wy . , -s -sss vrs-.: - . - -Ct ."'i - T.i.fi)i'i,,)'r"!T7''-1, - t-t: v $ ?..,- va . a T6 -y&w v- ';-.4 , i. 't THE PITTSBURG- "DISPATCH, TUESDAY; 'SEPTEMBER "' 17,-'' 1889. 4. I aK - v !e Biiimiqi. ESfABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1W6. VoLf. Ao.22. Entend at Pittsburg 1'ostofflce. S ovember IV Ito?, a second-class matter. Business Office 97 and89 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing: House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Lastern Advertising Office, Boom 45, Tribune Building, 2cwYork. Average net circulation of the dally edition of The lMsrATCII for six months ending August 31, 1SS9, asswornto before City Controller, 30,045 Copies per Issue. g Average net circulation or the Sunday edition of The DisrATCll for three months ending August SI, 1434 55,643 t Copies per Issue. TEIi.llS OF THE DISPATCH, POSTAGE FHEE IN THE UNITED STATES. Maily Dispatch, One Year 8 00 Daily DierATcn, l'cr Quarter - oo Dailt DisrATCH, Oneilonth o Dailt DisrATCll. Including Sunday, lyear. 10 CO DAILY DItrATCU, including bunday.Sm'ths. 2 SO Daily Dispatch, including Sunday. 1 month H) fcUI.DAl DISPATCH, Onelear 250 Helkli DISPATCH, One ear 125 The Daily Dispatch is delivered or carrlersat JScents per week, or Including bunday edition, at Illcents per week. PITTSBURG. TL ESDA Y. SEP. 17, 1SS8. A QUESTION .OF JURISDICTION. The discharge of Deputy Marshal Nogle from custody by Judge Sawyer yesterday, while involving a moral and perhaps d61i cile point of lav, is likely to increase the w,,VrL -V,lo i.lpa; entertained in the East of the unique characteristics of Pacific coast justice. That Nagle shot Terry is beyond question and that he was justified in doing so is the opinion of the vast majority of the nation. I5ut what is the proper court and what are the proper proceedings to investigate and declare on the question of justification, is irmtlior nd much less clear Question. Have the United States Courts the right to rule" under what circumstances a Killing Dy one of its officials is justifiable? The natural presumption would be that the trial of the questions of fact in this case, like others of its class, should be left to the State courts with the same right to appeal to the United States courts if the trial is not properly conducted, as has been exercised before "trial. But the decision of Jndge Sawyer is a practical assertion either that the State courts cannot be trusted to try this case fairly, or that the decision as to the justification of the officer is not to be al lowed to the State 'courts at all. Either way of putting the thing puts the California courts in a queer ana not especi ally attractive light THE HETAL OF THE FTTUBE. The reduction of aluminum in Pittsburg is an addition to our industries which, .while it may not attain very imposing pro- portions at present, contains immense possi bilities. Aluminum is a metal which, like electricity a few years ago, presents the liope of revolutionizing industry if its re duction and working can be made cheap enough. Possessing the strength of steel and greater durability, with much less weignt. it will have a great field of useful ness when it can be made as cheaply. The piocess by which it is to be produced here holds out the hope of reducing its cost be low five dollars per pound; but it will have to become much cheaper than that before it supplants the great nses of iron and steel. The question ot the future is: How can aluminum be made cheaply? AN mBOETANT JISIT. The action of the Chamber of Commerce for the entertainment of the South Ameri can statesmen who will visit us as an inter lude from their labors in the Pan-American Congress, was the obvious and oply one. Pittsburg should take painB to present her best aspect to the representatives of our Leighboring republics. Xo community has a wider or deeper in terest than this city, in the project for the extension of trade with the South Ameri can countries. "With domestic competition in iron productionirapidly multiplying, the plainest remedy is to seek these markets lor our surplus production ; and with thegreat water highway that leads from our mills to the Gulf of Mexico, these countries are our foreordained markets. To cultivate rela tions with them nothing can be more useful than to show their representatives our in dustrial resources in full operation. It is probable that before the South American guests reach our city they will be somewhat surfeited with dinners and oratory. But we can show them something in theline of miles of manufacturing estab lishments, flaming furnacet, busy mills and roaring gas wells that will strike them with the double force of freshness and utility. Pittsburg will easily recognize tbe im portance of making the visit of its guests interesting to them; and it will expect that the entertainment shall give them that thorough knowledge of our industrial re sources which can only be obtained by per sonal inspection. A STRANGE BEVELATION. The story of a ruined and crazed inventor who last week shot a millionaire, whom he accused of having stolen his inventions, is a tratric one, as at first telegraphed. But the further developments of the case give it especial importance as a possible illustra tion oi the way in which justice may be defeated-by the use of wealth. The story of the homicide is briefly that he was informed by his lawyer that he had been beaten in the suit which he began against the dead man for infringement. The examination of tbe record shows that the suit begun two years ago was carried up to the point of taking testimony, and there dropped en tirely. The presumption is thus established that the attorney was bribed by the rich man to betray and delude his client That explanation of the singular case reveals a means of defeating justice by means of money, which should, together with the Flack revelations, rouse the public to the necessity of a reform that will give poor men as good a chance in the courts as rich ones. - NEED OF POBLIC SUBWAYS. In an article noticing the reports made by electrical experts at a recent con vention showing the practicability and suc cess of underground electric conduits the Minneapolis Tribune says: Sooner or later and perhaps prompt action would be cheapest our cities must provide for tbelr central districts, permanent subways in which water and gas pipes, pneumatic tubes, telegraph, telephone and fire alarm wires, etc.. may all be accorded their respective rights of way, private companies to pay equitable rentals. Snch subways would not be formida bly expensive, considering the services they would render, and they are fast reaching the stage of becoming a public necessity. The point is a valuable one, and tbe fact that it has not been already recognized as a role of action in all the leading cities is an Ba&iiL.