osEfii sbukg "Wgrmr aSSiLgwpSPSSai 'CROWDS POURING IN. Rain or Shine the People Will Turn Out to See the Exposition. AKOTHER BIG DAY YESTERDAT. The Flower Exhibits Still Perfect and Yerj ilnch Admired. AIL POPULiE AIES PLATED T0-3IGBT It seems neither wind nor rain nor the very worst of weather can stop the crowds that pour into the Exposition from morning until night. Damp and usly as the skies and streets were yesterday was the second to the largest day in the way of excursionists, who returned home with more Pittsburg enterprise in their minds and mnd on their boots than they eTer had before. For some reason unknown even to the person who adopts the ide3. Thursday and Friday in Pittsburg are fashionable nights, and yesterday was no exception. Saturday is everybody's day. and as a re sult a special musical programme of popu lar airs has been prepared. All lovers of the "gentleman's game" will be delighted to hear that the cele brated Mr. and Mrs. Shaw have been se cured by Mr. Myers, manager of the Brunswick Balke Company, and exhibi tions of skill will be given by the noted pair every day next week, commencing with Monday afternoon. The lady is one of the very cleverest with the cue, and will demon strate beyond a douU that the gentleman's game is one of the prettiest in the world for ladies. The magnificent floral designs that at tracted such attention Thursday night were in almost as perfect shape last night, and de lighted excursionists hovered about the fra grant exhibits until the routine street saluta tion had to be enforced and they "moved on.' For a little amusement. Dr. Waite. of New York, in charge of the electrical exhibit in the gallerv. will remove, free of charge, moies ami facial blemishes also treat rheumatics, eTery Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday afternoons. The musical programme to be civen this afternoon by the Great 'Western Band is as follows: part i-S O'CLOCK. I. March, "Kosalen". Xclbcc 2. IdrL "The Tyrolean and His Love" , zitoir 3. Jlurfttc. "l.oe lueses- . selection, ".Marltana" 4. Waltz, "Liberty" IMBT 24 O'CLOCK. 1. Medley overture, "Pete" 5. selection, Tauhauser" 3. Bolero sonc. "Lsmerclda" .... Motley ..Wallace ....Gayler ...Braham .. Warner .LtVVJ 4. Idj-L 'TheForftelnthePorest" MIchales 5. March, Klein's Silver Age" (by request) &.ominsky riA?vOS AND ORGANS. S. Hamilton, 91 and 93 Fifth Avenue. Has any visitor to the Exposition failed to see and bear the Hamilton exhibit? Emphatic ally, no! Just as rapidly as possible they betake themselves to this center ot attraction on the xnaiu floor, to enjoy it all, from the irate posts and decorated border ot platform, to the grand, beautiful musical instruments so tastefully draped in the new silk scarfs. Life is worth living tli the keyboard of a Seeker Bros, piano or an Estey organ under your fingers. There is no companionship to equal It; j ou sit don and express jour own thoughts on these speaking instruments, or interpret the thonghts of the great composers. Imagine, if you can, what sucb instruments would have been to Bec tho en, fecarlatti, Mozart and the rest ! If they produced such effects upon those feu-keyed spiuucts and harpsichords, vi batwould they not hate done with these marvels of theday? Think of this in this Exposition time of 1SS9, and hav ing viewed the superb exhibit, co right to 91 and 93 Fifth avenue and examine not only tho Decker Bros.', but the Knabes, theEsteys, the Fischers and the other makes not shown at Main Hall of the pianos carried by Mr. G. Hamilton, also Ibe Estey, Clough & Warren, btory & Clark and other makes of organs veritably it is a magnificent collection. bpcL.al attention is caf'.d to the splendid Clongh & Warren church organ, run by electnc moti r This is the only combinative organ made, having Scnbner's well-known qualifying tubes attached. Its superiority over other instruments is established by the fact that it is used in more churches, public buildings' "and jfcsHs than any other organ manufactured. Bee the list ot'placoa where it is now Iftetr in and y about Pittsburg. Trueitlsonlv a partial list, but by conferring with Mr. Hamilton at the stores ill and 93 Fifth avenue, further informa tion as to names and places will be given. The price is within reach of all 5750 with motor, or $790 without motor. CULINARY UTJEVSILS EXHIBIT. Drmraler Bros., 52C and52S Smllhflcld St. Visitors, try as they may. have not been able to find one article missing in this display, which would add to the comfort or convenience of the household. It seems a waste of time to state that it is near the center ot main floor, for everybody knows the fact, and they know, too, - hat a charming exhibit it is. Among the items are gas laundry stoves that ue scarcely any of the volatile fuel, and Chicago reflector gas stoves, the open space filled with asbestos, a copper tender reflecting the light; patent cake or custard pans, the plate movable so as to be slipped upon another plate; Troy pohsh iug irons itb corrucated iron pressing sur face for quick and effective work; Nutrizio" coffee pots, the coffee held in a sieve while, boiling water percolates through it; Silver's measuring glass eggbeaters (nicest things in making delicate desserts); Pasteur water filters, which perpetually convert liquid mnd into purest, whole-some water; New Era Hy draulic Suction Clothes Washers, that do away with mending the week's wash; keelers, tub3, buckets in indurated fiber ware, that stand hot or cold water, are light, hive neither hoops nor seams; bird cages, prettv Imperial stove hollow ware, in all forms of kettles; brass fenders and fire irons; the carver's friend, for withdrawing -ekeuers from the roasted fowls and meats; disbpans, skillets, coffee mills, spice, flour and bread boxes, ladles, dippers, etc., and all of it so bright and fresh that it is a very hard place to leave, if one may judge from the lagging steps of those who leel they must see every thing in the building. PALACE OF MUSIC EXHIBIT. Itlrllor fc Hone, 77" Fifth Aicnnc. The high character and reputation of this firm are liilly maintained in thesuperb exhibit at west end of mam hall. Nothing but the best is permitted to leave their warerooms, there fore only the choicest instruments arc inclosod in the handsome cases, whether carved or plain. The specialty in pianos is the cele orated Hardnian, which none others equal in tone, solidity, perfect action and moderate prices. The Hardman pianos have forged right ahead, and from being simply very good, relia ble instruments have become the favorites from their undoubted superiority. In the dis play are also notable specimens of the pianos manufactured byKrakauer and by Kimball. The justly celebrated Palace. Chicago Cottage and A. B. Chase Organs: could anyone ask more? If they are exigent, they may turn to that remarkable invention, the Eolian Organ, with its five sets of reeds, from which may be evolved the most beautiful music; it may be plaj ed like any other organ, or by working the pedals any piece desired will be rendered by having the proper barrels. The Eolian is cer tain') wonderful. After visiting the display visitors are invited to visit the w areroo-ns and take in their permanent exposition. GUOKAK'S CUT GLASS DISPLAY. A Uich as Croons Is an old adage, but in the case of Grogan's ex hibit it is modernized in a most emphatic man ner. The patterns and forms of this cut glass are of the Croesus stjle, and their richness gives force to our quotation. The whole of the cut glass