Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 18, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Two ToungMen Fight Twelve
Bloody Bounds for $30.
One of the Pugilists fieceives Inju
ries Which Prove Fatal.
But the Sew Tork Aggregation Still Leads
by a Scant Neck.
la a prize fieht at St. Louis one of the
contestants was pounded so severely that
death resulted. Both parties were little
more than boys, and fought for a purse of
?BO. "Weather permitting, there will be two
games played at Recreation Park this after
noon. St. Louis, Septembes 17. A brutal prize
fight occurred at the saloon or Daly Bros.,
local bruisersof considerable note,last night,
which has resulted in the death of one of
the participants. Thomas E. Jackson, aged
IS rears, is the victim.
He (ought Ed Ahearn. local lightweight
champion, 11 bloody rounds, and at the
opeuinj; of the twelfth, fell faintingn his
second's arms. The fight throughout was
one of the most desperate battles ever wit
nessed in a ring, science being lost sight c',
and give and take slucging marking the figTit
throughout The first blood was broucb; in
the first round, more of it in the second, and
by the time half a dozen rounds bad been
longht the men and their seconds ere
as was the sawdust on the floor of the ring,
while the water with which the fighters were
tpoLccd was as red as blood itself.
When Jackson fell unconscious in bis seconds
arms he was carried to a room above the Dalys'
iloon. and three physicians called in. They
worked vigorously, but without avail, and at 11
o'clock this morning Jackson died.
At S o'clock bis mother, Mrs. George if.
Jackson, wife of the well-known local Green
backer, was notified and sat at her son's bed
side completely overcome, while the spark of
lire slowly faded out. The affair has created
intense excitement, as prominent people will
likely become involved. "The referee was the
sporting editor of a leading morning p .per.
The spectators were principally pool alley
sports, who made up a purse of 30, for which
the men, or raiher boys, contested. Two-ounce
bard gloves were used. Bob Farrell and Char
ley Daly seconded Abeam, and Steve Burns
and Mike Mooney looked after Jackson.
The fight started at midnight, and the 11
bloody rounds can be described as wholly with
out science. The crowd of sports sneaked out
and left the battered fighter on Charley Daly's
bands. Daly, who has fought some well-known
sluggers, among them Meyers, the Streator.IH..
pugilist, who made a draw with Lightweight
Champion McAuliffe. did all he could for the
dying boy, but without avail.
The dead gladiator's body now lies in a room
over the saloon where he fought, his face un
recognizable, and his mother and two brothers
are alone with their dead. Chief of Police
Huebler has ordered the arrest of all parties
concerned in the affair. Jackson was well
known in fighting circles as Jack King, and his
parents were ignorant of his pugilistic ambi
tion. Ahearn is a gas fitter by occupation and a
fighter by inclination.
To-night the fatal prize fight at Dalys' is the
talk of the town, and the feeling is so strong
that so-called "boxing" resorts will fare badly
in the future.
An eye-witness of the battle says it was one
of the gamest and bloodiest contests in the
annals of the ring. About 1150 o'clock Jack
son came forward stripped to the waist with a
pair of light tights on. A moment later Ed
Ahearn appeared similarly attired. Referee
and timekeepers having been chosen, two
ounce hard gloves were procured and the fight
In the first round the two came together with
a rush, and for a few seconds close and hard
fighting prevailed. Kn apparent advantage
was pained on either side, but when the men
got apart it was found that Jackson's nose was
bleeding freely. First blond was civen Ahearn
and the round called before time was up, be
cause ol the bursting of Jackson's glove.
In round two "science," as it is called by
fighters, was disregarded entirely. Jackson
nasalread a sickening sight, being bedaubed
with his own blood, which was still flowing
from his nose. Ahearn was an ugly sight, hav
ing been spotted here and there with blood
from Jackson's gloves, which were well
smeared with it. The two went at each other,
pounding and striking at random and with the
f nil force and brutality aroused by their now
excited vicious instincts. No one could
of the blows exchanged and the spectators
shouted and cheered with pleasure at the way
in which the men were fighting. When time
was called it was hardly possible to distinguish
one man from another. Their bodies were
stripped and blotched with blood, their tights
stained and their gloves slippery and slimy.
Hasty efforts were made with water and
sponges to remove some of the blood from their
bodies, but with little success. Both men were
bleeding at the nose, as there was no time to
attend to small matters like that, and the third
round was called and the men were pushed
forward, bleeding and staggering, by their
backers, much to the gratification "of the
crowd, w Inch had contributed the $30 for which
one man was being beaten to death.
The third, fourth and filth rounds were
repetitions of the first two. The floor was be
ginning to get slippery from the blood of the
fighters, and the blows w ould glance and flip
owing to the soggy condition of the gloves.
AVhcn a fair, straight blow would be struck by
one or the other of the fighters it was accom
panted by a squashing sound and left a round,
red spot darker than the bloody stain around
ir. The men slipped and slid on the bloodv
floor and wiped the blood from their eyes with
their bloody gloves. So it went until the cud
of the fifth round, when both were beaten
black and blue, their faces swolen and their
lips go thick they could scarcely talk. They
had both been fighting at each other's faces,
and sorry sights they presented at the end of
the round.
In the sixth there was sparring for wind, but
the savage battle was renew cd m the seventh,
ending In tho men falling in Jackson's corner,
overturning the bucket of crimson-colored
watei In which Jackson's seconds had been
washing him. In rounds S. 9 and 10 there was
more slugging, and sawdust was thrown on the
bloody flor to give the fighters a better hold.
Bound 11 showed the men so weak thev could
scarcely come up. Jackson was a pitiful sight;
one eye was already closed. His nose was
swollen twice the ordinary size and his mouth
was simply sirkeniug. Ahearn was much in
the same condition, although not quite so bad.
the last rrroitT.
Both plucked np and made an attempt to
fight, and did for a few seconds, when Ahearn,
with an effort, struck Johnson a swinging blow
which floored him. Ahearn, thrown by his own
effort, fell on top uf his antagonist. When the
timekeepers called for the twelfth round. Jack
son was put on his feet by his seconds and
surfed lorwara rovrara me center or the ring.
He baa hardly taken a step when be fell back
into the arms of his seconds unconscious. That
is the story of the fatal fight by rounds. The
remainder is told aliovc. s
At I p. jr. Jackson's dead body was taken to
the morgue for the Coroner. Its appearance is
most horrible. The lius bang in shreds, as
though cut bv the man's teeth at every blow he
received, and form a bloody fringe through
which the reddened teeth show ghastly. His
face is one livid mass of battered human flesh,
black and bine and terribly swollen. His chest
does not show the marks of bruises to any
great extent, so that the man must have re
ceiled ail the blows in the face and head.
