Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 20, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Wije BiSplclj.
Vol.44, Jt'o.23. Entered at Pittsburg Postofilce.
2io- ember 14, l&ST, as second-class matter.
Business! Office-- 97 and G9 Fifth Avenue.
News Rooms and Publishing House75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street;
Eastern Advertising Offlce, Koom 5, Tribune
Building, IkcwYork.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
1 UE DisrATCU for six months ending August 31,
1SS9, as sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation ofthe Sunday edition of
The DisrATCU for three months ending Aogust
Si. 1SSJ,
Copies per issue.
DAII.V DisrATCU, One Year f S 00
Daily DisrATCU, Per Quarter 1 00
Daily Dispatch, one Month "0
Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00
Daily Dispatch. Including fcunday.Sm'ths. : JO
Daily Dispatch. including Sundar.l month 90
bCiDW Dispatch, One Year ISO
Weekly DisrATCU, One Year 1 M
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered or carrlersat
Sccnts per week, or Including Sunday edition, at
litems per week.
The Hon. Cuaunccy F. Black talked
wilh more that his wonted ireedom and
force to a Dispatch correspondent at
Philadelphia yesterday. The ex-Lieutenant
Governor spoke plainly of his party's plans,
the issues of the campaign, of his own
modest disposition to run for Governor next
year if the Democrats forced the nomination
upon him, but his plainest and most
pointed words were directed to the
alleged attempt of Mr. "Wallace to Becure
that nomination for himself. It is not un
fair to the man who fought through the last
Gubernatorial campaign with indubitable
courage, though scant snecess, to say that he
gives Mr. Wallace notice that he is above
chasing delegates for next year s conven
tion, and that he plainly adds that Mr.
Wallace ought to be above those practices
also. The tone of Mr. Black s remarks can
hardly fail to draw a rejoinder of some sort
from Mr. Wallace.
Au interesting point aside from person
alities in Mr. Black's declaration is the re
affirmation of his adherence to the policy of
tariff reform as constituted by ex-President
Cleveland. Mr. Black may still be set
down as a friend of the Cleveland idea gen
erally. More than that, he says the Demo
cratic party in this State must remain true
to Cleveland's principles if it -wishes to
stand any show of winning. The straight
out attitude of Mr. Black is worthy of him.
He may not accumulate spoils to any ex
tent, hut he has the courage of his con
victions on all occasions.
Surprise has been expressed in certain
quarters because Secretary of the Navy
Tracy telegraphed his congratulations to ex
Secretary Whitney upon the successful trial
of the cruiser Baltimore, and because Mr.
Whitney answered in a friendly way ex
pressing his confidence in Mr. Tracy's abil
ity to still further improve the navy. It is
certainly somewhat unusual fer Republicans
to congratulate Democrats, or vice versa, on
their services to the republic The gulf be
tween partisans is usually too great to per
mit justice, much less public conrtesy, to be
done by one to the other. But the Secretary
of the Navv and his predecessor are heartily
to be congratulated that they have allowed
patriotism so conspicuously to triumph over
party feelings.
If the country's interests are to be studied
first and all the time in the administration of
the navy by the party in power, Uncle Sam
will always have ships that he need not be
ashamed of. It is a department of the Gov
ernment in which the country may be
greatly served or grossly abused. We have
seen more abuse than service there since the
end of the war of the Rebellion. Even
Secretary Whitney took unnecessary pains
to cast contumely upon what has proven to
be the efficient-work of the late Mr. Roach
in the new ships planned under a Republi
can Secretary. In other respects Mr. Whit
ney labored earnestly and to good effect to
give the country a formidable navy. There
is every reason to believe that Secretary
Tracy will carry on the good work on the
highest patriotic plane. And the nation is
not likely to forget the restorers of her
Very recently the United States Military
Corps of Telegraphers has been in conven
tion at Louisville, and the members present
resolved to urge every member of the corps
to'take an active part in the effort to secure
pensions from the next Congress. The New
York Sun, commenting upon this resolu
tion, says sarcastically:
Perhaps there may bo Intervening groups,
but it would seem that the next body of Gov
ernment employes to appear as applicants for
tome special share in the United States Treas
ury would be the department clerks. It cannot
be said that they served between 'CI and '65
witboutpersonal risk to themselves. Washing
ton was once In danger of capture.
The sarcasm is hardly justified. Anyone
who will take the trouble to read a very in
teresting paper in the Century magazine for
September describing briefly the services of
the telegraphers in the field during the war
will be forced to admit that the men who
took the telegraph into battle assumed the
came risks as the combatants, and deserve
the tame consideration. According to the
authority we speak or, many telegraph oper
ators were killed in action, others shared in
the horrors of Southern prisons, and not a
few were wounded. Not one of them has
received a pension. Neither have the
widows some of them left behind. The
bravery, the hardihood, end the genius of
these men, of whom General Eckert was one,
have never been properly recognized by the
country, we are assured. The greatest Gen
erals on the Union side have testified to the
value of their services over and over again.
If any of them arc suffering now for what
they did for the country between 1861 and
3865 we can conceive of none better entitled
to pensions.
The old boatmen who assembled at Apollo
yesterday to renew their memories of the
Pennsylvania Canal must have a more vivid
conception than most of us of the marvelous
changes that have taken place in the means
of locomotion afforded to Pittsburg since the
old waterway fell into disuse.
When these old sailors were young they
controlled the principal highway of travel
between Pittsburg and the East. The canal
was an important link in the curionslv
combined line of communication which con
nected Western Pennsylvania with Phila
delphia and New York. To-day the trains
of the West Penn Railroad rush along
over what was once the bed of the
old canal. It is the fate of most canals in
this part of the world. The railroads have
driven them out of competition first, and
have then even usurped the very ground
through which their placid waters flowed.
The floods of last May put an end to another
long stretch of canal which used to be a
stage in the highway westward through the
valleys of the Juniata and Susquehanna.
But its usefulness had been exhausted before
the floods came. The railroad had taken its
And when we contrast the convenience,
the speed, the luxury of our great railroad
systems with the canal boat at its best, U is
hardly possible to regret the change time
has made. Yet there is a good deal of
terest in these reunions of the canal b at-
men, for from their ranks have come m ny
of our best citizens.
There are things which come in season
Everybody expects at a certain time
the earlv summer to hear that the peach
crop in Delaware is short, and, about 'the
time for scale signing in certain branches of
industry, it is usual to.look out for gloomy
reports of the stale of the markets. This
periodicity is no less a feature of the rela
tions between the natural gas reports and
the first autumn snap of cold weather.
There has not been a year since the gas first
came to town that the first drop of the mer
cury has not brought intimations of a short
supply. At first the gloomily disposed
prophets had a monopoly of the disagree
able inferences, for the gas companies were
then largely engaged in getting their stock
taken. But latterly there is some sus
picion that the companies, in looking for
better prices from consumers, do not regard
the reports of "cold snap" shortages as
totally without benefit to their exchequers.
