HE PlTTSBURGIpiSPATOH, -SATimDATOSEETEMBEHlBl A A HUNDRED TEARS. a Allegany County, Maryland, to Cele- iL nrnio in mrsr. i.nnrnnnii. HF f . FALL OP SNOW AT JOHNSTOWN Bojer. Republican candidate for State Treas urer, and W. H. Andrers,Chairman of the Re publican State Committee, were here to-day and were called upon at the Downey House by a number of prominent Republicans. Ibey left this afternoon for Washington, Pa. PILFERING TURNIPS. Gives the Dwellers in the Cabins Some thing of a Shiver. f ALIi TUB NEWS FKOil KEARBI TOWNS tSritCIAL TELEGRAH IOIHE DISPATCJI.1 CusmEELAXD, JId., September 20.The centennial anniversary of the formation of Allegany county commences here on Monday and continues three days. An official programme has already beeu pub lished and all preparations made. Decora tions in the city are very eiaDoraie ana creat crowds are expected. The first day's exercises consist of ' a parade of school children 3,000 in line and exercises in the Academy of Music, at which Hon. H. "W. Hoffman mil deliver an oration. There will also be a historical address by Gcorjro L. Well ington. A number of athletic sports Mill be pn-ea during tlio day. The second claj's pro gramme consists of a trades display and miners' parade, in which all the miners in this section Mill participate, with a balloon ascen sion and fireworks at sight. The third day there will be a grand civic parade, with a num ber of games In the afternoon. The espouses of the celebration are covered by private and public subscriptions, to which liberal contribu tions have been made all over the State and county. Alleganv county was created by an act 01 legislature, December, 1TS9, having previously formed a. portion of Washington count). In 1S!2 its territory was divided and Garret county formed. This countv formed the battle ground of the retreating Indians upon the ad vance and progress of Eastern civilization. Farmer Cowan Drives Out Invaders of a Patch With Bullet. Chester, September 2a A serious shooting affray occurred on the farm of James Cowan, near this city. Jerry Milburn, a young colored man, with several companions, had been gun ning and when passing Farmer Cowan's tnrnip patch they helped themselves. Cowan and his son pursued them with guns, and the farmer fired two shots, both of which took effect in the arm and face of young Mil burn. He was removed to his home In South Chester by his companions, and is now under the care of Dr. J. L. Forwood. His condition is considered dangerous, and Cowan will most likely be arrested. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STARTING THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS miun mm -- M'KEEsrORT A METROPOLIS. ,A Belt Line Rnllroad to bo Added to III Other Advantages. TFrECIAt. TEXEGRAM TO THE PlSrATCH.t WcKecspop.t, September M. "McKeesport Is to have a manufacturers' belt line railroad, which ill not be over five miles in length and is to coat a half a million of dollars. The line is to bl known as the Yonghiogheny Connecting Railuav Company, and its stockholders are prominent JIcKeeport and Duquesnc manufacturers. The company was formed and the charter was secured some time ago, but as jet its plans have not been made known, as there are about four chartered companies who Lave lines located along the Monongabela river, and all are alter the best location to get into the city in the most advantageous way. It. G. Wood, General Manager of the W. De ees Wood Compan, is President of the line, and Charles H. Reid, of Pittsburg, is Vice Pres ident. The above and James h. Kuhn, S. I. MrFarran, of McKcesport, and A. U. Darragh, of Pittsburg, compose the directory of the company. The route of the line is not made known as yet. but it is probablo that i: will be located in Uoseproximitj to the iron plants of McKees port, as it is to connect with the plants of the Natioual Tube Works Comrjam. the W. Dewees, Wood Company, tne Monongahela Furnace Company, the Duqucsne Plato Glass Works, the Duquesnc Tube Works and the Duquesne fateel Works, besides other manu factories in and about McKeesport. and will cross the Monongabela river by bridge at Itiv erton, it being proDoed to cross on tne bridge to be built Dj the "McKeesport and Duqucsne llridge