Detectives were at once detailed to arrest
principals, seconds and spectators. Ed Ahearn,
the surviving principal, was found late this
afternoon, and lodged in jail. He seems to be
J rood of the game fight be made, but savs
ackson must have had heart disease, as he did
not bit him hard enough to kill him. Later in
the day Djn and Jack Daly, proprietors of the
saloon where the fight occurred. Mike Mooney,
fine of the seconds, Abe Qulncy and Stephen
A. Molloy, the timekeepers, were captured,
and scvetal more will likely be behind the bars
by morning.
Chlcngo Wins n Contest That Had Not an
Excellent Frntnrc.
CHICAGO. September 17. The most misera
ble game of the season was played this after
noon on tho home grounds. The Chicagos
batted bard from the start and won easily, but
their field work,as well as that of the Hoosiers,
would put to shame an amateur team. There
were no features. Attendance 450. Score:
Ryan. m.... S
Duffy, r 3
Anson. 1 3
l'fcner, I.... 4
Wiil'rason. s 0
Hums 3..... 2
Darling, c... 0
Guinbert,p.. 1
HInes. 1 I 2
beery, 1 2 1
Andrews, ra i -Dennr.
3.... 2 2
(ilas'-cock, 6 0 1
Dailv. c 1 1
McGcachy, r C 0
liasscU. 2... 0 2
Ojrec. p 0 0
Totals. ....19 15 21 12 S Totals.
, 8 11 21 17 9
Chicacos 2 2 3 3 S 0 4-19
Imllananolis 1 0 3 0 0 0 5
Earned riins Cblcacros, 8
Two-base hits Andrews,
Indianapolis, 4.
-Andrvtis. Hums, Williamson.
nirH-li5o litis Darlinir. Seerv,
Home runs Kysn, Van Ualtren, Tfeller.
Double plavs-McGcachy, Bassitt; Glasscock,
Bissett, llines.
biolenbaves Dnffvi Pfeflcr. Kyan, Daily, Bas
sett. Mclieachy. Andrews.
Urst Base on balls Bv Fee, S: by Gumbert.
Hit bv pitched ball Anson. Burns.
Struck out Br Fee. 4: by Gumbert, 3.
Passed balls-Dally. Dirllnjr2.
Wild pitches Gumbert, Fee.
Time organic Two hours.
"Umpire Lynch.
The Bean Enters Only Allow Philadelphia
One .Solitary Ran.
Boston, September 17. Boston bnnched
their hits into'two innings, making Ave runs
and winning the game.
HIchardson 12 2 1
Kellv, r 0 2 3
.Nash. 3. 12 1
Broutliers, 1 0 0 11
Johnston, m 0 0 3
Quinn, 2. .. 0 0 1
femlth. s 113
Ganzcl. c 0 2 4
Kadbo'e, p.. 1 0 0
0 Wood. 1 0
1 fchrlver, c... 0
0 Myers, 2 0
lthnni pson, t 0
OlMulvev, 3... 0
1 Kogarty, m.. 0
O.Karrar, 1.... 1
1 O'llallinan, s
3 0 banders, p
i' in mn H
Totals 5 9 27 13 3, Totals.,
. 1 4 27 13 5
Bostons 0 000023005
I'lilladelpblas 0 100000001
Earned rnns -Bostons,
btolen base Foeariy.
Double plays llallman. Myers and Farrar.
First base on balls bhriver, Myers, Farrar,
btrurk out Johnston, Wood, Thompson, Farrar.
Wild pitch Badbourne.
Firtfi base on errors Bostons.1: Phlladelphlas,4.
Time or game One hour and 45 minutes.
Umpires Curry and Powers.
Against HIa Removal From the Lcnene br
President Yonnff.
Boston, September 17. Umpire Curry has
been bounced in much the same manner as he
handled Faatz, of the Cleveland club, last Sat
urday, and although no reasons have been
given, it is probable that last Saturday's epi
sode was the cause. The public sympathy is
with Umpire Curry, for all who saw Faatz's
disgraceful actions felt that Curry wonld have
been justified in imposing even a heavier tine.
They look upon President Young's dismissal of
Curry just at this time as an indorsement of the
dirty conduct ol Faatz. Curry had made many
mistakes, and has hurt the Bostons as much as
any other club, but in this instance be was in
the right. He said to-day in regard to bis dis
missal: "1 have stood a great deal from players
this season. There are some, you know, who
think that an umpire is only on the field to be
held up to the ridicule of the crowd, andthey
lose no opportunity of showing this. I have
stood a good deal that no man with any sense
of honor and feeling would stand, fori knew
even if I did my duty there wonld be a great
kick and my head would fall into the basket
"Witness the way that I was insulted on the
field last Saturday. You ae aware, too, how
that man Faatz lias acted all through this sea
son. When I was in Philadelphia Colonel
Rogers, of that club, asked me to stop the
dirty ball playing ot the Clevelands, and I
promised so to do. What is the result? What
is my dismissal now but a sustaining of the
conduct and the language of that man Faatz?
This is the way the League supports its um
pires. I am the only man who has dared to
stand up before such unreasonable men as
Ewing and Faatz. Other umpires on the staff
understand that their retention depends sim
ply upon their keeping their mouths shut and
remaining dumbwbilebeingabused. I am sorry
that I ever left the International Association.
I was king there. I never expected such treat
ment in the League. I want, to say right here
tbat Mike Kelly shows more consideration for
the umpire and his dnties than any Captain in
the League. I have not the least trouble with
The Locnl Pitcher States Why He Won't be
Ed Morris had a conference with Secretary
Scandrelt jesterday afternoon relative to Mor
ris going to Indianapolis. The pitcher ex
plained that be was in no condition to pitch,
and he will, therefore, remain at home without
During a conversation with the writer Morris
said: 'Ibis is not my year, and I have not
been in condition for more than two or three
games. My arm is all right, but I have been
sick every now and again. I am not going to
Indianapolis, because I am in no condition to
pitch. I won't be released, and I am cettttn
that when next spring comes I will be in line.
This has been an off year for me, and that is all
that is wrong."
Out on the Tear.
