Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 18, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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A Glass Manufacturers' Meet
ing in Chicago To-Day.
And Will Kot Recognize the Action
of the Pittsburgers,
An Expert Tank Furnaceman from Bel
gium is Xow in tlie City.
A meeting of the members ot the "Western
"Window Glass Manufacturers' Association,
outside of those in this city, trill be held at
the Grand Pacific Hotel, in Chicago, to-day
for the purpose of taking action upon the
settlement of the window glass strike by the
Pittsburg members of the Wages Com
mittee. According to circulars received in this
city yesterday, this action will be adverse
to the decision of the committee which
granted the advance. It is said that nearly
every manufacturer in the "West is dissatis
fied with the settlement, and claim that they
will not recognize the action of the commit
tee. This means that they will not pay the
advance without a renewal of the struggle,
and as far as the West is concerned, the
strike has not been settled.
The information was obtained yesterday
from two reliable Pittsburg manufacturers.
They stated that the advance was granted by
the committee because one of their number
wanted to start his own factory. They claim
that he should have resigned his position on
the committee, and, if he wanted to, he could
sign the scale for his own firm and not for
the whole association.
At the meeting oi the Pittsburg manu
facturers Wednesday last, the manufacturer
in question said he wanted to start up at
once. The other manufacturers did not
want him to do so and there was quite a
spirited discussion about the matter. His
factory is a 40 pot concern, and has the use
of free natural gas The other manufac
turers pay 550 per month per pot lor gas
and it will be seen that the 40 pot concern is
saving an exDense of 2,000 per month on
fuel. For this reason, the manufacturers
wanted to begin work at once.
"When it became known that the member
of the Wage Committee wanted to start up,
it is stated that firms in the West tele
graphed him to hold off until they held
their meeting to-day. It is also said that no
notice of the meeting oi the two committees
on Friday night was sent to the Western
manufacturers who were on the committee
in time for them to reach Pittsburg. The
other members are President Catlin, of
Ottawa, 111., Messrs. Gray, of Zanesville,
O., and Coolman, of Ravenna.
The manufacturers west of this city con
trol over two-thirds of the entire product of
the Western Association. In Pittsburg
there are 244 pots, not counting the tank
capacity at Jeannette. AVest of this city
there were at the time of the shutdown 660
It is thought that the manufacturers west
of this city will break away from the asso
ciation, on account of the action ot the
Wage Committee, and the outcome of the
whole matter may be the
A new one will then be formed and the
two largest factories in this vicinity will be
left out of it This is the combination pub
lished yesterday afternoon which has been
freely talked ot the past few days. Some of
the manufacturers want to combine and
erpct tank furnaces, keeping their present
pots, ior the production ol the best grade ot
glass. As yet, no plans have been outlined
lor the details of the scheme. A tank
furnace complete will cost in the neighbor
hood of $100,000 and no one manu
facturer wants to go into it without outside
assistance. The firms who are supposed to
be working up the new combination are
O'Leary Bro., and Wolf, Howard & Co.
President Bodine, of the National Asso
ciation, is going into the tank business on
his own hook. His place of business is in
Philadelphia, and the tank is now in course
of construction, and it is expected it Mill be
working by November 1.
The demand of the mixers and teasers, for
an advance of wages, in the same propor
tion as the advance given window glass
workers, will probably be granted by the
manufacturers. When the reduction was
made in 1884 they were reduced 10 per cent.
Since then their wages have been increased
5 per cent, and the present scale restores
the wages of 1884 A number of the
Pittsburg factories tiill "blow" on Satur
day, and it will be necessary to have ihe
trouble settled before that timeif the blow
ers go to work. The men are organized in
L. A. 1418, Knignts of Labor, But do not
expect any assistance from the Window
Glass Workers' Association. The latter
have promised the manufacturers to start as
soon they are ready, but they cannot do 60
if the mixers and teasers do not furnish
them the glass to work.
Two Experts Who Have Come to Pittsbnrg
to Have Their Eyes Opened.
Sir. J. M. Pagnoul, of Jumct, Belgium,
and Mr. Elliott Harden, of New York City,
are guests at the Duquesne. Mr. Pagnoul
is an expert engineer in glass tank construc
tion, and lately has been employed in the
erection of tanks at Bridgeton, N. J., for
President Bodine, ot the National Glass
Manufacturers' Association.
Speaking of the relative merits from an
economical point of pots and tanks, Mr.
Pagnoul said that he would estimate a sav
ing in favor ot the latter of from 10 to 15
percent. The tanks, he said, were much
superior in every respect to the older recep
tacles, as, when the batch in the pot became
low, the qnality got bad and the glass cor
respondingly ot a diminishing grade, while
with tanks in use the batch entering at one
end and the glass being gathered at the
other, a certain quantity was constantly
maintained; the quality of the glass could
always be relied upon as constant.
In "Belgium, he continued, manufacturers
were about doubling their plants, paying
special attention to the production ot plate
glass. The object of the two gentlemen in
Tisiting here is to spend a brief holiday in
viewing our factories and acquainting
themselves with the use of natural gas as
applied here. They will visit Jeannette
and other leading works. Mr. Pagnoul is
pretty well up in the history of the glass
trade in this section of the country, and
.promises himself a pleasant time in adding
to his experience while in Pittsburg.
K. of I". General Executive Officers Mar
Not Arrive To-Day.
C. H. William Euhl, President of the
Musicians' Mutual Protective "Union, and
who is a member of the committee appointed
by the Trades Council to investigate the
trouble between the M. M. P. TJ. and Ii. A.
491, K. of L. Musicians, did not receive
any word yesterday about the members of
the General executive Board who are com
ing from. Philadelphia to take testimony in
the case. The date set for the hearing was
to-day, and it could not be learned whether
they will be here or not. District Master
Workman Boss also had received no notice
of their departure from Philadelphia.