Compauj. which gitcs evidence that the building of that bridge is a sure thing. If the Belt line Company cannot arrange to go over this company's bridge it will build its own bridge THE FAITH CURE DOCTRINE AERIAL NAVIGATION. MlnerivIIIe Capitalist Have Solved the Vexed Problem. Councilman Samuel Duncan, of the Thir teenth ward, and a member of the Allegheny County Light Company, has, it is reported, gone to New York to contract with elec tricians to build the Pittsburg, Itnoxville and Troy Hill Electric Parachute, Block and Tackle and Life Insurance Railway, the stockholders being mainly Minersville capitalists. The company will string two 12 inch cables from lit Oliver to Gazzam's Hill, thence to the bluff overlooking Twenty-eighth street, thence across the Allegheny river to Troy, Monument and Observatory Hills in Allegheny. Half way over the Allegheny river there will be switches, on which the cars wtll ruu to their several destinations. Passengers along the line who wish to take the aerial route will be hoisted by means of an electric block and tackle arrangement. and they will no longer sing "I wish I were a bird," for they can then fly without wings. Each car will seat 20 people, and when a passenger invests a nickel in n ticket he will be furnished with a parachute and an acci dent insurance coupon, the latter attached to the ticket. These are expected to come in handy to the family' ot the passenger should the cable break. " There is but one obstacle in the way, and that is that an Opposition company has taken out a patent by which the passenger's pantaloons are greased, and he slides to his destination on a rainbow, but as this com pany can only operate when the meteorolog ical conditions are favorable to the manu facture of rainbows its competition will only be periodical, and the Jlinersville Aerial Electric Light Insurance and Parachute Company hopes by uninterrupted service to khock its opponent out. A Complimentary Banquet. On Tuesday evening, October 1, the friends of J. A. Gonldcn will give him a complimentary banquet at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. Air. Goulden is well known in Democratic politics and Catholic circles. He intends to locate in New York. Causes a Little Breeze in the United Presby terian Conference IRrECIAI. TELEGRASI TO TUE DISPATCIM New Castle, September 20. The proceed ings of the United Presbyterian Church Con ference, now in session at .New Bedford, this county, were enlivened when the report of the Allegheny Theological Seminary was read. It embodied a series ot resolutions adrismg joungmenot ability to attend the seminary in order to swell the ranks for the tnintitry. -These resolutions Kindled the smoth ered frentimenta of some of the delegates pres ent. The Rev. Dr. Wallace opened the discus sion, remarking that ho had been told of the existence of laith cure doctrines at the college. He had heard that one of the professors was fond of preaching a certain sermon devoted to the faith cure doctnne. Dr. Robinson, of AI legheny, took the floor. He is connected with the seminary and knew just what was taught there, and the faith core was frowned down and there was not a single heresy. He denied e cry charge or intimation. At this point a Butler countv minister arose. and proceeded to talk about Prof. Greer, of seminary, me speaker stated tnat he the had heard the sermon referred tn nrMohjrt n two different occasions, and thought it full of heresy. Mr. Greer must have changed his be lief greatly within the past lew Uajs, asthe speaker had heard the sermon latelv, and it ad vocated faith cure. At this point the discus sion closed, and the resolutions were passed. WATCUOR.V ALL RIGHT. The lUIners Stand by His Deposition ot fllastcr Workman Lewis. israelii. TELEGIiAM TO THE DISPATCTJ.1 Wilkesb abbe, September 20. This was a busy day with the delegates of the Miners' Na tional Convention. A resolution was adopted instructing me delegates of Assembly 155, which assembly represents 100,000 miners, to vote as a unit for the eight hour movement At the Atlanta convention the action of Secretary Watchorn ia deposing Master Workman Wm. T. Lewis and calling Worthy Foreman Rae to his place was upheld, and the becretary was given a vote of confidence. Right after his election last fall Lewis quarreled with Powderly and the general officers of the Knights of Labor. The delegation to the Atlanta Convention were also instructed Jo vote against any measure KmfnSoUfILabor.ea P0UUCal Party 0Ut of the -At th afternoon Powderly addressed the convention at length. He spoke for unity of labor and against the dragging of the order Into politics. --The great battle of thcKmte of Labor in the fntn" , .j .til,."