"ft S-'l 3 -i JHJStt -y? jS i, iTBtw 3 ? " , ir -- f; ' Bias JBCJl Jl If jon TTRnt Boars', Rooms, Domes or Help, advertise In THE DISPATCH. Purchasers can bo fonnd Tor everything ofl'crcd For Sale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH Is too belt advertising mediant In Western Pennsylvania. Try It, roRTy-rouRTH tear UN AWFUL PENANCE, That Unknown, Starved Death in a Church Cellar, a Pious Lunatic. to A MYSTERY OF MYSTERIES, Who Was the Mad Stranger, and How Could She Live so Long? BOIS THOUGHT HER A CHURCH GHOST. All Ml. Vernon Viewing iho Rcnintnt With ont Shadow of Identification The Sexton TTasYVntticdof HerllnnntlngtbeChnrch Cellar He Tlionr-ht, Two Months Ago, It Was Only a Ghost Story She Knelt In the Mad and Worshiped Rats Gnawed II cr Clothes While She blcpt. That dreadful discovery by Bev. Father Coles, in the cellar of his Jit Vernon Church, briefly reported by telegraph in The Dispatch of yesterday, has developed a remarkable mystery, hinging upon insane manifestations. The dead woman found starred in the cellar has not yet been identi fied. Boys, who for weeks had seen her face at the window, thought she was a ghost. New York, Septembers!. No one of the hundreds of people who all day have looked upon the face cf the woman who died on Saturday after being taken from the cellar of the Church of the Sacred Heart, in Mount Vernon, was able to say who she was. The remains lay in the morgue, in the rear of Burr, Davis & Son's undertaking ware- rooms on Fourth avenue. The woman's face was greatly emaciated, and her body was reduced almost to a skeleton. Her hair was cut short and combed back from her forehead. Her clothing was plain but very neat. She wore a black cassimere waist and overskirt, and a Scotch plaid underskirt. Her shoes were French kid buttoned gaiters, and had been purchased at Alexander's, on Sixth avenue. She had a pocketbook and reticule. In the latter was a five dollar bill and thirty cents in change, and a letter to Louis Turgis, a dealer in Catholic books, on Bar clay street. Another 3 bill was found near the body on the muddy floor of the cellar. It was torn about the edges and had evi dently been GNAWED BY THE 2ATS. The autopsy performed by Dr. Goodwin added to the mystery of the case. The woman's stomach was found to be entirely empty, her lungs wasted away and her vital organs in a state of paralysis. The woman was a consumptive, but had starved to death. Coroner Nordquest put off the inquest for a week, honing ,I,at the mystery surround ing the woman's death would th Jw cleared up.-"He had a photograph taken of the body as it lay on the marble slab Investigation, instead ot identifying the woman, brought to light many facts to add to the horror of the story. That this woman, whose dying groans had been heard by the Eev. Father Coles, and who was taken from the cellar to die at the altar in the church, had lived in the dismal hole for two months, and had been slowly starving herself to death, without the knowledge of the pyest or of the sexton, John Brady, seems almost beyond belief. Yet these were facts. The woman first appeared in Mount Veruon about two months ago. She spent eo much time about the church that she at tracted the attention of Janitor Howland, who has charge of the public school op posite the church on South Fifth avenue. Mr. Howland said his little boy saw the woman looking out of the cellar window night after night, and added that the boys TOOK HEE FOE A GHOST and avenged their fright by throwing stones at the window in which the face always ap peared. The appearance of the window was ample corroboration of this statement. The glass was broken and a number of stones were found on the floor in the cellar. "Why didn't you notify Father Coles of this?" Mr. Howland was asked. "Well, I notified Mr. Kirby, the sexton, who had charge of the church before Mr. Brady took his place. He said it was a ghost story and didn't take any stock in it. "When one sees a woman walk into a cellar and then alterward sees her looking out of the window there is little room for doubt about it I knew she was there, and can't understand why others didn't know it" A boy named Archer, who phyed with the Howland boys, also saw the woman. He says she frightened all the boys one night when they were playing tag around the churchyard. The Archer boy said that at first they thought they saw a ghost and ran across the street Then they threw stones at the window. "The face," he added, "al ways went out of sight when the stones be gan to fly." VHT THE SEXTON HESITATED. Ex-Sexton Kirby admits that Mr. How land had informed him of the woman's presence in the cellar. "I paid no atten tion to the story," said Mr. Kirby, "be cause I thought it was one of Howland's fanciful yarns. It turns out, however, that the ghost story had some truth in it" It was rumored about Mount Vernon that Sexton Brady knew of the woman's pres ence in the cellar and had cjectsdheron more than one occasion. Mr. Brady and Father Coles both indignantly denied this rumor when they were questioned about it It is very probable that the woman, who ever she may be, was insane about religion. There are signs that during the two months she lived in the cellar she spent a good deal of time on her knees. Near her bed of cedar twigs two indentations are visible in the soft clay floor that had apparently been made by her bended knees and her clothing bears marks of having been rubbed and soiled by the wearer in her devotions. She wore a scapular and the Agnes Dei around ber neck, and both of these emblems of the Catholic faith. were found when she was di covered dying. .ALMOST A MIBACLE. That the woman lived as long as she did in such a dismal place ic a remarkable' cir cumstance. The air in the cellar was so heavy and damp as to make it almost un bearable. A garment that had belonged to the woman was found on the floor. It was mi 1 - covered with blue mold and was completely rotted. Not ten feet from where the woman made her bed runs a stream of water, and the odo'r it throws off is far from pleasant The rats ran about with a complete disre gard of the visitors in the cellar, and an ex amination of the dead woman's clothes showed that they had been torn by the hun gry rodents. None bnt an insane person could have lived in such a place. The idea has been broached that perhaps the dead woman was Miss Virginia Wagner, the missing