CTfirfflaJ Sfc-I 5. grgjj phtsbtjEG DISPATCH, SATTJBDAT, - SEPTEMBER 21, 1889. '4 NT M&. A"S TO TABLE VIANDS. A General Upward Drift in Frnit and Vegetable Lines. ""&. BDTTERAHDP0ULT&$rJ2RIFIRM. Melons Ont, Peaches Hearing the End, Grapes Abounding. BDPPLT OP FISH BELOW THE DEMAND OFFICE OF PlTTSBURQ DISPATCH. J Friday, September 20, 1SS9. i Materials for the market basket have un dergone very few changes since last Satur day. The weather has not been favorable the past few days to active markets at fruit and vegetable stalls. Dealers com plain that trade has been slow all the week, but have large hopes of a bright Saturday. There is a general upward drift of prices in fruit and vegetable lines, but not sufficient to make any decided changes in retail markets. Potatoes and tomatoes are higher in a jobbing way. Prncbes Still Scarce Choice peaches are not to be had and their day is practically over for this season. Melons are among the things that were. Grapes are plenty and a shade lower in price. The supply of poultry is scarcely up to the demand, and markets arc growing firmer. Throughout this section poultry is reported unusually scarce this fall. Our dealers are mainly dependent on the far West for supplies in this line. Butter is on the advance. The price of creamery was advanced 2c at Elgin Monday and 2c the previous week. Staple meats change not Prime beeves were sold at East Liberty this week by the carload for iic a price 2c belowwhatthe same would have brought about a year ago. There is no change in the price of fancy cuts of beef, though the rough portions are some lower. Everybody Warts Fish. It has been next to impossible to meet the demand for fish since the great storms visited the Eastern shores some ten days ago. A lead ing dealer reported to-day that he could sell double the quantitj bo has been able to procure in some lines of ocean products. Retail prices have stiffened up a little, but the heavy ad vance has been to the wholesaler, who must mv increased rates at the sources of supply in order to secure the goodi. Following arc the retail prices of materials for Saturday's market basket as furnished by leading dealers: Meats. The best cuts of tenderloin steak range from 20 to 25c, with last figure for very fancy, which are very often no better than the 20c -article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18 to 20c; standing rib roast, from 15 to 20c; chuck 1 oast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling beef, 5 to be; s eet breads, 20 to 50c per pair: beef kidneys. 10c apiece; beef liver, 5c a pound; calf livers, 25c apiece; corned beef from a to 10c pcrpiund Veal for steninc commands 10c: roast, 12 to 15c; cutlets, 20c per pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 10 to 12c; hind quarters, I 15c. A leg of mutton, bind quarter, of prime quality, brines 12c; fore quarter, Sc; loin of mutton, 15c; giblets, 6c per pound. Vegetables and Frnit. Potatoes. 15c per half peck; Jersey sweet pota toes,25c per half peck; egg plants, 10 to 25c; toma tocs,20c per half peck; cabbage.5 to 10c; bananas, 20 to 25c a dozen; carrots, 5c a bunch; lemons, 25 to 35c per dozen; oranges, 60c; lettuce, 6c per bunch, 6 for 25c; radishes, 5c per bunch; cucumbers,2 f or&cj beets, 3 for 10c; cauliflowers, 15 to 35c a bead; string beans, 20c a half peck; golden wax: beans, 25c a half peck: new South ern onions, z5c a half peck: new Spanish onions. 6 to 10c each; squashes, 5 to 35c; peas, 20c per quarter peck; watermelons, 15 to 50c: cantaloups. 10 to 25c; huckleberries, 15c a quart; Concord grapes, 5 to 7c per pound; plums, 15c a quart; peaches 25 to 30c per quar ter peck; pineapples, 20 to S5c Butter, Eees and Poultry. 1 v Choice creamery butter, 30c Good country butter, 30c. Fancy pound rolls, 35c. The ruling retail price for eggs Is 22c. The range for dressed chickens is 75c to SI 25 per pair. Turkeys, 20c per pound. Prairie i chickens. El 00 a pair: ducks, 1 00 to Jl 25 per pair: reed birds, 1 CO per dozen; jacksnipes, $2 60 per dozen. Fish In Season. Following are the articles in this lino on the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon. 12c; Cali fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her ring, 4 pounds for 25c; Spanish mackerel, 30c to 35c a pound; sea salmon, 40c a pound; bine fish, 25 to 30c; perch. 10c; halibut, 25c; rock bass, 30c: black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12Kc; lobsters, 25c: green sea turtle, 28c; mackerel, 20c small, 40c large. Ovsters: N. Y. counts, Jl 75 per gallon; clams, 1 25 per gallon; scol lops. 50c a quart; frogs, S2 00 per dozen; soft shell crabs, 75c per dozen; devil crabs, fs5c per dozen. Flowers. La France roses, Jl 251 50 per dozen; Bride roses, 1 25 per dozen; Perles, SI 00 per dozen; Niphetos, Jl 00 per dozen; Bennetts, SI 25 per dozen: American Beauty, 25c apiece: Mer mets. si 00 per dozen; carnations, 60c a dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 60c per doz. fronds; gladiolus, 50c per dozen; Asters. 50c per dozen. LITE STOCK MARKETS. The Condition of Business at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, l Fridav, September 20, lbS9. CATTLE Receipts, 340 head; shipments, 340 head; market nothing doing; all through consignments; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoos Receipts. 4,400 nead: shipments. 3,800 head; market slow; light Yorkers. $4 60 4 65; medium and light Pbiladelphias, S4 60 4 CO; heavy hoes, $4 30g4 40: 15 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. LbOO head; shipments, 1,600 head; market steady at unchanged prices. By Telecraph. New- York Beeves Receipts, 35 carloads for themarket,30 carloads for city slaughterers direct and IS carloads for exportation. Prices were no higher, bnt there was a firmer tone and an early clearance: poor to prime native steers sold at J3 404 60 per 100 pounds; rood Tcxaiis. do., at S3 o03 55. and Colorado steers at S3 503 So; exports, 214 beeves; cable advices from London and Liverpool quote American steers firmer at ll12Kc per pound for dressed eicuL, ainKing me onai, ana American reine erator beef higher at Sic per pound. Calves Receipts, 450 bead: market rather firmer for all !!2rJ;,w,th saIes of Rrassers and buttermilks at J2 453 50 per 100 pounds: mixed lots at S3 75 7 & and veals at So O06 00. Sheep-Receipts, 4.b00 bead: the market was abont steady for sheep at S4 O05 35 per 100 pounds, and firmer IorlambsatS6 25gf25,witha couple of car loads sold at 57 50. Hogs Receipts, aiOChead. jill for slaughterers direct; no trading in live "PPJi "!"be' nnmlna"y quiet and unchanged at 14 50o 10 per 100 pounds for extremes. CHiCAGo-Cattle Receipts. 8,500 head: ship ments. 3,000 head: market active, shade hielien choice to extra beeves, S4 504 70: steers. S3 00 4 40; Blockers and feeders. $2 003 00; cows. 5?o",?,ad mlxe(L x 283 00; Texas cattle, SI 55 ? 10; lEteSfJ?1 ""Sens. S2 003 75. HogiU-Re-ceipts, 16,000 head: shipments. 7,000 head: mar ket strone; mixed, $3 Sii 40; heavy. S3 700 4 15; light,fj3 904 757 skips? p85B4 S Sheep-Receipts, 8,000 head; shipments? 000 head; market steady; natives. $3 50i 75 2 ESS?3 Wi 5; Telans $3 T0 IS; Urnbs, Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts, 5.531 head shipments, 4,354 head: strone and active: eood' to choice cornTed steers. S4 004 25; common to medium. S2 903 40; stnekersand feedine steers. 1 K1-? co H 2 ?: rass SSItoSi S16020. Hogs-Receipts. 