BBBBHS!WPai8!f8Py-IBp WIe?PiMf HBv'Hr "J!liiSIL i.v hHH ' -' 8 " IP: ?3FP the" i ii i i hi ii in i ii ii mi n 1 1 ii 111 1 1 i 111 ifilipi11 ' lhi yWr if WW' iWIWWlllllfffBBIWI ---" i i ' i ., -. , - "" . T " . jte?.-3f "firt vi f ,' - -"tfomiMaalmt nm iTtf r .-. -, wfiiMBIIKiMiiagaiMMi A DISTINCT DECISION Made by the Inter-State Commerce Commission in Regard to PRODUCTION EVIDENCE. Books and Papers of Common Carriers Hay be Secured When SUCIt A PEOCEEDIKG IS SEASONABLE. Good G rounds Most be Shown to Get tbe Documents of frivate Parties. A ruling has been issued by the Inter State Commission concerning the steps which must be taken to place certain evi dence before that body. The books or com mon carriers are to be reasonably easy of access, but those of other parties will be protected from any unnecessary demands. St. Louis, Sept. 20. Judge Schoon maker, Judge Bragg and Mr. Veazey.of the Inter-State Commerce Commission, have been in St. Louis the past lew days, and will leave here for Kansas City to-morrow, where they hare several cases to hear. From there they go to Chicago, and thence back to Washipgton. In an opinion rendered by Commissioner Bragg, on application for subpoenas for the nroduction of books, contracts, vouchers. accounts and papers in the suit of George Eice versus various "Western railroads, oil companies, etc, that gentleman lays 'down the following rules to be observed in such cases: First In laying down rules upon tho subjec ol what an application shall contain for the compulsory production of books, papers, tariffs, contracts, agreements and documents, relating to any matter under investigation the commission is governed by the provisions of the act to regulate commerce, and the OBJECTS AND FUBrOSES of this statute, but in connection wilh these, will also consider the practice in the courts of the United States, as well as the rules provided by Federal statutes,ln proceedings which seem to be most nearly analogous to proceedings in which such applications to the commission are made. . .. fc!-.-Tr. nrrwpedinrs between parties. when such an apolication is made to the com mission, to compel parties who are not engaced as carriers in iuter-State commerce, or others who are strangers to the produce hooks, papers and documents, the appli cation should be In writing, addressed to the commission, and should specify as nearly as may be, the books, papers or documents for the production of which process is desired, and thej be accom panied by an affidavit that the books, papers or documents desired are in the possession of the witness, or under his Control, and should set forth facts which make a prima facie case that these contain evidence that is material and necessary to the party seeking their production In the pending proceedings, and to such a case the prima facie showing that what is required to be produced will be legal evidence for the party demanding it, ought to be very clear and Third Where the application is made to compel one who is a party to the proceeding, and who is a carrier encaged in the interstate commerce, to produce its books for the pur poses of evidence in a pending proceeding, it is sufficient for the application to indicate, in writing in a general way. what books of the carrijr should be produced, and that there is reason to believe, and that tbe applicant does believe, that in the course of the bearing they will become of service on account of the LIGHT THET WILL THROW, upon the questions in controversy in the pro ceedings, and as an evidence of good faith, in making the application, the applicant should make an affidavit, as part of the application, that such application is made in good faith, and not for the purpose of vexing or harassing the defendant: and upon such a Bhowinc. as a general rule, the process should issue, unless the number of books called for should be so large, or from other exceptional circumstances, the commission should order the testimony to be taken at such pla;e as would avoid oppres sion in producing the books at a far distant hearing, and expedite the progress of the in vestigation. Fourth The difference that exists in what should be a prima facie showing for compul sory process for the production of books, papers and documents as between parties not engaged as carriers In inter-State commerce, or strangers to the proceedings on tho one band, and, on the other hand, carriers who are engaged in inter-State commerce, is one that is very inanifeat. Tin books of carriers engaged in intsr-State commerce, whether made up from (hipping tickets, way bills, expense bills or otherwise, are supposed to give the exact particulars of the consignment, showing the weight, rate and tbe amount of charges to be paid the company's agent, and are put in this enduring form at the time of the consignment as part of the transaction upon rates that the law requires to be OPEN AND rtTBLIC, and thus they give a history of the details of the transaction, and are in the nature of a semi-public records. Shippers, consignees, and even the public, may well have an interest, under certain circumstances, in