' . -1 SV THE PITTSBURG' DISPATCH, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1889. 10'CAL LIVE STOCK. Leadin? Features of the Week's Mar kets at Berr's Island. HEAVY CATTLE RUX, PRICES FIRM. Sheep and Lambs in Moderate Supply and Bates Advanced. HOGS GO SLOW AT FORMER PRICES Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, Monday, September 16, 1SS9. The run of cattle and boss was large, and quality was scarcely up to average. Mar kets were slow at a shade lower prices on all stock but sheep and lambs, which were not in large supply. Some dealers report an advance on last Monday's prices of 10 to 15c per cwt. on good butcber stock. Percontra, a Diamond market butcher reports that he bought lower this week than last, and that prices were lower at Chicago. According to his report, the best price realized for prime beeves was $4 75. Others report as follows: Prime heavy estern beces, weighing 1.500 to 1,000 pounds. SliJJtoSo 10; medium weights. 1.300 to 1,4 JO pounds, S4 TO to 51 S3; 1,200 to L30U pounders, S4 30 toSl 00; prime light weights, 900 to 1,100 pounds, Jl CO to SI 25. Stock From Nriskliorinc Counties was in good supply, and brought the outside rates. Fresh cows sold at a range of $30 to HI per head: calves at 50c per pound. Bulls, stags and dry cows "ranged from 3 to 4c per pound. Receipts From Chicago. Winter & Dellcn bach, 5? bead: L Zeigler. 152; L. Gkrson. IS; E. Wolf. 19; S. Lowenstein.56:L. Rothschild fc Co., 13S; A. Frouim, Si From Pennsylvania, M. Arnold, 20 head; J. Langdon. 20; various owners, 21. Total, 059; last week. 551; previous week, 4S4. Sheep and Inmbs. Supply was light and markets were active at higner prices than last week. Best heavy western wethers sold at a range of 51 V55 00; medium to good, 54 2521 60; common to fair, S3 7o4 00: ewes, S3 7oi 2i Lambs were in better supplv than sheep, hut moved actively at range of 464c per pound. Receipt From Chicago. I. Zeigler, 110 head. From Pennsylvania. Bingham & Co., 18S head: 1). O. Pior, 5-i; J. Wright. i9;3. Allen. 91: J. Ackerman. 2il: E. D. Sergeant, S3; Keesy & Hunger. Me; I. Zeigler, 74. Total. 1,042; last week, SSI: previous ueek. 1.152. Hogs in Good Supply. The supply was an average one for the season of the year, but quality was scarcely up to standard, as grassers abound ar this time. The best hogs that come to our markets at this time are those which come from the farth est west, where corn abounds. Those raised in this section do not usually receive a sufficient quantity of giain. and this fact shows itself in the great shrinkage and lower grade of pork. Toe demand lor good corn fed hogs was good, aud markets were active, at a range of $1 25 4 50 for Pennsylvania's, and 51 604 75 forOhio and Chicago hogs. Keceipts From Chicago, I. Zeigler. 74 head. From Ohio.Needv & Smith, 109. From Pennsyl vania, llincham Co., 10: D. O. Pisor, 20:"J. Alleu. 6: William Gan in. 15; L Talor, lb; P. JlcGee. 24; E. D. Sergcanr, 11; Willam Mc Creary. US. Total, 333; last week, 49S: previous week, 207. MARKETS BY WIEE. A Tumble in the Wheat Pit. Wblcli Nnr rowly Escaped Being a Bad Break Corn Lower and Oats Easier II or Product Slroneor. ClllCAGa The wheat market was rather dnll to-day, and for a greater portion of the session the feeling was weak. Bear sen timent seemed to predominate toward the cloje. in fact, and as a result of the das's oper ations a net loss in futures of H&i was estab lished. In the trading pit the cro d felt pretty friendly to wheat at the opening, and in the early dealings prices moved up KKC- Tho feeling of strength soon gave way to one of decided weakness, and for the remainder of the session the bears w ere on top. That there was not a pretty sharp break in values was probably due to the uarrowness of the market and to the very good buying by a prominent local operator when the market was dragging around the bottom. This same operator was the largest seller to-day of year wheat, it was said, on the floor. The North west sold considerable May here, and news from that part of the country was less bullish. New York gossip was bearish, but operators there were said to be conservatively inclined, owing to the poor grading of the receipts. A good trade was witnessed in corn, and the feeling prevailing was but a continuation of that developed the latter part of last weeK, transactions being at still lower pnCes. The speculative market opened heavy at Satur day's closing prices, and under fiee offerings declined y,&c the now crop futures showing the greatest weakness ino mancei men ruled quiet and irregular, closing w ith the near futures c and the distant deliveries yjz lower than Saturday. The near futures in oats were quiet and easier. Slay was active, weaker and prices de clined Jc. "Longs were free sellers. Consider able short selling was also indulged in, and the leeling most or the session was heavy. Rather more strength was developed in pork and prices ruled higher, especially for the near deliveries. Shorts bought a few lots, and as tneolfeiings were small they were compelled to adance their views 2Sg35c Dorerred de liveries were sti oncer and nrices were slightly advanced, but not tully Supported. Only a small trade was reported in the lard market, aud the feeling was stronger. Prices ruled about 2c higncr, but not fully supported to the close. A little more interest was manifested in the market for short ribs, and tradimr was a little more active. Prices ruled 25c higher, and the market closed comparatively steady. me leading lutures rangea as roliows SIGNS OF REYIYAL. Scrambling for Lots in a New Plan Opposite' Boulevard Place. MORE INQUIRY OUT WY LIE AVENUE Dangerous Counterfeits Floating Around and How to Detect Them. ' at 37, 50 Electric at 5 and 60 Central Traction at 3L Andrew Caster sold 20 sbaresSwitchand Signal at 23. Henry M. Long bought 40 shares Electric at 52. Bea Bros. &CO. sold 51,000 Maryland Central general mortgage 5 per cent bonds at 95 fiat. The total sales ot stocks at New York yester day were 183,213 shares. Including Atchison, fi.060; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 7,417; Erie, 8,450: Lake Shore, 3,925: Louisville and Nashville, 11.760; Missouri Pacific, 4.175; Northwestern, 3,685: Northern Pacinc. 3.916; Northern Pacific, preferred, 21,915; Beading, 13.SS0; St. Paul, 14,163; Union Pacific. 4.180. TUB GROWTH OP ELECTRIC EAILWAIS COKN-No. 2, October, Sl'ASl;i&3A&-Mc; November. 32;J8g32J31K32c; May, 3114 S4iS33;S3344c. oats So. 2, October, 193s19!4c: December, V)?iWtym9&c; May, 2e22J622K Mess Pork, per bbl. October. 510 90 11 2510 9011 20: November. 59 159 4o9 15 9 37M: Januarv.S9 17S9 25(S9 17M9 25. liakd, tier luu Bs. October, eo k:so w; r .i T.-iuv.i Novcuiber.15 55 77K5 77K- 755 80; January, SiioKT Ribs, per 100 Bs. October. 51 S7J 4 901 S51 87K; November, 54 654 bl; LITE STOCK MARKETS. The Condition of Bnxtncs at the East Liberty Mock Yards. Office oFPrrrsBritG Dispatch.! Monday, September 16, lbS9. f CATTLE Receipts, 3.580 head; shipments, 2.000 head; market very dull; heavy catlle loc to 20c off; common 10c lower: 25 cars of "cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts. 4,500 nead: shipments. 3,300 head: market active: light Yorkers. 51 '5'qH So; medium and liiht Pbiladelpbias. 54 651j4 75: heavy hoes, 54 40S4 50: 9 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. SnnEP Receipt-. 4,200 head; shipments 2.400 head; market steady and prices un changed. By Trlcsrnph. JtrFFALo-Cattle-Receipts, 187 carloads through, 2(10 carloads for sale: market active rhrjice to extra export steers, $4 104 60; good 1- 754 -": clloice heavv butchers, S3 50 4 00; good mediums S3 403 75; light handy butchers, mixed. S3 20ffl3 50: poor to common an 1 cows and springers, 52 402 75; Michigan siockers and feeders, cood to extra, 52 OCgSW export bulls. 52 003 25: milch cows and sunne' crs. common to extra, S2557. Sheep and Iambs Receipts 14 carloads through. 74 carloads for sale; maiket active bnt not quotably higher ?? l?cst fhecP- S c,oe4 T5 fair to good.' 54 -jjr4 fiO; common. 53 75g4 25: good to best lambs. 56 tflgc 25: fair to good. 55 75S6 00,-com-ruon, Sa 50,55 75. Hos Receipts. 