naTTtfaaTlTl SBtIsfST0ErBBPEPffiE?2F ffli 'IS A GRAND RECEPTION.' A Unique Gathering of Prominent Persons Prom All Parts of the Earth to Take Place To-Morrow. Ticked Can be Secured at the Dispatch Of fice or ofAny Newsdealer. The Dispatch to-morrow will hold a public levee far exceeding in scope and Grandeur any thing of the kind before attempted for the pur pose of introducing to its readers people of prominence in every walk of life. Three mag nificent apartments hare been prepared for the occasion. The names of a lew of tho invited guests are given below: E. D. Beach and the Woman With Three Roses. Frank G. Carpenter and the Sultan of Turkey. Mrs. General Custer with a Soldier's Bride. Mrs. Ashton Dilke accompanied by Several Prominent Knglish Socialists. Clara Belle and Sirs. Vanastormlt. Benjamin Northrop with Two Badly-Fooled 1 Criminals. Ernest H. Helnrichs and tho Enchanted Princess. Bill Nye ill introduce Some Famous Actors. Henry Haynie with a Party of Tourists. Georgo F. Dobson and Some Well-Known Horsemen. A. Staph Biter with a Remnant of the Wyan dot Tnbe. X. W X. and the Engineer of tho Limited. E. R. Cbadbonrn and the Sphynx. Shirley Dare with some Ladies of Fashion. These are but a few taken at random "from the list of those who will be present, Jiembers or The Dispatch staff will introdnco Princes and Peasants, Merchants and Mendicants, Presidents and Politicians Manufacturers ana Mechanics, Authors, Artists, Actors, Society Belles, Legal Lights, Financiers, Farmers, in fact everybody worth meeting on account of merit, position or peculiarities. DON'T FAIL TO GET TO-MORROWS MAMMOTH ISSUE (TRIPLE NUMBER, 20 PAGES) -OP THE- i PITTSBURG DISPATCH -AKD-BE INTRODUCED TO THIS Cosmopolitan Concourse. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, IMS. Vol.44, lo. sis. Entered atrittsbnrg l'ostofflcel November 14, 1SS7, as second-class matter. Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 70 Diamond Street Eastern Advertising Office, Boom 46, Tribune Building, JvewYork. Average net circulation of the dally edition of The UiBrATCil for six months ending August 21, 1SK9. as sworn to before City Controller, 30,045 Copies per lsane. Average net circulation orthe bundav edition of The Dispatch for three months ending August 31, l&sa. 55,643 Copies per issue. TEKJSIS OF THE DISPATCIL POSTAOE TREE 1 THE CMTED STATES. DAILT DiSPATcn, Unclear 8 CO Daili Dispatch, rer Quarter 2 00 Daily Dispatch, One Month "0 DailT Dispatch. Including Sunday, lycar. 10 00 UA1LY DiSPATCH.lnclndlng bundav, 3m'ths. ISO Daily Dispatch, including bunday.l month 90 fcUMAY Dispatch. One 1. ear S50 " eekly Dispatch, One Year 155 The Dailt Dispatch Is delivered by carrlersat U cents per week, or including Sunday edition, at ro cents per week. PITTSBURG, SATURDAY. SEP. 21. 1889. TWELVE PAGES THE FALLIKG CLIFF. The disaster from which Quebec is suffer ing in the shape of a landslide of a part of the famous cliff lor the possession of which Wolfe and Montcalm struggled, and the crushing of the dwellings of over 200 souls at the bottom of the hill, is a variation from the usual line of wholesale fatalities, which should not be without its warning for other communities in like positions. It seems that the dangerous character of the cliff was well enough known, A like disaster occurred 48 years ago with a less destruction of life and property. Efforts had been made to guard against its repetition; but as is too frequently the case with such precautions they are shown by the result not to have been sufficiently far reaching. Only a portion of the dwellings within reach of the landslide were removed, and only the most obviously threatening of the rocks were blasted away. The consequence was that the great fall of rocks buried 30 houses, and is supposed to have killed over 200 people. Of course this is an evidence of the ne cessity when a danger threatens to leave nothing undone that can guard against it. Beyond it, there is a special warning to cities which, like Quebec, have crowded quarters under precipitous hills. Pittsburg's hills are mainly sloping enough to guard against such dangers; but there are some places in which they assume a cliff-like character which, with the example of Que bec before u, should be carefully watched. The subject is made more difficult in this country by the apparent doubt as to power to compel the removal of dwellings or the cutting away of hills that may be dangerous; but the presence of the danger, wherever it exists, only makes the difficulty of dealing with the matter an additional reason for promptly seeking its solution. THE BOOM IN WKXEDHESS. A rather telling cartoon in Puck this week has attracted considerable attention by the representation of Beelzebub as a summer tourist rejoicing in the fact that his work has been going on in New York, during his absence, even more prosperous ly than at tho watering places. The details of the cartoon come into col lision with the modern saying that Satan never takes a vacation althongh the churches do; but it shows that the same results are attained from the fact that if the Prince of Darkness goes upon a summer tour he leaves efficient substitutes at home to carry on the work. But it may be doubted whethcrthestatement is correct that the business of the infernal regions has gone on more briskly in Xew Xork than at the watering places. The most scandal ous outburst of the season was at a seashore resort; and wherever vanity, selfishness and the pursuit of pleasure goes on, there Satan finds mischief for the idle hands to do. A IAEGE TBADE. The report of the United States Consul at Ottawa, showing that the trade between the United States and Canada last year amount ed to 548,481,000 of exports from this conn try and $12,572,000 of imports from Canada, while Great Britain sent less than $40,000, 000 of her goods to Canada and received $42,094,009 of materials in return, has a Me B$mj. double and not very decided bearing on the subject of reciprocity. If we can, under the present tariff, enjoy a greater trade with Canada than England does, to which power our Northern neigh bors own allegiance, it can be ureed that we are in pretty good shape already. On the other hand, it is possible to argue that a country whose proximity yields such a trade is well worth cultivating; and that, with re ciprocating duties the tens of millions which now represent our Northern trade might grow into hundreds of millions. It certainly looks as if we would not be dis creet to deal unnecessary kicks to the Cana dians in their national character. EXTEEMIST WEATHER. The weather