Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 21, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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For the Better is Now Koted in Many
Departments of Trade.
Stock Speculation About the Only Line
That is Suffering.
New York, September 20. A marked
increase of activity in leading distributive
line throughout the "West is reported this
week in special telegrams to Bradttreet't.
This favorable condition of affairs is chiefly
noticeable at Chicago, St Louis, Kansas
City, Omaha, Pittsburg, Detroit and Louis
ville. At the South, New Orleans gives an
equally favorable report, interior trade
receiving an import impetus, owing- to the
free movement of cotton. At Cincinnati
tirade is reported excellent.
Stormy weather on the Eastern Atlantic
coast has interrupted distribution at New
Tork, Philadelphia and Boston. Cooler
weather has induced a notable increase in
demand for seasonable goods at leading
cities. Crop prospects, particularly corn
and cotton, remain very promising. Sugar
crop prospects are less bright, but a large
yield is anticipated. Cattle and hogs are
more active at the West at variable prices.
Collections are fair to good.
Stock speculation resisted the pressure of
Western rate cutting and of higher money,
and even showed revived bullish tendencies
at the close of the week. Bonds are dull
and firm. Money at New York has worked
higher on small bond acceptances and a
drain of the bank reserves to the "West
Call loans C per cent Foreign exchange is
steady and shows a slight decline. Demand
sterling i 87J$lg ii.
Net earnings of 80 railroad companies for
the month of July aegregate f 16,162,689,
against $13,348,727 last July, an increase of
over 21 per cent The increase for the seven
iruomhs is 11.8 per cent Domestic iron
'markets are all strong in tone, with an ad
vancing tendency on active demand. Steel
rails are ?1 a ton higher on promising rail
road building outlook. Nails are advanced
at the West Copper is selling freely at the
late decline. Production active.
The coal trade lacks snap, but is ex
pected to improve with the advent of cooler
weather. Talk of a great coal trust being
formed is discredited.
Wheat speculation has been limited, with
frequent but narrow fluctuations. Early
weakness was due to adverse cables and
irregular Western markets. Later on some
strength was shown on better cables and
lighter interior receiots,on which nearly all
the early loss was regained. Corn is off $
-c on increased offerings and improved
crop reports. Contract oats are -ie
lower on the week.
Flour was active at a slight decline. Ex
ports this week of wheat (and flour as
wheat) aggregate 2,098,677 bushels, against
1,426,552 bnshels last week, and 2,831,370
bushels in the like week of 1883. The total
exports from July 1 to date are 22,564,001
bushels, against 26,658,387 bushels last
Drygoods jobbers at New York and Bos
ton report a reaction from early September
activity, accentuated in some meas ure by
stormy weather on several days of the week.
Foreign dress goods have been in active
movement at New York. The movement to
fill orders on jobbers at the latter market
has been unprecedentedly heavy. Agents re
port trade quiet to dull. Prices are well
held. Print cloths stocks are growing, but
values are quotably unchanged. Bleached
goods are in especially good tone.
The Boston clothing trade is slightly
more active, as are also foreign dress goods
at New York. Wool is inactive at seaboard
markets. Buyers and sellers are wide
apart as regards prices. Spot cotton is
duller and c lower, but speculation is
more active and 2030 points higher on the
near months' contracts, owing to the squeeze
of September shorts. Crop movement is be
yond previous records. Prospects regarded
as good.
Coffee speculation has been active but
bearish in tone, with a decline of Jc on
contracts. Holders of actual coffee are firm.
Reports of accumulation at interior points
are received. Sugar is Ao higher on
improve! consumptive demand. Provisions
are steady and firm except pork, which is
stronger on better export demand. Choice
grades of butter are 3c higher on better de
mand. Ocean freights are in good demand
on account of corn and flour-shipments.
Business failures reported to Bradttreet't
number 190 in the United States this week
against 190 last week and 178 this week last
year. Canada had 21 this week, against 11
last week. The total of failures in the
"United States January 1 to date is 8,126
against 7,180 in 1888.
DUN'S tteekxy bevtett.
E. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of
trade says: Throughout the country the
state of bnsiness is encouraging and the
only disheartening features are in connec
tion with speculative operations. Stocks
have not quite maintained the recent ad
vance, the chief cause being the Western
railroad wars. Speculation in breadstuff's
and cotton has been at a slightlv lower
rarge of prices, with but moderate transac
tions, and slackness of the consumptive de
mand causes a weaker tone in coffee and
sugar markets without material change in
prices. Oil speculation is a shade stronger
and provisions steady.
At Boston a conservative feeling still
rules the money market, and bnsiness has
not wholly recovered from recent set backs,
but is improving in wool and steady in
leather and lumber. At Philadelphia the
jobbing drygoods trade continues good, and
the grocery trade improves, exceeding last
year's. The paper trade decidedly revives,
the liquor trade is active and drugs and
chemicals moderately active, but in wool
there is very little movement At Chicago
there is a decline in receipts of wool and of
grain, higher pices for wheat, leading
farmers to hold back, but a large increase in
For the year thus far trade exceeds last
year's. Milwaukee reports constantly im
proving business. Kansas City reports
business and collections a fair average for
me season, ana Jie veiana increased activity,
especially in iron and ore. At Omaha
great crops give good bnsiness and collec
tions and at Pittsburg further improve
ment is seen in Bessemer iron and steel, in
coke and in coal, with a resumption of the
glass works at 5 per cent higher wages.