This year, just a little earlier than usual,
the familiar intimations are thrown out,
backed by specific instances of shortage
here and there. But it would be foolish
indeed to attach more importance to these
than the situation really calls for. That a
cold spell coming suddenly will cause a
shortage anyone might reasonably expect;
but that argues nothing more than hereto
fore. All the summer the companies have
been taking on new consumers. They
hare, also, investigation will show, been
making preparations for the winter by drill
ing new wells and building new lines; and
judging by all past experience they will be
bringing far more gas than ever into the
city for the next six months. They will
likewise, it is entirely safe to predict, be in
receipt of far more money for it. The in
crease of prices to consumers, the adoption
of the meter system, and various ways and
means for economizing both in the trans
portation and use of the gas will insure this
That every year's consumption must lessen
the quantity in storage under ground is
doubtless true, unless the theory is still
held to that the process of formation keeps
pace with the consumption. But that im
mense reservoirs of the gas surround Pitts
burg has been proved by search; that these
contain a supply equal to all possible de
mands during the present generation is
hardly doubted; and that experience is
teaching great economies in transportation
and use is also a fact For instance, at the
outstart, gas was transported in eight-inch
pipes, and the friction was so great as to re
quire enormous pressure at the wells to
drive the gas to the city. Now, with 24
and 36-inch pipes, immense volumes of gas
are conveyed from far greater distances and
require less pressure at the wells. These
larger pipes represent a big increase of in
vestment for the companies which have
adopted them; but the best evidence of the
faith of those who know most of the condi
tions of the gas territory, is that the com
panies have been making recently just such
investments on a most extensive scale.
Pittsburg, thrice-armed with the gas fields
surrounding it on all sides, with its illimit
able supplies of coal at the door, and with
the inventive genius which, in case of
emergency, can be relied upon to transmute
the coal into gas, need have the least appre
hension of any point on the globe of future
shortage of fuel, or of a return to the old
state of smoke. It is well to bear these com
forting realities in mind whenever much
ado is made because an unlooked for cold
spell causes for a few hours or a few days a
demand on the gas companies before they
have had a chance to utilize to the full their
No less than twenty thousand persons
passed through the Exposition gates yester
day. Every day from now on the increase
in the number of visitors will be notable.
The people are realizing what a wonderful
collection of rare, beautiful and useful
things are to be seen in the handsome build
ing beside the Allegheny. Yesterday the
splendid exhibition of flowers gave an im
petus to the attendance.
There are signs everywhere of that bene
ficial influence upon the city which we pre
dicted would proceed from the Exposition.
It is having a very strong effect already
upon the neighborhood surrounding it
There is talk of new buildings, improved
streets, additional means of transit, and
other desirable innovations. The Point is
sure to lose its unenviable reputation before
long. In another part of this issue will be
found a description of a new electric rail
road which it is planned to carry about the
lower part of the city in such a way as to
make a connecting belt This is one of the
direct results of the Exposition. Other and
more important results involving an invest
ment of much capital are to be expected.
And the city, as a whole, shares in the bene
fits conferred upon a section.
It is worth noting that Karl Blind, the
eminent German Socialist, has stated it as
his opinion that the maintenance of the
central alliance is necessary for the peace of
Europe. It is a strange sight to see the So
cialist and Prince Bismarck standing
shoulder to shoulder upon this question.
Germany, Austria and Italy must stand or
fall together.
The unlucky fire laddies who have been
dropped from the rolls are trying to lay to
their souls the soothing balm that political
reasons caused their removal. But that is
sorry comfort even if it-is true, which Mr.
Brown denies.
There was a novelty in the ball game in
which a League nine hailing from this city
was interested. "We do not refer to the de
feat of that nine, but to the expulsion of its
captain and manager from the field. Our
ball club will get a name for something be
sides bad playing before the season's over.
Akotheb revolution is expected in
Hayti about two years hence. The black
republic will doubtless appreciate the un
usually long interval of peace and quiet
Mobocco seems to be an anomalous slab
of savagery upon the margin of cirilintion.
Spain would do a . service to the world by
teaching its barbarous neighbor a sharp
lesson. Probably Spain will too, as her
subjects have been grossly illtreated in
The importation of foreign glassworkers
has resulted in an excessive supply ot labor,
and a good many Englishmen and Belgians
are in the city, it is said, without work.
The mellifluous Eugene Field says that
the people in Chicago make a practice ot
sitting up all night for fear something shall
get away. But has Chicago anything that
anyone would care to rob her of? She has
not the World's Fair yet
Three is a large want of small houses in
and about Pittsburg. The enterprise of our
capitalists ought to supply "the want easily.
Dk Fbetcinet, the French Minister of
War, complimented the Sixth Army Corps
on their splendid appearance, and said that,
with such soldiers, France could command
respect But soldiers must be able to com
mand more than that.
Collector Thomas Vaxexttse Cooper,
of Philadelphia, Is In Washington, to consult
tho Secretary of the Treasury on some matters
pertatnng to tho work of his offlce.
Hoi. ''Joe" Sckanton, member-elect of
Cengrtss from the Scranton district, is in
WashLgton, mainly for the purpose of arrang
ing loihousekecping for the coming season.
He hal rented one of the largest and finest
houseslm the city, on 1 street, close to the
MexicaV legation, and it is said he will enter
tain bailsomely. Mr. Scranton says he Is not
committed to any candidate for Spoaker, but
will votdfor the best man. When asked If the
best mil is Reed, of Maine, he smiles what
seems tobe an affirmative smile.
PbesiAent Gilman, of the Johns Hopkins
TJnlversi, was horn with a silver spoon in his
mouth, without possessing any remarkable
scholarship be was appointed President of the
Universltjftof California, at an age when most
men are gild of a professorship. When ho was
a little over, 40, he was made President of the
Johns Hopkins University. His duties are
light, and the position Is for life. He has
visited Europe several times at the expense of
the university, lives at tho most fashionable
hotel in Baltimore and enjoys great social dis
tinction. Mas. Jame3 Bitowx Potteb once gave a
reading in London, in which she repeated
Browning's spirited lines, "D.ow They Brought
the Good News From Ghent" Among the
audience was Hamilton Aide, a third-rate
English novelist, who was rnde enough to say
to Mrs. John Sherwood, "You have no idea
how the Yankee accent affects me." Mrs.
Sherwood informed him that "Mrs. Potter was
not a Yankee, that she was born in New Or
leans, and learned her English in France."
"Yes," persisted Mr. Aide, "hut adorable as
she is, she speaks English in the American
way, and, although it is very musical, It is not
Jons Hay. who has a short name, but a long
bead, was bora in 1SSS, and therefore is, or
should be, in the prime of life. He was brought
first into prominence by President Lincoln ap
pointing him and John H. Nlcolay his private
secretaries in 1S6L Their life of Lincoln now
running through The Century, is his great
work, although "Little Breeches" gave Hay bis
literary reputation. He is a millionaire, made
so by marrying a millionaire's daughter, not by
literature. Few literary men can boast of one
home, but Mr. Hay has two, one in 'Washing
ton, the other in Cleveland. He is of the me
dium height; he has dark hair and Doard and
brown eyes. His hours for literary work are
from 9 to 12 in tho morning.
