- Jw jV THE ' PITTSBTIEIQ- ' DISPATCH, SUNDAY, ' SEPTEMBER 15. " 1889. H 11 E W OP SPORTS Eeason for the Decision in. the Boat Eace Dispute. HAMM BROKE THE EULES. Opinions About the Searle-O'Connor Championship Contest. KIKIRK-M'CLELLAKD FOOT RACE. Difficulties Between the Local Baseball Club and its Kew Pitchers. EILLEX'S ASI DEFEAT BT M'AULIFFB Probably one of the most unsatisfactory sporting events that has taken place in this locality for a very lonp time is the Teemer Gaudaur boat race. The event was one ol the leading affairs of the week, and directly concerns myself, inasmuch as I was called npon to perform a duty that was as dis tastcfnl as it was thankless. It was one of the most unfortunate events that I have been interested in, and doubtless it will have a very dampening effect on professional boat rowing In this locality. It will have this effect because many peo ple will not for one moment stop to argue conscientiously all the features and outs and ins of the question. Of course I am veil aware that numerous people are of opinion that on Friday Tecmcr was beaten by a better man than himself. Granting this, how ever, docs not at all affect the reasons for the decision that tho race bo rowed over. Like other events of the kinds the race was under a very ripd and clear co Jo of rules. The Teemcr party claimed that these rules had been vio lated, and urged that Gaudaur's arrival first at the winning end was the result of a violation of the rules under which the race was being rowed. This claim or objection nar rowed the matter down, not to a qnestion of merit, but to a question of whether or, not Teenier had been interfered with or that Gaudaur had received an undue advantage in any way. Teemer yes terday afternoon claimed that Hamm, Gau daur's trainer, had interfered with him; in fact, had broken his boat; and be further claimed that Hamm was on the course for the purpose of coaching Gaudaur. In a word, the first ob jection was overruled at once, because, as ref eree. 1 absolutely tailed to see at any time where Hatuta's boat interfered with Teemer's. The second objection, however, was stronger, and had sufficient force to warrant the decision made. After the race I asked Hamm pointedly at McKeesDort what he was doing on the course. Here's what he said: "I was there to protect Gaudaur and keep him from striking any snags." This admission, which was heard by everybody in the room, meant that he was absolutely violating a rule and one of the most prominent. Here is the rule. It is rule 16 of the code under which the race was rowed: "Xo boat shall be allowed to accompany a competi tor for tho purpose of directing his course or affording him other assistance. The boat re ceiving such direction or assistance shall be disqualified at the discretion of the umpire." Ilnmm's Admission. Now I fall to see how any man who can read or understand Enghs.li can fail to perceive how Hamm's admission and the rule can be recon ciled. If guiding a man clear of snags is not assisting him or piloting him, I fall entirely to understand the English language. St. John, who is undoubtedly one of the most honorable and clear-headed gentlemen that I have known in boat-rowing affairs, argued that though Hamm was on tbe river lor tnat purpose, he did not carry out his intention. Tbm tn mj way of thinking is not a sufficient answer Hamm says he was there for that purpose, and he was uncomfortably near the rowers, and when he went out to perform the mission, which, he admits, he could do it in a hundred ways not discernible to the uninitiated. I was one of the latter. At any rate, 1 fail to see why Hamm had any reason, outside of car rying out his acknowledged intentions, to be rowing from side to Aide ahead of the rowers and within a very short distance of them. Briefly, that is one reason for the decision. An other is that every steamer accompanjing the race. excpt the referee's boat, was ahead of Teemer long before the race was finished. I submit that was an interf erence.The disgraceful conduct of the McDowell and tho Dauntless not only interfered with the sternmost man.hut shut out the referee from the race for a consid erable distance. Both men have a right to pro tection as far as the application of the rulesare concerned.and at all hazards the rules were ap plied irrespective of the merits of the men. Rules are rules with me on all occasions, and Hamm has only himself to blame for the very unfortunate termination of the race. On many occasions 3Ir. St. John has urged that nobody should be on the course but the rowers, and if Hamm was not on the water and in close com pany with the rowers, in the interests of his charge, Gauaaur, I fail to see why he was there at all. The Little Kicker. It is amusing to find m events of this kind the various kind of kickers. After the decision was made last evening I met a gentleman who was awfully wild and making considerable noise about the honesty of sports. He very emphatically stated that the affair would ruin rowing here and intimated that the decision was worse than "rotten." I discovered that our friend had been betting on the race and had backed Gaudaur. But the same gentle man a few dajs previously had stated tnat the whole "business was fixed," and accordingly he was betting because of 'information received." As a rule I have found that these tremendous kickers, who claim to have the dignity and honesty of any particular sport at heart, are people who never hesitate to participate in all the "fixed" affairs that they can connect them selves with. I have done with the race and I only regret that .Mr SL John did not resolve to row the race again on a course where he could rely on all the fairness and protection nec essary. About ciillln(j Generally. For the first time in a very long period pro fessional rowing has taken the foremost place in a week's sporting affairs. The two races, that is. those between Searleand O'Connor and Teemer and Gaudaur, have once more drawn the attention of snorting people and the world generally lo the historic and excellent sport of rowing. I am glad, indeed, of this, because of all the oudoor sports I think that boat racing, in its best ana most honest features, is one of tho finpst, if not the very finest. I'm sure there. is nothing prettier to look unon, nor more ex citing, than a good piofcssional four-oared race, nor c en a. uncle scull contest between rowers somewhat evenly matched. lam aware mat proicssionai rowing has been under a ban for a long time. I have, on several occasions, given my views in these columns a. to the caues: but it seems to me that we may hope lor a speedy return of that sport to its'formcr position. Of coarse, the race on the Thames last Monday has done much to get boat racing before the public again, and as a re sult we may expect general races of more or less importance before the winter comes. Tho race undo jbtedly was one of the best, and the result was to very many Jeople a great surprise. I am free to admit that or once I was wrong in my selection of a win ner for the race, and now that it is all over it is quite plain to sec how a mistake of that kind could be made. Almost all the leading authori ties In England and this country favored the chances of O'Connor. He was beaten, however, and beaten very badly bj a modern rowing wonder. About Senrle and