Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 17, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Constructed Especially for
Use in America.
The Most Eecent Design Intended for
the Sproull Heirs.
rrominent Hembers of the Family Lhing
in Allegheny City.
Reports ol fabulous fortunes in Europe
for American heirs are frequent, but the
realizations of such tales are exceedingly
rare. It is probable that among the un
founded tales of that sort may be classed a
story which pertains to a large and well
known family of Western Pennsylvania,
some of the most eminent members of which
are residents of Pittsburg.
The following letter was yesterday re
ceived by The Dispatch from a citizen of
The fcproull heirs, of whom there are quite a
number scattered through the Cnited fetates,
have lately recched the ref resume news that a
large fortune awaits them in Scotland, the
former home of their ancestors. This fortune
is said to be in hard cash, and foots up the
enc-mous sum of S13.tiOJ.CO0. which is a sum
surtlynotto be despised. Among the lucky
hcira are D. Sproull, of Allegheny City, tho
oldest living heir; A. V. Watt and sisters, ol
Allcshen township Westmoreland county;
the fcuroulls of Butler count, of whom tho
fcvrian nnsionarx, W J SurouU, is one; Miss
Jiargaretta feprouU, of Lcechburg, and her
bio.ners; R. fe. bproull, of Washington, la.;
AV. J. bproull. of Parnassus and a half dozen
other families scattered through Pennsylvania
and the estern btates. It is said the thing is
jreuuiue, and steps are ueinjr taken to have the
money paid over to the rightful heir.
R. A. W.
A reporter for The Dispatch last evening
visited Kev. Thomas Sproull, LL.D., of Alle
gheny, and showed the Utter to him. That
gentleman read it through, bnt began to laugh
licfore he had finished the second sentence.
When he had ended bia perusal bo drew lum
lnmclf np to his height, which is considerable,
and said:
'There is absolutely no foundation for this
story, none whatever. The same thing came to
mj ears about a j car ago. It seems that there
are men or firms in London, and I presume in
other European citus, which make it their
business to watch such things as this. When
thej lern of a fortune left bj a man without
known heir tne look up every person of that
name in this country, and hav e it reported to
them that a fortune awaits them if thej will
take legal measures to secure it. Their design
is to secure nionej from the supposed heirs lor
the purpose of pajmg the expenses of investi
gation and lesal proceednre.
"I suppose that the business is a paying one.
I am satisfied that this report was started for
such swindling purposes. hen it first came
to us. a year ago, my son William, who is an
instructor in the university m Cincinnati, took
borne pains to inquire into the thing. After
considerable correspondence, he concluded
that the ttor was a fraud.
"lhis letter sajs that the former home of our
aaces.ors was Scotland. My lather came from
the north of Ireland, in the last century, and
the family 'ii ed there for man j generations.
They were not rich. I suppose tliey came
originallj lroin Scotland, tut that was, as the
storj books saj, once upon a time.'
"I have beard my father speak of a Sproull
la Ireland who made a large fortune at the
bleacher business, bnt he was not related to
our t ami at all I do not know all of the peo
ple mentioned in this letter, but the most of
them are relatives. Rev. AV. J. Sproull is not
in Svria now He has charge of a Reformed
Pre-bvterian church in Franklin county "
ltd. John . bproull, the pastor of the Cen
tral Reformed Presbyterian Church, a son of
Ret. Dr. bproull, was visited also. Juntas his
father had done, be smiled broadly before he
was half na; turough the letter lie said: "I
am quite sui c there is nothing in this. Our an
cestors arc from Ireland. 1 would not spend a
cent to look up such a matter unless I w ere
ver sure it had a cood f ounaation. We bat e
received no refreshing news such as the letter
speaks of. It maj be that other members of
the connection hae been making inquiries
about it and have learned something, but I
take no stock in it. I know of all the persons
mentioned in the letter, borne are second
cuasms and some fortj -second. The connection
is a cr largo one, scattered all over the coun
Primitive Methodists Want Christians to
Lead the intrwjr.
The sessions held yesterday of the Primi
tie Methodist Church Conference were not
marked by any special features of interest.
Considerable routine business was transacted,
and an adjournment until the afternoon was
Upon re-asemblinc, the revision of the rules
governing the church was taken up Hot many
changes w ere effected except in wording. Sev
eral rules as amended and changed are, that
"no one being a member and trustee of the
church cau hold the latter position if he for
feit his right to membership;" "no minister
shall take legal steps to recoTcr arrears of sal
ary without the sanction of the District or Gen
era! Committee; "1.0 pson shall sjircct tho
timing in the church who is not a member of
the same and a Christian, and no one shall play
an instrument in the church who has not a
good moral character "
The question arose as to whether ltwasncc
cessary lor a person to be a Christian to play
an instrument in the church. TLe subject was
not discussed, but the opinion of the assembly
was that it was of little difference what a man
believed. "Numerous other rules were con
sidered, but were not changed.
Another One to be Constructed nt a Cost
of "jLi.OOO.
The plans are nearly completed for the
erection of a new church on the corner or
Lilly and Allen streets. Jit. Oliver. It
will be a frame structure, 70xi3 feet in dimen
sions, and will be built after a style resembling
to a certain extent the Queen Anne method of
architecture. It w Jl be a ery pretty piece of
work, and will be supplied with all the latest
Improvements. Among the features of the
church will be a belfry and a porch, this list
beinc something seldom seen on any church.
Resides this the class and lecture rooms and
auditorium will be provided with folding doors,
and will open into one another.
There will be no gallcrv in the building, but
the seating capacity will nevertheless reach
400. It will be supplied with natent heating
and ventilating apparatus, and the total cost
will be about 56,000. It will be devoted to the
United Presbyterian religion, and will be ready
for use In a few months.
Din. Welsh Given n Partial Hearing on n
Charge of Larceny,
Mrs. Clara "Welsh had a partial hearing
before Alderman McMasters yesterday on a
charge of larceny, preferred by Mrs. Noom
sky. The latter alleges the defendant re
moved some 200 worth of household goods
from a boarding-house on Pcnn avenue.
Mrs. Welsh is the housekeeper at the Hetel
Duqucsne. The prosecutrix inaae her state
Lieut, and was cross-examined, when the case
was continued until to morrow.
Dr. Conway, of the Mercy Hospital, Keportu
Them to the Coroner.
