:? ORDER OTTHE DAY, "What Will lie Done l)y tlie State League of Clubs. THE SECOND COHTOJTION. Dalzell for Chairman of the fiesolu lions Committee. 4 RACE FOR THE VICE PRESIDEKCI Two Men for Several Offices Will Borne Lively Hustling. Cause CITIL SEETICB EEFOKM ALL EIGHT Preliminary arrangements for the conven tion of the State League of Republican clubs were completed last evening at a late hour, by President Edwin S. Stuart and his official assistants. For a 2-year-old body the league will make a magnificent show ing when it meets at 10 o'clock this morning in Lafayette Hall, that black old Republi can stamping ground. The character of the men who have already arrived in this city as delegates, shows that the cream of active Bepublicanism in Pennsylvania is to find representation at this, the second annual convention. The league will be called to order by Ed win S. Stuart, President, who is, by the way, entirely without opposition lor re-election. Mr. Stuart is of massive proportions and as popular as he is big. His friends allude to him as the next Mayor of Phila delphia. He will make a few remarks in reference to the rapid growth of the league in its one year of life. It was hinted last night that an address of welcome to Pittsburg might be expected from Hon. John Dalzell, whose felicitous abilities in that line are undoubted. The roll will then be called by H. T. Fairlamb, of "West Chester, Secretary of the league. Mr. Fairlamb is to remove to Spokane Falls, Wash. T., next month, and is not, therefore, a candidate ior re-election. He will be in charge of the coast affairs of a big mortgage company, but will finally drift into politics so his friends -say. He an indefatigable worker. The credentials of the delecates will be offered lor verifica tion. DALZELL OS BESOLUTIOXS. The Commi'tee on Resolutions will then be appointed by President Stuart. Hon. John Dalzell will be the chairman of the committee, which will number 16 gentlemen, representative of various portions of the State. This committee will wrestle with and successfully curb the manifest inclina tion of the members of the league to kick over the civil service traces. Ninety-nine out of one hundred of the league members are more than impatient at the painfully alow manner in which the flesh-pots are opened up by the administration, uut it is now certain that the resolutions will re affirm the attitude of the Eepublican party elsewhere upon civil service reform. But it is more than evident tht the Jacksonian policy numbers some strong champions among members of the league. There will be a recess whilethe committee is 'reso luting. After the recess will come the election of officers for the ensuing year. As before stated, President Stuart will succeed himself. Captain William Thorn ton, Select Councilman of Philadelphia, and present Treasurer of the league, is also without a competitor. He is one of the veterans among Eastern Republicans, and will be United States Marthal for the East ern district of Pennsylvania whenever Presi dent Harrison removes the Eandall Demo crat now holding the office. For tne permanent Secretaryship of the league there are several aspirants. Chas. F. Etta, for six years Secretary of the State Central Committee, is out for the stuff, as is also William Linn, Port Warden of Phila delphia, and a leading member of the Cam eron Club. The contest is so well defined that a caucus of the Philadelphia contingent will be held this morning before the conven tion with a view to fixing the thing up. Mr. Ettla claims considerable strength outside of Philadelphia. SOME BIVAL CANDIDATES. A tug of war may ensue over the Vice Presidency of the league, an honor bagged last year by Burr Mackintosh, a Tariff Club man. THE Dispatch stated last Saturday that Captain A J. Logan, of the Americus Club, was a candidate lor the position, a statement backed up by some phenomenal hustling by his friends in his behalf yester day. An annonncement made yesterday morning that William Fhnn was desirous of being Vice President, created a small sized political furore. It is said that Mr. Flinn's friends desired that he should be the temporary Chairman of the convention. But as soon as it was discovered that there would be no temporary organization, a change of base was made, and gunning for the vice Presidency commenced. Mr. Logan's friends relused to credit Mr Flinn's candidacy, and Hon. A. C. Eobinson and John Gripp prolessed to know nothing of the matter last night. At all events, none of Mr. Flinn's adherents were on hand buttonholing delegates already here, nor did Mr. Fliun show up at the League head quarters. A little caucus, held last night tightened up Mr. Logan's chances for the position. One of the Eastern men said in regard to the matter that it could hardly be expected that delegates from other parts of the State wonld ieel it incumbent upon them to settle Pittsburg's local squabbles. It is possible that the Vice Precidency may cause a ripple in the convention. Scranton will secure the Second Vice President, and Lancaster the third. After the election of officers the Commit tee on Eesolutions will report. The band may play "Annie Laurie,' and it mayn't. ELECTION OF DELEGATES. The election of delegates to the National Convention of Republican clnbs will come next in order. There will be two delegates from the State-at-large and one from each Congressional district. These will be elected by the convention. President Paul, of the Americus Clnb, will possibly represent the JTlUSDUrg aisirici wuen uie voung is con cluded. John Keeb may be elected to repre sent Colonel Bayne's district. William Leeds will probably represent a Philadel phia district. It may be that some lively although good-humored contests may be pre cipitated in the course of the choice of the national representation. The next upon the programme will be the choice of the permanent Executive Commit tee, which is made up ot one committeeman from each Senatorial district in which clubs exist. These gentlemen will be cnosen in caucus bv the clubs in each district. Of this committee the League officers are ex officio members in relative rank. This will conclude the work of the con vention, and President Stuart stated last evening that a special effort would be made to finish the business session to-day and that, too, in time for the reception to Candidate H. K. Boyer at the Seventh Avenge Hotel. All Republicans are welcome, and the ar rangements for the eventare extremely com plete. Note. THE delegates from all over the State will arrive this morning. Upward of 230 delegates will be present. Dr. Q. W. Febcobjt, President ot the Penn sylvania Association in Washington, D. (X, will attend the convention, arriving to-day. Bt general agreement' to-night's recention fUa.l . . !7 . Jt ,. . . mi.lS31F - -s i .' iLiafci? .