-''-,- ; s" . -. . .. .' -.. i :iiii. s ,- .$-: -i -.. jtf - 8 THE' PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER ISf '1889 S' NESBIT'S STATEMENT. He Makes a Sweeping Denial of Hia life's Charges for Divorce. MRS. CEOSSLEI'S CASE DISMISSED. Bchool Board Mnst Show Why Failed to Provide Teachers. They TITO WITS BOB UP FOE OXE HUSBAXD. "William W. Uisbet filed an answer yes terday to the petition filed by his wife, Vir ginia E. N isbet, in the divorce proceedings now pending between them. He terms her assertions "manilold untruths, uncertain ties and imperfections," and avers she has not demeaned herself as a dutiful and affec tionate wile, hot by the indulgence of vio lent temper and by giving herself up to questionable practices, has imbittered his life. He denies the allegation that during August, September and October ot 18S8 he forced her to leave his house by cruel treat ment He also denies the statement that he gave her drugs. He alleges that she made an unlawful request and he declined to grant it. She then became enraged and made threats. He told her he would not permit her to do any violence. When he said to her, "I am your hus- band,etc,"she said: "Are you; Idon't know whether you are or not." She also made use of the expression: "I am now on the verge of plnnging myself into the gilded life of infamy anyway." Fearing she would do herself some injury, the respondent alleges be went to her physician and warned him that he would prosecute anyone who would assist her in her designs. He avers he did all in his power to make her comfortable and happy until he became confident of her infidelity, notwithstanding she had on occasions threatened, in foul and profane language, to take his life, and in the presence of visitors at home cursed and swore because he refused, in the middle of tbe night, to get her beer. Her temper, he alleges, was so violent that she tore a screen from a window and threatened to jnmpont. The respondent pleads this answer as a bar to her suit, and asks that it be dis missed. HIS WIVES FACED HIM. IIueo Wncner on Trial for Desertion Is Charged With Bicamy. Among the desertion cases before Judge White, yesterday, was one which developed a sensation. It was that of Hngo W. Wagner, called to answer a charge of desertion preferred by his wife Catharine. She stated that they were married in May, 18S7, in Philadelphia. He was a cook at the Broad street station in Philadelphia, and over a year ago was transferred to the i TJnion depot, Pittsburg. She came on also afterward, but he began to neglect her, and she investigated and found that he was married to and living with another woman, Sarah Jane Pollin. At this a young and good looking woman came forward, and announced herself as Mrs. Wajjner also. She produced a mar riage certificate, showing that she had been married here in July, 18S9. She had thought him a single man. He went by ihe name of Charles W. Wagner. Wagner, in answer to these statements, claimed that he was not legally married to Mrs. Wagner No. 1, as she had a husband living. She replied that he was dead when she married Wagner. Wagner added that he had been advised by his attorney that he could marry and had done so. Judge White remarked that itiras a seri ous case, and ordered Wagner committed to jail. County Detective Xanghnrst afterward went belore Alderman McMasters and lodged an information against Wagner for bigamy. A hearing was fixed for Monday. OF INTEREST TO TAXPAYERS. The Conn Decides an Important Clause Is Unconstitutional. A decree was rendered yesterday in the case of the appeal of the Pittsburg, Virgi nia and Charleston Eailroad Company from the city assessment on property on the Southside. The property had been assessed to "unknown owners." It consisted ot a large number of lots which had been sold to the railroad company, and they appealed from the assessment, claiming that the val uation was excessive. An important ruling was made by the Court in the decree ren dered. It stated that it appears to the Court that the first provision of Section 23 of the act of June 14. 