Brooklvn school teacher, who has been missing since July 3 last, but it was conclusively established that this was a poor guess. Mrs. Sanford, with whom Miss "Wagner boarded, sent word that the descrip tion of the dead woman did not fit the school teacher in any particular. Mr. "Wagner, of Paterson, N. J., the father of Virginia, also said that the description did not agree in any way with that of his daughter. Miss "Wagner was not in the least insane. She was a Protestant nominally, but never very earnest or regular in her religious duties. WANDERING FAR FROM HOME. Sad Story of a French Woman Found Imano nnd Deserted. ISr-EClAI. TELEQBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New Yokk, September 24. A young French woman, who said she was Josephine Brnn, and that she was the sweetheart of a count named De 3Iores, was found wander ing about the Pennsylvania Railroad station on Sunday. Papers and an order for a second-class ticket to Chicago, showed that she arrived here on the steamship Bothnia, from Liverpool, on Friday. She was taken to Castle Garden. Dr. Vinton examined her, and pronounced her insane. Investi gation by Castle Garden officials revealed that her "story of having been the sweetheart of a man named De Mores was true. She had this letter, which he wrote to her about six weeks ago: I do not wish yon to return to mo. When you do not drink you are one of the nicest of women; but, unfortunately,! yon cannot ab stain. The life that. you havoledme since cterday has decided me to send you back to St. Etienne. My brother will always nay yon a pension of $25 a month, and in case that I die. you will have the income of my estate during your lifetime. Detective Croden ascertained that the young woman had left this city on a French line steamship, in August last, to go to St Etienne. She had $100 to pay her passage, and (25 for incidental expenses. She changed her mind when she got to Havre, and went to Liverpool, where she bought a second-cabin ticket on the Bothnia. She will be sent back to-morrow provided that agents on the Bothnia do not refuse to take her, which they may do on the ground that she has been in this conntry several years. BOASTED TO DEATH. Criminal Carelessness Causes a Horrible Disaster in the Snbnrbs of Chicago FIvo Lives Iiosl Tho ttc- sponslblo Engineer Has Fled. Chicago, September 24. Five innocent lives paid the penalty of the wanton care lessness of a railroad engineer, at the corner of Vincennes avenue and Eighty-seventh street this evening. The G:18 suburban train on the Bock Island road daily leaves at this point, the "Washington Heights coach, which a moment later is caught up by the dummy engine and hauled over the main line to Washington Heights. This evening this car was Telt at this point as usual, when a moment later the passengers were horrified to fee in the rear oi them and bearing down on them at the rate of12 miles an hour, a heavy freight train'of tbocanierroad. There was no time lor fiieht. The enei- -neer had reversed his engine, but the effect was hardly perceptible, and with almost un diminished speed the huge engine.propelled by the heavy train, plowed into the pas senger coach until the locomotive was en tirely hidden in thewreck. "Wild shrieks and groans announced the horror of the disaster, and as the white steam formed in a thick cloud around the scene, the terrified specta tors realized that the ill-fated passengers on the "Washington Heights coach were being roasted alive. Strange to say not a person was killed by the force of the shock, every life that was lost being solely attributable to the scalding steam that enveloped the coach. The dead, as they were taken out, were found to be literally roasted. The flesh dropped from the hands and limbs and the glaring eyes told the horror of the experience that had welcomed them at the threshold of death. Five persons were instantlv killed I and as many more seriously injured. The wrecK appears to nave been entirely due to the almost criminal carelessness of engineer Seth Twombly, son of the master mechanic of the road. Twombley at once took to flight and has not since been heard from. DON'T WANT THE TAX EEMOYED. The Cigar makers' Union In Favor of Rc talnlnc the Internal RcvcnuoTnx. rSFECIAI, TELEGRAM TO THE DIswciM New Yoek, September 24. The internal revenue tax on cigars and tobacco was the main topic of discussion in the convention of the Cigar Makers' International Union to-day. In his biennial report, President Strasser had spoken in favor of the reten tion of the internal revenue tax, and recom mended in case its repeal should he pro posed at the coming session of Congress, the continuance of the union's protest against snch a measure. The committee on officers' reports reported adversely to the President's recommendation. A minority report was also submitted in its favor. The minority report was adopted by a vote of 12C to 20. Adolph Strasser, of Buffalo, was re elected Presfdent of the International Union, receiving 107 votes out of the 127 cast Other officers were elected as follows: First Vice President, George "W. Perkins, of Albany; Second Vice President, Samuel Gompers, of New York; Third Vice Presi dent, "William V. Todd, of Toronto. The Fonrth Vice President will be elected to morrow. ONLY ONE CANDIDATE For tho Republican Gnbernatorlal Nomina tion In the Stato of Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., September 24. Dele gates to the Republican State Convention, which meets here to-morrow, are arriving and the prospects are that it will be largely attended. There is little interest for the nominations. Chambers being the only prominent candidate much spoken of for Governor. There seems to be little question that he can get the nomination if hedesires it, and as little about his wanting it There will be a pretty strong sentiment against making any nomination, bnt it is doubttul if it will be'strong enough to control the convention. EITHER DIE THAN WOKE. Convicts Running Risks of Fatally Injuring Themselves to Avoid Labor. rEFECIAX. TELXGnAM TO THE DISPATCn.1 Saxem, Ore., September 24. A remark able mania has taken possession of the con victs in the penitentiary here within the past year. Three of them have performed sui ampntation to avoid work. John Suell, a colored convict whose horror of labor has led to this desperate remedy, Ibis morning he placed his lelt hand on a board and