Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 21, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Cliairman W. H. Andrews
Predicts a Boyer Boom,
Being Carefully Felt in the "Western
Tier of Counties.
And the State League of Kepnblican. Gabs
"Will be the Shrine.
The political waves of the pending State
campaign are gently laving Pittsburg's
feet, and the news that the biggest poli
ticians in the Republican party are to make
Pittsburg the center of operations for a few
days to come has set the boys agog. State
Chairman W. H. Andrews, who has been
swinging "round the circle in "Western
Pennsylvania as the political mentor of
Hon. H. A. Boycr, arrived in Pittsburg last
evening, and domiciled himself at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel. He came from
AVashii'gton and left Mr. Boyer in the
bucolic embrace of that flourishing burg.
Sir. Boyer will be in Pittsburg this morn
ing, whereupon there will be a grand offi
cial pow-wow. The two gentlemen gazed at
the coy squash and the bulging pumpkin of
"Washington county's rural genius yester
day. But the political pulse of the Wash
ingtonians was very accurately felt at acon
fcrence yesterday at which sundry Pitts
burgers assisted. The consultation must
"have been extremely gratifying to all con
cerned. Allegheny county comes next on the pro
gramme, and from this city Messrs. Boyer
and Andrews will make sundry pilgrim
ages to contiguous localities which await
inspection. Mr. Andrews said "open ses
ame" to a Dispatch man's cardboard, and
Mr. James S. McKean assisted in the
urbane welcome that followed.
'"We are just making a little tour of the
western counties." said Mr. Andrews, "and
Mr. Boyer is meeting old friends and mak
ing new ones.
"The campaign is fully open, but as it is
an off year there will be no speaking. "We
are quite serene as to the outlook. I admit
that I would feel somewhat dejected if we
were trying to fisrure on the other side. An
80,000 majority is not to be sneezed at. No;
Bigler does not seem to be making much
stir as yet, and Representative "Wherry's
threatened onslaught has not as yet materi
alized. Mr. Boyer will be elected very
handily, and we expect the usual off year
majority, although I haven't given out any
predictions as to figures. Mr. Boyer is
genial and makes friends easily, and we
have been received with flattering enthu
siasm everywhere. The campaign issues are
as vital as" those of any past campaign, and
we ee no reason to look for anything less
in the wav of a majority than that usually
giveu. "We shall remain here or in this
vicinity until the meeting of the State
League ot Eepublican Clubs, coincident
with which Mr. Boyer has accepted an in
vitation to be present at the reception ten
dered him by the Amencus Club."
"Have you seen anything of that 1,000
check which the Oil Citv Derricfc mentioned
as the parting gift of Hon. C. L. Mageo to
the Republican cause before he sailed to
A curious look came over Mr. Andrews'
face as he remarked: "I .hadn't heard of it.
But if anyone desires to tender a check for
54,000, or any other sum, I am prepared to
give a receipt therefor with cheerful alac
Another reporter came in just then and
braced Mr. Andrews for an item of import,
but cot no further than the question: "Will
Mr. Boyer have as large a majority as Pres
ident Harrison had?"
Senator M. S. Quay was expected to ar
rive in the city last night on his way East,
but at a late hour had not entered an ap
pearance He will doubtless arrive to-dav.
James Kerr, of Clearfield county, arrived
also at the Seventh Avenne Hotel last even
ing. He had no sooner got rid of the stains
of travel than Hon. "W. J. Brennen, ac
companied by the ever-faithful "Squire
Boyle and some more of the faithful, sought
his presence. Mr. Brennen paused long
enough to say that he thought that Sen
ator "Wallace was quite right in
giving it out that he wanted
the Gubernatorial nomination next year."
He could have had it when Beaver
rnn," remarked Mr. Brennen, "if he had
come ont flationted two months before the
convention. But when he did say so Mr.
Black was too far in advance. As it now
stands both are avowed candidates, and ex
Governor Pattison can watch the fight out
of the corners of his eye. Mr. Black was
always a tariff reformer even when cham
pioned by Samuel J. Randall. Both Black
and "Wallace are popular men. Black's
greatest strength, however, is in the West
ern counties, so that the geographical lines
are slightly mixed."
Postmaster Larkin said yesterday that
Senator Wallace had injured his prospects
in the past by his extreme modesty, and
that he would probably lose nothing by his
avowal of his candidacy. I do not believe
that there will be anything acrimonious in
the contest. Both men are very popular in
the party, and, besides, it is a good ways
ahead, and the result of the present cam
paign is bound to have some effect upon the
conventions of bath parties next year."
This Ii What Happened to Jobn Davis
Whll'o Londlnc Bricks.
John Davis was hurt very severely yes
terday afternoon by a pile of bricks falling
upon him, at Keefer's brickyards, on Stan
ton avenue. Davis was loading a wagon
from a high pile of bricks, and from some
cause the pile tell over on him. He was
drageed out and it was found that his skull
was fractured and that one of his arms was
broken. The horse attached to tbe wagon
was valued at $600, and was so" badly in
jured that it was shot. Davis was removed
to his home in Sharpsburg.
They Didn't Come.
President Mayer and Second "Vice Presi
dent King, of the Baltimore and Ohio Bail
road, were expected in the city last night,
but they did not come. Their special train
was held over night at Rockwood, and the
railroad magnates are expected to-day.
