Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 24, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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YoL 44, J.o.29. Entered at Pittsburg Postoffice.
November 11, 1SS7, as second-class matter.
Business Offlce97 and G9 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishingr House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street
Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 48, Tribune
Building, .VewYort
Average net circulation of toe dally edition of
The Dispatch for six months ending August 31,
1S9. as sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation or the Sunday edition of
The Dispatch for three months ending August
Si. JSS3.
Copies per Issue.
Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00
Daily Dispatch. One Month 7u
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, I year. 10 00
Daily DiSPATCH.lncludlng bundav.Sm'tbs. 2 SO
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, 1 month 90
buTAY Dispatch, One Year 2 60
MtEKLY Dispatch, One Year 125
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at
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20 cents per week.
The gathering of Republican clubs, which
takes place in this city to-day, affords the
new form of organization an opportunity to
develop their best characteristics. Hereto
fore their principal functions appeared to be
mainly those of permanent campaign clubs,
with the addition of the social features that
grow out of their permanence. "We take it
that conventions like these are intended to
develop the higher capabilities of the
organization for the discussion of matters of
public policy and for influencing the course
of their party on new and important issues.
Properly understood, the field of work in
this direction might be made to include the
highest degree of political usefulness. One
of the least satisfactory features of our poli
tics, in the past, has been the almost unop
posed influence of the professional politi
cians who are scarcely able to perceive any
higher purpose of politics than the possess
ions of the spoils, and whose professions of
principle are only lor the purpose of catch
ing votes. The political clubs are made up
of a class by circumstances and education
able to take higher views of politics than
the one which makes it a pecuniary pur
suit. Their attitude upon public policy
should not only exercise marked influence
on their party, but their discussions should
infuse broad and genuine views. Conven
tions conducted on that score may rise
above the torch-light-and-oil-cloth-cape
method of political argument; and the or
ganizations which devote their attention to
free discussion will accomplish a more last
ing effect than the admiration which they
produced at campaign parades by their tall
hats and red and white umbrellas.
On this level, we hope to see the political
clubs, such as convene here to-day. show a
distinct and useful public character. In
order that they shall do it, however, it will
be necessary lor them to lay aside the view
that they have special claims upon patron
age; and to consider questions of tariff,
finance, commerce and transportation solely
in the public interest.
It is now given out that the reported window-glass
trust, which never had any foun
dation in fact, is given up. The latter
repoft is worthy of credit, inasmuch as the
nature of the glass business and the ease
with which new factories could be put up,
forbade any attempts at the exclusion of
competition. Simultaneously with this are
beard expressions to the effect that more
tank furnaces are not necessary to compete
-with those now built; although less than
two weeks ago it was asserted that the old
establishments could not compete with the
tank factories. As to this point the actual
work of the factories will decide. If the
tanks can produce glass the cheapest, more
tanks will be put np. But a trust will be
so more necessary to put up the new ones
than it was to put up thiise already in op
An item of interest to the oil producers of
"Western Pennsylvania appears in the Chi
cago Tribune of Sunday. It may be remem
bered that suggestions about the time of the
shut-down movement as to the possibility of
the Standard's playing a game in order to
get control of the Lima field were pooh
poohed, as the impossibility of refining the
Lima oil was declared to be a fixed fact.
All the deductions upon the fact that while
the Standard pretended that it did not wish
to refine the Ohio oil, it took especial care
that so one else should have a chance to,
were of no weight. It was heresy among the
Pennsylvania producers to take any account
of the possibility of making an illuminant
out of the Ohio crease.
The Standard's game was played; the
shut-down has become a thine; of the past;
Standard has gobbled the Ohio field and
built its pipe-line to Chicago; and now a re
porter visiting South Chicago finds what?
Lumber and plates of boiler iron unloaded,
and the beginning of work which is to erect
a refinery of forty 600 barrel stills. This is the
statement extracted by the assiduity of the
reporter from Mr. W. P. Cowan, vice-president
of the Standard Oil Company of In
diana. So that all this talk about the im
possibility of refining Ohio oil was to be
taken "only in a Pickwickian sense, good
only till the preliminary Standard opera
tions of shutting in the Pennsylvania field
and gobbling up the Ohio field were com
pleted. There is nothing unusual or, unexpected
about this result of the Standard assevera
tions of a year ago. The singular thing is
that there were producers who have learned
so little from experience as to suppose that
the Standard assertions meant anything
more than a cheap and transparent decep
The full returns from the French elections
leave the Republicans in possession of a
majority in the chamber, with every pros
pect of permanence in their ascendancy.
"While the overthrow of all the elements op
posed to the Government is not as complete
as might be expected, it is, unless a remark
able change occurs in the 177 elections
where second ballots are seeded, an assured
thing that the Republican party will con
tinue to hold the power in Prance.
"While Boulangism makes a moderate
showing the fair deduction from the returns
is that the importance of the fugitive Gen
eral as a central figure in politics is gone.
The total of the opposition, including Mon
archists, Clericals and Bonapartists, rises
above 200; but not one-firth of that number
areBouIangists, pure and simple. The power
of the General heretofore has been as a rally
ing point for the discordant elements of the
opposition under the impression that
he could carry with him a consid
erable reinforcement from the radical ranks.
But when the total of his personal following
is seen to be scant two score of delegates it
would be a more than usually incomprehen
sible development of French politics, if the
other elements of the opposition did not
make haste to throw overboard a figurehead
that is no longer useful, even in that capac
ity. The elections point to the stability of the
Prench Republic in one respect. For a
long time the Republic was maintained
only because the Orleanists, Legitimists and
Boulangists tolerated it and hated each
other. Now the Republican party is su
perior to all the forces of opposition com
bined. It is safe to predict that the French Re
public will not be overthrown until some
popular hero of more than merely theatrical
characteristics rises to perform that feat.
"While New York and Chicago may pro
ceed with their showy pledges to raise mill
ions for the "World's Fair, we trust the
better sense of the country will quickly
settle down to the more rational plan of
having the great Exposition at "Washington.
If the fair is to have a national character
at all, what single reason is there to have it
any other place than the national capital?
Nobody disputes that New York is vaster,
or that the enterprise of Chicago is wonder
ful; but what have these considerations to
do with an international exhibition? If
either the bigcity of the East, or its vocifer
ous rival of the "West is of itself wonder
fully attractive, it is still certain that the
great Fair of 1892 will not need such help.
Its own proportions must be magnificent
enough to draw the public. Doubtless
they will be. But the additional drawing
power of New York or of Chicago is over
estimated. People who want to study this
grand exhibit of the world's progress will
sot require the additional inducement of
seeing the daily routine of a big commercial
city. The people of the United States
already know all about the bustle and big
ness of these cities. Those of Europe who
may come here in 1892 will, most of them,
see New York anyhow, and, many of them,
Chicago. If they should fail of that ex
perience, they can console themselves with
the reflection that neither the big city of
the East nor the one of the "West is any
larger, or many times more interesting, than
other cities on their own side of the water.
If the "World's Fair is to be truly na
tional there is only one fit place for it, and
that is "Washington. If it is not to be na
tional then, of course, New York, Chicago,
Oshkosh or Kalamazoo may each have
features and resources to make a fair; but
it is absolutely sure that the rest of the
country will take but a partial and relative
interest in that sort of thing, no matter how
many millions are subscribed, or how stu
pendous the scale proposed.