the evidence these records afford as to rates, charges, facil ities furnished and the general movements of freight. The Dooks of strangers to the pro ceeding, and of parties not engaged as carriers in inter-State commerce, do not necessarily occupy any such relation to these transactions, though there may possibly be such a showing as would make them material and competent evidence in the proceedings in which these transactions come into controversy. Firth There are several modes of procedure by which the inconvenience to the defendant carriers of producing books, and the delay and labor of going over their entries, might be avoided by petitioner. For example, if one or more witnesses could bo subpoenaed from the different companies proceeded against, and a notice should be served with the subpoena requiring tbe witnesses to furnish the published rates and tariffs of such company for a specified period, and also requiring them to furnish statements of tbe actual charges made, and car facilities furnished during such period to the Standard Oil Trust, and the others named in the applica tion, if different from the published tariffs,and Oil Trust, and the others named in the applica tion, if different from the published taritfs.and schedules. It would nrobaulv be sufficient for all the purposes of these proceedings, or if the parties would take depositions by consent in advance of the bearing it would answer tbe game purpose. Sixth In proceedings take enough to show the rate is actually charged, if there are or have 1 been any such to certain shippers, or consignees different from the published tariff rates, or tbe preferential facilities. If any such are fur nished by the defendants to some shippers, or consignees and not to others, or the compara tive rates on the different commodities named in tbe complaints, and from and to designated points. Innumerable shipments with all their minuteness of detail over the various lines that were made for many years before tbe act to rcgulato commerce took effect, as well as since that date, and tbe names of the consignors or consignocs and many different points through these lung periods of time, seem to be immaterial. It appears to be sufficient for all the purposes of these cases to show tbe rates, published, the rates actu ally charged, and the facilities furnished from and to designated points since the act to regulate commerce went into effect, and for whatever light there may be thrown upon the question of tbe reasonableness and justice of the rates, if any, and tbe fairness of the facili ties afforded by way of comparison, what these were for a reasonable time, for example, for a period of 12 months before the act to regulate commerce went into effect. Seventh The books of tbe defendant carriers as to the rates charged, facilities furnished andgeneral movements of freight, being in the nature of semi-public records, to any extent that they can fairly and justly save expense, ought to give such statements and ought to do bo as promptly as may be found SEASONABLY PEACTICABLE. Much unnecessary controversy, inconveni ence and delay might well be avoided, in the first instance, as well as in tbe subsequent stages of proceedings if carriers would exhibit without technical objection, what their books sbow'in reference to a transaction in question, to anyone who calls for tbe Information in good faith, believing, perhaps, erroneously, that It is, or may De, important to his interests, and when tbe application Is seasonably and properly made, with a due regard for the convenience of tbe carriers, agents or officers; and tbe in stances are numerous in which it wonld put an end to tbe controversy, and in many others that the parties would not then trouble the car rier for the production of the books. Eighth As the application in these cases does not conform to the rules herein stated in ref erence to making a prima facio showing for the compulsory production of tbe books, Sapers and documents, either as against the etendant carrier, or those who are strangers tA tM nrfMPAf1inrrS thA rollpf it ttAana jin not now be granted, and f"r the prpvnt must I be deniod, bnt th ' s ivii vr-i' r tln-iwii. ' ioner from renewinc his application, provided " LATE UEWS IN BRIEF. NEW ADVKRTISEaiBCTa. KBW ADTBRTISEMENTg.jJ S, , '. WfAayMtTiagaiWBrg. tlggrW iM tin doing so he conforms to the rules indicated. I , " " ' - ' mgn,i . t,S v - - ..r . jfiHffl A MISSING MASON. One of the Dfoat Prominent members of the Order In the We.t HaDlnppenred A Vlgorons Search Instituted A Clew nt the Metropolis. BINew Yobk, September 20. Masonio circles throughou.1 the country are greatly excited over the mystcrions disappearance of one of the foremost members of the order in the West, and to-day an' alarm was sent out irom police headquarters for the missing man. The wanderer is John A. Greenlee, of Kearney, Neb., whose rank in Masonry is one of the highest in the country, and who is, perhaps, the best known member of the order in the section of the country in which he lived. He is 21 years old, a mem ber of Kichland Lodge 38, of