THE HTTSBTJRa DISPATCH. , WEDNESDAY, SEPEMBER'l 188ftS SIX IN SEVEN WEEKS. One More Lynclrinjr. Added to Lomj List in West Virginia. the A MIXED MOB OF MAD MINERS String Dp a Colored Criminal and Riddle Ilim With Bullets. ALL THE SEWS FROM XEAEBI TOWXS ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DtSrXTCB.1 Charleston., "W. Va., September 17. The sixth lynching occurring in "West Vir ginia in the past seven weeks was enacted about two miles Irom Bramwell and near Princeton, the county seat of Jlercer, just, before noon Saturday The victim of the mob was Samuel Garner, a colored roan, who on last Friday attempted an assault on a 9-year-old daughter of "William Johnston, a resident of Bramwell. The girl made her es cape from the ncsro and informed her father or what had occurred. Soon a party of armed men were in pursuit of Garner, and he was speedily captured and taken before Justice Main ell, who, after a hearing, during which Garner made a confession, held him for the cominq; scion of the jp-aud jury in November. A blicnffs pose. armed wuh rifles and re Tolvcrs, at once took charge of Garner ana started with him to Princeton. There was in tense excitement atBramwell and all along the road toward the county scat as Garner was taken along, and it became evident long before the jail was reached Garner would not live many minutes should he fall into the hands of the people. About two miles east of Blucfielil coal mines the mob. which had been following the poie, and which hid been augmented by auout 4U wnite and colored miners, maae a con certed rush, overpowered the guards and in a moment Garner was in their hands. Not a moment w as lost. A rope was hurriedly pro cured lrom a neighboring stable and a noo-e being quickly made it vias placed arouDd Garner's neck. 1 he prisoner seemed paralyzed with fear and could only roll his ejes in terror and mutter broken exclamations and groans. A few rods from where the capturcwas madeasuitable tree was found by the roadside and Garner was pulled hd to a projectmgliuib. He was hauled richt up off the ground in regular Western vigilance committee Mje, auu as uc owni. i choked to death his struggles and contortions were horrille. About tbe time the body be came still some one firedarevolverat the swa mg form ana this was the signal for a fiWIado lroui all sides, probably a score of bullets strik ing: the body. At last accounts Garner bad not been cut down. Nearlj half the mob was coin posed of colored people, and they were as actn c as the whites in euding Garner's career. DAUIXG HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Three Tramp Gnc n Young Man and Strip Him of Hi Clolblnc Yoek, September 17. A most daring high way robber has been nerpetrated b) three tramps. Ajounginauabout 20 jears of age mined Pins Myers, w bile passing along South Pine street, in this city, about 10 o'clock, when in front of the Park Opera House, was seized bj the ruffians, w ho, pointing a revolver in his face, forced him to be silent They soon placed a gag over his mouth atid led him to the old fair grounds, where they compelled him to disrobe. One of the tramps then placed bis own ragged outfit at Mjers' disposal while he made use of the letter's good suit. The tramps then led their captive back to the spot w. here they halt ed him, aud with a parting admonition tore main quiet about tbe affair, allow ed him to go lmtne. The young man was so frightened that he repaired home, but said nothing abont his adventure until jesterdav. when he disclosed the fact 10 his parents. Information was then gncn to the police. Yesterday afternoon, when icveial of the officers were sitting at their headquirter two tramps were seen coming down North George street. A searching glance disclosed the fact that one of the men was wearing the stolen suit. The officers ar rested the man, and when he was brought face to face with young Mjers be was coeapletely identified as the person who held the re voher in Myer'sface. The arrested partv is i oung, and claims Cumberland county as'his home. BERKS REPUBLICANS. Tliellisli and the Anti-High Factions Still Dmpate Over the Primaries. Reading, September 17. The air is full of claims and counter claims regarding the results of Saturday's Republican primaries. The anti-High men claim that they have not been beaten, and that High will not be able to dic tate who shall compose the delegation to tbe next State Convention, while the High men claim that their majority