districts in the State, would be in order.
Here is where Bill Leeds came out strong.
He bobbed up with the slate of Philadelphia
county all ready fixed. Next in order was
Uie election of delegates to the National
Convention, the greatest honor in sight out-side-ciT
permanent league officers.
Before the election the following letter
from the President of the "National League,
John M. Thurston, was read. It is self-ex-planatory:
Hon. Edwin S. Btuart, President Pennsylvania
Beak Sin This will notify you that at a
meetine of the Executive Committee of the
Republican League of the United States,
held in Saratoga Springs on the 24th inst, the
constitution of the national organization was
amended, changing the representation in the
next National Convention, viz: Two delegates-at-larce
from each State Leairue and two dele
gates from each Congressional district where
permanent Republican clnDs have been estab-
usuea ana maintained. Tne vice Presidents
and rx-members and officers of the national
organization, and the President and Secretary
of each State League are ex-offlcio delegates of
tbe convention.
The next National Convention will be held at
Nashville, Tenn., on March 11, 1890. Where
delegates have already been chosen, tbe execu
tive Committee of each State League is em
powered to appoint the additional delegates
without reconvening the State League Con
vention. Jo HIT M. TnURSTOJT.
"rt I .in Ifinc 4n J.I.- ... . In. .. ..
-., UU..M...WU9 iwt uciuicaaviiu t;e are
now in order," rang out the Chairman's
Etentoriau tones.
Then Mr. Leeds presence was accounted
"I nominate William B. Leeds, of Phila
delphia," sang out Dary Stulbs, of Phila
delphia. 'Mr. Chairman," said a voice.
"Beg pardon; the name, please," S3id Mr.
"John Dalzell." said the voice.
A ripple of applause was heard.
"Couldn't see you, Mr. Dalzell."
"Somebody's been smoking," said Mr.
Stuart blandly.
"I take pleasure in nominating Mr. H. A,
Paul, President of the Americns Club, for
delegate-at-large to the National Convention
at Nashville," said Mr. Dalzell.
Here was harmony with a vengeance.
".Move tne nominations close," shouted a
dozen men, and in a twinkling Messrs.
Leeds and Paul lound themselves elected.
Then interest died out for awhile until the
28 districts had got there delegates and
alternates sent in to the Secretary. John
Gripp was nominated as an alternate to the
Pittsburg delegate-at-large, but modestly
rose and withdrew in favor of a "Westmore
land county man, B. A. Fulton Lyon.
The list oi those nominated was as follows:
J3. D. Bingham, West Chester, Pa.; Alex.
"White, Philadelphia; Wencel Hartman,
Philadelphia; E. A. Pulton Lyon, West
moreland county, and Mr. 1. B,Walter, ot
the Phrenixville Iron Works. Mr. Walter
is remembered as tbe delegate to the Chicago
Convention, who was one of the seceders
against Senator Quay's Sherman boom. He
has subsequentlv been boomed for Naval
Officer at Philadelphia by H. E. H. Eussell
Harrison. Mr. Plinn did manage to get in
by voting for Mr. Walter. After the votes
were counted it was found that Messrs.
Bingham and Lyon had scooped the per
simmons. Messrs. Chilton and Davis, two members
of a Pittsburg club, managed to get the con
vention laughing over the amusingmistakes
they made in trying to cast the vote ot their
club. Mr. Stuart facetiously offered to poll
the delegation to straighten things out.
TheExecutive Committee was then chosen,
and subsequently the convention Organ-
ized with the officers of the' league as ex
offieio in relative rank. Mr. Leeds came up
smiling again with the Philadelphia con
tingent all nicely written out.
Now came the grand event of the day
the election of officers of the league for the
ensuing year. Mr. Stuart announced nom
inations for the president in order, and
called Secretary Pairlamb to the chair. Mr.
Dalzell nominated Mr. Stuart for re-election
as "a gentleman of whose distinguished ser
vices to Republicanism in Pennsylvania, it
puzzled him to speak in adequate terms."
William Walker, of Philadelphia, seconded
the nomination in a speech in which Mr.
Stuart was paid a glowing encoimura. Mr.
Bates, of Meadvilie; said be thought that
Mr. Stuart was as big and broad as Repub
lican principles, and that in behalf of the
Western part of the State he seconded the
nomination. The nomination was by ac
clamation. In response Mr. Stuart alluded
to tbe growth of the league from 60 clubs
with C.OOO members to 403 clubs
all heartily in sympathy with the ends and
aims of the Eepublican party. He reiter
ated his opinion that the State league must
consider itself auxiliary to the regular or
ganization of the party and ready to partici
pate in any campaign for any regular ticket.
Harry Lenhart, of Philadelphia, placed
Captain A. J. Logan, of the Americus
Club in Pittsburg, in nomination lor the
Yice Presidencv. He paid a high tribute to
the young Pitttburger and his services
during the Johnstown flood and Wis suc
cessful in evoking hearty applause by his
short speech. W. D. "Porter commended
the nomination and said that Mr. Logan
was a sound and true Eepublican whose
purse-string always relaxed for the good of
the party and who had no higher ambition
than to serve his party without emolument.