Kearney chapter 23, of Mount Hebron Commandery a., anu is aiso xtoDie oi xiesosier.oi xiincoin, Neb. On llav 6 last the missing man left Belle Plains, la., for Des Moines, in the same Slate, intending to go to his horde in Kear ney. Since he left Des Moines he has dis appeared and all traces are lost. All the lodges in this city were notified. Photo graphs were also forwarded. Circulars were sent out signed by It. F. French, Secretary of Bobeit Morris Lodge No. 46, of Kear ney, Neb. L. H. Thome, of 333 Bowery, saw one of tbe circulars and the photo graphs. He recognized the man as one who called on him SeptemberlG in ragged clothes and asked for 5 cents to pay for his lodging. The stranger said: "I wonld tell you more, but I don't know that you are a Mason." While speaking the stranger continually pressed his hand to his forehead. He said he had come from a foreign country, and that his money tk;re was worth onlv 30 cents on the dollar. After Mr. Thome helped the stranger the latter left. HE JUMPED TO CONCLUSIONS. A Chicago Woman lias n Stronjr Case Against Her Husband's Employers. Chicago, September 20. Henry A. Aliotb, a member of the New York jewelry fir.31 of TJhry & Alioth, was sued for $10,000 damages to-day bv Mns. Annie L. Helfeustein, the wife of Charles Helfenstein, one of TJhrv & Alioth's traveling men, Helfenstein had $5,000 worth of samples belonging to the New York firm, and bsing unavoidably de layed in returning to Chicago, Alioth be came alarmed for the safety of his jewelry and came to Chicago to investigate. While Helfenstein was waiting at the Palmer House to see him and explain, Alioth, it is said by Shuman & Defrees, attorneys for Mrs. Helfenstein, went to the latter's house with a search warrant and Pinkerton men, and tore up the house from cellar to garret. The New York man, it is alleged, struck Mrs. Helfenstein and also flourished a pis tol in her face and, going away, returned with two women who stripped Mrs. Helfen stein and searched her for rings and diamonds. None were found, either on her or in the house, for the reason that Helfen stein was at that very time at the Palmer House with the jewelry. The samples have been returned and Helfenstein has resigned and expressed his opinion of Alioth in vig orous terms. Before the New York nier- 1 chant could get away he was served with the papers in Mrs. Helfenstein's $10,000 suit. THE CAENEGIE CCKFEW. A Mnirnlflcent Timepiece to Guldo Move ments of Allrehcnlnns. The electric clock in the shapely tower of the Carnegie Free Library building com menced its task of time measurement yes terday chiming the hour of noon upon a huge belL The clock mechanism was manu factured in Boston by the Howard Clock Company, and is unusually elaborate for a tower clock. The hour, half hour and quarter hour will be sounded upon three bells from the Mc ShaneBell Foundry. The largest weighs 2,000 pounds and sounds "C;" the second in size weighs 1,500 pounds and sounds "G," a fifth above the first, and the' third bell weighs half a ton and sounds the octave above the largest bell. The two smallest bells will sound the quarter hour in alter nate notes. The time will be regulated bv the Western University Observatory with direct electrical attachments. The hand some duplicate dials for day and night have already been described in The Dispatch. SDFHiIES FOR NICARAGUA. Tho Cacnl Company Is Preparing to Push Dinners in Proper Shape. New Yoek, September 20. By the steamer Hondo, which leaves this port to morrow morning, additional reinforcements of men and material will be sent to San Juan del Norte (Greytown) by the Nicar agua Canal Construction Company. In ad dition to a party of engineers, the company ships a large portable barracks or employes headquarters, 140 feet long by 40 wide, three stories high (the first storj; forming a large store house;, and considered the largest portable building ever transported by sea. This building, containing quarters for about 100 employes, was made in Chicago and was brought from that city loaded on ten freight cars. Two additional miles of water pipe for the canal company's aqueduct and some 40 tons of provisions, etc., are also on board the Hondo. SEYEN SAILORS SINK. A British Cruiser -Strikes n Rock nnd Goes to tbe Bottom. St. Johns, N. F., September 20. The British war ship Lily struck a rock off Point Armor, and sank. Seven of her crew were lost. The vessel n a total wreck. Con siderable money and valuables went down with her. Nothing whatever was saved. The Lily was a composite gun vessel of 720 tons burthen and 830-horse power, and carried three guns. She belonged to the North American and West Indies station. GRAPES ARE ALL RIGHT. The Frnlt Crop From Many Causes Fails to Como Up to tbo Standard. The fruit of this season is said not to come up to the standard, and a tour of the com mission houses confirms this view. Grapes alone are plentiful and luscious. The daily average receipts of grapes this week has been 2,500 baskets. The rainv weather has resulted in making the peaches soft, and they decay very easily. The high hopes entertained of the fruit