Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 21, 1889, Image 1

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Transient Atotiseieits
At trio Branoli OHlocs
For to-morrow's issue up to 9 o'clock P.. Jl.
For list of branch offices in the various dis
tricts seeTHliiUPAGK.
His Friends in Washington Say
He Knew Exactly What He
Was Doing When He
Of Secretary Xoble and the Adminis
Ololor Warner Again Breed to Accept the
Pension CommimionerBhlp Ho Doen
Not Accept Ir nod Leaves Seer Park for
Home Mnjor Merrill Too Talkative lor
the Administration He Han Not Been
Offered the Flnce and Wouldn't Have
it Anyway The Plans of Foraker and
Alger for 1592 Secretary Wharton
Snnbbed by Walker Blaine.
Friends of Foraker in Washington as
sume that the Governor knew what he was
about when he took issue with the admin
istration on the Tanner matter. Major
Warren had another conference with the
President and Secretary Noble yesterday,
but was not prevailed upon to accept the
Commissionership of Pensions. Major
Merrill says he would not accept it if it
were offered him, which it has not been.
WASHrKGTOX, September 20. The most
treasonable anti-administration utterances
on record thus far have come from Governor
foraker. Friends of the administration
realize, now that Governor Foraker has
spoken out about Mr. Noble, what the tin
explainable indirection of their course has
been with reference to Corporal Tanner.
Governor Foraker has a lively campaign
on his hands. Bepnblicane here assume
that he knows exactly what he is about. He
sees that the forced resignation of Tanner
'must be continually explained because the
President and Secretary of the Interior have
never deemed it necessary to explain it Be
takes the easiest, as it is also the boldest
course, and lets drive at Mr. NoWe.
Governor Foraker says on the stump that
the only reason why Corporal Tanner was
removed is because he expedited the pen
sion business too much, and that inasmuch
as that assumption would indicate that
the President's ante-election promises
were false, the only inference was that
Secretary Noble was to blame. On that
point the Governor said he could not speak,
since he had never heard of this particular
Cabinet officer before he was made Secretary
of the Interior, and had heard bat very little
about him since.
Foraker' has evidently cone tothe -conclusion
to court the help of the administration, and
he goes in to make his campaign without
any of its assistance. He ia willing even to
take advantage of its greatest mis
takes. The invitation from the
Republican committee asking Corporal
Tanner to stump the State for Foraker was
sent before the forced resignation. It is
somewhat doubtful if another one comes.
It would be a source of embarrassment
to the Corporal if It did, because,
being a candidate for another office,
and having his friends hard
at work for him, he could not seem to join
in the antagonism to the administration
which an open espousal of the Foraker in
terpretation of the difficulty would imply.
The Corporal would doubtless enjoy
stumping Ohio but for this objection. His
heart would be in the task of showing that
his mouth is not so damaging to the cause of
the Republican party as it has been repre
sented to be.
for the Republicans is that here is Governor
Foraker, an avowed candidate for 1892,
openly taking issne against the administra
tion with a full understanding of what that
means with reference to his own
chances of carrying Ohio. Foraker
and Alger of Michigan, are the
two powerful Republicans who have thus
far announced in distinct terms that they
ask the administration for nothing and will
criticise its acts whenever they chose.
It would doubtless interest Mr. Harrison,
if he had any way of investigating a ques
tion of the sort, to know what the choice of
his National Committee would be as be
tween John Noble on one side and Alger
and Foraker on the other.
There is an addition, most every day
now, to the official Munchausen literature
of the Tanner case. Secretary Noble denied
that he and Secretary Tracy had hard
words, while his closest friend, perhaps, in
Washington, was insisting that Mr. Noble
had sworn at the Secretary of the Navy and
Private Secretary Halford denied that
Secretary Noble had made a personal
matter of Tanner's case, when everybody in
town had been hearing for a month that the
Secretary was going to make a personal
matter of it, and had been hearing for
another month, directly from his own office
that he had made a personal matter of it.
To-day it is ex-Senator Albert Daggett's
turn to make an official statement. He tele
graphed the Star this afternoon: "Ihave
never said, nor is it true, that Commissioner
Tanner was promised the Recordership, or
any other office, before he consented to re
sign. On the contray, I have said, and it
is true, that he resigned unasked, and, of
course, without promise of future political
The President did not ask Mr. Tanner to
resign. .He only sent word that while he
didn't like to ask him for his resignation,
he would be very much indebted if the Cor
poral would relieye the administration of
the embarrasment which his conduct of the
pension office was causing.
General Warner started for home this
evening, intending to stop at Deer Park for
a short time, in compliance with a request
from the President Mention of his fact
aused a rumor that the General had recon-
mm tip . .
of Tlio m m slv
sidered his declination of the office of Com
missioner of Pensions, and would accept,
but to the correspondent of The Dispatch
asbe was about to leave lor the station, he
said that he was merely stopping oft at Deer
Park on his way West, and that his declina
tion of the office tendered him was final and
A late dispatch from Deer Park says:
"Secretary Noble and Major Warner came
from Washington to-night and went at once
to the President's cottage. Secretary Noble
came at the President's request. They went
over the 'whole ground of the pension
Commissionership with the President, but
no decision was reached. Major Warner
will leave Deer Park for Kansas City to
morrow morning.