Southern prospects also are all encourag
ing as to crop prespects and present trade.
There is no stringency in money, the sup
ply being ample for legitimate needs. For
eign exchange has dropped half a cent and
possibilities of gold exports appear more re
mote, while merchandise exports ior three
weeks exceed last year's by 32 per cent,
the increase in imports meanwhile being
but 3 per cent. The Treasury also has been so
managed that its actual holdings of cash are
?600.000 lower than last Saturday. Thus far
the Kew York banks have been able to meet
all demands for the interior without dis
turbance, but it is not forgotten that the de
mands are not yet over, the reserves are low
and there is no present prospect of supplies
from abroad.
Tha great industries appear to be gradual
ly improving in condition. "While the im
provement is slow in wool manufacture,
there is clearly n more active demand at
Boston, and sales of wool there this week
are 3,28,000 pounds. But the larger move
ment, mainly in. fine washed fleece, has been
nr,rA h MnM. Tn nr!M Th' J,..
.v....... j -. .v- ... r..v. -...v w-uriKw
goods market ii still uncertain. Jobbers
holding stocks made from cheaper wool,
which have to be cleared off before adjust
ment of the market to the present price of
material is possible, and meanwhile &
pressure to sell may prevent an advance.
In the iron business confusion increases,
becauseBouthern coke. No. 1 foundry, is
offered at $16 75 for delivery to the end of
January, while anthracite No. 1 sells at 17
to $18, and higher for special brands. Large
contracts for structural iron for Chicago and
St Louis elevated roads have been taken in
Eastern Pennsylvania, and the orders for
rails on books September 1 were 1,135,000
tons, quotations here being still unchanged.
Copper has remained dull, and though tons
of tin are reported on the way, spot is still
quoted at $21 87.
The partial failure of potato and fruit
crops, and the injury to butter by recent
storms, cause an advance in prices, and the
general average ior commodities is now
about 1 per cent higher than September 1.
The unprecedented movement of cattle and
fresh beef to England attracts much atten
tion, the exports having been over 90,000
head of cattle and 40,000,000 pounds fresh
beef within three months ending with Au
gust, beside 34,000,000 pounds cured or
canned beef. And it is noteworthy that the
export trade, though barely maintained in
some important branches, steadily broadens
by a large increase in minor items not hith
erto important.
The bnsiness failures number 198, com
pared with a total of 193 last week and 201
the wees: previous. For the corresponding
week of last year the figures were 228.
Bow a Floe Piano Can be Placed In Every
Offers the following inducements, if you
wish to pay cash: By becomine a member
you will save $75 in the price of the piano,
and get it at once. If yon cannot spare the
cash you can get your piano any time, on
payment of $25 cash and $2 50 per week,
no interest, and still save $75 in the price.
If you cannot pay so fast, by waiting
until your number is drawn you will get
your piano on payments of $1 per week, no
interest, and save $7 in the regular price
to our retail trade. Think of tbisl Our
club is composed of 350 members, each
paying $1 per week. Thus you see the
members are buying for cash, and one piano
is delivered to the member whose number
is drawn each week, until all are supplied,
or, if one-half of the members take their
pianos and pay $2 50 per week, we deliver
twice the number, and get double the
amount of cash each week, and it leaves
only one-half the number to be drawn on the
$1 weekly payments. It is a simple business
problem. We are saving our members the
difference in price by contracting for 350
pianos at one time, and on a cash basis. We
have now enough members to guarantee the
success of this plan, and have decided to
begin delivering the pianos on Saturday,
September 21. Do not wait, but apply for
membership at once. Call and see the
piano, or send for circular.
Alex. Boss, Manager,
137 Federal st. Allegheny, Pa.
Excursion lo All Points West.
The Missouri Pacific By. will sell tickets
at one fare for the round trip to all points
West and Southwest on Sept. 24th and Oct
8th. Tickets are strictly first-class and are
good for thirty days. For further informa
tion apply to your nearest coupon ticket
office or to S. H. Thompson, Cent Pass.
Agent, 1119 Liberty st, Pittsburg, Pa.
September 26, Via the P. & W. Rr.
On September 26 the Pittsburg and West
ern Bailway will sell excursion tickets to
Chicago from Pittsburg, Butler, New Cas
tle, Pa., and intermediate stations, good un
til October 6, for $9. dsu .
401 Smltliflcld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent tts
Pennsylvania Lines Will Sell Chen
On September 24 and October 8, 1889, the
Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg will
sell excursion tickets at one fare ior the
round trip to principal points in the North
west, West, Southwest and South good re
turning 30 days from date of sale. For fnll
information apply to Samuel Moody, D. P.
A., 1127 Liberty street D
Why Is Drcydoppcl Soap Like Mr. Ellf
Because it gets there; washes clothes
clean, beautifully white, sweet and health?
fnl to wear; is the" finest, best and most
economical for all purposes that soap can be
used for. Beduced to 8c a lull pound bar,
at grocers everywhere.
Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in
the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of
bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as
a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of
all family flours.
Gas meters are coming into general use,
and will be a great advantage to consumers
by using Anderson burners; price $1 50.
