Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 21, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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said himself be has not the slightest suspicion
who did it."
"Whether he has or not makes no differ
ence," Mr. Armstrong said decidedly. "It is
, quite certain by what you say this poor lady
did not kill herself. In that case, who did it?
We must make it our business to find out who
it was. yon don't suppose 1 am going to have
your life spoiled in such a fashion as this.
Talk about remaining single all your life, I
won't have it: the thing must be set straight."
"It's very easy to say "must.' father," Mary
said, almost smiling at his earnestness, "but
how is it to be set straight?"
"Well, by our finding out about it, of course,
Mary. Directly I get well enough to move
and the doctor said this morning that in a fort
night 1 can be taken down to the coast we
will follow nut our original plan of going back
to England. Then we will go down to this
place you speak of Carnesworth, or whatever
it is. and take a place there or near there.
There are always places to be had. It makes
no difference to us nhere we go. I don't
suppose I shall find manv people
alire in England I know. We
will take some little place and cet to know the
people and talk to them. Don't tell me about
not unding out; of coarse we shall be able to
find out if it has been done by any one down
there; and as jou say that the burglar or tramp
theory is quite disproved by the findingof these
trinkets, it must be somebody in the neighbor
hood. I know what these danderhcaded police
are. Not one in ten of them can put two and
two together. The fellow sat once jumped to
the conclusion that Mervyn was guilty, and
never inquired further."
"He sas he had a detective down, father, for
some weeks before the trial, and that one has
been remaining there until quite lately."
"I don't think much of detectives," Mr. Arm
strong said; "but, of course, Mary, if you throw
cold xatcr on the scheme and don't fancy it,
there's an end of it."
"Xo, no, father, jou enow I don't mean that,
only I was frightened because you seemed to
think it so certain that we should succeed.
There is nothing I should like better; it will
matter nothing to me if we are years about it
so that I could but clear him at last."
"I have no notion of spending years, my dear.
Before now I have proved myself a pretty good
hand at tracking the spoor of Kaffirs, and it's
card it i cant pick np inis trau somenow.
"We will do it between us, father," Mary
said, catching his confidence and enthusiasm,
and kissing him as he sat propped np with
pillows. "Oh, you have made me so happy.
Evernhing seemed to dark and hopeless be
fore, and now we shall be working for him."
"And for yourself, too, Jliss Mary: don't pre
tend you have no personal interest in the mat
ter." And so, just as the clock struck 12, Mary
Armstrong lay down on her bed in the little
ante-room next to her father's, feeling infinite
ly happier and more hopeful than she would
have thought possible when she parted from
Ronald Mervyn three hours before. Ronald
himself was surprised at the brightness with
which she met him, when at 6 o'clock he
alighted from his horse at the door of the hos
pital. "Come in. Ronald." she said, "we were
talking father and 1 for hours last night, and
we have quite decided what we are going to
"So you have come to say goodby, Mervyn
for, of course, you are Mervyn to us." Mr.
Armstrong said as he entered the room.
"Well, my lad, it's a bad business that my little
girl was telling me about last night, and has
knocked over my castles very effectually, for I
own to jou that I have been building. I knew
you were fond of my girl. You never would
have done for her what you did unless you had
been, and I was quite sure that she was fond of
you; how could sue help it? And I had been
fancying as soon as this war was over for,
of course, you could not leave now you would
be coming home, and I should be having you
both with me in some snug little place. How
ever, lad, that's over for the present; but not
for alwars. I h ipe. All thi has not changed
my opinion of the affair. The fact that you
have suffered horribly and unjustly is nothing
againstyou personally, and, indeed, vou will
make Mary a beltei husband for having gone
through such a trial than you would have done
had not this come upon you."
"I am sure I should," Ronald, said, quietly;
"I think 1 could make her happy, but I fear'l
shall never have the chance, bue has told you
what I said last night. X have been awake all
the night thinking it over, and 1 am sure I
have decided rightly. My disgrace is bard
enough to bear alone; I will never share it w ith
'I think you are right. Mervyn at least for
the present. If, say in five years hence, you
are both of the same mind toward each other,
as I do not doubt yon will be," he added, in re-
Bly to the look of perfect confidence that passed
etween his daughter and Ronald, "we will
talk the matter over again. Five years is a
long time, and old stories fade out of people's
remembrance. In five years, then, one may
di'cuss it again: but I don't mean Mary to wait
five cars if I can help it, and sue has no incli
nation to wait five years either, have you,
child?" Mary shook her head. "So I win tell
you what we have resolved upon. We have
made up our minds. In the first place gome
bodv murdered this cousin of yours; that's
quite clear, isn't it?"
That is quite clear." Ronald replied. "It is
absolutely certain that it was not a suicMe."
"In the next place, from what she says,iit is
quite e'ear also that this was not done by an
ordinar burglar. The circumstances of her
death and the discovery that her private jewels
were hastily thrust into the ground and left
there to tpoil, pretty w ell shows that,"
"I think so," Ronald said. "I am convinced
that whoeer did it. the murder was a deliber
ate one, and not the work of thieves."
"Then it is evident that it was the work of
some one in the neighbornood, of some one who
cither had a personal hatred of your cousin, or
who wished to injure you."
"To injure me, Ronald repeated In surprise.
"I never thought of it in that way. Why to in
jure me ?"
"I should say to injure you. because it seems
to ine that there was a deliberate attempt to
fix the guilt upon you. Some one must have
put your glove vhcre it was found, for it seems
from what J on told Mary that you certainly
could not have dropped it there."
"It might seem so," Ronald said thought
fully, "and yet I cannot believe it; in fact, 1
had. so far a I know, no quarrel with any one
in the neighborhood. I had been away on ser
vice for j ears and bad nothing to do with the
working of the estate, and had never had an
angry word with any man there."
"Xever discharged any grooms, or anyone of
that sort?"