William S. Miller, of Scranton, nominated
Major Everett Warren, of the same place,
and Mr. T. C. Wiley, of Lancaster, nomi
nated John B. Beani, of the same city. Mr.
Brown, of Mercer county, nominated J. P.
Downing, of Erie. Sam McCord, of Erie,
nephew of Dr. J. P. McCord, of this city,
rose to the occasion in an old-time spread
eagle speech in which he unquestionably
secured Mr. Downing's election. The re
sult showed that A. J. Logan led in the
voting with Messrs. Beam and Downing as
his fellow Vice Presidents.
General Kinzer. of Philadelphia, made a
strong speech renominating Captain Wil
liam Thornton for tbe Treasurership. Cap
tain Thornton was elected by acclamation.
Then "Bob" Lindsay, of Pittsburg, was
nominated and elected by acclimation, as
previously alluded to in detail.
Tne Tariff Club men were in great glee
over Bob Lindsay's election, stating that
the election would make the Tariff Club the
league center in Pittsburg. . But they heard
later that a make lay concealed in the little
unassuming motion made by Bill Leeds, the
sly Philadelphian. The latter moved tli3t
a Corresponding Secretary be chosen by
President Stuart as an additional officer of
the league. The trick, worked to a charm,
and the motion was carried, Mr. Stuart
thereupon appointed Mr. Linn, of Phila
delphia, the Corresponding Secretary.
Charles F. Ettla tried to have the con
vention appoint a campaign committee to
work with the State Central Committee,
but tbe convention sat upon the motion
with a very big sit. Then Philadelphia
was chosen as the next meeting place.
This about wound up tbe business of the
convention, and the oratorical fireworks be
gan. A cry of "Hastings!" and the hero of
Johnstown threaded his way to the front.
He straightened himself up and said:
I am proud to have an opportunity to stand
in front of so splendid a representative body as
this. It means 60,000 niajoriiyfor Henry Boyer.if
it means anytmng. a great party, we ucre see,
can rise above its factions, its internecine dif
ferences, and attain heights upon which rest
liberty and purity and nobility. Pennsylvania
Is always looked to to take the lead. In her east
ern metropolis was tbe cradle of liberty, and in
this busy metropolis this teeming bee hive of
industry was the official birth of tbe Republi
can party accomplished aye, in this very hall.
The Republican banner was looked upon with
loving eyes by 4,000,000 slaves when we struck the
galling shackles of slavery. The Republican
party exchanged Grover for Harrison cheers
and when GroTer went down free trade went
with him. Protection is the great national
principle, and it is a cardinal tenet of our plat
forms past, present and luture. In the contest
before us every last one of our principles are
in issue, every victory, every triumph are In
volved in this campaign. We challenge every
allegation that the opposition can make in re
gard to the Republican administration of tbe
State Treasury. For H. K. Boyer this conven
tion will answer in November.
flis All-flight Vigils in the Big "Brick
House at Brilliant Station.
hither AjroraHBiv ? THE'BAfflHG IffiBHSB - rgHg?!!..JI
v--- - tf.xi&r--. titi mm
Every Time 250,000 People Snore He lifts
2,700 Gallons of
P the Allegheny river
miles away from the
turmoil of Pittsburg's
crowded pavements
there labors night and
day, without pause
and without rest, a
mighty giant of steam
ind steel, whom man
lias, chained close to
the broad waters to do
bis bidding and work
his will. A useful
gSy: giant this; for he it is
mr who gives us to arms:
x of earth's purest
draught who pours into the center of a
great city refreshing water for man and
beast. There is no soul in thatgiant's frame,
but his heart throbs with more than human
strength, and his strength is the strength of
legions. Yet a single arm cangovern him
one frail hand can arrest his force and leave
him powerless.
Brilliant station stands between the river
side and the tracks of the A. V. B. E. It
is about as unassuming a little station as the
traveler can expect to find. Over it looms
a wild brier-clad bluff which the advancing
claws of metropolitan civilization may one
day transform to a boulevard. On the right
hand' is the prison shell of the toiling giant
spoken off the famous Pittsburg water
works. In the daylight the water works
look a very ordinary pile of brick and
stone indeed. But visited by night, when
the great doors are wide open, and the gas
flaring and flapping within, the works are
really picturesque.
roaring through the rocks and caverns of the
Formerly this torrent which gushes into
the wells swept with them shoals of living,
writhing things. Irishes' and the loath
some animals of the river were whirled
through the pipes and dashed to the bottom
of the wells, stiff and dead. Now there are
gratings across the pipes, and the fish and
the rats must stay without.
There was something fascinating in that
lowest stage of the Shalt. The fierce throbs
of the great iron pulses, the ceaseless mo
tion of the lithe, glistening steel, the regu
lar descent of the great pistons, which sink
slowly, but with the awful certainty of in
evitable fate, all have that mesmeric in
fluence which accompanies the tremendous.
The stranger found himself wondering what
would be his fate it caught in those
whistling cranks, or how he should die be
neath tbe weight of the broad pistons,
where life would not be beaten out with
merciful quickness, but slowly and linger
ingly crushed into death 1
Behind the pistons, wheie the. water was
ascending 2,700 gallons at a stroke the
hot steam hissed and rushed forth madly.
