jswm &v THE? ITIJTSBXIRa DISPATCH, 'TUESDAY, SEREBMEER . ,24, 188S J : 40N SECOND THOUGHT. What Labor Leaders Bare to Say About the Exposition iluddle. STILL AFTER PRESIDENT MARVIN. Thej li'everlleant to Boycott the ExpoBi tion, trat Want a Change. DIRECTOE HEEBST DEFENDS THE SHOW The resolutions adopted by the Trades Council on Saturday night suggesting that S. S. Marvin be requested to resign the Presidency of the Exposition Society, hare caused considerable surprise. The labor troubles in Mr. Marvin's big bakery have frequently brought his name up in meet ings of labor unions, and there have been tome quiet threats that a boycott on the Ex position might be instituted because a non union brass band was employed by Presi dent Marvin and his Board of Directors for the show. But it was not generally believed that the matter would be carried as far as the Trades Council took it on Saturday sight. On account of the condition which the musical dispnte has assumed the Coun cil says it leaves it to the judgment of all union men to patronize the Exposition or not, as they may individually see fit DIEECTOES SIDE 'WITH MABYIN. A. Dispatch reporter yesterday tried to get at the bottom of the trouble, besides measuring. the effect of the Trades Council's action. President Marvin himself will not be home for another week. He is in New York, awaiting the arrival of his son from Europe. One of the Exposition directors, D. C. Herbst, was found at the Exposition during the afternoon. When asked if he thought Mr. Marvin would resign his pe tition, Mr. Herbst said: "I do not know what Mr. Marvin may do. but I cannot think he will resisn. If he thinks the public does not want him in the place he will step down and out, and we will follow him. When the people of Pitts burg begin to think somebody else can manage their show better than the present officers and directors, we will QUIT WITHOUT ANT PARLEYING about it. I do not think the town could raise enough money to hire the 13 men now running the institution to again go through what they have in the past three years. Mr. Marvin neglected his private business lor six months to attend to the erection of the Exposition building. It is not a pleasant feeling to any man to be asked to resign the leadership of an institution of this kind after he spent both time and money to build it up, but there is not a man on the board who would sot gladly retire if he had a chance." "Have you heard that there was talk of a boycott against the institution?" asked the reporter. "Yes, I have beard rumors of such talk," said Director Herbert, "but let those people doit. We don't care. If they want to drag the Exposition down into the mud let them do so. It will not hurt us in the least The directors have not, nor can they, realize one cent profit out of the institution, and even if it closed up, we will not lose any thing. The Exposition was built to give the sons of poor people a technical educa tion on the industries of Pittsburg. If tha people want to pull down what we are building up, I do not think we will inter fere. It any of the labor organizations have a grievance agam6t Mr. Marvin, they should not try to take it out on the Exposi tion. He is only one officer, and sot the whole show." After the Trades Council originally de nounced the employment of the Great West ern Band at the Exposition because it had lefttbe Musical TJnion.John Flannery,of the Knights ot Labor, organized a new assembly of the K. of L., into which the Great West ern Band was at once taken. On Saturday the Council handled Flannery without gloves for this move. To The Dispatch reporter yesterday Mr. Flannery said: MB. FLAKXEBY'S STATEMENT. "The Trades Council could not have those resolutions passed, if they submitted them to a Tote of the local labor unions compos ing the organization. I think the action was a little irregular, as I had not been given a chance to explain my position. I have been in labor circles for years and sever heard of a precedent for it The men who adopted the resolutions do not know what they are doing. I do not want to hurt the Exposition, but there is probably a" boodle element who are back of the matter. The Exposition people may worry over the matter and may think it will hurt them, hut I do not think it will. The rank and file of organized labor in Allegheny countv -will take the matter up and the other side will be heard lrom. The respectable mem bers ot the Council opposed the measure, but the others rushed it throngh. "I can S3y that the local assembly of musicians I organized is as straight as any in the city. There is not one organization in Pittsburg that some time or other has not taken in what are known as 'scabs.' The men I organized are the talent of the musical profession in Allegheny county. They make their living exclusively by the talent and this is the highest standard of their skill. The others are not professional mu sicians, and for this reason the former men did not wish to associate with them. I think that personal animosity is at the bottom of the whole business." Joseph L. Evans, President of the Trades Council, said to the writer: ALL AGAINST JIABYIN. "There were one or two men in the coun cil who talked of a boycott, but I do not think that such action will ever be taken. The Exposition is intended to benefit the working classes, and we should not cut our own noses off to spite our faces. In the reso lutions it is left to a man's own judgment whether he will or will not patronize the institution. "Wnile we will not do any thing against the Exposition, we will ce'r tainly not 'let up' on the President until he steps down and out He has antagonized union labor in every way, and we will fight it out with him." Calvin Yyatt, one of the most prominent delegates to the council, said: "I don't think the talk of a boycott will amount to much. The fight is not directed against the Exposition, but against Mr. Marvin. The latter is a well-known antagonist of union labor, and never lets a chance go by without giving it a crack. The resolution asking him to sign was mostly on this ac count "We do not think the Exposition can be a thorough success with such a man at the head of it Looking at it from a union standpoint, we caLnot consistently boost snch an institution. If Mr. Marvin is removed we would give it our hearty sup port and co-operation. "We would fiketo tee the Exposition a success, and I think I express the sentiments of the organiza tion. The present man should certainly go and not retard the.growth of the institution in any way. If he was out of the way I think the present musical trouble could be settled in a few hours. The resolutions about Mr. Marvin were, almost unanimously adopted." LET THE BA&D PLAY. The leader of the Great "Western Band, when asked if the members were all con nected Kwith the Knight of Labor, would only say, "I don't know. That is for them to find out" Manager Johnston said: "I am simply a passenger on this boat It would not be proper for me to say anything about the matter. It U a question lor the board of directors." A reporter called upon Joseph Home & Co., Fleishman & Co., J. Kaufmann & Bros., and Gusky's, some of the largest ex hibitors at the Exposition. The members of those firms had not, in any case, read the resolutions of the Trades' Council. When their tenor was explained, one and all de clined to express any opinion, not consider "Ing'It a matter, with which they have any thing to do. "Mr. J. Kaufmann said: "As 1-ng as the band plays, 'it is all right" Mr. F.eishman said he 'had his hands full with his own business. THE EVERETT PIANO r lenses Every aioalclan The Everett Club or Co-Operatlve Flan of Selling Piano Will save you $75 in the price of your piano. You can suit yourself in the man ner of paying for itieither in payments of $1 per week, $10 per month, or yon can pay cash. If yon want a piano, don't miss this opportunity, but apply for membership at once. Send for circular or call and see