of 1889 has apparently taken its course with a firm resolution not to fall into mediocrity. Most certainly the desper ation of the weather to run into extremes has been amply illustrated of late. A few days ago the most perfect summer calm pre vailed on this slope of the Alleghenies, while on the other side winds and tides were strewing wrecks along the Atlantic coast. A week ago Pittsburg was sweltering in heat and dust. Yesterday was the fourth or fifth day of shivering in chilly winds or trudging with cold, damp feet through the mud produced by the slow and dismal rains. This meteorological determination to be either very cold or very hot, very dry or very wet, gives the grumblers plenty of food for their animadversions, and at the same time permits the philosophical to find exercise for a cheery philosophy. The former, who a week ago could not keep his linen starched for the heat, is perhaps justified in protesting that the alternation to cold and mud is too sudden. But the latter can find in bracing air and the re lighted fires as sound enjoyment as in the summer pleasures that were rife only a few days ago. Nevertheless, both pessimist and, opti mist would be content to try a little medium weather, for a change, and will approve the Weather Bureau's forecast of a change of that sort within the next twelve hours. Hay the prediction be more thoroughly rapid than some that have been rendered worthless by this inscrutable weather of 1889! WHY uoT ABOLISH HI An interview with a leading real estate man reports him as saying that next year the change of moving day from April 1 to Jlay 1 will be effected by making all leases to run thirteen months from April 1, 1890. This will be a decided improvement on the present system, which forces the great mass to move at a date which is more likely to be unpleasant than almost any other time of the year. But, reform on that point being in order, why not go a step farther and abolish the custom of a general moving day altogether? There is a theory among real estate owners that by having all leases terminate on a fixed date they have a better chance of renting their houses at that date. But the fallacy of this idea is shown by the fact that while the demand for houses is greater as a result of this arrangement the supply of houses is increased in exact proportion. If the demand were distributed throughout the year, and the same thing was done with the supply, it would be just as easy both to lease and obtain houses in October as it now is in April. The present arrangement only has the effect of concentrating the work of negotiat ing and making leases, hunting houses, re pairing, renovating, cleaning nnd moving, within three weeks of the year. To dis tribute moving day throughout the year would enable this work to be distributed in like manner. The change would emancipate everyone from the rush and worry of a universal moving day, and would rob the work of house-renting and house-moving, of half its terrors. Since we are taking up this subject, it will be worth while to discuss the question: Why not abolish moving day altogether by making all leases terminable at the option of either party after a year? EXPLAINING THINGS. That the statement of Major Merrill re vealing the Administration's reasons for a change in the Commissioner's office was made with the knowledge of some of the higher authorities at Washington is not improbable. Both Secretary Noble and President Harrison had been severely criti cised for the removal of Corporal Tanner. It was not clear to the veterans, or to a good many other people either, why a policy which seemed to be no more than an ex tremely energetic enforcement of Repub lican pledges should result so unfortunately for the Corporal. Now, fortbefirsttimo.there is what looks like a semi-official statement of the causes, alleging such temper and dis position on the part of the Commissioner as were incompatible with a judicial or judi cious exercise of the functions of the office. It was not a pleasant sort of explanation for a friend of the Corporal or of the Ad ministration to feel obliged to make. Major Merrill evidently felt as much. According to his account the President, Secretary Noble, he (Major Merrill), and everyone who knows the Commissioner, have felt, and still feel, personally friendly to him, but they simply found him impracticable on the one subject of pensions. It is to be assumed that the pressure of criticism by the veter ans upon the change must have been seri ously felt or Major Merrill would hardly have ventured on the long interview. A POSTMASTER'S STUDIES. Some of onr good brethren in Phiiadel phia are congratulating Mr. John Field, who is to be that city's postmaster before long, and themselves, because that gentle man has been studying the teatures of Ger many's postal system and taking notes in the Post Museum, in Berlin, and in the General Postoffice, in London. They seem to think, do these simple-minded Philadel pnians, that Mr. Field has been fitting him self to look after their mails by observing the lifesize statues of postilions in dress and undress uniform, the models of carriages and post wagons, the geographical maps and collection of postage stamps iu the Berlin Museum. They are delighted to know that Mr. Field spent a good many hours in the dismal old building where the Royal mails of London are made up. We do not wish to deprive them of any innocent pleasure they may have found in contemplating the summer wanderings of their distinguished fellow townsman, but the Philadelphians ought to realize that Mr. Field would hare learned far better how to conduct the Philadelphia postoffice by staying at home and visiting that very institution. If Mr. Wanamaker were thinking of resigning his place to Mr. Field, that gentleman's studies of foreign mail systems would have been' to some purpose perhaps. A Postmaster General cannot know too much of the postal matters of the world. But Mr. Field is not in such luck. Hei is to preside over Philadelphia's post office, and it is .local information that Jie ; stands most in need Of. No doubt he found a pleasant and novel recreation in his diver gencies from the beaten path of travel in Europe, but bad he examined the tame seals in the Zoological Gardens in Hegent's Park, or investigated the beer halls of Berlin, the postoffice at Philadelphia would have been as much benefited by his experience. It is interesting to observe that the New York agitation on the subject of the World's Fair has materialized to the extent of the partial conclusion that the Exposition will have