deliberately, with one stroke of a hatchet. cut off the fingers. He was 'sentenced for five vears. one of which he had served. He is a stout, hearty fellow, but very lazy. w NO SHOWFOR HIM. Ths Totes Cast for Bonlangor Will Not be Considered The General Charges the Government With Fraud. bnt Is Still Hopeful. Paeis, September 24. All the members of the Cabinet have returned to Paris. A Ministerial council, which will be presided over by President Carnot, will be held at the Elysee to-morrow. The new Chamber of Deputies will be summoned to meet in November. It is now estimated that the supporters of the Government will comprise 300 Moderate Republicans and 65 members of the Left M. Herve has gone to Rich mond, England, for the purpose of con ferlng with the Count of Paris. MM. Laguere and Naquet have gone to London to meet General Boulanger. The Chamber is certain to annul the elections ot General Boulanger and Count Dillon. In order to secure the election of the P.epublican candidates wherever pos sible on the second ballots in the districts in which two Republicans ran Sunday, the one who received the smaller number of votes will retire in favor of the one who polled the greater number. The French Republican journals are jubilant over the result of Sunday's election for members ot the Chamber ot Deputies, and say that the second ballots will only add to the success of the Republicans. They regret the defeat of M. Jules Ferry, and express the hope the defeat will only be temporary. A dispatch- from London says: In an Interview to-day, General Boulanger saidhe had no hope of his party having a majority in the new Chamber of Deputies. He had not, however, lost faith in the future. The Government, he declared, had everywhere stolen votes with raven-like characteristics. Tho Republican majority may prove un manageable, he saia, and- the country will soon be calling him to power. ALIYE INJTHE KUINS. One of tho Victims of the Quebec Disaster Rescued After Many Days Several Dead Bodies Recovered, bat More in tho Debris. Quebec, September 24. At 9 o'clock this morning the laborers at work at the ruins caused by the recent land slide heard a slight moan under a heap of wreckage, and digging vigorously soon.reached Joseph Kemp. "When extricated, Kemp', who is 72 years of age, was still able to speak, after having been buried 100 hours. Father Mc Carney administered tho sacrament to the apparently dying man, Kemp answering the prayer. Stimulants were administered and hopes are now entertained that Kemp will recover. Intense excitement prevailed, and the full forceof city and harbor police had hard work to keep back the anxious crowd. Shortly after Kemp was taken out, the corpse of Mrs. O'Dowd, aged 72 years, was recovered. The body was badly mutilated. Mrs. O'Dowd was rocking a cradle and knit ting a stocking when the avalanche of rock came down. She was knocked through a window and killed. "When ionnd, she still held her knitting work. The coroner's in quest into the cause of the death of those who lost their lives in the disaster was opened this morning. This afternoon the remains of John Henry were found under the ruins. The body was doubled in two, and Splinters of all sizes were sticking in the flesh. The body of Henry's wife was found a few feet away. She had in her hand pieces of broken plates and a fork. She died while preparing her husband's supper. The work of clearing away the debris is still going on with vigor. There are still from 10 to 12 bodies under the rnins. TRYING TO SATE A LIFE. Progress in the Rehearing of a Mnn Con demned to bo Hanged. ISFECIAI. TEIEOKAM TO THE DISPATCn.3 NewYobk, September 24. "When the Giblin hearing was resumed before Referee Douras to-day, Ambrose H. Purdy told of the little he did during the short time he was Giblin's counsel. As Giblin could not come to them the referee and the lawyers went to him. His examination took place in the Warden's office, at the prison entrance to tbe Tombs. Giblin shook hands warmly with a reporter he recognized, but took little or no notice of his wife, who was present. His testimony was practically a repetition of what he said at the trial, with additions which he evidently considered important Giblin Was glib enough in telling his story. "When he had to account, oncross-examination, for some metal plates, evidently dies for mak ing bogus silver dollars, which were found in his lodgings, he said that he got the plates to make a galvanic battery, but showed small knowledge Of tbe article in question. Four of the plates, which were copper, he said he bought at a junk shop; the fifth, of lead, a friend gave him. He had also to acknowledge that a bit of paper, inscribed with words found only on silver certificates, was in his handwriting. Having identified the cartridge belt fonud in his house, which Mr. Jerome spoke of, he said he owned a revolver several years ago, but not at the time of the shooting. MUST HAVE HIDE0PHIA. Tho Arrest of n Mnn Who Acts Like a Mad Dog in Chicago. Chicago, September 24. Police Officer McDonald noticed a colored man who acted in a suspicious manner, darting in and out of alleys and running through yards and across lots. He caught up with the fellow and questioned him as to what he was doing in that neighborhood. Before the negro, whose name is John Siler, had uttered three words he began to bark like a dog and run around in a circle, groaning and whining. McDonald grew frightened and thought he had run into the arms of a victim of rabies. The officer clapped a pair of handcuffs on the strange man's wrists and pulled for the wagon. The "dog man" fought the officer like a bull terrier, biting and tearing his clothes almost completely off. "When ar raigned this morning Siler began to howl and whine like a dog. FOREST FIRES IN CALIFORNIA. Tho Country Is Very Dry, and a Disastrous Conflagration Is Feared. San Fbancisco, September 24. In formation was received this afternoon that extensive forest fires commented raging last night in the redwood forests, San Mateo county, south of this city. The fire is spread ing to-day, and a number of saw mills are in danger. Much damage has already been done, and there seems to be no prospect of checking the progress of the flames soon, though' men are fighting the fire. Alorest fire is also raging near Santa Rosa, north of this city. The country is very dry and a disastrous conflagration is