Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 15, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Mr. MeCreery Persists in Having
Thai $125,000 From Gen. Beaver.
Treasurer Thompson Tells of One Who
Wanted to JJorrow $100,000.
A DISTEIBUT10. OP $1,600,000 SOON
The proposition contained in Governor
Beaver's letter in answer to the demand
made upon bim for 125,000 by "William
MeCreery, Chairman of the Pittsbnrc Be
lief Committee, is now made known by a
member of the latter organization. Divested
of the arguments and statements made by
Governor Beaver, the sum and substance of
the proposition is that the tools bought by
the Pittsburg committee will be paid lor out
of the remnant of the 5300,000 raised by the
Governor among his friends,
t Treasurer Thompson, when asked as to
the amount paid out tor tools in the early
days of the flood, stated that it might have
been close on to 510,000, but would hardly
exceed that sum. It is hard to predict what
will be done, as several members ot the com
mittee are pacifically inftined toward Gov
ernor Beaver. Chairman MeCreery, it is
understood, sturdily maintains that Gov
ernor Beaver made a distinct oral agreement
to return 5125,000, and not 510,000, or any
minor sum. "What will somewhat compli
cate the situation is the fact that even if
Governor Beaver should decide to repay the
money, and should pay over the money from
the funds in his hands, the fact that the
"money would reach the people eventually
would not save the Governor from further
criticism. It is stated that he emphasized
this point in the letter to Mr. MeCreery, but
the Executive reiterates in most positive
terms his disavowal ofny language in the
shape of a contract to return the money ad
vanced by the Pittsburc committee. On
the otherhurd, Mr. MeCreery has received
letters from prominent Johnstown people
who were present when the conversation
took place, which are in direct opposition to
the statements made by the Governor.
Mr. "Win. K. Thompson was asked yester
day whether a committee meeting would be
held shortly. He said: "Yes. The Pitts
burg Belief Committee will hold a special
meeting next Tuesday. Governor Beaver's
answer to Mr. MeCreery will be discussed
and some agreement arrived at without
doubt. There are a number of small bills
to come before the committee for action, and
if all goes well there will be little difficulty
in winding up the work of the committee
and making a. public statement of its af
fairs. We will then turn over the balance
of the money in our hands, only preserving
a small fund for contingent expenses."
Mr. Thompson related several incidents
in connection with the custodianship of the
large sum of money directly contributed to
Pittsburg which exhibit an amusing side of
human nature. He said:
"Some time since one of the best-known
business men of Pittsburg came into my of
fice and mated that he wanted to borrow
' 5100,000 of the funds for the Johnstown suf
ferers. I said that it was preposterous, but
he stated that he had the most undoubted
securities for the money: that it was the
common belief that a year might elapse be
fore the money would be wanted for pay
ment, and that the money would be much
better employed in drawing interest than in
lyin? idle. I repeated that it would be im
possible to lend a cent of the money on any
security, owinc to the fact that it might be
called for at any moment. My visitor then
quoted the scriptural parable 'of the talents,
and tried to convince me that holding such
an amount of money in idleness was doing
as the slothful servant who hid his talent in
r napkin. But it was simply out of the ques
tion to allow any portion of the money to
pass from immediate control. Others have
come into the bank and urged me to deposit
the money in savings banks, or to invest it
in bonds on the open market, forgetting, I
suppose, that fluctuations might take
"William E. Thompson has received two
letters from S. M. Dickeni. Commander of
the Tallapoosa, and J. H. Gibbs, command
ing South American station, United States
Xavy, Buenos Ayres. South America, in
closing checks for 5185 50 and 588 respect
ively, collected on the flagship Richmond
and Tallapoosa, for the relief of the Johns
town sufferers.
James B. Scott has returned from the
meeting of the Flood Commission at Harris
burg. He reports harmony and expedition
of business during a consecutive session of
eight hours. Mr. Scott states that the matter
of 5125,000 was not discussed, and is left to be
settled by the Governor and the PitUburg
committee. It was resolved that the 51,000,
000 be distributed among the sufferers in
oue large distribution, and it cannot be
done before two weeks, as the classification
cannot be completed before that time. Dis
tribution will be made by J. B. Kreamer,
Secretarv of the commission. The Jersey
oiiure uimmmet goi $ju,uuu lor tneir con
stituents, and were satisfied willi it
In the Pittsburg fund there is still 5104 -000,
in the Philadelphia fund 5400,000, and
in the Kew York fund 5350.000, and Mr.