1887, is unconstitutional and void, and that the valuation placed on the prop erty of the petitioners in this case is in ac cordance therewith and is illegal and void, and the valuation is set aside and the pro jv erty valncd in accordance with the agree ment of counsel. The clause of the section declared by the Court to be unconstitutional reads as follows: "When the ownership of a lot is unknown the claim shall be filed against 'unknown owner' and indexed accordinirlv." fc This decision seemingly makes it obliga tory on the part of the city to discover who is the owner before thev can file a claim for taxes, etc MILLER'S AXSWEE. He Denies That His Father's Mind Wns Weak When He Made His Will. Florence C. Miller, Esq., yesterday filed in the Orphans Court an answerto the petition of his brother, Hampton J. Miiler. in the contest of his father's will. In the answer of Florence Miller he denies all the allegations made. He refutes the state ments that his father. Alexander H. Miller, was incapable of making a will because of his mind having been weakened lrom habitual and excessive inebriation, and that he was controlled and guided by fraud. Also he stated that no undue influence was brought to prejudice his father against other members of the familv. TODNG BARRISTERS. Twelve More Sindents Permitted to Stndy Lair. The students who passed the preliminary examination last week for admission to the bar were registered yesterday. There were 12 passed out of the 19 examined. They were Messrs. Ewing, Vaill, Kantz, Hay maker, Jones, Linhart, Hunter, CIngston, Monroe, Douchoo, McGeagh and Miller. The result of the final examination of the eight candidates who were before the Ex amining Board last week has not yet been announced. HIS UNEXPECTED ANSWER. Mclntyre Claims His Wife's Mother Keeps n Spenk-Ensy. Another desertion case before Judge White yesterday resulted in the discovery of a "speak-easy." Terrence Mclntyre was being examined on the charge of desertion, preferred by his wife. He answered her tale by saying that she spent too much time at her mother's "speak-easy" on Forbes street In answerto questions put by the Court he said that his wife's mother is Mrs. Marv Murphy, and he bought liquor there three weeks ago. Mrs. Mclntyre interrupted bv saying that it was not a speak-easy case but a desertion case. After a few more questions he Judge continued the cue until next Saturday. g'Hiitiirririiiiiii TBE CASE DISMISSED. Judge White Thought Din. Dewey Intended So Violence. 4 The case of Mrs Dr. Crossley against Mrs. Dr. Dewey for surety of the peace was heard before Jndge White yesterday. The trouble had arisen irom jealousy concerning Dr. Dewey. Mrs. Dewey was represented by John S. Lambie, and Mrs. Crossley by E. II. Johnston. It was stated that Mrs. Dewey had threatened to kill Mrs. Crossley, and again had said that she would blacken her eyes. Mrs. Dewey related the interest displayed between Dr. Dewey .and Mrs. Crossley, and said that on one occasion she had put her arms around Mrs. Crossley's waist to remove her from her husband's ofhee. She had been excited when she used the language accused of, but she would not do Mrs. Crossley the slightest injury. Judge White said he did not think that Mrs. Dewey had intended any violence, and he dismissed tbe case. He advised Mrs. Dewey to conduct herself with decorum, and then if her husband preferred the other woman to her, she would in no way be in volved in the responsibility. Monday's Audit 1.1st. Estate of Accountant Martha Ford R. F. Johnston. Charles Gilmore James Gilmoro et al. G. Ludewig Julia F. Ludewig. Rachael May John Huffuagle. Theresa BannehoS Joseph llolie. Rachael Shopene Frank Shopene. John J. Foster Francis H. Foster. ' Henry Dixon Charles G. McElvain. Samuel M. Taggart Annetta Taggart. Sarah Gass Joseph Payne. Harvey GoIdstrohm....Lona Goldstrohm. Victor Kelly Henry Luchsingeretal. Ed U. Hussrag Otto Gustav. Mary Mershom H. L. Mershom. Hannah E. Clements.. .Thos. T. Brown. Nancy Walker. T. W. Martin. Monday's Trial Lists. Common Pleas No. h Penn BanV, for use. vs Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Scott vs Im perial Lito Insurance Company; Smith vs Lon don Assurance Corporation; Mitchell et al. vs Jerome; Powell vs Braddock Wire Company (2); Mnrnhy vs Patrick; Smastem vs Kohlman; Ferguson, trustee, vs Colvln; Moariner vs Crawford; Rinaman vs Crawford; Campoell vs Scott township et al.; Hodge et ah vs Wilson; Wilson vs Hodge et al.; Friend vs