is so great that they will be able to do whatever they think fit with regaia to the State delegation ana ever thing elc that shall come before tbo conwntion. Frank S. Livingood, County Chairman, sars thev will concede only IS districts as certain for High while thev claim 28. The High people are still talking of having two to one, but some or them admit the com ention w ill be close. A number of prominent Repub'ican politicians w ere in town to-day and they are laying plans lor an all week fight. The soldier element are vorkmg like Beavers agamt High as well as several other coteries that have hitherto had a gool deal of influence in county affairs, and it Is evident that even if they are beaten the molt will be quite large as tonumberand influence. In this city the footing up of tbe total vote cast shows that the anti-High people had about 100 irajont, although they did not get a majority of the delegates. A RAILROAD THIEF ARRESTED. Over $15,000 Worth of Freight Pilfered From Ibc Heading. Xorristowx, September 17. Charles Will iams has been lodged in the county prison here to await trial on the charge of robbing freight cars on the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road, and four foreigners, T. Wisnicski, Felix Pudorski. Tan Mackicoones and Frank Cylka, have been locked up as witnesses against him. Willuins was arrested at Port k'onnsHr w here he w as delivering stolen goods to Polish and Italian laborers at that point. Tbe goods had been bought by tbe foreigners and w ere to be paid for on delivery. Detectives Hamlin and Samuel Cubler, of the railroad detective force, who have for a long time been after the pilferers of freightcars, made the arrest. Some of the articles found m Williams' possession were taken fiom a case of goodi consigned to Comly Wncht. in Norriston. The railroad has had about 515,000 worth of goods stolen Irom the cars within several months. A FORTUNE TO SHARE. One More Town Built on Lnnd Belonging to somebody EUe. ,'RrfCIAL TEIXGIEAU TO THE DISFATCIM LIMA, O., September 17.-Hank Monroe Tal bot, tbe well known colored barber and sani tar policeman of this citj, is thought to bo the missing heir to a fortune of 5,000,000, The property was originally owned by his father and consists of real estate upon which 30 acres of Logansport,Ind.,1s located. He has em- - ployed counsel to prove h.s claim. Tbe other heirs, 10 children in all, have already employed Congressman Hall, of Denance. O., to prose cute their claims and have received an offer of 55,000,000. from the different railroads enterin" Logansport as payment for tho lands occupied bv their tracks, depots and freight bouses The obstacle in the waj bas been tbe missine beir. a son named Henry, who had been lost sight of by the other heirs. Henry Talbot says he can fully establish bis identity and if he does so will get his share of tho immense tortunr The State Firemen'. Convention. rerzciAL telegram to thk dispatch.! Caumsle. September 17.-Thc Pennsdvania State Firemen's Convention, composed of some 300 delegates, met in session here to-day. The address of welcome was delivered by Mayor Cornman, who was followed by the Preoident. Bert McAllister, of Bradford. Tho grand pa rade will take place Thursday Eighty compa nies from throughout the State will be in line, and some 60 bands of music will be here. The convention is the largest ever held. Ad Attempt nt 5-nicldr. IFrECTM. TELEGRAM TO THE UISPATCn.l FltAKKUX. September 17. Dr. William F. McCormick, Alderman of the Third ward, attempted to commit suicide this evening by shooting himself through the heart. Ho missed that organ, but inflicted a wound that will cause his death. There is no known cause for tbe act. Quite n. Fire nt "Wllkcbnrrr, ISITC1AL TELEGUAK TO T1IE DISrATClI.l Wilkesbabbe, September 17. A Are this moraine destroyed Lord's carriage shops, "William Bright's machine shop and dwelling. B. Davis' blacksmith shop and William Lore's dwelling. Loss, $25,000; insurance, 11,000. tVEX MOKE fKSSATIO.VAL. An Attempt to Rcacue the Kicelja nt the Hour of aildnlaht. lErECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DlSFATCrM Someeskt, September 17. The startling features'of the Nicely boys' escape, shooting of Deputy Sheriff McMillan, and the subse quent recapture of the desperadoes, become more sensational every hour. The town was aroused at midnight last nlcht by an attempt at rescue of the Nicelys, but a heavy guard being aronnd the jail a dozen or