Standard Plumbing Co.,
82 Fourth avenue. -
Helping Ilnnd Society.
Free classes for girls. Sewing class 'will
renown Monday evening, September 23.
Night school will re-open Tuesday evening,
September 24. Dressmaking, cooking and
other classes will open in October. Apply
at rooms, 175 Federal street, Allegheny.
Business houses who contemplate send
ing ont circulars for this fall trade should
address W. L. Callin, Wheeling, W. Va.,
who is now preparing the names and ad
dresses of all well-to-do consumers residing
in all towns within 40 miles of Pittsburg.
Why do you pay high prices for dress
goods, in fact any kind of drygoods, when
yon can get snch great bargains at Enable
& Shuster's, 35 Fifth ave.
Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First
avenue, second door below Wood street, for
pure rye whiskies.
A pure, wholesome and delicious drink
ib Frauenheim & Vilsack's "Iron City
Beer." It is undoubtedly the best in the
Telephone 1186.
Headquarters for "Holmes' Best" and
all the leading Pennsylvania ryes.
W. H. Holmes & Son,
264 S. Clark st., Chicago; 120Water st. and
158 First ave., Pittsburg. -ws
Casey's Old Xog Cabin Bye needs no
encomium on its merits. It "can always
be had at 971 Liberty st, as pure in quality
and rich in flavor as it was half a century
ago, when honesty and fair dealing ruled
the business world.
Special talc.
Sale of wall paper remnants now going
oa atoonn . JttoDerts , 414 YO0d st.
"Holmes' Best" is guaranteed to be ab
solutely pure rye whisky fully and properly
matured. ws
Flannel Shirts, Flannel Shirts.
All our $2 50 flannel shirts to go at $1
each. Just the thing to work in.
Enable & Shusieb,
35 Fifth avenue.
Novelties in men's neck dressing at
James H. Aiksn & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.
early missionary work among the Indians
'"'!"?. '""' ' A"""""? urueu
in to-morroucf DisrATCu. i
The Desiro for IJome Exile Steadily
Growing ia This Vicinity.
That Has Led Four Churches to Adopt a
New Form of Government.
The change of the ecclesiastical relations
of the church, corner of North and Grant
avenues, has aroused much interest The
reception of this church into the Congrega
tional fellowship took place on Tuesday
evening last, when the counsel met in their
chapel. Bev. W. McCracken was elected
moderator, and Bev. A. H. Hills, clerk.
Mr. Robertson, of the new organization,
made a brief statement of the causes which
led to a wish for this change of relationship
the chief and ruling one being a desire
for liberty and self control. The pastor,
ev. J. H. Barnett, gave a list of-63 persons
who had united to form the new Congrega
tional Church. The church has adopted
the doctrinal basis of the Pennsylvania Con
gregational Association. The council re
tired, and, after fnl discussion, voted to
recognize the new organization as a Congrega
tional Church. The consecration prayer was
offered by the moderator. Bight band of fel
lowship to pastor and deacons was given by
Bev. D. M. George.
The charge to the Church was given by Rev.
A. M. Hills, in which he solemnly charged them
to dwell at peace among themselves, for the
sake ot the honor of the cause of Christ Thoy
were now subject only to Him. They were to
love each other, to have an eye single to the
glory of God, to disenss all questions kindly
and fully, save such as they may prefer to dele
gate to a committee, which must again report
to them, and then to conscientiously abide by
the vote of the majority, as in Congregational
ism each individual was the peerot every other,
there being no bond or fee. He charged them
earnestly to uphold their pastor by sympathy
and prayer, by regnlar attendance and by a
hearty co-operation, so long as he was faithf nl
and loyal to tbo truth. They could not hire
their praying done for them, neither could the
pastor build np the church without their aid.
From this organization it seems that a spirit
of ecclesiastical liberty and a desire for "Home
Rule" in the church hereabouts must be in the
air, as four Congregational chnrches have been
formed in a little over two years, three
of them originating in a common desire to
escape outside ecclesiastical dictation. Dele
gates were present trom the First Congrega
tional Church, Pittsburg; thersouthside Con
gregational Church, the First Church of Brad
dock and tne First Church of Allegheny:
We all might do good.
Whetner lowly or great.
For the deed is not ganged
By the puree or estate;
If It he but a enp
or cold water that's given.
Like the widow's two mites,
It is something for Heaven.
Church Notes.
Bctna Vista Street Methodist Episcopal
Church now has 338 members.
Thekb are six pastoral charges vacant in
the Presbytery of Westminster.
The flood relief fund for the Johnstown
Baptist Church amounts to $8,616 OS.
Union services, led by Major Cole, will be
continued next week on the Southslde.
The cornerstone of the new Reformed
Church will be laid at Butler to-morrow after
noon. ,
The Rev. W. Mackay, rector of Bt Peter's
Church, will resume his duties on the 29tn
Evangelical Christianity has experienced
a severe loss in the death ot Dr. Christlieb, of
West Virginia Conference of the M. E.
Church has been in session at Point Pleasant
the past week.
Wileinsbueo Methodists are building a
new church at a cost of $27,000. The organ will
be $4,000 extra.
United Presbyterians of Mt Oliver are
to build a church 70x43 feet to seat 400, at an
outlay of $6,000.
