Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 20, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Sure Prosperity in Tareulnm,
lie Glass Industry
Bottle, TaWe Ware and Hate Glass Fac
tories Crowded.
Thubsday, September 19. ISS9. J
An interview with a citizen of Tarentnm
to-day developed the fact that this rising
town is rejoicing in unwonted prosperity.
The principal product of the town is glass.
The oldest works in this line are the Flac
ens Bottle "Works, which are at thif time
giving employment to not less than 150 men
and boys. These works are running ti their
full capacity, and are unable to accnpulate
any stock. " Tarentum has, beside this old
time bottle factory, two establishments en
gaged in the manufacture of table glassware,
which are also running to their full capacity,
the two giving employment to almost 300 men
aud boys.
Plate Gin Is Great Dcmnnd.
The plate glass works of Tarentnm, Creigh
ton and Ford City are crowded with orders, and
their product goes ont as fast as it can be
produced. It is only nine years since the pHte
glass industry was inaugurated in this region
under the auspices of Captain J. B. Ford at
Creighton. A second factory started up in a
year or two at Tarentum, and now a third is in
blast at Ford City, a few miles below Kittan
ning. on the Valley road, under the auspices of
the pioneer concern. The new factory has a
capacity equal to those at Tarentum and
Creighton combined, and there are no signs
that the plate glass industry is overdone.
When the first plate glass was made at Creigh-
"tnn nlinnttlmtinianr fSsrfiMrTK inauguration.
the price paid here for high grades was 2 25
per square foot,
A Wondrrfnl Difference
Now, a very superior quality, which is found
good enoughfor our finest display windows, is
furnished at SO cents per foot. Ten years ago
the principal portion or the plate glass used in
this city was imported. Sow. more than one
half ishomemade, and the consumption has
verr grcjtly increased ia that time.
From present outlook. Tarentum will, ere
long, like Braddock. McKeesport, Mansfield
and Homestead, arise to the proportions of a
city. Pittsburg's surrounding towns, like their
source and center, are at this date passing
through a season of unusual prosperity. It is
doubtful if there ever was a time when the
prosperity of this citj's bailiwick was as sub
stantial as it is right now. Merchants, manu
facturers and farmers all uuite in bearing testi
mony to the fact that times arc good, and the
outlook was never better. There is certainly
no inter of discontent facing our people at
this time.
East Liberty's Livo Stock.
The reported sales of prime cattle at the
East Liberty yards, in this morning's Dis
patch, should have been iiz instead of 4Jc.
The former figure was the highest obtained at
these yards this week.
The supply ot sheep, as the report below will
disclose, was larger than for a few weeks past,
but prices were fully sustained as compared
with a week ago.
The strong bog market of Monday and Tues
day collapsed yesterday, and prices were off 23c
per cwt owinc to liberal receipts.
It does not require many days to correct any
shortage in the line of hogs. The quality of
recent supplies is not good. Too many grassers
are thrown on the market at this time of the
Following is a report of the week's work at
the East Liberty Stockyards:
Thro'. 1 Local.
Thursday 942i ....i i,(W) 2,310
Frtdav .... 2M 10! 4,875 1,430
Saturday 9) 100 1,1.50 1,870
fcunday .. ... 3) 2,160 4,030 3,080
Monday .1) 90 1,415 1,540
Tuesday 16J 60 2.SS0 1,760
Wednesday... ... S30I lOJ 4,3501 1,430
Total 3.S72J 5,430,' 19,35o 13, CO
j , ,,
Lattwcek 4.0931 2,0301 22,650 10,450
Previous week.... 4,2l 3,510 54,225 8,570
Total ...,
Last week
Previous week..
12, $43
The Condition of Business nt the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office OFPiTTSBrjBG Dispatch,!
Thcksdat, September 19, 1SS9. J
CATTLE Receipts, 42J head; shipments,
460 bead; market nothing doing; all through
consignments; no cattle tupped to New York
Hc-GS-Recelpts. C.800 nead; shipments. 2,500
head; market very slow; light Yorkers. SI 65a
4 TO; medium and light Philadelpbias, SI 65a
4 70; heavy hoes. SJ 40&4 50: 7 cars of ho-s
shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep ItcceipU 1,200 head; shipments,
1,000 head: market fair at unchanged prices, ex
cept lambs, which arc Jc off from last week's.
A Flurry in tlio" Wheat Pit-Bullish few
Causes nn Elevntion of Prices Corn
Active but Bower-Onls TJn-cbnugcd-Pork
Chicago Interest in the wheat market
to-day continued unabated. The bullish
feeling recently shown by local operators
was of a mory 'pronounced character to-day
than has yet been witnessed, and during the
latter part ofthe session trading was heavy,
accompanied'by considerable excitement. Re
ceipts at this point were slightly below the
estimates and graded as poorly as ever, and it
is the prevailing opinion among receiving
houses that there is not likely to be any in
crease in the percentage of No. 2 in the near
Bull news again predominated, and in fact
about the only favorable circumstance to which
the bears could point was the continued light
outward movement from seaboard ports. As
an offset to this poor showing, however, is the
fact that exporters have been bidding higher
prices for wheat in Western markets for the
past two days. Twenty-two thousand bushels
of No. 2 spnng was worked here to-day, and
some house took 50,000 bushels of No. 1 hard in
Duluth. One report from there said 100,000
bushels had been sold. News from abroad was
all favorable for holders.
The opening here was Kc off for the leading
futures, and under a strong selling pressure
early the market receded lc more, but the
scalping crowd found the odds against them,
and after realizing by local and St. Louis longs
was over prices started up with nnmistakeable
indications of inherent strength in the market.
From inside flcures there was an advance of
??8C,and final closings showed a net gain
for the day of Jc in December and May and
K6?ic in other deliveries.
An active speculative business was trans
acted in corn, and the feeling developed was
easier, the bulk of the trading being at lower
prices. The frosts predicted for last night did
not materialize, and as the weather was more
favorable the market opened heavy a shade
nnrinr vi'-Sterdav's closing nrinnft. and onder
free offerings declined c, longs selling
ont and hhorts covering and putting out fresh
lines. A feature to-day was the rather free
selling of the near futures aud buying of May
by a prominent local trader, which widened
the difference between the near and off futures
about Jc more than yesterday. The market
closed 45jjC lower than yesterday.
Oats were quiet and steady and without new
features of interest. There was a fair number
of orders on the market to buy on any decline,
but the limited offerings prevented more than
iic change in prices.
The mess pork market attracted little atten
tion, and trading was rather light and chiefly
in small quantities. Prices rather favored
A very quiet feeling prevailed in the lard
market, and trading was light.
in snort no sides trading was moderate ana
prices exhibited very little change.
The leading rutures ranged as follows-
Wheat No.2.0ctober.77e78K777Sc;
December. 79$S07979c: year. Ti
7oV77Jg78c; May. e3Kt3&S83Kc.
Cobs No. 2, October, 3-lS23232c;
November. 32yi32ye31JiSltic: December,
315i"31K3131c; May. 33K313333?ic.
Oats No. 2, October, l!&19c: December,
19K19c; May. 22?i22!ic
Mess Pork, per bbl. October, $1125
11 4511 1011 10: November. $9 259 259 200
9 5; January, S3 109 129 07K&9 12&
Lard, per 100 tts. October, Jo fe7K5 90
5 8765 90: year. So 72K5 77572K5 77.
Januaiy. S5 725 7765 725 77&
Short Rms. per luo Iks. October, SI S2VQ
i b5l S21 S2 January, Sf 654 654 6:
i btti.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
78c: No. 3 spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 red,
7bc No. 2 corn. 32c A o. 2 outs, 19c.
No. 2 rye, c. No. 2 barley, 60S63C.
