Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of Markets at the
Herr's Island lards.
Heavy Eun of Sheep andtamls, and Prices
Are a Ehade Lower,
office or Pittsburg Dispatch, 1
MOKDAT, September 23. 1S89. J
Supplies wepV larger than a week ago, but
the demand was good, and the markets were
active at a shade higher prices for desirable
butcher stuff. The run was a little below
last week, but quality was better. There
were fewer low grade cattle in this week's
supply than for some weeks past. Prices
were 10c higher than a week ago on desira
ble butcher stock. Actual sales established
the following range: Prime heavy Chicago
bought beeves, weighing 1,500 to 1,600
pounds, 5 10o 20; medium weights, 1,350
to 1,450 pouuds, $4 854 95; do, 1,200 to
1,300 pounds, $4 454 55; prime light eights,
900 to 1,100 pounds, 54 154 35; common to fair
thin steers, 3 TC3 9a Fresh cows dragged at
a range of $3045. Drovers report that
Milkers Arc Scnrce
in the country, and that buyers are not willing
to pay prices that will justify them In bringing
the stock to market. Heavy Western calves
kold at a range ot 4c to 5c per lb. Good to
choice country vealers brought 6c to 7c per lb.
Bulls, stags and dry cows found ready sale at
SKctolKcrerlu. , ,
Receipts-Prom Chieago--B. Kaltcbthaler,
20 head; L Zeicler. 120; L. Gerson.95; L. B"t"s
child Co.. 135; A.Fromm.67; Winter Dollen
bach.17. From Pennsvlvania R-Lo enstein,
7: 8. Lowenstem, 40; various owner", 18. Total,
514: last week, 6S9; previous week, 55L .
A Diamond .Market butcher, whe buys his
stock at Herr's Island, reports 4i to 5c as the
ranee for prime cattle, anu mat e,j -choice
ones brought the latter figure.
ruecp and Lnmbs.
The supply was larger than a week ago and
markets were weaker. Hogs begin to loom np
in a way to depress sheep and lambs, which are
none the best in quality at this season of the
year Best heavy Western wethers sold at a
range of S4 65 to H 75; medium to epod. H 25 to
U 4 common to fair, S3 75 to 00; mixed
ewes and wethers, $3 75 to S4 2a. Natives ruled
25c below these prices. Western lambs sold at
5Jic to 6c per pound. The best, however.that
could be obtained for stock from telehbonng
counties as5c Receipts, from Chicago L
Zeigler, 179 head; Winter fc Dellenbach, 110.
From Ohio J. Langdon, 6S; J. Ackerman. 77.
From Pennsylvania R. Iiowenstein. 47; J.
Ackerman, 212; J. A right. 106; A. Allen, 10;
Blnghani & Co., 190; J. JlcXeese, 76: J. Reiber,
70: D. O. Pisor, 145. E. D. Sergeant, 1S5. Total,
1,425; last week, LW2; previous week, 891.
Hoes " haie Hlsber.
The supply was large, but the demand was
equal to the supply, and prices were a shade
better than last Monday.
The rauie lor Chicago and Ohio hogs was
J4 70 to $4 So. Pennsylvanias. 54 35 to 54 60.
Receipts from Chicago h Zeicler, 74 head.
From Ohio Seedy & Smith. 210; J, F. Cruik
shank, S5; J. Langdon, 25. From Pennsyl
vania R. Lowenstein, 93: A. Allen, 43; Bing
ham & Co.. 6; J. McNeese, 12; J. Reiber, 46; D.
O. Phor, 69; E. D. Sergeant. 48; J. Acker
man, 18. Total, 7i0; last week, 853: previous
week, 498.
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Mokdat, September 23, 1SS9. J
CATTLE Receipts, 3,720 head; shipments,
2.140 head; market steady; 13 cars of cattle
shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 6V400 nead: shipments. 4,500
head; market firm; best light Yorkers, 54 50
4 60; light Yorkers. 54 401 45: medium and
light Philadelphia, 54 604 70: heavy hogs,
54 404 50: 10 cars of hogs shipped to New York
Sheep-Receipt. 3,000 head; shipment",
2.C00 bead; market firm at 1520c better than
last week's prices.
Br TeleBropu.
BUTTAI.O Cattle Receipts, 177 carloads
through, 300 carloads for sale; market active
and strong for good and extra grades; slow for
common: choice to extra steers, 54 204 65; good
fat, $3 754 20; choice heavy butchers, S3 50
4 00; light, 53 2563 50; poor to common mixed.
12 60422 75; Michigan stocVers. fair to extra,
2 753 00; Canada do, 52 6062 75: stock bulls,
2U0210; extra bulls, 53 003 75: cows and
heifers, common to extra, $1 753 25; milch
cows and springers, common to extra, J2545;
calves, grassers. 52 60SS3 50; veals. 5666 5a
Sheep and lambs Receipts, 7 carloads through.
60 carloads for sale; market active and strong
for sheep; easier for lambs; lambs, good to best,
$6 006 50: fair to good, $5 606 00;
common, 54 505 50: sheep, good to
best, 54 40Q5 00; fair to good, 54 OOtT-t 50; com
mon, 52 5033 CO. Hot Receipts, 60 carloads
through, 100 carloads for sale; market strong;
mediums and heavy, 54 25ffi4 60; mixed, 51 50
6 00; corn Yorkers, 54 554 60; pigs, S3 50
R4 25; assorted graspers, 54 354 50; roughs, S3 25
63 50; stags, 53 0033 25.
New Yoek Beeves Receipts, 4,690 head,
making 11,550 head for the week: fresh arrivals
included 135 carloads for home trade and
slaughterers direct, SO carloads for the market
and 53 carloads for exportation. The market
was fairly active and firm; common to strictly
prime steers sold at S3 65 4 80 per 100 pounds; a
lew extra do. at 54 b5 and some poor stackers
down to S3 00; Texas and Colorado steers went
atS3 303 65. Calves Receipts, 1,850 head,mak
lng 5,400 head for the week; market slow and
easier at 2J3c per pound for grassers and at
68c for veals. Sheep Receipts, 18,400 bead,
making 43,200 bead for the week; market a
trifle weak at S3 505 50 per 100 pounds for
sheep and at 54 507 50 for lambs. Hogs Re
ceipts, 14,100 head, making 37,100 head for the
week; market steady for live hogs at 54 505 25
per 100 pounds.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 15,000 head:ship
ments, 3.500 bead: market weak; choice to extra
beeves, 54 504 80: steers, S3 004 40; Blockers
and feeders. $1 90S 00; cows, bulls and mixed,
51 252 85: Texas cattle, SI 503 00; Western
rangers, S2 003 75. Hogs-Receipts, 18,000
head: shipments, 7.000 head; market closed
stronger; mixed. 53 804 35; heavy, $3 70S
4 15; light, $3 954 75; skips, 53 504 00. Sheep
Receipts, 8,000 head; shipments. 2.000 head;
market steady: natives. S3 504 60: Western,
13 704 15; Texans, S3 204 20; lainbs,S4 50
The Jh-overs1 Journal London cablegram re
ports cattle in large supply; demand steady:
prices 10KS12c. for medium to extra good
American steers; JJc higher than a week ago.
Kansas Cmr-Cattle-Receipts, 11,003 head;
shipments, 5,770 head: best native beef steers
steady; medium and common weak and 5c low
er; grass range steers dull and 10c lower; native
cos steady to strong; Texas cows steady to
weak;stockers and feeders quiet and steady;good
to choice corn fed steers. 54 004 25: common to
medium.S2 90Q3 75; stockersand feeding steers,
51 603 15; cows. $1 352 GO; grass range steers,
$1 602 7a Hogs Receipts. 2,391 head; ship
ments, 827 bead; light steady; heavy and mixed
ztronc, and in some cases 5c higher:
jrood to choice light, 51 154 25; heavy and
mixed, $3 6o4 10. Sheep Receipts, L248 head;
shipments, 7o4 head; market steady; good to
choice muttons, S3 C04 00; stackers and feed
ers. 82 003 25.
