I r 3 TO E1YAL VAN ZANDT. One of the Cronin Defendants Has a Sweetheart, Who Makes HER APPEARANCE IN THE COURT. Pour Men Have Xow Been Accepted as Jurors on Probation. A QUAREEL BETWEEN THE ATTOESEIS. rotated Questions Asked by the ProsrxnUon Anrer the Opposition. The sweetheart of Knnze, charged with the murder of Dr. Cronin, visited him in "court yesterday. Some little progress was made toward securing a jury, and four men are now held temporarily. lEPECUX. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Chicago, September 17. There was a, large crowd at each session of the Cronin trial to-day. Among the spectators during the afternoon was a prettv brunette girl, who was dressed in a navy blue jersey and a skirt of gray and blue. A light colored veil, which was fastened to her black hat, fell as far down her face as her chin. She was accompanied by a woman who was much older than herself. "When the prisoners filed into the room with five big bailiffs at theirsiJes the pretty young girl in blue and gray sat down be side little John Kunze, who is charged with having driven Coughlan to the Carlson cot tage where Cronin was murdered. The prisoner blushed deeply, but seemed greatly pleased to see his visitor. A LITTLE EOMANCE. The girl was Kunze's sweetheart. She remained by the side of the German boy for half an hour. Then, after a brief consulta tion with Attorney Donahoe, she tripped ont of the court room with all the haughti ness ot Nina Van Zandt. It was a disastrous day for the State. The examination of the jurors of the regular September panel showed Attorney Forrest's motive in demanding tbat they be sum moned as talesmen in the Cronin case. Two of them knew so little of the English lan guage that they were excused on general Jirinciples. Others knew Conghlin or O'Sul ivan, and still had no opinion as to their guilt or innocence. Eight peremptory challenges were used by the State in order to oust these mysterious'talesmen from the box. The exercise of the right piled the State's peremptories up to 36. The defense lost but one peremptory, inakine 57 in all. One of the features of the State's exami nation of these mediocre jurors was a re monstrance by Attorney Forrest against Sir. Longenecker's pointed questions. AVith a loud voice the leader of the de fense declared that the interrogatories of the State's Attorney were shameful and indecent The wily Mr. Hynes was on his feet in an instant "Your Honor, please," lie beiran in a voice as loud as anybody's, "if Mr. Forrest were limited to the bounds of decency, he would not be heard at all." ONE LITTLE INCIDENT. Mr. Forrest grew very white and the snec tators laughed harshly. The bailiffs ounded their deeks with vehemence. Then the voice of the Court remonstrating against such language was heard. Mr. Hynes sat down with a look of triumph. Mr. Forrest sat down, too, but it was with a savage light in his eyes. All ot the regular panel of jurors who were not examined to-day, and nearly all of the sixteenth venire were passed on to-day. The seventeenth venire 'was issued this evening. Jurors Culver and Pearson still remain in the custody of bailiffs. Just before conrt adjourned for the night Juror Culver asked permission to go to his home to attend to some business. Some objection was made to this stey, and Mr. Culver magnanimously withdrew his request. The two men who were held for the night with Juiors Culver and Pearson are John Hall and F. "V. C. Clarke. Dur ing the examination of veniremen in the afternoon, one man declared that he would not give a Roman Catholic's testimony any credence where a lloman Catholic was on trial. Another swore that he wouldn't be lieve a Clan-na-Gael man under oath. Only one session will be held to-morrow. It will begin at 1 o'clock and continne for 4 hours. A TCOBD OF WARNIKG. The Colored IVopIo Are for Fence, bat Their Patience Will Not Last For ever Tlicy Dcmnnd Full So cial nud Political Rights. Boston, September 17. A body of col ored men met in Meionaon Hall to-day pur suant to a call inviting "a conference of leading colored men to assist in an organiza tion of a movement to secure from the political party of our affiliation a fair share in its responsibilities, opportunities and honors." William H. Dupree, of Boston, presided. Resolutions were adopted declar ing that they ask for no favors that are withheld from other citizens, or to which they are not entitled, but continues: We do ask for that civil and political bomo genity which invades no man's private social rights, bnt w hich does lie at the foundation of national unity. We contend for the contact with our white brethren which elevjtes and does not degrade either them or u. The pro moters of selfish andtprivate interests at our expense, whether they be white or black men, are our enemies. "We do not believe that all onr grievances can be cured by politics, while we urge the exercise of the rights ot suffrage and all other rights courageously, firmly and discreetly. e connsel against entering politics for a livelihood in lieu of entering other fields of in dustry. We emphasize the importance of ac quiring homes, landed and personal property.. and urce the necesity of education. Wealth and equipment, menial, moral and industrial, are the Ley to the situation. We condemn the brutal outrages committed npon our people in the bouth. We warn onr countrymen that if the violence done women and children, the burning of schools and churches, tho destruc tion of homes and murder of defenseless men are not prevented by the Strom: arm of the