us. Alex. Boss, Manager, 137 Federal st, Allegheny. What the people say: It is a great satisfaction to me to add a word of praise to the Everett upright piano. The one I purchased cannot be excelled. F. "W. Winter. Indianapolis, Ind. As fine a piano as there is in the country. U. B. UBO'WN, Danville, d.j. "We are much pleased with piano, and find it all yon recommended. Mas. S. A. McGinnis, Xenia, 0. Your piano, after two years' service, gives satisfaction. I am well pleased with it James E. Harmek, Chicago, III. The quality of tone of my Everett piano is clear and sweet, and the piano is not readily affected by sudden changes in the weather. Mks. C. C. Stone, Brodhead. Wis. In tone, finish and accent a reliable in strument Miss Kate J. Pearson, Xenia. O. The Everett piano I bought continues to give the very best satisfaction, and is ad mired for its sweetness and volume of tone, and also for elegance of finish. For tone, compass and delicacy of touch, I consider it superior to any instrument in this city. tts Mks. L. Glick, Canton, Miss. Something Worth Living For. Visitors to the Exoosition are delighted with the display of S. S. Marvin & Co. in the gallery, opposite the main entrance. The famous hot cakes and waffles, baked from self-rising flour, at the stand, are a treat which nobody wants to miss. Mar vin's self-rising pancake flour is for sale by all grocers. It is a boon to every housewife. TTSSU Watch the Evening Papers for the announcement of our three days' special clothing sale for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Only One Opinion. Exposition visitors partaking of refresh ments here in the city have only one opinion of Frauenheim & Vilsack's Pittsburg beer, viz, it is unexcelled for flavor and purity. Excursion to Cincinnati nod Colombo. The B. & O. B. B. will sell excursion tickets to Cincinnati at rate of ?6, tickets good for six days, and to Columbus at rate of 54, tickets good for four days, for train leaving Pittsburg to-night at 8:30. Children's Caps. Children's cloaks. Children's coals are the cheapest and best Knable & SntTSTEE, 35 Fifth avenue. Ladles' Salt Parlor. Opening to-day, "Wednesday and Thursday of early tall street and afternoon dresses. Pabcel & Jones, 29 Fifth ave. Use "Una" flour nnest spring patent in the world. "Golden "Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gein of all family flours. The Reputation of Our Woolen Dress Goods Extends Far and near this season, as being the largest collection of stylish and fashiona ble effects ever shown in any one dress goods department. Jos. Hobne & Co.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Watch the Evening Papers for the announcement of our three days' special clothing sale for "Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. THTJMA'S DANCING ACADEMT, 64 Fourth Avenne. This academy opens for beginners next week, Tuesday, Oct 1. See amusement column. Blankets, blankets, from 51 50 to $10 per pair, all sizes and colors. TTSSU HUOUS & HACEE. Laces. Laces. "White goods, embroideries, great bargains this week. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. Walt Paper! Wall Paper! Wall Paper! If you want to paper your house this fall call and see John S. Roberts, 414 "Wood st. He carries all grades, from the cheapest to the finest, and with the aid of experienced decorators he can assure you satisfaction. TTS Here S2 00 All-Wool Stockinette Jackets. These are the A 1 jacket bargain, a nice medium weight for present wear. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Nntnrnl Gam Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co., 34 Fifth Your Choire To-day of 10,000 men's fine cassimere suits, equal to custom made and worth 520 to $25, at the round figure of $12. P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House. TABLE linens, napkins and towels. Great bargains this week. Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. Ovebholt. Golden Wedding, Large, Gibson and Diltiuger whisky for sale in larce quantities by Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First avenue, second door below "Wood street i Extea good values in black silks at 65c, 75e, 85c and 95c a yard. ttssu " Hugus & Hacke. Bookkeeping, penmanship and arith metic taught at evening sessions, rDuff's Business College, 49 Fifth ave. ' tts Natural Gn Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co., 34 Fifth ave. James H. Aiken & Co.'s fine neckwear, 100 Filth ave. Oca 24-inch wide plushes at 75c and $1 a yard are the best value shown in the citv. all latest colorings. Hcgus & Hacke. TTSSU Trimmings, buttons and linings. Prices the lowest Knable & Shusteb, 35 Filth avenue. Here 82 OO All. Wool stockinette Jackets. jlbese are the A 1 jacket bargain, a nice medium weight for present wear. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. ttsu BUSINESS CHANGES. "0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I hereby give notice that I have severed my business connection with the honse of At- bucales &Co.by resignation for the purpose of engaging in the coal business at Buffalo, N. Y. GEORGE L. BARR. PrrrSBTOG, Pa., September 23, 1888. se24-6B tO'Display advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line or each inser tion, and none taken or leu than fifty xnts. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following: places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and" other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for, inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have account! with THS 1)18 rjLTCn. FITTSBUBQ. THOMAS MCCAFFBKY. SfcS Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. Kth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY 4 CO.. WyUe aye. andKultonst. N. bTOKELY, lfirth Avenue Market House. XASTXND. 1. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Fenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHEIBLER, 5th av. 4 Atwood it. SOUTHSIDX. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. H. A. DUNALDiON, 1707 Carson itrett ALLEGHENY. A. J. XAERCHEB. K Federal street. H. J. McBMDE. Market House, Allegheny. KBEDH. EGGEBS. 171 Ohio street F. H. EGGEKS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut stt. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENKY, Westernand Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Braver aves. PEBBYM. OLEIM. Bebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE 1SOROUGH. W.W. FLOCKEB. Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Male IIclD. TTTANTED-NO. 1CABPENTEBS AT ONCE. 41 SEVENTH AVENUE. se24-79 WAN1ED-A BOY ABOUT 16 YEABS OF aire at JNO. L. DAWES SONS & CO.'S. 81 Third aTe. se24-4S rr ANTED FIBST-CLASS TINNEB. AD V DBEbJ ALTEB A MABSHALL CO., Mooreville, Fa. se24-T7 "TJANTED-A FIEST-CLASS COAT AND tv pants maker. S033 Fenn ave. Apply to KELLY BEOS., WANTED-A NUMBEB OF GOOD, LIVE agents; big money to good men. Call at 631 SMITH IELD ST. e:4-83 WANTED- TWO GOOD CARRIAGE drivers for livery stable. Apply 76 N OKTH AVE.. Allegheny. se24-l WANTED-A REGISTERED DBUG CLERK; mnst speak German. Address, Tor 1 week, KINO, Dispatch office. se24-35 WANTED-A COMPETENT DBUG CLERK: one that speaks German preferred. Address or call 2S49 FENN AVE. se24-53 WANTED A WELL-BKCOMMENDED coachman. Apply to C. W, PHILLIPS, 203 Ridge avenue, Allegheny. se24-60 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BARBEK-GOOD wages to the right party; no boarding. In quire at 331 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., Allegheny. se24-49 WANTED-STONECUTTERSANDSKILLED labor men at Smlthfleld st. bridge. J. FRIDAY. sczJ-114 WANTED 10 TOBY ROLLERS-HIGHEST wages, inquire LOUIS FBEE& BROS.. No. X Carson St., Southslde. se24-7 WANTED-AMALECOOK (CATHOLIC) FOR an institution in the city: good references required. AddreisCOOK, Dispatch office. se22-46 WANTED-SALESMAN TO SELL GOODS BY sample: good salary paid. Write to CEN TENNIALMFG. CO., Cincinnati, O., or Chicago. se3-75-TTSSU XITANTED-FIRST-CLASS CHIFFER3 WITH W hammers