&&B5nx?jM,h 1. will bo a joint one, Messrs. Bojrer and Stuart being the recipients of the impending ovation. State Chairman Andrews will also be "re ceived." Hon. A C. Robinson. Chairman of the Committee on Receptions, was first Chairman of the League, and first representative from Pennsylvania to the National League ot Clubs, an honor now held by Henry M. Dubois, of Philadelphia. Senator M. S. Quay was at one time ex pected to be present at the Boyer reception to-night, but was suddenly called to Philadel phia. He went East on the day express yes terday morning. He states that a State fight has never been in better shape than at present. THE POMP PEESENTD. Allegheny Now Hai a Well of Babbling Pare Wnter. The citizens' pump in the Allegheny parks, between Federal and Boyle streets, was formerly turned over to the city of Alle gheny last night. A call for a public meet ing to be held in Common Council chamber was not as generally responded to as it might have been, and but a small gathering was present. Dr. O. L. Miller called them to order, and nominated Dr. R. B. Mowry for Chair man, who filled the position. Presidents Lindsay, of Select, and Hunter, of Common Council, were made Vice Presidents and representatives of the press secretaries. Mr. Arthur Kennedy, Chairman of the Parte Committee, was present to receive the gift from the donors, the citizens ot the Third ward, to the Park Committee, for the benefit of the public. Chairman Mowry stated the object of tho meeting, and introduced Dr. B. F. Wood burn, who made the speech of pre sentation, and formally turned over to Mr. Kennedy the key of the inclosure. Mr. Kennedy accepted it on behalf of the Park Committee and citizens generally. "The gift," he said, "is of value for its practical usefulness. The city can boast ot numerous wells, the gilts of public spirited men, but none so good as this. It is really a fountain, for the reason that its flow is continuous." Mr. Kennedy alluded to tie blessings shown the city by her public spiritsd ad mirers, in giving to her conservatories, aquatic gardens, free library and hall, and the books to stock the shelves, and he understood the city was soon to receive a donation for a public observatory. THE GOSPEL FEEE. The Beibanr Mission Dedicated on Grant Street Lnit Evenlns. Miss Mary Moorhead has granted a room in the Moorhead building on Grant street for the establishment of a mission where the gospel is to be proclaimed without money and without price. The mission was dedi cated last night and christened "Bethany." There were Einging, prayers and speeches made by Miss Campbell, of the London Mission schools; Mrs. Baker, of Rochester, N. Y.; Mr. Stone, of Chicago, and Mr. Whitesides, a faith-cure missionary. The main subject discussed was how to secure the interest of those who are living without hope and enslaved by sin. The narrations were quite pathetic, especially those of Mrs. Baker and Miss Campbell. Mr. Whitesides, however, did not seem to be worried by his work as did thejadies, as he held they were simply workers in the vineyard, and could comfort themselves by looking to God for the increase. The room was not filled, but the assem blage appeared to be deeply interested. ALL TKAiXS DELATED. Twelve Cara Were Smashed In a Wreck at Aenew on the Ft, Wayne. The suburban passengers on the Fort Wayne road last evening were in a very ugly frame of mind. A freight wreck oc curred at Agnew station and delayed all trains several hours. While the first sec tion ot No. 75 was running west one of the journal boxes became hot and was burned out. The weight ot the car on the one side of the axle caused it to spring and break in the middle. The load dropped down on the track and the other cars piled on top of the wrecked car. About a dozen of them loaded with merchandise were scattered all over both tracks, and completely blocked the road for hours. No persons were hurt. DIED UNDER THE KNIFE. Heart Failure the Came of Thomai Jor dan's Death nt Brnddoek. Coroner McDowell held an inquest on the body of Thomas Jordan, of Braddock, who died under the knife on the operating table ot Dr. Dean. Death had resulted from heart failure, and a verdict was rendered in accordance. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of Plttsbarcers nnd Others of Wide Acquaintance. Colonel John Stewart, United States Consul to Antwerp, returned to the city yes terday from Washington, where he paid his re spects to the State Department. Colonel Stewart is one of the most accomplished and popular men in the Consular service. There are few Americans visiting Europe who no not experience his courtesy, while the commercial interests of the country, so far as concerned at Antwerp, have in hiraa vigilant and useful guardian. Colonel Stewart will remiln a tew davs, the guest of his relative Joseph Wood vtelL, Esq., before returning to his post. I Senator M. C. Butler, of South Caro lina, accompanied by Colonel F. H. Stith. of North Carolina, arrived in the oity last evening and are stopping at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. They will remain in the city several days and Will be the guests of Colonel J. TV. Echols, who was counsel in the famous Flemon case. They came here to consult with Colonel Echols in regard to some iron manufacturing interests they have in the South. 