so of shots caused tbe rescuers to disappear in tbe dark ness. Tbe arsenal of nearly a dozen of re volvers and several hundred rounds of ammu nition found in the jail and on tbe prisoners continues to be he subject of great w onder. The revolvers were all new, apparently just out of the gunstore, and were of approved Smith A Wesson patent. This morning a squad of blacksmiths visited the jail and chimed some six or eight of the most danger ous inmates to the floor. It has just been learned that the rain last nielit 'prevented an attempt at lynching of the Niceljs. It seems that several hundred farm ers organized to marcn upon tbe jail lor the purpose of taking out the Nicelys and a number ot the other desperadoes, including Lehr, of Pittsburg and stringing them up. The extreme darkness of the night and a very heavy rain tended to di-perse the mob. It is extremely hard to sav what will develop within tbe next 21 hours. Much will depend on the condition of Deputy Sheriff McMillan. Me now lie very badly wounded, and should he die. it will go hard with tbe prisoners. THE COMMISSION IkEARLr UEADY To Make tbo Finnl Payments to the John. Iowa Miu'V.rer. If rECIAL TELEGHAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Jon:STow. September 17. Secretary Kre mer is here, and he expects, with the assistance of the Board of Inquiry, to have the accounts in shape within three weeks to begin paying out the money. The 51,600,000 appropriated by tbe commission will be the final cash payment that will be made here. What surplus remains will bo applied in settling accounts and the remain der turned over to the Finance Committee here. Of the six cli-ses into which the suffer ers were divided. 125,000 will bo required to make final payments into classea 1, 2 and 3 To class 4. belne Umse whose losses were practical ly total, $1,200,000 was appropriated. Class 5 consists ol those who have sustained partial losses, but whose circumstances are such that they are not wholly dependent upon this charity for a fresh start in life. To these was appropriated 275,000. Class 6 was composed of those who were not regarded as in need ot relief, and nothing will be given to them, except those who lost less than 1,000 will be put in class 5. Secretary Kremer will have full control of the distribution by authority of the commis sion, and will be assisted in the work by the Board of Inquiry. No one in class 4 will receive over SlO.OOu, nor will any in class 5 be given over 5,000, but there will be very few in either class to receive an amount anything near as large as the limit. A SWEDE'S SUICIDE. McKecsport Stnrtled by n Well-Known Citizen Tnklnc Hi Own Life. IfPEClAI. TELEGKAM TO TUB DISPATCH. 1 McKeesport, September 17. John Goron son, a well-known Swedish citizen, suicided at his home on Locust street at 1 o'clock this morning by hanging himself to his bedpost The sad affair caused great excitement in that neighborhood. No cause can be assigned for the art, except that he has been ill for some time and became melancholy and low spirited because he conld not work. The rope he used to strangle bmelf with was but Wo feet long after it was tied around bis nock. When tound his feet rested on the bedstead and the head and body burg over it. beinc sop ported oy the rope about the neck. The de ceae1 leaves a wife and six children. He was 41 years of age and a knobblcr by trade. He resided here for several years. LOCAL ITEMS. LIMITED. Incidents ofn Day in Tito Cities Condensed for Ready Rending. Yesterday before Alderman Flacb. of Car son street, Mrs. Catherine Bcedcn, colored, lodged informations against Fred Klink, Thomas Brean. Charles Klink, Peter Kealv aud Richard Kealy for malicious mischief. Mrs. Heeden claims that defendants came to her house, tore down her vines, broke in her door and window shutters, and otherwise in jured her property. Walter H. Wagner, who was arrested in Court last Saturday morning on a charge of bigamy, bad his hearing before Alderman Mc Wasters yesterday. In default of $500 bail he w a sent to jail for Court. Wagner is tbe man who was claimed as husband by two women in Court Josephine Benkwski, of Cleveland, left her husband several weeks ago, in company with a strange man. Her husband located her on Noble street Southside. where ho says she keeps a disorderly house. The husband made an information before Alderman Hartman. The body of Robert Reeves, who died in the jail on Sunday, is at the morgue. Among his friends