&& A ' jl. k fejt? evidence of the haphazard blundering which is generally dignified by the name of muni cipal government There are a number of absolute essentials that must go under ground in the principal streets of any city. Sewers, gas and water pipes have long been placed there. To these of late years have been added conduits for either cable ,or electric motors probably both and now the necessity of putting telegraph, telephone, and last, but not least, the dan gerous electric light wires. It would cost far less to build an adequate subway that would accommodate all of these, with something to spare for unknown requirements, than to put them down separately, with a fresh tearing up of tbe pavements for each. Moreover, the ownership of such a conduit by the public, subject to the use of every competing cor poration, would be the surest safeguard against the growth of exclusive privileges in the public streets. To let the present blind policy go on of tearing up new pavements to let each in dividual corporation put down new sub ways, or to leave the streets cumbered with unsightly and dangerous overhead structures, is calculated to create doubts as to the de velopment of ordinary intelligence in pub lic affairs. THE POSTPONED LICENSE QUESTION. There was a good deal that was explana tory perhaps more than was needed in the judicial opinions yesterday, refusing at this time to reopen the vexed license ques tion. Surely no intelligent person, not even among the disappointed applicants, had need to be assured that "Judge "White's course at the spring term was dictated solely by his best judgment of what the situation called for. The expediency or usefulness of so extensive a cut was a matter for debate; but no one could have doubted that the ju dicial discretion was exercised in the most perfect good iaith. The fact was that the trial of high license was yet in an experi mental stage. How to administer the Brooks law and secure the'best results for the community was the problem which pre sented itself. If the Supreme Court deci1 sion, admitting wholesalers and bottlers to license regardless of the Brooks law, changed the aspect of things, that was an after-consideration. The IrankneBs with which Judge "White has admitted that it would have altered his course had he foreseen it sufficiently, indicates the willingness of the Court to exercise its powers to meet what ever new facts may hereafter enter into the situation. As for the refusal at this time to take up new hearings it will of course disappoint the applicants; but the concurrence of judicial opinion that the subject could not now be re-opened without impeding other public business and leaving a fresh crop of disappointments, settles the matter. It is only six months until applicants will have a chance to get their cases in regular order before the Conrt The experience, mean while, will be valuable to the Judges. Nobody expects that at the first, the second, or even the third attempt, the Court can gauge precisely the number of licensed houses that will exactly fill the require quirements of public convenience. Under the old system there were at least a couple of thousand too many for the peace and good order of the county. If there are too few now, even the most bibulous can man age to exist for the few months until next spring, when the then existing require ments can be patiently considered. CANALS AND PARTIES. The final abandonment of the old Penn sylvania Canal, under orders of the Pennsyl vania Railroad, but ostensibly on account of the damage done by the June floods, is com pared by the New York Press to the same step taken with regard to the James Kiver and Kanawha Canal. Our cotemporary points out that the preservation of these waterways might have enabled the Eastern manufacturers who are now calling for "free raw materials," to be supplied by cheap coal and ore that were the products of American industry; but says: "The tariff should not be blamed for the bad results of the neglect of State Legislatures to keep their waterways open and free forever." Of course, the tariff laws themselves are not to be blamed for this false and inter ested policy; but can the responsibility be avoided entirely by the party which sup ports the tariff? The men whose interests were subserved by the destruction of the waterways, at least in this State, have been somewhat mighty iu their political ad vocacy of the tariff, and the Republican party has held continuous power here during the period in which the railroad in terest has wiped out the canal system. If the Karnes river canal has been similarly destroyed under Democratic auspices, that party should bear the responsibility for it there. Wherever any party suffers itself to be used for the corporate interest to the pub lic prejudice, it should be made to bear the odium of it The Press is right in declaring that "the day of canals is by no means past." That fact is of no more vital importance any where than in Pittsburg. Butto insure the usefulness of a canal, is it not necessary to have some political reformation which will prevent both parties from being used by the corporate interests that are benefited by the J annihilation of the canals? STABBING A CHINESE A good deal of fun has been made of the Chinese actors in New York, but they seem to be picking up American ideas so fast that they may yet be serious competitors of our actors. The shrewdest advertising agent or star manager of Caucasian blood could not have hit upon a happier excuse than the Mongolian manager offered for the closing ol the Chinese theater on Saturday last He said it was closed on account of the sickness of the leading lady a gentle man, by the way, named Taka "Wing and thus allowed the secret of the female im personator's sickness to escape. Taka "Wing had lost his pet cat Being a man, Taka "Wing could not have diamonds to lose. Being a Chi nese, he could not elope with a belle of his own race, for Mongolian maidens are scarce and costly in New York. Single, a sensational divorce suit was not open to him. He might have been attacked "by High binders, to be sure, but probably the Chinese manager fears these murderous gentry too much to make light use of their names. If he had lost his cue doubtless he has lost his cue often enough his countrymen would have cursed him. He played a trump card, therefore, and lost the idol of his soul, the delight of his eyes, his protection from evil spirits and his mascot at fan-tan, his Chinese cat All Chinatown is ringing with his name; his tender affection for poor puss is talked of over the teacups in Mott street and there will be a full house, no doubtwhen the sterling drama, "Chi Nee Kat Ta Lee," is played to-night Tub Nicely brothers display a much more successful talent for running the jail, of Somerset conntv than Somerset county has yet shown for regulating desperadoes of J that stamp. Perhaps the idea may yet dawn upon,, the Somerset official mind that it is not exactly discreet to permit ruffians under the charge ot murder, to accumulate an armory of deadly weapons with which to shoot the officers and make their escape. The European governments which are adapting stringent regulations concerning the storage of high explosives in large cities seem to be fully equal to our own lights of administration in locking the door after the steed is gone. Concerning the trial of the Flack scandal the Albany Herald says: "It is the one magnificent opportunity in District At torney Fellows' life to redeem an imbecile past and show that he has the stuff of manli ness in him." True and it also would re deem tbe position of the newspapers who flopped over to support Fellows' elec tion by the influence of the pullers; of which the Herald pars magnumfuit. The reports of the new cruiser Baltimore represent her as being a twenty-knot vessel, but as all the first reports of trial trips sing that tune it may be well to await the final returns. A EELlQIOUS journal says of Sam Jones' appearance at Chautauqua: "The lesson taught by his egotism, ignorance, vulgarity and irreverence was so posittvo an one that it will not be lost in arranging future pro grammes." The experience of Chautauq ua with Sam Jones, Colonel Elliott T. Shepard and George Guntor seems to Indicate the necessity of using something besides notoriety for a principle of selection. Gen. Vabseb seems to have a very clear idea that under the present circum stances the Pension Bureau will not be half as desirable as a good law practice. Miss "Willakd's anxiety to have the smoking compartments abolished in the Pullman cars, and the public wish that porters should be paid sufficient salaries to justify the abolition of tips, would be equally expensive to the Pullman company. The public convenience