They are making a tour of inspection.
lie Will Sell Next glimmer.
Druggist A. C. Kaercher said last night
he was sorry Judge Ewing was so long
rendering his verdict in the late milk shake
appeal cases. The decision,, he says, will
enable him to reopen the nrst warm day
next summer. He merely wanted to know
where he stood.
Detained toy Forcr.
Dr, Waldenstrom, a distinguished Swede,
was announced to preach last night at the
Swedish Church, McKeesport, He was
unable to fulfill the engagement, having
contracted fever in Chicago, where he now
Two Tonchs Relieve a Doctor of HI
Wmch and Then Return It They Broke
Away, bat Were Arrested Later.
Thomas McEwen, alias Jack Spratt, alias
Black Tom, and another man by the name
of C.H. Kennedy were arrested last evening
by Detective McTighe for attempting to rob
Dr. F. Campbell in a Sixth street saloon
yesterday afternoon. Dr. Campbell is about
78 years of age and resides at 181 Lacock
street, Allegheny. He came over to this
side yesterday afternoon and stepped into
McCarthy's saloon for a drink. While
there he was familiarly accosted by Mc
Ewen, who began to pluck at his' watch
chain. This was repeated several times
and then the doctor noticed his chain was
dangling and watch gone. He immediately
caught young McEwen by the collar and
accusing him of the theft, demanded the re
turn of the watch. McEwen denied it at
first, but finallv handed over the watch.
The doctor then renewed his grip on Mc
E wen's collar and said he was going to have
him arrested, but Kennedy and two or
three other young men who were in Mc
Ewen's company crowded around the doe-
tor and began to coax mm on, Ji.enneay oi
feringto pay him 10 if he would promise
not to have McEwen arrested.
The doctor declined to accept the bribe
and started toward the door with his pris
oner, who suddenly jerked loose and ran
away, hiding himself in a stable on
Duq'uesne way. Dr. Campbell then re
ported the two men to the police with the
result stated. They will have a hearing
this morning.
A Baker Kan-only Escapes Heine Badlr
Darned In an Explosion.
What might have proved a serious acci
dent took place yesterday at Wm. Voxel's
bakery shop, corner Bluff and Chcstuut
streets'. That gentleman uses natural gas
in all his ovens, and he has been having
considerable trouble with it lately. Yes
terday he could not obtain gas enough with
which to continue his work, and when the
inspector arrived they both proceeded to
the cellar to inspect the Dipes.
Mr. Vogel, however, had not turned off
the valve opening into one of the ovens, and
when they came into the bakery again after
making some needed repairs it was noticed
that the gas was escaping rapidly. The
valve was at once turned off, and the dam
pers opened to let it escape. Shortly after
ward Mr. "Vogel attempted to start a fire in
tbe oven, and the match bad no sooner ap
proached the door when au explosion took
A column of fire leaped out for a distance
ol ten feet, and the baker was severely
stunned, besides having his mustache, eye
brows and hair considerably burned. The
people in the store were terribly frightened,
but none of them were injured.
Tbe Employes of tbe Evergreen Road
Ban Samp. Griernnces.
Tbe employes of the Evergreen road, a
branch of the Pittsburg and Western, have
gone out on a strike. This road is a gigantic
concern. It is a narrow gauge and is made
up of a number of awkward curves and
ugly grades, and its rolling stock consists of
an engine and two cars.
It is claimed that the engineer and fire
man were compelled to work all day and to
alternate in watching the engine at night,
without receiving any extra pay. Manager
McDonald threatens to discontinue the use
of the road entirely if it fails to yield larger
returns. This big strike has resulted in all
patrons of the road being compelled to
walk the tics to get to their destinations.
John Benkort M nst Answer on a Charge of
Instilling a Woman.
Mrs. Linkert made an information before
Mayor Pearson yesterday, claiming that
John Benkart had insulted her. The lady
is the wife of a blacksmith, and they were
Benkart's tenants. As soon as the husband
heard of the affair he moved out ot the
Benkart denies that he had any intention
of insulting the lady, and he gave $1,000
bail for a hearing this morning. Benkart
is an old resident of Pleasant Valley, and
well fixed financially.
Movements of Fittsbnrffers and Otbera of
Wide Acquaintance.
Charles Stow, who edits Barnum &
Bailey's great show literature, was in the city
yesterday. The cold weather came ahead of
Mr. Stow, but he doesn't mind that. Yestcr.
day bis show was at New Castle. Pittsburg,
Mr. Stow says. Is tbe best two-day circus stand
in the United 8tate, beating Baltimore and
Washington, and paying as much money in the
two days br amusement as Cincinnati does in
three. The circus people think that the "equi
noctials" are slightly premature this year but
tbe cold snap, in their opiniun. won't last long
enough to interfere with their business.
Rev. Father Fidelias Stone, a mission
ary to Chili, South America, passed through
the city last evening on his way East Father
Stone has been in South America laboring
among the natives of Chili for tbe past ten
vcars. This is his first visit northward, and he
wijl spend several months traveling through
the country.