"Well. I did discharge the groom after I got
badv." Ronald replied, "and the coachman, too.
for I f onnd upon looking into the accounts that
they had been swindling my mother right and
left, but that can surely have nothing to do
with it. The glove alone would have been
nothing, had it not been for my previous quar
rel with my cousin, which no one outside the
house can have known of.Tind that unfortunate
ride of mine."
"Well, that may or may not bo," Mr. Arm
strong said; "anyhow, we have it that the mur
der must hat e been committed by someone in
the neighborhood who had a grudge against
your cousin or against yourself. Iow, the de
tective that you have had down there,
my daughter tells me, has altogether
failed in finding the clew; but after
all that shows that he is a fool rather
than that there is no clew to be found. Now,
what Mary and I have settled upon is this: di
rectly we get back we shall take a pretty little
cottage, if we can get ona, down at the village."
"What, at Carnesford?"
"Yes, Carnesford; we shall be two simple
colonists, who have made enough money to live
upon, and have fixed upon the place accident
ally. And then we shall set to work to get to
the bottom of this affair. "We know it is to be
done if we can but get hold of the right way,
and Mary and I flatter ourselves that between
us we shall do it. Now that's our plan. It's no
use your saying yes or no, because that's what
we have hxed upon.'-
"It's very good of you, sir " Mervyn be
gan. "It's not good at all," Mr. Armstrong inter
runted. "Mary wants to get married, and I
want her to get married, and so we have noth
ing to do but to set about the right way of
bringing this about. And now, my boy, I know
we must not keep you. God bless you. and
bring you safely through this war, and I tell
you it will be a more troublesome one than
your people think. You will write often, and
Mary will let you know regularly how we are
getting on."
He Leld out his hand to Mervyn, who grasped
it silently, then held Mary to him in a close em
brace for a minute, and then galloped away to
take his place in the ranks of his corps.
The troop to which Ronald belonged was not,
it was found, intended to start at once to the
front, but was to serve as an escort to Colonel
Somerset, who had now been appointed as Brig
adier General to command a column that was
to start from Grabamstown. At 8 o'clock they
started, and arrived late in the afternoon at
that place, where they found the Seventy
fourth Uigh'andcrs, who had just marched up
from Port Elizabeth. They had prepared for
active service oy laying asiae tneir bonnets and
plaids.adopting a short dark canvas blouse and
fixing broad leather peaks to their forage caps.
On the following morning the Seventy-fourth,
a troop of Colonial Horse, the Cape Rifles and
come native levies, marched to attack the Hot
tentots on the station of the London Mission
ary Society, Joined by a body of Kaffirs they
had murdered in cold blood the Fingoes at the
station and were now holding it.
After a marcn of 20 miles across the plain,
the troops reached the edge of the Kat river,
when the main body halted for a conple of
hours, the advance guard having in the course
of the day had a skirmish with the natives and
captured several wagons. One officer of the
native levies had been killed and two others
wounded. A further march of five miles was
made before morning, and then the troops
halted in order to march under cover of night
against the position of the enemy, 12 miles dis
tant At 1:50 at night the infantry advanced,
the cavalry followed two hours later. The road
was a most difficult one, full of deep holes and
innumerable ant hills; and after passing
through a narrow defile, thickly strewn with
loose stones and large rocks, over which in the
darkness men stumbled and fell continually,
the cavalry overtook the infantry at tfae ford
of the Karelga river, and went on ahead. In
the darkness several companies of the infantry
lost their way, and daylight was breaking be-
, fore the force was collected and in readiness
for the assault.
f Tbe huts occupied by the enemy stood oa
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one side of a grassy plain, three-quarters of a
mile In diameter and surrounded by a deep belt
of forest. The Fingo levies were sent round
through the bush to the rear of the
huts, and the cavalrv and infantry then ad
vanced to the attack! "The enemy skirmished
in the plain, but the cavalry dashed down upon
them and drove them into a wooded ravine,
from which they kept up a fire some time, until
silenced by two or three volleys from the in
fantry. The mam body of the rebels was drawn
np in front of their huts, and as soon as the
Infantry approached, and the cavalry charged
down, they took to flight, bnt a volley from the
Fingoes In the bush killed several of them.
The rest, however, succeeded in gaining the
forest. The village was then burnt, and 650
cattle and Borne horses and goats, all stolen
from neighboring settlers were recovered.
The column then marched back to their
bivouac of the night before, and the following
day returned to Grabamstown. There was no
halt here, for the next morning tliev marched
to join the column from King Williamstown.
passing through the Ecca Pass, where constant
attacks had been made by natives npon wagons
and convoys going down the road. They
crossed the Koonap river, and at the end of
two days' march encamped on a ridge where
the Amatola range could be seen, and finally
joined the column composed of the Ninety-first
Regiment and the rest nf the Cape Mounted
Rifles, encamped near Fort Hare,
Two days later the whole force, amounting
to 000 men, advanced to the base of the
Amatolas and encamped on the plains at a
short distance from the hills. The attack was
made in two columns; the Seventy lourth, a
portion of the native levies, and of the
Mounted Rifles, were to attack a formidable
position in front, while the Ninety-first were to
march round, and, driving the enemy before
them, to effect a junction at the end of the
day with the others. The cavalry.could take
no part in the attack of the strong position
held bvthe Kaffirs, which was a line of per
pendicular cliffs, the only approach to which
was up the smooth, grassy incline that
touched the summit of the chit at one point
only. The Seventy-fourth moved directly
to the attack, the native levies skir
mishing on both flanks. The enemy,
who could be seen in large numbers on the
height, waited until the Highlanders were well
within range before they opened fire. Tho
cavalry below watched the progress of the
troops with anxiety. They replied with steady
volleys to the incessant Bring ot tne enemy,
advancing steadily up the slope, but occasion
ally leaving a wounded man behind them. Two
companies went ahead in skirmishing order,,
and climbing from rock to rock exchanged
shots with the enemy as they went. They suc
ceeded in winning a foothold at the top of the
cliff and drove off the defenders, who took
refuge in a dim forest a few hundred yards in
the rear.