Walt Whitman, who is now called '-the good
gray poet," was. in his youthful days, a promi
nent New York Bohemian, a frequenter of
PfalFs, a noted Bohemian resort on Broadway,
whose atmosphere was redolent of lager beer
and tobacco smoke. Here might be seen nearly
every night, from 12 o'clock to daylight, some
SO years ago, Henry Clapp, Jr., the King of
Bohemia, with Georgo Arnold, Fltz-James
O'Brien, William Winter, "Miles O'Reilly."
Walt Whitman, etc. Whitman wrote his
"Leaves of Grass," and not finding any pub
lisher bold enough to print it, he set up matter
himself in a Brooklyn printing offlce, and
Fowler A Wells, out of compassion, kept the
book for sale at their store on Broadway.
Miss Jean ette Gilder, the editor of The
Critic, leads, as it were, a dual life. At homo
and in society she is entirely feminine, and just
what any other clever, sweet-tempered woman,
would be. She is passionately fond of children,
and is devoted to the pretty infants of her
brother, the poet But in her office her whole
manner changes. Sun is a thorough woman of
business, and during office hours works very
hard. She suits her attire to her work, and as
the feminine dress cramps the neck, throat
and arms, she has adopted a costume almost
entirely masculine. On the street in winter
she wears a long, dark ulster, with a white
handkerchief folded under the edcos. In her
offlce she wears dark skirts, kilted plainly to
the waist, with no overdress; the waist is a half
fitted sack coat, with the cnt at the throat the
same as that of a man, and with the same
pockets. Under it is a close-fitting waistcoat
in which are watch and chain: a plain standing
collar and cravat are entirely masculine in
tone. She even wears wide cuffs with heavy
link buttons and a seal ring. Her brother,
Richard Watson Gilder, is tho editor of The
A Son of Sir Peter Coats Secures ti Bride
After Considerable Trouble.
Syracuse, N. Y., September 19. James
Coats, of Providence, R. L, son of Sir Peter
Coats, of Paisley, Scotland, the threadniaker,
and Mile. Marc Jeanne Adam, of Nancy,
France, were married to-day at Caze
novia. The ceremony was performed at
Ormond Lodge, the summer home of
George Rutledge Preston, of New Orleans, in
whoso family the bride has been a governess
for several years. Rev. Robert H. Neide,
rector of the Episcopal church of the village,
performed the ceremony. A pressure of no
mean character was brought upon Mile. Adam
to insist that she bo wedded by a clergyman
of her own church, and the local priest failing
to convince her. Rev. James A. OVHara, D. D
of Syracuse, was called upon to use his influ
ence. He has made ope or two visits to
Cazcnovia on that errand, and as a final
argument informed Mile. Adam that her
consent to be married by a Protestant
clergyman would cast her out of com
munion with Rome. The lady is understood
to have been greatly disturbed by these com
plications, as Mr. Coats had refused to acqui
esce in the arrangement proposed. It was his
desiro to be married by a Presbyterian, and he
was Insisting upon this form of ceremony.
This morning no settlement had been reached,
and tho summer cottagers at Cazenovla who
had anticipated the wedding with bated breaths,
were In great alarm lest tho ecclesiastical ob
stacle would prove insurmountable. Thero
were rumor?, indeed, that the wedding had
been postponed, and these stories were credited
as late as 12 o'clock, one-half hour before the
time announced.
Names of Irish Towns Chanced to Pny a
Compliment to Rulers.
From the Scottish American.!
The Irish know how to pay a compliment
gracefully. Queenstown. at which so many of
the American steamers call, both outward and
homeward bound, was once styled the Cove of
Cork. It happened, however, that Queen Vic
toria landed there when she visited Ireland in
1819, and in honor of the event the place's
name was changed to Queenstown. Then, too,
and for a similar reason, she created the Prince
of Wales Gail of Dublin.
George IV. visited Ireland in 1S2I, and left
Dnnleary Harbour on his return journey on
the 6th of September' He had a very warm
reception in Dublin, and tho inhabitants de
cided to do away with Dnnleary as tho name of
their seaport and to call it in future Kings
town. (
A Substitute for Blddlcberger.
From the Philadelphia Times. 1
There is no Rlddleberger in the Senate any
more, but if John L. Bullivan is elected to the
House that body will have a pretty good sub
stitute for the bibulous Virginian.
Mnall Profit In Proph:cy.
From the Baltimore American,!
A true poet may be a seer, but ho seldom is a
financier. It be were, thero might be more
signs of a profit about jils works.
Where Did You GctThnt Hat The Smoker's
Cargo Tho Basset Shoe A Home
IT is not altogether safe to sing or cten hum
that popular variety song, "Where Did You Get
That Hat?" on tho streets.
The other day a countryman came down the
Hump dressed in the newest of new clothes,
with a brand new silk hat upon bis head. His
light fall overcoat, creased trousers and gen
erally immaculate get-up attracted Some at
tentlon. But a group of young men who Btood
upon the corner of Smlthfleld street and Fifth
avenue did not see him they were talking and
laughing among themselves. It so happened,
however, that the countryman with all sails
set swept by them as one of their number be
gan singing almost below his breath, "Where
Did You Get That HatT"
As this lino reached the countryman's ears
he wheeled about and raising a ponderous flst
exclaimed: "I didn't get it from ofT you
blanked fellers, nor from anybody like you; so
blanketty blank your souls to blank; you'll
mind your own business."
The singer was dumfounded, his comrades
laughed, and the countryman crossed the street
holding his head very high.
"The most troublesome of travelers," said
one of the oldest and best conductors on the
Fort Wayne to mo the other day, "aro always
to be found in the smoker. It generally takes
me twice as long to get through the smoker as
the other cars. That's where the tickets are
hardest to find. I'm speaking of the train be
fore it gets near town. Most of the country,
men who sit in the smoker seem to always man
age to conceal their tickets in some out of the
way pocket or lose it among. the papers of a big
pocketbook. They always assert they have a
'ticket somewhere, and it consumes time to find
it or make them pay up. I'm afraid most of
the rogues who attempt to beat their way are
in' the smoker, too."
O russet shoe, the best of shoes,
Your services I'm forced to lose;
The summer's gone, the fall is here,
And damp and dirty weather's near
Dame fashion says I may not choose.
1i let yon go gives me the bines,
"When I remember fondly who's
Brown hand it was re-tled you, dear
' O russet shoe.
He was so slow: lest he might bruise
' Aly foot, he said. Was it a ruse
To keep me on the moonlit pier
Till courage might control his fear
That I should quick his suit refuse,
O russet shoe?
There isn't a prettier song under the sun
than "Home, Sweet Home," but there are
times which, as De Wolf Hopper in "Clover"
sings, "t'were bettor not to dwell on," when
home does not seem so sweet
When yon're sick and sorry of worldly things,
When figures affright or writing oils,
When pride and desire have got them wings.
Home Is a heaven within four walls.
But when It Is home that sharply calls
On the lover to see bis lass no more,
The chain of affection chafes and galls,
And home, sweet home Is an awiul bore.
When cheerily high the dinner bell rings,
And childish voices are heard In the halls,
When slippers the wife of your bosom brings
Then home is a heaven within four wans.
But whenever the butcher caUs and calls.
And duns by the dozen beset your door.