Three or four of the local ball players were
having a high old time yesterday afternoon at
various hostelries. Tneir hilarity attracted
considerable public attention. Among those
who were enjoying themselves were a catcher
and a pitcher. The former ought not to be
thirsty Tor many days if the quantity of liquid
consumed would quench thirst.
No Game nt tbe Metropolis.
New York, September 17. The New York
and Washington League and tbe Brooklyn and
Athletic Association games were prevented to
day by rain.
Lengne Record.
Perl rer
Won. l.ost.Ct.l Won. r.ost.Ct.
Newlorks..."! 43 .640 Clevelands. ..55 61 .474
Bostons z 41 .6.J7,indtanapnIJs52
I'liiladelnlUasOi 53 .531 l'lttsbures. ..49
Chlcaeos 59 59 .600, UashlnictonsM
With tbe Umpire to Help, the Club Conld
Not Win.
Louisville, September 17. With rather
the best ot the umpiring, Louisville was de
feated this afternoon. Bungling play did it
The game was close playing up to tbe sixth
inning, Cincinnati having only two rnns, due
to an error by Tomney and a wild throw by
Vaughan. In the sixth, easy flies were twice
lost by two men running for them and having
no coaching, and this went far toward their
runs. Ewing pitched well, but he had poor
support Mullanc's pitching was effective, and
at critical times he had good support The day
was quite cool, but sunshiny. Attendance, 660.
Clncinnatls 0 11U0300 5
Loulsvllles II 000000101
Base hlt Clncinnatls, 8: Loulsvllles, 6.
Errors Clncinnatls, 3; Loulsvllles, 3.
Two-base bit ItelUy.
btolen bascs-jTcbeau, Mcl'hec. 2; Holllday,
Nicol, Kellly. Militant-, Ewing, 2; Tomney.
Basesbn balls Off Ewinj:, 5: off Mullanc, 2,
btrnck out By Ewing, 3: by Mntlanc, 3.
T ime or name One hour and 50 minutes.
Uinnlre Goldsmith.
A Combination of Error Gave the Game to
the BuckcTo Team.
Coltjhbcs, September 17. Columbus won
the game to-day by an unfortunate combination
of errors on tbe part of the Baltimores at times
when tbey counted for rnns. The visitors lay
their defeat to raw decisions on the part of the
umpire, hcorc
Columbus ..1 0 0 10 0 0
Baltimores 0 0 0 0 10 0
Ba-e hits Columbus. 5: Baltimores, 7.
3 S
trrors Columbus. 2: Baltimores, 5.
Three-ba6e1ilt Marr.
Stolen bases Columbus 4: Baltimores, 5.
Bases on balls Br Uastright 2: by Foreman, 5.
btruck out-By Gastrigbt, 8: by Foreman. 6.
Time of game Two hours and eight minutes.
Umpire Butler.
Asaocintlon Record.
l'cri Per
Won.Lost.Cti Wpn.Lost.Ct
Brooklyn 81 S7 .686 Clncinnatls.. .C3 5H .629
St Louts .73 43 .ra,KansaCltvs..49 68 .419
Baltlmorcs....C5 48 .575 Columbus 51 71 .418
Athletic 65 49 .670, Loulsvllles....;! 1)6 .200
McKcevnon Drfented by Yonntrstoirn.
Younqstown, September 17. The McKees
port club was defeated this afternoon by tbe
Youngstown team, ot the Ohio League. A
very large crowd was in attendance. The lead-
Ing feature ot the game was the fine fielding of
the home team. Bcore: ' '
McKcesport 0 202000004
YounRstowns 0 2 0 0 12 3 3 213
Base hits McKcesports, 11: Younjrstowns, 12.
Errors-McKeesports, 11; Xoung6towns, 2.
International Lenaae Gomes.
At Detroit Called by darkness
Detroits 2 1 0 4 1 S T 5-19
Hamilton I 31200007
At Toledo
Toledos 0 0000140 49
Buffalos 0 000000112
Tbat la the Pica Mr. IInmllton'n Lawyer
Enters Before the Conrt A Change
of Front on tho Part of
tome Person Involved
in tho Case.
Mats Landing, N. J., September 17
Mrs. Hamilton pleaded not guilty to-dav,
through her lawyer, Captain Perry, to the
indictment for stabbing her nurse. Her
lawyer did not want her to come into Court
in view of her highly nervous condition and
the fact that she will have to appear in
Court to-morrow at her trial. To-day she
indulged freely in morphine, not to accom
plish any desired result, but simply to sat
isfy her inordinate craving for the drug and
to-night she was seen resting in an easy
chair smoking cigarettes.
During the day she again sent a pressing
request to Mr. Hamilton to come and talk
to her, but he refused, saying that he was
advised by his attorneys not to hold any
communication with her. This negative
reply made the imprisoned woman weep
bitterly. Nurse Donnelly has all along
been vindictive toward the woman who
stabbed her, while Mrs. Eupp has played
the part ot good Samaritan up to the
present. But a change has come over
these two inhabitants of the cottage.
Mrs. Hamilton to-day sent to Mrs. Bupp
for some dresses she hid in her trunk, and
this morning it was said that the proprie
tress of the Noll cottage said she meant to
hold the imprisoned woman's effects as se
curity for Baby Beatrice's board. Then, on
the morning train, a bandbox was sent by
Nurse Donnelly to Mrs. Hamilton filled
with articles of underclothing. These words
were scrawled on the lid: ''Beatrice is 9
months old to-day, Tuesday, 17."
Prosecutor ot the Pleas Thompson to-day
discharged Mr. Hamilton as a State's wit
ness and canceled his bail bond, and right
on the heels of this announcement Hamil
ton was subpoenaed by Captain Perry to ap
pear as a witness for the deiense. Mrs.
Hamilton's attic window is in full view of
the hotel where her husband is
stopping. The case will be the
first called to-morrow morning, and the
testimony will be in and arguments of coun
sel concluded early in tbe afternoon. Mrs.
Hamilton passes her time in reading and
smoking cigarettes continuously. She was
informed to-day for the first time of the in
dictments which have been fonnd against
her in the New York Court, and broke down
Merer Granted to Quito n Number or the
Larr'a Victims.