St. Loots Cattle Receipts. 3,300 head; ship
ments, 300 bead; market steady; choice heaw
native steers, 54 0004 40; fair to good do. S3 70
4 10; stackers and feeders. $2 102 90; ranee
steers, S2 203 00. Hoes-Receipts. 1600 head;
shipments. 900 head: market strnnepr. fairtr.
choice heavy, S3 804 15; packing grades, S3 75
24 00; light, fair to best, 54 104 35. Sheep
Receipts, 1,300 head; shipments, 300head; mar
ket steady; fair to choice, S3 20Q4 30.
Cikciknati Hogs strong: common and
light 53 2o4 60;-packing and butchers, $4 00
61 25; receipts, 1,840 head; shipments, 650 head.
Brazilian Coflct.
t EloDEJASErRO,Septerflber23.-Cotfee-R,e-ular
first, 6,200 reis per 10 kilos: good second,
6,800 reis. Receipts- during the week 40.000
bags; purchases forTJiHted States, 37,000; clear
ances for do, 30,000; stock, 356,000 bags.
Santos. September 23. Coffee Good aver
age, 5,8-50 reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the
week, 65.000 bags; purchases .for -the United
States, 20.000: clearances for do, 23,000; stock.
195,000 bags.
-They Accejuc&tbc Uniform Price List of the
General Order.
The "West End Barbers' Protective and'
Beneficial Association met yesterday and
elected the following officers: C. F. Haile
barth. President; A. G. Strejb, Secretary,
and Martin "Withelm, Treasurer.
The financial report shows a balance of
$250 in the treasury of the association. The
association agreed id accept the uniform
prict Hit ai euMished by til general order.
A Strong Fcellnc In the Wheat Pit, Which Is
Intensified Later oo by a Drop In the
Visible Supply Estimate Other
Staple! Fearnreless.
CHICAOO On Saturday 12 cars of wheat
graded No. 2 out of a total of ISO, which was a
slight improvement over the previous days of
the week. To-day there were only six cars of
contract gram out of a total of 207 cars. The
market to-day was active and strong, but un
settled. The crowd was disposed to fight shy of
the near futures, and September was again sus
piciously regarded on account of the small
warehouse stocks of grain in contract Offer,
ings of May were light early, and the premises
were again narrowed. ,!,-
: At one time changes were made from Octooer
to December at lc difference. The market
opened strong at about the closing quotations
of Saturday. Under a good demand from the
shorts and some investment buying there was a
bulge during the first hour of the session of ?c
in December, a few trades being made In that
month at as low as 79KS0c together. Shortly
before the close it touched 81c Pending the
announcement or the visible supply figures
business in the pit was rather light tor a time,
and it was the posting of an increase of only
1.499,000 bushels when 1,750.000 to 2,000,000 was
expected, that gave the market its closing
strength. It closed active and buoyant at a net
gain for the day of lc in .September, lKc in
October and year,. cm December and c in
Onlv moderate business was transacted in
corn, fluctuations being narrow and transac
tions mainly of a local character. The feeling
early was comparatively steady, but later a
somewhat easier tone was manifested, innu
ences affecting the market were in the main
local. A prominent local trader was a moder
ate seller of September and October to-day.
The market opened a shade under the closing
figures of Saturday, was steady for a time, then
sold off ic, ruled firm and closed steady, a
shade higher than Saturday.
Oats were active for May. A prominent
operator bought that month every time the
market weakened, and sold on all strong snots.
Prices were slightly higher early and the ad
vance was fairly maintained.
Very light trading was reported in pork and
the feeling was comparatively steady. Prices
ruled 010c higher and closed steady.
Nothing doing in lard, and prices are without
material change.
Very little business was transacted in short
ribs. The feeling was steadier and prices ruled
offilOc higher.
The leading futures ranged as follows-
Wheat No. 2. September. 78Vi68079K
SOJfo October. 7;9i79?i7Sktfc: Decem
ber. SOSSl79JMic; May, S38iK683J
Cobn-No. 2, October. 31KS2315i32e; No
vember. 3yiS31Jc: December, 3131
31K31Xc: May, 3333c
Oats No. 2. October. 191
lax- tli4,
c: December.
19KllliiJic; May, 222222
MESS Poek, per bbl October, 510 85
10 95108510 95: November, 59 209 30S9 20
$ 80: January, 59 159 17&
Lard, per 100 fis. October, 55 87: No
vember, 55 755 805 755 80; January, 5 75
5 7
8hort Eras, per 100 Bs. October. 54 82K
4 87K4 &!M4 87; November, 54 624 to
4 62K4 67J: January. 54 b5.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
79$c: No. 3 spring wheat, 6769c; No. 2 red,
79c No. 2 corn. 32c No. 2 oat.19c No.
2 rye. 41c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1
flaxseed. SI 23. Prime timothy seed, SI 25
126. Mess pork, per bbk SHOO Lard, per 100
Bounds, 55 95. Short rib sides (looe), 55 05
5 10. Shoulders (boxed), $4 37K4 50. Short
clear sides tboxed), S5 255 S7&. Receipts
Flour, 15,000 barrels; wheat, 97,000 bushels; corn.
396,000 bushels; oats, 214,000 bushels: rye, 21,000
bushels; barley, 51,000 bushels. Shipments
Flour, 19,000 barrels: wheat, 8LOO0 bushels: corn.
303,000 bushels: oats, 99,000 bushels; rye, 6,000
bushels; barley, 42,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was active: fancy creamery, 2323Kc;
fine, 1517c; finest dairies, lS20c; fair to good,
9l0c Eggs, 1515c
New Yoek Flour moderately active and
firm. Cornmeal steady; yellow western, 52 45
2 75. Wheat Spot firm, moderatelv active
and &?c higher; options dull, &gc higher
and strong. Barley quiet: Canada. 7075c
asked. Barley malt dull; Canada, 8595c Corn
Spot fairly active, chiefly export, and steady:
options quiet arid stronger. Oats Spot firmer
and active; ptions quiet and firmer. Hay
qui A and steady... Hops easv and quiet. Coffee
Options opened steady and 510pomts down,
closed near months steady, far months barely
steady and 1525 points down; Bales,
51250 bags, including September, 15.70
15 85c; October, 15.6015.80c; November,
15.55 15.75c: December. 16.5015.75c;
January, 15.5515.75c: februarv. 15.50fi15.75c;
March. 15.5015.75c; May, 15.5o15.75c; August,
li4515.65c; spot Rio easier: lair cargoes, 19Kc
Sugar Raw nominal and weak; fair refining,
5c; centrifugals, 96 test, 6Mc; refined, steady
and moderate demand. Molasses Foreign
nominal; New Orleans dull. Rice steady.
Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow dull; city 4
4 9 16c Rosin dull; strained, common to good,
$1 021 05. Tumentine lower at 4S43c
Eggs firmer; western, fresh, 2021c Pork
quiet. Cutmeats steady; pickled bellies, 6c:
sales do., 7; pickled shoulders. 4c; do.
hams, lOVc Lard firmer and quiet; western
steam, 56 37; September, 56 23; October. SO 30
6 32, closing at $6 30: November, $6 20;
December, SO 18; January. 56 IS; February,
56 22; March, 56 2o6 29, closing at 56 30 bid.
Butter Fine, in demand and firmer; western
dairy, 912c; do creamery, 1224c; do held,
ll20c Cheese strong and quiet; western,
PHn.ADEi.PinA lflour dull; prices un
changed and steadily held. Wheat Options
dull and quiet; good grades scarce and firmly
held, but lower grades very dull; ungraded, in
grain depot, 86c; choice do do, 88c; No. 2 red,
September, 80K803c; October, Sl81Jic; No
vember. R$i8J,.: December, 8eS3c
Corn Options inactive, car lots barely steady:
jxo. z mixeu. in main acpoi. suwc: no z mixed,
-40!c: December. 3Ua40c Oats Car lots firm
dui aemana oniy moderate; jso. j wtiite,25c;
No. 'A white, 27c: choice barley oats, 80c; options
quiet and steady; No. 2 white, September, 26
27c: October, 2TWSc: November, fflVi
29c; December. 29;J0c Provisions-Jobbing
quiet at former rates. Butter Table grades
firm and in good demand: Pennsylvania cream
ery, extra, 23c; do firsts do. 2628c Eggs
steady, good demand for fresh stock; Penn
sylvania firsts. 21c Cheese firm, fair request;
part skims, 67c Receipts Flour, 1.900 bar
rels: wheat, 6,700 bu9hels; corn, 15 000; oats,
12.600, Shipments Wheat, 9,400 bushels; corn.
