EfEs WWTPfef ' C ? ? THE FTTTSBTJBe -bISPATCH, FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, . 1888.'- FOE YOCAL TRAINING. Allegheny Musicians Start a Glass to Bring Out Local Talent. . FREE TUITION IS THE FEATURE, The Class to Sin? at the Opening of the Carnegie Music Ball. JfO NEOPHYTES WILL BE ADMITTED The Allegheny City Musical Association, which received its charter on August 1, has begun its year's work with a really admira ble project Desirous of making the culti vation of local latent talent something more than a mere stock phrase to adorn their cir culars, the association has established a regular class for Tocal music. This class will be quite free; the only thing required ot those desirous to become pupils being a certain amount of vocal proficiency and knowledge of music. AH who have not as yet attained to the standard required can pass into one of the subordinate classes, which the association intend starting in a very short time. The director of the class will be Prof. "W. A. Lafferty, who conducted a private class for the association last winter with the greatest success. All the pupils must be soloists of merit, and also capable of singing in choral subjects. VERY LARGE ACCESSIONS. One hundred members of last year's class have rejoined the extended chorus, and at least 100 additional applications for mem bership have been already received by B. S. Eobb, Secretary to the association. The subordinate organizations alluded to will be preparatory classes, and will be scattered throughout Pittsburg and Allegheny. The precise object of this movement, say the originators, is to create a standard of musical excellence in the vocal line among the dwellers by the Allegheny. The ex penses of the class are defrayed by the asso ciates, each of whom pays a subscription of S25 per annum. The rehearsals of the chief class will be held in the Eepublican Club's hill, over the Second .National Bank, at the corner of Federal and Diamond streets, Allegheny. The sessions will last during the fall and winter, and MAT BE CONTINUED into the spring. The course of study will be of the most difficult kind, and the more dilletante student will get left, if he at tempts to follow the work of the class. Mr. John Bell, organist of the First Presby terian Church, will act as an accompanyist to the class. The first rehearsal will be field on Tuesday next, when the class will begin their labors. The officers of the Allegheny Musical As sociation are: Boss W. Drum, President; F. "W. Kiefer, Yice President; "W. D. Mc Gill, Treasurer, and E. S. Kobb, Secretary. All applications for membershiD of the class should be addressed to Mr. Robb. The dedication of the Carnegie Music Hall will give the pupils of Prof. Lafferty an opportunity of regaling the public with their choicest selections. The management of the Hall have promised the Musical Associa tion that their new class shall have a show at the bi ceremony. THE SESSION ENDED. Homeopaths Fnvor Slate Examination of 1 Medical Graduates. Yesterday's session of the State Home opathic Society was extremely interesting. The Committee on the President's Address advised that the session take proper action to see that the Legislature appoint suitable committees to examine medical students of all kinds. A heated discussion was the re sult. President Trite, Drs. Cooper, Seip and Mobr taking sides. It was finally decided to refer the matter to a special committee. A resolution from Dr. James condemning political influence in legislative affairs con cerning medical matters was also referred to a special committee. The iollowing papers were then read: Emiresis," Dr. John Cooper; '"General Man agement of the Eye in Disease," Dr. J. Bailey bullivan; "A Case ot Epilepsy," Dr. C. A. Wil son; "Membranous Croup," Dr. E. M. Powell; "Morbus Coxarlus," Dr. Thomas Readme; "Care of the Deciduous Teeth," Dr. W.A. Lee; "Colic of Infants," Dr. R. Richey. Dr. A. P. Bowie, of Unionlown. was ap pointed Chairman of the Bureau of Paedal ogv for the ensuing term, and Drs. H. S. Phillips, of Pittsburg, and W. B. Jamison, of Connellsville, were elected members ot the society. The following were elected officers for the ensuing year: President. B. F. Bingham, of Pittsburg; Vice President, Dr. Lee. of West Chester: Treasurer, Dr. J. T. Cooper, of Pittsburg; Recording Sec retary, Dr. J. Richer Horner, of Pittsbure; Corresponding Secretary. Dr. Edward R. SnodenNicrologist, Dr. Si. J Martin; Censors, Millie J. Chapman, Joseph E. Jones and Clar ence Bartlett. The next session will be held in Philadel phia. The meeting adjourned with a vote of thanks to the Homeopathic Hospital, local members and retiring officers. co-operative pianos. How a Fine Pinno Can be Placed In Every Home. Offers the following inducements, if you wish to pay cash: By becoming a member you will save $75 in the price of the piano, and get it at once. It you cannot spare the cash you can get your piano any time, on payment of 25 cash and $2 SO per week, no'interest, and still save $75 in the price. If you cannot pav so fast, by waiting until your number is drawn you will get your piano on payments of 1 per week, no interest, and save 75 in the regular price to onr retail trade. Think of this! Our club is composed of 350 members, each paying 1 per week. Thus you see the members are buying for cash, and one piano is delivered to "the member whose number is drawn each week, until all are supplied, or, if one-half of the members take their pianos and pay 2 CO per week, we deliver twice the number, and get double the amount of cash each week, and it leaves only one-half the number to be drawn on the 1 weekly payments. It is a simple business problem. We are saving our members the difference in price by contracting for 350 pianos at one time, and on a cash basis. "We iiave now enough members to guarantee the success of this plan, and have decided to begin delivering the pianos on Saturday, September 21. Do not wait, but apply for membership at once. Call and see" the piano, or send for circular. Alex. Boss, Manager, 137 Federal st.. Allegheny, Pa. Exposition To-Mght, Flowers and music all to-day and evening. Come early and often. The Blanket Stock is Immense Hcrr. All sizes weights and qualities and not an ounce of shoddy all pure wool if the prices are low. Jos. Hokse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Wanted. Three first-class clothing salesmen; liberal salaries and steady position. Address Bron ner Bros., 404 to 408 Main st, Buffalo, N. Y. Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden "Wedding" the best or bread flout. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Horning s "Ivory," gem of all family flonrs. Gas meteks are coming into generalise, and will be a great advantage to consumers by using Anderson burners; price 1 50. Standard Plumbing Co., 83 Fourth avenue. . .. -jM. " A NEW FORM OP NEGLIGENCE. A Mcdicnl Aotboritj Criticises Ofllclal Cnrelrsancss In Allegheny. Under the head of "CriminalNegligence" the following editorial wil appear in the Pittsburg Medical Review for September, which will be pubhled to-morrow: Among the vast umber of official abuses that the people of Allegheny quietly endure, there is one that is Aot only dangerous to the health of the community, but is also without the vestige of an excuse for existing. This is the obstruction of many of the streets of the city since las winter by new water pipes. These pipes were distributed last February and March along many of the principal streets, and were dropped in the gutters; sometimes on both sides of the streets. Since that time they hae lain undisturbed, to the great obstruction or traffic, with the more important effect that tbey hare gathered and retained all the mtn for six months that the sewers are designed to carrv away, and under the August sun it has festered and decajed until it contaminates the whole city. . , .. Within a few days the work or laying these pipes has commenced, but from the magnitude of the undertaking and the languid way in which it is being prosecuted, a whole year will elapse in some streets between the dumping ot the pipes and the placing of them under ground. As though this outrage were not enough, where the workmen are laying the pipes they are putting them down without cleaning them. All kinds of garbage and ref use of dead animals and ordure, the sewerage of the cltv that has accumulated in the pipes for half a'year, is carelessly allowed to remain in the new water mams. here it will add its uncleanness to the already foul water with which the city is supplied. The unthinking or indifferent men who are accountable for these things are probably too ignorant to compre hend the full effects of their carelessness, nut there ought to be ability and humanity enough among the authorities of the city to recognize and remedy this evil. 1HE FIREMEN DROPPED. Many of Them Were Men Wio Have Grown Old In the Service. Chief Brown's new appointments in the fire department were the main subject of conversation among the firemen yesterday. Ot course there was some dissatisfaction, and the dropped boys feel a little sore. The changes were ascribed to the chief's political sagacity, but Mr. Brown, in an interview has already denied that he was influenced by any such motives. The names of the men dropped are: James Calllnan. Joseph Rooney, William Simp son, Ellsworth McCombs, Matbew bloan, W. M. McGarvy, William fcpieler, Michael O'Brien. Joseph Connolly, Con Drlscol, James Gorman. John Coyle, Frank Carey, John Freyvogle, George Moses, George Clam, Thomas Bovard. . K. Gllner, J. W. Morris, John llurns. Hufus Morris, John bhannon. August Schmidt, Hugh Bracken, William Mc hort r, Edward Baker, Henry 1'fluger, John Daliell, Robert Dorin. Peter Wil kinson. James Al. Miller. Isaac Craig, Kobert Scott, Y. T. blmpson. A. Gelstal. Charles Creedy, Mck bclfort, Thomas Kecnan, illiain Wclcher, UUIam Barrett. William McNeely. St. Clair Crawford, Andrew Hoflman. bebastian bebruon, William W. Evans, David JIcRoberts, Harry Mooncr, George McClelland. John Hilbert, J. . McClos'ltey, Kobert Rlllen, Kobert Wilson, h. D. Kamsey, Fred Poke, John Carrlngton, John KI1 llan, John Kouson, Joseph MilUgan, James Brace, James Dougherty James F. Lalus, H. Watklns, Ernest Brennlng. James Dlckton, Jl orris Dona hue, Patrick Boyle, John Delaney, Henry Boyer, Edward Gelss. WITH NEW 0FFICEES. The Holy Ghost Colleec Literary Union In augurates Its Fall Term. The Holy Ghost College Literary Union has elected the following officers for the coming term: President, Rev. J. T. Murphy; Vice President, James Quinn; Secretary, Wm. McMullen; Treasurer, Wm. Hadel man; Librarian, Lawrence O'Connell; Senior Censor, Fred Hamilton; Junior Cen sor, Eugene Eeiley. The organization is composed of the fac ulty of the college, the senior and junior classes, and of all the past t-tndents, who were at anytime connected with the society. At its last meeting a programme of subjects for discussion was arranged for the follow ing six months, and the opening entertain ment of the session will consist of a lecture on literature from the pen of Prof. Demp sey. TWO OLD PEOPLE DEAD. Mrs. Guff, Ateil 90 Xears,Expires at West Kerton. Mrs. Sarah C. Guffey, died yesterday morning at West Newton, aged 90 years. Mrs. Guffey was the oldest member of the extensive Guffey connection. She is the mother ot John Guffey, ex-Sheriff of "West moreland county, and J. M. and "W. S. Guffev, of Pittsburg. Mrs. James Hamilton died on Vine street a few hours subsequently in the same town, aged 83. Opening Next Monday. The Pittsburg Art School will open on Monday next, the 23d: Fresh from numer ous summer ontings and glimpses of new life dnring vacation trips it should be with increased appreciation of the beautiful and renewed ambition to excel that the students settle down anew to their studies. A Bridac Slay Not be Bnil . A corps of surveyors are at work locating the approaches for the bridge to be erected at Market street, McKeesport, over the Mon ongahela. It is believed that the project will fall through because the Dravosburg and Beynoldsville bridge is being built. Fnll Fashions Tor Boys. The new Btyles of boys and children's clothes are very pretty this year, both in shapes and materials. A great deal of in genuity and good taste have been expended to make nobby garments for the little fel lows. There are many pretty things, both in plaids and solid colors used. No better exposition of the latest novelties can be found than atJA. L. Sailor's, cor. Sixth and Liberty. Excursion o Cumberland. The B. & O. R. B. will sell excursion tickets to the Centennial celebration of Al legany county, Md., at Cumberland, at rate ol 54 SO for the round trip, from Sep tember 21 to 25 inclusive, good to return on September 26; and will also sell excursion tickets on Monday, the 23d, at rate of S3 for the round trip, good to return on the 24th. Rend Onr Silk Department Advertisement To-Day In this paper. We are prepared better than ever before; this silk stock is second to none in the United States it will pay you to buy silks from us. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B. & B. An exposition of art pottery and bric-a-brac on center counters on sale to-morrow morning, which will be well worth a visit. The goods and prices both very attractive. Boggs & Buhl. Knable & Shuater. 20 doz. flannel shirts, regular $2 50 qual ity, all to go at $1 each, Friday and Satur day. Store open Saturday evening until 930. Ejjable & Shuster, 35 Fifth avenue. Moderate drinkers are the best con noiseurs of whisky. They will find it to their advantage to call at the establishment of T. D. Casey & Co., 971 Liberty st., where a complete stock of fine old ryes is always on hand. Exposition. One of the finest displays at the Exposi tion is that of Max Klein, the "Silver Age" man. MVP Geo. H. Bennett & Bbo., 135 First avenue, Pittsburg, are the largest holders of pure rye whisky In the city. Tnlk About Expositions! Ton should visit Pittsburg's pride to night The most eminent physicians recommend Klein's Silver Age as a pure stimulant. NEW ELECTRIC EOAD. A Belt Line One Mile Long to be Built to Ban to the Exposition FROMTHELOWERPARTOFTflECITI The Fragrance of Flowers Filled the Build ings Last flight. UMQUE DESIGN OF THE STBAW HATS A charter for a new electric railway was yesterday granted to R. S. Fraizer, Albert J. Edwards, Joseph Mitchell, Joseph M, Wilson and William H. Murray. It is to he a belt line one mile long, beginning at Liberty and Walnut streets, along Market to North Diamond, to East Diamond, to South Diamond, to West Diamond, to Lib erty street, to Third, to Dnquesne way, re turning by same route. Mr. Frazier explains