law, the patience, lonjr-snifering and forbear ance, characteristic of our people, will be goaded into bate and a striking nut In self-defense. We pray to be permitted to live with in the law, but If we are driven to live other wise the blame will not lie ours. A permanent committee was appointed to carry out the purpose outlined in the call. CABLE KOAD TATEXTS. A New York Concern Is Briuclng Snit for Alleged InfrlnscmcDt. CrriCAGO, September 17. The American Cable Kailway Company, doing business in New York, filed suits against both the North and South side Cable Hallways of this city this morning in the United States Circuit Court. President C. T. Yerkes comes in as defendant with President C. G. Holmes, and the New York concern wants a goodly slice of their respective properties. It also asks that each be enjoined from using the plans and devices known in the Patent Office under No. 131,913, relating to the machinery of a cable road. The plaintiff also asks that all profits, as near as can be ascertained, which have ac crued to the defendants by the use of these appliances be paid over to the plaintiff. A SHsnt CI or. The beheaded body exhumed At Beaver Falls is supposed to be that of Lewis Matthews, of MrKcesport. Mr. Matthews left home some time ago to make some pui chases at Beaver Falls, and has never been heard of since. Foul play has been sus pected all along as the cause of his disappearance. I mY SELK BAST- Why Judgn White Una Not Been Officially Told or Illrcal I.lqnor Selling The General News of the County Courts, William Dowlin and John "Wilson, the two young men arrested somo time ago for placing planks on the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston tracks at Munhall station, pleaded guilty to the charge before Judge White in Criminal Court yesterday. The prisoners say they were drunk at the time andtheactwas not one of premeditation, but the result of foolishness. When ques tioned as to where they cot the liquor to drink they stated that they procured it at John Davis' Ten-Mile House, which was a saloon. This led Judge White to remark that dur ing the present'session he could find no one that had procured liquor in a "speak-easy" saloon. This, he said, was remarkable, lrom the fact that so many "speak-easies" are said to be in existence. After consider ing the case thoughtfully for some time the Judge sentenced the prisoners to the work house for one year each. This is considered a very light sentence, in viewof the fact that ten years to the penitentiary can be given for the crime. SATS HE OVEECHAHGED. Snit Entered Arnlnst Alderman Schafcr by Julius Koselinrl. Julius Kosehart and wife yesterday en tered suit against Alderman J. M. Schafer to recover 5350, the penalties for the alleged illegal collection of fees. It was stated that in a suit broucht by Mrs. Kosehart against W. E. Sewell and wife the Alderman over charged her on seven different items of costs. The penalty provided by law is 50 for each item of overcharge. A Test Case. The suit of L. B. D. Keese against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company is on trial before Judge Ewing. Eeese was a passen ger on one of the accommodation trains of the road, and had no ticket. He tendered his fare, but the conductor demanded 10 cents extra, to be refunded upon presentation of the cash slip at any ticket office. This was in accordance with a rule of the company, but Eeese refused to pay the extra 10 cents. He was put off the train, and brought suit for damages. The case is of interest to patrons of the road, as it will decide the right of the company to compel passengers to pay the extra money when paying a cash fare. Grand Jury Work. The grand jury yesterday returned the following true bills: Thomas Mooney, bnrclary; C. B. Baker, em bezzlement; William Boyer, larceny and re ceiving stolen goods: Thomas Byerly, keeping a cambling bouse; Joseph Hufnagle, selling liquor without license; Avery Coulson, mali cious mischief; Philip Hairae. C. W". Riley, as sault and battery; Annio McCarthy, aggravated assault and batter; John McKee, felonious assault and battery; Charles McClure, perjury. The ignored bills were: Mary Boreland, receiving stolen goods; Julia Borer, larceny; Laura Schnrmg. larcenv by bailee; Patrick Flinn, forcible entry and de tainer: Anna HInes, adnlterv; Albert Sadler, malicious mischief; William Wild and wife, as sault and battery: John W. Carl, selling liquor without license; Michael Loftus et al, selling liquor without license and on Sunday; Barney Scanlon, selling liquor on Sunday. Trial Lists. Common Pleas No. 1 Hodge et al va Wilson; Wilson vs Hodge et al; Marshall Foundry Company vs Pittsburg Traction Company: Thompson et al vs Meyer et al; Chaffee vs Col lins; Chaffee vs Chamberhn; Weipold vs Mc Keesport Light Company; Rodney vs Putman et al; O'Neill & Lynn, for use, vs Michaelafski; Cugbey vs Mijier & Co.; Woenervs Chambers Valley Gas Company; Golden, executor, vs McLaughlin; Geisel vs Gerlitz; Friend vs city of Pittsburgh Common pieas No. 2 Clements vs Watters; Hausold vs Aufrecht; Shoup vs McCleary et al; Huss ts Krdner. Crimlnai Court Commonwealth vs William bite et p. Bauerento, John Peterson, Adam Giko, William Grant. Antonia Standi, Epest Fisher (2). Thomas Shilton, Frank Washington, clar siiden (2). Phillip Haeer, ,, McKee, Joseph Stern, Daniel R. Ward (2). Thomas Mooney (2). George Roth. Frank Coniery et al, Peter Reis, William Bulkcr, George Taylor, William Bojer. To-Day's Audit List. Estate ot Accountant Mary A. Bell Wm. T. Bell et ak George