4,300; oats, &40Q. '
St. Loots Flour quiet and easier, but no
material change to note in quotations. Wheat
Cash quiet: options higher; the opening was
easy and VM& lower on larger receipts, but
firm cables and stronger markets elsewhere
caused a reaction of c, though this was
nearly all lost: the f eeline became stronger and
the market finally closed c above Satur
day; No. 2 red, cash, 78c, nominal; Septem
ber. 78KS7SMC, closme at 79c bid; Octolier.
TTJJc: December, 7bK79.Jgc, closing at 79;
May, 8383c closing at &,Jic bid. Corn firm;
No. 2 mixed, cash, 29c bid: October 29?c
Closed at 30c bid; December, 272!5gc closed
at2SJc bid; year, 28KC, closed at ffivc bid;
January. 28Kc closed at 28c bid; May. 3(
30c, closed at S0c Oats firm; No. 2 cash.
ISKc asked; May, 222Jc; September and
October. ISc bid: January, 20c bid. Rye STK
3Sc Barley quiet; Minnesota, 62c: Iowa, 4oc
Flaxseed lower at 51 201 21. Provisions quiet
and firm.
Milwaukee Flourunchanged. Wheatflnn:
cash, 73Jc; October, 74c Corn dull: No. 3.32
32Uc. Oats steady; No, 2 white, 2222c Rye
tirm;No. 1, c Barley flrmiNo. 2, September,
60c bid. Provisions stead v. Pork Cash, Sll 00;
October, Sll 05. Lard Cash, $5 90; October, 55 95.
Cheese unchanged; Cheddars. 8oc
CHICAGO Wheat. 17,197,000 bushels. In
crease, 1,499,000 bnshels: corn. 12,662,000 bush
els, decrease, 230,000 bushels; oats, 5,929.000
bushels, increase, 13,000 bushels; rve, 1,132,000
bushels, increase, 53,000 bushels; barley, 471000
bushels, increase, 51,000 bushels.
Toledo Cloverseed active and firm; cash,
and September, 54 12K; October, 54 15; Decem
ber, 54 25; January, 54 27.
A Chicago Ofllrer Compelled to Flee in
Order to Escape Injury.'
Chicago, September 23. Superintend
ent Frankland, of the Compulsory Educa
tional Department, has been trying to get
an appropriation from some source to bny
clothes and shoes for the children who have
no raiment fit to attend school in. He ap
plied to the Connty Board for aid, but thai
body replied, through the county agent,
that the county had no authority to appro
priate money lor such a purpose. To make
matters worse, Mr. Frankland's men gath
ered up 130 youngsters off the Bouthside
streets, and placed them last week in the
Jones and Hale school. They came to
school to dirty and ragged that the princi
pals were compelled to put them out or suf
fer the schools to be broken up.
This morning one of the officers of the de
partment went up into the neighborhood of.
the Jones School to gather up the expelled
children, when he was surrounded by a
mob of them, and driven from the scene.
He had to tnake his exit in a lively manner
to escape serious injury.
'401 Smltufleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000:
Depqsits of ?1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. xzs
Kemarkable Experience of Two
Women Reared in Luxnry.
Terra Cotta Lumber Belied on to Effect a
' Revolution in Building.
The manufacture of terra cotta lumber in
this city, to which reference was made a
short time ago, promises to be a complete
success. The material is new here, but well
known in Chicago and other Western cities,
where it has met with great favpr. One of
Booth & Flinn's brick kilns has been recon
structed for the especial manufacture of this
lumber, and others will be utilized to keep
up. with the demand. It is especially valu
able as backing for brick and stone work
and partitions, being cheaper than lath. Tlas
ter can be applied to it directly, and nails can
be driven through it as easily as through ordin
ary wood.
Although its merits have been fully tested in
Chicago, it has been suggested, and the sugges
tion will probably be carried out that a series
of experiments be made with the material here
to satisfy" the Pittsburg public that it possesses
all the advantages tor the purposes Indicated
that have been claimed for it. For this purpose
it is probable that a stone bouse will be built
and backed exclusively with the material. It
is thought this practical proof of its superiority
over ordinary lumber will give It a boom which
nothing could. The company has a capital of
S100.000, all held in Pittsburg, and is confident
the new material will effect something of a
revolution in building.
Mutation of fortune is one of the striking char
acteristics of business life in this country, so
much so, indeed, that "rich to-day, poor to
morrow.'' has passed into a proverb. It is well
that there is no royal road to wealth in this
"land of the free." All men are on an equal
ity in the struggle for material things, and the
race is to the earnest and the persevering.
The man who understands his business and
prosecutes it with tireless industry turns the
chances of success in his favor. He possesses
the open sesame to all the riches of earth.
In an East End suburb, ou Sunday, two
maiden ladies, both on the sunny side of 60,
clad in black, relieved only by a knot of white
ribbon at the throat, were seen wending their
waytoamodestbnilding in an out-of-the-way
place in which the Covenanters meet for wor
ship. These ladies, well educated, refined, fa
miliar with the usages of the best society, lov
able in character and conduct, and es
teemed by all who know them for their
good works, have had a remarkable
experience. In their girlhood they were
peers to one of the largest fortunes in Alle
gheny county. Their father owned nearly all
the land comprised in what is now known as
Bterrett township, with large outside posses
sions and interests. Twenty or 30 years ago he
lost heavily by unfortunate investments 580,000
in the Hwissvale car works and suffered still
more from the failure of friends whose notes
he had indorsed for large amounts. Ten or 12
years ago he became involved in litigation with
the city in regard to taxes, which cost him
large amounts for lawyers' fees and other legal
expenses. He won the suit, but the result left
him almost penniless. He had mortgaged his
land to raise money to defend what be consid
ered his rights. The mortgages were fore
closed, and his vast landed estate passed out of
his possession. He did not even own the house
in which he died a few years ago. It has since
been demolished.
His two daughters have a life Interest in two
or three houses, which afford a small income.
upon which they subsist At their death these
properties will followthe rest of the vast es
tate, be sold to strangers, and the family be
come extinct. What could better illustrate the
truth of the Bcriptural declaration "riches
have wings" than this brief story from real
A prominent New York drygoods dealer, in
an interview on Saturday, said the business
done by jobbers during the last half year had
been almost phenomenal, and that all indica
tions pointed to a continuance of this highly
satisfactory condition. It was no exaggeration,
he thought, to say that the volume of business
was now greater than it had been in some
years. Credit was remarkably good, and cay
ments were made with ease. "We come in con
tact with jobbers in every part of the country,"
he added, "and I feel justified in saying that
sot only New York merchants, but those of the
who'? country from Portland to Galveston, and
from the Atlantic to the Pacific are enjoying
their full measure of prosperity. The fall trade
has opened with a great deal of liveliness, and
I see no reason why this should not keep on.
Everything is so very satisfactory that I do not
see what one can say except that we are well
These views were corroborated by several
other wholesale dealers, a member of the firm
of Claflin & Co. saying: "Our sales this season
have been larger than they have been for five
years. This is not only the case with us. but
with all the big bouses in the city. We have
had a'most satisfactory year in every respect.
It has been easy to make collections and credit
is good everywhere. There is a growing confi
dence in every part of the country. Tho
present prosperity in the trade has not been
equaled in some years."
It is reported on excellent authority, that
Clans Spreckels has in contemplation the erec
tion of another large sugar refinery at New
Orleans, and is in fact negotiating for the pur
chase of a suitable piece of property there, if.
Indeed, the purchase has not actually been
completed. The erection of a refinery at New
Orleans will give Mr. Spreckels a position from
which it will be impossible to dislodge him.