Delecatcs Goine TliroutU tho City to the
aiectinc of N. D. A. 135. '
Secretary Treasurer Robert Watchorn, of
N. D. A 135, Knights of Labor, coal
miners, passed through the city yesterday
from his home in Columbus to Wilkesbarre,
Pa., to attend the annual convention of the
district to be held at that place. The con
vention will be called to order to-day by
Master Workman James B. Kae, and will
be attended by about 100 delegates. Those
who will be present from this vicinity are
M. F. Flannigan, W. B. Wilson, James
Kcegan. Hugh McLaughlin, John Nugent.
Thomas McQuade, W, C. Webb, Eobert
Linn, Eobert Maggs, Richard Kirk, Thomas
Poxon, W. McNamara, H. Stephenson,
John R. Newby, J. P. Brown, Daniel Len
non and Eobert Prisby.
General Master Workman Powderly and
John Cos t el I o, of the General Executive
Board, will also be present at the con
vention. THE MT. AIRY PARK.
Tllrs. Schenley Donation to tbo People of
FitmbnrK The Property Worth More
Than Hnir a OIIIIIou Dollars.
Much interest has been aroused in the
park project since Chief of Public Works
Bigelow announced that the communication
to the Schenley estate had been answered in
a manner to put the big park beyond the
region of doubt. At first when the project
was spoken of a good many people thought
it too good to be true that the Schenley es
tate would make such a big donation as was
hinted at It was remembered that Mrs.
Schenley had previously shown a disposi
tion to be very liberal in the matter in the
early '70's, when Councils had an intima
tion that a large part of ML Airy
might be bad for park purposes for the ask
ing. That was the time when the city had
not yet grown in population to any great
extent beyond the old wards, though the
territorial boundaries had been in 1868 ex
tended almost to their present limits.
When, therefore, Chief Bigelow, this
summer, declared that the beautiful tract
of 379 acres, just beyond Oakland, between
Forbes avenue and the Monongahela,could be
nad upon terms that almost amounted to a
gilt, it W3S not surprising that in some
quarters incredulity mingled with hope in
speculating on the issue.
Much guessing has been going on as to the
actual terms oi me communication which
has been received from the Schenley estate,
and which seems to be held quiet for the
present, not from any doubt about a favor
able result, but to wait for Councils. What
they are in detail will not, of course, be
known until the negotiations are laid before
the City Fathers; but it is possible to indi
cate with a close approach to certainty the
leading items of the preliminary proposals
now under consideration. The main idea
is the donation of 279 acres absolutely, and
the agreement upon a price for the other
100 acres. The figure which is spoken of
in a preliminary way for the 100 acres
would not exceed 51,500 per acre which is
considerably less than property as well situ
ated in the neighborhood is now bringing
in open market.
The whole transaction on this basis will
amount to the equivalent of a gift to the
city of property to the amount of over half a
million dollars. It is the noblest donation
that has ever been proposed to Pittsburg,
and will show in the handsomest manner
that the Schenley estate takes a very deep
interest in the growth and future of the
place. This feeling was already expressed
In a most agreeable manner by Mrs. Schen
ley when that lady recently sent her check
for $5,000 and her'good wishes for the Expo
sition. Further negotiations may possibly result
in some slight change upon the above, but
it is understood that the main idea, so far as
it has progressed, runs close upon the lines
The Tliree-Foot Water Main Bnrst at Forty.
Fiftb and Butler Streets.
The three-foot water main on Butler street
burst at the corner of Forty-fifth street
abont 9 o'clock last night The Water De
partment was immediately notified, but it
was expected that some damage would be
done before the flow could be shut off, and
for a time following there will be a scarcity
of water in that section of the city.
While the inhabitants may wrestle along
without water for a time, extra precautions
to prevent fire should be taken.
Movements of Pittsbnrsers and Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
A letter purporting to have been written
by State Senator Eutan, while at Ragatz,
Switzerland, on September 4, was published in
an cveninc paper yesterday. It puts tbe bena
tor as writing in tbe strongest kind of a wav
tbe lact tbat he is a candidate for re-election
in Allegheny. He says he has refused Federal
appointments in order to remain lu the field.
Messrs. Chas. E. Pueb, S. M. Prevost,
W. H. Brown, of Philadelphia, Robert E. Pet
tit and Charles Hack, of Altoona, are staying
at the Duquesne. Tbey are on a periodical
tour in connection with tbe schedule of trains
running over the Pennsylvania Railroad sys
tem, and leave this evening for Erie and thence
to Philadelphia.
County Commissioners Mercer and Mc
Witliams and Chief Clerk Siebert leave on
Saturday to attend the State Convention of
County Commissioners to be held atAllen
town. Pa., next Monday. This is tbe second
convention ot County Commissioners. They
arc held to revise and propose legislation on
Lector P. Waldenstrom, from Gcfle, in
Sweden, a prominent preacher and member oi
tbe fewedish Parliament, will arrive in Pitts
burg this week on a tour through the United
States. On Friday evening he will preach in
the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Wal
nut street. McKeesport.
James Dougherty, of No.102 Washington
street, has received from the Government back
pension amounting to 4,423. Since he made
bis first application, years ago, he has become
blind. The rate paid to him, dating from March
30, lfcS3, is $72 per month, the hignest pension
paid for total blindness.
Mr. W. H. Hamilton, a prominent citi
zen ot Phillipsburg, Pa., who was so seriously
hurt in the West Penn accident on August 16
last, is now able to be about again, although
still unable to attend to business. Mr. Hamil
ton had three ribs broken and was otherwise
injured internally.
Hon. George Wilson and Mrs. H. L.
.Mason have been appointed by the Western
Pennsylvania Humane Society as delegates to
the annual convention of the American Hu
mane Association at Louisville, Ky., on Sep
tember 25, 26 and 27.
Major Wetcher, the United States Pay
master located here, has gone West to make
the first payment of salaries to Federal troops
since bis assignment to Pittsburg. He will
probably not return until October 1.