... fought in the bdls of legation. It is the dm" of every k-mght to make his influence felt at the polls and vote for the candidate who" friendly to labor, wnether he is a Democrat Republican." A resolution was adopted iu. lng a national convention of miners of the whole country next June. The object is to get the miners into one great bodv. c A Hit V 1 T P elU? i Vf! I? by E. D.Bcoch. a wuuiu xniiinnuu, entitled "The Woman With Three Hoses.' morrouPs Dispatch. will appear in to- and See Oar Great Br renins, tn Ladles' Children's Hosiery. This is the place to buy stockings for fall wear, in cotton, cashmere, plain and ribbed, colors and fast black,25 cents a pair and up. Jos. Hokne & Cos Penn Avenue Stores. We are now perfecting the preliminaries for starting our September Limited on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, It will make rapid work and quick re turns to the advantage ot our large con stituency of buyers. A vestibule train, saving time and its equivalent, money, to all, with that safety in buying, that is felt in traveling on the Chicago Limited. The constant arrival of new Fall Carpets, Furniture and Curtains. makes the pressure for space in our sales rooms so heavy that something must "break." We have decided it must be last season's prices on stacks of goods whose room is preferable to their company. We ring out the old and ring in the new. The goods are standard. Ourreputahon rests on none better. Fashion's changeable whim is their only demerit. The admired new of to-day will be the slighted 'old next year. They are then the peers of the present when future use and trne worth are considered. NOTE THE DAY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 12! Be ready at the start, and reap the ad vantage of the first comers. Here are a few examples of the speed of our Limited. Do they suggest bargains? Scores equally as good in every department, that limited newspaper space forbids mention and lim ited store space compels rapid transit. PARLOR FURNITURE! 6 Piece Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Em bossed Plush, going now at ?40 00; 4 Pieces Parlor Suite, Upholstered in the best qual ity Mohair Plush last month, 5125 00 now, ?75 00. DINING ROOM ! 8 ft. Extension Table, 6 Dining Chairs and Sideboard, going now at ?35 00. Side boardAntique Oak last month, 530 00 now $18 00. HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A few items of Interest in our House Furnishing Depart ment (Basement). For the balance of this week we will' offer a very pretty pattern of Dinner Ware in odd pieces or sets: Dinner Plates, per doz.gi 50. Breakfast Plates, per doz., $1 30. Tea Plates, per doz., $i 10. Pie Plates, per doz., 90c. Cups and Saucers, tea, $1 74. Cups and Saucers, coffee, per doz., io-inch Meat Dishes, 30c each. Also all other parts of sets at equally low prices. , A FEW MORE ITEMS: 12 piece fancy decorated Toilet Set, only 3 99 per set Fancy Cuspadores, 25c each. A large assortment of Fancy Vases from 12c up. tjiass Dessert Dishes, 4-mch, 3c each. Wine Glasses, 3c each. Wine Glasses, banded, 4c each. Engraved Decanters, 29c each. Fancy Chinese decorated Pickle, Bone and Oatmeal Dishes. 