Koegler. Wm. Wehl. Joseph L. Gaches Mary J. Gaches. Charles Matthews Lewis Matthews. John Owens Charles S. GilL James Glover Elizabeth Glover. John Wright Thomas A. Wright. Louis Caldwell John H. Tomler. John S. Tov H L. Smith. George P. Bcilstein. Jr .Charles Beilstein etal. James E. Kelso .Wm. E. Kelso. Ralph D. Keib Henry Keib, Jr. Michael Dnrkin Barbara Durkm. Wm. S. Bissell John Bissell et al. John Randolph James E. Karns etal. James Gillespie Robert Niblock. Wbnt Lawyers Hnvo Done. CnAitLES Kinney plead guilty of larceny yesterday and was sent to the workhouse for three months. Is the case of Thomas Boyd against James Getty, Jr., to recover architect's fees for pre paring plans for a hotel a verdict was rendered yesterday for S504. Judge Collier yesterday made an order locating the polling place of the Fifth district nf the Sixth ward at the house of James Mc Tighc, No. 498 Fifth avenue. Is the suit of Hntchell and Fahey against Charles H. Jerome and S. C Ruff ner. an action on a mechanic's lien, a verdict w as rendered yesterday for 105 for the plaintiffs. Is the divorce case of John Griffiths against Sarah Griffiths a petition was filed yesterday by Mrs. Griffiths asking that her husband bo compelled to pay a reasonable amount for her support. Rose Jackson entered suit yesterday against the Federal Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia for a $1,000 policy alleged to be due on the lifo of her husband, David, who died on May 21. The suit of John E. Morrlner against Wal ter G. Crawford is on trial before Judge Collier. It is alleged that Morriner gave Crawford a sum of money to pay off liens and judgments, and the suit is brought to recover a balance left, about which there is a dispute. The suit of Joseph Campbell against Scott township is on trial before Jndge Slagle. Campbell claims damages for injuries to a horse, which fell into an excavation on a road in the township, holding that the township offi cials were negligent in allowing the road to re main in a bad condition. FOUR FEARFULLY BURNED. The Explosion ot n Kerosene Lamp Crcntcs tbo Usual Havoc. San Fkaxcisco, September 17. As Mrs. Annie Gaba was sitting at the table in her house last evening with her baby in her arms and two other small children near her, the baby suddenly upset a coal oil lamp, which exploded in the mother's lap, and all four persons were soon enveloped in flames. Mrs. Gaba ran into the backyard with the baby, but by the time assistance reached them both were so badly burned that they died in ashorttime. The other two children were fearfully burned and their recovery is doubtful. STUPID FRAUDS ON fORDi SANFORD'S GINGER Is the Eest of All Known Gingsrs, THE DANGER SIGNAL. How it Flashed Dp Yesterday to Pre vent a Train Collision. TEST OP THAT AUTOMATIC SYSTEM. Novel Situations on the P. St W. E. R, Daring the Experiment IT WAS WITNESSED BY RAILROAD WEN The trial of the new automatic block rail road signal took place on the Pittsburg and "Western Eailroad yesterday afternoon. Be tween 50 and 100 prominent railroad offi cials and electricians had assembled on the tracks opposite the Exposition, and in spite of a cold, drizzling rain, and a still more abominable stench from garbage dumped along the banks of the river, they waited till the last test had been concluded. The weather, wet and cold as it was, could not have been worse for electrical experiments of any kind. In addition to this, the en gine which the inventors had contemplated using and had rigged up for the purpose was at the last moment sent out on the regu lar business of the Pittsburg and "Western, and tbey were under the necessity of hastily rigging up another for the work. The ap paratus was in very bad condition in con sequence of this haste, but still all the tests were infesting. HOW IT 'WORKS. The first trial made was that of a train, moving on a single track, and protecting itself in front and rear by means of the danger signals. As the brush, connected with batteries, touched the conductor of the signal apparatus, danger signs were in stantly shown in the front and in the rear of the train. The experiments were especially interesting owing to their graphic charac ter, and to the clear and vivid explanations of the inventors and the friends of the in vention. One of the advantages of this automatic signal is that if anything occurs to the batteries, throwing them out of order, the signals instantly show danger, and the engineer is at once warned either of the ap proach of a train in a certain block or of great reason for caution in his movements. Experiments were also made, illustrating the manner iu which a train on a single track could protect itself in front and in rear, and how a train on a double track could protect itself in the rear. THE NOVEL TEST. The most novel test, however, was one where the approach of two trains on the fame track was shown, and their simultaneous protec tion in both front and rear. As the two trains rapidly n eared each other the danger signal all at once flashed up in front of them, and they were quickly brought to a standstill, thus preventing a collision. Then as one or the other train would move away the signal would give notice to the other to come on, and they could thus be worked in the neighborhood of each other with perfect freedom. The inventors, Messrs T. D. "Williams and J. S. Lacock, of the "Western TJnion Tele graph Company, were met yesterday by rail road men and electricians, some of whom ex pressed the belief that the invention would revolutionize the signal service of the rail roads. Ho company has yet been organized for the manipulation of the patent, but it is understood that one will shortly be formed. An offer of $250,000 for the patent is now being considered by its holders. For a disordered liver try Beecbam's Pills. Pears' Soap the purest and best ever made TIict Are No Frnnd. Tickets issued by Hendricks & Co., photo graphers, 68 Federal st, Allegheny, are good for just what they call lor, regardless of what others say. If you hold a ticket bring it in before Oct. 1. Come and see for yoursel eod Hendricks & Co., located at 68 Federal st, Allegheny, have the finest gallery in the two cities. Best work, lowest prices, prompt deliveries. Cabinets, $1 a dozen. EOD Tho Grent Western Bnnd Had their photos taken at the Standard Photo Art Gallery, 70 Federal st., Alle gheny, Pa, 81. Until October. 