Chief Brown, of the Department of Pnblic
Safety, was in consultation nearly all day yes
terday with Superintendent Evans, of the Fire
Bureau, and other officials in regard to tfie re
organization of the Buieau.
James W. Drape, the real estate oper
ator, returned last evening from Johnstown,
where he had been investing in real estate on
behalf of certain Pittsburg clients.
Chairman Hunter.of Allegheny Common
Council, is making extensive preparations for
the picnic of the Lime Kiln Club, to be held
to-morrow at Forrest Grove,
L C. Converse, of the National Tube
Works and Republic Iron Works, accompanied
by Mrs. Converse, are guests at the Duquesne.
James K. Lanahan, proprietor of the
St. James Hotel, returned home from Cleve
land last night.
Dr. Wm. Moffett and Mrs. Moffett, of
Philadelphia, are registered at tbe Anderson.
Mr. Philip Flinn returned home yester
day from a short Eastern trip.
Dr. Charles S. Sbaw, of Penn avenue,
is making a brief trip to Ohio.
Homeopaths Begin Their 25th An
nual Convention.
How GastaYus Bcicbhelm Triumphed Oyer
Derisive Opposition.
THE disciples of
the great Hahnemann
received a much
warmer welcome in
this city yesterday
when the State Con
vention of the Home
opath ic Physicians
commenced its twenty-fifth
annual session
at the Homeopathic
Hospital, than was ac-
frcsidenl W. B. Tntes. corded that fine, old
medical gentleman, Dr. Gustavus Reich
helm, when he arrived in Pittsburg 52
years ago and flung tbe shingle ot the new
"faith" to the Western Pennsylvania
breezes. Nor was it in Pittsburg alone that
the new medical wrinkle subjected its
votaries to jeers and flouts. The civilized
world had to be taken by the throat and
made to believe in the new doctrine of "like
cures like." The followers of Galen and
Hippocrates led the onslaught upon Hahne
mann, but, in so doing, simply voiced the
popular opinion that the tiny pills and col
orless globules were inimical to health and
longstanding usage.
The early history of homeopathy in Alle
gheny county is replete with interesting in
cidents. The fight was sturdily carried on
by Dr. Beichhelm for several years, and it
is safe to say that he was a marked man in
the community. But after awhile some
other doctors dropped in. Among the pio
neers were Drs. Hoffmann and Boyer, of
Allegheny City, and Drs. Drake, Cote and
Perriman, of Pittsburg. Gradually opposi
tion ore away, and homeopathy became
firmly grounded in Pittsburg, the first city
west of the Allegheny Mountains to adopt
the new medical science Its growth has
kept pace with Pittsburg in every essential
particular. There are over 80 physicians of
the school in Allegheny county. Not over
50, however, are numbe'red in the Home
opathic Medical Society, which meets regu
larly on the second Friday of each month.
In the Homeopathic Hospital, the new
school has an institution to which it is possi
ble to point with pride, ana which has be
come one of the city's institutions.
Dr.Gustavus Reichhelm arrived in Pitts
burg in 1837, having come at the request of
Rev. Father Byer, who had written to Dr.
Constantine Herring, then the foremost
American exponent of the new school of
medicine, asking that a physician be sent
here. Dr. Beichhelm was a graduate of the
German University of Halle, and had be
come enthusiastic over homeopathy while at
the Allentown Academv of Homeopathy.
He began practice in this city on the 10th
of October, 1837. He was considerably de
rided, and two appellations stuck to him for
years. One was "The Dutch Doctor" and
the other was "The Sugar Powder Doctor."
He performed some remarkable cures upon
his patients at the Catholic Orphan Asy
lum, and during 12 years but two deaths
took place among his patients. Some acri
monious passages between Dr. Beichhelm
and bis allopathic colleagues enlivened the
first years of his work in this city. He
showed fight at the drop of a hat, and ex
torted an apology from some of his detract
ors by threats of libel suits. A brilliant
record made in the Asiatic cholera visita
tion in 1819 placed homeopathy upon a firm
footing in Pittsburg. To illustrate the
growth of the new school of medicine, in
1837 Dr. Beichhelm was the only homeopa
thic practitioner west of the mountains, and
there are now nearly 6,000.
Nearly every physician can give some
apt rejoinder wjien asked how the practice
of medicine to-day compares with that of
half a century since. Dr. Thomas' anius
inc reference to the "potentiality of the in
finitesimal" in connection with doses of
jalop and pink-root intended for children
but enough for horses, is remembered in
this connection. Dr. Gross, professor of
surgery at Jefferson Medical College, re
marked yesterday that 50 years ago the pro
fession of medicine was enveloped with a
mantel of secrecy arid theorems. The ad
vance since that time has been, in his opin
ion, greater than in any previous era ot the
world's history. Dr. J. C. Burgher said
that half a century since the medical pro
fession was a monopoly exerting all its pow
er to crush and repel every new idea in the
healing art. "For such reasons," said Dr.
Burgher, "who can wonder that Dr. Beich
helm was denounced as a charlatan by
cotemporaneous physicians; ostracised by
the clergy, disliked by the druggists and an
object ot suspicion to the community." Dr.
Burgher believes that electicism will event
ually blend all that is best of each system
into one harmonious whole.
The Pennsylvania Homeopathic Medi
ical Society held its convention of yester
day in the chapel of the Homeopathic Hos
pital, the delegates being informally wel
comed by Colonel Slack, Superintendent of
the hospital. President Dr. W.B.Trites,
of Philadelphia, called the convention to
order, and prayer was offered by Rev. Samuel
Maxwell, rector ot
Trinity P. E. Church.
Dr. Z. T. Miller, of
the bouthside, made
the welcoming addres'
ina happy vein,which
evoked a response
from the President,
who then read his an
nual address. The
latter embodied con
gratulations upon
progress, statistics a
to growth and sugges
tions as to the future.