10C each. "BOSS" or ONE MINUTE COFFEE POTS AT 25c PER SIZE LESS THAN FORMER PRICES, B. & B. Satubdat, (September 21, JACKET SALE TO-DAY. 2,000 STOCKINET JACKETS, $4 TO $12 EACH. FINE BEAVER JACKETS, tailor made and bound, satin-faced, $5. Fine BEAVER-CLOTH DIREC TOIRE JACKETS, handsomely fin ished In Applique Braid, $8 50 to $25. GLACE CLOTH JACKETS, Directoire, tailor-made and bound, $6. Fine Kersey Cloth, Cheveron and Wide-Wale Jackets, all styles, hand somely made and finished, best value, from the $4 ones to finest DIRECTOIRE AND CARRICK CAPES, (3, 4 and 5 capes,) Tine Broadcloth, with bound, pinked and plain $10 and 12. EW AOTKKTVSgXSSTS. -id -ft - :?5V "$ NOW READY FOR MAlLlNG and sent post free to any addreeet, our annual Fall asd Wiaor Gate logue. ' It Is a pamphlet of 66 pageeig a marvel of the printars',aad engravers' art, and In addition to beautiful colored. zAatem oontaJM a oomplete description of all kinds of goods in our eetablfehsaent, instruc tions for self-measurement for wearing apparel, and a form of abipjiag order which -will be found very useful by out-of-town ouatoeasrs. " Write for this magnificent publication. mmm tears id (AlsTD MORE) GUSKY'B edges, $5, $8 50, CLOTH LONG WRAPS, Newmarkets and Peasant Garments, Beaver Cloths, Kerseys and all the new materials in all the new colors, all prices, $5, to finest Plush Jackets, Wraps, Modjeskas and Sacques. All here at lowest prices. Selling Seal Goods already. Just think of that These sales to-day, In addition, Gents' Furnishings, Hosiery and Gloves. Began Their Talk to This Commnniif and the Country at Large -ABOUT- THE CLOTHIM BNB. BEDROOM! Cold Wen til cr Bargains. Coats, wraps and jackets, shawls and jerseys; prices away down. Storeopen Satur day night until 9.30 o'clock. Knablb & Shuster, 35 Fifth avenue. Casey's Excelsior, Kye is the finest, purest and oldest rye whisky in Pittsburg. The well-fcnown firm of T. D. Casey & Co., 971 Liberty st, make it their special brand, and it never Jails to please the consumer. The Blanket Stock in Immense Here. All Bizes, weights and qualities and not an ounce of shoddy all pure wool if the prices are low. Jos. Horse & Co.'s Penn Aenue Stores. Three pieces, Antique Oak or Imitation Mahogany, last month $36, now $27. Three pieces, Solid "Walnut, last month 550, now 538. CARPET DEPARTMENT! Boyal Wilton Carpet, last month 2 SO, now 52 per yard. "Wilton Back Velvet, last month 51 25, now 81 per yard. Hoquette, last month 51 50, now 51 per yard. Body Brussels, best grade, last month 51 25, now 51 per yard. Tapestry Brussels, best grade, last month 75c, now 65c per yard. Extra Supers, best grade, last month 75c, now 60 and 65o per yard. Keystone Beaters, with cook book, $1 each. Crown Meat Cutter, family size, gi 98. Crown Meat Cutter, restaurant size, ' $2 98. Also see our Bargain Tables. mm B0GGS & BUHL, 115,117,119,121 Federal St., Allegheny. se21-P DRUNKENNESS In some form or other the talk has been daily ever since. What ever we may have written, we can sincerely aver that it had the quality of TRUTH from first to last and we think, nay we are sure, that it ia ' to this quality we can attribute the respect that all our announcements command. V WE HAVE A FIRM HOLD r Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured Administering Ur. mines' by Golden Specific It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea wltnont the knowledge of the person taking- It: 1 abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands ot Urunkards have been made temperate men who hare taken Golden bpeclflc In their coffee without their knowledge and to-dar believe thev quit drinking from their own free will. IT ifEVK rAiui, Holmes, Gibson and Golden "Weddinj; whiskies in bond on tax paid. Holmes & Sou-, WS Chicago and Pittsburg. Underwear for gentlemen, fall and winter weights. James H. Aikes & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Mabie "Waetweight's revival of "Twelfth Night," which will be at the Grand next weefc, is a marvel of scenic beauty. O.McClintock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. Sel2-TT3 (Two Entrances) Sixth street and Penn ave. se20 The system once Impregnated with the it Becomes an uiier jmDossiDiiuy lor tne pnetite to exist. ForsalebyA.J.Kankln, blxth and Term arc. GSE. Federal at., Allei 'ieo. A. Kellr & Co Flttsburg; E. Bolden & Co. :gneny. Trade supplied br Plttburr, ra.. aei7-53-TTB LADIES' FALL-WEIGHT UNDERWEAR! SNOW AT JOIlNsTOWX. The Local Keller Committee Will Keorcan Ize the Fire Department. ISI'ECIAI. TM.KPRAJI TO Till DISPATCH 1 JOHI.STOWN, September 20.