O'Connor. Had any of us in America who stuck to O'Con nor seen Scarle row a race at Ills best, we certainly would have plumped for the Australian, but, as I have said more than once, he was to Americans an unknown quantity. True, be had an unbeaten record at home, but 60 had O'Connor, and we were 'all under the Impression that the standard of row ing In Australia was mucb below that of this coun try, lliere's ihere the big mistake was made, and that's how so many of us got astray, hearlc bss demonstrated this fact beyond a doubt and his ictory proves that Beach was a better man than we had. Of course the usual excuses for O'Connor's defeat have been and are being made He states that he vas overtrained: some of hie friends blame the course and some one tblUK and son another. However. I am flrmly eonvlni-edthnt O'Connor was beaten by a better mwer than himself The race speaks for itself. The Canadian made an excellent start and got away from the mark with the best ofR. .He was down to bl rowing lielorc aearle and had his boat at her best speed In remarkably quirk lime. For 300 or 400 yards O'Connor was in lront, and that cheered his friends Immensely. However, as soon as bearle got settled down to work the Jig was up. His boat seemed to leap through the water; so we are told, and O'Connor caught a crab and relinquished the lead. Now this catching a crab simply means that O'Connur was trying to do more than he posslblv could do: in his great ofibrts ne became a little flurried, and despite -his strenuous exertions, bearle's boat gradually went to the front, and gradually left a space between It and the boat of O'Connor. Seirle was making his boat travel laster than O'Connor's boat was, and that tells the story of the entire race. Without any extra exertion bearle continued t increase his lead, although O'Connor was rowing a clean and pow erful stroke. The time to Hammersmith bridge, about a mile and three-quarters, was extraordi nary, and this undoubtedly settled O'Connor. The Australian carried him along at a clip that he couldn't hold out. and he "cracked" Just a Teemer did at Washington when O'Connor carried him awav at a killing pace. Without doubt O'Connor can row over the Thames course in faster time than thatln which he was beaten bv bearlc But on .Monday he was rowed to a stand still In the early part or the race and couldn't finish In anything like his usual form. Of course till proves that Scarle is not only speedier than O'Connor, but that he is also a much better stjncr. However, O'Connor's tremendous exertions to stick to the Australian in the earlv part of the race may have been right and"thei may have been wrong. If wo recall all the rices we lunc ever seen we willfindmany that hat e been lost by rowers breaking themselves don n in the early part of the contest: Indeed. I once saw aery good rower alolutelv collapse when about three or four lengths In front. The time of the race, however, would seem to Indicate that O'lonnor vas thoroughly outclassed. S-earlc's I2: was remarkably fast time consider ing that the contest was only a mere procession alter two miles had been rowed. I ieel certain that had searle been pushed the way that Gaudaur pushed Ueach he would hai e beaten Beach's time, Why Amcricn is Second. We can now rest satisfied that America is no longer in the i an in the aquatic world so far as sculling Is concerned. Australia seems to be making rowers to order, and making them very fast at that. It is only the other day that Searle loomed up. A Tew months before he appeared llcach had Just surprised the world. There is a host or others also at the other side of the globe who are undoubtedly first class men taking Searle as the standard. But while the Australians have been Increasing thelrquantlty orrowcrs and im proving the quality, the Americans hae been sllghtlv going In the opposite direction. We haven't made a new sculler of any note for a very long time. We have been dealing In the old stock lor years Our slock In trade have been Uaudaur, Teemer, Hamm, Ho6inerandafcw others for a very long time, and there are no ?rospects yet of anv new wonder appearing, lie cause of this dearth of young rowers Is found in the fact that professional rowing fell Into dis repute some years ago. and the public would have little or nothing to do with It. As soon as public interest began to wane the youth of the country turned their attention to some other out-door amusement and exercise. Hence the supply of young blood fell wofully off, and as a result we naie nothing but the old and fast-decaying stock to rely on. However, there is a hope that In a short time America will again make 'a strong and successful bid for the sculling su premacy of the world. 1 am vcrv glad. Indeed, to sec that Mr. fcU John is makint: tfiorts to orean- ire a Professional Kowers' Association. If such a thing were established on the lines laid down bv Mr. bt. John, depend upon it professional aquat ics would soon become purified. 1 hope rhat the gentleman's eflortswill meet with favor in all directions. If some people claim that, morally speaking, professional rowing has degenerated, that is the very reason why they should encourage the formation of an organiza tion that will absolutely improve matters. Mr. bt. John has a constitution and by laws prepared for the proposed association, and the sooner It Is formed the better. Its existence will assuredly give us much enconragement lo hope that young America will take hold of aquatic sports airaln. and If this is done certainly will American skill, blood and muscle tell In aquatic contests through out the world Just as they do in other branches of sports. ItlcAnlifTo and Killen. Some time ago 1 had occasion to write some very plain words about Patrick Killen, he who has for a long time been dubbed the "champion pugilist or the Northwest." When! the title of national champion was in dispute I think Mr. Killen aspired to that, and on more than one oc casion tht great and only John L. indorsed or recommended Mr. Killen's pugilistic abilities in very strong, though not elegant language. At that time I argued to prove that Killen had never done anything to prove himself either a boxer or a fighter. I went lurthcr than that and said that when Killen anet a man In the ring who could hit hard and protect himself moderatelv well he. Killen, would come out of the contest a badly battered man. If he had the pluck to slay. liut iaio questionea nis piuck. xnese aisparage- ments were assailed by many people and two or three w ell-known writers. Howev cr, I am hap However, lam hannv to say that Klllcu's recent fight with Joe Jic- Aulltlc has proven everv word 1 said to be true. That contest was undoubtedly one of the most amusing 1 ever saw. Killen showed that be hasn't a heart as big as a mouse nor as much science as a mn le. And it was him who was going to teach McCaffery points on boxing. McAulltfe was s'inpty hitting the useless KUIen whenever he liked. This was too much for Killen's brave heart to stand, and In the seventh round he grasped the ropes and stood there Uae a cur. Af ter being hit when in that position, he and his friends claimed foul, but the claim didn't go. I hope we have had the last of Killen. lie, like many others, was all right when the glove con test mania was raging and wnen the "recelots were divided." However, when