Pittsburg Presbytery will hold an ad
journed meeting in the First Church on Mon
day at 12 o'clock.
Not less than 150 Congregationalists were
lost in the flood at Johnstown, thereby weaken
ing their church seriously.
A portion of the library of the late Rev. A
P. Diller. who was drowned in the Johnstown
flood, has been recovered.
A meeting was held on Thursday afternoon
in the parlors of the First Presbyterian Church
to form a Presbyterian union.
Preparatory services were held last even
ing at the Trinity Reformed Church, Wilkins
burg, by Rev. J. S. Freeman, pastor.
On November 7, at Eranston, 111., the home
of Miss Frances E. WilUrd, the W. C.T.U.
will celebrate their fifteenth anniversary.
The Catholic Congress convenes in Balti
more November 11 at the Academy of Music.
Many priests from these cities will be present
At Franklin M. E. Church, pastor, Rev. A.
J. Merchant, there have been 302 accessions to
the church, and $1,300 laid out in repairs to the
Mr. Shtthe, of Weldln & Co., has presented
several very useful volumes to tha Episcopal
Church Library. They are on theology and
Services were conducted at the jail on Bun
day last by Rev. H. C. McFarland. Interest
was added to this service by the singing of 20
young ladies.
Rev. A. M. Hills, pastor of the First Con
gregational Church, Allegheny, preached at
the Welsh Church, Homestead, on Sunday
afternoon last
AT the meeting of the United Presbyterian
Synod, held in New Brighton, a warm discus
sion took place as to heretical teachings in the
Allegheny Seminary.
Bev. F. W. Lockwood has accepted a call
to the nastorate of the Titusville Bamist
Church. He recently graduatedfrom Rochester
Theological Seminary.
At the preachers' meeting of the Methodist
Episcopal Church on Monday morning. Rev. B.
F. Beazell, of Oakland, will read a paper on
The Itinerants' Club."
A parcel Is to be sent to Miss Carter, mis
sionary to Tokio, for the Bible readers' class.
All articles to ho sent betore October 1 to Mrs.
F. R. Brunot Verona, Pa.
BethejJ Church, Allegheny, Presbyterian,
has been completely renovated and now pre
sents a very attractive appearance. Kev. W.
N. Donaldson is the pastor.
Dr. W. M. Robinson having resigned the
pastorate of Providence Church, Mr. W. A.
JOnterwas ordained and installed on Thurs
day evening as his successor.
Rev. H. H. Tucker, D. D., oneof the ablest
men in the Baptist denomination, was killed on
Saturday last by falling ont of the window in
his own house, at Atlanta, Ga.
Bellevue campmeetlng closed on Sunday
last The interest increased largely this year.
Rev. T.J. Leak, B.T. Beazell and other city
pastors helped in the meetings.
THE Brotherhood of Bt Andrew will hold its
fourth annual convention at Cleveland from
the 26th to the 29th Inst It is hoped all that
can will attend from these cities.
REV. R. B. EWTNG, D. D., of te Sixth U. P.
Church, who was given three" months' rest by
bis congregation, has just returned, but his
church is still undergoing repairs.
An invitation was extended to the Inter
national Sunday School Convention to meet in
this city in 1890. by the Sunday School Super
intendents' Association of the two cities.
Hon. E. 8. Morrow and John S. LambleJ
Esq., wmueiiver auaresseo at me praise ser
vice to be held in the Wylie Avenue United
Presbyterian Church to-morrow evening.
rt. Rev. Cortlawdt Whitehead, Bishop
of this diocese, will preach at Temperaucevilie
at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. The services
are held in the United Presbyterian Church.
At the Protestant Episcopal Church, Hazel
wood, on Sunday morning, the Rev. A. D. Hef
fern will be inducted as rector. Rt, Rev. Cort
lanut Whitehead will celebrate the office of in.
Last week the Sixth Avenne U.P. Church,
McKeesport voted to increase the salary of
their pastor. Rev. A. J. Young. This is the
second time in three years that this charge has
done the same.
Miss Campbell, who was with the Mlldmsy
Mission. London, England, and recently with
the China Inland Mission, will speak on home
mission work at Bethany, 113 Center avenue,on
ounuay afc .ou r. jl.
A mission was started on Sunday afternoo
last at Chartiors by the Bt Ber. Oortlandt
Whitehead. It will meet In the Methodist
church at 8.30 each Sunday afternoon, and be
conducted by Mr. O. Leslie.
Contributions to the amount ot $3,299 68
have been received toward the erection of Bt
Mark's Memorial Church, Johnstown, from the
other churches In this diocese. The Bishop of
Niagara, Ont, sent $653 27 for the same pur
pose. rev. C. A. Tron, of Turin, Italy, was a dele
gate to the General Assembly of the Presby
terian Church. During bis ten years' labor
among that people he has gathered a chnrch of
882 members and a Sunday school of 225 children.
Friends of the Rev. John Brooks, who re
cently resigned as pastor of Nixon Street
Baptist Church, got together on Thursday
evening and presented him a beautiful onyx
clock as a small mark ot their appreciation of
nis wont.
The paten and chalice of the Episcopal
church at Johnstown have been found. Strange
to say they were about a mile and a quarter
apart They will be replated and used in the
new church. Tho bell was found about two
miles away.