to be on the upper part of Central Park, and of a subscription by the steam boat interest of $500,000, provided other io? terests subscribe in proportion. That is a good start; but if the New York project does not promptly get more than Starin's $500, 000 and Dana's $10,000, it will not have to put its Exposition in Central Park or anvwhere else. Minnesota is finding out that its law to prevent newspaper reports of executions has just about the same practical value as its law to prevent the sale of dressed beef. Both of them put together amount to zero. The report that the mills and glass fact- ones down the river are abandoning the use of gas and returning to coal, shows the im portance of locating lactones where they have an unbounded supply of fuel to fall back on. If the gas should give out the establishments that have come to Pittsburg will be just so much better off than those that have rashly ventured where the old and reliable fuel is lacking. This habit of the weather of going to ex tremes comprises the double quality of re markable variety and of getting monoton ous, after several jumps have been made from hot to cold and from dry to wet. The indication at City Hall yesterday that blowing up is necessary for some of ihe people around that building was decided, if not accurate. Perhaps it was in accordance with the natural law of compensation. As the Controller's office, where it happened, has been blowing up the other departments, the steam apparatus may have simply demonstrated the old adage that "turnabout is fair play." The author of "Looking Backward" has published a sketch entitled, "With the Eyes Shut." Putting the two names to gether makes a rather unflattering summary of his literary work. Me. C. P. Htjntinoton- declares that he does not mean "to find any fanlt with Mr. Halzfeldt for being a prince." Under those circumstances we feel assured that the German party to the negotiation will ex hibit equal forbearance and refrain from finding fault with Mr. Huntington for being a railroad king. The mid-air scheme of cable roads con necting the hill-tops of the various parts of the city may be a suggestion from the bal looning characteristics of some of the other transit projects. The new constitution of Wyoming is go ing to include female suffrage as one of its features. That is all right and if it aids Wyoming by giving it enough women voters to make a respectable start as a Staie it will be able to enter the Union with the plaudits of the better half of the American people. An increase of the copper product of the Lake-Superior mines of 3,750,000 pounds is an indication that the effort to restrict pro duction and put up prices was a gratifying fizile. The gratifying way in which the leading Southern papers are denouncing the killing of negroes is an evidence that intelligent people in that section are at last concluding that the policy of harmonizing and educat ing the negroes by killing them off is not quite up to the civilization of the New South. Pbance is on the eve of its decision whether to give Boulanger his finishing stroke or to let the whole bombastio fight be fought over once more. The general drift of Southern opinion with regard to the proposd-emigration of the negroes appears to be decidedly to the effect that if the negroes wish to stay in the South, they must go; but that if they wish to go elsewhere, they have got to stay. The rough weather of the past few days has taken occasion to demonstrate that travel on the lakes has its hazards as well as travel on the ocean. An electric loop to take visitors to the Exposition from the termini of the other street railways would be an addition to the conveniences of the show next year, of a sort which should have been provided this year. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. General Sherman says he will attend no more soldiers' reunions. ' Geoege Eliot's grave at HIgbgate Ceme tery is neglected and overgrown with grass and weeds. Mrs. Harriet Beechsb Stowe will doubt less be able to attend the celebration to be held in her honor at Hartford on Tuesday. The Chilian Minister andSenora Varashavo learned the English language, and will be much In society at Washington this winter. M. H. Smith, Vice President of the Louis ville and Nashville Railroad, Is said to have declined an offer of $35,000 a year from the Richmond and Danville road because he did not think It large enough. Some years ago the Rev. Edward Everett Hale started out to preach a course of 52 ser mons on the same text, which consisted of the single word 'Oh." But although he was then, as now, a very versatile man, he was obliged to give up after he had preached four sermons, Mis3 Sallie Ball, who has attracted at tention as being the first person from Alaska to receive an appointment in tho Federal ser vice, is not an Esquimaux but a Virginian, living in Langley, a few miles out of Washing, ton. She is the daughter of Colonel M. D. Ball, a Confederate officer, who became a Re publican after the war and was appointed by President Hayes to an executive office in Alaska. Miss Ball when applying for a place in the Interior Department gave her home as Alaska. Me. Geoege Muller, who is traveling and preaching among the Himalayas, has written tho fiftieth annual report of hlsiamousorphan ageat Bristol, England. Since the Institution was fonnded It has received and spent tnoro than $5,500,000; more than 109,000 persons have been entirely supported and educated in it, and tens of thousands materially assisted; five large houses, capable of affording homes for 2,050 orphans, have been built at a cost of 575,000, and 66 schools are now maintained. Yet the institution has never been a penny in debt, and has never directly or Indirectly asked for human aid. ITnndlcnpped by a Name. from the New York Commercial Advertiser.! General E. Burd Grubb will make a good run in New Jersey if be can bribe the funny men to leave his name alone. If he were to be called "canary seed" or "worms" by these Jocose persons he would be frightfully handi. caused. THE T0PIGAX' TALKEB. It Was Not a Success a a Wedding Present Domestic Fares Comedy and Tragedy The Scarcity of Goad Servants. When a wedding was announced in Pitts burg some years ago an Invitation reached a certain bachelor who was rather unwilling to spend money. He wanted to send a present to the bride, but he hated to spend the money. In this quandary he went to a well known dealer in silver, china and like creclous things, and sought high and low In'his stock for some article that should combine lowness of price with appearance