that by this circuit ous route the little line will connect with all the street railways in the lower part of town and make a quick route to the Expo sition. He says the road will be built next year, in time for the second Exposition. He states that capital has beeu subscribed, and believes the road will be a good investment, because of the immense traffic there will be while the Exposition is in progress. The balance of the year, he says, money can be made, because the expenses of running the road will not be heavy. NOT AFEAID IT WON! PAT. It is expected that concerts, lectures and other winter events at the Exposition build ing will furnish ample traffic. With the speed of electric motors the new line would enjoy an advantage over the horse-car lines already projected in the neighborhood of the show buildings. Just a plain, round, pleasing 20,000 people passed through the Exposition gates yesterdav, and then passed out again. Of the floral displays, the prime cause of all the disturbance from 8 until 9 in the even ing, nothing too good can be said. THAT HANDSOME DESIGN. But one design of the hundred will be mentioned now, and that design will be enough to convey an idea of the sum in total of the mass ot flowers. This design was a perfect counterpart of the magnificent center piece that attracted so much attention upon the occasion of the famous prodigal Vanderbilt ball. The floral design has become famous as "The three straw hats," and is made up of those very commonplace necessities to a hot summer's day. The gas gave out under one boiler, and the shafting on one side didn't run all day. The special programme as prepared for to-night reads: part 17 o'clock. 1. Overture, "The Magic Flute" Mozart 2. Pilgrim's Chorus (from Tanhauser).Waguer 8. Traumeriand Romanze Schumann 4. Potpourri, "Musical Deception". ..Schreiner 5. Halleluiah Chorus (from The Messiah). . Handel PART 29 O'CLOCK. 1. Overture, "Silvana" Weber 2. Introduction and Bridal Chorus (Lohen- erlnl Warmer 3. Arie. Bravour' j HeA gHerzog- 4. staoet mater HO'sini 5. Fackeltanz No. 3 Meyerbeer DIEESTEIN CA0GHT. The Aged Defendant Must Whack Up a Bond or Remain in Hoc. Joseph Dierstein, the aged defendant in the breach of promise suit brought against him by Mrs. Mary Shubkagel, was arrested and lodged in jail yesterday afternoon on an attachment issued by the Court. Dierstein is 70 years of age, and Mrs. Shubkagel is 65 years old. At the trial of the suit last spring Mrs. Shubkagel received a verdict for $600 damages for her injured affections. Messrs. Whitesell & Son, Dierstein's at torneys, appealed the case to the Supreme Court, and gave bonds for the payment of the costs in the suit. Mrs. Shubkagel's lawyers, however, demanded that bond be given for the payment of the amount of the judgment pending the decision of the Supreme Court. This was relused, and they obtained an attachment for Dierstein's ar rest, intending to hold hi' body as security. Dierstein, as soon as the attachment was issued, fled and for the last three months has succeeded in keeping out of the road of the Sheriffs officers. His success at elud ing arrest so long evidently made him care less, for yesterday he was seen by a deputv sheriff and promptly landed in jail. The desired bond will probably now be given to obtain his release. The case comes up in the Supreme Court at this term, commen cing the first Monday of next month. A POPULAR BEVERAGE. Why People Pntroniza G. J. Rnmlacb, the Wholesale Dealer. G. J. Kamlack, of this city, the well known wholesale dealer handling the Pabst Brewing Co.'s Milwaukee beer, has received for local circulation some very pretty pam phlets commemorative of the twenty-third National Encampment of the G. A. It. The pamphlets are daintilv gotten up, and the portraits of the G. A. B. leaders are really excellent. The Pabst beer is by far the most popular of Milwaukee beers among Pittsburg folks, and the most popular Mil waukee beer must necessarily be the most popular beverage in our hotels and saloons. It is "good in warm weather, good in cold weather, good all the time." Milwaukee out-Burtons Burton as a great brewing cen ter, and its foaming beer has a national celebrity. Even the prohibitionist should patronize Mr. G. J. Bamlack, for does he notlsell the "Best" tonic? and verily that excellent medicine is the best, a deal supe rior to ali tne elixirs ever invented, jur. Bumlack does a roaring trade at his Pitts burg wholesale store, and the number of his patrons increases hourly. Grand AutntnnExcnrslon to LloydsTllIe, Pn On tne Bell's Gap Railroad, Thursday, September 26, 1889. It has been the custom of Pennsylvania Bailroad at this time of year to cive the citizens of Pittsburg and vicinity an opportunity to see the Alle gheny Mountains clothed in their autumn foliage by an excursion at an extremely low rate. To this end we announce a special excursion to Lloydsville, on the summit of the Alleghenies, passing through the pack saddle, the Conemaugh Vallev, South Fork, Allegrippus and the wonderful horseshoe curve, arriving at Altoona in time for din ner, after which a thrilling ride over the Bell's Gap Bailroad. Ko more magnificent trip can be taken at this season of the year than that offered by the Pennsylvania Bail road. A special train will leave Union station, Pittsburg, on above date at 8:10 a. m., stopping at East Liberty, Wilkinsburg, Swissvale, Braddocfe, Turtle Creek and principal points between that and Altoona. Bate from Pittsburg $3; correspondingly low rates from other points. This special train will return, leaving Lloydsville at 5 P. M., stopping at Altoona for supper. Tickets good to return until September 27, and good to stop off at Altoona. B. fc B. This flannel bargain will bring the cus tomers quick. New imported flannels 25 cents, all-wool plaids and stripes. Boggs & Buhl. Twelve scenes, each a veritable gem, will be revealed in Marie Woinwright's "Twelfth Night." Exposition Flowers and Mnsle. You must see it Flowers everywhere, and music everywhere else. Jackets, jackets, jackets, jackets, wraps, wrapsat Knable & Shuster's, 35 Filth ave. HEW PKESBXTERIAN PION. An Association With Mnny Good Objects Formed nt a Sleeting:. For a considerable time the question of establishing a union among Presbyterians, lay and clerical, in these two cities has been discussed. Last spring steps were taken by a select number of the most promi nent members of this faith in this vicinity to organize such a union. A committee was appointed to inquire into the feasibility of such an organization. Correspondence was opened with similar unions in Chicago, St Louis and elsewhere, with the result of preparing a constitution and by-laws and measures looking toward giving the union life and activity. At a meeting held yesterday afternoon in. the First Presbyterian church, piesided over by Kev. Dr. W. P. Shrom, and J. H. Baldwin, Esq., acting as secretary, an or ganization was effected and officers elected to carry out the purposes of the uniou. The constitution which has been adopted states the object of the union to be "the promotion of acquaintance, nnitv, enthusiasm and 'furtherance of Christian work among the Presbyterian churches and congregations in these two cities and vicinity." The aims of the union and the methods o be employed in obtaining sufficient member ship to carry on the work effectively were discussed by Major W. B. Neglev, Dr. I. N. Hays, Colonel Wm. A. Herron, David Rob inson and Dr. J. P. E. Kumler. An election of officers was entered into, re sulting as follows: Robert Pitcairn, President; Dr. L N. Hays, Vice President; Rv. E. R. Donehoo, Secre tary; Wm. R. Thompson, Treasurer. The following Executive Committee was appointed : a P. Harbison, Dr. W. P. Shrom, W.B. Neg ley, L H. Baldwin, Geo. B. Logan. This committee, in conjunction with the officers of the union, will meet at an early day to arrange for a social gathering of the membership, and other matters needful to the carrying out of the objects of the onion. 