!?jZ5S7flMSBfiEMBHE1K!?n!9 ,-i T?& .,' THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1889. -' BBBraWFl :r ,ws 22, . r i LATE KEWB IK BRIEF. The President has appointed George Wald ers to be Collector of Internal Revenue for the Tenth district of Ohio. The safe in the Iron Exchange Bank at Hurley, Wis was blown open Friday night and orer fiU,000 stolen. The mono) was to pay the miners of the Ashland and Qcrmania ilines. The Indiana Supreme Court has decided that bicyclists cannot be made liable for dam ages resulting from horses becoming fright ened at their wheels, if such runaways occur while the bicyclists are riding upon the high way and are doing nothing which shows a lack of regard for the rights of others. Frederick Douglass, United States Minister to Hayti, was at the Department of State yes terday receiTing his final instructions. He will sail for his post Saturday, September 21, from Norfolk or Fort Monroe on either the United States steamship Ossinee or Kearsarge, as may be determined by the Navy Depart ment. In the Wyoming Convention a proposition to embody in the Constitution a clause provid ing for the appointment of a State Board of Arbitration to determine and settle differ ences between employers and employes, was adopted. A bill providing tor the establish ment of State militia was passed. A Dill to establish a Supremo Court consisting of three judges, separate and distinct from the District Court, meets with much opposition from the advocates of an economical system of judiciary. For several months the Government had made no effort to prevent the sale of liquor in Guthrie, Oklahoma, and as time went on tuo liquor smugglers became emboldened and over a dozen groggeries have been running in full blast during the last month. The granting of licenses was refused, yet to all appearannes tho Government winked at its sale. Yesterday, however, a deputy United States collector dropped Into the city unexpectedly, and before night 22 men were under arrest and will be sent to Wichita for trial. A railroad accident occurred on tho Boston and Maine Railread at 330 o'clock yesterday morning, between Lancaster and South Lan caster, Mass. A freight train left Rochester at 6:45 o'clock in the evening, and a special freight train left Worcester early in the morning and got half way between Lancaster and South Lancaster when they collided. Kngineer Ed ward Lawrence, of Rochester, bad h:s left arm broken. Fireman Warren was killed, and Peter Tapron injured about the head. The cars, 13 in number, were piled on top of each other. The engines were totally ruined. The physicians of Battle Creek, Mich., are puzzled over the peculiar condition of the widow of W. A. Dennison, tho brankeman who was killed in the Grand Trunk yards a week ago. Since the funeral the unfortunate wo man has been as one dead. A death-like sleep has taken hold of her. Her body is perfectly rigid and she takes no heed of surroundings. No nourishment has passed her lips with the exception of a little beef tea that was given her yesterday morning. At intervals violent spasms shake her frame, after which she re lapses into her former stupor. She has been taken to the asylum at Kalamazoo. Advices from different parts of Mexico says heavy storms have been sweeping over that country since Angust 15. visiting different States at different times. The latest prevailed along the Pacific coast, and reports from Maz atlan and Manzaniilo are that the steamers Porfirio Diaz and Alata have probably been wrecked. After a five days' steady rain in the State of Vera Cruz a cyclone passed over the town of Cbicintepeccausing great destruction, and to add to the terror of the inhabitants a Seat landslide occurred on the mountain ck of the town, a part of which passed di rectly through the town, cutting a great swath through the buildings and carrying away everything in its path. The shipments of iron ore by lake to date have passed the 5,000,000 mark, the last week's work carrying the total np to 5,100,171 gross tons, which is l,9U,6t9 tons above the quantity that had been forwarded in the corresponding date last year, and the shipments for the week footed up 242.6S3 tons, of which amount 42,326 tons were from Marquette. (-0.111 from Escan aba, S3.S43 from Ashland, 23,790 from Two Har bors, 2.012 from St. Ignacc, and 4.000 from Gladstone. The last week's shipments were fully up to the average for the season, and the indications now are that the output of the mines for 1SS will easily reach 7,000,000 tons, and may somewhat exceed that figure. The sealing schooner Beatrice, Captain Mc- Keil, arrived at Victoria, B. C, from Behring Sea Thursdav night with 1,200 sealskins. The Captain reports that ho never once sighted the Rush. On August 10 be lost three canoes, each containing two Indians, who were unable to find their way