of great value Ho was not successful at first. Presently he came across some valuable Bohemian glass vases, one of which was broken. Two pieces had been knocked off the lip of the vase. An. idea struck him. "How much do you want for the broken vase?" he asked. , "Oh, we would not like to charge any thine for that," said the salesman. "And yet those pieces could be easily stuck on, conldn't they I" "Yes, they could," was the reply. "Then I cuess you may pack up that vase and send it to Miss , at street, East End," said the smart economist. He reasoned that if the vase reached his fair friend with two pieces broken out of it, the damage would be attributed to careless handling on the road, and he would be credited with sendlnc a costly vase. All would have been well, perhaps, had not the careful salesman wrapped up the broken pieces separately In tissue paper and placed them in the box beside the vase. As it was, the effect upon the bride was not pleasant; nor was her frosty glance agreeable to the penurious bachelor when they met shortly afterward. The servant question continues to be amaz ingly interesting to society everywhere. A young married couple in the East End have been treated to some peculiar diversions by their domestics of late. The other night as a phonograph concert party to which five or six guests hat been invited was; in progress, and the novel delights of the machine wero being tasted, the new nurse girl walked Into the parlor with her apron on and a fine kitchen odor about her, and crossing the circle about the phonograph, poured out a glass of water from a silver pitcher, drank it down leisurely, and stalked out In the haughtiest style, . The same faithful and respectful domestic invaded the parlor on Sunday morning, and without asking leave from anybody, picked out the latest numbers of .Puce and Judge and The Sundat Dispatch from the paper rack, and carried them off downstairs. Still another treasure have these young peo ple In the person, of their parlor maid. A few days ago they gave a small dinner party, and at an appropnate part a watermelon was on the bills, so to speak. There were eight people at the table. What was the hostess' horror when the girl appeared with a small slice of melon on a large plate. It was no more than one ordi nary man could eat. To the maid the hostess said In a whisper: "Is there not a whole watermelon, Mary T" "There was, mem," the girl shouted In reply, "but ladade, mem, me and Jane ate the rlst for our breakfast." . . Here's another domestic horror. In an Allegheny household the cook and the housemaid amused themselves while their mis tress was confined to her room by sickness, by throwing kitchen chairs from one to the other in the back yard. This happened between mid night and 2 a. M., and tho two lovely specimens of womanhood who had been treated with almost insane generosity by their employers, invited two or three men to join them in their diversions. Happily, both of them were dis charged next day without a shred of character. But both will get employment, because good servants are scarcer than diamonds In Pitts burg and the vicinity. DISTURBED BI CROWING COCKS. ! A French Diplomat Threatens to Appeal to Secretary Blaine. Washington, September 20. Trouble is brewing between the navy and the diplomatic corps. In a boarding house near the Arlington dwell a naval officer and his son, a bright little fellow about 15 years old, who has a great fondness for game fowls, and in the pursuit of this liking has collected quite a flock of very fine roosters, which, after the fashion of their kind, are possessed of strong crowing abilities. Next door lives a member of the French lega tion, who is a skilled musician and whose piano Is seldom closed or stilled. The crowing of the gamecocks in the next yard disturbs his deli cate nerves beyond measure, and he recently made a complaint to the lady of the house where the officer resident. He tola her that be could no longer endum the nuisance, and that If it was not stopped ha should complain to Mr. Blaine and have the matter made an inter national one. The lady, cunning diplomat that she is, brought the foreigner and the owner of the offensive fowls together, and the former stated his case. When be had finished the little fellow thought a minute and then exclaimed: "I tell you what, if yod will shut up on that piano of yours I'll get lid of my roosters. Is it Sep?" There the matter rests. The foreigner is considering the offer to compromise, and as yet has not made bis complaint to the State Department. ' SHE HAS LOST HEE V0CE. A Woman So Frightened by Burglars That She Cannot Speak. Columbus, September 20. A peculiar case by which a woman almost lost her power of speech as the result of a fright is reported from the West Side. Mrs. Wilford Curry of 22 South Mill street, upon entering her home about 8 o'clock last night and striking a light in her bedroom, was confronted by a burglar, who thrust a revolver in her face, at the same time hissing: "Speak, if you dare." Mrs. Curry, almost paralyzed from fright, staggered back against tho dresser, while the burglar, with his revolver still pointed at her, backed out of the room and escaped. When the lady recovered sufficiently she cave the alarm, but it was found that her power of speech had almost left her, she being unable to speak above a whisper. Her physicians stated to-day that the loss of hervoico Is duo to the shock to her nervous system, and that it will be a difficult matter to restore her voice. Sue can only speak in a whieper, whereas before the shock she had an unusually strong voice. Good Jden. From the Chicago Ucrald.l If the Jury In tho Cronin case must consist of men who know nothing about the Cromn mur der why don't they impanel 12 policemen? P. T. BARNDM'S PHILOSOPHY, IB1 you would be as happy as a child, please one. The noblest art is that of making others happy. Childish laughter Is the echo of heavenly music Childish wonder Is the first step In human wisdom. Wholesome recreation conquers evil thoughts. Amusement to children is like rain to flowers. Innocent amusement transforms tears Into rainbows. THE author of harmless mirth is a public benefactor. Ahappy child is the most likely to make an honest man. To best please a child is the highest triumph of philosophy. I would rather be called the children's friend than the world's king. He that makes knowledge most attractive to the young is the king of sages. To stimulate wholesome curiosity in tho mind of the child Is to plant golden seed. . DEATHS OP A DAY. James martin. James Martin, the Hecording