30 carloads lurpugii. . carlo-ids for sale; market strong mixed. January, 54 65Q4 65. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 76c: No. 3 spnnc wheat, 6265c; No. 2 red, 764c No. 2 corn.32'fc. No. 2 oats, 19c No. 2 rye. 42c No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 51 28. Prime timothy seed, $1 30. Mess pork, per bbk Sll 101120. Lard, per 100 pounds, 56 006 02 Short rib sides (loose). 55 055 10; dry salted shoulders (boxed), 4 374 50; short clear sides (boxed), 55 25S5 37. Suears unchanged Receipts Flour. 18,000 bar rels; wheat, 123.000 bushels: corn, 310,000 bushels; oats, 1S7,000 bushels; rye, 16.000 bushels; barley, 45.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 28,000 barrels: wheat.155.000 bushels: corn. 313,000 bushels: oats, 3S5.O00 bushels; rje, 30,000 bushels; barley, 16,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the bnttcr market was lairly active: lancy creairerv, 20 JIc; fine, 1516c: finest dairies, 1018c: fair to good, 910c. Eggs, 16c. New York Flour moderately active, heavy and 510j lower. Wheat Spot dull and weaker: options dull, closing weak at c under Saturday. Rj c dull: western. 4SaOc Barley quiet; Canada, 75c asked. Barley malt dnll; Canada, E595c Corn Spot fairly active, K?ic lower and weak; options dnll and weak. 0ais Spot quiet and easier; options dull and weaker. Hav weak and quiet. Coffee Op tions opened steady at202'i points up and closed barely steadv at fa20 points up; sales, 31,500 bags, including September, 16.05 16.10c; October, 16.0516.10o; November, 16.1048 16.15c; December, 16.1010.15c; May, 1&15 1G.20C: Fpot Rio stromr: fair carcocs. 19?ic. Sugar Kaw very strong; sparingly offered: fair rehning, ojic; ceutrifugals, 9U test, 6c: refined firm and 111 good demand. Molasses Foreign nominal: New Orleans dull. Rice In fair de mand and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow dull. Rosin quiet and stead. Turpentine quiet andfsteady at 4747c Eggs quiet and firm for best fresh: western "tresh, 18419c: re ceipts, 6,126 packages. Pork steady and quiet; mess, inspected, 512 2512 75: do uninspected, 512 2o; extra prime, 510 2512 50. Cutmeats steady: picsled bellies, GJJc: pickled shoulders, 4Jc: pickld hams, lOJ.'&llc; middles steadv. Lard steady; better export: dull: speculation, sales western steam, 56 376 40. closing at 56 37K: September, 56 30; October, 56 2SS6 30; November. 56 16E6 IS; December, 56 14615; January, 56 15, closing at 56 151 16; February, 56 19 asked. Butter Fine in demand and firmer; western dairy. 9ai2$c: docreamcrv, 11 021c; do factory. 712c Cheese higherand quiet: western, 6Jisc. Philadelphia rlour fairiv steady but dull; western winter clear, 54 001 25; western winter straight, 54 :54 50; firm at 54 5C5 00; ...iiiiiiesuut uicii, ouv-i w;.uinnesotastraigiit, 54 254 85; Minnesota patent, 55 005 35. Wheat weak and lower; steamer No. 3 red. in expoit elevator. C8c: No. 2 red, September. 79 79c; October, 7JS0c; November. SlSSlKc: Dctember. 82KS24C. Corn Options lower; car lots fairly steady: No. 2 mixed, in train depot, 41c; No. 2 yellow, in grain depot, 42c; No. 2 mixed, on track, 42c: No. 2 mixed, Sep tember, 40K'ic; October. 40miic; No vember. 40kllc: December. 4nUiffi.il izn n.iio Demand. lor car lots moderate, but prices well maintained; No. 2 mixed, 23c; No. 3 wuiie, on iracK, z-izc: options quiet nut stead , :S.?,. " " , -:3-;av, j )4iaiaJ4c; jjecemoer. jhq.-c Provisions Jonumgquictivat nrmer rates. Lard West ern steam, S6 62G"70. Butter firm for high grades, which are scarce and wanted; Pennsjl vania creamery, extra, 21c; Fennsj lvania prints, extra, 2427c Eggs firm and in good demand for fresh stock; Pennsylvania firsts, 21c. Cheese lairiy acuve at iuu nrices: pan Blums, o7o. Receipts Flour, 1,650 barrels; wheat. 25,200 bushels; corn, 23.200 bushels: oats, 16,500 bush els. Shinments Wheat, 16.600 bushels; corn 29,800 bushels; oats, 8,200 bushels. ' St. Louis Flour quiet, hut steady and un changed. Wheat opened firm and advanced J-Jc on small offerings and sharp demand, weakened off later and closed He below Satnr div; 2 red, cash, 77Jc bid; September, 77 77Jic closed at TTJic: December, 777SJc, closed at isykc; juay. tsxgszxc, closed at Corn lower; No. 2 mixed, cash. 25Kc: 29529?c closed at 29&c: December: 2SJi294c, closed at &c; year, 2829Kc, rlnonrt at ?S7n aRlrpd Jnninrv 9Q rlnco.i ., - (iH m-. light, fair to bt. 51 10ffl4 Si Kh, 29c asked: Mav,3131?ic closed at 31c asked Receipts. bOO bead; suipments. 1..VX) bead: mar- ! Oats lower: No. 2 cash. lSe; September. 16c- and active; mediums and heavy. 54 00(5)4 75- Sri j.j 00: corn lorker. So 00: nir-s u Hia2t$&z?& u m-- r'hS: Kansas CiTY-Cattle-Reccipts. 5,059 head: shipments, 3.S31 head:good native beef steers strong; common and grass ran?c weak and a shade lower: cows stcirtv to stron" tockers a.nd fefdt'?tlJ: sood to choice cornfed steers, 54 004 2o; common to medium 5' 90 3 bO: stockers and feeding steers. 51 60K3 10 cows 51 oo2 oO; grass range steers. 51 60 ?iwi "TSs-Receipts 2,475 head; shipments. LllShead: strong to or higlier, closine dnll and heavv ,3.559 frnm V- T-r r .-u "k ""t " . ""Cilus " ,, i: mi 1 i . KOOU mut'ns sold at 53 3j3 50; maiket steady: good to choice ""'SS"','5' -2563 60; stockcrs and feed- making 12,lo0 1 f or the week; the market was about steadv for all descriptions, and the pens vreje well cleared: native steers sold at S3"253! i'JT 100poundsiw'th a few tops at 54 80 ?rlHXfecrS,-$3,205350-and Ri carload ? "j? halfbieds from Nebraska at 54 00 420 Calves-Receipts, 1,600 head, making 5,100 for the week: firm for veals at 5500800per 100 pounds: dnll and weak for graslersard 800, makinc 41 SIX) for the week: steadv for fheep at flSj)ffi3 25 per 100 pounds; easier for lamb at S4 50ff 7 00- not mi u ' ti' ill ccipts. 9,000 head, making 29.200 for the week-I JT--Peak,n,f. "TeredalHe; nominal value,' I 542o4o per 100 pounds. ' St. Lons Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head- shin, ments. 100 head: market stVcigVchoiceLew native steers. S3 iK)4 40; fair to jrood do 53 60 Dl r v , ..w u .ucuc c 1W1J W. r.inp-n o-8- stecrs. t 3U3 10. Hogs-Receiuts. 1.4rin T. ' October. snlpmcnts, 1 100 head: markot stead- fair to ' choice heavy. S3 90Ji4 15r n.iri-iT,o. m-J : -r kct steady; fair to choice. S3 3004 ai Chicago The Drovrrr Journal renorte Cattle Receipts. 11,000 head; shipments " 500 head: market steadj; beeves, 54 404 63- s'tere S3004 30; stockers and leedcr. 51903 00- ?,0V,Aa wIed- ?I f2 Tefs cat tle, 51 MHi2 80; etcrn raiicers. F 4(1)1 m Hogs - Receipts, 15,000 headshtpmentsf'.WO head; market closed strong. 1KDI A Ai-OLis cattle - Reeeipts litrhf Iailv n-.nni.. I) caries anu raemum. m weal 2o: niirpd .1 qri I 50: lights 54 35S4 50. .Shefp-Keceslht- 304 Si" "E ' 25S5T5; Sh"P- Cikcinitatt Hots scarce and higher- com mon and light S3 25Q4 43; packing and butcb. crs. S4 00130; receipts L100 "head; sWpl ments, 60 bead. The Ylitiblc Supply of Grain. ClTTCAGO. September ia-The visible sup ply of grain according to the Board of Trade is as follows: Wheit 15,093.000 bushels; increase, 14simn bushels. Corn, 12,892,000 bushels; IncrwM 725,000 bushels. Oats, 5,915,(XX) bushels- de crease, 9S.000 bushels. Rye, 1,704.000 bushels-increase, 36,000 bushels. Barley, 423.000 bnsheU- se, I7,uuu busbels. ' increase. Brazilian Co flee. RloDEJANEiKO.Septemberia-Corree-Rec-ular first, 6,200 reis per 10 kilob: good second. 5,S00 reis. Receipts during the week 4L.0G0 bags; purchases for United .States, 51,000; clear ances for do. 4,000; stock, 365,000 bags. Santos, September lG.-Coffee-Good aver age, 5,8-50 reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the week, 52.000J)ags; purchases for the United States, 12,000; clearances for do, none; stock, 175,000 bags. The Dryeoods Marlict. New YonK. September lC-Tliere was no new feature in dry goods to-day except that men's wear woolens ere in better request, .1 few buyers having come again in the market. Woolens for jobbers were in steady demand and well sold up. Cotton goods maintained a strong tone and the market as a it hole is in a healthy condition. Weak stomach,BeechamsPills act likemagc. Peaks' Soap secures a beautiful complexion October, ISc bid: May, 22522Kc live ouiet and unchanged. Barley, nothing doing; buyers holding off. Flaxseed unchanged. Provisions stronger. Baltimore 'Wheat Western easy and low er; No. 2 winter red. spot and September 7SJc; December, S2gS2c Corn Western active and lower; mixed, spot and September 30-2J 10c: October. SOglOc; year, 39S9J4c; Jan uary, SOSc Oats steady; Western white, 26 827c. Rye quiet; good to prime. 