4,298 head; ship ments, 697 head; market weak and 510c lower: wmtir.A t-n trtt,A link. CI ,ns, n- . ? . .;.;;. "" ivw . neavy and mixed, S3 604 0a. Sheep-Receipts. 4S2head; shipments. 401 lead; market steady: eood to choice muttons, S3 604 00; Blockers and feed ers. 12 003 00. BCFFALO-attle steady; receipts, 45 loads through; 5 sale. Sheep and lambs opened ex .dtedand higher; receipts, 15 load through: 8 sale. Sheep Good to best. $4 75g5 00; fair to cood, $4 50475; common, SI O04 50; lambs, good to best, S6 2d6 50; fair to good. S615 6 25: common, -S3 0046U Hogs dull and lower; receipts, 30 loads through: 80 sale: mixed and heavy. J4 254 45; corn "Yorkers, 4 65; pigs. 53 25i 40; assorted grassers, $4 40i 60. Metal markets. NEW YORE Copper nominal; lake, Septem ber. Sll 00. Lead quiet and steadv; domestic, 54 00. Tin quiet and easy; Straits, $21 3a Loxdojt Pig tin The market is steadier, with more business doing; Straits, 90 12s 6d for spot; futures (3 months), 91 0s. Od. Copper More demand and prices have grown firmer; Chili bars are now quoted at 43 5s. for spot; 12 01 for future delivery; best selected English, 48 0s. Lead Steady market but demand moderate; Spanish quoted at 12 12s 6d. Spelter Market contindes firm nuiet; orainary ouesuui quoiea at jlu ius fin plate rue marten noius nrm on a KHVaV. nana. MABKETS BY WIRE. Bad Gradlne and HcaTy Floor Exports Give Wheat Bulls a Handle-Heavy Selling Toward the Close Tarns the Tide and Ad. VBBces More Than Wiped Ont. Chicago To-day's receipts of wheat over ran the estimate a little, but out of the 171 cars reported not a bushel graded No. 2. This re markable showing for the season, together with the posting of unusually large flour ex ports at Baltimore, set the pace for another bull turn in the pit. Opening figures for the leading futures were i?c above yesterday's closings, with September 5Jc higher. Decem ber and May, in which most of the trading was done, eased offjc and then advanced irregu larly ir, December selling up to 80c and May to 8484Kc. A large business was transacted on the advance. Shorts covered freely, and coupled with the demand from this quarter, which was large, and general buying by local houses, the market weakened a fraction. It was further de pressed just before the close by the se'ling of 500,000 December in large blocks at 79cbya heavy old bear operator who has been out of the market for some time. The close was weak with the early advance all lost. The latest quotations was Kc and Ha below those of yesterday. A very good business transacted in corn, the market ruling active at times. The feeling early was firm, but as the session advanced a weaker tone was developed and trading was at lower prices. The market opened firm at yes terday closing prices, influenced mainly by the advance in wheat, and prices advanced JQiC but when the estimates for to-morrow became known offerings became heavy and prices declined & ruled easy and closed iH" lower than jesterday. Trading was a little more animated in oats, to-day a firmer feeling prevailing early. Later, however, the demand fell off, the market be came weak and prices receded. May received the most attention, and fluctuated 4C. Trading in pork was a little more active and the feeling was somewhat unsettled. Near deliveries were easy, early and declined 2535c but rallied again and closed steady. An unusually quiet feeling prevailed in lard. Offerings were small on speculative account, and tbe demand was limited. Trading was only moderate in short ribs. Near deliveries were easy, early and prices receded 2M5c but rallied to medium fieures and closed steady. Deferred deliveries were rather quiet at former prices. The leading iutures ranged as follows: WHEAT-No.2.0ctober.78K79V678K7SKc; December, NJS056795f9?c; year, 78$ 7978(g78c: May. 83jMsd83c. CORN No. 2, October, 32323232c; November, 3232H31314ie; December, SlK31?sc: May. 33?6;!43333c. Oats No. 2, October, 19g)19Mfc: December, 19J$19JJc; May, 2222g2Je22c Mess Pork, per bbL October. Sll 00(3 11 12Kdl0 75ll 00: November, S9 259 25; Jan uary, Si 12JC9 12. Lard, per 100 fis. October, So S7K5 90; November, $5 77J45 8005 77K5 SO; January, S5 7 Short Ribs, per 100 lis. October, $4 82V 4 S2m 77X6(4 80; January. S4 62K 62. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 78c: No. 3 spring wheat, 6869c; No. 2 red, 78c. No. 2 corn. 3232Kc No. 2 oats, 19 19c. No. 2 rye, 41Jc No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 26. Prime timothy seed, SI 29. Mess pork, per bbl, Sll 00. Lard, per 100 pounds, So 976 00. Short rib sides (loose), So 00. Receipts Flour, 15,000 barrels; wheat, 83.000 bushels; corn, 370,000 bushels; oats, 121,000 bushels; rye, 15,000 bush els; barley, 65,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 23,000 barrels; wheat, 6.000 bushels: corn. 484,. 000 bushels: oats, 33S.000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bush els; barley. 20,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-dav the butter market was unchanged. Eggs, 16c. New York Flour firm and active. Wheat Spot dull, unsettled, weak and JKo lower; options dull. Irregular and 4c lower, clos ing heavy. Rye quiet; Western, 4S52c. Bar ley quiet. Corn Spot less active and He lower, closing steady. Oats Spot more active and weaker; options dull and easier. Hay easy and quiet. Hops dull and weak. Coffee Options opened barelvsteadyStolOpoints down; closed irregular, 15 to 25 points down; sales, 49.750 bags, including September, 15.75 15.85c; October, 15.6515.85c; November, 15.700 16.00c: December, 15.7016.00c; Januarv, 15.70 Jfi.95c; February. 15.7515.95c, March, 15.75 15.95c; May, 15.8016.00c; spot Rio steady and quiet: fair cargoes, 19Kc Sugar Raw firm and quiet; refined steady and in fair demand. Molasses Foreign nominal; New Orleans dull. Rice in fair demand and steady. Cottonseed oil dulL Tallow weak; city (2 for packages), 4 9-16c Rosin qulot and steady. Turpentine firm and quiet; 4S49c Eggs Fancy firm; western, 1920c: receipts, 2.893 packages. Fork steady; mess, inspected, S12 2512 75; do, un inspected, S12 25; extra prime, S10 2510 50. Cntmeats firm; pickled bellies. 6c: pickled shoulders. 6c; pickled hams 10V10Wc; mid dles quiet; short clear, $562. Lard quiet and firm; western steam sales, S6 S56 S74, closing at J6 35; 700 tierces city, S6 00: options, no sales; September. S6 31; October. $6 31; No vember, 6 19 asked; December, S6 15 asked; January, 16 17. Butter strong for finest: west ern dairy, 912c: do creamery, 1223Kc; factory, 712c. Cheese quiet; western, V1 PHn.ADEi.pinA Mour quiet and un changed. Wheat higher: sales of steamer No. 2 red, in grain depot, 7779c; No. 2 red. on track, eoc: do. in export elevator, 80c; No. 2 jeu, ocptcuiuer. mber. 80KSOc; Octoberr8l'Sliic; . 82K82&c: December. tSMeisuXLt- jNovember. Corn Options steady but quiet; car lots were more iiriniy neia, out aemana was verv mod erate; sales of No 2 mixed, in crain depot and Twentieth street elevator, 41c: No. 2 high mixed and yellow, in crain depot, 41c; No. 2 mixed, September. 40J41c; October 40Kc; November, 4141c; December, 39 40c. Oats Car lots firm and fairly active; sales of No. 3 mixed, 22c; No. 2 mixed, 23c- do do choice, 24c; No 3 white, 2425Kc; No. 2 white, regular, 27c: do do choice. 27Xc; old No. 2 white, 27c: options quiet and steady; No. 2 white, September, 26427c: October, 27Vf 27Kc; November, 2S2Sc; December. 