and comfort can be consulted when it does not interfere with the great corporate purpose of dividends. The Pittsburg and Lake Erie's double track improvements promise a day when that road will have full facilities for all the business that is offered it. The instruction to the English Consul at Zanzibar that the English missions must not harbor fugitives from the Arab slave pens may represent what the Tory Govern ment considers policy; but it also repre sents a woful falling off from the principle once announced that when anyone reached a spot covered by the British flag he be came from that day a free man. The licenses will stay as they are until next spring. "What the speak-easies will do may be a matter a little more beyond the control of the courts. The statement that "Whitelaw Beid's wife wore the largest display ot diamonds on the occasion of the Shah's visit to the Paris Exposition is asserted by a cotem porary to indicate the financial standing of the American editorial profession. Perhaps; but if so-, is it altogether certain that it vin dicates their good taste? Certainly the friends of the Hon. John L. Sullivan will be unable to deny the crushing charge that he is a ring candidate. Mes. "Victoria "Woodhtjll's announce ment that she will be a .candidate for President of the United States in 1893, is her old method of advertising herself with one improvement. She has ensured that she will be without opposition by choosing a year when no one else will think of rnnning for President The cooling showers yesterday had all the indications of the turning point from summer to fall. It is calculated to produce pessimistic ideas of fame, to find that Marvin Hughitt, once a Pittsburg railroader and now Presi dent of the Chicago and North "Western Railroad, described in the New Yort Jour nal, as "Mr. Huglutt who enjoys the un bounded confidence ot the Yanderbllt fam ily." TnE principal feature of the musical unions, so far, is the discord between them. The new Prince of Monaco is reported to be very much opposed to gambling. So are the magnates of "Wall street finance; but the money kings and the Prince seem able to reconcile it with their consciences to let other people do the gambling and pay them well for the accommodations. PIRSOXAL PACTS AXD FAKCL5S. The only stimulant now indulged in by Prince Bismarck is tea. Two Egyptian princes, sons of the Khedive, are being educated at Vienna. Loud TENNYSONrecentlyremarked that one of bis greatest regrets was that he had never visited this country. A membeb of Parliament from Ireland re cently remarked that "Balfour onght to have 20 years' penal servitude for life." Queen Victoma has an abnormal craving for air. She has windows thrown open in the coldest weather, and her suite sneeze most of the fall and winter. At the meeting of the Polish National Alli ance, which concluded its convention at Buf lalo yesterday, George Kennan was elected an honorary member on account of bis articles upon Siberian prisons. Archdeacon Fabrab's reason for send ing his son to be educated as a civil engineer in this country was that our schools are progrers ive. The Archdeacon says that engineering in England is 25 years behind that ot this country. George Meredith, the Dovelist, lives in the country all the year round, save for an oc casional flying visit to the town. He has a place near Box Hill, which he has tenanted for many years, part owing to the fact that the air there suits his delicate health. He largely rowrites his novels when they are returned to him in proof, and is very assiduous in polishing his epigrams and clever sayings. ARID LAND MADE FERTILE. A Scheme for Iho Keclnmnllon of a Waste Tract In Colorado. Denver, September 16, The Senate Com mittee now Investigating the question of re claiming the a'rid lands of the West by estab lishing reservoirs for irrigation purposes, held a meeting to-day. Testimony was taken from those best Informed and was to the effect that the entire eastern portion of the State could be irrigated by the reservoir system, and hun dreds of thousands of acres of land that are now worthless converted Into tbe best agricult ural land on the. continent It was stated that the storage system was un doubtedly tbe most 'practical, and if one-half of tbe water which went to waste every year was stored, there wonld be more than sufficient to reclaim every acre of land In the State. The commission leave for Cheyenne to-morrow. The Elisor the Dead. From ths-Phlladelphla Press! Wbsro the history of the rise and fall of the Broyn-Sequard mixture is written'! should be entitled "The Elixor the Head," I f 1 1 ifTiiiifstiltii i irtVsTlliftfiVai'sss-iiitiiiissssMstfiii ri'ife isttiii'ii-- vg"v'-- iiJMsttri',iii-iii '""it : Tj THE TOPICAL TALKEB. The Slips From a Page In Life lo tbe Bust line City. "Do you know," said a cigar merchant to me yesterday, "that if I take two boxes of cigars of exactly the same Grade, color and size, and put a band of gold tinselled paper about the cigars in one box and not about those in the other, that the former will sell twice as fast as the latterl Well, they will. I have placed a box of 6-cent cigars in my show case side by side with another box ot the same brand, and by giving tbe clears in one collars have sold two boxes to one of the others with out collars. It is a whim of that part of the pub lic that buys a low-priced cigar and does not discriminate much, to call for cigars with col lars. I don't know why thej want a decorated smoke; but they do." . The nut-a-penny-in-the slot-and-get-your-cor-rect-weight machines are not inspiring the confidence that illuminates the soul of man with joy. Tbe other day a young man who is somewhat scared about his health all the time, although he is as fat as a turkey in November, got weighed at a hotel in the center of the city.' The machine said he weighed 150 pounds. Tho young man went further, with some genia companions, and in another place where liquids are dispensed in exchange for proper com he got upon the scales again. This time. the au tomatic guesser declared he weighed HO pounds. The young man's face grew dark, and, turn ing to his friends, he said: "Say, this thing 's got to stop. I've lost ten pounds in two hours, I won't be heavy enough to get homo if I don't start at once," and he went home at once. V A utile C-year-old girl came home yester day lrom school, which she has only been at tending a few days, and her mother asked her what she had been dblng. "Writin' M's and shake awful," was tho child's reply, which meant that a long course of M's in a copy book had tried her nerves. "Well, how do you make an Mt" her mother asked. "Oh, you go up a hill, and down a hill, up a hill, and down a hill, and stay there." IN THE EMPEROR'S HONOR. A Bnnquct Given to Knlser Wllllnm lie Compliments Hanover. Hanover, September 16. A grand banquet was given last night by tho provincial estato in honor, of Emperor William. Count Von Mnnster, German Ambassador to France, gave the toast In honor of the imperial family. In his SDeech be said the Emperor could always count upon the readiness of Hanover to respond to any call, whether for peace or for war. The Emperor, in his response, said he was fully conscious of the loyalty, nobility and self-sacrificing patriotism which had dis tinguished Hanover. It was due to these qualities that the imperial houso had been able to perform an extremely difficult task; namely, never to let go anything that had once been grasped. At tbe conclusion of his speech, which was loudly cheered, the Emperor proposed a toast to Hanover, and drank from the same glass from which his grandfather drank a similar toast in 1874. KEW ELECTIONS NEEDED. A Number of Legislators T.envo Koom for Other by Stepping Out. fEfECIAL TELEQKAM TO TnE DISFATCR.l