The vision of happiness faints and falls,
And home, sweet borne Is an awful bore.
When drear and deserted are chores and springs.
When the crowds return as the red leaf falls,
Unto some of their hearts a Bweet voice sings
That home Is a heaven within four walls.
But the end of the holidays some appalls.
And the man who serves In a drygoods store
'.Neath the stare of his late love humbly crawls
Ah t home, sweet home Is an awful bore.
Whenever man tires of eartnly brawls
Then home Is a heaven within four waUs.
But the days may come, as I've said before.
When home, sweet home Is an awful bore.
The Service In England Compared With
That of the United States.
From the Boston Globe. 1
The English telegraphic service is often hell
up as a model of cheapness and efficiency. Bet
it is only now adopting a convenience which
has been In common use in the Untied States
for a number of years; that is, the transfer of
money by telegraph. We observe that the En
glish papers think it necessary to explain to
their readers that "the money is not actually
sent across tbe wires," but the transactloi is
really only a transfer of credit It is one of the
few advantages of keeping the telegraph! in
private hands that improvements are more apt
to be adopted promptly by a private corpora
tion than through the slow process of govern
mental red tape. As far as cost to tbe people
is concerned there is no comparison between
State owned and corporation owned tele
graphs. In this country the rato for short distances is
25 cents for ten words, with much greater
charges for greater distances. But in fengUnd
messages may be sent to any part of the United
Kingdom lor 1 cent a word. The British Gov
ernment makes a profit on these low rates, too.
Tbe telegraph service not only pays all Its own
expenses, but yields annually to tho treasury a
surplus of over 4,000,000, or $20,000,000. There
is In this country a growing Impression that the
Government ought to assume the management
of tbe telegraph lines and give the people the
benefit of a service substantially at cost
They Aro English, and Load Enongb. to
Serve ns a Foe Horn.
From the New York World. J '
Colonel Tom Ochiltree has appeared in the
Hoffman House several times this week wear
ing the most gorgeous pair of trousers ever
seen on this side of the Atlantic. They are
plaids white and black check, and tho checks
are worth talking about These trousers are
so loud that they can bo beard in a fog or seen
on a dark night Taken in conjunction with the
Texas Ranger's salferino hair, they constitute
a tout ensemble which must make Barry Wall
feel sad.
Colonel Tom says that his trousers are known
as "Newmarkets," and they were sent him by
his London tailor at tho instance of Buffalo
Bill, his esteemed friend. Nobody will doubt
that Colonel Cody is a connoisseur in trousers
after seoing Colonol Tom's outfit
A Wonderful Migration of Birds Across
tbe River nt Louisville.
Louisvh.:le, September 19. A remarkable
migration of quails has been going on here.
Vast quantities of tbe birds aro crossing tbe
river, bonnd nortb. The micratlon was first
observed list Monday, and has been noticed on
tho evening of every day since. Tho shores
below Jeffersonville, New Albany and Port
Fulton, on tho Indiana side, are lined with
them. Many of them which are not strong
enough to fly across the Ohio, here nearly 5
mile broad, fall into the stream and are
Captain J. T. Dnffy, who lives on the Utica
pike, five miles below beyond Jefforsonville,
said that yesterday he passed through several
coveys on tbe road. The birds were so weak
that tbey scarcely got out of tbe way of the
horses and hardly noticed him when ho struck
at them with his whip.
Two Rollnblo Pitchers.
From tbe Chicago Inter Ocean.1
Clarkson who pitches ball for Boston and
Clarkson who pitches Democratic postmasters
at Washington are both very thoroughly dis
liked by the Bourbon press of New York.
Both, however, are tho kind ot men to go right
plong and do their work well.
Six Children nt a BIrlli.
SALT Lake Crrr, September 19. Mrs.
Hiram Snell. of Malad, Idaho, bas given birth
to slxtets, three boys and three girls. Thev
weigh eight pounds altogether. All aro bright
and hearty and promise to live. 6
Jesso Wcntworiu Parson.
BOSTON, September 19. Jesse Wentwort i PaT.
son died at Hyde Park Tuesday, aged 71. As the
chief author of Payson, Duuton and S rlbner
copybooks his name was known over tho entire
country, and be was known as one of the great ar
tlst penmen of the. world. .He originated ths
lithograph copy for common school wruincWkt
the use of which became general, - 7 ""
Friends Tender Mrs. Halnsworth a Fare
well Reception.
A farewell reoeption was tendered to Mrs.
and Miss Halnsworth at their residence, Penn
avenue, by some prominent Lawrenceville peo
ple last night The affair, though gotten up
under the guise of secrecy, was nevertheless
a very splendid entertainment Mr. Halns
worth, who, it will be remembered, severed his
ronnectlon with the mill that bears his name
to start a similar establishment in Seattle,
Wash., some months ago, preceded his family
to their future home. Last nignt the friends
of the family took the opportunity of saying
Edibles of every kind were prepared and sent
to a house opposite the Halnsworth mansion
by the committee who had charge of the ar
rangement About 9 o'clock 60 people crowded
on the steps of the house and sang a farewell
ode. The people inside the house were" startled
at this unusual proceeding, and went to the
door to see what was the matter. Imagine the
surprise when the door was opened to be con
fronted with a host of friends familiar and
dear to them. The party was Invited inside,
and in a few minutes took possession ot the
house. Various games were indulged in, such
as charades and other amusements of like
About 10 o'clock a ring came to the door
with another surprise. Six young maidens
dressed In white, laden with choice viands,
gained admittance and spread out a table that
made the epicure's palate tingle. A more en
ticing cold collation could sot be desired, nor a
more beautiful arrangement of the table. Mag
nificent cut flowers were lavishly strewn
across the tabic
An elezant souvenir was presented to Miss
Halnsworth by her friends in the shape of an
elaborately worked autograph.
The committee who had' charge of the affair
aro the following:
Messrs. J. W. Klnnear, H. 1. Evans, Jesse
inner, Harvey Wentz, Dr. Pearce and Dr. Cam
eron, and Mnses Laura Urine. KateOrlne, Leah
Fetzcr, Mollle Clark and a number of others.
Of arrlage of a Populnr Yonng Man and a Tal
ented Young Ladv.
The Fourth Avenue Baptist Church was
crowded last night with friends anxious to wit
cess tho marriage of Miss Ancle Barbln, a
teacher in one of the public schools, and. Mr.
Will F. Hardie. The church rang with' tho
glorious musio of a wedding march as'.the
happy couple, preceded by six ushers, marched
up to the railing.
Tho bride was dressed in a beautiful decol
lete gown of whtte Henrietta and sural silk,
provided with a gorgeous train. Her bar was
tastefully ornamented with a cluster of yhlte
After the ceremony had been performe
uev. wiinam vvara west, oi tne o;
Mission, in Oakland, the counle were
the recinients of numerous ana heartr
gratulatlons. After the reception at
residence of tbe bride's parents, in
East End, the newly-married couple will Mart
on a three weeks honeymoon. They will wslt
Cleveland, the Thousand Islands, the lakes, the
Hudson river and other points of beauty and
interest On their return they take up their
residence on Ward street, where they have
gaged accommodations.