it comes down to a real pugilistic contest tlieKUlensand Elllngs worths very rapldiy disappear. A lyocnl Foot Race. It is sometime since I utilized any space in com menting on any local foot race. I bave had my reasons for this, but there is a race underlined for Saturday next that In my opinion merits a few words. I refer to the one-mile foot race be tween Edward Mklrk and E. C McClelland, which takes place at Exposition Fart. They are two old opponents, and there Is all that feeling between them necessary to put ginger into the contest McClelland so far has not been beaten In a match, and he has beaten both i'riddy and Mklrk on more than oneoccaslon. Onbaturdav, however, he runs a race shorter than he has ever tried before. His latest effort was a mile and a half against Mklrk. whom he easily defeated. A mile, however. It is claimed, is not nis distance. This may and may not be so, but I am Inclined to the notion that a man who can run three, four or five miles In food time Is often a very good roller. It does not emand a sprinter's speed to run a mile, and un doubtedly McClelland has speed enough to be a very good mile runner. He is train ing at Mansfield. Nlklrk is training in this cltv and is, as we all know, a very speedy and pretty runner. He Is undoubtedly a much speedier man than McClelland, but the question Is can be stay a mile? He and his back ers think be can, and they are confident of vic tor, and so are the McClelland party. I expect to sec a good and honest race. If the track is good the contest wll be worth seeing. 1 know that a rivalry between the parties exist that will make matters very w arm, and the public can rely on the fact that if all goes well the best man will win. 9 liRsebnll Affairs. Without donbt the week Just gone has been the dnllest In baseball affairs since the season opened. Kaln, of course, has bad mucb, I might say all, to do with It. Remarkably few games have been played on account of the rain, lioston has been among tbe lucky ones, and has managed to tighten its grip on first place cnlefly because New Vprk has not had an opportunity to improve its posi tion. Although there has been quite a singular lull in tbe baseball world, I don't remember or a period in Pittsburg when there was as little inter est in the national game as there has been during the past week. inls Is easily accounted for. Tbe club's poor work tells the whole story. Ibis is the brief truth of the matter, and 'tis a pity that 'tis true. 'The eeason has gone far enough now for us to say that it will be remembered as a very tough one for the Pitts burg club. Financially It won't be a success, while the club's work will be ranked among the worst. Secretary bcandrett remarked to me the other day that the pluhers were almost entirely toblameforthepoorshowlngofthe team. This is also a true statement, and tbe statement seems singular, because no club has had more pitchers on its list this season than Pittsburg has. The trouble seems to have been fn getting hold or the wrong men, and in this respcet 1 fear that a de sire to speculate too cheaply has made matters a little worse linn they might have been. 1 still hold the opinion that the wonderful pitchers who'.e homes are in this city could have been secured by the local club if the price hid been paid. However, there Is some consolation or satlslartlon In the fact that on.irts are still being made to secure good pitchers. As has been staled In 'Hie DISPATCH. Alexander Jones, of Homestead, and young Hess, or PliUadclphla, will be given each a try. That means they will be signed, and It Is probable that both of them will be reserved by the clnb for next season. The present season is so far advanced that it might be wise to give both these young men a thorough trial, the same as other clubs Invariably do with their new and vounir olavcrs. 1 am dlsnnsori tn lunik limb uic iut;fti uuu uss Uiieil CASl JOUUESICrS adrift before their good qualities were thoroughly developed. Tho Association Row. Wc all have heard that old adage to the effect that a house divided against Itself cannot stand. There have been many prpofs or this lu all phases of lire, and baseball Is no exception. At present one or the most unrortunate quarrels or baseball history is now going on in the American Associa tion. Von der Abe and President Byrne, or Brooklyn, are racing each other with drawn swords. The fight between them fs in some re specudlvgracerul, and the result threatens to be disastrous to the Association. 1 am to a great i.ii. .i . .... f i -u. : . .---- extent iuuihitu tniaur jjrne'fi ssue 01 it. vv e all know that Von der Alie, since his club earned a national prominence, has been, or has tried to be, an aulocrit. He has been the source of many, very many quarrels. Theprcnt one is almost entirely or his own making- His team has been acenstomed for years to hold first place easllv and recently It met wlih six or seven unexpected defeats which sent it out of premier position. Uhls, undoubted ly, raised the Ire of Von der Ahe and he has been looking for a victim ever since. There are rumors to the effect that he will join the League. The League does not need a Von der Ahe no more than the Association, and the latter ought certainly to trvand eet rid or him as soon as possible. It Is such men as Von der Ahe that jeopardizes the popularity or the game despite their good clubs. These people are always keeping bad feelings at boiling point. The national game can do without them. Pki.ngle. International Lensrue Games. rsrECIJU.TKLZ0BAM7O THE DISrATCH.1 At Toronto ' Torontos .....3 0 0 0 2 0-8 0-10 Hamilton! :...3 4 10 0 At Detroit Called, darkness Detrolts 0 S Z 0 byracuses 0 3 10 At Toledo Toledos 2 0 2 0 0 Rochester! 0 0 110 S-23 09 I 8 0-4 THUMPED MR. STALE! - The Senators Take His Measure and Pittsburg Is Beaten. PDN ON A MUDDY DIAMOND. The Giants Win Two Gaines From the Chicago Team. BOSTON QUITS EYEN WITH CLEVELAND. Interestinir Humors About the New Brotherhood's Intentions. The borne club suffered another defeat Yesterday. The Washington tailenders beat them this time. New York won two games from Chicago. Rumors are current to the effect that the new ball players' brother hood has leased ball grounds at Chicago and cut the Chicago clnb out. tEFECIAL TKLEQBAM TO THI DISPATCH.! "Washington, September 14. "Hit it out, boys," was the injunction laid upon the members of the Pittsburg and "Wash ington teams this afternoon, and in conse quence the final appearance here this season of the Western contingent of the League was marked by a slugging contest from start to finish, but the Senators were luckier than the lads from tjje Smoky City in haying-men on bases when hits were made, and this will account for the plethoric forms so necessary to a yictory. Continu ous rain of tbe past four days bad left the ground in poor condition and in racing parlance it was a "heavy track" which confronted both nines when they came on the field a lew minutes past 4 o'clock to begin business. Meanwhile a squad of small bojs had been industriously circulating around theinQeld scattering; sawdust and raKlngit into the mud and the diamond was made fairly fit to play. With all these safeguards, how ever, Carroll, the first striker for the Pitts burgs, made A LAUGHABLE EXHIBITION at first after his grounder to short had been thrown wildly