Harrisburq. September 16. John Patter son, of this city, who has for several years filled the position of Sergeant-at-4.rmsof the House, has just completed the work of serving warrants for 'elections for ropmbers of the House as follows: Delaware, Isaac P. Garrett, now in tbe Philadelphia Custom House; Phla delphia, C. Wesley Thomas, in the Custom House, and A. S. Roberts, with Collector Mir tin; Adams, John J. Brown, dead: Jefferson, Francis A. Weaver, in the Interior Depart ment at Washington; Washington, J. K.B.1 lingsley, appointed Postoffice Inspector. In the Senate. Sergeant-at-Arms Frankln has served tbe warrant for an election of a Sen ator in the Delaware district to succeed Sen ator Cooner, and a warrant will soon be issued for a successor to Senator Stehman in Lai caster county. WILL BRIDGE THE NIAGARA. Tho Canadian Pacific Determined to Have an American Connection. Hamilton, Ont., September 16. President Van Home was interviewed relative to tbe Canadian Pacific's proposed American con nection. Mr. Van Home said that it was the intention of the company to have such a con nection, and while it would be perhaps subse quent to the building of the lines to Hamilton, it was an assured thing. "We have decided," said he. "to build a "bridge for onrselves across the Niagara river. For the present I do not care to state what our American connection will be. I will say, how ever, tliat we have made arrangements for this connection with six leading American rail roads, and will be able to run into Buffalo on the most advantageous terms, and will have thoroughly first-class accommodations at tLo end of the line, as we have elsewhere." STRUCK A SMALL FORTUNE. A Hnrrlsburg Railroader Accidentally Makes a Lucky Investment. rsrECIAI. TELEQRAM TO THE DIBPATCn.l Habbisbttro, September IS. Christian Gould, of this city, assistant train dispatcher in the employ of tbe Philadelphia and Readiig Railroad Company, was one ot a party of six railroaders who bought a lottery ticket re cently. At tbe same time he also purchased one-twentieth of a ticket, costing him SI. The combination ticket in which he invested witli his co-emploves drew nothing, but the other fractional ticket won for him one-twentieth of the capital prize of 300,000. The ticket has been placed in tho hands of tho United States Express Company for col lection. Mr. Gould, who is a poor man, ex pects his $15,000 in a few days. , They'll Both Go a Lone Way. Prom the New York Sun.l The municipal authorities of Liverpool are going to build petroleum tanks at Isolated points to lessen the dangers from fires and explosion. But nothing can lessen the peculiar affection which lightning seems to have for petroleum tanks. Lightning will go as far out of its way to have fun with an on tank as a Kansas man will go out of his way to find a drugstore. . To Distributo 81.600,000. rSFECIAI. TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! HARElSBnno, SeptemDer 16. Secretary Krcmer, of the State Flood Relief Commis sion, left for Johnstown to-night, to begin tho distribution of the 51,600,000 which the commis sion at its meeting on Friday night authorized to be given the flood sufferers in addition to the 6769,000 which they have already received through that body. A Boodler Returns Prom Canada. 'Chicago, September 16. Johnny Hannigan, the ex-County Commissioner, accused of hoodling, who ran away from Chicago two years ago to escape prosecution, has returned from Canada. He walked into Judge Horton's conrt this morning and asked that he be al lowed to civo bail for a future hearing. Judee Horton held him in $1,000 bail. DEATHS? OF A DAT. nirmn Pooler. iflram Pooler, one of the oldest steamboat stew ards on the Ohio river, died at his home on Lib erty avenue, ycsterdaymornlng, oftypholdfever. He was about W years old. and was called one of tbe best stewards on tbe river. Ho was born and raised In Beaver county. Ho was a widower, and basa daughter living In Wellsvlile. O. He had for several years been employed by Gray's Iron Line, raving been last the steward of the Iron Duke, fcome weeks ago he was compelled, by sickness, to leave the boat at Cairo, and was thence cornered to his home In this city. Hon. William II. Kealc. tSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Pabkxbsbitbo, W. VA September 16. Hon. 'William II. Ieale, one of the oldest and most prominent residents of this elty, died this lnorn lngat the family residence. Mr. ealc was uncle ol Stonciratl Jackson, and always was a tlrru friend of the celebrated Confederate chlclUin although himself alwaj s a strong Republican. ' Philip Mover. I SPECIAL tELEOEAM TO THE DISPATCn, HAKBISBVBO, September IS. Philip Mover, for two terms Commissioner of this county, died yes terday. He served as County Commissioner with Michael Moyer, who died a few months ago. Iter. J. W. Ullncoe. Kichmohd, September 16. Rev. J. W. Blincoe, one otthe most prominent ministers of the Hetho- nlst Episcopal Church Sooth, died In Ashland yesterday. AT THE THEATER8. Tho Old Homestead One of the Old Stock and Other Plays. "The Old Homestead" is a sweet rural story, suggestive of all the pleasant side of country life, descriptive of all that is good and loveable in a simple-minded honest old farmer. It is not a drama In the right sensed)! the word. There is so little of the truly dramatic in it that one is surprised that It holds tho attention of. the audience so closely for more than two hours. In its success it is, shown that the peo ple like a story simply and sweetly told, with out the jar of rapid action, without the force of climax. What is the storyT It is nothing more than this: Joshua WhUcomb, a Dowu East farmer, goes to New York to find his son, who has wandered oa to tbe great city with no definite purpose. He finds the -boy in evil ways, and induces him to come home. All the rest of the story is byplay, and a little of it deserves no better name than padding. But it is all fresh and wholesome, and true to nature. Joshua WhUcomb is a farmer of the old Eastern type; and Matilda IVhitcomb Is a peculiarly clever portrait of a woman who is to be found in many a farm outside a3 well as in New Hampshire-Last night "The Old Homestead" was played at the Grand Opera House. It is nicely staged, although the scenery is not calculated to do more than aid tbe imagination of the beholder. The farm scene is Intensely realistic although it presents a practicable well and a bird cage with two unhappy pigeons in it. The Grace church scene, with its stained glass windows and the moonlight effects upon the graceful oatlino of New York's fashionable Episcopal church, is pretty, and the other pictures aie satisfactory. So much has been said about the minute accuracy of every detail in the scenery, about the broad and artistic representation of life itself in this play that unwillingly we are bound to confess that this production of "The Old Homestead" is somewhat disappointing. When we come to consider Joshua Whtleomb himself as delineated by Mr. ArchieBoyd, how ever, the very highest praise can freely be given. It is unnecessary to compare his concep tion of the character with Mr. Denman Thomp son's they are practically the same and it is needless to go Into details in lauding Mr. Boyd's work. The old farmer is a delicious sight to the eye, the hearty tones of his voice are welcome to the ear, and whether it be bis quiet humor or as quiet pathos the impression made is sudden and powerful. No better piece of comedy has been seen here for a long while. Miss Henrietta Irving made an excellent Aunt Matilda, the Rlcketty Arm of Miss Florence Wyatt bad the ring of nature in it, and some ot the other characters were well presented. In minor places tre is an exaggeration of eccen tric characters which greatly damages the per formance as a