Mr. George McCain, who keeps the
readers of the Philadelphia I'ress posted on
Pennsylvania politics, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. McCain was one of the brightest writers
for tbe Pittsburg press, and his work on our
Philadelphia cofcraporary attracts wide atten
tion through the State.
Mrs. W. Nagle, the wife of the yard
master of the Pittsburg Junction road.and Mrs.
J. Mulligan, tho wife ot an engineer on tbe
same road, left for London, 0.,yesterday morn
ing, whero they will visit their sister, who is a
member of the Mercy Convent in that place.
Kev. W. S. Williams, of the Christ
Umversalist Church, is preaching a series of
Sunday evening sermons on national topics.
To-morrow evening the address will be entitled
"An American."
John Murphy, the well-known under
takers' snpply agent, and wife, left last niht
for a three weeks' trip to Philadelphia, New
York, Boston, and other Eastern cities.
James H. Hopkins, the former well
known Democratic politician of this city, but
now a resident ot Washington, arrived in town
yesterday on a visit to friends.
Assistant Superintendent William
Coates, of tbe Bureau of Fire, left last
evening for Philadelphia and Kew Yort on a
short pleasure trip.
James M. Swank, the iron and steel
statistician, of Philadelphia, and publisher of
tbe -Bulletin, is in tho city gathering figures on
bis hobby.
George A. Huhn, Sr., Clerk of the
Councils in Philadelphia, took a run over to
tbis city yesterday morning to see a number of
T. Clifton Jenkins, a sou of T. C. Jen
kins, has returned to Harvard College after
having snend the past summer in Maine.
Carl Wilhelm, the polished German
editor and publisher, who has been ill for sev
eral weeks, has entirely recovered.
General Manager Pease, of the West
inglwuso Electric- Company, went East last
night on business.
John A. Wagner, of 1702 Penn avenue,
left yesterday for a three weeks' vacation in th e
The Misset Carrie M., Clarissa and Car
oline Brown, of Unlontown, were in tbe city
W. M. Clark, Commercial Agent of the
Missouri Pacific Railroad, left last night for
the East.
Edward Lindeman, of Twentv-fonrth
, street, has left the city for an extensive East
ern trip.
C. E. McKim, of Wellsville, O., is at
the Hotel Anderson.
early missionary work among the Indians
form the subject of an interfiling illustrated
article in to-morrow' DISPATCH,
The Eastern Coal Combination Wants
the Schedules Modified.
Another Move May Soon be Expected in
Cote Producing-.Circles.
William S. Shinn, the man who is con
ducting the Monongahela river coal deal,
arrived in the city yesterday morning to
conler with the Pittsburg operators about
their inventories. He visited several of the
most prominent firms, and held conferences
with them. The Eastern people, for whom
he is acting in the matter, do not take kind
ly to the terms which the Pittsburg men ask
for their properties. Thelatter want one
half of the price in cash. "Some want part
of the balance in bonds and mortgages, and
another part in preferred stock. This the
would-be purchasers object to, and theagent
is Irvine to effect better terms.
The impression that tbe deal is going the
way of its predecessors and will not
materialize is growing each day. Some of
those who were the first to make out
schedules of their property have abeut
concluded that their time has been wasted,
and that the negotations will drop through.
Others are still holding on to the hope
that the syndicate will take hold of the
matter, and bring them out. When asked
for information they refuse to talk about
the deal, and only say that it is progressing.
The larger operators jocularly refer to it,
and say they expect nothing to result from
it. They say they must have one half cash
or they will not s'ell. Others are willing to
offer better terms than those mentioned
The person who Will make money by the
deal, if it is closed up, is Mr. Shinn. The
latter is given the credit of proposing the
scheme. It is said that his commission, if
he makes the dicker, will be 5 per cent.
The aggregate value of the 16 plants is
between 813,000,000 and 514.000,000. It ill
be seen that his share will be vover half a
million dollars if he can effect the sale.
It has been rumored along the river front
for the past two days that the deal had been
closed up so lar as Fawcett & Sons were
concerned. Tbis is denied, not only by the
firm, but by others, who say that not an
acre of the property or one item in any of
the schedules had been examined. Before
making the purchase, the syndicate would
probably send experts out to inspect and
survey the coal lands, but as yet this has
not been done. Th'e coal operators are
patiently waiting lor them, but they come
Mr. Shinn is working hard to close up
the deal, and it is the wish of every oper
ator mail lie Yiiu ue euauieu uj uu bu.
II. C Frlck nml tbe Agent of tbe Producers
Hold a Conference. I
Persons interested in the movements of
the coke trade may now look for another
move to be made upon the board by H. O,
Prick & Co. That firm is now negotiating
for a deal of some kind to be made with the
new Producers' Association, composed of
small operators. .
A private conference was held yesterdav
afternoon between H. C. Frick and John F.;
Acheson, formerly of J. W. Moore & Co.,
which was sold to Mr. Prick. Mr. Ache
son is the Pittsburg sales agent of the new
syndicate and manages this end of the busi
ness. The conference was held in one of
the rooms of the Hotel Duquesne, and when
it was over neither party wonld say what it
was about Whether there was any agree
ment made between the two concerns or not
could not be learned. Mr. Prick stated it
was a private talk and there was no news
in it.
The K. of L. General Executive Will Not
be Here Until That Time.