He advocated a move
ment to request the
Society of the Red
Cross to add home
opathic physicians to
its staff, and also a re- &? J". O. Burgher.
quest lor representation upon the medical
boards of all public institutions. Dr.
Trites maintained that the homeopathic
profession was entitled to complete control
of the next State insane asylum established.
Dr. F. J. Cooper. Treasurer of the society,
read his report, which was followed by the
report of Dr. E. B. Snader, of Philadelphia,
Secretary of the society. A number of com
mittees were appointed. Dr. J. Bichey
Gustavus Beichhelm.
w ,mi
Horner, of Allegheny, read the mortuary
report, and paid a glowing tribute to the
memories of six members deceased since the
last annual meeting. Drs. Closson, Malin
and Horner were designated secretaries of
the meeting. The censors reported favor
ably upon the names of six applicants for
membership. There were 50 delegates pres
ent when the morning session was concluded
by the reading of a paper upon "The Water
Slieds of the Scuylkill and Upper Dela
The afternoon session at 3 o'clock was
devoted to the session of the ."Bureau of
Clinical Medicine," with Dr. E. C. Parsons
in the chair in the absence of Dr. W. C.
Goodnow. chairman of the bureau. A
kindly telegram from the New York State
Society, now in session in Eochcster, was
read. A telegram was ordered to be sent to
Dr. John Malin, of Philadelphia, Second
Vice President of the societv. Dr. Malin
is ill, and the telegram expressed a hope
for his early recovery.
Dr. W. B. Trites, M. D., read a paper on
"Herpes Zaster," dealing with symptoms
and treatment He stated that it was both
neuralgic and rheumatic, and maintained
that it could be caused by impurities in the
atmosphere. The next paper was upon the
topic, "The Medical Profession versus
Abortion," read bv G. Maxwell Christine,
A. M., M. D., of Philadelphia. There was
an appended comment of a legal nature by
J. E. Scattergood, Esq., of the Philadelphia
Bar. Dr. Christine's statements were start
ling. He stated that any physician would
bear him out in the claim that unnatural
medical operations were becoming alarm
ingly prevalent among single women. "The
professional ridder of 'mishaps,' " con
tinned the speaker, "plies his trade in
every hamlet and town. Beputable physi
cians must decline the appeals made to them
by women of every grade of the social world,
and their refusal begets a field for practice.
are known to all physicians, and the evil
seems to grow. Immense profits are made
from the sale of medicines unblushingiy ad
vertised in otherwise reputable journals,
and the recklessness with which women
tamper with their permanent health is ap
palling. No nostrum seems too dangerous
to be its own warning against use, and those
who aid and abet these crimes against
nature are rarely punished legally. Legis
lative enactments of a stringent nature
should be made without loss of time. These
so-called remedies are frequently violent
and always a source of great danger.
The profession must raise its voice
against this evil, for moralizing does
not hold it in check or prevent its rapidly
Decoming a universal
menace to our institu
tions. A noted phy
sician expressed to me
the firm conviction
that fully one-half of
the human family dies
before it is born, of
which percentage a
large amount of deaths
are directly or indi
rectly due to pre-natal
violence. 1 would sug
gest a law compelling
physicians to report
such cases as they do
contagious diseases,
and I would advocate
i such a law." The
Dr. J. F. Cooper.
a punitive clause
legal paper was a very bitter arraignment
of the despoiler of homes and "the fairest
fruit of the family tree." .
Some discussion followed Dr. Christine's
able paper, and sentiment expressive of
favor was Ireelv declared bv those present.
Dr. E. B. Sna'der, of Phila'delphia, read a
paper upon "Bed Lines on.the Gums as a
Diagnostic in Cases of Phthisis Pulmonalis."
Dr. Clarence Bartlett read a paper entitled
"Universal Forms of Oedema." Dr.- W. J.
Martin read a paper upon "Clinical Con
firmations," citing character of patients as
adjuncts to deductions, drawing the conciu
VLi .u c ,' ara?E lne c??u:
that pathological conditions conld not
sion that pathological c
alwats be judged alike.
Chairman E. C. Parsons read an interest
ing paper upon "Typho-Malarial Fever."
A paper by W. C. Goodno, M. D., upon
"Types of Southern Diseases" was read by
Dr. C. Mohr. Several other papers were to
have been read, but went to the Committee
on Printing on account of the arrival of the
hour of adjourument.
Last evening's session was devoted to the
Bureau of Surgery. The chair was occu
pied by the President, Dr.' W. B. Trites, of
Philadelphia. The first paper read was by
Dr. John E. James and treated of a clini
cal case in brain surgery, the subject being
a boy who was rendered unconscious for a
week through falling on his head, who re
recovered, and who, 15 years afterward, was
sunstruck. Epileptic fits followed, and an
operation was deemed advisable. There
was a deep depression in the skull, and on
the removal of the bone an immense flow of
blood ensued. Death seemed imminent, but
finally the patient recovered. The hem
orrhages, the doctor said, were extraordi
narily heavy.
The next paper was that of Dr. W. B.
Van Lenncp, of Philadelphia, and was en
titled "Experiments in Intestinal Sutures."
The paper mainly related to personal ex
periments and was described by Dr. James
as being of the kind most needed. Drs.
Buck, of Altoona, and L. H. Melliard, of
Allegheny, contributed papers on "Supra
pubic Lithotomy." Dr. B. W. McClel
land, of this city, related the case of a boy
whose club foot he successfully 'operated
upon, and that of another boy who was so
deformed that he could not sit down in a
natural position nor scarcely walk and
whom he so treated as to enable him to both
sit and walk in a natural manner.
Dr. B. Van Lennep was appointed chair
man of tbe liureau ot surgery tor the ensu
ing year.
Arranccmcnn for tho Turner Fair Bcluc
DIado In Allcchcnr.