Deee Paek, September 17. President
Harrison to-day granted a pardon to Ed
ward L. Fontain, ot the Southern. district of
Mississippi, sentenced to one year's impris
onment for breaking into the postoffice at
Broom Haven. His sentence would expire
November 15, 1880. The President also
passed on the following: James M. Leon
ard and Benjamin 'Watson, of "Wisconsin,
sentenced in 1880 to seven years and six
months for passing counterfeit and altered
bank notes. The sentence was commuted to
four years and they have the benefit of time
for good conduct. To O. E. Daniels, con
victed of selling oleomargarine in wholesale
quantities without a license, sentenced to
pay a fine of $500 and costs, a pardon is
Pardons were granted to B. Donnelly, of
Alaska, sentenced on the charge of burglary
to two years and six months' imprisonment,
and to Thomas Hale, of Tennessee,sentenced
April 12, 1883, to three years' imprisonment
for obstructing a deputy United States
marshal and deputy United States collector.
In the case of "W. Moore Youn?, of Califor
nia, sentenced February 21, 18S0, to one
year's imprisonment for violation of the rev
enue laws, the sentence is commuted to nine
months' imprisonment from the date of sen
Cntbolic LItcrnrv Organizations to be
Merced in One.
Last night a meeting important to litarary
clubs was held in St. Augustine's Hall,
Thirty-seventh street, the object of which
was to unite into one great league all the
Catholic clubs in Alleeheny county.
Bev. Fathers Lambing, Snehr, Moritz
and Irenaus were present, likewise three
representatives from each of the following
societies: St, Augustine's, St. Peter and
St Paul's Young Men's Cathedral Club,
St Mary's, of Pittsburg; St Mary's, of
Allegheny; St Aloysi and St. Anthony, of
Father Lambing was chosen chairman,
and A. "W. Leiber, secretary.
Messrs. Beck, Monsman.'Wagner.Loffller,
McCarran, Fenton and Leibler were ap
pointed a committee to draw up a preamble
and present the same at the next meeting,
which will be held on Tuesday next.
Largest Flannel Department in Plttobare.
You will find them now where the satines
and ginghams were. Flannels of every
possible sort all-wool flannels, from 18
cents a yard np to finest
J03. HORIfE & CO.'S
Penn Avenue Stores.
To-Day OMy.
Don't fail to take advantage of this offer
for to-day. "We will sell 400 men's elegant
silk-lined overcoats, full weight, at $8;
worth 525 of any man's money.
P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House.
Ovebhoit, Golden Wedding, Large,
Gibson and Dilliuger whisky for sale iu
large quantities by Geo. H. Bennett & Bro.,
135 First avenue, second door below Wood
Headquarters for "Holmes' Best" and
all the leading Pennsylvania ryes.
W. H. Holmes & Sox,
264 S. Clark st, Chicaso; 120 Water st and
158 First ave., Pittsburg. TS
Fine Unshrinkable Flannels for Underwear
White, gray, blue-gray, brown mixtures and
in sanitary natural wool all the best makes.
Penn Avenue Stores.
One of the finest displays at tbe Exposi
tion is that ot Max Klein, the "Silver Age"
man. mwp
All the best stocked bars keep Franen
heim & Vilsack's celebrated Pilsner beer on
draught Ask for it, or order it direct.
Telephone 1186.
Children's Day
Wanted to-day, 1,000 boys, ages 4 to 14
years, to be fitted nut with those suits we
are belling at $2 50, worth $5 and SG.
P. C. C. C. opp. the new Court House.
The most eminent physicians recommend
Klein's Silver Age as a "pure stimulant
"Holjies' Best" is guaranteed to be ab
solutely pure rye whisky fully and properly
matured. -wb '
To-Dny! To-Dnyl
50 styles of boys' suits, age 4 to 14, at
the low price of $2 50, worth $5 and (6.
P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House.
The Opening of the Grand Circuit
traces at the Metropolis.
She Wins a Good Stake by Taking the
Three Straight lieats.
Cortez Mates an Excellent Showing, lat is Beaten
by a Head.
The Grand Circuit meeting at Fleetwood
Park opened yesterday. Miss Alice carried
off the chief event of the day, Kingston
won' the big stake at Gravesend. but a trio
of other runners cave him a close chase.
New York, September 17. It was an
open question this morning whether the
driving club was to have the usual post
ponement for the inauguration of the Grand
Circuit at Fleetwood Park this afternoon.
When the sun appeared at short intervals
the prospects grew brighter, and the
track was in wonderfully good condition,
after the recent drenchlngs'. From 1 o'clock
to the time for calllnc the first raco tho specta
tors came from various points, some by rail via
Melrose, others in private carriages
Considering the uncertain state of the
weather, the attendance showed uncommon
interest In tbe sport The club members were
mustered in full strength, while well-known
turfites from near and far were to be seen
about the grounds. Captain R. V. Hunt, Sec
retary of the Island Park Association at Al
bany, said he had not seen enough trottinsr last
week to satisfy him and so had come to Fleet
wood, and John S. Cl3rk, of New Brunswick,
who has owned some fast and famous flyers,
made his first appearance since the grand cir
cuit opened.
There were quite a number of Brooklyn
horsemen, amone; them Arthur Benson, who
has officiated as starting judge at Hartford for
many years; F. T. Bedford, owner of Kitty
Patchen, an indefatigable roadster; J. F. Din
gee, who came to see bis favorite mare, Miss
Alice, in her first engagement at home; J. F.
Cornell, tbe well-known stable keeper who was
a close friend of Johnny Murphy, and many
By lsu o'clock the clubhouse was auvewitn
people, and as tbe rain still held off everybody
was on tho tiptoe of expectation to see the
flyers in battle array. It was the opinion of
many of those who make a business of follow
ing the circuit and investing their dollars on
tbe horses that Sprague Golddust would land
the Morrisania stake, while others thought the
young mare Miss Alice was fast enough to
beat him. It was generally agreed tbat the
issue was narrowed down to these two, and so
far the judgment was good.
Those who pinned their faith on tbe stout
stallion were doomed to disappointment, for
Miss Alice made short work of the affair, and
in three consecutive heats had covered herself
and her driver, E. C. Walker, with glory.
Though the race was a short one. it was by no
means dull or uninteresting, for Sprague Gold
dust was not to be beaten without a gallant
effort to assert his superiority.
The first saw the handsome mare in the leadi
all the way, for she drew the pole and got a
good start, bat in tbe next she had to fight for,
the lead, wbicb tbe stallion took at once, bui
after one of the most brilliant finishes evej
seen at tho track, got her head in first at tint
wire. The last heat found her mistress of the)
situation, for the stallion was not able to gel;
near ber at all, and sue came up tne mil anc
down tbe home stretch at a clip that left ai:
her onDonents far behind.