feared. NO CHANCE FOR WAR THERE. The Sultan Has Acceded to the Spanish Government's Demands. Tangiebs, September 24. The 'Spanish corvette Navara has sailed, for the Riff coast On board of the corvette is a com mission from the Sultan charged to order the immediate release ol the Spanish sailors recently captured byBiffians. Relations between Morocco and Spain continne friendly. The Sultan declares his determination to accede td the just demands of Spain, PITTSBUEG, WEDNESDAY, MASdE KEEPS SOAR Senator Quay Thinks $100,000 Wouia Assist Him in His Battle. THE GENERAL MAY POLL THROUGH Candidate Bigler Professes to be Greatly Encouraged of late. WHAT HE WOULD DO IF ELECTED. Chairman Andrews Assesses State Employes for Cam . palm Expenses. Senator Quay says ?100,000 would help Mahone greatly in his campaign. He doesn't say he has thai -cum at hand, though, for such a purpose. Candidate Bigler claims to be greatly encouraged in his race after a tour through several counties. Chair man Andrews has assessed State employes 3 per cent of their, salaries for campaign pur poses. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCII.l Philadelphia, September 24. United States Senator Matthew Stanley Quay reached the Continental Hotel to-night, alone and unannounced. He came from Washington, where he had been for a day, and in his customary quiet way said that his mission is private and in no way polit ical. "When it was suggested that the Na tional Chairman had been in consultation with Mahone's friends he mildly disclaimed any knowledge of the Virginia campaign, remarking: "I have not heard from Gen eral Mahone since his nomination." "Do you think he can win his fight?" was asked. "I am not in ,a, position to advance an opinion that would count for much. At the same time, I should think Mahone will win. It is not probable that he would take the nomination uuless he thought he could be elected. No man knows the State ot Vir ginia better than General Mahone, and I guess he knows his fight" "It is reported, Colonel, that you have. ?100,000 for him?" IX Vf OULD BE handy. At this the Senator seemed to be very much amused and answered with a campaign smile: "If I had, it might help him in the battle." "When the talk drifted upon federal ap pointments, and when the changes are to be made, Colonel Quay said; "I do not know when they will come, but I suppose not un til the President returns to "Washington." The chairman was interested in the ex isting Democratic wrangle over "the indorse ment of District Attorney Graham, and asked m3ny questions about it. His opinion was that it' might be better for Candidate Boyer if a straight Democratic ticket should be 'placed in the field, as it would tend to increase the Republican vote for the State ticket. In regard to the proposed civil service resolution at tho Pittsburg Club Convention, the Senator had no opinion to express as to its advisability, but said that he had no idea it would receive favorable consideration, under any circumstances. Senator Quay will return to Washington to-morrow night. BIGLEE PLUCKS UP COUEAOE. A special from Harrisburg says: E. A. Bigler, Democratic candidate for State Treasurer, was in the city to-day, and 'alked rather freely of the campaign. He has not started on a reeular tour o a regular tour ot ftie&v-ihe Daytona are desperate characters, State, but has visited a number of counties and felt the political pulse of the people as thoroughly as his brief stays would permit. This little missionary work has been rather gratifying to him, as it has shown a much better promise of success than he bad antic ipated when he agreed to accept the nomi nation unanimously tendered him by the Democratic State Convention. No divisions were found in his party, while the Republicans were having various differences in a number of counties not ably Berks, Lancaster, Carbon and Clear field. These fights were due to tbe deter mination of Quay to make Delamater the Republican candidate for Governor next year, and would in all probability conduce materially to the advantage of the Demo cratic party. in to wnr IP HE CAN. Candidate Bigler says he was not anxious for the nomination for State Treasurer, but, having been chosen, he feels it bis duty to do the best he can to be elected. He pro poses soon to make a tour of the State, and he is not unmindful of the fact that his com petitory Speaker Boyer, is now freely ming ling with the voters of Pennsylvania. Reference having been made to the fact that the risks of a State Treasurer in making disposition of the publio Tunds were away out of proportion to the salary of $5,000 a year he receives, he said he had no fears of personal losses, as he would go into the office, if elected, untrammeled by any political or personal considerations, and would therefore select depositories ot tbe State s money, or wnose commercial stability there could be no doubt. The State would then not only be secure from losses, bnt his bond of $500,000 would be perfectly safe. He gave a very strong intimation that no bank would be allowed to have the enormous State deposits which Kenible's, of Philadelphia, (the People's) constantly has intrnsted to its keeping considerably in excess of tbe amount of the security re quired from the 6tate Treasurer. HOW FLOATERS WERE WORKED. Details of IhePlan by Which New Yorkers Toted In Brooklyn. rBPXCIAL TELKQBAM TO TOE DISPATCII.l Bbookltn, September 24. Police 'Jus tice Kenna has issued a warrant for the ar rest of Michael Scanlan, who provided the big gang of "floaters" for service at the late Republican primary in the Twentieth ward. The six prisoners who pleaded guilty to the charge of attempting to vote illegally, have withdrawn their plea, and theywill be tried with the other three prisoners, ou Friday. Colonel A. S. Bacon, who is'prosecutingthe prisoners in the interest of the Nichols fac tion, said to-day: One drove of these colonizers assembled by appointment at the New York entrance of the bridge, at 11 o'clock, on the dav of thn mimnrv. There was snch a gang of them that they were dispersed by the police. They reassembled and were conducted by a man who paid all their fares to Callahan's saloon, at 796 Fulton street, this city. There were so many of them that the place was crowded to overflowing, and half of them were taken to Leich's saloon. The plan followed was to take six or eight men at a time, give to each a