'Ibeywill return to Washington on Thursday. Senator Butler is oneof the best known Democratic statesmen of the South, and is a Brigadier General. "Tony" Hamilton, one of the press agents of Barnum's circus, is very popular wherever he goes. Few men in the business have more friends than the genial "Tonv." He sashe can talk with perfect indifference to the business managers ot papers, hut bis nerves become a little shaky when he climbs the edi torial stairs. Tony showed a number of repor ters through the circus yesterday. County Commissioners S. C. Kennedy, J. W. Shields and J. M. Marshall, of Indiana, are at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. They are accompanied by Hon. John M. Leech, District Attorney for that county. They are on their way to the Allentown convention of county officials. Al. Koenig, the well-known ex-Traveling Passenger Agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad In this city, but now connected with one of the State departments at Harris burg, was in the city yesterday. Senator George A Delamater, of Mead ville, arrived in town last night. He is a dele gate to the convention of Republican clubs. and is quietly working up his Gubernatorial boom. Frank H. Morrison, ex-member of the Maryland Legislature, and H. C. Tudor, an other prominent politician of Baltimore, are In the city on electrical business. Mrs. George T. and Miss Elizabeth A. Crawford, who are shining lights in Kittannlng, Pa., society, were in the city yesterday, Rev. Father Graham, of Latrobe, formerly of St. Paul's Cathedral, this city, was in town yesterday visiting friends. D. C. Eeinohl and James J. Johnston, well-known attorneys of Washington, are in the city on business. C. H. Jackson, President of the Stand ard Underground Cable Company, went East last night. Ex-Senator Bothchild, of Texas, passed through the city last evening on his way East. W. S. Kuhn and J. P. Kuhn, of this city, left last evening for the East. P. J. Egan, one of the moneyed men of New York, is at the Anderson. Miss Knntz is at Eockford, HI., visi tag her sister, Mrs. Dr. Fitch. James Laughlin, Jr., the attorney, wife and son, went East last night. D. F. Keenan, the Johnstown con tractor, is In town. ' A DYNAMITE SCARE. The Allentown Turn Hall Authori ties Get a Hint to Clear Oat. AN ATTEMPT TO BORN THE HOUSE. Followed by Threats of Destruction Everyone Who Enters It. to PERHAPS A TEEI BOUGH IND OP JOKE. A very considerable degree of astonish ment and no little excitement was exhibited by an assemblage of the Allentown Turn Hall authorities last night when a Dispatch re porter confided to them, with manner grave and secretive, the contents of the following postal card received at this office yesterday morning : WARNING Ml All persons are forbidden nnder penalty of death of ever entering the Allentown Turn Hall again. That building will not stand a week longer. On Saturday night last a sufficiently large enough bomb was concealed in that hall. It will explode some time this week. Look out for your lives. Be prepared to see something. Remember the fire. Dynamitees. This blood-curdling and terrible intima tion would, perhaps, have been ordinarily set down as the work of some inane practical joker, were it not that an attempt to burn down the building was made on Wednesday night of last week, as already reported in The Dispatch, and which fact imparted more or less of importance to the above. The worthy trus'ees'of the gym nastical society were sorely puzzled what to make of it, and by no manner of means could they determine at whose door to lay the insidious attempt against their building and themselves. An exhaustive effort on the part of the reporter to get at inside facts concerning the state of affairs as between the members of the Turn Hall Society, met with little success, and the true meaning of the above interesting production is still a matter of conjecture. SOMETEOUBLE nr the banks. It seems, however, that all is not well within the ranks of the athletes, and that an element of discord has been introduced into the usually pleasant social relations of the members over the question of the pur chase, some two months ago, of new "turning" appliances. Some $500 was ex pended for this purpose, and because proper authority was not given for the purchase, and also for the reason that some of the material was bought in Chicago, a very vigorous kick has been made by a section of the society against the powers that be. Again, too, there is the usual split among the 150 members of the society, following the example ot peoples the world over; those out 01 power desiring to get in, while those in are striving to remain there. But a sug gestion that any of the members was of nature so villainous as to contemplate such a trick as threatened on the card, was scouted by the bewildered trustees, and it was agreed that the miscreant should be looked for elsewhere. Then after an interval of deep thinking and much head shaking one of the number came out with the startling statement that he thought it must be a woman I Ochabail SOUGH ON THE 'WOMEN. For, he continued, only a woman would think of attempting to set fire to a building at 10 o'clock at night when the hall was full of people, and, beside, he had reason to think that there was a certain young woman who was very much incensed that a certain young man should spend so much of his time in "turning when be might be so much more profitably occupied, Next in order came the suggestion that there were some members of the community at large who were antagonistic to the uprising of the friendly tankard and the conviviality consequent thereon, and who, perhaps, had hit on this scheme with the hope of dispers ing the nightly social gatherings. It was agreed there might be something in this, but the discussion ended with as much enlightenment as when it began, and the only measure that it was conceded could be immediately taken was that of convening the ruling authorities in solemn conclave and laying the matter in all its deep signifi cance before them. Meanwhile the Hall is there, and last