is lound in the largo ebony case on the main aisle, floored with sections of French mirror plates, which reflect the prismatic kues of the cut glass and heighten the rich effects so susceptible in this material. In this display are a variety of shapes and patterns exclusive to the Grogan stock. An oval punch bowl of large dimensions stands in the center. Getting away from the regular round bowls, this gondola shape is very im pressive. It is the most graceful bowl that has yet appeared, being set upon a standard which raises it above the ordinary levek and with the exquisite cups and saucers surrounding it for seiwug punch will add grandeur to any table. In the case is a complete outfit for table use, viz: water pitchers and caraffes, with tumblers and goblets, full sets for wines in the following sizes: cordial, sherry, claret and champagne classes. With sherry is found the decanters, with claret jugs and small jugs for cordials. There are vases in tall and graceful shapes; nothing shows off so well a bunch ot roses as these. There are also rose bowls of varions sizes, finger bowls, jar and cover, etc Don't fail to see Grogan's cut glass. Charles Hcizenteln' Exhibit. Among the many beautiful exhibits to be seen is the handsome and artistic one of Mr. Charles Relzeustein. It U situated in the main aisle, ne-ir the entrance. This display is con sidered by many by fax the finest in the build ing. There may be seen all, or rather a sample of all the coods from all the famed potteries of Europe, Mr. Keizensteln's son went to Europe to select his stock, and the character of the same is far ahead of those goods usually seen in the ordinary china store. To enumerate would simply require all of this paper's space. In cut goods there maybe seen the very choicest gems from the best American factories. Every requisite lor a dining table or drawing room is shown. Mr. Reizenstein assures all that evcrv piece of goods is from his stock. He says that be does not believe in borrowed plumes, and I hat his exhibit only gives a faint idea of his tlegant stock at his stores, 152, 154 and 156 Federal street, Allegheny. Telephone 3330. Trymby, Hunt fc C.v, Philadelphia. Two of the windows of this exhibit are m distinctly Louis XVL style of hangings. One is in white silk velours, the handiwork decora tions in French pink and Nile green, etched with metal, the lace, a Brussels point panel; the other, of same shade of velours, has the derorations in ardols and Nile green, with a dash of pink and metal etching, a pair of Brus sels point curtains, instead of the panel, no tice the handsome arm chair m Nile green satin and plush of darker shade: the French piped top or panel of the dark plnsh. Note also the large Potter arm chair, a magnificent combination of brown. Ivory and blush pink, the panels (the pink part of the chair) are in bullion surrounded by flno biscuit tufted panels. Then look at the solid, hand carved, mahogany frame three-paneled folding screen, mounted with a lovelv watteau figure in the center panel, the two side panels in capucine plush, decorated with fleur de lis. the emblem flower of France, in silver applique. A full line of these goods will be shown at the Seventh Avenue Hotel, room 223, by Mr. Dow, Manager. Tho Hotel Hnmllton. By judicious expenditure of money this hotel has been completely metamorphosed from its former dingy condition into an attractive house, first-class in all its apartments. Its table is equal to anj : its bar the best stocked in the city. It now holds a high place in public favor. The Dnbbs Portraits In Art Gallery Speak for themselves. Mr. Dabbs never fails to secure the ery best portraits, having a rare and happv faculty of catching the most subtle expression of tho sitter. His atelier, at the corner of Market and Liberty streets, is well worth visiting. Exposition Restaurant. Mr. Kroger, the genial proprietor, will look after the school children acceptably. Coffee and sandwiches to them are'only 5 cents each. THE Willi kX With Three Soset. a Oer lilCi II WillAil man-American romance by E. D. Beach, icttl appear in to-morrow's DlSl'ATCH. PROPOSALS. T0T1CE TO CONTRACTORS-IMPROVE-IN MENPS at Wilmerding; 17,000 feet of tile drains for surface water to be laid. Speci fications and plans at the offices of the East Pittsburg Improvement Company in the West lnghouse building and at Turtle Creek. Bids received until September 27. 1SS9. J. B, McGINLEY. se21-37 Secretary and General Agent CONTRACTOR'S NOTICE SEALED PRO ) POSALS will be received up to 12 M., SEP TEMBER 25, at the office of J. H. McRoberts, 100 Grant strcet,Pittsburg,Pa., for the grading, paving and curbing of the north side of Sixth avenue, from Amity street to McClure street: also for the gradingof McClure street, from the Monongahela river to Eighth avenue, in the borough of Homestead. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposal?. By order of the STREET COMMITTEE. 6el8-3l-D Ns TICE TO HOUSE BUILDERS Sealed proposal will be received by the understated until MONDAY. September 30. at 4 P. 3L, for the erection of a hose house and police station, to be erected for the Borough of McKeesport, on Market street. Plans and specifications for the same can be seen at the office of the Borough Clerk, First National bank building. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. GEORGE BOSSART. Clerk. sel096-rrs LEGAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF FIDFLITT TITLE ATBCSTCO., ? ltUNDrarOCETHAVI. ESTATE OF JOHN T. NATCHEK DK-CEASED-ifotlce is hereby given that letters ot administration on the estate of John T. Natcher, deceased, late of Pittsburg, Pa., have been cranted to the undcrslcned, to whom all per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoe havinic claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. FIDELITY: TITLL & TUUST CO., Administrator. DAVTD (J. EWino. Trust Officer. au3I-09-s CHARLES B. PAYNE, Attorney at Law, 173 Fourth avenue. ESTATE OF SARAH J. WICKS, DE CEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Sarah J. Wicks have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay at GUI Hall. Jefferson township, Allephenv county. Pa. JOffH S. WICKS, JAS. A. WICKS, au24-13 3 Administrators. IN THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS of tho Peace of Allegheny Count), in re icense ot George Gotthart, 1 No. 1254 of Wholesale Liquor Dealer, t -.,.,, r No. 497 Fifth avenue, f March Term, Eleventh ward, Pittsburg. J 1SS9. Notice is hereby given that said court has fixed SATURDAY, 2Sth day of September, 1S89, at 10 o'clock a. M as the time for hearing the application for transfer of said license from George Gotthart to J. J. Speck and George Gotthart. partners as J. J. Speck fc Co., at which time the parties in interest and all persona opposing said transfer will be heard. V. K. McGTjNNEGLE, SC20-10 Clerk of Courts. AUCTION SALE". MASTER'S SALE. IN THE. COURT OFCOMMON PLEAS NO. 1, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. JANE M.' RAMSEY vs WILLIAM J. MOYER Et nx. et ak. No. 520 June Term, lS89,in equity. By authority of an order of the Court, made September 19, 1SS9, in the above entitled case, I will expose the following described real estate for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, viz: On Montiay, ODtolJBr 14, 18 "i At 10 o'clock A. II., on tho premises, that cer tain lot sltuato in the City of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, and State, of Pennsylvania, on the west side of East Diamond st, beginning