The African Methodist Eplcsopal Confer
ence, which convened at Sewickley, closed its
session last Wednesday. Rev. G. W. Clinton
was appointed to the John Wesley Chapel, Ar
thur street and Rev. P. R. Anderson to Avery
Mission, Allegheny.
Rev. Hammond, hose resignation as pastor
of the Shadyside Baptist Church has been
noticed in former columns of TheDispatch.Is
considering a "call" from the Tabernacle
Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. He has also been in
vited to other pastorates.
REV. James G. Townsbnd, D.D., will con
duct services in the parlors of Mr. PaulWin
sor. No. 1 Sellers street, off Shady lane. East
End, to-morrow moraine at 11 o'clock. All in
t erf 6 ted in the establishment of a Unitarian
Church in Pittsburg are invited.
Rev. Prop. Oliver Comtois, ex-Cathollo
priest, from Canada, gave as the principal
reason for his renouncing Romanism, the doc
trine of the Pope's infallibility. He bad been a
priest for 11 years. He will issue a free journal,
to be called the Protestant Herald.
Rev. H.W.ELSON and Miss Hannah E.
Smith were nnited in matrimony on Thursday
in Philadelphia at the home of Uje bride's par
ents. He graduated with honor -at the Luth
eran Seminary In June,and takes the pastorate
of the Lutheran Church in Eittanning.
The Fourth Presbyterian Church people.
East End, are busily engaged In the erection of
a parsonage. The audiences are increasing so
rap'dly that a larger church is demanded. As
soon as the pastor's residence is completed
they will start a new church edifice on tha cor
ner of Winehiddle and Harriet avenues. This
cburrh now has SIS members, an-increase of 200
in a little over two years.
Special services will be held at the syna
gogues next week. On Thursday will be cele
brated iiosn .uascnooa, or tne .New Year. The
first ten days after that date are called "Ten
Days of Penitence." The tenth day is the
"Day of Atonement" From sundown till
sundown a strict fast is observed. The origin
of these days and observances is found Incum
bers xxix, I and Leviticus xvi, 29.
W E seem to be living In tho ago for changes.
The General Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church, which meets in New York
October 2, will have before it the change or re
vision of the "Prayer Book;" also the change
of name of that body from the Protestant
Episcopal to the American Church, or Church
of America. It is believed, however, that this
will be opposed by a large majority.
At the twenty-second annual convention of
the Y. M. C. A. of Pennsylvania, which will be
held in New Castle October 10-13, addresses will
be delivered by J. R. Mott, College Secretary
of tho International Committee; H. J. Will
lams, Railroad Secretary of the International
Committee, and Bev. G. Purves, D. D., of the
First Presbyterian Church, this city. Rev. C.
S. Beardslee, of Hartford. Conn., will conduct
a Bible class each day. Ira D, Sankey will be
the leader of the singing.
The United Presbyterian Association met on
Monday at 10 o'clock. Tho attendance was
small, this being the first meeting since the
vacation season. Rev. G. W. McDonald, who
was to have addressed the meeting, not being
present the topic, "What Methods are Needed
for the Proper Training of Converts From the
World," was informally discussed by those in
attendance. The subject for next Monday Is to
be "Tho Signs of the' Times as to Christian
Union," to be opened by Prof, John Mc
Naughter. Fresbyterial Ministerial Association met
on Monday at the First Church parlors, and
was addressed by Rev. J. J. Beacom, D. D., of
Ewing's Mills, on "Where We Can Get Mate
rial For Our Sermons." He thought that it
was perfectly proper to quote from other men's
writings, but bo sure to give credit; next from
experience, then from observation; also read
printed sermons from all sides of thought,
godly and ungodly. Above all, the material is
to be obtained from the Bible. Bible preach
ing is above criticism. Next Monday the sub
ject will be "Truth and the Method of Pre
senting Truth," to be opened by Rev. De Witt
After a Separation of Twelve Years a Bal
timore Conple ia United In lUarrlnse
A Bride Secured by Be'
coming a Christian.
Baltimore, September 20. There is a
pretty little romance 'connected with a mar
riage at the All Saints' Protestant Episco
pal Church last evening. The contracting
parties were Miss Emily P. Owens and Mr.
Samuel Garner. The bride is the youngest
daughter of the late Isaac Owens, and the
groom is professor of languages at the
United States Naval Academy at f An
napolis. Both are considerably over 30
years of age.
Twelve years or so ago, the story goes,
Mr. Garner and Miss Owens were fast
Iriends. Both were well educated and
good looking, if not handsome, and both
were well off in this world's goods. There
was only one barrier which prevented a
marriage, and that Was the religious differ
ence ot the loving conple. Mr. Garner was
a confirmed infidel, while the lady was a
devout believer in Christianity. He hoped
to win the lady, but she was finn and said
she would marry none but a Christian.
The gentleman couldn't bring, himself to
believe the doctrines of Christianity, and
seeing that his pursuit of the hand of Miss
Owens was hopeless, ne aeierminea to try
to forget her. With this end in view he went
to the far West. There, after a while, he
quite accidentally became a boarder in a
house of a minister of the gospel. The di
vine, thinking the young man a hopeless in
fidel, did not try to change his thoughts to
things Christian.
