lSKpSSl3ISSoSlWPME5M2il8S a faAttr. -r-r AH?r : lJ'-Ht&j Tf"tv ) SHOOK IS SHAKEN UP. 5w The Well-Known Ex-Theatrical Man ager Has a Severe Pounding. ATTACKED BY A FORMER FRIEND. And His Cheek Laid Open by Several Severe Blows of the Fist. HE GETS BACK AT HIS ASSAILANT, "BntU So Taken kj Surprise Thit He Is -Sow laid Up for Repairs. Sheridan Shook, the well-known former theatrical manager, was assaulted "Wednes day evening in the Morton House barroom by Thomas Patton, and struck several severe blows. He is not seriously injured. The trouble was caused by some railroad legislation which Shook failed to get through at Albany. PTZ.CIAZ. TELIORAM TO TBI DISPATCH. J "Sew York, September 20 Sheridan Shoot, the well-known politician and man-about-town and former theatrical manager, is confined to his room at the Morton House, suffering from injuries received in a fight at the hotel on Wednes day evening last. Inquiry made to night disclosed the fact that the patient's condition is not serious, and that Mr. Shook will be around again in a few days. The story of the aflray as given by an eye-witness is as follows: About 550 o'clock on the evening men tioned Mr. Shook was seated at a table in the barroom of the Morton House, facing Broad way, taking lunch, when the door opened and Thomas Fatten entered and approached the bar. Mr. Shook did not observe Mr. Patten's entrance, as subsequent events showed. Mr. Patten, with a rapid movement almost run ning advanced toward Mr. Shoot and calling out, " , I've got you now," he struck Shook a violent blow on the cheek. The blow cut a deep gash, causing the blood to flow profusely. ALMOST DAZED Br THE BLOW. Shook endeavored to rise from his chair. As he did so his assailaut drew slightly back and then delivered a furious upper cut on snoots nose, anea snoot managed to grapple with Patten, who, although the older man, exhibited much dexterity with his fists. The two men struggled for some time, Patten getting in several more blows upon Shook's body. Finally Shook succeeded in putting his antagonist on his back near the cigar stand, Patten's head narrowly escaping the sharp corner of the stand in falling. There was then a short struggle on the floor, Patten having hold of Shook by the ears. By this time the excitement in the bar room was intense, bringing Manager Vernan and the hotel help on the scene. These quickly separated the com batants, Patton being ejected from the barroom and Shook taken to his room to have his wounds dressed. Later in the evening Mr. Shook reappeared for awhile in the barroom seeminzly none the worse for the encounter, excepting that his nose was swelled and his cheek was cut. Since that uight, however, he has remained in his room, and declines to see anyone ex cept his intimate acquaintances. PATTEN SOT TO BE SEEK. At Mr. Patten's office it was stated to-day that he had gone to his residence in Uew Jersey, but would probably be in Kew York Monday next It is understood that the cause of the en counter dates back to last winter. Mr. Shook, it appears, was largely interested in some railroad legislation at Albany which failed of passage, and it is alleged he in duced Mr. Patten to advance money on se curities which could not be negotiated in consequence of the failure of the measure wIiicU-Mr. bhoot- was urging at the. State capital. Mr. Patten is a wealthy bnilder of this cit, and he and Mr. Shook have been inti mate for many years. Mr. Patten -was re cently married to the widow of the late "William Floyd, for manv vears stage man ager of "YWlack's Theater. He set tled $100,000 on his wife just previous to his marriage. He built the new sum mer hotel, Hotel Avenel, on Pleasure Bay, a mile back of Long Branch, and has done much to beautlly and enrich that localitv. A son of Mr. Patten bv a former wife, and three daughters of Mrs". Patten by her first husband (one of thein tlip wifc nf Rpnn Boniface, Jr.), are on the stage. A PEOTEST EMBED. Kama Citizens Want Trade With Mexico Enconrncrd ns Much na Fossiblc They Want Mexican Ores Ad mitted Free of Doty. Kansas City, September 20. At a meeting of the Board of Trade of Kansas City, Kan., this evening, the following reso lutions were unanimously adopted: "WnEltEAS, At the instance of tue lead monop olists of Colorado.a meeting of the citizens was recently held In the city of Denver, the object of which was to protest against the free impor tation of silver-lead ores from Mexico and other countries, and certain resolutions to that end were adopted, and Whereas. We believe it to be a blow directly aimed at the industries of Kansas, and at the capital invested, not only in our railroads and smelting works, bnt also in the live stock, dressed beef and mercantile interests of this andother States, and Whereas, We believe it to be to the best in terests of this State and the country at lar"e to encourace trade with our sister Republic in every legitimate way: be it Rpsolved, That on behalf of the merchants manufacturers and stock growers of the State of Kansas, we protest against anv disturbance of our trade relations with Mexico by the reversal of a long-established ratine of the Treasury Department, admitting Mexican ores into this country free of dutv, thus deprivine our State of the privilege of an interchange of products with Mexico; and be it Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the Concressmen of tins H,tr; -JA Btate, with the requen that thev immediately enter a protest aginst any change in the pres ent ruling by the Secretary of the Treasury A LITTLE CLOUD OP WAR. Two Kallwors Down Ea Training Their Gobi on Each Oitirr. nTTECIAI. TELEQILiV TO THI DISrATCH.t Pittstok, September 20. The Keystone Colliery, near Fabhu. was not reached by a railroad until a chort time ago, when the Erie road built a branch road to the colliery and secured a monopoly of all the coal tonnage of the hillside and several other nearby breakers. A few months ago the Jersey Central resolved to make an extension into the same territory The Erie fought the Jersey Central project in the courts, and was beaten. To-day the Erie folks stationed a number or waicnuien aiong tneir road, and issued orders for the erection ot shanties to shelter them. The watchmen will be kept on duty all winter, with