Word was received.from the general head
quarters of the Knights of Labor in Phila
delDhia yesterday that the members of the
Executive Board who would be sent here to
investigate the trouble between the E. of L.
musicians and the M. M. P. TJ. will not
arrive before October 1. The board meets
in St. Louis next Tuesday a week, and
the investigators will stop over on their
way to or from the meeting. If they stop
on their way to St. Louis, the matter will
likely be settled by the board at the
New Passenger Tnrlfla to be Issued on
November 1.
Chairman G. B. Blanchard,of the Central
Traffic Association, yesterday sent out a
circular calling a meeting ot all general
passenger ticket agents and rate clerks, to
be held in the Southern Hotel, St. Louis,
Tuesday, October 1. The object of the
meeting is to make changes for the quarterly
issue ot joint rate sheets, to take effect No
vember 1.
Smith Is In Wheeling.
President Smith, of the Flint Glass
Workers' Association, is now in Wheeling,
trying to arrange a peaceable settlement of
the glass packers' strike. When he left he
did not anticipate any trouble in arriving at
a settlement in favor of the men.
Tho Capacity Increased.
The Allegheny Bessemer Steel Co. has jusj
let the contract to a Pittsburg concern for
the erection of a "soaking" pit furnace at
their works at Duquesne. This will increase
the capacity of the plant fully one-fourth.
Her Testimony Concerning Bob Shepnrd
Was Misquoted.
Humane Agent Dean states that May
Sullivan says she was incorrectly reported
at the hearing before Magistrate McKenna
on Wednesday, and that what she did say
was that she saw Bob Shepard on a Balti
more and Ohio train, and asked him tbe
location of a certain house, and that when
they reached the depot, Mr. Shepard walked
along the street with her, and when they
came opposite the house she wanted, pointed
it out to her. Mr. Dean says that May
says Shepard not only did not go into the
house with her, but did not cross to the
same side of the street.
It Is Claimed Ottersoa Is Keeping Oat oftho
Way for His Own Rcnsons.
From what was ascertained last night it
seems that Gus Otterson, who has been so
mysteriously missing for some time, is alive
and in good health, and, if necessary, could
appear upon the scene at a very brief notice.
There is no search being instituted for hini
and his friends mayrest assured of the young
man's safety.
Da. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su
acknowledged ability are desenbeckoy Hrederie
JSantmrn in Jo-morrow' Dispatch.
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Beady Heading.
LAST night William Rlnebart attempted to
assist bis wife on car No. 26 of tbe Fifth Ave
nue Cable road, when the car was crowded,
and another one was following close behind.
Tbe conductor refused to let her on. and a
nephew of the lady boarded the car and struck
him in the face. There is talk of suits in con
nection with the matter.
MRS. Langfoed lodged a complaint before
Alderman Lohrman yesterday, charging Harry
Amler with disorderly conduct. Amler's wife
lives with Mrs. Langford in a boat at tbe foot
of South First street, ana yesterday he visited
her while in a drunken condition, and, it is al
leged, roughly assaulted her. He was commit
ted to jail for a hearing.
There was a musical entertainment given
at the residence, on Bluff street, of George
Bryan, manager of Oliver Bros.' steel depart
ment, Thursday evening, and it was a very fine
affair, particularly the guitar solos by Ed
Carter, piano solos by Miss Bryan and the
singing of Master George Clark; also duets by
Messrs. Lamb and Wild.
James Ronixsoir, who was knocked sense
less by a handyhilly while returning to bis
home over the Thirtieth street bridge late
Thursday night, is confined to bis bed. He
will probably be able to appear next week to
identify the two men who are held in the Cen
tral station on suspicion of the crime.
Mns. Kate Lips, whose case was mentioned
a few days ago, appealed to tbe Humane So
ciety yesterday, alleging that her husband still
continued to remain away from home, and that
her five children were without food, shoes or
clothing. Agent O'Brien was directed! to ar
rest tbe man.
Mns. Kate McSteen, a lady with three
children, living opposite St. Agnes' Catholic
Church, has been deserted by her husband, and
has, strugcled bravely for a living. Her case
ttas brought to tho attention of the proper
authorities when sickness, bad nearly done its
work. '
Charles Lajtgdok-, who lives on Forbes
street, made an iniormation before Alderman
Jones yesterday, chargine Henry Jiraison with
snrety of the peace. Lancdon alleged that
Jimison threatened to shoot him. He was ar
rested and gave 300 bail for a hearing Monday.
Peter Webthsneideb Is charged by Jo
hanna Field with appropriating the rags she
bad sent to him to convert into a carpet and
substituting rags of an inferior quality. J3he
therefore asks for $7 damages. Alderman
Hartman issued a warrant for Peter's arrest.
The Johnstown courts are called upon to de
cide a peculiar point. Robert Morcer and his
family perished in tbe big flood, andthe parents
of both the husband and the wife are contest
ing for tho property. The point for the courts
to decide is which of the two died first.
Johh T. George, of Twenty-eighth street,
alleges that Peter Fable, an Allegheny con
tractor, struck him in the face with a whip.
George made an information before Alderman
"Warner, who had Fable arrested and placed
him under 9300 bail for a hearing.
A course of lectures for the winter season
has been prepared for tbe benefit of Braddock.