A telegram to-night from Lawrence,
Mass., says: "Major Merrill says it is 'un
qualifiedly false' that the position of
Commissioner ot Pensions had been ten
dered by the President to him and that he
had about decided to accept. The Insur
ance Commissioner, reiterates that he does
not want the place, preferring to stay where
he is."
Socretnry Koble Thrown Cold Wnter on a
Proposition to Make Pension Knlcs
More Definite Mnjor Merrill
Too Talkative.
Washington, September 20. It has
been suggested by several of the persons in
terested in the recent Tanner affair that it
would be a great relief to the Commissioner
of Pensions, the Board of Appeals, and the
Secretary of the Interior himself, if Congress
were to make more specific enactments than
exist in any of the statutes at present, defin
ing and limiting the powers of thy Pension
Bureau, prescribing rules of evidence, etc.
Secretary Noble throws cold water on the
idea. The laws are already specific enough,
he considers, to satisfy anyone, and all the
Commissioner has to do is to obey them.
But the whole body of the law in pension
cases is not to be found in the statutes the
precedents established by decisions of courts
and of the bureaus in past years should be
as binding as such things are in general
The Secretary refuses to make any appli
cation of his ideas to the Tanner matter, or
to state what policy will be expected of the
new Commissioner. "My own pension
policy," said he to The Dispatch corre
spondent to-day, "may be very briefly
summed tip. I was a soldier. I made my
way up from the ranks. I belong to the
Grand Army. I want to Bee every old
soldier get a pension who deserves one under
the law; and I want him to get the amount
allowed him by the law, and I want him to
get it in the exact order of time prescribed
by the law. And, if lam to stay where I
am, everything must be done according to
the law, which is so plain that there is no
necessity for mistaking it."
Assistant Secretary Bussey expressed
views very similar. "The statutes and the
precedents are yonder," said he, pointing
to a bookcase at his side. "We are not
here to enact new legislation, but to inter
pret, according to the best of our lights,
that which already exists.
precedents of the bureau
hold good as long as "they are in accordance
with established and recognized legal prin
ciples. Here, for example, is a case which
has subjected me to much unreasoning crit
icism, where I ruled that a dishonorable
discharge from the service did not work a
forfeiture of pension. It reversed, to be
sure, a ruling made by Commissioner Black;
but his ruling flew right in the face of the
Lsupreme law of theland, and all X did was
uj insist apou urxnging me uepaximem
back to where it belonged. It was no pleas
ure to me to make such a decision, I am
sure; all my sympathies were the other way,
but there was no course lelt open to me, as
an honest man and a sworn officer."
Acting Commissioner Smith was asked
whether it wastrue that he had suspended
one of Commissioner 'lanner's rules, per
mitting the rerating of pensions of 54 or
less to be made without the applicant un
dergoing a medical examination. "No,
sir," said he, "Ihave
ofmyownand suspended none of the late
Commissioners, I have no idea how the As
sociated Press came to make such an erro
neous statement" Secretary Noble had
already called upon the Commissioner to
explain the unauthorized order of suspen
sion he was reported as making, and he had
answered in a letter denying the story in
toto, and saying that everything remained
as Mr. Tanner had left it.
It is reported to-day that the President
has taken a sober second thought on the
question of appointing Major Merrill, of
Massachusetts, to the Pension Commission
ership. He does not like the freedom with
which that gentleman has opened his heart
to reporters ever since his appointment was
spoken of as probable. Nobody here is as
tonished at this story, for Major Merrill,
while a very amiable man, is
Maior Merrill is the latest reDudiator. Hs
declares through a friend in this citv that
he never had the interviews attributed to
him, and which arc believed to have influ
enced the President to withhold his com
mission. Major Warner has been called to Deer
Park by a letter from the President, and it
is understood that he will be urged to make
sacrifices of personal comfort for the good of
the party.
It is believed that the Noble-Tanner cor
respondence, of which so much has been
said and written, will be given to the public
very soon, as it is expected to modify or set
nt rest many comments which have been
passed upon the Secretary, through misap
prehension of his precise attitude toward his
late subordinate.
An Act of Wnlkcr Blnlne'a Slay Cause Him
to Resign.
Washington, September 20. The re
port is circulated from, trustworthy sources
that Assistant Secretary Wharton, of the
State Department, is about to resign. The
cause assigned is discontent with his recent
treatment there. It seems that on the day
of the Cabinet meeting to discuss the secret
session, he was prepared to go to the White
House in place of his absent chief, and laid
a number of papers on bis desk, expecting
to take them over with him. Just as he
was about to start, Walker Blaine, fresh
from Bar Harbor and his father's presence,
entered the room, looked over the papers,
and took them under his arm. "Excuse
me," protested Mr. Wharton, "I fiad laid
those papers out to take to the Cabinet
meetimr." "I understand," answered
young Blaine, significantly, "but I will save
you the troublp. It is my father's prefer
ence that I represent him in his absence."
There was nothing for Mr. Wharton to do
but to submit to let his subordinate take his
place as the ostensible head of the Depart
ment, but he naturally felt sore over it The
story of the incident leaked out only to-day.