night a nnmber of young men were exercising on the various ma chines, and seemed still to have a long hold on life. C0STELL0 IN TOWN. The Name ot the Miners Delecates to the General Assembly. John Costello, member of the General Executive Board, Knights of Labor, was in the city yesterday on his way home from the convention of N. D. A. 135 at Wilkes- barre. The convention elected the follow ing named delegates to the General Assem bly to be held in Atlanta in November: John B. Rea, Master Workman; Robert Watchorn, Secretary Treasurer; Thomas Mc Quade, of Brazil, Ind.; Robert Lynn, of Scran ton. Kan.; M. L. Beat'y, of Pike Run, O.; W. B. Wilson, of Tioga, and John Costello. Mr. Costello will address a mass meeting at Jacksonville, O., in the Hocking Valley, Saturday next He will then leave for St. Louis to attend the meeting of the General Executive Board to be held there, begin ning on Monday, the 30th. THE PIEST COMMANDER!. An Organization of the Knights of St. John in This City. The first Cominandery of the Knights of St. John has been organized in this city by a number of well-known Catholics. At a meeting held in the episcopal residence connected with St. Paul's Cathedral, 26 charter members were enrolled. The fol lowing named officers wese elected: President, John Cosgrove: First Vice Presi dent, J. A. Skelly; Second Vice President P. J. Rowan; Corresponding and Recording Sec retary, James P. Kelly; Financial Secretary, H. L. Aland; Treasurer, William R.Maund. The organization is an insurance and mutual aid society. THE LINCOLN SCHOOL BOARD. Director Cnndr Casts Doubt Upon Judge . White's Recent Order. The Lincoln School Board muddle is un changed, except that Director Cand stated last night that as all the rooms in the school are now supplied with teachers and there is nothing mandatory abonl the elect ion ot a writing teacher, he has some doubt of the effect of Judge White's recent order. A meeting will be held sometime this week at which an effort will be made to straighten out the trouble. SWUNG INTO ETERNITY. A Vonna-Brnddock Tinner Falls to HIsDcath From an Improvised ladder. Joseph H. Tomlinson, aged 18 years, fell 30 feet from a building at the corner of Main and Ninth streets, Braddock, abont 3:30 yesterday afternoon, and was instantly killed. The bov was in the employ of A. F. Eeid. a tinner, and was engaged in replac ing ornamental tinwork on the cornice of a building recently partially destroyed by fire. First Boat In Six Weeks. The steamboat Elaine came up from Ma rietta yesterday. It is a vessel of light draught It is the first vessel that has come to the city within six weeks past, and is the first steamboat that has passed through the Davis Island dam since the completion of the bear trap. , Beschaic's Pills cure bilious and nervous ills Pxabs' Soap secures a beautiful complexion . THE 'ITTSBTJBG- DISPATCH; WEALTHY MEN BANQUET. The Finest Dinner Ever Prepared at the Daqnesne No Outsider Were Admitted and Nothing; Was Given Oat. The wealthiest crowd of banqueters gathered together around the festive board since the convention of bankers about two years ago, was a quiet little dinner party given at the Hotel Duquesne last evening. There were 23 persons in the party, and it is safe to say that they were worth twice that many millions. The dinner was the most expensive ever prepared under the direction of Culinary Artist Menjou. It was impossible to get a peep at the tables or the assembled guests, owing to the Btrict orders issued to the hotel proprietor. Before sitting down the party gave instructions that no persons whatever were to be admitted, and thus barred them selves from the congenial company of the hotel press representatives. They probably survived and were able to get along, but with the exception of the names the re porters could get nothing. Speeches were made, but the speakers probably did not care to see them in print, and would not allow a report to be taken. The banquet lasted until after midnight. The 23 gentle men present were: Andrew Carnegie, H. C. Frick, John W. Chalfant, Thomas M. King, J. V. Patton, Charles F. Mayer, President of the Balti more and Ohio road; Colonel J. S. Schoon maker, Eobert Mayer, John McCleave, A. E. W. Painter, M. A. McDonald. 0. S. Wight, E. D. Smith, J. B. Washington, J. D. Scuilv, J. T. Odell, Silas Perkins, (Jen eral Fit'zhugh, Edward E. Bacon, and Messrs. Kemm, Sloan, Miller and Donnelly. A WAREHOUSE FOE PITTSBUEG. The Pennsylvania Storage Company Apply ins lor a Charter. Attorney Edwin S. Carpenter in behalf of the Pennsylvania Storage Company yester day gave notice that on October 15 an appli cation would be made to the Governor for a charter. The Pennsylvania Storage Com pany was organized within the last two weeks, and consists of the following named five gentlemen: John W. Haney, E. F. Pearson, James F. Keenan, H. S. Toynbee and Edwin S. Carpenter. it is the intention ot tne company to conduct its business something after the style of the Unfon Storage Company, though the Chicago methods of doing business like this will be followed to a very great extent Everything pertaining to the storage and warehouse business will come within the scope of the new company, and it is said the great increase in the storage trade for some years past in Pittsburg promises great suc cess for any well managed company. It is not yet known what the capital stock of the company will be, but it is expected to reach the round figure of $100,000 before the end of the year. The large tour-story building on the corner of Water and West streets has been secured lor a warehouse, and is now undergoing extensive repairs. A large steam elevator will also be built The charter is expected to come about the middle of next month, and the company will begin operations immediately there after. ABOUT THE GAS SUPPLY. Many of the Southside Mill Suffering Through a bhortaao. The supply of natural gas continues to be short on the Southside. The American, Eepublic and the Siigo'Iron Works are all suffering. The Philadelphia company has made special arrangements to supply homes, and the pressure in the houses is quite strong. The supply out Penn avenue is sufficient, and everything will be all right in a few days. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading. A fbee fight occurred last night about 1130 o'clock at the corner of Fourth avenue and Market street Beer glasses and stones were used and several badly cut and brnlsed heads were the resuit John Harrison, James Tracey, Charles McGurdy, John McLaughlin and James Sheridan were arrested. It takes abont S65.000 cubic feet of natural gas to supply Llndsey & McCutcheon's iron and steel works in Allegheny. That is when it is on double turn. This gives an idea of the enormous drain on the natural gas companies from all the mills of the two cities. The Ladies' Aid Society of St John's Epis copal Church, Lawrenceville, will give an en tertainment Thursday night at the residence of the pastor. Rev. W. N. Webbe, No. 4404 Butler street The proceeds will be expended for the benefit of the church. Officer Philip Donoqh, of Woods' Run, complained to Mayor Pearson that when he called on Robert Cnnningham and William Jefferson to help him to arrest a man on Satur day evening, they only laughed at him. The Mayor will investigate. Dennis Fkeil, of Temperanceville, was caught between two trains on the Lake Erie road near Brown's Landing. In order to escape he jumped over a stone wall 25 feet high and broke both his legs, one ot them near the ankle. Chief Kieschlee. of Allegheny, proved himself the best shot at a meeting of the Nortbside Gun Club, and he how wears a hand some badge as a proof of his prowess. He is entitled to wear it till the next meeting of the clnb. C. C. Ishak, a brakeman on the Pittsburg and Western Railroad, had his hand crashed while coupling cars, near Sharpsburg. yester day afternoon. He was taken to the Allegheny General Hospital, where bis Injury was dressed. Philip Spieler was arrested yesterday on a charge of assault and battery, preferred by his wife before Alderman Gripp., She alleges he choked her. Spieler was committed to fail in aeiauit ux uau xur a Hearing uu xnursaay. The remains of Henry Carter, who died last Friday at Denver, will arrive in the city this morning. The funeral will take place from the home of F. P. Bell, No. 6855 Penn avenue, on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, PITTSBURG AND WESTERN officials Claim that the freight blockade is dne to a sndden ac cumulation of business, and to the lack of sufficient motive power to haul cars. Other roads are similarly hampered. HtRAX Pooler, the Ohio river steward who died last Monday, was not a widower as stated, but bis widow lives at present on Second ave nue. He also leaves a second daughter, who resides on Tnstln street Ten tramps were taken in by a raid on some Fort Wayne box cars last night near North avenue, Allegheny. One of them had qnite a roll of money, and paid the costs for himself and five of his friends. The Law and Order Society made 11 infor mations before Alderman Carlisle yesterday. Five for Sunday selling and six against speak easies. They are also shadowing some places on the Southside. about 2 o'clock yesterday morning two men attempted to rob 'Squire Lindsay, at the corner of Garrison alley and Fayette street, but he knocked one of them down and escaped from the other. additional evidence has been obtained that the butchers of Allegheny are dumping offal into the sowers in violation of all the ordinances of Allegheny concerning the matter. There is a movement on foot in Allegheny at present to have the Perrysvllle road wid ened for the distance of three miles to give the electric road a chance to lay donble tracks. Officer Michael Harrison, of the Union station, received a telegram last evening to ar rest a Hungarian named John Tocket, who Is wanted in Johnstown ior larceny. Thomas Grant was placed In jail yesterday on a charge of larceny made by George Starker before Alderman Uripp. The prosecutor al leges Grant stole So from him. Joseph Camp and Frank Noland, two boys, were arrested yesterday on suspicion of being implicated In the robbery of A. Q. Seidle's jewelry store last week. Hance Dunlap was held In $300 ball for court yesterday by Alderman McMasters on a charge of desertion made by Mrs. Dnnlap. Eddie TH0UAS,a9-year-old boy, was knocked down by a horse and buggy, at the corner of Sarah and Eleventh streets, last night One of the pocketbooks stolen by Maggie Connelly in Fleishman's store has been recov ered. It contained a railroad ticket The police of, the Second district were In spected by Police Inspector Whltehouselyestef- oar- ' 1 TUESDAY, ' 'SEPTEMBER?' . L0CATIN& THE FAIR. New Tork Bequests the Opinion of Snperintendent Hamilton. HIS ANSWER FAVOES THAT CITY. He Describes tne Benefits It Wonld Bring to Central Park." CHICAGO OfiLY BEGLNNIKG TO TYOEK Superinteudent William Hamilton, of the Allegheny parks, received yesterday from one of the principal daily newspapers of New York City a request for an expres sion of his opinion "as to the damage which would result to a cultivated park like Cen tral Park from holding therein the World's Fair of 1892." Mr. Hamilton sent his reply early last evening. Later he was seen by a reporter. He had not retained a copy of his message, but he gave the following aa the substance of what he had wired:. "Instead of any damage being done to a public park like Central Park by the World's Fair, I think it would be a very great benefit Any temporary damage that may be done to the lawn can be fully re paired within -six months after the fair closes. New Tork has no horticultural buildings of any kind in its park. The World's Fair commission would necessarily have to erect grand horticultural buildings, which would be erected with a view to their remaining permanently. The growers of hardy plants in Europe and America wonld not plant less than 600,000 of snch plants on the horticultural grounds. There fore, instead of being any damage it would be of Immense value, not only to Central Park, but to horticulture in general throughout the country." HE FAVOES