Great drops streamed down thesides of the
air cushions and stole back into the cool
water. Behind and above rose Pittsburg's
vast supplv for the morrow, a supply, the
slightest diminution in which would be in
stantaneously felt at many a household.
The engines, let it be remembered, do not
force the water up. They merely serve
to lift the pistons, which, falling of
their own accord, drive upward the required
supply. Over at the second well, for there
are two sets of wells, engines and pistons,
and everything is similar, the amount of
water driven up is not large. There is,
of attraction here, and the visitor finds it
hard to tear himself away from the dark
water lapping against the well sides and
flinging up its little wavelets to flash in the
.Far above, through the glass reft in the
roof, we could perceive the fleecy couch
where the moon bad laiu a little while
before. It was midnight, and without, upon
the hills, and in the woods, there was
silence supreme. But in these works thev
never sleep. Moonlight or sunlight it is all
one to the giant by the water side. He
must work day and night his toils are end
less and incessant. And they of the human
family who teed this giant and keep the life
in his iron heart, they relieve each other
every twelfth hour. It is hard work and
weary and the work is too long, but the
engineers stick to their duty like men.
When the visitor had once more returned
to the upper floor and stood again on the
gallery in the midst of the whirring engines,
he breathed a sigh of relief. The tension
on the nerves is strong down that weird
shaft, and it is a comfort to cast the strange
spell of that subterranean power 'from off
one's neck.
Lahor People Working a Case Against
the Great Western Band
Painters to Refuse to Parade on Armstrong
Monument Pay.
Beside the Great Walking Beam.
Again arose a cry for more oratory, and
"Dalzell" was the name on every tongue.
The silvery-voiced Pittsburger "arose and
faced the convention. He said:
I wish I was as big as President Btuart or
General Hastings, so that I could tell you how
glad I am to see you here to-day. This meeting
prophecies success and tbe meeting place is a
fitting frame. Thirty-three years ago a -new
political creed was broucbt forth here. Those
who met were Whigs, Democrats, Free Soilerg,
every party in their affiliations. They were
brought together by the centrifugal force of
love of country and hatred of wrongs against
human rights. Northern doughfaces and
Southern tyrants "upheld slavery in all its
feudalism and barbarism m all its grisly
horror. Slavery and the spirit of tbe Declara
tion of Independence met face to face and the
battle commenced a contest of extermination
of principles, no matter which side won. The
nucleus ot a new political faith saw the light.
They were words that bnrned, inspired by
flaming zeal and patriotism of no common
caliber and loftiest courage, highest resolves.
It was for free speech, free honor, free men.
And tbe banner of Republicanism bore that
emblazonry which triumphed when tbe sun of
Appomattox set. (Applause.! The pioneer
band had the same war cry as echoed from the
Atlantic to the Pacific when victorious hosts
woke tbe continent with Harrison's con
gratulations sounded. These traditions should
inspire us with courage in the Impending con
flicts. Doubt means defeat, to halt is to be
routed. Our party must rise on the stepping
stones of the dead past to fresh victories. Our
25 years of rule have been salutary and success
ful. The vexed questions of history have been
settled, and we are to-day an unconfedera'ted
sovereign people. 'J he organic law of the land
bears the impress of our statesmen, and we
have vindicated our right to tbe heirship ot
courage and heroism, for our political an
cestors had both. We have in our party annals
names that pale not in comparison with the
history of tbe world.
Mr. Dalzell then justified the allusions to
the past he had just been making. He said:
"I bow down at the shrine of Union Demo
crats who spilt their blood in the Rebellion,
bnt I must, nevertheless, claim that the suc
cessful issue of the Civil "War is due to Ee
publican cohesiveness and leadership" Tn
reference to the tariff, be dubbed the free
trade idea "the airy phantom of the world's
markets put to flight by the slogan of pro
tection." In regard to protection he said:
"We do not claim that it is a cure-all, and
whatever our political enemies choose to call
it, or call us, we are satisfied. It protects
our wageworkers." Upon trusts Mr. Dal
zell took issue with Mr. Blame, and said
that the statement that the tariff was the
mother of trusts was an infamous lie. If the
tariff did not exist, trusts in this country
would simply be controlled by foreigners,
instead of natives.
Then the audience got an awakeneron
civil service reform. The speaker said:
In regard to civil service reform I am croud
that it was ratified by this convention. What
ever we may believe, we have no right to feel
otherwise than satisfied. The Republican
5 arty is irrevocably committed to civilservice.
he principle wao first brought out by a Re
publican Congressman, the first message on tne
subject was sent to Congress bv a Republican
President, and the civil service law was passed
by a Republican Congress. Whatever I may
think and I think very definitely upon the
subject I assure you a higher power has pro
claimed civil service reform to be an essential
creed of our party belief. Its orthodoxy Is un
doubted. Upon the national platform Benja
min -Harrison rode Into power, ana we must
and will keep our pledges to him that he may
keep faith with the country. I
On Monday night a skiff stole silently
out from the shelter of the tall cliffs of Mt.