Colonel George Bain, Rev. Mr. Hector, Dr.
Irvine, Dr. McGlvnn. Colonel Sanford, L. E.
Bolton, Hon. J. R. Clarke and J. De Witt
Miller will be the speakers.
Three runaway boys named George Gra
ham, J. M. Durkham and John Brooks were
arrested by Detective C. W. Cook at Aliquippa
Grove on Thursday. They are charged before
Alderman Lohrman, ot the Southside, with
trespassing on tbe railroad.
The Gospel Temperance Union will hold its
usual meeting at Curry University to-morrow
evening, opening at 7.45 o'clock. Everybody
will be made welcome. Mr. Jobn U. Moreland
will preside. The meetings are growing In in
terest and attendance.
James White, a boy of 14 years, who lives'
on Liberty avenue, fell from the stonewall
near the Thirty-third street bridge, to the rail
road tracks below. Tbe distance was aliout 20
feet and he broke an arm in two places, and
stunned himself severely.
About 4:30 yesterday morning tbe barn of
John Yager on Spring Hill took fire, and before
the Allegheny fire department could arrive
burned to the ground. The loss is abont 5900,
and it is not known whether there was any in
surance or not.
Patrice: Hill and Wm. Boling, charged
with robbing Hugh Wallace on Market street
early yesterday morning, were each held for
court in default of J500 bail by Magistrate Gripp
last evening. Wallace positively identified
Mike Broker made an information berore
Alderman Warner, alleging that Frank
Bauman, colored, struck him in tbe face while
at work in the Black Diamond Steel Works.
Bauman was placed under, $300 ball.
Katie Smiley was playing with her f atber,
C. A Smiley, of Allegheny, last night, when
her foot caught in a rug and she fell, cutting a
gash live inches long in her head. Tbe wound
is very serious and may prove fatal.
The Coroner was to-dafr notified of the sud
den death ot Wm. McGrew, a colored driver
for Wm. Semple, who wis found dead In bed
tbis morning. Also of .David Montgomery, of
Bakerstown, wbo died suddenly.
A MAN entered the boarding house of Mrs.
Schatz, of 87 Washington avenue, Allegheny,
and, after enpagiDg rooms, robbed the estab
lishment of a gold watcfr and other valuables.
He bas not yet been cap ured.
The Humane Society was tbe recipient of a
handsome donation yesterday, being a check
for $100 on the Citizens', National Bank. Mr.
Andrew Carnepe was iho donor and he sends
the above amount annually.
John Flanagan ana Thomas McPherson
were arrested by Detective Cook, of the Lake
Erie road yesterday for stealing a ride on a
freight train. Alderman Lohrman committed
them to jail.
P. C. Knox, the solicitor for tbe South Fork
Club, denies emphatically that that organiza
tion is goins to purchase Lake Le Boenf for the
purpose of improving alter the plan of South
Fork Lake.
Frank Brown, colored, severely hit Joseph
Mack about the body. Inflicting serious inju
ries. Information was made before Alderman
Warner who held. Brown nnder $C00 for a
The following report of moneys collected was
submitted yesterday morning for the month of
Angus'; by delinquent Tax Collector Ford: 1887,
$7.26: 1SSS, S157.G5; 1SS9, 5,201.91; total, J5.389.82.
Daniel Lynch, employed at Carnegie's
Thirty-third street mill, was struck on the jaw
jfSterday by a bar of Iron. A part of his
tongue was bitten off by his jaws closing.
The Coroner will hold au inquest this morn
ing on the body of Fred McGrew, colored, who
died suddenly at his home oh Gass avenue,
Allegheny, yesterday morning.
A special meeting of the Tariff Club will
be held this evening at 8 o'clock. All the
members desiring to go on the excursion next
week will receive their badges.
A still alarm was sent! to Engine Company
No. 14 vesterdayafternoon for a small fire in an
out building of J. B. Smith on Ellsworth ave
nue. There was no damage.
CHARLES Weiss and James Willis were se
verely burned about the neck, body and face
yesterdav by splashing metal at Oliver & Bro's.
Woods' Run Iron Works.
The inquest on the body of James Dngan,
who died at the Mercy Hospital Friday, was
rontinucd until this morning, owing to tbe ab
sence of tbe witnesses.
Thomas Malone, a laborer" at the Linden
Steel Works, had his face and breast badly
burned yesterday by a flash of natural gas from
one of the furnaces. .
THE Duff Company, which has the lease on
tbe piece of property which the city of Alle-
f-ueny desires to control, has agreed to seek a
bcation elsewhere.
A number of new books have been received
lately bv the Pittsburg Library. All of them
aie of standard value and worth reading.
Antonio Leo is accused before Alderman
Foley, of Woods' Run, of stealing a silver
watch from Antonio Leo.
Last of the Season.
The Society for the Improvement of the
Poor yesterday wound up the ''Fresh Air"
excursions, which have benefited so many
little waifs during the hot summer months,
by sending a party of colored children, in
cluding their mothers, making in all 33, to
Oakmont, The Children's Temporary
Home, which is under the management of
the above society, will be opened about
October 1 for the reception of applicants.
Headquarters in Paris for "Holmes'
Best," A, D. Gaillaed's,
ys No. 30 Boulevard des Capucines.