Secretary of L. A. ", Knights of Labor Steel Workers, died early yesterday morning at the West Penn Hospital, Dlxmont. About eight months ago, while Work ing In Brown, Howe & Co.'s mill, he was acci dentally hit on the head with a piece of Iron. The Injury affected his brain, and a short time after he was removed to ihe Insane as) Inm. He Is an ex-master workman of bis assembly, ind one of the best known steel workers lu the cltv. The funeral wilt take place to-morrow from his late home on Kebecca street. Allegheny. At the rtgular meeting of L. A.UJZTube Work ers, resolutions or condolence were pusedupon the death of enMastcr Workman Michael Cun ningham, who died la New York City. MRS. U0GAN DUMBER s. The Terror of Ball Creek to Re-Marry a Former Wife. Jeffersonville, Ind., Sept. 19. Some time ago Harrison Hogan, the "Terror of Bull Creek," barricaded himself in a flit boat and defied all the authorities of Clark County. Hogan is a very old man, but he is now about to tak&another bold venture. He will shortly get married for the eighth time, though his seven previous ventures have not proven happy, and the fact that his eighth wife will be one to whom he has already been married makes his courage the greater; In order to escape sure judgment against him, Hogan transferred all his property to bis seventh wife. She afterward refused to give it back to bim, and got a divorce. Hogan mean while served a term in jail tor resisting a peace warrant. When this was over he went to visit his former wife. She met him on the step and let him know that he was not welcome. But Hogan was not on a fighting errand this time. He smiled, sat down on the step, and waited until the lady bad talked hersolf out of breath. Then he calmly arose, said not a word, and went to the bouse of a neighbor, where he spent the night. The next day he came back, and got the same hotreception. Then the lady concluded by asking: "I would just like to know, you old scoun drel, why you come prowling every day around my house?" Hogan smiled and said: "I just wanted to tell you that I am going to marry a good-looking young girl in the neighborhood and we thought we would ask you to become one of the brides maids. We'd make it nice for you." The lady was dumb with wrath. This was a thing she had not contemplated. As soon as the recovered the Dower of speech she invited Hogan into the bouse to talk it over. In tho course of the conversation the old gentleman remarked incidentally that he intended to bring BUit for the recovery of his lands and other property, and that his lawyer told him he would surely get them back. He also said that coal had been discovered on some mountain land of his in Kentucky. The ex-Mrs. Hogan grew more pleasant. She invited Hogan to come again the next day. He did so, and on the fol lowing day too, and they came to the conclusion that they would be remarried. The ceremony will occur in a few days. The young girl was a creature of Hogan's imagination. MISS M'CORMICK'S TROUSSEAU. The Handsome and Costly Garments of the Pntnro Mrs. Blaine. ' Augusta, Me., September-20. An Augusta lady who has seen the wedding trousseau of Miss Anita McCormtck, Emmons Blaine's fiancee, says it is one of the most elegant and expensive outfits over owned by an American bride-elect. Laco is Miss McCormick's special luxury, and upon it she has spent thousands of dollars, so that every piece is covered with cascades of the most exquisite webs from all parts of Europe where lace is made. She has a fancy for white underclothes, too, and nearly every garment is of the snowiest mull or silk, the only color being furnished by the nar row ribbons running through the laces, and in many instances the ribbons are white also. Her bridal Garments are of white India silk, trimmed with the most beautiful Irish point, and this same point trims one of the few tinted sets in the trousseau one of pale lemon color, which also Includes a silk petticoat ana satin corset. The bndal stockings are of white silk, em broidered with silver thread, and there are other pairs of white stockings embroidered in gold and colors. This is a new fashion, intro duced byMiso McCormtck, who likes white stockings as well as white underclothes, and who mailed directions with her order to Paris that instead of sending stockings of a color to match each costume, they should be white, embroidered with silk the shade of tho dress. In coDjunctiou.witU this liking for white. Miss Mccormick? has a fondness for the per fume of lilies, and special sachets for the per fuming of her garments have been sent from Holland, the only place where the perfumers have learned to impart the odor of the Illy to sachet powder. The powder is Inclosed in white satin bags, edged with lace and em broidered with her monogram,-and there are three dozen or them for her different trunks and boxes. Her opera cloak for this winter is a heavy white silk, embroidered with gold and lined from top to toe with the long silky hair of the Persian lamb. A BED SHIRT CAUSES A LAWSUIT. A Novel Claim for 810,000 Damages From a Steamship Company. New York, September 2a Patrick Mc Grane, a seaman, has instituted a suit for 710,000 damages for injuries received against the owners of the British steamship Alvo, which is now in this port. The steamer was libeled In the United States District Court yesterday. On May 21, 18S7. the steamer was lying in the port of Carthagena, South America. Her hold was filled with wild steers which had arrived from Brazil the week before. The captain of the vessel Instructed McGrane to descend Into the hold and remove tho slings from the animals' borns This was a hazardous undertaking, and especially so for the seaman, who had never bad any experience in the work of handling live cattle. Un fortunately for McGrane, bo wore a bright red shirt, and had no sooner got below when the steers were driven into a fury by the sight of the shirt, and madly tugged at the ropes with which they were tied. McGrane was unable to comprehend the canse of the brutes' anger, and proceeded to obey his instructions. With considerable difficulty he managed to remove the slings from half a dozen animals. He also managed to keep out of the untied animals' path by crawling along on the beams overhead. Coining to the stall of a big steer who was frothing at the mouth, McGrane was compelled to enter the stall. Ho succeeded in taking the sling off, but before he could get away the steer caught him on its wide spread ing horns and threw him among the herd, 20 feet away. The other steers charged on the seaman and gored him. One