Albion, in the Eighteenth ward,and urged its
lonel v wav ur the broad breast of the moon
lit stream. The region of brick and mortar'
was soon left behind, and between tbe
gloomy bluffs, covered with the remnants ot
a forest, a light bark shot merrily onward.
Suddenly a broad glow spread over the rip
pling surface. The boat was riding in re
flected light. Involuntarily the mvsterious
individual seated in the prow lifted" his eyes,
to the shore and saw a long line of windows'
all ablaze with flaming gas and glaring elec
tric lamps. "Ho! my bold rower," he
cried, "turn thy bark to the shore. Yonder
lies my destination."
Out into the cool air, with a keen breeze
blowing from the hills, and wrapping his
mysterious cloak about him,the reporter has
tened to the waiting skiff. .In a little while
the boat was leaving behind the great works,
like some flaming gem in the inky black
ness of the sheltering forest hills. But the
red eyes of the sleepless giant shone
ever out over the river, and watched for
gray light in the East.
A few miles down the rippling stream
under the Sharpsburg bridge around the
Lawrenceville betid and the myriad of
lights of the sleeping city studded the dim
landscape now within view from the boat. Of
all the 250,000 people who slumbered there,
who among them ever stopped to think of
their huge and wakeful metal benefactor up
at Brilliant station which never gets a
night ofl?
Following upon the heels of the Great
"Western Band Exposition muddle come
more inharmonious strains that will prob
ably have to be settled in the German
Trades Council. This time the Allegheny
Turners and the band is mixed, and a num
ber of the former threaten to resign their
Several weeks ago the Turners of the
Korthside decided to have a demonstration
on Thanksgiving Day. A number of them
went to Charles H. Hart, manager of the
Grand Army Band, and made a preliminary
engagement for his1 band to furnish the
music. It is repsrted that the manager of
the Great Western Band heard ot the
other uncompleted contract with the
Grand Army Band, and offered the
same services at lower prices.
It is stated that he quoted a rate for the
band of 525 less than the union scale of
prices. As a natural consequence, a con
tract was closed with the Great Western
Band, and they will play at the demonstra
tion. Many of the members of the German so
ciety are prominent members of different
labor organizations. They say that if the
cpntract with the Great Western Band is
not annulled they will resign. Some of
them, also, are delegates to the German
Trades Assembly, and will bring the mat
ter to the- attention of that body.
The contract with the German society is a
link in the chain of evidence to be pro
duced before the members of the General
Executive Board to prove that the band is
non-union. A number of delegates to the
Central Trades Council, who were opposed
to the admission of the band into the K. of
L., are working the case up. They claim
that the fact of the bond playing for less
than scale prices is positive evidence that
they are non-union. When they were or
ganized the K. of L. officials claimed that
the band never played for less than union
rates, and this was tne best indication of their
unionism. They now have a case before
them, and claim it will have the effect of
annulling the charter of the band.
Closing the Big Water Gates.
Two Women Fisutlog Over the Possession
of n Girl.
Two women of the South Side are fighting
over the possession of Iiydia or Birdie
O'Connor, a girl ot about 16 years of age,
and the daughter of Emerson. O'Connor.
Emerson has been married twice, and the.
girl left the stepmother after the father had.
been sent to the workhouse.
She went to the residence of her father's
half sister, Mrs. Matthew Coleman, on the
corner of South Sixth street and Cabot
way. Mrs. O'Connor endeavored to brincr
her back, and elicited the services ot Agent
Dean in her bebalf. Each of the women
charges the other with keeping a disorderly
house and with abusing the girl. The
father also wanted the girl to go back home,
so Agent Dean, to settle the matter, advised
Mrs. O'Connor to charge Lydia with in
corrigibility before Alderman Brokaw.
Some Dissatisfaction Among Labor
Abont Armstrong; Day. .
There is considerable dissatisfaction re
ported among different labor organizations
of this vicinity in regard to the Armstrong
parade on Thanksgiving Day. The person
who furnished the, information stated yes
terday that quite a number of organizations
refused to take part in tbe dedication of the
monument, on account of their antipathy to
two members of the 'committee who are
making the arrangements.
Tbcy state that the actions of both gentle
men in the late controversy about the im
ported window glass workers were such that
they could not consistently march behind
them in the parade. Among those who will
not turn out are the painters' and deco
rators' unions. The Secretary of the Ohio
Valley Trades Assembly also writes a letter,
in which he says that organization will not
be represented on this account. " "
John M. Kelly, Chairman of the commit
tee having in charge the matter of holding
a demonstration, stated yesterday that the
reports for the different organizations were
favorable to the parade, and nearly every
association in tbe city would De represented.
Most of the unions will impose fines upon
their members who refuse to turn out.
Rudolph Demler Dies nt the Allegheny
Budolph Demler, a private in the Alle-i
gheny Arsenal, died on Monday and was
buried yesterday afternoon with all the mili
tary requisites of a gun carriage forahearse
with an escort carrying reversed arms, a
firing squad at the grave and the doleful
music or' a dead march. He had been in
the army nearly 25 years and had friends
living in Hoboken.