-A light fall of snow here to-aay cave the people lirln- in the oklanomas a foretaste of what winter will be like In their shells Thcj are totally Inade quate as a protection apainst the stormy weather that may soan be expected here. To-,-day So new mail boxes were received anrt ,ii 'be distributed by the Postofficf Department, to take the place of those washed away S the flood. Two more bodies apun to-day makes about the averace when the mraareallat The local Finanre Committee ha ,-,,., atedotthe relief funds in thetr hnd?!' fieient amount to purchase four new fi engines, and also to erect anewbrideacro! the Stony creek and one across the ConS maueb. river. This action was taken aft J'S saltation with, those wS "nWb The money, and s approved by most of the people here as beinE a very wise measure under the circumstances. The fire department for the maintenance or which J100 a day has i,pi n,?5 out of thereof fund, will be kSffi5 put on a more economical basis. fiau"eu ana Good Gronnda for a Damage Snlt. IFrXCTAt. TZLEGHAX TO TBI DIRPATC.T 1 r EK, Sept. 20.-A few days ago LeT1 Ke"ster wbao residence had been rnhbed of watchra art Jewelry amounting to F.vin tn.i.-i . anonymous note tellinjrhlni that If one Frank Oberklerch was arrested the property could bn found in his house. Oberklerch wai arrestei and as there was no evidence to hold him he was discharged. Oberklerch to-night had both Kester and bis son arrested on a capias ere llminary to a suit for damages in the sum of jio,ooa The Fate of a Peacemaker. "WrLKESBAKBE, September 2a Mrs. Patrick Farrell, who kept a boarding b ousts at Jermyn, Lackawanna county, was stabbed to the heart last night while trying to separate two of her boarders who were Heating. SInrrinse Licenses Granted Yesterdny. T'nie- Besldencs. (William Hansen shaler township ' Ann a11" Allegheny ? ?,nsl?T,.Lawson McKeesport Ida Petterson MCKMSS (MayckKarano Braddoet i Mary Maracko .....UomeTtead (Jesse C. 'Whitmore Verona boronrh Mattle M. McUhetney VeronS SSraSffi ( ficorce K. Kenz. Plttsbni-c tElmlraJ.Gonla ."".."i.i'ltUbSJf DIED. CARTER At Denver, Col , Hkwkt Cabteb. aged 32 years, fcon of ilrs. Kate Carter, former ly of this city. Notice of funeral hereafter. 2 KELSO On Thursday morninr- Rontomi,. 19, at New Galilee. Pa., Mrs. Maby Kelso In the Slst year of her age. ' Funeral at Sit Lebanon Church On Satdr. bay at 1 o'clock. 2 KEEGAN On Friday, September 20 18SB at 2 a. si., Uridoet, wife of Thomas Keeean' aged S3 years. " ' Funeral from the residence of her husband, 5219 Natrona alley, on Saturday, at 830 a. m. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. MARTIN On Friday. September 20, at Dix mont Hospital, Jaiies Mabtik; of paresis. Funeral from bis late residence, 102 Rebecca street, Allegheny, Sunday at 2 o'clock. 2 MONTGOMERY On Thursday, September IB, 1SS9, at 3 a. sl, David Montgoxeby, aged 53 years. Funeral from the residence of his brother, James Montgomery, corner Keystone and Mc Candless avenues, on Saturday, at 2 p. sr Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 McGREW Suddenly, on Friday morning Septembers, 1S89. WILLIAM McGbbw, in the 34lh year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, Gass avenue, Allegheny City, on Sunday AFXebkoon-, Sep tember 22, 1889, at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 8CHMITT On Thursday evening, Mra. Catharine Schjutt (nee Kunkel), wife of Phillip Schmitt, aged 33 years and 2 months. Funeral will leave the late residence of de ceased, 2838 Penn avenue, city, TO DAY (Satur day) at 1:30 p.m. Services will be held at St. Mary's Church, Liberty street, Allegheny, at 2 o'clock p. tu, to which friends of the family are respectfully Invited. Interment private. Just received a large line ail weights m LADIES' RIBBED UNDERWEAR. One lot of Ladles' French Ribbed Balbriggan Vests, H. N. L. 8., extra fitting garment, only 85c LADIES' FRENCH RIBBED MERINO VESTS, One-third cotton, guaranteed not to shrink, H. N. L. 8.. $125 each; H.N. R. A.,fltoJ120eacb, according to size. A very beautiful fabric LADIES' FRENCH RIBBED WORSTED VEST, Made of the finest long combed yarn, and will not shrink. We have them in both white and natural wool II. N. L. a, $1 60, and H. N. R. A-, SI 25 to 51 40 each, according to size. All the new SWISS RIBBED WOOL VESTS Received in all shapes ana colors, for Ladies anu inisaes. au weignts in DR. JEAGER'S SANITARY UNDERWEAR; Including Vests, Drawers, Combination Suits Gowns and