instructions to keep the Jersey Central away at all hazards. As the plan of the latter embraced a crossing of the Erie branch, there may be trouble when the crossing is attempted. An Address In Favor of Boalanccr. London, September 20. Fifty retired officers of the French army, who were formerly comrades of General Boulanger, Lave presentedthe General with an address protesting against his prosecution by the Government, and expressing the wish" that he may gain a striking victory in the com ing elections for members of the Chamber of Deputies. olive msmFns; Dispatch, descriptive (if the three living JSm perors of Germany. A BASEBALL SCHEME. The Brotherhood Dan bald to Have Taken Hold nt the Metropolls-Thc Names of the Backers of the Enter prise Not Blade Fabllc. SPECIAL TELEGILLU TO THE DIBFATCn.l New Yobk, September 20. A syndicate has been formed in this city, consist ing of some of its most wealthy and enterprising business men. This syndicate are after a plot of ground on Eighth avenue, from One Hundred and Fifty-seventh to One Hundred and Fifty ninth streets, and is willing to pay 530,000 a year for its rental, subject to the expiration it John B. Day's,lease of the present Palo Grounds. One member of this syndicate has offered to get 51,000.000 to oact the Urotherhooa, he oUenng pw,uuu himself. The agreement lor the lease of the ground has been drawn up in legal form and may be signed to-morrow. The syndicate wifl take the ground for 5, 10 or 20 years. Some of the most active movers of this scheme to break the monopoly are at present members of the New York club. It is also claimed that plans on a similar basis are being perfected in all the principal citiesof thecouutry. Socompleteis the work that not even the smallest details have been overlooked, even to the purchas ing of baseball supplies. Agents are alrea'dy located in five of the cities, and players will not be afraid to sign contracts with the parties interested, as they are backed financiallv as well as the present magnates. Since the" New Yorks opened the present grounds thev have made over $100,000 and the club values its franchise at SoOO.000, if not more. . , Mr. James J. Coogan is said to be the New York representative of the syndicate. "When Mr. Coogan was seen to-night he said that these statements are true, although he had no interest whatever in the scheme, and is not at liberty to make known the names of the gentlemen who are interested. He thought, however, that the scheme would be n great success finan cially. He is greatly opposed tothe present svstem under which baseball is run, and says that the profits should not be con trolled by a few persons alone, but the players should also reap the benefits of the vast incomes derived from the games. Among baseball enthusiasts in this city to night the scheme was laughed at, and not a few said that the mere fact ot Mr. Coogan refusing to give the name of anyone con cerned in the proposed scheme showed that it was all a myth. SPECIAL SEW PRAYERS. A Glnuce nt Rome of the Proposed Chances for Episcopalians. Philadelphia, September 20. "More prayers" will be the cry heard at the next General Convention of the Protestant Epis copal Church soon to be held in New York. The committee of 15 appointed at the last convention to suggest needed changes or ad ditions to the present liturgy has just pre pared its preliminary report for the October meeting. The principal features of the committee's report are the "Book ot Ofilces," a series of services for special occasions, and numerous new prayers. Among the latter are pe titions for the reunion of Christendom, for children, for young men, for those who serve God under difficulties, for those who are obliged to work on the Lord's day, for the rich, and for the army and navy. The prayer for the rich is as follows. O, Almighty God, we beseech Thee to send Thy grace upon those whom Thou bast in trusted with great possessions, that they m?y praise Thee in their lives honor Thee with their wealth, and lead others by their example to sees for that inheritance which the beloved Son will give to all those who have followed Him. Have mercy upon such as neglect to minister to the wants of Thv poor; and grant that, remembering the account of their stew aidsbip which they must one day cive, they may be faithful almoners of Thy bounty, and so at last attain to Thy heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. "Changes in the liturgy were first pro nosed in 18S0," said Bishop O. W. Whitaker lnst eening. "At first public opinion seemed to favor amendments and additions, bnt in the convention of 1883, and still more, in that of 1886, a reaction appeared, and it is my belief that there is now decided opposition to any further changes. Slight alterations in the prayer book were finally decided on three years ago, and other modi fications passed on favorably at that time will come up for final adoption in October. The move for new prayers is not at all a party affair, and has won little strength The changes proposed do not affect the essentials of Church teaching, but are sim ply extensions ot the liturgy, made to suit modern conditions of life." PRESIDENT NEWELL'S QUIETDS. Tbe Lake Shore Magnate Checks tbo Work on the C. it P. Docks. Cleveland, September20. Last winter the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railway Com pany announced that it wonld spend 800, 000 in building and improving its docks. About 100,000 was spent, and early in the spring all work ceased. Until recently it was not known why work had been stopped. The C. & P. owns a triangular piece of ground near the upper end of the old river bed and offered to exchange this for a piece owned by the Lake Shore and located near the C. & P.'s slips. The Lake Shore accepted this offer, but the question of opening the river had come up, and President Newell declined to make the trade until that question was decided. Mr. Newell wanted to substitute this bit of ground for the river bed opening on the claim that it might be used for a basiu in which vessels eould turn around. The vessel owners could see no benefit in Mr. Newell's substitute, but it is probable that he still thinks of winning them over as he refuses to make the trade with the Cleveland and