81. Mothers, bring children to Aufrecht's Elite gallery, 616 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator. Cabinets $1 per dozen, proof shown. Absolutely Pure This powder never varies. A marvel of pur lty, strength and wholcsomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only ii cam. ROYAL BAKING POWDEB CO, 10G Wall St, N. Y. ocm46-3rwTSu GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO. Are making a Handsome Display of Blooker's Dutch Cocoa -AT THE- EXPOSITION and request all their friends and patrons to visit their exhibit and try a sample cup .FREE! This Cocoa n imported by us direct from J. & C. Blookef, manufacturers in Amster dam, Holland, and it is the finest quality of Cocoa in the world, being made exclu sively out of the ripest Cocoa beans, from which all the INDIGESTIBLE fats have been removed. my5-80-ws;S! SAJSHFORD'S GINGER POWDER Beware of cheap, worthless and often dan gerous "gingers," which are persistently urged, even forced, upon would be purchasers of Sanford's as "our own make," or "good as Hanford's," or "cheaper than Sanford's" or "same as Sanford's," etc by mercenary deal ers, not in the interest of health, bnt for a few centii' extra profit. No respectable druggist or grocer Is ever guilty of such practices. Avoid all others. Composed of imported ginger, choice aro matics and medicinal French brandy. San fobd's Ginqkr, based on intrinsic worth. Is the cheapest ginger in the world, costing two to five times that of any other and selling but a few cents higher man the cheapest peddler's ginger. Sold everywhere. Ask if or SANFORD'S GINGER With Owl Trad Mirk oi iho Wrtpptr. inHE EfTTSBXJBG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEIBERWi81889? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS." LETTER FROMACLERGYM AN Grateful Acknowledgment of Cures by the Cuticura Remedies. A minister and his little bov cured of obltlnsle skin diseases by the Cuticura Remedies. Praises them everywhere in the pulpit, home und In the street. For about 13 years I have been trou bled witheczemaor some other cutaneous dis ease which all remedies tailed to cure. Hear ing of the CtnicrBA Remedies I resolved to give them a trial, and purchased one bottle of Cuticuba Resolvent, one box of Cuticura and one cake of Cuticuba soap. I followed the directions carefully, anditaffords me much pleasure to say that before using two boxes of the Cuticuba, four cakes of Cuticuba Soap and one bottle of CUTICUBA RESOLVENT, I was entirely cured. .. . In addition to my own case, mv baby boy, then about 5 months old. was suffering with what I supposed to be the same disease as mine to such an extent tbat his head was coated over with a solid scab, from which there was a con stant flow of pus which was sickening to look upon, besides two large tumor-like kernels on the back of his head. Thanks to you and your wonderful CUTICUBA Remedies, his scalp is perfectly well, and the kernels have been scattered bo that there is only one little place by his left ear, and that is healing nicely. Instead of a coating of scabs he has a nne coat ot hair, much better than tbat which was de stroyed by the disease; I would tbat the whole world of sufferers from skin and blood diseases knew the value of your Cuticuba Remedies as I do. The Cuticura Soap and Cuticuba Resol vent are each worth ten times the price at which they aro sold. I have never used any other toilet soap in my house since I bought the first cake of your cuticuba Soap. I wonld be inhuman as well as ungrateful should 1 fail to speak well of and recommend your Cuticura Remedies to every sufferer who came in my reach. I have snokett of it, and shall continue to speak of it from the pulpit, in the homes, and in the streets. Praying that you may live long, and do others the same amount of good you have done me and my child, Iremaiu, yours gratefully, (Rev.) C!. M. MANNING. Box 28, Acwortb, Ga. Cuticura Remedies Are sold everywhere. Price: Cuticuba,50 cents; Soap, 25 cents; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by tho Potter Druo and Chemical Corpora tion. Boston. 43-Sendfor "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, DO illustrations, and 100 testimonials. PIUPLKS, black-heads, chapped and oily rllfl skin prevented by Cuticura. Medi cated Soap. Old Folks' Pains. Full of comfort for all pains, In flammation and weakness of theaged is the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, the first and only pain - kilhnir StrmKiuening Plaster. New, instantaneous and infallible, . sel6-ws The Highest Praise. I amn Presbyterian clergyman and a Doctor of Divinity, but I am not afraid to recommend Duffy's Fure Halt Whiskey as the purest and most efficient preparation as a medicine that I know of, and my experience is a larfte one. " IIev. b. mills, LL. d. "I highly recommend Duffy's Pore Malt WhIske and prescribe it extensively in mv prac tice." S. W. HCTCHIKSON, M. D.,.New Vork. "Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is free from fusel oil, adulterations, or foreign Impurities, and these qualities should recommend ft to the high est public favor." Prop. Uemiy a. Mott, Ph. D., F. u. s.. New Tork. "I concur In the Indorsement of all that has been said of Dnffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. " F. E. Spinner. Late Treasurer of the United Mates. 