Skirts. We are Sole Agents for Western Pennsylvania, MEN'S MEDIUM HEAVY WEIGHT BALBRIG. GAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, For fall wear. Also mediums in Merino and Natural Wool, In all grades, from 50o a gar ment up. DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY WOOL UNDER. WEAR. Night Shirts, Stomach Bands, Knee Protec tors, all grades at List Prices. See our DISPLAY of these and Fur Goods at Exposition after Wednesday. HORNE & WARD, DON'T LET JACK FROST Catch You Napping. Don't put off till to-morrow what yon ought to do to-day. Jack Frost, with his biting winds and chilly blasts, is almost here, and you ought to be provided with uooa, warm unaerwear. We hare now oa sale a FULL LINE of Fall and Winter Underwear. Fall and Winter Hosiery. Fall and Winter Gloves. Fall and Winter Underwear for Men, Women and Onildren. bTKAMEIiS AND EXCURSIONS. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETER WRIGHT ft SONS, General agents. 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia. Full information, can be had of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfleld street. LOUIS MOESKR. 616 Smithfleld street mhl3-66-TT3 Clothing, Hat, Furnishings -AHD- !H Shoe Business, " Not only in Pittsburg, but in this section of the country.. The number of those who patronize us increases daily. We have all along claimed that we were headquarters in this section for EVERYTHING pertaining to male attire. That we could, in sp'orting language, "see" our compet itors and go them one better. We claimed this because we believed it, hence it is most gratifying to us td find that the number of those who also believe it increases daily. -rrrmTB stab likjs- JTOB QUEJJSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Boyal and United States MaU Steamers. Germanic, Bept.2S,2pm Britannic, uct. 2. 11 a m 'Adriatic, Oct.9, 5:30 pm Teutonic Oc.16. 10:30& m from White Star dock, Germanic, Oct. 23, 3p m Britannic Oct. 3awm 'Adriatic Nov. 6, 3pm Teutonic jmov. 13, 8 a m root or westTectnst. Second cabin on these steamers Ralnnn ntee (SO and npward. Second cabin, (35 and upward, according to steamer and location of bertb. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. 0. Wnlto Star drafts payable on demand In all the' principal banks throughout Oreat Britain. Ap ply to JOHN J. MCUOHMICK, 1 Smithfleld st, Plttsburtr. or J. BKliCEiSSlA. General Ant 41 Broadway, New York. cl8-D Fleishman k Co., FrrTSBTJBG, PA. se21-D -iUNABD LINE, HEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEESS TOWN, JTEOil P1EK 40 NORTH R1VEK. IfAST E3DPBEsTmA.II, SERVICE. Auranla,Sept.21,2i30PM Gallia, Oct. 9. 5:30 A M Bothnia, Sept.25,5.S0AJl Etruria, Oct. 12, 7:30AM Umbrla, 8ept,2S.7:30AM Auranla, Oct. 19, 1 p m bervla, Oct. 5, 2.30 r M Bothnia, Oct. 23, 3 P it Cabin passage, (CO, (80 and (100; Intermediate. (35. Steerage tickets to and from alt parts 01 i-nrope at very low rates. VER&ON H. BKOWiJ A CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, Mew York. J. J. McCOKMlCKv Agent, Fourth ave. and Smithfleld St., Pittsburg. selS-D STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage (35 to (50. according to location ef stateroom. Excursion (65 to (90. bteerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO., General Agents, 63 Broadway, Mew York. J. J. McCORMlCK. Agent, Pittsbura. Pa. sel9-D We Have Fall Goods for Everybody Rich and Poor! Business or Professional Men! Workingmen or Mechanics! Old or Young! An air of freshness, beauty, goodness, style" pervades every depart ment Look here, look there, look anywhere. You'll see, in our store, boldly displayed, goods which you have hitjierto been accustomedito suppose could only be obtained at merchant tailors, exclusive hat stores ; exclusive furnishing goods stores, exclusive shoe stores and we state an indisputable fact when we say that in every instance our Price is But One-Half That Asked by the ' Exclusive (?) Houses. Exposition Visitors will find in our mammoth sto.ck everything they require for the Fall and Winter outfit at prices entirely satisfactory. 41 fifth: jL yen ue. E617-D ZjQoklnff After the Fences. lErSCIAI. TBLKJRAK TO TUX DISFATCS.) TUBSBtTBG,- September 30. Hon.H.K. JAMES ARCHIBATjD A BRO.. .LIVERY AND BALE STABLES. 