back to the ship from the fishing grounds on account of the fog. The Captain rcmained'in tho neighborhood for Ave days burning lights, but nothing was feen of them. The Captain thinks, however, that they were picked np by schooner which passed about that time. The schooner Maggie Mc arrived from Behring Sea with 1390 sealskins. She was overhauled by the Rush after a three-hours' chase on August 27, but Lieutenant Tuttle allowed her to proceed after examining her papers, and as the skins seemed to be several aays old. nORSFOUD'S ACID PHOSPHATE Imparts New Enerjry to the Drain, Giving the feeling and sense of increased in tellectual power. Geo. H. Benkett & Bro 135 First avenue, second door below "Wood street, for pure rye whiskies. Cabinet photos, SI per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ttsu EXTEAORDIXAET BARGAINS in seal plush sacques and jackets, 9 50 to $25; visitors make a note of it, at Bosenbanm & Co's. Visitors to the Exposition will be well pleased by going to Pearson, the leading photographer, for their cab. photos; ho makes the best in the two cities. Visit our cloak room for the newest stvles in jackets and long wraps. TTSSU HtTGUS & HACKE. Headquarters for old whiskies, No. 523 Liberty, loot of Fifth avenue. FOR a finely cut, neat-fitting suit leave your order with Walter Andersoa, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in the market; imported exclusively for his trade. su They Arc No Fraud. Tickets issued by Hendricks & Co., photo graphers, 68 'Federal st, Allegheny, are good for just what they call ior, regardless of what others say. If yon hold a ticket bring it in before Oct. 1. Come and see for vourself. eos AKfftt POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur lty, strength and wbolesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin da, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum orphosphate pow dets. Sold only in cam. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. 106 Wall St. N. Y. oc5-m40-MWTSU 81. Until October. 81. Mothers, bring children to Anfrecht's Elite gallery, 516 Market street, Fittsbnrg. Use elevator. Cabinets SI per dozen, proof shown. PRICE'S CREAM 4KIN Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Indorsed by the heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alnm. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. 8T, LOUIS. my5S2-TTSeosu COMFORT AM) STYLE COMBINED IK IRUBIEILsPS -POPULAR SOFT HAT. jv S?gQ J-Sj SS- 0bbbbbbK' WmKZS3. I IbbbbbbbEf '?BBPliiliBBBBBBBBBBBi' j&JijilfuSSp HERBERT WALKER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, 55 NINTH ST. je30-75-su THE PRINCE KARL. 51 50, $1 90, $2 20, ?2 90, 53 40. In offering this exceedingly dressy soft hat, we fill indeed a long-felt want. A great many gentlemen are tired of the conventional Derby and demand something new something which would combirle dressiness with com fort. Tho Prince Karl fills the, bill. The jauntily curved brim and rolling curl aro just the thing to give to the wearer a stvlish and elegant appearance. Wo show this bat in Black, Blue and Hazel Brown, the latter being one of the handsomest colors ever pro duced. The Miller Hat, for which we are sole agent In Pittsburg, is selling wonderfully well. It deserves to, being by ail odds the Nobbiest Hat out this season. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfield St. P. S. Mall orders promptly filled. se22-WTSu SHPl mi iwps s . sss . r ' m ,,. r!,wr8mM nn m i MtSshpi t ijSl 8b w MEDJCINt & .SiiSSS and Pain In the Stomach. Slek S flnr Tllllfina and Norrans DlMTders. men as Wind Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Srrelllng after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous andTrembUngSensatlons, Ac THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY M1XTJTES. This is no Action. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and f hry trill be acknowledged to be a Wonderful Med leine. " Worth a guinea abox." BEECHA1V3 PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH ; HIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE MAGIC: a few dosesvrtil workwonders upon the Vital Organs, Strength ening the muscular System; restoring lone-lost Complexion; bringing back thekeen edge of appetite, and arousing with the ItOSEBUD OF HEALTH tho whole physical energy of tho human frame. These are " facts " admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BEICBAU'3 FILLS EAV2 THS LASQE3Z SALS 07 ISl itSSSX HEDICHJE III THS 70SLS. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Bold by Druggists generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 3G5 and 307 Canal St., New York. Bole Agents for tha United States, teho (inquire first), if your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS A BOX. s IsTJLIP ILnTO- 1 For this week only we will sell double-barrel, breech-loading shotguns at the following unequaled low prices: New Baker, top action, etc., J23; top action, steel barrels, rebound ing hammers, pistol crip, at 110 SO; side action, twist barrels, all improvements, at $11; top action,twist barrels, rebounding hammers,patent fore end,etc,at $12 SO; top action, re bounding bar locks, laminated steel barrels, at $15; I. X. L. breech-loader at $20; Thomas Parker, Never Miss, at $22 50; L. C. Smith, hammerless, at $60. Each gun sold is guaran teed to give satisfaction or money refunded. :KI. SHULTT, 934 Liberty St., Cor. Smithfield. Send name and address for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List, free of charge. ee22-iTSSu MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SEASON I889--PACKING. NEW GOODS JUST IN. California evap. peaches, extra. ,22o per pound California evap. apricots, extra.. 20c per pound Delaware evap. peaches, extra.. .16c per pound Evaporated whortleberries 20o per pound Crosse & Blackwell's English Jams. Comprising Baspberry.Strawberry, Blackberry, Gooseberry, Black and Red Currant, and Marmalade, only 18c and 23c per jar. Dew Drop Canned Goods. Early June Peas. Extra Sifted Peas, Lima Beans, Succotash, Pineapples, Battall String Beans and Fancy Peeled Asparagus just in. pa.hes. Corn and Tomatoes will soon fol io. We are sole agents for above goods. Curtice Bros. Fine Fruits and Vege tables. Tomatoes, Table Peaches in cans, White Cher, ries. Flaked and Shredded Pineapple. Bed Raspberries and Current Jelly in glass just in. Other goods will follow. Virginia Extra Fancy Clover Honey (new). In 1 and 2 pound frames, 1 pound, 22c; 2 pounds, 20c per pound. Send for tho Housekeepers' Guide, Mailed Free. ill, UAiMUfi a Select Family Grocers, 18 DIAMOND, Market Square. se22 Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KOBNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 50 Fifth avenue, near Wood street Telephone No. 1086. selS-ssu J. DIAMOND, PRA CTICAIi OPTICIAN, 22 SIXTH STREET. The Eye examined free of charge. Spectacles perfectly fitted. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted and warranted to suit. sel2-6-TTSu WJOTTi, PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait ts 50; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $2 and $2 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. apli-16-irwT8u HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Knzer's Old Honesty. The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will soon find that It lasts longer, tastes sweeter than other tobaccos, and will please yon. Ask your dealer for It and insist on getting it: Genuine has a red H tin tag on every plug. 4m1m mh2-S54sa WE GrRABOWSKY, RenoYator of Lm Gents' Hats, Gents' light-colored stiff or soft hats dyed black, retrimmed and renovated Into the new fall styles; fast color, correct styles) this means saving $2. Silk hats renovated into the Broadway, Dun lat or Knox style, well trimmed,' fine finish, ap pearance as good as new and a saving ol 13 to H on each hat. If yon wish a fine French mourning band, your bat blocked, a new leather band or binding, come to us; we do our work in pleasing style. Our Ladies' Department, felt and straw hats. Is booming. We show the most fashionable styles; our renovating Is done with, effect; we recommend JSS, , - 35 - THE METROPOLE, The most attractive turban tor the season. Yon can have your old-fashioned felt or straw hat made into this or any of our many samples. Flumes and tips dyed to any sampl. Get your work done at the reliable old busi ness stand of WILLIAM GRAB0WSKY, 707 PENN AVE., Opp. Penn Building. se22-wsn NEW ABTERTISEaORTTS. LINEN AND HAND-MADE TORCHON LACES AT UNHEARD-OF PRICES! 30 Patterns of Beal Linen Torchon Lases, 3 asi 4 lashes wide, at 10 CENTS PI TAED. CO PatternsG and 6 Inches wi de, at 12J cents per yard. SO Patterns, 4 and S inches wide, hut much better quality at 15e and 18c These are the biggest drives ever offered in Torchon Laeee, are lesa than half prieeaael suitable ior trimming pillow shams, skirts and aay ;ef tfce 'dUfcrsat uea to whki?e Laces are so well adapted, fiend for samples. ' V Ladies' Neckwear The Terr latest novelties in Vandyke Cachings In White, Cream and. Biaei, feeaaeU -ful in design and ranging in price from 38c np to fl 50 a yard. Novelties ia Linea, Laae and Embroidered Turndown Collars, with Cui& to Match. DRESS TRIMMINGS I A COMPLETE STOCK. Largest variety id Black and Crocheted Gtmps, from narrow to wide. Cree&eied aad Beaded Ornaments, Gimps, Knotted 811k Fringes, black and colored. Steel Gimps ad Ornaments, Gimp and'Surah Sashes, black, and colors. Knotted and Gimp Freata ad Panels. Cut Steel Buttons, Crocheted Buttons, Pearl Buttons aad Fancy Metal BaMewts, all in small and very large sizes to match for trimming. Pull line of Gilbert's Sttetia, in plain and fancy, Percalines and Fast Black Cambric Waterproof Skirt Faedags. Dress Shields of every well-known and reliable make. Warren's, Lindsay's and Oanfleld's Hose Supporters for Ladies' Misses' and Children. Largest line of Chatelaine Bags, from 48c up to $3 GO each. They are go-lag oat as quickly as they came in. New styles of Pocketbooks coming ia. every day. COMB EABLY AND OFTEN. - ... 