slip of paper with a name and address that he was to vote upon, and conduct them to within a half block or the polling place and tell them to get in the line. There was a good deal of this fine work done before tbe worst looking gang of all was arrested, ' A DEMAND FOR BOODLE. Chairman Andrews SInhcs a 3 Per Cent Assessment on State Employes. ISFECIAL TELEQBAM TO TUB DISPATCH I Hakeisbueg, September 24. Chairman Andrews, of the Republican State committee, has informed the clerks and other em ployes on the hill that a 3 per cent assess ment on their salaries is due for campaign purposes. The demanded contribution from each clerk is $42. Pictnrcs Do Not Serm to Par. NewYobk, September 24. The Graphic, an afternoon pictorial paper, has suspended publication, and the office is now in the hands of the Sheriff. The cause of suspen sion is said to be a lack of funds,' 4. SEPTEMBER 25, 1889. THE BLAINE NUPTIALS. Emmons to bo Worried at niehfleld Springs To-Day Tho Secretary of State a Few Minutes In Utlcn HU Future Flans. rSPECTAL TEI.EOBAU TO TBI DISPATCH.! Utica, N. T., September 24. Secretary Blaine spent IS minutes in Utica, this after noon, before going ,to Richfield Springs to witness the marriage of his son "Walter to Miss McOormlck. "While his special train was in the depot a number of Uticans paid their respects to fiim H,e has not been in this city since- he ran unsuccessfully for President in 1884. It was expected that the Secretary would he met at the depot by a large number of Republicans, but not a man who is in any way connected with politics in this city was present A Presbyterian minister, a brewer, and a hop dealer, were tbe notables who shook hands With him. The others who brushed by the .porter were the train hands and, ladies. "How are the crops looking in this sec tion?" was the first thing Mr. Blaine asked, after he had seated himself beside a table on which was a deck of cards. "I think this is a beautiful country, and I am sorry I did not settle here," he said to a gentleman. To The Dispatch correspondent the Secretary of State said he had enjoyed his visit to Bar Harbor, and was in excellent health. "About the State convention? No, I don't know what the Republicans will do, but I trust they will have a harmonious gathering, which I think they will have. I have paid no attention to what it going on in politics, and all I have in mind is my son's coming marriage. After the wedding I will go back to Washington in company with Mrs. Blaine and resume my duties .at the State Department" The arrangements for the Blaine-McCor-mick wedding have been completed, and nothing remains to have it an enjoyable event but fine weather. Guests from New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago" have been arriving in this city to-day in large numbers, on their way to Bichfield. The hridemaids and flower girls ore at Rich field, as are also the of&ciatingclergymen. Mr. Blaine is looking quite pale, and those who saw him to-day noticed the marked change in his appearance since he was in Utica last. The Blaine party arrived In Richfield at 7 o'clock" this evening. They will leave the Springs Thursday afternoon at 2;15 for New York. HAD THE WRONG FELLOWS. The Dayton Brothers How Charged With Holding Up a Train. rsrzcxu. teieqbam to the sispatce. Salt Lake City, September 24. About four weeks' ago James Rumerill and Charles Curtis were arrested in South eastern Utah, charged with having held up and robbed the passengers on the Bio Grande and "Western train near Thompson's Springs, Utah, August 6. They had a preliminary bearing before United States Commissioner Norrell, who bound them over to await the action of the grand jury, and being unable to give bond they are now in carcerated in the Utah penitentiary. From facts which have since been unearthed it is quite clear that they are not guilty oi the ofiense, hut that two brothers named Edward Dayton and J,. E. Dayton are. The Daytons were arrested last Tuesday in Ogden for a bold robbery two weeks ago of one of the proprietors of Maiden's gambling saloon. The proprietor was about leaving the saloon for home at 2 o'clock in the morning, with a bag of money in his hand, when Ed Dayton pointed a gun at his head and forced him to give up the bag. United States Deputy Marshal Pratt and Sheriff Belknap will claim the f 1,000 reward of- (arcA Ivw tlid 1??A flrnnila anil WAetfirn fnar? Both claim to be natives ot sevier county, Utah. They had with them "Winchester rifles, revolvers,' four ammunition belts and a supply of dynamite, powder and cart ridges. It was learned that they had laid all their plans for holding up the Utah and Northern train when a lavorable opportu nity presented itself. DROPPED INTO A LAKE. An Amateur Balloonist Meets Death nt a County Fair. ISrECIAL TELEGnAM TO THE DISPATCH Richfield Springs, N. Y., September 24. At the annual fair of Otsego county, being held in the village of Cooperstown, 16 miles south of here, there occurred a sad death this afternoon. The principal feature of the day was a balloon ascension to be made by Edward Walsworth, of Ilion, N. Y., an amateur balloonist. About 4 o'clock the balloon was ready, and he entered with out fear. He had a parachute with him, and was to descend when he was up about a mile in the air. Cooperstown is situated on Otsego Lake, and as the wind was in the direction of the lake he was carried out some distance from the shore. When about a mile up he descended Irom the'balloon with his para chute. The wind hastily carried him to ward the middle of the lake, and when he dropped he was a mile and a half from the shore, and was drowned. The spectators saw that he was going to meet a perilous death, and many went out in boats, but they were too late. The ascen sion was the prettiest ever seen in Coopers town, and the balloon went up like a charm. It is thought that Walsworth did not see his danger when he descended. He was an amateur at the business, his first ascension being in Herkimer, N. Y., some few weeks POWELL FOR THE PENSION PLACE. An Illinois Man Now Snid to be Under Serlons Consideration. Washington, September 24. To-night the friends of General Powell, of Illinois.are hopeful that he willjbe selected by President Harrison to succeed Corporal Tanner as Pension Commissioner. He was -prominent before the conntry in connection with this appointment lastspring,and it was said that for several days