Dr. Conway yesterday reported to the
Coroner the deaths of Edward Schcndcl and
Mrs. Ludwicke Rosshcki, both inmates of
the Mercy Hospital. Both had been brought
there through the agency of the police, and
their deaths were rather sudden, though Iiom
natural causes. Dr. Conway denied last night
that be had asked the court to investigate the
cases, as he said there was nothing in them
to warrant such an action.
To bo Blade on the Pittsburg and Western
Road To.Daj-Two Elect licinus Who
Think Ther Have a Good Tuluff.
Arrangements have been completed for a
final test this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, on the
Pittsburg and "Western road, Allegheny, of
the invention which, if successful, will
revolutionize the present system of signal
ing on all railroads. Tor a long time
Messrs. T. D. "Williams and J. S. Lacock,
of the "Western Union Telegraph Company,
have been quietly experimenting on their
discovery, and they now think that they
have improved it sufficiently to introduce it
to tho public. Of course railroad men, elec
tricians and scientists have inspected tho
models on which tho inventors have been
working, and have expressed various opinions,
hut the test to be made on the tracks of the
Pittsburg and Western to-morrow will be the
first one of an official and public character.
The invention is termed the Automatic Block
Railroad Signal, and is desisned to make each
train do its own s ignaling. If it proves to be a
success the service of operators will be done
away with, at least as far .as their aid is re
quired to manipulate the switches and switch
boards. If the system advocated by the in
ventors be adopted cverv tram w ill bo provided
with electric batteries, and secondary batteries
will be located wherev er the signal blocks are
placed The connection between these two
bitterics will bo established by means of a
wire, which will follow the course of the track.
Whether a train is at a standstill or in motion
it can lie protected both in from and in the
rear under this system.
Kip-nais must bo nnt alonr tho tricks at any
distance from each other that the authorities
of tho railroad miy determine. As tho train
moves into a block, it will establish a current
with the front and the rcir signal, and will
raise them at once. In this wav any other
tram which maycorae eitherwav will be warned
of the presence of cars in that block. If by any
chance a train of cais should be broken into
two or more parts, the signals will act just as
they would for the whole train.
There will be no difficulty about tho cost of
this v stem, as the inventors claim it win 00
full 60 per cent cheaper than any method now
in use. Most of the experiments have been
conducted on a model about 20 feet long, pro
vided with a small locomotive and a number of
signals; but recently, throuch the courtesy of
Manager McDonald, of the Pittsburg and
A estern, the use of an engine, sotno cars and
a line of track opposite the new Exposition
was offered for the use of tho experimenters.
The official test will take place there to-morrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock, and will be w ttnessed by
the leading railroad officials of the two cities
and many other interested parties.
It was claimed that a wet day might interfere
to a great extent with the success of thesvs
tem, but it has been tried while the weather
was rainy, and worked like a charm, so the
people sav.
Overtures have already been made to two
loading roads lor the innovation, but the trial
to morrow will settle its fate m a more decisive
The New military Orcanizatlon Holds nn
Important Meeting.
That newly-organized military company
of Allegheny held a meeting last night and
selected the following named members as
candidates for office: Captain, Prank Mor
gan; First Lieutenant, Frank Fmnemeycr;
Second Lieutenant, J. P. Rcbman.
A committee of six was appointed to solicit
contributions from the citizens of Allegheny,
to put the company on a solid financial footing,
and the largest contributor will have tho honor
of having the company named after him.
New Turner Hall, on East street, has been
secured for an armory, and 63 members aro
now attending the drills of the company every
Mondaj evening
An Old Lady Wanders Aimlessly About in
Last evening an old lady was found wan
dering along Stockton avenue, Allegheny,
and as she seemed to be demented was
taken to the Mayor's office. She claimed at
first that she bad left St. Louis three days ago,
and that her name was Eitemiller. Upon
further questioning, however, she said that sho
was a relative of Mr. Kleber, on Sanausky
street. hen she was taken there it was found
that she was a neighbor of Mr. Kleber, Mrs.
Sarah Phillips by name, and she was accord
ingl taken to her home.
She is about GO years of ase. and at times be
comes verv forgetful. She had been away from
her home since early in the morning.
movements of Pittsburccrs and Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
John G. Ervesbeck, of Cincinnati,
passed through the city westward last night on
his way home from a six weeks' sojourn in
New York. Mr. Ervesbeck is a. tall, well
sot-up man of notnueh over the fifties, whose
clean shaven, strongly marked face indicates
as well the student 01 men and of affairs as his
speech clear, deliberate and impressive dis
closes much thought add consideration of the
subject touched upon, speaking of Ohio
political matters the Congressman said that
Campbell was an able man whom be considered
as assured of beiLg elected to the office he
sought. Democrats were never more united
and confident of good things in the future
than they were at present. On the question of
a revised tariff he expressed an opinion that
tho tax on wool would be modified and to a de
gree satisfactory as much to the manufacturer
as to the farmer. Referring to the Presidental
outlook for '92 he said that he considered tho
Democrats had a good chance to win and
expressed himself as satisfied on the figures of
the last election that Cleveland stood small
chance of being elected if nominated, which
latter was, he said, extremely doubtful.
The Itev. Tnomas Bavin, of Cambria
City, Johnstown, went West last night en route
for Denver, Col , to spend a vacation of two
weeks and generally recunerate from the effects
of the disistcr of May. The reverend gentle
man reports bis church as in good order, and
thinks that the Johnstown people will quickly
shake off the effects of the fearful calamity
under which they still labor, and look tneir
affairs straight in the face preparatory to a
fresh start.
Superintendent Evans, of the Fire De
partment, returned yesterday from Kansas
City, where he has been m attendance at the
convention of tbe Chiefs of the various fire de-
Eartments throughout the country. One idea
e adopted while there is a hose nozzle that
throws scv en streams at once. This will bo an
excellent thing for fires in cellars where tbe
men cannot get to the fire.
C. A. Mulabrink and wiie, who have
been spending the past five months in Ger
man visiting friend-, hat e returned to their
Allegheny home, and, though delighted with
their visit in the Fatherland, are unanimously
of the opinion that there is no place like the
laud of their adoption.
R. D. Layton, Special Agent 'of the
Treasury Department in this city, visited the
new Government building and picked out his
office on the fourth floor. The latter has not
been built et, but the Agent expects it will be
before his term of office expires, four years
Eobert S. Davis, commercial agent ol
the St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas road at Cin
cinnati, was in the city v cstcrday. Mr. Davis
was a former resident of this city, and is one of
the rising young railroad men of the country.