A few minutes brought the unknown to
the bright portals, and Night Engineer Mc
Clune advanced to meet him. "I would
view thv engines bv nisrht." the stranger
said, and the engineer expressed Ins willing- jg enabed to offer the
ness to show the whole mechanism of the i . . nc(m ,,,
great pumping station to his ghoulish guest.
Imagine a large room, crowded with com
plicated machinery glistening with pol
ished metal and resounding to the closing
of great valves far beneath the surface. On
high the roof is part glass open to tbe
moonbeams, which venture in only to be
lost in the blinding, dazzling light. Two
men stand in the open space on the white
floor, looking like dwarls beside the mass of
machinery, xet one oi tuese seeming uwaris
can plunge Pittsburg in the throes of
drought by turning a lew -wheels, and stop
ping a few engines. It is wonderful to
think of.
Down the iron staircase vibrating from
the shocks of the rising and falling pistons
the mysterious wayiarer
followed his
A BrIIIinnt Reception ot the Seventh Avenne
Hotel Last Night.
An elaborate reception to President Stuart
was given at the Seventh Avenue Hotel last
evening. About 800 Bepublicans attended
and crowded the halls and rooms of the sec
ond floor. Steward Adam Meyer served a
fine lunch, furnishing over 1,000 chicken
croquettes, and four bowls of St. Julian
- 3J"S -r-l- .
Latest Fall nnd Winter Patterns
Of suitings, overcoatings and trouserings
bought direct from the mills of this country
and Europe, are offered by J. F. Maeder
the popular Fifth avenue tailor, in exclu
sive designs. Mr. Maeder personally su
perintends the cutting, insuring perfectly
fitting and stylish garments, and as he buvs
for cash direct from the manufacturers, fie
is enabled to offer the lowest prices and save
his customers the profit of middle-men. C.ill
and inspect his superb stock. Temporary
location while rebuilding, 142 Fifth avenue
opposite Cathedral. , '
The Horseahoers Have Not Given Up Their
Fight Yet.
Yesterday a committee composed of
Messrs. William Sheedy, John Barry and
Eoger Sweeny, of Horseshoers' Union No.
9, visited the different union shops through
out the city who were supposed to be doing
work for those who had not signed the scale.
They found the shops all right.
To-day they will visit the non-union shops
and try to explain the true situation of
The strikers who are still out claim that
the non-union men who are now working
can neither "heel" nor "toe" a shoe in proper
The committee also found a prominent
memoer ot tne Jr. u. u. A. M. at woric in
the Troy Hill car line blacksmith shops,
and say they will report him to his organiza
Movements of PJUsbargers and Others of
Wide Acanalntance.
All the hotels of the city are crowded to
tbe utmost limit. Last evening and the night
before dozens of strangers were turned away
to find quarters in the cheaper and more unpre
tentious houses of entertainment. The Ander
son has more people in it than it can con
veniently accommodate, and many could not
Set a bed in the Seventh Avenue. The
inqnesne and Monongahela also have been
pushed to supply quarters. When Adjutant
General Hastings arrived at the Anderson
Monday night there was no vacant room for
him. With his characteristic ideas about
oeing comiortapie under any circumstances, he
said be would be satisfied with a cot in the ball.
Chief Clerk Crosby managed to place him in
the night clerk's room, which be has been occu
pying ever since. II it bad become necessary
he would have slept out on the root and turned
his bed over to some more unfortunate indi
vidual. Such actions as these made him dear
to the hearts of the survivors at Johnstown.
Buel B. Karlb, a native of Persia, lec
tured last night at Curry University Hall, on
matrimony in that section of the world. The
gentleman dressed in tbe various costumes that
are used by the men and women of low and
high degree in Persia. Mr. Karlb is Ull, dark,
with an Intellectual expression beaming from
his face. He said: "The custom in Persia
when a young man or a girl is at a marriage
able age, is for the parents of both to negotiate
for their disposal. The young people are at the
caprice of their sires. There is no such a thing
as love, because neither contracting parties
nave ever seen eacn otner Deiore. The mar
riageable age for women is from 13 to IS years,
for men. 14 to 23 vears of are. Verr plahnntn
ceremonies are performed at the betrothal and
tbe marriage. It is the thing In Persia for the
bride's father-in-law to provide her a wedding
outfit and furnish her all the necessary articles
for housekeeping."
Eev. Dr. W. H. Pearce, pastor of the
Butler street M. E. Church, has been unani
mously requested by his congregation to allow
the Presiding Elder to present bis name to tbe
Bishop at the coming Jl. EL Conference for a
return to that charge. He has been with this
people three years, but may stay longer under
the newflve-year term of the itinerant system.
"Toady" Hamilton, press agent of
Barnum's show, left last evening for Philadel
phia, and will spend a few weeks at home. The
show left last night for Washington, and will
end the season Saturday in Altoona. Mr.
Hamilton will be the onlv American renresen-
tative of the circus In this country when It
goes to Europe.
W. H. Bitter, of Butler, Pa., member-at-large
to the Republican State Executive
Committee, went East last night on business.
He is the Montooth hustler of Butler county,
and is whooping things up in that section. He
says tbe fight will be a lively one, and the
.Major" Is gaining strength every day In that
E. P. Stolesberry, President of the
Orange Belt Railway, running from Jackson
ville to St. Petersburg, passed through the city
last evening on his way East, in a special car.