long-horned ani mal jabbed a born into one of his eyes. The other steers also tried to gore him. He was finally rescued and was laid up for several weeks. Hence the suit. SUICIDE OF A CRAZI HORSE. Clipped nnd Docked, He Seeks Rellof From His Tronble In Death. Buffalo. September 20. Dick is, or was, a valuable delivery and carriage horse belong ing to John Reardon, a prominent Buffalo coal dealer, whose yards and barn extend back from No. 47 Fulton street. In the rear of his barn is a paddock containing about an acre of grounu, ana nere aiick was tnrnea out 10 graze. He was closely clipped, besides having his tail docked, and tho flics bit intolerably. Finally, he seemed to become literally Insane with the snngs inflicted by his tormeutors. and going up to a bit of picket fence extending out into the pasture from one end of the barn, he sprang high into the air and alighted on the sharp spikes. He then made no effort'to extricate himself, but sank down, bleeding to death in five min utes. Half a dozen men saw the whole affair, and unite iu pronouncing it as clear a case of suicide as was over known. His Rest Itndcly Broken. From the Chicago Times. 1 An express struck an Iowa farmer who had gone to sleep on the track and hoisted him 20 feet. When the engineer stopped his train and rushed back to pick up the corpse he found the man sitting up and swearing like a pirate because he had been disturbed before break fast was ready. Either tho Iowa farmer is a very remarkable person or the correspondent out there is a beautiful liar. Indications of a Lively Campaign. From the Chicago News.! Congressman McKinley has started into the Ohio campaign in a manner which Indicates that he is itching to gather a few bales of Democratic fur. LISTEN TO YOUK WIFE. You may say that girls are silly, That even women's minds are weak: But the foollshcst among 'em's Bure sometimes to show a streak Of sound common Bense when needed, And their wits are like a knife When they're sharpened up by love, 10, Just you listen to your wife I Women know, by intuition (As philosophers admit), What you'd dig your brains a lifetime For, and then most likely quit A loser. Tho' my brothers, With your railleries you are rife, Hot a one of you'll regret It If hellstens to bis wife. "From the months ot babes and sucklings-" But you know what says the book, Or you ought to and a woman Can do something besides cook; And that man he lsa fool, who. In this muddled mundane strife. Thinks that he's too high and mighty E'er to listen Jo his wife You can't always measure wisdom, Ior know where It mayn't be hid! A bolou might take lessons From h chit that you Mve chid; And you'll own up, If you're honest, That a many times la life You've missed It when you wouldn't If you'd listened to your wlfel V -iBoston Globe. 1 raw ioik m ws mmrf - ' "I ' 'i Illegal Vetera at PrhBarJei.-- . tWrWIfOBKBOEIAtrsriCTAtS.?, Hew YOBKVSeptember 2a Nine toBh look--ing citizens of New York wero arrested In Brooklyn last night charged with Iflegal votlBg at the primaries. When arraigned in court to day, tne prisoners torn an interesting story. Their spokesman said: "We were picked up one by one In New York by a stout-man with a blonde mustache, who said that his name was Scanlon. Ho said he would give us Jl 50 each to come over to Brooklyn and vote. A U o'clock this morning he met us all at the bridge, and, after treating us, gave each man a piece of paper with the name and address on It under which'he was to vote. When we voted,' Colonel Baron challenged us and wo were ar rested." The prisoners wero held for trial. Romance Based on n Mortgage. A short time ago young Sylvester Blnme. of Brooklyn, inherited several thonsand dollars and a mortgage upon tbo house of 15-year-old Fanny Kate from his uncle, Isaao Isaacs. The will which placed these good things fn young Blume's handsTcontalned a clause to the effect that he might do worse than marry Miss Katz. Blume accordingly courted and apparently won the pretty mortgagee. She promised to become Mrs. Blume, and young Blume gave her two diamond rings and a sealskin sacque. Three weeks ago they quarreled concerning Blume's attentions to other young women at a party they attended together. Miss Katz re fused to speak to bim. He broke the engage ment, got back his presents, and threatened to foreclose the mortgage. Miss Katz's uncle came to her rescue with a threat to sue Blume for breach of promise, and eventually squeezed 51,000 in money out of bim for bis niece. Blnme decided that be had been blackmailed, and be gan proceedings to-day to recover his 1,000. Excuses for Wanting to Diet One man killed himself to-oayand two tried to but failed. Carl H, Lippbold, a maker of theatrical costumes out of work, shot himsolf through the heart. Carmelo Norman, a half crazy Italian, tried to throw himself under a horse car. The driver stopped the car just in time to save the Italian's life and a policeman locked the would-be suicide up. Daniel Buck- man tried to drown himself off the Battery, because someone picked his pocket of S3 which he had just borrowed. He was fished out and lugged off to jail, Edwin Booth on tbo Witness Stand. In the supplementary proceedings by tne Forbes Lithograph Company, to ascertain what property Miss Marian Booth, the actress, who is indebted to them, has, the lady's uncle and tragedian, Edwin Booth, was examined In the City Court to-day. Ho testified that his sister, Rosalie Booth, who was Marion's aunt, died in January last, leaving an estate of 510,000. The estate is wholly personal property and consists of stocks and bonds. Mr. Booth is the adminis trator of the estate, and testified that it would be divided between himself, a brother, the children of a deceased jlster, and the three children of a deceased brother, of whom Marion Booth is one. She will receive about 800. Got a Bride nt Castle Garden. ' Castle Garden is Increasing its sphere of use fulness. Leopold Enrich, a young German, who said ha was a New Haven barber, was at Castle Garden to-day in search of a wife. He was introduced to a young German named Clara Kuntz. They had a few minutes consul tation, and then went in cearch of a clergyman. The Rev. Mr. "Byland made them one. Enrich says his father Is a rich banker of Vienna. Will Carry Douglass to Haytf. The United States man-of-war Pensacola ar rived to-day from Norfolk, at the BrooElyn navy yard, where the repairs begun at the Nor folk navy yards will be completed. The Pensa cola will sail for Port-au-Pnnce shortly, with Frederick Douglass, United States Minister to Hayti, his family, and the furniture