Scott states that after the 51,600,000 have
been distributed there will be a remainder
or 5200,000 to 5250,0u0. He thinks the com
mission can do better work bv meeting in
Johnstown than elsewhere. The work in
the Eastern part of the State has been about
completed, and the commission expects to
finish the bulk of its work within a month.
The next meeting will be held at the call of
the Governor, who is Chairman of the com
mission. FOR feEASiCKNESS
TJsc Uomford'a Acid Phospbatr.
Dr. W. V. BIackma.n, Brooklyn, If. Y.. savs
VI am verj much pleaved with it in seasick
ness. Several cases have been broucht to ray
atJcn, 'on where it afforded prompt and entire
September 26, in the P. fc AV. Ry.
On September 2G the Pittsburg and "West
ern Kailway will sell excursion tickets to
Chicago from Pittsburg, Butler, New Cas
tle, Ea., and intermediate stations, good un
til October G, for 50. fc DSq
Piima Verm
Our richest native wood. A chamber
sun in prima vera, complete in every de
tail, will be found at our Exposition dis
play in northwest end of main building.
711 Liberty ave.
Natural Gas Bill. Reduced 75 Per Cent.
See our new gas fires, gas ranges, gas
Btoves,etc; register your orders for fall de
livery. The largest,finest and most complete
assortment of any firm in the world
O'Keefx Gas AFPLiAhCE Co.,34 Pifthav!
A Splendid Sewing Machine Given Away.
Ladies, register your names at the Singer
stand and secure a chance in the drawing,
to take place at the close or the Exposition,
for a Magnificent Improved Singer Ma
chine. Furnitube needing repairing, refurnish
ing and upholstering, also mattresses to be
lenovated, send to Haugh & Keenan. 33
and 34 Water st. 'Phone, 1626.
Bargains in black silks. See the valnes
we are offering at 95c, $1 and $1 10 a yard.
Huous & Hacke.
A Rniied Greenback Passed off an J. I
Masten Detective Conison Expects a
Flood of Counterfeits.
The green eoods business has been proba
bly exhausted in the newspaper reading
population of Pittsburg, and the man who
entices another to a back room to purchase
55,000 for 5200 has gone to New York to so
licit subscriptions for the Grant monument,
or to Chicago to fleece the verdant Suckers
on a "World's Fair project. The raised bill
is now the style in which the ordinary
crook and extraordinary swindler seek to
beat the Pittsburg public.
On Friday afternoon the office or J. L.
Masten, postmaster at Beltzhoover, was in
vaded by a placid-looking stranger, who
wished to buy a dollar's worth of groceries,
which, with registered letters, postage
stamps, bills for unpaid tailors and other
necessaries of life, are to be found in every
rural postoffice. "With the ready willing
ness to -accommodate which pervades the
Postoffice Department from John "Wana
maker down, who might drop his canceling
stamps to show a customer into the ready
made department, the Beltzhoover post
master showed the way into the grocery
sanctum. There the purchase was made,
and a 510 bill handed over as far as appear
ances are concerned.
But appearances are deceitrul, and so was
the 510 bill. It was a 52, the vignette of
Major General Hancock on the left-hand
lower corner smiliu? as sardonically on the
changed condition of the bill as he did over
the fatal delay of McClellan alter Septem
ber 13, 1862. The word "Two," engraved on
the front of the bill, had all the T and part
of the w erased with a lead pencil, and the
figures "10," clipped irom revenue stamps,
were stuck on over the 2s in every position
Detective Sol Coulson has the case in
hand, as well as the bill, and says it is as
well a made-np "raiser" as he has ever seen,
and wonld be liable to deceive any person
taking a bill in a hurry. He thinks that
this old species ot swindling revived is
simply used to pass time away and take atten
tion from dangerous counterfeits which will
stand the inspection of non-experts, and
may shortly be sprung on the community.