the President was unable to decide between him and Corporal Tanner, and it is this which gives them confidence now. General Powell is a resident of Belle ville, and a prominent G. A. R. man of that section. A. B. Williams, of Kansas, whose name has been used in connection with this office, is said by Western men to be really seeking appointment as District Attorney for Kan sas, and that his visit to Deer Park was upon that errand and not as candidate for Commissioner of Pensions. ONE MORE YACAM CHAIR. The Director ol tho Mint Has Sent In His Resignation. Washington, September 24. The Sec retary of the Treasury has accepted the resignation of Dr. James P. Kimball, of Pennsylvania, as Director of the Mint, to take effect October 15, and has granted him leave of absence until that date. Mr. Edward O'Leech, computer in the office, is now acting as director, with the understanding that he will be appointed to the directorship as soon as the office be comes vacant. THE DEADLY KEROSENE CAN. Tito Children Attempt to Start the Fire, With Fatal Results. Fkedeeick, Md"., September 24. Two grandchildren of William Lee, of this county, aged 6 and 9 years, while alone in the house, attempted to start a fire with the contents of a coal oil can. The oil exploded and the children were burned to death, - -- i - j ffl the jusrs hands: The Fate of Ives, the Young Napo leon, Will Soon be Decided. DRAMATIC CLOSE OP THE TRIAL. Colonel fellows Demolishes the Hopes of the, Defense. Bright AN IMPARTIAL1 -CHAfiGE DELITERId'. After. WaitlnUatlli MlJaJsW t a Terllet tie CKrt z ' Adjoar&ed. The Ives case is now in tho bands or the jury. The arguments were closed yesterday afternoon, after which thejury was charged in an impartial manner. Several hours laterthe-body came in for further instruc tions, but failed to reach a verdict IBFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THS DISFATCH.1- New YOBK, September. 24. When Napoleon Ives arose in his cell in the Tombs to-day he confidently expected to bid farewell to the cold and gloomy prison. If was, to all appearance, the last day of his trial, and the indications were favorable to a miscarriage of justice. The defense had apparently made a strong impression upon thejury, although no man who had listened to the evidence could possibly believe thai Ives was not guilty of the crime charged. Woodruff, the accomplice and informer, was on all hands regarded as the mainstay, the anchor of the people's case. Before the day had passed, however, an astonished jury, a surprised counsel and a disconcerted criminal had heard Colonel Fellows indig nantly throw aside the evidence of the in former as. altogether unimportant, and had heard him "prove by the written testimony, most of which was contained in the books of the conspirators themselves, that crime had been committed as alleged and that the guilt oi the prisoner was clear beyond the perad venture of a doubt, A MABVELOUS SPEECH. The skill, the logic and the clearness with which the facts were presented astonished everyone nndmade Lawyer Brooke remark at the day's end that Colonel Fellows' sum ming up had been one of the finest demon strations of legal ability he had ever wit nessed. Colonel Fellows finished his ad dress to thejury at 330 o'clock. In closing, Mr. Fellows said that in all his experience, extending over 30 years, he never kpew of another case where all the charges were so clearly proven as in this, and on the other hand a case where the de fense was so feeble. At this point Mr. Brooke took exception, stating that the statement had a tendency to intimidate the jury. The objection was overruled. At 3:41 Recorder Smythe began his charge to the jury Referring to Woodruff's testimony tbe Recorder said that the jury could not bring in a verdict of guilty against the prisoner unless it was corrobo rated to their satisfaction. The Recorder's address was quite lengthy. THE C1IABGE XMPABTIAZi. On the whole it was Impartial, and was a clear exposition of the facts and the law governing them. Shortly before 6 o'clock the jury retired. At 9:45 the jury sent a communication to the Recorder asking for further instructions. They were taken to the courtroom, which was still crowded. They asked to have a portion of the Be I corder's charge read to them from the steno graphers notes. .Lawyer Brtoke strenu ously objected to the readlne of the steno grapher's notes, and took an exception to, l.n D.MAM A.'. .nliMM ntiA .MW-. I.M. ..,,. uig .ucbuiuci .iuiuki JLuojuijT ncic agaiu sent back to their room. At 11:35, as the jury had not reached a verdict, Recorder Smythe locked them up for the night. EAIN SO EESPECTEE OP PERSONS, The President Receives aTborono'h Drench ing on His West Vlrslnia Tonr. DeeePaek, Md., September 24. Presi dent Harrison and Senator Henry 6. Davis returned to Deer Park at 8.30 to-night, after one of the stormiest trips that any President of the United States has taken is the last quarter of a century? It rained constantly, and even the President'? mackintosh and high rubber boots could not entirely protect him Irom a drenching. The party reached Elkins, W. Va., the terminus of the West Virginia Central road, about midday, where they spent an hour taking their dinner in the private car "West Virginia." To-morrow the President and Mrs. Harrison, ex Senator and Mrs. Henry G. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Halford will attend the centennial celebration at Cumberland. They will leave here at 10 A. it., returning at 5 p. M. Private Secretary Halford says to-night that the President will leave for Washing ton on Friday, as he wished to do a day's work there this week, and, leaving on Sat urday, nothing can be accomplished until Monday. It is intimated that there will be a conference with Secretary Noble on Sat urday that will decide tbe Pension Com mis sionership. SETTLED FOR A SEASON.