No. 1 flaxseed. Jl 27. Prime timothy seed,
12S129. Mess pork, per bbkSll 00. Lard,
per 100 pounds. So 976 00. Short rib sides
(loose), i505o 10; drv salted shoulders (boxed),
U 37K4. 50; short clear sides (boxed), io 25
5 37f Keceipts-Flour, 14,000 barrels;
wheat, 90.000 bushels; com. S2L000 bushels;
oats, 161,000 bushels; rye, 16.000 bush
els; barley, 61,000 bushels. Shipments Flour,
18.000 barrels: wheat, 120.000 bushels: corn. 645,
000 bush els: oats, 107,000 bushels; rye, 27,000 bush
els; barley. 27,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-dav the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 1515a
New York Flour active: exnorters buvinir
largely and prices strong. Wheat Spot firm:
exp-ters ana millers moderate buyers; yj
higher: options moderately active, kff1
higher and steady. Barley dull. Barley nial
quiet. Corn Spot fairly active and easier;
options dull and HQc lower, closing steady.
Oats Spot steady ana quiet; options dull and
easier. Coffee Options opened steady at un
changed prices 'to 5 points off; closing firm;
sales, 5L750 bags, including September, 15.70
15 85c; October, 15.7015.85r; November, 15.75
15 90c; December, 15.7015.95c; January. 1575
15.90c; irebruarv. 15.90c, March, 15.7o15.95c;
May, la8016.00c; August. 16.00c; spot
Rio firm and quiet: lair cargoes. 19c.
Sugar Raw quiet and firm; refined fairly
active and steady. Molasses Foreign nominal;
New Orleans quiet. Rice steady. Cottonseed
oil quiet. Tallow quiet. Rosin quiet. Tur
pentine quiet. Eggs hrm for fine fresh; western
freth. 19K20c: receipts, 1346 packages. Pork
steady; mess, inspected, S12 2512 75; do, un
inspected, J12 25; extra prime. S10 2510 50.
Business Houses and Medium-Sized
Tenements Are Very Scarce.
Country People Confased as to the In
terest Charged for Money.
Ily Tclecrnpli.
Kansas Crnr Cattle-Receipts, 7,102 head;
ehipments, 5,617 head: offerincs generally com
mon: best native and Texas steers steady to
strong; common weak; native cows mostly
common and weak and5g!0c lower; stockers
and feeding steers lower; good to choice corn
Jjd steers, S4 004 25: common to medium.
2 903 to; stockers and feeding steers, SI 60
31(h cows. SI 352 50; grass range steers. SI 60
2.0. Hogs Receipts. 5,520 head; shipments,
2.3S6 head: market steadv to 5c bieher: cood
to choice licht SI 15fl!l SO: heaw and T,I
S3 604 10. Sheep Receipts, 1.797 head: mar
ket steady; good to choice muttons, S3 253 75
stockers and feeders, S2 003 60.
New York Beeves Receipts, 530 head, all
for exportation alive, except one carload- no
tradms in beef cattle; a trifle firmer for dressed
beefat5i7Kc per pound for native sides,
and at 48oc for Texas do; exports from this
port to-day 1,680 beeves. Calves Receipts 560
head; quiet at 23c per pound for gras'sers
arid butterruilkf, andat58oior veals. Sheep
Receipts, 3.200 head; steady at 57c per
pound for lambs and at 45Xc for sheep, with
some choice sheep sold at 5c. Hogs Re
ceipts, 3,700 head; no trading in live hogs: nom
inally steady at S4 404 80 per 100 pounds for
hogsandatS1905 10forpigs. r
Chicago-Cattle Receipts. 13,000head:ship
ments. 4.S00 bead: marRet steadv to stroncer:
choice to extra beeves, SI 3ol 70: steers. $2 90
4 25; Stockers and feeders S1853 00; cows,
bulls and mixed, SI 2o2 90: Texas cattle. SI 50
3 10; Western rangers, S2 O03 75. Hob-Receipts,
18,000 bead: shipments, 7,000 head; mar
ket heavy and 10c lower; mixed. K 6004 40
heavy, S3 704 20; light. S3 753 95; skips?S3 40
3 55. Sheep Receipts. 9,000 head; shipments.
3,000 head; market stead; natives. S3 504 70
Western. S3 554 15; Texans. S3 754 15; Smbs,
4 506 15.
Buffalo Cattle dull; receipts, 65 loads
throucb: no sale. Sheep and lambs Re
ceipts, 4 loads through; 12 sale; sheep no
good on market; lambs active and highr-eood
to best, SG 15fi6 40; fair to good, Sfi 006 15
common, $3 004 50. Hogs slow and lower- re
ceipts. If loads through; 40 sale; medium and
heavy. S4 254 So; corn Yorkers, S4 -2504 85-
others unchanged. ""
ST- LoSSrCa"Ie-Reipts. 1,500 head; ship
ments. ,,900 head; market strong; choice heaw
native steers, H 0004 65: fair to cood do S3 90
4 15; stockers and feeders. $2 102 90; ranee
steers, S2 153 OU Hoes Receipts, 2.900 head
shipments, 2,200 bead: market steady: fair to
choice heavy, S3 901 10; packing grades S3 70
4 0, light, fair to best, $4 104 to. bheep
fieceipts.2,000 head; shipments, 1,000 head; mar
ket steady: fair to choice. S3 204 21).
TboDrjEOods Market.
NEW YORK. September IS. With clear
weather business was aeain better at both first
and second bands. The jobbing trade to-day
was very good in all departments, and the com
mission houses were visited by a number of out
of town buyers, in consequence of which spot
transactions indicated a decidedly improving
tendency. Cotton goods and woolen fabrics
for jobbers were in more general request, and
there was a better feeline. The tone ot the
cotton goods market tends to Improve. There
were a few good transactions in men's wear
woolens, but tbe first part of the season is ap
parently closing. The general market was un
changed. Wool Market.
St. Louis Receipts, 24,723 pounds; market
quiet and steady.
Lard bpot steady; futures firmer and quiet;
sales western steam, S6 S56 40, closing at
S6 35; -September, S6 32, closing at S6 31;. Octo
ber. S6 2&S6 30, closing at Sfi 29; November,
S6 15; December. SO 15, closing at S6 14 bid;
January, J6 16; February. S6 19; March, S6 22.
Butter Fine active and firmer; western dairy
912c: creamery. 1223c; factory. 7V12c
Cheese quiet and easier; western. 9isc.
Pnri.ADEi.pniA iHour steadier with a mod
erate deniamL Wheat opened firm: closed
barely stead; No. 2 red, in export elevator.
Sflr? Kn 9. rpil Kpntumhor 703CTCni .. o
tober, 80S05c; November. 8182c: Decem
ber. 82feS4ic Corn Options steady with
moderate business in October: car lots irregular
and favored buyers; No. 3 mixed, on track, 41c;
No 2 mixed, in Twentieth street elevator, 41c:
No. 2 mixed, in train depot, 40Kc; No. 2
mixed and yellow, on trsck and in Twentieth
street elevator. 41K42c; No. 2 mixed, Septem
bcr.4UJ41c; October, 40JJ41c; November,41
iic: December, 3940c Oats Car lots
KKg higher; No. 2 mixed.23fc; No. 3 white,
24i25c;Na 2 white, 262(; options quiet
and steady; No. 2 white.September, 26S26:,ic:
October, 2727Kc; November, 2bJ428c;
December. 2aif30c. Eggs firm; cood re-
aucst for choice stock; Pennsylvania firsts, 21c.
eceipts Flour. 2.200 barrels; wheat, 7.000
bushels; corn, 23,300 bushels: oats. 15,300 bush
els. Shipments Wheat. 1,400 bushels; corn,
3,800 bushels: oats. 9,500 bushels.
St. Louis Flour firm, but quiet and un
changed. Wheat The market fluctuated very
little and closed firm; No. 2 red, cash, 78c
7Sc bid; December, 7Mc ; May, 83Jc. Corn
nnsettled; So. 2 cash. 29Jc: October closed at
3Uic bid; year, asjsc; January. 2iJc: May.SOKc
Oats weak; No. 2 cash. 19Jic bid; May, 22J-f
22Jc; Septembor. 185-gc; October. 18c bid, 19c
asked. Rye quiet but firm; No. 2, 373Sc.
Barley steady: fowa. 4058c: Wisconsin, 59
62Kc: Minnesota, COC9c Flaxseed easier at
SI 251 28. Provisions easier.