Pittsburg; Tennessee Coal Company vs Watson: Milton furnace Company vs Watson; Hileman et ah vs Watson; Gilcher et ux vs Bretthalle. Common Pleas No. 2. Fleming vs. Pennsyl vania Company; Armstrong et al. vs. Elliott; Boyd vs. Gatly; Shoup vs. McCleary et ah; Clements vs. Walter. Criminal Court. Commonwealth vs. Dnde Clair et al., Michael Connors Wm. White et al., Thomas Graham, John Anderson. Lawrence Lozier (2), John Donahue, John Yost John Lamb, Charles Kinney, John Peterson, Henry Baker, Philip Kellar, James Thomas. James OliDhant Adam Piska, Win. Grant, John Ken nedy, Barney Scanlan, Robert Bruce, Anton Stencil. What Lawyers Have Done. A ciiakter was granted yesterday to the Thirteenth U. P. Church of Pittsburg. Michael Rya", for entering a building with intent to commit a felony, was sentenced six months to the workhouse. James Kelly, for robbery, was sentenced four years to the penitentiary, and Georce Glenn, lor the same, received three years to the same place. In the Criminal Conrt yesterdav Judce White sentenced Mrs. Catharine McFarland, who had been convicted of selling Honor in a prohibitory district to pay a fine of flOO and costs. L. T. McGrath yesterday entered suit against the Mutual Live Stock Insurance Com pany of Pennsylvania to recover $225, the amount of Insurance on a horse. The animal had died of.rheamat.ism, and tbe company re fused to pay the amount of the policy. James L. FonsXrrn yesterday filed a peti tion askinc to be discharged from his duties as assignee of lidward A Patterson. He stated that all the money derived from tho assets of Patterson has been paid ont and his hands are empty. A rule was issued for the creditors to show cause why Forsaith should not be re lieved. Geoxgb P. Murray, Esq., yesterday was appointed commissioner in the divorce case of John Speelman against Annie Speelman. H. B. Herron, Esq., was appointed commissioner in the case of Anna King against John G. King. Anile was also granted in the latter case for the husband to show cause why he should not pay alimony and tho expenses of his wite. Joseph H. Jacobs yesterday obtained the issue of an attachment on property belonging to the Ruby Light Cpmpany, in tho hands of Ernest Stiefeh Jacobs states that he had filed a bill in equity against tbe light company for commissions dne him. The suit was discon tinued nnon the company promising to pay his claim, 100. They did not do so, and he ob tained the attachment D1SC0ED IN THE EASES. . Some of the Southern Colored Baptists Are for a Fence Policy. Indiaxatolis, September 14. The negro Baptists resumed the discussion of the outrages again to-day. Rev. T. Ii. Jor dan, of Mississippi, made a speech depre cating the remarks advocating violence in return for Southern wrongs, as it places a mass of helpless colored people at the mercies of the criminal classes of the South. Others of the Mississippi delegation talked in the same vein, anj resolutions were final ly introduced and adopted to the effect that the "Colored people cultivate a friendly re lation with those among whom they live." .rresiaent iove Became very wroth at the passage of the resolutions and made a speech, retelling the story of the assault upon himself, and said that the passage of the resolutions would make it apparent that there had not been an assault, and that they had made false, statcsments. This cansed much excitement and tbe vote was recon sidered and the resolution tabled. The members of the Mississippi delegation in sisted, however, upon their names going on record as being opposed to violence, and this was allowed. A CRUSADE AGAINST CAES. Rev. Father Walivortb Thinks They Wonld Make Too Much Noise. Saratoga, 2T. "ST., September 14. The Rev. Father Walworth of St Mary's Cath olic Church, Albany, last Sunday indulged in a bitter denunciation of that spirit of mammon which would desecrate the church and interrupt the solemnity of its serv ice by bringing the noise of the com merce of the world so near as to be heard by the worshipers at its altars. He especially exhorted his congregation to "protect the church from the hideous electric poles. The uuu rumDiing ot tne cars, he said, "would greatly disturb the services on Sundays and week days alike. Once let the electric rail way be introduced into the city and every