Pittsburg company, and as a resnlt all work is at an end for the present on me uocks oi me tatter company. Thus the delay in going ahead with the riverbed improvement prevents the pro posed expenditure of a very large sum of money on the most important docks in the old channel. Mr. Kewell's advice to the Cleveland and Pittsburg company is to "wait until the present agitation of the river bed question blows over," when the trade will be made. DR. BELCHER AS A BUTLER. How Ho Made Money nt CoIUcc by RetalW Inc Portor. Brooklrn Standard-Union.? Dr. Lyman Beecher was once asked what he did forrevenne while he was going through Yale College, and said in reply! "Staples, the butler, left college six weeks before the end of the year, and I took the buttery and bought out his stock for about $300, which I borrowed. I went into it hot and heavv. One day I bought a lot of watermelons and cantaloups and traadled them across thegreen on a wheelbarrow, in the face of the whole college. I sent to New York by an English parson (a judge of the article) and bought a hogshead of porter and retailed it to the students." That buttery was a regular thing in those days, but has whollv. dis appeared since. The old law of the college, written in Latiir, and bearing upon this subject is as follows: ."The butler may sell in butterv.cider, me theglin, strong beer (not more than 12 bar rels a year), loaf sugar, pipes, tobacco, aud other necessities for students not furnished by tbe steward in the commons. MUST GET OUT OP POLITICS. Connecticut White Caps to Retire ftlnn From Fabllc Life NomvALlt, Conn., September 20. White Caps were abroad in this city this morning. Captain Pferce, a well-koonn resident on Knight street, received a notice to step out of politics or leave town. Big posters were nailed to his front door, which was embellished with skull and cross-bones, s coffin, graveyards, etc. There is no clue to the identity of, the euiltv parties. .' THE7SAME 'OLD TALK No More Than the Usual Progress Made in the Dreary Cronin Trial. THREE JURORS HELD FOR AKlGHT. Judge McConnell Announces Another Inter esting Decision. THE CATHOLIC CHDRCH NOT ON TfilAL, Bo lien Opposed to That Faith Are Xot Necessarily Disqualified. . Three more possible jurors were secured in the Cronin trial yesterday. That is, that number were held for the night by the de fense. Judge McConnell made one inter esting decision during the day. tSFZCUT. TZLEQItAH TO Till DISPATCH. Chicago, September 20. There was a great crnsh at the Cronin trial this after noon. Every seat in tbe big courtroom was occupied, and yet scores of curiosity seekers were refused admission. Many women were in the audience. The examination ot jurors lasted four hours. During that time nearly all of the SO venire men of the twentieth venire were excused because of the unalter able opinions they had formed as to the guilt or innocence of the prisoners. Three men were held for the night by the defense. Attorney Forrest conducted the examina tion during the entire afternoon. He was in fine humor, and made rapid progress in disposing of the talesmen, nearly all of whom were businessmen with deep-rooted prejudices against the prisoners. ONE INTERESTING INCIDENT. The only interesting incident of the dreary examination was a ruling by Judge McConnell, that members of the United Order of Deputies and of the Patriotic Sons of America were not disqualified from act ing as jurors in this case for the sole reason that these two orgauizations were in a meas ure at war with the Roman Catholic Cburcb. The Catholic Church, Judge McConnell said, was not on trial. If a member of either of the organizations named could lay aside nil his prejudices and opinions and try tbe case on the law and evidence he was, in the opinion of the Court,eminently quali fied to sit as a juror, no matter if some of the prisoners were Boman Catholics. Hap pily for Attorney Forrest, the two men over whom this interesting question arose gave more satisfactory reasons for their disquali fication by the Court. THE CHALLENGES USED. The defense tore a great hole in its list of peremptory challenges during the long session, five veniremen having been dropped in behalf of BZunz and O'Sullivan. The number of peremptories now used by the defense is 65. The State has canceled 45. The prisoners were in good humor. At torney Forrest's searching, and at times sarcastic, examination ot the two anti- Catholic veniremen affording them great amusement " Lawye- John Bcggs has changed his white mnslin necktie for a black cravat which covers nearly all of his shirt bosom. Bnrke and O'Sullivan alone remained sullen. Big Dan Coughlin cracked jokes with Beggs all afternoon, and little Kunz saw something to laugh at every time. When court ad journed the pale-faced, miserable looking Woodruff, who has told so many stories about the Cronin murder that nobody now believes he had anything to do with the tragedy, shuffled into tne room under a heavy guard ot bailiffs. Attorney Browne, with a red face and an almost unintelligible delivery, resumed his plea for the discharge of the prisoner. The Court took the matter under advisement, and will probably de liver his opinion to-morrow morning. ANOTHER BLOODY SDEFEISE. "When it first became rumored that the Carlson cottage bore bloody evidence that Dr Cronin had been murdered in it, two reporters were sent to get into the honse, and, it necessary, break in. Fearing that the rumors might not materialize to lurnish a good story, the reporters, on their way to the cottage, bought a roll of cotton batting. Then they went to a butcher's shop and saturated it with blood. "When they reached the cottage they effected an entrance to the basement, in which they put the bloody cotton. Having made sure of sufficient gore, they came out and proceeded to break in the front door of the cottage. There they found enough genuine evidences, and, as a police man hurriedly drove them out at the point of a revolver, they came away without thinking of the reserve evidence in the basement. This was found by the police and held as part of the evidence against the prisoners. It is also said that the defense have some of it; that they have had it analyzed; the analysis showed that it was beef blood, and that they