117. 119 and 130 Third avenue, two doors below omithfleld sl, next door to Central Hotel. Carnac:esfor,funerals,(3. Carriages for operas, parties, &x, at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. myl-11-TTS T EPRESENTEU IK PITTSBUBCr IN ISd assets . . jgjcrrLroBsj. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WIT.ttam t, JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. iaaXJ-D McMUNN'S . ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation ol the Drnj: bywhich its in jurions effects are removed, whUe the valuable medicinal properties are retained. I possesses all the sedative, anodyne, and antispasmodic powers of Opium, but produces no sickness of thestomach.no vomiting, no costive ness, no headache. In acute nervous disorder s It Is an invaluable remedy, andlsrecommendetdby the best physicians. E; FERRETT, Agent, 372 Petri St, New York? mh30-27-s WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. Aet 5U8,801B7 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ATjEXANDER NIMICK, Preeldent. JOHN B. JACKSON. VI P,-oM,t ft22-2frrT8 TO. P. HERBERT, Secretary. I ALE and PORTER. This week we commence the manu facture of our- celebrated Ales and Porter and shall be pleased to promptly fill all orders. We shall put up In half and quarter barrels a special article for family use. DARLINGT0N&C0. 113 FIRST AVENUE. Wm. Semple's, 165, 167, 169 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IN BLACK GOODS. 48-inch Silk Warp Henriettas at gi a yard. Never excelled in any market 46-inch Cashmeres and Henrietta Cloths, all-wool; 50, 65, 75 and 90c are best values" ever shown in this city. BLACK GROS GRAIN SILKS, 24 inches wide, 95c, $x 12 and $1 25, are worth 50c a yard more respectively. Immense bargains in BLANKETS. All-wool, full size, $3 a pair up. See the 4 pound Blanket at $3 50 a pair, thoroughly scoured, au-wooi, no-snoaay and worth ?4 5 a pair at $3 50. Fine Saxony wool Blankets, $5 a pair. FLANNELS of all kinds at bottom prices. All-wool Country Flannels x8c, worth 25c anywhere. Immense values at 25c, 31 and 35c SUITS. Ladies Cloth, Tricot, Cashmere and Sill Suits. Well made, stylish garments at low prices. Latest styles and colors in Cloth Jackets, nusn garments in greajt variety. SHALL YOU BE A VISITOR -TO- OUR BEAUTIFUL EXPOSITION ? t We want everyone to know that strangers and citizens alike are welcome to the freest use of the full facilities of our far-famed Cloth ing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods establishment, welcome to come right in our store and ask to have1 their bags, bundles, wraps, etc., checked and call for them at their convenience. We make no charges and none need feel obligated to buy unless they choose. We want our store to bring to your mind one of the pleasantest places in Pittsburg. We want you to think of our store as the handiest place whenever Pitts burg comes to your mind. You Can Come From Any Part of the Country within a hundred miles of Pittsburg and by investing a few dollars in clothing for yourself, boys or children, save enough money to not only pay your expenses to and from here, but also have enough left to enable you'to have a good time while in this city of oun. 300 ly 400 Market street, M .... -H? lo Dealer Can Duplicate Either Ontf Goods or Our Prices. We have a wealth of pleasing surprises. Everything that brains and experience could suggest and enterprise secure. By offering the most liberal of inducements from time to time and living squarely up to what we advertise we have established a reputatipn for liberality and veracity unequaled in any similar establishment in this city. Nor are we recognized alone as liberal and progressive. Our aggressive methods as well as our progressive style of business, together with our wonderful and ever increasing popularity is without a parallel in mercantile life. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. )-( GUSKY'S GRAND BARGAIN STORE, ( iLr Tw V 4 v.a .-- riw s . r.ifir ." t j .BMi-n 1 ? mi&thm . fe33n&. ., - . ... p- 1 wi 1 "jjn j i -'jr4i-. v.? ,sn- istva ( x, , &-? '- r ? r. r t j .rw.ffiia , ,. T. ... i J. .. 2J., , .- '- vh4' jiW, Jt V-- I r f "" V , .- . t - ?aiiiii&- nlTO11l1fT,e,"'"BM"il!MIBM