They Are One Now.
Mr. C. M. Mitchell, solicitor for the CharlVs
Munson Belting Company, was married yesti
day to Miss Lou A Matthews, of Californll
Pa. The weddin? took Dlace in that town, anl
was celebrated by Rev. J. B. Taylor, of thl
Methodist .Episcopal unnron. rue oriae am
trroom will to-dav deDart for tbe East for :
short trip, and will then take up their residence
in mis city.
Myriads of Little Insects That Threaten to
Destroy Connecticut Woods.
New Haves. September. A singular dis
covery has been made in Ansonia by Warden
Wheeler. He finds that the deaths of elm
trees occurring in alarmingly large numbers in
that borough are not due to electricity, as bas
been locally supposed, but to the depredations
of a white insect about one-quarter of an inch
long and no larger than a pin. He made the
discovery by accidentally knocking oil the
bark of the larcest of one of the most recent
victims of tbe pest All the trees were then
visited and were found to be similarly afflicted
It Is feared that tbe pest will spread over the
State, as Connecticut is covered with beautiful
, Tbe presence of tbe pest is made known by
the falling of the leaves of the tree. On such
trees it is found mat the outer Dane is easily
removed. Underneath it are myriads of the
destructive insects. They seem to feed upon
the soft inner bark, which is the life of the tree,
and work up and down the trunk until the tree
is girdled, when it dies.
Warden Wheeler will now continue the In
vestigation in the hope of saving the rest of
Ansonia's beautiful elms. At the rate the trees
have died there dnrlnc the past two years, in
side of ten years the borough streets will be
completely denuded of trees.
A Monster Sturgeon Lassoed and Landed by
Conneetlcnt Boys.
Ansonia, Conn., September 19. Two boys
Richard Sbortelle and .Edward Fogarty, found
a 200-pound sturgeon in a shallow pool irj
Nausatuck river, just below Ansonia, this
morning. They slipped a rope oyer its tail, and
and pulled the fish out on tbe bank. A local
flsb dealer bought it at onco.
This is the third sturgeon caught here in
several years. The fish come up tbe Housatonic
river, and are stranded by the receding tides.
Bass and salmon weighing from 25 to 0 pounds
are frequently caught in the same way.
A Lancaster Mna Mistakes It for a Strap
and Gets Bitten.
Lancaster, September 19. William Cham
bers, of Coleraine township, was yesterday
cleaning out an old cupboard and picked up
what he supposed was a strap. It proved to be
a snake 18 inches long. When he took bold of
tbe snake it seized him by the finger and held
to It until he shook It off.
Chambers hurried to a doctor's offlce, a
couple of miles distant, and bad bis Injury at
tended to. His arm and band are badly
A Whole Family Mndo Crazy by a Mistake
About Drinks.
Memphis, September 19. Joe Bullock, a col
ored farmer living near thi3 city, with two
members of his family and a boarder, has gone
crazy from drinking a bottle of "horse medi
cine" left at their house by a neighbor, and
which they thought was whisky.
Tbo Blagest of All Cnblncts.
From the Boston Ecrald.l
The latest accession to the British Cabinet
raises the number of members to the unprece
dented figure of 17. This long roll enables Her
Majesty to rescue all those of her loyal sub
jects who fall just outside the breastworks.
Looks Like a Mistake.
From the Detroit Free Press. 1
A naturalist who bas been prying into the
matter says that the jackass bird has become
totally extinct We think there must be some
mistake here. It was only yesterday that we
saw at least a dozen men carrying canes or
folded umbrellas on their shoulders.
Richmond Recorder: Carpets are bought by
the yard and soled by the foot
Blnghamlon Republican: It is compara
tively quiet when so still you can hear tbe dew
Burlington -PrecPrw; The profession of
rat-catching has not yet been invaded by
Gripsack: Will the capture of sealers in'the
Behring Sea involve the United States in a
f urrln' war,
AlehUon Globe; Occasionally you see a very
rich man who is so economical that he would
enjoy being poor.
Kentucky State Journal: A river is one of
the queerest things out; its head isn't near as
big as its month.
Yonken Blatetman: We suppose It would be
perfectly proper to designate the London long
shoremen as shortshoremen now.
St. Joseph Hews: As Adam remarked to Eve
as they sat ontside the garden gate: "We'vo
had an unusually early fall, have wo not J"
Philadelphia Ledger: In sending $200 to the
Secretary of the Treasury, a Chicagoan wrote
that it was to be placed to ''Uncle Sam's Ered
it," a queer message, from a man whose con
science was bavins a good spell.
20, 1889.'
A Unlq.no Organization In Baltimore That
Serves as a Matrimonial Agency
Referees Appointed Who Decide All
Matters or the Heart The Clab's Good
There is a club in Baltimore which is one of
the most secret and peculiar organizations
ever known. The constitution limits the num
ber of members to 1L It bas been in existence,
about two years, but so cautious are those who
belong to it that there are at present bnt seven
members. Eleven was fixed upon as the maxi
mum limit because, it is' said, only a few were
wanted, and an odd number was desired to as
to avoid ties in voting. It is not known for a
certainty where this club meets. It is believed
that the members come together once a week
somewhere in the center or western part of the
City, but it Is probable, from certain indica
tions, that they change their place ot meeting.
The seven are all under 33 years of age,
of good standing in society, sober, in
dustrious fellows, but none of them
are rich, though they are all fairly well-to-do in
the world. The club has, outside of its social
pleasure, but two objects. Each man has
sworn tbat he will act as a brother to every
other man in the clnb, as respects two things
to see that be is not imposed upon in marriage
or in business. They do not care what one
another's religion is, nor how much money any
man has. nor how be spends It. They visit a
good deal, bnt not all in tbe same set Not In
frequently several meet in drawing-moms where
ladles are, but no bint is ever dropped tbat
they belong to the same club, or to any clnb. It
bas happened several times that two or more
have been Introduced by ladles, and tbey bave
met as strangers. As soon, however, as any
man begins to take so close an Interest in a
lady that he is satisfied it is a beginning of
love, or contemplates enlarging or chancing
his business, he reports it to tne club, and the
seven take counsel together.
AU Are Honorable Men.
Three have been married in the last 18
months, gays the American, and there are no
happier couples in Baltimore. So secret are
the members in their work that these three
wives do not know that their husbands belong
to the silent seven. These seven are high-
minded, honorable gentlemen, and in their in
vestigations they do no underhand work. There
is no trickery, no system of espionage or mean
spying into a lady's character. They use fair
methods, and endeavor simply but safely to de
termine whether one of their number ought to
marry the lady he has become interested in.
They have lots of fun when one fcets his first
attack of love, and confesses his sickness to the
brethren. He has to stand a good deal of mild
guying as a sort of preliminary test ot his
passion, and then the club proceeds to business.
They make inquiry into everything connected
with the lady tbat should be considered in de
ciding whether she is the proper person for
their brotber to marry. The discussions are
said to be interesting. They do not allow any
of their number to Impose upon a lady by pre
tending to be what he is not even if he were to
violate bis oath so far. No case of a member
getting into a lady's heart by making her be
lieve he is different from what he is, or by
practicing deception about bis worldly estate,
has come before tbe club. Each believes bis
brother to be a man of honor..