There is nothing in the United States
that better illustrates human progress than
its republican form of government. There
is nothing that will more interest or sur
prise the visitor from abroad than its gov
ernmental machinery. If the "World's Fair
shall need any special attraction peculiar to
this place or that, it will find the strongest
at "Washington. Beside, when all the
bluffing is done between New York and
Chicago upon the amount of money each
proposes to raise, the cold fact
will in the end become apparent
that Uncle Sam will be called
upon to help out with an appropriation.
"With the absolute certainty of this, it is
best for the Federal Government to take the
matter in hand, appropriate enough, and
have the fair at the nation's capital. That
will stop all jealousies. It will make every
body from Maine to California feel a com
mon pride and interest in the success of the
project. "Washington is the place for the
fair. If a popular vote could be had, we
doubt not the public would say so by an
overwhelming majority.
The death of "Wilkie Collins takes away
the bodily presence of the last of those crea
tors of fiction who made English literature
famous in the middle of the century. "What
ever may be the differences of opinion as to
the literary merits of the different eras of
fiction, no one can doubt that the period
when Dickens, Thackeray, Charles Kings
ley, Reade and Collins were the fixed stars
of the literary firmament, was the era of
most rapid development in English light
literature, as clearly as that Scott and Bal
zac were the pioneers in the field that has
been cultivated to the utmost by their suc
cessors. ,
"Wilkie Collins' creative genius lay more
in plot than in character. His strength
was in weaving around some mystery the
thrilling story of its solution, less than in
the depiction of character or the reproduc
tion of common life. His works brought
into life no such delightful personalities as
Jo Gargery, Inspector Backet or Captain
Cuttle; their satires or social follies or vices
never rose to the height of Thackeray; nor
did they ever profess the moral purpose that I
was undertaken by Kingsley and Reade.
But- the rapt and breathless interest with
which this generation has in its youthful
days pursued the fortunes of "The "Woman
in "White," or followed the insoluble and
baffling search after "The Moonstone," will
attest to a genius, as great in his pecnliar
field as any of them.
His death takes away the last of the great
creative minds of the passing generation.
Has the future in store for the world new
writers who can fill the places of himself
and his cotemporaries?
It is pleasant to find that there is one of
the princes of Europe who is not so enam
ored of the plan of getting a revenue from
the profits of keeping a gambling house, but
that he is willing to giveit np if he is paid
well for it. Prince Charles of Monaco, who
has already been reported to look with dis
favor on the policy of making his small realm
the gambling den of Europe is ready
te stop the business. He offers the
Powers the chance to stop it. Let them pay
him 400,000 francs a year and he will close
up the palace of rouge et noir, and live
cleanly on that moderate income hereafter.
The moral attitude of an independent
prince, who is willing to forswear im
morality as a source of revenue, provided
always, he is paid for it, at the very com
fortable rate of $80,000 per annual reforma
tion, is not remarkable. Many another
person who draws revenue from vice would
willingly give it up, at the same rate of
compensation; but few have the frankness
to propose a reformation on the basis of
royalties, so to speak, for virtue. Evidently
the sew Prince of Monaco is desirous of
enjoying the proud consciousness of
morality and honestly if it does not cost
him too much; but if he is so extremely
honest as to shut up those profitable
gambling hells, he has got to be well paid
for it.
"We thought there were some queer ideas
of public morality on this side of.the water.
But Prince Charles of Monaco, as a re
former and moralist, is without a rival in
two hemispheres.'
Since the Governor of Mississippi has
put himself on record as sternly suppressing
the fellows who make a profit out of break
ing the laws by prize fighting in public, it
is to be hoped that he will reach the point
of an equally vigorous pursuit on those who
break the laws by midnight attacks on the
homes of humble and undefended citizens.
If the South will enforce the laws all around,
it can challenge public admiration.
Both the Governor of North Carolina
and the Governor of South Carolina having
pronounced in favor of Chicago vas the site
for the "World's Fair, the grateful Chicago
press hastens to assure them that when they
visit the "Western metropolis it shall not be
a long while between drinks.
Thk American Consul at Jerusalem re
ports that a railroad is to be built between
that city and Joppa. The news is interest
ing, but it leaves a doubt whether the rail
road is an actual enterprise, or is sot that
the railway of the imagination which formed
the topic of discussion for our statesmen
during the debate on the inter-State com
merce bilL Does our consul get his sews
from the Congressional Record?
Me. BaIiFOUB tells the Irish Protestants
that he does sot think that a foundation en
dowment will be provided for the proposed
Catholic University. It will now be in
order for him to explain to the Catholics
what good the university will be to them
without any endowment.
A leading lawyer testifies in the Ives
trial that while the defendant was inclined
to be boyish, he was never known to do any
thing improper or illegal. This is valuable
in showing the ability of the legal mind to
regard the grinding out of bogus stock by
the hundred thousands as entirely proper
and legal when good fees come out of the
The information that Villard's blanket
mortgage scheme has failed is a comforting
indication of the general discovery that
while unlimited water privileges are very
useful in their place, it is no t wise to use
them exclusively tor filling up investors.
The opening of the Monongahela river to
Morgantown should be made the occasion
of bringing Pittsburg into close relations
with that section. "With 100 miles of water
transportation thus secured, the whole dis
trict should be brought into harmony with
Pittsburg's trade, and also with Pittsburg's
efforts to free the river from tolls.
The verdict of an Indiana jury that
Hostetter's Bitters connot be used as a bev
erage, seems likely to disturb the popu
larity of that staple tonic, which has ex
isted in divers parts of the country, lo,
these many years.
ItEPOBTSof the tiials of the Cronin mur
derers in Chicago and Ives in New York in
dicate that if those defendants are convicted
they will be justified in feeling -like the
Irishman who, when sentenced for theft, ex
claimed: "Faith, and if I'd had another
such a lawyer, I'd have been bung for
Mb. Bbodie's example is not wholly
without its utility. Politicians who are
trying to attract attention to themselves
might find it useful to go over the Falls.
The report that the Standard Oil Compa
ny lost a good deal of oil by the recent ocean
storms suggests that it will now proceed to
absorb the ocean. If it cannot get control
of the big pond for stock-watering purposes,
it may be compelled to make up its loss by
ordering another shut-down movement.
Bib Henry Isaac will be the third Hebrew
to serve as Lord Mayor of London. The others
were Sir David Solomons and Sir Benjamin
Thomas Tovtndrow, of New York, is the
oldest reporter in the country. He was born
in 1810 in England; came to America in 1830,
and has been engaged in newspaper work ever
It is announced that the Prince cf Wales
will, on October 6, embark at Venice on the
Greek royal yacht for Athens, to attend the
marriage of Princess Sophie of Prussia to the
Crown Prince of Greece.
Mrs. Phelps has arrived at Berlin to join
her husband, the United States Minister, bbe
leaves for America in about eight days. Sena
tor Washbume, of Minnesota, Is in Berlin
with his family, and proposes to spend the win
ter there.
The Glasgow Mail says- Miss Mary Ander
son, who is now the guest of Mr. Black, the
novelist, at Oban, is a notable figure among the
celebrities there at present. She seems in good
"health and spirits, and is enjoying her holiday
in the Highlands.