6055c Hay steadv and unchanged. Provisions un chaneed. Butter firm for choice; Western pa:ked. 1014c: creamery, 18j9c Eggs steady atlS18c. Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes, fair, 19Kc Kecepts Flour. 13.000 barrels; wheat 33.000 bushels: corn. 22,000 bushels: oats, 5,000 bushels; rje, 1,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 120,000 bushils. Sales Wheat, 140.000 bushels. Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat steady: cash, 72Jc; October, 72c Corn dull; No. 3. 33c- Rye dull: No. L 42Kc Barley quiet; September 57c. Oats dull; No. 2 white, 22a Provisions firm. Pork Cash. SU 10; Oc tober, Sll 10. Lard Casb, S5 95; October, 55 95. Cheese steady: Cheddars. 8iSjic. . Cincinnati Pork firm at $11 37K. Lard stronger at 55 805 90. Bulkmeatsfirm; short ribs, $512j15. Bacon firm; shoit clear M25. ' Toledo Cloverseed active and steady: Sep tember and October, $4 12; November 54 15: December, 54 20. ' Louisville Grain and provisions un changed, t Louisville Cotton quiet; middling, He Metal Market. New YonK Pig Iron steady; American 515 5018 00. Copper nominal. Lead dull and stcadj; domestic, U 00. Tin quiet and steadv Straits, 521 40. ' That remedy is cheapest that proves most effective, irrespective of price. Judged by this standard as a worm remedy and child's tonic Dr. D. Jayne's Tonjc Vermi fuge is unequalled. It rids the child of worms, aud by its tonic powers restores strength and vigor to the young and old; the latter a quality not usually possessed bj worm remedies. Sold by all druggists. There is considerable inquiry for lots in the plan just opened opposite Boulevard place, fronting on Fifth avenue extension. The location is admirable both for residence and business, being convenient to street and steam cars. Three gentlemen began nego tiations yesterday for a block of seven lots in this plan, which will probably result in a deal to-day. Another feature of the real estate busi ness, developed yesterday, is a renewal of the inquiry for residence and business property outWylie avenue, the opinion that the cable line will depress values on that thoroughfare finding but little favor with investors, ft may injure a certain class of traders at first, but the novelty will soon wear off and buyers will patronize local merchants as before. The only effect the road will have on realty, according to-good judges, will be to enhance its value by making it easier of access, and there fore more desirable. A largo amount of counterfeit money is in circulation, principally in the West, but occa- sionally it turns up in Pittsburg. Thesilver cer tificate 55, series of 1886, and the 510, series of 1875, seem to be most abundant. Attention was directed to the latter in this department a few days ago. The fact which makes this latest flood of counterfeit money so exceedingly bothersome is that, according to bank officials, it is almost an impossibility for any one other than an expert to detect it. For once the mat ter of giving some particular point which may be referred to instantly or even with the most careful study, and be depended upon as infalli ble in distinguishing the good from the bad, is impossible, so remarkable is this latest job of counterfeiting. The nearest to a rule given by experts is that on all genuine bills, of any and all denomina tions, the scroll will always and never failingly be found absolutely true. Rivet the eye on any une scroll line, and slowly follow it out. It there is the slightest flaw as it winds about, then there are 93 chances to 1 that the bill is a counterfeit, add especially if the flaw in its graceful sweep is particularly noticeable. This test has been pronounced the only absolutely infallible one by the Treasury Department. Tho progress of electric street railways in the United States is remarkable, there being at present a greater number than in Europe, although the system is older there than here. Three years ago only one or two roads were in regular operation in America, though a num ber of experimental lines bad been running for brief periods at country fairs and the like, A year ago there were 32 completed roads, aggre gating in length 13S miles, with 233 motor cars. At that date 49 roads were in process of con struction, and a number of others had been in corporated. Probably tho most extensive of these is that at Richmond, Ya., using the Sprague system. This company has constructed roads in Wilmington, Hartford, Salem, Wilkes barre, Harrisburg and other cities. The Thomson-Houston Company's system is used in and near Boston, in Scranton, Pa., and on several other roads scattered over the coun try. Tho Daft Company's system is used in Baltimore, Ninth avenue, New York; Pitts burg, Asbury Park, Meriden, Los Angeles and Brussels, Belgium. The list of roads given above does not include by any means all tho lines and companies now using the electric motor, nor those commenced within the year, several of which are in Pittsburg. , A representative of the drygoods trade who had jnst returned from New York remarked yesterday: -'Large stocks of print cloths have caused some weakness in prices. There is an active demand for dress goods, but woolens are pretty well under control, the fall demand hav ing been to a great extent supplied. I attended the auction sales of flannels and blankets last week. There was a good demand at conces sions in prices, rangiug from 6 to 8 per cent be low quotations in a regular way. The trade here is very active." In a table showing net railway earnings for July, the Pittsburg and Western (whole sys tem) is credited with a gain ot 577,562 over the corresponding month of 1888. Other gains were: Bnrlington and Quincy, 5550,148 on the lines directly operated, and 572,553 for the lines controlled. The new Big Four combination in creased its net from 5220.053 in 1883 to 311,597 in 18S9, the Louisville and Nashville from 5479,5y9 to 5559,346, the Northern Pacific from 5666,182 to $782,929, the Rome, Watertown aud OgdenV burg from $128,901 to 5156,738. the Rio Grande Western from 519,802 to 568,554. and the Ohio River from 516,872 to 528,483. These are roads in widely separated districts, and yet they all tell the same story. Vice President McCullough, of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, said in New York on Saturday: "The railroads are making fabu lous earnings: in fact, the statements submitted do not show exactly how extensive a business they are doing. There is absolutely no reason why they should not all make plenty of money, and they doubtless will do so this fall und win ter. A few months ago, when business was particularly bad forsome of the roads, they, managed to keep up a cheerful appearance, and their statements did not absolutely reflect the losses which tbey were making, any more than the statements now coming to hand clearly demonstrate how excellently well the majority of the lines are panning out. Every thing looks prosperous, and for the next few months at least we may look for even improved results over those which have recently come to hand." SPECIAL FHATUKES SCAECB, Bnt Locnl Finance Floating Serenely on the lUsluc Tide. The local money market opened up yesterday without a flourishing of trumpets or any other peculiar demonstration to denote that it was floating flood high. But while there were, no special features not previously noted no un usual inflow or outflow, nor newly-fledged ap prehensions of stringency, which may or may not be experienced, according to the direction and volume which .speculation may assume there was a large amount of business in all the regular lines, checking being a strong and dis counting a weak spot. A cashier remarked: jNotwitnstandinga large amount of money has been invested in coke and street railway bonds within a short time, there is plenty of it left, which holders would like to find employ ment for, and which they hope to put on the active list withm the, next month or six w eeks."