whole. The incidents supposed to occur nn Broadway suggest firce comedy rather than life. To tbe general attraction of the play is added some singing ot a very high order. The double quartet is above the aver age in voice and musical training. The au dience thoroughly enjoyed "The Old Home stead" from beginning to end. The Bijou Theater. Alvin Jotltn in a new-play, with enough sup plementary attractions to make an entertain ment in themselves, drew a very large audience to the Bijou Theater last night. Mr, Charles L. Davis is an old favorite here, and the extent of his comic talent and its quality are too well known to require more than brief mention here. The new play, "One of the Old Stock," brings forward the same old Vermont farmer, and carries him safely through a set of adven tures often laughable and occasionally border ing upon the tragical. Mr. Davis as the old farmer. Uncle Alvin Joslin, has lots of room and opportunities to make food for laughter, and the house pealed m response to his efforts last night. As will be seen from the following the cast is fairly strong. Miss Ray Briscoe be ing particularly charming: Uncle Alvin Joelln Clias. L. Davis An old Vermont farmer. Toby Tighfpenny, an old, miserly money lender C'has. Stedman Hlraui Hawver, a hop and grain buyer... Chas. Norris Patrick Kllpatrlck, an Irish boy with American Ideas Billy Koblnson SherlffBaker Walter Hentley Henry, a dude. In love with Besile.HenryBentley Policeman 44 Chas. Bentley Flash, a young man who asslres to be a seoond Gould Billy Koblnson Theo. Allen, a New England rustic James JA. Marcus Cyrus Perkins Judson Bentley Hubert Dawes, an old lamlly servant James W. Morton Scth Skldmore. who plays the fiddle for all the doings Sid Moore Ell 'Whitfield, town constable.. .. Philip Plummer Obedlah Westbrook, town deacon. .Lester Collins Vic Johnson, an accomplice of Hiram Hawver V,m. P. Noremao Bessie Joslin Miss Kay Briscoe Uncle Alvln's daughter a wayward girl. Clorinaa Josiln MIssClllaL. Wentworth Uncle Alvln's better half, who wants things her own way, and has 'cm. Earsli Way, a study for ancient history: age unknown Mrs. Mary Henderson The play as a whole was well presented and the effectiveness of tbe scenery lent no small aid to this result. The diSDlav of f urnilnte and bric-a-brac in tbe third act is qnite astonish ing. Tbe musical side of the play was v, ell at tended to by Mr. Davis' picked singers and orchestra. Harris' Theater. An unusually clever company appears at Harris' this week In Frank Harvoy's play, "Woman Against Woman."' Miss May Wheeler is not only a very pretty woman, but she knows how to act, and to act well. Her .Bcie Barton 13 a character picture. Edmund Collier, as John Trestder, is a good support, and the little comedv in the play is in good bands, John Mar ble's I'hil Tretsider being only a little over drawn. Tbe house at both performances yes terday was filled to the last seat. Harry Williams' Academy. Quite a number of old favorites are to be seen at this house the present week. The Austin Sisters, Rose and Aimee, head tho list with their thrilling trapeze performance, and beside there are Mulvey and Clifton, the Davenport Brothers, the "Acme Four," Constantino and Richards, Sam Dearin. Van leer and Barton, Camella Brothers and Miss .Capitola Forrest. Altogether, an array that will please the usual large audiences that fill the Academy. The World's Museum. Thegreat parade of Big Eliza in an express wagon took place yesterday without any evil effects to the vehicle. Her gigantic propor tions were viewed in wonder by nnndreda. In tbe museum yesterday also, Mr. A. J. Seymour performed some remarkable feats of mind reading. The museum's popularity is growing. THE RED MEN'S LAND WANTED. A Commission Appointed to Negotiate for a Tract of 7S9.000 Acres. Washington, September 16. Secretary Noble to-day appointed B. V. Belt, Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs; A. M, Tinker, an Indian Inspector, and C. W. Parker, a special Indian Agent, as a commission to negotiate with the Sisseton and Wabpeton Indians of Dakota for tbe surrender of 789,000 acres of their lands. Tbe Indians on the Sisseton reservation havo already agreed to take lands in severalty, and 127,837 acres have been set apart for that purpose; 1,417 acres have also been reserved for church and other purposes. The commission is Instructed not to enter unon its duties until patents in severalty for 127,887 acres have been delivered, which will probably bo done within the present month. Each male Indian of the Sisseton and Wabpeton tnbes, over 21 years of age, who receives his lands in severalty under the gen eral allotment act of February 8, 18S7. thereby becomes a citizen of the United States. A COW ON. THE TRACE Causes a Railroad Wreck in Which Three Men Are Injured. ISPEC1AL TELEOBAM TO TOE DI8FATCII.1 CONNELLSVILLE. September 16. A wreck occurred on tbe Baltimore and Ohio short line at Leisenring at 5 o'clock this morning, result ing in serious injury to three brakemen, one of whom, Charles Ellsworth, will probably die. The others, William Durhin and Robert Hues, were badlv crushed, but will recover. The accident was caused by a cow getting on the track. . AN OHIO CENTENARIAN DEAD. Mrs. Miller, of Stnrk County, Passes Array nt (be Aire of 101 Yean. ISPECIAL TELEdBAM TV THE DISPATCH.! CANTOir, September 16. Mrs. Magdalene Miller, aged 101 years, beyond doubt tbe oldest person in Stark county, died at the residence of ber daughter, Mrs. John Klise, at Wayncsburg to-day. She was bom in Germany, and came to Stark county with her husband 60 years ago. A Contribution lo tho Conscience Fund. WAsniNOTpN.September 16. The Secretary of tbe Treasury to-day received a conscience contribution of S200 in an envelope postmarked Chicago. The sender said: "This is Uncle Sam's; put it to his credit." A West Vlralulan Gets an Offlce. Washihoton, September 16. Charles F. Scott, of West Virginia, has been appointed pardon clerk of the Department of justice, vice Judge Boteller. resumed. MORE TROUBLE FOR ARMES. Genera! Schofleld Orders a Court of In ,qalry Intoibo Major' Mental Condition An Enmlly That Cannot be Shaken off A Peculiar Proceeding. IsnclALTELEOnAH TO TUB DISPATCH.1 Washington, Sentember 16. One of the most curious cases in tbe reoord ot inquiries will be heard to-morrow at the Medical Mu seum. It is an inquiry Into tbe mental condi tion of Major Armes, who recently became known to the country at large by bis action during the Inaugural procession on the 4th, ojt March, and by his attempt to pnll the nose of Governor Beaver, on account of the corre spondence and discussion which grew out of that performance. It will be remembered that Armes was appointed a member of the staff of Governor Beaver for that occasion, and that his name was subsequently struck from the list through representations made by old enemies of Armes that he was a crank and shouldn't be recognized. As Armes had a let ter from the Governor formally notifying him of bis appointment on his staff, he persisted in riding hi the procession until he was forcibly ejected by two officers. He made charges against these officers, and they against him, but he was subjected to a trial by courtmartlal, and they were not. The charges made against him Included his harmless attack on Governor Beaver. Armes was found guilty of conduct unbe coming an officer and gentleman, and was sentenced to be deprived of tbe right to wear his uniform for five years, and to be confined within certain geographical limits. It was supposed that this would end Armes for a time, as an issue, but a few days ago some person, as yet unknown, suggested to General Schofleld that it would be well to inquire into the mental condition of Armes, and upon this the General of the army issued an