As soon as the rest of the regiment had got
up they advanced against the wood, from
which the enemy kept up a constant fire, and
pouring in steady volleys, entered tho forest
and drove the enemy before them foot by foot,
until the Kaffirs retreated into a thick bush
absolutely impenetrable to the soldiers. On
emerging from the forest the troops were
joined by the other column, which had driven
.the enemy from their position on the Victoria
neignts ana naa uurnea two or tneir villages.
While the fighting was going on between the
first division and the enemy, the second di
vision had been engaged in another portion of
the lulls and had penetrated some distance.
Skirmishing went on during the rest of the
day, but at nightfall the troops returned to the
camp that they had left in the morning. Tho
Kaffirs had suffered considerable loss during
the day, two of their leading chiefs being
among the slain, and Sandilli himself narrowly
escaned being taken prisoner.
The Cape Mounted Rifles attached to the
Seventy-fourth had taken no part in the affair,
for the ground had been altogether impractica
ble for cavalry. The troops when thev re
turned, were utterly exhausted with the fa
tigues that thev bad undergone, but were well
satisnea witn tne events ot tne day.
It is well euough for a beginning," Ronald
said to Sergeant Menzies. "but what is it?
These hills extend 20 or SO miles either way at
the least; twice as far, for anything I know.
They contain scores of kraals; I don't suppose
I am far out when I say hundreds. We have
burnt three or four, have marched a mile or
two into the woods, have killed perhaps 100
Kaffirs at the outside, and have lost in killed
and wounded about 50 of our own men. I sup.
pose altogether there are 15,000 or 20,000 Kaffirs
there. Thev have no end of places where our
fellows can't possibly penetrate. There's no
holding such a position as that. The columns
may toil on through the woods, skirmishing all
the day, but they only hold the ground they
stand on. Why, Sergeant, it will take a dozen
expeditions, each made with a force three or
four times larger than we have now, before we
can prodnce much effect on the Amatolas."
"I am afraid it will. Blunt," the Sergeant
said, "before we break down the rebellion.
There is one thing, they say that the Kaffirs
have got 20,000 or 30,000 cattle among the hills.
If we can drive them off we shall do more good
than by killing Kaffirs: the chiefs care but
little how much their followers are shot down,
but they do care mightily for the loss of their
wealth. Cattle are the one valuable possession
of the Kaffirs. Shooting them has very little
effect on those who are not shot; as for driving
them out of one part of -tho country, it makes
no difference to them one way or another.
They can put up their kraals anywhere. The
one point on which you can bit them is their
cattle. A chiefs consequence depends on the
number of bullocks he owns. A young Kaffir
cannot marry unless he has cattle to buy a wife
with. Putting aside their arms and their
trumpery necklaces and bracelets cattlo are
the sole valuables ot the Kaffirs. You will see
if we can capture their cattle we shall put an
end to the war, but any amount of marching
and fighting will make but little impression
upon them."
The prognostications of, the two soldiers
proved correct; it was only after six invasions
of the Amatolas by very much larger forces,
after hard fighting, in which the troops did not
always have the best of it, after very heavy
losses, and after capturing some 14,000 cattle,
that the conquest of the Amatolas was finally
So far, Ronald bad heard nothing more as to
the discovery of his Identity by one of the men
of bis troop. He thought that the man could
not have mentioned it to anyone else. He felt
sure that had it become at all known Le
must have beard of it. He would have
noticed some change in the manner of the
men. and it would certainly have come to
the ears of Menzies or one other of the non
commissioned officers, who would, of course,
come to him to inquire whether there was any
truth in the report; beside.he must have known
him from the time he joined the troop, and
conld have mentioned it before if he had
wanted to do so. Ronald snpposed, then, that
he had kept silence either because he thought
that by originating the report to the disad
vantage of a popular man in the corps he
might, though it proved to be true, be re
garded with general hostility, or, that the man
nrTght have intended to keep his secret, think
ing that some day or other he might make it
useful to him. o doubt he never would have
said what he did had he not been excited by
Ronald hardly knew whether to be glad or
sorry that the secret was still kept. It would,
he felt sure, come out sooner or later, and in
some respects he would rather have an end of
the suspense, and face it at once. His position
was a strong one, his offigers were all markedly
kind to him, and his expedition to the Amatolas
had rendered him the most popnlar man in the
corps among his comrades The fact, too, as
told by Colonel Somerset to his officers, and as
picked np by others from their talk, that he
had refused a commission, added to his popu
larity; the men were glad to think that their
comrade preferred being one of them to be
coming an officer, and that the brave deed they
were all proud of had not been done to win
promotion, but simply to save women in
There had been sly laughter among tho men
when their comrades told them how pretty was
the girl Ronald had brought back; and there
had been keen wagering in the regiment that
there would be a weddjng before theymarched,
or at any rate that they should hear that there
would be one on their return from the war.
The one contingency had not occurred. The
other, it seemed, was not to take place, for. in
answer to a question as to how the wounded
colonist was going on, Ronald had said care
lessly that he was mending fast, and wonld be
well enough to be taken down to the coast in a
fortnight, and that the doctor thought by the
time he reached England he would be com
pletely set up again. So the bets were paid,
but fie men wondered that their sergeant had
not made a better use of his opportunities, for
all agreed that a girl could hardly refuse a man
who had done so much for her. even 11 her
father were a wealthy colonist and he only a
trooper in the Mounted Rifles. .
(7b be Continued.)
Weak stomach.Beecnam'sPills act like mage
Pears' Soap secures a beautiful complexion
Knnblo & Shuster.