Third Vice President Messier, oi th-
Pcnnsylvama Company, has so far recovered 1
from his recent prostration that he will return
to the city to-day from Cresson, whero he lias
been spending the summer. t
John Graham, Esq., member of the
Legislature from Cumberland count, and Mrs.
Graham, are guests at the Seventh Avenue I
Attorneys Robb and McCreery went to
Harnsburg last night on the fast line to appeir
before the Pardons Board in the Rose Halltas '.
John Shillito, of the large drygoods
house of John Shillito A Co., Cincinnati, was.a
passenger on the I hicgo limited last n ght.
John S. Collins, a well-known young
reporter of this city, returned yesterday from
his vacation at his home in Maryland.
Mn and Mrs. C. "Van Artisdalen and
dauchtcr, of Philadelphia, are stopping at the
A. McKinley, of Canton, O., a brother
of the Congressman is stopping at the Monon
gabela. Andrew Carnegie is at Cresson, and
will likely arrive In the city in a few days.
Mrs. E. T. Pish and Miss Ellen Pisb,
of Mcadville. are guests at the Anderson.
Mis6 Kate D. Marlin, of Brookville, is
stopping at tho Seventh Avenue Hotel.
S. "W. Miller, U. S. A., and Mrs. Mil
ler are guests at the Anderson.
E. B. Armor, 01 Oil City, has registered
at tbe Seventh Avenue Hotel.
Frank F. Sneathen, the attorney, has
gono to tbe Eureka Springs.
1 "
Mate Their First Acquaintance With
the Tree of Knowledge
Tiie Means Employed to Awaken Their
Minds and Impress Tliem.
VERY merry round
dozen it was of rosy
faced and exoectant
atoms of humanity,
which assembled at 7
o'clockyesterday morn
ing in the old-fashioned
parlor of . th.6
Pittsburg Domestic
Training Schoolhouse,
adjoining the East
Liberty Presbyterian
church, to receive inital
instruction in kinder
garten methods of
teaching at the hands
of Miss Treat and Miss
Beaumont, two young
ladies, of respectively
Milwaukee and Green
Bay, Wis., who have been induced by the
ladies m charge of the school to take up
their residence here and lend their valuable
experience in establishing the kindergarten
department which was success! ully launched
into existence yesterday. This is the second
school of the kind established at the East End,
tde first being founded by tho
late Miss Alice Macfaclane, a grad
uate of St. Louis, about three jears ago in
A Preliminary Talk.
a well lighted and cheerful hall at the corner
of Ellsworth and South Hilind avenues. Here
this well-known and hlchly esteemed young
lady taught a school of 23 children ecrydiv
from 9 to 12, and at the instigation of the
directors of the Training School, in addition,
instructed a mission class on three afternoons
of each week from last October until Miy,
when sho unfortunately, heedless of tho warn
ings of her friends, succumbed to her enthu
siasm for tbe work.
Since her demise ber sister, assisted by Miss
Clara Davison, has continued the class, and
daib 18 or so of Pittsburg's future belles and
lords of finance receive such preparation as
will render them the more fitted for the regu
lar course of study which will follow w ith their
The parlor in which the Mies Treat and
Beaumont will hold sway is, though perhaps
rather small, well suited to the purpose. Four
or five low sized tables, a dozen or so propor
tionate chairs, a piano in one corner and a
bureau In tho other constitute the outfit, and
turning from the few prints which embellish
the walls the young learners may gaze out
throuch the deep bay-window at the end of the
Scholastic Playthings.
rooms on the verdant trees and springing'grass
on the- plot without. The table' tops are
crossed and recrosscd by lines, making squares
of about an inch, the purpose of which was ex
plained. Miss Treat, who went throush the kinder
garten course in tbe normal school of Milwau
kee, and has had two 3 cars experience in the
work, was so good as to convey some idea of
the course of traimngto the writer. The princi
ple of this method of instruction is to interest
the children in acquiring the rudiments of
knowledge by combining andgrafting informa
tion with amusement, and the object aimed at
is to so adance the jnnng idea that
when tho time for entrance into school
proper arrives, a vast, deal of necessary and
varied information on common matters of
knowledge will have been acquired; ana so
making tho earlier stages of school life the
easier. Miss Treat, who from her charming
'J he Play Uiound.
manner and enthusiasm for her career, must
soon bo regarded as a goddess byheroung
aisciples, produced a number of articles from
the bureau and explained their use.
"These rubber balls covered with wool of
different hues," said the lady, "are to train the
6yes in tho matter of color, for1, is you know,
mny people develop inability to properly in
dicat6 color owing to lack of exercise
when younc. While playing with these
balls we teach them the different colors, ask
tbem to point out similar others, and tell them
of the covering, giving a siraplo description of
the wool, its source, use and so on. With these
sticks of varjing lengths we encourage the
children to build original designs on the table;
notice they are of even length with a certain
number of squares on tbe table, and fit in ac
curately where required. By this means we
assist the little ones in original thought, try to
bring out tbe inventive faculty in the mind,
and, in pUcing tho sticks exactly where re
quired, wo inculcate accuracy, and, as well, de
fvs TJ
1 jl
I 1 P-'''A
velop the use of one Iiand equally with tho
These cubes, yon soe, fit exactly on a square,
or, when piled together, cover a certain num
ber of squares. Here we have the unit, and,
bj dividing the large cube, demonstrate prac
tically the rotation of figures. Wo give every,
thing its proper name, for exsnnple, as a cube,
a sphere, which jou seo here, a cjhnder, and
"Then we have a number of books perforated
with holes sufficiently large to allow a thread
to pass through. With the aid of the needle
and colored worsted both boys and girls are
taught to make different figures, as a line, a
right angle, parallel lines, and later oncourag
Ing them to work out designs for themselves,
always describing its property and us( and
giving it its proper name.
"When wo assemble in the morning we de
vote the first half hour to an informal talk,
jnst sajing whatever we have to say,
and then wo commence with tho usual
routine. After three-quarters of an hour or so
we take a recess and a walk and, later, lunch
eon. Returning to work again, we have the
little ones sing songs during the time, and al
wajs stopping when we seo the least sign of
fatigue. We have accommodations for 30 chil
dren, but on this our first aay have but 12. As
you see wo have not done anything in the way
of brightening up tho place as yet, but we in
tend to make our playground as pleasant a re
sort for our little friends as they can find any.
where. It was intended this morning to send
round tho station 'bns for the children, bnt we
mean to have it call for tbem in the future. 1
wish you could seo the svstem at work, as you
could obtain a better idea of its workings than
I can give you."