- The extremes for commercial paper are 6 and 7 per cent. It is doubtful if any of the bank are doing anything below 6, but outsiders still take 5 and thereabouts on realty. The liberal use or silver dollars serves to minimize the cur rency famine, which owes Its origin to heavy shipments to the South. The Clearing House report was well up, showing a heavy movement of staples, the speculative interest, except in realty, being an insignificant factor. The ex changes were 52,214,495 50 and the balances or real business S2SS.424 23. Money on call atNew York yesterday was easy at Zi per cent, last loan 4, closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper, 57. Sterling exchange quiet but syjady at 11 84K for 60-day bills and 54 8S for demand. Closing Irbnd Quotations. U. S. 4s,reg 127 U. S. 4s, coup 12S U. S.4Hs, reg mv V. S. 4s. coup.... 1055J Pacific 6s of '95 113 Loulslanastampedts W4 M. K. &T. Gen.Ss . 57 Mutual Union 6s. ...K11M N. J.C.Int. Cert...ll3K Northern Pac lsts..U5 Northern l"ac. Ms.. 114 Norihw't'n consols. 147 100& Northw'n denim's. .116 106 Oreeon & Trans. Os. 105 .Nll'iiSt. Jj. &I.M. Oen. 5s 81 n St. 1..&, b. '. Gen.il.119 si. 1 aul consols ....!- St. PI, Chl&Pc.lsls.lls Tx., PcL. G.Tr Ks.91 Tx.,PcK.G.Tr.Kcts 33 Onion Fac. lsts 119 West Shore 10s Missouri 6s Tenn. new set. 6s Tenn. new set. 5s Tenn. new set. 3s Canada So. 2ds 97 Cen. Pacific. Ists 116 ucn. s, k. u., lsts... 123 Den. & R. G. 4s 79M D.AR.G. West, lsts. HO Erle,2rt8 1045 M. K. &T. Gen. Cs.. 63 The bond offeriugs vesterday aggregated 5437,850, as follows: Registered 4s $16,650 at 128, ex-interest; 512,000 at 128. Registered iks, 5420,000 at 105. The Wall Street News of yesterday says: "The money brokers were hustling around the street on Saturday trying to loan money for 90 days and six months at from 5K6per cent, ana offered to take as collateral any of the cheap priced stocks, not even discriminating against Lead Trust, which was intimated might be put in loans of fair amounts at a few points from its market price. Judging from appear ances, there will be no tight money, and what ever flurries take place will simply bo tem porary. Members of the firm of Drexel, Mor gan & Co. say there is no occasion to be appre bensive, and that within the next three months, unless business throughout the coun try should assume unwonted activity, thus giv ing active and healthy employment to millions of dollars, demand and call loans alike will be abundantly supplied at lower rates." New York Bank clearings, 571,741,142; bal ances, 54.433,835. Boston Bank cloarings, 514,513.936; balances, 51.671,805. Money 2K3 per cent. Philadelphia iank clearings, 59,778,071; balances, 51,693.867. Baltimore Bank clearings. 52.238,833; bal ances. 5274.3S2. London The amount of bullion gone into the Bans of England on balance to-day is 8.000. Paris Three per cent rentes, 85f 52c ex-interest for the account. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, 512287,000. St. Louis-Bank clearings, $3,362,717; bal. ances, 5449,057. SOME DEEP CUTS In the Northwest Canse a Tumble in Knll rd Shares-. Other Disturbing In fluences Favor the BearsLower Prices Scared nil Over the List. New Yoek, September 16. The stock mar ket to-day was weak and declining from open ing to close, and tc-nlght everything is lower, though the important concessions .are not specially numerous. The action of the other St. Paul lines in meeting promptly the cut by the Chicago, Burlington ai-d Northern,' to gether with the assertions from Chicago that the cuts would go farther, created a decidedly bearish feeling among the professional ele; ment, and in the absence of buying for long account, vigorous efforts were made to get the list down. The selling apparently began in London, as the figures from the center" wero materially lower this morning, though there was no selling of importance for foreign ac count in this market. First prices here were from l4 topper cent lower than Saturday's closing figures, and the pressure upon the "rangers was pretty severe in the early trading. Ane Imnresslnn nnilA nnnn thATirii-ASnf tboSO shares, however, was in no cases measured by more than a fraction. There was considerable strength in Louisville and Nashville and New England, the prospects of an early completion of the connection with the Norfolk and West ern helping the former. Tho impression made upon the general list was fractional only In the forenoon, but later the closing of the Northern Pacific books this evening led to selling of that stock and a material decline followed, while sales for cash at a small advance on the regu lar way. A rumor was circulated that Sugar Trust had a bonded Indebtedness of 516,000,000 ahead of the stock and this led to a sharp drop of 3 per cent in that, though most of the loss was afterward recovered. Oregon Transconti nental, while not active, was weak in sympathy with Northern Pacific, and is one of the few stocks showing a material decline this evening. The later decline was sympathized in by the general list to a greater extent than the earlier one and the weakness became more pro nounced as the day wore along. Norfolk and Western was a marked exception to the rule, being helped by the same Influence which ad vanced Louisville and Nashville. New En gland was advanced on rumors that the meet ing of the New Haven to-day would result in some scheme by which New England would be a gainer. There was further manipulation of Phoenix mining and.it rose from 65 to 77 and fell back to the opening price. The closo was quiet and weaK generally at the lowest prices of the day. The entire list is lower, but the losses are gen erally f ractional.wbile Oregon Transcontinental lost Vg, Canada Southern and Northern Pacific preferred Vyi each, and Sugar Trust Railroad bonds wero duller than they have been for many days, the sale of all issues ag gregating only 5645,000, while the trading was devoid of special feature of any kind. No de cided tone marked tho dealings and the final changes in most cases are insignificant. Toe rollowlng table snows tne prices oracttve stocks on the Sew York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dallv for The Dispatch by Whitney & Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem bers of .New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: DOMESTIC MEETS. Bine Monday in Produce Lines But ter Active and Firm. NEW CRANBERRIES AND QUINCES. Flour Seeking a Lower level Other Cereals Yery Quiet. COFJfEES AND SDGAE3 ARE STE0NG 0TER THE LINE. Oil Meanders Abovo n Dollar and Stays There for Once. Oil opened at 51 00 yesterday, and on a buy ing spurt advanced to SI 01, from which, un der attempts to realize, it tumbled to the opening figure. Oil City then tnrned buyer, un der the influence of which there was a rally of of a cent, at which the market closed. The early strength seemed to come from tho Eastj it being surmised that the longs were increas ing their holdings. There was more noise here than business. When the spurt came most of the traders wero watching the ticker board, but they quickly scampered off to the pit and "made Rome howl"' for a few minutes, but as they were nearly all of one mind wanting to sell vervlit tlo was done. Saturday's clearings were 196,000 barrels. There was some bearish news from iintler county, but very little attention was paid to it. Conditions have nothing to do with the market, as at present constituted. Monday's Oil Range. Corrected daily by John M. Oakley & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 100 I Lowest Highest lOl<'iosed 100 10OX Barrels. 48,437 SO, 144 46.64J Average runs , Average shipments Average charters ,. Keflncd, New York. 7.20c liennen, Xionaon, aa. Kenned, Antwerp, irjfr. Keflned, Liverpool, 6$il. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts. 995c; calls, 51 011 01K. Open In?. Am. Cotton Oil 51M Atcti.1, lop. & B. F.. 39& Canadian Pacific 69'4 Canada southern 64i Centril or .New Jersey.118 Central Pacific 38 Chesapeake & Ohio.... 24 C. Bar. & Ouliiev.,...1075 C, WU. & St. Paul.... 73H c m.& st. p.. pr. C Kockl. &V 102 C. St. L. & Pitts c, st. l. & ruts. pr. C. St.P.,M. &U 3514 c, st. p.. m. &o.. nr.icoM C. & Northwestern.. .,113)4 C i Northwestern, pr. .... C, C C. & 1 74ft C, C..C.4L, pf Col. Coal s. Iron 3J Col. & Hocking Val .. 18 Del.. l.ttW 147 Del. & Hudson 1S3 Denver Klo Q ISii Denver A Rio O.. pr E.TV'a. 4Ua 105$ E.TVa. & (la. 1st pf. .... K.X.. Va.&Ga. 2dpr. 24 Illinois Central Lake Grin A Western.. 19)g Lake Erie West. pr.. 64 S, LakcShore & M. S lOSX Louisville & Nashville. 76 illch tan central SV.i MobUfi Ohio 14 Mo., Kan. & Texas.... 12H Jllssonrl Pacific 'iii Netr fork Central lCSh y. X.. L. E. W --S9K iI.r.,L,.E. AW.pref a. .. C tSt. L, IN. "., C & St. L. pr. N.I.. C. Ht.L.2dof . .. N. iA.V. E 51 H. Y.. O. W 38 orfolka Western.... 19 Norfolk & Western, pf. 55 Northern Pacific 33 Nortnern Pacific nref. 75M OhloA Mississippi 24 Oregon Improvement. .. . Oregon Transcon 34J4 Paciac Mall Peo. Dec. & Evans Phtlidel. A Heading.. Pullnan Palace Car.. .182 Richmond A W. P. T.. 23iJ Richmond A W.P.T.pt .. St. P, Minn. & Man..l0S3S St.Ij.ASan Fran Z!'4 St. li. A San irran pr.. 61 st.UA San P. 1st pt Texas Pacific 21 Union Pacific 61 Wabasn 17 Wabash preferred IS Western Union 86(f Wheeling A L. E. 72 Sugar Trust 103 National bead Trust.. 24 Chlcao Oas Trust.... 59X High est. m 39S ss 118 3d 21 108M 73 Low est. HW 39H tSH MH ma 3$ 23 107S 72 102K 102 35M 100 a 113 75" 33" 18 14S)$ 153 W ioii 24" an 65 na KM 14 12)4 76 109 29 52 19 19 56 3-1 75M 24 . 47 1S2 24 109" 61 ai'4 108 58s 35i 1004, 113 32i 18 KIH 18S iujj 24' 19 64tf 105K 76K 93M 14), 12) 74 29)1 51 18 18 55 32 11 23Ji 83" 46JS 1S2 2J 108" ' na 61 21" 174 32 SG 72 105 23H 53 Clos ing Did. 50-V 69 55tf 118)4 S5 233f 108 72 HIT' 102M 15 37)4 35 99 113M 142 74K I01M . 32 17& "7 152 18 52 m !(S 24 116 19X 64 105 76 92 14 12'4 7594 m V94 69 17 69 Zi 51 18V 18)4 55 32 73 23 53 32 31 22 46 181 23K 81 1W7 28 60. llli 21 6354 17K 32 sa4 7HS 106 23 57 Office of Pittsbueo Dispatch, J .Monday. September id, 1883. J Country Produce Jobbing Price. A rainy Monday is apt to be blue in lines of country produce, and this was no exception to the rule. Quinces and cranberries made their first appearance in our market column. Peaches are scarce, and the opportunity for laying up In store against the coming winter grows smaller every day. There is a growing firmness in butter, and we fully expect to raise our quo tations once again before the week is out. Eggs and cheese are active and steady, and a choice article of either finds ready sale at quo tations. Irish potatoes are firm: sweets quiet: apples a drug, and likely to contrflue so until other fruit is worked off. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2324c; Ohio do, 2122e: fresh dairy packed, l&320c; country rolls, 17I9c Beans Naw hand-picked beans, $2 402 BO; medium, $2 80$2 4a Bekswax-2830c 8 a for choice; lowgrade, 1820c. 1 Cider Sand refined, $6 507 50; common. J3 504 00; crab cider. S8 008 50 ft barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c ft per gallon. Cheese Ohio, 8i&9c; New York, lOfllCKcj Limburger. 89c; domestic Sweitzer,9U!Kc; imported Sweitzer, 22c. r-uus i(sajc V uozen lorsinciiy iresu. . FBUITS Apples, $1 502 00 ?) barrel: pine apples. $1 001 25 fl dozen; whortleberries, 75 80efl pail; watermelons. 820 0025 00 p hun dred; peaches. $1 502 60 4ft bushel box; grapes, 57c ft pound; Bartlett pears, S3 00 barrel; quinces, $3 004 00 f) barrel, cranberries, Jer sevs, S3 003 25J3 bushel box. Featheks Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1, do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c ft. Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c pair: old, 6570fl pair. Seeds Clover, choice. 62 fts to ushel, $5 60 fl bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, $6 00; clover, Alsike, S3 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 E. 1 65; bine grass, extra clean. 14 fis, 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, 1 00; orchard grass, 14 fts. $1 65: red top. 14 fts, 31 25; millet, 50 fts, $1 00: German millet, 60 fts, SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 fis, SI 00; lawn gras, mixture of fine grasses, S2 50 9 bushel of 14 fts. Tallow Country, 4Jc; city rendered), i 5c. Tropical Fruits Lemons, corhmon, $6 00 6 50; fancy, 57 007 50; oranges, $5 006 00; bananas, SI 75 firsts, SI 25 good seconds, f) bunch; coeoanuts, S4 004 50 fl hundred; figs. J4 6004 75; clear winter. S4 2S4 50s straight XXXX bakers', S3 754 00. Bye flour, S3 B0 4 75. JlrLLFEEDMIddlings, fine white, S15 50 16 00 9 ton; brown middlings, S13,0013 60: win ter wheat bran, Sll 0OQ11 25; chop feed, 115 50 18 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, 114 2514 50; No. 1 do. SIS 5014 CO; No. 2 do, S13 0013 50; loose from wagon, 111 O013 CO. according to quality; No. 1 upland prairie. SS 509 .00; No. 2, S7 007 60; packing do, S7 007 25. STBAW-Oats. S6 507 00; wheat and ,rye straw, SB 006 25. Provisions. t Sugar-cured hams, large, UJic: sugar-cured hams, medium, llc; sugar-cured bams, small, lZc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c;sugar uured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 7J$c; sngar-cured California bams, 7ic;sngar-cured dried beef flats, 10c: sugar cured dried beef sets, Uc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders, 6c; bacon clear sides. 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, T&c; dry salt shoulders, 5c; dry salt clear sides, 7a Mess pork, heavy, Jll 60; mess pork, family, S12 00. Lard Reflned. In tierces, 6e; half barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6c; 20-ft palls. 7c; 60-ft tin cans, 6&c; 3-fttin palls. 7c;- 5-ft tin palls. 7c; 10-ft tin nails. 6c;5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, lOcX Pigs feet, half barrel, fi 00; quarter barrel, S215. t Dressed Ment. Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beet carcasses 450 to 550 fts, 5c; 650 to 650 lbs, 6c; 650 to 750 ftj, 6j7a Sheep, 8c ?l ft. Iambs; 9c V ft. Hogs, BJc. Fresh park loins, 8c NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. LATE Mm IN IffilEF. 8MS9c id ft: dates. bUmHa 38 1 Vegetables Potatoes, SI 501 60 ty barrel: tomatoes, home-grown, SI 251 60 fl bushel: wax beans. 81 ty bushel; green beans, 6075c f bushel; cucumbers, home-raised. $1 60 $1 bushel; radishes. 2540c fl dozen; home-grown cabbages, 60c ?jl bushel; celery, 40c f? dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, $2 75, Jerseys, S3 25. LIMITED TEADIXG IN STOCKS. The Market Thoneh Dull, Shows a DIs ' ponliion to Expnnd. Only three stocks were dealt in on call yester day, the sales of which were 115 shares. While business was dull, the interest taken by brokers was significant of their belief in a reaction. Electric showed signs of returning activity, the bullish feature being plenty of business and ex pectation of a favorable decision from Wash ington, which is about due. There was more inquiry for Philadelphia Gas. bnt as this is common on the approach of the dividend period, it occasioned verylittle remark. It was not pressed for sale. Yankee Girl received con siderable attention, 4 being bid without re sponse. LaNoria showed no material change and there was no anxiety in regard to it either way. People's Pipeage and Switch and Signal were the strongest properties, both scoring advance which widened the gap between buers and sellers. As tho business upon which these stocks are based Is in a flourishing condition concessions are likelv to be refused. A bid of 3 failed to secure 500 shares of Central Trac tion. It sold in two lots amounting to 60 shares at 31. The other tractions were neglected, re- "". MlfcUVU UIU4 -j - UU3IUCS3 UJ Ug. Oilier Oil Markets. Oil Citt, September 16. National transit certificates opened at SI 00; highest, $1 01K; lowest, 99Kc; closed, $1 00. Bradford, September 16. National transit certificates opened at 81 00; closed at $1 00; highestSl 01; lowest, 9ac. TrrusviLiE, September 16. National transit certificates opened at SI 00; highest, $1 OIK; lowest, 99c; closed at El 00. MOVEMENTS IN EEALTT. Cabinet photos, 51 per doz. Lies' Pop ular winery, xu ana u fiatu st, usa . The sales were 6 shares ot Philadelphia Gas tail is appended: Pitts. Pet. S. AM. E-t.. Commercial Na. Bank. Filth Avennc tsanK... Freehold Hank Keystone llank. Pitts. Masonic llanK Jler. &Man.'at. B'k. Aloiiongahcla Nat. Ilk. boutbside Gas Co.. 111.. Ohio Vallev Gas People's Mat. Gas People's ". U. & P. Co Pcnnsvlvania Oas Philadelphia Co Pine Kun Gas Wheellnr Oas Uo Tuna Oil Co Central Traction. Citizens' Traction.' Pittsburg Traction.... Pleasant Valley Pitts.. Alle. & Man.... Union Bridge La Noria Mining Co... Luster Mluiti? Co Sllvcrton Mining Co.. Yankee Girl Mln. Co.. Westinihonse Klectric Granite KooSng Co.... Mon'cahcla Water Co. O. 8. Slfc. Co. U. S. A Big. Co. pref. b.ij. MORNING. Hid. Aeked. 