He will have a fortress in the East, in the
West and in the South, and will be invincibly
sitnated in regard to the whole of the sugar
markets of the United States.
He can ship by rail and water In every direc
tion. It is a certainty that he can manufacture
cheaper than the trust, for he has no "dead
horse" to carry. There will be two buyers for
Louisiana sugars, and the trade of the South
will be relieved from the trust yoke that it now
groans under in its helplessness, hut about
which it dare not utter aloud its dally impre
Unfavorable Eeporls Canse n Bis Tumble In
Philadelphia Gm.
Tne stock market was active yesterday for
Monday and with a circus in town. The sales
were 363 shares. There wassome broadening and
a little narrowing, but most" of the properties
showed no positive change either way. They
about held their own, with the exception of the
gassers, which lost ground. Of the active
stocks Philadelphia Gas was the weakest.
Reports of a short supply and a tip, the
authority for which could not be found, that
the coming dividend would be cut down, were
too much for it to sustain, and after openine
at S6K and selling up to 36tf it closed at 35
bid and 85 asked. The matter of the divi
dend is important, if true, but the story of a
decrease in supply has been nsed for several
davs and has been denied by the company.
The scare is probably only temporary one of
the tricks of the bears to get In on the ground
floor. Bids, offers and sales follow:
Bid. Asked. Bid. A.v.
ntts. ret. B. . .. to
Commercial Na. Hank. ....
Safe Deposit Co. 82)
Masonic Bant.....
Allemannla Ins. Co . .. 45
Allegheny Heating Co
Chanters Val. 0
People's S. U. & P. Co ....
Pennsvlvanla (ias IS
Philadelphia Co 38
Pine Bun Gas
Wettm'l'd & Cambria. ....
WheeUng ti as Co
Colnmnia Oil Co !K
KorestOllUo HO
Central Traction. - SIX
Citizens' Traction
Pittsburg Traction.... 43
Pleasant Valley 18
FltU.. AJie. K lUDc
iltts. June K. K. CO
P., CASt.L. R. E... IS
Pitts. & West.R.B.Co. 2U
J", & W. K. K. Co. prcf 19X
union unace jo,-
La Horiajmning uo...
Yankee Girl Min. Co..
Westmchoute Electric
U. 8. &81B. Co
U. B. Big. Co. pref.
Weitlnc house A. H. Co.
Vr ni
At the morning call 100 shares of La Norla J
nk ....
4 S3 1H
--,-. y...
sold at 1. 20 Philadelphia Gas at 36b
ElectricatolKandlM Wheeling Gas at 2&i.
At the lat call 3 shares of Philadelphia Gas
went at 36K , 70 at 38 and 5 Electric at 5 ,
.Andrew Caster sold $8,000 Observatory Hill
Passenger Railway ffs at 101K and interest.
He also sold a lot of Pittsburg Car Trust and
Allegheny County Light Company on Pate
terms. R. J. Stoney, Jr.. sold 100 shares Phila
delphia Gas at S6J4- G. B. Hill & Co. sold 100
shares Philadelphia Gas at S6H- Henry M,
ljong sold 20 shares Pleasant Valley Passenger
Railway at 20. .
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 153,600 shares. Including PeUware,
JLackawanna and Western, a200: LoulSTijie
and Nashville, 47,923; Missouri Pacific. 4,450:
Norfolk andWestern preferred, 8.400; Northern
Pacific, preferred 8,510; Reading, 9,400; St. Paul
The Local Money Market Holds Its Ovvn
No Cnuse for Scare.
There was nothing like a new feature in the
local money market yesterday. Funds were
abundant at the regular rates. The clearings
were $2,694,164 03, and the balances $533,868 63.
One of the best indications that the money
scare is reaching a climax is evidenced by the
fact that funds in Chicago are in plentiful sup
ply at the rate of 4 per cent, and that in Boston
and Philadelphia ruling rates are not as high as
they are in New York. Any marked activity
resulting either from legitimate demand pr
from manipulation of the moneymarket, would
unquestionably result in currency gravitating
toward that center, so that speedy and immedi
ate relief may be counted upon. The foreign
exchange market likewise shows excessive
weakness, and it is not unlikely that inside of a
very reasonable period English gold will be
coming this way.
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 66 percent, last loan 5,-closed offered at
6. Prime mercantile paper, 5 Sterling
exchange quiet but fairly steady at H 83 for
60-day bills and H 87 for demand.
CloiInsBond Quotations.
U. S. t,re; 126K
U. 8. 4s. coup 127
U. 8. 4Xs, re. 10oH
V. 8. 4HS, coup.... 105X
Pacific 6s of '95. 118
Louisiana stamped Is 63
Missouri 6a 101
M.K.ftT.Gen.55 . 59
Mutual Union 6s. ...102
.N. J. Clnt. Cert...l 3
Northern Pac. lsts..llih
Northern Pac.2ds..H3M
Northw't'n consols. US
Northw'n deben's..lH
Oregon 4 Trans. 69.10-3
St. L. ATM. Gen. 5a 85K
Tenn. new set. 6s... 107
Tenn. new set. 5s.
Tenn. new set. as.
Canada 80. 2ds...
Cen. Pacificists..
Den. & K. G., lsts
.. 74
,. 96M
St. L.&S.K.Gen.il.ll?
Bi. l'aul consols ....!.
St.PI, ChI&Pclsts.H8J(
Ti.. Pe-l,. H.Tr Rs. 90V
uen. s k. u. 4j.
. 7t4
Tx., Pc. K. G.iT.KcU 37S
D.&RG.West,H. HO
union rac. 1111 "
West shore 108
trie, ia iih
U.K. &T. Gen. 6a.i 63J
Yesterdays bond offerings aggregated 8107,
000, as follows: Registered 4 per cents, 19,500
at 128; registered 4i per cents, $12,500 at 106,
and $45,000 at 105.
New Yore Clearings to-day, $77,040,015; bal
ances, Jo. 325, 800.
BosTON-CIearings to-day, $13,133,656; bal
ances, $1,872,593. Money 2 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $10,162,611; bal
ances, $1,716,705.
Baltimorb Clearings to-day. $2,506,930; bal
ances. $441,428.
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bane of England on balance to-day is 15,
000. Bar silver 42 9-16d. per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, S6f 17c for ac
count. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, $12,483,000.
St. Louis Clearings, $3,605,533; balances,
Bearish News Cnuies a Close Below the
Dollar Line.
The oil market opened weak yesterday at
09 under the influence of the latest strike in
Jefferson Center, the well being said to be a
good producer. Buying by Sproul & Lawrence
and one or two others here caused an advance
to 100J4 around which the market hung until
the afternoon, when news of a decline in re
fined abroad started a break which pulled the
price down to 99, at which the market finished
the first closing under a dollar since the 14th.
It was a dull day all round.
An expert says : "The petroleum market,ls
in the doldrums, and no one will inquire what
it is, much less touch it, until a breeze strikes
the becalmed craft. Producers will have to
raise the wind or wait for the gradual reduction
of certificates, to have its legitimate effect I
cannot avoid a bullish feeling concerning the
future of petroleum."
Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oasiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 9Lowest 99
Highest 100H I Closed OTJi
Average runs 50,477
Average shipments 81,131
Average charters , 48,307
Refined, Mew York. 7.15c
Keflnert, London. S 13-16(1.
Refined, Antwerp, 17r.
Kenned, Liverpool, 6d.
A. B. McQrew & Co. quote: Puts, WKc:
calls, $1 0 2
Other OH Market.
On. Cttt, September 23. National transit
certificates opened at 99c; highest, $1 K;
lowest, 99Jc; closed, 99c
Bradford, September 23. National transit
certificates opened at 99c; closed at 99c:
highest, SlOOJi; lowest, 99c '
TmrsviLLE, September 23. National transit
certificates opened at 99c; highest, $1 0
lowest, 99Jc; closed at 99c
New York, September 23. Petroleum
opened steady at 99c and advanced to $1 00.