The committee appointed by the school to
have charge of the kindergarten department
this season consists of the following ladies
Mrs. Henry M. Preston. Mrs. W. N. Frew. Mrs.
Harry C. Beggs, Mrs. C. B. McLean, Miss Carn
ahan, Miss Fundis.
Tbnt Junction Blockndo Seine Slowly Re
diiccd illnnnecr McDonald Denies That
1,300 Cars Are Tied Up.
Matters seem to be -at a standstill in the
reported blockade on the Pittsburg Junc
tion and Baltimore and Ohio Railroads.
Quite a number of cars are still standing
along the various sidings, and an ordinary
observer sees very little difference in the ap
pearance of tbe situation. Manager McDon
ald, of the Pittsburg and Western road, how
ever, insists that matters aro not nearly as bad
as the other side has represented them to be.
"It is possible," he said, "that the Baltimore
and Ohio road may have 1,300 cars on their
tracks between the city and Washington, but
it is ridiculous to claim that there are 1,300 cars
in and around Pittsburg alone.''
He showed The DisrATCH reporter a note
from some of the Junction officials, in which
they stated that there were 300 cars in t'ie
Junction yards, and 760 on tho tracks of the
Baltimore and Ohio, and bo denied that the
number was even that large.
"wuy," no said, "one 01 our regular trains
was delayed live hours on Snnday night, sim
ply because the Junction could not xurnish us
with cars enough to make a train. On Monday
morning two trains bad to be abandoned be
cause the Junction was still backward in fur
nishing us cars. We hauled 291 cars for tbem on
Saturday, and 175 more on Sunday, and that
was all they hau It is nonsense to talk of the
Pittsburg and Western being unwilling to haul
cars: we will more tbem just as.fast as we can.
and nobody could bo expected to do more."
Tho Junction people said that if any trains
had been delayed for fire hours owing to a
want of cars, they had not beard of it. Tho
Baltimore and Ohio road, they said, had
not hauled any cars to the Junction
road at all yesterday, because it was
known that cars erough were there
already. They did not wish to get into a news
paper altercttion, and w ere reticent as to the r
views and intentions. They insisted, honever,
that 1,300 cars had been laid up, and while ad
nutting that quite a number had been moved
since The Dispatch published the first ac
count of tho affair, claimed that there were
still enough left to keep all parties hustling.
Incidents of n Dny In Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Readlne.
About ten days ago a woman was founl
wandering about tbe Soutbsido hills with nn
clothes on. She was insane, and taken to the
Homeopathic Hospital. She was said to be 1
Miss Annie Wagner, but it has since bcei
learned that her name is Mrs. Khinehart
Huber, and ber home is at 2613 Edwards alley.
She is still at tho hospital and 13 improving
The building inspector yesterday issued
permit to P. C. Sellers for tho erection of a
$0,000 tw o-story brick dwelling on Howe street.
Twentieth ward; to flames J. Munn for a two
story brick on Craig street. Thirteenth ward,
and to W. L. Co) le for a building of the sime
description on a lot adjoining, each to cost
Justice op the Peace James Fields, of
McKeesport, had a hearing before Alderman
Gr'PP. yesterday, on a charge of assault and
battery, preferred bv W. A. Challinor, Esq ,
who alleges tho 'Squire put him ont ot his of
fice when he, tho prosecutor, was defending a
client. Alderman Gnpp reserved bis decision.
Patrick Gallagher, Timothy and Charles
Dojle were arrested yesterday, charged with
malicious mischief. Henry .ynon alleges tha:
thej entered his house in Sw eeny alley, whicl
is in tbe course of construction, and threw
paint all over the newly plastered walls.
A house driven by James B. Allison was
frightened bj a drove of cattle yesterday
morning, ran off and rolled over a 20 foot em
bankment on tbe Mnrningside road. The horse
and buggy were slightly injured, and Mr. All -son
had a couple o ribs broken.
A curious fact connected with the Exposi
tion Art Gallery is the extraordinary number
of sunset studies exhibited. The taste of tbo
hanging artists seems to run on sunsets. Upon
examination it was found that there are at
least 30 studies of this kind.
TnE Pittsburg and Allegheny milk dealers
are enraged at the Pittsburg and Western
Railroad. They claim that the supply of milk
has been growing shorter each day because the
trains have been coming in late.
An inquest was held on the body of John
Sneen,an cx-Dixmont patient, who banged him
self in Mansfield, while those watching him
were asleep He had been thought cured, but
his insanity came back again.
Jonx Meredith, a brakeman on the Pitts-
burc, Virginia and Charleston Railroad, had
his arm crushed ycsteiday afternoon while
coupling cars at Duquesne. Ho was brought
to the West Pcnn Hospital.
Ralph Turnbull, a blacksmith for the
Mansfield Coal and Coke Company, was found
dead, from heart fiilure. in front of his forge
jesterday afternoon. Ho was C2 years old and
a veteran of tho civil war
Ei-Mayou McCarthy poisoned his dog
yesterday because a suit was pending against
him tohaoit8bot. The animal had bitten a
daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Redpath, and also
the cx-Maj or himself.
Petek O'M alley was injured in ,the shoul
der b) the fill of a piece of ice yesterday after
noon ftHeisemplojed at Twenty-third street
and Liberty avenue hoisting ice from the cars
to the refrigerators.
Patrick Martin and Edwaid Myers quar
reled over some money at tho Lake Erie depot
last night, and were locked up in the Twenty
eighth ward station for disorderly conduct
The members of the Y. M. C. A. object be
cause the Citizens' Traction Company has
placed a tool box in front of their rooms, cor
ner of Seventh street and Penn avenue.
William WnirrLE, the tramp found on the
road with S2.97G on his person, was taken to his
homi in Jacksonville, Bl . yesterday, by Will,
iam S. Rule, his brother in-law.
Members of the Tariff Club can secure their
badges for tne Republican League excursion
on theMajflower at tho club rooms on Sixth
avenue after to-morrow.