are calculating to spring the fact on the prosecution as a surprise. EIGHTEEN PERSONS INJURED And One Woman Killed by a Mountain Rail roail Runaway Car. rSPECIAI. TELXQBAM TO THIS DISFATCH.1 Chattanooga, September 20. A car on the railroad running from the base to the top of Mission Bidge became unmanageable this morning, and started down the 'mount ain at full speed. A panic seized the pas sengers, and all but five or six leaped from the flying car. One death resulted, and nine persons were injured. The passenger whose injuries resulted in death is Mrs. Mary Adams, of Casey, 111., the wife of the express agent in that citv. In jumping from the car she struck one of the poles carrying the electric wires, and was thrown in front of the car and struck on her head. She was thrown to the side of the track. She died this afternoon. Eigh teen persons were injured. HATE PLENTY OP CAPITAL. A Company With $15,000,000 to Erect a Rrflaery In Kansns. Kansas Cut, September 20. The Chick-Short Method Smelting and Befin ing Company was granted a charter by the Secretury of State of Kansas to-day. The company is organized with 515,000,000 capi tal and will build one of the largest re fineries in the United States. The plant will be erected in Kansas City, Kan. The Directors of the company are David J. Brewer, Thomas Storms and Nel son Acres, of Leavenworth, Kan.; George H, Glick, of San Francisco;, John H. Knell, William H. Whiteside and Marvin E. Kihg, of Kansas City. A BATTLE IN MEXICO. .Four Hundred Persons Engrfged, and a Knmber Killed and Wonnded. VAif House, Tex., September 20. S. H. Allen, who has just returned from Bio Grande river, reports that Mexican citizens had a desperate battle with Mexican officers and soldiers in Mexico, in which 400 par ticipated and many were reported killed It is said the citizens succeeded in rout ing the soldiers, when the Governor ap peared upon the scene to assist in quieting the rebellion, but he was forced to leave or lose his life. The trouble was over the col lection of enormous taxes. The Preacher' Salary Stopped, PATtis, September 20. The salary of a provincial curate has been stopped by order of M. Thevenet, Minister ot Justice, on the ground that he was canvassing against the Government, Other clericals have been threatened that they will be served in a I similar manner. ? wngedJTer mind An Aristocratic Chicago J.ady Starts to Commit Suicide, bnt Her Henrt Fall Her Qnlte n Sensation Created Fnmlly Troubles the DistarblngCaasr. Chicago, September 20. There was a sensation in an aristocratio portion of Engie wood to-night when news spread that Mrs. M. A McClellan, the wife of Dr. McClellan, of Stewart avenue, "had committed suicide'. About 830 a: M. Mrs. McCiellan's married daughter, who, with her children, was visit ing her mother, observed that the latter had been absent some time. A little later she fonnd this epistle addressed to her: Dear Lettie-I. will for the last time bid you goodby forever. About the things, you can take all the furniture, except $22 the doctor paid on the bookcase. I have stood all tne abuse trom nlm that I can. Wnto J. w. McClellan, and I don't think you will have any trouble about the money. The sum is S400, due October 1. You take that and the 11,000 and pay any bills standing: against my estate and divide the property with your two sisters and vour brother at Knoxville. I nave Btood all the cursing I can Irom him. I am very sorry to leave you this way, but I find u is the only way for me to do. You need not IooK for me, because when you receive this I shall be beyona everybody's assistance' or the need. oUt. The McClellan mansion was the scene of bustle and excitement when this letter was found. The daughter immediately broke the contents to her father, who started for the police station. He arrived there breath less and hntless about 11 o'clock, with the startling information that his wife had com mitted suicide. A searching party was im- mirl v madft nn. whinh spnnrpd the town and patrolled the lake front for miles, with out any trace of the unfortunate lady. About midnight, when the search was at its height, the front door of the McClellan house was cautionsly opened and Mrs. Mc Clellan entered. She fell into her daughter's arms, and finally recovered sufficiently to explain that she went away with a firm de termination of committing suicide, but was deterred by the thought of her daughter and grandchildren. Mrs. McClellan is quite wealthy, refined appearing, and about 45 years of age. None of the members of the family would talk abont the matter, but it is known in the neighborhood that Dr. Mc Clellan and his" wile do not live happily together. BEAKS THREE HUES A DAI. The Unvarying Bill of Pare at a Small Hotel Down East. Oil CUT Blizzard. I "Whenever I tackle a plate of pork and beans," said the advance agent as he leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs and sur veyed the 'stack of whites' placed before him with a critical air, "my alleged mind and memory revert to a season I put in with a road show, otherwisea cirens, travel ing by wagon. One Saturday afternoon I dropped into a little town called Saccarappa in the State of Maine. There was but one hotel in the place, and not having the en tree to the society columns, as it were," I placed myself beneath its roof. When sup per time arrived I was seated in the dining room ere yet the coatless landlord had ceased to agitate the bell that called the victims to feed. The persecuted heiress, who piloted the provender, asked me if I would have tea; I realized the hopelessness of my case and said I wonld. She retired, reappeared and placed before me a dish ot hot beans, a plate of bread and butter, and a cup of tea. One Sunday morning I broke my fast with a boiled potato, a. cup of something, and some cold beans. " The mid-day meal was an improvement and consisted of a piece of corned beef, boiled potatoes and baked beans. For supper we had tea and cold beans, and for breakfast Monday morn ing dallied with a cup of something and a dish of hot beans. When I left, I expressed mv regret to the still coatless landlord, that 1 had not been able to cujoy the beans for which his house was noted. If I live to be a thousand years old I'll never forget the