and flat chisels. MONUN GAHEL.A NATURAL GAS CO., Eleventh and Muriel, Sontbslde. seW-82 WANTED-AMER1CAN GENTLEMAN OF fair education. Industrious and willing: position permanent: fl5 weekly. KTJNZ&CO.. 62 Fourth ave., up stairs. se24-S0 WA N T E D A WELL-RECOMMENDED traveling agent, with experience In window glass trade. Apply PHILLIPS & CO., Nineteenth and Mary btreets, Southslde. se24-60 WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to send their address and stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Box 6 A Clarksburg, W. Va. selS-45 WANTED-EVERY GOOD. SMART AGENT within 25 miles of Allegheny that wants to make money to call on S. H. BURNS, 31 Middle St., Allegheny, Pa. Open from 8: to 10 A. M., 3:30 to 5.30 P. M. se24-33 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, TWO TIN roofers and jobbers: also a boy to learn the tin trade, one who has had some experience at plumbing, at JOHN McGARVEY'S, 72Taggart st , Allegheny. se24-9S WANTED AN AGENT FOB PITTSBURG and vicinity for a large seamless hosiery account; must be popular with the trade. Address POWELL & BRO.. Twenty-eighth and Farrlsh sts., Philadelphia, Fa. sel9-44-STU WANTED-BEL1ABLE LOCAL AN U TRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special inducements now; fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N.Y. sel7-70-TTS WANTED-AGENTS ON THE NEW IM PERIAL edition of Zell's encyclopedia in five volumes. Just issued, and other works. For liberal terms and territory, address T. ELL "WOODZELL, Publisher, Philadelphia. se24-91 WANTED-STBONG YOUNG MAN TO DO heavy work in a store; mnst be a good writer and Intelligent: German preferred; refer ences required; also age, residence and salarr desired. Address EXCELSIOR, Dispatch office". se24-ll WANTED-AGENTS IN PITTSBURG AND Allegheny to sell the standard Atlas of the world. Latest, largest and best. Every office, library and lamlly should possess it. Sold on easy payments. E. GATELY & CO., 25 Federal street, Allegheny. Fa. se22-28 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmm can makemoney in their spare time; special Inducements toper sons having established trade. YAMASHIRO TEA CO., 88 Jackson St., Allegheny, Fa. au20-79-TTS YTTANTED-SALESMEN AT 175 PER MONTH TV salarr and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free: write at once for full Ssrtlculars and sample case of goods Tree. STAN ABD SILVEBWABE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-SO-D "TTTANTED-BAI) WAITERS AT SMART'S VV ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, 4 Sixth st ; penmanship, book keeping, arithmetic shorthand, typewriting thor oughly tanght for 5p-r month: private instruc tions for both sexes; open daily 9 a. m. to 9 1, M. sel2-77-TTSSu Female IlelD. WANTED-GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE WORK. Apply at NO. 248 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. 8e24-4 WANTED-WET NURSE-INQUIRE AT DR. S.N. BEN HAM'S office. 156 Third ave., between the hours of 8 and 9 a.m. se23-24 WANTED-AMATEUR WINDERS. THOSE used to drum winding call at 145 FRANK LIN ST., Allegheny, at noon to-day. se24-S2 WANTED-STRICTLY FIBST-CLASS MIL LINER, and wages accordingly. Apply to W ) a. jja.ii a. I.U., oi-oii jjiucny st. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS GIRL TO WORK on fine pant". Apply at 46 Linden st., Boyd's Hill. MABTIN CAVANAGH. se24-51 Itlalo and Iremale ETelD. VtJANTED-CARRIAGE DRIVER. 50LABOR- ERS.farin hands,; col. men, honse and nurse girls, dishwashers and pantry girls, 2 dining room girls, hotel cook. .oircnjir, -o, au urant St. se23-D WANTED-AGENTS. MALE OR FEMALE, in all country towns, to sell photograph albums: latest designs for tail trade Just received; big profits and quick returns to energetic agents: write terms, etc. UNION PUBLISHING CO., 103 Fourth are. se22-80 ttfsu WANTED-AGENTS-WE PAY 100 TO BOO per month to energetic gentlemen and ladles to procure members for our association; the work Is light and pleasant: one agent wanted in each county: if you can only devote two hours per day to our business it will pay you well. For fur ther particulars address NATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 103 State St., Chicago, 111. sc24-t)6 Situations. WANTED-POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS D. E. bookkeeper, with good references. See SHEPAHD 4 CO.. M Fifth ave. se24-39 WANTED- S1TUATION-BY A YOUNG man, to learn the Jewelry trade; best of reference. If desired. J. A. C, Dispatch office. se24-7 WANTED-POSITION BY A LADY STENOG RAPHER and typewriter: good reference; salary no object. Address K. R., Dispatch office. se24-34 WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN, POSITION AS bill clerk or any office work; moderate sal ary expected: can give good references. Address D. L. M.. Dispatch office. se24-OT Partners. PARTNER IN AN nrn TTJANTED - A V v established business. W. E. Haoitp' Virgin alley, above Wood. se24-93 WANTED-TO SELL HALF INTEREST IN (rood paying bnslnessi wholesale: with roll ing mills and blast furnaces; a first-class oppor tunity; price SAMO. Address W.. Dispatch office. Se24-3S-TT W tS, 000 for the manufacture of specialties made1 , vprn PARTNER .COMMANDING from Iron and steel with an unlimited market. covered by valid pitents; profits large; party pre ferred that can take charge of financial branch. Confidential Interview given by addressing CON' F1DENTIAL, Dispatch office. se24-S4' WANTED. Booms. Bouse. Etc. WANTED-BY A. PHYSICIAN, A HAND SOMELY furnished room, with partial use of parlor for office and reception room; most be central. Address R. F. , Dispatch office. ie24-97 Boarders and Lodgers. TJTANTED-BY A PBIVATE FAMILY WHO W will not take over 6 or S boarders, occu pants for parlor and furnished rooms: breakfast and 8 o'clock dinners served at S4 per week. 25 MONTGOMERY AVE., Allegheny. sei4-38 Financial. TjrANTED-MOBTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN W In sums to suit at 4)4, 5 and 6 per cent. JkLLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. U7. aplt-14-rrssu WANTED-MOBTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over ft 000; ax per cent; no tax. HEN BY A. WEAVER CO., S2 Fourth avenne. mli2-a22-p WANTED-MORTGAGES-1.00O,C00TOLOAN in large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and 8 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. COYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. mr21-60 WANTED-TO LOAN So00,CO0. IN AMOUNTS of $3,001 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H percent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and S per cent. BLACK & BA1RD, S3 Fourth avenue. se21-d26- WANTED-MOKTGAGES-11,000, 000TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, 5 a ml epcrcent, anaon iarms in Allegheny ana aoj- cent counties at 6 per cent. OU.S, uu rourm avenue. ap7-141 XfTANTED-TO LOAN QOO,000 ON MORT VV GAGES: 1100 and upward at 6 per cent; two, 030 at 4 per cent on residences or business property: also In adjoining counties. 9. H. FBEN CH. 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D Sriscellaneoua. WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S . doien (13) of Stewart & Co. 