generally at tbe beginning of tbe season have been blasted. SAJSIFORD'S GINGER FOR SUMMER CHILLS Sss slassasMssssBsssssssssssisssssLssaissa SAlsfFORD'S GINGER The Delicious Summer Medicine. v-l Snow whitened the hills at Gulf Summit, Broome county, K. Y.. yesterdajr morning. The bodies of three more victims of the yacht disaster on Lake Erie have been recov ered. Including that of thp engineer. Nothing of any moment transpired at the Ives trial yesterday, and tho hearing was ad journed until Monday, when one more witness will be examined. Tho case will then be given to the jury. The State Department has cabled Minister Lincoln, at London, requesting to him tore turn thanks to the British Government for the ready action of the commander of the British navai vessel which went to Navassa to quell the reported riot, at the request of United Btates Consul Alien at Kingston. The Statehood Convention of Wyoming Territory yesterday adopted as part of the Constitution a suffrage cnapter. Female citi zens are to vote. The severest qualifications are requirements that electors shall be able to read English, shall be f ull-flodged citizens and have had six months' residence in Wyoming. Each stipulation was opposed vigorously by a couple of corporation attorneys. Tho Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fel. lows oecided to hold the next session in To peka, Kan., on the second Monday In Septem ber, lSSa All restriction placed on those mem hr iho refnsed to withdraw from the old patriarchal circle was removed and they can now return to tho order. The Johnstown Re lief Committee reported that 582,314 K had been contributed and disbursed by the Odd Fellows among tbe flood sufferers. Wednesday morning while Mr. David H. pioctoi- vim rtrivinit a. loaded wagon with a na-t,r flvunvnr H&ivfir dam ford, near Pur- cellville, Va the stream being swollen, the wagon was swept down, and the horses becom ing unmanageable Miss Susie Cator, of George town, D. a, and Miss Ella Atwell. of Alex andria, Va., became frightenod and .Jumped into the stream, both of them being drowned. The other occupantsbf the wagon reached the bank of the stream in safety. The residence of Wm. Pulse, at Cedar Falls, la., was found to bo on fire. The fire was soon extinguished, and upon entering the bouse the dead body of Mr. Pulse was found on the floor, and by his side was a double-barreled shotgun with one barrel discharged. The charge had taken effect in his abdomen, and probably killed him instantly. It is believed that he see the house on fire and then committed suicide. He was CO years old, and has had trouble with his family, which culminated recently in their ail leaving uiw, The Secretary of State has received a ais n.hh fmm tlin TTnited States Minister at The Hague giving information in regard to a prop- osition of the Netherlands Government to levy duties on imported breadstuffs. A bill to that end is now pending, with some prospects of be coming a law. It Is distinctly asserted in a memorial accompanying the bill that the ex ceedingly favorable conditions which prevail in the United States is one of the main causes of the decline of the agricultural, interests in Holland, necessitating protective legislation. It is also argued by the advocates of the measure that unless Holland follows the ex ample of France, Austria, Hungary, Sweden and Norway in protecting themselves against American breadstuffs her agricultural Indus tries will soon fall into a decline. Mks. McGowan, representing Best & Co., of New York, will be at the Anderson for the next four days, September 21, 22, 23, 24, with a choice line of boys, girls and in fants' wear, including all the latest novel ties. Thp ladies of Pittsburg and Alle gheny are respectfully invited to call. Public Notice. Before selecting your wall paper examine the stock handled by John S. Eoberts, 414 Wood street tts Pittsbubo beer, brewed by Frauenheim & Vilsack, is a product of home industry. Call for it. Drink it. Telephone 1180. Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First avenue, Pittsburg, are the largest holders of pure rye whisky in the city. Tliey Are No Frond. Tickets issued by Hendricks & Co., pho tographers, 68 Federal street, Allegheny! are good for just what they call for, regard less of what others say. If you hold a ticket bring it in before October 1. Come and sec for vourself. 81. Until October. $1. Mothers, bring children to Aufrecht's Elite gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator. Cabinets $1 per dozen, proof shown. 0gpRictr Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Indorsed by tbe heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans. PIUUE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. I.OUIS. my5-82-TTSeosu OPTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL GOODS, bpecialty Correct fitting of lenses and frames. All styles of Spectacles and Eyc G lasses. Experienced Opticians and our own factory and workmen are our inducements. 