A Referee In a Love Match.
Lost winter a curious thing happened. One
man, after two months' acquaintance with a
lady, reported to the club that he felt symp
toms of love, and bad reason to believe that the
lady was not indifferent to him. He repeated
conversations, told of her actions toward him,
and the club, sitting solemnly on tbe case, de
cided that it looked like love on both sides, and
appointed one man to look into the matter.
None of the six knew the lady. After three
weeks' inquiry, the investigator startled the
club one night by confessing that he himself
was in love with the lady. One of the married
men bad to be put on the case, and he had
hard work to get at the facts the lady was so
engaging in her manners and so adroit in ber
actions toward the two men. 8uch fine, good
breeding and brotherly feeling prevailed in the
club tbat tbe rivals never quarreled. It was a
square race, and the first lover won and got a
mighty fine woman, for she was rated A 1 by
the second investigator. She was beautiful,
accomplished and well off. The defeated man
can now meet her without a tremor, the train
ing of the clnb is so salutary.
Flirtation Not Tolerated.
The seven last spring got information that a
young married woman was smitten with one
of the young members, and she was so agreea
ble that he confessed be couldn't resist her
charms. He was warned tbat unless he be
haved himself, he would be dismissed and pub
lished to his friends. Two warnings completely
cured him. A kind letter was also sent to the
lady's husband, which was appreciated, on due
reflection, by both. Tbe club has had a good
deal of trouble with one membe, who persists
in his attachment to a heartless, but beautiful,
coquette. Two committees reported that tbe
lady bad no love for any man with a real heart,
and that she was unworthy of the man she was
leading such a wild chase. He pleaded, but to
no purpose. The alternative was to leave the
club or cive ud the flirt Tbe last debate on
this case was on a hot night in August on
the top floor of a four-story house. The win
dows were open, and some of the discussion
was heard on the street When the love-sick
fellow gave in, all seven sang to a guitar ac
companiment. "Trust Her Not; She's Fooling
Thee."and "Mas3a's in tbe Cold,Cold Ground."
Since that time the seven give it out that they
are a glee club.
Making Matrimonial Bargains.
Not long ago one of the members would
have been swindled out of $3,000 by a sharp
drummer, if he hadn't decided to lay a busi
ness transaction before the club. The mem
bers never borrow money, nor lend any to one
another. When a hard case bas been decided,
they chip in and have a little champagne, and
sing one or two songs for appearance sake.
They never meet at the houses of those who
are married. All the seven are popular with
tbe ladies. They are intelligent well-educated,
wide-awake .fellows, with fine manners, and
one or two are quite good looking. They
have few small vices. Two more marriages
will probably take place this fall. One man,
who la far from rich, is colnc to marrv a noor
girl, and the club is urging him to do it It is
a case of real love, and tbe man is, it is
thought a hopeless bacbelor; bnt the club is
working bard to make him happy. There it
talk of taking in four new men. It is believed
that no woman has any idea that such a dub
A Yonng Womnn Who Supposed Sbe Would
Get a. nig Legacy.
New York, September 19. Miss Mamie Mc
Gulre, of Elizabeth, N. J., has become crazed
through brooding over an imaginary legacy,
and after an examination by physicians at St
Nicholas Hotel, Newark, it was ordered that
she should be removed to the Morris rialns
The young woman insists mat an uncie.
Colonel Richard Powell, died some years ago
at New Orleans, leaving a fortune. Ho was
one of seven brothers, and never married. He
ttari an nnlv sister, now livlntr in Elizabeth, and
to this sister, who was a great favorite and
whom he had not seen in many years, he was
supposed to have left a largo portion of bis
wealth. Miss McGuIre supposed she was to
share this inheritance.
An Exciting Outlook.
From the Baltimore American, t
General Butler will publish bis memoirs, and
Amelle Rives will collaborate a novel with a
French writer. And yet some people think
that the literary outlook is not exciting.
Twas sung of old In hutand hall
Row once a King In evil hoar
Rung musing o'er his castle wall
And, lost la idle dreams, let fall
'Into the sea his ring of power.
Then, let him sorrow as he might
And pledge his daughter and his throne
To who restored the Jewel bright
The broken spell would ne'er unite;
The grim old ocean held its own.
Those awful powers on man that wait
On man, tbe beggar or theKlng,
To hovel bare or hall of state
A magic ring that masters fate
Willi each succeeding birthday bring.
Therein aro set four Jewels rare;
Pearl winter, summer's ruby blaze,
Spring's emerald, and, than all more fair,
Fall's pensive opal doomed to bear
A heart of fire bedreamed with haze.
To him the simple spell who knows
The spirits or the ring to sway.
Fresh power with every sunrise flows,
And royal pursuivants are those
That fly his mandates to obey.
But he that with a slackened will
Dreams of things past or things to be,
From him the charm Is slipping stiU, t
An I drops, ere he suspect tbe ill,
Into the inexorable '
Jamt XMitll LwtUt
A Barbecue Breaks Up la a Row.
Hnrfw TfoioCBOaii.n srzctixs.i
New Yobjc, September 19. The David B.
Hill Club, of Long Itlanipity, gave a Wft bar
becue at Schwallenberg Pit, evening, tot
tbe purpose ot booming Giorge Petty for tbe
Mayoralty. Many of the b fry and all the
smalt fry of local politics tttended. The ox
was finely roasted, beer wi abundant, and
everyone was happy till Coagjjessann Covert,
in the' oration of tbe eTenlns&began to talk
about David B. Hill Democracy as the only
simon-pure Democracy, and to denounce Dem
ocrats of another stripe as apostates. This
"riled" Editor Angus P. Mclntyre, the Dem
ocratic Tribune, who does not love Governor
Hill. Rising to his feet as the eloquent Con
gressman concluded his apostrophe 0! praise.
Mr. Mclntyre elevated his arm, pointed his in
dex finger at Mr. Covert and exclaimed: ''Sir,
you are a liar." Mr. Covert sank into a seat
like one seised with sudden paralysis. Every
one yelled. The band struck up "Razzle Daz
zle." Editor Mclntyre shonted above the tur
moil that "No man could Impugn the honesty
of the Democracy." Mr. Covert hurried away
from the meeting. A general row, in which no
serious blows were struck, concluded the
Made Crazy by tbe World's Fair.
Arthur Halllday, the son of the Rev. Dr.
Halliday who was formerly Henry "Ward
Beecher's assistant In Plymouth Churcb, es
caped last Monday from the Amityville asylum.
He was caught by two detectives at a down
town hotel this morning, and was taken to
Bloomlngdale. Too much reading concerning
the world's fair has completely upset the little
reason be had left He says he left the Amity
ville Asylum- to boom Long Branch as a site
for tho World's Fair. He expects Robert Gar
rett to visit bim shortly to consummate plans
for holding the exposition on the Jersey coast.
His last words to the detective Wiotook him
to the asylum to-day were: "Bring Garrett to
Bloomlngdale as soon as possible."
Two Italian Celebrations To-Day.