's line cabinet photos ror f I, at V0 and 92 FEDEBAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv2S-43-TTSU XTTANTED-MANUFACTUBKESTO OCCUPY V V a manufacturing site on B. A O. It. K. at Griffin, free. Address F. D. BARNHART. West Newton, Ta. se24-70 WANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BEBS to secure a fine gold watch for each one In the club at 11 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 501, and 1 will calf and snow you the watch. jy3-40 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Filth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be Is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous nrocess. mhl3-63 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Clrv Residences. FOR SALE-TERMS A3 EASx A3 PAYING rent, for 8-roomed houses: price, 12,200, In installments of only S25 per month; no other pay ment required. For full information see . A. HERHON 4 SONS. SO Fourth ave. sett-96-TTS TTHIBSALE-ON VERY EASY PAYMENTS, JD new brick houses, late style, 8 rooms, late Improvements, on Sidney, near Twenty-third street, Southslde, for 34 750: easy payments. Sec "W.A. HERKON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. sei7-81-Tnr East End Residences. FOB SALE COZY S-HOOSIED FRAME HOUSE and large lot, near Fifth nve Point Breeze, handy to cable and R. R., for 82,651 and easy pay ments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. se22-48-TTSa FOB SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, new brick house, 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished bascmeut; all late Improvements; lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 133 ft,; terms to suit. ROBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Blufl St. avl-87-TTSSa FOR BALE-IN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS oftSOO, neat new East End houses; brick, modern style of architecture, late Improvements, 8 and 9 rooms, near steam and cable cars: price 5.000 to P.0U0. See W. A. HEREON ASONS, 80 Fourth avenue. sel7-80-rrS FOR SALE-ELYSIAN AVE., NEAR FIFTH ave., E. F,, new two-story frame dwelling, 6 rooms and attic, hall, slate mantels, gas, etc., wIth2Iotseach24xloreet: this Is a corner prop erty and very desirable. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. se24-8S-TWTS FOR SALE-AT A BAllGAIN-FULTON ST., at intersection or Center ave., fine 3-story Eressed brick dwelling, 9 rooms. hath,w. c, vestl ule, hall, marble mantels, double parlors, laun dry; all late Improvements; lot 30x100 feet to an alley. ALLES 4 BAILEY. 1M Fourth ave. Tele phone 167. 8e20-8S-TuFSU OR SAL E-OAKLAND, FOURTEENTH ward, a new 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing. Brooms, bath, w. c, hall, laundry, etc, slate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, fine chandeliers, both gases, city water and house wired for electric lights, plate glass windows. electric bells, good sewerage, street paved with aspnaltum and paid for. beautiful shade trees In front of house, a few minutes from cable cars: price 6,500; a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time: Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth are. ceS-4-D TJazcIwood Residences. FOR SALE-MODERN QUEEN ANNE 5 AND5 room dwellings: large yards, porches, etc; lots 24x120: price S2,500 and S3. 650; terms 1C per cent cash, baUnce monthly payments If desired; Sec ond Avenue Electric Street Railroad will pass within 300 feet of these dwellings. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. se!9-39-o AUechcny Residences. TTAOR SA.LE--UESIRABLE RESIDENCE. NO. JU Ml North; auction sale adlourned until Satur day next at 2 o'clock P. M.; sale positive. A.J. PENTECOST. seZ3-5-D T7IOR SALE-DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. NO. X' 291 North: auction sale adlourned until Sat urday next, at Z o'clock p. M. : sale positive. A. J. PENTECOST. se23-5.D FOR SALE-NEW 7-ROOM FRAME DWELL ING on New Brighton road, West Bellerue borough: all modern improvements: 6 minutes from Avalon station. P., FLW.4CB.lt.: will sell at cost: a bargain at (3,200. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. se24-S9-Tu8 FOR SALE-LOTfe. Citr Lots. TTOR SALE LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICEROY A' sts., near college; terms to suit. ROBT. COWARD. 20 lilufffct. auI-7-TT6Su FOR SALE-ON WEBSTER AVE.. CORNER of Woostcr st lot 67x100 ft. for $3,000; one square from Wylle ave, cable cars. In the Eleventh ward. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, No. 60 Fourth ave. . se24-73-TTS Enst End Lois. "CHIR SALE-BUILDING LOTS, ONLY S4 FER utes' walk from cable line, jl loowronion oouucist., uaaiana: inreemin W. A. HERKON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. tel2-96-TlS FOR SALE-2 LOTS IN BOULEVARD PLACE, East End: 60 feet front each; flne location; only two lots from Dallas ave. For full particu lars apply to A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st.. Alle gheny. Sel9-I0O-TTS FOB SALE-flO A FOOT FRONT FOR A LOT 50x103 feet, on Mellon St., one square from Negley ave.; street all sewered and nandy to cable and R. R. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. se24-G5-ruS TTWR SALE-MY NEW VILLA PARK PLAN iff ranidlv: lots 40x150 for 1175: X? of lots are selling rapidly: Brushton station: no citv taxes: decide oiiict If you want one at present prices. JOHN F BAX TER. Agent. seS-7S-EOD FOR SALE-HERRON HILL PARK LOTS, 40x 100 feet: now is the time to buy; the comple tion of the W) lie ave. cible road will enhance prices: call at the office for colored plan. BLACK 4 BA1BD, 95 Fourth ave. SC22-63 FOR SALE-A SPLENDID RESIDENCE SITE, 174 ft., fronting on Negley ave., near Marga rettaat.; best ground on Negley ave:: this prop erty is sure to enhance in value. GEO. T. MC CONN ELL, Forty-third and Butler sts. se24-61-Ti' FOB SALE 10 AND 50 FEET FRONT AND 100 to 150 feet deep, on Negley and Center ave;.. Amber. St. Clair, Euclid and Baum sts,, in the Baum Grove plan; are reached by 44 trains each way and two cable lines. MELLON BROS., East End. or JOHN F. BAXTER, 512 Smlthfleld st. se22-78-EOD F lOE 8A.LE-HERRON HILL PARK LOTS. 40x 100 feet: lust nivnpil tn thn nnhllf. the U vllfi ave. Cable road wltntn A mlnntMi nrlb- onrf nnlv 15 minutes ride from postofficc; all citv conven iences: pure air; magnificent view of the country for miles; low prices and easy terms will be given to all who build at once: call at the 'office for col ored plan of this beautiful place. BLACK 4 BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. se22-63 Suburban Lots. TTlOR SALE-MAPLE tVOOIl PATflT T.riTS: terms easy. OEO. S. MARTIN & CO., 105 Fourth ave. sel9-3 FOR SALE A FEW CHOICE LCI'S 40X120 ft.: cheap to a quick buyer; terms easy. CEO. S. MARTIN & CO.. 105 Fourth ave. selM-TTSSU T7IORSALE-AT EDGEWOOD-A CHOICE LOT A' ajxMOtt., very near "atlon V. B. H. W. A, HERRON i & bUKB. 80 Fourth ave. sel7-83-TTS FOR SALE-SOME OF THE VERY CHOICEST 40x120 rt. lots in Maplewood park; electric road passes this plan; shrewd buyers will Invest before prices advance: easy payments. GEO. S. MARTIN &. CO., 105 Fourth ave. sel9-4-TTSSU FOR HALE LOTS 21x115 AT COFELANU station. P. K. R., beautifully located, and most desirable. In or about Braddack. for resi dence: price S450 on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6W9 Btatlon St.; E. E. se22-48-TTSU FOR SALE-FARM AT HAYSV1LLE, ON THE Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail way . 10 miles from the city; will exchange for city property or merchandise. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant street. se24-3-rrs FOR SALE-FARM 17 ACHES-JARRETT homestead, 8 miles from Pittsburg on Wash ington pike: S minutes walk to K. It. station; choice place for florist, gardener or hotel. ED WITTISH. 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg. Pa. se21-D FOR BALE-A FARM OF 75 ACRES. ONE and a quarter miles from Dlxmont station; farm In high stale of cultivation, containing about 800 of the different kinds of fruit trees, ex cellent barn and outbnllrtlngs and good fencing; will be sold cheap. Inquire 77 ERIE STREET, Allegheny. se24-J3 FOR SALE-A LARGE FARM OF ABOUT 230 acres, only IS miles from the city; one-hall mile from railroad station, aud near to school, cburcb, store, postoffice, etc: will be sold at a bargain to close up an estate; ourjUal. Glover has been on the property and can give mil particulars from personal observation. J AS. W. DRAPE CO., m Fourth are., Pittsburg. sesi-co-o FOR SALE LOT. Bazelvrood Lots. FOR SALE-2 ACHES OF GROUND, FRONT ING 3 streets, laying well, aone rerase, near Second avenue and Hazelwood station; will sub divide to great advantage with a good house of 3 rooms, all forts. 