29 30t Provisions steady. Western steam lard, S6 S7J4. Eggs Fresh stock scarce, good de mand; Pennsylvania firsts, 21c. Cheese firm; choice stock wanted: part skims, 67a St. Louis Flour quiet, but firm. Wheat The market was extremely unsettled and lrrec ularmostof the session: the offerings were large, and there was good buying, too, at times but the close was weak at iiJc below yes terday; No. 2 red, cash, TSC nominal; Sep tember. 78"8Jc closing at78c asked: Oc tober, 76 closinc at 7c; December, 78K 79i;c closmc at 78 ; May. 8383Kc closing at 83c asked. Corn lower; the market was sus tained Dy the strength of wheat early, but later was weak and declining, closlnjr jJc be low yesterday; No. 2 cash, 29Ji29Jc; October 30Kc, closing at 3030Ko asked: December 28 29c. closing at28c; year, 28U28c, clos inrat28Kc asked: Januarv. XUr !..,. ,t -jaye: ji"ii ij BirouR; iso. z, ajc. Barley- tiujituui UCW4UU, oAtvs ui iviinnesota at OiKfi 65c: Wisconsin, 60c Flaxseed SI 25 bid. Pro visions dull and very much depressed. Pork Sll 60. Baltimobe Provisions unchanged. Butter firm and higher: Western pa;ked,1014c;cream ery, 1921c Eggs irregular; fresh, 1819c Others unchanged. Toledo Cloverseed quiet and steady; cash. $4 05; October, $4 07; November, Si 10. BRITISH IE0X. Pic Active and Strone A Good Business Reported nil Round. Londos, September 2a Scotch Pig This market continues active and prices strong. No. IColtness Cos. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Summcrlee 613. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsherrie 62s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow 11U. 1 UUJLlUdU uu. vu. i. u. u. uiasgOW No. 1 Carnbroe 51s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. IShotts 52s. 6au t. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Glengarnock 58s. Od. atArdrossan. No. lDalmelIington...ols. Od. atArdrossan. No. 1 Eglmton 60s. Od. atArdrossan. Bessemer Pig Prices continue strong and market active. West Coast brands quoted at 65s Od. for Nos. 1, 2. 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig Business is more active and prices are firm. Good brands quoted at 44s. Od. for No. 3. f. o. b. Spiegeleisen Business continues active and prices strong. English 20 per cent quoted at 82s. 6d. f. o. b. at works. tSteel Wire Rods Firm market and the de mand iair. muu steei. xru. o, iaoKea at 6 15s. Od. f. o. b. shipping port.. Steel Rails Active market and prices strong Standard sections quoted at 5 5s. Od. f. o. b. Bbippingpoint. Steel Blooms This market continues firm, with cood business. Bessemer 7x7 quoted i 10s. Od. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets Market continues firm and the demand better. Bessemer (size 2)x2k) quoted at 4 17s. 6d. t o. b. shipping point 4 Steel Slabs This market is steady, but tbe demand s moderate. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 10s. Od. f. o.b. shipping point. CTopEnds A cood demand and market firm. Run of the mill quoted at 2 17s. 6d. tab. shipping point. Ola Ralls The market continues steady and trade fair. Tees quoted at 3 15s. Od.. and double b eads at3l7s.6dU.ci.tNew York. Scrap Iron Steady market and trade fairly active. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 12s. 6d, f. o. b. shipping points. Manufactured Iron This market continues firm with demand good. Stafford, ord. marJcedbars(to.b.L'pool)8 12s 6d " common bars 0 Os 0d 7 OsOd " black sheet singles 0 Os Od0 SlosOd Welsh bars, L o. b. Wales... 6 15s Od 0 OsOd Steamer Freights Glasgow to" New York, 4s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. .Ji,.". 'rrfrV-j.'TT 'Tillwfc ffrfi - '. 3sJmimLiu -iLi :,s--- - ; - - uik4&i&s&BHK IDEAS FROM ABROAD. Impressions of a Pittsburger Jnst Returned From Philadelphia. BUILDING ON A LARGE SCALE. Supplying People With Homes at the Sate of Three Thousand a Year. POINTS FOE PITTSBDEG CAPITALISTS The points brought out in the following interview with a member of a leading real estate agency on Fourth avenue are in line, mainly with considerable on tbe same sub ject that has appeared from time to time in The Dispatch. He had just returned from tbe East where he had been making ar rangements for a supply of Eastern capital. Asked his opinion of medium-sized houses as an investment, he said: "Pittsburg people, as a nilo, call Philadelphia a slow city. She may be'auiet, but is not slow by any means, especially in providing homes. lor the middle and laboring classes of people. Her apparent slowness and easy manner of get ting along result from the method of living of her Industrial population. Any family that wishes to can have a home of its own, and as every man's home is his castle, he stays there when otherwise unemployed, to protect It and derive enjoyment from it. Take the northwestern part of Philadel phia as an example. Blocks upon blocks of houses are going up, built in good style, with the best workmanship and materials, finely fin ished, each apartment containing six to nine rooms and on good streets. "A man who lives in his own house takes pleasure in fixing it up, and works far more willingly and steadily than if, when his day's work was done, he went home to a tenement where every step on the bare entry and hall way caused a feeling of revulsion, as if he would like to go away and never return, and where, no matter how refined in taste and tidy the wife may be, she cannot make the place look cheerful and homelike. The result is, in most cases, that the family settle down in a state of hopeless indifference and end their days in poverty and misery. Man needs a spur to enable him to nse above his surroundings, and nothing serves this purpose better than the ownership of a home." m "How does Pittsburg compare with Philadel phia as a city of homes?" "lam coming to that point. Our local pa pers speak highly of the great -vperation going on out Fifth avenue, near Oakland, and in other districts but in this connection I refer especially to the former where one of our enterprising citizens good luck to him has begun the erection of a large number of dwell ings. But what wonld they think of taking out 6,300 permits for houses in one year and putting them up in blocks of 200 or 500 at a timer About 10,000 marriage licenses were issued In Philadelphia last year. With tbe large propor tion of newly-married people who go to house keeping, and the increase by Immigration, Philadelphia requires over 3,000 houses a year to accommodate the increased population. The number of houses erected there during the year shows no overplus. They are all oc cupied." "How do Pittsburg contractors' charges com pare with those of Philadelphia?" "So far as I have learned they are considera bly higher. A certain lady who owns property in Pittsburg, but lives in Philadelphia, expects to send a Philadelphia contractor here to put up a number of buildings for her in Philadel phia style, and at a cost, she claims, of about one-third less than Pittsburg contractors want to charge her. Why is this? I don't under stand it. Are there not large tracts of vacant land here within easy access ot the business portion of the city, and have we not enterpris ing contractors, with ample means back of 'them, to push and carry to completion any building operation they may be required to un dertake? Then why cannot we have enough homes for our working people? Pittsburg capitalists and contractors, although liberal and enterprising, could learn much by studying the methods of their Philadelphia brethren." w A word of explanation, seems necessary to relieve Pittsburg contractors from the implied censure in the foregoing. If business were of the same magnitude, and subject to