MrLWrAUKEE Flonr unchanged. Wlieat
higher: cash, 73JSc; October, 73Kc Com dull;
Na 3. 32J33c- Oats steadv; No. 2 white, 22c
Rye Arm; No. 1, 43Jic. Barley firm; No. 2. 60c
bid. Provisions firm. Pork Cash. $11 10; Oc
tober, til 15. Lard Cash. S5 90; October, So 95.
Cheese steady; Cheddars. SKfiSJic
Baltimore Provisions steady. Butterflrm;
"Western pa:ked, 1014c: creamery, 1920c.
Eggs irrecular; fresh, 18c. Coffee nominal;
Rio. fair 19Jc
Toledo Clovcrseed active; cash and Sep
tember, S4 05; October and November, S4 10.
A gentleman called on Samuel "W. Black
& Cs. yesterday with a view to renting a
warehouse for mercantile purposes, but the
firm was not only unable to supply his
want, bat was at a loss where to direct him
for such a building. This indicates that
things are unusually, active in Pittsburg,
where business property is practically all
occupied. Capitalists who want their
money employed would make a strike by
purchasing property on downtown streets
which have old or small, cheap buildings,
and putting up new ones of a size and style
to suit present business requirements.
This is not the only failure to secure a
business stand that has occurred here lately.
The supplying of this want would not only be a
good investment, but It would bring large
amounts of money to Pittsburg which other
wise will go elsewhere.
It may not be generally known. that there are
very few small or medium-sized houses for rent
in Pittsburg, but such is the fact. W. A. Her
ron 4 Sons, C. H. Love, Black fc Baird, Berin
ger & Son, Samuel W. Black & Co. and others
who make a specialty of renting, concurin say
ing that the demand is larger than the supply.
The "to let" lists in the city papers are very
small. There is no apparent scarcity of large
bouses, but those of four or Ave rooms, suit
able for small families of moderate means are
at a premium. This unusual demand so late in
the season comes from people who have lately
arrived in tbe city, having been attracted
bitherbythe renewal of industrial activity.
Some have come from Chicago, some from Cin
cinnati, and others from various places east
and west.
They are for tbe most part skilled workmen
In their various avocations, and possess all the
qualifications or good citizens. Their retention
is desirable. But if they are unable to obtain
houses at a moderate rental in which to live,
they will have no alternative but to shake the
dust of Pittsburg from their feet and make
their homes in some other locality. This is a
matter of great impottance to Pittsburg, and
a remedy for the complaint should be devised
as speedily as possible, it does not speak well
,for local capitalists that intelligent, industrious
people should be dnven away by their inability
to obtain suitable houses to live in.
Country people appear to have a false im
pression as to the rates for money in this city.
Said a member ot tbe firm of W. A. Herron &
Co. yesterday: "A gentleman who lives in a
neighboring town came to me the other day to
find out the terms upon which he could place a
mortgage for So, 000. I asked him what rate he
expected to get. He replied about 4. I told
him that I"Could not accommodate him on such
terms; that there was considerable Eastern
money floating around which was offered at his
figure, but it was limited to gilt-edged city
property; but even it was being withdrawn
owing to the extra legal fees it involved. I ad
vised him to apply to Philadelphia. So far as I
know he did not get the money. Country peo
ple should remember that with the improved
demand for money rates have hardened. The
banks are putting out very little under 6.
Loans on realty are seldom made below 5 and
and Western preferred sold at 19K. and 2
Switch and Signal at 24V. At the afternoon
call. 35 shares of Philadelphia Gas went at
36ft 10 at 36 80 at 8 and 200 La Nona at
Henry M. Long sold 100 shares Pleasant Val
ley at 19f. 20 shares Commercial National
Bank at 96, 60 shares Electric at 62, and 20
shares Airbrake at 116 Wednesday. K D.
Morris & Co. bought 1.000 shares La Nona at
VA- George B.HMAOo.sold 200 shares Peo
pie's Pipcage Company at 17. Sproul 4 Law
renco sold 100 shares Pleasant Valley at 19.
and 30sbares Airbrake at 116X.
The total sales ot stocks at New York yester
day were 154,973 shares, including Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, 7.869; Erie, 3,600;
Louisville and Nashville, 13,6701 Missouri Pa
cific 8.30O; New Jersey Central. 3.100; Northern
Pacific preferred, 12,150; Reading. 24,400; Rich
mond and West Point, 13,926; St. Paul. 13,000.
Bnt They Don't Show Dp Strong Enough to
suit Bankers.
Financial matters moved along smoothly and
easily yesterday. A few borrowers were abroad,
but their favors were small. They had to pay
6 and 7 per cent. It Is difficult' to get money
from a bank under 6, though there are occa
sional exceptions. ,
Routine business was fair. Checking was
good. There are no fears here of monetary
stringency. The clearings were $1,993,757 97,
and the balances $351,781 4a
stocks on the New York Stock Exenange yester
day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by
WHiTMiT 4 Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of Hew York btock Exenange, 57 Fourth avenue:
. MW
. 39H
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 36 per cent, last loan 3, closed offered
at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 57. Sterling
exchange quiet and weak at $4 84 for 60-day
bills and S4 87? for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
u. s. 4s,reg....
U. 8. 4s. coup..
U. 8. 454s, rcir..
D. S. 4.S3. coup....
Lonlslsnastamnedis U0
Mlasonrl 6s 101
Tenn. new set. 6s... 107
xenn. new set. &3....iiu)s
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 745,
Canada Bo. 2ds 97
Cen. Pacificists 116
Den. A K. G., Ist3...124
Den. A I!. G. 4s 7'JJ
l).4K.G.West,lsts. 110
KrlcZds 104
U.K. 4T.Gen.6s.. 63
M. K. 4 T. Gen. 5s . S!H
Mutual Union 69. ...102
-V. J. C. Int. Cert...lI3S
Northern Pac lsts..U43i
Northern Pac. 2ds..H13?
Northw't'n consols. 147
Northw'n deben's.J15K
Oreeon 4 Trans. 6a.lWM
SUL. 4I.M. Uen.S89
St. U4S.K. Gen.M.119
Si. Paul consols ....126
St. PL Chi 4 Pc.lsU.118M
Tx., Pc.L.G.Tr Rs.91
Tx.,Pc.K.a.Tr.Kcts 7J
union rae. isxs nt
west snore .imx
Mr. Carnegie's optimistic view of the busi
ness situation and ontlook is received with
favor by Pittsburg business men, so far as they
have expressed themselves on the subject.
Said one nf them yesterday: "Mr. Carnegie is
long-headed and a close observer. He is called
visionary by some, because in many things he
is in advance of the age. I have no doubt he
.had good reasons for predicting a long term of
business activity. It agrees with my views pre
cisely. If there is any obstruction in the way
I have failed to see it."
Another remarked: "I presume Mr. Carnegie
bases bis expectations of business activity
npon tbe big crops. In this be cannot be mis
taken. They lie at the root of all our indus
tries. Good crops always mean good times.
They keep tbe iron mills at work, they keep
the railroads moving, they build houses, make
money plenty and cheap. In short, the crops
are the mainstay of our industrial fabric Be
ing nn usually prolific this year, I can see noth
ing to prevent an active business season. If
Congress be wise when it convenes it will let
the tariff alone, but I hardly dare hope for so
much. That is the only cloud on the horizon
that I can discern."
The demand for finished iron is still active,
but there Is not so much of a rush for it as
tbere'was two or three weeks ago, indicating
that the trade is prettv well stocked up. The
jiipe men, at their meeting in this city, made a
few immaterial changes to equalize the list,
but discounts remain the same as before. Tbe
pipe mills are all busy, with orders for two or
three months ahead. Orders for delivery be
fore November are refused. Metal is steady at
former quotations.
Government bonds dull and barely steady.
State bonds dull and firm.
New Tork Bank clearings, $114,474,857; bal
ances. $5,186,079. -.
BosTON-Bank clearings, S12.S47.365; balances,
81.646,619. Money 2K3 per cent
PHILADELPHIA Bank clearimrs. S12.204.154:
balances, $1,841,696.