000; terms easy. W. A. HEKRON 4 SONS, SO Fourth aye. sel7-81-Tur FOB SALE-CHOICE LOTS IN THE BLA1B estate, within 3 to 5 minutes' walk of Hazel wood and Glenwood stations; fine level lots re quiring no grading or filling; wide street, city water, gas, natural gas. sidewalks, pavements, schools,, stores, etc. : on line of the electric street car line now building; 10 minutes by the B. 4 0. R. R. from thp new dinnt; all exnresa trains stops monthly tickets, fare SS cents; prices 1125 to 11,000; 10 per cent cash, balance long time: monthly pay ments ir desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., SO Fourth ave. sel8-43.D Allegheny Lots. F IOB SALE-2 BUILDING LOTS ON "WESTERN avenne. 20x124 feet each: nrlcelL750 each. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. 6C19-2-P FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY store centrally located and doing good busi ness: abarraln If sold soon. (E,D. WlNGEN RO 1'H, 100 Fourth aye. se24-7I POR SALE-A FINE GROCERY 8TOBE BO INU an elegant business: la one of the best stands In the city: a good cbaneeto right party; owner wants to leave city. Address J. S.. Dis patch office. se24-62 FOR SALE-SALOON IN GREENVILLE, O.; good location; elegant walnut furniture, two pool tables, good stock; brick building 75 ft. deep; on public square; lot 99 ft. deep; good city 6.000 Inhabitants: natural gas: good rea sons for selling. Address CLIFF BOYD, Green vllle, O. , lock box 55. sel9S FOR SALE-ONK OF THE LARGEST AND best retail grocery stores. In heart of thestlty; will Invoice about (9,000. Also smaller grocery stores In good locations In the two cities, bakeries, drugstores, drygoods and notion stores, feed store confectioneries, restaurants, boarding houses and other business chances; free particu lars. BUtrAKD s uu. , M rum ave. sen FOR SALE-1N THE LIVELIEST TOWN IN Western Pennsylvania the stock and fixtures of the Sew York Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods House, located at 135 Fifth avenue. Jlc Keesport, Pa.; can reduce stock toS2,ooo; posses sion given at once. with a long lease; this is a rare chance; no better location in the city. Inquire at 135 Fifth avenue, MoKeesport. F. S. GLEASON. se 12-70 Business Stands. FOR SALE-COR. ROSS AND FIRST ATE.; cheap: lot 39x70 feet, with buUdlngs. W. A. ombuj s suns. 9i i ourtn ave, ,,...rm r..r.. ". ;, .. : " ; se5-7-Tur FOR SALE 15,900-STOREROOM AND DWEL LING on principal East End business street, close to P. B, B., and Citizens' Cable Co.'s line passes the door. MELLON BBOTHEKS. 6349 Station St., E. E. SC22-43-TTBU FOR SALE-HOUSE OF EIGHT ROOMS AND drugstore; lot 92x100; well located in a good town only a short distance from the city, together with a good and well established medical practice that will pay for it In two or three years over and above a good living; the present owner has made a competency, and now proposes to take It a little more easy. 0. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. se24-43 Blanafactnrlnsr Sites. FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS SITES in the Asplnwall plan, adjoining Sharps hnrg; low prices; easy payments; send forplans. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. 6C17-80-TT8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, Vehicles. Live Stock, die FOR SALE-ONE OF THE MOST KELIABLE horses in the city; medium size and weight; will work anywhere: price 3125. Address S. HAMILTON, 91 and 93 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. se24-78 FOR SALE-BLACK MARE, 4 YEARS OLD, well broke, over 17 hahds high, upheaded, stylish and pretty as a picture; only t!o0, worth 1300. Address S. HAMILTON, 91 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. se24-78 Machinery and Metals. p IOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: rpnalrlnc-nromntlv attended to. ruKiKitruuN titer aniimauiiieuo. s.. r..T....:i..rj. . -. ."jl . .tj.:- L-. LIM. below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. an 10-29 FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 sliaper.and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, Sh'men valves, castings, etc VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn are. v2l-91-TTS DtlsceTianeons. FOR SALE-TWO POOL AN D TWO BILLIARD tables, including cues, balls and eue racks: good as new; will be sold cheap, either singly or all; above tables are of the celebrated J. M. Brunswick-BalkeCo. make: will pay freight."' J. W. BOSS, 28 Maple ave., Youngstown, O. se22-U3 MEETINGS. MEETING-FORT PITT COUNCIL HO. 220, Jr. O. U. A. M. You are requested to assemble at your Council Room on WEDNES DAY. September"25, 1889, at 1 o'clock P. M., to attend tho funeral of our late brother, B, W. Ford. Sister Councils are Invited. D. H. McFREDERICK. Councilor. E. E. SMITH, Secretary. se23-17 rjTOCKHOLDERS MEETING THERE tj will he a meeting of the stockholders of the iicKeesport Light Company at their Office, corner Third street and Strawberry alley, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8. 1889, between the hours 7 and 10 o'clock, to elect nine directors to servo for the ensuing year, and to attend to such other business that mavcomt before them. G. L. REIBER. se24-99 DIVIDENDS. OFFICE OF ASPHALT BLOCK CO., i Fourth and "Walnut St.. V Philadelphia, Pa. DIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this day declared a divi dend of TEN (10) PER CENT, payable from the profits of the half year, at the office of the company, September 25, ISSfl. WM. CALHOUN, Secretory. September 20. im e28 REPORTS. TIHE CHALFONTE- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On the beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt-water baths in house. se3-77-D B. ROBERTS 4 SONS. AUCTION SALES. BY HENRY AUCTION CO. THE COMPLETE FURNISHMENT OF A home removed to the rooms No. 311 Mar ket st. for sale at auction TUESDAY MORN 1NG. Sept.2Lat 10 o'clock: fine folding bed, Turkish box mattress, country blankets, chif fonier, walnut and oak bedsteads, bureaus, washstands, leather couch, feathers, bedding, linoleum, shades, pictures, stands, brussels and ingrain carpets, rUES,curtains,refri",erator,desk, extension and kitchen tables, decorated toilet ware, cutlery, glassware, dishes, parlor organ, fancy rockers.plush parlor fluir,-n alnut hallrack, mantel mirror, wardrobes, lamps,cIock,fendcrs, store, commode, cornice, umbrella stand, wicker rockers, tinware, tubs, wash machine, stepladder, hose, sewing machine, etc.; goods on exhibition. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., Auctioneers. se22-S3 LEGAL NOTICES?. IN RE DISSOLUTION OF THE ELIZA BETH Bridge Company. In the Court of Common Pleas No. 2, ol Allegheny connty, Pa. No. 401, October term. 18t9. Notice is hereby given that on8ATURDAY. September 28. A. D. 1SS9, at 10 A. M application will be made to tho Court in the above proceeding for a decree dissolving the Elizabeth Bridge Company and distributing its assets in accordance with the schedule filed, aud that the same will be granted unless exceptions are tiled in the meantime. ALBERT J. WALKER, Attorney for said Company. eel0-41 Tu CHARLES B. PaYNE, Attorney-at-Law, 178 Fourth avenue. ESTATE OF WM. A. PAYNE. DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of Wm. A. Payne have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. D. H. WALKER se!7-62-Tn Option, Pa. PROPOSAL. TtTOTICETO CONTRAOTORS-IMPROVE-1 MENI8 at Wilmerding; 17.000 feet of tile drains for surface water to be laid. Speci fications and plans at the offices of the East Plttabure Improvement Company in the West Inghouse building and at Turtle Creek. Bids received until September 27. 