The Turners, of Allegheny, held & meet
ing in William Beilstein's Hall, 261 Ohio
street, last night tor the the purpose of mak
ing final airangements for the Fair, which
will accompnuy the opening of the new
Turner Hall in Allegheny.
Over 100 ladies-were present, and were
authorized to collect money to defray the
debt incurred by the erection of the hall. It
will be one of the finest buildings of the
kind in the two cities, and will cost nearly
$40,000. The ladies elected Mrs. Chas.
Ehlus, wife of the city Engineer, President
of theirorganization, Mrs. Tretmalsch, Vice
President, and Mrs. Gottfried Ihsen, Secre
tary. The fair will commence on the second
of December and will last two weeks.
Two Prominent Clarion County Yonng Peo
ple Join Hearts and Hands.
Miss Cora Neely, the youngest daughter
of Hon. Cyrus Ncely, ot Clarion county,
was united in marriage yesterday to Mr.
Joseph Cnlner, a wealthy young merchant
of St. Petersburg, Clarion county.
The ceremony was performed in the par
lors of the Reynolds House, in Kittanning,
vesterday afternoon by Bev. George E. Tit
sell, and the bridal couple came direct to the
Seventh Avenue Hotel last evening on their
way East. A personal preference of the
young people is given as the reason for the
perforamnce of the ceremony in Armstrong
instead of Clarion conntv.
Tbo Kevr Flan of the 31. E. Chnrch Favor,
nbly Commonteil Upon.
The plan to superinduce extension of
church work in Methodist Church by
social meetings looking to church union re
ceived quite a boom at the initial meeting
held last night in the Smithfield M, E.
Church. Drs. Norcross, Smith, Locke and
other prominent divines were present. An
interchange, of opinions resulted in an ex
pression of views tending to show that the
plan was bound to prove a success
ljf J
An Ohio Idyll Finds Its Sequel in
Beaver Falls Jail.
David TJlslx Would Still Forgive His Hand
some, Erring Wife.
One day in June, two years ago, a tramp
stopped at the farm house of David Ulsh, in
Marion county, O., and asked for something
to eat. He was a good-looking young man,
and the farmer and his wife bade him come
in and enjoy a hearty meal. He told them
a story of hard luck, and they took pity on
him. Farmer Ulsh asked th man to stay
and work on the farm, and Thomas Yon
Dyne gladly accepted the offer.
The farmer's wife, Louisa, was buxom
and pretty, and only 28 years oldi The farm
contained 200 acres, and David was evi
dently in good circumstances. Van Dyne's
lines had fallen in pleasant places. For 20
months he lived and worked on the farm,
and was treated as a member of the family
by the generous young farmer.
One winter day last February Ulsh went
to Marion, six miles distant, and when he
came home in the evening his wife and
hired man were gone. For two weeks Ulsh
could hear nothing of them, but by assidu
ous inquiry and search he located them at
Bavenswood, Mich. They had arrived
there February 28 on the steamer Andrews,
and had registered, under fictitious names.
at the Hotel Bavenswood as man and wife.
Van Dyne learned of the farmer's arrival in
town one evening, and he escaped ou the
lake in a skiff, going to the home of his
mother in Racine, Meigs county, O. Ulsh
met his wife, and after a sad interview, he
forcave her and took her home.
Van Dyne did not remain long in Bacine.
It was not pleasant for him there. It has
been learned by the Pittsburg police that he
left Bacine in the first place because he be
trayed a young girl of that town. Last
spring he came to Beaver Falls and secured
work there in a pottery. From that place
he wrote to his farm love in Marion county,
and through a clandestine correspondence
tbey arranged for another runaway. About
six weeks ago Louisa Van Dyne, having
first sent away some of her household goods,
fled a second time from her comfortable
borne and came to Beaver Falls. She and
Van Dyne began housekeeping there as man
and wife, using Van Dyne's proper name.
The deserted husband, who is too plainly
in love with his arrant spouse, sent inquiries
broadcast concerning her. About a week
ago he wrote to the Pittsburg police, saying
that he had learned that his wife and
Van Dyne were living together some
where near this city. At hrst no
attention was paid to the letters, but
he wrote four or five times, and sent his
wife's photograph. The picture is that of a
well-formed, handsome woman. Assistant
Superintendent O'Mara and Inspector Mc
Aleese finally took the matter up. Causing
inquiries to be made, they located the Ohio
pair, abont a week ago, in Beaver Falls.
David Ulsh was notified. He arrived in
Pittsburg yesterday morning. After a con
sultation with Messrs. O'Mara and Mc
Aleese it was decided to send a detective
with Ulsh to Beaver Falls. The faimer was
accompanied to that town by Officer Philip
Demmel. Van Dyne and Mrs. Louisa Ulsh
were arrested, taken before a justice of the
peace in Rochester and committed to jail to
.Wait a hearing to-day. Thev are charged
... , imoraiconduct;
Mr. Ulsh returned toPittsburz last night.
but will this morning go again to Bochester
jto testify against the man and woman. It is
said that he is even now disposed to forgive
his pretty but wayward wife and take her
back to the Marion county farm.
Ex-Mnyor McCarthy's Condition Consider
ably Improved Last Night.
At 12 o'clock last night Mr. Wil
liam C. McCarthy was resting easier
with" every prospect of his recovery.
When inquiry was made at his residence,
126 Clark street, it was announced that the
ex-Mayor would probably recover, unless
he took another chill. The original attack
came on with a chill, and this symptom was,
therefore, very much dreaded.
Early yesterday morning Mr. McCarthy
fell into a gentle sleep and did not awake
until 1 o'clock in the afternoon. He per
spired freely, and the doctor regarded; this as
a very favorable sign. When the physician
left the house at 10 o'clock last night he en
tertained every hope of his patient's re
covery. No little surprise was occasioned by the
announcement of ex-Mayor McCarthy's
danger of death from an attack oi blood
poisoning, induced by the bite of a
favorite Newfoundland dog. . The animal
seems to have been very vicious and bit
several people in the vicinity of Mr. Mc
Carthy's residence. He could not, how
ever, be induced to have the dog killed un
til the day before yesterday, when he or
dered it poisoned. A suit is pending
against him before 'Squire Cassidy for
keeping a ferocious dog, the particulars of
which have already been announced in The
Regimental Societies Had an Excursion on
tbo Elver Yesterday.