for his future residence in the Haytian capital. PEACH LEATE3 AS A TONIC. Italian Women Use Them far Condiments nnd Medicine. From the Hevr York Hersld.T Italian women have been collecting, peach leaves in South Brooklyn durins the past" few weens, their object being to concoct out of the dried leaves a tonic, which? may be used either with food or as medicine. These women hail from Naples and other parts of Southern Italy and retain In this country the many quaint old customs which make them so Interesting a study to the historian and antiquarian. Among those customs Is that of gathering peach leaves for medicinal purposes. "I don't know how old this custom is." said Mr. L. Brignardello, an Italian Interpreter, to me yesterday, "but it is certain that many gen erations of Southern Italian women practice it. In almost every country there are persons who believe In the curative powers of certain roots and plants, and in Southern Italy especially such believers are, and have always been, very numerous. As to the peach leaves, I don't know exactly how the medicine nr tonic Is made out of them. As to the peaches them selves. I may tell you that In Southern Italy a good deal of prnsslc acid Is extracted from the kernels." From other sources I learned that these Italian women make many strengthening drinks and drugs from various roots and plants, and are thns ready at a moment's notice to ad minister a dose of home-made medicine to any members of their families who may be in need of it. It naturally follows that they seldom in voke the assistance of regularly licensed Ital ian physicians. "Indeod," said an Italian edi tor to me, "a physician finds it bard to earn his living among these people, and this fact largely explains why many Italian physicians in this city find it hard to make both ends meet." CLEVELAND FOR CONGRESS. A Possibility That tho Ex-President Slay Succeed Sunset Cox. New Yoek, September 20. The election of a Representative to succeed the lato Sunset Cox, from the Ninth Congressional district of New York, Is a matter of absorbing interest to the politicians here, and many and various are the names suggested for the place. Beginning with the silver-tongued Dougherty, the author ot the big speech putting Cleveland In nomi nation for a fatal candidacy, and running up to Mr. Cleveland himself, all of the prominent Democrats in town aro being talked of. Mr. Cleveland's boom was started to-day, and his scruples against running for Congress after being President are anticipated with precedents to show that even such a distinguished citizen as the ex-President might bo of use In tho lower house, and since the law firm of which Mr. Cleveland is a member has not derived the expected boom in business from tho new ac cession to the partnership, it is thought that Mr. Cleveland is one of the actual Congressional possibilities. TRI-STATE TRIPLES. ISAAC Heed, ot Burr's Mills, O., has raised a tomato that measures 17 inches in circumfer ence and weighs over three pounds. . Punxsutawnev puts in a bid for tho World's Fair. Mes. Tones, of Lucesco, Pa., returned last week from a two-months' visit to her son at Foxburg. She relates a circumstance that happened while she was there that beats all the snake stories. Her son has a pair of banty chickens. The hen laid four eggs and then went to hatching, but the rooster drove her off and took charge of tho hatching himself, at tending strictly to business uutil he had hatched out two chickens. These were taken away from him and he stayed around the nest for several days trying to coax the chickens out of the other two eggs. At Punxsntawney the other day a man was seen carrying home a bottle of Beer wrapped np in a copy of the Voice, a prohibition paper. At a Coshocton pie eating match Ja3t week the winner disposed of IS pies In one hour and a half. Two months ago a citizen ot West Virginia made oath that he saw the Cheat river turn and run up hill for so minutes. He now de sires to amend by explaining that be had just finished a quart of cider two years old. Aw opera company travellne through the State started out on tho 13th Inst, with 13 pet sons in car No. 1,300 and made 13 stops between New York and Harilsbnrg. Two tramps, who wero surprised milking a cow by a Lehigh county milkmaid on Monday evening, were driven off by the girl after a nlnckv fleht on her cart, one ot tne scamp be- ,inc lamed by a Wow from a wagonstake. , EZ12L23 Tred Xattur, Ixwdea !-' j estimates that a s4x-pa eetpriiWen 9jm,- vsu egga in oae soon. , . Clyde Colliat, a 5-year-H Xtoferflle J iad, was Before the Jjmttrtm penea.cesrt the other day charged with beiegaoeoSrafted vaga- i pey ifliei. John Morris, of NW hk sweetheart to a pioate, and tkea took $m wenh of Jewelry belonging to her steter. Be Is now picnicking In the Tombs. c - Peter Diedoft, of BreHyB, pt a tiene on thersldewalk and covered it with as oW bat; Mrs. Frankinmath eame ateag, mK ea ker sands and gave it a kick, and feer Makes teee Cost Peter $266. . E. H. Piatt and John A11b, of Xew York City, have completed their hog hene back ride across the continent. They reashed Son Francisco four months and asoet Jew days from the time they left New York;"' Lee Charles, living; four miles er of St. Joseph, Reno county, Kan, has raised oh W farm this year 18,06s beahels of wheat. He has' boo acres or cora ii win average bassets' per acre, and 360-acres "'"' i-mn ifirhlnh' was lost inroogn nail. J. W. Proney, of JPanxsutawney, Is the champion hunter, as far as heard frees. Tin it lir-.i . , m.. ... -us.. -U 1 t- iv vuaeiuay lie itin uu jurw la tfna iuu-H, rels. and only fired 17 shots. Oa the Bandar following, while ho was stMBr at the wia aowalarge pheasant flew affalsst the hease with such force as to disable hiss, whea Dreeey went out and canght ft, and. cat Ms head ost . with a hatchet f A Pittaton paper reeestly fvkfee! s w notice or the death of Jacob Kodeers at Mm age of Ul years. He was bora near rHMwg on anuary i 1773. He was In the war et W2, and Was wonnriAii afc tliA haul. r T.A Lane. By his first wife he was the fathatfac 15 children, and by hh second of star. Ntaeafshe a are living, one of them- being 82. .Mr.