The raising ot a 52 hill to a $10 entails con
siderable trouble, and the amount gained is
not sufficient to repay the risk, so he says to
look out for counterfeit twenties, tens, and
over, which will show no pasted numbers.
The Lincoln School Board Most Show Why
They Failed to Elect Teachers Citizens
Tired of Sqanbbles.
A petition was presented in court yester
day praying that the seats of the directors
of the Lincoln School Board, Twenty-first
ward be declared vacant, and that other
suitable persons be appointed in their stead.
The petition sets forth that the present
Board, A. H. Edwards. K. B. "Ward, K. "W.
Thompson, John Grist, E. J. McLaughlin
and M. B, Cunningham were duly elected,
but they have failed to elect regular teach
ers or substitutes sufficient to properly con
duct the school. The school opened on Sep
tember 2 with a number of vacancies in
the corps; by reason of the board's failure
to agree on a candidate, their children are
deprived of their lawfnl right to be taught
in the public school. The petition alleges
there is no question or dispute as to tbe
right of tbe petitioners, and others living
in the district to have such regular teachers
and substitutes elected, but the directors
have failed to perform their duty and the
school has not the requisite number of
teachers, and that they believe the directors
have made no provision for such election,
and that none will take place by reason of
controversies and disputes between them.
The signers are "W. F. Anil. E. D. Smith,
John S. Dawson, Finley Torrens, Samuel
Shaffer, George "W. McNeil, C. K. Martin,
John Bradley, Samuel Heppenstall, J. E.
Ash, R. Lament, A. K. .Henderson, Jos. S.
Brown and J. C. Jamison.
Judge "White granted a rule on the board
leturnable on Monday September 21, at 10
o'clock, to show cause why they do not elect
the teachers.'and in default why they should
not be removed.
Lowest Possible Price nnd Easiest Pay
ments Ever Offered Examine Oar
Everett Clnb or Co-Opernlive System.
It offers inducements obtainable in no
other way. Our members pay 51 or more
dollars per week, and, at the same time,
get the benefit ot the lowest possible cash
price, on a contract for 350 pianos.
Even if you want to pay cash, it will save
you 5"5in the price of your piano, and you
can get it at once. If you cannot spare the
cash, we will deliver your piano on payment
of 525 cash and 52 50 per week, without in
terest. If yon cannot pay so fast, come into the
club and pav $1 per week, and vou will get
your piano in a short time. "We deliver one
piano per week to the members on the 51
payments. We are now delivering pianos
on the first and second propositions, and, as
onr membership is large enough to guaran
tee the success of the plan, we have de
cided to commence delivering one piano
each week to the members who nav SI ner
week on Saturday, September 21. Our
membership is limited to 350, so make ap
plication at once. Come and see us and the
piano, or send for circular.
Alex. Boss, Manager,
137 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa.
One of the Big Attractions at the Exposi
tion. In the gallery just opposite the main en
trance is the stand of S. S. Marvin & Co.,
tbe greatest cracker manufacturers in the
country. It is a model of artistic workman
ship, being built ot cracker boxes and dis
playing over 3,000 different makes of cakes
and crackers. Inside this unique palace of
sweetmeats a pretty maiden bakes the most
delightful pancakes and waffles over a gas
fire, from Marvin's unrivaled self-risingflour.
The space in front of the stand is constantlv
thronged with visitors eager to try the cakes,
which are distributed free, and nobody who
tries them once leaves the building without
taking a second round. After that they or
der some of the famous flour from which
the cakes are baked, and go back to their
homes penectly happy. Marvin's self-rising
pancake flour is for sale by all grocers.
Try it at once.
J. G. Bennett & Co.
Sell the genuine Youman hat, price 83.
Also sell the Youman new fall style,
price, $1 50, $1 75 and S3.
J. G. Bennett -& Co.
Sell the genuine Dnnlap hat, price 55.
Also sell Dunlap's new fall style, $1 50,
52 and 53.
J. G. Bennett & Co.
Sell tbe genuine English hat from Heath
& Co., Christy & Co., Lincoln, Bennett &
Co., price 5. "
Also sell the English fall styles, tl SO
51 75, 52 25.
J. G. Bennett & Co.,
Corner Wood and Fifth avenue,
Hatters and Furriers.