was F. M. Retzell. of Ohio, rjnmnor McDowell telegraphed him to acquaint Reeves' friends. The Coroner received a very unsatis factory answer from the gentleman. An expressman named Edward Mascbmier, was employed last evening to haul a trunk from No. 9i Wylio avenue, to a certain house on Penn avenue. He forgot tbe number on Penn avenue, and wound up by damping the troublesome trunk at Central station. A German, with his wife and two children, applied for loaging last night at tho Thirtieth ward station. The man stated that while en route from Chicago to Greensburg, Pa., they either lost or had stolen, what Uttle money was in then possession. Alexander Gleeman and George Kline were yesterday arrested for housebreaking on Center avenue. Both Gleeman and Kline am bojs, and this is tbe second time they have been arrested. Justice Gripp held them for Court The children under the care of the Society for tho Improvement of the Poor who are at the Oakmont Home, will return to-morrow A large number of colored children will then be sent out for the last term. TnE new abutment supporting the north span of the Panhandle bridge has been com pleted, and the Baltimore and Ohio will now be able to relay its tracks so as to approach its depot on a straight line. .MAYOR Pearson has ordered that tho shanty boats on the north side of the river are to be removed within ten days. The Mayor declares the boats are a public nuisance. Agents, acting for Congressman W. L. T&& $?& Dytpepiia's Victims are nunibcicd by thou sands. Do not continue in misery, but give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. Tbe many re markable cures it bas effected warrant us in urcing it upon your attention if you sutler from indigestion, sick headache, biliousness or other stomach disorders. Be sure to get Hood Securus JUDICAT ORBIS TERRARUM." Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." The filling at the Apollinaris Spring in Rhenish Prussia) amounted to 11,894,000 bottles in 1887, and 12,720,000 bottles in 1888 Of dtt Grtcm, Drugsitts, a nd Mineral WaUr Vialtrs. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS hmmmM lk&2& Scott are dickering for more coal lands in For ward and Itostraver townships. They have re ceived a 90-day option on 1,$5Q acres. Mrs. Sarah Huffma-. of Birmingham, bas been sued by Jacob Duran for stealing coaL Alderman Hartman issued a warrant f or, her arrest. Last week 20 persons died in the old city. 23 in the East End, 13 on the Southside and. 9 in tbe hospitals. IIORSFOKU'S ACID PHOSPHATE Imparts New Energy to the Brain, Giving the feeling and sense of increased in tellectual power. 100 Flccei Latest Styles Fancy French Flannels For wrappers and tea gowns in this biggest flannel department JOS. HOKNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. To-Day Only. Don't fail to take advantage of this offer for to-day. "We will sell 400 men's elegant silk-lined overcoats, full weight, at $8; worth $25 of any man's money. P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House. All the leading brands of Pennsylvania whiskies in bond, on tax paid. "W. H. Holmes & Son, 2C4 S. Clark st, Chicago: 120 "Water st and 158 First ave., Pittsburg. WS Embroidered Skirting Flannel An Immense Mock In white and colors, in both silk and wool embroidery, in white and hizh colors. JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. I "WILL pack neatly in o box and ship anywhere ior 55, six bottles of pure Guck enheimer, Gibson, Finch or Overholt, 6 years old, or one quart for 51. Max Klein, 82 Federal st, Allegheny. jiwf Nobby Children's Soils. To-day, nobby children's suits, worth f 5 and ?C, at 52 50. P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House. Ladles' salt Parlor. Early-fall street suits. Paecels & Jones, 29 Fifth avenue. FOB indigestion no remedy is so apt to afford immediate relief as Klein's Silver Age Rye. Jiw A reliable stimulant, "Holmes Best." WS . fllnrrlngo Licenses Granted Yesterday. Name. Kealdence. Nicholas Malter Pittsburg Marie Furlo Pittsburg ( William Doud Pittsburg i AnnaL. Becker Pittsburg (John Hormunjr , rlttsburg Gertrude Eberliardt Pittsburg JOeorpe W. Hopkins Allegheny Ellzabetn K. Hufnagle Green 'Irce borough J Itobert 31. Marshall .. Forrest county I Mary V. Marshall Allegheny 1 Lorenz Kramer Bllllvale J Antonla Schuering JMlllvale (Lconlioger Federal 1 Lorenza Potl Federal f Emtle Strank Allegheny ( Lizzie Kuederle Allegheny (William H. Allen AVilklnsburg Lottie Kline Wilkinsburg (Robert Franklin Allegheny (Johanm llrnulck Allegheny Albert Tiblcr Pittsburg (Tlllie George Pittsburg (Harry E. bclnvartz Indiana Hattie Cutler '. Beaver Falls (HughGimiand Pittsburg i Ann J. bkelton Pittsburg (William A. Hall Chartiers township ( Lizzie A. McCartney Chartiers township DIED. BROWN-On Monday, September 16, 1SS9, at 10.30 P. n., Huori, son of James and the late Rachel Brown, in the 19th year of bis age. Funeral from his father's resldnce,42 Harlin avenue, Tenth ward, Allegheny, on Wednes day, September 18, at 10.30 A. M. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend. EATON At parents' residence. No. 823 Fifth avenue. Tuesday, September 17. at 1 o'clock A. M Charles L.. son of George L. and Nancy Eaton, aged 5 years and 3 months. A light lias from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant at our hearth That never can be filled. Little Charlie was our darling, Pride of both 0 jr hearts and home; But tbe angels came and whispered, Little Charlie do come home. From adverse blast and lowering storm His favored soul they bore, And with yon bright angelic form3 Ho lives to die no more. Funeral at 6 A. it, Thursday. Interment private. HAMILTON-At tbe Home for Aged Women, Wilkinsburg. Pa., on Tuesday, Sep tember 17, 1SS9, at 3 p. jr., Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, in her 78th year. Funeral services will be held at tbe'Home on Thubsdat, September 19, at 2 p. jr. HAY On Tuesday morning, September 17. at &30, Carrie E., only daughter of Hugh R, and Caroline Boos Hay, aged 8 years 1 month 22dajs. Death songht our happy home. And called to peace and rest; Our Carrie dear, we loved so well. Has joined the throng of blessed. Funeral from parents' residence, 453 Cedar street. Sixteenth ward. Wednesday, Septem ber 18, ar 2.30 P. M. Friends of the family re spectfully invited to attend. MASTERSON-On Tuesday, September 17, 1S69, at 6 30. Miss Lizzie Masterson, daugh ter of Elizabeth and Thomas Masteison. aged 19. Funeral THURSDAY, September 19, at 9 A.M., from her parents' residence, Mary street, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth streets. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. NAATZ On Tuesday, September 17, 18S9. at B.3UA. M., MARGAKKTHA J1EKMINA, daughter of Charles and Sallie Naatz, nee Ryan, aged 2 years and C months. Funeral Wednesdat, September 1S.18S9, at 2r.iL, from residence of parents, 7 Lombard street, Eleventh ward, city. Friends of the family are invited to attend. TURNBULL Suddenly at his residence Mansfield. Pa., Mondav, September 16, 1SS9 Ralph Tcrkbull, in his 62d year. Friends are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral at Presbyterian Church, Mansfleld, at 2.30 P. M., WEDNESDAY, 18th Inst, MASTERSON On Tuesday. September 17 18S9, at 630, Miss Lizzie Masterson, daughl ter of Thomas and Elizabeth Matterson, aged 19vears. Funeral Thursday afternoon, Septem ber 19, at 2.30, from her parents residence, alary street, between Thirty-third and Thirty, fourth. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. WOLNER Monday, September 18. at 10 p jr., Sadie, dauchter of George aud Martha Wolner, in tbe20th year of ber age. Funeral services Wednesday at 1130 a. m. at the residence of her uncle, F. K. Duff, Fair oaks, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Raili road. Interment later in Allegheny Cemetery. ANTHONY MEYER, (Successor to Mcj er, Arnold & Co., Lim 1 UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1131 Penn avennc. Ti.. phono connection. mylO-B9-Mvrsu JAMES M. FULLERTO, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. ap27-82-WFSu FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE OUT FLOWERS AND SMILAX A. M. ' J. B. MURDOCH. Ci A SMITHFIELD ST. OlYJ Telephone 429. de6-flnwj- JOHN R. &A. MURDOCH, Offer the choioest flowers and floral work in any desired stylo. 508 Smithfield Street. Telephoned. st3 jtw, pEl'KEbENTELi.rjS"PiTTaiJUROr Hi JLSU ASSETS - . 19X71,69633. Insurance Co. of North America. lxsses adjusted and paiu oy WILLIAM L JONES.! ot.rourtn avenue. - u20-82-n NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OUR NEW GOODS QPENED. The late purchases of our Mr. Wattles have been received and opened. Wo think we show the handsomest assortment of goods in the city. We cordially invite your, inspection at our NEW STOKE, 37 FIFTH AVENUE. WATTLES &SHBFER, JEWELERS. se6-MW7 ' ATTEND THIS WEEK A CARPET SAL GREAT DIMENSIONS. 