4o0 43H M 61,S CO 62 110 AFTERNOON. Bid. Asked. U8 44 62 WestlnghouseAJ 17J4 lb 37 "so "m 14 1 '"i 4 51 21 "4 M4 63M 3WJ 43 I?..!!3 ?A 36JJ V W .... ftl p .... & A 5M 48 is :::: J.H ,5 1 "m 51 "62 4a - 35 M 24X 24 118 A Number of Good Deals Brought to a Head. Black it Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Henry Knoedler, of Marshall, Kennedy & Co.'s Allegheny mill, No. 100 Fayette street, Alleghe ny City, lot 20x124 feet, with a two-story dwell ing, for $2,825 cash. .Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for Joseph Taylor a frame house of five rooms, etc., on Benton street. Thirteenth ward, to Mrs. Feeney: consideration private. The auction sale on Harrison street, between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets, was postponed indefi nitely. . Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold lots Nos. 62, 63 and 66, located on Paul ave nue, S. S. Boggs' plan, Allentowr. station, for 250 each. These lots are selling rapidlr at prices to suit all. About 40 have been sold within a short time. James W. Diape & Co. solda piece of ground on Mulford avenue. Brushton station, embrac ing purparties 2 and 3 of the estate of James West, deceased, containing about 1 acres, for $6,450 cash. They also sold a lot at Mansfield for about S300. lteed B. Coyle (fe Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold to Mrs. Anne Lavelle lot No. 95 in Marion Place plan of lots, for S500. W. A. Herron fc Sons sold lot No. 3S2 in the Aspinwall Land Company's plan, at Aspinwall station.on the West Pcnn Railroad, 25x100 feet, for 5300, o.ie-fourth cash, balance on tune. Ewmg & Beis, No. 93 Federal street, sold at auction xo James McGaw two frame houses, one of six rooms and hall and one of lour rooms and mushed attic, with lot 20x120 to Pine alley, being No. 38 Nixon street. Sixth ward. Alle gheny, for $3,800. The above firm offered the propei ty No. 148 Locust street at auction, but withdrew it uutil farther notice at an offer of $2,900. Business Notes. Nobtiiern Pacific's earnings from Janu ary 1 to Septemberl show an increase of J2.500, 000 over tho same period in 18S8. The Manufacturers' Bank of the Soutbside will make its clearances through the Mer chants and Manufacturers' National. Plans for the new M. E. Churcb building at Wilkinsbnrg have been accented. It will bo'of brick, stone trimmings, cost t27,000,and contain a $4,000 organ. The Bank of McKeesport has contracted for a vault ot the Hough & Harper pattern the same as that of the Fidelity Title and Trust Company, but smaller. The Pennsylvania Railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke originating on and carried over its lines cast ot Pittsburg and Erie for the week ending September 7 was 295, 488 tons, of which 213,677 tons were coal and 8,182 tons coke. Geo. H. Bennett & Beo 135 First avenue, second .door below Wood street, for pure rye whiskies. Boston Stocks. Atch.&Top.B. B... MJj nusioa & juaine ::ui C. U. AW 108 Eastern K. K. 6s....U7 Flint JtPereM. ofd. 92 Mexican Cen. com.. 16 . . AJtewEng... 513i um lolony 178$ Wis. Central, com... 23 Allotoz McCo H Calmaet & Uecla.,.,212 FranKUn , Huron Usceola , Pewablc Uulncy Bell Telepnono.. Boston Land Water rower Tamarack San Diego . 84 .. X .. 10 . 2 .. 49 ..M6 . bm . 644 .103 . Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations 0f Fhlladelpbla stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stqck Ex change. MM. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad MJf ra's Heading 23 S-U Zi'A Uuflalo. Mttsburg and Western 9V 10H Lehigh Valley S3S4 53 Lehigh Navigation - .... 543 Northern Pacific KK 32K Northern Pacific prelerred 'ilfi 13A CANNOT CHEAT DEATH. A Famous Confidence Man on His Death Bed nt Denver. Denver, September 16. Frank Fine, who is known all over Europe and the United States as one of the smoothest con fidence men in the business, is at the Windsor Hotel in this city at the point of death. He has been reduced to a mere skeleton by an enlargement of the spleen, which hinders the action of the heart, and will cause death in a short time. Frank Pine is a Frenchman, and is noted for his gentlemanly appearance and manners. One of.his most notorious transactions was the sale, about five years ago, of a mine in the Leadville district, which was worth practi cally nothing, to London speculators, lor fcto.uuu or 540,000. Losers sent over to prosecute Pine for the swindle, but it was found that extradition papers could not be obtained on the only charge that could be brought, "obtaining money under false pretenses. Pine has lately made Philadelphia his headqnaiters, and before he was taken sick was to be seen daily about the Girard House. He is now reasonably wealthy. NAGLE IS DISCHARGED. Belcnsed on His Own Itecognlznnco With Bonds Fixed at S5.000. San Francisco, September 16. Judge Sawyer, in the United States Circuit Court this morning, rendered a decision in the habeas corpus case of Deputy Marshal David Nagle, and discharged Nagle from custody. A bill of exceptions, filed by counsel for the State, was allowed by the court, and pending an appeal to the United States Supreme Court, Nagle was ordered released on his own recognizance, with bonds fixed at $5,000. JAS. 1). CALLER.. JOHN W.TAYLOR., .President ....Cashier CITY SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND. SMITHFD3LD ST. Capital and surplus. $125,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. JT5-ITS ( Groceries. Sugars are very firm. The expected rise in package coffee has failed as yet to materialize, but cannot be far away from present outlook. Following is an item from a reliable source on the grocery situation In New York City: "The grocery trade is in an infinitely better condition this year than it was last, and collec tions were never better. There is a good healthy demand for money, but the purchasing power for our staples and fine articles through-. f- out the country was never as great as it is now. And the promises of a rich harvest are abun dant. The movement in our line of business gives a fair insight as to what other trades must be doing, and I am satisfied that taking groceries as a criterion, the staple industries of the country must be in a most flourishing con dition." Green Coffee Fancy Bio. 22J23Kc: choice Rio, 2021Uc; prime Bio, 20c; low grade Bio, 1819Kc;old Government Java. 27c: Mar acaibo. 23i24c: Mocba. 2S29c: Santn. 20 23Kc; Caracas, 2I23c; peaberry, Kio, 2325c; LaGuayra,2223c Roasted (m papers) Standard brands, 23Kc: high grades. 2oK26Kc; old Government Java, bulk, 31K32&c; Maracaibo, 2627c; Santos. 2123c; peaberry, 26c; choice Bio, 24c: prime Rio, 22c; good Bio, 2lKc; ordinary, 21c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2f25c: allspice, 8c; cassia. 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio,120,8Kc;headlight,i50,8Xc;waterwhite, 10c; globe, l2c; elaine. 15c; carnadine, llc; royaline, 14c. Syrups Corn syrups. 2629c; choice sugar syrups, 333Sc: prime sugar syrup. 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90e. N. O. Molasses Fancy. 48c: choice, 46c; medium. 43c: mixed. 