About 7,000 Italians will celebrate here to
morrow, the nineteenth anniversary of the
taking of Rome by the royal Italian troops.
There will be two processions, two banquets,
and two balls. The duality of the celebration is
due to the rivalry of two Italian benevolent
societies In tbe city. An Italian "home" for
tbe benefit of Italians in trouble was founded
here many years ago. Recently Consul General
Riva established a new home. A big row
among the benevolent Italians of the city and
a declaration of war against the Consul Gen
eral by the supporters of the old home fol
lowed. The Consul General will lead about
2,500 adherents past the Mayor's reviewing
stand to-morrow. His opponents expect to
muster about E.0CJ.
Deyble'e Defense to be Insanity.
Tbe inquest In the case of Frederick W.
Gesswein, the millionaire tool manufacturer
recently shot dead in his offlce by Chris F.
Deyhle, was concluded to-day. The jury found
that Mr. Gesswein, "came to his death from a
pistol shot wound in the heart, the same being
fired from a weapon in the bands of Chris
Deyhle." The man thus found guilty cut a
pitiable figure during the investigation to-day.
When called to the witness stand he tottered
across the room and tremblingly sank into a
chair. After giving his age as 73, and Philadel
phia as his home, he refused by the advice of his
counsel to testify further. The few sentences
he uttered were Interrupted by fits of coughing
so violent as to threaten abemmorhage. His
defense at the trial will be insanity.
Gov. Beaver Still Fnvors New York.
In response to Mayor Grant's Exposition let
ter, Governor James A Beaver, of Pennsyl
vania, writes: "I bave heretofore publicly ex
pressed my views upon the subject of the
proper place to hold the commemorative fair
referred to. I have cot changed those views in
any particular, but believe that New .York Is In
sll respects the most desirable place for hold
ing it," Congressman C C. Townsend, of
Pennsylvania, says that he will be pleased to
give tbe question of tho proposed Exposition
the consideration which so important an event
A Load Complatat.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
What excuse can Chief Evans and our Fire
Commissioners give, if any, for having wind
broken horses andbalkersin tbe fire depart
ment? Such are tbe specimens found on Mt
Washington. At the fire on Wednesday even
ing it was U minutes from the time the alarm
was struck until Hose Company No. 17 arrived
at the Allentown Turn Hall, on Allen avenue.
Thirty-first ward, tbe reason being tbat one
horse bad no wind and was compelled to give
up and tho other one conld not haul the hose
carriage alone. Wbat protection have the
citizens of tbe Thirty-first ward in case a large
fire should break outT Taxpatze.
Ptttsbubo, September 19.
The Gubernatorial Office.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Is tbe Governor of Pennsylvania eligible for
a second term? STAR.
McKeespobt, September 19.
Not until four years have elapsed. On this
point the Constitution says: The Governor
shall hold office during four years from the
third Tnesday of January next ensuing his
election and shall not be eligible to the office
for the next succeeding term.)
PlttabarK Boycotted.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
To continue the history of Brownsville where
"Jacksonlan" left off in the Sunday edidon of
The Dispatch, the merchants of the town
have boycotted Pittsburg for holding an Ex
position and drawing awav our trade. Tha
only Improvements maae to Brownsville during
the last ten years have been three new houses.
Bbownsvxlle September 19.
The Ohio Vote In 1SS7.
To the Editor of the Dispatch:
Can you Inform two of your readers as to
Foraker's plurality over Powell in 1887. .and, if
possible, his majority at that time, and
obllgo W.
pmSBrnto, September 19.
t Foraker's plurality was 23,329. He did not
have a majority of the votes cast
Unprofessional Behavior.
From the Indianapolis Journal. )
Those Chicago footpads who had the temer
ity to hold up "Old Hntch" will probably be
expelled from tbe craft for attempting to tarn
ter with "one of the prof esb."
A Regnlnr Hastier.
From the New York Commercial Advertiser.!
Go to the cyclone, thou sluggard; consider
bis ways and be wise. When he has business to
attend to, he attends to It and lets everything
else drop.
Is order to remove some oil stains from the
bottom of his wagon a Pottstown expressman
applied a match. His stable had a narrow
escape from destruction.
At one of the Meadville churches on Sunday
last the minister said: "The regular prayer
meeting will be held Wednesday evening. If
you are not lnattendancelwllltakeitfor grant
ed tbat you are at the circus."
'Motreb" Hollidat, of Wheeling, who ia
cow 87 years old, attended the soldiers' reunion
at Martin's Ferry Tuesday, and while there
had her pocket picked by some soulless thief.
A XTLLY developed child weighing exactly
one pound was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wills, who live near New Philadelphia, O. It
could easily be hid in a quart measure with
short clothes on.
Pious Myebs, of York, was seised by three
tramps, who carried him to a lot, took his
clothing, placed their own rags on him and sect
Aim home.
A bsas with a thumb is announced as a
WUkesbaire cariosity. The thumb formerly
belonged to Jack Van Busklrk, and the bear
bit it off.
A bald eagle blown by the high winds from
tho mountains' has been shot in Lnneaster
A Philadelphia street lady made some
balrdye from a newspaper recipe and ber hair
turned oTbrlght blue alter sue had applied tbe
If.- tA tt'
uuvuua ,r
coxioua mvmk'imSi
Thieves at FraakHa, Kefe., an4i of
the LSOO-poaad hammer of a prfe driver. .
The Granite Mountain arise kMisfces
has yielded W.OSSieeewertk ot SwfersteeeMM.
James Lester, a veteran of fte. "War of
1812, is thought to be the cMeet s loner te
Connecticut. He lives at LysM,aael is taW
Stfthjear. 5"
In ber breach of preaise sK agahrt
Charles Ray, Hassan Jeffreys, a ITitirweHl,
domestic sold be was tee sevesrttf sr'whe
had promised to marry her and tfcea west baek
on his word.
A New York poHee sergeaat vm retire
on a pension tbe otter day who had BeM'ea
the force 27 yews, and in that ttse had Bever
lost a day 00 aeeesat of sickness or beeateed
A Chinese deeier in. San FraaeiW'i
said to enjoy aa teeese from taepraeMeeok
his profession of 98,008 per meats. He has
been; is AJaeriea nearly 89 yean, aad saaay
Caucasians are asaeag w panes te.
A raenstreeitr ia the shape of a self
with four eyes, fear uoetiBe aad feafeaw, aad
a month like sltsis eieHiBg tew eMeeat f
Jenalcra towaeMa. Fayette seaaty. lad. -Ik
belongs to a Mrs. Brews, aa a kufe
iieooie nave goae to see re ' j .
Aa English paper, states that seats days .
go there was terminated at Whhv aktwMit
which listed four eenteriee. The satt was ever
a4&er pieee of nneoltivatea lead. Km
commenced in 1480. and was, eariecssy eeettak,
Drought to an end by amicable arMtrastea.