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is
166,000. The bullion in the Bank of England
decreased 58,000. The proportion ot the Bank
of England's reserve to liability is now 42.52 per
Paris Three per cent rentes. 85f 67c for the
account. The weekly statement of the Bank
of France shows an increase of 3,750,000 francs
gold and 3,300.000 francs silver.
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, $11,800,000.
St. Louis Bank clearings, $3,541,599; bal
ances, $683,687. "
Butler's Thrust nt Forney Descriptive of the
Oil Market.
There was next to no oil market yesterday.
The range of prices being of a cent and no
speculative interest whatever. Tbe .opening
and highest was 100, and the lowest and
closing 100. There was no trading to speak ot
here or anywhere else.
What little field news there was, was bearish,
but very little attention was paid to it; for
what do conditions amonnt to without business?
A man sick unto death is not very choice about
his food. Wednesday's clearings were 388,000
barrels. Those of yesteiday were much less.
Am. (lotton fill -
Arch., Top. 4 s. f
Lanadfiin vMKn
Canada Southern."!.'.'.'.' M.
Central nt Maw jn. nal
Antral raelflc 36
uieuoeake4 Ohio.... 23
v.. Bat. St Ouliicy. .,..108
.. Mil. St. Paul.... 73
JJ. lI.4St. P., pf....llSJ,
?. KockL 4P 102J4
i. St. L. 4 Pitts
Ji, st. u & ntts. pr.
&. St. P..M.4G
Jr. st. p.. m. 4 0.. pr. ....
C. 4 Northwestern.. ..113X
U4 Northwestern, nf. ....
& C.4I 74
-., t, c. 4 1.. pr ioi
wl. Coal &. iron 32H
Ml. 4 HocWnjr Val .. 17
fte., L.4W. 147
Ucl. 4 Hudson 152J
lenver4KloG.. pi
E.T.. Va. 40a 11
E. T Va. & Ga. 1st pf. 76
JIT.. Va.4Ga.24pf. 24
Illinois central.
Lake Erin 4 Western.. 20
Lake Erie 4 West. pr.. 64
LakeBhore4M. 3 105
Louisville 4 Nashville. 76
Mlculiran central
Mobile i Ohio
Jto.. Kan. 4 Texas.... 12
Missouri Pacific 73JC
iJ.V.,L.E.4W.prer.. 69
N. Y.. C. 4 St. if. 17
N. .. U, 4 St. L. pf.
SW4S.l.Mlf -N.X4N.
E Sl
. r. o.4 w i8
Norrolka Western
Norfolk 4 Western, pf. 65
Northern Pacific 32
Nortncrn Paclfia oref. 75
Ohio 4 Mississippi.. ... 23
Oregon Improvement
"reron Transcon 3JH
eo. Dec. 4 Kvans 22
PhUadel. 4 Keadlnc. 46
Iullman Palace Car
R chmona 4 W. P. T.. 23
Klchmond 4 W.P.T.pf SoX
St. P., Minn. 4 Man..l09
Texas Pacific , 20
UnlonPaciflc 64
Wabash preferred 2
Western Union 86
Wheeling 4 L. . 71
Sugar Trust 103
National Lead Trnst.. 23
Chicago Gas Trust.... 58
High- Low
est, est.
61 C0
30 39
Mij Wi
120 118
3(1 36
23 23
103$ 108
73 72
115 152
102 102
U3H 113
22 '
109 '
ing Hid.
Creamery Bntter Higher and Firm
Cheese and Eggs Steady.
29 29
C9 69X
17 17
51 51
18 13
553f 55
KK 32
74 74
23 23
33 33
22 21
46 46
.... 181
22K 23
80$ 81
100 MH
20 20
64 64
32 32
86 86
71 71
107K VJ1H
23 23
67JJ 57
The General Tone of Cereals Is Healthier
Flour Qnfet.
Philadelphia fitocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. Ho. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. BM. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad ,.-. 53 53
Keaaine 23 23 8-1.
Buflalo. Plttsbure and Western 9 10
Lehigh Valley 51 31
Lehigh Navigation MH 55
Northern Pacific 32 32
Northern Pacific preferred 74 UX
Feature of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oakley Co., 43
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 100Lowest 100
Highest 100 Closed luO
Average runs 48.931
Average shipments 80,273
Average charters 45,638
Refined, New York. 7.20c ,
Refined, London. 5J,'d. li
Refined, Antwerp, 175fr.
Refined. Liverpool. 6d.
A. B. McGrew 4 Co. quote: Puts, 99kci
calls, tl00K10 n '
Other Oil Markets.
TrTUSVnAE, September 19. National transit
Boston Stocks.
Atcb.4Ton..Ist7s. 113
A.4T. LandGr't7s.l07
Atch. 4 Top. K. K... 3D
uosiona AJQany...zi5
Boston 4 Maine. ....202
V..B. 4Q. 109
Eastern R. R 101
Eastern R.R. 6s ....128
Filnt4PereM. pro. 92
Little K. 4 Pt.S. 7. 99V
Mexican Cen. com.. 15
Mex-IMHtrntn- hrta- CTU
.V. y. ANewEng... 51!4
N. Y. 4 S. E. 7s..127
Old Colony. 177
Rutland preferred.. 46
Wis. Central, com... 28
Wis. Central pf,... 61
AlIouezMgCo 60
Calumet 4 Heels.. ..23)
rTantl!n 8
Huron Si
Oiceola, 10
rewablc 3
Qulncr 50
tsen leiepnone h
Boston Land , 6
Water Power bU
Tamarack 105
San .Diego 27
Mining Stocks.
New Yore. September 19.-Belcher, 260;
Best fc Belcher, 310; Caledonia B. H., 800: Con
solidated California and Virginia, 6tt Dead
wood Territory, 140: Eureka" Consolidated, 210;
Gould 4 Curry. 190; Hale & Norcross, 290;
Hoinestake, 900; Iron Silver, 200; Mexican, 365:
Mutual, 140; Ontario. 1400; Ophir. 440: OccU
dental, 155; Savage, 210: Sierra Nevada, 260;
Union Consolidated. 290; Ward Consolidated,
165; Yellow Jacket, 300.
Business Notes.
The Braddock wire mill Is running to Its fnll
C oal promises to be king aeain. Hence the
weakness of natural gas stocks.
Jay Gould says he Is bullish on stocks.
Sometimes when he Bays yes he means no.
Everything favors a lively stock market.
Electric and Switch 2nd Signal are booked for
a boom.
Several oil dealers kept clear of the pit all
day vesterdav. Thev hune around the front
f, aoor. a oaa sign.
certificates opened at 9?c; highest, ?1 OOKr'U Two good frame houses will be commenced
lowest, 99c; closed at 99ac Ht Edgewood nex't week, to be completed In a
Bradford, September 19. National transit
certificates opened at $1 00; closed at $1 00;
highest. $1 OCJi; lowest, 99c Clearances, 372,
000 barrels.
on, Crrr, September 19. National transit
certificates opened at 99c; highest. Jl OOJi;
lowest, 99Kc: cloed.99c. Sales, 73,009 barrels;
clearances, 180,000 barrels; charters, 94,920 bar
rels: shipments, 73,063 barrels; runs, 44,295 bar
rels. New York, September 19. Petroleum
opened steady at 99c, a few buyinc orders then
carried tbe price uuto $100, after which the
market became dull and featureless and re
mained so until the close, which was dull at
99Jgc. Stock Exchange: Openine,.99c; high
est. $1 00: lowest, 99c; closing,99c Consoli
dated Exchancc: Opening, tl 00 highest,
Jl XM; lowest. 99c; closing, Jl 00. Total sales,
364,000 barrels.
The Horse Started Too Soon, nnd Sevcrnl
Persons Were Injured.
Last week a number- of persons were
slightly injured in consequence of a run
away. Mrs. 'William ToEel, who keeps a
grocery store on Boyd's Hill, was standing
in front of her establishment bargaining
with a huckster. In order to see tbe goods
Jn his wagon more plainly, -he stood on the
hub of the front wheel, and her little grand
son, a boy of abont 7 years, imitated her by
climbing on the one in tbe rear.