by Clam to Connie Mack. Beaching the bag in safety Carroll incautiously ventured beyond the sawdust, only to measure bis full length in the yielding arms of mother earth. "While prone npon the ground Captain Hanlon was yelling for the runner to take second, but the look upon the latter's face showed that be had no such intention. This was but one instance of numerous tumbles and slides in tbe mud and the catchers were not worried much by daring base runners. Hoy, the mute center fielder of the Senators, being the only player who essayed to steal second base, and he was successful. Two games were scheduled for the afternoon, but it was impos sible to play more than one from the factjhat the sun was tardy in making his appearance and thereby drying the outfield. PROMINENT PEOPLE PBESENT. Marshall Ransdcll, of the District of Colum bia, who has recently achieved a national repu tation for connection with the Tanner case, and ex-Commi-sioner of Pensions Dudley were, among the spectators in the grand stand, but they were evenly divided in sentiment, the former favoring the visitors, while Colonel Dudley stood manfully for tbe Senators. Cap tain Arthur Irwin, fresh from a hunt after available men lor next season, sat near Presi dent Young, who was anxiously awaiting a re ply from President Nimick, of the Pittsburgs, regarding the tie came at Phila delphia between Harry Wright's team and the Beaneaters. Although tho wires were charged with electricity just overhead, nothing came to gladden the anxious president of the League except tbe statement that the New Yorks had won two eames from tho Chi nagos, while lioston was breaking even with tbe League babies. There was considerable noise all through the game, which was the only relief to tbe monotony of a long drawn-out contest, in which brilliant fielding was at. a discount, and Sam Wise and John Irwin vied with each other in seeing who could make the most noise. Owing to tbe absence of his brother, John Irwin was captain for the day, and be claimed to have DISCOVERED STALEY'S SIGNS to his catcher and he was not slow to give his men the benefit of his acquisition. Brother John, however, could not master the puzzle himself, and nut of his five times at bat did not a hit mark his stick work. Bun getting began in earnest in the first inning, when Clark fum bled Carroll's grounder near second base, and then threw the ball 'wildly to Mack. Bowo sent an apparently safe hit along the first base line, but Mack stopped in time, Carroll taking second in the meantime. Then Beckley drove the ball over Beecber's head for a double and Carroll crossed the plate. Whito and Fields were thrown out at first by Clark. John Irwin knocked a bail through Staley and sprinted to first base only to be advanced to second by Hoy's single to center. Wilmot sacrificed to Dunlap, sending both of his companions for ward a base and on Beckley's safe hit to left Hoy galloped home. With men on third and first bases Sam Wise lifted the ball over the right field fence and the inning closed with tbe score four to one in favor of the Senators, Clark and Mack both retiring on foul files to Carroll. BOTH DREW BLANKS. Both sides drew blanks in the second inning. Keefe being the only player who reached first base, this act beihg accomplished with the as sistance of Staley and four bad balls. Pitts bures stock took an upward tendency in tbe third lnnine. After Staley had retired at fiist on his. grounder to Sam Wise, Carroll made tbe ball spin over second base, but Jack Howe struck out. This did not deter Beckley from finding tbe ball, however,' and be swung tbe bat effectively, and. Carroll took third on a drive to riant 'field. Deacon White balanced bis bean pole carelully, and after two strikes had been called, he mado the ball hum over John Irwin's head, and two runs resulted from this enterprise and skill with the stick. Ciphers were in order during1 the fourth inning for both teams, and tbe Pittsburgs could not do Detter tnan one, two, tnree in tue nun. LUCK PATORED THE SENATORS, however, and for the second time during the game, four runs were auded to their quoto, and these proved to be tho settlers of the game. Hov led oil with a hit, and Wilmot 'sent a fly to Fields, who accepted the nomination with thanks. Then Beccher and Wise rapped oat singles, upon which Hoy scored, and Mack cleared the bases on a double which caromed off the right field fence. Daly sent a grounder to White at third, who toyed with it on bis knee, and. ere he could recover tho ball. Mack was over the home plate, with what turned out to be the winning run. It looked like a forlorn hope, but the plucky Pittsbnrgers came up to the plate In the sixth with determination writ ten upon their countenances, and before tbe inning ended the spectators were kept on the anxious seat in every sense of the term. Fields took first on called balls only to be thrown out at second by Keefe, who muffed Miller's pop fly near the pitcher's position. Hanlon and Dunlap hit safely, sending Fields home, and both runners scored on an ovorthrow by Wil mot to the home plate and bad return ot the ball bv Keeffi to Dalv. Carroll flew out to Hov. and Staley, who had been sent to first on called balls, was touched out at third while trying to steal the base on a poor throw by Clark to head off Bowe at first base. STILL MAKING RUNS. Mack sent tho ball like the wind to John Irwin and run-getting was ended so far as that inning was concerned. Tho Washingtons ground out two more runs in the sixth inning on a base on balls. Wil mot's base hit, a sacri fice bit by Beecber and Wise and the game was virtually settled. But the Pntsburgers were not done yet, and the seventh inning witnessed another rally, although but one crossed tbe rubber square. Beckley was given first by Keefe and Deacon White struck out, Fields rapped out a doable, upon which Becklcv scored, but in attempt ing to reach home on Miller's hit to left Fields was thrown out by Wilmot to Daly. This proved a fatal error, for Hanlon hit safely, but Dunlap ended tbe inning by being called out on strikes. The eighth inning was barren of results so far as runs were concerned, although Staley and Beecher made safe bits for tbeir re spective sides. Deacon White opened the ninth inning in good form with a clean single, but be was forced out at second by Hanlon alter Fields had struck out and Miller's flyback of third base had been attended to by John Irwin. Score: WASH'TON. It B r A X PITTSUUBOS R B F A E J. Irwin, 3., Hoy, m Wilmot, 1... Beecher, r.. Wise, 2. Clark, s Mack, 1 Dally, c... . Keefe, p 3 0 0 10 0 Carroll, c .. 2 Howe, s 0 Beckley, 1.. 2 White, $... 0 0 1 SO 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 11 10 0 2 3 0 neias, u.... u 5 2 1 Miller, r.. U 0 9 0 0 Hanlon, m. Dunlan. 2.. 0 0 1 Staley, p .... Totals. .1013 77 8 2 Totals ,71224 8 2 10 Pittsburgs 1 0 2 0 0 i 1 0 0 0-7 Earned runs wasningtons, s: ruisDurgs, Two-base hits-Fields, Beckley. llome runs Wise. Sacrifice hits-Carroll. Howe. First base on balls-Off Keefe, 4; off Staley, 2. Struck out Ecefe, 8; Staley, 4. Passed balls-Carroll :. 