- Pennsylranla Soldiers' Outrages In the Capital Not to be Punished. rSPECIAL TEXZOSAU TO THE DISFATCH.1 Washington, September 24. A matter which has been hanging fire ever since the day of Harrison's inauguration was tem porarily, if not finally, disposed of to-day by an opinion of Attorney Riddle, counsel for the District. During the inauguration cer emonies some of the Pennsylvania soldiers on a spree virtually looted the boarding house of Isabella Johnson. The woman de manded redress from the Commissioners, who, a few days ago, in a letter, eferred the case to Mr. Riddle, who to-day rendered the following opinion: In an Ideal municipality, armed with ample power and means, there wonld De no Injustice, perhaps, in holding it responsible for loss by mobs or other acts of violence. I know of no existing rule or law by which the district can be made responsible for the loss named, none ot the particulars of which are brought to my notice. The District in this, as in all cases, must be shown guilty of malfeasance or negli gent non-feasance. The case, together with former outrages committed by the Pennsyl vania militia, should be reported to Congress for its Information ana action. BANKERS GATHERING TOGETHER. The Pennsylvania Doleates Arrive Early on the Scene of Action. Kansas Citt, September 24. Large numbers of bankers from all parts of the country, delegates to the annual convention of the American Bankers' Association, which convenes here to-morrow, arrived in the city to-day and to-night. The Pennsyl vania delegates arrived in a body at noon, under charge of W. H. Rhawn, of Philadel phia, and W. E. Schmertz, or Pittsburg. As the delegates arrive they are met at the Union depot by reception committees, and escorted to the hotels, where quarters have been provided for them. The conven tion Will be called to order to-morrow morn ing at 10 o'clock. White Cnps Pay for Their Fnn. Vinton, Ia., September 24. To-day six of the eight Vanhom "White Cappers" p'lealed guilty, and were fined $200 and one day in the county jail 1 BIG ATMSP0PT. A. Torres Bants From a Great Jfevr Crete Water Mala, Fteedios; a BaWe Trabnlre Belayed, but Hoc Wrecked by id x tSrECIAL'TBiBSBAH TO TBI DI9PATOH.1 New Yobx, September 24 A torei rf water burst from the big CrotoHl water main, just north of theFreemont staHoa, on the j Harlem Railroad sfirt!y after 9 o'cloek to-night, and ia afcw.aia utes the tracks were to submerged t&ai tbe running oif trains was impossible, v - The New York CentralandHH5JoR Biver Railroad Company1 ia spendisg iwaethfeg like 92,000,000 in sinking aad raising lb tracks on this line at the read crossings, and an army of laborers is e gaged in: the work, which is in that coadi tion nqw which makes any such-aeeidest as that which happened to-night especially disastrous. The trains- that were delayed "were the Boston, the "White Plains local and the New Haven local, which were due at the Grand Central station at 11, H and 11:50, trains for Boston and the 11-35 train from Stamford. The "bridge crossing' the street just north of the Fremont station was undermined, and it1 settled so that one of the engineers said that tbe en gines could not go under it without danger Of losing their smokestacks. The flood of water undermined the big gas main which crossed the track, and when the New Haven train which left the Grand Central station "at 9-20 o'clock passed over it, ity cracked and a volume of gas poured ort. A spark' from the fire bed of the engine ignited the gas, and there was a tremendous explosion, which shook the town up in a live fash ion and hroogh the majority of the residents of Fremont running out of their houses in fear, The headlight of the engine was blown 0 feet away; but the engine was not otherwise damaged, and resumed its journey. Tie gas filled we streets, and the lights grew flinL It waa ' finally turned o The water from the main poured forth for more than two hours, when it was turned off. There were rumors that a num ber of bridges, had been greatly in jured, bulnothlrrg definite could be learned. It.is not 'likely that trains will be able to run until the injured bridge is repaired and the water soaks away below the level of the fireboxes of the engines. ft & TBAHf m JAIL 1 The Author Arrested. Ia Bostoa Becaase ef an Old Debt He 1 Glad of an Opportunity1 lo Stady the Sfassachosetts Prisons. Boston, September 24. George Francis Train was arrested at noon f&day in his room at the Tremont House, and is now In the custody of Deputy Sheriff Fitzpatrick. He was arrested on a writ sworn out by O. M. Spflleroa a judgment for $1,000. SpUler belongs in Toledo. Mr. Train says that In 1872 he guaranteed $70 for John A. Lant, editor of the Toledo Sun, to buy type with. Lant told him he would not be called upon to pay the amount, and simply asked kins to guarantee it. Spiller, Train says, is a pawnbroker, and he advanced .some of the money. In 1876 he got judgment against Train in Toledo for $100, and tour years later wanted to settle, so Train says, for 850. Train says Lanttoldhim that he had paid it all. Spiller then got judgment for $36 J, and now, after 13 years, comes with.'the amount swollen to $1,000. - Train was taken before Judge Healy, of the Poor Debtor Session'' pt Municipal Court. He declined' the assistance of law yers, aBd-M lw refused. to-vIve beads' or take the poor debtors bath, he was com mitted, to the' county jail and later taken to that institution. He declared thai he de sired an opportunity to study the inside workings of the Massachusetts prisons. 1 B1TTEE EEEB BATTLE, Steps Being Taken In St. IouIs lo Con tinne a Desperate Strugaic. rgPECIAL TZXXOBASI TO THS HI3PATCH.I St, Louis, September 24. The rival factions in the beer war thathas been raging in St. Louis for the past few month, com posed on one side of the Brewery Trust, em bracing in its ranks all the breweries of the citjr with the exception of Anhauser Busch, Lerap's, and Ahert's, and on the other of the associated saloon keepers, under the leadership of the Banner Brewing Com pany of Cincinnati, are now preparing for the final and desperate struggle which is to decide the question of the supremacy ot the trust. Ellis Wainwright, president of the trust, is in command of the local brewery forces, and Treasurer Darosont, of the Banner Brewing Company, arrived from Cincinnati this morning, to map out the line of action of the opposition. The principal object of Mr. Darosont's visit is to perfect, as far as possible, the details for the erection of a. large brewery in this city, to be rnn on the' co-operative plan and in opposition to the combine of breweries now controlling nearly all the beer trade. During his stay the Treasurer of the Ban ner Brewing Company will consult with all the local saloon keepers regarding the scheme, and it is probable that when he re turns to Cincinnati the project for a new brewery will be wellunderway. It is to be of a capacity of 