20 doz. flannel shirts, regular $2 50 qual
ity, all to go at SI each, Friday and Satur
day. Store open Saturday evening until
9:30. Enable & Shtjsteb,
35 Fifth avenue.
OVEBHOLT. Golden Wedding, Large,
Gibson and Dillinger whisky for sale in
large quantities by Geo. H. Bennett & Bro.,
135 First avenue, second door below "Wood
John S. Roberts, 414 "Wood street, has the
largest and most complete stock of wall
paper in the city, tis
Ail the best stocked bars keep Frauen
heim & Vilsack's celebrated Pilsner beer 09
draught. Ask for it, or order it direct.
Telephone 1186.
The oldest and best, "Holmes' whiskies."
ton, in to-mM-rottr" DESPATCH, dejcrfoei Mie ca
reer of a king of the turf.
How a Trade Journal Discusses the
Katural Fuel Problem.
Genuine Mushroom Methods of Ohio
Municipalities Shown Up.
New York, September 20. The -Financial
and Mining Record will print the iol
lowing to-morrow: Although the natural
gas industry is in its infancy, being bnt
seven years of age in Pittsburg,
the pioneer city, it has had an im
portant effect on commercial enterprise
and economic conditions. Thronghont
the whole area of natural gas production,
from Western Pennsylvania to the fields of
Indiana, manufacturing has been stimula
ted, the prodnction of manufactured com
modities and the consumption of raw mater
ials vastly increased, the effect of which is
not limited to the gas-producing territory,
but is diffused throughout the nation.
The purely financial considerations attend
ing this new industry and enterprise have as
yet taken form so little removed from the
speculative and experimental, as to make
definite conclusions nearly impossible.
Financiers have nevertheless
with the stocks of corporations engaged in
the'industrv; bonds issued in furtherance of
such enterprises are occasionally offered, and
order is so gradually emerging from chaos
that indications of permanent truth and re
liable principles are making their appear
ance. At present, to find a natural gas stock on
the uarket worth par is a decided exception,
notwithstanding the fact that several have
been paying dividends from 9 to 12 per cent
per annum regularly for a term ot years and
are still in a position to continue them. All
natural gas stocks are speculative and sub
jected to so many influences against which
no human foresight can attora protection,
that however valuable they may be as im
mediate profit payers, they have never risen
to the dignity of investments. They cannot,
for many years at least, from the fact that the
sources ot supply are beneath the earth
where the human eye can never penetrate,
and nnlike many otber mining operations,
the extent ol the "vein" or "lode" cannot
be even surmised, much less surveyed.
That several of the companies have been
successful in finding new and prolific terri
tory is matter for congratulation to stock
holders: but such extensions involve expen
diture not contemplated in the earlier days
of the enterprise. It is evident that the
wells cannot be brought to the pipes. The
pipes must be extended to the wells. Every
new well drilled and every foot of pipe
laid to make its production available (if,
indeed, there be any production) causes an
additional outlay of capital which wonld
not have been the case bad the wells been
originally inexhaustible, as contended.
Natural gas may be inexhanstible in the
aggregate; the supply may be all that is
claimed for it by the most sanguine of those
engaged in the industry; bnt the extension
of lines and additional expense on account
of the exhaustion of wells in all known
fields is a truth too well established to be
successfully refnted. How far this may
have to be continued, with what rapidity it
may be required to supply the demand in
the future, cannot be known.
The petroleum industry was long recog
nized as being the most uncertain and specu
lative of mining operations, but natural gas
is even more speculative than petroleum.
All the uncertainty in production of oil is
present in the production of natural gas,
bnt in oil the uncertainty ends. Petroleum
has a market thronghont the world. Gas
has no market except at the end of the pipe.
In Northwestern Ohio, widely different
conditions exist from those in Western
Pennsylvania, There, municipalities have
engaged in the'natural gas business, issued
bonds to enable them to construct and ope
rate natural gas plants, and, like other mu
nicipal securities are accompanied by no
tangible collateral whatever, but are based
entirely on the pnblic credit. In the way of
bond issuing, these afford the most interest
ing financial considerations in connection
with the natural gas industry.
The exhaustibility of supply and con
stant search for new territory applies there
as elsewhere. The business risks and ex
penses of a municipality are at least as
great as those of a business corporation, and
are liable to be much more. Natural gas
trustees are generally gentlemen of success
in their vocations, but Without practical
knowledge of the details of production or
distribution of natural gas.
Practical affairs inevitably become more
risky nnder inexperienced management
than under the direction of experienced
men. Bonds issued by a municipality un
der such management, and having nothing
but public credit behind them, cannot be
so desirable as those issued by bnsiness
corporations, whose affairs are conducted by
persons of experience in every department,
and which give collateral on their tangible
plants as well as the seenrity of experience
and actually invested capital.
Municipalities invest no capital in their
natural gas plants. The capital is bor
rowed on bonds sold. Tbey h ive been uni
formly induced by a class of persons who
desire to "boom the town;" who desire to
induce 'manufacturers to locate in the citv
or in its suburbs under the proclaimed ad'
vantages of "lree gas" or "cheap fuel" at
least, provided largely at public expense.
To borrow money wherewith to erect a
charitable institution, or one to be conducted
without profit, cannot enhance the value
of bonds upon which such capital is bor
Experiment has shown in a number of
cases the effects of municipalities entering
upon the natural gas bnsiness. Besides the
creation of a bonded indebtedness for the
construction of the plant and setting it in
operation, .the expense of operating has
caused a deficit to be supplied by taxation.
At first, prices to consumers are reduced so
that business corporations are forced out of
business, and the price is then advanced
often to twice the rates charged by the busi
ness concerns. Excitement has run not for
a time, values of real estate advanced, and
tracts have been unloaded at high prices on
favorable terms to taking it back on the
mortgage. Manufacturers have been led to
locate there merely to find the gilded prom
ises but empty bubbles from the natural
cause of failure of supply. Cities claim
ing to have "gas enough for all the world"
a couple of years ago, were chilly last
winter for want of fuel, and Councils are
called upon for further appropriations for
funds to put the plants in order for the
coming winter.