The horse had been taught to start ofTtlin
moment he heard his driver steppinc on tbe
wagon, and hearing tbe noise behind him
he probably thourht that it was time for
hira to go. He started at a brisk pace
threw the little lellowoffthe wagon into the
mud, and overtprniDg the driver left him
standing on his head. Mrs. Vogel, how
ever, was hurled off the wheel, and in fall
ing her arm caught in the spokes, and after
it had been whirled around several times
wa3 severely injured by having the rear
wheel pass over it. Her escape from death
was miraculous, and indeed, although her
arm was not broken, it was so badly injured
that she has been on the sick list ever since.
Her lather, unold man of abont 89 years
of age, witnessed the accident, and was so
badly frightened that he has been nnable to
recover from the shock. All of them, how
ever, are bow doing well.
Good Trndlnc . r.eading Locnl Securities
Philadelphia Gns Ilaminered,
That there is a growing interest in local
securities is evident to even a blind man. A
broker emphasized this fact yesterday when he
said: "I am glad business is picking up. I
think we can soon afford to smoke better
cigars," The sales were 362 shares.
The feature of the day was tbe hammering
of Philadelphia Gas by W. I. Mnstin down to
36K. It closed at 36. This is an indication
that tbe loss of business by the establishment
of independent lines is more serious than has
been expected. Forest Oil was boomed to 110,
without offers, on tbe propect of an extra
dividend. There is verv little of It on thn mir.
ket La Norta was fractionally better, a bid
of 1 for 500 shares failing to draw it out.
Yankee Girl hunc on a higher peg, holders de
clining to part with her under bi.
Central Traction was in moderate demand
and steady, but the others were neglected.
Quotations were made on all the bridge stocks,
the figures showing; small advances in most
cases. Switch and Signal and Electric showed
no particular cnange, out were nrmly held.
The close was lively, with confidence a strong
factor. Bids, offers and sales were:
A Business Propertv on Penn Avenue Finds
n Buyer.
W. A. Herron 4 Sons sold the business prop
erty comer Twenty-seventh street and Penn
avenue, being No. 2649 Penn avenue, with lot
24x140, for $8,000.
Black 4 Baird, So Fourth avenue, sold to
Emorv Myers, for Frank H. Sneer, a new two
story and mansard brick dwelling on Oakland
avenue, near Forbes street, with lot 25x100
feet, for 6,500.
Reed B. Coyle 4 Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to Peter F. Glarkcn lot No. 74 in Marion
Place plan for J500.
Samuel W. Black 4 Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold to C. Woestchoff two lots,each 25 feet front
by 159 feet, on tho wost side of Second avenue
and second and third lots from Elizabeth
street, Hazelwood, for 82,400. They also sold a
lot. 54x135, on the corner nf Westmoreland and
Columbia avenues, for $700.
Alles 4 Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, placed a
mortgage for $1,750, two years, at 6 per cent, on
property in the Fifth ward, Pittsburg.
Thursday. September 19. 1889. i
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
The rise in creamery and all good grades ot
country butter is fully sustained. Our quota
tions are advanced all along butter lines. In ac
cordance with stubborn facts. Potatoes are in
the upward drift of things, as our quotations
will show. Peaches are still on the market, but
their end draws near. The few coming are
mostly clings and move slowly. Cheese Is ac
tive and firm at quotations. Eggs are steady.
Sweet potatoes are hrm. In the lines of tropical
fruit, lemons and oranges are strong. Bananas
are quiet. Apples still go slow, bnt an im
provement in demand for choice fruit is noted.
Grapes are plenty aud tending downward.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2B27c; Ohio do,
24Q25c: fresh dairy packed, 2123c; cointry
rolls, 1920c. I
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 252 40;
medium, $2 S02 40.
Beeswax 28c fl S for choice: low grade,
1820c , 7
Cider Sand refined, $6 507 50; common,
$3 504 00: crab cider. $8 008 50 $ barrel;
cider vinecar. 10012c ner eallon.
Cheese Ohio. 99kc: New York. IMBll
Limburger. 89c; domestic Sweitzer,9jgl2;
importea owcitzer, z-yc. i
Eaas 1920c ?1 dozen for strictly frfeh.
Fruits Apples, $1 503 00 f barrel: Whortle
berries, 75S0c fl pail; peaches. $1 602 50 91
bnshel box; crapes, 45c $ pound; .Bartlett
pears, $5 00 f barrel; quinces, $3 004K ? bar
rel, cranberries, Jerseys, $3 003 25 it bushel
box. , ;
Feathers Extra live geese, 6030c: No. 1,
do, 40045c; mixed lots, 3035o fl A.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 40045c fl
pair; old, 6570?) pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 &$ to'busbel. So 60
$ bushel; clover.' large English, 62 S3, S6 00;
clover, Alsike, J8 50; clover, white, 89 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 IK Jl 65; bine grass, extra
clean. 14 lis. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 So, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts. Jl 65: red top, 14 As. $1 25;
millet, 50 lbs. $100: German millet. 50 Its.
$1 50; Hungarian grass. 60 9s, Jl 00; lawn
gras, mixture of fine grasses, J2 50 $ bushel of
14 fts.
Tallow Country, 4Jc; city rendered, 4Jf
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common. $6 00
6 60; fancy, $7 007 50: oranges, $5 006 00:
bananas, Jl 75 firsts, $1 25 good seconds, fl
bunch; cocoannts, $4 004 50 fl hundred; figs,
8K9c fl ft; dates, 56c ft ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, $1 7502 00 ft bar
rel; tomatoes, home-grown, 40c f) bushel;
wax beans. $1 ft bushel; green beans, 075c fl
bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, SI 25 ft
bnshel: bome-zrown cabbages, Jl 251 50 fl bar
rel; celerv, 20c fl dozen: Southern sweet pota
toes, $2 75, Jerseys, $3 25.
hams, medium. llc;s4ar-cured haras, ssaU,
12ie: sugar-cured breakfast baees, 19cjs4nar
cured shoulders, Jc; sr-eore4 boeeleM
shoulders, 7c; snear-cared CaHiornte bast,
7Kc; sugar-cored dried beef flats, Me; wi
cured dried beef sets, lie; sugar-efcred drted
beef rounds. 13c; bacon shoulders, 9in bacon
clear sides. 7c;-bacon dear bellles,TKc; dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, fe.
Mess pork, heavy, 511 SO; mess pork, family,
$12 00. Lard Refined, in tierces, tKcj haft
barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs. 0c; 20-lb Jlbv7c; 5f-ft
tin cans, 6c; 3-ft tin pails. 7'Ao; 5-t tin pall.
7c; 10-lb tin pails. 6Kc; 5-ft tin pails. 7 16-lb tla
pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c.
Fresh pork links, 9a Boneless bams, WeK.
Pigs feet, half barrel, $4 00; quarter carrel,
$2 15
Dressed Meat.
Armour 4 Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 40 to 560 fts,
5c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c; 660 to 7S0 fts, 687c.
Sheep, 8o fl ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6Xc.
Fresh pork loins, 8c.
Metal Marker.
NewYobk Pig Iron firm. Copper dull; lake.
September. $11 00;. Lead dull and fairly steady;
domestic, $3 9 Tin quiet and easier; Straits,
WUaky Market.
Finished goods are In active demand at $1 0B
nrw iwnniiinni.
Swift's Speettc eatirety oared nod mnm,
ease of Mood poteoa'wfcleh obstinately ruths! '.
aMrefaMtoMesxMfor.orwxyeMt. Tkt,
regular medical resediea of ierWry' a4
potash only added fuel to sMftaae. IhsW
dsriat; meet of this hwg titae wHh oleess.
bfetekesaad seces at the asest ostsistrs '"
natar uu r 4aa 1MAAiSMik tm ' .
Invalid. In less than 39 dy use a 8. S. S. I
was all oleared up sound and west. This be
been nearly a year ago, ad Be ssgaataai-so. &;
tars of tfce M essay.
Jm & mum, . v
W Clwk atceet, Allsata, Sa. -
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she criedfor Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children,she gave them Castoria
"1 had a short, hacking cough, tightness ia
the chest, short breath, and I felt tired all the
time. As I grew weaker I suffered witb
those terrible night sweats. My father took me
to 20 physicians who said I could not be cured.