expression on his face as he started back and said: 'WhatI y' didn't git no beans? Well, by I'll see about that,' " A TRUE PHILANTHROPIST. Instead of Giving Money to rieggnra He Provided Work for the Poor. London Letter in Providence Journal .3 A man who died here this week Colonel Tomline is worth your readers' attention for a moment. He was a grandson of Bishop Tomline, who wrote the life of Pitt He had a lot of money and a conscientious feel ing of responsibility as to the use he should make of it. He used to receive heartrend ing appeals from people who wanted money. These made his life a trouble to blm. It brought him too much into touch with the misery of tbe world and simply added to his perplexity. How could he distinguish between the genuine cases and the impos tures? How could he wisely distribute the charity he was willing to dispense? He gave up the attempt. He bnrnt the beg ging letters (as far as he could distinguish them) without opening them; and devoted ,the whole of his spare money to enterprises that would employ labor, in that way di minish the poverty aronnd him. He was a cotemporary of Gladstone's at Eaton; it did not at all seem certain at that time he was not going to turn out the clev erer man of the two. Sir Bobert Peel bracketed him with Gladstone as one ol his clever young men. Some disappointment possibly a love affair is said to have spoiled him and deprived him of ambition. He was also associated with the other lead ing political figures of this generation of Englishmen. ARRESTED JDST IN TIME. Two Chinese High Binders About to Kill a Fallow Countryman. Kansas City, September 20. Two Chinese high binders were before the police court this morning. They had been arrested Thursday night, nominally for carrying concealed weapons, but in fact because tbe police had informttion that they were about to execute a sentence of death passed by the local council of the Chee Kong Lung Sociely. The prisoners were Ah Lee and Lung'Ling. Their cases were continued in order to give the police time to look up the evidence which they expect will be sufficient to prove a conspiracy to commit murder. A Chinese messenger called on Chief Speers and notified him that the person a fellow countryman by whom he had been sent, was being tracked by two highbinders, who had been ordered to kill him because he had given tbe police certain information concerning a robbery which had been committed by mem bers of the Chee.Kong Lung Society. The chief was told where he could see the victim being followed by the high binders. Two detectives were put on the case and the messeuger's story proved to be true. They arrested Ah Lee and Ling Lung. On the latler's person were lound two revolvers and a murderous Chinese dirk. The,police are seekingfurther evidence in the case. THE DOCTOR TAUGHT A LESSON. A Simple Method of Relieving Patients Who Have Been Chloroformed. Dr. Sanm, In Ulobe-Democrat.1 You never heard of a man dying in France while under the influence of chlo roform. Several years ago a patient in a Paris hospitil was undergoing an operation, when the chloroform seemed to be having too great an influence over his heart. An old nurse from tbe country who was present raised his feet and lowered his head. In a few seconds the pulsation became normal, nhd this simple remedy of precau tion has been adopted tn hundreds of cases since, and always with success. ff.An KEITH!. to-morrow's DlS VUI1UU UUUU&II PATCH, gossips about the lengthy visiting lists of society leaders, and other Icindred matters of interest. , ' tU-JSEW GOT. GORDON IS GLAD That Ail Sectional Differences Are Now a Thing of the Past. ELOQUENT ADDRESS OP WELCOME, General Bosecrans Responds on Behalf of the Boys in Bine. THE BL00DI FIELD OP CHICKAMAUGA Almost Certain to be Iransfonaei Into a Beautiful National Park The Chickamauga Memorial Association was yesterday organized upon a permanent basis. Officers were selected from the vet erans who fought on both sides. Fraternal speeches were made by Governor Gordon, General Bosecrans and others, and the best of feeling prevailed. Chattanooga, Tenn., September 20. To-day was a glorious climax to the rennion of the Army of the Cumberland. The grand barbecue and permanent organization of the Chickamauga Memorial Association took place at Crawfish Springs, on the edge of the famous, battle field of Chickamauga. Fully 25,000 people were on the grounds. The blue and the gray were together, and the past forgotten. At lLo'clock Governor John B. Gordon, of Georgia, made the ad dress of welcome. Governor Gordon said: On this anniversary morning the South salutes you with uncovered head, with open arms and earnest and honest hearts. She can not receive you with costly and imposing cere monial?, but with simplicity of speech and patriotic purpose she gladly greets the brave and generous of each army and of every sec tion. To this renowned battle ground made memorable by your prowess, and hallowed by American blood she bids you welcome. A DIFFEEENT SCENE. Tbe South congratulates tbe whole country that these historic plains, where 26 years ago you met in deadly sectional conflict, are now to become the scene and witness of your joint pledge of restored and enduring fraternity. where the North and the South marshaled their hosts for battle, these hosts now meet in loving, lasting brotherhood, united in bonds of mutual respect and confidence, a brotherhood made better, braver and grander Dy mutually cherished and imperishable memories. To yon. General Bosecrans, and thfl soldiers of the Army of the Cumberland, I come with a soldier's greeting on my lips and a soldier's sympathy in my neart. Speaking of those whom I am called to represent I pledge their earnest co-operation in the sacred mission which con venes you, and in all things which pertain to the peace, welfare and unity of the American people. In their name I proclaim their eternal fealty to the American Constitution, which Is their protecting shield; to the American Republic, which is the joint work of their fathers' hands; to tbe American Union of States, from which they withdrew for their safety, but which, now that the causes of dissension are gone.they will lojally aud bravely defend for their future protection. to buet