order for a board of inquiry. It is estimated a most extra ordinary proceeding on the part of the General, who has refused to disclose tbe name of tbe person making tbe suggestion on which be is acting, and by the general public the proceed ing is looked upon as cruel and tending to drive into a condition of real insanity a person who is now and has been for years simply a little peculiar. Armes has a wife and eight children. He Is known as an exceedingly kind husband and father. His salary as a retired major of tbe army is not sufficient to maintain bis family and educate bis children, and be has been struggling bravely to do this in the real estate business, which in this city is greatly cut up by competition. He has been doing a fair busi ness, however, and has a prospect of making some very profitable transactions if his patrons are not driven away by the proceedings of bis enemies in army circles. What object General Schofield has in order ing the court of inquiry no one seems to be able to explain. If Armes were an officer in active service tho reason wonld be evident, but as the matter stands, it Is the wonder of army and civilian circles alike. The Major claims that Schofleld offered on Saturday ovenine to drop the proceedings, but that he (the Major) refused the proposal and demanded the exam ination. Everybody knows here that tbe Major is afflicted with a mild sort of mania on the subject of his unwarranted dismissal from the army, years ago a dismissal which resulted in his prompt reinstatement and tbe expulsion in disgrace of several members of the court mar tial that dismissed him, but all who know him snow mat any cnarge oi insanity is aosura. Even on the subiect of his wrones his conver sation is connected and lucid, and he talks abont them merely as a matter of record, and one wbich has much affected him. He doesn't grow In tbe least excited while describing the most outrageous act of the court martial that dismissed him, which court was shown to be utterly disreputable and acting from a spirit of revenge because tbe Major had exposed the rascality of certain officers. The result of the inquiry of to-morrow is looked forward to with some interest not on account of tbe Major, but merely to see to what lengths the old enmity toward him will reach. Some of the relatives and friends of the officers who were disgraced through bis exposure are still in the army, and have considerable influ ence, and many think that Schofleld has fallen into a trap which will result in considerable discredit to him. The court will be composed of a board of army surgeons and two or three civilian Bnrgeons, and it is expected the argu ment will be Interesting, if not exciting. MEN OP NOTE AND TALENT Coming From Sister Republics to tho Inter national Congress. WASHtNaTON, September It The delegates to the International American Congress, which is to convene in Washington nexlrmonth, are among tho ablest and foremost public men of the countries they represent, and the sessions of tbe congress promise to be not only of great benefit to the nations represented, but interest ing, because of the ability and talents of its members. Honduras willsendGeronimoZeloya, a prominent lawyer, about 55 years of age. He was Minister of Foreign Affairs several years. Afterward be was the representative of Hon duras in tbe Congress ot Central American States, wbich met in Guatemala in 1886, and the Costa Rica Convention of 1SS3. He will ar rive at New York in tbe Pacific Mail steamship Aspinwall about the 21th instant. Dr. Fernando Cruz, the representative of Guatemala, is also the new Minister from tbe conntry to tbe United States, having succeeded Francisco Llenfesta. He arrived in this coun try in July, but has beed spending the summer with his family on Long Island. Dr. Cruz is probably tbe foremost literary man of Guate mala, as well as a politician of high degree. He served as Secretary for Foreign Affairs under President. Barrios, and since then has been President of the National University. He speaks English with considerable fluency. . Much public interest is felt in the forthcom ing tour of tbe country, wnich will be the first business of tbe congress. The party will leave Washington October 3 and be gone 40 days. BEAUTY PADS FOR THE CHEEKS. Time's Tooth May Gnaw, bat Madam is Bound to Look Lovely. From the Pall Mall Gazette.) Hollow cheeks and wrinkles are very awk ward things. Ladles do their best to prevent their appearance. The clever ones seem to be able to ward off tho wrlnVles,but hollow cheeks completely baffle their skilL A gentleman who lives at Islington is providing ladles whose cheeks are hollow with small pads. These pads are attached to natural or artificial teeth by means of tiny gold springs. The price of a face pad is a trifle heavy, liko everything else guar anteed to improve the personal appearance. A pair of pads cost something like 5. The maker of tbe face pad said that gentle men as well as ladles are wearing them. One gentleman bad never looked anything bnt cadaverous until be took to the pad. Now his cheeks are rounded like a cherub's and be looks ten years younger. Tbe curious thing about tbe face pad is its inflexibility. It Is made of the same material as tbe case of a set of artificial teeth. - THE NEW CRUISER BALTIMORE. Official Report pf the Test, Which is Highly Satisfactory. Washington, September 16. Secretary Tracy to-day received the followine telegram from Captain Kirkland, President of the trial board which cdnducted the trial of the new cruiser Baltimore last Saturday: Trial of the Baltimore satisfactorily completed. Horse power la excess of requirements: average speed per hour for four hours, 19 6-10 knots; maxi mum speed for one hour, 20 2-10 knots. Complete reports cannot be furnished for some days. The Philadelphia, which was recently launched on the Delaware, has a bull practi cally the same as the Baltimore. In her case there is no requirements as to horsepower, as was the case with tbe Baltimore, which was re quired to make good horse power. But she is guaranteed to make 19 knots, and should she do as well as the Baltimore she will net a band some profit to her builders,, as they will re ceive $50,000 for every quarter knot made by the vessel over and above 19 knots. A Suggention to Theater Managers. From the New York Commercial Advertiser.l There is a suggestive contiguity in two bits of news that reachnsto-day-tbat the chestnut crop is ripening at an unusually early date, and that a lady in a Reading theater has swal lowed her plate of artificial teeth in a burst of laughter over a joke. Would it not bo well to hang up a placard, over the footlights, at the proper moment: "The chestnuts are coming) the audience will kindly remove their teeth, else tho management declines being responsi ble lor any casualty that may ocenr. Mexico's Independence Dor Celebrated. City of Mexico. September 16.