It was a great victory for a mare who has had
but a brief experience on the race track, and,
speaks well for tbe care and skill with which
Mr. Walker has bandied ber during this ber
first season on tbe turf. This is the sixth time
Miss Alice has started this year, and she has
now won three of her engagements, with
second money in the Fougbkeepsle stakes,
where Sprague Oolddust carried off the honors.
Her best mile to-day was in 222 in tbe third
heat, which she could have trotted faster bad
it been necessary, and considering the heavy
track it was equal to 220 under more favorable
The second event, for the 225 trotters, was
thought to be a pretty good thing for the Ken
tucky stallion Greeniander, but he was too late
to fight the race out, and after getting a beat
was unable to get to the front again, while the
black gelding Frank T proved too speedy for
tbe field. Frank T beat them easily in moderate
time. The .Electioneer mare, Morea. made her
first appearance in the Grand Circuit and
showed quite a lot of speed, which she was not
in shape to carry for a mile. It rained torrents
before the last, and the 2:32 class was postponed
till to-morrow.
Morrlslana stake, $3,000, 3:00 class
Miss Alice 1 1 1
Spranue Oolddust 2 2 ,:
.Tlmmv Temple 4 3 3
3 4
Belle Bradford
Time. 2:24, 2:22;f, 20Z.
2:25 elass -
Frank T 2
Greeniander 1
Isaquena.. 4
Violin 5
Morea 3
Kcnior. 6
Time, 2:23, 2:21X, 2:24X, 2:27.
5 Sdr
Kingston Defenta Los Angeles, Badge and
Cortez by n Bend.
Gkavesend, L. i., September 17. The first
day of the fall meeting of the Brooklyn Jockey
Club dawned with a cloudy sky. The wind,
tbe occasional moments of sunshine and the
frequent use of barrows went far toward dry
ing out the track, and at 1 o'clock the round
was considered very good. The meeting just
beginning bids fair to eclipse all other meet
ings ot the year. The Dwyer Brothers hate
gone away down in their money bags, and have
offered purses worth $92,000. With one or two
exceptions, the noted flyers of the season are
quartered here. At 1:30 rain began to come
down and continued at Intervals throughout
the afternoon. "With El Rio Reyout of the
Prospect stakes. It was nothing but a canter
for Reclare, and the backers of favorites were
jubilant. There was a great deal of disap
pointment manifested when it was seen that
El Rio Rey had been withdrawn. Mr. Winteis
will not allow him to face the starter until the
conditions are more favorable.
First race, five furlonpa Starters: Britannic,
Volunteer, Fordham, Madstone. Volunteer won
In 1:02H. Fordham second, Madstone third.
Second race. oneandone-elRhth miles Starters:
Strldeaway, Hlndoocraft, Joe Lee, Come to Taw.
J. A. B., Panama, Itupert. Strldeaway won In
1:M!, J. A. B. second, Joe Lee third.
Third race, three-quarters or a mile Starters:
Magnate, Caldwell. Tourn.mient, Torso, Heclarc.
Keclarc wonlnl:16& Magnate second. Tourna
ment third. ,.,...
Fourth race, Oriental handicap, one and one
fourth miles Starters: Kingston, Kaceland,
Exile, Los Angeles, Baogc. Cracksman, Tara
gon, Orlflamme. Joe Courtney. Cortez. .Kace
land, Kingston and Exile received applause. Tlie
bookmakers, however, evldentally thought there
were but two In it. Itaccl.ind opened at 2)tol
ana closed 9 to 5. Kingston's price remained ai J
to 1 throughout. At the third attempt off they
went with Cracksman, Orlflamme. Kingston and
Badge in front. They bunched beautifully In the
run to the stand, but Badge led by a scant length.
Badge was still leading a length at the half inne
frost, with Los Anucles and Cracksman
apped a length and a half before
Cortez. Kaceland was fifth, and that was as near
the rront as be could get throughout the race.
At the end of three-quarters Cracksman had
worked himself to tho front, but Badge and Joe
Courtney were at his quarters. Taragon headed
Cortez, Exile. Kingston and Joe Courtney. Orl
flamme and Kaceland were out of It. At the mile
Sost Badge and Los Angeles were on even terms.
Ingstonand Cortez were close up. From the
head of the. stretch to the wire It was a pretty
race. KJtlle. Kingston, Badge and Los Angeles
ran almost lapped, all under a drive. The great
crowd scarcely breated for a moment. Then as
the colored Archer (Murphy) 6lowly but surely
forged Kingston's nose In front and Massed under
the wire in that position, a mighty cheer rent the
air. for the Uwyer Brothers' great horse had won
the Oriental handicap of 18S9. The Ilnlsh was al
most an exact counterpart of the Brooklyn handi
cap, heads only separating the first four. 'Hie
official finish was: Kingston first, by a head
Los Angeles 6econd, a. head before Badge, who
was a head In Iron tor Cortez, who ran a remark
ably good race. Taragon wa3 next. Cracksman
Joe Courtney, Kaceland and Orlflamme followed'
Time. 2:12m.
Fifth race.
five-eighths of a
mile KtArtn..
Windsor, Ballet colt," Llslmony, Warsaw, Cort-
lana. xiucjiay, iiuuuu, ui, vutueiia, i;aruinc
Ltsbnony won In 1KH, Ballet colt second, Cora
land third. , v rq
Sixth race, eleven-sixteenths or a mile-Golden
Keel. Hubs, Vivid, Lctretla, Brldgelight. Peu
ham, Newburg. Zepbyms, King Idle, Wilfred
Vivid and Brldgelight ran a dead heat fur first
place in 1:52!, Golden Keel next. On the ruuoir
Vivid won In l:S. u
Following are the entries for the Brooklyn
Jockey Club races to-morrow:
First race, one mile Vermont Cartoon, Slug
gard, Tavistan, lis pounds each; Groomsman,
Philander, Fergus Philosophy, rsurnsidcl.OSeach;
Daylight, Stephenle, Gossy, 105 each.
Second race, mile and a sixteenth Bromomirte
1W pounds. Diablo 109, Bess 112, Princess Bow
ling 112, Little MInch lis. Bertha 104, Castaway It
Third race,- three-quarters of a mile Judire
Morrow, Oramercy, SamDoxev.JtaneDay.l'rodl-
fal Son, Gregory, us pounds each; Haste, Lnlla
lackburn, Eminence, 115 each.