Determined She Wonld Die.
Feeepokt, III., September 20. A most
distressing suicide occurred here to-day.
Mrs. Edward Zopr, a wealthy female physi-
cian, horribly slashed herself in the breast
and arms, then hanged herself with a clothes
line. Her husband committed nlif1 ov-
yeral ears ago.i
Srl -rI!!lP-S5fPSfTSIBr vf
nam t.x,jXV : : . ... i .s "" t't i iz r wvrvm .otmsHt vmsr
Written by Mrs. Robert Ray Hamil
ton to Judge Alfred Eeed,
Claims the Jury Was Prejudiced
Against Her by Beading
She Begs Pileonsly Sot to tie Separated From the
Saby Beatrice.
Every effort is being made in behalf of
Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton to save her from
State prison. Her husband has not lost in
terest in her. She wants the child, who is
tb be kept for the present by Mrs. Rupp, of
Noll cottage.
Max's Landing, N. J., September 20.
Eight prisoners convicted at this week's
term of the County Court will be taken by
Sheriff Johnson to Trenton to-morrow morn
ing, but Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton will
not be among them. Developments in the
case to-day make it probable that she will
not go to the State prison for some time to
come. Every effort is being made in her
behaU. An appeal from the decision of
Judge Reed is to be taken by Captain
Ferry, the woman's counsel, who is expected
to present his application for a new trial to
Chancellor Bird, of Trenton, next week.
Mr. Hamilton himself has not lost his in
terest in the case, and is still lending his
wealth and influence in bis wife's behalf.
was directed to Mrs. Hamilton and was re
ceived at May's Landing this morning, and
taken up to her attic prison by Sheriff
Johnson, who first examined its contents,
as he does every communication that is for
warded to her. It was dated at Philadel
phia, and was from Captain Perry. The
contents were as follows:
Will see Hamilton at Woodbury to-day, and
will see you to-night on important business.
Why Captain Perry and Mr. Hamilton
should meet at Woodbury to-day cannot be
learned here. Judge Garrison, of the Su
preme Court, is at that place, presiding at
the Billman murder trial, and there are ru
mors that he is being consulted in the case.
But as he will not preside' at the next term
of court here in December, where Judge
Reed always occupies the bench unless he
is sick, it is hard to understand what he can
do in the Hamilton affair, except to use his
Captain Perry did not arrive here to
night The last train which stops at this
place gets here at 5 o clock, and failed to
land him among its passengers. Sheriff
Johnson was at the depot He waited long
enough after the departure of the train to
purchase tickets for the transportation of
his prisoners to Trenton to-morrow, and
then drove rapidly back to his home. Mrs.
Hamilton had dressed early in the after
noon and was sitting up, eagerly awaiting
the visit of her counsel. The Sheriff's an
nouncement that Captain Perry could not
arrive to-night was tempered by the assur
ance that be would in all probability arrive
here to-morrow morning, on the early train
from Atlantic City, where Captain Perry
ijyes.. '
After receiving the-dispatch from her
lawyer this morning, Mrs. Hamilton spent
two'hours in the preparation of a letter ad
dressed to Judge Alfred Reed, at Trenton.
Dr. D. B. Ingersoll, who attends the young
woman, found her engaged in this task
when he paid
before noon. To Mrs. Johnson, the Sheriff's
wife, who always accompanies the doctor in
his visits to the prisoner, Mrs. Hamilton
explained that she thought the Judge would
be more lenient to her it he perfectly under
stood the circumstances of her case.
The long letter was pathetic. It was not
at all the practical communication that
would appeal to the sympathies, exclusively
mental, or a Judge of Alfred Reed's stern
caliber. Mrs. Hamilton made a piteous ap
peal not to be taken where she could not
see her child. She said she could not live
without her. She said, too, she wanted to
go away with her husband to some place
where they were not known, and where she
was sure they could live happily together.
She protested that her trial had not been a
fair and complete one, and that the jury
had been prejudiced against her by the
statements published concerning her career.
She concluded with the naive remark that
the Court might do better if he tried again.
After sending off this remarkable epistle
Mrs. Hamilton, in her white dressing gown,
threw herself into the easy chair with
which she had been provided through the
kindness of the Sheriff's wife, and read
every morning newspaper that contained an
account of her conviction. She is supplied
with the newspapers every morning. She
clips out all the articles referring to herself.
When the tim approached for Captain
Perry's arrival she dressed herself for his
reception, but upon being informed of the
postponement of his visit, sbe again donned
her wrapper, and settled down to the ueru
sal of a novel taken up to her by "Mrs.
Dr. Ingersoll said after to-day's visit to
his interesting patient, that sbe was holding
out wonderfully, considering the severe
strain to which she has been subjected by
the trial. It was only by giving her mor
phine, the drug upon the use of which her
life almost depends, that she was able to
of coolness and indifference on the days of
the trial and the sentence. Dr. Ingersoll
I am ciTing Mrs. Hamilton one irram of mor
phine every six hours. Ihat is a reduction
from the amoun to which sbe has been ac
customed. I hardly think sho was In a condi
tion to do herself justice on the day of
the trial. Sbe ought not to have been
convictod, in my opinion. My professional ex
amination, made two days after the affray with
the nurse, showed more severe injaries than I
was permitted to testify to. I believe that if
she could see her husband for an hour she
would have him again at her feet willing to
obev her slichtest wish. 1 believe he loves her.