the same liberal conditions as that of Philadelphia con tractors, there is no ground for supposing charges would be higher. As it is, Pittsburg contractors are compelled to cut the garment to suit the cloth. Regarding the development of the coal and coke of the West Virginia district along tbe Baltimore and Ohio road, the Iron Trade Re view says: "Ohio f umacemen, especially in the Cincinnati, Hocking and Eastern Ohio dis tricts, are particularly interested in these movements. With direct running connections made with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the Virginia coke will soon find its way North ward, crossing tbe Ohio river at Parkersburg and Wheeling, by the former route reaching Southern Ohio and Cincinnati consumers, by the latter Cleveland and other lake ports. "It is an open secret that the Baltimore and Ohio is working for a Cleveland connection, and tbe Ohio river extensions ot the Valley and the Cleveland, Canton and Southern roads, will afford ample opportunity for favorable arrange ments. The connection with the Hocking Valley furnaces, by way of Parkersburg, will also be direct. That the new region, once opened up, will produce decided changes in the coke markets of Ohio and tbe Northwest, there can be no doubt Certainly furnacemen will hail with pleasure the advent of so formid able a rival of the famous Connellsville coke region." t According to the German Trade Review, of Berlin, a very remarkable profit-sharing ar rangement has been made in the engineering works of G. A Schutz, in that city. This gen tleman, it appears, has placed 5 per cent on the amount of their annual wages in the local sav ings bank to the credit of all those who have worked in his establishment uninterruptedly during a space of fivo years, ending July, and for all others be has paid 3 per cent into the savings bank. These payments will be con tinued each year, and at the end of five years, thus, in 1S94, each person will have tbe right to withdraw the sum standing in his name, to gether with the interest. Sickness and mill tary service will not be regarded as interrup tions in tbe employment. In case of death the relatives will receive the amount paid in. Mr. Schutz evidently desires by these 'means to re tain in his establishment a body of trustworthy workmen. IN OFF DAT. Stock Trading Very Light Philadelphia Gas Still Progressing Backward. Business was rather slow at the Stock Ex change yesterday. Therewas a fair demand for securities, but at prices a shade below the mar ket and In nearly every case concessions were refused. The sales were 315 shares, of which 300 were Philadelphia Gas. It was hammered down to 86, but firmed up a little before the close. A small lot of Western Insurance Com pany stock found a buyefAt5 the first move ment in these securities for a long time. Holders of Yankee Girl appear to have inside news of a favorable character, as she was held at6. A privite sale is said to have been made around 5. Therest of tbe list was abont steady and featureless. Bids, offers and sales follow: VOR31IHG. Hid. Asked. ATTXBJfOOK. Bid. Asked. " "in Commercial Na. Bank, Kirth Avenue bh-.. Freehold Bant.. ..A... Keystone liank. Pitts, Masonic Banc......... iler. Allan. Nat B'k. People's National Bk. Allemannla Ins. Co ... Allegheny Gas Co.. Ill 64 so 153 44 47 11S "w 15 Chartlers Val. Oas Co Nat G CO. of Y. Va. .... People's N. a. 4 P. Co 17 PennsYlTanla. CJas 15 Philadelphia Co 30 Pine Kun Uas .... Wheeling Gas Co 29 SO ni "tax 91 SO 86 Knrest Oil Co. 110 CO "is is 19 m 18 1H Bazelnood OH Co Central Traction.. ...... Citizens' Traction.. . .... Pleasant Valley P.. CASt. L. B. K... Pitts. June It. K. Co.. Pitts. & WestltltCO. p. HV.K.B. Co. prcf Point Bridge Point Bridge pref. Iia Nor la Mlninir Co... 31X ! 70 19K "26 MX 19 IX , J.nster Miuing Co .., ." t BllTcriua uuuuib;(vo.. , 1 suTcttuu jiuuauk vv.(. b... ..,, .,. i, 1 auvm9 vvavv vu cAuanwcK areauo y i net ana oojecit OJ uiCjamQU jraQiunaQCiciit flanaiacttjuBiAVAv-s-v-avw , iim j- -- - - A fimmsm 4 , 40 118 'si MM 1180 Ex, Div. illlv. on. In the forenoon there were sales of 300 shares of Philadelphia Gas at 36. and 10 of Central Traction at 31 In the afternoon 6 shares or Western Insurance Company went at olj. The total sales of stocks-at New York yester day were 106,712 shares, including Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 8.112: Lou181"8 and Nashville, 16,415; Missouri Pacific, 4,625; NewJersev Central. 1690; Northern Pacific preferred, 8.225; New England, 3,800; Reading, 12,310; St. Paul. 6,853. PLUVIDS INTERFERES With Business nt tbe Banks The Monetary Situation Sinking Fund. Checking to make up pay rolls was good yesterday, but bankers reported other lines rather slow, especially discounting, although it was better than at the beginning of the month. Something is done in this line every day, whereas formerly the demand for loans was fitful and erratic, with nothing doing for days together. The currency pressure is easing up, and the silver dollar is less nimble than a few days ago. The weather was agaipst busi ness, but a return of clear skies, with a sug gestion of frost in the atmosphere, will make people feel like taking hold with a vim and "push things," as General Grant instructed Sheridan to do in the valley. The clearings were S2.228.551 00 and the balances (110,419 92. The Wall Street Sews ot yesterday remarks: "Most of the traders who take a sensational if not a lugubrious view of the monetary situa tion are inclined to look for the wiping out of the reserves in Saturday's bank statement, A representative of this paper, in order to probe the true condition of affairs, bad interviews with most of the presidents of the down town national banks yesterday, and found that while the situation might. In bearish quarters, be considered strained, it is by no means ominous. The banks will not lose any S6.000.000 this week, as has been reported, and even though tbe re serves should cet down to the legal require ment mark no danger need be apprehended, because prompt action Is sure to be taken by the Washington officials, and money on call probably wilfnot rise above 6 per cent Time funds are still offered at the low rates notice able during the past week or two, and consid ering the healthy demand for money in all legitimate business circles, 6 per cent for the time being can neither be regarded as phenome nal or even unusual. "A telegram from Washington says that the estimated requirements of the sinking fund for the present fiscal year are $43,000,000. The toUl amount already applied to this purpose since the beginning of tbe fiscal year by the purchase of bonds is 532.940,578. The principal of these bonds was $27,237,600, and the premium pail 85,702.973. The expenditures on acconnt of the bonds included S24.257.511 tor SI9.053.530 4 per cents, and SS.683,032 for S8.184.250 4)4 per cents. There is yet about $15,000,000 required for sink ing fund purposes." Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 45m per cent, last loan 4, closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper, 57. Sterling exchange quiet and weak at $4 84 for 60-day bills and $4 87K for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. V. S. 4s,reg.... U. S. 4s. coup., U. S. 4Kb. rear.. 1MM. K.4T. Gen.Ss 127. Mutual Union 6s.., .5S ,.102 ,.I13tf .115 ,.n3X van . j. u. int. uen., U. S. 4,ts, conn.... 103H Nortnern racists, Northern Pae. 2ds. paciacssor'95 us Loulslanastampedts 91 Missouri 6s 101 Tenn. new set. 6s... 109 Tenn. new set. 53....1MS Tenn. new set. 3s.... Hh Canada So. 2d 86 Cen. Pacificists 113! Den. AK.G., Iats...l21 Den. A R. G. 4s 7 Northw't'n consols. U1U Northw'n deben's..UlK Orecon Trans. 