1S.IT ALL A MISTAKE? John Cllne, Well Known Here, Snld to be In Jnll In Indiana. A telegram was received from Columbus, Ind.,list night to the effect that John Cline, treasurer of Harris' Theater in Pittsburg, had heen placed in jail, acensed of robbing Manager Trelegan's Comedy Company of ?150.flt is claimed he had an accomplice. Clue is well known here and was very popnar. His employers had implicit con fidence in his integrity, and would have trusted him with large sums of money. His frierds think there must be some mistake abott it. NOTICE! To Wearers or Silk Hats. you buy one of J. G. Bennett & Co.'s silt hats you can take it to any hatter in the cift and have it ironed or slicked up free of rge. e sell xouman s silk bats. e sell Dunlap's silk hats. e sell Miller & Evans' silk hats. We sell Heath & Co.'s jilk hats. The above makes are known to be the :st makes in the world. J. G. Bennett & Co., Corner Wood and Filth avenue. EXCURSION TO CHICAGO feeptember 26, Via tbe P. & W. Rr. On September 26 the Pittsbure and West- ern Eailway will sell excursion tickets to Chicago lrom Pittsburg, Butler, New Cas tle, Pa., and intermediate stations, good un til October 6, for $9. DSu Bead Onr Silk Department Advertisement To-Day n this paper. We are prepared better an ever before: thfs silk stock is second r ta none in the United States it will pav you to buy silks from us. I JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Crowded Dally. The Standard Photo Art Gallery, 70 Fed eral st., Allegheny, does more business than all others combined, owing to their fine work and low prices. All welcome. Natural Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. See our new gas fires, gas ranges; gas stoves, etc.; register your orders for fall de livery. The largest, finest and most complete assortment of any firm in the world. D'KeefeGasApplianceCo., 34Fifthav. At tbo Exposition. . Continuation of floral display at Exposi tion to-day. Classical music to-night. Why do you pay high prices for dress goods, in fact any kind of drygoods, when you can get such great bargains at Enable & Shuster's, 35 Fifth ave. All the best stocked bars keep Frauen heim & Vilsack's celebrated Pilsner beer on draught. Ask for it, or order it direct. Telephone 1186. B. bB. Fine gold and silver bead neck rnching, 15c a yard generally sold at 35c. Boggs & Burn,. Exposition, Flowers and Music. Beautiful floral display and classical music to-night. One admission to all. Exposition. One of the finest displays at tbe Exposi tion is that ot Max Klein.'the "Silver Age" man. itwf Classical Music at the Exposition. Fashionable night, floral night and class ical night all in one. KE-ORTS. rpHE CHALFONT&- ATLANTIO CITY, N. J. On the beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt-water baths in house. se3-77-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. PROPOSAL.S. ONTRACTOR'S NOTICE-SEALED PRO POSALS will be received up to 12 jr., SEP TEMBER 25, at tbe office of J. H. McRoberts, 400 Grant street,Pittsburg,Pa., for the grading, pinng and curbing of tho north side of Sixth avenue, from Amity street to McClure street: also for the grading of McClure street, from the Monongabela river to Eighth avenue, in the borough of Homestead. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals. By order of the STREET COMMITTEE. sel8-31-D SEALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED until6P.M.SEPTEMBER28.1tsS9,forgnding roads, laying 84 feet 24-mcb and 100 feet 4-Inch sewer pipe, and building 60 leet of cribbing, 4 feet wide bv 6 feet high, in f e Cemetery of the German United Evangelical Congregation of Pittsburg, S. 3. There is about 2,200 cnbic ards of excavation. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbe office of Patterson d. Co., Engineers and Surveyors, Yoder Building, No. 1, Wylie ave.. Pittsburg. Bids can Be sent to Adam Diehl, 107 8. Eighteenth st, or F. C. Beinhour, 108 8. Twelfth St., Pittsburg. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the CEMETERY COMMITTEE. se!9-15 JEFFERSONVJLLE, IND., SEPT. 15, 1889. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. (central standard time), TUES DAY, the 15th day of October, 1S89, for furnish ing at the Q, M. DeDot here, 100,000 .gallons of mineral oil, of 135 flash test, in cases of two live-gallon cans each. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manu facture, conditions of quality and price (In cluding in the price of foreign productions or manufactures tbe duty thereon) being equal, and such preference will be given to articles of American nroduction produced on tbe Pacific Coast to extent of the consumption required by tbe public service there. Government re serves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept the whole quantity or any portion of tbe mineral oil bid for. All in formation furnished on application here. En velopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Mineral Oil." and addressed to HENRY C. HODGESAssistant Quartermas ter General, U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. iel7-69-17,18,19,20-oc213 RrDfjpIay advertisemcnU one dollar par 'guare for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc., ten cent per line for each inter Hon, and none taken for lest than fifty itnts. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except whero advertisers already have accounts wlthTHSDlS PATCIL prrrsBUHG. THOMAS MCCAFFKEY, S&9 Butler street. FJ1IL G. STUCKEY, Mth street and Penn ave. . G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylie ave. and Fultonst. H. bTOKELY, Fifth Avenue ilarket House. EAST END. J.W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. 0AET.A3n. MCALLISTER & SHE113LER,5th av. & AtWOOd St. EOUinsiDS. JACOBSPOHN, No. 2Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. bTEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Fenujvlvanla and Beaver ave3. PERKY M. GLEI1I. Rebecca and Allezheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Mnlo Hcla. TTTANTEU-TWO FIRST-CLASS CABINET! VV makers. HATJGH 4 K.EENAN, 33 and Mj w aicr si. seSO-81 WANTED GOOD BLACKSMITH FOR GEN ERAL mine work. Apply BEECH MINES, Allegheny co., Fa. seZO-86 WANTED -riRSr-CLASS PLUMBER AT once. Address A. E. AKEBS, Green ave. and Eleventh st Altoona, Pa. se20-74 WANTED-TWO GOOD STOVE PATTERN fitters. Apply at once to OHIO VALLEY jcuu.