4042c. Soda Bi-carb in kens. 3kG24c: bi-carb in lis. '5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal- sooa in Kegs, ic; uo granuiatea, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, set, 8Kc; parafflne,.ll12c. RICE Hpad, Carolina, 77e; choice, 6Ji 7c; prime, 56c: Louisiana, 66Kc STARcn Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, o6c; gloss starch, 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins. $2 Co: Lon don layers, $3 10: California 'London layers, $2 50; Muscatels. $2 25; California Muscatels, $1 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 910c; sultana, 8ic; currants, 45c: Turkey prunes, 45c; French prunes, 813c; Salonica prunes. In 2-ft packages, 8c: coeoanuts, 100, S6 00: almonds. Lan.. W ft. 20c: do Ivica. 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily filberts, ISc: Smyrna figs, 1216c; new date's, 5K6c, Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, f! 5, 13llo; orange peel, 12Kc ' Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per B 6c; apples, evaporated, 6J?6c: apricots, Califor nia, evaporated. 12KI5c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 22Z3c; peaches. California evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c: cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, 1012c Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c; granu lated. SJgC; conlectioners' A, 8Jic: standard A, 8c; soft whites. HfiftHc: yellow, choice. 7c;5yellow, good, 77ic, yellow, fair, 7c; v'ellow, dark, 7c PlCKLES-Medlum. bbls (1,200), $4 50; medi um, half bbls (600). $2 75. Salt No. 1. fl bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex. ft bbl. tl 05: dairy, 9 bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal: fi bbl, $1 20; Higgtns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 2 80; Higgins' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $2 00 2 25; 2ds $1 oftSl 65: extra peaches, $2 402 60; pie peaches. 9oc: finest corn, ilml 50: Hid. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c$l: Lima beans, $1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75085c; mar row fat peas, $1 10(gl 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 50; Bahama do, $2 75; dam son plums, 95c: greengages, $1 25; egg plums, $2; California pears. $2 50; do greengages, $2; do, egg plums, ?2: extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2 Its. 90c; raspberries, $1 40S1 50; strawberries, fl 10: gooseberries. $1 301 40: tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-ft caus, soaked, 99c; do green. 2 fts. $1 251 50; corn beef. 2-ft cans, $2 05; 11-ft cans, $14 00; I aked beans, $1 4-5 1 6U; lobster, 1-ft. $1 751 SO; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestic. W". $4 504 60; sardines, domestic. K'- $8 25S oO; sardines, imported, s. $11 5012 50; sardines, imported, fis. $18; sardines, mustard, $4 50; sar dines, spicell, $4 60. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 f) bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c ft ft; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do Ueorge'S cod in blocks, bSsSC. riernng Round shore, $5 00f) bbl; split, $7jDfl; lake, $2 00 fl lOO-ft half bbl. White fish, $7 00 fl 100 ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 fJ hall bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c 3 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl ft. Pickerel, K barrel, $2 00; K barrel, $1 10; Potomac herring, $5 00 fl barrel, $2 50 fl barrel. Oatmeal $6 306 60 fl bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5557c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c The village of Stoughton, Wis., had a $40, 000 fire Sunday. The total loss by the Louisville fire Is esti mated at $1,263,000. of which Bamberger, Bloom tx iu. tost nearly i,uuu,uju. Cyrus Filed Is a passenger on the Gulon Line steamer Alaska,- which sailed from Qneenstown for New York Sunday. Most of the London strikers resumed work yesterday morning. 'It is expected that work on all the docks will be in full swing to-day. During a moose hunt at Ship Harbor, N. S., on Friday, two young men named .Mitchell and Webber were fatally shot by their com panions, who mistook one of them for the moose. ., A grand prlx and a gold medal have been awarded at the Paris Exposition to Prof. Rowland, of the Johns Hopkins University, for his photographic map ot the solar spectrum and his concave gratings. The Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City Railroad yesterday met the cut In rates mads by the Burlington and Northern on business from Chicago to St. Paul and Minneapolis. The cut amounts to abont 33 per cent. A meeting of Hebrew residents to honor the memory of the late Hon. S. S. Cox was held as the Washington Synagogue Sunday night. Addresses were made by Simon Wolf and A. a Solomons, and Lewis Abrahams recited "AbdU Ben Adhem" as his tribute. One hundred, and fifty freight handlers em ployed in the New York Central freight houso at Buffalo are on a strike because the company will not pay extra for work on Sunday. The men have been getting 1 40 per day and de mand a day and a halt for Sunday work. Colonel F. Baine, lately Consul General at Berlin, has returned to Baltimore, where he will resume the management of his paper, the German Correspondent. The Colonel says: The conservatives of France and Germany do not desire war, bnt Russian ambition and Pan Slavlstic agitation may lead to it at any moment. The weekly shinments of ore from thn fa Superior region exceed those of the corres ponding weeks of last year, although they are not as large as a month ago. Ore is now going xumaiu atme rate oi zzo,uuu ions a week, ana there remain two months of the shipping sea son, with a trifle over 6,000,000 tons Bent by water since the opening of navigation last year. Sunday night several men entered the bouse of Margaret Bobinson, at Lanark, Ont.and at tempted to assault an imbecile girL Thomas Cameron and his son,alarmed by the girl's cries, went into the honse and ordered the men away, flrjng some shots with the intention of frighten ing them. Yesterday the body of William Waon, one of the party, was found, pierced by a bullet. Congressmen Springer, of Illinois: Baker, of New York: Allen, of Mississippi; Peters and Perkins, of Kansas, and Warner, of Missouri, with John O'Day, of the Frisco road, arrived at Guthrie Sunday night in O'Dav's special car. The gentlemen are on a tour of investiga tion of affairs in the Indian Territory, the object beine to discover bv actual observation what the needs of the settlers are, and also to ascertain what legislation they desire at the hands of Congress. The opening of the handsome new armory of the Woodstock Guards, at Birmingham, Ala.. Saturday night a social etent con cluded in a most disastrous manner. A de licious supner was served during the evening ' of which all the guests partook freely. About midnight all of them, between 60 and 100 in number, were seized with violent pains in the stomach. The Ice cream had been poisoned. A stomach pump and antidotes of various kinds were used, but for a while it looked serious. As yet none of them are dead, but a number are still qnite ill. A dispatch from Portland, Ore., says: A whale chase by Indians of the Neah Bay reser vation occurred recently off Cape Flattery, in which one canoe was lost and seven Indians were drowned. The whale was discovered spouting off the coast, and following the cus toms of the Indians, a report of the fact was made 'to the medicine man, who called a lfur ried council and allotted a number of picked men to the different canoes. In the night a storm came no, and on the following morning only two of the canoes remained afloat The whale was killed, and the surviving savages as sembled and held a dance. An accident, by which one man was killed outright and half a dozen others made a mirac ulous escape irom death, occurred at? the Western avenue crossing of the Chicago, Bur lington and Qnincv Railroad at Eighteenth street, Chicago, Sunday night At that hour a milk wagon, driven by a young man named Halmstrom, was struck by an engine at the crossing mentioned. There were five persons in the wagon, one of whom. Vt