church will be liable to be disturbed by such a nuisance." He used the texts, "Ye cannot serve God and mammon," "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil." He demanded "the defense of the church and its altars atrajnst such an invasion of her sanctities as is involved in the proposed running of street railways in front of her doors." A Tramp Trust. Special Officer Cook, of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie road captured two gentlemen at large, who were attempting to steal a jaunt on a freight train, at Homestead bridce ves- Vterday evening. He invested them with the order ot the steel bracelet and Jert them with thetelegraph operator. The tramps giving their words as gentlemen to- remain where they were, the officer went to dinner. When he returned he found that the prisonersxre- garaiess oi tneir parole a nonneur, had quietly skipped off, hand cuffj and all. They have not since communicated with the trustful officer. A Special Legislative Session. Chablestoh-, W. Va., September 14. Governor Wilson has informed State Sena tor Morris that the Legislature would be called about January 1 next to settle the gubernatorial question and to attend to other matters of an important nature. 21. 6. Cohen, diamond expert and jew eler, formerly corner Fifth ave. and Market st, now at 633 Smithfield st wjSm iiHrtfart ; ftri 'ftatTr4fry. .y a&iiat., : : a tfe jw aita. ti-ftSriBLi .. i ,yrr ,t.:t r, 1 r; ttT. MgE ., . JM:MM1 THE' EACE PKOBLEM And Its Solution, as Viewed Through a Pair of Southern Spectacles. THE SOUTH HAS IT TO SOLYE. Some of the Ideas of Those in the Xorth Who Would Handle It. THE COLOR USE DEAWN TEEI TAUT ICOnRESPONnENCE OF THE DISPATCH. 1 Coffetville, Miss., September 12. Again the race problem agitates the public mind, but it is one which the people of the South must work ont for themselves. With the change in the administration came the renewal of the question as to "equality of rights," but if the problem receives a just and methodical solution, it must be studied from a Southern standpoint and from South ern associations. In the North, where no such danger as negro majority can be felt, the gravity of the situation is not appreci ated. Theory is good, but the philanthropic North is not yet ready to be dominated over by the African as he is .then why theorize for the South? The North is noted Tor its publicly ex pressed love for the black man who does not lire in the North but when the appoint ment of a negro postmaster was made in Ala bama tho sentiment of the press spoke the voice of the people when it said, "All right so long as it is done in Alabama. White supremacy reigns here, and by tbe eternal fitness of things we intend it shall continue prevailing." If about one-half the negro population of the Sonth conld go up North, and an equal num ber of whites take their places in the South, it would make such an equal division of color that the "race problem" could be studied to good advantage by tbe Northern fanatic The North wonld fight to the bitter end if com pelled to accept any other than white suprem acy, yet are over ready to talk of "equal rights," and moralize over the oppression of the Southern negro. Under a government like ours there can be no law against THE LAW OF PUBLIC OPINION. We refuse to receive the Chinaman, either as a serf or an equal, yet he is the representa tive of a powerful nation. In the redskin, whom we have dispossessed of his original rights, we recognize no equality, while the descendant of the barbarous black, whose tribe on the Golden Coast still trembles before a fetish, may now sit at tbe desk of Clay or Cal houn! Truly, the fancied threads ot ethical casuistry are hard to unravel. Within the past 23 years the North and the South have together contributed $40,000,000 to the education of the freedmen, yet tbe im provement, except in individual cases, is not noticeable. Evcrv Northern man who goes to tfie South for other than political reasons naturally comes to sympathize with the race feeling of the native whites there. Every year there arrives a handful ofmenwltha mission a mission to keep other people's consciences often to tbe neglect of that charity which be gins at home. From the cargo of slaves from Afric's land, the race has Increased to