sectionalism. We are hero to nnite with you in final and eternal sepulchre of sectional hostility. The causes which produced alienation were long since engulfed in the vortex of revolution be yond thp power of resurrection. Let us, there fore, bury the passions which these causes evoked, in a still deeper grave. Let us bury the foul spirit ot discord so deep that no blast of tbe partisan political trumpet, however wide-sounding and penetrating, can ever wake it to service again, gainsay it who will. Since slavery is abolished and the Chinese nail along the line of 36 SV is broken down, there is absolutely no legitimate barrier of separation and no cause for strife. God speed the day when this truth shall command recognition throughout the Republic God speed tbe day when unworthy doubts shall give place to universal trust, when un stinted faith in tbe impeachable honor and patriotism of the whole American people shall recmne me essential passport to puDiic station, when be who fights least for party and most for country shall be proclaimed by tbe press and the people as tbe wisest statesman and truest friend of liberty. BOSECEANS EESPONSE. The address of welcome was .responded to by General W. S. Bosecrans. Bosecrans was visibly affected over the elo quent and patriotic language ot Governor Gordon, and spoke most feelingly of the grand sight and scene pre sented, old Confederate and Federal soldiers sitting side by side and engaging in pleas ant friendly converse. And he prayea God that the day would soon come when the last vestige of feeling over the war would be eradicated. He believed that this scene was an augury t ,1.. .1..!.!.. MnJ..nnM A? !. !--. 4- ui ktie iuriuus fiuuucsa ui tue pruject to make the Chicamauga battlefield a national park to appropriately mark the greatest battle of the'Civil War. Closing, he said: "Now, fellow citizens, I am sorry that I am not able to fittingly express the feelings I have on this occasion nor to give speech to the kiud thoughts that come to my mind as I stand here. I am sure I have not the words, neither have I the voice, to appro priately do so, but I hope and pray that the future may see the eminent success of our fraternal undertaking." A PEE3IANENT BODT. After addresses the permanent organiza tion of the Chickamauga Memorial Associa tion was formed. The crowd in attendance at the meeting was very enthusiastic, and the proceedings gave evidence that the movement will be a grand success. Gen eral Henry M. Cist, of Cincinnati, was elected Temporary Chairman, and Major Ed F. Manning, Secretary. After a discussion of the objects and pur poses or the association the following of ficers were elected for four years: Presi dent, General J. T. Wilder, of Tennessee; Vice President, General Joseph Wheeler, of Alabama: Secretary, General Marcus J. Wriffht. of Washington; Treasurer, Gen eral S. Fullerton, of St. Louis. Board of Qirectors: From the Union side G. C. Kniffen, G. W. Bishop, Henry M. Cist, C. H. Grosvenor, Fred. Vandever, S. S. Thurston, J. S. Fullerton, J. J. Bey nolds, J. T. Wilder, A. C. McClung. A. Baird, S. C. Kellogg. W. S. Bosecrans and H. V. Boynton. From the Confederate side Hon. Joseph Wheeler, C. B. Breck inridge, Jesse T. Find lay, David B. Hill, E. M. Law, Marcus J. Wright Boger Q. Mills, George D. Wise, Alfred H. Colquitt, James Longstreet, Joseph H. Lewis, Ban d.ill L. Gibson, Charles F. Hooker and F. M. Cockrell. A GREAT FEAST. The charter as prepared was ordered filed, and the Chairman instructed to accept it when returned. A large number of mem bers of tbe association were enrolled. After tne meeting the barbecue took place, and it was the most tremendous affair of the kind ever known in this country. Thirtv tables, each 35 feet long, were spread. All were amplv provided lor. The day passed with out the slightest jar or accident. On the train this afternoon, returning from the barbecue, Qovernor Gordon, Com mander of the Association of Confederate Veterans, issued an official order for the association to meet in Chattanooga on July i next. HE DISPUTES THE GIFT. An Effort Mode to Recover a 820,000 Present to a College. Columbus, Ind., September20. Charles Snyder to-day sued the Trustees of Harts ville College, a United Brethren institu tion, for S20.000 bestowed yesterday by his wife during his absence upon Bev. James Woolford and Isaac Van Sickle, two of the trustees. . " Snyder claims that his wife is of unsound mind, and that the trustees played a snap game upon her. Stubbed Willi a Cnrrlns Knife. r ITCIAt. TXLIGRAH TO THI OISrATClM New Sokk, September 20. During a fight to-night between Peter Beynolds, 49 jears old, and Clarence Donohue, aged 38, i at meir residence, .uononue siaoDea Rey nolds with a carving knife, killing him in- nolds wi latantlv. Vf- JEANNIE'SlOSNIlJ DEEAST. A Vlilon or Heaven That Comforted a BytssT x Child. Scottish American.! They sat together on the warm sparkling sand, the mother and the child. Tbe tiny golden head nestled against the protecting' breast; the wan face was lit by tbe evening sun; the eyes were closed, and a smile parted the bloodless lips. The maiden slept The mother watched beside her sleeping child, and she scarce more than child her selfmurmured -& mother's prayer, "Lord Jesus, save my little girl." Again and again she repeated it. "Save my little girL" That was alt O Godt why are the poor born to be so unhappy? Soltly she drew the threadbare tartan shawl round the slender frame. Gentle as was the motion it roused the sleeper. The great blue eyes opened. .Did i wase ye, JeannieV" ye dinna wake me; I woke my ainsel. I n: had a bonnie dream. mnner. "Ay, dearie; what was it?" The mother looked down anxiously. "Afore I went to sleep I was watchin the ships wi their white sails flittin' owre tha water, an I wondered whar they were a' gaun. I looked, an' looked, an' looked, an' then I thought I was in a wee boatie, wi' white s&ils, too, xnitber. They said it was gaun to heav'n. The sky was black owre my heid, an' great waves tossed my boatie to an' fro. Bnt far away the sun was glintin' on the water, an there were steps of gowd gaun np, up, up. They said that was the wav to heav'n. Is't no, mither? Are ye list'nin' ?" , . The mother's face was turned away. "Aye, aye, Jeannie, I'm