The One Hundred and First and One
Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Volun
teers held their annual picnic yesterday.
The Mavflower had been chartered f6r a sail
up the Monongahela river. The day was
unpropitious, but it did not deter the veter
ans of many hardships and battles to meet
reuniteJly again to talk over the vicissi
tudes of former days. About 200 veterans
-with their families participated in the ex
cursion. Some of them came from a dis
tance. Tbe notable engagements which these two
regiments shared in are the following:
Yorktown, Williamsburg, Bottom's Bridge,
Fairoaks, Va., Malvern Hills, seven days
before Bichmond, Kinston, N. C, White
hall, Goldsboro, Plymouth, N. C.
A First Warder Betrays1 Annoyance at Be
ing Accosted by n Woman.
Joseph B. Seffert, nn oil. driller, was ar
rested "shortly after 9 o'clock last evening
bv Officer Isaac Haines on Market street,
near Fourth avenue, for disorderly conduct,
Mr. Seffert was followed along the street by
a notorious woman, and he suddenly turned
upon her, being apparently aggravated by
her persistence, and pushed her so forcibly
that she fell to the pavement. Seffert was
thereupon arrested, and gave bail for his
appearance this motning. He is well known
in the First ward, and bears a generally
good reputation.
A Big Bpllillng Permit.
A building permit was taken out yester
day for the erection of the new Shadyside
Presbyterian Church. The building will
cost 5100,000. It will be built on Amberson
avenue. The foundation will be 6, 9 and 12
feet deep, built of 2x6 and 3x6 stone. It will
have a 60 feet front The ceiling in the
center will be GO feet.
A BrnUcmnn Beheaded. ,
Matthew Donaldson, a brakeman on the
Pittsburg and Western Bailroad, fell be
tween the cars, near Wildwood station yes
terday morning. His head was severed from
the body. He lived ou Biver avenue, Allegheny.
- - -j
Chairman McCreery Issues a Formal Call
for a Meeting of the Local Relief Com
mittee Business to Come Up.
Chairman William McCreery, of the
local Belief Committee for the Johnstown
flood, issued yesterday a formal call for a
meeting of the committee next Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock. Nearly all the
members of the committee are in town, having-
returned from vacations and outings,
and a full attendance is expected. Tbe
now famous epistle of Governor Beaver will
be the main topic of discussion, and a
breezy time is expected. Only a few Pitts
burg gentlemen were present when the con
versation, so widely construed, took place
between Mr. McCreery and the Executive.
Becognizing this fact, Mr. McCreery has
fortified his position with letters from out
siders who heard the Governor's statements
as to what he would do in the matter.
Concerning the business to come before
the meeting, Treasurer William B. Thomp
son states that there is a grist of small bills
unpaid which represent points in dispute or
matters held for committee action. There
are a number of bills for labor performed
put in by men who worked from a day to a
week; among them are some of Booth &
Flinn's laborers. Mr. Thompson said that
if the committee took action promptly,
nothing would prevtnt his turning over the
balance of cash now in his hands about
5160,000 to the State Flood Commission,
for the forthcoming final distribution. The
retention 'of a small reserve fund in Pitts
burg as a provision for contingent bills will
be advocated.
The Auditor Will Disburse SS5.000, Slak
ing a Return of One-Fourth of Accounts.
A published notice to the creditors of the
defunct Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, to
the effect that William H. 'McClung, the
appointed auditor for the distribution oi
moneys in the hands of H. J. Berg, J. H.
Sorg and L. S. Cunningham, trustees of the
bank, would commence to pay out the money
yesterday at his office in the Bakewell
building, had the effect of crowding tbe of
fice with Southsiders anxious to get back
all or a portion of their funds which were
invested in the bank.
Mr. McClung said that the amount of
money in his hands was about 585,000, re
sulting from the settling up in part of the
defunct institution. This money will be
paid pro rata on authenticated accounts, on
a basis ofthe $520,000 dnetodepositors. At a
rough estimate all depositors will receive
one-fourth of their claims at the present
payment, whether the original amount was
large or small. Many of those who pre
sented their accounts were skeptical in re
gard to even partial payment, and could
hardly believe that their money was to be
returned until the pro rata amount was
handed to them, mostlv in checks upon the
first National Bank, where $50,000 of the
defunct bank's money has been on deposit
since last Jannary. Mr. McClung stated
that a further payment would be ordered as
soon as the bank assignees realize upon cer
tain real estate and accounts still outstand
Terr Little Change la the Present Aspect
of Affairs. -
The freight bloceade on the Baltimore
and Ohio and Junction railroads remain
practically the same. Manager McDonald,
of the Pittsburg and Western Bailroad,
claims to have been compelled to abandon
two trains, with tbe exception of one section,
on Monday night, because there was no cars
to be hauled. Besides there was only 38 cars
terday morning, and 30 of these were taken
away. Since that time the bridge
has been on the Junction bridge yes
filled with cars again, but the Junction has
a down grade from the Baltimore and Ohio,
and can bring down 200 cars in a very short
time. Mr. McDonald hinted tbat the trou
ble with the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad
arose from the fact that he had refused to
lend their cars with which to carry en their
Toledo coal trade. Several engines belong
ing to the Pittsburg and Western had been
injured in wrecks recently, and would be
soon out on the road again to aid in remov
ing any freight on hand. There would be
no trouble at all as soon as the engines now
being constructed for the road were com
The Police Cause Loud Campbell to be Held
for Developments.