-iutti uu.i mansneia, u. eur-zi WANTED - CANDY JIAKER-A GUOD worker on plain stick and mixed caidv. Address BOX C. M., Dispatch offlce. acisiff WANTED TWO CARPENTERS. "WITH some knowledge of mlllwrlgbtlng. Al- urcss jui uu v mum, Dupatcnoruce. sea-i i XiTANTEO-CAHttlAGEBr.At'KSMTTH.OE VV ERAL workman, on new and repair wor inquire ju' rtainntiiL s tu y.i laDeriy si. seHM4 WANTED-AN ERRAND BOY, TIDY IN his habits and willing to make himself use ful. A. A. ANDEBbON & tJON. 99 Fifth ave. 1 SC20-83 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER; also an office boy. Address BOX 624, giving references; personal application not considered. se20-gs WANTED-PIRST-CLASS STONECUTTERS, masons and quarrymen at corner AMBER SON AVE. and WESTMINSTER SI'., Sbadyslde. -ITTAN TED-SHEET IRON P1CKLER-NO VT one but an experienced and steady man need apply. -Address LOCK BOX 655, Pittsburg, Ra. se!7-n WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED CLOTHING salesman; reference required; no others need apply. L. S. EN GL ANDEK, Beaver alls, Ra. 6e20-79 WANTED-GOOD BAR MILL HEATER FOR 20-lnch mill: Swlndel eas furnace. Apply at once. THE TRUMBULL IRON CO., War ren. O. se20-98 TT7-AITEU-f500 TO 300,000 - TO LOAN ON VV mortgages. 4K. 5 and 6 per cent. JAB. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave. , Pittsburg. Tele phone No. 975. se20-93-D WANTED-YOUNG MAN TO DO GENERAL office work who understands shorthand and typewriting. Address, with refeience, J UNIF IER, Dispatch office, seZO-84 Tir A N T E D - A FIRST-CLASS RETAIL V clothing salesman to go to a lire town lew miles from tbe city; good salary to the riehtman. RAUH BROS. & CO., 802 Liberty St. seSO-3 WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to send their address and stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUR, BoxBB, Clarksburg, W. Va. jtels-45 EANTED-AN AGENT FOR PITTSBUKG and vicinity for a large seamless hosiery mt; must be popular with tbe trade. Address POWELL A BRO., Twenty-eighth and Parrlsh sts , Philadelphia, Pa. sel9-44 ANTED - YOUNG MAN THOROUGHLY comnetent of taklnir charge of d. e. set of bboks and assisting as salesman in men's furnish ing gooas uepanment; only experienced book kiepers need apslv. L. M. WOOLF & SON. Johnstown, Pa. seZO-18 -rtjANTED-ACUVE MEN TO SELL HOUSE Vf HOLD specialties on easy payments; good pa j to reliable parties: also a sixty dollar (160) gokl watch will be given to the man that makes the most number of sales from Sept. 18 to Nov. 15. Apjlv between 9 and 11 a. k. to PITTSBURG SPECIALTY CREDIT CO., No. 635 Smlthfleld st .second floor front, city; JOHN McKEOWN, Manager. 8cl9-20-Thrsu Femalo HelD. THTANTED-G1RL FOR GENERAL JHOUSE VV WORK in small family. Inquire at WM. BURL'S, 262 Forbes st.,'Clty. seM-27 -VTTANTED-IMMEDIATELY AT EAST END VV, HOIEL, experienced dining room girl: one capable of acting as head waitress; reference re quired. se.'0-lS WANTED-A GIRL TO GO TO THE COUN TRY, 2 miles from it. R. station and cable carsl must be a good cook and wash and Iron. App'y between 2 and 4 o'clock T. U., at ROOM 25, Stevenson Building, tilth ave; selD-7 Olalo und Peinnle Helo. WANTED-MAN FOR HOTEL KITCHEN, carriage driver, gardener, man to work on gentleman's place, laborers, cooks, chamber maids, house girls, pantry, kitchen and laundry girls, 2 nnrse girls, dishwasher, 2 restanrant Klrls. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. selS-D -VTTANTED-CHRIbTIAN MEN AND WOMEN VV of successful experience as canvassers to take charge of from one to five counties and sell and employ others to sell "The Christian's Lega cy." one agent writes: "The Christian's Lega cy Is the fastest selling book I have ever handled. In a little less than thirty hours' work 1 have taken over flftv orders, and made more monnv In -its sale than on any book I have ever sold, and I unre m'eu a cauvasser lor several jears." Two or my oldest aeents write; "It is tbe easiest book to sell I have iver tried to sell." Give full particu lars of experience. W. J. HOLLAND, 150 Nassau St.. N. Y. seSMUO Situations. WANTED-A POSITION A8 COOK IN A gentleman's famil v. bv a elrl who lias lived 8 years in last place: can fnrnish best reference, Gall or address MEEHAN'S AGENCY, 545 Grant St. se20-82 Boardlns. TTTANTED-BOARDING IN THE EAST END it by a gentleman and wife without children. Answer J. B., Dispatch office. se!9-31 TXJAftTED-BOARD BY A LADY IN A PBI VV VAIE family In a central part or either cltv where there are no other boarders. Address B. M. X.. Dispatch office. selS-12 Boarders and Lodeers. WANTED-OCCUFANT8 FOR BEAUTIFUL rooms, with board, facing parks; central part of Allegheny. No. 10 CEDAR AVE., Alle gheny. se20-85 Booms. Houses. Etc. WANTED-HOUSE OR GROUND FLOOR tenement, six rooms. Inside w. c. and gases: for family of three: in good neighborhood; Alle gheny preferred. Address A. H. H., Dispatch office. eclOS Financial. WANTED-M0RTGAGE3 ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M.O30; 4S per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER4CO., wrourth avenue. mb2-a2!-D WAN TLD-MORTG AOHA-V. 000, 000 TO LOAN in large and small amounts at 4H, 5 and 8 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. CO YLE i CO., 131 Fourth ave. mv21-60 WJ "ANTED-TO LOAN $500,000. IN AMOUNTS i ui $j,uuu ana upwara, on city ma BUDaroan property, on 4U per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, - -. vm m arcuuCi c -iu-i WA UTED-MOKTG AGES-SI, 000, 000TO LOAN on city and snbnrban properties at 4K, Sand Spcrcent, and on iarms in Allegheny and aqja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENN OCR SON, ia, j. onrth avenue. ap7-f41 WAI.TKD-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORT- .GAGES; I10O and upward at 6 per cent; oTO,C00at 4W per cent on residences or business H?PtT: also in adjoining counties. S. H. tRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D Miscellaneous. WANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for second-hand furniture, carpets and hoiisenold goods of all kinds. 1211 PEN N AVE NUE. an28-25-Mwr WAATED-PERSONS 10 KNOW THAT BY" agreeing to pay 81 per week you can get possession of fine gold or sliver watches, clocks, J"velry. diamonds, silverware, etc J.M1TSCH, I30tederalst.. Allegheny, Pa. se!2-MWTu TyANTED-MACHINISTS TO ATTEND A . - .pcuai meeting a viu .nan, oaiuiu.1, September 21. at 7:30 r. M. All members or the t are requested to attend. Business of im portance to every machinist wUI be transacted. ee20-73 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO ,, TOGHAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, ana 43 Federal street; Allegheny, everybody ,to know that he Is making fine cabinets at 1 60 per f "n; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process, mhlW3 WANTED. ailscenanoonm. WANTED-EETTER PRESS, WITH OR without stand. Address PRESS. Pittsburg Postofflce. seli-37 ANTED-TO EXCHANGE A 7-YEAR-OLD eentle driving mare (family beast) for good second upright piano. Address BOX 50. Roches ter, Pa. se23-89 WANTED-EVERYBODY TO SEND THEIR furniture needing upholstering, repairing andreflnlsMneto HAUGH 4 KEENAN. 33 and 34 Water st. 'Phone 1623. anl4 -XTANlT5D--TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM TT. BERstotecnreanne gold watch for each Sn.eJnJ.neclnbtfI0OPrw,-et' Address P. O. BOX 501, and I will call and suotr you the watch. Jy3-40 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FORSALE-ON VERY EASY PAYMENTS, new brick houses, late style, 8 roorai, late improvements, on Sidney, near Twenty-third street, Sonthslde, rar 4 750: easy payments. See W-A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourthave. t sel7-81-TUF FOR SALE-AT A. BARGAIN-FULTON ST., t intersection of Center ave., fine 3-story pressed brick dwelling, 9tooius. bath.w. c, vesti bule, hall, marble mantels, double parlors, laun dry; alMate improvements; lot 30x100 feet to an alley. ALLES 4 BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave. Tele phone 167. se20-88-TUVSO East End Reilaences. Fn R SALE-tagOO WILL BUY A 9-ROOM honse in the East T.ndrlnt fidxllS fpp.t; bath. gas, electric lights, carriage bouso and stable: $500 cash, balance S35 per month. JAMISON & DICKIE. 