list'nin' to ye." "I sailed a lang, lang time. I was tired; bnt I came nearer an' nearer the steps. I was a'niost there, mither. They said, 'Gae, Jeannie, an' ye'll no be tired ony main' I was gann, Hut they said again, 'No the noo, Jeannie, the next time.' Then I awoke. Was't no a bonnie dream, mither?" "My wee lamb" was all the mother could say. She pressed the frail form to her. The golden head sank back drowsily. "The next time." The sun set in crimson glory over the sands and sea; heavy purple night-clouds overshadowed the e3rth. Ere the- glory faded the little maiden was far away on her journey up the golden steps. Still the mother watched and prayed, "Lord Jesus, save my little girl." God help those who awake from sleep. A SERIOUS WAR AYEETED. How Gallant General Connrr Frovented a Brbelllon Among Mormons. New York Worjd.j "While in Salt Lake City recentlyt" said Mr. A. C. Gunter. the well-known author and playwright, I met the venerable Gen eral Conner, who at the head of a regiment of California volunteers, marched from San Francisco to Salt Lake in 1863 and saved Utah from going out on a little rebellion of her own. The old gentleman is as gallant a soldier and as good a Bepnblican as ever, in spite of what his friends think is the shameful way in which he has been treated by the Harrison administration. General Conner's war record is one of the most fa mous on the roster. He built Camp Douglas, jnst out of Salt Lake, and for years held the rebellious Mormons in subjection. He led a regiment of cav alry and a couple of companies of infantry up to the now historic battle ground near Bear river, on the Utah and Idaho line, and almost wiped ont the hostiles who had gath ered there to massacre the settlers in Idaho, and to stand in with the Mormons in plun dering the supply trains which came down the mountain trail from Virginia City, Helena and the great Montana mining camps for supplies to be got in those days only at Salt Lake City. "The mercury was 20 degrees below zero when, sending the infantry ahead with his supplies and following them secretly in the night with his cavalry, to throw the Mor mon traitors off tbe track, General Conner marched up to the bloody fight Well, he covered himself with glory, as he did in all his fights, and saved the settlers' lives. He has lived in Salt Lake ever since, always a sturdy Republican. He wanted an office in Utah, or his friends wanted it for him, from the Harrison administration. Bid he get it? Bv no means. Ex-Senator Saunders, Bus sell Harrison's father-in-law, was made Utah Commissioner and some other 'friend or relative 'of the family' was made United States Marshal. The old soldier got noth ing!" WWIEK DEP0SIT0ES. The War nn Ungallant Chicago Cashier Looks at Them. Chicago Trlbnne.I Confession of a Dearborn street Bank bank cashier: "A man in a bank is not allowed to talk about its business, and I reckon that's right. Bnt what yon have just been saying prompts me to tell you something under coyer. TheTe isn't one depositor In 200 who will allow his wife to check against his money. Occasionally a man leaving town will come in and ask us to honor his wife's checks to a certain amount. A woman doesn't 'seem to have any sense about money in bank, unless she is her own depositor, and then she is apt to be a good deal of a nnisance. She will come down shopping for instance. She bnys a bill at one house for 513 89, and she gives a check for that sum. She makes purchases at another house to the amount of S3 39 and gives a check for that. And she goes on shopping a half day, giving a check for every purchase. And the next .day she comes to the bank and wants to know if the checks have been presented, and then she wants to know if we can't balance up her book, she wants to Enow now she stands. "Women depositors, fortunately, are few. Most women prefer to keep their money in a safety deposit vault, where they can go and look at it and connt it over for their own comfort. I know one bank president's wife in this city who has her own money which her husband allows her. She won't deposit it in his bank, and he told her one day he was glad of it. She has her own 'tin box in a safety deposit vault" A BIG UAILR0AD K0BBEET. An Express Car Relieved of 810,000; and No Clew to tbe Thieves. Belton, Tex., September 20. Tha Pacific Express Company was robbed of 510,000 here last night. The Missouri, Kansas and Texas train, on which the money was, arrived here at 255 A. m., and it being customary to do so, the money was left in the safe in a box car used for express purposes. The car was entered through a window on the end of the car and the safe unlocked. No clew to the robbers. MABfE Waintvbioht, who will be the star at the Grand Opera Honse nxt week, is said by the Philadelphia JVes to be "a dream of beauty" as Ftofa. Still Busier In Onr Jacket Boom. You must see the jackets at $3, 1 and $5 in nice medium-weight cloths; they are great bargains. Jos. Borne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Thiety-one 'Holmes' Best,' years before the public, TV3 ipm? HmiIA With Three Hoses, a Oer IHEj If UiUAll man-American romance, ly B. D. Beach, Vill appear in to-morrow's Dispatch. TOO IATE to classift. WANTEO 1.ABGE fnr twn ff.ntl.inen. KUBMSIIED KOOM for two gentlemen, with bath, on Penn sve. Address DUPLEX, Dispatch office. SC21-4 WANTED-THItEE BOOMSTOIT5 GENTLE-' MEM, hot and cold water and private bath: fire minntn irsik from DoitoSlce. Address L HOTEL. DUPltch Office, , jeai-j whomakISTlI sS' Very iBstrnctWAMljticai Glimpse ofOnrLegkklare. TEE BUSINESS MO IN TIE I0USI. They Knmber Over Three te 0 CeaMrei ' WithXawvers. ' i . OLD B0LDIEES AND THE J0KEIGSER3. - A Sotloably &sH PrsfrMtta Wto An SsMtvt Amerieaa CStlsea. A correspondent presents aa iaterestisg analysis of Pennsylvania's Lagwktare a at present constituted. Lawyers do set pre dominate among onr lawmakers, as is popu larly supposed. Very ferr foreign-bora legislators occupy seats at Harrabarg. rCOBRXSPOITDEtCE OT THE DISPATOH. J South Oil Crrr, September 20. Com pelled recently to spend Sunday in a qait country hotel, your corresponds read tbe biographies of onr Senators aadJteprosonta. tives at Harrisburg, and, beeosalag inter ested, he compiled the following table, which presents some facts that u worthy ot attention. Onr daily papers, qawterlj re views and Sunday pulpits are agitating economic and legislative questions te which answers can be given better frosa a study of onr legislative bodies than froa SBy' ewer source. Here is the' table: Whole number of Senators , Wbolannmber of Bepresenatives., WI 364 .s o 3 BBSSIOS 1S8S-8L No. of College men.......... No. of professional lawyers , No. of farmers , No. of all kinds ot business mea exeeet farmer and professional men..i No. tnat have served in the army...., No. born oat of Pennsylvania..,...., No. that bave tad an experieaeejat teach ing except professional teachers.... 