6s. 105 St.U &I.M.Uen.5s89 St. kib.K. Uen.M.119 Si. Paul consols ....126 St.PL Chi & Pc.lsta.IISM Tx., Pc.L. tt.Tr Ks. 91 Tx.,PcK.G.Tr.Kcts J75J U.AH.U, west, ISIS, uu Erie, 2ds 104 Union Pac. 1st 115H West Shore 106) M. K. &T. Gen. 6s:. 61K The bond offerings vesterday aggregated $1,127,000, as follows: Coupon 4 per cents, 11. 000 at 123: registered 4 per cents, $605,000 at 128; registered 4)4 per cents, 511,000 at 10 New York Bank clearings, $103,567,663; bal ances. $4,016,423. Boston Bank clearings, $11,524,702; balances, $1,250,109. Money 2K per cent. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $11,494,262; balances, $1,981,601. , Baltimore Bank clearings. $2,081,142; bal ances. $381,459. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 114,000. x-abis xnreeper cent rentes, boi an lortno account ChioAgo Money unchanged. Bank clear' ings, 8U,SS3,000. St. Louis Bank clearings, $3,321,214; bal ances, $611,736. M BETTEE. The OH Market Very Like the Sick Alan of Europe. Although oil reached a slightly higher level ' of values yesterday than on Thursday, the range was very nairow and trading limited to a few small lots. The opening, lowest and clos ing was $1 0bi and the highest $1 00. Pitts burg and Bradford did about all the buying. A broker remarked: "The market is so close that this seems a good time for a change in some direction. From a little tip I received from New York to-day I think there will be a slight break. The lone and short interests are very small, and there is no inducement to in crease them." A private letter from Russia says: "Having just returned from Baku, the principal seat of the Russian oil fields, I can fully indorse the statement of the Kerosene Company that there are no signs of the oil fields giving out During May and June of each year it is enstomary to find a falling off in the supply of oil at Baku; but so far from the oil giving out I saw on the morning of the day of my arrival at Baku a fountain of oil spout some 60 feet in the air, and at the rate of 6,000 to 7,000 barrels per day. This was considered by no means a nov elty. "When I was at Baku an American gentle man, closely connected with one of tho largest oil companies in tbe world, gave it as bis opinion that there was more oil in the small snace of Balakbani than in the whole of Amer ica, Having traveled over a considerable part of Southern Russia, the opinion I have formed is that the development of the oil trade in Rus sia is only beginning." Features of the market. Corrected dally by John M. OaEiey & Co., 45 Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 100X1 Lowest 10OX Highest lOOftlciosed 1U0H Barrels. Average runs 1 49,310 Average shipments 79,991 Average charters 4S.664 Refined, New York. 7.c Kennei,-1iondon. 5Xd. Refined, Antwerp, ITit. Refined, Liverpool, 6)d. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 99c; calls, $1 00 Other Oil markets. On. Crrr. September 20. National transit certificates opened at $1 00; highest $1 00; lowest, $1 00: closed, $1 00. Sales, 98,00!) barrels; clearances, 158,000 barrels; charters, 11,111 bar rels; runs, 40,853 barrels. Bradford, September 20. National transit certificates opened at 9UTc; closed at $1 00; highest $100; lowest, 99c. Clearances, 206, 000 barrels. TrrusviLXE, September 20. National transit certificates opened at $1 00; highest " w lowest, closed at $1.00. New Yobk, September 20. Petroleum opened steady at 99c, and after a slight gain became dull and featureless, and remained so until the close, which was dull at 99. Stock Exchange: Opening, 99c; highest $1 00: low est 99Jc closing, 99c C .nsolidated Ex chance: Opening, $1 08; highest, $100; low est 99c; closing, $100. Total sales, 386,000 barrels. MOTEMESTS IN EEAITI. Many of tbe Leading Agencies Show What They Are Doing. Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, sold for Benj. Noble to Rev. A. Fisher 21 acres fronting on the Brownsville road, in Baldwin township, to be used as a German Catholic cemetery, for 810,000. James W. Drape & Co. sold three houses on Twenty-fifth street near Smallman street, also two houses on the alley in tbe rear, with lots 50x90 feet for a figure approximating $15,000 cash. The sale of the three to ten acres of land at Oak Grove, near Parnassns, held yesterday, was well attended considering the weather, and prices ranged from $350 to $525 per acre. They also closed out the last of the lots on South street Wilkinsburg, Orchard plan, laid out by them for a wealthy capitalist having sold three, each 30x121 feet for $3,150. They also placed a mortgage of $2,500 on propertv on Lacock street Allegheny, at 6 per cent; also a mortgage of $1,200 on three houses and lots on Grazier street East End, at 6 per cent; also a mortgage of $3,000 at 6 per cent on a farm of over 100 acres In Washington county; also fonr mortgages aggregating $3,600 on properties In McKeesport at 6 per cent: also a mortgage of (6.000 oh city residence property at 5 per cent JohnF. Baxter, 512 Smithfleld street sold to James Clark lots Nos. 605 and 600, Villa Park plan, Brushton station; frontage of 80 feet on Blackadore avenue by 150 feet to a 20-foot alley, for $50tt , Georee 8-Martln & Co., 105 Fourth avenue sold lot No. 150 In Maplewood Park, having a frontage of 40 feet on Fhnestock avenue bv , Yankee Girl Mtn. Co.. Westinchouse Electric Granlte'KooflnK Co...j U. 8. &Slg. VO. U. B. A big. Co. prer. WeitlnffhouseA.ti.Oo. Pitts. Plate O. Co 188 feet to Singer street, for (400 to F. W. A. Fenker; also, lot No. 151, fronting 40 feet on Falinestock avenue, to H. M. Fenker for $400. . Black fe Balrd, 95 Fourth avenne, sold lot No. 89 in Boulevard Place, 64x200 feet, to L. Patterson, for a price approximating $70 per foot front Jamison & Dickie sold for F. P. Bell lot No. 46, Falinestock Place, corner Homewood ave nue and McPberaon street, to a prominent real estate operator in tbis city for $60 per front foot This makes the first sale, on this new plan of lots. They also sold for Samuel Cald well a six-room bouse, with lot 37xll7,on Rowan street for $2,000. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold for S. L. Boggs lots Nos. 69 and 60, located on Paul avenue. Boggs plan, Allentown station, Pittsburg and Castle Shannon Railroad, each 25x120 feet, for $500. Tbe same firm also sold for W. M. Short lot No. 14, J. H. McCreery plan, Tenth ward, Allegheny, for $500, MagawAOoff. 