millions, and with tbe rapidly increasing population the Southern country has every reason to feel that the day uui iur uisiauL wueu me uueoear oi negro domination must be met The Southern negro, depending upon tho people of his coun try for his very daily sustenance, has every right to lend his vote to the interests of the Slate, but ruled by the overtures of Northern politicians, the great mass of colored voters stand by th party that gave them the ballot, and vote against the interests of those upon whom he depends for bread and clothing. The advance agent of the Northern politician nas made of tho negro a political serf. The glit tering display that the spoils seeker makes his fawning, flattering words, his promises of golden days, when the "40 acres and the mule" are held out as delusive temptations, bave made the negro break faith with his best friend. It is a simple tale and plausable, too. but oh, tho untold misery that lollows it I The poi son has become thoroughly inocnlated, ana there is little hope that the colored pecple will ever recover from its:effect. As a race there seems to be nothing in their present condition to encourage even THE FAINTEST HOPE that they will ever adopt those habits of life that lead to prosperity. While they may enjoy a practical monopoly of farm labor on the best lands of tbe States, they prove themselves totally devoid of any characteristic that makes good tenantry. It is frequently the case that almost every farm band in the neighborhood will abandon his crop at the most critical time to go on some excursion; his character is de void of reason and judgment. . His one thought is for the present sacrificing anything for a present desire. An incident that occurred last year illustrates the negro character faithfully. Late in the winter, when a light snow covered the ground, an old negro went to town with neither shoes nor socks. Tbe sight of tho old man's bare feet so wrought upon a kind-hearted merchant's feelings taut he called him in and gave him a pair of brogans and warm socks. In less than an hour the old sinner sold both for a drink of whisky, and wadedibome rich as Croesus. The negro's love of a festal time is proverbial; he has his corn shuckings, his log rollings, his quiltingbees, and every work is made to yield its element to frolic. He is not ambitious. For days and weeks he will live frugally on cornbread and bacon, with an occasional 'possum canght in the night hunt, when, all at once, his savings will bo spent in one evening in a happy, care less way; crowds of his dusky friends will gather in, the music of the fiddlo and the banjo will bo heard, tbe patting and tbe boxing and the "hoe-down" convince that he is contented and as well off as he would be anywhere else. So we seo he remains undisturbed by change of condition, and little inclined to push for more. n oneimngine -coiorea individual" ot tne South has changed, and that is in his right to swear aloud a privilege that many f teedmen value next to liberty. Cries of the most pro fane character resonnd throughout the fields as this Senegambian combats with some head strong mulo or some underling in the field. The moralist who anticipatea that emancipa tion would bring in its train all the courtesies, with all the virtues, will of course be shocked. The negro has his position in the South, and receives A CHARACTERISTIC KINDNESS that he never meets with in tho North. Not one need go hungry none cold. Charity sees no one suffer. There are tics that are felt in a hundred ways. Children love the old nurse; that old butler is humored, and here and there a sham invalid is indulged. Tbe "color line" is undoubtedly drawn, and necessarily, too, for the negro is of another race, and since the days of Ham has had his position in the wola's history. The negro, too, is an aristocrat, and draws the "color line" at the "poor white trash" of tho South. . Tho Quixotic idea of colonizing the negroes in a territory by themselves, just now revived by V. P. Calhoun and approved by Senator Hamnton, is absurd. Tho' negro is the natural laborer for the South, and while be needs a supervisor, is yet superior to tbe socialistic foreign labor that the North employs. That tbe negro will be eventually elevated to the level of the Caucasian is believed by