illiam Benzel, was thrown out upon the track when the wagon was overturned. The engine passed over "him. killing him instantly. The other four got off with slight bruises. I Op3!! LABOR-SAVING ffi ? WASHING POWDER ' A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great labor saver and quick cleanser, without injury to hands or tabic. Economical, pure d good. Beats the wtrld for cleaning glasses, windows, houses, dishes, milk pails, rnHlt cans, clothes, &c Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus, &c Sea that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages. BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best Soap Kadr! B.W.5EH.MF6.CQ.,iMaM.Y, BROKERS-FINANCIAL. TTTHITNEY & STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,'' Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured,' ap2S-l JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BBOKEBS. Members Chicago Board of Trade aa4 , Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 45 SIXTH ST Pittsburg. BIALTO BTnLDLNG; Chicago. myats-lrrsa - i A Home Security,' Five Per Cent Interest; FREE OF TAXES - The Fidelity Title and Trust Company offer forsaIe,atJL02Kand accrued interest, a lias- , ited number ot 30-year first mortgage bonds of the H. C. Frlck Coke Company, tho capital stock of which Is $5,000,000, fully paid la. ' , These bonds are redeemable by a staking fund at the rate of 100,000 per annum, at Jl 05, commencing Julv 1, 1894, Interest being payabl semi-annually. January and July 1, at the office of this company. We have caret ully examined into the sound ness of this security, and can recommend it as ' one ot the most desirable investments on the' market , FIDELITY TITLE &TBTJST COMPANY, J 121-123 Fourth avenue. neij-co fiusonrg, ra. MEDICAL. 3' WHOLESALE HUUSfc. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG. PA., As old residents know and back flies of Pitts burg papers prove, is th oldest established,, and most prominent .physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. iiSempreeSN0 FEEUNTILCUREDh;. MCDWni IQand mental diseases, physical liLFl V UUOdecay, nervous debility. lack of t energy, ambition and hope. Impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashf ulness, dizziness, sleeplessness; pimples,eruptions,b3i- poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak" y ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, an-, fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely ana privately cured., BLOOD AND.SKINsfcrnp blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 DIM A DV k'dney and bladder derange jUnilinn I iments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, Inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittler's life-long, extensive expert-. ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment j on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office boors 9 A. :. to 8 P. Jr. Sun day, 10.A, M. to 1 P. M. only. DRWHITTIEB,' ; 814 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. , selWOK-DSuwk Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DBBSS GOODS, ' SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83-D . How Lost ! How Regained, XaXJU'-lff MOW THYSELF,, Q-'H m scrrnvCTB of A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa inerrorsoi lontu, rrematureueciine.flervotu and Physical Debility, impurities of the Blood, Grnin, Flour'nnd Feed. Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange, 33 cars. By Pittsburg.Fort Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of straw, 4 of oats. 1 of barley, 5 of flonr,, 6 of bay, 2 of corn. By Pittsbure, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars ot oats, 1 of barley, 1 ot hay, 1 of flour. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of flour, 1 of bay, 1 of corn, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg and Western, 2 cars of hay, 1 ot corn. By Pittsbuigand Lake Erie, 1 car of flour. There wero no sales on call, and the situation varies little from that of Saturday. Flour is tending toward a lower level, and already there is cutting on the part of jobbers. A f nrther re duction during this week is probable, unless the present drift shonldbe arrested. The ex port demand for wheat is active. Prices below are for carload lots. WUEAT-New No. 2 red, 81S2c; No. 3, 77 79c. CORN No. 2 yellow, ear, 4445c; high mixed ear, 4042c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 4041c; hicb mixed, shelled, 4040c; mixed, Bbelled, 39K40c. Oats-No. 2 white, 2)27c; extra No. 3, 2l25c; mixed, 2122c. Bye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6051c; No. 1 Western, 4819c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio, Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, f5 255 75; winter- straight, Eczemn,v Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Tn timple application of "Bwath'i Oihtmitt' without any Internal medlclffe. win rora any ease of Tetter, Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Bbeun. Btncworm, PUn, Ilch. Sorw. Pimplei, KrrilpjtaU SIII DISEASES bo maim how ib.t!ca or long taodlnic. Solab.drofclsts, or lent OT raIl for 60 CM. 3 BoiM, IU2S. AddrcMjOm. 6wtkx ft So, PMUdeljilili, P- XMt lour drasgin tor v CELEBRATED GBAND DENVER RANGE jnttSHjBflK II "I M i ' ! IP "awfi- :smrzmss35 Sold by all stove dealers. Manufactured by GRAJFI1, HUGU6 & CO., 632 and 634 LIBEBTY STBEET. au&69-TTS Do You .Know It? To perfect a cure, yonmnst remove the canse. WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME AND SODA supplies the system with Oxi dizable Phosphorus, the deficiency of which Is the proximate cause of Consumption. For Coughs, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Night Sweats, and all Throat Diseases, it is an on equaled remedy. Sold by Druggists. $1 per bottle. Eecommended bV physicians. Send for circular. WINCHESTER & CO., Chemists, 162, William Street, New Yorlr, my31-24-TTS&wk Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Ex cesses or Overtaxation. Enervating and unfit ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar riage or Social Relations. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful binding, embossed, fnll gilt. Price, only $1 by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, u you. apply now. The distinguished author. Wm. U. paruer, .M.u., received tne UULU and Jtw. ELED MEDAL from the National Medical At. sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Pliyslcians may be con sulted, confidentially, by mail or In person, at the office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL IN STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston. Maii,to-. whom all orders for books or letters for advice, should be directed as above. aulS-67-TnJ'Suws: DOCTORS LAKE fc SPECIALISTS in all cases re quiring scientific and confiden tial treatmentl Br. S. K. Lake, M. R. C. P. S-, Is the oldest and most experienced specialist in the city. Consultation free and strictlv confidential. Offlca hours to i and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundajs. 2 to 4 P.. jLConsuIt them personally, or write, doctobs Lake. 328 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa, jel2-45-DWfc io3s'S Cotrtoaa. ItOOt COMPOUND Composed of Cotton Hoot, Tans? and Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an 'old physician. Is .successfvUu used morUAly-Safe. Effectual. Price JL by mall, sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Boot Compound and tako no substitute, or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND LILY COMPANY. No. 3 Fitter Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, -Mlch. ; ? ?' '?. l HARE'S REMEDY For menl Checks the worst case3 in three) days, and cures In five days. Price SI 00. at J. FLEMINGS DBUGSTOHE, ja5-29.TTSsa 4 12 Market street. " MEN ONLY! a posrrivi: cukb For LOST or FalUnr . MAHHOOD,Nervons- ness. Weakness nr BodvMlnd. Lack of Strength. Vizor and De velopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, 4c. Book, Mode of SEur-TBEA.TirxxT. and l'roofe mailed (sealed) free. Address KltlB (MEDICAL CO ttUMfUVi l .-J I .MEDICAL CO- ae3-57-Tis4wk. "-.