'lime of game one hour and 40 minutes. Umpire-Lynch. TWA8 QUITE LIVELY. Cnpt.Fnntz Fined nnd Ordered Off tbe Field nt Boston. Boston, September 14. The Bostons and Clevelands divided honors to-day, each winning one game. In the first, tho fielding of tho visi tors was execrable, and this aided by the Bos tons' lively stick work, cave the latter an easy victorv. In the second game Cleveland played a faultless fielding game and bunched their hits. Boston made the largest number of hits but only one to an Inning. The fielding of Nash, Quinn. Smith, MoKean, Strieker and Tebeau were the features of the games. In the third inning of the second game Captain Kaatz was fined S75 and ordered from the field tor con tinued abuse of tbe umpire Curry, and Tebeau was fined ?60. The trouble arose over a double play. Attendance G.0S7. Score: FIRST GAME. DOSTONF. B B V A XCLIV1CLA1 BIT 11 Richardson 1 2 1 Kelly, r 0 2 Nash. 3 1 1 Brouthcrs, 10 0 Johnston, m 0 0 Qulnn, 2.... 1 1 Smith, s 2 2 Bennett, c... 1 0 Clarlcson, p. 1 I o!Kadrord,r... 1 Mricker.2... llMcKcm. s., OJTwltchcll.l. 0 1 1 3 2 1 2 0 2 3 0 1 013 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 1 8 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 20 0 0 3 1 Tebeau, 3 .. Ullks. m... F.iatz. 1. .. Zlmmcr, c. Bakery, p.. Totals . ,8 8 27 15 3 Totals. ... 2 7 27 15 7 lioston 0 0010003 4-8 Clevelands.....' 0 00010010 I Earned runs-ilostons, 2. Two-base hits-Kelly. ash. Smith. Sacrifice hjts-Broutbers, Bennett, Clarkson, Tebeau. Ullks. Home run-KIcliardson. Stolen bases-Qulnn, Bennett, Strieker, Mc Kean. Double plays-Nasb, Qulnn and Brouthers; Tebeau and Faatz. First base on balls-Smith. Nash, Bennett, Rad ford, Strieker, Twltchell. Faatz. Struck outJohnston, Smith, Bennett, Radford, Faatz. Gllks, Zlmmcr, 2; Bakely. W lid pitch-Bakely, 1. Time of frame One hour and 64 minutes. Umpire-Curry. SECOND GAVE. BOSTONS. B B P A EICLEVELA'D SIC II Rlcb'ds'n.l Kelly, r.... Nash. 3..... Bro'thr's, 1 Johnst'n.m (julnn, 2.... binith, s.... Bennett, c. Madden, p. Radford, r. Strieker, 2.. McKean,.. Twltch'l,r.. Tebeau, 3... Gllks, m... Faatz, 1... Zlmmer, ... Sutcllffe, c. Beatln, p.. Totals .... 0 7 24 12 2 Totals.... 4 6 27 18 0 Clevelands 1 0001020 '-4 Bostons 0 000000000 Earned runs Clevelands. 2. Iwo-basehlts-Faatz, Sutcllffe, Smith. Sacrifice hits Bennett, Strieker, AlcKean, Bea tln. 2. Stolen base Nash. Double plays Smith, Qnlnn and Brouthers, 2. First btse on balls Radford, Twltchell, Zlm mer, Nash, Brouthcrsr Johnston, Smith. Hit by pitched hall-Radford, (illks. Struck, out McKean, Twltchell, Tebeau. 2; Gllks, Madden. Passed balls Bennett. I: Sutcllffe. 1. Time of game One hourand 30 minutes. Umpire Curry. EVEN STEPHEN. The Phillies and the Hooalcrs Each Win a Game. PHrLADELPHlA,September 14. The Phillies won the first game from Indianapolis to-day by making their hits well tosethcr. The visitors hit Bufflnton in a desultory way only. The Hoosiers won the second game in the ninth inning, scoring three runs, to which they con tributed only one base hit. Great fly catches by Thompson and Andrews were the features of tbe second came. Score: ruiLAS. B B F A El INDI'POLIS. B B F A Z Wods. 1.... 2 Clements, c. 1 Myers, 2 2 Thompson, c 1 ilnlvey, 3... 1 Fogarty, m.. 1 Farrar, 1.... 1 Uallman, s.. 1 Bufflnton, p. 0 Hlnes, 1 C Seery, 1 0 Andrews, m 0 Denny, X... 1 Ulasscock. s 0 Summers, c. 1 McUeacbj, r 0 liassett, 2... 0 Rusle. p 1 2 6 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 111. 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 13 1 3 1 1 Totals. . ..11 1.1 27 11 - Totals 3 9 24 6 3 Pblladelphlas 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 3 -ll Indianapolis 0 1001000 13 Earned runs-Indianapolis, 2f Philadelphia 6. Two-base hits Thompson, 2: Farrar, 2. Sacrifice hits Clements, Mulvey, Bufflnton, Hlnes. Soramers, McUeachy, Bassett. Rusle. Stolen bases Mulvey and Fogarty. Double plays Bufflnton. Myers and Farrar. First base on balls Off Rusle, 5. Struck out By Buffintou. 4: by Kusle, 9. i-assea oans sommers, 1; Elements, i. Time of game One hour and 50 minutes. u mpire iinigm. SECOND GAME. FUILAD'A. II B F A X INDIANAP'S. B B P A E Delehanty, 1 2 Sanders, p.. . 2 Mjers. 2.... 1 Thorap'n.r.. 0 Mnlvey, 3... 0 Fcgarty.m.. 1 Farrar, 1.... 0 Hallman, s.. 0 Shriver, c... 1 2 2 2 0 1 3 2 4 1 1 0 3 113 0 0 0 1 Hlnes, 1 1 2 11 Seery, 1 3 2 1 Andrews, m. 2 Denny, 3 .. 3 Ulasscock, s. 0 Sominer; c. 0 McUeachy, r 0 Basselt. 2.... 1 Rusle, p 0 Fee, p 0 Totals 7 9 27 14 4J Totals:. ...10 1320 14 6 "Sanders out, struck by batted ball. Philadelphia 2 410000007 Indianapolis. 3 3 0 0 0 0 10 3-10 Earned runs Phlladelpbias. 1: Indianapolis. 4. Two-base hits Seery, Glasscock, Myers. Sacrifice hits Thompson, Mulvey, Hallman, Sommer. Rusle. Stolen bases Fogarty. 2. Double plays Fogarty, Shriver; Mulvey, Farrar. First base on balls Rusle, 1; Fee, 4; Sanders, 3, Struck out By Fee, 3; bv banders, 1. Passed balls Sommers, 1; Shriver, 1. Wild pitch-Sanders. Time of game One hour and GO minutes. Umpire Knight. TWO FOR THE GIANTS. They Defeat Anson Twlco ns a Windnp at Home. New York, September 14. The New York and Chicago teams played two eames at the Polo grounds to-day, the Qiants winning both. Tbey were the Giants' last championship games on the home grounds this year, and the crowd gave the champions the heartiest kind of a send-off. At the conclusion of the second game tbe crowd cheered tbe local players with great zest. The-first game was well played. Ward, Blchardson and Welch covered them, selves with glory and the spectators were con tinually applauding. The second game probably caused Anson more sufferinc than any otber game he ever played. Dwyer's curves were batted in every direction, while In the fifth inninn; the whole Chicago team went to pieces. Keefe had taken Welch's j)Iace, and after tho first inning gave a superb exhibition of scientific pitching. Bichardson and Ward airaln did excellent ser vice in the field. It rained during a portion of the match. Score: FIRST GAME. NEW YOUKS. B B P A E CHICAGOS. B B r A E Gore, m Tlernan, r. Ewlng, c... Connor, 1... Ward, s Ricirdson.z. O'Rourke, I. Whitney, 3.. Welch, p.... It) an. in.... 0 VanUalt'n.l 1 Duffy, r 0 Anson, 1.... 0 lTeffer, 2.... 0 Wlll'mson, s 0 Hums, 3..... 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 14 0 2 l-arrcll. c... 0 1 Hutchison, p 0 1 Totals 3 8 27 15 3 Totals 1 5 27 15 5 New Yorks 0 0001100 13 Chlcagos 0 000000101 Earned runs-iNew Yorks, 2: Chlcagos, 0. Two-base hiu Richardson, Burns. Sacrifice hltl-Lwlng, Richardson, O'Rourke, Anson, Hutchinson. Stolen bases Gore, Ward, Richardson. Ryan. Double olays Ryan and Farrell, Ward and Con nor, Welch, Richardson and Connor, Ward. Rich ardson and Connor. First base on balls Off Welch, 1; off Hutchin son. 3. First base on errors-New Yorks, 2; Chi cagos. I, Struck ont-Bv Welch, 3; by Hutchinson, 3. lassea oaii nwing.. Wild pitch-Welch. Time of game One bonr and 59 mlnntes. Umpire Powers. SECOND GAME. NEWYOBKS.B B P A E CHICAGOS. B B F A E Gore, m 2 3 Tlernan, r.. 2 2 Brown, c . . 1 3 Connor, L.. 0 1 Ward, s 2 2 RIch'dson.z, i 1 O'Rourke. I. 1 2 Whitney, 3.. 2 2 Keefe, p.... 1 1 Ryan, m 1 VanH'tn.1.. 0 Duffy, r 1 Anson, 1.... 1 Pfefler, 2.... 0 Willl'm'n, s 0 Burns. 3.. .. 0 Darling, c. 0 Dwyer, p.. 0 Totals. 13 15 21 8 2 Touts 3 4 21 10 4 Mew Yorks 0 0 3 0 8 2 0-13 Chlcagos 200000 13 Earned runs New Yorks. 5: Chlcagos, 2. Two-base hits Gore, Brown, Connor, Richard son, Whitney. Keefe. Home run Anson. Stolen bases Tlernan, Brown, Connor, Richard son, Ryan. Duffy. Double plays Ryan and Darling. First base on balls Off Keefe, 0; off Dwyer. (. Sncrlflco hit-Van Haltrcn. ' ' Hit by pitched ballBrown. Struck outBy Keefe, 2; by Dwyer, 2. Wild pltches-Dwyer. 