Dover, the quaint, old-fashioned town of the
little State of Delaware, is to ring all its church
bells and let its factory whistles off on the 13th
of next month. At that time General Caesar
Rodney's statue is to be unveiled. Ex-Secre-tary
of State Thomas F. Bayard will deliver an
oration, and Chief Justice Comeyge will pre
side at the exercises which are to be held under
the auspices of the now famous Rodney Clnb
of Dover. General Rodney was a Revolution
ary hero, and a signer of the Declaration of
Senator Berry lost his leg at Corinth;
Senator Butler, of South Carolina, lost his at
Brandy station, and in the House there are
three one-legged men, or were during tho last
Congress. Representative Henderson, of Iowa,
is one of them, though you'd never suspect it
to see him moving about. He is as spry as a
boy with his cork leg. Congressmen Brown
and Bootbman, of Ohio, used to say they were in
bard luck because each had lost a left leg. If
one had Inst a right they could make one pair
of shoes do for both.
Congressman McKinley. of Ohio, was a
stnpplmg of 17 when be enlisted as a private.
He was mustered out a Brevet Major. Repre
sentative Boothiaan, of the same State, was but
a year older when he shouldered his musket.
Thompson, of Ohio, was the same age, as was
Moffitt, of New York; Clark, of Wisconsin;
Peters, of Kansas; Goff. of "West Virginia; Nel
son, of Minnesota, ana others. Thomas, of Illi
nois, went in at 15; Strnble, of Iowa, at 17;
Conger and Holmes, of the same State, at 19.
Laird, of Nebraska, now dead, was one of the
youngest soldiers of the war. He put on the
blue when he was a lad of 13.
A Pleasant Saturday and Sunday at the
Vice President' Home.
PotraiiKEEPSlE, September 23. Chauncey
M. Depew and wife and son passed south to
day. They spent Saturday and Sunday with
Vice President Morton and family, and were
pleasantly entertained. Saturday afternoon
they were given a pleasant drive, Mr. and Mrs.
Morton accompanying. Later In the day Mr.
Morton escorted Mr. Depew about the hand
some grounds of "Ellerslie," and showed him,
among other things, his famous cattle, prize
winners at Buffalo and the State fair.
Sunday morning the distinguished party at
tended divine service at the Episcopal church,
Rblnebeck, and in the afternoon went to drive
again, calling on the way upon Mr. William B.
Astor and family. The evening was spent In
social chat at the Vice President's residence,
andafter an early breakfast this morning tbe
VIca 1--lHanta v41?.nr flnnartAft nil A tcmtii.
lar train for New York.
A Rural Man In Senrch'of a Legal Bird
Odds and Ends of Literary and Other
One day last week a man who seemed rather
rural In his ways bounced into, an attorney's
office on Fourth avenue and asked: "is there a
man here named Swan, attorney-at-law?"
"No, there Is not," replied the lawyer ad
dressed, "and the only man I know of that
name Is Postmaster Swan, of Allegheny."
That's not the Swan Pm after. The man I
want to see is some klud of a bird, and he's a
lawyer in Pittsburg."
"Well, there are a good many different kinds
of birds at the bar here, that's a fact," ad
mitted the lawyer.
"But this man's called after a bird; bis name
is a bird's," replied tbe countryman. Then the
lawyer repeated all the names that came to his
mind as being likely to fill the bill. He re
peated two or three names and finally men
tioned Mr. Qualle. At tbe sound of that name
the countryman jumped, and slapping bis leg,
exclaimed: "That's the bird, by the holy!"
All of which goes to show that It is advant
ageous at times to have a peculiar name.
Some of our literary cotemporaries are saying
that Algernon Charles Swinburne has finally
allowed himself to be persuaded to write a
play, thereby suggesting the inference that
Mr. Swinburne has never yet written a play.
Whereas in point of fact Mr. Swinburne has
written several plays, among which are "The
Queen Mother," "Rosamond," "Chastelard," a
tragedy, and "Bothwell" the last having been
acteft In a London theater recently:
Mr. Swinburne has always had a liking for
the stage, and Mr. Henry Irving has benefited
often by bis suggestions as to niceties in art. It
is not wonderful to hear that he has engaged
to write a poetical one act piece for a London
manager, probably Mr. Irving.
That lackadaisical dawdler about the back
door of the drama, Willie Winter, is weeping
again, or was recently, in the Shakespeare
Church at Stratford-on-Avon. He consumes a
small space a world too large for such twaddle
In Harper's Weekly with a set of verses
called "Ashes." which he says he wrote in the
church, but which are redolent of the saloon,
and weak gin and water. But one mnst agree
with Mr. Winter In bis assertion that "of all
crowns that ever wero awarded, the crown of
simple patience is the best." How well the
public has earned such a crown at this insipid
creature's hands, nobody should know better
than be.
How the Work In Thti School Is Condncted
Eveninca Devoted to Cooking, Milli
nery Work, Etc
How seldom do people accustomed to all the
comforts ana some of tbe luxuries of life ap
preciate these blessings unless brought in con
tact with less fortunate mortals. The writer
was thns impressed when she visited tbe rooms
of The Helping Hand Society, No. ITS Federal
street, Allegheny After climbing three flights
of stairs she entered tbe rooms reserved f ortbe
sewing class which was then having its open
ing session. Seated at a table were found Miss
K. C. McKcight, the President of the society,
with several active members, whose faces were
indicative of the kindliness of heart that
prompts and sustains them in their great
charitable work.
Scattered around the rooms were the re
spective teachers (all noble volunteers), and
the pupils, who range in ages from 12 years
upward, belong to what is commonly known as
the working class. The following is the result
of an hour's conversation with her:
The Helping Hand Society is now entering
upon its f ourtb year. Its object, as of yore, is
the elevation and advancement of the working
Monday evenings of each week are devoted
to tbe plain sewing class, when the girls are
taught everything that is done with the needle
from basting up to buttonhole making.
It is quite surprising, that by devoting one
evening a week to the rudiments of needle
work, they should so soon attain tbe pro
ficiency required to make the respectable look
ing button holes shown.
Tuesday evenings are devoted to the teach
ing of the common English branches, and a
special course of bookkeeping is also given.
Some girls that do not know the alphabet when
they enter the school "become ambitious stu
dents in one season, eager to go on with the
work, and anxious for the next year to com
mence. Wednesday evenings are the property of tbe
dress cutting and fitting class. Under com
petent teachers the older girls are then taught
to cut and fit by a regular tailor system. It Is
understood that this branch of the work is to
be enlarged upon as soon as possible, and
skirtmaking and draping added, So that tbe
ladles connected with the school may be able
to recommend the advanced pupils to people
desiring sewing girls, thus being of double as
sistance to their charges.
Thursday evening the cooking class holds
full sway. This class is limited to 16. and after
the practical experience of preparing a meal
they nartake of their own cooking a rash nro
ceedinz for some of our hotel cooks. Last,but
not least, comes the millinery class on Friday
evenings, and the girls are then taught the art
of trimming and retrimming their own hats
and bonnets.