at a point 120 feet south of South Diamond st. and extending southwardly along said East Diamond st. 32 feet, thence westwardly at right angles with said street and preserving even width 55 feet, having thcrenn erected two two story brick dwelling houses. At 10:15 o'clock A. ir., of the same day, on the premises, all that certain lot of ground sitnate in the Fourth ward of the city of Allegheny, county and State aforesaid, on tho east side of Pine alley, beginning at a point 100 feet sonth of South Diamond st. and extending south wardly along said alley 20 feet, thence at right angles with said alley eastwardly, -preserving even width, 55 feet, having thereon erected one two-story and basement Jjrick dwelling bouse. At 10.30 o'clock A. M. of the same day and at last mentioned place, to wit. Pine alley, near South Diamond street, all that certain lot situ ate in Reserve township, county and State aforesaid, consisting of 5 acres and 30 perches, being purpart No. 3 in the plan of partition at said number and term, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point ou the public road at the southeastern corner of lot owned by Mrs, Ford, distant 256.77 feet east wardly from the line of land of J. Windell, thence northwardly along the line of land oC Mrs. Ford 1,017.16 feet to the line of land of William Hazlett, thence north 67 30 east 220 8S feet to line of land of Mrs. Cahill, thence southwardly along the line oi same i.uuoas feet to the publie road, thence along the line of same south 76 15' west 225.39 feet to the place of beginning. Terms of Sale 10 per cent at time of sale, one-half on delivery of deed and the balance in one year, secured by first bond and mortgage, with interest payable semi-annually, and with Sunday scire facias clause, or cash, at the option of the purchaser. A. J. BARTON. Master, Cor. Fifth ave. and Grant St., Pittsburg. Pa. J. M. CALDWELL. JOSEPH P. bPLANE, Attorneys, S3 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. 6021-1 SPECIAL SALE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, jewelry and silverware till Oct. L to make room for lall stock; solid cold stick pins 60c np, etc., all other coods marked down equally as cheap; 25 per cent off on all silverware (hollow), at WILSON'S. 61 Fourth ave.. Pittsbnr Watch, clock and Jew elry repalritic a specialty. anZ7-TTS THE FfTTSBURGFHOTO-ENGHAVINGCOM-PAN Y, incorporated ISSi DISPATCH BUILD IN G. "5. 77 and 79 Diamond st. Engravings of buildings, machinery, portraits, cuts for cata logues, etc: reproductions orpcnandlnk draw ings, wood cut prints, manuscripts, etc.; print ing, binding, bUnk books, etc ee4-44-WS XS-Dttplay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tton, and none taken for less than fifty vnts. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of. the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE DIS PATCH. rrrrsBURQ. THOSIAS SrcCAFFKEY, 35iflBntler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, Hth street and Penn ave. E. G. bTUCKEY iCO., Wylle ave. and Fultonst. K. bTOKELY. Fifth Avenue ilarket House. EAST NT. I. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. J1CALL1STEE JtSnEIBLEIt,5thav. AAtwOOdtU SOUTIIEIDE. JACOB SI'OHN. No. : Carson street H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK. 59 Federal street. II. J. McltlUUE. Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EGGEKS. 173 Ohio street. F. H. EOGEKs, & bOX, Ohio and Chestnut sts. ' J. F. STEVEkSON. Arch and Jackson streets, THOMAS MCHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. U. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves, i'EKRY M. G LEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOHOUGH. W. W. FLOCKEK. Stationer, .No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Male Hcln. WANTED-BOY TO WOKK IN BAKERY. J. 3L1UUHT, 50 Besacca St., Allegheny. se21-87 WANTED-S OR 6 GOOD BKICKLAYEKS. Apply to GEO. HOGG, Braddock, Pa, (C21-53 WANTED AT ON CE - COMPOSITOR BY day on brief. Apply 23 KEBECCA ST.. Allegheny. seJl.DS WANTED-GOOD BARBER FOR TO-DAY: wages, . THOMAS WATbON. 1008 Car son st , S.S. SC21-89 WAMTED-2 BBAS3 WORKERS AND 1 PAT TERS maker. TAYLOR & DEAN. 203 and 205 ilarket st. se21-71 -TT7"ANTED-GOOD BLACKSMITH FOR GEN V ERAL mine work. Apply BEECH MINES, Allegheny co Pa. sc20-86 WANTED-2 GOOD MEN, BUTCHERS. AP PLY NO. 193 MAIN bT., lemperancevllle. West End, Pittsburg. seJl-40 WANTED-GOOD BARBER IMMEDIATELY at COR. WASHINGTON AVE. and FUL TON ST., Allegheny. sea-tl -tlfXANTED CANDY MAKER A GOOD V worker on plain ctlcc and mixed candy. Address BOX CM., Dispatch office. sel9-l7 WANTED-MAN WITH J250 AS TREASURER and ticket seller Ladies'- Ball Club. Apply to W. S. FRANKLIN. First Ave. Hotel. seJl-95 WANTED F1KST-CL ASS D E. BOOK KEEPER, with gooa references, wants posi tion. See bHEPAUD & CO., 64 Fifth ave. sell-51 WAN TED-SALESMAN TO SELL GOODS BY sample: good salary paid. Write toCEN TENNIALMFG. CO., Cincinnati, O., or Chicago. se3-7S-TTSSU WAN TED-SHEET IRON P1CKLER NO one but an experienced and steady man need apply. Address .LOCK BOX 655, l'lttsburir. ra. sei7-ll WANTED-GOOD BAR MILL HEATER FOR 20-lnchmlll: Swlndel gas furnace. Apply at once. THE TRUMBULL IKON CO., War ren. O. seSO-99 TTANTED-f50l) TO So0O,O0O TO LOAN ON V mortgages. 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 13 i ourth ave, , Pittsburg. Tele phone No. 975. seiO-93-D WANTED EXPERIENCED STOVE POL IbllKRS and butlers. Call or address CUT TER MANUFACTURING CO., 16 banduskvst., Allegheny City. se21-6S WANTED - EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS for county history work: also portrait so licitors; good salaries paid. Address LOCK BOX 153, Wheeling, W. Va. seJl-W TITAN TED-ONE OR TW O ACTIVE PERSONS II to prosecute an old established city business: about S350 required or each. bTEVENbON'S AGENC1, 1001'ifth ave. seil-41 TTT A XTElJ- EXPERIEN CED ADVANCE Hall Club! V acent for the Young Lidles' must he a hustler and of temperate habits. Call on MANAGER, First Ave. Hotel. eell-vS ANTED - AN INTELLIGENT. ACTIVE joung man, about 20 years old, to sell real estate: Southside resident preferred. ALLES& BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. ; telephone 187. se21-35 WAN1ED-3ALESMEN WHO HAVE ESTAB LISHED trade, to take our spring Une or fine cloths and casstmeres as aside line: good commission. BOX 131, Bryn Mawr, Pa. sc21-36-S TIT A N T E D - AN EXPERIEN CED CAN - V VAbSER for the installment business, to travel on the road: must furnish good references. LOUIb blRODTMAN & CO., 55 Ninth St. 6621-33 WAN! ED-GOOD. STOUT BOY FOR WARE HOUSE work: must wrltea good, plain hand and be quick at figures Apply 8 o'clock Monday morning. E. G. EDR1NGTON, '- Ninth st. se21-34 WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to send their addretsnnd stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Box 643, Clarksburg, W. Va. selS-45 WANTED AN AGENT FOE PITTSBURG and vicinity for a large seamless hosiery account; must be popular with the trade. Address POW ELL A BRO.. Twenty-eighth and Parrish sts , Philadelphia, Pa. scl9-44-STu WAMED-KEWABLE LOCAL ANDTRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special inducements now; fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROW N BROS., NurBcrymnu, Kocnestcr, N. Y. se!7-70-TTS WAN1ED-GEN1LEMAN OF ABILITY AND address to act as local agent for standard semi-monthly publication ou banking; a remun erative business for the right party. Address T, F. PATON; .Manager. 