Mrs. Hamilton often speaks in loving terms of
the baby, Beatrice. I liaTe never heard her say
that tho child was her own. and I don't know
that it is, but I believe that she has really be
come as mnch attached to It as though it was.
Beside taking morphine, Mrs. Hamilton
smokes and inhales cigarettes almost con
stantly, and little thin, blue streaks of
smoke from that dainty weed are often seen
issuing from the open attic window when
the prisoner sits there reading.
is characteristic of the woman. She has
been permitted to have the unrestricted use
of the jail library, but yesterday Bhe re
marked to Mrs. Johnson and Dr. Ingersoll:
"These books are too wishy-washy. They
are good for Sunday schools, but not for a
woman like me. Haven't you got any
thing around here better than this?" A
number of Ouida's novels were found, and
Mrs. Hamilton was happy to-day in the
possession of "Folle Farine."
Sheriff Johnson said to-dav that he did not
know when he would take Mrs. Hamilton to
Trenton, but thought It would be some time
next'week. He is in no hurry to execute
this duty, and is evidently waiting for new
The problem of Baby Beatrice's future is
WI Atw yp" -- -- m, A. j .m. J.L Art ,i. m mmmM jIVS.. kk. .kW. m A. B- .L M.iiV '4f9HaHUHBnrn VnOftS- J,
solved. Sheriff Johnson said to-day that
Hamilton had expressed his determination
to provide for the child. For the present
she will remain in charge of Mrs. Rupp,
'the proprietress of Noll cottage at Atlantio
City. She has already received a large sum
of money from Hamilton for the child's
maintenance. "The mother of that child
will never be discovered," said the Sherifi,
and he knew what he was talking about.
Tonne Theodore Roosevelt on the Carpel
to Go to Oar Home of Lords Prom
Korih Dakota Why They Talk
of Him That Wny.
Bismarck, Dae., September 20. The
'finger of public opinion points with cer
tainty to ex-Governor Gilbert A. Pierce as
one of the first two United States Senators
from North Dakota; hut it wabbles with
great uncertainty when it attempts to
point toward his Senatorial companion,
Enough Legislative candidates have al
ready bcn instructed to support Pierce to
insure a caucus nomination; but no prefer
ences regarding his running mate have yet
crystalized into public opinion.
Ex-Goyernor N. G. Ordway, of Washing
ton, has established a nominal residence in
the Red River Valley, and is hopeful; but
the political public has quietly been casting
about for less antagonistic material.
The name.of Theodore Roosevelt was in
cidentally mentioned a few days ago, and
the idea has taken root and flourished like
the No. 1 hard wheat in its native
soil. Roosevelt is a reformer, with a
big It, and is young and enthusiastic.
The young men seem inclined to him, and
the older heads find it to be in his iavor
that he is not identified with any of the
local factions, and has a reputation and
fame that would at once serve as a good
advertisement lor the new State.
It is not generally known that this famous
United States Civil Service Commissioner
is interested in the politics of the Missouri
slope; but such is nevertheless the
fact His ranch manager, A. W. Mer
rifield, has been nominated by the
Democrats ' for the lower House in the
Stark county district, aud, owing to a split
in the Republican party ot that district, it
wonld not be at all surprising if he were
As Roosevelt is popular in that section
and is a large taxpayer and resides here a
good portion of the year, we have a perfect
right to claim for him a residenoe in
A Chicago Man. liana Away With a Saraoan
Lady of Royal Blood.
Minneapolis, September 20. A com
pany of natives of the Saraoau Islands
opened an engagement at the Dime Museum
on Monday morning. The party consisted
of 9 men, 1 woman and 1 child. The woman,
who was attractive, was about 23 years of
ac;e, and claimed to be related to King
Malietoa, of the Stmoan Islands. She
gave it out that she was a Princess of the
royal line, and that her name was Silanti.
At the time the King was deposed she went
to San Francisco to be educated. There she
remained until about three months ago,
when she was engaged by an agent to go
with some other natives" on an exhibition
tour through the country.
The company opened in Chicago. While
there an American named J. S. Cotterell
fell violently in love with Silanti, and fol
lowed her to this city, and yesterday eloped
with her. They are supposed to have gone
to San Francisco, as tne woman has been
desirous of returning to her native land,
now that Malietoa is again in authority.
Before departing last night Silanti said that
she did not expecHiairy.her.-Unerican
lover. He wasLbnly going to look after'her
until she reached California.
A Tonne; Man's Schemo to Avoid Failure
in Business.
HARRlsntTRG, September 20. It has
leaked out.that William Tobias, arrested a
few days ago in Washington Territory,
forged his uncle'a nan e on paper amount
ing to over $10,000 in he upper end of this
county. Tobias was the proprietor of a
store, and not doing a prosperous business,
resorted to forgery io mace up for his
failure. C. W. Tobias, the uncle, is a
farmer and cattle dealer in good circum
stances, and money wis easily realized on
notes bearing his name. The father of the
alleged forger is said to have given a judg
ment of nearly ?12,000to the First National
Bank of Millersburg, io indemnify it against
losses on account of the swindles practiced,
but the father contends that he gave the
judgment as security for the appearance of
his son at a hearing.