JonN Reading, employed in Carnegie's
Thirty-thiid street mill, was struck by a ladle
jesterday .and-suffered a slight fracture of the
The Society for the Improvement of tho Poor
aided 195 persons in the last two weeks, v.sited
432 families and secured positions for six per
sons Jacob Mustaller, living on Johnstown
Hill, near Thirty-eighth street, tell over an em
bankment jesterday afternoon and broke his
arm. ,
Joseph Rosenwide was committed to jail
last night, charged with the larceny of a $3
gold piece fiom Grace Malone.
he Board of Viewers yesterday held a final
meeting on tha construction of sewers on
Meyrsn street and Carey alley.
George Captain is charged by Lizzie Clark,
of No. 54 ClarK street, with knocking her down
and threatening to sboother.
A PIANO fell upon and crushed tho foot of
Mrs. Lizzie Chambers, of Fifth avenue and
Gist street.
James Dolan, of tbo Southside, is under ar
rest charged with dragging bis wife around by
her hair.
Ladies suffering f rord nervous afflictions find
quick relief in Parker's Ginger Tonic.
Parker's Hair Balsam aids the bair growth.
A Grand Instrument May be Placed
in tlie Carnegie Free Library.
Just $10,000 is Asked for to Build it in the
Music Chamber.
L. W. Ebbert, a representative of the
Frank Roosevelt Organ Company, of Phila
delphia, arrived in the city yesterday and
paid a visit to the music' chamber of the
Carnegie .free library building in Alle
gheny. He only stopped over to take a
passing glance at the place, and after
spending several hours in the building left
for the West. .
Mr. Ebbert's visit to the building was on
business connected with a proposition to
build a large pipe organ in the music
chamber. The Building Committee has been
talking in a casual way of patting an organ in
the building, provided they had money enougn
left to pay for it, and it would be completed irJ
time for the opening on January 1 next. The
Roosevelt people heard of the matter and or
dered Mr. Ebbert to stop over here on his way
West. He did so, and James B. Scott, Chair
man of tbo Building Committee, met bim.
Mr. Ebbert, who is an expert on matters of
this kind, was loud in his nraise of that part of
the building to be devoted to mnsic He said
the acoustic properties of the chamber were
excellent, and said the lovers of music would
be perfectly satisfied in every way with that
When bo returns to Philadelphia, Mr. Ebbert
will give an estimate on the cost of an organ
that would be in keeping with tho snrronnd
lngs. His estimate will be in tbo nature of
plans and specifications showing tho different
grades of instruments, finish, etc. It 13 ex
pected that the kind of organ winted
would cost in the neighborhood of 10.000.
The building committee are now figur
ing whether they will have this amount
left over out of the appropriation
alter everything has been paid for. So far
they have received $200,000. and when the build
ing proper is completed there will be very little
left. It is expected, however, that Mr. Carne
gie, or somo other music-loving citizens, will
make good any deficiency after the organ is
contracted for.
It is the wish of a great many people that the
organ to be erected in the building will be the
finest in the city, it not m the State. In speak
ing of the matter last evening. Chairman Scott
"We have not taken any active steps toward
etting an organ, nntil we see whether we will
eable to pay for it or not. An instrument is
needed, but we can go so far with tbe money
we have and no farther. It would also be neces
sary to have tbe organ completed when the
doors are thrown open to the public. We ex
pect the opening to take place January 1, and
when we turn the building over to Allegheny
City our work is done. If an organ is placed in
tbe building after the opening it will have to be
done by others not on the Building Committee.
There are a thousand and one things to be done
yet. and nobody knows for certain when the
opening will take place. We did not ask Mr.Eb
bcrt to come here, and will not solicit bids un
til we know bow wo stand. All the talk about
it so far is purely sentimental."
Sunday School Leaders Will Invite tbe
Society 10 Meet Here.
The Sunday School Superintendents' As
sociation met last evening in the chapel of
the First Presbyterian church. The Itev.
Mr. Woodburn, who was a delegate to the
World's Sunday School Convention in London,
made a brief report about the workings of the
Tho Rev. R. S. Miller reported that the com
mittee on time and place for the next triennial
meeting of tbe International Sunday School
Convention were considering the adrisibihty of
holding tho convention in Pittsburg. It will
bet held in Juno next year. Mr. Morrow
read a letter received from W. Reynolds,
a member of the committee, stating that ho
favored Pittsburg for the convention. He
stated that he would be in Pittsburg on Sun
day, October 6, on bis way to attend the State
Convention at Williamsport. and advised that
mass meetings of the Sunday school workers
bo held that day to bring out an interest in the
International Convention. He suggested that
amass meeting be held in Allegheny in tbe
afternoon and one in Pittsburg in the evening.
He also stated that Pittsburg would be repre
sented at the Williamsport convention.
After a few remarks a resolution was adopt
ed to the effect that tbe meeting invite the
next International Sunday School Convention
to meet in Pittsbnrg in June next. It was
further decided to instruct the Executive
Committee to arrange for the mass meetings
on or before October 6, and, if necessary, to ap
point a committee of arrangements, composed
of one from each denomination. The Execu
tive Committee was also instructed to elect
delegates to the Stato Convention at Williams
port. The last International Convention was held
at Chicago, and over 1,000 delegates from the
United States and Canada were present.
rnucrnl of n Dnnsbter Wbo Survived Her
Dlothcr just Two Wceltn.
Rev. C. A. Holmes, B. D., one of the
most prominent Methodist clergymen in tbe
county, has met with a terrible bereavement.
Brief mention was made in The DisrATCH.
yesterday that bis daughter. Mrs. Lucy W.
Wallace, had died on Sunday afternoon at the
Homeopathic Hosnital.
Tho saddest part of the affliction is the fact
that only two w eeks ago Mrs Wallace's mother,
Dr Holmes' wife, was buried. Her funeral ser
vice at her husband's chnrch, in Manches
ter. Allegheny, was notable, from the at
tendance of nearlv 20 ministers of the gospel.
At that time reference was made to tho
sick daughter, who could not be present at tho
funeral. Mrs. Wallace s end was probably
hastened by the sorrow resulting from the
mother's death. She was the wife ot E. R.
Wallace, of Harnsburg. Funeral services were
held last night at Dr. Holmes' residence, 104
Locust street. Allegheny. It was impressivo
be ond description. The interment will take
'nln.n nt. TTfirrishnrtr
The Wisconsin Central Annonnccs a Redac
tion to St. Paul.