many educators, but in every age we have ssen that the brains nt tbe Caucasian are a practical necessity for the progression of a govern ment. We, as a nation, have alreadygiven the negro equal civil rights with the white man. Already mfllions bave been expended in tbo frecdman's cause, and many millions more must be before we see any shining results. It would be unrea sonable to expect tbe offspring of slaves or heathens to develop in a short time all tbe thrift of a moro favored humanity. If the wealth of the nation will educate them beyond the superstition and immorality of their pres ent Hie, make them citizens worthy tbe high place tbe law has already given them, Ciiris- Have you &wm9 LA tianlty, patriotism and humanity demand that it shall be done. Their own welfare and oors demand it and the safety -of our country pro tected in no other way; but until the African can be made equal In edncation and Chris tianity to the white rac. his place Is not at the lront. J nance, pauence auu uiuo n.onio the race question happily. M. la. Handsome and stylish are the new jackets, short and long wraps, etc., we are now showing Huous & Hacke. Exposition. A handsome souvenir of the Exposition buildings given" with every dozen of photo graphs this week at Hendricks & Co.'s, 68 Federal st, Allegheny. ' Cabinets only ?L00 a dozen. Visitors specially invited. For best brands of pure rye whiskies, go to Geo. H. Bennett- & Bro., 135 First avenue, second door below Wood street 81. Until October. 81. Mothers, bring children to Aufrecht's Elite gallery, C16 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator. Cabinets ?1 per dozen, proof shown. Absolutely Pure This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholesomeness, More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est. short weight alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only in cam. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 108 Wall St, N. Y. ocmI6-srwrau There is a corset that never breaks broken No; too far. in wear; it cannot be in wear. that's going a little There have to be steels in it, We don't Steels will break, mean the steels: but they are not the part that troubles corset-breakers. What we mean is the "bones" don't break. The reason is they are Kabo, not bones at all; and Kabo don't break. This corset that never breaks is the Kabo, mysteri ous Kabo, wonderful Kabo. Let every corset-breaker make the acquaintance of Kabo. If the corset doesn't suit you, after wearing a week or two or three, go back to the store where you get your money; Kabo breaks or year, 20 back got it and and, if the kinks in a for your money. There's a primer on sets for you at the store. Cor- CnicAao Corset Co., Chicago and New York. Optical, Mathematical and Engineering In struments and Materials. Profile, cross-section, tracing and blue-process papers, tracing linen, etc. Largest and best stock of Specta cles and Eye Glasses. KORNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. SO Fifth avenue. Telephone No. 16S6. jy31-nsu J. DIAMOND, PBACTICAL OPTICIAN, 22 SIXTH STREET. The Eye examined free of charge, spectacles perfectly fitted. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted and warranted to suit sel2-6-rrsu SEAL GARMENTS. All onr Seal Garments are cut by R. C. Per kins, inventor of the True Tailor Svstem, of actual direct measurements, which absolutely reqnires no trying on, no refitting, no altera tions. P.C.Perkins is the onlv actual meas urement seal cntterthls side of New Yotk City. By having no alterations or refitting to do we' save time which is money, hence tbe reason we can reshape your seal garment for 15, while others are cutting by stock patterns and must refit and charge you $23. Seal garments re-shaped, re-dyed, re-lined and made over into any shape desired. Over 2.000 AjtvnAn0 Tvn It'll a1 rw nnt1iAAfl,.M iciCicuLcg imuuutu uu ojiui. ii uil. GRAHAM'S FUR STORE, 445 WOOD ST., Sd door from Fifth avenue. EC15-05 used OAP? f ROYAL rsW.J - POWDER $15. PERFECT FITTING. $15. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BIG HATS FOR BIG MEN A SPECIALTY AT ETJBEasT'S. Sis, VA, 7, 1, 1. Prices, $10, 52 20, ?2 40, ?2 90, $3 40. Gentlemen wearing regular sires have no idea of the difficulties experienced by those re quiring large hats before Ruben made a specialty ot extra sizes for extra large heads. It used to be the regular thing by ye old fogy hatters to try and stretch a 7 into a and certainly with but indifferent success, or a hat bad to be made to order at about double the regular price. Not so now. Ruben carries a dozen different styles running in sizes up to a 7. being thus enabled not only to give a good easy fit hut also a nice assortment of shapes to make a selection from. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423'Smithfleld St P. a Mail orders promptly filled. seloVwrsu COFFEE BULLETIN. Good Rio 23c per pound Prime Rio 25c per pound Choice Rio 27c per pound Fancy Rio 29c per pound Golden Rio 31c per pound Old Government Java.... 33c and 35c per pound Golden Uaracaibo 33c per pound Aiucua meuuiuej wc per pound Mocha No. 2 -. 35c per pound Above coffees on trial will speak for them selves: our own daily roasting and no better goods in tbe world. THE WORLD CELEBRATED IDEAL COFFEE POT. Prices, 75c, $1 and $1 25, according to size. NEW GOODS JUST IN, California Apricots, extra 20c per pound California Peaches, extia large.. 22c per pound New Valencia Raisins, extra 10c per pound Housekeepers' Guide Mailed Free to any Address, I Select Family Grocers, 18 DIAMOND, Market Square. selS OPTTBXjIC CE,ITicXSDy& KAUFMANNS' NEW FALL Our anxiety to have the critical eye of the public examine our grand Fall Stock is like that of the author of a new and really good book. The more people look into it, examine, scrutinize and criticise it, the more and higher will be the encomiums. There are merchants who are afraid of letting their garments see the light of day. With us it's quite the contrary. Right under the rays of clear, brilliant, honest sunlight, so, plentifully admitted to our salesrooms by their large windows, we ask you to see and try on the garments we show. We want you to look at every particular the quality of the cloth and trimmings, the style and cut, the make and fit and we defy you to point out to us a single-defect And as for the most important point, THE PRICES, we have simply to say this: Unless' you find them from 20 to 30 per cent!"" lower than elsewhere (quality and work considered) don't patronize us. Ladies' Fine Fall Garments. Our handsome, well appointed Cloak department is now filled to overflowing with the latest and loveliest styles in Cloaks, Newmarkets, Wraps, Jackets, Plush Goods, etc The Ladies of the two cities are cordially invited to call and post themselves in regard to styles and prices. They will be welcome, whether wishing to purchase or not We shall con tinue as heretofore, to lead the Cloak trade of Pittsburg by offering the best and finest garments at prices which will meet with the approval of the closest shoppers. We would call special attention to our large importations of fine goods from Berlin and Paris. They are the richest and most tasteful garments ever shown in this country. Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Jackets, etc., in all the new and popular designs. vismisra- the E2CPOsiTionsr jlhei xisrv x'-ujinD to Men's Fine Fall Clothing, Our cheapest suit is 5 our" finest is 30. Between these two extremes we show a world of fashion and fineness. Magnificent .Business Suits at Sio, j5i2 and S15. Exquisite Dress Suits at giS, $20, $23 and $25. In Sack Suits we have the single and double breasted, cutaway or cut square. In Frock Suits we have the 1, 3 and 4-button cutaway and Prince Albert styles. The cutaway sack and 3-button cutaway frock, however, will be the leading styles of the season. In Fall Overcoats our new styles must be seen to be ap preciated. The materials are as fine as can be manufactured and the garments are as perfect as any tailor can make them. H H GRAND KKW- APVERTTBBatENTS. IN OUR POPULAR BRAND' Old Honesty Will be found a combination not always to be had. A Fine Quality of PLUG TOBAC CO at a Reasonable Price. Look for the red Htin tag on each plug. It you are looking for a FIRST-CUSS ARTICLE -nr- Chewing - Tobacco DON'T FAIL TO GIVE OLD HONESTY A FAIR TRIAL. Ask your dealer for it. Don't take any other. JNO. FINZER & BROS., LOUISVILLE, KY. mh2-35-BSU WM. GRABOWSKY, HAT MANUFACTURER. Our Fall Fashion Plate Is ready. All tbe leading styles for Ladies' and