FOE best brands of pure rye whiskies, go
to Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First
avenue, second door below Wood street.
The most efficacious stimulant to excite
the appetite is Angostura Bitters.
fl lTITIEiVTriPD in to-morrow's DESPATCH,
liAilrlMllIm) gives a series of vivid pen
pictures descriptive o? Wie how life Of the SuU
(an of Turkey, ' ,
Charles Fayes Makes Some Explora
tions of Bis Own in Africa.
A Land Abounding in Gold, Precious Stones
and Tropical Fruits.
Charles Fayes, who lives at 1816 Carson
street, Southside, is a French scholar of no
mean ability. He has been in this country
about five months. Mr. Fayes has traveled
extensively in foreign countries, especially
in Africa. At one time he states he had
made all arrangements to accompany Stan
ley on one of his trips, but at the last mo
ment Henry II. decided to take only two
explorers with him. Then the Frenchman
started alone, and with a few Arabs as com
panions spent seven months exploring the
dark continent.
Speaking of Stanley, he said: "I know
him quite well. He is a short man, rather
stocky and well bnilt, brusque in manner,
but a thoroughly good fellow and well liked
He is a brave man, afraid of nothing and
possessed of a fine moral nature."
Of the people and the Great Desert, he
said: "I found the inhabitants ot Tunis and
Morocco very intelligent and capable of
large mental development. Their women
are the handsomest in the world, so fair and
possessing very delicate complexions. The
skin is almost as white as snow.
"The Arabs themselves along the coasts
are swarthy colored, but the complexion of
the people is darker as yon go into the in
terior of the country until in tbe tropics the
curly hair of the negro is met
"I think the time will come when canals
will be bnilt through the great Sahara
desert, not for purposes of irrigation as a
primary object, but to provide highways
and water so that it can be easily traversed.
It is possible, too, that the introduction of
water will change the climate and it might
rain. It is estimated that $200,000,000 will
do the work, but after going over the
ground I think it will require more money.
"The interior of Africa is rich in ivory,
gold, diamonds, minerals and tropical
fruits, but it is almost impossible to trans
port them across the desert. Roads are
badly needed. Some railroads have been
built from the coasts, but they are qnite im
practical. IT WOULD PAT WELL.
"The expenditure of such a large amount
of money to improve the desert and make it
passaDle wonld certainly pay in the develop
ment of the country. It is not generally
known that large quantities of the finest
tropical fruits grow in Africa, and some of
them find their way into Europe. The ivory
trade alone has become a big business, and
must be cared for."
Mr. Fayes thought Boulanger's goose was
cooked, and that President Carnot was only
waiting for an opportunity to get his hooks
on him and put him in a" place where he
won't disturb the peaceful sky of Europe
with fleecy war clouds. He said he never
saw European politics in such an unsettled
condition, when the people threaten to go to
war on the slightest provocation.
Mr. Fayes is a French barrister, and spent
considerable money in exploring Africa and
R. T. Barker Locked Up by the Manager
for Disorderly Conduct.
B. V. Barker, the job printer, was ar
rested and locked up in Central station last
night on complaint of Superintendent John
ston, of the Exposition. Since the "Expo
sition opened Mr. Barker has persisted in
printing and distributing a programme in
opposition to one declared by the officials to
be the only official one of the Exposition.
He was ordered to stop distributing them
within the building and refused.
Last evening Mr. Barker and an assistant
were in the Exposition. They were accosted
by one of Superintendent Johnston's men,
but happened at the time to have no pro
grammes with them. Barker said that he
would distribute his programmes if he conld
get auv, and he at once procured a few and
handed them around. Acting on Superin
tendent Johnston's orders, a couple of the
special officers then seized him and led him
to the nearest patrol box. The wagon was
called and he was sent to Central station,
where a charge of disorderly conduct was
lodged against him, and he was locked up.
Veterans Will Ask Merchants to Decorate
Stores on G. A. K. Day.
The Grand Army committee having in
charge the arrangements for Grand Army
Say will meet this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
in Common Council chamber. The commit
tee is composed of two representatives from
each post in the county. Communications
will be read from the West Virginia contin
gent, who will participate in the parade.
The financial reports will also be read, and
a request made for subscriptions. Merchants
and others will also be requested to decorate
their houses on the line of parade.
The Residents of Tnylor Street Complain of
a Wood Pavement.
The residents of Taylor street, Bloomfield,
are in a state of anxiety because the condi
tion of their street after a heavy rain breeds
all kinds of sickness. Alderman Doughty
said that some nine years ago the street was
paved with wood, which is now badly
rotted. All over the street there are large
holes, which hold the water after a rain
until it becomes stagnant. The odor im
pregnates the air, causing a ionl smell
which results in diphtheria and other
noxious diseases.
James DfcKnight Will Have to Walt Looser
for -His Money.
The meeting of the Board of Arbitration
to investigate the claims of Contractor
James McKnight, for State work done at
Johnstown, did not meet in this city yester
day as was expected. A letter was re
ceived from Harrisbnrg stating that Secre
tary Kremer, ot the Relief Commission,
could not be in this city before the 1st inst.,
and the meeting will likely not be held
nntil then.
Andrew Aubrey Arrested for Selling Willi,
out a License.