2. First base on errors New Yorks, 8; Chlcagos, 0. TI me of game One hour and 50 minutes. Umpire Powers. Ho ir They Stand. The race (or the National League pennant Wuhlnrtoni 4 0 0 0 4 .2 0 0 continues to be as exciting as ever. Boston and Now York are fighting for the honors tooth and nail, and there it so little difference between tbem that they may be considered even. Both teams are playing a strong game. Philadelphia is keepmij comfortably head of Chicago for third place,,and Cleveland is mak ing no progress. Indianapolis is gaining on the home club. The Western clubs will return from the East to-day, and after this week will finish the season on their respective grounds. The following table shows bow tho clubs stand: Bostons New Yorks Pblladelphlas. Chlcagos........ Clevelands Indianapolis.., Pittsburgs Washingtons.. .S40 63 .531 GOO .474 436 424 .364 Games lost., ASSOCIATION GAMES. Brooklyn Wins Two Good Games From the Colonels Bnrnle'a Men Quit Eren With tbe KnnsasCowboys, nnd Columbus Wins Another Fine Contest From the Beds. New York, September 14. A rather small crowd greeted Louisvilles on their arrival at Washington Park this afternoon, but as the atternoon progressed tho crowd grew to 6,576 spectators. The visitors played good ball. In the first game a lack of base hits at certain times lost tbem runs, while in the last game they were not able to find Hughes at any time except In the second and eighth innings. The Bridegrooms did good work in both games, and they had to play all they knew how to win. Score: First came Brooklyn 1 0 10 10 3 0 Louisvilles 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Base hitsBrooklyns, 11; Louisvilles, 9. Errors Br ooklyns, 0; Louisvilles, 4. Earned runs Brooklyns, 3; Lonlsvllles, 2. Two-base hits Collins. Vaughn and Cook. Struck out By Carruthers. 4; by Lhret, L Wlldpttch-rJiret, 1. Umpire Goldsmith. Second game Brooklyns 0 0 10 0 0 2 2 Louisvilles 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 Base hits Brooklyns. 9; Loulsvllls, 4. Errors -Brooklyns. 2r Louisvilles. 8. Earned runs Brooklyns, 1; Lonlsvllles, 3, Struck out By Hughes, 7: by Ewlng, 3. passed balls Clark, 1; Cook, 1, A lid pltch-Ewlng, L Umpire Goldsmith. 08 0-2 t-S 0-3 WON AND LOST. Tho Browns Capture a Ball nt Philadelphia, nnd Also Lose. PHILADELPHIA, September It Tho St. Louis and Athletics played two games to-day, the Browns winning the first, and drawing the second through a disastrous I nmble by Fen nelly when the bases were full. Attendance, 6,000. Score: First came Athletics 0 0 0 0 0 0 St.Louls U 0 0 13 0 0- 1 -5 Base hits Athletics. 4: St. Lonls, 7. Frrors Athletics. 4; bt. Louis, 3. Earned runs Athletics, 1; bt. Louis 1. Two-base hits McCarthy, Mllllgan. Three-base hit Bauer. Struck out Lyons, 2; Brennan, Duffee, King. Umpire Holland. Second earne st. Loul 1 0 0 0 0 10 2 Athletics 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 04 Base nits-st. Lonls, s; Athletics, 5. Errors St. Louis. 3: Athletics, 5. Eirncd runs Athletics, 1; St. Louis, L Three-base hit Larkln. Struck out By liausewlne. 3; by Stlvetts, 6, Passed balls Boyle, 2: Robinson, 1. lid pitches Stlvetts, 0; Bausewlne, 1. Umpire Holland. ONE APIECE. Baltimore and Kansas City Each Win a Game. Baltimore, September 14. Baltimore! and Kansas Citys played two games to-day and broke even. The first game was won by the home clnb through superior stick work. The second contest resulted iu a victory for the visitors. The score was tied in the first half of the ninth, but was called back to the eighth on account of darkness. Attendance 2,255.-Scores: Balttmores 1 013000106 Kansas Citvs 0 021 1000 15 Base hits Balttmores. 14; Kansas Citys, 7. Errors Baltlmorcs. 3: Kansas Citys, 2. Earned runs Balttmores, 4. r Two-base hits Mack. Cunningham. Three-base hlts-Grlffln, Donohue. Struck out By Cunningham, 5; by SwartzeU, 2; Passed balls Kerins, 2. Umpire Ferguson. SECOND GAME.- Balttmores 0 010100 1-3 Kansas Citys 0,1 0 10 0 3 05 Base hits Balttmores, 6: Kansas Citys, 10. Errors Baltlmorcs, 7: Kansas Citys, 2. Earned runs Kansas Citys, 3. Two-base hitsSteams, Long. Three-base hit Hornnng. Struck out By Foreman, 6; by Conway, 3. Umpire Ferguson. GASTKIGHTS FINE WORK. Ho PnzElea the Beds nnd Wins a Game for Colambus. Columbus, O., September 14. Gastright pitched a fine game for Columbus to-day and was able to hold the Cincinnatis down when a hit would have counted for two or more runs. Columbus won tbe game in the first inning, when Viau was hit for four earned runs. Score: Columbus 4 0 0 10 10 2 Cincinnatis 0 0 0 u 0 0 1 0 Bae hits Columbus, 12: Cincinnatis, 4. furors Columbus, l: Cincinnatis, 3. Earned runs Columbus, 6; Cincinnatis, 1. Two-base hlts-lcol. Carpenter. Three-base hits Greenwood, Gastright; Umpire Gaffney. 1-9 0-1 Assoclnf Ion Becord. Perl Per Won.Lost.Ct.l Won.Lost.Ct. Brooklyns 79 17 .ssiiClnclnnatls...6l 56 .5:1 St. Louis 73 42 .635KansasCltyS..49 68 .419 Balttmores. ...65 48 .575 Columbus 50 70 ,417 Athletics 61 48 .572i Louisvilles....:! 93 .204 Games To-Day. American association Cincinnatis at Columbus; Louisvilles at Brooklyn; St. Louis at Philadelphia. TWO WINNING GAMES. ItlcKeesport Has Evidently Struck a Streak of Good Lack. jIcKeesfort, September 14. McKeesports and Etnas played two games here to-day, the first being an exhibition game and was won by the home club, 11 to 1: Thompson and Steitz being the pitchers. Five bits were made off Thompson. The second game was hotly con tested, and tho home club won, 5 to 2; both pitchers being very effective. Lanfried only allowing five hits, and Phillips only allowed three hits, two of them being- scratches. The features nf the gamo were two great fly catches, one by Hartman and one by Gibbons. Hartman bad a day off at third, but did very good work outside of his; threo errors. Liston caught very well, but missed a couple of third strikes. Williams put up a great game at sec ond, and Gibbons' work in middle was great. Cargo put up a good game at short, and the came was well played all through. McKees ports are now a, good second in the race, as Bra'ddock'lost to Homestead and therefore goes back a peg. McKeesports havo only threo more games to play, and must win tbem all to win tbe cham pionship. Our club is good now, outside of a regular third baseman and another pitcher. The iollowing is the score: M'KEESP'BT E B P A E E. STARS. B B P A E Oulnn. 1 10 6 10 llltami,2.. 0 0 4 2 0 R. Smith." r. 1 1 1 0 0 ?Kbm.rth!rt.!ii loo1 Halle'n, 1.. McCoy, m.. Cargo, s... Mcbteene, e Fitzelns,r. Bradv. 1.... 10 0 10 0 6 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 8 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 0 4 1 Hartman, 3. 1 1 4 1 3 f.uton. c .. . 0 0 8 4 Steitz, 3.... Callihand, 2 Landfee, p. Gibbons, m. 0 0 2 0 0 Phillips, p.. 0 1 0 11 0i Totals 5 S2720 Uj Totals . 