In a few years Mr.Garner noticed in what
perfect harmony the minister and his wife
lived together, and then for the first time
he began to realize that perhaps it was bet
ter for a man and wife to be Christians than
for them to hold different broad opinions on
religion. All hope for wedding his first
love had long died out To him she was
nothing but a memory. He asked' the divine
to lend him some religious books, which re
quest was gladlv complied with, and in due
course Samuel Garner became a Christian
man. By corresponding with friends in
Baltimore, to his delight he fonnd that Miss
Owens was still unmarried. Letters were at
once exchanged "between them and Mr.
Garner set out for Baltimore.
The culmination of the story occurred
when the two happy hearts became one.
They Are Bound to bo Bepresented In the
Exposition of 1S92.
"WASnnfaTOir, September 20. At the
regular meeting of the "Woman's National
Industrial League last night, it was re
solved that the women of America should
insist on the right to be properly repre
sented in the great Exposition of 1892, and
in view of the fact that Queen Isabella, of
Spain, fitted out ships for Columbus, Con
gress be asked to appropriate a sufficient
Earn for the erection in Washington of a
monument to the Spanish Queen, and that
an American or Spanish woman be selected
as sculptor.
Lovees of art will obtain pleasure by
visiting the Exposition, but lovers of pure
old rye straight and undefiled will obtain
both pleasure and benefit in visiting the
establishment ot T. D. Casey & Co., 971
Liberty street.
ft A T? A THTT T 1? in to-morroufs Dis
tLAlid. ilDLlitli, PATcn. gostipsaiout
the lengthy vittling litlt of society leaders, and
ether kindred, matter of intereu.
SEPTEMBER r21f. 1889?
Which Will Eelease an Innocent
Han From the Penitentiary.
Timothy O'Grady Sentenced to Seventeen
Years' Imprisonment
Chicago, September 20, The police
annals of tnis and other cities record many
cases of mistaken identity, but all the his
tories of instances of circumstantial evidence
and mistaken identity weave no stronger
case against an unfortunate innocent man
than did the testimony against Timothy
O'Grady, convicted of the murder ot Police
Office Michael O'Brien, the night of April
3, 1887. O'Grady was sentenced to the
penitentiary for 17 years for manslaughter.
The only point which saved him from
hanging was'JthatPolicemen O'Brien and
Dillon bad, by roughly accosting and
shaking O'Grady, given him, if not suffi
cient provocation to shoot, enough at least
to plead it strongly against the infliction
of capital punishment. O'Grady astounded
all his friends, not one of whom could be
lieve him innocent of the crime, by his
refusal to plead self-defense when put on
trial. He maintained, against the advice of
all, that he had not done the shooting.
All the testimony and the circumstances
went to disprove his "claim of innocence,
however, and his coaviction followed.
After many months of confinement his lib
erty has been made possible by the confes
sion of one the most daring and. notorious
criminals in the country, it being none
other than John J., alias "Oyer" Scanlan,
the leader of the celebrated "Mollie Mott"
gang, who was captured a little over a year
ago, by ex-Inspector John Bonfield and a
squad of police.
Scanlan had fortified himself in a house
near Archer avenue and Twenty-second
street, with Mollie Mott, and defended him
self, although wounded by several bullets,
until nearly 100 shots were fired, Scanlan
had a few days before shot and, it was sup
posed, mortally wounded Police Officer
Nolan, who tried to arrest him for shooting
a rebellions member of the thieving gang.
For shooting Officer Nolan, Scanlan and
Mott were sentenced to the penitentiary,
Scanlan getting ten years and ten months.
O'Grady's lawyers were convinced ot his
innocence, and, after his conviction, cast
about for evidence to substantiate their be
They were enabled eventually to fix the
crime on Scanlan, and then they set about
getting a confession from him. This they
have succeeded in doing. It appears that
O'Grady had had a fight with Officers
O'Brien and Dillon, and had escaped into
an alley. The officers followed, and O'Brien
was shot down by some one concealed in a
fence corner.
O'Brien, in his ante-mortem statement,
and Dillon, on the, stand in the trial, identi
fied O'Grady as the guilty man, but it was
shown that the bullet which killed 'O'Brien
was much larger than that carried by
O'Grady's pistol. The jury ignored this,
but the confession of Scanlan clears the
matter up, as he has turned np the weapon
with which he did the shooting, and which
corresponds with the fatal bullet.
O'Grady's attorneys expect to secure his
pardon soon. 4 ,
Judge White Issued an Attachment Because
Be Failed to Appear.
In the Criminal Court yesterday, when
Barney Gallagher was called for trial on
the charge of aggravated assault and bat
tery, he did not answer. It was anparent that
he had jumped his bail, and Judge White
ordered an attachment to be issued for him.
He also declared bis bail, in the sum of 51,000,
to be forfeited. J. C. Alles was the bondsman.
Gallagher's offense was stabbing Officer
Michael Morgan, and severely injuring him
while be was trying to arrest Gallagher.
W. n. Smith Will be Tried for Murdering
The grand jury yesterday returned a true
bill against Wm. H. Smith for mnrder.