9,864 yards Moquettc, 9,973 yards Body Brussels, 5,612 yards Velvet, 18,784 yards Tapestry, 26,898 tards Ingrain, 833 yards Axtninster MAkESA BARE OPPORTUNITY to cover your floors. None but ex perienced carpet makers and lay ers engaged. This with the entire winter stock of J. B. Anderson put on sale this week makes a busy place hero. CARPET SACRIFICE SALE. T, M, LATIMER, 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. se!8 arwTSu EXPOSITION EXHIBIT IN NORTHWE8T END OF MAIN BUILDING. Goods there displayed but a small sample of the stock we carry. VISITORS In particular will do well to call at our warerooms and see what preparations have been made for the fall trade. P. C. Schoeneck, 711 LIBERTY ST. PITTSBURG. N. B. A complete stock of Furniture, Up holstery and Bedding. sel5-wsu LADIES' FALL-WEIGHT UNDER WE AE! Just received a large line all weights m LADIES' RIBBED UNDERWEAR. One lot of Ladies', French Ribbed Balbripptn Vests, H. N. L. B extra fitting garment, only 85c LADIES' FRENCH RIBBED MERINO VESTS, One-third cotton, guaranteed not to shrink, H. N. L. S.. $1 25 each ; H. N. R. A., $1 to SI 20 each, according to size. A very beautiful fabric LADIES' FRENCH RIBBED WORSTED VEST, Made of the finest long combed yarn, and will not shrink. We bare tbera in both white and natural wool II. N. L. a. SI 50. and H. N. R. A., 51 25 to SI 40 each, according to size. All the new SWISS RIBBED WOOL VESTS Received in all shapes and colors, for Ladies ana Misses. All w eights in DR. JEAGER'S SANITARY UNDERWEAR, Including Vests, Drawers, Combination Suits. Gowns and Skirts. We aro Solo Agents for Western Pennsylvania. MEN'S MEDIUM HEAVY WEIGHT BALBRIG- GAN SKIRTS AND DRAWERS, For fall wear. Also mediums in Merino and Natural Wool, in all grades, from 5Qc a gar ment up. DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY WOOL UNDER. WEAR. Night Shirts, Stomach Bands, Knee Protec tors, all grades at List Prices. See our DISPLAY of these and Fur Goods at Exposltiou after Wednesday. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH A VENUE. SP17-D GOLD HEDAL, PABIB, 1878. W. BAKER & CO.'S ISrelM Cocoa Is absolute! re and it is soi le. JVo CJiemical's are wed in iti preparation. It hai more than (Ares time the ttrengA of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, anting Un than one cent a tup. It il dcliciom, noufiihirig, itrengthenlng, Eastlt Diqestid, and admirably adapted for invalid! ai veil aa forpenona la health- Sold by Grocers everywhere. W.BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Established 1S32. BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY & CO., 77 WATER BP. AND 96 FIHBT AVE. Telephone 163. u23-Bl-irwr Elm IB THE AMERICAN FIRE . INSURANCE COMPANY. m . , . , . Philadelphia. Total Assets, January 1, 1887 S2,801,c58 66 EDWARDS & KENNEY, Ag'ts, DO FOURTH AVE., Pittsburc. Fa. 3 Telephone 760. jalfrSQ-w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CTTT PEIOBS -IN- PATENT ::: MEDICINES And Druggists' Sundries. A few of the sundries: Tooth Brushes, 5c, 10c, 15c, 18c, 28c each. Jail Brushes, 33e. 30c, 75c each. Nail Files, 25c, 35c. 50c each. Infants' Corabk. 25c to S8c each Infants' Brushes. 25c to S8c each. Infants' Powder Boxes, 25c to $1 25 each. Infants' Powder Puffs, 8c each. Sea Foam for the Skin, 60c a bottle. Opaline Face Wash. 50c a bottle. Ohocolat Menier, 40o, 70o and 80c per pound. Ice Dream Soda only 5o per glass. Fleishman & Co., PITTSBTJRG, PA. eel8-D DRESS TRIMMINGS. Along with the new Silks and Dress stuffs we are now exhibiting may be seen our new autumn designs in Dress Trimmings, Buttons and any thing that is heeded for the finish of a rich, handsome or moderate costume. Exqui site designs in Silk Twist, Fringes, all colors, Cut Steel Passementeries in the Direc toire effects, Cut Steel and Jet Ornaments, Braid Orna ments, with and without pen dants, and the most elegant line of Dress Buttons ever shown, consisting of the Di- rectoire (large and small) in Persian steel and metal, all of the newest and latest de signs. Our Millinery Parlors are teemingr with the newest and latest novelties. We are headquarters for Millinery and our prices are way below the average. No charge for trimmings when materials are purchased here. Ladies' Cloak rooms second floor. Everything new, rich, elegant and handsome are here to be found and at the lowest pos isible prices. KID GLOVES. Ladles' 4-button Kid Gloves, in black and trown, at 50c. Ladies' 4-button Kid Gloves, in black, brown. tin and slate, at C9c Ladies' 5-book, black, brown and slate, at 75c Ladies' 4-button Suede Gloves, first quality. tMc Ladies' 8-button Mousquetaire, first quality, Children's Kid Gloves at 50c Full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cashmere fcloves and Mittens. (Two Entrances) Sixth street and Penn ave. se!8 DANZIGER I Sllfl. I1I1IU mm THKEE DATS .