The Wisconsin Central announces a re
duction in rates on all classes from Chicago
to St. Paul and the Northwest. The reduction
applies to glassware and lamp chimneys, mak
ing the rate 17 cents, instead of 25.
The new rates will be: First class, 40 cents;
second. 35 cents, third, 2! cents: fourth, 17 cents:
fifth, i:4 cents; A, 17 cents; 11, 13 cents; C, Hand
j., each 10 cents
Tho Annual Central German Conference
Adloiirns In Toledo.
The Annual Central German Conference
of the M, E. Church, which was held in
Toledo, O , adjourned there yesterday. Tbe
following named pastors wer'e appointed: For
Allegheny City and McKeesport, Louis A1I
inger and D. A. Stoll; for the Pittsburg City
Mission, Christ Golder; First Church, Philip
Graessle: Second Church and East Liberty, D.
Graessle and B. Biek
They Attract Big Crowds at the Largo
Sonthsldo Rink.
The second night in the series of gospel
meetings which are being conducted at the
Mammoth Rink, Southside, was held last
night, and attracted together over L000 per
son". Major J. H. Cole led in the services, and
also made a stirring address, affer which there
wero prayers and singing. The meetings will
be continued every night this week.
SImPly Perfect.
The Union Pacific Eailway, "The Over
land Route," hascqnipped its trains with
dining cars of the latest pattern, and on and
after -august 18 the patrons of its fast trains
between Council Bluffs and Denver, and be
tween Council Bluffs and Portland, Ore.,
will be provided with delicious meals, the
best the market affords, perfectly served, at
75 cents each. Pullman's Palace Car Com
pany will have charge of the service on
these cars.
IT. 1889.
Tbo Weil-Known Gentlemnn'a Traveling
Companions and Nursers Home Carrhd
to Land on a Stretcher.
Matt Weiss and Jiis party arrived home
from Enrope yesterday. The party, which
left here early in August, consisted of Matt
Weiss, his brother Johni Weiss, George L.
Fischer, of tho Fischer Foundry and Machine
Company u Adam Trautman, the Southside
grocer, and Emil Poerstel. the cigar manu
facturer. Thev had intended to land in En
gland, and go through Londonto Paris on their
way to Germany. However, Mr. Trautman
was taken ill with dropsy on the ocean, and ic
was decided to remain on shipboard until
Bremen was reached. From that port tbe
members of tbe party separated to visit their
several places ot natal interest in tbe Father
land. Matt Weiss remained with Mr. Trant-
mnn er tha '.nrnAi. t. I7ran1rfnrr Th, ha
left him, still very ill, and spent ten days in
visiting places or special interest in uerinany
and Austria. He then rejoined Mr. Trautman
and kept with him until the arrival borne yes
terday. ' The illness of Mr. Trautman cast a
shadow over tbe entire trip of tbe party. Emil
Poerstel did not come home with his compan
ions, aud is expected to arrive the last of this
The party landed in New York last Friday.
Mr. Trautman's illness had grown steadily
worse, and he was landed from tbe steamer on
a stretcher. He was met at tbe port by his
brother George, his brother-in-law, Jacob T.
Keil, the commission merchant, and Dr. M. A.
Arnholt, tbe family physician. The party
rested In New York nntil Sunday evening,
when they departed for Pittsburg. Mr. Traut
man was removed from tbe train at the East
End and taken to the house of bis sister, Mrs.
Keil. He is very low. and there is said to be
small hope of his recovery.
Dunns all the traveling through Germany
and Austria Mr. Weiss was with Mr. Traut
man, and looked after him. Mr. Weiss tells
some curious stories about the aggravating
slowness of old country officials, tbe great
string of red taoe wound around everything,
and the continual demand for tips. Matt is not
-favorably impressed with many of the customs
of Deutschlana.
Tbo Department of Charities Asked to Caro
for a German Girl.
The Department of Charities was called
on yesterday to care for a girl named Mary
Shurring. who is gradually becoming in
sane. Tbe girl is a domestic and lives with 3.
family on Pius street, Southside. It is not the
first time the department has been called on m.
her behalf. The cirl came to this city in Janu
ary, 1S8S, and in May she was sent to tbe Poor
Farm, where a child was born.
She is now only 19 years old and has a very
pretty face. Her borne was in Uermany.wbere
she was in the employ of a titled family, and
the girl alleged that a son of tbe house mis
used her and sent her to this country at bis
own expense. This statement 13 borne out by
the fact that shortly after her arrival here, tbe
department collected $10 sent .to her by regis
tered letter from tbe man she accused.
A Hatchet Forces a Clerk to Give a Dime to
a Thirsty Ulan.
Last evening a man nsmed Charles Bow
ers was arrested by Officer Snyder, of Alle
gheny, and placed in the lockup for a hear
ing to-day.
It is alleged that Bowers went Into the dry
good? store of A. J. Kiefer, at No. 188 Ohio
street, and demanded a dime from the small
boy who was left in charge of the store. The
boy refused, when Bowers walked behind the
counter, picked up a hatchet and advanced on
him. The boy was frightened, and gave tho
dime to Bowers, when be quickly decamped
and ran off with two companions who were
waiting on bim outside.
Bowers was arrested shortly after. Ji. man
named Herring, wbo was in the store at the
time, was also threatened by Bowers, and in
consequence allowed him to escape.
Seven Carrier Plccons Fly 90S Yards Per
Illlnnto Tor 130 Mllrs.
"William Hillebrecht, who lives on "Ward
street, Oakland, sent eight carrier pigeons
to Newark, O., last week. Sunday morning at
8.15 they were released, and seven out of the
cijrht arrived home at 12 II P. 31. The distance
is 130 miles in a direct air line, and the bird3
made an average of 99S yards per minute. This
is considered fast flying.
The Grandest That Flttabnre Has Ever Had,
And see the magnificent exhibit of pianos
and organs at the stand of Hellor & Hoene.
They have some elegant Dianos of the Hard
man, Krakauer and Kimball makes, also
quite a number of organs, among them one
of their celebrated iEolian self-playiner or
gans in a handsomely polished burl walnut
case. With one of these wonderful instru
ments anyone can play the finest and most
difficult music to perfection this sounds
impossible, but is nevertheless true call at
their stand or at their spacious warerooms,77
Fifth avenue, and try one of the above or
gans yourself and see what yon can do.