Andrew Aubrey had a hearing before
Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, last night,
on a charge of selling liquor without license.
The information was made by Chief of
Police Kirschler. The testimony was suffi
ciently strong to cause the Mayor to commit
the defendant lor trial at court in default of
$100 bail. Aubrey's place was located on
Chestnut street.
She Wants Damages.
Marie Wainwright, the actress, threatens
to sue the Pennsylvania road for $2,000
damages for not carrying her baggage car,
because it was nnder the Pennsylvania
standard. The car was en route from St.
Louis to Philadelphia. The road transferred
the scenery, but ii airired too late for the
first nlf h,
Tho Allegheny Blgh School Committee WW
Engage Two Doctors to Lectwe Tstf ee
Male Teachers Wanted.
The High School Committee, of the Alle
gheny Board' of Control, met last night in
the new High, School buildings. The first
business transacted was to award the con
tract for seating to Messrs. Dunnell & Co.
They conld not gnarantee'to hare the seats
ready by dedication day. lt was decided
to postpone the event from October 18 to
November 1. The chairs will be opera
The contract for lightin? was awarded to
the Allegheny Light Company. The con
tract is for IB-candle power lights at f cent
per honr.
The committee also decided to elect three
male teachers, one in the commercial depart
ment, one in the mathematical and one as a
teacher of language, the salaries to be 1,000
per year. The present corps of teachers is
entirely female, and the committee decided
that it wonld be better to have some of the
other sex.
It was also decided to engage two physl
cians,one male and one female, to deliver
lectures on anatomy, physiology and
hygiene.tbe male physician to lecture to the
boys and the femalo to the girls.
A Building and Loan Association Increases
Its Stock.
The stockholder of the Turners' Build
ing and Loan Association increased their
capital stock from 5250,000 to ?1,000,000 at a
meeting last night This step was rendered
necessary by the many applications which
were received from people who wished to be
come members ot the organization. The
stockholders think that this change will re
sult in increased bnsiness activity and pros
perity for tbe society.
Tbe GrandestThnt PlitabargHas Ever Had,
And see the magnificent exhibit of pianos
and organstat the stand of Mellor & Hoene.
They have some elegant pianos of the Hard
man, Krakauer and Kimball makes, also
qnite a number of organs, among them one
of their celebrated JEohan self-playing or
gans in a handsomely polished burl walnut
case. With one of these wonderful instru
ments anyone can play the finest and most
difficult musio to perfection this sounds
impossible, but is nevertheless true call at
their stand or at theirspacious warerooms,77
Fifth avenne, and try one of the above or
gans yourself and see what you can do.
The array of pianos that one sees at the
Pf lace of Music, 77 Fifth avenue, is cer
tainly gorgeous; pianos in cases from the
plainest to the most handsomely carved, and
in all the rare and costly foreign and do
mestic woods.
Their stock of organs, comprising the
Palace, Chase, Chicago Cottageand Kimball;
also the celebrated JEolian, as mentioned
above, is simply grand.
If yon want to get a piano or organ of
standard and well known make, go to Mellor
& Hoene's, 77 Fifth avenne, where you wiH
be sure to get just what you want, and at
the lowest price and on the easiest terms.
Send for catalogues and full description of
their easy payment plan; a postal card costs
you but a cent to address Mellor & Hoene,
77 Fifth avenne, Pittsburg.
Annual Fall Excursion to the Summit oftho
, Allegheny Mountains.
Leaving Union station, Pittabnrg, 8:10
A. M. Thursday, September 26, 1889, the
Pennsylvania Bailroad will inn a special
excursion to Lloydsville, Pa., on the sum
mit of the Alleghenies, which at this season
of the year present to many their grandest
aspect. To the lovers of nature this excur
sion will present a great opportunity for in
struction and enjoyment at an extremely
small ontlay, the fare for the round trip
being placed at $3 from Pittsburg, and cor
respondingly low from other points. Tickets
will be good to return nntil September. 27,
also good to stop off at Altoona. This train
ot.11 afnn ttf Vtmt V.S1.-V.W T?ll 1-1 n-T.M
CTI.A 0Au ..w M.BI .IW..,, ..J.I4UU.,
Swissvale, iiraddock and all principal l
points neiween. jtrmsourg; ana -auoona; ajso
at Altoona for dinner, and returning will
leaVe Lloydsville at 5 FH., running special
to Pittabnrg, stopping at Altoona for sup
To Wearers of Silk Bats.
If you buy one of JI G. Bennett Si Co.'s
silk hats vou can take it to any hatter in the
city and nave it ironed or slicked up free of
We sell Tonman's silk hats.
We sell Hunlap's silk hats.
We sell Miller & Evans' silk hats.
We sell Heath & Co.'s iilfc hats.
The above makes are known to be the
best makes in the world.
J. G. Bennett & Co.,
Corner Wood and Fifth avenue.
Oar SI Real Kid Gloves In Best Cloth
Are the best values in the two cities
try a pair and see.
Jos, Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Special Notice to Ladles.
Just arrived. Just arrived, a large stock
ot newmarkets, plush coats, jackets, etc.
Cash or credit. Pickebing's,
Cor. Tenth st. and Penn ave,, Pittsburg.
Natural Gas Bills Kedaeed 75 Per Cent.