Children's Straw Hats are made up and ready for inspection, the styles shown will meet tbe demands of our many friends. Our old establishment with in creased facilities for turning out good work only, will gald many customers the coming sea son. Vi'e will dye and renovate your old-fashioned hat to any of our new Fall shapes, by our new electric process, rendering the hats as good as new In every respect. Bring your hat or bon net now, don't wait till half tbe season is gone. Summer Hats are out o f style now. The style this fall is Black Hats, trimmed in Plumes or Tips. We are practical Ostrich Feather Dyers, and do tbe work correct. Bring your plumes and your hat to ns and in a few days you bave a new fall outfit at slight cost. WILLIAM GRAB0WSKY, 707 PENN AVE.,.Opp. Penn Building. sel-68-WBu HERBERT WALKER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, 65 NINTH ST. je30-75u VI NslltltlttltliliP IS COUBTED -OUST- a? R 3sr a- E JEZj s s .e IE TJS ATTFMANNS FIFTH kkw l ABTXRTMsanam. " MAPh'Y -r. ST Indeed are.-those whose good 'sense- has taught them 'tha&h best place to buy Household Goods of every. 'description, either onrtime or for credit House, corner Tenth street young man. whose wish is to IS THE Happy husband of a lovely than pay a. visit to this popular house;- Supposing he has but a very smallamount of capital to start Jifewith, do you sup pose that' Pickering is the man to throw a damper .oritKe young manV aspirations? Not' much. He was ayourig-marf nimseii once; ana Knows exactly how it is. He hajrasvm patnetic leenng ior young pleased to neip a young lellow BRIDE While on this subject it will be well for everybody ..to 'remen ber that altho'- Pickering's great' Exposition Suite, valued at $2,500, is on exhibit at the Exposition and that he has the grandest stock of Furniture, Carpets and Household Goods generally in this city and what is more sells on easiest of terms, he Is so anxious that the THAT THE tickets he gives away with every purchase are given awayl matter how small the amount f .. A, .. : !. t? iui ctny uay.yi any tunc mc iAUUbUlUIl 15 Open. is" IS known Pickering keeps all grades of Household from gopd to the very best, and whether the . SUN of prosperity, shines on. other houses or not Pickeringintends to continue in the old well-worn path of giving better values, better goods naming lower prices, giving better terms "anct. more courteous treatment' than all other dealers' in hisIineV' Depend on it this popular where prosperity will lorever SHINE ON. selS The First Floor of Our Store', devoted to our Shoe, Hat and Furnishing Goods departments, ' is well worth a visit In each line of these goods we are thev recognized leaders of Pittsburg. This means that we carry THE LARGEST STOCKS, THE HANDSOMEST STYLES, THE BEST goods and name the lowest prices. A single purchase, however small, will quickly convince you of the great ad vantages we offer to our patrons. Now, then, if you need a pair of Boots or Shoes, a Hat or Cap, a. Shirt, a suit of Un derwear, a Scarf, etc, etc, prepare to find these goods at their best right here under the roof of 'our store. Our large and ever growing trade is the best argument we can advance in favor of our methods of doing business. Boys' Fine Fall Clothing. Mothers, we have surprises in store for you that'll de light you. Boys' Clothing that's as fine as it is cheap, as unique as it is elegant, as nobby as it is stylish, A goodly portion of our new Kilt and Short Pant Suits has been im ported by ourselves and cannot be found elsewhere in this city. In short there isn't a new style or a good quality that you cannot find in our mammoth stock. And, if you're shrewd, you'll not delay purchasing, but come in right now. 'We have some beautiful novelties in Boys and Child ren's Fall Overcoats, in light and medium weight. They're something entirely new and are especially intended for fine trade.. AVE. AND SMITHFIELD w ' is Pickerinfrs. tf. nwlSfiDi and Peiyi avenue. TheanSiti85f succeed in life anoVwhoi young bride, cannot do better! married couples and is onli to turnish a home for his , Exposition be a great success may be, and that they are '.l.: a '. store will be the fayoredspot s$Sk f; STOCK ; ' 'J: J gpodBf' GooHsTI .-. - V i rffesf a. Wm 3 oomr 1 fnoji,. wdlfiiif :.'.!