20 Nassau St., New York City. se21-64 TTTANTEDAAGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING TV powder and pure spices; gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can makemoney In their spare time: special inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMASH1KO TEA CO., S3 Jackson St., AUegheny, Pa. au20-79-TTS WANTED - HAD WRITERS AT SMART'S ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, 4 Sixth St.; penmanship, book keening, arithmetic, shorthand, typewriting thor oughly taught for fjprr month: private instruc tions for both sexes; open dally 9 A. H. to 9 e . Ji. sel2-77-TT6SU WANTED AGENTS TO bELL DR. KUNST LER'S Rheumatic remedy and Hair re newer: both medicines have proved to be of un cqualed power: ladles and gentleman can make a good living bv selling them; exclusive territory given. For further Information address CHAS. KUNS1ER. 1169 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 8C14-97-S TTT ANTED-AGENTS TO SELI, THE P1N- TV LESS Clothes Line: theoniv line ever in vented that holds the clothes without pint: a per fect success: patent recently issued: sold only by agents, to whom the exclusive right is given; on reccptof50cts. we will send a sample line by mall: also clrcnlars. price Ust and terms to agenU; secure your territory at once. Address OE CESTEH PINLESS CLOUHES LINE CO., 17 Hennon st., Worcester, Mass. au2S-39-ws WANTED-THREE MALE TEACHERS FOR the Allegheny High School, one to take charge of the commercial department and two to assist in the English department; thcqualificatlons of can didates will be determined by an examination, beginning September, at 9 o'clock A. m., at the High School building: the members of the High bcliool Committee will not see candidates until after the examination. For further Information address B. B. bCANDREIT. becretary Board of Controllers, Allegheny City, Pa. se2l-lCO-D Female TlelD. WANTED-A GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSE Y ORK in bakery. Apply to J. J. KEUN Z1G, Mansfield, Pa. se2l-43 WANTED-LADY AGENTS FOR THE NEW hygela corset; most satlslactory and best money making article out. lor terms, etc.. annlT to WEblERN CORSET CO , St. Louis, Mo. sel4-6-ssu WANTED-A GIRL IX) GO TO THE COUN TRY, Smiles from R. R, station and cable cars: must be a good cook and wash and iron. Apply between 2 atd 4 o'clock p. a., at ROOM 25. Stevenson Building, tilth ave. selK-7 WAKTED-20 YOUNG LADIES, AGE 16 It) 20, to travel with show company: no exper ience necessarv: salary and expenses paid. Call between 12 and 2 or after 6 p.m., BOOM 1, Hotel Crescent, No. 16 Smltbfield St. se2l-S7 WANTED-A LADY THAT UNDERSTANDS plain sewing and cutting to take charge of a sewing room in which a number or girls are em ployed; must come well recommended. Address wiui reicrence, s. o. v., uispaicn omce. seu-47 Ulalo nml Female IIcId. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, CHAMBER MAIDS, cooks, dining room girls, house girls, Herman and colored girls, cook aud cham crinald for same famtly, farm hands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 603 Grant st. sel9-uibs WANTED-MAN FOR HOTEL KITCHEN, carriage driver, gardener, man to work on gentleman's place, laborers, cooks, chamber maids, bouse girls, pantry, kitchen and laundry girls, 2 nurse girls, dishwasher, 2 restaurant girls. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant su sel9-D -TTTANTED-CHRISTIAN MEN AND WOMEN V of successful experience as canvassers to take charge of from one V fivo counties and sell and employ others to sell "The Christian's Lega cy." One agent writes: "Ihe Christian's Lega cy Is the fastest selling book I have ever handled. In a little less than thirty hours' work 1 have taken over fifty orders, and made more money In its sale than on any book I have ever sold, and I have been a canvasser for several years." Two of my oiaesi agents write; "if me easiest book to sell I have ever tried to sell." Give mil particu lars of experience. W. J. HOLLAND. lSON aisan rJT.?.?" Prtlcu- I a sl.H.Y. seio-ioo J WANTED. Situations. WANTED-POSITION FOR YOUNG SWED ISH girl to do sewing and dressmaking, or as chambermaid In private family. Address HANN'A, Dispatch office. se21-33 TTTA-NTED-BY A KESPECTABLE MIDDLE- VV AGED lady a position at second nurse in hospital, or would take charge or boys' school. Address MABY A. CLEAKY, Kankln. Pa. se21- ANTED-A POSITION AS COOK IN A gentleman's family, by a girl who has lived 8 years in last place: can furnish best reference. Call or addressliEEHAN'S AGENCY, 545 Grant st. se3-82 TTT ANTED-A SITUATION ON SURVEYING TV corps, or in surveyor's office, by a young man who knows something of the business and IS willing to rork up. Address D. K. O., Dispatch uuice. WANTED-POSITION IN CLOTHING OR 6hoe store by young msn with no ex perience, who is willing to and can learn in short time- salary no object t present. Address GOOD REFERENCE, Dispatch office. sc21-48 tlTANTED-bTEADY ES1PLOYMENT BY A V young man with five years' experience as a book aud newspaper compositor In city or coun tty, city preferred. Address, with particulars and salary. G. E. 3., care Monitor office, Derry Station, Pa. se21-M Booms. Houses. Etc WANTED-TWO FURNISHED BOOMS FOB light housekeeping, within 10 minutes' walk of oostofflce. Address B. B. X., Dispatch office. sel-39 Flnnncinl. ir7"ANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN V In large or small amounts at market rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. setf-59-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN In sums to suit at , 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILE1, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14-TTSSU w ANTED-MOl'.TGAGES ON CITY PEOr- ERl'Y. over H.uuu; 4 per cent:' no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTLD-MORTGAGtS-SI.0D0,C00TOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax: no delay, HEED IS. LOV LE & CO., 131 fonrth ave. ray21-C0 WANTED-MORlGAGES.LARGEOBbMALL amounts. 4 too per cent, according to se curity and desirability of loan. FRED RINE HAhT, Room 4, 57 Fourth ave. selO-63-TTS WANTED-TO LOAN f850,0C0 ON MORT GAGES In amounts to salt, in city or coun try, at 4 to 6 per cent, as to security: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jyl4-16-MThS -YTTANTED-TO LOAN 1000,000. IN AMOUNTS TV or J3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on AH percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at Sand 6 per cent, BLACK & BAIKD, 95 i ourth avenue. L se21-d26-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-fl, 000, O00TO LOAN" on city and suburban properties at 4X, Sand Encrcent. and on larms in Allcgbenvand aala- cent counties at 6 per cent, bON, 105 Fourth avenue. 1. M.PENNOCK4 ap7-W WANTED-IO LOAN pOO.000 ON MORT GAGES: J100 and onward at 6 Tier cent: (500,000 at 4K per cent on residences or business proneny; also in aojoimug counties. S. H. riu HENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D Miscellaneous. WANTED-TO PURCHASE ENGINE-125 TO 150 h. p., and boilers for same, all in good renalr. BOX 873, Pittsburg. se2l-3 WANTED-TO EXCHANGE A 7-YEAR-OLD gentle driving mare (family beast) for good second upright piano. Address BOX SO, Roches ter, Fa. se20-89 WANTED-EVERYBODY TO SEND THEUt furniture needing unholstcrlnr. renalrln-r and reflnisbing to HAUGH 4. KEEN AN, 33 and J oi n ater si. 