-. YEET SPECIAL. Wm. Sample's, 165, 167, 169 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. In order to have our entire stock of Winter Underwear perfectly fresh and every line complete, we have selected all the odd lots and put such prices on them as will clear them out at once. See the BAKO-lUsT COUItSrTIEIR,, first counter to the left as you enter. Men's Scarlet Underwear, slightly soiled, 25c, down from 75c Men's Scarlet Underwear 50c, down from $1, slightly soiled. Men's white and colored Merino, 25 and 50c, down fjom 50 and 75c Men's Natural Wool Shirts 75c, down from J5i 25, and the celebrated Taconne Underwear for $i, former price $2 25. Come early for choice won't last long. Special Don't fail to visit our Cloak, Suit .and Dress Goods departments before buying. The dis play is simply superb and prices pleasing. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS., FALL OVERCOATS! "An interest in your comfort thete cool evenings and mornings impels our nudging you about your needs in thete garments. Our'assortment is complete, containing the many elegant novelties of this season in the ever desirable Chesterfield and the Swell Box Coat styles, and all the new shades, from the lightest drab and pearl to the nobby Black Cheviot. OUR PRICES ARE ATTRACTIVE. AT- 7 50 We lave a stylish, all-wool, well made, bright Overcoat, wide stitched, sewed with silk and fully equal, it not superior, to any shown elsewhere at$10. Oars are only ?7 50. OUR $10 OVERCOATS Are models of fashion and tailoring we show tbem in the newest shades and patterns silk-faced, lined with the best of serge, and they would be undoubted value at $14, instead of 510. From these picture the elegance of our still finer Overcoats, and also judge of the low prices on onr Dress and Every Day Suits and Pants. OUR STOCK OP HATS! Is worth your attention the new 'Fall Shades and Styles in reliable qualities at lowest prices. STRASSBURGER & JOSEPH Tailors, Clotire aM Hate, 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. sel6-rrsu "Established Over Half a Century." This Trade MarK is on our "Windows. WE ABB NOW SHOWING Our Latest Importations of FALL STYLE SILK HATS, Derbys and Soft Hats. KNOX'S New York Hats (for which we are the sole agents) are also NOW READY. "We have correct copies of the above styles at 52, $2 60 and S3, durable and stylish. PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET. Five Doors from Fifth avenue. N. B, We Iron all Silk Hats FREE OF CHARGE, no difference where purchased. sel3-jnnr Practically Taught at Duff's College, 49 FIFTH AVE. J3-EVENING SESSIONS. auW-25-ir PIE Apollinaris, Bedford, Poland, Sain taris. Strontia. Saratoga. SDrndel. W1TPR fJysralc Betbesda, Vichy, Buffalo. H iHflll Lithia. Enreka. GKO. K. 8 TKVENSON & CO SIXTH AVENUE. jal2 69-MWT slightly soiled' and broken sizes, "ft NEW AUTERTISEMSNTH . B. & B. Wedxesdat, September IS. RAIN. It may be fair to-day, or to-morrow. But the rush for Rubber goods and Umbrellas yesterday was something marvelous. Why will people- put off buying these neces saries until they are caught without them? UMBRELLAS. Our special $3 Windsor Silk Um brellas, choice silver and'gold han dles, is one of the excellent values in our large umbrella stock. $1 50 and 15 compass the many prices. RUBBER GOODS.' Men's Macintoshes, with capes, tnat give no hint of being rubber, that keep you dry and comfortable and that are not disagreeable to the touch, I13 50 to $16 50. Ladies' cloth surface Westmin sters, $3 50 and $4. A broken line reduced from $ts to $8. - N Ladies' plain rubber circulars $1 25 and $2. India stripes $2 50. Children's Mother Hubbards, Jl to $1 7S Greenaways, 31 5a DRESS GOODS ITEMS. 56-inch Broadcloth Suitings, 7Jc a yard. 42-inchindistinctstripe Broadcloths. Jl a yard 42-inch extremely nobby French stripe Suit iocs. SI 50 a yard. 60-inch fine triple stripe Suitings (armure effects) richest colorines, Jl 60 a yard. B0GGS & BUHL, 115,117,119.121 Federal st,, Allegheny, sel8-D YOUE opportunity; Don't put offtill to-morrow While such great bargains are offered is the time to act. We are thankful for the liberal patronage that has been bestowed uponus slnceive commenced our great CLOSING OUT SALE, and for the "benefit of those who have not yet paid us a vtsU we will say we have still an endless variety of LAMPS, GLASS, CHINA, QUEENSWARE,FISH, GAME and ICE CMEAM:K SETS, AFTER DINNER COFFEES, RICHLY DJ5(JO-'"; BATED PLATES, UMBRELLA STANDS, LAWN' -wr . n-nr. .