The society is supported almost entirely by
subscriptions, though a plan is now in project
whereby each member of the classes will be
charged a small fee which will be paid month
ly. It is the intention of the managers to
make these rooms a home for all girls In need
of such a place in which to spend their even
ings. A library is one of the special features,
and a few books by standard writers would be
very much appreciated; also games, such as
anchors, snap, etc
Miss Ada DIny Blakely Was Married to
Alfred J. Whltaker.
Last evening vMiss Ada May Blakely,
daughter of Colonel William Blakely, was mar
ried to Alfred J. Whltaker. The wedding was
a very quiet one and took place at the Second
Presbyterian Church. Rev. John R. Suther
land performed the ceremony in a brief but
impressive manner. Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker
left on the evening train for New York, and
will sail Wednesday for Europe, where they
will remain two months.
The bride, a young lady well known in so
ciety circles, Graduated at the Bisbop Bowman
Institute in 1888, receiving the honors of the
class and the gold medal. Her costume last
evening was a pretty tailor made dress of gray
cloth, with soft felt hat to correspond and sbe
carried a huge bunch of chrysanthemums.
The groom is a native of Liverpool, England,
and represents a Buffalo firm In this city. He
was dressed in the regulation style.
Tbe pulmt of the church was a viion of the
tropics, Ludwig & Richter displaying most ex
cellent taste In the furnishing and arrangement
of tbe decorations. Upon the return of the
happy couple they will enjoy the pleasures of
home life at Kmsworth, a fine residence tbere
having lately become the property of the
Miss Ada Mar Blakely Was Married to
Alfred J. Wlilttnker.
Early last evening Miss Ada May Blakely
was married to Alfred J. Whltaker. The cere
mony was performed In the Second Presby
terian Church by the Rev. John R. Sutherland
.in a brief but impressive manner. The bride
graduated from the Bishop Bowman Institute
in 1888. receiving the honors of the class and
the gold medal. Her costume last evening was
a tailor-made grey, with soft felt bat to corre
spond, she carried a huge bunch of chrysan
themums. The groom Is a nr t've of Liverpool, England,
and represents a well-known Buffalo firm in
this citv. He was dressed in the regulation
style. Mr. and Mrs. Whltakerlef t on the even
ing train for New York, and will sail for Europe
on Wednesday, remaining there two months.
Upon their return they will enjoy the pleasures
of home life at Emsworth. where a handsome
residence lately became the property of the
groom. The nnrai decorations were iurnished
by Ludwig & Ricbter.
Homo Foolish Mortals.
Trom the Chicago Tlmea.l
"Recognition After Death" is the title of a
new book. If some snobs could get social rec
ognition after death, they are fools enough to
make away with their lives to secure it. But
then tbe world would be better off.
After Their Wants Are Satisfied.
From the Washington Post.1
No, son. It is not a disgrace to be a party
worker. Some men think so, but never until
after they get what they want themselves, or
until they find out tbey can never get any-,
A Suseeition From Chicago.
From the Chicago Herald. 1
Mr. Wanamaker wants a unique design for a
new postage stamp. What's the matter with a
cut of the American eagle dressed In a neatly
fitting suit of store clothes encircled with the
motto: -"I bought 'em at Wanamaker'sT"
TJ. S. Mail Miss Wolnwrlgbt
Twelfth Nlsbt Other Plays.
A farce comedy, with a subject entirely new,
could not but be welcome, and the consequence
was that the Bijou was packed to the doors
last night, even standing room being
hard to get. "The TJ. 8. Mall," written by Mr.
George C. Jenks. Is a farce comedy absolutely.
There Is not the slightest danger of anyone be
ing In donbt about what it is. "A ceaseless en
deavor to provoke laughter underlies tbe
whole piece, and when the laugh Is gotten that
is the end of the episode, situation, joke or
song. As to tbe plot, "The U. S. Mail" hardly
boasts any that is worth mentioning. Silas
Hokum (Kirtland Calhoun), the editor of a
weekly newspaper, has been commissioned
postmaster. He has had for an opponent in
the struggle for the position an Irish drug
gist, Major Gunning (Richard Quitter), who
tries all he can toget Hokum out, and hires a
tramp printer. Hi Hand (Frank David), to
work tbe postmaster's ruin through the
medium of his own paper. Further than that,
he persuades everybody that Hi Hand is an
English lord In disguise, which character the
obliging printer is willing enough to fill.
Norah OFlynn, an Irish housemaid (Kate
Davis), and the postmaster's pretty daughter,
Ida (Mamie Hayiran), with four young school
companions of Ida, fill in the picture with
pretty faces and prettier dresses.
In the cast Mr. Frank David occupies the
principal place. Upon him tbe burden of the
work falls. He is quite equal to the task, and
makes his embodiment of a very impecunious
and hungry printer broadly funny, in the first
act Mr. David brought down tbe house repeat
edly with his comic endeavors to obtain a
breakfast, lo him Miss Kate Davis should
have been a partner in creating laughter, but
tbe part assigned to her gave her very small
chance to do anything. Miss Davis is so seldom
on tne stage mat it seems a species oi satire iu
print her name in extra large letters on the
programme. Nora (yFlynn was intended
by the author apparently to fill
an important place in the play,
but some higher power seems to have cat out
all the lines poor Nora possessed. All the
same, what Miss Davis did she did as usual,
with all her might. She gave severalimita
tlons of voices, from soprano to bass, and
pictured most truly the antics of a child pleased
and displeased. More than this, which was
applauded highly, sbe conld not do, for tbe
simple reason that her part in the play ended
tbere. It was wonderful, indeed, that Mr.
Frank David contrived to make all tbe fun
through three acts.
Mr. Kirtland Calhoun gave a mildly hu
morous rendering of a brightly conceived char
acter in Silas Hokum, the postmaster. Rich
ard Quilter, as an Irishvdrugglst, who sings an
interminable song and carries out the dire plot
against the postmaster, was fanny. Miss
Mamie Hayman was principally effective with
her "Cry Babyl" song, and the other girls suc
ceeded in looking bewitching in the prettiest
dresses that have ever been provided for
shapely young women in farce comedy. The
accordeon skirts of delicious and very vivid
shades of silk make a novel and charming ef
fect. They would be seen to still Detter advan
tage if tbe wearers danced more often and
better in them. Miss- Jennie David, one of
these accordeon-draped damsels, also appeared
in masculine attire, and it proved becoming to
The audience unmistakably approved the
play. Tbe first act is as good as anything we
have seen In farce comedy; the second act is
fair and can be easily made Immensely taking,
and tbe third act is comparatively weak. From
the general appearance of tbe play we should
imagine that tbe dialogue has been slashed to
pieces, the situations torn from tbeir original
mooiings and tbe greatest liberties taken with
tbe sketches of characters. The subject is
novelty, and the clever usage of it in the first
two acts are enough to assure tbe success of
the piece. With a very little expense of brains
and money tbe third act can be made climatic
instead of slumpy, and then "The U. S. Mail"
will be the best farce comedy on the road. As
it is the fun of the piece is enough to delight
audiences, but with so mnch material going to
waste greater results ought to be looked for.
Grand Opera Home.