1 Can any higher Indorsements than the above lie produced for any known article? Do they not prove tbe purity and power of tUs Great Kemedyr Be sure, however, and secure onlv the eennite. and take none but Duffy's. I I It Is sold by all reputable druggists. If a corset is perfect ii other respects and has thi usual metal eyelets, the lace will break at the most annoy ing times; for the eyelets cu them. There is a .better eyeler, made of loops of corset lace: soft eyelet we call it. It costs' no more, is neater, more such as a woman would make for herself, besides the conveni ence of not wearing out or cutting the laces. The Ball and Kabo corsets are eyeleted with it. You can get these corsets and wear them two or 'three weeks; and, if you do not like them," return them. The makers pay the merchants to sell them so. Chicago Corset Co., Chicago and New Yotk. RNST AXTHELM, " MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BELL HANGER. Repairing a specialty. 103 THIRD AVE., near Wood St.. Telephone 851. PITTSBURG, PA au25-e"6-'ws ATTRACTIVE! SEASONABLE! TRADE CREATORS! DOUGLAS & MACKIE Are receiving every day, all over their mimmoth stores,-newcst and choicest seasonable goods; and we'll not offer them at fancy, but regular go-ahead, bulld-up-trade, money-saving prices. COME! AND BE HAPPY. The most elegant range of Dress Goods eyes ever rested on will Do laid out at 25c, 37c and 60c a yard. They're worth a deal more money. A most magnificent assortment of SI Broadcloths are to be sold at 83c a-yard. 100 Ladles' lovely Cloth Robes, artistically applique embroidered; they were made to sell at S3. We cleared this lot and will sell them at $5 each. A thoroughly beautiful display of Henrietta Cloths will be submitted at 60c, 75c and St a yard. They'ro less than you'd expect to buy them lor. A regular dazzling collection of Silk Plushes, in all tbe new and lovely shades, to be put ont at 37Kc, 60c and 75c ajard. COMMENT UNNECESSARY. Important "bo iEjv-ez?yTDOd.yI Thousands of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets, Wrap", etc., have already arrived, and tnere's still more to follow. In fact, we've almost astonished ourselves at the magnitude and variety of the selection, which it will be our pleasure to havo you inspect. . OUR WORD FOR IT, IT'LL BE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. sel7-nvy SIXTH ST.. beiug the only college in Pennsylvania that belongs to or can be admitted to the "Inter State Business Practice Association of America," oilers advantages for securing a prac tical business education possessed by no other college in the State. Rapid writing, rapid calcu lations and practical bookkeeping are specialties. Shorthand and Typewriting Departments pro Tide tbe best training possible iu these branches. Send for catalogues. au2S-ws JAMES O. WILLIAMS, A. M., Pres't. sel3b5-WPSU THE P"" MADE ONLY ByiN THe yy (J If LIJ GeoAMacbeth&Co. Pittsburgh. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I D -ras- SCHOOL BAGS, PENCIL BOXES and RULERS HAVE MADE IN MY ' SCHOOL'.SHOE DEPARTMENT Has induced me to Give Them Away a few weeks more. With every pair of Boys' or Girls' Shoes bought at my store I will give that very useful article, either a School Bag or a Pencil Box and Ruler. So don't miss your chance and buy your Shoes -at- G.D.SIMEN'S, 78 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Corner of Sandusky street. seS-irw THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT As to where you should buy your FURNITURE, CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, if economy is the object you have in view. IKEECH'S MAJMCMOTH Cash and Credit House, 923 and 925 Penn Ave,, is the house for you to pat ronize, if you want to save money, and get dependable and stylish merchandise. ieU-Mwr WM. GRABOWSKY, HAT MANUFACTURER. Onr Fall Fashion Plate is ready. All the leading styles for Ladles' and Children's Straw Hats are made up and ready for lnsnection. the styles shown will meet the demands of our many friends. Our old establishment with in creased facilities for turning out good work only, will gain many customers the coming sea son. We will dye and renovate your old-fashioned hat to any of our new Fall shapes, by onr new electric process, rendering the hats as good as new in every respect. Bring your hat or bon net now, don't wait till half the season Is gone. Summer Hats are out ot style now. The style this fall is Black Hats, trimmed in Flumes or Tips. We are practical Ostrich Feather Dyers, and do the work correct. Bring your plumes and your bat to us and in a few days you have a new fall outfit at slight cost. WILLIAM GRABOWSKY, 707 PENN AVE., Opp. Penn Building. sel-68-wsu Established 1817. I.. GliESENKASIP & SOJf, Builders of FINE CARRIAGES. Our assortment includes light and heavy work of every description. See Display at Exposition. Salesrooms, 318 and 820 Fenn avenue.. "no connection with any other carriage house.) LAMP --i SllilltglslltttltsiiSllSf yy tfFST IHIMNEY5 iimmn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BIG HATS FOR BIG MEN A SPECIALTY AT rf" ZETJ-BIEIsrs. Sires, 1A,1M,1xWa- Prices, ?1 90, 52 20, $2 40, ?2 90, $3 40. Gentlemen wearing regular sizes have no idea of the difficulties experienced by those re qnirme large bats before Ruben made a specialty of extra sizes for extra largo heads. It used to be the regular thing by ye old fogy batters to try and stretch a. 7 into a ", and certainly with but indifferent success, or a hat bad to be made to order at about double the remlar price. Not so now. Ruben carries a dozen different styles running in sizes up to a 7. belne thus enabled not only to give a good easy fit, but also a nice assortment of shapes to make a selection from. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfleld St P. S. Mall orders prompUy filled. sel5--wrsn Come and See By Far the Most attractive stock of Clothing ever within our walls. Stylish: full of painstaking; earmarks of great care in every point of manufacture; thoroughly reliable and costs no more than the clothing that's made specially to catch the eye. Merchant tailoring of first order: 2,000 styles of goods for your selection. Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. se!7-D A I An Army of Renters Seeking Homes and ' Business Houses at Wilmerding, The East Pittsburg Improvement Company has invested large sums of money In laying out tbe town of WILMERDINa And in furnishing it with the most complete and extensive system of public improvements in Allegheny county, outside the cities, Includ ing slaewalks, sewers, water, natural gas and electric lights, and It now takes pleasure in calling tbe attention of wide-awake builders and investors to the opportunity afforded them by the great and growing demand for resi dences and business houses at Wilmerding. This demand comes especially from young and enterprising men and firms who havo not suffi cient capital to both build and stock large stores, but who are able and willing to pay a handsome rent for adequate facilities, or pur chase buildings outright on long time. Many houses aro now in course of construction, but not enough to fill 10 per cent of the require ments. Information as to the kind and size of houses in greatest demand cheerfully furnished by the company, and special prices given on lots sold for immediate Improvement. For further particulars call on or address East Pittsburg Improvement Co. Westinghouse Building, au21-wan PITTSBURG. PA CHAS. PFEIFER'S Men's Furnishing Stores, BMITHFIELD STREET, 100 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. New line of Neckwear on display. See those Hand Painted Scarfs in Windows. Drelng, Cleaning and Laundry Offices. Pittsburg Telephone 1261; Allegheny Tele phone 3109. B02-MWF vnzsms KHMKi al Optical, Mathematical and Engineering In struments and Materials. Profile, cross-section, tracing and blue-process papers, tracing linen, etc Largest and best stock of Specta cles and Eve Glasses. KOBNBLUM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 50 Fifth avenue. Telephone No. 1688. JT31-D8U RAILROAD. PENNSYLVANIA COJII'ANY'S liINES .Majrll 1SS9. Central Standard Time. TKAINS UKPAHT Al follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d "ia a. m., d 12:20, d 1.00, d7:45. except Saturday. 11:29 p. m.: Toledo, 7:25s, m.. d 12:20. d 1:00 and except baturdar. 11:20 p. m. ; Crestline. 1:45 a. m.: Cleve land, C:10 a. m., J2:iS and d 11:05 p. m. and 7:21 a. in., via 1; F. W. & V. Kj.: New Cattle and Yoangstown. 7:05 a. m.. 12:20, 3:45 p. m.: Yonnrstown andN lies, d 12:20 p. m.; lleadTlIle, Krleand Ashtabnla, 7:05a. m., 12:20 p. m.; Nile and Jamestown. 3:H p. m.: llaiilllon. 4:lop. m.; Wheeling and Bellair. 6:10a. m., I2:j l-39p. nut Beaver Falls. 4-00,-05 p. m.. liock Point, a SOI a. id. ; l,eeudale. s.ao a. m. ALL,EGHT.NY-KobetCT. - m.s IJeaver Falls, 8:1 n.-oo a. m.: Enon. : ThiJSi dale, 10.00, 11:45 a. m., 2.CO, 4dn. :. 10. 7-00, ,8:09 p. m.; Conway, 10:30 p. m.: Fair Oaka, S lliW a. m.:Leetsdale, 88:10 p. m. ,., TBA1NS AliKlVE Union nation from Chicago. nivnt MnnHav lVl A A.iin rt i!;tt a.m.. d 6:50 D. m. ; Toledo, except Monday 1:50. d 8:3a a. m., S.J p. m., Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: loongstown and XI c Ufa ll t AW Jamestown. 8:10 a.m.; Beaver Falls. 7 JO a. njM l:10n. m.. ItpckPoint, S 8S5 p. m.; LeeUdale, 10:10" p. m. AltUlVE ALLEGHENY- rom x-uuu, ..w y m.: Conway. 8:50; ltochester, a. m. !';",' Fills. 7:10 a. m, 5M5 p. m.: kceule. ?" i'Jfc 7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, 4.-0O, 6:30, s-W p. m.: Fait Oaks, 8 8:55a. m.;Leeudalf, S p. m.; Kocfc Point. S 8:15 p. m. .. . . , 8, Sunday only; d, dally: other trains, except Sunday. '' Pittsburg- and castle shannon r.r. Summer Time Table. On and after May 1. 1888, until further notice, train ;", "niwJ on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Plttiburg-a a. m., 7:10 a. jm.. !.M0 .m.. 8:8, a. m.. 11:30s. m 1:40 p. m.. 3.40P. m., 5:10 p. m.. S:Wp. m.. 6-30p. m.. 8:-p.m., 11:30 p. ui. AHiiiglen-5.W a. in., 6:20;. ni.. j.10 a. m.Vs.ooa. m., 10.20 a. m.. l-P-in, J:i?p,1Ka 4:20 p.m.. :lo p. m.. 5:50 p. .V.7i10p-?. p.m. bunday trains, ievfcgritlihurg-lOa.m boo p. m.. 2:4) p. in!, 5H0 P- m., 7:10 p. m., -M p. m Arltnjton-:lJ a. m.. 1 m., 1:50 p. m., at P.m. 6:P...P.-J0Hi,JAH!riBnDfc w uague, vnvi, in.. ll, o.v. .-r h-.