I doctored with many physicians, but got
no better. After 14 years ot suffering I began
treatment with the physicians of the-Catarrh
and Dyspepsia' Institute, 323 Penn avenue, to
whom I owe my recovery. My cough Is gooe.
I have no dizziness, ringlngln tbe ears, head
ache or night sweats aay more. Th e pain aad
soreness in my stomach have lett me. JHy food
digests well, so that now no gas forms In my
stomach. My throat used to be so sore I could
hardly swallow. That Is cured. I feel well
and strong, and why should I not praise these
doctors for thus saving me from such an un
timely deathr MISS LYDIA MORGAN, Kear
Barge St., near Virginia, on Mt Washington.
little over two months.
There was a eood demand for real estate
yesterday. Many outside buyers and renters
were among tbe inquirers.
TV'iLKiKSBtmo people are anxious to know
when water will be turned on, and when the
lire plugs will be put in. The company should
begin to hustle. ,
A New York dispatch says: "It is gener
ally believed that the worst of the money scare
has been seen, and that from now on there will
be an improvement in the way of greater ease."
St. Louis advices say tbe cut in Southwest
ern flour rates has become general. 'Frisco
announces a similar cut, and it is stated the
Sontbern Freight Association has gone to
pieces, the Illinois Central and Queen and
Crescent lines having both withdrawn.
Pitts. Pet. S. AM. Ex..
Commercial Na. Bank,
Cltv havings Bans:
City Deposit Bank
Fourth National Hank
Filth Avenue Bank...
Masonic Bant
Third ational Bank..
Union National Bank.
Third Na. B..All'y....
Allegheny Ins. Co
Allemannla Ins. Co...
Citizens' Insurance....
MtninnraliPll Ins......
Ohio Valley Gas
People's Nat. Oss
I'eople'sN. . Al.Co ....
Pennsvlvanla Oas 15
fhlladelphia Co 36)4
Pine Kuu Gas ..
Wheeling Gas Co 30
KorestOilCo 105
Hazelwood Oil Co S9
Tnua Oil Co..
Washington Oil Co.... KJf
Central Traction. - 31)4
Citizens' Traction.. ..- C9
I't.icmt VnllPV 19
Pitts.. Alle. & Man
Chartiers Railway... 44
P'g. iou'g't'n Ash
litis. June K. K. Co.. ....
P., c. St. L. It. K... 18
P., V. &C.R. R. Co
Pitts. A W est, R. K. Co. 12X
P. & . K. B. Co. prcf 19
P.walt (43d St.) Bridge. 58
Hand street Bridge.... 100
Jort!is!de Bridge Co., SI
North. Lib. Bridge....
Jtonongshela Bridge..
Pitts. & Blrm. Bridge. 72. .
Point Bridge ?
Bid. Asked, Bid. Asked.
430 J03
85 96
ISO 133
S ::::
ia ..:. ::.:
61 ....
44 47 44 47
36 S3 .... 38
31 31K
235 ....
"iiii "'.'.
Polut Bridgepref. 18
Kuspen'n u'og.ioin sij
Miarp. & Law. Bridge.
Union Bridge
La Noria Mining Co...
Luster Mining Co
Yankee Olrl Jlln.Co..
Alle. Comity Electric.
Westinghouse Elcctno
Granite" Roofing Co....
V. 8. 81g. Co .
U. 8. & tslg. Co. pref.
Weitlnghonse A. B. Co.
ix m
Atthe morning call, 100 shares of Pittsburg
And Fear of Tleht Monej Depress the
Valnes of Rnilroad Shares A Better
Feeling Toward the Close and
Losses Pnrtly Recovered
Bonds Dull.
New Yobk, September 19. The lato rate
cutting in the West, together with the con
tinued fear of tight money, still keep tbe stck
market dull, and the transactions were stiU
smaller than on any day of tbe present week.
For the most nart it was a traders' market
pure and simple, and in tbe absence of any im
portant influence to affect the course of prices
they were churned np and down over a narrow
range, the fluctuations'in tbe great majority of
the list possessing little or no significance.
4 The heaviness in the market late yesterday,
with the news mat more roaas uaa Joined tbe
Chicago, Burlington and Northern In its reduc
tion of rates caused a weak and lower opening,
though the concessions were small fractions
only, led by Louisville and Nashville, which,
together with St. Paul, were sold by the for
eigners. The coal stocks were the .strong features of
the day, aud after the opening the temper of
tbe speculation changed completely, Tennessee
Coal and Jersey Central leading an upward
movement which extended to 1 per cent in
Jersey and 2 per cent in Tennessee Coal, though
the improvement in others was but fractional.
This rise was the result of rumors of an advance
in prices of coal at the next meeting of the
trade representatives and a scarcity of cj.rs to
handle the present traffic
The hardening of the money ratpn m hero
worked by the bears, and mot of the list was
again carried down to a shade below tbe open
ing figures before noon. The report of the
f nrtber issue of 65,000 shares of Richmond and
West Point common stock to pay for 20.0U0 ad
ditional shares of East Tennessee preferred
caused considerable selling of Terminal, and it
broke 1J per cent to 22. The rest of the list
was carried down with this decline, bnt later
there were rumors of the offerings of largo
blocks of bonds to the Treasury, while rates
for both money and exchange eased up. and in
the last hour Reading led an advance, reaching
47. The market closed dull, but firm, at
something better than opening figures. The
final changes are generally fractional advances,
the declines being few in number, while Ten
nessee Coal is up 1& and Colorado Coal and
Reading each 1 per cent.
Railroad bonds were dull, tbe sales of all
Issues being only 4703,000, which was very
evenly distributed among the moderate num
ber of issues traded In. The dealings through
out were entirely devoid of feature, while the
tone was steady. A few important changes
were xnaao Reuerauy amuae inactive oonus.
The Spanish Government intends to lay a
caoie uetweeu me ianary inianas ana i orto
Rico, thus connecting Spain with Porto Rico
and Cuba.
A frame dwelling in Pasadena, Cal,, occu
pied by a widow, Mrs. Beacon, and her four
children, was destroyed by fire. Three children,
aged 10, 8 and 6 respectively, were burned to
death. ,
The postponed judicial sale on foreclosure
of the Cincinnati, Washington and Baltimore
Railroad was held at Cincinnati yesterday, and
tbe road was sold to 12. R. Bacon for 5,000.000.
Mr. Bacon represents the bondholders and
stockholders in this country and in England.
Complaint having been made to the War
Department that some United States troops
stationed on military reservations in the new
States propose to vote at the coming elections,
the Secretary of War has informed the com
plainant that such action is prohibited bylaw,
aau win uo i. ue permuieo.
The recent wet weather has done incalcul
able damage to the peach crop in New Jersey.
Tbe late varieties, from which the highest
prices are realized, bave been so much bruised
by coming in contact with each other, owing
to the high winds, that they have rotted and
fallen from the trees. In Hunterdon county
alone the loss is estimated at $100,000. Some
orcnarus nave lose i,uuu oasuets eacn.
Two men were instantly killed at the Bel
mont avenne crossing of the Northwestern at
Chicago. They were driving west in a sulky,
and for some reason failed to see the south
bound passenger train, which was going over
25 miles an hour. Their horse was squarely on
the track when the train struck them. The
horse was instantly killed, tbe sulky-smashed
aud the bodies of the men burled at least 100
feet from tbe crossing. One of the men killed
was Prank Haussen, of Avondale, and the
other was unknown.'
For some time two young fellows who have
made Milford Center, O., their, headquarters,
have done an astonishing business in nianna
They bave sold nearly 200 in tbe last three
months. They claimed to bave secured a lot of
nrst-ciass makes in exenange iorauvcrtiaino-
Tbeysold them at ridiculously law prices, it
The situation in grocery lines is .unchanged.