Fourth race, one and ooe-eUlilh iniles-Cortez
107 pounds, Larchmont 107. Macbeth 11. 107,
Princess liowllnc 104. Bella. H ill.
fifth race, nve-elghtlu or a mile Klnpt William
10.1 pounds. Bavarian 110. Ballyhoo 102. Kenwood
105, Queen Toy 110, Blue Spring 86, Civil Service
115, lennesseean 105, St. James 108, Blpley 96,
Lizzie DIOCV Nomad 93, Mamie B 99.
Sixth race, three-quarters or a mlle-Casslus K2
pounds. My tellow 118. Eolo 123. St John 124,
Eleve 110, Sonriere 118, Gyda 10S, Ban Cloche 125,
Young Duke 121, Barrister 122; Connemara 118,
Bohemian 120; Jennie Macfarland 110, Vinai
grette 105.
Ue Knocked Slonx's Tlireo Victorler on the
Omaha, Neb., September 17. Pursuant' to
a call issued by President J. It McCormick, of
tho Western Baseball Association a special
meeting of its directors was held in this city
last njght in "Dick" McCormick's office Each
of tho four cities in tho directorship were rep
resented, Minneapolis by Sam Morton, Denver
by Dave Bowe, Sioux City by F. M. Dorsey,
and Mr. Morton representing St. Joseph by
proxy. The meeting was of a secret nature.
Tbe Minneapolis team was present during the
early part of the meeting, but when the direct
ors went into an official body their presence
was disposed of. It was learned, however, that
the dispute between the St. Paul and Minne
apolis clubs in reference to the guarantee
money which Morton refused to pay after one
ot tbe regular scheduled games at Minneapolis
was brought up for discussion, but tbe direct
ors refused to say what disposition was made
of the case.
Sam Morton, as the representative of tho St.
Joe', succeeded in.having the three postponed
games, lost by that team in Sioux City last
Sunday, thrown out on account of their il
legality. The point made was that according
to the constitution a postponed game is not
legal unless nine innings are played; as each
one of the postponed games played was of but
five innings, it was sustained. As to any other
matters which may have come up for consid
eration nothing could be learned.
Sullivan' Congressional Scheme.
Baltimore. September 17.Iake Kilraln,
when asked what he thought of John L. Sulli
van's candidacy for Congress, said he did not
think John had any show. He said be did not
see any use of John's running from Boston, as
tbey would not let him have an exhibition
there, and be thought the chances would have
been better in New York. Jake thinks John
has got the usual amount of intelligence, but
that the Congress business is only a funny
break. Ho says he is going to New York this
week to see if he can get together a good com
pany to glvo an exhibition in Baltimore and to
tour through tbe South.
A Good Outlook nt LonWvIIlc.
Louisvu-le. September 17. For the races
which begin Thursday tbe following stables
arrived to-day: Julius Bauer & Co., Baker,
from Montana; Milton Young, Clif Barker, A.
TV. Thnrman.T. J. Megibbcn, F. C. Kammerer.
Haje & Austin. R. W. Thomas, J. M. Young &
Co., P. Wimroer. Fleetwood. To-morrow w.
R. Letcher, Ireland Brothers, H. B. Durham,
Scogean Bros., P. Corrigau, John T. Clay.
These, with those already here, complete a list
of over 500 horses. The track will be in perfect
order and tbe entries for the first day promise
to be quite numerous.
Kllrnln to Have a Benefit.
New Yokk, September 17. Jake Kilraln is
to have a benefit in this city within a couple of
weeks. Frank Stevenson and several others
who are Interested in tho Baltimorean, are at
the head of tbe affair, but as yet none of the
preliminary arrangements have been made.
Dommick McCaffrey or pome other goodheavy
weicht will spar with Kilraln. Tbe managers
of the affair will lease the New York Circus for
the occasion if an equitablo arrangement can
be made.
A New Bond Necessary.
New Orleans, September 17. a Purvis,
Miss., special announces tbe sndden death
tbero of apoplexy of Robert T. Scarborough, a
prominent merchant and bondsman for Sulli
van, Kilrain and Renand. Scarborough's death
will necessitate tbe making of a new bond in
each case..
Plnkhnm Won.
Fresno, Oal., September 17. EL C. Pink
ham, of Stockton, Cal.. defeated Albert Snna
f trom, of New York, in a 100-yard swimming
contest, at Palace Baths bere, last night. The
match was for $250 and the gate receipts. Pink
ham's time was 1:06, which is said to be the
fastest ever made in America.
A New Railway to Snvo 300 Miles From
Chicago Westward.
PoKTLAND, Oee., September. 17. The
General Manager of the Midland Pacific
Railroad Company, of Sioux Falls, Dak.,
with his Chief Engineer and party, passed
through North Yakima this afternoon en
route for Seattle by way of the Natchess
pass. They le!t Sioux Falls in May for
Seattle, their destination. Mr. Nix has in
his party a topographer, and barometric ob
servations and notes have Ibeen made
throughout the whole line.
It is claimed that the line is 300 miles
shorter from Chicago to Puget Sound than
other transcontinental lines. The party
went up Natchess river, which flows into
the Yakima river at North Yakima.
"Work is rapidly progressing on Fair
Haven and Southern, which will complete
a continuous chain of railways along the
Pacific Slope from Canadian Pacific to
Mexican soil.
The Union Pacific will have connection
with Puget Sound before another year, and
has at last adopted a vigorous policy that
will carry its extension in tbe rich Coeur
d'Alena vast grain fields now tapped ex
clusively by the Northern Pacific.
Electricity Will Not Do for the Exccntlon
of Condemned Criminals.
LONDON, September 17. In a discussion
before the British Association on the sub
ject of electricity Mr. "W. H. Preecc, chief
electrician of the postofHce department, said
that the act recently passed by the New
York Legislature providing for the execu
tion of condemned murderers by electricity
would have to be rescinded. He claimed
tbat it was impossible to get a current of
sufficient intensity to kill a man with cer
tainty. He had experimented with an
enorrooui induction coil, and had tried with
a spark 20 inches long to kill a pig, but
could not.
He knew of several instances of persons
taking shocks, and who at the time were
supposed to have been killed, but who were
quite well afterward. He said that the sen
sational reports published in the newspa
pers about people being killed by shocks
from electric wires had, upon investigation,
been found to be nonsense.
Securing Glass Under Falso Pretenses.
Philadelphia, September 17. Will
iam B. Sitler, of the firm of Sitler & Co.,
No. 44 North Tenth street, this city, dealers
in glass, was arrested to-day and held in
g4,000 bail, charged with securing nearly
0,000 worth of goods from three glass firms
by ialse representations, and with the in
tention of defrauding them.