NEW TOEK. In the course of a brief conversation Mr. Hamilton said that he was in favor of, New York as the location of the World's Fair. He considers that it is, in- every way, pre eminently adapted for such an exposition. Mr. Hamilton has been in receipt of private advices as to what is being done in New York to secure the Fair. While he does not feel at liberty to reveal the details of this information, he said: "Few people know what has really been done in New York in regard to this affair. As a matter of fact, they have secured pledges, as good as gold, to the amount of $20,000,000. By a general agreement among the editors of the New York newspapers the matter has been kept secret It is considered that the time is now ripe to make it public, and I believe that all the details will be published to-morrow morning in the New York papers. Such a sum will cast the $5,000,000 sub scribed in Chicago into insignificance," CHICAGO IS HUSTLINO. In this connection it may be interesting to publish the statement niade to a Dis patch reporter by Mr. Frank Brobst, the chief clerk of the celebrated Palmer House, of Chicago, who has been visiting his mother in Allegheny. Mr. Brobst said: "Although Chicago has secured pledges for $5,000,000, that it is bnt the beginning ot what it will do. The millionaires ofthe city, as a rnle, have not done anything yet Mr. Potter Palmer, the owner ot the Palmer House, is in Europe. He is expected home soon. Such men as Philip Armour, the great dressed beef man, and Marshal Field, the drvgoods prince, have not said what they will do. They are awaiting Mr. Pal mer's return. As soon as he arrives some ofthe richest men in the city will hold a conference and decide upon their subscrip tions. I venture to say that they will as tonish the country." Half Rates to the National Capital via Pennsylvania Railroad. Apart from a presidental inauguration no more brilliant event has ever occurred in Washington than the triennial conclave of Knights Templar from October 8 to 11, 1889. Every three years this event attracts the attention of the country to some city, but for many years past Western cities have enjoyed the honor. Washington is now the favored point, and it may well be said that no city in the world is better adapted to such a purpose. Wide avenues, hedged by handsome buildings, form a background for a grand spectacular display that cannot be surpassed in America. It will be a gala week inthe Capital, and thonsands of people will go to witness it In order that every inducement may be offered, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will reduce its rates to Washington on this occasion by one-half. This company will sell excursion tickets to Washington from all ticket stations on its lines October 8, 9, 10 and 11, valid For return until Octo ber 31, 1889, -at one fair for the round trip. On the return trip a stop-off, within the limit, will be allowed at Baltimore, Harris burg, Williamiport. Bate from Pittsburg, $9. Rhododendron Park. On Thursday, September 26, the Penn sylvania Bailroad will run a special ex cursion to JJloydsville, Pa. (Rhododendron Park), leaving Union station at 8:10 a. M., stopping at East Liberty, Wilkinsburg, Braddock, Irwin, Greensburg and princi pal points east, stopping at Altoona for dinner. Beturning, will leave Lloydsville ai 5 P. si., stopping at Altoona for supper, arriving at Pittsburg abont 9.30 P. is. Fare for the round trip from Pittsburg $3 00. Corresponding low rate from all points. Tickets good for two days and good to stop off at Altoona. The New Seal Plash Cncllsh Walking; Coats At $13 00 up to $30 00 in our cloak depart ment to-day perfect in shape. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Your Choice To-day of 10, 000 men's fine cassimere suits, equal to custom uade and worth $20 to $25, at the round figure of $12. a P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court Honse. Flannel Shirts. Flannel Shirts. All the $2 50 flannel shirts to go at $1 each. They are the best goods. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. Excursion to Cincinnati and Colnmbas. The B. & O. B. B. will sell excursion tickets to Cincinnati at rate of $6, tickets good for six days, and to Columbus at rate of $4, tickets good for four days, for train leaving Pittsbnrg to-night at 8:30. Visit our cloak room for the newest styles in jackets and long wraps. TTSSU HUOUS & HACKE. Great Sale. Great sale of hosiery and underwear now going on at Knable & Shuster's, 35 Fifth ave. Ladles! John S. Roberts, 414 Wood street, has the largest and most complete stock of wall paper in the city. Tis Jackets. Jackets, lowest prices. Kxable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Geo. H. Bennett & Bbo.. 135 First avenue, Pittsburg, are the largest holders of- pure rye wmstcy in the city. Cabiket photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth at. XTSu ii-w-. i' J JiarBLAIHB ASAlf'Of PICEE. - Tjv-n Chief Brown Proposes to. Pitt a. CUnsBum on the Police Force. At the time the Italian detective was ap pointed a suggestion was made to Chief Brown that a Chinese officer tconld be ap pointed iu the same capacity with beneficial results to he police department An English-speaking Chinaman is frequently deeded in police circles, not so much for de tective work as for an interpreter, as when a Chinaman is arrested for any crime his knowledge of English leaves him entirely until he is released again. Bev. E. E. Donehoo, who has been taking an active interest in civilizing the Chinese, has been advocating the necessity of attach ing a Chinaman to the police force on the ground that, through them inability to make themselves understood when arrested, they could not get justice either in the po lice or law courts. Mr. Donehoo has one. young Chinaman who is known as Jim Blaine whom he places great confidence in as a conscientious man and a good English scholar. Jim Blaine, it is said, is a natural ized citizen along with his other qualities, and Mr. Donehoo thinks will be Just the right man for the place. Chief Brown has promised to accept