-. --"" and Yonngstown. d 6:50 p. m. tCieveiano. a '. K., IOS, 7:C0 p. m.: Wheeling "1,.ie,u,lre',!2' a. m 2:25, 7:06 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, Ira. m.ic Vm. nf.ufA m.m &. in.: Nlles and WteviV-r. BRIGHT AND -IS THE KAUFM ANNS' FALL and WINTER TRADE. Indeed, it is safe to assert that never before has it fallen tov any; merchant's' lot to commence a season under such favorable and eacow aging circumstances as we shall herald in fall and winter 1889-90. Thas far the present year has been one of general prosperity; Strikes have, been few, work plenty. The farmer, ncn, Dounteous narvest, ana, wnile rittsburg can not be looked upon as jln agricultural center, the great Exposition will be the Bean3 of attraet-" ing thousands of country people to will all contribute their share toward a big, booming tall season, we must' confess, however, that we place our far greatest reliance for a largely increased patronage on our goods and prices. The truth is it makes no difference how plentiful money may be weshould look in vain for a large trade if we-could not offer y.oa better inducements than any other. house in this part of the country. But it is just in this very vital point' goods and prices that we beat all competition. The reason why we1 1 can serve you better than other dealers is as plain as the nose oaia man's face. While other houses confine their purchases to a few eastern houses we go further we make THE WORLD OUR BUYlff G MARKET. Every noted fashion center of Europe and 'America is visited by our buyers, and purchasing in large lots only, direct from the manufacturers, and for spot cash in every instance, we have thus managed to collect a stock of merchandise that STANDS WITHOUT A PEER BEAUTY, STYLE, and CHEAPNESS. Taking all the above circumstances we are justinea in our expectations IF YOU NEED A now is a pre-eminently fit time to height now ourprices are at rock Men's Every Day or Evening Suits at $6, $8 and $10. Men's stylish all-wool Business Suits at $12, J 14 and 15. Men's finest imported Dress Suits at $18, 20 and J25. Mea's exquisite Fall Overcoats at $7, $10, $12, $15 and $20. Boys' fine Long-Pant Suits at $5, $8, $10, $12 and $18 Boys' Sbort-Pant Suits at $2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 12.. Children's Kilt Suits at 1 75, 2 50, 3 50, 5, 6 and 8 ::: AN AGREEABLE SURPRISE-AWAITS THE LADIES a who will visit our Cloak department Our present building and enlarg ing operations do not much affect this place hence our patrons can make their selection with their wonted ease and comfort. Our stock now embraces some elegant novelties in Newmarkets, Directoire style garments, Wraps, Jackets, Misses' Reefers, Stockinette garments, Child ren's and Infants' Cloaks. All goods are marked in plain figures; these figures express the lowest and only prices at -which we sell them, and these prices we 'positively guarantee ait vuina. . ::: FALL HEADGEAR FOR THE MALE SEX. ::: The fact that we are sole agents in Western Pennsylvania for the products of some of the most celebrated Hat makers in the Union, and our large trade permits us to buy and sell at unmatchably low prices, makes us Hat headquarters in this city. Prices for Men's Jail Derbys commence as low as 1 24 and, by degrees, range up to 4. And these two extremes include the best and latest goods of the season Dunlap, Knox, Youman, Miller and the finest English styles. KAUFM ANNQ Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street "Exposition visitors aro invited to call at our store, whether wishing to buy or not BAH.BOADS. FKNflSXEVANlA KAILKOAU O.N AM) after Ancsst US, 1889. trains leave Union Station, fittslwrg, u folloTi, atern Standard Timet MAIN LUfE EASTWAK1J. New York and Chicago Limited orrnllmaa Vea. tUraledaUrat7:Ua. m. AtlantlcErpreMdallr lor Hie .East, SOa.m. Jlau train, Jallr. except Bandar. 5a. m. Ban dar, mall. 8:40 a. m. Day express dallr at 3:00 a. m. Mall express dallr at 1:00 p. m. l'hlladelpnla express dallr at 4:30 p. m. Kastern express dallr at 7:15 p. m. Fast Line dallr at 8iiO p. m. Kxpress for Bedrord l:uo p. m.. rreet dap. Express for Cresion and Ebensburg 2:5J p. m., Saturdays only. GreensDnrxexprestSilOp. m. wee days. Derrr express 11:00 a. m. week days. All tbronzh trains connect at Jersey Cltrwltt boats of "lfrooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, a. . r., aToldlngdoableferrlazeand :ourner tliroojjU N. Tf.Clty. Trains arrlre at Union Station as follows: Malt Train, dally jJ-WB. . Western Express, dally .I!S "" l'aclflc Express, dally 1ri!P-nu CnlcaroXJmlted Express, dally .30p, m. yastLlne. dally...' - '":5S D uu For Unlontown, 5i30 ana 8.15a. m. andiron, m.. without change ojcars: 12.50 p. m., connect, lng at Oreensburjr. Trains arrlre from union town at a:li a. m.. 12:31 6:35 and 8:10 p. m. WEST FENNSl-nfANlA DIVISION. From FEDERAL oT. STAHON. Allegheny tilty. Mail train, connecting for iJlalrsrllle... e:-15a.m. Express, for iilalrsrlUe, connecting for Butler iilSp.ra. Butler Accem SrtOa. m 2'nd 8: p. m. BpringdaleAccom9.00.HJ0a.m.3:J0and6:2pp.m. Freeport Accom 4:15- f: nd llig p. m. OnShnday I2:50and :30p. m. NorthApolloAecn&u....ll:00a.m. and :00p. in. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting ror Butler.. .a a. m. Blal-srllla Accommodation io:)p. m. BTV".arrlrfmFEDIKALSrKEEr STATION: Express, connecting from Butler V?' nu BeromrriVoaVnViriand ! . On Hondar 10:10a. jn- and 70 p. m. Sprlngdale Acc'om....6 37,11:43a.m., JSsM p. in. NorSi Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 5-43 p. m. MONOJiOAMELA DlVlSlO. Trains leare Union station. Vlusourg. "follows. For Moaongahela Cltr. WesiBrownsTllIe and Unlontown. 