1839. J. R. McGINLEY. se21-37-TTS Secretary and General Agent. PKOPOSALS FOR STEEL CASTINGS for six-inch central pivot gun-carriages lor Navy Yard. Washington, D. C Septem ber 21, 1889Sealed proposals indorsed "Pro posals for Steel Castings, to be opened October 15, 189," will be received at the Bureau of Pro visions and Clothing. Navy Department, Wash ington, D. O. until 12 o'clock noon, OCTOBER 15. lSb9, and publicly opened immediately there after, to furnish and deliver, at the Navy Yard, Washington, D. C, about 215,000 pounds of steel castings forS-inch central pivot gun car riages, consisting' of box slides, pivou, circles and racks, pivot nuts, tralning-worm wheols, elevating-worm wheels, clips and trucks. Blank Droposals, showing number, weight, and physi cal characteristics of each class of castings re quired, together with blue prints of same will be furnished upon application to the Com mandant of the Navy Yard or to the. Bureau. Tie bids decided by lot. The department re serves the right to reject any or all bids not deemed advantacdons to the Government. JAMES FULTON: Paymaster General. II. H. Ky. . Ee-Tu TO LET. City Residence. TO LE1-K1BKPATRIOK8T.. NEAR-WYLIE are., t rooms and finished attic, both gases, h. andc. water: good location: 325. per month. BLACK 4 BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. e24- TO LET-NEW BBICK DWELLING, rooma. halL bath. h. and . vrcr. n&t. ffaft. marble mantels. Inside shutters, etc.; 10 minutes'. . irum ijun xiuuse: rent sou per moout. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. se:4-87.TTS East End Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF 14 BOOSIS. STABLE and outbuildings: large grounds; on Negley avenue, near Fenn avenue cable cars. Inquire of HENBY HOBERTS,atOUver4RoberU Wire Co., Southslde. iei9-10 Allegheny Residences. mO LET-IF YOU WANT TO BENT IN ALLE- JL. UUtfl I call on A. D. "WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. S019-100-TTS TO LET-A NEAT HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, IN first class-order, Laeock. near Sandusky it,. Allegheny. V. A. HEREON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. se24-72 TO LET-ON PENN AVE.-NEAR BEBECCA St., convenient brick house of 7 rooms and bathroom; reduced rent tilt April L THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave, SO22-60 TO LET-NO. 72 PAGE ST., ALLEGHENY, 3 nicely furnished rooms, second floor, batn, laundry, both gases: no children; low rent; good neighborhood. BLACK 4 BAIBD, 95 Fourth avenue. se24-S5 Snbnrbnn Residences. TO LET-6 TO 12 BOOMS FOB BOARDING, permanent and transient: 12 or 13 more rooms when desired; reference required: rent very low. Inquire of UU. REYNOLDS, Hulton. se24-81-Tr TO LET-BELLEFIELD HOUSE, FURNISHED complete throughout; 7 rooms, hall, both gases, bath, range and every convenience; rent low: C253. BLACK 4 BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. se22-64 Apartments. mO LET-ELEGANT BOOMS. FURNISHED JL or unfurnished, with first-class board; also table boarders taken; terms reasonable. 920 irjsnn ave. seS4-l Business Stands. TO LET-CHEAF-93 THIRD AVENUE. NEAR Wood St.. a good business or warehouse, 3 stories. W. A. HEREON 4bONS,81Fonnhavenue. se24-73-TTS TO LET-COB. THIRTY-EIGHTH ST. AND Penn ave, business house of store and large rooms: rent-low; possession at once; No. 1 loca tion for drug store, tailor or shoe store. THUS. McCaffrey, 3509 Butler st. se24-ic- Ofilces. Veils. Room. tc TO LET-CHOICE OFFICES, SINGLE OB in suit, in the Standard block, W ood. near Fifth avenue. W. A. HEBRON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. sel-52-TTg TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be fonna in the city; rent, J200 tfnd (300 per annum, including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. M. and IP. II., or between 2 and 4 P.M. JJ23-67 mo LET-STORE OR OFFICE ROOM, WITH JL large vault, suitable for insurance office or similar business, in Gennanla Savings Bank building. No. 419 Wood street: room formerly oc cupied by George Relnmnan as saloon, and now temporarily occupied by the American Express Co.; It Is two steps below grade, making a ant class basement. Inquire at THE BANK. Ie23-6S-D PERSONAL. PERSONAL-MALTBY'S" OYSTER DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 Smith field street; fresh oysters received dally; orders flUed at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMBELE. Mgr. sel-92-D PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKSI New and old, ancient and icouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and tclenllflc-30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. au3-9S "DERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY KE- X. TURNED; recentlr thev had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by the wife Insisting: on being allowed to TCuuvaro m wearing apparel ana wnicn, 01 course, was done in a bungling manner: in order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth are., corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1553. au'dO PERSONAL SUFERFLOTJ3 HAIB ON THE female face, between the eyebrows, on the up per Up, cheeks, chin and throat: also hair on men's cheeks above the beard line permanently destroyed without pain, scar, shock, trace or in jury by the electric needle operation, by Dr. J. VanDyck. electro surgeon. Fhlladeiphla. Re member ladles, this Is a purely scientific opera tlon, and Is Indorsed by all physicians and sur geons of eminence as being the only method In the world br which hair can be destrored perma nently. Remember, also, that the use of deplla-J iuri, tweezers ana toe razor an maae tnese uairs grow coarser, stlffer, darker aud more numerous. Note Dr. VanDyck has been called to Flttsburg to treat several society ladles, and will be at the Hotel Albemarle until Thursday. Septembers anddnrlng this time can treat a number of new patients; make engagements at once; hours 9 to 6; see picture ot operation and Dr. VanDyck's dis play ad. on society page of last Sunday's Dis patch. se24-96 LOST. LOST-LADY'S GOLD WATCH, WITH OWN ER'S name engraved on back of case. A lib eral reward will be paid if returned to No. 209 ALLEGHENY AVE.. Allegheny City. se21-6S EDUCATIONAL. T ONG VIEW, BKOOKVILLE, PA., A Church School for Girls, will reopen SEP TEMBER 11, 1889. For catalogue apply to Rev. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND, LllD., au2-78-TuF Principal. WEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY for young ladies; 23d year: is provided for giving a superior education in collegiate eclectic and preparatory departments; also in mnsicand art. MRS. HENRIETTA KCTZ. 2015 Walnut si. Phlla. au4-90-TTS MRS. REBECCA BOARDMAN. TEACHER OF ELOCUTION. 806 PENN AVE., PITTSBURG. Business hours from 3Jtill 6 P. JL se5-93-TurS Notre Dame of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladies and pre paratory school for little girls, EMBLA P. O., three miles from Baltimore, Md., conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. jy30-69-TTS CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. L477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical, Scientific, Ladies' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand aepartmenta. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with yonng persons de siring a better education respectfully solicited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. 