- f VA-ova, vusJTAJUVJilza, BRIC-A-BRAC, HIGH AJRT POTTERY, PEDESTALS, EASELS, BRONZE and ONYX TABLES, CHANDELIERS, CLOCKS, BRONZES, GAS FIXTURES, etc. Fine Wedding and Birthday Gifts. The J. P. Smith Lamp, 935 Penn Ave., Between Ninth and Tenth Sts. P. a Eogera' Best Triple Plated Dinner Knives at 81 24 per set IsTE-W We have just received and beautiful China Dinner Sets, China, odd pieces, to which we R. P. "WALLACE & CO.; 211 "Wood. st. 4 OPPOSITE ST. CHARLES. C1PL1 1 IS OUR SHOW AT THE EXPOSITION. Our Stock at our Warerooms IS JUST AS COMPLETE! We show at the store one of the most complete exhibits of Household Good ever offered in tbe city, comprising a full line of all goods we have on exhibit at . tbe Exposition. The large experience we hare had makes us doubly keen to tbs interests of all customers. Their will is oar pleasure. "We will insure you tha pleasant courtesy duo any buyer. Come to us, look over our large and varied assortment of IFUIBIKriTTTIRE I Carpets, . Rugs, Lace Curtains, Bed- ding, Stove s, Ranges and COOKING UTENSILS I And the many, many things 'so essential to the proper fitting In comforable style of your homes, and to know just where to place your orders when in need of goods, examine critically our exhibit at the Exposition, and we assure you should you think it worth your while to bestow your patronage on us it shall be as carefully preserved and as kindly looked after as our exhibit is complete. We then place ourselves before the public as House Furnishers in the strictest sense oi the word. We presume you have read frequently the "ads." of other houses, whose claims contain colnmns of reading matter as the "only house fur nishers west of the mountains." Kind reader, we wilt not worry you. Let us hear what your verdict is after seeing our exhibit, and say who are competent ta take the best care of your interests. HOPPER PROS, & CO,, : ' 307-"WOOD ST.-307 BET. THIRD AND FOURTH AVES. K. B. Take particular notice to the quality and stvle of workmanship of the Papering done by Crumrine, Bane & Bassett, of 41G Wood street, on our cot lit tle cottage at the Exposition; also the elegant Chandeliers, so complete and ia -such proper keeping, from the stock of Houston Ss McShane, No. 19 Seventh ave nue, both of which firms we recommend very highly. ' NEWyABVERTWEMMfTO. BOSTON -NOVELTY STOBEf 406 and 406 Wood Street. i EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN IN EVERT DEPARTMENT. BEAD OUR FRICBS. 10 pieces decorated toilet set only tS G& 108 pieces deeorated dinner tetosiy KK 5-bottle silrer plated caster oaly H 08. Fall size silk plasb albsai, worth Jl 08 oaly 5Bc Oak table, plain top. only HI 08. 5-foot easels only SI 09. Towel racks, plash front, onlr 86o. 8x10 picture f raraei age. (Be, Mc and 51 08. Beautiful statuary 69e to 18 6ft Vases, royal Woree style, lie to S8 69. Jardloe pots, royal Worcester style, tie to $250. Elegant vases In different styles, 5e to SI 5ft. Hundreds of different styles of doito, 5e to SI 50. Square brass bird cages. 89e, Si SO aad Si X. Children's toy tea sets, decorated. .We to K Oft, Cracker jars, something netr.Ke, Si 69, Si 28 Nickel clocks, warranted, osy 75c. Nickel alarm clocks oaly Ke. All kinds of toys and eases. 5e to SI 08. i Made lantenw. 38c. 59c, S8c, SSe, K 9B. Ink only lea botH a. Large jponcea only 6o and Me. Glass card baskets, 26c, See as H SSL Plain glass tumblers osly 3e. A full Una of honsenrnlshiag ge4s la tfs ware, glassware, crockery- ware, woodea ware,'1' silverware, etc.. at prises lower tbaa ever bet lore ouerea in jrittsBurg. Great bargains on oar 5c and Me eoiatsw. Goods delivered bee la both oMes. H. G. HAYDEN tt 00 aeio-waa. till- PHOTOGRAPHER, 1 SECTH Ql HM rae, largo crayoa portrait SB 5 Bests! before ordering eJMwbBre. Csbtetfs. ig M t w per oozes, rnviurx UMLd.YmkU , apli-16-wma what you ought to do to-day: J r f.fl -: :' Glass and China Co.I V - Hi selWTM? G - OOIDS. i a have now ready for inspectioni 4M Pish Sets and a full line.of nice' invite the attention of the ladies. m V is an-WT9n. Eil HI IO 4 .-M J mmi Ti $- I ielS-a J,