Young Tobias fled to the West about a
year ago. Recently one of his friends, who
was inebriated, dropped his name, which
resulted in his arrest A true bill was
iound against the accused last March.
Alabama Necroce Ilcfuso to Labor Longer
for Their Employes.
Bteminguam. Ala., September 20. A
dispatch from Monteville, a town near the
scene of tho recent race troubles In Bibb
county, says the negroes have resolved to do
no more work for white people. The negro
women are in the movement, and white
families are unable to obtain cooks or women
to do their laundry work. The negroes re
fuse to work on the farms, and many farm
ers will be unable to gather their crops un
less they can obtain white laborers.
The only reason given by the negroes for
their action is that they are tired of work
ing for white people.
Composed of Colored Soldiers Said to Ex
ist In the Reznlnr Army.
Tucson, Aeiz., September 20. William
Yainson, Jonathan Neilson, Perry Donglas
and David Edwards, colored soldiers, were
brought here to-day charged with the mur
der of William Fleming, a colored soldier,
a month ago.
It is claimed they belong to a secret or
ganization among the colored troops, who
ordered tho death of Fleming. They will
have a hearing before the United States
Commissiouef September 26.
The New York Committee Has Located the
World'. Fair pflS02.
New Toek, September 20. The Com
mittee on Site and Buildings, of the World's
Fair, at a meeting this afternoon, decided
that the location of the fair should be be
tween Ninty-seventh and One-hundred-and-twenty-seventh
streets, Fourth avenue and
the northern end to include Riverside Park
and Morningside Park, and the property
contiguous thereto, and to use the north end
of Central Park only in case of there being
an absolute necessity for it
A Choctaw at College.
Schenectady;, N. Y., September 20.
Among the 62 members of the Freshman
class at Union College is Allen F. Wright,
of the Indian Territorv, son of a former
chief of the Choctaw Nation. He is the
fourth of his family to enter the institution.
Dispatch a charming ttoryfor the Utile one,
tniilltti "The Jluke and the JKcV
? I r gaga
That a Fatal Land Slide Has Visited
the City of Qnebec.
Pears That Another Mass of Rock Will Add
to the Disaster.
after viewing the Crashed Eemalns of His Once
Beautiful Wife.
Twenty-five dead bodies have been recov
ered from the scene oi the Quebec land
slide, and many are still believed to be in
the ruins. The disaster is a duplicate of
one on the same spot many years ago. The
sights attending the accident are of the
most distressing character.
Quebec, September 20. More than 24
hours have elapsed since the terrible land
slide at the Point, and many bodies are still
believ edtobeintte debris. The site of the
landslide of last night is almost identical
with that of the one which occurred ill 1841,
when eight buildings were crushed and 32
"persons were killed. The houses destroyed
last night all Etood on the other side of the
roadway, and were not thought to be in
danger, but the Immense mass of rook Swept
clear across the roadway and over the brick
buildings, demolishing them as if they were
made of cardboard.
The mass of earth and rock moved is
roughly sDeakinc. about 600 frontace bv 80
feet in depth. Some of the masses of fallen
rock must weigh nearly 20 tons, and there
are so many huge, blocks that it makes the
work of clearance very difficult It is
feared that a large part of the rock adjoin
ing the side of the slide will come down, as
large crevices have appeared and the rain
is still falling and may repeat the opera
tions which caused last night's disaster.
The people are moving outoi the threat
ened houses.
While the workers were busy clearing
away the debris of crumbled buildings,
faint groans were heard at Intervals from
under huge piles of rocks. The efforts of
the volunteers were concentrated to that
point, and after three hours' bard work the
bleeding body of Joe Kemp was extricated
from the mass of rocks.
The poor man is in a most pitiable condi
tion. Both legs are broken at the knees,
the left arm is fractured above the elbow
and several ribs are fractured. He cannot
life many hours. Two hours later his wife's
body was taken out of the wreck. Her head
was almost severed from her body.
Further away another hideous spectacle
was offered to sight the corpse of a young
w:man (Mrs. Lauson) who had been ad
mired in her lifetime for her beauty. Her
bo ly had been crushed almost flat Shortly
after viewing her remains her husband be
came a raving maniac. It is doubtful if he
will recover his reason.
A man named Michael Bradley, who had
gone almost crazy when told that all bis
family had perished in the landslide, dis
covered, while working over the wreck of
his house, his 6-year-old daughter still
alive. His joy was indescribable. It is
thought the child will live.
Up to this time the number of corpses
found is Z5, ana tne number ofwonnded 18V
.Preparations are beinjj made for the funerals'
ot mc Kiueu, imu win os ouriea at tne
joint expense of citizens and the local gov
ernment. It has beep decided to nse small
charges of powder to break up the huge
boulder covering the roadway, as it is cer
tain that there can be nothing living be
neath it.