1VM. E. STJEIlEiY, Optician, EM SMITHFIELD ST..PITXSBUI1G, PA fe22-27-TTS -E71 lTlfrS? SCIENTIFIC -dJ. -D V k, OPTICIAN Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nose blades fitted to other eye glasses. Oculist's prescriptions' a specialty. All kind of lenses ground and spectacles made on the premises. 903 PENN AVENUE, PITTS. Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. my28-92-TTS Bummer chills, giving rise to colds as well as violent stomach ills, all should guard against by a timely cup of ginger tea made from San FOBD'S, the quintessence of all that Is preventive and curative in medicine and condiments. Composed of Imported ginger, choice aro matlcs and tbe best of medicinal French brandy, it will -speedily break up colds and fevers, restore the circulation when suspended by a chill a frequent cause of stomach trou bles Instantly relieve cramps and pains, pre vent indigestion, destroy disease germs In water drunk, promote sleep, allay nervousness and ward off malarial, contagious and epidemic influences. Bewara of cheap, worthless and often dan. gerous substitutes which are urged by merce nary dealers. Ask for SAJSTPORD'S GINGER, CEEAM SaiH6'wlt JAIlj8t IBtfciss-;.? I For a DISORDERED LIVER) I Try BEEGHAH'S PILLS, i I 26ctsa a Box. I H op vxXi pxtTJCKSHstrra. -With Owl Tnde Mirk ba tbe Wrapper. macl flHN UbK fLAUt flTf ' UM y Mormls-l Grateful Acknowledgment of Cures by the M g H J -O 3B Cuticura Remedies. . . ., W Jja n - i ,! A minister and his llttls boy cured of obtilnste skin diseases by the Cutfcura Remedies. Praises ihem everywhere in the pulpit, home and In the street For about 13 year? I have besn trou bled with eczemaor some other cutaneous dis ease which all remedies tailed to cure. Hear ing of the CtrncrBA Remedies I resolved to give them a trial, and purchased one bottle of CrTicOKA Resolvent, one box of Cutiouba and one cake of Cuticuba Soap. I followed the directions caref oily, and it affords me much pleasure to say that before using two boxes of the coticuba, four cakes of Cutiouba Soap and one bottle of Cuticuba RESOLVENT, I was entirely cured. In addition to my own case, mv baby boy, then about 5 months old, was suffering with what I supposed to be the same disease as mine to such an extent that his head was coated over with a solid scab, from which there was a con stant flow of pus which was sickening to look upon, besides two large tumor-like kernels on the back of Bis head. Thanks to you and your wonderful Cuticuba Remedies, his scalp is perfectly well, and tbe kernels have been scattered so that there is only one little flace by his left ear, and that is healing nicely, nstead of a coating of scabs he has a fine coat of hair, much better than that which was de stroyed by the disease. I would that the whole world of sufferers from skin and blood diseases knew the value of your Cuticuba Remedies as I do. The Cuticuba Soap and Cuticuba Resol vent are each worth ten times the price at which they are sold. I have never used any other toilet soap In my bouse since I bought the first cake of your cuticuba Soap. I would be inhuman as well as ungrateful should 1 fail to speak well of and recommend your Cuticuba Remedies to every sufferer who came in my reach. I have snoken of it, and shall continue to speak of it from the pulpit, in tho homes, and in the streets. Praying that you may live long, and do others the same amount of good you have done me and my child, I remain, yours gratefully, (REV.) C. M. MANNING. Box 28, Acworth, Ga. Cutlcura Remedies Are sold everywhere. Price: OuTicUBA,60cents: Soap, 25 cents; Resolvent, $L Prepared by the POTTEB DBUO AND CHEMICAL COBPOBA- tion, Boston. A3-Sendfor "How to Cure Skin Diseases," v yKco i" """."uu3. iuiu iw leafcunomais. DIMPLES, black-heads, chapped and oily run skin prevented by Cuticuba Medi cated Soap. Old Folks' Pains. Full of comfort fnr an no in. in flammation and weakness ofth a n'o-o is the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster.' Streugiuenlrig Plaster. New.instantaneousand infallible. selG-ws vuw uioii iiiiij. 111 iv ti;iiti vi nni U. E. LIPPENCOTT. 539 Smithfleld street, Pittsburg. Distiller and wholesale liquor dealer. Our specialty Is Lippencott's Nectar, a pure old-fashioned rye whisky, 3 to IS years old. at 50c to Jl 75 per quart. Fine wines and liquors at lowest prices. Orders by mail attended to. Cincinnati and Milwaukee bottled beer con stantly on band. se!4-3!s Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will nt any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KORNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. SO Fifth avenue, near Wood street. Telephone No. 1688. sel9-DSU JONES MAGIC ROACH POW DER. Roaches banished by con tract. Satisfaction guaranteed or' no pay. 35 SEVENTH AVE., Pittsburg. Pa Price 1 60 per pound. aou-s VISITORS FROM POINTS OUTSIDE THE CITT 'are requested to look for our exhibit of WALL PAPER" AT THE EXPOSITION. We are showing some designs which are entirely novel, possess ing decided merit. IMmi LJ ail CM.517 Wood. WWBVIfl. ri Street, War. TRINKLE. MANAGER. BIXTHST.. being the only college in Pennsylvania that belongs to or can be admitted to the Interstate Business Practice Association of