1L, Pres't jyl8-82-TTS. PITTSBURG ART SCHOOL, ESTAB LISHED 1834, offers advantages of a thorough Academic School of Art, combined with private in struction: each dudII nnder joint direction of George Het- zei (Dusseiuori Acaaemyj, jonn W. Beatty IMunlch Academy). Students who cannot attend daily may enter lor limited numDer 01 days a week. For prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY. Principal, auS68-Tus 413 Wood street, Plttaburg. F IOR SALE AT ASPIH WALL STATION 7 minutes from Federal st, Allegheny, on the West Penn R. R., adjoining Sharpaburg, being part of the "ROSS ESTATE." Lots In sizes and on terms that should suit any desiring to secure a borne. The lay of the ground is beautiful. Special inducements offered to first purchasers. See tho representative on the premises or call on or address W. A. HERRON t SONS. se3-60-TTS 80 Fourth avenue. TjlXCURSION TICKETS- Will be issued by the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD For the celebration of the EranTEEUTn ankivebsaey or the HOME FOR AGED PROTESTANT WOMEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, TO WILK1NSBURG, se2i-41 SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & CO., STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. ieU - ira, ' 66 SIXTH AVE., Pittsburg, Pi. A rrir .. f jflt Ty OFFICIAL-P1TTSBUHG. f No. 73.1 AN ORDINANCE -LOCATTNG PERRY street, from Webster avenue to Bedford avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bvtho city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coon cils assembled, and it la hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, that Perry street, from Webster avenue to Bedford avenue, shall be and la hereby loeated as I0I1 lows, to wit: The center line shall begiaata pin on the center line of Webster avenue at a distance of 213.67 feet west lrom the center line of Klrkpa trick street, thence deflecting to the right 90 03' 10" for a distance of 38S.08 feet to the center line of Bedfotd avenue, and said Ferry street shall be of a width of 40 feet. BectionZ That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions ot this ordinance be and tbesamoiabereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 80th day of Augnst, A. D. 18S8. S. D. WARMCA8TLE. President of Select Council, pro tern. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Cleric of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLI DAY, "President of Common CoaneiL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clert of Common Council. Mayor's office, September 4, 1SS0. Approved: "WM. McCAIilJX Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7. paga 138, 20th day of September. A. D. 1889. se2448 fNo. 62.1 N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE grading, paving and curbing of Franks- town avenue, from Fifth avenue to Home wood avenne, In the Twenty-first ward of Pitta, bnre. Whereas. It appears by the petition and affi davit on file In the office of the Cleric of Coun cils that one-third in interest of tho owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said street have petitioned the Connciis of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing of the same, therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg. In Select and Common Conn ells assembled, and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the Chief of the Department of Public Works bo and Is hereby authorized and directed to' ad vertise in accordance with the acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re lating thereto and regulating the same, for pro posals f 01 the grading, paving and enrbing of Frankstown avenue, from Fifth avenue to Homewpod avenne, the contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and ez- fiense of the same to be assessed and collected n accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. iSSB. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, this 30th day of August. A. D. 1889. a D. WARMCASTLE, President of Select Council, pro tarn. Attest GEO. 8HEPPAED, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLI SAY, President of Common CounciL At test: GEO. BOOTH, Cleric of Common CounciL Mayor's Office. September 4, 1839. Approved: "WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W.H. Mo CLBABY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 123, 16th day of September. A. D., 1889. Be21-6B No, 72.1 AN ORDINANCE -LOCATTNG VILLA street, from Penn avenue to Friendship avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Villa street, from Penn avenue to Friendship avenue be and the same shall be located as follows, to-wit: The west 5-foot line shall begin on the north 5-foot line of Penn avenne at a distance of 486.87 feet west from a stone monu ment at the Intersection of the north 6-foot line of Penn avenue and the east 5-foot line of Falrmount street, thence deflecting to the left 95 60Mn a southerly direction a distance of about 2,131 feet to Friendship avenue, and the said Villa street shall be of a width of 60 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. " Ordained and enacted Into a law in Connciis this SOth dayof August. A. D. 1889. 8. D. WARMCASTLE, President of Select Council PrOTem. Attest: GEO. SHEPPAKD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L, HOLLI DAY, President of Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's Office. September 4. 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLTN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, pace 136, 20th day of September, A. D. 1889. se24-66 No. 7I.J AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING M'KEE place, from Ward street to Bates street. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That McKea place, from Ward street to Bates street, be and the same shall be located as fol lows, to wit: The east 25-foot line shall begin on the south 5-foot line of Ward street at a distance of 223.61 feet westwardly from an angle In Ward street, beginning the intersection of the said 5-foot line with tne center line, thence deflecting to the right 90 for a distance of 86.59 feet to an angle, thence deflecting to the right eo- n tor a oisiancs 01 jh&zs teet to tne center line of Bates street, intersecting the said line at an angle of ilS, and at a distance of 233.61 feet west from a stone monument on the center line of Ward street, and the saidMcKee place shall be of a width of fifty (50) feet and to be located in accordance with a plan on file in the office of the Chief of Department of Public Works. Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. ' Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 30th rtav of August, A. D. 1889. a D. WARMCASTLE, President of Select Council, pro tem. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select ConnciL GEO. L. HOLLI DAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, September 4, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: if. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 185, 19th day of September, A. D.1SS9. seH-66 iNo. 64.1 A n ordinance-aut; N ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE JX. construction of a sewer on Mnrtland street from Penn avenue to a connection with a sewer on Kelly street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conn ciis assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That tha Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance with the acts of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tho ordinances of tho said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for tho construction of a pipe sewer 20 inches In diameter on Murtland street front the south side of Penn avenne to a connection with a sewer at Kelly street, the contract there for to be let In the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second ciass," approved ine 10m day 01 May. A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 30th day of Angnsr. A. D. 1889, 8.D. WARMCASTLE, President of Select Council pro. tem. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L.HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Cleri. of Common Council. Mayor's Office. September 4, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 130, 16th dayof September. A. D. 1889. se24-66 rNo.74.1 AN ORDINANCE-RELOCATING SYL VAN avenue, from a point distant about 200 feet east of property of B. & O. R. R. Co., for a distance ot 400 feet eastwardly. t Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tha city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conn ciis assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the south 5-foot line of Sylvan avenne. from a point distant about 200 feet east of property of B. & O. R. R. Co. for a distance of 400 feet east wardlyrbe. and the same shall hereby be re located as follows, to wit: The south 5-foot lino ot Sylvan avenne shall begin at a P.O., distant westerly 355.44 feet from the first angle east of bridge over Watson's Hollow, thence deflecting to the right 23 12' and by the chord of a enrve of a radius of 116.66 for a distance of 91.91 feet to a P. T., thence deflecting to the right23 12' for a distanceof 85.05 feettoaP. d, thence deflecting to the left 39 20 and by the chord of a curve of a radius of 97.62 feet for a distance of 123.73 feet to a P. T thence de flecting to the left 89 20 for a dlstaqca or 29L57 teet to a pin situated, on the said 6-foot line of Sylvan avenue and distance eastwardly about 215 feet from property ot the B. & O. R. R. Co., and said street shall be of a width of 40 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 80th day of August A. D. 1S9UL S. D. WARMCASTLE, President of Select Council, pro tern; 'Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Cleric of Seleet ConaeU., GEO. I HOLLI- eWiefAfL MTT9Bra.. TUT ProoMMIt at CassAes Can ran fiKd. HflO&FI. GtWk of Commas Mayor's OSee, fteptmiber i;,im. , WM. MCtALlJlil. Jyor. -Vrrr.lIAitV Mum1! Clark. Recn ded la OrdiBBBce Book. vsL T, j autn day or sepiemoer. a. v. ieew. N0.W.J A N ORDINANCE KKLOCJ J. Falrmoaat afreet, from a pofet mi 212.80 feet northerly itom the north tmthtki use 01 Broad street to aiarnrena street. Section I Be it ordained and enacted tar ttM ; city of Pittsburg In Select and Coaraotr Omsk- ' ells assembled, and it M heresy ordalsM ami', esaoted bv the anthoritvottans4usM.ssMFib mount street from a point distant SHUtt ft,-: northerly from the north 9-foot itee of ttatm street to Hargaretta street, 00 atM sh 1 shall be relocated as follows, to-w J 1 5-foot line shall beata at a stone ssoc the said east 5-foot line of Falmousrt iHtsot. as . located by a plaa approved byCevsMila Jsssss ber 30, 1872, distant 212.80 feet northerly frtm z .-' stone monument oa the -north S-footHnsoC Broad street, thence, deSeetlac t tfce Mtlf SI' lor a distance of ttMS foe J s pin. thence deflectine to the Ma VF'3rZ for a distance of mk.73 Ut, to a pM, deflectine to the left 68 40-49" for a data 396.11 feet to a pin on the setter ha ot : retta street. Intersecting the anirle of 12 IS' sy aadat a teet east ot tne west o-ioot one oc . street, and the said FaJrmosst street tkaM ftaf 01 a wiatn ot sd feet. Section 2 That any or4tMae ordinance connictror with the this ordinance be and the sasse is hseesyss-, pealed, so far as the same asToeU H4,sH-. VIV "WFSssSSl SBBJs SST BS iSSBSSBSkjBrAlBSsW nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in this 30th day of Aognst, A. V. . D. WARMCATL. Council, pro tea. Attest: GEO. 8 Clerk of Select ConnciL OBO. L DAY, President of Common CotUMtt. uiu.uuuiu, uiortor uommon 1 Mayor's Office, September 4, lSgf. TO. McCALUN, Mayot. Attest: McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded la Ordinance Book. vol. 7, 20th day of September, A. D. 1888. TNo. KM N ORDrNANCE-ACTHOBIZnM X grading, paving asd curbing of street, from the bridge nearThlrtv.tkJ to the west line of Dennv nrooertv is 1 teenth ward of Pittsburg. Whereas. It appears bythepetMes uavjt on me in xne once ot tne xiietx ( Cils that one-third is interest ot the w property fronting and abutting ajsesi aba street have petitioned the Coutfs tc city 10 enact an oraiaanee zor paving ana curbing ot the same, 1 Section I Be it ordained and 1 city or Pittsburg. In Select and C cils assembled, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the m Chief of the Department of PnMta and Is hereby authorized and dlreeted-l vertae, in accordance with the aetsoC oiy 01 tne commonweal tn or Petutaj tne ordinances 01 said city 01 PI Inc thereto and reeuiatiBe the a posal3 for grading, paviog and cart wood street from the bridge near ' street to the west line of nroDertv of 1 heirs. The contract therefor to be let manner directed by the said act of Jm and ordlnaaces. The cost and exyestM same to oe assessed ana eoiieeiea 1 ance with the provisions of aa act of . of the Commonwealth of PeBesylv&as 1 "An act relating to streets and sawessl of the second class," approved the Mtfc Mar. A. D. 1889. M Section 2 That any ordtaasteaar amance connictmgwitn tae provttsf ordinance be and the same la heresy so far as the same affects this ordmas Ordained and enacted into a law la this 30th dayof Angojt.A.D.18sf H.D. WARMCASTLK, Prestdi CounciL pro tem. Attest: G BO. I Clerk of Select ConnciL GEO. It J President ot Common CouneiL 1 BOOTH. Clerk of Common ConneS. Mayors office, September 4, proved: WM. McCALLIN. Mavor. H. McCLEARY. Mayer's Clerk. - Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, join aay 01 Bepsemoer, a. i'. jaw.. GEALED PROPOSALS WILL : O CETVED at the offiee of City untu BAi uiwAX, we 2KB aay OC I at & f. il. zor tae larawDiBg aa twelve (12) flatloads of good straw : Flats to rneasnre not less than 80 full in. Six (6) fiatloads to be detrvsmtt farm landing. MOBOncahejanver. loads to be delivered at Negley Hast Allegheny river. i- Tbe Department of Awards rizht to relect anv or all bids. R-CI se24-14 Chief of Oepartmeat M. i AHUSEMECK. .exposition:: " ' ' THE-' FAMOUS - V JTTRTT.KiE HTVrjTPWa- VK at.t. THIS "WEEK "-J tezl-lg TIJOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT, U. H. MAIL. September 30 Monroe 4 Rice ia 'My i Bridget." se riRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-J VT asd; MARIE WAINWRIGHT Mathwe.1 IN TWELFTH NIGHT. , September 30-BOOTH-MODJESKA. sefettl HARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFT NOON and evening. THE -WAIFS' OF NEW YORK. "Week September 30-WILBUE OPERA COJ sesu TTABRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMIC To-Night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday aatt Saturday. TONY PASTOR'S OWW mVPAUV- . 1.1 ses H mHE NEW WORLD'S MUSEUM "' X Allegheny Citv; ,' week September 23, the Colored-Bearded Lady auu uiuer new attractions. - A big stage performance coming next wsek. a j. uaoai. tne uowooy iianisc DANCING ACADEMES. T- fta M. ' Ss9FiBa. THUMA'S DANCING ACADEMY. NO. Wif. Fourth are. Members of the National &$ Association ol tho Teachers of Danelag-of tfce 5" United States, Canada and France, nuniilnc Tuesday evening, at 7:30. October L ' Cwss every evening, of which three are Jar v '- ners each week. Ten lesson tickets K. CM dren's opening Saturday afternoon, Ootefcer L For particulars call at academy. sesB-lT -. PROF. BROOKS DANCING ACABEMY. 1 Sixth and Liberty streets. Ladua iJ .. tlemen's class will commence Thursday, Gsts-si ber 3, at 8 o'clock r. x. Muses' aad maeim" 3 class Saturday, October 6, at 3 o'clock. LadrasVfJ class (exclusively) Thursday. October , 3,' o'clock. Music and full explanation fariiuM.1V. ing the new military schottlscbe quadisHeLl adopted by the American Boclety of Profooeora, ' oi dancing, ano tne Washington Mleaet aad Gavotte for sale. EO cents a ivinv TTnr lars see circulars at music stores. sessWiy? mHEXnTBRAKr-.' JL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATKWTA of Alleebenv Is conducted on tfca ht iJU latest improved methods aad offers Irnt niwwal iuuuvciucuH iu Buuavimun. run lfHWfaMlssstc win oe given ano sn ascriptions to Ms s received at the store of JOHNDTTFSV seI4-14-TTSQ, S3jj Federal st. AlleglMBfv'S CtPECIAL SALE OF WATCHER fl O jewelry and silverware till Oct. L ta room tor tan stoat; solid gold stick piss fiee atx? etc., all other goods marked down eaa)tr aSI cneao: s per centos on all silverware (aoHitaA at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave PitisbiisfcS Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing a iii;ipisUfj aiuj-'rra -piANOb, ORGANa 8. HAMILTON, 91 AND 98 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. apsl c. A. BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR. ii oevenui avenne, Plitstarc Telephone 1844. seS-ag-TWf Walter j. Osboitbne. kicharbBa BARROWS A 08BOURNE JOB PRINTERS. ' - WIsi . V.VFUUUV .. U !- win do opea saterday morainsv BHOUDS M'r" I .leKstT' -rrjE HERKBY WISH TO NOTIFr.QsUl 4YY tnende aad customers ttt on aaissisx holidays wiH be doted Thanday asd iMssaE .- - 3,M ad3ttFsfi 9 sstKaisZuJ - W". ' " ( , '"' j M. r ' " ! 'A -.Pi W f i . - j rtV . . r " -. ""-.- . r - -Tf 1