96 Fourth aveT, or cor, Penn and Shady ave.. East End. sel8-ZG-wTS FOR SALE-lll.OOO-E. E. RESIDENCE CON VENIENT to Roup ita. or cable line: clerhnt new Queen Anne stvle brick dwelling, 10 relns, reception hall, bath, inside shutters anaw.b.s, laundry, etc, hardwood mantels and tile healths, combination chandeliers. Incandescent light, nc; lot 60x175; situate on principal thoroughfare;fap idly enhancing in value; positively a barjiln. SAMUEL W. BLACK. & CO , 99 Fourth avel Sel4-4S-ltWTFB I FOR SALE-ARAREOPFORTUNITYI3OW offered to any desiring to purchase a home In the choicest location In Oakland, as ver lib eral terms can be made In the purchase of lie re maining houses on Forbes street and foltart square; 9 and 13 rooms, well built, elurantry finished, fine surroundings, quick transit, snly 15 minutes from nostofflce bv cable line. Forierms. prices and plans see W. A. HERRON & SNS, 80 rounn avenue. iH-HMwr POK SAL E-OARLAND. FOURTEENTH ward, a new 2-story and mansard brluc dweU lng, 8 rooms, bath, w. c, hall, laundjy, etc, slate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, fine chandeliers, both gases, city water aid bouse wired for electric lights, plate glass jrlndows, electric bells, ood sewerage, street pived with asphaltum and paid for, beautiful shade trees In front of house, a few minutes from cable cars: price 16,500; a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time; Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 89 Fourth ave. se6-4-D Hnzelwood Renidences. F ORSALE-MODERN QUEEN ANNE5AND8 room dwellings: larse yards, porches, etc: lots 24x120: price SI 500 and S3, 650; terms 1C per cent cash, balance monthly payments If desired; Sec ond Avenue Electric Street Railroad vlll pass witnin 300 leet or tuese dwellings, bamuh-lj w. JiLACg & CO., 99 Fourth ave. SIJ19-39-D Allegheny Residences. FORSALE-t2,3C0FORA 7-ROOMED HOUSE on McClnre ave., Allegheny. For particulars see W. A. HERRON & bONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. se8-97-D, 12, 16,20 FOR SALE-NORTH AVE. RESIDENCE, NO. 291 On Saturday at 2 o'clock at auction to tbe highest bidder; sale positive to the highest bid der. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant St. se20-69 FOR SALE-NORTH AVE. RESIDENCE, NO. 291-On Saturday at 2 o'clock at auction to the highest bidder: sale positive to the highest bid der. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st.se20-69 FOR SALE-KESlDENCEi; NO. 291 NORTH ave., on Saturday next at 2 p. M., on the premises: terms one-third on closing deed, bal ance 5 to lo years; sale positive to highest bidder. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. se20-70 FOR SALE-RESIDENCE, NO. 291 NORTH ave., on Saturday next at 2 P. M on the premises; terms one-third on closing of deed, bal ance S to 10 years: sale positive to highest bidder. A. J. PENTECOST, 414 Grant St. se20-70 FOR SALE-ANICEDWELL1NGIN SECOND ward, Allegheny; near parks and street cars; 7 rooms; bath, natural gas and otber conveniences ; porches front and rear; everything In nice order; price only 15,500; possession given when wanted. Terms to suit. JAS. W. 1)BAFE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. se20-92. FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lota. FOB SALE-A LOT AT HOMEWOOD, NEAR station, 25x100; this lot is In good neighbor hood, on First St.; price $550. MELLON BROTH ERS, 6349 Station St., E. K. sel5-133-HWF Allegheny Lota. FOR BALE-3 BUILR1NG LOTS ON WESTERN" avenue. 20x124 feet each: price fL 750 each. A. D.WILSON. 55 Federal St., 'Allegheny. sel9-2-D FORSALE-ON SHEFFIELD STREET. ALLE GHEN Y-lot 30x124 ft. ; has two brick, stables on rear; a splendid location to build you a home; call and see ibout it. A. D. WU.SON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. se!9-2-D FOR SALE-2 FINE LOTS, IRWIN AVENUE. Allegheny; close to parks and street cars: 42x139 leet. to a paved alley; splendid place to build for renting purposes; room for 6 houses which would pay well. Terms, etc. from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. se20-92 BnzeWood Lota. FOR SALE-2 ACRES OF GROUND, FRONT ING 3 streets, lajWwell, none refuse, near Second avenue and Hazelwood station; will sub divide to great advantage with a good house of 8 rooms, allfor3,000; terns easy. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 83 Fourth ave. se!7-81-Tup FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS IN THE BLAIR estate, within 3 to 6 minutes' walk of Hazel wood and Glenwood stations: fine level lots re quiring no grading or filling; wide street, city water, gas, natural gas. sidewalks, pavements, schools,, stores, etc.; on line of tbe electric street car line now building; 10 minutes by tbe B. to. R. R. from the new depot: all express trains stop: monthly tickets, fare 5 cents; prices f 125 to 1,000; 10 per cent cash, ba anre long time: monthly pay ments If desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 90 Fourth ave. selS-43-o Suburban Lot. FOR SALE-MAPLE WOOD PARK LOTS: terms easy. GEO. S. MARTIN & CO., 105 Fourth ave. se!9-3 FOR BALE-(M)-AT INGRAM STATION, fine building lot 80x150, close to station; only $1,500. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave, sel5-125-MWV Farms. F IOR SALE -OR EXCHANGE-FOR MER CHANDISEor cl'vurooertv. a rann of 58 acres at Haysville station, P. Ft. W. & c. Railway. Particulars from A. J, PENTECOST, 413 Grant St. selS-25 F IOR SALE-FARM OF 605 ACRES, 120 cleared: new honsc. barn, etc: fronts for one mile on Potomac river; a No. 1 location for fishing club; price S15.000. J. H BRISTOR, Martinsburg, West Va. seJ)-63 FOR SALE-FARM, 156 ACRES. WITH BUILD INGS required; rich bottom land, near sta tion E. & P. R. R.J suited Tor large works and town lots; good Investment. ED WITTI&H. 410 Grant st . Pittsburg. Pa. seH-D FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Ilorscj. Vehicles. Live Stock, tfcc FORSALE-A VERY CHEAPMEDIUM-SIZED, brown horse, suitable for buggv or spring wagon: very gentle; good worker. No. 34 ALLE GHEN Y AVE., near Rebecca St., Allegheny. SC20-19 FOR SALE-HORSES AND MULES IN TEAMS or single; harness, wagons and carts; also large lot quarry tools; one top roid cart, almost new, Sproul make. At 6011 BROAD bl, East End. belling out to quit business. Sel5-18-MWFSU FOR SALE-ALDERNEY COW AT AUCTION at sale of furniture at Mrs. Cooper's resi dence. New Brighton road, near second toll, on Friday, September 20. at noon: sale begins 10 o'clock. A. LEGGATE & BON, Auctioneers. SC17-2 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS NEW and refitted: repalrlngnromntlv attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NEC0.,LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 b. p. tall refitted: good as new, at lowest prices: mounted portable engines, 8 to 2Sh. n. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. ja3-92-MWP FOR SALE- HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second band; wire and manllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, clay and ore pans, euglnes, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. au5-l7-uwir Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-BILLIARD TABLE ATAUCTION at sale of furniture at Mrs. Cooper's resi dence. New Brighton road, near second toll, on Friday, September 2K at noon; sale commences at 10 o'clock. A. LEGGATE 4 SON, Auctioneers. sel7-2 FOR SALE-FURN1TURE-AT THE RESI DENCEofilrs. Cooper, New Brighton road, near second toll, at auction, on Friday. September 20, at lu o'clock; parlor, llbnrr, dining room and chamber furniture, embracing suits in maple, mahogany and walnut, crimson plush suite, mo quctte and brussels carpets, hall ana stair Drus sels ctrpets, Plate mirrors, marble top walnut sideboard, bat rack, bookcase, extension table, refrigerator, silver-plated ware, cutlery, dishes, utensils, curtains, etc , etc.; also, Alderneycow, billiard table, barouche, harness, etc. Take train at Federal st. for Verner station at 9:15 A. M., city time. A. LEGGATE SON, Auctioneers. sel6-l P iIANOb, ORGAN& B. HAMILTON, 1 .AND 83 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa. p30-7-s FOR 8ALE-BCSINES5. Business Cbaaeea. TT7IOR BALE-ON E OF THE FINEST SALOON S. I? wltb restaurant connected. In the city of Yopngitown. O. Address DISPATCH, NolW West Federal st, Youngstown, O. seM-71 TTTIOR SALE-SALOON. IN GREENVILLE, O.; A' good location; elegant walnut furniture, two pool tables, good stock; brick building 75 ft. deep; on public square; lot 99 ft. deep; good city 8.000 inhabitant: natural gas: good rea sons for selling. Address CLIFF BOYD, Green ville, O., lock box 55. el9-38 FOR SALE-ONE OF THE LARGEST AND best retail grocery stores, in heart of the city: will Invoice about 000. Also smaller grocery tores In good locations in tbe two cities, bakeries, drugstores, drygoods and notion stores, feed store, confectioneries, restaurants: boarding bouses and other business chances: free particu lars. .SHEPAED 4 CO.. 54 Fifth ave. sel7 FOB SALE-1N THE LIVELIEST TOWN IN Western Pennsylvania the stock and fixtures of tints ew York Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goodd House, located at 136 Fifth avenue. Mo Keesjbrt. Pa. : can reduce stock to f.OB0; posses sion (ircn at once. with a long lease; this Is a rare chanii; no better location In the City. Inquire at 135 Fllh avenue, McKeesport. F- S. GLEASON. FOH 8ALE-fl,000-HALF INTEREST. Iff trlnting office located In heart of city : finely adapted quarters, large room, well lighted, and supplied with steam power at remarkablylow ..uf. kwn.i. . .H..IhI .. mtOW l,f .AMI fill. !,, qualijcatlons and habits, and a bustler: business Is gocfl and business ootainable largely exceeds A..r... ......n- II 1.4 ltl. mn.. w.ntul tn meet and supply this demand; an active man will ltuate himself well ana nis investment, wane Lbsolutely secure, will pay handsomely: we can peak with conndenceeoncernlngtbis. CHARLES uair.ua s. uu ta vvooa si. kwt" ButBess Stands. FOR SALE-OR RENT-GOOD BUILDING for hotel In Canton, O. Address JAMES J. GRANT, Can ton; O. 1 t tel2T. FOR SALE-COR. ROSS AND FIRST AVE.; cheap: lot 39x70 feet, with buildings.. AV. A. HEBRON 'i SON S, 80 Eonrth ive. ' SeW-Tor FOR SALE-COR. WYLIE "AVENUE AND Hlrh st., fine business property, lot 25X70 ft.: now paying a good rent. W. A. HER1ION & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ' sel9-36 F IOKSALE-FENNAVE. EAST END BUST.- KESS property, between Hllaud and Collins aves.; lot 2uxl45 feet to a street; "will 1e sold at a bargain if sold at once; enbaneement certain. BAHUELi Wl JlLiAUn. & cu., S3 jsounu ave. scIS-49 FUR SALE-ADVANCE ROLLER MILLS Newiy refitted to Case system, steam power; doing No. 1 work: desirably located oafi.B.1 plentv of bard wheat at mllldoor: terms low. Call or address TAYLOR BROS. 4 CO., Rogers. Col. Co., O. au22-6-z FOR SALK-2-STORY IRON CLAD BUILD ING. 25x60. on lot 25x120. wllh lease: 12x24 engine, nearly new; also boiler and main snaftr lease nas over 2 years 10 run; win oe bouuovw close op an estate, .inquire at en aaLa.mAa STREET, city. 1 TTTIOR SALE-MY HOTEL.IN CLEVELAND. 0.. J as I have other business; Is a chance of a lifetime: tne location is one or tne best for board' ers and does a capital bar trade: newlv fumtsbec thronirliont; fl.2dl! rent low five vears' lease license taa payable half yearly. Write PITTS BURG HOTEL, 817 St. Clair St., Cleveland, O. se20-87 RERS05AL. PERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTER DEPOTv late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 Smith field street; fresh oysters received dally; orders flUed at lowest prices. J. B. UEMMXKLE, Mgr. sel-92-D PERSONAL-BOOKS I BOOKS I BOOKS! New and old, ancient and icouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S -BOOK STORE. SCO Liberty st. anS-93 PERSONAL-DR. VAN DYCK. ELECTRO Surgeon, Philadelphia, has been called to Pittsburg to treat several society ladles; will be at the Albemarle Hotel from Saturday. Sept, 21, to Thursday, Sept. 26. and during this time can treat several new cases; special terms to all who are treated dnring' this visit; boot free; superfluous hair on the female face destroped forever without pain, sear, shock, trace or injury by the electric needle. sel9-24 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they bad not been on the best of terms owing to a little family iar occa sioned by tho wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner; in order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor. 65 Fifth are., comer Wood St., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their hoojehold. Telephone 1568, auJO EDUCATIONAL. T ONG VIEW, BROOKVILLE, PA., A Church School for Girls, will reopen SEP TEJIBER 1L 1S89. For catalogue apply to Rev. JOHN G. MULHOT.T.AND, LL.D, an2-78-TuF Principal. M Ra REBECCA BOARDMAN, XJSACIiiaR U' JriLUUUXlUJN. 808 PENN AVE PITTSBURG. Business hours from ffllll 6 P. M. aeS-93-TnFB AUCTION ElALES. T)ABE CHANCE LE! ESIBABLE NORTH AVE. RESIDENCE, AlilihitiHaJMi UUX. AT AUCTION On the premises, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER21, At 2 o'clock P.M. Lot 40x80, corner of North ave. and Orchard alley, on which is erected that desirable brick residence known as No. 291 North ave-, contain ing R! rooms, with brick carriage house, sta bling; building fitted out incomplete order; nat ural and artificial gas; sewage complete. Terms, one-third cash, balance five to ten years; call and examine premises. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st sel6-ll-jrwr' T AUCTION- FRIDAY MORNING, SEPT. 20, AT 10 O'CLOCK. At the rooms, No. 311 Market, the balance of the large consignment of -parlor and chamber suits, library, offica and dining room furniture, Brussels and ingrain carpets, laundry and kitchen goods. Also at 2 o'clock, lot wrecked freight, bar iron, blacking, notions, hoots, shoes, clothing, etc., etc. . HENRY AUCTION CO., seiSMO f Auctioneers. i UCTION SALE Manufacturing property. River ave., cor. Mo Fadden st, Allegheny City, 1 'WEDNESDAY, September 25. 