The whole subject has been brought up
in the form of legal proceedings in the city
qf Toledo, where it is proposed to construct
and operate a natural gas plant by the
municipality. The litigations promise to
be the most'interesting and important that
have arisen since the famous Dartmouth
College cases, involving, as they do, con
siderations of vital importance to the busi
ness interests of corporations in munici
palities in all parts of the nation. In Jan
uary, 1889, the Legislature of Ohio passed
an act entitled "an act to authorize cities
of the third grade of, the first class to bor
row money and issue bonds therefor, for the
purpose of procuring territory and right ot
tray, sinking wells for natural gas, purchas
ing'wells and natural gas works, purchas
ing and laying pipes and supplying such
city with natural gas for public and private
consumption." Under tbe provisions of
this act an election was held April 1, 1889,
and a majority of the voters voted in favor
of the bonding, a Ward of trustees was ap-
pointed and organized, some of the bonds
were issued and $67fi,000 more are about
to be.
The suit was brought in the United
States Circuit Court by James W. Fellows
and others, of the cities of New York,
Brooklyn and Chicago, all being taxpayers
of the city of Toledo, acrainst the citv. its offi
cers and natural gas trustees, alleging that I
tne act unaer which these oonds are pro
posed to be issued is unconstitutional, for a
number of reasons; but thoe of chief inter
est are that this act authorizes the taking of
private property, for other than public use;
that it impairs the obligation of contracts;
and that it authorizes the mingling of muni
cipal funds With those of otber .persons, and
applies public money to private enterprise
or purpose.
The leading question is whether the sup
plying of natural gas is a "public BSe"
within the meaning of the law. There can
be no question that the taking by taxation
of the property of a citizen is a taking of
private property, and therefore can be taken
for public use only. What constitutes a
public use? If the furnishing of iuel be a
public duty or use, municipalities may be
permitted to borrow money, issue bonds
therefor, and purchase coal lands, provide
for transportation and distribntion ot coal to
the citizens, conduct a coal business; but
without profit, and tax all other coal deal
ers to supply the deficiencies arising
from lack of paying expenses other
wise. If it be a jiublio use
to provide fuel for heat in winter why not
ice to keep the people cool in summer? If
it"be a public use to supply the people with
fuel why not with clotbing.shelter and
food? The broad question is presented
whether a city has a right to provide
agencies by taxation upon its people includ
ing its merchants and busi ness people to pro
vide consumers with the necessities or com
forts of life at cost or for nothing if it
pleases; crowd the business, interests of all
merchants and people making supplies out
of trade and tax them for the support of
their successful competitor,. The question
the more it is reflected upon. It has been
held in many States, that taxes cannot be
imposed to aid persons suffering from a
great fire or flood, either by providing them
with money, food, seed or otherwise. It under
such conditions ol disaster pnblic moneys
rannot be applied to such uses, by what
process of reasoning can individuals be en
titled to like aid for fuel in the absence of
But the citizens of Toledo are supplied
with natural gas fuel through the agency of
two companies already existing, and which
have been in operation for three years.
These companies were chartered by the same
authority that assumes to authorize the
issue of these bonds. They have been act
ing under ordinances passed by the same
city which now proposes to issue the bonds
for the purpose of depriving them ot profits.
These ordinances provide inter alia that the
city may fix the maximum price at which
natural gas shall be sold to the citizens and
has acted on 'the authority. These com
panies have been charging no more than the
price fixed by the city itself. The charter
and ordinances being a contract between the
parties is this issue of bonds and setting up
a plant which will act as a confiscation of
profits at least a violation of that contract?
If not, the property of no business corpora
tion is safe in any municipality; the pro
tection of business is broken down.
The bonds have been issued of bo many
neighboring municipalities under taint of
fraud as to give suspicion to the whole. The
experiment of furnishing natural gas eco
nomically by a municipality having proved
a failure in many instances; all bonds hav
ing been issued pursuant to momentary ex
citement and popular clamor induced by
professional boomers of real estate, which
all experience show runs its course within
a short time and leaves depression in its
stead; the question of the real value of
municipal bonds issued lor natural gas pur
poses would seem to be answered.
Further, if this act be declared unconsti
tutional on the grounds stated, it will in
validate nearly all the bonds issued for like
purposes by all municipalities in the Sjate;
a result greatly to be desired by tbe tax
payers in those municipalities in which the
gas has already failed, and during the
pendency of the act on every person who
buys a city of Toledo bond issued under the
authority of the above recited act, buys a
Whether the city does or does not repu
diate these bonds at maturity, and whatever
the result of the present action may be,
the taxpayer not joined may still have his
remedy against the taxation after it is
levied to meet them. Such bonds cannot
be considered as having any considerable
financial value until the litigations are de
cided and the constitutionality of the act
is finally' passed upon. C. Habbison.
Minnesota Newspapers Do Not Obey the
New Law Recording Executions.
Mooeehead, JIlNir., September 20.
Thomas Brown was hanged here this morn
ing for the murder of Policeman Poull, on
the night of October 17, 1888. The drop
fell at a few minutes after 4. Brown faced
death bravely, and died without a struggle.
This was the second legal execution under
the new State law, which prescribes that
the condemned shall be hanged at night,
that no newspaper representatives shall be
present, and that the newspapers shall not
publish the details of a hanging. All the
Twin City papers published full accounts
of Brown's execution.
Brown killed Poull while the latter was
trying to arrest him in the performance of
his duty. Brown had participated in a
drunken row near Hilisboro, Dak., in which
a man was fatally wounded. m He was seen
in Moorehead and a Fargoipoliceman was
sent after him. He found him. at a dance
ball, and Brown got the drop on the officer
when Poull, who was a Moorehead police
man, came to the rescne. Brown fired at
Poull, who fell dead.
Brown made a sale of hisjjody some time
ago to a doctor of this city, the purchase
price being $10, to be given to a certain
young lady for whom he seems to hold a
high regard. Brown was in his 24th year,
and a very hard character.