A decline to 99c followed, and the market
closed steady at 99c. Stock Exchange: Open
ing, 99c; highest. $1 0G! lowest, 99c; clos
ing, 99-Kc C nsolidated Exchange: Opening,
$1 00; highest, $1 00; lowest, 99Jc; closing,
99c. Total sales, 248,000 barrels.
The Week Opens Up With a Number of Good
C. Berlnger & Son, 103 Fourth avenue, sold to
Jacob Sigel, for Thomas Hill, a house and lot
on Adams street, Allegheny, lot 20x127 feet
deep, for S3. 400.
John F. Baxter, 512 Smithfield street, sold to
J. M. Sawyer lot No. 216, Villa Park plan,
Brushton station, frontage of 40 feet on Grazier
street by 137 to a 20-foot alley, for $500.
Major A. J. Pentecost offered at public sale
the residence property No. 291 North avenue,
Allegheny. It was bid up to $9,700 and ad
journed till a later date. -
J. R. Cooper & Co., 107 Fourth avenue, sold
lots 67 and 68, McNeil plan, Thirteenth ward,
to W.J. Edgall, for $500.
L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for Patrick Conway lot 20x105 feet
to a 20-foot alley, situated on the north side of
Duncan street, near Fifty second street. Eigh
teenth ward, to James Bresnahan. for $550
W. A. Herron & Sons sold two lots in the
J. J. Speck plan of lots, Twenty-third ward,
Hazelwood, within five minutes of station,
24x120 leer, for $1,000.
Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold for
Mrs. D. Klielem, two lots on Lithgow avenue.
Second ward. Allegheny, adjoining Hort's
property, 20x120 feet, for $700 cash. They also
placed a mortgage of $4,500 for three years, at
8 per cent upon a property in Hazelwood.
Samuel W. Black fe Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold for the Blair estate, Hazelwood, Twenty
third ward, ten more of those choice building
lots situate on the westerly side of Lytle street,
each being 25x120 feet to a 20-toot alley, for
4 600. It will be noticed by referring to this
department of Tnr. DlRPATnltthat speculators
and investors are appreciating the value of
these lots, as they are rapidly being taken at
the prices asked. Those wanting tine building
lots at low prices should not hesitate, but buy
at once, as the Second avenue electric railway
to Glenwood station is an established fact. The
same firm placed a mortgage for $5,000 for five
years at 4Kper cent, free of State tax, on prop
erty in the Eleventh ward, Pittsburgh
Thomas McCaffrey. 3509 Butler street, sold
for S. J. Moffatt, to G. A. Ross, lot 25x133 on
Meridian avenue, Mt. Washington, for $375. He
also sold for John Clark, to John Heatley. a
property on Arch street. Twelfth ward, lot 22x
100 feet, with frame dwelling, for $500.
No Significant movements In Railroad
Shares, bnt Values Stiffen Up a Little
Tho Trusts Conspicuous for
Weakness Itallroad
Bonds Active.
New YOBE,September 23. The stock market
to-day showed no signs of coming out of tho
mt of dullness and stagnation Into which it
has fallen, and the trading, outside of Louis
ville and Nashville and the trusts, was of a de
cidedly retail character, while, except in a few
of tho leading stocks, the extreme range for
the day seldom exceeded per cent. The
room traders, as usual, bad the making of
prices in the general list almost entirely to
themselves. There were a few movements of
significance, but these were In every case the
result of special causes, and were made in
spite of the general lethargy. Louisville and
Nashville was the great feature of the day's
operations, and its early strength gave evi
dence that someone was familiar with the de
velopments which afterward gave the stock Its
great lift.
After opening at 79c, the same as Satu.
day's final prices, it rose to 79?c. but was.ham
mered down by the traders to 77c. The an
nouncement was then made that a resolution
was made Ty the directors to submit to the
stockholders the proposition to issue $13,000,000
new stock for the purpose of taking np the col
lateral trust bonds at 6 per cent together with,
other securities which maybe available. The
stock afterward rose to 790 and closed at 79c
Jersey Central was again a strong feature and
Tose to $1 23 the highest prices yet known, the
influence of a report that the first mortgage
bonds were to be funded into a 4 per cent bond
helping in the rise. The Trusts were the weak
spot in themaiket, and sugar was sold down
from $1 04 to $1 01K. and while there was talk
er a rival establishment in the South the de
cline looked; more like manipulation than any
thing else.
Manitoba showed some life and advanced 1
fier cent to lc, but afterward lost the entire
mprovement. The Big Fours were
also specially weak, and the common
dropped from 73c to 71c There
was aosolutely no feature outside
of the stocks mentioned, and the market, after
a somewhat Irregular but generally steady
opening, showed a little weakness and shaded
'olf from the opening t cures, but later moved
up again. The course of prices was alternately
upward and downward, with the range ex
tremely small, and the close was quiet and
fairly firm at close to opening figures. The
gains are almost entirely for small fractions,
the only exceptions being advances of 1
and 1 respectively in Jersey Central and
Louisville and Nashville and a decline of lin
Sugar Trust.
Railroad bonds were somewhat more active
than usual of late, the sales reaching $942,000,
which amount was widely distributed without
any special animation in any one issue. The
tone of the market was rather heavy, especially
in the afternoon, and the final changes in a
majority of cases in the direction of lower fig
ures. The important fluctuations were few in
number, but among those which are lower this
evening Hocking Valley 6s lost 2M at 72f,
International seconds, certificates, A at 67,
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe seconds rose 2
at 71K: Rochester and Pittsburg consols 2 to
The following .table snows tne prices or active
stocks on the New York Btock xcnange yester
day. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by
Whitnet & Stephenson; oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of Mew York Stock Bxchange, 57 Fourth ave
nue: Clos-Open-
High- Low- Ins;
Ids-. est. est. Bid.
Am. Cotton on SU 0 49X m
A tctl.. Top. & S. F.... 39K 39K v S9H
Canadian Pacific 638 68K 63? 68H
Canada Southern 54K MX MM MM
Central ofNewJersey.122 123X 122, iZ.
Central Paelfii. 35V UK 3ol KH
Chesapeake & Ohio.... 235 SSH 23M 23M
C. Bur.&Ouli.ey.,...108 109H 1WH lost
C, Mil. St. Paul.... 73M 73)4 73 73H
C, Mll.&St. P., pr....H55 115S 115J4 1I5H
C, HockLftP 103H 103K 102 102
C, St. L. ft Pitts 16 16 16 15)
C, St, L. & Pitts, pf. Ui
U. St. P..M.&U 35X ZSH 35X J5
C. St.P.,11. 4 0., pf.101 101 101 10O
C. Northwestern.. ..114 114 113H H3H
C.& .Northwestern, pf, S
C.C., C. ft 1 13H 735( 71M 728
O., C. C. 4I pfV.100, 1 iwsi WA
CoL Coal ft iron 33 S3 33 KK
Col. & Hoctlng Val .. 17 17K 17 VH
Dei., L. &V 14SX 14SX 147K 7
Del. & Hudson 152 .... 152K
Denver ft Bio U.. nr... SIX 51!4 SIM SIX
E.T.. Va. ftUa -11 H 11 10
E.T..Va.ftOa.lstpf. 76 76 76 78
K.T.. Va.4Ga. 2dpf. 23)i 23tf tlif tHi
Illinois Central. 118 118 117$ 116S
Late Kris A Western 19
Lake Krle ft West. nr.. 64M . 64 64 64
Lake Shore ft M. H 1058 105 1D5M 105K
Louisvllle&Hashvllle. 71 K 79 '? 78
MlchUan Central 92 92 9lit 9IX
Mobiles Ohio 13H
Mo., Kan. ft Texas.... 12 12 128 12H
Missouri Pacific 75 75M 75 75
New Yor Central 1088 10SU 1088 1088
K. V.. L.E.& W SH 29 29 29
fl.r.,L.E.4W.pref.. 69 70 69 69
2. 1 0. ftSt. Li 168
K X., C. ft St. L. pf. 67
N.y., c. ftst.L.2dnf 3&
N.14N. 61 51 50 60
M. X.. O. ft W 188 18 18H 188
Korfolka Western.... 19 21 19 21
.Norrolkft Western. pf. 568 68M 568 56
Northers Pacific 31 3.1 31 S2U
Nortnern pacific nrer. 74 1i4 74 74
Ohio ft Mississippi 23 23 23 23
Oregon Improvement. 52
Oreson Transeon 848 S4V( M 33
PaclOOMall 338 338 338 33
Feo. Dec. ft Kvans 22 22 22 21
Phlladel. ft Heading.. 6' 47 468 46
fullman Palace Car...I828 1828 1828 1S2
Klcnmona ft W. P. T.. 23 23 22 22
KlchmondftW.P.T.pf 81 81 81 80
St. P., Minn, ft Man. .111 113 111 111
St. L. ft San Fran 26
St. li. ft San Fran pf. t .... 608
St.L. ft San F. 1st pf. Ill
Texas Pacific 20J 208 20tf 20H
Union Taclflc 64 64 b4 63
Wabasa 17 17 17 17
Wabash preferred 12 32 32 Sl'A
Western Union 84 84 848 84H
Whrelmg ft L. . 71 71 71 71
Sugar Trust 104 104 101 101
National Lead Trust.. 24 24 24 23
Chicago (ias Trust.... 68 il( H 578
Boston Stocks.