An exceptionally good Monday nigbt audi
ence greeted the opening of the Shakespearean
season at the Grand Opera House with Marie
Wainnght as Viola in "Twelfth Night." The
comedy is admirably staged, the scenery of
the inferiors being especially artistic Of
Marie Wainwrlght as Viola there is little to be
said that has not heretofore been told. In her
role as tbe Duke's page, with the character
istics of a love-lorn maiden ever and again
forcinc themselves to tbe surface, sbe was
charming; and in the duel scene cleverly por
trayed a frightened woman who becomes bravo
when she discovers her antagonist is more
frightened than she. William P. Owen as tbe
jovial but disreputable Sir Toby BelcK did
some clever comedy work. The balance of the
caste was np to and In some cases above the
standard, the work of Miss Blanche Walsh as
Olivia, Miss Louise Mnldener as Maria, Barton
Hill as Malvolio, and Percy Brooke as Sir
Andrew Aguecheek being especially worthy of
Harry Wiillams'Academy.
The mere name of Tony Pastor is of itself
almost sufficient to attract audiences that will
fill this home of Vaudeville at the nine per
formances this week, but when Tony Pastor
brings such a company with him as he has this
year there is no doubt at all of the success of
tbe engagement. Besides the inimitable Tony,
with his topical songs, there are the Julians,
Martin and Miss Rose, the latter a beautiful
youDg lady with a form Juno might have en
vied; William F. Kave and Ada Henry, in a
clever sketch; Miss Lizzie Collins, Revene and
Atbas. Miss Millie Hylton, Musical Dale, tbe
Sisters Graham in a novel act, Sherman and
Morrissey, the only Maggie Cline, Prof. Alt's
"Grecian Mystery,'' and tbe great Japanese
juggler, Jank Hoe, with the beautiful Cir
cassian, Omene, his assistant. A first-class
variety bill.
Harris' Theater.
The patrons of this popular house seem never
to tire of tbe lively action of that well-known
sensational drama, "The Waifs of New York,"
for the two audiences yesterday crowded the
rear walls of the building, and applauded
heartily all the points of the play. Miss Katie
Emmett is the hero, Willie Mufus, and sbe is
supported by a very good company, such
names as those of Charles Patterson, George
W. Thompson, W. J. Walcott, T. J. Langdon,
Misses Lottie Williams, Maude E. Peters,
Nellie Maskell and the child actress. La Petite
Marie, appearing in the cast. This company
carries its own scenery, and a great addition it
is to tbe success of tbe performance. Alto
gether the play is well presented, and merits
the generous patronge it is sure of receiving.
Much Easier In That state to Get Judgments
for Damages.
Columbus, O., September 23. A $50,000 dam
age suit against the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company reached the Supreme Court to-day,
on error to the Circuit Court of Mahoning
county. Beside the heavy damages claimed,
an interesting point as to judicial jurisdiction
is involved. Jobn W. Alexander is the plain
tiff. He was an employe of tbe road, being a
laborer on a gravel train, and on May 17, 1881,
wtyle engaged in unloading cinders, was thrown
between the cars, and suffered the loss of one
of his legs. The accident happened at Sharps
rille. Pa., while Alexander was a resident of
Mahoning county. Ohio. He brought an action
In tbe Common Fleas Court for damages, fix
ing the amount in bis petition at S50.000, and
received a judgment for $20,265. The case was
appealed to the Circuit Court by tbe railroad
company, and the judgment below reversed.
There appears to be a wide difference be
tween tbe laws of Pennsylvania and Obio as to
the responsibility for Injuries sustained by
employes. It being much more difficult to re
ceive a judgment in the former than in tho
latter State. In reversing the judgment the
Circuit Court held that, as a conclusion of law,
the administration of the case of Alexander
must be by the laws of Pennsylvania, In which
State tbe accident occurred. The attorneys
for Mr. Alexander now ask tbe Supreme Court
to reverse this ruling, and the question as to
jurisdiction will also be brought forwardln the
When a man's head is turned he never looks
to the right.
The pugilist ascends the ladder of fame
round by round.
The self-made man Is frequently exceedingly
proud of a very poor job.
THE shortest way to do man; things Is to do
only one thing at once. Cecil.
IN months of sun so live that months of rain
shall still be happy. WhiUier.
There will always be romance in the world
as long as there are young hearts In lt.Bovee.
A good many people with lock on the under
standing seem to have lost the key.Tetas
Biftingt. ,
It is of ten more difficult to obliterate traces
of spilled ink than drops of spilled blood. CM
eaaojMail. Thebe Is one thing about death; it never
complains that it doesn't know how to take
some people.
Silence as to a man and his deeds will do
more to extinguish him than columns of abuse,.
Yonkert Qazettt, i" p. -
Magnificent Rains of a Structure Belonctas;
to a Pe-HIstorIe Period A Palace
Where a King May Have Lived Re'
markable Holies Discovered In Arizona.
WjkSHiNQTOir, 'September- 23. Secretary
Noble has transmitted to the Director of the
Geological Snrvey a report by Special Agent
Morrison on tbe condition of the Casa Grande
(Great House) ruins in Pinal county, Ariz..
with Instructions that the necessary steps be
immediately taken to repair and protect tbe
ruins, under the authority granted in the act of
March 2, 1889, appropriating 12,000 for that pur
pose. Special Agent Morrison, who was sent
out to examine the condition of the ruins,
In his report states that these venera
ble relics of prehistoric America stand in
a great undulating plain about midway
between tbe station of Casa Grande and Flor
ence, seven or eight miles from tbe Gila River.
He says that the front of the main building
measures 80 feet and tbe width 43 feet. The
height of tbe firBt story is 13 feet, the second
nine feet and tbe third and fourth stories are
eight feet respectively. The greaterpart of tbe
upper story has disappeared. Tbe walls are
between four and five feet thick, and the mate
rial of which tbey are constructed is almost In
destructible concrete, made of fine gravel, sand
and cement, closely resembling the granolithic
now used in Washington. This was laid in tbe
walls in great blocks, one of tbese measuring
seven feet three inches in length, four feet
three inches in width and two feet aix inches
In height. The walls, both Inside and out, were
plastered with cement which yet clings to them
with wonderful tenacity, that on the inside be
ing as smooth and glossy as the best hard fin
ished Interiors of the present.
An JEtthetle Interior.
All of the rooms, of which tbere are fonrnow
intact, are of uniform buff color, which is very
pleasing to the eye. Tbe largest of these rooms
is 34x9 feet. The extreme height of the build
ing is nearly 40 feet. Tbe lower story is nearly
filled up with crumbling debris and the drifting
sand of the plain. The boles In which the ceil
ing timbers were placed are plainly visible, but
every particle of wood has been carried away by
relio hunters, and the disintegration of the
walls has been so rapid of late years that if
measures are not immediately taken to strength
en them the entire mass will soon fan Into a
shapeless ruin. The report says that for miles
around tbe mysterious Casa Grande many great
mounds, now hardly distinguishable from the
desert sands, bear Indisputable evidence of
having been at some far remote period, the
abode of busy industries. Mr. Morrison says
that he is convinced that tbe Casa Grande was
not used for either religious or warlike pur
poses. Tbe superiority ot tbe architecture it
having outlived all the other structures by
which it was surrounded tbe numerous small
apartments into which it was divided, and the
elegance of the interior finish, all point to the
conclusion that It was tbe palace of the King
or Chief who governed the primitive Ameri
cans who inhabited these vast domains ages be
fore Aztec or Toltec.