Jim Blaine on the force, under certain condi tions, provided he furnishes vouchers and makes a formal application the same as any other police officer. The conditions under which Jim Blaine will go on duty are that he will only receive salary for the work he performs, such as interpreting, as a witness, or any other work he may be required to' do. EXPOSITION CROWDS. Heavy Excursion Business Seems to be the Order of the Day. The city was teeming yesterday with country people out to see the Exposition, and the circus. The crowds at the former. place were never larger. The Jubilee. Singers were a great success. As for coming attractions the Welsh societies are willing to sing when the night devoted to Welsh music comes around. The success of the floral exhibit was snch that the street car lines are arranging to give a more elaborate floral display in the near future. The musical programme of the Great Western for to-day as presented by Conduc tor Weis, isf PART 12 O'CLOCK. L March "Father of Victory" Ganne 2. Selection "The Queen's Lace Handker chief" Stradas 3. Gavotte "Mnhmehen" Ritter 4. March "Potpouri" Carl 5. Popular selection Mo. 2 Mueller PAST 24 O'CLOCK. L Overture von Belssic 2. Medley 'The Black Brigade" Beyer a Waltz "Santiago" Coroin i. Song and dance "Honey of the Southern Bells" Chllds 5. Galop "Gordon Rouge Champagne".. Diiier Just a round $3,000 was taken in at the turnstile yesterday. This means a total at tendance of 14,000, at least: the biggest Monday yet, with everything on the in crease. The famous Storey Jubilee Singers have been engaged for this week. Everybody seemed so delighted with the queer old plantation airs, the management deemed it advisable to retain such a favorite card. Last evening the great crowd rather weak ened the force or the mnsie and in future the singing will be from the principal stands on the lower floor, as it has been ascertained that the music can best be heard from it Guitars and Mandolins. Warranted true and not to split The American Antique oak $ 8 00 The Arion Mahogany 10 00 The Conservatory Rosewood, first quality 15 00 The Conservatory Rosewood, second quality 12 00 The Washburn Rosewood, $22 to.. 150 00 The American Mandolin 12 00 The Washburn Mandolin, $22 to.. . . 75i00 Sold only by H. Kleber & Bro., 506 Wood street TuWT' Silks. Silks. Our $1 black silk. Our $1 black silk. Our $1 25 black silk. Onr $1 25 black silk. Our $1 50 black silk. Our 75c black silk. , Our 75c black silk. See them; they are bargains. " , KXABLE& Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. Nothing; Like It Ever seen before. It is our $500,000 sale of new fall clothing during the next three days. Watch the evening papers for our grand announcement. P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House. How to Make Home Happy. Visit the Exposition and get some of the delicious hot cakes and waffles distributed free from the stand of S. S. Marvin & Co. Then buy a sack ;ot Marvin's superior self rising pancake flour to take home with you and be" happy. . xissu Dress Goods. Dress Goods. See our wonderful bargains, all qualities, all prices. Save money, save money. Lowest prices in the city. Knable & Shusteb, 35 Filth ave. Tho New Weaves In Black Dress Goods That are shown here are beyond question the most attractive to be louud, in both quality and price especially the latter par ticular. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. A Home Industry Always deserves patronage. Frauenheim Ss Vilsack's celebrated Iron City beer is made right here in Pittsburg. Drink it You will enjoy it Flannel Barsains. Blankets and comforts all to go cheap this week. Kn able & Shusteb, 35 Filth avenue. Yonr Choice To-day of 10, 000 men's fine cassimere suits, equal to custom made and worth $20 to $25, at the ronnd figure ot $12. P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House. Air exceptional bargain are those slightly imperfect French drap d'etes, $2 50 quality for $1 25 a-yard. , Huous & HACKE. TT3SU Fob best brands of pure rye whiskies, go to Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First avenue, second door below Wood street Oub 24-inch wide plushes at 75e and $1 a yard are the best value showu in the city, all latest colorings. Huous &HACKE. TTSSU Special Sale. Sale of wall paper remnants now going on at John S. Roberts', 414 Wood st tis 8at, stranger, are von looking for bar gains? Go to Busy "Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. Mechanical and architectural draw ing tanght at evening sessions, Duffs Col lege, 49 Fifth ave. The most efficacious stimulant to excite the appetite is Angostura Bitters. Cabinet photos, $1 per dor. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ttsu Natural Gas Bills Ileduced 75 Per Cent. O'Keefe Gas appliance Co., 31 Fifth ave. MA5T-vaches-aod pains yield promptly to Parker's'Glncer Tonic. Try It , ' Parker's pair Balsam will save your hair. - James H.' Aiken & Co.'s fine neckwear, 100 Fifth ave. &? 13S9l ET.A5D, iKATjI.-, Ipetegatea tovthe Meeting; of HavIfltWifaiflk he Eatertalned. r- v j. A meeting of -river operators was held at 11 o'clock, yesterday forenoon, in the o&ee of the Pittsburg and Southern Coal Cojbk pany,atvthe corner of" TiVjater and'Wwd streets, to arrange for the, entertaiBmeflt of the delegates" to the eighteenth annnsi meet ing of the National Board of Steam JNavl-, gation. i The board will meet in the Monoagahela House on next Tuesday and Wednesday, October 1 and 2. It will consist of about 100 members. New York City will send 13 delegates. Baltimore, Philadelphia, Bos ton, New Orleans, Cleveland, Chicago and some other cities will be represented. The board will devote its attention chiefly to the discussion of laws affecting ocean and in land navigation. At the meeting yesterday forenooa about a dozen, of the largest 'steamboat firms were represented. John A. Wood was called to. the chair, and I. N. Bunton, of the firm of Joseph Walton & Co., was elected Chair man. It was decided to give the visitors an excursion on the Mayflower, and a banquet at the Monongahela