The scene of the terrible disaster is being
visited by thousands, who block up the nar
row street, and make it a difficult task for
any one to move in any direction. There
being but one nariw stscet between the rock
and the river, there is a complete stoppage
of traffic, except by climbing over the de
bris. A large force of men are engaged in
the work of searching the rains,
The shipping office in the Dominion
Government building has been turned Into
a temporary morgue, and over 20 bodies are
lying in it. It is difficult to identify some
of the bodies, so much have they been dis
figured and crushed. A complete list of
the injured cannot be made up as yet, as
they were removed to different hospitals and
to friends' houses as soon as they were taken
from the ruins.
Thousands crowded into the morgue and
seized every point inside and outside the
building where a glimpse could be had of
the bodie3 of the victims. Many women
who obtained au entrance had to be re
moved in a fainting condition, the mangled
bodies being a sight to try the nerves of the
strongest men.
Among those buried by the rocks are a
young couple named Nolan, who were mar
ried a few weeks ago. Nolan could have
escaped, hut he lost his life in trying to get
his wife ont of the house. It is thought
that the King's bastion, on the citadel, will
have to be removed, as it is now near the
edge of the rock, with unsafe crevices in
front of it As a precautionary measure,
all communication with the bastion has
been cut off, and the morning guns will no
longer be fired from it
The Quaker Cltv Mlshtlly In Need ofRetnrn
Cargoes Now.
Philadelphia, September 20. It is
feared that Philadelphia's iron ore trade
will soon be "a thing of the past," nnless
something is done to secure outward cargoes
for vessels coming here with ore, and thus
avoid the expense and delay of changing
ports. English owners of steam and sail
vessels have decided to demand higher
freights to Philadelphia, owing to the im
possibility of getting out-bound cargoes here,
although quicker dispatch in discharging
cargoes can be had here than in any other
port in the united States.
Hundreds of steam craft, which are now
trading from the well-known iron ore ports
of Marbella, Elba, Seriphos, Cartagena,
Garrucha and Bilbao to Baltimore, prefer
Philadelphia rather than that port, with a
run south to Cape Henry and a long Chesa
peake Bay route and the disadvantage of in
tensely salt water the entire length, while
the Delaware river is fresh many miles
below the city. The advantage of fresh
water is of itself an important item to iron
vessels from long voyages. It kills the
barnacles and other shellfish which cling to
the bottoms on long voyages.
The distance to tho furnaces from Phila
delphia is less than from other ports, but the
cheaper rates of freight induce vessel own
ers to go to tbe less favorably situated port,
and higher freights to Philadelphia are dut
to the small chances oi getting cargoes oue
from this city.
The Smokeleae Powder Pnr Superior.
Beelik, September 20. A sham fight
took place at Hanover to-day between
troops using the ordinary powder and others
using the new smokeless kind. The great
superiority of the smokeless powder was
fully demonstrated, the enemy failing to
judge the distance or direction of tbe fire,
and the absence of smoke insuring rapidity
and better aim to those using the new ex-plosive-
Henry Vlllnrd Obliged to Brow la W
Horns HU Fellow Directory he the
Northern Pnciffe Won't It
1 Him Have-Ills ewnWayV -
Ne.tv YOBS, September 30. The even
of the day on Wall street, which, however,
was not generally known, was1 the uncondi
tional surrender of Mr. Henry "Vflfard to
his fellow directors in the Northern Pacific
Kailroad Company. With the execution of
the new consolidated mortgage as it will be
drawn by Director John CBullett upon lines,
laid down by the directors of the company
to-day, Mr. VHlard's dreams of legerde
main performed with the securities of the
Northern Pacific Company must cease. Mr.
Villard unquestionably controls a-majority
of the capital stock of the company, but the
victory he will win will fall even shorter
of his aims than that which the Union
Pacific people and their allies wrested from
him on the occasion of the Oregon Trans
continental election last spring".
The proposed consolidated mortgage can
not be authorized without the assistance of
preferred stockholders who will exaet their
own terms before voting for that meas
ure Mr. Villard's share in fioan
ciering the company will now ,not
be much more important than 'that
of other directors; a circumstance which
will give him ample time to financier the
Northern JPacifio stocks he has bought the
last few weeks. He may also, perhaps, be
able to give needed time to the liquiiation
of the Oregon Transcontinental Company,
unless he should be anticipated in that
work by some of its stockholders, or by the
legal authorities of the State oi Oregon.
Now that Mr. Villard has been defeated
and dividends upon Northern Pacific pre
ferred are not forthcoming at his nod, it is
hot improbable that the German investment
demand for that stock may" be df a character
that will compel the Oregon and Transcon-i
tinental Company to rentw-the obligations
it now has outstanding to secure the indebt
edness Incurred by Viilardism in 1883.
The Postmaster General' Brother Beaten
Ont of n Cincinnati Contract.