"Loud" Campbell, Alex. Gleeman and
Charles Kline had a hearing before Magis
trate Gripp yesterday on a charge of
burglarizing No. 168 Center avenue one
week ago. Kline and Gleeman were
committed to jail for court trial, but
Campbell's case was held over at the re
quest ofthe police officials, who are collect
ing evidence against him on another and
more serious charge.
When arrested Campbell had a pocket
book, some precious stones and several small
gold rings on his person, which the police
think have been stolen and are anxious to
have identified. The articles can be seen at
Inspect McAleese's office in City Hall.
A Five-Yeor-Old Faces Dcntb.
Edah Bennett, a girl only 5 years old, while
running across Penn avenue last evening at
6 o'clock, was struck by cable car No. 214,
going west, between Twenty-seventh and
Twenty-eighth streets. The child clung to
the cowcatcher, and as she was not at first
seen by the gripman, she was earned about
100 feet. She was badly bruised, but it is
thought not fatally hurt. She was carried
to her home at No. 2751 Sniallman street.
Holmes, Gibson and Golden Wedding
whiskies in bond on tax paid.
Hor.MES & Son,
WS Chicago and Pittsburg.
A Great Bargain Imported Wrapper Flan
nels, Finest colorings, only 45 cents, were 75
cents. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Nobby Children's Suits.
To-day, nobby children's suits, worth 85
and 50, at 52 50. P. C. C. C. opp. the new
Court House,
Don't Forget tbe Excursion to Norfolk and
Fortress Monroe,
On Thursday, via B. & O. R. R. Bate,$10.
Fnll Saltings and Trouserings. f
Leave your order for fall suit at Pit
cairn's, 434 Wood st. "WSU
Ladles' Salt Parlor.
Just received Jenness Miller house robes.
Paecels & Jones, 29 Fifth avenue.
To-Da y I To-Day!
50 styles of boys' suits, age 4 to 14, at the
low price of S2 50, worth 55 and ?6.
P. 0. C. C, opp. the new Court House,
One of the finest displavs at the Exposi-
HeadQtjaetebs in Par's for ' Holmes
Best," A. D. Gaillaed's,
-ws No. 30 Boulevard des Capucines.
Geo. H. Bennett & Bko., 135 First
avenue, Pittsburg, are the largest holders of
pure rye whisky in the city.
Gents' overcoats for fall and winter
wear at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood st.
The most eminent physicians recommend
Klein's Silver Age as a pure stimulant.
"Holmes' Best" is absolutely pure. ,
ws . - Hugo Blanck, Chemist.
?LfM-rl?Z&ti t ' ya?ro--iwg3B
-JilI.OUi)l O jJUi
It Is Anathematized by the Primi
tive Methodists' Conference.
Preachers Who Chew or Smoke Will Not
Be "licensed Hereafter.
At yesterday's session of the Primitive
Methodist Conference, .in the Eighteenth
ward, a system of invitation by which
preachers are changed rom one station to
another was adopted. A special quarterly
couference will meet id each March to con
sider such invitations ior ministers to
change their stations.
The report,of the Cfeneral Committee on
the powers of "Local Preachers" caused
considerable discussion. It was as follows:
Tbat all accredited local preachers bo em
powered to bury the dead, baptize and may
assist the ordained pastor in administering the
sacraments ot the Lord's supper.
Almost every menfber of the Conference
was opposed to the resolution. Bev. Mr.
McGreaham said that some old local
preachers, with whom he was acquainted,
smell like old tobaeoo shops, and cannot go
to or come from a. sermon without first
taking -a glass of beer to prime them up to it.
Bev. Mr. Bakeman pffered a resolution
that no person be given, the license who is
addicted to the use of tobacco or intoxicating
drinks as a beverage. Someone suggested
that the subject be referred to the committee
again. Then Layman Daisley said that
there would be no use to refer it to the com
mittee as he would not- serve. He said that
he used tobacco himselt and would not re
strict some other man.-
There were calls f "Here! Herel" from
other members. Bev. Mr. Bateman said
that he offered the resolution in all Chris
tian propriety. He" had'known churches; of
wnicq bv bad been pastor, to sutler from
men ho used tobacco and intoxicating
drinlis. He said that it was now time for
the conference to be fixed and firm on this
Bev. J. H. Acornley would not take upon
himself the thankless" responsibility of put
ting any man'spipe out.
Bev. E. Humphries thought tbat licenti
ates ought to make this small sacrifice for
the good of the church. Begular preachers
are pledged against the use of both tobacco
and intoxicants,
Bev. Thomas OJliyer said: "X promised
my boys this: To, the one who did not 'drink
I would give 550 when he became 21 years
of age. If he did riqtjuse either tobacco or
intoxicants I would give him 5100. And if
he used neither tobacco nor intoxicants and
did not get married L would give him 5160.
Bnt because these things are so generally
used around them, I have been unsuccess
ful, despite my most earnest prayers, to keep
them from their use."
After prolonged discussion both resolu
tions were separately adopted.
Bules governing the publishing house
were adopted, and Bev. Elijah Humphries,
of Brooklyn, was made manager ot it for
four years, to succeed himself. Bev. E.
Humphries and W. J. C. Bond were made
editors ofthe church organ, the Record and
Each circuit or station was ordered to
keen a record of the baptisms, marriages,
deaths, etc., that occurred within its limits.
Every member of the church was given the
right to appeal and to challenge lor cause,
and no personWhd v not a member of some
Christian church 'will be allowed to give
evidence in any church trial. Each con
ference will formulate rules for its super
annuation fund. Jhe laws in the new dis
cipline will take effect January 1, 1890.
Jt was decided to Kold the next General
Conference at Mineral Point, Wis., on
thn flmtAVedrfimdiiv-in Sentember.1893.-
The" Conference-expeJts to get. through
business ana adjourn mis aiiernoon.
New Styles Flannel Skirt Patterns,
Full size, not scant, 85 cents to ?1 65
specially good skirt'at 51 40.