He was met at the statfon bv D. P. Black, the
real estate agent of this city, with whom he is
doing business.
As a consequence of the visit of the
Baltimore and Ohio officials to this city Mr. J.
F. Constaris, aniresent Chief Rate Clerk, will
become contracting agent and he will be suc
ceeded in his present position by Mr. R. Eby.
Rate Clerk of the Trans-Ohio divisions.
Mr. George Kretzler, of 3623 Butler
street, and his daughter, Mrs. Davis McCauley,
left the citv SnnHav AvontnA. fr n n
Niagara Falls. Buffalo, the lakes and other
points of interest. They will be gone three
James P. Witherow, proprietor of the
Hotel Duquesne, gave a dinner party last even
ing in honor of 8enatorM. C. Butler, of South
Carolina; Colonel F. H. Steth, or North Caro
lina, and Colonel J. N. Echols, of this city.
Mr. J. H. Sawyer, the Secretary of the
Pittsburg Bridge Company, left the city yester
day to attend the convention of County Com
missioners, which will be held in Allentoira,
Pa. He will be gone about one week;
Miss May Murray, of the West End,
sister of John Murray, the well-known young
newspaperman of this city, returned last even
ing from Lakewood, where she has been
spending the summer.
Mr. Henry Fox, son of Mr. George
Fox, or the Pittsburg Bridge Works, is here
from Denver on a visit to his father. Mr. Louis
Fox, another son, is also here on a visit from
KB. Taylor, General Superintendent
of the Pennsylvania Pommnv anil fmti.
went to New York last evening to attend a
wedding. o ,
Mr. B. B. McNeirney, the popular
'Squire of .the Eighteeth ward, arrived homo
last week f ter an extended tour In the West.
Mrs. William H. Tarr, wife of the well
known banker of Wheeling, and daughter,
Bessie, were in the city yesterday.
James B. Xaux, editor of the Greens
burg Press, was among the guests at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel yesterday.
Samuel Warden and daughter, of
Mount Pleasant, were .in town yesterday and
visited tbe Exposition.
W. D. McKeefrey, the furnace owner
at Leetonia, O., was in town yesterday on busi
ness. B. L. Kenochan, of Titnsville, is at
the Monongahela.
They Drive Saa Prancfeco" ftcials
to Use Pitlsbnrg Steel
I '' -'
A LoHf MJllioaj Every TwrWill JTtw"
, ' ' le' Obviated.
a as
A curious cause has driven the Saa Fran
cfsco marine authorities to buy Pittsburg
steel. They have, placed a contract with
Telte & MacDonald for rustless steel
jackets to protect the wooden piles support
ing the wharf from the teredo and limnoria,
marine insects, which have been a menace
to them for many years.
The piles at present used are made of
stems of trees, and are driven into the mud
from 10 to 20 feet, and upon the top of them
the wharf is built. The teredo, which is of
the sea serpent species, is quite, long and at
tacks these wooden piles, eating holes in
them, not for. food, trat-for places of habita
tion. The loss annually is estimated at $3,
000,000. Everything has been tried to spro
tect them. They have beensaturated with
arsenic, and also injected with creosote, but
witnout Denenciai results, uopper and
other metals have been tried, hut they have
also disastrously failed. '
The rustless steel jacket-manufactured in
Pittsburg will obviate this difficulty. No
nails or spikes will be lued, but the jacket
will.be fastened to the pile by a single bolt.
The pile is stripped of its bark and
smoothed down, and then covered with hot
coal tar, mixed with asphaltum. Tbe
jacket is riveted firmly around the pile,
which makes it perfectly watertight- under
neath. The pile has been frequently sunk,
covered with copper alter Dailing. but the
hammering has always loosened the cover
ing; as the force of the hammer, which
weighs from 2.G00 to 3,000 pounds, and the
drop of the hammer being from 10 to 25
feet, the momentum of the hammer jars or
shakes the nails loose from the fastening,
leaving a hole so that these destructive in
sects can deposit their eggs, which would
again give them) access to the wood.
The steel jacket ranges from 13 to 8 in ches
in diameter and of an inch thick. It is
made in sections, irom 8 to 12 feet in length.
They will preserve the piles 60 possibly 100
years. The jacket Will raise abont 10 inches
above the water's level and sink into tbe
mud about 2 feet. The old wooden piles
have never stood longer than 2 years, and
the average length of time has been 15
From bad-sewerage 0? undralned
swamps deranges the liver and un
dermines the system, creates blood
diseases and eruptions, preceded by
headache, biliousness and constipa
tion, which can most effectually be
cured by the use of the genuine -
Dr.C.&cLane's celebrated.
Liver Pills.
Price, 25c. Sold by all druggists, and pre
pared only by Fleming Brothers, Pitts
burg, Pa. Get the genuine; counterfeits
are made in St. Louis. "
i" ", OTJB WONDERKui:, ft.
Customers all agree MuK.theTstae
they get here is fee Dress Gee ex
ceed any they can find.
Note the prlees aad ofceiee we oer.
- In fine all-wool "
-colors, assortments the target: J"1
4-lBch wide Serges at 75c a yari
46-tech wHe Serges at H a yard.
46-Inch wide Cheviot Serges at 8 a
-lnch wide Cashmere Serges at SSe.
2.lBCh iride Serges, bread wate, at H,
exex. s
60-Inch wide Geergett Serge at It
a yard, grand vatee. V
M-lnch wide fine . 'nngHah
Serge at n 60 aad IB.
8-inch wide doth
Serge, only K a yard.
68-lnch wide Cheviot Serge, SBpartsty
atJBSOayard.' ,
, g? '
" 5
a .5- -
Children's Day.
In our children's cloak and suit depart
ment beautiful new styles in all sorts
of fall and winter coats and dresses, from 2
years to 14-year sizes. You are invited.
Jos. Hokne & Co.'a v
Pcnn Avenue Stores.
8500,000 Worth of
Men's, boys' and children's clothing, gents'
furnishing goods and hats will be sold at
net cost lor the next 3 days to-day, Thurs
day'and Friday. This sale shall be the
greatest event of the season; cash only buvs
these gooas. P. C. C. C., cor. Grant and
Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Away Bourn in the Pit.
Continued on Sixth Page.
guide. Far beneath, the light gleamed upon
the water; here were the twin wells into
which the river sends its purest waves. Still
lower, and the two reached the platform
whereon are placed the wheels which direct
the opening and closing ot the gates. Tet
another platform brought them to tbe lowest
level. Under their feet the huge influent
pipes emptied themselves into the basin;
and the booming of the valves sounded
strangely like the yoice of an angryoSean,
For the Trleanlnl Conclave of Knlglits Tem
plar nt Washington, D. C., Oct. 8 to 11,
The Penna. K. B. will sell excursion tick
ets, Pittsburg to" Washington, D. C., and re
turn, from 5th to 8th, good to return until
Oct. 31, with the privilege of stopping off at
Baltimore andHamsburgon thereturn trip.
Refreshing; and Stimulating.
These are tbe characteristics of the F. &
V.JTliaucr uc. iu uaiui tcauits irom a
free use of this excellent beverage. Call
for it.
OvEEHOiiT. Golden Wedding, Xarge
Gibson and Dillinger whisky for sale in
large quantities By Geo. H. Bennett & Bro.
135 First avenue, second door below Wood
Feed. Beown's Ginger. A few drops im
part to the stomach a glow and vigor equal
to a wine glassful of brandy. Druggists.
One of the Finest.
Klein's "Silver Age" display at the Ex
position. ' M-ffT
Men's underwear, fall -and winter
James H. Aikeit & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
The famous Jubilee Singers.
AAii druggists keep it.
Klein's "Silver
An Assessment of 10 Cents Ievled on Each
Knight of Labor.
Master "Workman Boss, of D. A. No. 3,
Knights ofLabor, stated yesterday that tbe
assessment of 10 cents levied upon ' each
member of the district, was not to pay the
salaries of tbe officers, but to carry on the
fight against S. S. Marvin & Co. The boy
cott is not only being waged in this city, but
it is being inaugurated in all the surround
ing towns where there is a labor organiza
tion. Lobor Notes.
A scheme is on foot to have all the Knights
of Labor local assemblies in D. A. No. 8, at
Beaver Palls, and D. A. No. 11, at Connells
ville, go into D. A. No. 3 of tnis city.
It is now authoritatively stated that tbe coal
syndicate, which is trying 'to buy out the
Monongahela river operators, has an agent at
worK in (the Kanawha district securing options
The Builders' Exchange quarterly meetine
took place yesterday afternoon at tbe rooms on
Liberty street. Boutine business occupied at
tention exclusively, no mention being made of
the plan for a new 200,000 structure as an ex
change. Ait anonymous call is out for an open meet
ing of machinery molders next Saturday even
ing, but no eason was given for the call. It is
supposed that amalgamation Is the object of
the meeting, there being three separate associ
ations In the city.
He Forced tbo Tronk.
Matthew Englehart, of Millvale, was at
Union station last evening looking for
Louis Engle, a iellow boarder, who is al
leged to have stolen $195 from him. Englei
hart stated that the other man forced' his
trunk while be was away and skipped with
the money. The police are now looking for
Mr. Engle.
Weak stomach.Beecbam'sPills act like mage.
. .u.-.. wv.j aoUiCS UMUU1U1 UUipiClUU
8500.000 Worth ot
Men's, boys' and children's clothing,.gents
furnishing goods and hats will be Isold at
net cost for the next 3 days to-day, Thurs
day and Friday. This sale shall be tbe
greatest event of the season; cash only buys
these goods. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and
Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Children's Hosiery Best Goods Here
In cashmere, ribbed and plain; in cotton
and in silk; three-quarter and full lengths.
Jos. Hobke & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
t ,r-er' "7 - t
Boys' nnd Children's Fall Styles.
Those prominent originators of fashions,
Brokaw Bros., of New York, have designed
many cuts and nobby shapes for boys' and
children's clothing this fall. These are to
be had only at Sailor's, 66, S3, 60 Sixth
street. The materials are unusually pretty
and of great variety in patterns.