Atch.ftT0D..lSt7s, U3
Wis.CentraI.com... 29
Wis. Central' pf,... 61
AllouezMgCo 60
Calumet & Hecla....214
Franklin 8
Huron.." M
Osceola. , 9
fewablc i
Qulnoy SO
Bell Telepnone 204
Boston Land... 6
Water Power 58
Tamarack 10614
San Diego 27
A.ftT. Landur't7s.i07H
AtCh.&Top.B.B... 39X
Boston ft Aloany...Z16
Boston ft Maine.. ...201
C. B. ftU 108
Eastern K. K 100S
Flint ft PereM. nfd. 928
Mexican Cen. com.. 15
Mex.C.lstmtg.bdi. 67
N. I". &lewlSn;... 50
N. Y. ft S. E. 7S....128
Ocrd.AT..Cham.cDm. 6
Old Colony. 177
Butlanu preferred., u
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Btephenson, brokers. No. 37
Fourth avenue. Members New York Btock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Itallroad ...538 54
Beading 23 7-13 23
Boflalo. Pittsburg and Western 10 10
Lehigh Valley 53 53
Lehigh Navigation 548 55
Northern Pacific ! 32
Northern Pacific preferred 748 74
Business Notes.
It is thought this week will break the record
in the number of building permits issued. The
business is booming.
It is easier to put oil down than np. as was
demonstrated yesterday, when one well and a
drop in refined did the business.
Major a. I. Pentecost will leave to-day
for Grafton, to attend the reunion of his old
regiment. He will be back on Saturday. -
The break in Philadelphia gas yesterday
caused very little comment. If the dividend
turns out all right the trouble aoout supply
can easily be bridged over.
Sevxbal large deals in real estate, which
have been hanging fire for some time, will, it
is said, be closed up this week. One of them
involves an entire block on Water street,
S. J. FrEMiuo has taken into partnership
Mr. K. E. McClure, who was with General
Blakely. This is a valuable acquisition to the
firm, and will no doubt result in a large in
crease of business.
, A OENTLEltAs who deals largely in mort
gages said yesterday that there was more
money in the city for that purpose than there
was three or four weeks ago. Considerable of
it IS Eastern capital.
THE anthracite coal trade improved some
what dnring the past week, but it is not as
active as it should be at this season of the year.
The demand for coal from the New Kngland
and Western markets has increased slightly.
It IS said on apparently good authority that
Jndge Cooley, Chairman of the Inter-State
Commerce Commission, is gravely considering
his resignation from that body, for the reason
that the law is practically inoperative and can
not be enforced.
The directors of the Louisville and Nashville
Railroad yesterday recommended the issue of
common stock, the proceeds to be used to take
ud the outstanding issne of $10,000,000 6 per
cent collateral trust bonds, ana such other in
terest bearing obligations as the directors may
Two business houses have just been finished
and another commenced on Wood street,
Wilkinsbnrg. It is understood tbat Mr. Harris
has let the contract for Ibis bakery and store
room on the same street. On Rebecca street
Mr.Du Shane's new storeroom is under roof,
and two others farther down the Banie street
are fast approaching completion. The hand
some and hustling borough is growing.
Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Lies.' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. TTSn
Cor Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see as,
II GOODS ui 111
A Diversity .of, Tiews as to Potato
Prospects Reported.
Cereal Markets Unchanged, but Flour Job
bers Are Firmer.
OmcK of PrrrsBTmG Dispatch, f
Monday, September 23. 1888. i
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
There is a wide dlrersltyof Yiews among com
mission men as to the potato prospect. Some
are strong in the faith that potatoes will soon
go to SI cer bushel, and tbat importations from
Ireland will be necessary, as two years ago.
The potato rot is being worked for all that is in
it. One dealer reports that the late rise will
bring plenty to markets before the week is out,
and tbat prices will fall back to the old figures.
It is too early in the week for the development
of any new features in general produce lines.
Butter and cheese markets are active, and an
other advance is among the probabilities in the
near future.
Buttee Creamery, Elgin, 26027c; Ohlo"de,
21Q25c; fresh dairy packed, 2123c; country
rolls, 1920c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, S2 252 40;
medium, 2 302 40. ,
Beeswax 28Q30c fl & for choice: low grade,
Cidee Sand refined, !6S07S0; common,
S3 504 00; crab cider. S3 008 60 $ barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c V per gallon.
CHEESE-Ohlo, 9S9Xc; New York, lOtilCXc;
Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweltzer,912c;
imported Sweitzer, 22c
Bogs 1920c fl dozen for strictly fresh.
Feuits Apples, SI 5002 00 ft barrel: whortle
berries, 7580c jf pail; neaches. SI S02 60 S
bushel box; grapes, 4Q5c $1 pound; Bartlett
pears, S3 00 $ barrel; quinces, S3 00i 00 f) bar
rel, cranberries, Jerseys, S3 003 25 ft bushel
Feathehs Extra live geese, 60Q60cj No. J,
do, 404Sc; mixed lots, 303oc 31 ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 40045c $1
pair; old, 6570 $ pair.
Seeds Clover, choice. 62 Its to'bnshel, $5 60
$1 bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, S6 00;
clover, Alsike, S3 60; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, cho!ce, ii &. SI 63; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 &3, 90c: bine grass, fancy, 14 Bs, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts. SI 63; red top. 14 fis, $r 25;
millet, 60 Sis, SI 00: German millet, 60 Bis.
$160; Hungarian grass, 60 &s, $100; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 fl bushel of
14 Bs.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, i
ThoficaTj Fettits Lerdons, common, $6 00
6 SO; fancy, $7 007 60: oranges, Jo 006 00:
bananas, 81 75 firsts, SI 25 good seconds, $1
bunch; cocoanuts, S4 0004 50 VI hundred; rigs,
8K9c ft B; dates, 6K6c V &
Vegetables Potatoes, SI 752 00 ft bar
rel; tomatoes, home-grown, 60c ft bushel:
wax beans. 60c ft bushel; green beans,4050c ft
bushel; cucumbers, bome-raised, 75cSl 00 fl
bushel; home-grown cabbages, SI 250150 ft bar
rel; celerv, 40c ft dozen; Southern sweet pota
toes, $2 75, Jerseys, $3 25.
The active movement in groceries gives no
signs of abatement, bnt the activity fails thus
far to raise prices, which continue in the same
old ruts. Canned fruits show an upward drift.
Sugar and package coffee lose nothing of their
Qbeen Coffee Fancy Rio, 22J023Jc:
choice Bio, 2O021c; prime Bio, 20c; low grade
Bio, 1819Xc; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2829c; Santos, 200
23c; Caracas, 2123cj peaberry, Kio, 23025c;
La Qoayra, 2223c
Roasted (in papers Standard brands,
23c; high grades. 2oK26Xc; old Government
Java, bulk, 3132&c; Alaracaibo, 2627c:
Santos. 2123c; peaberry, 28c; choice Bio, 24c:
prime Rio, 22c; good Bio, 2lKc; ordinary, 21c
Spices (whole)-Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassia. 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg. 7080c
Peteoletjm (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Mc:headlight,150, 8c; waterwhite,
10c; globe, I2c; elalne, 15c; carnadine, llc;
royaline, 14c.