Of "Unknown Origin.
The most ancient of the traditions of the
PImas and Papagoes, who yet live here where
their fathers have lived for centuries, alludes
record of Casa Grandewas given bythe famous
to them as "the ruins." Tbe earliest historic
Spanish cavalier and explorer Cabeza de Baca,
who discovered it during his journey across the
continent about 1537. A few years later the
famous explorer Don Francisco de Coronado,
Governor of New Galicia, who led the expedi
tion into New Mexico, describes tbe ruins as
being four stories higb, with walls six feet
thickness. The ruins are regarded as one of
the most interesting remains of the prehistorio
age to be fonnd on this continent.
feharp-Eyed Simian Employes That Are as
Deft as Human Workers.
From the Philadelphia Times.
Captain E. Metz, who was born in Yankee
land, tells the story of the queer little animals
who work for him in the mines. He Is a typical
New Englander, from Vermont, and served In
tbe Union army during the Rebellion, and set
tled in the South after the war. His mines are
situated near Chesterfield, in South Carolina,
about 20 miles off the railroad.
"I have 24 monkeys," said he, "employed
about my mines. They do tho work well of
seven able-bodied men, and it is no reflection
upon the human laborers to say that they do a
class of work a man cannot do as well. In
many instances they lend valuable aid where a
man would be useless. They gather up the
small pieces of quartz that would be passed
unnoticed by the workingmen and pile them
np in little heaps that can be easily gathered
up in a shovel and thrown Into the milk Tbey
are exceedingly adept at catching tbe little
particles, and their sharp eyes never escape
tbe very things that the human eye would pass
"How did you first come to employ them?"
"When I went to digging gold I had two
monseys that were exceedingly interesting
pets. They were constantly following me
about the mines, and one day I noticed that
they were busily engaged in gathering up little
bits of quartz and arranging them in piles.
They seemed to enjoy the labor very much and
would go to tbe mines everr morning and work
there during the day. It did not take me long
to catch on to tbeir value as laborers, for at
tbat time onr workingmen, who are mostly
colored men, were unskilled and oftentimes
useless. My two pets had not worked long be
fore I decided to procure more, v So I immedi
ately Imported a number, and now have two
dozen working daily in and about tbe mines.
It is exceedingly interesting to watch my two
pet monkeys teach the new ones bow to work,
and stranger still to see how readily the new
comers take to it.
"Strange to say, they control themselves.
They work as they please, sometimes going
down into tbe mines when tbey have cleaned
up all the debris an the outside. They live and
work together without quarreling any more
than men da They are quite methodical In
their habits and go to work and quit like true
The Minnesota Cattle Inspection Law Killed,
by a Conrt Decision.
St. PAUL, September 23. In the Circuit
Court here this morning. Judge Nelson de
livered an able and exhaustive opinion, holding
the Minneapolis meat inspection law uncon
stitutional and void. He held that it was In
plain violation of the conmercial clause of the
constitution which provided that the Congress
shall have control of commerce between the
States and with the Indian tribes. He also
held that It was in violation of the clause
of the constitution which provides tbat the
citizens of each State shall be entitled to all
the privileges and immunities of the citizens of
the several States. Tbe case was argued at
great length last week by W. H. Sanborn, for
the petitioner, Henry K Barber, who applied
rfor his discharge under a writ of nabeas corpus,
on the ground that this inspection law was
void, and by ex-Attorney General Cole and C.
W. Bann in support of tbe law. The Court
granted tbe petition and discharged Mr. Barber.
This decision opens the State of Minneapolis
throughout to tbe sale of dressed beef from
Chicago and Kansas City, and practically
settles the validity of the law compelling in
spection on tbe hoof, because there is no court
except tbe Supreme Court of ithe United
States that has authority to reverse or over
rule this decision, and it becomes the law of
the land until it is reversed, as an appeal conld
not be beard In the Supreme Court for from
three to five years, and it is not at all probable
tbat the decisions of two so able jurists as
Judges Blodgett and Nelson, would ever be
reversed. It in effect kills the Minneapolis
cattle inspection law.
The Modern Scott.
From the Minneapolis Tribune.l
"Where Is tbe Walter Scott who will write
up our Kenfucky Highlanders T" asks the
Louisville Courier-Journal. He went out in
tbe barn to clean his rifle and sharpen bis
bowie knife. He will be ready by the time the
Coroner gets bis horse saddled.
Who's Going to Build Them t
From the Philadelphia News.t
It is estimated that the principal buildings
for the New York Columbian Exposition will
cost 57,000,000.
Old, old the tale, with pleading looks and sighs,
For sbe had heard It from uncounted swains.
Her heart untouched, undlmmed her merry eyes,
With lilting jest for their impassioned strains.
Until he came this man with careful choice
Of words so few she marveled at their power.
Whence came tbe woudroas mmle In his voice.
So quiet, tbat conld hold her boar by hour?
He said: "I love yon;" and each threadbare word
Thrilled hr with sweet unrest. Be said no
But watched ber radiant eyes nntll she heard
Her own voice, breathing thoughts unknown
' This flowery alphabet I knew so well,
Whose odors waft fond lovers' prayers above;
But only now my heart has learned to inell
This word of words-oh, love my love-I love."
x Artttint Anderson in -Detroit trtt Prat,
Trying; to Get Rid of HI Wcfor
"tirrw toex subxad speculs.!
NewYobk. September 28. The Snpreae
Court to-day ordered George A. Killmer to pay
to his wife SKTa week alimony. Mr. KHlsaet
will try hard during the next two months to get
rid of his wif eana tne alimony, too, by means
of an aosolute divorce. Mr. and Mrs. Killmer
were married some ten jfears ago. Tbey were
very happy for seven years. In ISSa Mr. Kill
mer became tbe baritone soloist of St. John's
Methodist Church Is Brooklyn. One Friday
night In 1887 be came home from choir meeting
unexpectedly early to find George Fisher, 14
years old. with his arm around Airs, nuimers
waist A row and a promise to do better on
year Mrs. Killmer ate oysters, drank wine and"
attended late parties with Andrew Mclntyre.
More.recently she sat on the lap of George
Fisher, who is quite a big boy now. Mr. Kill
mer some time ago left her. She brought him
into court on the charge of abandonment and
non-support. He brought a cross-suit for abso
lute divorce, and another suit against Mcln
tyre for 110,000 for alienating Mrs. Klllmer's
affections. '
Precautions Against Cholera.
Tbe Brooklyn health officers to-day forbade
tbe landing or storing m Brooklyn of rags from
Bmyrna, Beirut, 'Constantinople, and several
cities in Greece and Hnngaria, where cholera
is said to prevail.
The Power of Politics.
Ex-Alderman James Barker, a district leader
of Tammany, and James Hernan, a county
Democrat, quarreled about local politics in a
Wesulde saloon, the other evening. Barker,
who weighs 200 pounds, knocked down Hernan,
who Is a little man. held him by tbe neck to the
floor, and kicked him in tbe ribs till he became
unconscious. A friend of Hernan called in a
policeman, who, as soon as he taw the ex-Alderman
said: "Get that man ont of the way," and
left. Hernan was eventually carried home by
two friends. His doctor says he has internal
Injuries, which will result shortly In his death.