Tho Weather Clerk Predicts Warmer Tem
perature for To-Dot. '
Sergeant Stewart, in charge of the local
signal station, is of the opinion that the
chilly and wet season will be dissipated
this afternoon. The present .ugly spell of
weather has come from the Atlantic coast,
where it was still raining yesterday. The
Sergeant is confident that the weather will
be warmer to-day unless a new cold wave
comes np from the Gnlf. That is an un
likely origin for a cold wave. Meanwhile
the clothiers and pawnbrokers are doing a
lively business in fall overcoats.
That remedy is cheapest that proves
most effective, irrespective of price. Jndged
by this standard as a worm remedy and
child's tonic Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermi
fuge is unequalled. It rids the child of
worms, and by its tonic powers restores
strength and vigor to the young and old;
the latter a quality not usually possessed by
worm remedies. Sold by ail druggists.
Modeeate drinkers are the best con
noiseurs of whisky. They will find it to
their advantage to call at tbe establishment
of T. D. Casey & Co., 971 Liberty st, where
a complete stock offine old ryes is always
on hand.
Jackets, jackets, jackets, jackets, wraps,
wraps at Enable & Shuster's, 35 Fifth ave.
"Holmes' Best" second to none. "ws
Men's kid walking gloves at James H.
Aiken & Co-V, 100 Fifth ave.
morrow Dispatch, contributed by the widow
of thegallanl Cutler.
Col. Roberts Says the River Was
Pilled Up for tbe Point Bridge.
Arthur Kirk Denies Uncle Sam's Bights to
fix the Boundaries.
At a late meeting of the Chamber of Com
merce the very important matter of tbe con
stant encroachments on tbe river channels
by manufacturers and railroad corporations
received some attention. ' Captain Dravo
mentioned that the subjectbadbeen agitated
before the convention of river men at Cin
cinnati, and he characterized the filling-in
that was in daily progress as an outrage
that should be at once seen to. It was
stated that in 1858 the State bad estab
lished high and low water lines for this
city and Allegheny, and a map prepared
and filed in the Court of Common Pleas,
by which it could be seen how far encroach
ments had already extended. While it was
contended on one side that the power of the
State to establish such lines had never been
questioned and that therefore the Courts
could deal with the matter;
by Colonel. Bay ne that the State had no
legal status in the question and that the
work of laying down such lines belonged
distinctly and exclusively to the Federal
Government. Tbe constant encroachment,
inch by inch, along the channel of the river,
is a matter so notorious that frequent sur
prise is expressed that action of some sort
is not taken in the proper quarter to have
the nuisance either abated!, or if possible
Colonel Thomas P. Koberts was spoken
to about the encroachments on the water
channels last night, and he said:
"This is a matter about which I am not
at liberty to express any opinion, because,
in addition to being a member of the Cham
ber of Commerce, I am on the Biver and
Harbor Committee, and this committee will
make an examination and report to the
Chamber. It is just possible that our re
port may be presented at the next meeting,
out that depends on the Chairman, Captain
John F. Dravo.
"I think,however,that what we shall have
to say will have the effect of producing
some action which will tend to influence
public opinion, and that verv speedily,
toward the gradual narrowing of the water
way. I am chairman of a committee ap
pointed some years ago by the Engineers'
Society of Western Pennsylvania to report
on this very matter, bnt nothing was done
about it.
"Some people think that the narrowing ot
the river's limits will result in a flood dur
ing some unusual rising of the waterr, but
It should be remembered that the curtail
ment of the channel has the effect ot in
creasing the velocity of the stream, and just
in proportion to the increased velocity is its
force exerted in cutting away the bed and
banks. There are some parts of the river
where it is so wide that the filling in would
be rather beneficial than otherwise, bnt
then, on the other hand, there are narrower
points which should not be interfered with.
"The question of the gradual encroach
ment on the water channel of our rivers has
exercised the minds of rivermen tor a con
siderable time past, and I remember allusions
being made to the increased current by them
at the time of tbe flood of the 11th of July.
The lines of high and low water are clearly
laid down on the map prepared by the State
in 1858, but without a full and expensive
snrvey it cannot oe ascertained, precisely,
how much has been taken from the river.
"I don't think the public is aware how
much land has been appropriated in this
way, not only by manufacturing firms and
others, but even by the city itself, for the
Point bridge is constructed on the river side
of the line. The importance of the free
navigation of the Honongahela cannot be
over-estimated when it is considered that its
tonnage is equal to that of the whole of the
Mississippi valley."
Mr. Arthur Kirk, referring to the legal
aspect of the matter yesterday, said: '! have
long sought for a law giving the United
States Government the right to establish
such lines, bnt have not fonnd it Away
back in the '70's the Chamber of Commerce
had a law passed giving the United States
Government the right to build the Davis
Island dam, and during the session of 1888
the Western Pennsvlvania Kiver Improve
ment Association had difficulty in obtain
ing the passage of an act granting the Gov
ernment the right to construct and main
tain a dam at -Herr's Island, and had that
act made a general act granting the Federal
Government the right to place dams in any
stream in the State. But I have not been
able to find that the Federal Government
has any legal right to establish water lines,
and will be much obliged to Colonel Bayne
if he will tell us where such authority can
be fonnd."
Rogers' Royal Nervine Tonic
Allays nervousness, gives rest and refreshment to
the tired brain. Invigorates the vre&ry body, and
not only soothes, bnt permanently removes all Ir
ritation dI tbe nerves.
Tour KOTAL NERVINE TONIO has done me
more cood than any medicine 1 ever took. It has
been a sovereign remedy In ray case. Please send
me another bottle. MUSES F. l'EASLEE,
ilarshHeld, Mass.
I have suffered -with my head from hard mental
work, and can certify that your EOXAL N EKV
INE TONIU has plven me new life and strength,
so that I am practlcallv cured.
1 H. C. BEOCK,
73 Rotland st , Boston, Mass.
It it an unfailing Cure for Sleeplessness.
It corrects the Digestive organs.