The array of pianos that one sees at the
Palace of Music, 77 Fifth avenue, is cer
tainly gorgeous; pianos in cases from the
plainest to the most handsomely carved, and
in all the rare and costly foreigd and do
mestic woods.
Their stock of organs, comprising the Pal
ace, Chase, Chicago Cottage, and Kimball;
also the celebrated jEolian, as mentioned
above, is simply grand.
If you want to get a piano or organ of
standard and well-known make, go to Mel
Ior & Hoene's, 77 Fifth avenue, where you
will be sure to get just what you want, and
at the lowest price and on the easiest terms.
Send for catalogues and full description of
their easy payment plan; a postal card costs
you but a cent to address Mellor & Hoene,
77 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. tusu
To Norlolk, Portress Monroe and Virginia
On Thursday, Septtmber 19. Special train
will leave B. & O. B. B. depot at 8 A-M.,ar-riving
in Washington City at 6 p. it.; leave
Washington at 630 P. M., arriving in Nor
folk, Fortress Monroe and Virginia Beach
early the next morning. Bate $10 for the
round trip; tickets good for ten day.
Charming ride down the Potomac river and
Chesapeake Bay.
Excursions to Chattnnooen, Tcnn.
tbo Pennsylvania T.lnes.
Excursion tickets, at one lowest limited
first-class fare, will be sold from Pittsburg
to Chattanooga from September 15 to 19,
good returning nntil October 10.
Tickets on sale at Union station and City
Ticket Office, 110 Fifth avenue. Tus
Excursions Via tbe Panhandle Route.
Excursion tickets, including admission to
the fair, will be sold from Pittsburg to
Washington at rate of 1 50 from Septem
ber 17 to 20, good returning until Septem
ber 21. On September 18, 19 and 20 a
special train will leave here at 7:10 A. at.,
central time, returning leave AVashington
at 5 p. m. Panhandle trains stop at the fair
grounds. its
Business houses who contemplate send
ing out circulars for this iall trade should
address W. L. Callin, Wheeling, W. Va.,
who is now preparing the names and ad
dresses of all well-to-do consumers residing
in all towns within 40 miles of Pittsburg.
401 Smllliflcld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, 5100,000. Surplus, 545,000.
Deposits of ?1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. its
Kend Oar Prices on New Dress Goods To
Day. "We sell the be.t goods for the least money.
See the goods and yon will be convinced.
Jos. HOKJf e & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Natnrnl Gas Bills Reduced 73 Per Cent.
See onr new gas fires, gas ranges, gas stoves,
etc.; register your orders lor fall delivery.
The largest, finest and most complete assort
ment of'any firm in the world. O'Keefe
Gas Appmahce Co., 31Piftb. aye.
'W?vp? 5
- Si. J
EemarkaJMe Properties of That Won
drous Metal, Aluminum.
The Day of Nickel-Cased Watches Hearlj
Over and Tin Going Fast.
Aluminum, the metallic base of alumina,
is widely diffused over the earth in the shape'
of clay, loam, etc. The adamantine, the
ruby, the corundum and sapphire are
alumina nearly carbonized. In these forms
alumina Is next to the diamond, the hard
est substance known. Aluminum is a white
metal with a bluish tinge and a luster some
what resembling silver. From its bright
ness, hardness, ductility, sonorousness,
non-liability to xnst, and resistance to the
action of sulphurated hydrogen, it is
largely employed in the preparation of
alloys and for the manufacture of articles
for which silver1 'was tormerlv employed.
Aluminum gold is an alloy of 10 parts
aluminum to 90,of copper, of a pale eold
color, harder than, bronze and snsceptible of a
fine polish. lis hardness and tenacity pe
culiarly adopt it for journals andbearings.
Alnminum is the most plentiful of tbe me
tallic elements, though to tbe general public
scarcely known. It has been tbe dream of
metallurgists for the past SO years to get it iso
lated from its compounds so as to make it
cheaply enongb to become of use in ordinary
everyday Iff e. It has been known almost 100
years, but has been an article of commerce for
only 35 years and Its price has ranged from IBS
to 812 per pound.
Now Mr. Charles Hall, of Oberlin, 0 comes
with a new process bywhich it is procured at a
reduced price by reducing the metal direct
from its ox.de, as Iron is gotten in a blast fur
nace, but instead of this redaction taking
place by the action of beat it is performed by
meansof electrolysis, the same as electro-plat-
infc; except tnactnsteaa or plating it is simpiy
About a year ago Mr. Hall came to Pitts
burg, and out of bis coming grew the Pitts
burg Reduction Company, whose works are on
Smallman street, near Thirty-second. ?nd tbe
result of its work maybe seen In the Exposi
tion building.
Operations began in December last, and one
of the company said: "Since we began opera
tions we think we have nearly perfected our
process so that we can torn ont L200 or 1,300
pounds pure metal per month. In April the
metal was quoted at 110 00U 00 per pound;
now It is quoted at tV' '
An idea of some, of its properties can be
gotten from the statement that the tensile
strength of brass is 30,000 pounds per sauare
inch.while that of aluminum is about 40,000.
Brass is 3K. gold 7 7;10 and silver about 4
times as heavy as aluminnn. Alnminum does
not tarnish under any ordinary circumstances,
but retains both polish and luster. It may
eventually take tbe place of tin for domestic
uses and for roofing. It may be made into
wire and be used for tbe sewing of wounds.
As it does not tarnish and takes on a fine
polish and lusteqlt can be used to advantage
as lace in ladies' garments. It Is an excellent
material for ceilings and wainscoting, signs,
etc It can be rolled as thin as gold or silver,
and never gets black.
While aluminum is a large constituent of the
bricks in our houses and of fire-brick, in clay,
being in the form of silica, it Is used in tbe
works mentioned in the form of an oxide
called bauxite. As tbe metal U now produced
at a cose 01 less man one-ioartn that 01 silver,
and as it answers all the purposes to
which that metal has ordinarily been
applied, its nse will be increased in
definitely In the fine arts. While it may
not be nsed in tbe manufacture of fruit cans
this year, or even next it is already being
used m tbe fabrication ot fruit knives, medical
and other spoons, ico cream shovels, soup
ladles, crumb scrapers and a tbonsand and one
things for which sliver and brass hare been used
heretofore. Tbe alloy of. 10 per cent alum
inum and 'm per cent copper produces a
bronze of immense strength, and is difficult to
distinguish frem pale gold except by weight.
it has mnrArsiBEHdiBl
It can be seen in the form of ,watch cases,
lockets, etc., which defy detection by sight
alone, and yet it adds so much to the strength
of cast-iron that it is used in tbe making of
cook stoves, one tenth of 1 per cent being nsed
in some places to mix with pig iron, greatly
improving texture and strengtb.