4 510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE! - N. B. Very handy, Linen Embroidered Initial tor toarkise; hosiery, uienrear, etc, at 16o a grow. sea-xsaea. IsTE-W O-OOIDS. We have just received and have now ready for Inspeottoa, ' .' beautiful China Dinner Sets, Fish Seta and a full line of aioel , China, odd pieces, to which we invite the attention of the ladles.' R. P. WALLACE & CO., 211 "Wood s-t- " OPPOSITE ST. OHABLES. aWT8ij TOGO INTO DETAILS 3 KAUFMANNS' AND CLOAK DEPARTMENT, - r. . V . f M tf. ' 1'i rv$mimi.$. the favorite shopping place of the Ladies of Pittsburg, is now ready ready In all the word implies for the Fall and Winter Season, l88oA)0. No pains or money have been spared to lay before our customers a stock of garments "that for extent and elegance, style and quality would stand second to none ever exhibited Jn any city on, this continent, and how well we have succeeded in this effort a single visit to our Cloak Department will suffice to disclose. Every fashion center on both Hemispheres has been visited by our alert and experienced buyers. Europe was "done" by Mr. Henry Kaufmann himself. The choicest products of the most celebrated manufacturers of Berlin, Paris and London were secured by him. Unlike the other local dealers, he considered nothing too fine or fashionable for the Ladies of the Twin Cities, but bought the very best garments to be found. The same plan was followed out in the home markets, and, as the direct result, we now rejoice in the possession of stock of Ladies' garments THE MOSTv STYLISH AND EXQUISITE EVER EX HIBITED IN THIS PART OF THE COUNTRY. But our large stock and pretty styles are not the only nor the main inducement we hold out to our patrons. Having made our purchases "on both sides of the water" on a most gigantic scale, and having paid spot cash for every dollar's worth of goods shown by us, we were accorded especially low prices by the manufacturers, and it is this fact that now enables us to SELL OUR SUPERIOR GARMENTS, FOR LESS MONE THAN THE INFERIOR would be next to impossible, since we could easily write two pages of this paper and yet leave the half untold. We must confine ourselves therefore to the pointing out of a few of the most interesting features. OUR MAGNIFICENT DIREC TOIRE STYLE GARMENTS, for instance, are worthy of special notice. Nothing will be more extensively worn this fall and winter than the Directoire Directoire Newmarkets, short and long Jackets and Wraps. W.e have them in a most bewildering profusion of imported and domestic materials Camel's Hair Cloths, Beavers, Invisible Stripes, Fancy Cloths, Brocades, finished plain or with braid, applique, brocade or passementerie in shades to match materials. -We also 'have Directoire styles in Misses' Cloaks and Jackets. Our new Peasant garments, too will prove quite an attraction. They are so graceful and comfortable that they are bound to have a big sale. ::: IN ENGLISH SEAL PLUSH GARMENTS, OUR GREAT SPECIALTY, ::: we have surprises in store for the Ladies of Pittsburg that will be most agreeable. Aside from showing none but strictly reliable goods, and all the latest styles of the season, we are in a position to name matchlessly low prices. We have Plush Jackets, Wraps and Sacques from $9 up, and they will be found equal, if -not' superior, to anything-shown elsewhere for $15, In the finer and the finest grades our prices are proportionately low. We would also point to our grand variety of Ladies' Jackets. We show over 500 styles, including the Directoire and Imitation Vest designs. The materials are Broadcloths Beavers, Twills, Corkscrews, Cassimeres, Diagonals, Meltons, eta, in gobelin, gray, garnet, black, brown, navy,. as well as all kinds of stripes, checks, plaids and mixtures. A grand and complete assortment of Misses', Children's and Infants' garments. Jgr TAKE NOTICE I Our store will be closed .next Thursday, on account of holiday. Wv'YtX .". C V yyvVSTft'SVi BE --v & . QUALITIES CAN '- BOUGHT Another point we paid particular attention to was that all our garments were tailor-made. Experience teaches" us that they give the best satisfaction in wear and durability, be sides they are far superior to the regular "shop" made gar ments in fit, finish and gracefulness of draping. With these goods we propose to capture the Cloak trade of the Pitts burg and Allegheny at the very outset of the season. " ' " ' SaSKjj.jXSi'' 1 KAUFMANNS FIFTH "VIEIISrtnE! si&irrTi&n: