t THE MTSfcgGlMfflt i. PAGES 9 TO I2P w'l SECOND PART. m it. "' HTTSEUKG, SATTJItDAY, SEPTBMBEB 21, 1889. --&' M't' 'FACTS ABOUT 1H1SET It is Claimed to be Practically the Only Pare Stimulant Sold. A LAEGEE BONDED PEEIOD NEEDED The Public and Distillers Would be Bene fited by Such a Change. AMERICAN TTCNES ARE UKDER A CLOUD Wi' tlppeny wo fear nae evil, Wi' usquebae we'll face the deviL The old Irish and Gaelic called it usque baugh uisge. beatha the French call it eau de vie grains, and with all the meaning is the same water of life an appropriation, by the way. which Archbishop Trench de nominated blasphemous, but one which is highly expressive of the estimation in which Burns held the beverage. The Germans call it korn-branntwein. English-speaking people call it variously spirits frumenti. Jersey lightning, 40-rod, boose, coffin var nish and many 'other names, bnt it is ordi narily known as whisky. The invention of distillation is, like that of the plow, lost in the mists of antiquity, Vinous fermentation making alcohol was J probably known much earlier. Noah is said to have gotten drunk on the juice of the grape, but it is not known whether dis tillation, or separation, was known then. In Ireland and Scotland whisky is main ly made from barley. Potato whisky is manufactured to a considerable extent in Europe for the adulteration and reinforce ment or wines and brandies. Corn makes the best neutral spirit for general purposes, being cheaper than rye and better than po tatoes. The real process of spirit making is fer mentation, distillation being merely the separation of what is wanted irom other in gredients. Alcohol is simply the crude' spirit of the greatest strength that can be fatten from distillation. In its crude state it is used for mechanical purposes. Eefincd it is called cologne spirit. Whisky is made from the finer grains, rye, barley, wheat, oats and the higher crades of corn. Potato whisky is an inferior article, no matter how carefully made. COMPOSITION OP NEW -WHISKY. To make whisky there is a re-distillation, and when new it contains 1 volume of fusil oil to 500 of whisky. By careful storing and treatment for two years in pack aces, about all that fnsiloil is evaporated in awater bath, and after volatilization shoudl give off no odor, so that in a medical sense well-made 2-year-old whisky is as good as it ever becomes. Medical men until recently relied on French brandies for use in the pharmacopeia. Now they use whisky, it being better than French brandy, being less adulterated. Cologne spirit is not so digestible as whisky, but is good for tinctures, not good as a stimulant "Whisky contains ether and va rious salts adjudged healthy. These are filtered out of Cologne spirit in its purifica tion, leaving it more dead than whisky. The above is the outline given by an ex liqnor dealer to introduce an argument in lavorof extending the time of the bonded "period. He states that during the last seven years the American public has drunk much better liqnor than it did between 1863 and 1SS2. The cause was the passage of the bill of Congressman Carlisle of Kentucky, extending the bonded period J Iran oue'to three years. Previous to the , passage of that bill whisky bad to bear the cost of interest on the tax, and tax had to be paid on more whisky. Now the distiller is allowed a deduction of seven and one-half gallons for three years' evaporation;from a barrel. He states that the results to the consumer would be still better were the period extended to five years. His beverage would not be any healthier, but it might cost him less to drink a smooth old article with fragrant boquet A BETTEB DBINK AT LESS COST. A man can now get a better drink of whisky lor 10 cents than he could for 15 cents some years ago. Said he: "High taxes always produce an inferior article. Early in the eighteenth centurv the British Government levied a tax of 20 shillings a gallon on ardent spirits, beside a heavy tax on dealers. The result was adulteration, smuggling and rioting.and the law became so unpopular that it was re pealed in 1723." The bulk of whisky drank in Europe is made in tne United Kingdom. The dis tilleries of England are immense affairs,sev eral costing each over $40,000,000. In Ger many there is a little potato whisky made, but it is not good. In fact, as a rule, there is no good liqnor made in Germany, except that which is brewed from hops and malt The bet foreign whiskies are made in the United Kingdom, but Americans prefer their own, and lead ing brands of American whiskies are now sold in the large cities of Europe. A con siderable percentage of Americans drink whisky, and demand their own cuntry tipple, and in Paris especially aneffoort is made to accommodate them. THE KEYSTONE STATE AHEAD. The best whisky made in this country is that made in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Kentucky. Korth Carolina has more than 200 distilleries, but there are single dis tilleries.in Pennsylvania that turn out more whisky than does all North Carolina. Penn sylvania rve whisky is the coming whisky. It is said, even the Scoth and the Irish in this country now drink the American article in preference to the product of their own countries, except on holidays, when they patriotically toast their birthplaces in Scotch or Irish hot whisky punch. It is only patriotism that makes them prefer it on these occasions. icLUBvn.ma Bas always led in rve whiskies. Kentucky Is noted for bourbon whisky, and until lately had the call gen erally in the West, but rye is 'making .heavy inroads, and Pennsylvania rye is said to be the coping brand. Formerly in this State one third of the mash was corn, it be ing supposed to add to the quality of the product, but now the article used is rye ex clusively in the best distilleries. New whisky is white. It gets its beautiful amber color from thecask; that Is supposing the article is pure, and it is well colored at three years old. Some of the tannin of the oak in the barrel is appropriated by the whisky. Attempts have been made for years to prematurely age whisky, bnt none of them have produced results as to quality equal to careful storage. It is said the best storing warehouses in the world are in Pennsylvania. They are kept heated to jnst the proper temperature, and kept there, and evaporation is stimulated to accomplish all that is possible with present knowledge. It is age that gives whisky its mild taste and its fine aroma. HOW THE TAX IS LEVIED. Proof whisky, on which the Government levies the tax, is .917 specific gravity at 60 temperature. That grade boils at 185, 27 below that of water at sea level. Whisky heavier than that is below proof; if higher, above proof. At .917 weight the mixture is eaual Darts water and alcohol. As alcohol is made Dy fermentation, and as combined al-- cohol and water ooii at wu and fusil oil at 269 degrees, not much of it boils over and redistillation is necessary, and that still leaves one part in COO fusil oil, and it is necessary to keep it two years, when, if carefully stored, only a slight trace of it remains. , To make a good whisky punch requires care. The water must be boilinc so as to combine" -the whisky and water perfectly. J There is no better strong drink to give to him that is perishing than a well made whisky punch. The aroma thereof is sweeter to a connoisseur than is the attar of roses. Neutral spirit leaves a disagreeable nrinr. The ex-dealpr tatmt it is a. dutv the Government owes to the people to extend- tne bonded period, as it has been proven inai whisky is the only stimulant made that can be always procured absolutely pure. A CHANCE FOE ADTTLTEBATION. The wine consumption of the United States is greater than the production, and in consequence dealers are tempted to re inforce their vintage by the addition of low grade alcohol. The result is a very un healthy drink, as salicylic acid and other harmful ingredients are added to keep the mixture from souring. There is noescape in drinking beer instead, as it ,is also strengthened by injurious ingredients. The ex-dealer spoken to states that he has had the matter carefully examined, and has found that beer is about the least healthy drink on the market, that is very much of it is. He states that he has studied lis effects on people who use it largely and knows whereof he speaks. It would seem there are but three ways out of the woods either cease drinking altozether, drink whisky or develop the vineyard to such an extent that it will supply the market with good wine. Drive out the adulterated article, though each family might be its own brewer and make beer. The assumption is that people will have a stimulant, and it is safer to offer a pure one than to enact prohibition, which it is claimed gives the adulterer a free field. A NIGHT OF TERBOB. Tho Steamer City of Detroit Springs a Leak With 700 l'nieoBor on Board The Water Over Six Feel Deep In the Cnblni A Wild Panic. Detroit, September 20. The steamer City of Detroit arrived from Cleveland this morning after a very rough experience. No sooner had the boat left Cleveland last night than she was struck on the port side by a monstrous wave, which fairly lifted her out of the water. As the vessel proceeded the lake became rougher and by midnight she was laboring heavily and badly strained. The paddle-box bulkheads were sprung a good deal and a leak was discovered in their vicinity. When this information came to the passengers, of whom there were about 700, they became very badly frightened, and mot of them donned life preservers. When the bulkheads gave away shortly after a terrible panic ensued. The water was forced into the boat every revolution of the wheels and rose rapidly. In the after saloon, on the deck, the officers' apartments were also soon flooded, as well as the ladies' saloon. The water rose inch by inch until it was fully 6J feet high in the cabins. During this terrible situation the passengers were clustered in the saloon all prepared for the worst One man whose name could not be ascertained rushed up and down the cabin shouting, "We are lost, the boat is sinking." This of course added greatly to the confu sion, and made the already terrified passen gers difficult to manage. Tho male passen gers seemed to be more frightened than the women. The officers of the boat admit that it was as rongh a night as they want to see. The appearance of the boat this morning shows what she has passed throngh. Tne cabins are still flooded. A gang of men are at work putting in new bulkheads and re pairing the other damage. NO CAUSE FOR ALArtlT. Natural Gas Men Say the Shortage Is Dae to Largely Increased Consumption. The cold snap which has descended upon this locality within the last 48 hours has temporarily placed the natural gas snpply bors du combat, on account of the unexpect ed demand for more gas, cansed by the hasty lighting of thousands of fires in pri vate grates. The ereatest sufferers, naturally, have been mills and manufactories, because of the large amounts used by them. The di verting of large quantities of gas by private consumers has made the companies hustle to properly meet the demand, and nearly all the officials seen frankly admit that the de mand IB at present considerably in excess of the supply. Upon the Southside several mills were in trouble on account of the in sufficient quantity, but noactnal shutdowns attributable to this cause were heard of yes terday. Private consumers did not suffer in any part of the city, so far as reports indi cated. Mr. T. A. Gillespie was requested to fur nish some statistical idea of the scope of the Philadelphia Natural Gas Company's prepa rations for the forthcoming winter. "Your inauiry is premature," said Superintendent Gillespie. "We are right in the height of our summer work of extension. I could not give detailed information about our new wells and mains to the Board of Directors if they should ask for it I think that the supply will be all right within 24 hours, for we will be able to adjust it to the demand a thing sometimes difficult to accomplish when thousands of fires start almost with out warning. We have lost and gained a great number of customers, and we have re laid miles of pipes, as well as adding en tirely new territory to onr Kvsfpm en . at the present time, it is Absolutely impos sible to say in just what shape our exten sions are. We shall bring in a number of new wells very shortly, and our new 36-inch main from the Murrysville district to Til liford Station, near East Liberty, will be ready for us in a lew days. While I can not go into details, I can say that our ar rangements for the supply of natural gas this season are much superior to those of former years." Superintendent Wilcox, of the same com pany, explained the temporary shortage upon the hypothesis tbat many of the com pany's regular customers had lately taken to using increased quantities ot gas. He stated that the shortage generally existed from 7 o'clock in the morning until noon, alter the latter hour, there being no trouble. In regard to the big customers, Mr. Wilcox said: "Our company requested some of the mills to shut off their blast-furnaces to-day so tbat they wonld have enough gas to run all the other departments. That is the reason they have been crying abont a shortage. We do not need any more gas than the Murrvs ville district furnishes. It is cot likely that we shall have to use any gas from the Belle vernon field." Mr. Pew, of the Pew-Emerson (People's) Natural Gas Company, is out of the city and will not return until next Monday. DIED AT GETTISBUEG. , An Old Soldier Killed by a Train Where lie Once Faced Dcatb. Gottlieb Mitlinger, who was injured at Gettysburg last week by a train has died since then, and has been' buried in the Na tional Cemetery. The deceased was for merly a member of Company B of the Seventy-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and Darticipated in the battle of Gettysburg. His valuables have been returned to A. A. G. James McCormick, of the G. A. E. Friday and Saturday Bargain Days. Dress goods at prices lower than ever be- fore offered .UH.a-U.LiB OS DHUSTEB, 35 Fifth avenue. A beliable stimulant, "Holmes Best" ws THE THIRD DEGREE, SSSftS: ern deUclhes to induce criminal to confess, it described by Benjamin Northrop in, termor roW. DISPATCH. A BOLD SCOTCH BOT, Who Was Driven From His Native Heath, Finally to Become the GREATEST AMERICAN DETECTIVE. The Early Struggles of the World Famons Allan Finkerton. FRIENDSHIP WITH HANI HOTEL MEN rCORHESPOXDKNCI 01" THE BISFATCK.2 Glasgow, Scotland, September 9. At the corner of Muirhead street and Buglen Loan, in the-quaint old Gorbals quarter of this Scotch city of brawn and capital, stands a tumble-down stone strncture, "now, as for more than a hundred years, the abode ot swarms of those whose fortunes and sur roundings are equally meager'and lorn. In the first quarter of this century the head of one of the families occupying the ramshackle habitation was a poor hand-loom weaver, who, in his distress to provide for his family, saw no recourse during strikes and labor troubles, which deprived him of work, than to enlist as a soldier in the British army.- After serving for several years, he re turned to Glasgow, luckily secured the posi tion of a policeman; in time became a turn key in the old Glasgow jail; and finally at an outbreak of prisoners was so savagely set upon that the poor man was disabled for life. It was the same sad story of poverty and suffering with this striver's family as is everywhere wrought among the lowly; but out of the dolor of these days came a soul of wondrous biavery and genius in his final vocation, as we estimate the achievement of men. That one was the turnkey's boy, Allan Pinkerton, who I believe from years of con fidential association with him and complete knowledge of his work and motives, to nave been the greatest detective who ever lived. as well as one of the most nobly honest and generous of men. Nor should the appall ing detective-literature of the day and the just abhorrence the world holds for the average criminal-associating detective, be allowed to hide from the as just admiration of men so luminous an example of real greatness under the conditions and environ ment which make many of similar calling little less than infamous. BIS NOTED FRIENDS. Allan Pinkerton was the trusted friend of many of the greatest men our country has produced of Yates, of Logan, of Judd, of Washburne, of Tom Scott, of the Garretts, of Simon Cameron, of Grant, of Salmon P. Chase, of McClellan, of Stager, of Trum bull, of Oglesby, and of the immortal Lin coln, whose life he saved to a nation when that life was almost its single salvation all of whom, as I can personally attest, re garded him, his sturdy and splendid per sonality, his to them intimately known per sonal achievements, and above all the grandeur of his matchless integrity, with precisely the same decree of real hero worship as was accorded the highest of this coterie by the American people. Tne eccentric and rugged old lellow never told anything "to order;" but there -were re peated opportunities in my travel and con stant association with him, as when off duty he was the sunniest of men for delicious con fidences and reminiscences; so that countless incidents of his real life came into my posses sion, which I am free to confess, were at the first opportunity set down pretty nearly as I got them. So I came to know of the little things we all love to know of great men; how bitterly the family struggled for bare existence from the time of his birth in 1819; of the rough treatment they all knew at this old tenement-house at the Gorbals; of the father's struggles and deadly hurt; the mother's brave fight for her home; the proud hour when Neil Murphv, the Glasgow pattern-drawer, took the boy Allan as an apprentice, and the prouder moment when he put the first self-earned pence in his brave mother's hands; of his eventual im patience in his dreary progress and transfer of his boundless boyish energies to the labors of a cooper's apprentice-cub, and then, as he told me, the, to him, grandest triumph of his life when, on the 26th of December, 1837, "The Coopers of Glasgow and Suburbs Protective Association," John Glass, Secretary, admitted him to full membership and gave mm tne only "iour- neyman's card" he ever possessed, which is before me, a long-ago gift from the owner, as I write these words; and then of his fierce toil and 'struggle in Glasgow and as a "tramp cooper throughout Scotland and England in his efforts to take the load from his sturdy old mother in keeping the lowly home together. A YOUTHFUL STEIKEE. "But, faith," he told me, "those were sad times for laboring men in Great Britain. Wages went down. Living went up. Strikes came, and riots, too; and," with a merry twinkle in his blue-gray eyes, "I wasn't on the side o' the law then. We were all Chartists. To the Government that was worse than Communism in Amer ica. Wherever we showed our heads the nolice clubbed us. But England has since granted far more than what we fought for Tn tliA tnannVfl charter- nf 1R3A ' Anvliin. I became an outlaw with a price on my head that way." . The fact is, during Pinkerton's youth Hardie, Bain and others, in Scotland, and Home Tooke, in England, paid the price of their lives for loving liberty and constitu tional freedom. As a little lad in his mother's arms he saw Hardie and Bain per ish for their fellow men the only execution this greatest of criminal takers ever wit nessed. When, as a result of these execu tions, the masses demanded universal suff rage, voting by ballot, annual parliaments, and an abolition of the property qualifica tion for membership in parliament, the whole relentless force of tho British Govern ment was hurled upon those identified with the just movement, precisely as it is now engaged in continuing aggressive tyranny in Ireland. A tremendous spinners' strike followed. In the fierce passions evoked one of its op ponents was killed. Among the strike lead ers were McNeil, McLane and others, who were charged by the Government with mur der. In the Chartist Council of Glasgow, young Pinkerton represented the Coopers' League, as well as being Treasurer of the latter organization, and he strove with all his resistless energy to collect funds for the defense of the culprits. ON THE BLACK LIST. This resulted in his being boycotted by the entire master coopers of the United Kingdom. Jfor nearly a year ne was com pelled to tramp, begging for work, to be re fusedvery where, until starvation was upon him. Luckily employment finally came, back in Glasgow, in the largest oil and color establishment in Scotland. The Chartist movement progressed, vount? Pinkerton continuing one of its foremost leaders and supporters, until the great Bir mingham demonstrations of July, 1838, and of Newport, in November of that year, at both of which he was a delegate from Glas gow, and from both of which he barely es caped.with his life. It will be remembered that among the leaders of the great though temporarily futile movement were such men as John Taylor, editor of the Glasgow Liberator; the Irish patriot Feargus Edward O'Connor; Williams, Jones and many other of the republican radical enthusiasts of the time. Frost, Williams and Jones were sentenced to death, their sentence being commuted to transportation for life; great numbers were imprisoned in the "Hulks," and still greater numbers, on whose heads tins Government had set a price, managed to escape to America. Pinkerton was one of -these. Though in hiding for some months, when he did escape he carried with him the best fortune of his or any man's life, a noble wife. The political cooper-criminal was married March 28, 1840, and some good friends, among them old Neil Murphy, got them safely aboard the bars Kent, which sailed iiuiu iriasgow Apru , luiiowing, jtsum,kswu shinping as, the vessel's cooper, and his wife taking steerage passage; bat their story be coming known to the cabin passengers they were given snng apartments. The partici pants in the Chartist movement were all granted pardon and amnesty by the British Crown in 1856; but the world-famons de tective only returned once to his native land. This was in 1870, in company with "auld Bobbie Fergus," a noted, and the first, public printer of Chicago. The two were old cronies from boyhood. Among the places they visited to recall old days in a -sort of larking spirit was Glasgow police neaaquarters. PLENTY OF BOMANCE. But sailing away on the Kent did not end the young couple's romantic experiences. On May 8, a month lacking a day from the time of their sailing, the Kent was wrecked on Sable Island, oft Nova Scotia, the crew and passengers with a few of their effects be ing saved. By fishing smack they were taken to Aspy Bay, where the Unicorn, of yueoec, changed mans with the Britannia, one of the first English steamers across the Atlantic. They were helped from here to Montreal, where the cooper got work bead ing beef barrels, and the couple soon got to housekeeping, famously in one room. Soon members of the coope'rs' union (informed him this job would shut down at a certain date, and to take the narrative from his own lips when he was once endeavoring to illus trate to me what trifles shape human affairs: "I all at once made up my mind to jump for the thriving little city of Chicago. After buying tickets we had no money left The steamer was goin' that very afternoon. That wee wife o' mine came and confessed she had committed the crime o'orderin' a bonnet at amilliner's; that it couldn't be got for the charges; and pitifully pleaded that we wait the next boat, a week later, that money might be earned and that pesky bon net got. I roared like anything, but let her have her way. We got the bonnet, and news came in a few days that the boat we were firstgoing on blew up, and every soul on board was lost An' I tell ye my little song-singin' wife's had her way about bon nets ever sincel" Arrived at Chicago their fate for a time was much the same as that of so many unso phisticated emigrants in anew country. The unfortunate couple were lured across the drearv nrairies to Warsaw. 111.: robbed of everything they possessed; but succeeded in walking back to Chicago, where good "auld Bobbie Fergus" was found. He gave them shelter and divided his own scrimped food with them. A little work was got by Pinkerton at his trade of Lill, the first Chi cago maltster. But they were rueful days these. This was in the summer of 1843. HABD STBTJGOLES. The indomitable spirit of the young Scotchman revolted at idleness, or the semblance of charity from a friend. A half dozen Scotch families had formed a settle ment on the banks of the beautiful Fox river, some SO miles northwest of Chicago, to-day the richest and most prosperons sec tion of Illinois, known as "Chicago's dairy." They called the hamlet Dundee, after their own "bonnie" Scotch city; and it is as fair and lovelv a spot, with its murmurous river. splendid forests, noble hills, sunlit valleys and opulent herds, as all Scotland can boast Pinkerton had heard of Dundee and the Scotch settlers abont it, "I'm goin' there, Joan," he sudden ly announced one August morn ing. I'll make their barrels,cburns and tubs. You bide here wi' Fergus. I'll get a roof o'er our heads first. Then I'll sen' for ye, -wife." Joan walked with him to the village bridge, for Chicago was then but a village, and an old boat, or pontoon, bridge at Lake street, led out over a mud road to the trackless and then almost unknown West She stood at the bridge, and the dauntless cooper, with his tools slungover his shoulder bade his little wife good by and trudged away through the mud between the tall reeds and grasses and was soon lost from sight. r'My heart was breakin'qnite,"Ionceheard Mrs. Pinkerton say. "I could nabearit when the great grass swallowed him up like, so quick. But I kenn'd from the brave whustle I could hear, long after I could na see him longer, that there'd be a wee home soon!" And so there was. Not a stone's throw from the pretty river bridge at Dundee there stands to this day a little brown cabin that was built then; and long after the cooper of Dundee had, unaided, driven the counter feiters from Illinois, the fame of which lit erally forced his subsequent career upon him, long after a palatial home and fame had come, have I heard Allan Pinkerton's sweet Scotch wife say with mists of loving memory in Her kindly eyes: "An' in the little shop at Dundee, wi' the blue river purlin' doon the valley, the auld Scotch farmers trundlin' doon the road wi' their grists to the mill, or their loads to market, an' Allan wi' his 'ra-ta-ta-tatl' on the bar rels, a' whustlin', keepin' time wi' both to my ain singiu', were the bonniest days the gude Fayther e'er gae in a' my life!" Edoae L. Wakeman. THREE LONG SENTEMCES. A Trio of Prisoners Sent to the Penitentiary for 89 Years. Portland, Oee., September 20. To day, at Seattle, .Chief Justice Hanford sen tenced Charles Clark, James Davis and Barney Martin to terms in the penitentiary aggreeating 89 years. Clark, Davis and Martin are the three prisoners who made such a desperate attempt to escape from jail on September C, and nearly killed Jailer Parraher in so doing. Por assault with intent to kill each was given II years. Then on charges of robbery, Clark and Davis got another sentence of 14 years, and on another charge of the same nature they were given eight years, so these two received each sen tences of 36 years. In addition to his 14 years for assault, Martin got three years for burglary, making 17 years in all. These are among the heav iest sentences ever pronounced in Washing ton. The three prisoners are very desperate characters, and it is well understood that if they are given any chance at all will make an attempt to escape on the way to Walla Wal'a. They will be very closely guarded. 'A TANGLED GElP Suddenly Btopi a Cable Car and Injures a Few Passengers. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning cable car No. 31, going east, had its -grip en tangled in the cable between Twenty-first street and Twenty-second street. The grip man had just set the car in full motion when it suddenly stopped. One man was burled from his seat to the opposite side of the car, striking his head against the window frame and inflicting a deep wound. A number of passengers were more or less injured. Unable & Shtjsteb's for dress goods. Enable & Shuster's for dress goods. 35 Fifth ave. All the leading brands of Pennsylvania whiskies in bond, on tax paid. W. H. Holmes & Son, 264 S. Clark St., Chicago; 120 Water st. and 168 First ave., Pittsburg. ws Novelties in men's neck dressing at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. -E.H. mmm rVxrte Dispatch a charming tlory Tor the little ones. tnWlei "The Duke end tha Witch," A NEW WHITE HOUSE Thoughts Suggested by the Talk of the Necessary Revision of THE HOME OP THE PRESIDENTS. Memories That Cluster Around the Present Historic Building. AIB WOHEfl WHO CALLED IT HOME ICOBBISFOXPSXCX OT TOT DISPlTCn.l Washington-, D. O., September 19. What a tiny stroke In a world's history is a hundred yeaisl Tet In that time a village surrounded by a wilderness has grown into one of the most magnificent cities of the whole earth. Peace and prosperity have taken the place of war and financial strug gles. The National Capital has become the seat of national science, national politics and national pride. In historical associa tions the White House occupies no small part, and each day the rapidly growing na tion is demanding revision change. The continued suggestions as to the en larging of the Executive Mansion are attracting more and more attention every year, bringing forth opinions pro and con concerning the 'advisability of such an undertaking. If we listen to the zeal of nationality, the passion of patriotism, and honor the consecrated me mories of the martyrs of liberty, we will meet the necessity in suoh a way as tore tain its illustrations, associations in a word, let it still remain what it is in the hearts of tho people the "White House." What memorable scenes have been wit nessed within its walls! Around its history hovers many a romance, events forever memorable in the progress of the country. To make any alterations that would destroy the simplicity of this republican home would be to pamper the growing American spirit and familiarize us with "old things are passing away and all things are becom ing new." THE NATION UNSTABLE. We as a nation are growing unstable; the ancestral home is too easily displaced lor piles of massive architecture, with mean ingless turrets and impudent gables, thor oughly suggesting that good Queen Anne has gone staring mad. Mrs. Harrison, while elevated to the honor of "first lady of the land," still chafes at the change from a home "with nine bed rooms, to one with only five," and why shouldn't she, when her "sisters, her cousins and her aunts" and a mighty host of other relatives desire to receive "warmest welcome" at the Nation's House? Bo coming events cast their shadows be fore, and a bill for the extension of the President's house will no doubt be presented this winter. Senator Cameron has already signified his intention of doing so, and as his idea of reconstruction takes fully into account the loyalty of the people, it is to be boped the Senator from Pennsylvania will be allowed to introduce his bill. His idea is a general one. The proposition is to ex tend the Executive Mansion by wings built to tffo east and west, after the plan of the Capitol building meeting the emergency, yet still retaining the harmonious effect. The scheme will require the competition of our best architects. It is almost SO years since Dickens criti cised the grounds surrounding the White House. Could the English critic on Amer ican "aewness" to-day see the lofty trees, tne artistic grounds ot tne .Nation's Mouse, and from its height look down upon the rolling park that bounds the gleaming waters of the Potomac, he could not say as he did: "The White House grounds have that uncomfortable air of having been made yesterday." Many grades and classes represent the callers at the Nation's House, from the Texan cowboy to the swell of Modern Athens, yet the decoram of behavior is unbroken by any disagreeable incident, and everyone among this miscellaneous crowd appears to feel that he is " A PABT OF THE INSTITUTION, and responsible for its preserving a charac ter becoming and in keening with the Na tion's House. With the opening of the White House the rigorous and exclusive rules of Washington s day were discarded. The ceremonious customs and court eti quette, when only persons of rank and dig nity were received, gave place to republi can simplicity and hospitalities. To-day all the old-time stiffness seems to have merged into a look of grand comfort. Will there ever bo a time when we, as Americans, can" give up, demolish, this historic building? The shadows of the past, the touching memories, the simplicity and purity of the lives of those who have inhabited the White House, make it dear to every loyal heart. The history of human life is written within its walls. Life has been lived, enjoyed, suffered there. Happi ness has come to some, to others harsh criticisms and supreme anguish. Haunted memories of a martyred Presi dent come back when treason ran riot and the rabble ranged through the unpro tected rooms, plundering ornaments, silver and rare china. Here Abigail Adams showed herself an example of the grandenr of human character. Since the days when she presided as the first lady of the republic in an "unfinished house" with but six rooms made comfortable," and "though sur rounded with forests, not enough wood to keep fires, because people could not be found to cut it," have lovely women come to pre side at the Nation's House, inaugurating a golden reign of words and deeds, genius and heroism, CROWN OP A OAEEEB. Among the stately queens of the Execu tive Mansion of Mrs. Monroe we know the least, but one individual act comes to us in history, crowns her career, and, too, reflects glory on the name of American. When, as thewifeofthe American Minister to France, she visited Madam La Fayette in prison wielding an influence that changed the minds of the blood-thirsty tyrants and caused the liberation of a grand and truly great woman, whose very name of La Fayette endeared her to the hearts of the American people. Each White House mistress has left some trace of her taste and individual ity. Most have been worthy the high posi tion, but around the winsome girl mistress, who has so recently left the historic house, cluster nothing but pleasant reminiscences and a nation's adoration and pride. May this illustrious mansion, fraught with so many national memories, still retain its prestige as the people's house, bearing beauty and simplicity in its ontline, and crowned by the emblems of liberty and Re publican independence. M. M. SOME STATISTICS Abont the Price of Bulldlns Mow Beloa Greeted In the City. Mr. Black, of Black & Baird said yester day that it was wonderiul how many houses were being built at a cost of from 600 to $1,200. The next class ranged in price from ?8,000 to ?15,000. Very few were being built like last year at a cost varying from $3,000 to $6,000. This was probably due to the fact that too many of them had been built al ready. Fob coats and wraps, for shawls'- and jerseys. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth avenue. "Holmes' Best" is absolutely pure. "Ws Hugo Blanck, Chemist HENRI HAISIE. r&1,x5 charming description of the picturesque scenes in the Duchy of Baden-Baden, NOW FHiST TEE CUSE I A Tale of Br G- .A.. Author of "Uder Drake's Flagi" N ALL RIQBT8 OHAPTEB XV.-A Paetino. The sun had already set an hour when Bonald Mervyn reached the hospital, but the moon had just risen, and the stars were shining brilliantly.- Mary Armstrong met him at the door. "I saw you coming," she said, "and father advised me to come out for a little turn, it is such a beautiful evening." "I am glad yon have come ont. Mary: I wanted to speak to you." Mary Armstrong's color heightened a little. It was the first time that he had called her by her Christian name since that ride throngh the Kaffirs. She thought she knew what he wanted to speak to her about, and she well knew what she would say. Mary," Bonald went on, "you know the story of the poor wretch who was de voured by thirst, and yet could not reach the cup of water that was just beyond his grasp?" "I know," Mary said. "Well, I am just in, that position. I am so placed by an inscrutable fate, that I can not stretch out my hand to grasp the cup of water." The girl was silent for a time. "I do not pretend to understand you, Bonald. Why cannot you grasp the cup of water?" "Because, as I said, dear, there is a fate against me; because I can never marry; be- HE HELD OUT HIS HANS TO MEEVYN, cause I must go through the world alone. I told you that the name I bear is not my own. I have been obliged to change it, be cause mv own name is disgraced; because. were I to name it, there is not a man here of those who just at present are praising and making much of me, who would not shrink from my side." "No, Bonald, no; it cannot be." "It is true, dear; my name has been associated with the foulest of crimes. I have been tried for murdering a woman, and that woman a near relative. I was acquitted, it is, true; but simply because the evidence did not amount to what the law required. But in the sight of everyone. I went out gnilty." "Oh, how could they think so?" Mary said, bursting into tears; "how could tbey have thought, Bonald, those who knew yon, that you could do this?" "Many did believe it," Bonald said, "and the evidence was so strong that I almost believed it myself. However, thus it is. I am a marked man and an outcast, and must remain alone for all my life, unless Ood in his mercy should clear this j thing up." "Not alone, Bonald, not alone," the girl criedr "there, vou make me sav it." "x"ou mean you would stand by my side, Mary? Thank you, my love, but I could not accept the sacrifice. I can bear my own lot, but I conld not see the woman I loved pointed at as the wife of a murderer." "But no ope wonld know," Mary bejjan. "Tbey would know, dear. I refused a commission the General offered me to-day, because were I to appearas an officer there aro a score of men in this expedition who would know me at once; bnt even under my pres ent name and my present dress I cannot es cape. Only this evening, as I came here, I wjs taunted by a drunken soldier, who mut have known me, as a murderer of women. Good HeavensI do you think I would let any woman share tbat? Did I go to the most lonely part of the world, I might escape for vear3, but at last the blow would come. Had it not been for the time we passed together when death might any moment have come to us both, had it not been that I held you in my arms during that ride, I should never have told you this, Mary, for you would have gone awav to England and lived your life un hurt; but alter that I could not but speak. You must have felt that I loved you, and had I not spoken, what would you have thought of me?" "I should have thought, Bonald." she said auietlv. "that you had a foolish Idea that because my father bad money, when you were but a trooper, you would say noth ing; and I think that I should have sum moned up courage to speak first, for I knew von loved me, jnst as certainly as I knew that I loved you, just as certainly as I know that I shall love you always." "I hope not, Mary," Bonald said, grave Iv; "it would add to the pain of my life to know that lhad spoilt yours." "ft will not spoil mine, Bonald; it is good 0 know that one is loved by a true man, and that one loves him even if we can never come together. I would rather be single for your sake, dear, than marry any other man In the wprld. Won't you tell me about it all, Ishould like to know." "You have a rieht to know, Mary, if you wish it;" and drawing her to a seat, Bonald told her the storvof the Curse of the Carnes, of the wild blood that flowed ir his veins, of his halfengagement to his cousin, and of the cirenmstances of her death. Only ohca she stopped him. "Did you love her very much, Bonald?" "No, dear; I can say so honestly now. No doubt I thought I loved her, though I had been involuntarily putting off becoming formally engaged to her; but I know now, indeed 1 knew long ago, tbat my passion when she threw me off was rather an out burst of disappointment, and perhaps of jealousy, that another should have stepped In when I thought myself so sure, than of real regret. I had cared for Margaret in a way, but now that I know what real love is 1 know that it was but as a cousin that I loved her." Then he went on to tell her the proofs against himself; how that the words he had spoKen had come up against him; how he bad failed altogether to account for hit doings at' the hour at which she was mar- I I $ r iSSs?w Mj lV18! PUBLISHED. CARP'S HOLD! Adventure. HZexLi:?;, "With Clive in -IadialetcTe'tc. VflCWf -Jff .' RESERVED. f dered; how his glove had borne evidswe,, against mm. "Is that all, Bonald?" "Not quite all, dear. I saw in aa Ba glish paper only a few days ago that the matter 'had come up again. Margaret's watch and jewels were found in the gardea, just hidden in the ground, evideataily sot by a thief who intended to come again and fetch them,, but simply concealed by sese one who bad taken them and did set wast them. If those things had been fowl be fore my trial. Margaret, I should astuedly have been hung, for they disposed ot tM only alternative that seemed possible, namely, that she had been murdered by a midnight burglar for the sake of her valu ables." Mary sat In silence for a few minutes aad then asked one or two questions with refer; ence to the story." "And you had no idea yourself, Sostld, not even the slightest suspicion against .any one?" Not the slightest," he said, "the whole thing is to me as profound a mystery as ever." , ', "Of course, from whot you tell me, B aid, the evidence against you was stronger than against any one else, and yet I cannot think how any one who knew you eoald have believed it." "I hope that those who knew me best did not believe it, Mary. A few of my Bigh bors and many of my brother officers had faith in my innocence, but. you see, these in the county who knew the story of our "THEN TO TAET, AND GALLOPED A"WAT. family were naturally set against me. I had the mad blood of the Carries in mv veins, the Carnes had, committed two mur ders in their frenzy, and it did not seem to them so strange that I should do the same. I mav tell vou. dear, that this trial throneh which I have passed haa not been altogether without good. The family history had weighed on my mind from the time I was a child, and at times I used to wonder whether I had madness in mj blood, and the fear grew upon me and embittered my life. Since that trial it has gone forever. I knew that if I had had the slightest touch of insanity in my veins I must have gone mad in that awful time; and much as I have suffered from the cloud that rested on me, I am sure that I have been a far brighter and happier man since." A pressure of the hand which h'e was holding in bis expressed the sympathy that she did not speak. "What time do you march to-morrow, Bonald?" "At 8, dear." "Could yon come round first?" "I could. Marv. but I would rather mv good-by now." "You must say good-by now, Bonald, and again in the morning. Why I ask you is because I want to tell my father; you don't mind that, do you? He must know there is something, because he spoke to-day as if he would Vish it to be as I hoped, and I should like him to know how it is with us. You do not mind, do you?" "Not at all," Bonald said, "I would rather that he did know." "Then I will tell him"now," the girl said. I should like to talk it over with him," and she arose. Bonald rose too. "Good-by, Mary." "Not like that, Bonald," and she threw her arms round his neck. "Good-by. my dear, my dear. I.will always be true to you to the end of my life. And hope al ways. I cannot believe that you would have saved me almost by a miracle if it had not been meant that we should one day be happy together. God bless you and keep you." There was a Ion g kiss, and then Mary Armstrong turned and ran back to tha hospital. Father and daughter talked together for hours after Mary's return- The disappoint ment to Mr. Armstrong was almost as keen as that felt by Mary. He had from the first been greatly taken by Harry Blunt and had encouraged his coming to the house. That he was a gentleman he was sure, and he thought he knew enough of character to be convinced that whatever scrape had driven him to enlist as a trooper, it was not a disgraceful one. "If Mary fancies this young fellow, she shall have him," he had said to himself. "I have money enough for us both, and what food is it to me except to see her settled appily in life?" After the attack upon the house, when he was rescued by the party led by Bonald," he thought still more of the matter, for some subtle change in his daughter's manner con vinced him that her heart had been touched. He had fretted over the fact that after this Ronald's duty had kept him from seeing them, and when at last he started on his journey down to the coast be made up his mind, that if when they reached England he could ascertain for certain llary's wishes on the subject, he would himself write a cau tious letter to him, putting it that after the service he had rendered in saving his life and that of his daughter, he did not like the thought of his remaining as"a trooper at the Cape, and that if he liked to come home he would start him In any sort of business he liked, addloe, perhaps, that he had special rea sons for wishing nun to return. After Bonald's rescue of bis daughter. Mr. Armstrong regarded It as a certainty tbat his wish would be realized. He was a little sur prised that the young sergeant bad not spoken ont, and it was with a view to give him an op portunity tbat be bxd suggested that Mary should CO ont for a stroll on thn lut oroTitm-- He had felt assured that they would come In Band in band. His disappointment then bad been keen, for he anticipated with lively pleas ure the nrospect of paring his debt of gratitude to the young man. It was with surprise, dlsap- ointment and regret, tbat ho listened to farj's story. "It i J a monstrous thi&E," he said, when ba had finished. "Most mosstroas; but don't cry, my dear. It will all come rieht presently." . "But how W K to eeaw rieht, flrtherT Bt, - m ft- -' &?, ? ? &l -A- s-h-,1 44 wsa t , 7 i. Tit. r- rr?". Bffg'TT'grBrfl