200,000 barrels per year, and will have a capital stock of $503,000. LOST WITH ALL ON BOARD. That is Belleve'd to be the Fate of a Scaling Schooner. ISTECIAL TXXZGBAU TO TUX DISrATCH.1 Poet Townsehd.'Wash". T., September 24. A letter received here byW. J. Jones from Edward Browji, Depnty Collector at Sitka, Alaska, says the schooner Sitka has ar rived IS days from Yakutal,aud reported the schooner Alpha Captain Hamiil, having on board the managing owner, Jeff J. Knhn, formerly special deputy collector, bis son and crew of Indians, had sailed from the same port a week previous for Sitka. During that time terrible galeswere experienced, and the schooner with all hands aboard is supposed to be lost. She is now out 23 days. The revenue cutter Richard Rush came into port from Behring Sea on the 12th, and on ascertaining that none of the seized Brit ish schooners had arrived as ordered, re turned to the sea, intendng to stop at Ya kutal to look for the Alpha. It is .safe to say the next British sealer falling in tbe hands of the revenue cutter Rush will go to Sitka. The officers were greatly chagrined at the state of afiairs. WARNER MILLER BDLHNG. That Lender In Nevr York Who Fell Oalslde tho Breastworks. Sakatooa, N. Y., September 24. "Where is Warner Miller?" That is the question of the moment as the, clans are gathering for the Republican State Con vention. "Why, he is home, sick," replied Charley Haeket, in sheer desperation. "Yes," replied Henry Gleason, "we know he is home sick, but why isn't he here?" Nobody could tell. The fact is Miller has got angry at last. His absence from the first State Convention since the G. O. P. regained control of the federal patronage is significant, It shows that while "everybody loves Warner Miller," Warner Miller doesn't feel in a loving mood himself. His enemies say be is sulking. ' $i-' " WANTS are 4wa Miltr wieVhf fy$gm ' r' (wkiuiMhiWWFi'Mi. '-'Warn v. . K'WK411- -'"1' a"- "Yr-j- -,w, rtMtdHfeBHFA'KW. r$ T Hrk TREES CENTS-: I -J. i -iaaHsfr. r J hut mm Dond Annual Convention of the State Repnb)f- ', can unc AN OVATION TO HASTWGS s. n Lei? of EitfaaeiasmBwl SmmCIm?' torical Rrtwck. ,y"i & frZ FIGHS TATCItt IT IT t- V r Racy Fanfeafen ef tbe CeavsaiWa'af Yes. teraay ib ABterleaa UM,fil ttte K h w rn. n.,vmm viiwn A. Losaa Backed the Viae Fr Bob Lindsay the Seerefary Kent Ye Old OOeera Heeled C ressawa zell'a IneWvB Sfeeeft Beaver Boyer Indorsed CItH Sen lea Haadiea ia. a "-g rrly Trtaamr IsartKeeeHtea-BetataterWs at' America M The PenBsylvaaia Leagste of Tfo)iiirtau Clubs held its seee&d aaaaal nowina ia ! fayette Hall yesterday, devetepiac m enthusiasm aad a ssJaiareM of for honors. A Plttsbarger seeved WfcW x-resiueacy. General FaaWagS his Gafeeraa&rkl bees ia shape. A reeeptiea to Beyer with absent- ThedAywa a episedia asaf history. jy AF.TSB a vaaA4 rofewBtoe t 1 be Mvtariy 'ISO BWWssBTBfc meetiB ef League of J Clabs is yesterday B i ing skewed wattbt oeel Sayaei aabewai estwa mi a. A.C.BoberUon,Chatr.tiatm af.liaiBWBtjr. Till Jar 5 ' Vasssi I -3Hr ISM man Commutes ojfe-r tMre waa wmtt-r: Reception. atagle antiaa!-. tt for the honors ia skht, everyW We; distributed impartiaUy, se fu m giagupy ml conditions were eeaeeraea, M ,am , choices being the aabjeet of eaueaaabaaa tion. So that the'saeeuag waa a i .inn unu nf thffWdrd. titt feet being kept behiad closed deeM. AnW of buddiag asabitioas were aew)pat , , worse for wear, but PIMtbwff asf, ,sBS wanted, and more by several depas ... A,;?r,llv in fahL Bt tttt.-sBBfW:; tion was fat f JMelsem, asosaWftsBar were cut-and-dried ssatteta sjwsa-f, fmttt left every&edy in a deHgBtfiri aad artisfcai ; atingsUteof WMtoMtf":,", faation at the anuaable aqiawiMW , tiers ia eSspnto. ME"SC The fierv and untaei Al BeDublicanwe quite mij &,! at least the Tariff Club contingent when the convention was in the brief throes of the morning ses sion. The skirmish had the merit of be ing short, sharp and decisive. Its history will prove readable. At 10:30 o'clock, amid a perfect festoon of flowers, palms, bunt ing and other decora tions, President Ed win S. Stuart, next Mayor of Philadel VAinln S aim lil" -Z. Tf jricmoem. phia, marched npon the stage of LaJayeie , Hall, arrayed in a handsome Prince Albert; and looking radiant in all the glory of s feet five inches and zoo pounds of ar-i dupois. After some preliminary whisper"; ing with Secretary Fairlarflb, the Presideat arose and bowed as applause from throats greeted nun. une nail was s, , bower of beauty, and the eyes of th delegates kindled with eatkasiasBi fas their remembrance of tse hkterie surroundings was awakened. It weald be useless to attempt to enumerate the pei nent Bepublicans, local and otherwise, who were present. Everybody was there, ad the gallant Leaguers with gaudy badjcM bedizening their manly breasts, famed ae table-groups. ARRIVING AT HASSONT. President Stuart wasted so words. "X ' now declare this convention opes far bwi-' ness. fellewiae tha precedent set by the ' National Com ve ties at Baltimore last year.. The Seeretary will -please call the reU.t Whiek the Seeretary did without incident until tho Bellefeat ' .Republieas Clsb, of Center couatv. waa . j called. There was a when a straw !, jerked ost "here, and the oeBVeatieH uproarioasly ap plauded. The Saet in?s GatarEAferial B. T. Falrlamb, . Jwwuly Becrttarv. launcaed, aad the teg. . Adjutant General blushed as the eeees rose and fell. TtTIlKn.n T?Tlnm nf T? t talk-CM 1 1 fig, i n 1 m - resolution for tbe appoiataieat ef Mr. De. '-i nelly as stenographer lor the President btuart ex plained that Mr. Burke was'already ap pointed to that posi tion. Donnelly is' a member of the Tariff Club and Burke ia not. However, the matter was quickly dropped. President Stuart's appointment of the Committee on Resoln-i tions followed. Arthuil L. Bates was Chair-1 man. Hon. John Dal- zell was pushed for this honor until this morning, when bis friends pulled him off with the understand ing maine was wnavo WSHam TKontMi the honor of renomina- Trarurtr. ;' ting President Stuart, as well as bag fee oratorical oonors in a set spotfla. A COMMITTEE'S T096LX. The committee withdrew aed "William imnn seeretary, aatLtfaea k( meacea iwrewtiDg mi wmttiag: y0 y" av- : r 'Wn tfBBBBsaBY t.BBBaa4 3P"? n rxaa t U&BW 1 f y)i -aeetaag; -Jgj JLtlUltt. VS V v wVi 'lJ.flLJl ,T" I. WMxiXz.i WriJF WJfcj TsWv. yl i k tw i mr. ;: -?. fl fm. iSll faX . - .S!iv mjigssm