Syrups Corn syrups, 26029c; choice sugar
syrups, 33038c: prime sugar syrup. 80033c;
strictly prime, S335cMiew maplo syrup, 90c
N. 0. Molasses Fancy. 48c; choice. 46c;
medium. 43c: mixed. 40042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3J4c; bi-carb in Js,
&c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal
soda In kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, Jc; stearine, ft
sef, 8Jc; parafflne, 11012c
Rice Head. Carolina, 77Xc; choice, 6J0
7c; prime, 506c: Louisiana, 66c
Stabch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, &6c; gloss
starch, 67c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don lavers, S3 10: California London layers,
S2 60; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 9?01Oc;
sultana, 8Kc; currants, 405c; Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes, 8013c;iSalonica
prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c: cocoanuts, ft 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lan., ft ft, 20c: do Ivica, 19c:
do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap.. 12J15c; Sicily
filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12016c; new dates,
SX6c, Brazil nutl, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron
per &, 21022c; lemon peel, ft ft, 13014c; orange
peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per & 6c:
apples, evaporated, 6Mg6c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 12k15c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, lO012c; cherries, pitted, 21022c;
cherries, nnpitted, 606c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 24!4Kc: blackberries, 7XSc; huckle
berries. 10012c
STf GARS Cubes, 8c; powdered , 8Jc; granu
lated, 8c: confectioners' A, 8mc; standard
A, 8c; soft whites. 88Sc: yellow, choice,
7jic;iyellow, good, 7&07J4C, yellow, fair, 7c;
vellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), Si 50: medi
um, half bbls (600). S2 75.
SALT o. 1. fl bbl,5c; No. lex, ft bbl. $1 06:
dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal; ft bbl, 31 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bn sacks, S2 80;Hlggina'
Eureka, 16-14 & pockets, S3 (XX
Canned Goods Standard peaches, $2 000
2 25; 2ds SI 6001 65: extra peaches. $2 4002 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, Sll 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 70090c: red cherries, e0cSl; Lima beans,
$1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75085c; mar
rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas, 70075c;
pineapples, SI 4001 50;ahama do, S2 75; dam
sonplums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears. $2 SO; do greengages, $2; do,
esrir dIuuis. 2: extra white cherries. S2 BO: red
cherries, 2 Bs. DOc; raspberries, Sl 401 50;
strawberries, $1 10: gooseberries, $1 3001 40;
tomatoes, 82092c; salmon, 1-S, $1750210;
blackberries, bOc: succotash, 2-& cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 Bs, SI 2501 50; corn beef. 2-9)
cans, $2 05;14-B cans. $14 00: laked beans, $1 45
01 60; lobster, 1-ft. H 7S1 SO; mackerel, 1-E.
cans,' broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic, iia,
S4 5004 60; sardines, domestic Ks. $8 2508 oO;
sardines. Imported, K9- 11 50012 60; sardines,
imported. s, $18; sardines, mustard, $4 60; sar
dines, spiced. $4 60.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 ft
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 532; extra No. 1 do, messed,
$36: No. 2 shore mackerel. $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft B; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6X7Kc Herring
Round shore, $500fl bbl; split, $7 00; lake,
$2 00W100-fihalfbbl. White fish, $7 00 ft 100
Bhalf bbl. Lake trout, $560 ft half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft ft. Pickerel, K barrel, $2 00; M barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, S5 00 ft barrel, S3 50 ft
OATHBAL-S6 3006 00 ft bbl.
Minxes' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 65057c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change. 41 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 3 cars of wheat, 4 of flour, 4 of hay,
10 of oats, 1 of feed. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati
and St Lonis, 4 ears of corn, 8 of flonr.l of feed,
4 of barley, 2 of flour, 1 of oats, 1 ot middlings.
By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of hay. By Pitts
burg and Lake Erie, 1 car or malt. By Pitts
burg and Western, 1 car of hay. There were
no sales on call. Cereal markets have developed
no new featmes since the close of last week.
Floor Is moving ont freely, and jobbers are
firmer in their views, by reason of reports from
sources ot supply. Prices below are for car
load lots.
WHEAT-New No. 2 red, 81082c; No. 3, 75
Corn-No. 2 yellow, ear, 42i8c; high mixed
ear, 40041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 40c; high
mixed, shelled, 3SX039c; mixed, shelled, 370
88c '
Oats-No. 2 white, 27Z7Kc; extra Jtfo. 3,
25026c: mixed, 22023c
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 50051c;
No.! Western, 48049c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
FLOtra Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, $5 2505 75; winter straight,
$4 6004 75; clear winter, $4 2504 50; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 7504 00. Rye flour, S3 60
4 75.
Milt feed Middlings, fine white, $16 000
16 50 ft ton; brown middlings, $12 60013 00: win
ter wheat bran, $11 60011 75; chop feed, $15 600
16 00.
HAT-Baled timothy, choice, Slf 00014 25;
No. 1 do. $12 00012 SO: No. 2 do, SU 00011 60;
loose from wagon, Sll 00013 00, according to
quality; No. 1 upland prairie. $8 5009 00; No. 2,
$7 0007 60; packing do, $7 7508 CO.
Steaw Oats. $6 6007 00; wheat and rye
straw, 88 0006 25.
Sugar-cared hams, large, llc; sugar-cared
bams, medraayiHft; sogar snrtrt teas, small,
12Jc: sugar-Cured breakfast baeea. 10$e;sugar
enred shoulders, 6c; sagar-cared boneless
shoulders, IMt; st)gw-cure4 Ueitternia hams,
7Kc; sogar-cured dried beef flats;' lc: sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders,' 6Kcj bacon
clear sides. 7c: bacon clear jbelHee.Wc; dry
salt shoulders, 6Kc;-dry salt dear sides, 7c
Mess, pork, heavy, SU 60; mess pork, family,
$12 00. Xard Refined, in tierces, mics half
barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6?c; 20-ft pails. 7c; 60-
tin cans, 6Jc; 3-ft tin pails. 7Kc; 5-ft tin palls,
7c; 10-ft tin nails. 6c; 5-9 tin pails. 7c: lO-ll Ma
pails. 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 5c.
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10cK.
Pigs feet, halt barrel, $4 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 460 to 650 ft,
6c; 650 to 650 fts. Be; 660 to 750 Bs, 607c
Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6c
Fresh pork loins, 8c
The Visible Soodt of Grain.
' NEW Yoek, September SB. The foflowinz'
is the Produce Exchange'statement of the vis
ible-supply of gram for Saturday, ueptemDer
21: Wheat, 17,198,672 busheHMncrease, 1,469,116
bushels. Corn, 1&6E2.727 bushels; decrease,
229,253 bushels. , Oats, 5,998,570 bushels;" in
crease, 124.626 bushels. Bye, 1,332.885 bushels;
increase, 68,037 bushels. Barley, 474,882bushels;'
increase, 61,499 bushels. '
Metal Markets,
New Yoek Pig iron firm; Americas,
$15 6001$ 00. Copperdnll and unchanged; lake..
September, $1100. Lead steady; domestic,
Hmti. Tin firmer and quiet; Straits, $21 40.
The success that is attending the physicians
of the Polypatblc Institute in the treatment of
all forms of kidney and urinary diseases Is truly
wonderful. Among the many patients who
have been cured and have given testimonials
for publication, 'are Mr. H. Robertson, kidney
disease and dropsy; Mr. A. Schermerhorn. who
had severe hemorrhages and lost three
quarts of blood at one time: Mr. J. V.