Major B.H. Partridge, of WeatieeJIa,
Fla,hasanold saber which was plefcedBeia
an old field near that town several yes afe. ,
j2,t'".t5r anje time. was feat asseel'
JSwS'ghieg 80 pounds. Sets, tfce .
and shield bear the marks of anUoaKy, aad ae
one has ever been ante to aeeouatlsr t&eaw;-
A native of India residing is Leaies
expressed a wish lately to send by parcel pest
to India the asbes of ale orewted brother, to
be dropped into tbe sacred Oases. He was
informed that unless he could limit the weisbt
of the parcel to 11 ponoda the posteSce could
offer bim no faeMiHes, aad he sadly withdrew.
Althoazk Harvard has fewer reereseata.
tivee among the heteti la the White Moantates
than other colleges, yet a graduate, of the
present year has served as aa elevator guide la
one ot the largest of thes dartegtse past sum
mer. He Je ocJered, aad la adaMea to his
work at tte hotel has given roe d tagi at nete
boring bosses.
The noiseless po wder k set a sew inven
tion. In the third voiaate of Beaveaato Cel
lini's aBtobiegrapty the aataer-refcMea that
whea suffering from fever ia Peiraia he eared
himself by eatne- Beaeeek-.aad that lewe-
enred himself the Birds sanepilsloaslrlysheat.'
ing them with powder "invested by aia that
maae no noise."
At Deknd, Fla., a few days. MsvV j
Amanda Worthy, colored, Bred at a ooaohwhta. 1
snake, which was chasing one of ber ehlokeat, S
and shot the Methodist preacher, who was
sitting at his writing table 866 yard away- The
reverend gentleman's wound Is seeseastaad
painful, bat not necessarily fatal. Aataada
was fined 16 aad costs.
During some raana vers of the Qsiuuau
cavalry atBreig a woman aad her litste hey
got In front of a regiment of oalrasaiajs ohajg.
ing ia fall gallop. The lestdng ogeer shoated
to her to lie dawn, and she dkC lying aaea her
boy. The whole regiment passed over wMheat
injuring her. every horse la whose Smear see
lay having been made to jump over her.
Many pretty things have been writtea
about doves dweiBag ia safety ia the oaareh
towers, and now a Swarm of bees have seaght a
similar refuge. They dwell ia the satre of the
village churea at North New Perttaad, Me.
and the steepness of the saire, added to the -vigorous
defease the garrisea ia able to stake,
renders the fortress as hard to aaatareasla
the rock of Gibraltar.
Some very interesting maneuvering has '
been seen at Alderahot through the attempt to
practice the evolutions necessary in "savage
warfare." A train of 88 wagoas with a small
force of three arses formed a laager, aad then
marched through the country to the ieeessaat
attacks otLssievor war parties of ZaJa. Tha
repeating rifles were adjadged to be altogether
too much for the Zulus.
A dog belonging to Eichard Tarnball,
Jr. of MonUcello, Fla., was barking and. play
ing with a frog-last Sunday evening.. The
frog lumped Into tbe dog's month and the dg j
swallowed him. It made tbe dee very stekYfeW "
and he strawled bard to getthe Ireg to BaofcHESy
out. bat tfeqireg insisted on sttehisg tot-whtlQGp
he had done, and the dog at last accounts hai--reconedled
himself, to the situation, r rfjgTji
South Kensington, London, numbers,
among its residents a bull dog that , has kWed
over 100 cats. People in tbe neighborhood
sought to procure a summons against the doe's
owner, but as this passage "a summons cannot
issne against tbe owner of a dog that worries a
cat unless It be proved that he set the dog on"
appears in the law, they, were unsuccessful
and the canine continues its murderous work.
A railroad conductor wanting to teach a
new brakeman his duties, told him to go to tha
other end of tbe car and when he, t6ecoa
ductor, called out tbe names of the stations
atong the route that he should say the same at
that end of the ear. When they came to the
first station tbe conductor called out "Ma-wash-in-e-tai"
which is a small town between
Indianapolis and Elkhart, Ind., and the brake
man yelled out with all the might his lungs
would permit him, "The same at this end!"
A novel scheme in railroading is about
to be tried by an English' syndicate on the Aus
trian Railway system. Lending libraries will
be established at all the railroad stations of
any size, at which books will be loaned at a low
rate. Tbey can be returned at any of the libra
ries of the company. Travelers are, as a rule,
greedy for books, and tbe venture is expected
to meet with success, notwithstanding the op
position ox tram news aeeais, wnose Dimness
will be sadly hampered.
- The Queen of England is one of the
hardest worked officials in the realm. Apart
from her private correspondence there Is
hardly a Government office' that does not daily
send her boxes of documents, warrants, etix,
requiring her signature and attention. There
is not a question of precedent, etiquette i or
change ot uniform in the army or detail of
military and civil orders and decorations that
does not come under ber immediate supervis
ion. Tho dally Court Circular is carefuBy
edited, revised and corrected by ber own hand,
and tbe punctuality with which she returns
documents submitted for her signature is atld
to be marvelous.
Among the sew fall shades is the ante
lope. It ought to be a fast color, but Ananias
himself would hesitate to warrant It not to run.
Baltimore American.
I do detest a man that's close,
And furthermore, a day, .,
But if a pretty girl is close
I feel the other way. Grip.
Mrs, Jason Jehiel, do you. think man is
the only being that reasons?
ilr. Jason No. 1 guess not Woman has been
known to reason once la a great whlle.-,rrr
llautt Bxprttt.
He Deserved It Quest Tou seem mu
sical. I always hear you whistling-. What Is your
favorite song?
Walter Bemembah me, sah!
He got a quarter. Seto Tort Sun.
The Victim Testifies. First Farmer's
Boy)-My father's going to have some men do
thrashing at our house next week! '
Second farmer's Boy That's nothln'. Myt
father does thrashln' at oar house everyday. -Boston
Hard "Work to Think. Elsie' What did
you say then?
Amy-I, asked him calmly to think over my prop
osition. ElsleCalmlyl .Good gracious! It nearly drives
him Into hysterics to think at alt Boston Herald.
Susie's Other Bean. Six-year-old to
caller on her big slsterHGood evening, Mr.
"That isn't my name, little glrL my name's
"Oh, yon must he Susie's other beau." Tableau.
Boston Herald.
His Qualifications. Stranger (to hotel
proprietor) Have you a vacancy . among your
Hotel Proprietor Well, I don't know. I sup
pose I might make a place foreman of floe ad
dress like you. Have yon ever bed any experience
in waiting?
Stranger Well, I should say so. I waited 11
years to marry a girl, and last week she married
another fellow. Judge.
A Chicago BaR-Munlcipal Dignitary
(to police offlclal)-Order the force to hare every
thing In readiness for a descent on the gambling
bouses to-night.
Police Official (to subordinate offlcer)-TelI the
men to get ready fer a raid on the gambling places
to-ntght j.-.
Subordinate uSeer (to squad of poUcej-Boy.
be around hen about 11 o'clock, we are ordered
to make a hasl ot tka rambling houses -
Poileesaaa'lte eamsierl-Jerry, weTe geia' to
wldyeaeetiaWag4it. TeU the bvseCtfceaffJ
JWHhk. ' ,
- I Plats "-' VmBmmm&BfnnKWBmmm ssssssssssbssssissss u iHHiHabjZZ it miiumri uraai ,-J: "" - - - -1 TfsiWHTffi m " si ' I T TPTWriin mim