For the Triennial Conclave of Knights Tern
plnr at Washington, B. C, Oct. S to 11.
The Penna. E. B. will sell excursion
tickets, Pittsburg to Washington, D. C,
and return, from 5th to, 8tb, good to return
until Oct. 31, with the privilege of stopping
off at Baltimore and Harrhburg on the re
turn trip.
Children's Department Opening; ot
Sules To-Dot
And all this week. Come, and bring the
children. Jos. Horke & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
A Homo Industry
Always deserves patronage. Frauenheim
& Vtlsack's celebrated Iron City beer is
made right here in Pittsburg. Drink it.
You will enjoy it.
' $1. Until October. $1.
Mothers, bring children to Anfrecht's
Elite gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg.
"Use elevator. Cabinets $ 1 per dozen, proof
Children's Department Opening of Fall
Styles To. Day
this week come and bring the
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
And all
Infant's Oalflts, New and Choice Goods.
Flannel shawls, $1 to $6; short slips 40
cents to finest hand-made goods; long slips
and robes, bootees, caps,all new and dainty.
Jos. Hokke & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
The Biggest Clothing Sale
Pittsburg ever saw takes place during the
next three days, to-day, Thursday and Fri
day, at the P. O. C. ., opp. the new Court
House, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.
Jubilee Singers afternoon and evening.
At Max Klein's. Allegheny, for 50 cents
per quart each you canet California port,
sherry, muscatel, sweet angelica, or any
other known California wines. Honest
quarts and puse goods, and don't you for
get it. HOT
Teachers of Dancing.
Thuma's Academy, 64 Fourth avenue.
Members ol the National Association of
Teachers ofDancing will open this academy
next Tuesday, October 1.
505 and -507.- MARKET STREET,
A ctdl 41mm. TTMlTai- ..rTZ.
-" " - -mk wiammq oeqss
at 18 50 a yard,
'' ' ' 8TTLI8H
v- . -
C-lnch wide at f 1 a yard.
4S-Inch wide, hard twisted aad faesv
Jl a yard.
42-Iaeh wide,.' extra
weight, 8. 50 a yareV
-lnea- wide, heavy weight) at te 76 1
' " - . -' "1 Si1
tJHS.?1 ea wefeJrt, at g ?
JFifsnr i, rvFn-f
s7 A- yard. t "?
New fancy weaves la plaia eeler SsH-.
sal Armures. Valesca CoTd. Nti-m-i"
and CTM WalA TUamutf 11 l-v?id
- ... .. -v -..-bo, m. n, (it a
weignis ana eiegani nauB.
tee, seditmfl''
-f-ClB'B-.BSM V.
logs, such as Granite Armures, DUge-.!
One of the Finest.
Klein's "Silver Age" display at
the Ex-
Hebrew New Year's Cards for 5650,
With German,Enelish and Hebrew text,now
on sale at L. Breuninger & Co's., No. 535
Smithfield" street, Pittsburg, Pa,
The most reliable stimulant, Klein's
"Silver Age," only $1 50 per fall quart.
Stylish Imported Silk Stripe Suitings Only
81 a Yard,v
And other new dress goods bargains here.
Jos. Hobitb & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores. -
60c, 62c, 75c, 89c, ft 1 25, Jl 59, Jl 75; J2,
and 52 25.
fioc, beautiful quality.
0c This is a grand bargain. Examine
our Wool Hose, Ladies', Men's and
Children's good qualities very cheap.
Our 50c, 75c and SI Corsets can't be ex-
T. T. T.
,109 "Federal Street,
. &;
; Allegheny.
ThA Tuutt TmAnlAiM few. .ajw-:
- ' ' ..-
and quality, Jl a yard; 36 a yard;tfce
best at J2 and JS 50 a yard. OarUaeofl-,
colorings exceeds la variety all former
seasons. ':
1 j
Combination. Kobe Patterns, an tbj
latest Paris conceits, at J9 60 and up to'
the finest sbown. ,
Stylish Cloth Applique Dress Patters ir
atS7 SO eaeJi. In tibw'j4. -"-! -:
The largest assortment of AH-ween
Plaids, double-width goods, at 59c
imported Plaids up to J8 60 a
eluding- moncholr designs and f other
latest novelties.
French All-wool Cashmeres aadHes
rietta Cloths, We lead an compe5eiift
la these faeries, for quality and IowasssT '
01 price. i,-.
' The Jacket boom fa our --Jf.
" .
Department Is Immense the fcsxgsJasj-'j
In Jackets ot saedlamand innviMt jf '
cloths, in newest shapes, are here 1st
stacks black and colors.
.AH sizes in Cloth Mantles aad Short"
nr T ' ?'
Wraps ne w oods coming la every dy.
Paris novelties la elegant Long Wraps51"
This greatest display of Ladles' Stylish ..
Cool and Cold Weather Wraps' of allV
kinds is uaequaled.
Additional salespeople to wait on
in this department. . V ' -. 1
1?& I
" mm
'fr5r HEF 1
w3jL 12Tn
T - t V,
Emj i
' .
1: m
Li -.. p
'&, 9rjb r. -xfl
1-1 ., vTv