-fcAf. era had used tobacco for nearly MO years. Un til a few months ago he read wUheatsaee- Emulating the deeds of the Italian fast. lnr men, Sued and MerlatM. a Frenchman. named Lefort, living at Lyons, recently began a fast of 20 days for a wager. He went oa aU right and reached the twentieth day, taklne nothing but water for nourishment, bat then overtaxed bis powers of endurance by adding five davs more to his term of torture, ami hi just died in the Hotel Dleu, despite the efforts of the doctors to recuperate bis completely shattered constitution. The biggest raeeeoa is "Windham county. Conn., is owned by Dr. Eogera, of Cen tral Village, who keeps the livery stable In that place. The coca's hosse Jsla the stable, and It stands on guard there as a fiHfcf al dog might do. A caller at the stable has to -meet the big coon before he can enter, aso" he has to look pretty and presentable, tee, or- tha'-fasry ftAntinal TnTt 1t film tum W4 spmm Athn.ffyin Af nnHnnaMd - MiMUl - . to pass the guard the cooa shows hfttsMihf then the tramp goes away silently. -' A Chinaman the other day strayed iato the Mechanics' fair In Ban Wrasmtee, aaa : once became interested in a saaber of jpheae--; graphs that wero on exhibition. "What far stick hose pine Into head?" heinqaired of a bystander, when the thing was explained to him he decided to try It himself. He was as sisted te adjust the tabes as the isstruHiest was giving Utterance to a laugh f oHowed by a yell. w una wua cry oi alarm jobs jampsa away. "Da you want to spoil the pheaeeraphf" asked the attendant. 1'No can spoil Mo." he replied. "Heap big devil In him; no geed." IT. Hermann Pol reports to tie tark; Academy of Sciences the result of bis recent researches in the depths of the MedsHenaaeaa to determine how far daylight penetrates. His operations were carried on in water of remark able clearness, between Corsica and. the shores of the Alpes-Maritimes, at. a distance of 18 geographical miles' from the nearest land. He nsed gelatino-bromide plates, exposed daring 10 minutes, whereby ha found the limit ot day light in those waters to be at a depth of USiS feet. This is 327 feet short of the Mmic assigned to daylight In the -Mediterranean by the Germans, Chun and Petersen, some yeara ago. The zenith of realism baa been attained by an artist fn Munich. His ambition was to paint cherubim: but though it was easy enough to paint a pair of wings to tf naked chad, to suspend it in an effective manner la mid-air the natural pose of cherubim was a different matter. He tried Ithem sitting; stasdlBcand lying; but his realistic soul was vexed they aian'cioojc u&e lae real iaw&. ai iaat a oa inspiration occurred "to him, and-he epie-i a zsn&eriaBB bob wue so vesenipetr i DeekedtnfaetT tit a WanietwMie hateek ries of instantaneous photographs., .Fnom., tory results. , jfl Kentuckians frequently- see snakes, but they do not often encounter such a monster as ' is reported to havo been seen by several re- ( liable parties in the vicinity ot Center Furnace, on the Cumberland river. James Armstrong; a prominent farmer of Lyon county, while out hunting, came across the reptile, which he . says Is at least 25 feet in length. Its body was Eartially concealed by the undergrowth, and e bad seized a club and wondering how he could attack it, when a hissing noise caused him to looknp and he beheld the monster's head reared np about five feet above the earth, as it gazed at him. Its forked tongue hanging out. He says it won d have fought him had he not retired, when it also ran rapidly awav. It has a bright spotted skin, and a head the size of a child's. A correspondent of a Ceylon journal gives some lnterestlag information about the turtles on tho coast in the neighborhood ot Jaffna, in the north of the island, which are said to be Innumerable." They are of three species, called Bea, milk and pariah turtles re spectively. "The ordinary, or sea turtle. Is generally large in size, and is met with every where at sea around Jaffna. Two tiny islands, called Iranativu, are literally swarming with them. The Islands themselves are sterile and always exposed to inundation; the inhabitants are poor and ignorant of agriculture, and live v chiefly on the turtles. They use the shells of the large ones as seats. In the town of Jaffna the ordinary turtle is always procurable and is a favorite article of food with the people. The milk turtle is size, and Is to be found only in wells and banks. It is not an article of food except with the poorer classes. The pariah turtle has a high back, and a shell which jorae what resembles that of a tortoise. It Is found in marshes and ditches. It Is not an article of food, but is highly-valued by native medical men because Its flesh and blood are supposed to be a panacea for ailments peculiar to chil dren." Yi " r St. FUNNY MEN'S FANCIES. It Isn't every country that has, like the United States, the free choice of a national bird. Bassia would be a Turkey-gobbler If she dared. Life. Justice Has your husband erer been un derlorvelUance since yon were married. Complainant Never, your Honor, but hs's been nnder the barn several times. Time. Dervish means "one who lies at the door." It Is not proper to call a returned fisher man a dervish, for he begins it as soon as he gets on the ferryboat. San FruncUco AUa. " Harl not your honeyed phrases hither ward."Isthe expression a Boston' girl uses when she wants to tell her admlrernot to give her any "taffy." A'eiB'Tork ConmtrcM AdvertUer. Miss Sallna Yes, I admit Mr. Plnmpley, is ratner piain, nut it's the sort of face that grows npon you. ;. The Major Indadei WelL I'm sure 'Us not the sort av face 01 want to grow upon me I ondo Funny FoUt. '" , ' The Sea and the Sailor. Miss Nentune J (on Atlantic steamerj-Who Is that poor,fellowi ' leaning so pale and miserable against the rail?'' Mr. Spinnaker-Oh, that's young Topplngllft,. the Commodore of, Kie Gosttsg Bay Yacht Club. He hasn't got his sea-legs on yet Life. ' ' Mr, Cumso I must get a stick of that buber-pola candy lor little Jimmy. - . Mrs. Cumso O, get him some chocolate drops, t '' "Ho; the striped stick Is more appropriate." '" "Why!" ilKS'W wh vtuiuj is a iibuo suaver. ' x unit . jf GOT HEB P0TTB3 OVXX. jM v a ature's sending dawn the rain, In such great, generous stores. We can't but think that oace again , She's opened up her pours. i V ei Xork Commercial AdtertUer. . 4'' Bemarkable Presence of ' Mintf-'Laura JJt tlnnocentlyl Doesn't the train go throask a leaz tunnel soon, George? 'SUSS, flanrffA Tannel'i Inst mead. T.abt. fr.MaAr forward and whispers to boy oa seat la treat, if Johnny, I want you to cough with all your fehrhil while we're going through this tunnel. Here's 1 half a dollar. Chicago Tribune. CAU'T BE DONE. Do not, good friend, for any saks, Be green enough to think "" . That you can beat the fakir's ftkexg Or win the atlr's cmax. ITa Is not fflvlnp wealth awar As free u mud or air. And If he could not make Kasy "K.' - - "WoaM set attend ike-f tit. San f.l iJ 4 ,JT