Smith, whose disease caused him to be in
constant fear of becoming insane: a lady who
had a tumor, measured five feet around her ab
domen, and bad been unable to lie down for
over three months, received an operation and
over SO quarts (60 pounds) of dropsical fluid
was taken from her; Mr. Henry Walter,
rheumatism of many years standing, The
complication of diseases tbat are the outcome
of diseased condition of the kidneys is really
alarming. If yon have weakness or pain across
the small of the back; tired feeling,
with lack of ambition, scanty or copi
ous flow of urine, with pain
in voiding it, with a red or whitish sediment,
a pale, sallow or waxy skin, or pain In different
parts of the body, you have symptoms pointing
unmistakably to a diseased condition ot the
kidneys, and yon should lose no time in con
sulting some one who makes a specialty of your
disease. Br. Shafer and his medical associates
give especial attention to this class of diseases.
Consultation free and price of treatment within
the reach ot all. Remember the Polypatblc
Medical Institute is permanently located at
Pittsburg, 420 Penn avenue. Office hours, 10 A.
H.to4P.x.,and6 to8p.lt Bnndays, 1 to4r.
x. se24-rrs
To enre Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered
on for 13 years. The aches and pains which she
experienced in almost every part of her body
were simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting
pains across the small of her back and lower
part of her body were almost unbearable. In
fact, she suffered with all those diseases and,
conditions peculiar to women. Foe three
months her mind was unbalanced, and for
months she was confined to her bed. She be
came very weak and emaciated, so that she
only weighed 93 pounds. No one expected her
to live, much less get entirely cured. After re
ceiving three months' treatment from the phy
sicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute,
323 Penn. avenue, she says: "The condition of
my case was much worse than has been de
scribed. It Is over five months since I became
cared, and no trace of the disease has since ap
peared. I now enjoy good health and am very
glad to testify to my permanent cure by the
physicians ot the Catarrh and Dyspepsia In
stitute.' Mrs. Thomas Hatton,
t Putnam, Pa.
MBS. DR. CROSSLEY, ladles' consulting
physician at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti
tute, 323 Penn avc They cure Catarrh, Dys
pepsia and Diseases of women. Consultation
freetoalL Office hours. 10 A. Jf. to 4 P. Jqand
68 P. M. Sundays. 12 to 4 P. jc selS-155-ns
,nri tateaae lteklaa
MdaUnctajcf mmtl
nil wariB dt
" lowkJ. to CBBtlaH
cmteums- Jrab
I 1TP1
J' . rmMiMiBH mwtA
MEJiT stops the Itehlnsud&lee4iitft ktala
m nlcratlonfBndliiBiotteftearemoTMtIiet
nor. awATn inTmmuMaBxnggiitt,riiuiea
UTftddreuo&cdp(rKiMtSOti.abox; 3box,JL,
k SOX. PllBiilnlrMl.Pl.
Bold by all stove dealers. Manufactured by
632 and 634 LIBERIV STREET.
t aq6B-TTS
3AS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. $125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Ml. Ukl
A. -purely Vegetable
I Compound that expels
all bad hnmors from the
t system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
Pears' Soap
(Scented and Unscented)
IEAbTIFUL complexion.
of jZL'tonvoaisis.
Blood Mr.
u m
A Dsre drv Soao In Dow4fd fcm.. TW asstt.
labor saver ud snick rlmmsfi wHfcsit Msrr J ' m
nans or laonc. tceoMMtSt Hfi im
Beats the world for eJJ
houses, dishss, miikj
Keepj'motlB est of can
carsts, bwMatf 4c Sse-
that yoa get BELL'S OAPWJA-W Pasfcapt.
Issue travelers' credits tfcresga M ansts.
Morgan cev, new loir, raemevts
ap28-l .-
Hembers Chicago Board of 3swt'i
Pittsburg Petrelewa Wvnsnags. it
45. SIXTH. ST, PiMsbiug.
A Home Sea
Five Per Cent M
LTDITC: nc T A r.l CS
kk.k m. H.3
- --- -. -.,
r r i. rr I rr x s c.-.t..
v t1
The Fidelity Title and Trust C
for sale, at II 02K and accrued
lted number ot 30-year first set
me a. u i-nct coke csmks.1Hi
stock of which is J5.009.09e. I oiy 4M ik,
These bonds are ledeAmaHe Ihr asi
fund at the rate of P08y09g per aw. Ml
commencing July 1, IBM, lBtevssttsfcr
semi-annually, January utA Mf I,
omceot this company.
We have carefully eiamlaed hrt the i
ness of this security, and can ' rwwiim
one ot the most desk able igvosmoaa
861568 Prmwg,l
.... i , , ..,. I,
Aa old reeidOBts know and bek Sm 4
onrg papers prove. Is tho oMeet Mti
and most prominent phys4etan Jatk '
voting speoiai attention w au otnMi
MCDVfl Cand mental
I1L.I1 V UUOdecav. nervoMc
energy, ambition 'and hoc, imi
ory, disoraered sight, self distrust, l
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, or
poverished blood, falling sowers, or 1
ness, dyspepsia, coostipatloa. oobwiuHsss, i
fitting the person for business, soeiety mi w
riage, permanently, safely and privately mm
Dl nnn AMn ClIMdfceasee .
ULUUU nU Olxlllstagss, et
blotches, falling hair, bones patas. gl
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, owta.
ulcers, old sores, are cured for lift, asd
poisons thoroughly eraoicateairoB sm
liniM ADV kldnev and MaMwd
U nl linn I jments. weafc baok, gvavei.
painful symptoms' receive searebl&g
prompt reiiei ana real care.
Dr. Whittler's life-long, exteMira
ence, insures scientific and reHabte
on cbmmon-sense principles. Ce
free. Patients at a distance as CarofuHy
as if here. Office hours 9 A. v. te Ski
day, 10a. K-tol P.M. only. DK.W.
814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
How Lost! How Rega'mwL
rrbw thyself:
oi iizm
ASdentlfic and Standard Popular Healeal Tratwe e
the errors ot I oain.fremamreuecime, nervosa
and myslcal i)e otllty, impurxtes M tee weed.
T-r-- "f II I I tl sl 1 m JB "
Besultinc from Tolly. Vice. Ienonnce. Ss
-cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and v
uuk uiu viufciux mr vv orjc, isusmess. tfie iaas
Trage or social Kelatlons. . T.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess b
great wort ltcOntalaS300 pages. royal, 81
.Deaabiiu uuiuing, emoosseo, loll kHv. .c
only si by mall, postpaid, concealed lal
wrapper, illustrative tr rospectas rre.
apply now. The distinguished aatfcor. 1
Parker. M. D., received the GOLD AJW
tLtu MtUAL from the Nailenal Ms
soeittion. for this PRI2 E ESSAY m M
corps of Assistant Physicians may bo
the office ot THE PEABODY MFri
ST1TUTE. No. 4 BylHach SL. Beitea. I
whom all orders for books or totem foe j
snottia do directed as a&dve. aolS-7.T
auiriDgsclen title ami
tial treatment! Dr. S. K.
M.R.aP. Sisthe oMest an
most erperieaeed speetoiet.
tne city. uoaeartaMoa-
triCtlV fXinflilimUtt
hours 9 to 4 and 7 to Sf.X.' 8snbn.2i
jLConsmc mem personalty, or wme.
Lake. 32S Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
;' Oofrboxi
iposed of Cotton Boot, CKagf m
lyroyai reec oaseovery wf s
DbTJlelan. It meumimu h
monJif-Bate. xsaeetnat. ,nee- js-- Wf.-mm
wbiApA- Ladles, ask vobt drmmfcit
ragpst nr
Cotton Root Coapotad t&& iskB' i
or Inclose z sumps tor seawa
Block, 131 Woodward ave., DesreR,- M4eJy
3-Sold in Fittsbarg. Fa., by Josek
ing at son, uiamouu ana jiarie sm.
For men! Checks the worst Cases fcrtlSTC i
lays, and cures In five daysi Prloe N 81 af JH.:
i i 1 1 iiirin n rrrunrrrniM
jaS-TTSSa 443MwlMs4Me-.t
HndTMln5. Laako Str
velopmest, caused by Efreri.
MOBS of Sslv-tihutxsxt.' ad
(seaieaj rree. Aaress au
uaaaio, x. x.
K ffttSSSfi MRvSWtp
flrilk caMi smms. dw.
; -,."