10:40a.m. For Monongaheia City and Vest BrownsTllle,7:05 nd 10:40 .m.and 4 p.m. On Sunday, 11 p. m. For Monongahela City. 6:13 p. m., week dara. Drarosburg Ac, weekdays, :20 p. m. West Elisabeth Accommodation, 8:20a.m.. 1KB, Juandll:Mp. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth, arcnue and Try street and Union station. ,,.,,.,,. CHA3.E.PUUH, , .f-..K-F0.1'', General Manacei. Gen'l l'ass'r Agent. EANHANDLE KOUTE-JULT 8. isaa, UNION station. Central Standard Tim. J-" f0I clnnatl and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d 8j0p and d ll:U p. m. Dennlson, 2:4i p. m. Chicago, 12:03, d 11:15 p. m. Wheeling, 7i a. m., 12:05, 8:10 p.m. BtenbennUe. aSa. m. Washington. 8:55. 8:33 a. ta.,iac, 1:30,4:13,4:55 p. m. Bulger,10:10 a. m. Burgettatown. all :35 a.m.. 5:25 p. m. ilans flelo, 7:15, 0:30, 11:00 a. m., 1:05, 8:30, d 8:36; 10:53 p.m. McDonalds, d 4:15, d: p. m. . Mmwm From tbe West, n lift, d 8:00 a. m I.-05, d 5:M p.m. Dennlson. S:30 ,m. gtenbenrllle. frtJ p. m. Wheellnt. 1 10, 8:45 a.m.. JtfB, 8:55 p.m. Biirjretts town, 7:15a. m., 8 9-05 a.m. Washington. :VS,7i"A 8:40, 10.25 a. m-, 2:35, :45 p. m. Mansfleld, 5:25, 8:30. 11:40 a. nu. 12:45. 3:53, 10:00 and S 8:20 p. m. Bulger, 1:40p.m. McDonalds, d:35 a-nu, d 8KB p. m, d daUyj 8 Sunday only; other trains, except Bandar. PROMISING OUTLOOK FOR- too, rejoices in his knowledge 6f a our doors. While these inflsencsia1 ELEGANCE, EXTENT into consideration, don't you for a glorious fall trader NEW FALL SUIT 73f- purchase, bottom. Now our stock israt its to be from 20 1030 per cent under r ielS-D RAILROADS. 1TTSBUKO AM LAKE ERIK BAlLKUAli COMFANY-Schedule In effect June 2, ISsa, Central time. Dipakt ror Clereland. 5:00, s0 a. m., "1:33, 4:10, "9:30 p. m. For Cincinnati. Chi cago and St. Louis, 5:00 a. m.. '1:35, ,"3:30 p. m. For Buffalo, 8 .-00 a. m.. 4:10, "9 Up. m. For Sala manca, "d.ooa. m.. 4:10 p. m. For xoungstown and New Castle, 5.00. 800. 10: IS a. m., 1:3i 4:10, 8-.30- p. -m. ror Bearer Falls, S.-OO. .ODl 8:30; 10:13 a. m., "1:35.3:30,4:10.3:15, "9:30 p. ni? For 5.35. "7:55, 9:40 p. m. From Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis. 1 2:30, 7:55 p. m. From Buffalo, 8:30 a. m., "12:3,0, 9140 p. m. From Salaman ca. "U:30. "7:55 p. m. FroniaYoungstown and New Castle. '6:30. 9:20 a, m., '12:30. 5:35. "7:55 9:4Up. m. From Bearer Falls. S35. 8:30, 7flOL 9:23 a. m., '12:30. 1:10. 5:35. "7:35, 9:40 p. m? P., C. 4 Y. trains from MansHeld. 8.30 a. m., 330, 4:50 p. m. For Essen and Beechmont, 8:30 a. m., 3:30 p. m. F.. C. A Y. trains from Mans field. Essen and Beechmont. 7:08 a. m., 11:59 a. in. V. MCK.&Y. N. K, -DiPaBT-For New Karen. 15.30 a. m., "3d I p. m. For West Newton, 5:30, 10:03 a. m 3:30,6:15 p.m. Annmc From New HaTen, t7:50 a. m.. '5:00 p. m. From West New ton, 6:15. 27:50 a. m 1:25, "3:00 p. m. For Me Keesport, Elizabeth and Monongahela City, 5:30, 10:05 a. m., "3:30, SMS p.m. From Monongahela Cltr, Elizabeth and McKeesport, "7:50 a. m., 1:25, 'Dally." 1 Sundays only. 2WI11 runonehour late on Sunday. I will run two hoars late on Sunday. Cltr ticket office. 401 Smithfleld street. ALTIMIJBE AND OHIO KAILKOAD Uiah.if nl. In aff... ,!,. HM . ... ... ! ?n. D.C;, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. S.-OO a. m.. and 9ao p. m. For Cum- """V?? "iJ1." nM.i'n "-a p. m. For Con nellsrllle, 8:40 and 80 a. m.. JlC. 14:00 and -3:33 p.m. For Unlontown, 28:40, "8:00 a.m.. tlttOandtCODp. m. For Mount Pleasant,t8:40 and $8:00 a. m., and 11:00 and $4:00 p. m. For Washington. Pa.. 8.43. t:40 a. m 3:36, tfiW and 8 p. m. For Wheeling. 6:45, $9:40 a. nu, 3:35, 8:30 p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. "6.45a.m.. 3:30p.m. ForColumbns. S:48and9: a. m.. 8:30 p. m. For Newark. S:45, $9:40 a, m.. 3:35, 8:80 p.m. For Chicago, 8:43. $9:40 a. ml 3:33 and 8rf p. m. Trains arnre from New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington, 6:20:.. m. and S:50 p. m. From Columbus, Cln rtnna'l and Chieago. "7:43 a. m. and 9S p. m. From Wheeling, "f:, "10:50 a. m- $50, 9:OD p. m. Throuih sleeping cars to Baltimore. Wash ington and Cincinnati. Wheeling accommodation. 8:30 a. m.. Sunday only. Connellsrille accommodation at 58:35 a. mi. pally. $Dallr except bundar. JSundar only. Tbe Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residence upon orders lea at B. ft O. Ticket Office, corner Firth arenue and Wood street. CHAd. O. , SCULL. Pen. Pas i. Agt. J.T.ODELL. Oen.Mgr. ALLEGHENY VALLEY. KAILKOAD Trains leare Union Station (Eastern Standard! time): Klttannlng Ac. 65 a, nut Niagara Ex., dally. 8:43 a. m Uulton Ac.. 10.19 a. m.; Valley Camp Ac, 32-05 n. m.: Oil Cltr and DuBols Ex-press,2-00 p.m.;Iiultcn Ac.,3.-00p.m.: EJttannlnz. Ac, 4.-O0p.m.; BraeburnExSxOp.m.: Xittaaa lng Ac.,5.30p. m.; Braebnrn Ac,:30p.m.: KaV.- Cut w, . Tlnflnn km 9JA n n. . hN.K.M .. M p. m.; Uulton Ac, 9:44 p.m.: Braebnrn Ac, . 1 JO p. m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. nu' U JO p. and flS n. Bleemng Csrs between Pittsburg and Buffata. ' m. raiiBwa irariur AUH aasi J AS. P. ANDEBSON, Q.T. Agt.! DAVlll M-. CASGO. Gen. Sunt. . PnTSBUKO AND WESTERN KAILWAa' TralnslCt'lSun'dtlme)! Leare. I Arrtre. 1 ar Ex.. A kron.Tnlcdn, Kane 6:40 a m .-ooa m 737 p n jiutier Accommoaauon Chicago Express (dallr) New Castle Accommodation. 12:40 p mi 110 a si s:ju p m 6.X p is Ju p BX 3 JO a m sutler and Foxborg Ac . First class far to Chicago, 110 50. Second class. 1 h nuunan Duset sleeping car to cweasjd HfcKvWw 8:05, 8:30. S3S. 10:15 a. m.. 12:08, 122 1:40. 1:30, "11:30. 4:50 '5.05. S:1S, 81O8, WiMp.m. ARROT From Clereland. "8.30 a. m.. "12:30. f aaiir. 41 4 A 4