-To-day the anniversary of Mexico's independence was celebrated throughout the country. Seven thousand soldlefe and rural guards paraded. Immense crowds filled the street cheering for General Diaz as the "Apostle of Peace.' Mexico lUttn llie Doty on GonU. Crrr of Mexico, September 16. The official paper publishes a decree dated September 11 increasing the duty on goats 35 cents. METROPpLITAN MATTERS. ' - Among the Pauper Immigrants. INEW YOBK BOEIAD SPZCIALg.1 New YoBft; September 16. Sixty Arabs Were landed at Castle Garden this morning, and were detained tor examination by the Commission ers. Abdul Azlek, their chief, protested that they all had money enough to support them,, as well as a large amount of Arabian curiosities which they intended to peddle through the country. There are now HO Arabs in Castle Gardenawaitlng the Collector's decision. They wiU probably be sent back, as they are as worthless looking a crowd as ever landed at the Battery. Ettel .Crodsmlnski, a widow, who ar rived her, with her 6-year-old daughter in the r steerage of tbe steamship Edam to-day, is the first Polish Immigrant who ever registered as a Mormon at Castle Garden. She is on her way to Ogden, Utah, where she will meet her hus band, Samuel, whom she has never seen. Samuel and she hare corresponded for some months. A few weeks ago he wrote her that she had been sealed to him. She at 'once packed her trunk and started to come and see him. She went West this afternoon. A Long; and Useless Chase. Policeman Tick saw a young man with a bun dle on Fiat avenue, at 3 o'clock this morning. He at once decided that the young man was a thief, and comanded him to stop. The young man dropped his bundle and ran toward the river. Tbe policeman ran after him. The young man sped down the water front, out to the end of the pier, and just as tbe policeman shot at blm, dived off into 10 feet ot water. The policeman went after him In a rowboat. It was a venturesome thing to do, as the fog was thick and the rowboat ran the risk of be ing cut down by some ferry boat. Eventually tbe officer overtook the swimmer, almost ex hausted, and hauled hiin aboard the steamer Sam Sloan. The man las on the deck awhile, unconscious. When he came to, he was taken to the station house, andquestioned,as to what he had in tho bundle. "A basket of grapes," he responded promptly. Just then a policeman came in with the basket, picked up where it was thrown. "Then why did you run?" asked the sergeant in charge. '1 thought I bad bet ter, when I saw the officer's club," was the reply. The su spected young man was released. An Unprecedented Adventure. Among the. disabled and weather-beaten craft which came into port to-day was the Italian baric Mid Nepotl. Captain Baxone, from Bangkok. The storm store In, four of her bul warks, shifted her cargo, and .stripped off ber sails. But themostremarkableincidentofthe cyclone is thus narrated by Captain Bazone: "The gale struck us from north-northeast oa September 9. The men had just gotten about, their work when a heavy sea struck us. When the wave had passed over us and the ship had righted six men of the crew were no longer orf board. They had gone off with the wave, and could easily be seen struggling on its crest. The next moment they disappeared" in the trough of the sea. Swept on by the waters theyneared the ship. The retreating wave dashed them up against the railing ot the bark just as a second wave came sweeping onus. Tbe men, however, had the presence of mind and strength to seize the railing, and after the second wave had passed, over them to climb on board. All six were saved. I thins our adven ture is unprecedented." Sir Edwin Arnold's Plans. Sir Edwin Arnold will remain in this city a few days for the purpose of visiting New Yorkers whom he has seen abroad. He goes hence to Boston, where he will visit friends and relatives of Lady Arnold, who was a Miss Cbanning, of Boston. He will conclude his stay by a visit Cambridge, where he will be en tertained by President Eliot, of .Harvard. Then he will cross the country to either San Francisco or Vancouver, and take a steamer for Japan. After a brief stay in that country . he will visit China, and then go to India. Says He Was With Langtry. Era 03 1 King; an Englishman, SO years old, with his daughter, Grace Florence Peroy King, 4 years old, arrived to-day among the immi grants on the Canard steamer- Aurania from Liverpool. King was registered as an English actor, and, being without funds, was detained under the law prohibiting the landing of pauper foreigners. He says teat he was here two years ago, and acted with Sirs. Langtry In the play of "As fn a Looklne 'Glass," and had also been business mam ger for Cbarles R. Gardi ner's "Only a Farmer's Daughter" Company. He comes from Wimbledon, England, and claims to have an income of Jo a week from property in that town. Tbe FlnMhlnir Touches Added. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Florida Orango Growers' and Dealers' Pro tective Association was held to-day at the office of President E. L. GoodseU, and some finishing touches added to a plan that, it suc cessful, will revolutionize the orange trade by getting rid of the commission man. Jackson ville will be tbe headquarters, and there the oranges will be sold at auction to members of tbe association exclusively. As the boxes will all be opened there, it is said no more half rotten oranges will be sent North. Tbe orange growers heretofore have suffered to an enor mous extent through sales to utterly irre sponsible dealers in the North, but under tbe, new system they expect to receive cash. Ex Senator A. S. Mann, of Florida, the secretary of the association, is now at the Astir HouEe, this city. STOCKSLAGER'S SUCCESSOR. Judge GrofT Appointed Commlaslener of the General Land Office. Deeb Park, September 18. Lewis A. Groff, of Omaha, was appointed Commissioner of tbe General Laud Office to-day, vice Strother M. Stockslager, resigned. After signing Judge Graffs commission the President gave tbe morning to answering personal letters and dic tating to his stenographer. Judge Groff will accept the position. He was born in Wooster, O., December 31, I84L In 1867 he was admitted to the bar, and imme diately afterward commenced practice in tbe city of Toledo. He at once became a promi nent Scute In politics and continued as such until 1870, when he removed to Lincoln, Neb. In 1877 be went to Omaha, where be nas since resided. Altboueh a strongRepnblican he was elected District Judge in 1887 on the non-partisan ticket, and has since attended to nearly all the criminal business in the district. Tonga's Queen No More. Auckland, September 16. Advices by tbe steamer Walnut announce tbe death of the Queen of the Tonga Islands. TKI-STATE TRIPLES. AN Ohio doctor tells his patients that about the most injurious thing they caneat is a par tially rotted potato. A Paoli, Pa., calf with five legs has a harder time to get along than a Doylestown pig with only three. Reuben Zerbe had his rod pulled from his hand while fishing in Swatara Creek, Pa by a four-foot eel. A weather prophet that Consbohocton Dn nannl. BflMrbril a. tMfvfrnp' lmnrflAn.!! in a jar of water at the railroad station. Sevebal students of Lehigh University help to raise their tuition fee by giving music lessons. . A 250-POtTND passenger on a North Penn train left his valise in a -seat and went to the smoker. When be returned the seat was occu pied by two persons, who refused to leave. Mr. Heavyweight threw himself upon the other two persons' laps, and soon "froze" or rather warmed them out. Twenty-one partridges alighted on the porch ot a house, at Epbrata, Pa., and pro ceeded, to make themselves at home. Part of the covey was captured, and had an engage ment at a dinner party that day. William. Shreeves, a West Goshen, P farm band, was in the top of a tree when be was attacked by a swarm of bees. He was un able to fight them, and tho insects stung him till his eyes were closed. Ho was taken down with a derrick. Several tropical date palm plants, supposed to have sprang from seeds carelessly thrown away, are growing in a Bethlehem, Pa street gutter. ' 4V Hiwinui"!, ,1. T A., Iill 1C1U.CU IU, o&er of marriage or a wealthy young gentle man from New York. because, he'had read one of Zola'fnoTel'V-1 " r - ' v , -tek. -rstefe-, - rliifeisll iff ''f-ferTJiit-''iiMiii'.i i tJeMJBB ., M. m,-maJ3t&i UUJUUUB LUAMa&dXlVinfPt:1 "T ' A Maine man has raised a Use pig. which he wiU exhibit at tfee Slate Fate. , An egg shaped like a bora is a earl- osjty now atfraeHag- attention at Ctrtrrfflo, Ga. Mr. Edison is said to receive ae less than 1,260 letters daily siaee his aniTfr,lB' -Paris. The