A PURE, wholesome and delicious drink
is Frauenheim & Vilsack's "Iron City
Beer." It is undoubtedly the .best in the
Telephone 1186.
I. O. O. F. Exclusion to Colambm, Ohio,
via tbe Panhandle Route,
Excursion tickets, at the rate of $6 00,
will be sold from Pittsburg to Columbus,
for all regular trains, on September 15, 16
and 17, Rood returning until September 25.
Ticket Office, 110 Fifth avenue, and Bir
mingham station, S. S.
Some Exposition People Expect to
Mate From $40,000 to 60,000.
A Unique Musical Programme Prepared for
Each .Night This Week.
Some of the Exposition officers talk confi
dently of 540,000 profit, and some even of
560,000, but more experienced ones shake
their heads and put in as an offset to the
figures the enormous running expenses of
even one day. The success of the past week
will not deter the management from making
the results of the coming week even more
satisfactory to both the public and the offi
cers, and with this end in view Manager
Johnston has evolved some ideas that will
be put in force at once, and following is the
programme for each night this week:
Monday night will be devotedntirely to
sweet old English music and the popular
ballads. The best compositions of the old
time melodists will be given lrom 7 o'clock
until 10 by the Great Western Band. Tues
day night will ring with melodies from the
Land of the Thistle, and thousands from
Scotia's shores will once again "Oh, whustle
and I'll come to you, my love."
Wednesday evening, and the beautiful
notes of "Come Back to Erin" will betoken
tbe advent of the songs dear to the heart of
every true son of Ireland.
Thursday night will be floral night, and
the air will be heavy with the sweet perfume
of the handsomest cut flower exhibition ever
given in this city. The credit of this idea
is due to Manager Johnston, and the total
expense of the whole has been cheerfully
borne by the following hotels of this city:
The Duquesne, the Anderson, the Seventh
Avenue, the St. Charles, the St James, the
Central, the Hotel Boyer and the Deshons.
Friday night will be devoted entirely to
classical music and gems from the best com
posers. Saturday night means "all hands around,
everybody balance all and all take
part in the dress parade." Music will
be carefullv selected to suit the popular
taste. Ibeweek .ttter will, of conrse, begin
with other national music: the German, and
French, and Welsb, and Italian, winding up
with Miss Columbia. Then there are plans
going on to secure choral music: tho Mamner
chor, the EistoHed, eta, to follow.
Shown by Edward Groctzlnger bnt nn Index
to tbe Stock nt 027 nnd 629 I'cnn Ave.
It is only within tbe past few years that Pitts
burg could boast of a store devoted exclusively
to tbe sale ot carpets and curtains that would
compare with those of the largest Eastern
cities, the majority of dealers here, as well as in
cities further West, carrying a line of other
coods entirely foreign to the carpet trade.
Some years since Edward Grnetzm;er, then
doing business in Allegheny, conceived the idea
of erecting a mammoth edifice for the exclu
sive sale of carpets and curtains, the realization
of which was the six storv structure Noj. 627
and629Penn avenue. The building also con
tains a basement, and the entire seven floors ot
space are filled with a stock of the very latest
weaves and patterns, culled by experienced
buyers from the choicest productions of the
That Fittsbnrgcrs may purchase the choicest
goods, it became necessary for Mr. Groetzinger
to import largely to be enabled to supply his
immense wholesale and retail trade at prices as
low as the goods can be obtained in the East
ern marts. To satisfy yourself that this can be
done you have bnt to pay Mr. Groetzinger a
Visit of inspection.
We desire particularly to call the attention
of visitors to the city to our display at the Ex
position. It is located on the ground floor in
the southeast corner of tbe mam building,
directly to the light of the entrance to floral
hall. The design shows a reception hall, par
lor, library, staircase and balcony. The de
signing and decorating were all conceived by
artists in Mr. Groetzingers employ.
The reception hall 1 covered with one of the
finest Royal Wilton carpets ever brought to
America. 'Two windows in the hall are fes
tooned with fine Renaissance curtains; a dour
leading outward is represented by a pair of
French Turcomans of uniqne design. At the
top of the stairways is a balcony (containing
fireplace) reaching entirely across the space.