1889,3 p.m. on the premises, A large brick building, one and two-stones higb, with frame office; lot 104x210 feet, extending from W. P. R. R. to P. & W. R, R with siding. Termsmade known at sal e. . BLACK & BAIRD, 8el8-51-MWr 95 Fourth ave. AaiCSEMESTS. EXPOSITION. t CLASSICAL and FLORAL DAY and NIGHT. ' ADMISSION:. Adults, 25c Children, 15c sez&20 BLIOU THEATER-TO-NIGHT, ALVIN JOSLIN in ONE OF THE OLD STOCK. September 23 Geo. C. Jenk's U. S. Mail Co. se!8 HARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTER NOON and evening. WOMAN I MAY WHEELER, AGAINST WOMAN. EDMUND COLLIER. Week Sept. 23 The Waifs ot New York. se!7 THE NEW WORLD'S MUSEUM AUegheny City. This week. September 16. BIG ELIZA. THE GREAT faEYMOUR. FERDNANDES. 4 EMERALDS. A GREAT SHOW. se!6 12 TTARRY WILLIAMS ACADEMY- lo night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, AUSTIN'S AUSTRALIANS. Almee. the HnmanFly. and 25 Stars. sel5-13 VfOTICE TO VOCALISTS-THE BOARD i.1 of Managers of Allegheny Musical Asso ciation, Prof. Lafferty, director, invite applica tions from singers desiring to enter a limited chorus for the study of classical music during coming fall and winter. All applications should be sent at once to the secretary. R. S. ROBB, 4Llaylor avenue, Allegheny. By order of the board, sel9-8 TO IJT. East TBtti'TtemUeuee. ,-. t-o-t. arv." WlWK ST.. BBAI ' I " "fATTCrBJ .iit. nir fcrM 8 roo;Ute ! wa.h . wuri: limn --,-- - r--. X cruris, go trarw wwirei rTTO LET-KOR PKK gZ22ii'f&l I Ybrlek house. 8 roo- 1 )ovoicri t HEKKON SONS, 89 Few are. 68--lCWTS " ' ' ' ' 3 T, I LET-HOUSK (MT M SOOSW. STAsH- ATenne. near Fciin areaae caw e. Itiastre of iTFv,wv UMKKiOTM-fttOftlr AHoftdftt WfreCa.. .:". j Aiai boassac. .""- TO LET-AT INGRAM WtA-THMt-HBW bouse oft rooms and tolsM attto: anl Sisr water ia aene; vra pr mrm . .; URPHY, Craftou, ufice opposMa K. M. ?(. ParBM. TO LET-FARM WELL ADAPTgB tm Af- ; DEN and dairy. Good hmistr a4,hjHii Wr J acres. aju9.iT iu yuro. v ... .i' -- - j address BOX P, BriaAeta, Allegheny co., Jftu ' , SC1S-39 mO LET-2 LARGE KOOMS-5S FEDERAL ST., X. Allegheny; suitable for Itaht wflBf.M4 ness. se3s-72-a&,S,aL2Mr mO LET-A FINK 8TOKMWOK K StatsVXBAK J Diamond, on West MarkM pool, O. Address S.O. WH1WKK. 139 Market st.. East Liverpool, u. Offices. Dnk Room, dfee. TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 DHmoBd street twoafthe roomiest and best-lighted offices M be mm hi Mm city; rent. fK0and80 per annum, toetedfet elec tric lights. Janitor servtee and. steam iveatlsc. Apply between 10 A. M. andir.M., orbotwews 2 and 4 P. M. jySS-O? mO LET-STOKE OB OFFICE .BOOH, WITH X large vault, suitable for lasmasc offoa or similar business. In Geraanla St1bs Hwfc building. No. 419 Wood street: room fomerlr M-- cupiea oy ueorge jtememan as swoon, aim ww temporarily occupied by w American Hicanti ix.; it is two steps Deioar gTso. raauag a sm- ciass casement, lnqwarai in.1. bajx a.. v ,. a n. iwti! tYTOu nrvat3, a-o u.-nur JLi 'Wednesday evening, between Market Boats ana u 00a St.. oywayoi roarumi. .crop "09 -ii srs reward will be paid and no quiillnM nfcaf H -' returned to J. S. B LAZIER, aadffDhwui j juarker. nttsourz. seit-n - ". T OST-aOOOEETSVARD-ONOKABOUTJUSK' I J ffl. 1886. there were lost or ateteH ftMa, ttfes United States registered mail poach tor St. J Between rinsourganainaiauapoiis, ma couniv. Illinois, nonna. sbhshsa al &ta Hi n n u si m r mi m n 11 11 K ' 75.5B.T7. 7&.raS0Lffl-ie:l!2.ai. w. as. m7& alot or nast dnft ftonnana snuhL TfcMa BMMtds were addressed to A. J. Well Co. Thnaoovera ward will be mid and no ones Won akd tertha return of the bonds and coupons, orfLOM iemt win do paia tor positive proot iqk me bobm mm been destroyed. Address all commanlsatltui t A. J. WEIL. & CO.. St. LOUIS. MO. seH-4tt-MW LXGAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF FIDELITY. TITLE AND Tt COMPANY. 121 AND Ut FOURTH AVgrTtJj TESTATE OF WILLIAM MCAFEE. DKCJ H Notice is hereby riven that letters at : ministration on the estate of William MeAj, cexsea, uie 01 Aiiegneny uiiy. jra.. aav granted to the undersigned, to whom all Indebted to said estate are reaaeste4 te sh mediate navment. and those having etaiSM mands against the same will make ttoot hpim without delay. FIDELITY TITLE ANB TMIH MBTMIH r fwi. a- CO.. Administrator. DAVID q. BWf urnex- ETHE COORT OF QUARTER SS10-' at tbe Fleas of Allegheny Cowty, la re nse ol George Gottbart, Xa. WM aC wnoiesaiouqaor ueaier, i .,. t.,... No. 4975 Fifth avenue, f " iueventn wara, jtrittsDure; J Notice is hereby given that saW cow kM, fixed SATURDAY, 2Sta day of Sopl ir, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. M.. 18 the tiaw for kMnagg tbe application for transfer of said Rooms a frew George Gottbart to J. J, Speck aai Geefge Gotthart, partners aa J. J. Speck fc Co., at, which time the narties in lsterest asd all persons opposing said? transfer wffl to' heard. i.K.McGUNN18GLB. se20-10 Clerk of Courts.- BUSINESS CHANGES. " pvISSOLUTION OF PARTNEBgfllP. flfcSr sS J v le- '. 1 JJ - &A Notice Is hereby given that tbe partnorehlp . between a T. Rnssell and A. J. Gfllotonit,aa-v.g der the firm style Of Russell ft Co. wm dtr-j a solved on the EIGHTEENTH DAT Of vm- TEMBER,AD.18s9. AU debts de ta tfe said firm are to be paid, and those due by Me' same discharged, at the Quaker SMrt aiyg, ' No. 40 Federal street, Allegbeay City. Pa.. where the bnsmess will be continued by !.": uM A .T remnlMwi. v.-f, C.T.RUS6BLTji A.J.GILLELAXD., In retiring from the above firm and 1 I desire to thank my friends and the mWe tor the generous snare of their patronage eojejed rinthu nnu1rAi DtniA frr fKa noat flftAB vAoaaM and I bespeak for my successor aadprevfans partner a continuance of your favor aadtradev, assuring vou that in its present hasds tfc Quaker Shirt Store will continue to deserve Ms l great reputation xor me quality ana rwiaewii of its goods, and also maintain ita old motto: "Truth, Fair DeaUng and Low Prices" Yours respectfully. i sel9-2 ttl. RUSSELtc ." BtJY A HOME.,. J A Small Cash Payment - KOO ANNUALLY THEREAFTER, ' rt7 Will hnv an Pletmrxt hpw twrflTArranJ eiTfl VivrV rlvrAlltnir S frtnm T-t - a ImU''A laundrv. etc: slate mantels; tile fireDlaoes an S hearths, Una chandeliers, both gases and oHyJi water, uuusu wueu xor electric itfiuw, pse glass windows, electric bells, good sevtetsgefl street paved with asphaltum and said femi beautiful shade trees in front of house: a few minutes rrom caoia cars, price, only w,sa SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., 99 FOURTH AVE. el9-S7 ' . HAZELWOOD. $1,000 ner acre, if sold immediatel far . tract of ground (8, 12, or 20 acrcsl. near Hazel- ' M wooa station, adapted to sub-division for build- -9 inc lots that will in less than tin mn hrfau. ) J300 to $500 per lot (12 lots per acre) or to sejlaa a whole will bring within one year 92,068 pe SAMUEL rV. BLACK & CO.. 1tS f '89 Fourth are C?. sel9-38 WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS AJID WAINSCOTTTNG, INTERIOR DECORATORS, -4 Manufacturers and Importers of Fino Furnl ture. Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete) ' House Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT CO 1219 and 1221 Market St- W lyg-TS-TUP Philadelphia, Pa. mO LET OFFICES TO RENT i F WESTINGHOUSE BUILDING. Apply to SUPERINTENDENT OF THK BUlLlMIIlx. au25-iS-lWF A. WHITELEY, 12SH THIRD AVE., UPSTAIRS. V Gents' shoes soled andbeelod lalStataatef Finest work In the city. anag-ae&'vra '; A. E. LINKENHElMER, ARCHITECT,. 645 Smlthfleld street. Pittsburg. Fa, A FieundBuildlnc second floor, ishat-W-icwVi st Urn rm Bm , m$F '- ' ?