Washington, September 20. When
The" Dispatch correspondent drew the
attention of Postmaster General Wana
maker to the charge made in Cincinnati
that the firm of Wanamaker & Brown had
received some sort of a "tip" from the De
partment which enabled them to underbid
the local clothing firms on the contract for
letter carriers' uniforms, be said: "In the
first place, I have no connection with the
firm of Wanamaker & Brown. I began
business with them, but sold out my entire
interest, five years ago, to my brother. In
the second place, the contracts for letter
carriers' uniforms are not awarded by the
department; tbey are wholly local matters,
controlled by the postmaster. My
own firm manufactures no clothing;
we have only a small department
oi our general mercantile establishment
devoted to it Now I ask your is it
reasonable to suppose that, with a trade of
$25,000,000 a year, he would go into this
sort of business for the 'sake of makings
few dollars more out of poital contracts?
Aud if my brother should wish to enter into
a competition witn other merchants for any
thing which is free to the whole public have
I any right to forbid him.or even-to request
him to desist, simply because we happen to
have the same surname?"
"You had heard the charge from Cincin
nati already?" he was asked.
"I had, and I have later news from it
than yon" have. As soon as my brother
learned of the existence ofAny.Ceeling about
Ian affair herjelte-jaished the contract i So
yon may say that even he is entirely out of
It now.
"Did he turn his contract over to some
other party, chosen by himself, or simply
withdraw and let it go to the next lowest
bidder in the general competition?"
"I don't know. All that I can say is that
he no longer holds the contract?"
A Perry County1 Ensband Allows Ills Eloping
Wife to Escape.
Haeeisbtjeg, September 20. Yesterday
Edward Bentley, a bridge builder, residing
at Dnncannon, ferry county, -eloped with
Mrs. J. D. Bice, the wife of a hotel proprie
tor in that town, and last evening the man
registered himself as Charles Brown, and
Mrs. Bice as his wife, representing that
both were from Pittsburg. Tbe party re
tired early, and at a late hour a constable
from Duncannon appeared at the hotel in
quest oi the fugitives. The description
given of the couple corresponded with their
appearance, and he and a Harrisburg po
liceman looked over the transom of the
room occupied by them and found them
A rap at the door brought Bentley to the
door, and soon after the man and woman
were in jail. At the hearing this afternoon
they were released, the husband of Mrs.
Bice declining to prosecute. The couple
left the Mayor's office together, seemingly
not annoyed by the interruption of their
el oping scheme.
on an Electric Road
Willi an Accident.
Chattanooga, September 20. A car
on the electric railroad up Mission BIdge
slipped on the hill, the track being covered
with dew. The car was heavily loaded and
the passengers, at the bidding of the con
ductor, jumped off. The passengers injured
were all visitors in attendance at the re
union of Wilder's brigade.
The injured were all brought to the city,
and the officials of the road are doing all in
their power to relieve them. The track was
reported in good condition list night, and
the accident occurred on the first trip up
the ridge this morning. The company is
exempted from all blame by the passengers
on the cars who escaped injury.
Borne Raral Residents Believe They Have
Struck a Bonanza.
Newabk-, N. J., September 20. The
village of Irvington, three miles from this
city, has a gold- discovery boom. James
Murray, a laborer, while excavating on the
road, found a ledge of rock containing shin
ing particles.
Samples of the rock taken toGlorieuxBe
finery were fonnd to contain gold. Judging
by the samples, the rock is said to be worth
$60 a ton. More of the ledge will be un
earthed at once and placed in the hands of
an assayer.
Shortages ot $13,000 Found in the Ac
count of a Missing Man.
Bcblikgxon, Ia., September 20. Win
terset, la., is considerably stirred by the
unexplained absence of J. B. Westfall, Sec
retary of the Mutual Loan Trust Company.
He left last Friday, saying that he would
return the next day. He didn't return, and
now shortages of $15,000 have been found in
his accounts. He leaves a wife and child.
ern detective to induce criminal to confetx, it
deicribed by Benjamin Jfyrthrop in io-mvr-tovft
Declaring What He Iatea& to Be fcriiff
the ComLftg CasvasB.aHd
Bo Doesa't Intend, t Be iBwira to Hi 0omnta
Unless Parsed la. '
Ex-Governor Lees Abfeeti w wHe
,'to lew, for' sales, etc, FrE?gBPaB
Whandeiinat the main advertisteg kSH
The atmi-Tcn. Fifth avenue, m te ' ' jT3
' ML ?'"$
mm accepts mm
Bk - rai
SerralaIe Osce lore. ' mM
upon yesterdftyasd informed of hlf nominal y ,..
tion lor another term as -new-Jerseys seea
the officer. He took, the wrprietefciafer
matfoa calmly as- passible under tb- ek
stances and told ak faefids what k will d .
when elected.
Jke3etCttt, September 30. Taeoea
mittee.appointed to notify ex-Go versor Ab
bettof his nomination far Governor iaei at
Taylor's Hotel in this city to-day, aad
marched ia a body to Mr. ABbett's howe Ik
Snssez place. The Governor received them
at the door. Seats- were arranged by the
committee in the parlor, In a- circle, and the
Governor's chair was in the center of the
room. Senator Werts said:
We are a, committee from the Cesoeritie
State Convention, deputed to Inform yon ot
your uomfsatfeB by tfeat body for Governor of
New Jersey. That action was bat the iobox ot
x popular demand waieh.deslgnated you as tbe
fittest man in the State, to oceapy the posUIes
of Governor for the next three years. Tho
convention was harmonious, and tendered tea '
nomination nnankaossly, sy aeeUmiMon. I
fcavetue honor to preseat teres a espy ottte
official declaration of principles aaojteA by tie
The Senator handed the Governor aae
grossed copy of the platform as he flais&ed.
speaking. The Governor sailed as he"
accepted the paper, and kid it oa ttw chair
In which he had beea sitting. The he
straightened up, buttoned his Prince Albert
coat, and began his speech accepting the
nomination. He spoke nearly half an hour.