'ruone ito. anil WAN1ED--TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one in the club at II 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 601, and I will call and suow you the watch. Jy3-40 WANTED-MACHINIST3 TO ATTEND A special meeting at Old Hall. Saturday, September 2L at 7:30 p. it. All members of the craft are requested to attend. Business of im portance to every machinist will be transacted. ee20-73 -rTTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO V TOGUAPHEK, 96 tilth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, ever body to know that be is making fine cabinets at jl SO per dozen; photos delivered when promised; instan taneous orocess mhl3-63 FOR SALE-I3IPKOVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. FOR SALE--12,000-COLWELL 8T.-BRICK house, 4 rooms, cellar, front and back porch, gas and water; Iot21xl00. J. It. COOPEB & CO., 107 Fourth ave. 6eJl-70 FOR SALE-MARION ST.-BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, halt marble mantels, finished attic, both gases, porches, sewerage, etc. ; lot 24x104. J. it. uuur.noc cu., iiM Bourir, ave. se21-70 FOR SALE GUM STREET TWO-STORY brick house, 6 rooms, finished attic, hall: also two 2-story brick houses, 3 rooms each; lot 22x100; a good investment. J. R, COOPER & CO , 167 Fourth ave. se21-70 FOR SALE BLUFF SI., NEAR COLLEGE, new brick house." 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement; all' late improvements; lot 23 It. 9 in. by 133 ft.; terms to suit. ItOBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Blnfi st. acl-87-TTSSu FOR SALE-WYLIE AVE., N'EAK ERIN ST. $2,800: a bargain: good brick house, 4 rooms and 2 well-finlsbed attics: natural and artificial gas; good sewerage; lot tail 10. J. R. COOPER CO , 107 Fourth ave. , se21-70 OR SALE-TERMS AS AS AS PAYING rent, for 8-roomed houses: price, (2,200, in installments or only S25ptr month; no other pay ment required. For full information see Yv. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth are. sel2-9G-TTS FOR SALE THIRTEENTH AND LIBERTY sts. ; corner lot 50 ft. Ion Liberty st. by 100 ft. on Thirteenth St., extending back to Spring alley: one brick and 4 frame houses Liberty nve.; corner vacant; valuable property, price 20,000; terms to suit. ALLbSJb BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel.167. 6C15-C1-WSSU I East End ReaiaeDces. FOR SALE -IN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS of 500, neat new Ejist End houses; brick, modern style of architecture, late Improvements. 8 and 9 rooms, near steam and cable cars price K.000 to J7.01O. See W. A. HEBRON A SONS. 60 Fonrth avenue. sel7-80-TTS FOrf SAL,E-flS0O WILL BUY A 9-ROOM bouse In the East End; lot 50x113 feet: bath, gas, electric lights, carriage houte and stable: foOOcash. balance S35 per month. JaMIbONA DICKIE, 90 Fourth ave., or cor. Penn and Shady ave.. East End. sel$-26-WFS FOR SALE A NEAT HOUSE AND GOOD lot. East End, near Penn and Fifth avenue cable cars and convenient to Liberty R. B. sta tion; 6 rooms, bath, etc: everything in nice order; small payments; immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 123 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. se21-66-D FOR SALE A DELIGHTFUL EAST END residence place Just laid out In lots 40x135 feet, on line of proposed 'H Hklnsburg electric road, and within one (1) minute's walk of new Fifth ave. station, P. R. R-: city improvements and convenlpnoes; reasonable prices and terms. BLACK iBAIKl), ft Fourth ave. seI8-52-19. 21, 13, 25, W. 30 FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT EAST END property, fine brick residence with large and luxurious rooms, bath, lavatory, natural gas; everything In prime order; beautiful lot, 120x220 feet: dense growth of shade and fruit trees, shrubbery; copious flow of pure water, etc., etc. JAS. W. DRAPE 4, CO., LB Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. se21-60-D FO R 8 A L E-OAKLAND. FOURTEENTH ward, a new 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing, 8 rooms, bath, w. c. hall, laundry, etc, slate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, fine chandeliers, both gases, city water and bouse wired for efectrlc lights, plate glass windows, electric bells, good sewerage street paved with asphaltum and paid for, beautiful shade trees in front of house, a few minutes from cable cars: price S3,500: a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time: Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. se6 4-D FOBSALE ONLY SG.500-BOQUET blREET. Oakland, a new2-story and mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath. Inside w. c, stationary w. s., range, h. and c. water, slate mantels with cabinets and tile hearths, in side shutters, front and back porches; this house is modern in every respect and nicely papered tbrougbout: possession can be had at once; as this property Is ou the line ofthe new electric car line, now under construction. It Is considered a bar- Saln and is offered for a few days only: lot 25x100. EED B. CO YLE k CO., No. 131 Fourth ave se21-75 Hazelwood Kctiidcnccs. FOBSALE-3IODERN QUEEN ANNE5AND8 room dwellings: lar:e yards, porches, etc.; lots 24x120: price 2,600 and S.I.60O: terms 1C per cent cash, balance inoutlily pajments If desired; sec ond Avenue electric street Railroad will pass within .100 feet of these dwellings. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 t ourth ave. tcl9T39-D Allechcnv Residences. FOR SALE ATA BARGAIN, BRICK HOUSE, two stories and mansard, 8 rooms, laundry, bath, water closets, back aud front stairs, back and front yards, bay window; all modern Im provements; call and see about It. A. D. WIL bON, 65 Federal St., Allegheny. sel9-l-MWThs I7OR SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, AT 2 o'clock, at auction, on the premises, corner Hnbbard and Sipe streets, Eleventh ward, near McClure ave. new frame house of 6 rooms and hall: corner lotMxlOl; possession at once. EV ING 4BYEKS. Agts., No. 93 Federal street, firstfioor. sel5-63-ssn FOR SALE A NICE DWELLING IN SECON D ward, Allegheny; near parks and street cars: 7 rooms; bath, natural gas and other conveniences; porches front and rear; everything In nice order; price only 5,500; possession given when wanted. 'farm. tA clt .1 A W. ItHil'P ft- r,l I'm W. 'Fonrth avenue Pittsburg. se20-92 FOR SALE-TWO-STORY BRICK. HOUSE, Blate roof, containing vestibule, ban, 7 rooms, bathroom, 2w. c. and laundry; lot 20x110 fiet to 25-teet street, near park, in Second ward. Alle gheny?very desirable for residence or Investment for income: easy terms. V.1LLIAM A. SIPE, owner, 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg. sel7-41-MTTS TMOK SALE-TO 8ETTLE AN ESTATE. JP house 5 rooms, ball. attic and rellnr. lnt9nr ixiieec ana nonic rooms, sine, nail and cellar, lot iOxSSfcet, nat, gas, water la yard: alsu brick hnntn 4 rfWIIHL attic hall and collar Ia?nwm will sell together or will sell separate. ' For full particulars call OB, A. u. WILSON, to Federal st., Allegheny, Miy-i-HVfzns FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, Allegheny Residences. TTIOR SALE NORTH AVE. RESIDENCE. NO. A .291 On Saturday at 2 o'clock at auction to the highest bidder; sale positive to the highest hld- der. a. j. fM lECOST, 413 urant st, seai-os FOR SALE-NORTH AVE. RESIDENCE, NO. 291-On Saturday at 2 o'clock atauctlou to the highest bidder: sale positive to the highest bid der. A. J, PENTECOST, 413 Grant St. se20-6P IJ10R 8ALE-KES1DENCE, NO. 291 NORTH ave., on gaturday next at 2 P. if., on the premises: terras one-third on closing deed, bal ance 6 to 10 years: sale positive to highest bidder. A. J. PENTECOST, 413Grant st. se20-70 FOR SALE-RESIDENCE, NO. 291 NOBTH ave., on Saturday next at 2 P. M , on the premises: terms one-third on closing or deed, bal ance 5 to 10 years: sale positive to highest bidder. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant St. se20-7 'OB SALE-SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. AT 4 o'clock P. v.. at auction, on the premises. Wcs CSt Murlrot atrowt 1TlaPTith Wrri3 fr-H-lB houses: lot GOxlOO; good rentlngpropcrty. EWING &BYER3, Agts., No. 93,Federai street, firstfioor. 6el5-63-SSU Suburban Residences. FOB SALE-SMALL HOUSE AND LABQE lot on monthly payments at Crafton, near railroad station; 6 rooms, hall, cellar, etc, and lot 50x100 feet: only 2,500: 250 down, balance monthly payments. JAS. W. DBAPE & CO , 129 J ourth ave., Pittsburg. se21-66-D OR SALE - WILKINSBURG - 3,500; J00 cash, balance in 10 years: now and neat frame dwelling, 7 rooms, reception hall, finished attic good cellar, water In kitchen, nat. gas. good sew erage, etc.: lot 82x120: choice location and only six minutes from station; street W ft. wide, with shade trees on each side; this Is without doubt the most desirable residence property in the bor ough. J. B. COOPEK CO., 107 Fourth ave. se21-70 FOR SALE LOTS. CUT Lois. 170R SALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICKKOY a.' sts.. near college: terms to suit. ROBT. COWaHD, 20 Bluff st. aul-87-TTSSu Enat End Lots. TTIOR SALE-LOT 50X77-WALNUT ST., ROUP station. J. K. COOPEB & CO., 107 Fonrth avenue 8C21-70 FOR SLE LOT ON CBAIG ST., BELLE FIFLD: 60x140: low price. J. B. COOPER 4 CO., 107 i ourth avenue. se2I-70 T?OR SALE-LOT-SHADYSIDE, OYPKESS. X' near liaum st : lot 36xl00, CO., 107 Fourth avenue. J. B. COOPEK 4 SC21-70 T7H)R SLE-A FEW CHOICE BUILDING on Fifth ave- near Craft ave.. Oakland. D Iota on Fifth ave.. at 110 per foot front. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. selS-51-13,11,17,19,21.23,25,27,30 T?OK SALE-BUILDING LOTH, ONLYJ10 PEK JL' loot front on tsoquetsi., uaKianatinrecrain utes' walk from cable line. W. A. HERHON 4 suns, so Fourth ave. selZ-96-TIS FOR S ALE 2 GOOD LOTS IN THE EAST END, 43x120 feet to an alley, contiguous to cable and steam cars; very convenient place. JAS. W. DKAPE4C0., 13 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. se2I-66-D FOR SALE-2 LOTS IN BOULEVARD PLACE, East End; 60 feet front each; fine location; only two lots from Dallas ave. For full particu lars apply to A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal st Alle gheny. sel9-100-TTS FOR SALE-ONLY 5,000-FOB THE FINEST residence site in Shadyslde, convenient to Ben Venue and Shadyslde stations; corner nrop erty: size 100x130. BEEDB. C0YLE4 CO.. No. 131 Four th ave. se21-75 FOB SALE - BEAUTIFUL AND LEVEL building lots, 24x25 ft. front, on Homewood ave. and Clawson street. Just at Homewood sta tion, at SG50 npward. Vf. .A. HEREON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se4-65-ws FOR SALE-EAST END LOTS-S450 AND 50O, desirably located, and within reach of P. B. IL and Fifth ave. cable road, commanding a magnlflcentvlew: easy terms. BLACK4BAUU), 951 ourth ave. 3A-210C. se8-72-9, H, 13, 17, 1 9, 21, 23,25, 27, 30 FOR SALE-ON SHADY AVENUE, SQUIR REL Hill, about 15 acres fronting on thrre good avenues, now open, between Fifth ave. and Forbes st. ; we regard this one of the most desir able properties now on the market, being easy of access, etc. C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. se21-69 FOR SALE - TO SECURE A DESIRABLE home with pleasant surroundings you should buy a lot In Baum grove plan; with the improve ments now made this is the most desirable and cheipest property In the market. Full Informa tion from MELLON BROS., East End. or JNO. F. BAXTER. 512 bmllhfleld st. sel$-78-wssu Alleahcnv Lots. FOR SALE-2 BUILDING LOTS ON WESTERN avenue. 20x124 feet each: price (L750 each. A. D. IV ILbON, 55 Federal st , Allegheny. se!9-2-D FOR SALE-ON SHEFFIELD STREET. ALLE GHENY lot 30x124 ft.; has two brick stables on rear: a splendid location to build yon a home: call and see ibout It. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. sel9-2-D FOR SALE-2 FINE LOTS, IRWIN AVENUE. Allegheny; close to parks and street cars: 42x139 leeu to a paved alley; splendid place to build for renting purposes: room for 6 houses which would pav well. Terms, etc. from JAS. W. DBAPE 4 CO., 123 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. se20-92 j Hnrelwood Lota. FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS IN THE BLAIR estate, within 3 to 5 minutes' walk of Hazel wood and Glenwood stations: fine level lots re quiring no grading or filling; wide street, city water, gas, natural gas. sidewalks, pavements, schools., stores, etc.: on line of the electric street car lino now building: 10 minutes by the B. 4 0. 1C It. from the new depot: all express trains stop: monthly tickets, fare 5j cents; prices 125 to LOCO; 10 per cent cash, ba ance long time: monthly pay ments ir desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 90 Fourth ave. sel8-43-D Suburban Lou. TTIOR SALE-MAPLE WOOD PAEK LOTS; terms casv. GEO. B. MARTIN 4 CO., 105 Fourth ave. se!9-3 FOR SALE AT EDGEWOOD-A CHOICE LOT 85x140 ft., very near station P. B. K. W. A. HERKON & SONS. 80 ourth ave. sel7-83-TT3 FOR SALE A FEW CHOICE LOIS 40X120 ft.: cheap to a quick buyer; terms easy. GEO. S. MARTIN 4 CO., 105 Fourth ave. sel9-4-TTSSu FOB SALE-LOT-W1LKINSBURG. SOUTH St.: 2 minutes from station: lot 66x132: best location In the borough. . B. COOPER 4 CO . iw jc ounn avenue. se21-70 FOR SALE-SOME OF THE VERY CHOICEST 40x120 rt. lots In Maplewond park: electric road passes this plan; shrewd buyers will Invest before prices advance; easy payments. GEO. S. MARTIN 4 CO., 105 Fourth ave. sel9-4-TTSSu FOR 8 ALE -BEST BUILDING LOTS FOB THE money in Wilklnsburg. 23x125, running through from Union st. to Green St.; 6 minutes from station; 100, only 100 down, balance (!0O pcrvcar: must be sold to close an estate. E. D. W1NGENKOTH, 100 Fourth ave. seI8-6i-WTbs Tarm. T7IORSALE A SMALL FARM OF 8H ACRES, .a. gooa 4-room nouse, uaru, iruit, gooa waier. near to railroad station, etc. I.U,,, KUVU OTdbCl, ALEXANDER 4 L,i.r, 313 oou si. se2l-59-D FOR SALE -OR EXCHANGE-FOR MER CHANDISE or el'y property, a farm of&S acres at Haysvlile station, P Ft. W. 4 C. Railway. Particulars from A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. selS-25 FOR SALE-FARM OF 505 ACRES, 120 cleared: new house, barn, etc.; fronts for one mile on Potomac river; a No, 1 location for fishing clnb; price 15,000. J. H. BRISlOlt, Marttnsburg, WestVa. siaj-S FOR SALE FARM, 156 ACRES. WI1 H BUILD INGS required; rich bottom land, near sta tion E. 4 P. K. it.; suited for large works and town lots; good investment. ED WITTISH. 410 Grant st , Pittsburg, Pa. sel4-D FOR SALE FARSf 17 ACRES JARRETT homestead, 8 miles from Pittsburg on Wash ington pike: 5 minutes walk to R. R. station; choice nlace for florist, gardener or hotel. ED WlfTISH. 410 Grant St. Pittsburg, Pa. seJl FOR SALE A NICE FARM OF 60 ACRES, fronting on the Pcrrysville road, near Per rysville: land lays well and Is in good state of image; a weuing ana onion liaings, orcnara, water. etc., etc. JAS W. avenue. Pitts urg. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth SC21-S9-3IWS FOR SALE-A LARGE FABM OF ABOUT 230 acres, only IS miles from the city: one-halt mile from railroad station, and near to school. cuurcn, store, postonicc etc.: will be sold at CO . 