Captain Grant, of the precinct in which the
fight occurred, has twice refused to arrest the
ex-Alderman on the complaints of Hernan's
friends. A Justice of the Peace has about the
same as refused to Issue a warrant for the ex
Alderman's arrest. Tbe Coroner, who was sum
moned to examine Hernan's wounds and take
his statement, refused to do either, and got out
of the house as soon as he learned that there
was an ex-Alderman in tbe case. Hernan's
friends will probably appeal to the District At
torney. Cosldn't Find Any Witnesses.
James Crowe, accused of murdering his
cousin with a knife during a drunken brawl
last New Year's Day, was arraigned in tbo
Court of General Sessions this morning: The
Assistant District Attorney confessed that he
h"?f lSJT 2 1
murder, and moved for a discharge of the
prisoner, which was granted.
Abont to Break Vp.
The railway pool for the transportation ot
Immigrants to the West is again on the verge
of dissolution. The Delaware. Lackawanna
and Western and the New York, Ontario and
Western sure kicking against It because they
wish to compete with the New York Central,
which is not in.tbe pool and carries Immigrants
for less than pool rates. Tbe prospect Is that
within a few days the immigrant fare to Chi
cago will drop from $13 to JS.
Don't Propose to Lose Anything.
'It will take just 110,080 to console us for the
interference with the performance at Doek
stader's Saturday evening;" said an associate
of Magician Miller this morning. "We shall
sue tbe Mayor and the police for this amount,
Dockstader secured the license last summer,
and it does not expire until next July."
A Very Satisfactory Trial.
The United States cruiser Chicago, which had
her maneuvering and turning trials at Newport
Saturday, arrived in port to-day by the outside
route. The trials were very satisfactory: The
cruiser made 10 knots with only one sorew ia
operation. Under pressure whJca Ma saver
been applied she can coverl7 knot.
One Subject Upon Which the Well-Bred Girl
Will Never Converse.
From the Bt. Paul Eye-i
Would a well-bred girl, possessed of any
feeling whatever, possessed of the slightest
sensibility or sense, divulge the fact that sbe
had been proposed to by a man, and that she
had refused himT I have asked this question of
several girls, and also of several married
women, and while their answers were varying,
I am confident, from what I know of their char
acters, that the well-bred girl of honor and
sensibility would never, upon the weightiest
pretext, disclose what had passed between her
self and a man upon so delicate a subject.
The unsuccessful suitor Is a man who receives
very little sympathy, and usually there Is none
more deserving of it than he.
The Canadian Pacific Will Avoid Bad Snows
by Rnonlns Across Mlchlsran.
Duluth, September 23. The Canadian Pa
cific is making arrangements for a winter route
to the East, to avoid the heavy rains and deep
snows of the North. It will build or gain a
line south, from opposite St-Ignaco to a con
nection with tbe Flint and Pere Marquette at
Harrison, Mich. Between Harrison and Flint
it will use the Flint and Pere Marquette.
From Flint to Port Huron it will use the nar
row gauge, widened, and east of Port Hnron
its own Canadian line. This will give tbe Can
adian Pacific a direct route east from Duluth
for winter business.
A childless old woman who lives near Stod
dardsville. Pa., has a great fondness for spiders.
Years ago the old lady set apart a small bed--
room for the Insects to make tbeir webs in, and
from tbat day to this not a single web has been
torn from tbe walls and celling. On the sides
and overhead every inch of space is covered
with the delicate work of the industrious
spiders, and the one little window in the room
is partially darkened by layer after layer of
network over tbe panes. The numerous Inhabi
tants of the mass of webs seem to dwell to
gether in harmony, although tbe old woman
declares that they often fight like cats and
Some time ago there fell near the banks of
Jenny's creek, In Wayne county, W. Va., an
Immense meteonc'stone. Some pieces of the
tbe aerolite contained a large percentage of
iron, which was molded by some of the neigh
boring blacksmiths into norsesnoes and horse
shoe nails. Ahorse belonging to Frank Mor
ris, of that vicinity, was shod with a pair of
these shfees, and still wears them. The animal
was lately purchased by a farmer of Worth
ington, and can be seen on his farm.
The descendants of David Morgan, is West
Virginia, are about to erect a monument to
commemorate bis historic battle with and
slaughter of three Indians In 1783, upon the
gTonnd where it was fought. It will be situated
on the farm now owned by lrs. Mary Morgan,
in Pawpaw district, and is being contributed to
by tbe several branches ot the Morgan family.
Constable Emers, of Towanda, has caught
and caged a humming bird something rarely
seen In captivity.
An army of black, gray and red squirrels has
been passing southward over the mountains
and valleys of Clinton county for the past
three weeks. Samuel Garman, a jeweler, of
Renovo, killed 50 of them.
The car tbat bore Lincoln to Washington to
be sworn in Is now running between Wellsboro
and Antrim, Pa.
W. Brockway, aged 38, and Miss Maggie
Hartzell, aged 17, went to- the" Court Clerk's
office in Clarion recently, took out a marriage
license, and were married- right on tbe spot by
Commissioner BeU,
An Obio peddler having fallen ill hlslT-yeu.
old daughter mounted the cart and drove about
the country for three weeks. Her sales ex
ceeded any that .her father ever made. la the
same lengia ox wse.
World's vhMr.m,mjm m,
- Bsfiak.baa oaly' jix, - -makers.
Anew leas will stow l-iMW,W9 of
an inch.
English factory awl riwfi&M ,.
tMWafc ' ,'-' lf!
' Custereounty, Hot.,tie largest ewiy;
has 13,589,889 acre. yi- '
A 8tillwater (Minn.) Judge 'hM
Chinaman dtUeashlp. "
Irrigation ha raited the valaa et',
California land from J7an acre ta ore? ISs5 '"
Coal and oil are foqndin every eeaatr
ofWyomiBg. The territorial geolo
m.b WMfloraa wrn M,VUU BqttarO 1
-JAt a railroad stetio&'nefeBirialagEMW,
Ala., u a tramp was standing on a stttefr, he
was struck by a eowaad tfarled tares tfe
wi uj iMawi iwutuuuiH, uo was paifl&y. ys
though not seriOBSly; wounded. T"
A St. Louis clothing dealer has'Mt
upon a novel advertteiBg scheme. He' ha
hired a very large elepbaot, wWeh after beta
decked wKa numerous adrertlements,-ad
streamers will be pat oa exhibitiea In Ires ot
his store.
A dilapidated safe stood esfcteen Ja
Adrian, Mich., soTe'ral years age, aad reeeatfy
ft was sold for old iron. Oa bfesktetr It Up a
set of account books and a good gold wataft
were found Inside, and no oue knows who tho
watch belongs to.
Opposite the city of Peoria, HI, os tep
of the bluff, has been dkeuviinul Hu of
Fort CreveCmur, the Fort of tho the Brakes
torians have lone disputed as to tho exaoUosa
tioa ol the fortification.
Ethan Btreeter has awful qaewkek
when he gets" married, and queerer yet wien he
don't get married. Hk first attempt resulted
in a separation after three day of married
bliss, and bis second attempt resulted Is a sep
aration three minutes before the ceremony, fa
tbe presence of the wedding guest. The last
affair occurred near Berlin, Mtek, test week.