He was interrupted frequently by applause.
He said:
I am profoundly grateful te the- Democracy
of this State, who through you gentlemen have
tendered me the un&nimons nomination for
Governor. I have read the declaration of
principles, and I accept tbe aoalsattofl aad
pledge answering fidelity to the principles
there laid down. The nomination asd tfee
manner in which it comes to me saxes me feel
grateful 2nd Inspires a certainty ot sseeess. I
shall represent the Democratic party of the"
State and its principles and success, kaewteg;
no factions or person, knowing netateg bet tbe .
interests of our party and the prosperity of tfte
Commonwealth. From the unanimity of tke
party this straggle will not be u severe as K;
might have been under other clrcmastaaeea.
but I believe In never sleeping, except os year?
arms, In the battlefield.
Twill clearly present to the people lattds
eanvasa the principles of the party. I will
seek; to show that tbey are the expressions of
our honest convictions, without anysquiratef;
or evasion. It is essential that the Governor
of the State should be a Democrat and that he
should have a Democratic LegfcCature to sap"
port him. I know what sort of a canvass most
ha met hv the Democrats, and that it can be
met only by severe, determined work in every
assembly district in the State. I believe that
the people are ready to support me, set Ofily
DimopTstie TVrfalataro. ""
I Shall, present to you a letter of oeeeptewee
in a few days, according to custom, in whlee 1
shall speak of the principles for which we
stand. 1 shall ten tfra people what I shall do
when elected. Ishallappeat to them for sup
port, and I shall pledge myself to carry ont
after election the pledges made as a canoiaate.
I shall not make personal attacks, as some of
tbe Republican papers bare been doiaff. bat if
the other side does resort to the personal abase
there will be
blows to give
as well as to take. Abuse only helps the man .
who Is abused, if the people believe in hie '
The Republican convention has attempted to
eliminate an national issues from the cam
paign. It did it because it discovered last year
that it was in a minority on tbe question,
but on the State issne tbe Democrats are ready
to meet them and will show the substantial
benefits fehich have been achieved by Demo
cratic Governors. From this nonr I shall stand
ready for the canvass, and 1 ask you to carry
ont an aggressive campaign. We asktbe other
side to do the same, and we will leave the re
sult to tbe people. I will be elected by the
votes ot tbe people, and I hope to leave tho
place with tbe same good will that I left before,
which has resulted la my unanimous nomina
tion. After he finished sneaking Governor
Abbett invited the committee to a luncheon
which had been spread in an adjoining
room. The new Democratic State Com
mittee met in Taylor's Hotel this morning
and organized. Allan McDermottof this
eity, was re-elected Chairman, and Wlllard
C. Fisk Secretary. Ben J. Lee, clerk to
the Supreme Court, was elected Treasurer.
A long secret session was held.
A Young Woman Who Warn Readily Re
vlred by a Chilly Dose.
PHiLADELPHiA,September2b. A young
woman who was found in an apparently un
conscious condition at Broad and Bace
streets on Tuesday night last, has been
recognized as the notorious Carrie Gilchrist,
who imposed upon the most eminent physi
cians in New York and Jersey City about a
year ago by feigning unconsciousness and
remarkable rigidity during a supposed fit
When fonnd on Tuesday there were traces
of arsenical poison in her mouth, and it
was supposed that she had attempted to end
her life. She gave her name as Caroline
Manb, of No. 1651 Meyers street, Camden,
N. J. As there is no such street she kept
the police busy searching former friends.
On Wednesday morning the womanmade
an effort to hang herself to a bedpost in the
Hahnemann Hospital, but she was detected
nud removed to tbe Central police station.
While in tbe patrol wagon she became hys
terical, and very cleverly feigned a dying
District Surgeon Angney brought her to
her senses, however, by pouring ice water in
her ear, and, suspecting who she was, sent
her to the Philadelphia Hospital, where she
had onco been confined. The physicians
immediately recognized her.
The Preliminary Report Made to the Sec
retary of tbe Interior.
Washington, September 20. O. E.
Mitchell, the Commissioner of Patents, haa
filed with the Secretary of the Interior the
preliminary report ot the operations of his
bureau for the year ended June 30, 1889.
There were received during the year 36,740
applications for patents. The number of
patents granted during the year, including
reissues and designs, was 21,618. Tbe re
ceipts from all sources during the year
aggregated $1,100,557, the expenditures
$999,697, leaving a surplus for the year of
$186,860, which makes the total amount in
the United States Treasury to the credit of
the patent fund, $3,524,626.
A comparative statement shows that the
receipts of 'the office were $G3,663 in excess
of those of last year, while tbe expenditures
were $45,067 in excess of those of 1888.
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