The movement is active, and trade was seldom
in better shape. The expected rise In package
coffee has not yet materialized. Sugars are
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2023Kc:
choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade
Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c: Mocha, 2829c; Santn. 20
23Xc; Caracas. 2123c; peaberry, Kio, 2325c;
La Guayra. 2223c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23c: high grades 2oJ26Vc; old Government
Java, bulk, 3132c; Maracaibo, 2627e;
Santos. 2123c; peaberry, 26c; choice Rio, 24c:
prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 2iic; ordinary, 21c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassia. 8c; pepper, lSc; nntmeg, 7080c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c:
Ohio, 120 8Kc:headlight,150,SKc;waterwhite,
10c; globe. 12c; elaine. 15c: carnadine, llc;
royaline, 14c.
Syrups Cora syrups. 2629c: choice sugar
syrups, 3338c: prime sugar syrup. 3033c;
strictly prime, S333c: new maple syrup, 90c.
N. 0. Molasses Fanry, 48c; choice, 46c;
medium. 43c: mixed, 4042c.
SoDA-Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bl-carb in K.
5Jic; bl-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal-
sooa in Kegs, ic; uo granuiaceu, zc
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ft
set, 8&c; parafflne, U12c.
Rice Head. Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 65
7c; prime, 66Vc: Louisiana, 66Kc
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss
starch, 67c
Foreign Fruits Xayer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don ers, -S3 10: California London layers,
$2 SO; Muscatels. S3 25; California Muscatels,
Jl 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 9310c;
sultana, ic currants. 4M5c: Turkey prunes.
4M5c; Fiench prunes, 813c; Salonica
prunes, in 2-ft packages. 8c: cocoannts, V 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lan., ?) ft, 20c: doIvica,19c;
do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 12J15c; Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c; new nates,
56c,Brazi1,nuts. 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron
per A. 2122c; lemon peel, $ a,1314r; orange
peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c;
apples, evaporated, 6Ke6c: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated. I2kloc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 2424c: blackberries, 7Sc; huckle-
nernes. iingjizo.
Sugars Cubes. 8c; powdered, 8c: granu
lated, SJgc: confectioners A, 8jic: standard
A, 8jc; soft whites. SOSJ-jc: yellow, choice,
7c;3yellow. good, 77c, yellow, fair, TVc;
yellow, dark, 7c.
PlCKXES-Medium. bbls (1,200),50; medi
um, half bbls (600). $2 75.
Salt N d. 1. f bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. n bbl, Jl 05:
dairy, $ bbl, Jl 20; coarse crystal; ft bbl, Jl 20;
Higgfns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, J2 0;Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets. $3 00,
Canned Goods Standard peaches, J2 000
pie peaches. 95c; finest corn. J1Q1 50; Hid. Co.
com, 70090c: red cherries, 90c$l: Lima beans,
Jl 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c; mar
rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas, 70675c;
pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, $2 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengaees. Jl 25; egg plums,
!2; California pears. J2 60; do greengages, 2; do,
egg plums. J2; extra white cherries, 2 90; red
cherries, 2 As, 90c; raspberries, II 401 50;
fibrawutmes, ex ju; Kuuseuerries. 91 ovoi vj;
tomatoes, 82X92c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10;
blackberries, bOc; snccotan, 2-ft cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 fts. SI 2501 CO; corn beef, 2-ft
cans, $2 05;14-ft cans. $14 00; laked beans, Jl 45
1 60; lobster, 1-ft. Jl 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft
cm?, broiled, Jl 50; sardines, domestic, lA
$4 504 60; sardines, domestic, Ya, J8 258 oO;
saraines, lmporiea, s. six ougaa on; s amines,
imported. K8. SIS: sardines, mustard, $4 50; sar
dines, spiced. H 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, J36 f)
bbL: extra No. 1 do, mess, J40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, J32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
J36: No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c V ft; uo medium, George's cod,
6c; do large. 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7Kc Herring
Round shore, $5 00 3J bbl; split, 17 00; lake,
J2 00fUOO-fthairbbl. White fish, 87 00 ffl 100
ft half bbL Lake trout, So 60 p half bbl.
Finnan haddock. 10c ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
? ft. Pickerel, K barrel, 82 00; ii barrel, $1 10;
Potomac, herring, J5 00 V barrel, J2 50 fl H
Oatmeal-56 3026 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5557o
f) gallon. Lard oil, 75c
r WMsJsssssr
r. iKsssssr
y' ijlyassl
Hwiivs apeowe earea aae oc saiiie iiiui.- j
froawhichIbdser4r3-4ryess.: r
bave now been entirely wU fer nw yttm, aI , ..,
no s4gg'of any rfttara of the sWBnnsw. ''j ' H.
Sogers, Ark, May LS.T -WJfc WnnrcS
Treatise oa Blood awl
free. ' x
The Swtxt Spbcitic Coi, Bswr 3, At'
ansirtiin o nn ' nivSTnrf'
UKHHIIIIK Al III I :& :sUtl.!5
This is now coseeded to be Sk fcest ia th
market, is witnessed by the fn ot last its sjmii
last secured the DIPLOMA PO .HsjR..
ixiniiiiannerure r oeq. jjmosmesu w -lag
held In PhiladeJpWs.
And with the bright appetJsiBg fcyec afg .
ly roasted beef.
iyig-wy ".jj.f
issue travelers' credits tBro
.Morgan 4 Co., few York-
Mrs. Dr. Crossley, ladles' consulting physician
at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 328
Penn are. They cure Catarrh, Dyspepsia and
Diseases of Women. Consultation freetoaU.
Office hours, 10a. H. to. 4 p.m., and 8 to 8 p.
M. Sundays, 12 to 4 P. M. sel3-MWF
A Home Seeirityi
Rye -Per Cent Inters
The Fidelity TMe aadTrartt
for sale, at Jl 02 and aeeraed .
ited number ot 36-vear first mat
the H. C. Friclr Cake Comsasy. J
stock of which Is t6.uee,098. 1 ally p4(ilsv
vinese oonoa are reeesaasM sr 1
inna at tae rate 01 ik.wi per
commencing Jul v 1, 1894, interest M
semi-annually, January aad Jsy
oaiceoi mis company.
Wehave.carefuIlsexaBiaeelteta sb
nu. nf thl..aAi,t ... mm.. t Cm
one ot the most desirable iavaamsnts m Nm"
1211ltMimniT-. ' Ti
wrtfc avsaas. -
Mitist.ftl, j .
The Great English Complexloa SOiP.
Of all DiiM, tat beware of imitaties..
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
...... ' M.".
as old residents know and back am 0 mss.
ourg papers prove, is wu oweat es
and most prominent physician in the
votlne special attention to all chroaw i
enenry. ambition and bone. lBaeJiM
orv. disordered sight, self distrust. batfvlsMs.
dizziness, sleepIessBese, pimples; eniyWotw, hf
poverlshed blood, failing powers, organic wsoi;
ness, dyspepsia, coBMipatlOB. ooasatspttMi,
nnine me person lor uiuiBess, soewty aa
naee, permanently, saietyana prirasetj
U flfin AMn (?iilkl(neeasea
Epecial offerings this weekia
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see na,
blotches, falline: hair, bones vatoa. 1
I swellloES. ulcerations of tonene.moatk. threat.
-.j. - ..- '. . -
uicers, 01a sores, are cured ior me, aaa ssoott . -
poisons worougnry eradicated irom toe a
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder &
U Ml linil I iments.weak back, gntvai. .
tarrhal discbarges. Inflammation aad stfcsc
paintui symptoms receive searchlsg t
prompt reiiei ana real cures. - 4j
ence, insures scientiSo and reliaMe troatsioair' i ;
on common-sense nrinelBles. ConsaH-.Mssi'-' '
free. Patients at a distance as oaref u)y treateA"!,;.
as if here. Office hoars 9 A. K. to 8 F. M. Sn-: X
IMf, IV a, A. IV 1 r. A. WUiJI. uib n V t i u wnm
814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
fraiisact a General Bafltii Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all salts of the world. Also issue
For nse in this country. Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
t au7-91-vwr
How Lost ! How Regaitwl, "
is now known that a maker of cheap pianos In
New York shipped tbe men unstenciled pianos,
on which they placed the name of the piano
wanted by tbe buyer, as ascertained by an ad
vance visit of one of the men.
A cable dispatch has been received at the
Department of State from Consul Allen at
Kingston, Jamaica, saying that a riot occurred
at Navassa, an island in the Caribbean Sea,
in which .1 number of Americans were killed.
The Consul says that at his request a British
war ship had left Jamaica for the scene im
mediately upon receipt of the news of the
trouble. Tbe dispatch contained no further
information. It is learned at the Navy De
partment that the United States steamship
Galena Is now on her way to Navassa. Thfs
island is under no particular jurisdiction, but
Is regarded as under tbe protection of the
unuea states, itissaiu 10 do owned by an
American company, of which General B. F.
Butler Is a member.
A Convict Ends One Penitentiary Senteuco
Only to Begin Another.
Joliet, III., September 19. James
Jackson, a New York detective, arrived at
Joliet this morning with a warrant for the
arrest ot Tom Martin, alias Stewart, a
noted New York burglar who had escaped
from Sing Sing prison by being smuggled
ont in a laundry basket. After his escapo
Martin made bis way to Chicago, where he
was arrested 011 a charge of burglary and
consigned to Joliet for a year, his term ex
piring this morning.
ie was arrested at me prison .and taken
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 35 cars. By Pittsbnrg. Cincinnati and
St, Louis, 1 car of hay, 1 of flour, 16 of oats, 1
of bran. 3 of corn, 1 of feed. 1 of rye. By Pitts
burg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 3 cars of flour.
1 of oats, 1 of bran. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1
car of wheat, 1 of rye, 2 of bran. By Pittsbnrg
aud Lake Erie, 2 cars of h.v. By Pittsburg
and Western, 1 car or flour. Tbe only sales on
call were 3 cars of No. 2 oats, Chicago inspec
tion, at 27c, 10 days' delivery. Tbouzh receipts
are heavy, oats are firm, and show an upward
tendency. The tone of ceroal markets shows
signs of improvement, but buyers are still a
little offish. Flour is quiet, and the cash cus
tomer could, no doubt, do a shade better than
our quotations.
Wheat New No. 2 red, 81S2c; No. 3, 75
Cobit No. 2 vellow. ear. 444Sc: hish mixed
ear, 4042c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 40K41c;
high mixed, shelled, 390 Wc; mixed, shelled,
Oats No. 2 white, 2727Kc; extra No. 3,
2528c; mixed, 2223c:
Rye No. 1 Pennsvlvanla and Ohio, 5051c;
No. 1 Western, 4849c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
Floue Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
sprint; patents, $0 255 75; winter straight,
$4 SOfH 75; clear winter, U 2o4 50; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 754 00. Ryo flour, S3 600
Milli-eeiv-Middlings, fine wbite, SIS 00
18 50 ton; brown middlings, 12 60013 00; win
ter wheat bran, 11 00011 23; chop feed, 15 50
18 oa
Hat Baled tlraotbv. choice, tl4 25014 0;
No. ldo,(13 0013.50:Nn. 2 do, 11 5012 00;
loose from wagon, (11 0013 00, according to
quail' v; Nn. 1 upland pralrte. J8 509 00; No. 2,
7 007 60; flacking do. S7 00Q7 25.
Straw Oats. 8 50Q7 00; wheat and rye
straw, S006 25.
Boyal aud United States Malt Steamers,
Germanic, Sept.S.2 p mlGerraanlc, Oct. 3,1pm
Britannic Oct. Z Ham Britannic Oct. 30,10am
Adriatic, Oct. 9, 5 JO pm 'Adriatic Nov. , 3pm
Teutonic Oc.lS. 10:30am "Teutonic. .Nov.13, Sam
from White Star dock, foot or West Teeth st.
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
(SO and upward. Second cabin. f3S and upward,
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. S3).
White Star drarts payable on demand in all the
-principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap
ply to JOHN i. MCCOKMICK, t Smltbfleld stT
Plttibnrs;, or J. BKliCEiaJlAX, General Anent.
41Uroadway, Hew York. s18-d
Lsflsr ssssBss
cxw azsrasT
ASdentlficsnd Standard Popular Kedfcal Treatise oa
the Errors ot Youth, Premature Decline,Nervou
ana rnysicai Debility, impurities or the Blood,
Resulting from- Folly. Vice. Ignorance. Ex
cesses or Overtaxation. Enervating and unftt
ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
great work. It contains S90 pages, royal Sra,
.Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Priee.
only 1 by mail, postpaid, concealed ia plats -
Atlando Express Service;
flteamship "CITY OV KOilE," from .New York.
Saloon passajee MOand upward: second-class. S39.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Glasgow, liondonderry, Liver
pool, (SO and $50. Second-class, fa.
Steerage passage, either service, S20.
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts
for any amount issued at lowest current rates,
for books of tours, tickets or Information.
Apply to HEN DKltSON BKOTHEKS. X. V".. or
J. J. MCCOKMICK. Fourth and Smlthfleld; A. V.
8COREHASO.N. 415 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg: W.
SEMPLE, Jr., 16S Federal st, AUegheny.
3. dlACl, 41. J.. 1CVCI
ELED MEDAL from the Nations! Mediesl As...
lociatlon, for this PRIZE ESSAY en NERVOUS'
snd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a'
corps of Assistant Physicians may be eeo
suited. conSdentially. by mail or In persoa. at
whom all orders for books or letters foe advW
snonia ne airectea as anove. aat8-67-Tarsawjc '
back to New "Wirt, whoro in, A .iv
The fouowina ubie snows tne pnees oraetivs j 7ear time oahis unexpired sentence. j Bug&r-
cared hams, large, lljc; tugar-cared
Auranta,Sept.21,2i30FM Gallia, Oct. 9, J:30 x M
Bothnla,Sept.23,S:30AMtrurla. Oct. 12, 7:30AM
Umbrla, Sept.l3,7:30 A M. Anrsnls, Oct. la, 1 m
Servla. Oct. 5. 2:90 P M Bothnia, Oct. 3,1m
Cabin passage. SCO, JSO and flOO: intermediate.
Dieerage iickcu to anu irom au parts Of
.nrope at very low rates.
EllSOJi H. BKO WW ft C
4 Bowling Green, Mew York.
Poll particulars in paasblet
wait free. The gennlae. Gray's
Specific soM by druggists oalyta
yeUow wrapper. Price, ft per
package, orslxforS&.orbynvS
Emlthflein and Liberty stL
SPECIALISTS in all oases re-'
uuinujiscienunc ana oonaaea- -f '
iiai ireaimenu Air. a. tL. Lake,T
iu.n.ur.OHHUie oiaescaaatt
most experienced speclaHst tag
tbe city. Consultation free ai
strictly conOdentiiL OflU
hours 9 to 4 and i to s p. m.; aunaaja, 3 to 4 rj-
m Pn.nnlt thpm Dersonalir. orwrtte. Soctbm m
Lake. 323 Penn ave, Pittsburg, Pa. ff -
eia-4o-pwc -
KOWM A CO., General Agents,
i. Mccormick. Agent,
KOurtb are. and smlthfleld i
1 St., PltUburg.
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage PH to KG. according to locatloa
of stateroom. Excursion (65 to MO.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
ATJSX1X BALDWIN ft CO.. General Agents,
8 Broadway. Mew York.
J. J. MoCORMICK. Agsat, PUUkurq. Ps.
. - . se-a l
's Cotton. BOM'.
nosed of Cotton Boot. Tasrr aaet
Pennyroyal a recent discovery bt aa
'old physician. Is successuBw ud
mniiii,b-.nfi. Effectual, Price) U. bv sail.'
sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's -.
Couon Boot Compound ana take no sssewMa,
or inoloee 3 stamps for sealed particulars.' AsV '
dress rOJfD uExT XJOMPANY. No. 3 Usher
Block, 131 Woodward ave, Detroit. Mich.
43-SoId in Pittsburg, Pa., by Joseph Fiesa
ing & S011- Diamond and Market sts. selS
ivca vross inaiseaci .
ThtotUrrdliM Xtftrte.-gfeH?
r. ljaaios. mux. urn main, wr sua iffttw ?
amd Brandy la n& laxtmH 6ww, mjft J
nrf . Ladle. uk Vrta
with biam ribboo. Tstka otfc
(umpt mr putusivs tad .
Jrta-w .