145 Fourth avenue, sold for the City Improvement Company, Limited, in Etna Park Place, lots Nos. 63 and 64 on Greely avenue, each 24x100 to an alley, to J. B. Mc Crelght, for $500 cash. He will build a house and carpenter shop immediately. FAV0EITES WEAK. Northern Pacific Sugar Trust and Cotton Oil Pounded by tbe Bears Serious Dlia- creemebt Said to Exist In tbe ' Directory of tho Former Bonds Tnmble. New Yobk, September 2a The stock mar ket to-day remained in the dull and listless state Into which it had fallen, and outside one or two stocks In the regular list and the trusts presented no feature ot interest The opening was extremely dnll and fairly steady, with the dealings almost exclusively professional, and the fluctuations were confined to the usual limits of small fractions. Tbe Coal stocks were the strong feature, and Jersey Central moved up on good buying supposed to be fof insiders, which was accompanied by rumors of a new arrangement which would largely increase the company's commercial tonnage, though they could not be confirmed. The stock tonched 121. Northern Pacific preferred was weak again. the impression having been created in some quarters that a serious disagreement had taken Place in the directory, and tbe hope which had been indulged in of dividends upon the pre ferred stock on Januarv 1 were given up. This caused some selling, and tbe stock was the only one In tbe regular list which showed sny de cided weakness, dropping over 1 per cent. Tbe Grangers were generally quiet but firm, and the earnings of Northwestern, showing a gain of 12 per cent were well received. Louisville and Nashville were also rather strongsr and crossed 77 again, but fluctuated over an ex tremely narrow range for tbe most active stock of the day. Sugar Trust sold ex-dlvidend and became a mark for the bears, who hammered it down 2 per cent on the reiteration of the old rumors of an issue of bonds. Cotton Oil was also specially weak and dropped over 1 per cent, though It was inti mated to-day that the block of stock which bad been on the market had been nearly closed out The general list after a steady opening was dull, but firm in the forenoon, and frac tional advances were tho rule, but the dullness and the weakness in the leading shares in duced some selling by the smaller holders, and the list sagged away again. Later in the day it was dull and heavy with Insignificant changes, though declines were more numerous. Jersey Central was up 1. but Northern Pacific pre ferred was down , Sugar Trust 2U, and Cot ton Oil W,. Railroad bonds were dull, and the only feat, ure was tho renewed activity and strength in tbe Kansas and Texas issues, the sixes con tributing $141,000 to the day's total of only 80G0, 000. The rest of the issues traded in showed generally a reactive spirit and tbe final changes are in most cases in the direction of lower prices. Milwaukee. Lake Shore and Western firsts rose 3, to 128. Toe following table snows tne prices oractlve stocks on the New York Stock Excnange yester day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Wuitnet & BTEPnENfiON". oldest Plttsbnrir mem bers ota ew York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: Clos ing Bid. SO nigh- Low est, est 11 493 29 39H CSH 68 S tAJi bt 121 HUJi 23 23Jf 109 108) na 73 ii5H nm 103 v&h an 37jj 35 U MH 113Ji Am. Cotton on. Atch., Top. & a. F. Canadian Pacific... 684 5434 13W4 35)4 233 115)4 van is si 35 )i 10034 11334 142 73K 9931 3234 1634 1474 152M 173 51 1034 WA 234 11634 19)4 6434 10534 7634 91 1334 Jig 10SH 29)4 17)4 7)4 38 6034 18)4 19 56 31)4 73)4 23)J 52 3314 3334 21 4634 181)4 23)4 8134 llv 26 61 111 20)4 6334 17 siH 83 71 1C3 2334 57)4 Canada Southern 64J4 Central or .New Jersey. H9 central faeini ChesaoeakeA Ohio.... 23 v.. but. a yuii.cr. ....lustj u, Jin. s, si. ram.. C, MI.& St. P.. pr.. CKoctL 41' a. tit. -L. Pitts .. n ..WH ,.102H C, St L. & Pitts, pr.. 37X C at. p.. m. o an C. at. P..M. &o.. nr. .... C A Northwestern. ...113H O.A Northwestern, pr. ..... C, C, C 4 1 73Ji c, c, c. &i., pr....ioo Col. Coal A Iron 23 Col. A Hooting Val Dei., L. &W. 1t!H Del. & Hudson 132M Denver Aitlo Q 18 Denver A Bio U.. PI... 52 E.T.. Vs. 4Ua 11 E. T., Va. A Ga. 1st pr. 76 K. 1:. Va. A Ga. 2d pr. 23 Illinois Central. Lake Erin A Western Lake Erie A West nr.. Wi Lake Shore AM. a !0Mi LoulsvllleANashviUe. 76 Michigan central Mobile Ohio Mo.. Kan. A Texas Missouri Pacific 75?j New York Central N. V.. L. E. A W 29K N. Y.. a A at L, Yl)i N. It., O. A St L. pr. N.T., a A Bt.L. 2d nf 35 N. YAN. B S1K 733 100 S3 lis" 153 18 ta 76 23 73 100 33 1S Kl 18 2 II 61.H 1053? 75 75 29 17K ii" u 19 U 74 2934 17 3" 5074 18)4 1834 56 31K 7334 in. i u. a w my, Norfolk A Western.,.. 1854 NorrolkA Western, pf. 68 VIM. rtorinernacinc Nortnern Pacific nref. 1iH OliloA Mlssisslnnl Oregon Improvement Oregon Transcon 3321 PaciflcMall Peo. Dec. A Erans Phlladel. A Beading.. 47 Pullman Palace Car Richmond & W, P. T.. 23M Richmond A W.F.T.pf 8iy St. P., Minn. & Man. .109)4 StL. ft ban Fran St. L. A San Pran pr.. 60X bt.L. A Han P. 1st pt. Texas Pacific Union Paclnc 64 H Wabasn 17H Wabash preferred K Western Union 85M Wheeling A L. ft 7I Sugar Trust 105)$ National Lead Trust.. 23M Chicago Gas Trust.... SIX Ex.-alvidend. 33 3334" m en Open ID. . 39H 2334 23 8134 81(4 110 109)4 60J fUli 6434 84' 1734 17)4 3234 32M 85V 85!4 7134 71 10534 10274 24M 233( 57Jt S7)4 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, rur-, nlshed by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bin. ASKen Pennsylvania Kallroad .. 5334 5334 2334 Heading N 23 5-13 Bufialo. Pittsburg and Western 934 Lehigh Valley 5334 Lehigh Navigation 5414 Northern Pacific 31)4 Nortnern Pacific preferred 7334 10M 54 5434 31)4 733? Boston Stocks. Atch. A Tod.. 1st 7s Atch. A Top. B, It Boston A Albany. Boston A Maine... C B. A CI 114 Wls.CentraI.com... 29 Wis. Central pt... 60 UouezMg Co 60 Calumet A Hecla....2I3 franklin 8V4 Huron 25 Osceola. 10 Pewablc Z Qnlncy 49 Bell Telepnone 204 Boston Land AM Waver Power 634 . .W4 ' as 203 109 Kastern R. B, .101 Flint Fere SI 25 Flint iPereM. ord. 93 Mexican Cen. com.. 1534 Mex.c.lstmtg. Bds. in -N. V. Aftevrttng... 51 H. Y. A N. E. 7 1274 Old Colony. 177)4 Tamarack 105 San Diego 27 Santa Fe copper.... 51 i.uuana, com 1 Butland preferred.. 45 Business Notes. Rea Bros. & CO. sold $5,000 Maryland Cen tral Railway eeneral mortgage 5 per cent bonds at 95 flat Twentt-tiiree mortgages, were recorded yesterday. One was for $19,000, one for $18,951, and one for $14,000. Pittsbubo companies were interested in the Louisville fire as follows: Boatman's, $5,000: Citizens', $5,000; Armenia, $2,500; Artlaos,$l,500 Birmincham, $2,500: Mononsahela, $2,600: Peo; pie's, $2,500; Union, $1,250; Western, $2,500; total, $25,250. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is about to award-contracts for erecting the long contemplated shops at Walls station. There is to be a semi-circular repair shop, an office building, a brick paint shop ana five frame buildings. The shops will be of large dimen sions. The Hensley group of copper mines, at Washington Camp, in Pima county, Arizona, has been sold to the Westinchouse Manufact uring Company, of Pittsburg. They have been bought, not for speculation, but to produce copper to be used in tbe manufacture of en gines and other machinery. The price at which the mines are sold Is said to be $100,000. The several claims are being patented, and extensive works are to be erected to reduce the ore. f Dry Goods. New Yobk, September 2a The market was Unchanged, but maintained a firm tone, some styles of both brown and bleached cotton being firmer. There was little of new interest An example of enterprise is shown by Bamburger, Bloom & Co., whose Louisville store was burned down less than a week ago, who will have two special trains of 20 cars each leave this city to morrow loaded with new goods, which are ex pected to arrive in three days, and business be resumed. ENGLISH SOCIALISTS-' - to-morTOtB,iDi8PATCir. describes the person nel and objects otheamous Fabian Society, DOMESTIC .MARKETS. Wet Weather Gives a Black Eye to General Produce Trade. Ldairi peoddots moving feeelt. Light Beceipts of Cereals Improve the Tone ofMartets. GEOCEET BlTUATIOtf IS UNCHANGED Ornra op Pittsbtxeo Dispatch, j Friday, September 20, 1889. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. The elements are still unfavorable to any great activity in trade. Tbe week has been in opportune both for country fairs and country produce. Dairy products are active and firm at quotations. Poultry is scarce and tending higher. In general produce lines there have been no new features developed since our last report The variety of fruits is narrowing down, and grapes and apples will ere long have the field. Good peaches have been scarce for a week put Buttee Creamery, Elgin, 2627c; Ohio do, 24Q25c; fresh dairy packed, 2123c; country rolls, 1920c Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 252 40; medium, $2 302 40. Beeswax 2830c 1 A for choice; lOw grade, 1820c. Cider Sand refined, $6 507 60; common, $3 604 00: crab cider. $8 008 60 V barrel; elder vinegar. 1012c ft per gallon. CHEESE Ohio, 99)c: New York, ICQlCKc; Limburger. 89c; domestic Sweitzer,9)12)c; imported Sweltzer,22Kc Eoos 19020c V dozen for strictly fresh. Fbcits Apples, $1 5002 00 fl barrel: whortle berries, 7580c pall: peaches, $1 502 60 91 bushel box; grapes, 45c fl pound: Bartlett pears, $5 00 fl barrel: quinces, $3 004 00 $ bar rel, cranberries. Jerseys, $3 003 25 7 bushel box. Feathehs Extra live geese, 6060cj No. I, do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c ft B. Poultry Livo spring chickens, 40945c P pair: old, 6570 fl pair. Seeds Clover, choice. 62 fts to'bnsliet, S3 60 fl bnsbel; clover, large English, 62 Ks, $6 00; clover, Alsike, $8 60; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 Bo. tlJSa; blue grass, extra clean, 14 0s, 90c: bine grass, fancy, 14 lbs, $1 00; orchard grass, 14 lbs. $1 65; Ted top, 14 fts. $1 25; millet 60 tts, $1 00: German millet 60 Bs, $1 60; Hungarian grass. 60 Bs. $1 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 ft bushel of 14 Bs. Talmw Country, 4)c; city rendered, i 5c. TbopicaTj Feuits Lemons, common, $6 00 6 60; fancy, $T 007 SO: oranges, ta 006 00: bananas, SI 75 firsts, $1 25 good seconds, ft bunch; cocoanuts, $4 604 50 ft hundred; figs, SK9c ft B; dates, Sfc6c ft B. Vegetables Potatoes, $1 752 CO ft bar rel; tomatoes, home-grown, 40c ft bushel; wax beans. $1 ft bushel; green beans, 6075c ft bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, $1 25 ft bushel; home-grown cabbages, $1 2ol 60 bar rel; celery, 20c 1 dozen: Southern sweet pota toes, $2 75, Jerseys, $3 25. Groceries. General groceries are moving along in the old rata. Trade is active: stuff is moving out freely, and while margins are close, the large volume of business atones in a great measure tor smaUness of profits. Sugar and coffee are very firm at quotations. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c: Choice Rio, 2021Kc; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio, 1819Kc; old Government Java, 27c; ilar acaibo, 23324c: Mocha, 2829c; Santos, 20 23Ke; Caracas. 2123c; peaberry, Kio, 232Sc; La uuayra, zoomc. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 23c: high grades. 2oK2634c; old Government Java, bulk, 31632&c; ilaracaibo, 2627c; Santos. 2123c; peaberry, 26c; choice Rio, 21c: prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 2lKc; ordinary, 21c Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 8c; cassia. 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c , Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8$c:headlight 150, 8Kc; waterwhite, 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c: carnadlne, Uc; royallne, lie Sybups Corn syrups. 2629c; choice sugar syrups, 3338c: prime sugar syrup. .3033c; strictly prime. 3335c:new maple syrup, 90a N. O. Molasses Fancy. 48c: choice, 46c; medium. 43c: mixed. 4042c Soda Bi-carb in-kegs, 3Kic; bicarb In J4s, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, c; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight 9c; stearine, fl set 8c; paraffine, 11612c. Rice Head. Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 6. 7c; prime, 66c: Louisiana, 66Xc 8TAECH Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, 67c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10: California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, $1 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 910c; sultana, 8Kc; currants. 4K5c: Turkey prunes, 455e; French prunes, 813c; Salnnlca prunes, in 2-tt packages. 8c: cocoanuts, 9 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan., 1 B, 20c: do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap.. U)-J15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1216c; new aates, 506c Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 114215c; citron per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, fl tt, 13llc; orange peel, 12Kc . Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per S 6c; apples, evaporated, 66c: apricots, Califor nia, evaporated. 12Kloc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 22ffiZJc; peaches, California evaporated, unpared, 10124c; cherries, pitted. 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2121kcr blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries, 10)2c , Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c; granu lated, 8Jc: confectioners' A; 8c: standard A, 8c; soft whites. 88)-sc: yellow, choice. 7JJc;yellow. good, 77Jc yellow, fair, 7Kcj yellow, dark, 7c Pickles Medium, bbls (L2001. $1 50: medi um, half bbls (600). $2 75. Salt No. 1, ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. fl bbl, $1 05: dairy, fl bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal: ft bbl, $1 20; HIgglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Higgins' Eureka. 16-14 Si pockets, $3 (XX Canned Goods Standard peaches, $2 000 2 25; 2ds $1 501 65: extra peaches. $2 4002 60; pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. $11 50; Hid. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c$l;Linia beans. 91 iu; soajteu an, 00c, siring uo ao, jottQOdc; mar rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 60; Bahama do, $2 75; dam son plums, S5c: greengaces, $1 25; egg plums, $2; California pears, $2 60; do greengages, $2; do, egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2 As, 90c; raspberries, $1 401 50; strawberries. $1 10: gooseberries. 51 301 40; tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, bOc; snecotasn, 2-R- cans, soaked, 99c; do green, 2 fis.$125I50; corn beef, 2-X cans, $2 05; 14-ft cans. $14 00; I aked beans, $1 45 01 5U; lobster, 1-ft. $1 751 80; mackerel, I-ft cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines, domestic, s, $i 504 60;sardines, domestic, Ks. $8 258 oO; sardines, imported, s. $11 60012 50; -arrttnes, imported, s, $18; sardines, mustard, $4 50; sar dines, spiced, $1 60. FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 fl bbL: extra No. 1 do, mess, $10; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole Sollock, 4c fl ft; do medium, George's cod, c; do large, 7c; boneless bake. In strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67c Herring Round shore, $5 00 fl bbl; split $7 00: lake, OOfllUO-fthalfbbl. White flsb, $7 00 ft 100 fi half bbL Lake trout $0 60 fl half bbl. Finnan haddock. 