2 3 27 13 8 McKeesports 1 1012000 0-5 EtnaStars 0 10000100-2 Earned runs McKeesports, 2. Three-base hits Marberger. Struck out-Phllllps, 11; Laudfee, 2. Rase on balls Phillips. Hit by pitched ball Landfee. llouble plays Steitz and Cargo, Ltston and Hartman, Vlnim and Marberger. Wild pitches Phillips, Landfee. Stolen bases G. Smith, Hartman, 2. Time of game One hour and 45 minutes. Umpire Berger. The Drummers Won. , JSMCtAL TELEOBAM TO TUB DISPATCH.! ERIE, September 14. The Scottd ales defeated the Drummers yes'erday in a score of 3 to 2, hut tbey lost the game to-day in tbe following score: Drummers 0 13 0 0 10 3 412 scottdales 0 0000100 01 The battery work of Melbee and Speer, or the Drummers, was exciting. The Syracuse btars twin play the Drummers next Monday and Tuea- THE NEW BROTHERHOOD. Some Big Rumors From Chicago Which Slate That the Ball Players Have Leased Gronnds Ahead of Spald ing The New Scheme Said to be a Go. Chicago, September 14. Hints of various kinds touching an important more to be made by the Brotherhood of Baseball Flayers bare been published recently, but none of them have coTerbd tbe ground. The report that the Brotherhood of Ball Players intend to take the game out of tho hands of the present owners of the League clnbs seems to, bave some founda tion. They are preparing to "gobble" the whole business, grounds, players, audiences and all. And what's more, they don't propose to lose any time in doing it. The probabilities are that, by tbe close of the present League season, the plans of the Brotherhood will be well enough matured to warrant a public acknowledgment of their intentions. J nst at present tbey are not giving away any more of the particulars than tbey can help. Mr. Spalding, however, got a quiet tip of what was going on the other day, and It came in a way calculated to confirm tbe rumor of organized opposition. The Chicago ball dob's lease on its present gronnds, a: tbe corner of Congress and Loom is streets, exnires this vear. and some time ago Mr. Spalding bought a site for a new park, near the Connty Hospital. He was given to understand by tbe contractors that they wonld have the new gronnds ready for use at tho opening games next season, and, relying upon their promises, be notified tbe owners of the old park that he would not re new the lease. A few days ago Mr. Spalding inspected his new purchase, and, instead of finding the carpenters and landscape gardeners at work, as be expected, saw only a few lazy .teamsters dumping ashes and garbage in a seemingly bottomless hole. Mr. Spalding was mad. He recognized tbe fact that it would be impossible to put the grounds in shape for the opening games and thought he would re-lease tbe old park. When he called upon the owners, however, with that object he was given to understand that he was too late. An option bad been- taken by a re sponsible Chicagoan and he refnsed to sur render it. Not only this, but tbe gentleman had said that be wanted the gronnd to play ball on. And he does. Thatgentlemanistheagent here of the Brotherhood, and has worked things so well that the Chicago ball club will not only be without grounds next season, but without players as well that is, good ones. The plan of the Brotherhood is to run tbe game.so far as the League cities are concerned, on a sort of co-operative basis. If it succeeds then the other Associations may be similarly reorganized. It is proposed to place the man agement of the whole affair in the hands of a general committee of eight, consisting of one representative from each League club. These clubs will probably be formed in New York. Boston. ChiweOi Philadel phia, Brooklyn, Cincinnati, Washington and Cleveland or St. Louis. Each club will have a stock capital of 120,000, some of which will be taken by the players and the rest by the men who are to act as officers and financial backers. In this city there are already five applicants for every dollar's worth of stoefcand the scheme has been .only confidentially broached to a baker's dozen of men. One of the lareest investors here is Fred Pfefler. who has accumulated about $40,000, and is in shape to take some chances. Pleffer, It may be added, will probably be the manager of the Chicago club under the new regime. The players are to receive a small bnt fair salary and a percentage of the net profits. The re ceipts, after all expenses,includlng the players, salaries and percentages, are paid, are to be put into a pool and divided into eight equal parts, one share going to each club. It is hoped by this torbilng the cities all on the same financial footing and do away with the claim that the strong are making money at the ex pense of tbe weak. A sinking fund will be made and the rest paid in dividends. A Defeat for tbe Bines. IBFICIAL TZLEQBAX TO THE DIBPATCrr.1 Bhaddock, September It The Homestead club secured the last championship game be tween them and the Braddock Blues in a con test that was insignificant here this afternoon. The battery for the Homestead club was Jones and Hess and for tbe Blues Hillcr and Bennett. In the fourth inning Brien was putintothePbox. The score at tbe finish stood-6 to 1 In favor of Homestead . Jones pitched a wunderf ul game. The all around playing of "Bud" Bennett was another feature, he accepting ten chances without an error. The Homestead clnb made two runs iu the second inning, two in the third and two in the seventh. Bndd Bennett made the only run that tbe Blues scored, in the sec ond inning. The game was called at the end of the eighth inning on account of darkness. IBTTT OITB .VERDICT "Was rendered by the thousands of people who attended Keech's Grand Open ing last week. Everybody admitted having never seen so vast, gorgeous and fashionable stock of Furniture, Carpets, Chirtains andHouse Furnishing Goods If there was one feature that more than others attracted the attention of the people it' must have been those $1 8 FINE AMQUE'BEDltOOM SUITES $1 & We sold quite a number of them last week, but have enough yet to supply any demand. Be sure and take a look at them before buying elsewhere. If you are a judge of Furniture you" will agree with us that the same grade of goods have not heretofore been sold below $25. x lVTAGlSlTPIOliLNT.VARpITY OF . I GRAND SHOWING OF PARLOR .". SUITES Dining Room Suites- COMPLETE STOCK -OF- FOLDING BEDS. All Kinds of SIDEBOARDS All Styles of HAT RACKS QUALITIES , AWAY UP, wXaaV We don't want your trade unless we deserve it. We mean just exactly what we say. Unless you are fully convinced that our stock of Carpets and Curtains is not only the largest and finest, but also cheapest in the city, don't buy a cent's worth. We direct special attention to our new designs in Tapestry and Body Brussels, Mo quettes, Wiltons and Ingrains, our beautiful Smyrna, Persian and Domestic Rugs, etc ' In Curtains and Portieres we show all the novelties of the season. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS and are ready to furnish anything in the way of Woodenware, Tinware, Queensware, Crock ery, etc., as well as such articles as Lamps, Clocks, Pictures, Bric-a-Brac, Silverware and Cutlery at away below the prices asked by exclusive dealers. WE CAN CLOTHE YOURSELF AND FAMILY in a first-class manner and at most reasonable prices. We can easily substantiate this claim, if you but give us a chance to show you through our Dry Goods, Cloak and Clothing de partments. All the latest fall and winter styles are now on our counters. t '. ZKHEIE! CH CASH and CREDIT HOUSE, 923 . and 925 Penn avenue, ". ITeaa? TsTH -n -HT-i S"b2?e"b- . i- Open Saturday Nights till 10 o'olook. J ' 4r The East End- Athletics, and the Oaktsrads Have a Close Tussle. Tbe East End Athletics and Oakland ptejed an editing -game at liberty Park yesterday, which the former, club won by a score of 6 to 5 after an exciting'tlme of It In the absence of tberegular league umpire, each team selected an umpire. The Athletics selected Fry and the Oakianfe Tralnor. In the eighth inning Gum bert came home from second on a sacrifice hit with the winning mn and was declared safe by Trainor. Notwithstanding that the decision was perfectly correct, the Oaklanda left tbe field and the game was given to the Athletics by the umpire. The features of the game were the wonderful fielding of tbe Oakland and tbe wonderful catch of Swift's. Full score. ATHLETICS. B. B. F. A.E OAJ-t'SDS. B.B.F.A-I Grav, 2 11 4 0 1 3 0 0 22 1 0 4 2 2 2 0. 