House. The following committee was appointed to raise money for the proper entertainment of the visitors: Joseph Walton, Simpson Horner, John A. Wood, B. F. Wilson and Addison Lysle. As a .committee on the de tails ot entertainment, the following named gentlemen were appointed: L N. Bunton, James T. Fawcett, William B. Bodgers, W. W. O'Neil and Harry Brown. Also a com mittee was appointed to secure meeting and banquet rooms at the Monongahela House.' For both purposes it is probable that the new dining room on the First avenue tide will be used. This large and well-lighted apartment has been furnished and fitted up at an expense of $15,000. It has just been completed, and the National Board of Steam Navigation will be the first body to use it It was voted by the meeting thatthe Pitts burg delegation to the convention should, consist of one representative from each' Pittsburg firm which is a member of the National board. This will give Pittsburg about 20 delegates, more than any other city. Fine 8698 Culckerlng Piano 8235. An elegant sqnare grand Chickering piano, of excellent tone and splendid finish! This instrument is nearly new, and will be sold, fully warranted, for $225. A great bargain. Also a nice Haines Bros.' piano for $100, and a Mason & Hamlin organ -at $50. Call at J. M. TCoffmanu & Co.'s, 537 Smithfield street "Gen. agents for the un rivaled Sohmer pianos, also the superb Colby and Hallet &T!nmston. pianos. Oar Silk Department Ono or the Wonders of Plltabnrar, A visit here will show you more silks of every fashionable weave than yon will find in a day's journey elsewhere the low prices are an interesting feature; JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Bilks. Silks. Colored silk bargains. Fancy silk bargains. Surah silk bargains. Knable & Shtjsieb, 35 Fifth avenue. ' THUDXA'S DANCING ACADEHT, 64 Fonrth Avenne, Opens for the season next week, Tuesday, Oct L See amusement column, this paper. James H. Aiken & Co.'s fine neckwear. 100 Fifth ave. BIBEREABTDN;, 505 and 507 Market ,SL OTJB EXTENSTVE IMPROVEMENTS ABE NEARLY COMPLETED. COME AND SEE OTJB NEW STORE WITH AN ELEGANT NEW. STOCK OF " DRY GOODS, CLOAKS, ETC. OPENING, WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 25. BIBER k EASTON. Se22-1M FURNITURE. K. J. HOMER & CO, 6L 63 AND 65 WEST TWENTY-THIRD ST., NEW YORK. LARGEST EXHIBIT OF ARTISTIC FURNITURE IN AMERICA Ten show rooms filled with the latest produc tions of the Furniture ana Upholstery Art from the recognized manufacturing centers of the world. Novelties of London production. Novelties of Paris production. Novelties of Vienna production. Our own Importation. Novelties jf American production, Including those of our own manufacture. , Visitors to Hew York are cordially invited to call and examine onr stock and prices The central location of our establishment (adjoin ing EdenMusee) makes It easy of access from all parts of the city. se2Z-106-Tjgq WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS AND WAINSCOTTTNG, IHTERIOR DECORATORS, Manufacturers and Importers of Flno Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted lor complete House Furnishings. TBTMBY, HUNT 4 CO., 12 and laa Market sc j9uPt9J PHttartolyhh., Pa. lAKQJ Hxi xsrSssisVdsisssssMssiiVfi. ' '"'" JDS! HDRr-"CQ."B " N rrfiS23 ItfW - PENN AVENUE JSTOXES. ' OtJr "WONDERFUI, DRESS-' GOODS STOCKS? - zz: v'. ri. sThas still mors NEWABRICS TO'aKOn". Ctatomexs aH agree tbac tsteyslsiM they get here la few Dress Goods ex.' '4 eeedanyHwyoaBSad! Ms -a- Note the prises aafl 'oh osoweooi- ' C - f J la Am all-wool , w t ,$ SERGEI J3 --eeoassrtzaeaUikatefsifc fM e-tses wMo Serges at 75c a yaL Maea wide Serges at a yaaL tt-lses wHe Cfcertet Bergs aiKt, yard. - -laehwideCSte&ereSersAts. iS-feea wMe Seqos. bread watt, M ',, , , "" T5isv 69-inehwldo Georgette Basis' a a yard, grand value. M-lnch wide flae Serge at 11 Wand SB. 66-in'ea wide doth Serge, only a yard. , W-lfloh wide Cheviot Sef, at JB 59 a yard. A still finer English Costume Bajss 'i ' .-.- at 18 50 a yard. P STYLISH Tnjf mc , CAMEL'S HAIR CLOTHS; XS THE NEW COLOB8: 43-kcB wide at SI ay-ard. . '$&' K 42-Inch wide, bard twea sad flae, aT &i 11 a. .k 42-inch wide, extra weight, 50 a yard. 46-tach wise, heavy weicat, at IB ;W v - ?. r-i'-ssi-wr-' .-'sfrw. W"7.t : iiT I - . ...j smcsss 64-lnch wide, medium weJgC4 K J ayard. &V1J.1NUS, . New fancy weaves in plain color Salt. " ings,suchas Granite Anaares, Dtofo-' r nal Annures, Valesca Cords, Narrowl and Wide Wale Diagonals, all larlgM weights and elegant finish. -' BROADCLOTHS. The best Broadcloths having wi4H!f' r , and quality, 1 a yard. 26 a yard;1feef' Tub . CO m.Jt 0 CA . a. "V -.. a. ui n jw a jam. war use orf colorings exceeds in variety all former seasons. Combination Robe Patterns, all the) "j:, latest Paris conceits, at K SO and up t .c ' "W., the finest shown. . rifflsMr Stylish Cloth Applique Dress PaKera. a4i at 17 50 each, In new shades. The largest assortment of AU-woeJ Plaids, double-width goods, at five. Ffata? 0f5i imported Plaids up to X 50 a yardia- eluding mouchoir designs and otter' rp- v latest novelties. , s-,. Jtufr 'French All-wool Cashmeres and Hea-r Isrsmx riett Cloths. We lead allcoB.pe.Htes.-v . tm In these fabrics, for quality and lewnesa t of price. -. The Jacket boom la oar .-. CLOAK AND SUIT" . Department is immense the bargains ; in Jackets of medlam and Heavy weJgBt cloths, in newest shapes, are bere""'lat stacks black and colors. WRAPS. ' " ySft. , Mr Alt sizes in Clots Mantles aas Snort Wraps new goods comteg in everyday. Paris novelties I efegast Lone Wrasa now arriving. - ' This greatest display of Ladies' Stylish -. Cool and Cold Weather Wraps of all. kinds la untc.aated,. 3K Additional salespeople to wait on yon t - In this departments 1 i '& ilDSrHBRNE i ClltS PENN" AVENUE STORES3 a i it raftjr. t.rj.xt "rmSSEKTM :ff$f BegBtsr CeatatMnHHSf . 'earfsPalWSsl fetisk HsissiiS Ji SJSBSsftaSlSSSBS. ci- fe6iii. - He wb Ml 'W iae, medlamT, 5& '; "SarflBaallVi -J i- at mam 3 fcLiv vs-pjf -nf ti .'aV sr iiMojf t- -- I ssBflRs.9i . iajyr . iii.i 3rlWJHSigssssBrsissssssss