Everybody to Vote In Wyoming.
Cheyenne, "Wyo., September 17. In
the Constitutional Convention to-day the
Suffrage Committee reported in favor ol uni
versal suffrage. Campbell, of Laramie, sub
mitted an amendment tbat the woman
suffrage plank be submitted separately to a
vote of the people. This was lost by a vote
of 30 to 8.
A Delisbtful Excursion by Rail and Water
To Norfolk and Fortress Monroe, on Thurs
day next, via B. & O. R. R. Bate $10 lor
the round trip.
THOMPSON On Wednesday, September
18. 188S1. at 12:15 a. m., John C. Thompson, at
his residence, Etnsworth. Pa.
Notice ol funeral hereafter,
The Doughty Governor Calls Sccre-
tary Noble an Obscnre Man.
One Hundred People Who Heard Him Will
Swear That He Said It.
And Settles Down to Work like a Bearer to Secure Bis
Governor Foraker is trying to explain by
denying a break he made in a speech at
Springfield, in which he is reported bv the
stenographer as calling Secretary Noble"an
obscnre member of the Cabinet." At least
100 affidavits, it is claimed, could be pro
cured in proof that he did use those exact
Speinopield, O., September 17. A
meeting of the 6. A. E. 'Brigade of the
Eighth Congressional district was held here
Saturday. There was a good attendance of
veterans. Governor Foraker was present,
and was the big drawing card. Other
speakers were present, but, of course, For
aker's address was the speech of the day.
The Governor spoke of the superiority of
the Government of our country and of the
resulting blessings, and followed with
praises of the Union soldiers, launching
forth in a graphic description of the suffer
ings endured by them, particularly in
Southern prisons. He said be bore no
malice toward any human being, inclnding
even Jeff Davis, but there was one thing he
could not forget and forgive, and that was
the treatment received by Union soldiers in
Southern prison pens.
fobakeb's exact bbeak.
Governor Foraker made a forcible speech
in favor of granting the old soldier pen
sions. From this he ran on to Corporal
Tanner. The following are his exact words:
"That good, gallant and moit beloved no
legged soldier, Corporal Tanner, has been
removed from his position for what reason
we know not, but we propose and are going
to know why he was removed. If Tanner
does not go back I want a man put in his
place who will carry on business in the
same style. It is evident that an obscure
member of the Cabinet, who was never
heard of before his elevation to that posi
tion, has been instrumental in removing
Mr. Tanner from office."
This part of his speech was sent out to
only one or two papers. It was published
iu the Cincinnati Enquirer Monday. For
aker denied it in the Cincinnati Times-Star,
stating in very mild terms that he had been
misquoted. An investigation was instituted
here at once.
were easily found who would make affidavits
that the speech, part of which is quoted
above, was correctly reported and published.
Mayor W. B. Burnett, G. B. Flaggs,
Charles H. Berry and others are among the
Foraker, after the delivery of the speech
here, requestedthe only reporter he saw to
exclude irom his report the references made
to Secretary of the Interior Noble. His
reason for doing this was that Noble's
brother is Henry C. Noble, a millionaire
Republican of 'Columbus. O. He has been
a very warm friend and able supporter of
Foraker, and the Governor doubtless
thought that he would get the shake if the
uncomplimentary allusions to Secretary
Noble became public, and thereby his
chances to secure a re-election would be
Working Like a Beaver, Night nnd Dnr, to
Secure Ills Election.
Petersbubo, "Va., September 17. Gen
eral Mahone says that he is much encour
aged at the prospects for his election to the
Governorship of Virginia. He is working
like a beaver, night and day, and during
the past week he has been in conference
with some of the leading members of bis
wing of the party in the State. General
Mahone has increased his corps of assist
ants, and is flooding theState with political
campaign documents, a wagon load of which
was sent to his honse to-day from a printing
office in this city. The Mahone wing of the
Bepublican party here will commence next
week the publication of a campaign weekly
newspaper. It is to be printed 'at one of the
newspaper offices in this city, and will be
ably edited. "What the sheet will be called
has' not yet been .determined.
The anti-Mahonites will hold a confer
ence at the Exchange Hotel, in Bichmond,
on 1st of October, to decide upon some line
of action for their party to take in the cam
paign. Aleader of the party here was
asked to-day by The Dispatch correspond
ent what action he thought the conference
would take, and his reply wasthey had half
a dozen plans in view, but which one would
be decided upon he could not tell. He said
that he thought the conference would be at
tended by about 200 members of the party.
The Democrats throughout the Stateare
thoroughly aroused, and from all sections
the most encouraging reports are being re
ceived. Everywhere Democratic clubs are
being organized, and in the counties the
people are enthusiastic for the election of
Phil McKenny, the Democratic candidate
for Governor.
How a Colored Sailor Iind Onco Drank Oat
a Whole Barroom.
Every one who has taken a ride around
the boulevard is familiar with the little
white cabin near the bridge on the east
side, says the Brunswick (Ga.) Times. In
that cabin lives a negro man by the name of
Bosen, who has followed the sea almost all
his life, and can relate some amusing ex
periences. ...
On one occasion, Bosen says, he had just
returned to New York from a voyage to
China. His pockets were lined with money,
the iruits ol his toil on the ship. With
nautical instinct, his steps turned toward a
place of amusement. In a back alley of the
great metropolis an Irishman kept a bar.
It was run on a very small scale, one keg of
whiskv nnd a few bottles of bear comprising
his stock in trade. To this saloon Bosen
proceeded, and offered to wager Mike that
he could drink him out by night
"Now," savs Mike, "I say thatyou can't
do any such thing. If you drink all in that
kee you can have it, by Saint Patrick!"
"I'll do it," said Bosen. Bosen had pre
viously, however, placed a small quantity
of salt under his tongue for the purpose of
deadening the effect of the liquor. With
this precaution he placed his mouth to the
faucet and turne'd the "bug juice" loose.
At last Bosen let go. "Now," said he,
"see how much is lelt." Mike obeyed, and
to his surprise all the contents were gone.
"It is empty 1" veiled he; "get out of here,
you black ape, I'll kill yon." Bosen took
the hint, and created considerable surprise
when he boasted to his shipmates that he
had drank out a whole barroom.
America's champion "Big Foot John"
has been unearthed in the wilds of North Car
olina, and he has his shoes made in Philadel
phia. He Is a divine and a gentleman of color,
being properly known as the Rev. John W.