America," offers advantages for securing a prac tical business education possessed by no other college in the State. Rapid writing, rapid calcu lations and practical bookkeeping are specialties. Shorthand and Typewriting Separtmeutspro vido the best training possible in these branches. Send for catalogues. au28-ws JAMES C. WILLIAMS, A. M Prea't. NEW MILLINERY! )-( vm vfazsvm VMfiwm 111! . M- The cool weather no doubt suggests to you that it is expedient to get a ZLnTIEW OLO-AIEO Ottr stock in this department is simply immense, and we think, for variety and cheap ness' is unapproachable. Look at the beautiful real Seal Flush, Satin-lined Jackets at $9 60 and 511 75. Cheapest ever offered in America. Elegant Seal Plush Sacques, 516, 18 75 and 822 50, worth 50 per cent more. Best values ever offered. High Novelties in Parisian and Berlin Tailor-made JACKETS, NEWMARKETS AND BRAIDED WRAPS, i prices that cannot be undersold. . Our new "We mean Bon Harche Five hooks, 89e; seven hooks, $1. Every pair warranted, and or real French Kid, real Foster hooks; Premier, Superieor and Sublime are the best real Kid Gloves for the money ever offered. "We have the sole agency lor Pittsburg. Our lines of Natural "Wool Merino nnd Scarlet Underwear are now complete and prices lower than ever. Look at the flue Bibbed Wool Vests at 75c; tho Natural Wool at 48c, 68o and 75c, all excellent values. , i Dress Trimming Department overflowing with .Tew Goods. Call and examine. erjbauiTi 510, 512,514 MARKET ST. .. ........ rimirnTnn i n a n r- -miow - " - - . ...s -s-jwcj -p i' klaw ur luis. QmW . U001 tYeniMS 5l The Most Beautiful and Attractive Building Sites in the EAST, END. Fronting on Perm Ave- nue, Mead, Thomas,Mc Pherson and Home wood Avenues. A.T H0MEW00D STATION, P. R. R. Large Lots, Dry, Level and Cov ered with Shade and Fruit Trees. CALL FOB PLAN AT JAMISON & DICKIE, 96 FOURTH AVE., Or Cor. PENN AND SHADY AVE., E.E. SC21-5S-MWS ERNST AXTHELM, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BELL HANGER. Repairing a specialty. 103 THIRD AVE., near Wood St. Telephone 85L PITTSBURG, PA. au2S-e76-ws KAILUOADh. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S liINES ilarli 1839. Central Standard Tune. TKAINS DKPAKT As fOUows rrom Union Station! Kor Chicago, d 7fa a. m., d 1220, d 1:00, d7:45. except Saturday. 11:2) S. m.: Toledo. 7:25 a. m., d 12:31 d 1KB and except aturday. 11: p. m. ; Crestline, 5:43 a. m.: Cleve land, 6:10 a. m., 12:43 and d 11 K8 p. m. and 7:23 a. m., via P., F. W. 4 C. Ky.: .New Cattle and Yonngstown, 7:03 a. m., 12:20, 3:45 p. m.; Youngstown and n lies, dl2:3 p. m.; MeadTUle, trie and Aihtabnla, 7:05 a. Di., 1220 p. m.; Miles and Jamestown, 3:vi p. m.; Mamillon. 4:10p. m.; Wheeling and liellalre. 6:10a. m., 12:45, I:p. m.: Heaver Falls. 4:00. 6:05 p. m Hock Point,- 88:20 a. in.: Leetidale. 5:30 a. m. ALLEGHENY ltoc.hester. t:S0 . m.; Beaver Kails, 8:15, 11:00 a. m. : Enon, 3:00 p. m.: LeeU- dale, 10:00, 11:45 s. m.. 2.-C0, 4:30,4:15, 5:; 1:30, 4:45, tiSO, 7-00, 8:00 JTalr OakaTs U:40 a. p.m.; uoniray, iu:ajp.m. id. : x.eexsaaic, obimv, m. TRAINS AKK1VE Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1:50, d8:00. d6:J5 a.m., d 6:50 P. m. roieao. except juonaay luu, ata. m., ouu m. , Crestline, z:lv p. m. ; Yonngstown ana Newcastle, 9:10a.m., 1:23, 6:50, 10:15 p. m.; Nile ana x onnesiown. aouup. in. ; mereiana, asuua. m 2:25, 7:C0 p. m. : Wheeling and Belialre, 9:00 a. m 2:25, 7:00 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, lrS. 10:15 p. m.: MaisUIon, 10:00 a. ni.; Kiles ana Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.; Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. m., 1:10 D. m.. Hock Point, S Up. m.; Leetidale, 10:4ffp. m. AKKrVlC ALLEGREKT-From Enon, S:00 a. m.: Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. ra. ; lieavef Falls, 7:10a. m 5:45 p. m.: Leetadale, 6:50, 6:15, 7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 p. m.; Fair Oaks. 88:55a. m. : Leetsdale, B 6:05 p, ra.: Kocfc Point. S 3:13 p.m. S, Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, except Sunday. ieS P1TTSHUKQ AND CASTLE SHANNON R. K. Snmmer Time Table. On and after May, 1889, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 6:20 a. m., 7:10 a. m., S.-OO a.m.. 9:30 a. in., 11:30 a. m., 1:40 p. m.. 3:40 p. m.j 5:10 p. m.. 5:50 p. m., 6:30 p. m.. 9:30 p. ra.. 11:30 p, in. Arlington 5:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10 a. in., 8:00 a, m., 10:20 a. m., 1:00 p. m.. 2:40 p. m., 4:20 p.m., 5:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m 10:31 p.m. 12:50 r m. ouauar trains, ieavingx'uisuurg iua.m. n. m.. z:sd. in.. 5:10 p. m.. 7:10c m.. si.10 p. m Arlington 9:u a. m., 12 m., 1:50 p.m., OH p. m. 6:30 p. m., 8:00 p. m. JOHN JAHN, Snpt. '3 SelO-TTS Oar assortment is now complete, every shape and shade in hats, Bonnets, Velvets and Bibbons to match. Everything pertaining to Bonnet Fixings. "We start the season with an immense bargain, viz: Children's Felt Sailor Hats Trimmed in all colors, sold everywhere at ?1, bat oflered by us at only fiOc. Full lines of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets now in stock. Orders at shortest notice. Our Fine French Sprays for Corsage nnd Dress Trimmings, at ISc, worth 25c. MAGPIE "WINGS, all colors, only 5c. This is only a small sample of the many bargains in this department. to save you money. Perfect fit guaran- Kid' Gloves! AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE ;sel7 .jjt. are now the order of the day?aBJv?v j JjJj5s e care mai will meet the sad- tjjak fXPL en canSes the temperature X? lt ii wb with a -$ ' ' f KAUFMANNi Again, the very moderate prices at this store places them within the reach of the j5io-a-week-calico sales man as easily as the millionaire railroad magnate. GOOD, DRESSY FALL OVERCOATS AT $7 Of course we have Fall Overcoats for less than $j, but we caanotguar antee them. These 7 garments, however, we can conscientiously -recommend to all who want good, stylish and substantial Fall Overcoats. They cannot be matched elsewhere below JSio. " '4fejL AT $9 and $10 WE HAVE A MAMMQTHEENBj of FALL OVERCOATS, and they're beauties every one1 of or short box style. The materials Corkscrews, Worsteds and Cassimeres, Meltons, Cheviots, Crepes,vy,eBe tians, Covert Cloths, etc You can have them with or without silkjf ac- ing, and as regards make and fit they will compare favorably withaay garments for which .other stores ask $ 15. . ' AT $12, $13 50, $14 and OVERCOATS FINE ENOUGH FOR ANTT MMM Don't leave your measure for a Mine chances out of ten you 11 prefer these ready-made garment3vto those for which your tailor would charge you double their prices. BeJ sides we give you a much larger assortment to select from over 200 styles being here. THE FINEST FALL OVERCOATS WE HAE : RANGE FROM $18 to $25. fff They're made from the costliest and most exquisite imported mate-" ,-, v'i rials and are equal in make, fit and finish to the most expensive-custom -'"' wort turned out in jfittsbUrg. borne witn lingiisn serge, ana, talcen in all, ments ever produced. , . E , " .. . f, - . OUR GRAND iooks iiKe a nuge reception room, . r They admire our new styles, try them wondering how such fine goods can lead the Cloak trade of Pittsburg this shouldn t wei" We nave tne right goods and the right prices, OUT-OF-TOWN resdents should write, for our Illustrated CataV logue. It is the finest- and largest book of thef kind ever published in Pittsburg and will be mailed gratis on ap plication. ' , - - KAUFMANNQ Fifth Av6nue and UAH-ROADS. FkNflYLVAiA i:lLKO- ON ANli after August 26, ISS3. trains leave Union Btntlon, rut-burg; as folio, utern Standard Time! MAUf L1SE ISTWABU. New York and Chicago Limited or Pullman Yes Utrale dallyat7:U m. Atlantic --pre. dally for tba JCast, S0 s.m, Mau train, dally, except Sunday, 6:3Ua, m. Ban day, malL 8:0 a. m. -yep--9dallyatS:0Oa. m. 11-11 express dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia exprets dally at 4il9 p. m. Xastera expreu dally at 7:15 p.m. Fast Line dally at 8:10 p. m. Express for Ked.ord 1:U p. m,. week days. -press for Crc.son and Hbensburg 2:55 p. m., Saturdays only. GreensDnrgexprtaiS-lOp. in. weekdays, llerrj express II :C0 a. m. week days. AlltnronKh trains connect at Jertey CltrwltH boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, K. Y- Y.Clty. Trains arrive at Union Station as folio wit Mall Train, dally 8:1-p. to. Western Express, dally 7:a. m. l'tclfl. Express, dally., ...!:p.m. Chicago Limited Express, dally .8:30 p.m. last Line, aauy uwj. . in. SOUTHWEST PKNfl KA1LWAJ. For Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8:33 a. m. and 4:2s p. m., without chanire of cars: 12.50 p. ra., connect lng at Greensbur;. Trains arrive from Union, town at 9:45 a. m., 13:20. 5:M and 8:10 p. m. WEST rENNSKWANlA DIVISION. From FEDEKAL St. STATION. Allegheny City, Mall train, connecting lecmairaTiiie,.. s:u i ia, m. Express, for lUalrivllle, connecting for Kutlpr lln.n. llutler Acctm 2:23 and 5:45 p. m. 8prlrigdaleAcconi9:0Q1lliiOa.m.3:wand S:20p.m. lfaeport Accom 4'! .?nd "P m- uasnnday , JSKP- nl- Horth ApoUo Accom.. ...11:03 a.m. and SiOO p. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting rorBntier.. : a. m. Bl&lrsvllle Accommodation ,a1.... 10:40 p, m, rralnTarrlve at FEDKKAL STKEET BTATlONi Express, connecting from Batler 10:35 a.m. Mail Train ViV'vJ'S p m Butler Accom :Wa. m 4:40and7:Mp, m. HlalrsTlllo Accommodation.......... i.-SUZp. m. 1'reeport Aceom.7:40a.m.. IzSS. 7i2andllil0p. m. On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. SprlngdaleAecom....6,n:a.m.,3r46;Mp.m. ifortUApollo Accom. ! m. nd:40p. SlONOxiGAHELA UlVlSIOIi. Tnftnt leave UnlonitaUon. Flwinurg, as follows: Tor Moaongahela City, Wen Brownsville and uSl"ntSwo740 a.m. J for Monongaheu City and W.est BrownsvlUe, 73 and 10:40 a.m.and 4:40 p.m. On Sunday, 1:01 p7 m. Ifor Monongahela City, 5:40 p. ra., week days. ,. ' Dravosbnrg Ac, week days. 8:20 p. m. West Elixabetli Accommodation. 8:20a. m., HOT, StfoandlliMp. m. Bandar. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner fourth avenus and Try street and Union station. .trit.ut CIIAS. E. 1'UUlL J- K- WOOD, Uineral 1 Uwt. Gen'1 1'a.s'r Agent. PANHANDLE KOTJTE JULTS. lSSa, JTTNION station. Central Standard Tins. J"8."