1 0 0 iHowley.r.. 0 0 1 4 0 1 2 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 Laner. 3. 2 212 0 10 juurjean, c., Peoples, .. Ulatn, 3. ,, JfewelL!.. Butler, tn. . Barr D., 1... Gumbert, p. Sehoycr, c. Dillon, s.... Osborn. 3... 1 0 1 0 17 0 10 0 02 Quin-r,!..., Addy, r 0 10 Swill upc. J.. in,m ,001 Anderson, p. 0 Totals. ,6 7241110 Totals 5 22 10 1 Athletics 0 0100203 g XewOaklands .....2 001010 15 Earned runs Athletics, L Two-base hits J ope. Home run -Laner. Struck out-By UumBert. 5; by Anderson, 4. Base on balls Athletics. 3. Hit by pitched bull-Uray? Qulnn. Double plays Jewell and June. 4; Osborne and Laner. Passed balls Schoyer, 3; Morgan, 5. Wild pitches Anderson. Umpires Prey andTraluor. Downed-tue Cllranx. fSnCIAL TXLX&BAX TO THI DISrATCH.1 BRmoEYrxLE, PA., September 14. Oh, what a victory. 'Xhe Climax clnb, ot Alle gheny, came to Bridgevllle to-day armed with Pennldgton, the McKeesport pitcher, to play the C P. Mayers, bus got a warm reception. The features of the game were the good bat tery work of Patterson and Mallory and the brilliant fielding of the Mayers. Score as follows: C. P. Mayers .2 0020002 0-6 Climax 0 OOOOOOOO-O Earned runs Mayers. 8. Base hits Ma yers, 2; Climax, 3. Errors Mayers,' L Stolen bases Mayers, 4: Climax, 3. Bases on balls Mayers, 2; Climax. 1. Struck out-By Patterson, 1J; by Pennington, 6. Passed balls-Stlntel. Umpire Scbulte. The Climax clnb are an gentlemen and played a good uo hill game. Tied la Tea Innings. rSTXCIAI. TZXXQ&AX TO Till DISFATCS.1 STEUBE-tviLLE, O., Beptember It The Mingos and Wheeling league team played the greatest game of the season at Mingo to-day. Tbe excitement was intense throughout. The game was called at tbe end ot the tenth inning on account of darkness. Score: Mingos 0 0010001002 Wheelings 1 00000100 02 Base bits Mingos. Si Wheelings, 8. Errors Mlngor. 7: Wheelings, 3. Two-base bit Paddezr. Batterles-Mlngos, Kelly and Feelerers; Wheel lugs, Mallory arid-Miller. umpire Holsteln. A Bad Beating. rSPBCTAI. TXLEGUAM TO TBE DISFATCR.1 East Ltvkrpool, O., September It Tbe game to-day between the Wellsvilles and Crockeries ws an interesting contest, as the Crockeries hatted Good all over the lot. The game was called In the seventh inning on ac count of darkness. Score: Crockeries 3 0 0 7 0 2 5-17 Wellsvilles .....0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Base bits Crocaerles, 10: Wellsvilles, 2. Earned runs Crockeries, e. Errors Crockeries. 0: Wellsvilles, S. Two-base b Its (1 Heart. U'Brien. Daniels. Bases on balls O'Brien 2; Good, 5. 1 1 Wild pitches Good, 6 Passed balls Yearsley, 3. Batteries Crockeries, O'Brien and Johnson; Wellsvilles. Good and xearsley. Umpire Babb. " ' Lawyers nnd Doctors. SFICIAL TXXXQBAIC'TO THB DISPATCH.! KiTTAnirraG. Pa., September It The most interesting ball game of the season was played at this place to-day by the lawyers and doctors. All business was suspended for the occasion, and everybody turned out- Tho features of the game were the batting of King and Patton for the lawyers, the pitching of Urs. Jessup and Murray and tbe catching of Or. 8teim. The umpire, "Squire" Joseph Smitb, was LARGE ASSORTMENT -or- WARDROBES. All Makes of I HALL STANDS! All Grades of SOFAS AN EXCITING GAME. PADprTQ wA PTTPTATMQ -'w - , 7-niTi "ff iiiIitfiifdJibliitSitfeliisiii "i fffcffV rirtnti 'itttfi mi I'ii" IsttsJtrtstflitftifiiWffiiM""' 1 fill eseortedtohia., rosJdianhya mm4 ntfyiiktii and barely eseaped wf Ms Hfe. 4BetsrW claim the day. The J. B Keener dH (MA feated tbe Iron Com -MHsraHie byaseefeef M to t Tbe f eatore was tM tee battery wrk ot Reese asdJebiwofl. .. -1 AS THE fULD flf I OLD And its people grow wieertaere b a grewing demand fora better aad shn perfeet cyaattty 6f goods of all kinds. faUyiiilff fe we aimto keep iacoiiBeetioa with or Whole sale and Ketail Drug beeineee, the ewest and best Wines, Whiskies. Brandies atrf; G4ea that can be procured, all of wktaa we ten as remarkably low prices for the qtjr asdace of the goods. A partial list we fcerewMk ap pend with prices: Pure 8-year-oM export .Onikwkrissir; Wbieky, full quarts, L or HO per eteeea. j3F Overholt Pare Rye, 5 years old, fa quarts, IL or 110 per dozen. , j. Finch's Goktea Wedding; K yeaw eMfaH' quarts, 1 26, or 212 per dozen. Gin, Pore Holland, onr own Import, f aH quart Jl 36, or 112 per dozen. Dunnuys Old Irish Whisky, quarts, H fit, or, $15 ner dozen. w" .' Bamsav's Old Scotch Whisky, distHery atx. Islay. H &0 per bottle, fall quart. '-" 1 Kentucky Boarboo, 10 year old. fall oaartg2i year old, fall qtrPL 11 za. n..l.li.4l 1..1. Jlfj YmtmV. ixrvi-, e-.T?W Per bottle, f 15 ner ctsses. Vs':4 vwt a Ariwuimiv bu, vra jaws rr utssty, si as' James Watson A fr.'s Dundee Fine Gleafcre M Pure Jamaica Rare. N X ner aaart. 1 -5 Old Tom Gin. 11 ner aaart. $ Gold Seal Champaene, pints 75e, quarts fl SsV " vauiornia rrinea please everjBesy. Full quarts, 60 cents, or J6 per desea. AH mall orders thankfully received and , aiupiicu promptly, i-jease remit ay money order, draft, or registered letter. Job. Fleming k Son, DRUGGISTS, NO, 413 MARKET 8TREE1V ,t PITTSBURG, YJLF BOfeiABOU whfrf mn vnn rct that cd ....W..WSX.W lUULI Mini "UllSJi -jr. not that hat, bnt that 'er new Sattr Why, that is not new. it is an old one cleaned, repaired. Dressed and made to look like new by DICKSON, the Tailoroo Fifth ave., cor. wood St., second -floor, tele phone 1538, and who is just In receipt ot a nice line of Fall and Winter Suitings and exteade a cordial Invitation to his friends and the publio to call and learn prices, etc sel5-su TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY- WANTED 101 LABOHEBS AT YOUER'S jplace. on fifth ave.. near Bonn st. KLUGB A STEW AKT, Contractors. sel5-U8 "YITANTED THE FALL AND WINTER VV term of GARNI KITS DRESSMAKING AND CUTTING SCHOOL, has opened this year at No. 34 Church ave., Allegheny. Terms-reduced next week. seI5-16l WANTED-BILL CLEKK: MUST BE KAPTD and experienced. MAKSHELL. The Caa Grocer, 79 and 81 Ohio St., cor. Sandusky, Alle gheny. . selj-lffi ' WANTED-STABLE LABGE ENOUGH .FOB 7 horses and 8 wagons: or wonld lease a lot to buUd. Address MAKSHELL. Tbe Cash Grocer, 79 and 81 Ohio St.. cor. Sandusky. Alle gheny. selJ-WS WANTED SIX EXPERIENCED GENTS' furnishing goods salesmen. Apply at GOSKY'S to-morrow morning between 9 and 10 o'clock. selt-ies; WANTED TO PURCHASE ENGINE Or I2S to 150 b. p.; also battery of z 2-flaed boilers In good condition. H., P. V. Box, 873, Pittsburg. setf-16S HANDSOME DISPLAY -or- CABINETS. All Sorts of CHAIRS All Kinds of. Office Furniture PRICES AWATDOWN " . 'SSOrJe S yvi "fBHsr ZSEKKm mftw& ', MtftsVr 2 iAJba s I Jmiifimtitiitifh , -rift , 'fc- fc n ,WlsW.-3