To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered
on for IS years. The aches and pains which she
experienced in almost every part of her body
were simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting
pains across the small of her back and lower
part of her body were almost unbearable. In
fact, she suffered with all those diseases and
conditions peculiar to women. For three
months her mind was unbalanced, and for
months she was confined to her bed. She be
came very weak and emaciated, so that she
only weighed 98 pounds. No one expected her
to live, much less get entirely cured. After re
ceiving three months treatment from the phy
sicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute,
823Penn avenue, she says: "The condition of
my case was much worse than has been de
scribed. It is over five months since I became
enred, and no trace of the disease has since ap
peared. I now enjoy good health and am very
glad to testify to my permanent enrebythe
physicians ot the Catarrh and Dyspepsia In
Putnam, Pa.
MRS. DR. CROSSLET. ladies' consulting
physician at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti
tute, 323 Penn stye. They cure Catarrh, Dys
pepsia and Diseases of women. Consultation
free to all. Office hours, 10 A. H. to 4 P.M., and
6 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 12 to! P.M. M15-l55-ns
Dangers That Surround the Under
ground Toilers.
To thej majority of the public of this
country coal mines and coal miners have al
ways been, a source of interest. When a
traveler, out for a pleasure trip,,strlkes a
town where coal mines are located, his first
object Is to get a permit to visit them. There
is a charm of novelty and excitement at
tached to the trip. To step into the car and
be lowered swiftly down the long, dark
shaft into the very bowels of the earth. A
feeling of exhilaration, not unmixed with
nervous dread, as one shoots downward
through space. The visitor sees only the
wonderful portions of the work, and gains
only a slight idea of the dangers of the
mines. Not so with the hardy, smoke-begrimed
miner. He is fully alive to the con'
stant peril of his position. Explosions from
fire dampf falling lumps of coal, loosened
by a blast, and, as is often the case, a cave
in of the entire innnel. These are a few of
the worst enemies of the underground toil
ers. Mr. David H. Brown, who 'resides iu
Stowe township, directly back of Chartiers,
formerly of Tom's Bun, is an overseer in the
coal mines of the Pennsylvania Hailroad
Company, and gave the writer an interest
ing account of his experiences: as a miner.
"My trouble began about 13 years ago.
It came on me gradually, and was caused j
by colds, contracted from exposure to the
dampness in the mines. My nostrils be
came clogged up, and I could not breathe
through my nose. My head was stopped
up, and I had a dull, heavy pain across my
forehead and in my temples all the time.
There was a buzzing and roaring sound in
my ears. This condition continued or a
long time. Finally my trouble began to ex
tend," and I soon found myself in a very seri
ous condition.
David S. Brown, Stowe TovmsMp.
"A dry, hacking cough set in, and I (had
a constant tickling sensation in my throat.
I could feel the mucus dropping back into
my throat, and would wake up during the
pight feeling as thoneh I was choking. I
was continually hawking and raising large
quantities of phlegm ot a greenish yellow
color. My eyes became yery much in
flamed. My throat and tongne were always
"Sharp shooting pains would go through
my chest, extending to the shoulder blade.
They were so) severe on the left side, that-'
ior tne last tnree years J. could not lie on
that side at all. My limbs became swollen.
Night sweats weakened me, and I lost flesh
rapidly. I could not sleep. "When I got
up in the morning I -was more tired than'
when I went io bed, and had a dizzy and
faint feeling that would last for several
"I felt hungry, but when I went to the
table the very sight of food took away my
appetite. I grew weaker and weaker, and
finally had to stop work. Whenever I at
tempted to do 'anything I became short of
breath and had to sit down. It was when in
tbe condition described above, that I first beard
of Drs. Copeland A Blair. I had tried so many
physicians that I had lost faith, but deter
mined to see them. Tbey did not promise to
perform any miracles, but I felt they could do
me good, so placed myself under their care.
"t soon fonnd a decided improvement in my
condition. My head and chest ceased to pain
me. My eyes became strong and clear and I
have no more trouble with my ears. The Dain
in my left side has disappeared, and my throat
is no longer sore. Tho cough has left me. I
sleep well and feel rested in the mornings, and
can relish my food. I have grown strong and
cameu in weignr. i oreatne ireeiy, ana can do
a good day's work. I owe my recovery to Doc
tors Copeland &. Blair, and am gratefnl to them
for making me a perfectly well man once more.
Mr. Brown lives, as stated,in Stowe township,
back of Chartiers, and his. statement can be
easily verified. t
Additional Evidence by Mall.
A short time ago Mr. tahn Wright, of Chica
go Junction, Ohio, placed himself nnder treat
ment by mail with Drs. Copeland & Blair.
In writing about his trouble be said:
"Two years ago I was HI with lung fever and
never fully recovered from it. I could not
sleep at night. Tbe mucus would drop back
into my throat, and I would wake up feeling as
though I was choking:. Large scabs would
come from my nostrils whenever I used my
handkerchief. Thev would often be streaked
with blood. My eyes were affected
and were continually "running a watery
substance. I was unable to attend to
my duties, feeling weakand tired all tbe time.
I bad a hacking cough and ringing noises in
my ears. Graduajly I noticed I was becoming
deaf. I .would have dizzy spells and my mem
ory failed me. I had pains in my chest and
bad no appetite.
"A short time after I commenced, treatinz
with Drs. Copeland A Blair I noticed an im
provement. The dropping in my throat stopped,
my cough and the pains in my chest left me.
I can now sleep and eat well. The result has
been a great surprise to me, as I had given up
all hope of ever getting well again."
Abont the middle of last May Miss Lottie J.
Forker, of 299 Arch street, Meadville, Pa
placed herself under treatment by mail With
Drs. Copeland & Blair. In stating her case by
letter just previous to tbe date above men
tioned she complained of terrible headaches,
followed by spills of vomiting, whleb would
compel ber to lie in bed for 24 hours, after
which she would be completely worn out.