Jos. HObne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
To-Day Only.
Don't fail to take advantage of this offer
for to-day. We will sell 400 men's elegant
silk-lined overcoats, fnll weight, at 58;
worth 525 of any man's money.
P. C. C. C, opp. the new Court House.
Pittsbtteo beer, brewed by Frauenheim
& Vilsack, is a product of home industry.
Call for it. Drink it.
Telephone 1186.
ImpuritiEB -in tfie Liver.
When the Liver is crowded or clotted
witb a mass of impurities, its action be
comes slow and difflculc Plennsy,
Headache, Pain In Side, Tired Feeling
and General Weakness ensues, result
ing, if unchecked, in
When you have these symptoms, try a
few doses of the genuine
Celebrated Liver Pills,
Price, 25 cents. Sold bv all drugcists,
and prepared only by Fleming Bros.,
FittsburgrPa. Beware of counterfeits
made in bt. Louis.
Kid Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Ladies', Men's
and Children's Underwear, Ribbon?, laces.
Rnchings, Jewelry, Ladles' and Men's Collars
and Cuffs, Ladies'. Men's and Children's Col
lars and Cuffs, Ladies', Men's and Children's
Gloves ot all kinds, Outline Work, Notions,
Umbrellas, Muslin ."Underwear, Yarns and
Zephyrs, Men's Furnishing Goods, Belts,
Satchels, Chatelaine Bags, Flannel Shirts,
Beads, Porte'monnies. Wo buy ior cash and
sell cheap. ' Come in and look around you
are not pressed to bay.
... T T T ...
... X. -L -L ...
iotFederal Street,
"" Allegheny.
JDB HDfflT2. ' CIBB-
Our display at tbo ExpeeMteo of good
" -
from our Silk DepartiaeBt H conceded ,
by all who have seen it to be the fees
. - "
exhibit of rich and elegant sSk&briei ' .
ever shown in Pittsburg. 4 .
Wa invite everyone to visit ourBfflt
'- Tf3?
Department and "aeo our wonderful "
stock of Dress Silks in every toagiaaWa. ".
shade and 'combination ot color and ia
all qualities to tfee very finest. '
Borahs at 69c a yard aad up to oar .ST'
standard quality, the best lathe world,'
in all colors and shades. OarM-teeH
the silk trade.
Colored Qros Grain Silks. Sflc 65c TSe."
85c and SX For excellence of finish a'
f -. A
superior quality these are the best va
ues ever off sred in any silk department,
75c 86c, II, II 25, &9i 11.73,82 and up
to SB a yard. These elegant silks coma
in medium and street shades, and ina
large assortment of delicate and lash.
ionable colorings for full drew oostnmoi.
Armors Boyales, a very eSeeMva
weare, eiegaai qaaimes, at K as
II 60 a yard. '
Poult da Soies.rich and lustres,'
II 50 and 12 per yard, foil assortment o'
colors. &?
The most fashionable Silks for tfais
son; for combining with plain sffiaaail'
witb woolen dress stuffs, tor both street"
ana house costumes. The colorings of
our new Brocaae Silks surpass inrieV
nessand naturalness any silt fabrics
ever imported, including as they do the
elegant effects in gola and silver and
metal weaves tbo variety of coloring,
and designs is very largs and the prices
range from 11. II 60, SI 75, 12, SB &0. ,
$3 up to 175 a yard many of these finer
examples cannot be duplicated ia thJk
Silks ia evening shades for full dress
.... . - jnfim 4t - .
costumes Surahs, 8atlngimag1'TWPlFr
Armnre Royales, Foult tte Boles, FaHloif
'Francaise, Satin Dnchesse: we have
these fabrics in ivory and cream whlta
for bridal dresses, in a very wide rango
of qualities, from II to J3 a yard.
Two special bargains this week
Black Satin Stripe Velvets at 75c, worth
51 25, and one lot, fancy colored Brocade
Velvets at 90c, worth $1 50.
Plain Trimming Velvets, all colors,
60c to finest: all pure She Lyons Cos
tume Velvets; a very large assortment
in Black Velvets from'Cc up to HO a
yard. In finest all pure silk.
Colored Silk Plushe3,18inche3wide,at .
35c and 15c a yard; 18-inch at 60c and 75c;
21-Incn at 75c and in finer grades ia all
the fashionable shades. Our Plushes
are all extra good value, as you will find
if you will compare them with other
goods and prices.
Wa have too large a stock of fine to
finest Black Dress Silks-quali ties rang
ing in price from 12 50 to $i a yard. Wa
accordingly will offer these finer grades
at a discount of 10 per cent on the pres
ent prices this is an opportunity to
secure great bargafns ia Black Silks of
the very best makes and finest qualities
don't miss this offer.
We are also offering great Induce
ments in good wearing Black Gros Grain
Milks in medium grades read the
prices; 60c, 65c, 75c, 85c (21 inches wida
at 90ci Sl.il 15. $125 and Jl 35), 90c, SI,
SI 25. n 60, SI 65. II 75, 82.
New Black Faille Francaise at 75c, 9c
81, SI 15, $1 23 a yard.
Faille Diamant. ArmureRoyale. Satin
Colbert, Crepo Victoria, Armure Gal
loche these are all new weaves and ex
tremely handsome and fashionable.
Black Pole do Soie Silks at SI to S3 6a
Black Armure Silks, 75c to 11 S3.
Satin Granite, Satin Rbadames, Satin
Black Surah Silks our great speci
alty, like the Gros Grain", in a wonder
fully larce range of qualities prices
from 60c to S2 a yard.
We show a larger variety of weaves
in Black Silks in the best makes; a
larger rangcof qualities and the better
actual values than can be found In any
two silk departments in Western Penn
sylvania. It will pay yon to come and
see theso facts as seen hero on tbe
counters and ia the shelves of this great
silk stock. ,
' l v selS-xwV
Mm. "