Its ductility is such that it can be rolled into
sheets so fine that the fanning of a bumming
bird's wing would agitate them, and yet it can
be made cneap enough to bo used in the mak
ing of boats to run on fresh water. It is not
peculiarly adapted to withstand chloride of
sodium, however, to an unlimited extent, so for
sea-going boats it would not answer quite so
well. The manufacturers claim that it is good
for telegraph and telephone wires, bemg a good
conductor of electricity.
While the makers may be thought, by some
to oe too sanguine In their estimate of tbe
ability of science to rednce cost, yet there ap
pears to De a sona snn-stratum lor tneir en
thusiasm, and it may not appear strange to
those who believe that tbo highest type of or
ganic life was made Irom clay to conceive that
from it may be extracted one of tbe most use
ful, if not the most precious, metals. It is
sonorons to a degree that throws silver far
into the background as bell metal.
September 26, Via the P. it W. Rr.
On September 26 the Pittsburg and "West
ern Bailway will sell excursion tickets to
Chicago irom Pittsburg, Butler, New Cas
tle, Pa., and intermediate stations, good un
til October 6, for 59. dsu
B. it B.
Our S3 "Windsor silk, umbrellas are nn
eqnaled for tbe mouev.
Boggs & Buhl.
A fuke, wholesome and delicious drink
is Frauenheim & Vilsack's "Iron Citv
Beer." It is undoubtedly the 'best in the
Telephone 1186.
B. & B.
Special velvet offer 22-inch, fine quality,
all shades, 51 CO a yard never sold under
$2. Bogos & Buhl.
John S. Boberts, 414 "Wood street, has the
largest and most complete stock of wall
paper in the city. tts
b. & n.
56-inch imported broadcloth' suitings,
nlains and mixtures, all colors, 75c usual
price 51. Boggs & Buhl,
Foe best brands of pure rye whiskies, go
to Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 133 First
avenne, second door below Wood street.
B. & B. '
Side border designs in blacks and black
and white 11001 goods, COc, COc, 75c, 51, 51 15
aud 51 25 a yard. Boogs & Buhl.
The most efficacious stimulant to excite
the appetite is Angostura Bitters.
B. cfcB.
Elegant brocaded silks, colors on blacks,
and colors on colors, 51 to 520 a yard. Hand
somest lines ever shown in these cities,
Boggs & Buhl.
Cabinet photos, 51 P" doz- Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st , ttsu
Manufacturers and Importers of Fino Furni
ture, Curtains and Ornaments.
Designs and estimates submitted for complete
House Furnishings.
UiU and xoi Maricet ac
i ly9-70-Tur
Philadelphia, Pa
' .?;
Part-wool Cloth Suitings, 60
only 40c
All-wool Ladies' Cloth Suitings, 63 teefeeiT
.wide, in mixtures and plain colon, ijilrmrrld i
1 r i
wearing fabrics, at 75c a yard.
I0O pieces, plain colors, all-wool Salting
Cloths, 50 Inches wide, at 50c a yard. This
cloth can't be equaled for the money.
63-inch solid color all-wool Cloth Suitings,
fine finish, at 86c a. yard.
All-wool fancy stripe Satting, Cloths, 53
'inches wide, only 75c a yard. f
GZ-Inch Slds-border all-wool Ratelnss t TKe -1
m . - r- .
Two hundred pieces, assorted, styles,'
wool, double-width Plaids, at 50c
TCaw friafn wTlltA ttnri ia..T. Twflfiul
ms .
' fe J?
laches iwIde,5aSL
Fancy Barred all-wool Flannels at very t low t r
60-lnch Broadcloths, extra fine finish, in best '
- .
new colorings, at II and n 23 a yard.
- i,
-v f
Lupin's celebrated Colored all-wool French
Cashmeres, made from fine wools, heavy
weight; perfect In finish and brilliant In dye,'
40 Inches wide, only 50c a yard; this Is less
tharr wholesale price. We also bare the 48
inch wide Cashmeres In tbe same make. Our
assortment of colors is very large.
All-wool Henrietta Cloths, In tbe new shades,
in 40 and 46-inch widths, at very low prices.
45-inch all-wool Serges at 60c s, yard; this is .
great hxrcaia--AJso tnafflngr'andwider?aa-l
wool Serges, np to $2 a yard.
60-lnch Qeorgietta Cloths, an excellent wear
ing fabric, at Jl 15 a yard, worth f 1 60.
A very large assortment of qualities of fine
Camel's Hair Suitings, very fashionable, in all
tbe best colors, at SI to 52 73 a yard.
Fancy all-wool plaids, 73c, 90c, Jl up to J3 75
a yard, including the Scotch Tartan Plaids,
Handkerchief Plaids, and other novelties.
Tbe best Imported Broadcloths, 62 Inchei
wide, already shrunk and sponged, In tha
newest shades, at $2 a yard and upward. Yon
save 50c a yard by buying these goods from usj
The best make known and confined to our
Dress Goods Department for this section.
An immense variety of fancy designs in
French Combination (plain and figured) Dress
Patterns Plaids, Side-borders, Stripes; Em
broidered. Applique and other designs, rang,
lng In price from J7 50 to $63 each. ' ;.
English Suiting Cloths, in over 65 different
styles, entirely new colorings, in single dress
We certainly offer you a grand selection of
Full and Winter Dress Goods to choose from.
Already we have sold these goods largely, and
would advise you to make yonr purchases now
while the stock is full and complete.
Our stock of Black all-wool Dress Goods is
equally complete. And here, too, are excellent
values in the best makes in both all-wool and
Silkand-wool mixtures.
Note this: Black all-wool Cashmeres, 43
inches wide, at 60c a yard.
Black Mohair Lustre at 60c, 75c, Jl and V. 25
Black all-wool Snlting Cloths, 50 inches wide,
50c to 51 a yard.
The prices qnoted are low, and tho goods ar
all first quality a fact'worth remembering.
609-621 -PENN AVE.,
if -'4-1
' H17-TT3
m 1
nreSrei i