See onr new gas fires, gas ranges, gas
stoves, etc.; register your orders for fall de
livery. Tbe largest, finest and most complete
assortment of any firm in the world.
O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth av.
The Greatest Bargains In Cashmere Hosiery
For ladies and children are here the best
25 cent stockings in the two cities.
Jos. Hokne & Co.'s
Penn Avenne Stores.
Wall Paper! Wdll Paper! Wall Paper!
If yon want to paper your house this fall
call and see Jobn S. Roberts, 414 Wood si.
He carries all grades, from the cheapest to
the finest, and with the aid of experienced
decorators be can assure you satisfaction.
Cold Weather Bargains.
Underwear, underwear. Special sale of
these goods. Also, hosiery, hosiery. Store
open Saturday night until 9:30 o'clock.
Enable & Shdster,
35 Fifth avenue.
Oar Fall Importation of 81 Kid Gloves Is
To-day this is the best real kid glove, 4
buttoned, ever sold for 51 a pair.
Joa. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Mabie Wainwright will be seen at
the Grand Opera House next week in her
suDerb productionof Shakespeare's "Twelfth
Men's natural wool underwear.
James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
Woman With Three Botes," will appear in to
morrow's Dispatch.
Directors ot the Eagle Building and Loan
Association will start the second serial. AU
persons wishing to loin will please apply to
Philip Adler, 440(1 Liberty avenne; Frank
Smith, 4324 Liberty avenne: Lawrence Kern,
41C9 Penn avenue; Wm. Hasselmann. 439 Cedar
street. se20-78-21,2),oc3
41 Seventh avenne. .
y-Telehrafr . "SfeJijJM
mm i
-- N; '
rr ",
- j5 -.
.. , fe -
- i-4 i s'.71
Part-wool Clotb BuitisM 68 s teefcM
only 40c.
All-wool Ladles' Cloth Salttegs, M
wide, la mixtures and plain colon.
wearing fabrics, at 75c a yard. y
100 pieces, plain colors, all-wool Sakiflji";
Cloths, 60 Inches wide, at GSc a yard. This
cloth can't be equaled for the money.
62-lncb' solid color all-wool Cloth BoltiBist,'
fine finteh, at 06c a yard.
All-wool fancy stripe
.. .. ':'
nsreas uiotas, oa
inches wide, only 7Sc a yard. .' '
53-lnch Side-border all-wool SaHteas at We. ,;
Two hundred pieces, asserted ttvletV
wool, double-width Plaids, at SSe.
New plain white and scarlet Twitted
Fancy Barred all-wool Flannels at very' lew
CO-inch Broadcloth extra, fine flnlih; fcn best'.
new colorings, at SJ. and si 26 a yard. j,,j..
vaMRgMgt A
TVfpnpTF.n TVRT7.se r.nnn,vA
H' Iff, - J
Lupin's celebrated Colored aO-woel French tr
- -" aT'
Cashmeres, made from fins wools, heavy
weight, perfect is finish and brilliant in dje,"
-- &.&
40 Inches wide, only 69c a yard; this is less?;
than wholesale price. We also hare the 46-ri
inch wide Cashmeres in the same make. Our
assortment of colors Is very large.
All-wool Henrietta Cloths, in the new shades;'
in 40 and 48-inch widths, at jrery low prices., '
46-Inch all-wool Berges at 60c a yard; this k a, :
great bargain. -Also the flaer aad wideri
wool Serges, up to fB yard.
OMncti Qeorgletta Cloths, an cxcqHeai irwtJg
ing fabric, at II 15 a yard, worth SI 56.
Avery largo assortment of qualities of fine
Camel's Hair Suitings, very fashionable, in all
the best colors, at tl tots 75 ayxrd.
Fancy all-wool plaids, 75c.9ee.tl up toSB75
a yard, including the Scotch Tartan Plaids,
Handkerchief Plaids, and other novel tiesj -5
The best imported Broadcloths, 63 inches
wide, already shrunk and sponged, in the
newest shades, at S3 a yard and upward, Ton
save 60o yard by buying: these goods from as.
The best make known and confined to ; onr
Dress Goods Department for- this section.
An immense variety ot fancy designs Ism
French Combination (plain and figured) Dress -
Patterns; Plaids, Side-borders, Stripes;' Em-, j
m . M Sut
broidered. Applique and other designs, rang-
, .'
ine in price from XI 60 to 896 each. '
English Suiting Cloths, la over 65 different
styles, entirely new colorings, in single. dress
Wo certainly offer yon a grand selection of
Fall and Winter Dress Goods to choose from.
Already we have sold these goods largely, and
would advise yon to make your purchases now
while the stock is foil and complete.
Our stock of Black, all-wool Dress Goods is
equally complete. And here, too, are excellent
values in the best makes in both all-wool and'
Silk-and-wool mixtures. . ; '
Nota this: Black all-wool Cashmere,"'
Inches wide, at 60a a yard.
Black Mohair Lustre at 50c. 75c and H 26
Blir.k all.WOOI Rnltlne.f'Mtta HllnMiu mfH" i
eOoto tlayara.
The prices quoted are low, and tho goods arc
all first quality a fact worth reaemberistv ;
092i;PENN AVE.,.
?. v
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