Smith, about three weeks ago, shot 'and
killed his wife at their home on Fulton street
out of jealousy. He then tried to kill hlmseli,
putting two bullets into his own body. He was
taken to the Mercy Hospital and is now almost
The other true bills were: Thomas Forrester,
serious charge; Qeorge Ireland, aggravated as
sault and battery: Joseph Gilbert, Mary Camp,
J. J. O'Brien, Margaret Sheehan, J. Schubert,
Kate Schimmel, assault and battery, Maurice
Sullivan, larceny and receiving stolen goods;
Thomas Allen, Mary Coyne, selling liquor
without license.
The following bills, were ignored: William
Harris, burglary; Robert Richie, larceny; Josle
Smith, larceny by bailee: George Lehman, C.
8. Seitz, selling liquor without a license:
Thomas H. Heeley, malicious mischief: Wm.
Harris, Munnsie Leow, Otto Leow, Frank
Powers, Mary Bees, Samuel Bodgers, assault
and battery.
He Returned the Forfeits When He Learned
It Waa Illegal.
The jury is out in the case of Samuel
Morgan, constable of Baldwin township,
tried on charges of extortion and misde
meanor in office. It is stated that an informa
tion was lodged against some colored people
before Alderman Helnrich for disorderly con
duct. Warrants were Issued and Morgan made
a number of arrests. It Is claimed that Morgan
accepted money from the prisoners to settle
the cases.
Morgan asserts that it being such a great dis
tance to Alderman Heinrich's office and having
no place to pat his prisoners, he accepted the
regular forfeit for disorderly conduct cases.
He afterwards learned that this was illegal and
returned the money in all the cases except that
of Miller Walls. He had in the meantime
brought suit against him and refused to take
back the money, 310.
The Testimony Shows the Wife Was Badly
Abased. t
B. S. Martin, Commissioner in the
divorce suit of Mary Combs against Charles
K, Combs, filed the testimony taken in the
case yesterday. The testimony shows that the
wife was the victim of gross abuse. The couple
ron Hvrrra OS's1
yfcLL y y
"were ziarrled ia 188L and t
serted the wife IoUS& He is said te art eVmk
often and abased hw wife; and tkaftfee was
comrjellcd til take in Vuhinr anrl lun thfl
Fairriew Presbyterian Church in order to sup
port herself. .
To-Bay' Trial LIstt.
Criminal Gear? Commonwealth vs Heary
A. Hartman, Michael Logan, David Linton,
Rudolf Jantzen, Thomas Domlnick, Mary Hc
Grady, Matilda Hettenhack. WlUlam Crowe,
Ellis SUlard, Conrad Messeth, Henry Dnrkla.
What Lawyer nave Done.
Beidoet Neb pleaded gnllty to assault and
battery on Bridget .McLaughlin at McKees
port; Michael Evan, tried for larceny by bailee
of tlOO from Andy Andurusak, was found
guilty. ,
The jury! out in the case of Benlamln
Coursin against John Bhrader, an action in
Tiiokas Mellon entered a suit in eject
ment acalnit Steel Henderson to recover a lot
In the Twentieth ward.
Geoeoe Tatlob, tried for aggravated as
sault and battery on Abram Mejerburg, was
convicted of simple assault.
William A. Nelson yesterday entered a
suit in ejectment aeatnst Levi Horne and wife
to recover a lot In Versailles township.
Petee Connolly pleaded guilty to the lar
ceny of a watch from J, 7. Dodds and was sen
tenced three months to the workhouse.
In the suit of H.O. Davis against Lewis A.
Davis, an action on a note, a verdict was ren
dered yesterday for 5137 0 for the plaintiff;
Williax Wilson, tried for aggravated as
sault and battery on C. E. Elaget, was fonnd
guilty andeeommended to" tha mercy ot tha
THE case of the Marshall Foundry and Con
struction Company against the Pittsburg
Traction Company is still on in CotnmonPleas
No.L H
In the ease of William J. Fand against An
derson, DePuy& Co., for damages caused by
his band being injured in some machinery, the
jury is out.
Thb prosecutrix was so bitter In ber denun
ciation of Miss Nee that Judge White decided
that there must have been provocation for the
assault, and he let Miss Neo off with 6 cents One
and costs.
A petition was filed yesterday for a charter
for the Master Horseshocrs' Association. The
directors are Henry Baker. J. B. Arthurs,
Samuel McCartney, Andrew Pafenbach and
Festus Madden.
A motion waa made before Judge Swing
yesterday for a new trial m the case of James
W. Fleming against the Pennsylvania Com
pany. Flemimg had received a verdict for
11,000 damages for having been put off a train,
the conductor refusing to honor his commuta
tion ticket.
T. D. Casey & Co.'a Mountain Dew
Bye is the most -palatable whisky in the
market. It is put np in full quart bottles
at $1 per quart. T. D. Casey,
971 Liberty street
Minim Stock.
New Tore. September 2a Belcher, 215;
Best 4 Belcher, 300; Caledonia B. H., 300; Con
solidated California and Virginia. 687; Dead
wood Territory. ISO: Eureka Consolidated, 200;
Gould & Curry, ISO; Halo & Norcross, 2S6;
Hoinestake, 900: Horn Silver. 1S5: Iron Silver,
200; Mexican. 850: Mutual, 140; Ontario. 3,400;
Occidental, 153; Savage, 200: Sierra Nevada.