Farnham, pastor of tbe Jlethodin Episcopal
Uhnrch at Charlotte. Tho size of his boot is
35K. which necessitates a sole of 20 inches in
length and 7 Inches broad. Rev. Farnham
stands 6 feet 10 inches in his sizeable stocKings
and weighs 410 pounds when stripped of his
impediments. -
IP'V :
For Wet tern
Pennsylvania and
followea by colder,
clearing weather,
northwesterly winds.
For Ohio and In
diana, fair, clearing
weather in Ohio; northwesterly winds; no
change in temperature.
PrrrsBrKO, September 17, 1889.
The United States Signal Service offlcer'ia
this city lurnisnes tee following:
Time. Tir.
8:00 a. V. .1..07
B.-00 K l.....GU
1.-00P. V
2:03 r. M , 69
war. u .,..
Mean temp eg
Maximum temp.... 70
Minimum temp.... 63
ganice, t
Precipitation. 3j
sr..M es I
Elver its r. JJ.. 6.1 feet, arise or 0.6 feet in U
River Telegrams.
rsrzcTAi. th,tqsams to thi uisrATcn.i
Waerkx River stationary at low water
mark. Weather cool with rain.
Ueownsvtlle River 4 feet 6 inches and
rising. Weather rainy. Thermometer 72s at
6 p.m.
MoBCANTOWir River 3 feet 6 inches and
stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 63
at p. K.
The Merging of All American Engineers'
' Societies is Considered.
Tbe Engineers' Society met last night in
their rooms in tbe Penn building and dis
cussed tbe advisability of joining the
American Society of Civil Engineers, of
New York.
Colonel Boberts thought the idea of merg
ing all societies into one central organiza
tion an excellent one, provided the identity
ot each was not lost in the movement, and
he hoped to see it accomplished.
Prof. Langley was opposed to tbe propo
sition. 4
Mr. Scaife moved that a committee of
three be appointed to confer with the Amer
ican society's committee and report to the
Pittsburg society from time to time. His
resolution was agreed to, and Messrs. Scaife,
Langley and Boberts were appointed 03 the
Mr. .Davis reported that the committee
appointed to secure quarters in a fire-proof
Duitatag ana consider the proposition to oc
cupy rooms jointly with the Microscopic
Society and Amateur Photographers' So
ciety, would make arrangements for the
joint occupancy of fire-proofrooms.
Henry Taylor Accaied of Catting
Children for Fan.
Henry Taylor was sent three months to
the workhouse'yesterday, on a charge of
cruelty to his family. Taylor lives on Fifth
avenne and, it is said, he subjects his. three
small children to all kinds of cruelty! He
has cut them on the hands and arms with a
knife for the mere pleasure of giving them
Entirely Too Tenly.
Agent O'Brien, of the Humane Society,
and Inspector Lippert, of Allegheny, last
evening condemned 20 calves, from 2 to 6
days old, which had been shipped from the
Sewickley Dairy Farm to the Woods Bnn
stock yards. Mr. O'Brien threatens to pros
ecute those who are guilty of sending calves
so yonng to market for butchering.
Threw an Ax Into R Crowd of Boys.
Joseph Cribbage, a partly demented man
living on Magee 'street, Eleventh ' ward,
threw an ax into a crowd. &l boys who where
teasing him. It struck Joseph Callin, 9
years, inflicting serious injuries. The doctor
in attendance will not pronounce the boy
out of danger yet. Cribbage was arrested
and placed in jail. '
k. A. .v
EICEEOS 100.000
ovLrtbeiTESAi, depot: ro a tbe'cjcted
states. uxroifASQUABSse.Eisr.jfrasT.
se4-13-WF 3
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.
131 Filth avenue.above Kmithneld, next Leader
ofnee. (No delay.) Established UJ years.
. jdj&tsstoix:
ADULTS, 25c. ..
Have you usedc
astf Pfl have it euj sew.
Softens and Preserved aH klnda
t of Leather.
Aakfar O, aad do not g nptfflron get It, ssd job
vlfl bo weS xewszued.
Bold by Shoo Storey Grocers, Dmagirti, a-
Fcf Harnoaa it fa imaqnalod.
"inaa a short rt.binov.nnt. .!.. i
the chest, short breath, andl felt tired all the
!ime' . $., X K weaker I suffered with
those terrible night sweats. My father took mo
to JO physicians who said I could not be cured.
I doctored with many physicians, but cot
no better. After U years ot suffering; I began
treatment with the physicians of the Catarrh,
and Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn avenue, to
whom I owe mv recovery. Mvrnnt.hu mn.
t t....... .... ji..uu. i zf a .1. .-.o
Auoveuu UU21UCW, ringing in me ears, nead
ache or night sweats any more. The pain and
soreness in my stomach have lett me. .My food
digests well, so tbat now no gas form in my
stomach. Mr throat used to be so sore I could
hardly swallow. That Is cured. I feel well
and strong; and wby should I not praise these
doctors for thus saving me from such an un
timely deathr MISS LYDIA MOBfJAN. Kear.
sarge st, near Virginia, on Mt Washington.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley.ladles' consul tine physician
at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, SB
Penn ave. Thev cure Catarrh. Dyspepsia and
Diseases of Women. Consultation ires to alL
Office hours, 10A.M. to 4 p. at, and S to8r.
x. Sundays, 12 to 4 P. H. ' sel3-K.WT
For sale by all dealers. Hone senaine without
hone stamped inside. lUdetjWM.ATEisASoira,'
ThU&dJL. who make the strong &-A. Hone BUnketoa,
This week we commence the manu
facture of our celebrated Ales and '
Porter and shall be pleased to promptly v
fill all orders. . - i
Vfe shall put up In half and quarter J
barrels a special article for family use.
sell-12 .
Anchor specialties. Catarrh
Remedy, Rheumatic Remedy. Kid
nevRemedv. Dvsnensia Remedr.
Beef. Wine and Iron. Reef Winn
Iron and Cocoa. Cod Liver Oil,
BarsapariUa, Liver Pills. Liniment,
and extra large strengthening
plasters. We have thousands of
testimonials from people who have used the '
Anchor Remedtes and all commend them as
belnfrtbe best preparations In tbe market. We
guarantee satisfaction in all cases where tao
uirections are carefully followed. sel8-MWF
LDREN, 15c. ,
7 SrBym VJrnk,
5 f -
f -J