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut 13c ft ft. Pickerel, barret $2 00; i barrel, SI 10; Potomac herring, $5 00 fl barrel, $2 50 fl a barrel. OATMEAL-$6 306 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5557e fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c Groin, Flour and Feed. Receipts as bulletined at tbe Grain Exchange, 17 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chi cago, 2 cars of oats, 4 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 1 car of wheat 2 of hay, 1 of corn, 2 of oats, lot flour. By Balti more and Ohio, 2 cars of hay, 1 of feed, 1 of wheat Bales on call, 1 car No. 1 hay, 10 days. 213; 3 cars of No. 2 white oats, 27c, first half ot October; 3 cars of No. 2 white oats,26c, first half of October. After call a car of No. 2 red wheat was sold at 82c. There are no changes in cereal markets since our last reports. Receipts, however, have been yery light tbis week, and the effect is seen in an improved tone. Hay only gives signs of weakness. Prices below are for carloads on track. ., Wheat New No. 2 red, 8IS2e; No. 3, 75 77c Corit No. 2yelIow, ear, J15c; high mixed ear, 4042c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 0Kllc; high mixed, shelled, S940c; mixed, shelled, 373Sc. ., , Oats No. 2 white, 2727Kc; extra No. 3, 254?26c; mixed, 222lc Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5051c; No. 1 Western, 4819c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio, I?lour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, 55 255 75; winter straight, ti 5001 75; clear winter, S4 251 50; straight XXXX bakers', 13 "501 00. Rye flour, J3 60 4 75. MILLFEED Middlings, fine white. 116 000 16 50 W ton; brown middlings, $12 5013 00; win J ter wheat bran, Jll 00011 25; chop feed, J15 500 16 00. Hat Baled timothy, choice, S14 0014 25; No. 1 do, $ 13 00013 50; No. 2 do, 12 5013 00; loose from wagon, ill 0013 00, according to quality; No. 1 upland prairie. 58 509 00; No. 2, 17 007 60; packing do, S7 0087 25. STRA'ffit-Oats. $8 5007 CO; wheat and rye straw, SB 000 25. Provisions. Sugar-cure hams, large, ,lljc: sugar-cured meulUBl,.li74C, sujiw"vuicu musn, puwi, 12c; isgw-cnred breakfMtfcMea, M$jtfW cured shoulders, 6e; wftw'-eared hogpen shoulders, 7Kc; sugar-cured Carllornte basH, 7)fc; sugar-cored dried beef flats, lo: sagar cured dried beef sets, lie; ssgar-esrea dried beef rounds. 13c; bacon shouWen, 6Je; base clear sldes.'7Kc; bacoa dew oelHef. 7M8J e7 salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt dear udes, 7c Mess pork, heavy, $11 60; mesa pork, family, $12 00. Lard Refined.' in tierces, 6Kcj half barrels, 6c; 60-B tubs. 6c; 30-fi palfe. 7c; 5tt- tin cans, 6Kc; 3-B tin pails. 7o; 6-ft Ma paS. 7C-10-& tin pails. 6c:6-B tin pails. 7c; l&ft Ms pails, 7c Smoked sausage, leog, 6c; large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bass, lttcK. Pigs feet half barrel, $4 08; quarter barrel, Brewed Meat. Armour & Co, furnished the following price on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 460 to 650 t, 6c; 650 to 650 Bs, Sc; 650 to 750 Bs, 6X07& Sheep, 8c ft B. Lambs, 9c ft ft. Hojp, fic Fresh pork loins, 8c Wool Market. St. Loms Receipts, 12,128 pound; market quiet and steady. New York Wool quiet and weak; domestic; fleece, 3S6c; pulled. 2841c; Texas, 1428c PnPl? IVn YTTI manner of Using. rWrti LliU AIHi, hit councty and hit acknowledged abilitt.areducrlbed by FrederfB Banburn in to-morrow's Dispatch. WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO.: Cor. Wood and Liberty S&, Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week la SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, . BATK1NB, HKhirtSUOKEB, . GINGHAMS, FBINTS, andOHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rS3-D JAS. D. CALLER ,.. ...President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier CITY SAVINGS BA35IEV 81XTH AVE. AND SMITHFTELD SX, Capital and surplus. $126,080. Transacts a General Banking Business. jtS-tts DUES! 6TMPTe3CS-Vobt. wei Intense Kftlan and etlnctnct moat at igail -wmrmo vj crasejunn jtu lowed ta eonttnnc tumor form and PITCHING PILEte bennntDa vv iaml AW A tmdeiWUen arleai a ana UNrtu AYWE8 l3T- MEXTstooii the lfeUaKudbleediB. heal m ulceration, and In aoit aue rcmOTe U ta mora. SwTn's oerTMsnl4oUbTdnfsUta,rBMtttla) an addreuoa receipt of price, fio etc a box; 3bax8,flJ& Addreu tetters, DK. SWATHS SOX. rUUdelptU, Pa. PEARS' Is the PUREST, BEST and CUanett SOAP 0( all Druggists, but beware of ImkaUeM. iisjHnipnaH PERFEC1 immune Mils no B1l! A nurelT TeeetaUa LComnound that excels (all bad humors from tba system. Bemores blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-5S BROKERS-FINANCIAL. TTTH1TNEZ4 STEPHENSON, 7 FOUKTH AVENUE; Issue trayelers' credits through" Messrs. DreieV Morgan A Co New York. Passports procured.' ap28-l DRY GOODS u( MM. A Blood Porler. . . 1 11 1 1 c. aa. A Home Security, sf Rys Per Cent Interest, FREE OF TAXES. The Fidelity Title and Trust Company offers for sale, at Jl 02K and accrued interest a lim ited number ot 80-year first mortgage bonds of the H. C. Frick Coke Company, the capital stock of which Is $5,000,000, fully paid in. These bonds are redeemable by a sinking f und'at the, rate of (100.000 per annum, at SI 05, commencing Jul v 1, 1891, interest being payable semi-annually, January and July , at the office of tbis company. We have carefully examined into tbe sound ness of tbis security, and can recommend it as one ot the most desirable investments on the market FIDELITY TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, lii-iii a ounn avenue, sel5-68 Pittsburg. Pa. MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA., As old residents Know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de votinc special attention to all chronic diseases. 2S?3N0 FEEUNTILCURED Mf DHI ICjaud mental diseases, physical H L n V U UOdecay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distmst bashf ulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINsfemp blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tonzue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange U nil inn I intents, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittler's life-long; extensive experi ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. K. to 8 P. jc Sun day, 10 A. M. to 1 P. sr. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814 Pen n avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. selO-tOK-DSUWk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re- S airing scientific and conflden al treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lake, M. R- C. P. &, is the oldest and most experienced specialist in tbe city. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P. H.Consult them personally, or write. Doctors Lake. 328 Penn ave Pittsburg, Pa. jel2-45-DWk o3s'S Cotrtcra. 3EJOOT COMPOUND inreied of Cotton Root Tanar and Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an 'old chvsiclan. It sueceasfuQu used mmiwii-sf KffectnaL Price XL trr malL sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fiafc Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, Mlch, 5-Sold in Pittsburg. Pa., by Joseph Flem ing & Hon, Diamond and Market sts. se!8 HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worn cases In threa days, and cures in five days. Price SI 00. at J. FLEiUNU'8 DRUGSTORE, a5-29-TTSSU 412 Market street MEN ONLY! A P03ITIVJ5 CUKK For LUST or falling MANHOOD, Nervous nets. Weakness ot Body 4 Mind, Lack or Strength. Vigor and de velopment caused St Errors, Exceuea, 4c. Book. MODE of 8KLF-TBKJLTUXST. and Prooft mailed (sealed) free. Address KlilK MEDICAL CO Buttalo, N. y. de27-rrsAwk T 1 TITPC1BIN-OXIDK PILLS art sale, superior LillJlIJUtn pennyroyal or-tansy. Particular. 1 4c CLARKEtCO,Box7M,PhiladelpbJP.ij . a.1tLl7Tira 1- " ' Bw-i-n b tpl & 'J .;Vfe ' 4!x w MS i m -. s vf' y jut el 4m