129 Fonrth ave , Pittsburg. se21-6S-D FOR. SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. FOR 8ALE-OR RENT-GOOD BUILDING for hotel In Canton, O. Address JAMFs J. GRANT, Canton, O. se!8-27 FOR BALE GOOD TWO-STORY FRAME Qwelltngand tlnshon, with lot and outbuild ings. In Youngstown. Westmoreland county. Pa. uriue oni Pittsburg, Ice only TOO. MERbHON, 1607 Penn avenue. seiy-j-i-Tii! FOR SALE-PENN AVE. EAbT END BUSI NESS property, between inland aud Collins aves. ; lot 20x145 leet to a street; will be sold at a bargain ir sold at once; enhancement certain. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. sei8-49 FOR SALE ADVANCE ROLLEB MILLS Newly refitted to Case system, steam power; doing No. 1 work: desirably located on K. It.: plcntv of bard wheat at mill door: terms low. Call or address TAYLOR BROS. 4 CO.. Uogers. Col. Co.. o. . au22-67-D FOR 8ALE-2-SXORY IKON CLAD BU1LD ING, 25x60. on lot 25x120, with lease; 12x21 engine, nearly new: also boiler and main shaft: lease has over 2 years to ru n : will be sold low to PSFJ'P an estate. Inquire at 2600 SMALLMAN bl'BEET, city. se!7-95 FORSALE A COUNTRYSTOREAND STOKE- polut on line of railroad; fine country place, ex ceilrnt point for business: this Is an oldestab llShed Stand nrpiunt nwnpr hll madnit mini ng mtpnn .... .i-....- ... ., n .... . ... ill ,, "u ll"C lo Clue V" iiutuuiifc ui ajee. of age; nm h:u me property witn or wimoui tncatocK. Particulars Irora JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.. 129 Fonrth ave., Pittsburg. - se21-66-D Dlnnnfncturlnar Sites. "?OR SALE-FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS SITES J- in the Asplnwall plan, adjoining bharps burg; low prices; easy payments; send fornlans. W.". A'?EfiKON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth aye. vf" FOR' SALB-BPSINES5. Ba4neu Caaarea. , T710B BALE-THE -WHOLESALE GKOCB8Y A Easiness advertised h tlsed by ns recently has been W. DBAPE 4 CO., 129 Foartti dlsnosed ot JAS avenue, Pittsburg. se2i-w "COB 8 VLE-A SMALL RETAIL GROCERY IN X Allegheny, doing a good, safe business: a nice o a fine stand, jas. w. drapes CO., 1 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. se21-4s-r FOB SALE-ON EOF THE FINEST SALOON 8. with restaurant connected, in the citrof Youngstown, O. Address DISPATCH, So. US West Federal st., Youngstown, O. sjeo-71 FOB SALE-GKOCEKY STOBE IS HOME STEAD, Pa., doing a good business and best location In town: good reasons for selling. Ad aressLOUE. DRAWER C, Homestead, Pa. seil-s2 TTlOa SALE-SALOON IN GBEENVILLE, O.; X! good location; elegant walnut furniture, two pool tables, good stock; brick building 75 ft, deep; on public square; lot 99 ft. deep: good city 6.000 Inhabitants: natural gas: good rea sons for selling. Address CLIFF BOYD, Green ville, O., lock box 55. sel9-3li FOB SALE-ONE OF THE XARBEST AND best retail grocery stores. In heart or the city; will invoice about 9,000. Also Smaller grocery stores in good locations in the two cities, bakeries, drugstores, drygoods and notion stores, feed tore, confectioneries, restaurants, boarding honsesand other business chances: free particu lars. BHEPABD4CO.,54Flfthave. scl7 FOR SALE-1N THE LIVELIEST TOWN IN Western Pennsylvania the stock and flxtu res of the New York Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods House, located at 135 Fifth avenue. Mc Keesport, Pa. ; can reduce stock to 1000: posses sion given at once.wlth a lour lease; this Is a rare chance; no better location in the city. Inquire at 135 Fifth avenue, McKeesport. P. 8. GLEASON. seU-70 FOR 8ALE-IT.00O-HALF INTEKEST IN printing office located in heart or city: finely adapted quarters, large room, well Ughted, and supplied with steam power at remarkably low rent; owner a practical printer of good business qualifications and habits, and a hustler: business is good and business ootalnable largely exceeds capacity under limited capital: money wanted to meet and supply this demand: an active man will situate himself well and his Investment, while absolutely secure, will pay handsomely: we can speak with confidenceconcernlngthls. CHARLES SOMEB3 4 CO.. 313 Wood it. .se20-9i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Uvo Stock, dec T710B SALE FRESH MILCH WWV WITH JD calr; thoroughbred Jersey bnt unregistered. Apnly at 630 PENN AVE, , near Sixth street. sel9-25-Th$ Machinery and Metal. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to., POBrERFOUNDUYANDMACHlNECl.,LlM;, below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 T7IOKSALE NOW- ONE SECOND-HAND 2 surface nlanera and 1 C tenoning machine. snaper,ana new snasecona-nana engines. Doners, lard kettles, tar tanks, bh'men valves, castings, etc VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Thirty-second St. and Penn ave. 1vii-9I-tts PERSONAL. PERSONAL MALTBY'ST OYSTER DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 Smlth aeld street; fresh oysters received dally: orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMmKKlE. Mgr. sel-92-D PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS I BOOKS I New and old, ancient and mooern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. au3-9S PEKSONAL-DK. VAN DYCK. EUECTKO Surgeon, Philadelphia, has been called to Plttsbnrg to treat several society ladles: will be at the Albemarle Hotel from Saturday, Sept. 21, to Thursday, Sept. 26. and during this time can treat several new cases: special terms to all who are treated during this visit; book free: superfluous hair on the female face destroped forever without pain, scar, shock, trace or injury by the electric needle sel9-24 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they bad not been on the best or terms owing to a little family tar occa sioned by the wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing apparel, and which, oi course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood St., second floor, andr now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In tbelr household. Telephone 1553. audO REPORTS. TIHE CHALFONTE ATLANTuTciTY. N. J. On the beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt-water baths in house. seS-77-D E. KOBERTS fe SONa AMUSiaiENTS. EXPOSITION. fr. POPULAR DAY -AND- EVEBYBODY'S NIGHT, SATURDAY. seal-So BIJOU THEATER MATINEE TO-DAY, ALVIN JOSLLN IN ONE OP THE OLD STOCK. September 23-Geo. C. Jenk's U. a Mail Co. sol8 HARRIS' THEATEREVERY AFTER NOON and evening, WOMAN I MAY WHEELER, AGAINST WOMAN. EDMUND COLLIER. Week Sept. 23 The Waifs ot New York. sel7 rnHE NEW WORLD'S MUSEUM X Allegheny City. This week. September 18, BIG ELIZA, THE GREAT SEYMOUR, FERDNANDES. 4 EMERALDS. A GREAT SHOW. sel6-12 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMX To night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, AUSTIN'S AUSTRALIANS. Aimee, the Human Fly, and 23 Stars. se!5-13 EDUCATIONAL. WEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY for young ladles; 23d yean is provided for giving a superior .education in collegiate eclectic and preparatory departments; also In music and art MRa HENRIETTA KUTZ. 2045 Walnut sr., Phlla. au4-90-TTS MRS. REBECCA BOARDMAN, TEACHER OF ELOCUTION. 806 PENN AVE, PITTSBURG. Business boars from SJtlll 6 p. jr. se5-D3-Turs PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACAD EMY. Chester. Pa. Twenty-eighth year opens September 18. A MILITARY COL LEGE. Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Archi tecture, Arts. Thoroughly organized, prenara torv courses. Circulars of Mr. F.G.PAUL SON, 1 Wood st, city. CoL CHA8. E. HYATT. President jyUfi2-ws Notre Dame of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladles and pre paratdry School for little girls, EMBLA P. O, three miles from Baltimore, Ma., candnctcd by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. JJ30-69-TTS Eflgewortii Boardim aM Day School For girls, 122 West Franklin street, Baltimore, Md.. Mrs. H. P. LEFEBVRE, principal. This school will reopen on Thursday, the 19th of September. The course of Instruction em braces all the studies included inatborongh English education, and tho French and Ger man languages are practically taught, 1y30-63-ws CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH BTREET. PITTSBURG. 1,477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical, Scientific, Ladles' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with young persons de siring a better edncation respectfully solicited. JAMES CLABK WDLLIAMS, A. JL. Pres't. jyl&SJ-TTS. PITTSBURG ART SCHOOL, ESTAB LIBHED 1S84, offers advantages of a thorocgh Acauemic ocuooi of Art, combined with private in struction; eacu pupil nnaer joint direction of George Het zel innsseldorf Academv). John fij" W. Bcatty (Munich Academy). Students who cannot attend dailr ' - may enter for limited number of days a week. For prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal, auS68-TuS 413 Wood street, Pimburg. Walter j. osDouitsE. KichaedB abbotts. BARROWS A OsioURNE JOB PRINTERS, 80 Diamondstreet. TelepfloaeNo.SlJ. u3l-fl-rra ak I3C J$ f wm, to liar. CttT t) ir -C- mOLET. K7 PER MONTH-A"NEATHOU9. L six rooms, attic, bath, laie imprerpnwnts, 4 first-class order: Bedford near Fatten st- W. A.'i HEKBON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth ave. el7--r, ', East End Residences. mo LET-HOUSE OF 14 BOOMS, STABLE X and outbuildings: large grounds; oa N'tfley avenue, near Penn avenue cable ears. laostA ot - HENRY B0BEKTS,at011ver4K0Ben WlreCa., . Southside. seW-M rjo LET OR FOB BALE A BRICK BBM-i- DENCE. of 10 rooms, ba. bsSsmI ma. etc.. and ample grounds, la the East fad. near rail road station. JAS. W. DKAPFi CO , Mi Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. seil-36-B t Aflegheax Residences. mO LET-IF YOU WANT TO BENTIN ALLB- GHENYcaUon A. D. W1L30N. 56 Federal . st. , Allegheny. sel9-le-TT3 rriO LET-IN SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY. X brick house of S rooms, finished attK, basil gases, bath, etc 36 per month. ALSXANDBB 4 LEE, 313 Wood St. seti-88-B TO LET-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING IN Allegheny, near parks and can: 3 rseeM, bain, natural gas. half and cellar: rent, t7 69 per month: immediate possession. JAS. WVDKAPE 4 CO., 129 Fonrth avenue. Pittsburgh sciHT Apartments. , TO LET-TWO PABTLY FUKNISBM) COH , NECTING offices, Garraon ball din if. Ap ply 17 FOURTH AVENUE. Pity. se31-58 ararsas. T 10 LET-FARM WELL ADAPTED FOR GAB- DEN and dairy, uooa nouse ana Bars: UK acres, mostly in grass. For farther parHaaters address BOX P. Elisabeth, Allegheny co., Pa. sel8-30 Business Stands. . TO LET-2 LARGE BOOMS-66 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny; suitable for light mannf. bri ness. e39-72a,21,28.36,28 TO "LET-LABGE 3-STOBY BK1CK WARE HOUSE with large elevators: erntral loca tion: suitable for storage purposes or carriage factory: Twelfth street, near Union station. Ap plv to T.MELLON 4 SON'S BANK, MI Ssi44fc Heldst. seK-is-wTfii) -- Offices. Desk Room, etc mo 10 LETiCHOICE OFFICES. SINGLE OR X in suit, in the Standard block. V, ood. near Finn, avenue, w. A. ntstwun suns, sa ourta ave. KHZ-TT8 TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two ofthe i roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent, 900 and 300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service aud steam heating. Apply between 10 A. x. and IP. Jt., or between, Zand 4 P. IL- jy3M? mo LET-STORE OR OFFICE BOOM, WITH JL large vault, suitable for insurance office or similar business, in Germanla Savings Bank building. No. 419 Wood street: room formerly oc cupied by George Belneman as saloon, and -now temporarily occupied by the American Express Co.; It Is two steps below prs4e. making a ftrst dxss basement. InqulreatTHEJiANK. te2t-4S-D BUSINESS CHANGES. XXlSSOfiUTION OF PABTNEBSHIP. ' Notice is hereby civen that the partnership between C. T. Russell and A. J. Gilleland, bb- der the firm style of Russell & Co. was dis solved on the EIGHTEENTH DAY OF 8BP TEMBER, A. D. 1888. AH debts due to tbs said firm are to be paid and those doe by the same discharged, at tho Quaker Shirt Store. No. -40 Federal street, Allegheny City, Pa where the business will be continued, by the said A. J. Gilleland. O. T. RUSSELL. A. J. GILLELAND. In retiring, from the above firm and business, I desire to thank my friends and the public for the generous share of their patronage enjoyed by the Quaker Store for the past fifteen years-;' and I bespeak for my successor and preview partner a continuance of your favor and trade, assnrlnc you that in its present basils te, Quaker Shirt Store will continue to deserve its great reputation for the quality and reliability of its goods, and also maintain its' old motto: j "Truth, Fair Dealing and Low Prices." Yours respectfully. r sel9-62 C. T. BUBaETJlk - . BUY A HOME. A Small Cash Payments JSOO ANNUALLY THEREAFTER, Will buy an elegant new two-story and maa.,'' saru ones, uweuiuif. o mums. uaiu. w. c. ihul. l laundrv. etc: slate mantels, tile fireplaces and. neartns, nne cnanaeiiers, oota gases ana ony water; bouse wired for electric: Ughtf; Plata elaM windows, electric hells, good eweram street paved with asphaltum and paid forr Deautiiui snaae trees in iront: ot nouse: a tew minutes from cable cars. Price, only S6.500. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., I FOURTH AVE, se!9-37 SOMETHING CHOICE HEAL EBTATE.- To close up estate of Alexander Negley, de " ceased, I offer about 11 acres land sitnate be tween Necley and HUand aves., adjoining rest- , deuces of Colonel Anderson, Alex Dempster and others. Nineteenth ward. Pittsburg, and adjoining recent purchase of Messrs. Magee, Flinn and Stewart. This land all fronts oa streets already laid out, and is In a first-class neighborhood, which is building up rapidly. Will be sold as a whole or la blocks to suit' purchasers. "J Also, lot corner Penn and. Negley aves, lOSx 200 feet. HENRY H. NEGLEY, CORNER SANDUSKY AND LACOCK STS, ALLEGHENY, Or residence, NEGLEY AVE.. Pittsburg. au22-94-TTS THOR SALE ATASPIHWALLSTATION 7mlnutes from Federal st, Allegheny, on the West Penn R. R-, adjoining Bharpsburg; being pan oi me "ROSS ESTATE." Lots in sizes and on terms that should suit any desiring. to secure a borne. The lay of the ground is beautiful. Special Inducements offered to first purchasers. See the representative on the premises or call on or address W. A. HEREON ft SONS. se3-60-TTS 80 Fourth, avenue. HAZELWOOD. S1.0CO per acre, if sold Immediately for & tract of ground (8, 12, or 20 acres), near Hazel wood station, adapted to sub-division for build ing lots tbatwill in less than two years bring 300 to toOO per lot (12 lots per acre) or to sell as a whole will bring within one year $2,C00 per acre. Terms, one-fourth cash. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth, ave. . t - selMB SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS. M. MAY SOTS & CO., STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. jeU-TTS 68 SESTH AVEv. Pittsburg, Pa. P IANOS, ORGANS. 8. HAMILTON. t JIAND86 FIFTH AVENUS, . ' PtHrtUTR Pa, 'vS?l- vu s' -t. v ,m f i y&' WE- a: -5H vy - -1 ,aisS. 4 j.. st