43 no. oi editors ana journalists'. No. of doctors and dentists........... No. of professional teachers.... No. ot ministers THE AMEEIOAN IDEA. A most remarkable thing is presented ia this table. That is, the success attained here in tbe American idea of a Democratic Government. We have here a "representa tive" Legislature to aa extent little sus pected. Many of the professions are repre sented, and, in the class dabbed "business men," the writer has included almost as many different kinds of basiaess aa there are individuals, and all ranks from the laborer to the millionaire. The professional politician has been placed in that class to which his business education or interest be longs. Probably no industry of the State of any importance coal, iron, lumber tan ning, petroleum, commerce merchandising, educational and professional interests fails to be represented at Harrisburg. Whatever may be said of the "aristocratic privilege" tendency of Washington conacils,' sack a condition of things is not yet true of tha Legislature of this Commonwealth. t THE COLLEGE MEJT. Whether or not the college graduate is successfully represented here, is a question.' Abont one-third of the Senate and about one-sixth of the Honse are college men. It seems proper that the smaller branch, in its nature, should demand a larger number of men of higher education. It is gratifying; to know that among these 48 collegers, the ' higher institutions of onr own State are so well honored. Tale has two men. Harvard and Princeton and Cornell and West Point each one, and with thajexeeption of two or three small institutions froa neighboring i States, the remaining collegians come frost Alleeheny College, Muhlenberg, Washing ton, Westminster, University of Pennsyl vania, the Western University, Washing ton and Jefferson, Waynesbarg, Hunting don and GIrard College and others in Penn sylvania. Lafayette has four graduates, Allegheny has three, Washington and Jef ersoa six. Pennsylvania has good reason to be prond both of its higher institutions of learning and of the men they turnout. In this list of colleges, normal schools and pro fessional schools are not included. LAW YEBSTJS BUSINESS. While the lawyers are numerous In onr list, yet 'perhaps not so much as may ba popularly supposed. Fifty per centum of tbe Senate are lawyers, as opposed to all other classes; but in the House, where pop--" ular questions are more apt to originate, only 16 per centum are lawyers, and the farmer and the business man have about 68 per cent. Considering the nature of the work the two Houses have to do, perhaps tha number of lawyers is not excessive, and their apportionment maybe a very good one. David Dudley Field is quoted as saying there are 70,000 lawyers In this country, and they are to a great extent 'responsible for the gross wrongs committed in the name of the law, because they make the laws and then abuse them with technicalities. Field's numerical fact may be true; bnt the legal representation in our Legislature hardly justifies his deductions. A3 TO THE FOBEIGNEB. An eminent divine with lachrymal glands suffered with sodium-chloride, and with tha voice of Jeremiah, the ancient "kicker," has been recently calling for a time when no foreign-born shall be elected to our leg islative or executive halls. Alarmists of this sort seem to have no knowledge of such, men as General Sheridan, A. T. Stewart, Dr. William M. Taylor, or President Mc Cosb, of Princeton, who was imported by our most conservative college to educate American youth. Hearing these plaints, one might suppose the United States were about to be dismembered and annexed to Hungary, Italy, Ireland and China. Let us examine the table to see if such a condition of things is true of the Harrisburg body. Oi the 251 members, 38 were not born in our own Commonwealth; and of these 38 only 18 were born ontside the United States, and of these 18 the writer is under the impression that everyone came to this country in early youth and received here his education and grew into American citi zenship. Twenty of the 3& were born ia neighboring States. Of the 18 foreign-born, there are 3 English, 3 German, 9 Irish, 3 Welsh and J. Canadian. And only one or them is in the Senate,the others being in the Honse. It wonld seem that here is no cause for alarm; merely a foreign quality sufficient to retain the European elements that were the origin of our great nation. OTHEB ETSTKUCTIVE P0UTT3. It is interesting to note that so many of tbe men who saved the nation dnring the war are still serving ns in a public way. Over 27 per cent are soldiers. Corporal Tanner may still be snre of the country's safety. Outside of the law, professional men have few representatives. Physicians, ministers and teachers are few In number, although a fifth have'some time in life nsed teaching as a stepping stone to some other pursuit Considering the immense influence of the modern newspaper, it is somewhat note worthy that so few journalists go to Harris burg." The one clergyman in our list was an army chaplain; he fidally abandoned his profession and was elected as a farmer. The clergy and the teachers are doing amore im portant work in their spheres of Usefulness at home. To the international celebration of 1892 tha Harrisburg Legislature presents ahealthy political growth. The foreigner is, not in vading our American polity; the too nu merous lawyer la not despoiling the dignity of the State for personal gain, our laws are not enacted by a body of, political sharks who are indifferent to tbe interests the pretend to represent. M Vil St. - a. .'" ..fh - fej