Two Geraan athletes have arrived in
l!few York whose feats ot strength, it is said,
country, Onecanllft&iSponnds with his mid
dle' figure and ean pass a weight of 29 sounds
slowly over his head with one band. The other
is credited with being able to force a six-Inch
nail with his bare hand tsreasa a two-laca
plank. fc
A Kingston wesMB is the ewaer ei a
pet cat which formed the ba Wt of eteephsg ta a
coalscuttle. One dayseseoae fcarewaaieea
of paper lo the scuttle, coverisc tke oat frees.
sight. The woman picked a se soaHteltg-
buiuw uviu ia me store asagBssffw sw aet ear
hjb reu coais. xnere was as saeam
and a flaming body .went flyteg ttai
iuum. a pan ot water, exi
asasaveapie leiine. ,
While sose repairs were beue-ssa4e ia
the fish preserves at Tuxedo Park reeeatlr,
about 1,060 trout, varying 1b Hie frees yesag '
fry to specimens weighing over a peaad, es
caped into the Ramapo river. MasyeiifeetB,
of coarse, will fall prey to the veraetoae BaeJe
bass and pickerel, or to the rapaetoat pet fish
ermen, who despoil the streasaa by astserts
manlike means aad at unlawful seasons.' Bat
enough will undoubtedly eseape tbese eaeesies
to make .the Ramapo a good treat Ureas for
several seasaaa to come.,
Mr. Jaeger, of Rochester, K. T., was .
frequently puzzled by the absesee of Msoeg.
The animal was frequently absent half a day
at a time, and teat week was mlseisg for two
days. His owner advertised fer hte,ndoa
the following day he was returned byamaa
who had discovered hie pccaliar maate. It was
for riding oa street ears. Hewia get aboard
ot any ear-be sees, and rides taiheiputo..
Mr. Jaeger proposes now tp get a xuen
ticket, good on all the street railroads, and at
tach It to the dog's collar, so that the asted .
may indulge his street car pfopeaetties tea'
proper and legal way.
Ernest A. Brown had a atartliag ad
venture with rattlesnakes oo his farm, about
six miles from Sparta, Ga-. Thursday. He was
hunting and fired into a covey of partridges,
bringing down two. One waeeasHy found, bat
in searching fer the other he stepped os a
small bush, pressing it down, wheo a laiga i
rattlesnake struck at him, hitting tbe bash.
He shot tbe bead off the fierce reptile, wates.
UD set up a ngoroBs rarae, aa rorBtag JO
.seek the bird, kleked osT the top of a siE oC
, trash, when the head of anatter was aarisK a fe
made. This one was also immediately kWed. . .-
E. L. Holdridge, of Soath iBaOer, i-
N.Y., is the owner of a toad whioa has devel
oped a remarkable degree of tractabflfty aad
intelligence. In eating the toad has bees
trained to use a small knife and fork, and it is
said to handle these Implements with the grace
and skill of an epicure. At the conclusion of
the meal the toad regularly uses a small napkin
to wipe its mouth, an act which it perform
with becoming gravity. Mr. HeMrldgs is at'
present teaching the toad to use a toothpiek,
but it is still very awkward in the use of that
implement. Tbe toad readily walks upright'
and apparently ignores the characteristic hop
of its paternal ancestors in the act ot locomo
tion. It Is also affirmed that the toad Is derd
oninz a degree of conscience, as it has been
.known to shed tears ot remorse upon several,
occasions when reprimanded by Mr. Holdridge
for some impropriety or breach of etiquette at
"the table. ' '
A shoemaker who died at Scaadara,
Pa., not long ago, started a fortune from mak
ing shoes for President Lincoln. The President
had large, ungainly feet, and all he wanted was
to have easy shoes. He could not get shoe
makers to make his shoes large enough. Soe-a.
after he was elected in 1886 Peter Kahler.a,
Scrantoc, Pa-, shoemaker, obtained an outline-.-drawing
of one ot the President's feet and sent
him a pair of shoes that suited him exactly.
Lincoln wrote a letter of thanks to Mr. Kahler, ,
which he was shrewd enough to have pub
lished. It brought him fame, aad he removed
to New York, beoame a "doctor." chiropodist
and a specialist. Carriage people patronized
him and he accumulated a considerable for
tune. Lincoln continued to buy shoes et Kah
ler to the time of his death. Kahler badi
visionary schemes for betting greatweaHa two
Jean or more before he died. He bought aboaV
) acres of ground on tbe border of Harvey's''
Lake, the largest lake in Pennsylvania, Is lew,'
The Indian name of the lake was Lake Seas
dara. Mr. Kabler proposed to build a big vil
lage and establish a "Kahler's Sanitarium.'
He sunk considerable money in the scheme.
,., Taf, la -A . .a naa W 1
Needed Badly. First Shoestring Wia.
are you looking for? - -
Second Bhoestring-A straight tlp.-iffwjror
"Let us pretend yon married me fer. my
money, Johnnie." "
"All right, Flossie. Give me a quarter this
morning, Dearest." Detroit Hoe. '
On Common Ground. Brown Much as
as we disagree on things In general. Smith, there
is one thing. I am sure, that we both stand un for.
Bmlth-Ahar What Is It?
Brown-To wtit.-Bv.Tltngton Ire Frets.
"And so, Jennie," said Julia, "you're
going to marry a real live prince. Dear me. tin' '
that nice?" -
Jennie (sadly) No, Julia. I'm not. Papa hadn't
enough to pay his aebU.-PhUadelphia Inquirer,
"William, ay son, how different yon ap
pearl, Time has changed you."
"Mother," returned the boy, "did you ever
have a hill that wasn't Chan d sooner orlt-T
"No,myson,not since yon were born,anyhow.' -Harper's
There must be a stop put to this sort of
thing," said a father whose son is painfully di
voted to baseball.
"If you mean a shortstop, ' said the boy, "I
agree with you. The one we havejiow Is worse
than nobody. ' ' Washington. Capital,
Peterson "Why are jonalways kissing
that girl's photograph .,
Dudely Well, you see a- fellow'has to do some
thing when hels engaged, and one of the advan
tages of kissing the photograph is that the paint
don't come oa?. Texas Sifiingt.
At Nantucket. MrsLnrnkins What a
quaint placet AndtBerkaveatown-erler, too.
Mr. L. That's notarai' We have one at home;
Mrs.L.-WhatanbN, i
Mr. J Weir; If our baby Isn't the town erlef rj
a's coinuicns
enough, anyway. Lawmen jlI
Mr- Goodcatch (calling on the eldest iis-v
ter)-Why. Johnny, how you ar growing. You'll'
be a man before your sister if you keep on.
JohnnT-.Yoa.bet t wffl. mt-r'll nerer be smalt
If she keeps on betas like the hs fortheUstfiTo
Then there was trouble In the household..
tenet American.
NephewThere, aunt, that is the
ucace ox one or oar ncnesvciiucus.
piace, MU'iivr jj
Aunt Yer but how vain are the efforts of (M
easae! to mut. tbnuud. tt- needle's eye. The Boasa
aae, 'He tree, bat, who knows bat K Is bet
osa, ,j :u "t.
. jtesaewYlt.ls.? He's'te-Uie safer.
dflMfMSar " 1CEJ
wMsaaaaRJtT "'
T- v
r Tl
i i
. - i