250; Union Consolidated, 285; Ward Consoli
dated, 165; Yellow Jacket, 300.
Boston There has been a good demand for
domestic wool and sales are reported larger,
amounting to over 3,000,000 pounds. Of this
amount, however, some was sold previous to
this week and only now nude public Fine
washed fleeces have been most in demand and
sales have been made at rather lower prices.
Ohio and Pennsylvania X has been selling at
3132o, XX at3334c, and XX and above at
3I35c. Considerable lot ot XX and delaine
has sold at Sic. Michigan X fleeces
have sold principally at z9K30c No. 1
wools are quite firm at S80 for Ohio and S7c for
Michigan. Combing and delaine fleeces have
been more active, and large sales could have
been made at lower Drlces, but bolder prefer
to watt. No. I combing has sold at 39c. and
No. 2 combing at 35c: Ohio fine delaine at Sic,
and Michigan fine delaine at 33c. Unwashed
combing wools sell at 272Sc for one-quarter,
and 30c for three-eighths. Territory wools sell
principally on a sconred basis of 6063c for fine
and fine medium. A little more Is doing In
Texas wools at previous prices. Oregon and
California wools are quiet Georgia wool sells
at Z7v$ar .railed wools uncnangea. .For
eign wool quiet.
fiTT7t7 WUCTUW"" an interesting ar
ULlVHl llf3lUllUcl in UMnorrovfs
Dispatch, descriptive 0 the three living Em
perors of Germany.
Are making a Handsome Display of
Blooker's Dutch Cocoa
and request all their friends and patrons to
visit their exhibit and try a sample cup
This Cocoa is imported by us direct from
J. & C. Blooker, manufacturers in Amster
dam, Holland, and it is the finest quality
of Cocoa in the world, being made exclu
sively out of the ripest Cocoa beans, from
which all the INDIGESTIBLE fats have
been removed, myS-SO-wa
One of the
lost Complete Mtnttmis in Aierica.
I NEXT TPRM nrniuct
sent on
Bev. B. N.
English, M. A. j
London, Ontario, Can.
For sale by all dealers. None gtonMe without
hone stamped Inside. Hadeb'VTK.AXBZSASosa,
Vhflida, who mike the strong JA Horse Blanket
atiTi GrHO
PreseBts ia the aMst eleiaot fons
Combined with tbe medidad
virtues of pkats known to,Wi
most beneficial to tbe hvumaS
svstpm frmm'tw an acrftftthleV
and effective kxative to penMf
nently .cure. Habitual Com&W
pation, and tbe many Ok mt
pending on a weak or inadsWiij,
condition of the . ''
1 1 u the most exeeBeat reaedy kaewa W
waeacnt u Baaas orConitipale
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it
8AM miNmo, CAU
wuww, xjv new rear,
JyS-77-rw -'-
Mr. a V. Pnlpreas, of No. Liberty
Allezhesv. had for a Ion z time Mffered
weak, tired feeling; no ambitten, fatal
me smau ot nis oacs aaapwpt
ho v Hiimkwa hvivuui v,
distress after eating. He lost
memory became poor and his
came so affected that he could; neither readme
think, and waa la constant tear of beoomiaffe-
sane. sxe oiten ieit aizzyr ana ne tines inw as
nervous as to entirely unfit him for aay Bi-.
ness. Having read In the papers SMt the
physicians of the Pol Tpathlc MedloaJ 1
make a specialty of kidney and urinary (
be began treatment with them. . His ows wetM
state the result: "This la to certify that X have
been enred by the physicians of the Pntjyatata
Medical Institute at laOPenn aretrae.
a v. puxpramo." -,
'olypateic Me&eal TnsMtote. at 4f Pens avaJM
They treat successfully all forma of kMeev
Office hours, 10 A. K. to 4 r. at, and 8 to tr. X.
. X Consultation free-
We'll Crown Goocl
Clothing With
Low Prices.
We don't trust businesslto
go by fits and starts, likeatf
untamed horse! ' nor "Ieadeft
jin.Kiy, an nicy are caiieu, 10
bring a- crowd of customers.
We're after the leadership
ot our trade, but were after it
to hold on to it. Nothing
short of solir and valuable
clothing and the fairest 'of
treatment will do that jk'
You fully understand usvoaV
this. We'll always havefthef '
reliable clothingl always tKef
most reasonable prices! and:,
our own ways of dealing witi?'
you, and they'll be unlike any,
other store's. It'll be easy
and safe always to. buy in our,
Easy and safelwhether yp
know, quality and pricey or
send achild to deal with" usj
These we'll rely on to satisfy,
you, and double, treble and
quadruple our business till it's
away in the lead.
Wp'H mairn f ,-.B:
. . w .- ...cnw lu UKUU1C
clothing in the very best styleS;
ior selections, .
& Brown5
- ,&
Sixth street ui Fan iimm
Extract of M
W Tea, Sauces and Mads DW&
Genuine only with xae-u&aeof
v AatesalaBL t
1 FtftTri kv sBAJEJUsskim oattsuusi mJ
' . JMbOP
Dr. S&sfer. ose of tbe Bhvslslaui ofitkalflsjatv
lot V. J.!.-
?tMlisms ..?3S
Mi-. '
9 1