Bharn pain in the breast, extending through to
the shoulder blades, and followed oy others in
her RtnmAeh and side-
On June 9 she wrote: "Your medicine is do
ing me cood, 1 do not feel so tired, and my
head has only ached twice, and that was caused
by a fresh cold I caught"
Qn July 2 her letter stated that she was feel
ing very welL '
Aueust 26 she wrote: "I feel quite like a
different woman from the one I was when I
commenced yonrtreatment."
Some time ago Mr. M. C Wilson, of Canons
burg, Pa., placed himself under treatment, by
mall, with Drs. Copeland 4 Blair- In stating
his case by letter early in July, he complained
of a full, heavy feeling in his head over the
eyes, a bad taste in the month, conghlng and
raising phlegm, dimness of sight, sharp pains
in the chest, with a tight, pinched feeling and
soreness in the lungs, and a weak and shaky
condition ot the limbs.
July 25 he wrote: "lam improving steadily;
feel ever so much better than I have in years."
August IS he wrote: "I feel like a different
being from the one! was when I commenced
your treatment, and I am quite willing that a
short statement of what your treatment has
done for me should be made in the papers."
s Are located permanently at
66 SIXTH Ml,,
Where they 'treat with success all curableeages.
Office bonrs-9 to 11 A. Jf.:2 to 5 p. Jr.; 7 to 9
p. st. (Sunday included). . , ,.
Specialties CATARRH, and ALL DIS
Consultation, M Address all mall to
' gWixttftYs.PittthurftPa,
j- "" "
j'fV-' - f - , -3. i A.,, SHKKftbBtaSBta!
" L""fft
rVJ .
Chewing n i
Comes as near betes; a Sae piece ot
PLUG TOBACCO as H is posetMel
to make it; and la kaeWB as a
We are sure that ONE TRTAT?:
convince you of its merits.'
Ma-Loci, for tha red H Ma tag oa eaeh
Monday and Tuesday, Sept 23 and 24
P. T. BARNUtfliS
Great London Circus
,..., , ,. "a
mia moorisn varivair.
Paris Olvmnla Hinnadroma. .. c
Black Wizards Test of Wottoss. $
Amazement, Astonishment and Mystlfleatiea
Depicted on the faces of all Visitors.
Children delighted with Fairyland Wonders.
A Sumptuous Feast ot Dazzling Splendors..
Rich Costumes. Wonderful Features.
High Class Equestrianism. Beautiful Displays.
Remarkable Feats. Perfect Performances.
Marvellous Attractions. Magnificent Exhibi
tions. Fifteen enormous exhibitions Combined la one.
3 Full Circus Companies in 3 Rings.
Special Elevated Stage Performances.
2 Monster Museums of Wonders and Cariosities
2 Herds of Performing Elephants.. -.- -
2 Droves of Arabian Desert Camels.
2 Troupes of Trained Imported Stallioes.
Great Mid-Air Displays of RsalBarloj.i
Hosts or trt ariess tu en-ciass toreien hiiubih
'20 Pantomimic Clowns. 20 Animal Clowns."
A whole Menagerie of Trained Beasts
125 Breath- taking and liattnz Acts.
JsTi ,
Old Honest!
" -s,iJrrjP'iiJJ-My
Everything New, Novel and Wonderful. -Two
Performances every day, st 2 and 3 P. X.
Doors open an hour earlier. 1
Admission SOcts. Children under 9 years, 25 cts. .
Great Street Parade Morning of Arrival of.'l
Route as follows: South ave, to Allegheny
ave., to Western ave., to Ohio st, to Federal
st, to Isabella st. across Seventh at bridge, to
Liberty st, to Smithneld st, to Water st, to
Wood at., to Third ave., to Market st. to Sixth
st, across bridge to Robinson st, to Anderson
st, to Church ave.. to Union ave.. to Ohio st,
to Federal st, to LacocK st, to Exposition
As an accommodation Reserved Seat Tickets
will be sold at the regular price and Admission
Tickets attbe usual slight advance .at E. O.
Hays & Co.' Piano store, 73 Fifth ave. i
sel4-31-15,17J9.21,22,2B .
EPPS'S eocnL
By a thorough knowledge ot the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion 'sad
nutrition, and and by acarefulappllcatlonoftha
fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epos
has pro tided our breakfast tables with a deli
cately flavored beverage which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. Itis by the judicious
use of such articles of diet that a constitution
may be gradually built up until strong, enough,
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever there is a weak point .We
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." Civil Service OcueUe.
Made simply with ooilingwater or mftf. Held
only in half pound tins by Grocers, labdedthss:
Jas.Epps&Co. omaLV$?S&
It absolutely pure and
it it soluble.
No Chemicals
are used in its preparation. It his
eure am Orw Hata OU wtrmgtk of
Cocoa mixed wUh Starch, Arrowroot
or fingir, and is therefore fir moze
economical, corf? tw Oo ette enf
a cup. It is delieiooj, nourishing,
ttr-ntfhenisg, Xasav DtesesTZO,
and admirably adapted ftr hrralklf
as veil as for persons hi health.
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
W.BAKEE & CO.,Dorctifister, Mass.
Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing!
Italian and American Hemp Paeitefcu
Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Ftoh Lhses, 4
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hlas
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc
"WORKS East street. Alletrhenv Citv. P
.UUUi lUVUUVUOi.V.ldU. lUJtf-JlWtri
Do You Know It?
To perfect a enre, you must remove the cause.
LIME ANP SODA supplies the system with Oxl
dlzable Phosphortu, tie deficiency of wMefe is
tbe proximate cause of ConiBmBnHi, For
Coughs, Bronchitis, Weak Lnn, Night
Sweats-and all Throat Diseases, it Is m as
equaled remedy. Sold by Drne'Hts.,.ijper
bottle. Recommended b phy;4oiiJ Send
lorrarcarar. ninunsaisinsuv,.
jibs wiwwovjtes rtsw w
. -mil Pi-ay-.' -t-a
i. 1