? ClnclnnaU and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d 8jM and d 11:13 p. m. Dennlson, J:4i p. m. Chicago, 12:05, dC15 p. m. Whesllag, 70 a. m,, J, eaop.m. Bteuhenvle. 55a. m. wuhlnrtw. J,18a. m.,l, 3:30.4:45 P. m. Btfft&BiJa a.m. Bnrgetown.i3Sa.m-SP. ? Mans fleld, 7:15, 9:30, UiOOa. m 1.-05, ao, d 835: 10 p.m; MeOonaM,d4:187d:4Sp. m. rrom tbe West dlilO. d.-00 a. to,. 3.?. d3 n.m. Uennuou.:a) steunenviue, ""i. . j Wheeling, 1 10, i:48a.m.) S.-os, tMv. ' Dennlson, Steubenvllle, t:op. in, 8i40, 10:s a. i, i:, os p, m. "," S:3o; 11140 a. mT-ffiiS 1.:00 and 8 $&. Bulger, 1:40p.m. .McDonald-, ddt a. , d tt ''d daUys 8 Bar e-ly; other ttalns,ej FALL0VERC01TI 1 nere, is no garment that is wore nsef ul, necessary and dressy thaa' one of these light .or medians .... weight Top Coats. They agbrd rtTrfifj TrnfHiin 9 tymnet inlsoa (and their more serious, often fatall consequences') and at the. same time lend an air of finish, eleganc and refinement to a gentleaaaa' dress that is most .pleasing ari effective. , J And now, gentlemefc, if you. want to tafce your choice from an, assort ment of over 6,000 Fall Overcoats an assortment that embraces every.'' new style, every popalac color, every reliable material' then GO TO kV. which these garments are sold for at j m them. They are cut long, medial! are wide and narrow Wales, taacyg "!!? $15 WE SHOW FMsBfc --, wis Top Coat until you have seen theses come with rich silk linings, 'others? tney're thfr finest ready-made , , i k ja ' " r . i CLOAK BAZAAR- . so many ladies coming ana going, on, buy them and leave the store"1 be sold for so little money. We will! season from the word "ga." Why Smithfleld Street. seld-D . RAILROADS. PITTSHUKtt AMI LAKJi-'iftlli SAIlSoaIJ COMPANY Sehednla In tlHttJinn- uw inirai ume. a. ra., 1:3 capo and for Buffalo. K manes, s:09a. m, and .New Castle, 5 : p, m. for in.fc . .,. .u a. w... lidJW .: Chartlera. B:Cft. YSiao &. m.. it. a.i . t.ix SJOK 8:30, SS5. 10:tf a. . ii3j(L S 'IMS, J :40. 3:30. 14:30. 4:50 3:0K. 5: IS. Ittfia M,1 ABBlvx from Cleveland. t:X aTm., . ra.- J?1 p. m. rrom Cincinnati. Chicago and St, louis, iz:jo. 7:5$. d. m. From Buffalo. 6130 1 '12:8,0, 9:40 p. m. Jroa Salaaua- ca. l":3o. -tioo p m. jrro Wiffl VmtnMfnm .m. New Castle, tsx. 8 a. m., '12:30. Sias, la 9:p. m. Krom Bearer falls, tas. 6.-3B, 7i39, t:20 C. . Y. trains from Manineld. 8:30 af m., iJBL 4150 p. m. Tot Essen and Beechmont, 8:T ra., 3i30 p. m. V.. C. Y. trains from Mass. field, Essen and Beeohmont, 7rtH s. m., ll9a. m. Ki ScK i R- - -lj.BT-For New Haven. s;?) m' ?:3,P " " West Newton, 5:3B, 10:05 a. ta 3:30, JilS p. m. ASam-rroBi Sew '50 p. 19. from West New. . '3:09 p. m. for Mo ;mV3;?, 'j1?.''- riom Monongaheu City, Elizabeth and.McKeeiport. 1X0 a.m., 1-K. o:oop. m. itn5nJ.Silnd.,1B.','?nlT' WU1 runonehonr Lfn Bun,?.1Ti I will run two hours late on Sunday. City ticket office, 401 SmithHeld street. TJALTIMOKE ANIl Mini KAILKOAU . I bcneanle in effect Mav 12. Kueuuic in cseci may lz for Washing- Baltimore, Philadelphia and New., York, S:00 a. m.. and "9:30 :20 n for Cum- Deriaud, "8:00 a, m. a.. ti.-so, p. m. '"kV-S ror con--i4j neusviiie, am and9ajp.m. For Unlontown, tS:40, 8.-00a.m- f Jl J ud J4.-00 p. m. for Mount fleassnt, Wi40 and " , ana -s:w m.. mnd. loo- r.rf im r.. m. vor t ifooiuiiKwa, ri,, j:l 29:40 & . 3:Xi auB ij ifi&Jl-- When,S&;; 2:5 i?1-,1.; For' Cincinnati and St. outt( -' Si45a.a., -l:30p.rfl. ForColumbus. 8:4andi4 t J; ra"J8i?) " "- lror Newark. S 19:40 a. m, " m& fC'S- 'o'Chicaao, S J9:40a. m., vw 2k ,J? ft m' Trains arrive from New York, 1'hiladelpfila, Baltimore and Washington, -f ?iV " -flSL 750 P- n, from Colnmbns, Cln w.Ju?i?4i.CWeiF0k "7'M and-JOp. ra. 01l!! eeLln?' 'f . a-. .-OA 9rfX) p. E'-1.0VJ ""Ploff caxs to Baltimore, Wash lngton and ClnelnnatT. Wheeling accommodation, 8:30 a. m., Snnday .iT:ii .n,'u"ui accommodation at J s. m. SJ-'Ifc. lDaUy.exM!Jt Bunday. JSnnday onlr. .? h 1"i;bKorK Transfer Company wlU call for -; a ii : K01" noieis ana reswencc. npou orders len at B. O. Ticket Office, cornet FiWl .T?nne. 4 Wood street. uUAd. O. a,ui.u, wen, rasi. Agt. J.T.ODELL. Oen.Mgr. Allegheny; .valley kailkuau- . Trains leavs Union citation (Eastern Standard, Umo): Klttannlng Ac.. C a. m.: NlagaxaEx.. dally. 8:45 a. m Unlton Ac. 10:10 a,m.; Valley 'AS?' a-"J!,-ia, OU CKyand iwboI Ex press.2j00 p. a. s Bulun Ac, 3rf p.m. : Klttannlog; Ac, K Pm. BraebnmExT,5a5op.m.j Eltan--. lng A.t 5.30 p. m. i Braebnra AeJioo p. m. i HaJ, . ton Ac, 7 is) p. m., Bnffalo Ex., dally. tOO B. m.f TTnltnn a. a.xx m, . hraI)liniA&. : LliaOn. Chun traUuBraebum, nj4?0". ana s m. iMiiasan Parlor Ji," Sleeping CJars betwses Pittsburg and Buffalo. QABoa Ga. Sum. . IITSBURG AND WESTERN KAILWAY irainsim-i Bun'dtlaie) Leave. Arriva. , Dr. Er AkronJToledo. Kane (:40 a m, 7:37 p m Mdh 9:00 a a, Chicago Express (dally) accosinnasiifm.. 12:40 p ml 11:80 a,m 9-w uams AcoomBoaanon. s:ju p cat 7.-eop!B. itrana roiBStrit, JO p ra I SiWsOss.! TV 140 so. sc riOi SS. t9UW vti (sro io. VKC' !& - T n? & HFoXr' ' iaE&55 fWM&-l && Ffssi' - a. A