month of Calumet river, eaptyiajf into Lake Michigan, has moved east 2,889 feet since IS9S. " ' A Swiss cheese which was received by an Atchison grocery firm the other day weighed 700, pounds.. ,'i't There" is a sunflower sfalkat Hannibal,1 Mo., wbich is H feet high and which emits Inn ISO blossoms. , A, M. Britten, of Bancroft, HkhT, fa ' the owner of a pear tree which is now rrtefitefc. ' its second crop for this season. iJ The force whioh a California pumpkia. exerts while growing is equal to the strength, J? ot a large horse attached to a stick or timber. The London Omnibus Company have only 26 coaches running, and yetthey carried over 60,008,060 passengers during tbe year jast An Austrian railway official has la. vented a portable telephone for SBeaklBZ from t a railway train at any point stopptac to the nearest station. A Californian named John Feesle has , a quartz mine that has paid him W.080 ln'two , yf.1; Be does, his ownwork, and his osl. : Jn . ... . W"a . u peuaier wno travels through Caa-h ada can exhibit 41 sears where famefs', dew; have taken hold ot him to see whether he waal uuhiuij vt A1TQ TT1!Trr1 The largest bar of eold v out -wax turned out at the United Bates Assay Oftee in Helena, Mont, recently. It welched 669 pounds, and is worth more than iee,0WL. Lord Brassjy's London house is lighted' by electric lamps, inclosed in seathefis of the greatest beauty, whose transparency sheds a glowing refulgence over tho whole apartment. A curious and interesting exhibition will be opened in Cologne on Juno L lsso in which will be displayed a vast collection of arms, instruments, etc, serving to illustrate '" the art of warfare and bearing in any way on ' the condition of troops or armies. t Mr. Jones, of Cisco, Tex., get the idea that there were too many rattlesnakes oa hiar farm. The other day he quit his plewise, and went gunning for thea. Under the edged! a large rock he discovered a nest and began arise at the reptiles. Heskept it up oatH netjsad shot 21 large snakes. Scares ot tobsc ones got away. - - The latest kind ol thieves that Xtwjby &' York has produced aie-men'wao make, a' " business of stealing toothpicks. They lesasje wuuuu uis csuwers aes& la note oaa ? restaurants and, when no one is looking; pre ' their hand on the toothpicks, which arenas ' ing end up, and then withdraw their baud Into.' a convenient pocket t- A curious historical document haags ia the private office of Judge John J. Gorman, at 2 West Fourteenth street. New York; It 'pur ports to be the original commission granted by John .Hancock, President of the United States, on October 10, 1776, to John Paul Jones, tho great naval hero of the Revolution. The sic. nature of President Hancock is in bis we& known round hand, and the scrlnt of John Paul Jones' name appears to have been written in the same bold hand. There is a real estate agent living at Kingston, N. Y., who takes a gloomy view-of life, and especially of house painters, these days. A few days ago he hired aa artistic bouse painter to paint a house which he has CA his list. But unfortunately he gave the painter the wrong number, so that it was the wrong house which received abeautlf ul and becominjr new coat. The agent is receiving a good deal of sympathy, and the man who got his house painted for nothing is understood to be meas urably resigned. A thief has interfered with the matri monial plans of a couple in Louisa county, Virginia. Miss Mary Jones' prospective hus band made her his banker. He deposited' with her $2,300, and to this sum the youne lady added $600. The couple expected, to buy a home with the money, but the other day, while Miss Jones was at churcb,an employe on her father's farm entered the house and extracted the V,-. SOU from ber trunk. The marriatre, which bad ..... been set for an early date, will not cocas o4? sS fxV tbe appointed tnae,unless the money shoulir-bo f2 recovered. Guilford, Conn., now celebrating tbe two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of la foundation, has; it is claimed, the oldest home in this country. The house was built in 1M0 for the. Rev. Henry Whitfield, a minister of the Church of England, a non-conformist. The stones for it were Drought on barrows from a ledge a long distance from tbe site. Tbe cement used was brought from England, and is now harder than tbe stone itself. At times it was used by the early settlers asa kind ot fort to defend themselves against tbe incursions or hostile savages, and tbe first marriage in Guil ford was solemnized within its walls. Here is an advertisement taken from a Yokohama, Japan, newspaper, which Is printed in English: . For Dale. BestTeppermlnt OH Made lrom It's Beally Leafs. I Can be cnrable for the sickness of Male, female or Boy. Dizzy. Use to pat or wipe few drops en the forehead, botbsldes under eyebrows, mcholes, and bothsldes tbe back of ears. Fever. Wipe on the forehead, and noseholes. ML Wipe most to the sosehples and drink few drops mixed with tea. Giddy. Wipe botosldes of forehead, and nose holes. Gout or Goutswollen. Wipe bothsldes of fore bead, noseholes and much to tbe breast. Headache-wipe on the forehead, and nose holes. Belelve us. CHOX THOOJJO sunb. Tal-pln Gate outside Brass smith Bosd. FUNNY MEN'S FANCIES. ODE TO A. TAILOR. In life thy worth we never knew , We Judged you merely by your clothes'i - Bnt at thv grave sua stops to think IIow much to thee he really owes. PMladelpMa Inquirer.' Too Mad for Her. Summer boarder"(to farmer's daughter) Sarah. 1 love yon: believe me, darling. Hove joa madia madly, madly. Farmer's daughter (calmly) Kraclous Dick, you must have 'n awiul temper. Kl Verano Whittle. Bemembering- Elevator Boy I remem ber you from the time yon was here before, miss. illss Walkup Why, how 1 that; I was at this hotel only a week? Elevator Boy Yes, miss, bat I remember, yoa 'cause you didn't remember me wbeo yoa left. Time. His Cbancis Improving. Do you love me, dear V asked Coolly softly. "Well, Cholly," said Molly, to 'Hell the truth, lam not quite sure; bat I think perhaps I could love you enougb to be your wife if I could only manage to set your salary raised." SommilU Journal. . "In many respects, Mrs. Hodge," said tbe visitor consolingly, "your husband wis an extraordinary man. What strong, abiding faith he possessed l" "He aid I He did!" exclaimed the widow, smiling through ber tears with grati fied pride, "yaltbl That's no name for it. Why, sir, I've seen that man, time and sgain. buy peaches at a fruit staud." Chicago Tribune. Disqualified for Jury Dnty. Attorney Have you formed or expressed any opinion aa to tbe guilt or innocence of the accused la this case? Man Drawn as a J uror 2 o, sir; bat I have some times thought Attorney (rising ludlgnantly) Your Honor.thls man acknowledges that he sometimes thinks. It is hardly necessary to say that we shall challenge him as a Juror. Chicago Tribune. The Reverse Side. Baldheaded and very homely old gentleman, to photographer Drat such pictures 1 Can't yoa make me look any bet ter than that, after fire sittings? Photographer (thoroughly exasperated I think 1 can, sir, if yoa will allow me to take the back of your bead. It hasn't so much expression as the other side, bat It's a blamed sight prettier. fun lington tyce Prtes. DAINTY BUT DANGEROUS. Her enchanting Utile boot from beneath her Jaunty suit Ventured oat. That she kuew its witching charm. Without meaning any barm. Who could doubt r 8o I wooed the charming maid, First enchanted, as I said, By ber boot. How, alas! I'm well aware Boots and tempers seldom are Built to suit. Tor oar friendship ripened fast, And before a year was past HTnirpminid. " Now both boon and other things Seckrcssly she often slings i At my bead. r .- J 'J&MLSLJk .SotntrcfHe JovnaUKXi . . . 2.TS . . -. -ttKI . 1 r i t 1 4 '& v.va! MS