The stairways and balcony are carpeted.with
Royal Wilton similar to that of the reception
hall, and make a most beautiful showing.
Immediately in front and to the right of the
reception hall Is the parlor, with library in the
background. The floors of both rooms are
covered with a beautiful Gobelin carpet of
camel-brown ground, interspersed with figures
of a darker hue. Scattered here and there are
beautiful monnted animal rugs, the two princi
pal of which are very fine specimens of the
royal -Bengal tiger, being 9 feet 6 inches in
length. Tbe one in the immediate front having
the eyeballs lighted at night, and the capacious
jaws distended, giving it a peculiar ferocious
appearance but it won't bite. The collection
of animal rugs in tbe exhibit is the finest ever
shown here, consisting of black bear, panther,
silver and red fox. wolf, etc One very rare
specimen is that of a pnre white fox, set in the
center of a black fur rng.
The parlor and library are separated by
portieres of French Turcoman, relieved by
Renaissance and Brnssels lace curtains. The
walls of the parlor are composed ot rolls of
finest Royal Wilton and Axminster carpets of
entirely new designs, while here and there are
scattered numberless Indian and Oriental rugs,
handmade, of designs peculiar to the fancies of
the Eastern artists, and which are beyond our
powers of description.
The display altogether is a most valuable one,
representing enough capital to stock an ordi
nary carpet store. The goods shown have not
been imported for the purpose of making a
show, although they are of tbe finest manu
factured, but can all be duplicated at our big
store on Penn avenue.
Wo will esteem it a comnlimcnt If strangers
Tisiting tnc exposition win
.., .. - .- i.i - .t .. . ; r
call in and take a.
look through our store.
In fact you ought not
to go home until you have been through all its
departments. We employ plenty of help, and
extend a welcome to country merchants to call
while up to see the show.
Remember the location. At Exposition: At
right of entrance to Floral Hall. Stores: 627
and 629 Penn avenue.
E. G. Haya & Co., 75 Fifth Avenue.
This young firm has a most creditable ex
hibit of gennine novelties. They are very
young men, but are manifestly progressive
The) believe that an Exposition should be in
structive; that it is an educational affair; not a
time for bringing out tbe same old too familiar
objects, but the time to receive now impres
sions and ideas. Therefore, not one of the old
style dark wood cased pianos is to be found In
their space, but choice, selected specimens of
French walnut. English burl oak, bright, rich
hued rosewood, mahogany and antique oak.
The pianos carried by Hays & Co. are the
Jiathushek (that will stand any amount of
hard work and persistent usage); the Lester,
and the Hazleton Bros. The grand
ot this latter make is a noble In
strument, beantlful action, and deliciously
full sonorous tone. The miniature Cabinet
Grand, called the "Petite Bijou," has wou
many encomiums. It is astonishing bow much
sound the little thing gives ouVflespite its
short strings; the very thing to take with a
serenading party or a picnic, or similar oc
casion where a large Instrument would be too
cumbrous. The Wilcox & White pneumatic
symphony organs are the greatest invention of
me day. .aiuMcisprouucea oy me leet alone
or by hanas, or by both together; every register
of reeds acting upon the pneumatic organ.
Anybody can procure music from them, musi
cian or not; no wonder they are so popular
The exhibit is so bright and cheerful and the
mecbancial bird sings so blithely, and it all is
so pleasant, that people congratulate the youn"
Una that has stepped right to the front with
such courage ana aplomb.
Hopper Bros. & Co.
How steadily has this stately yet graceful
edifice in north gallery grown in popular favor.
Visitors making tbeir initial tour of the hall
involnntarilv halt to examine this rrnwn
triumph, a real home thousands have houses
which alone entitles the habitation to that
most restful of terms, "home;" the habitues of
the Exposition have not been satlsfl ed y, ah one
visit, but have returned day after day bring
ing tbeir friends to enjoy it with them, to that
at times tbe crowd amounts to a blockade.
Every one has enjoyed looking at the luxuri
ous library couch, which has been added to tbe
exhibit, manufactured in its entirety by Hop
per Bros. 4 Co., 307 Wood street This couch
is of antique oak, covered with gennine moroc
co, with a rolled bead rest that sweeps impres
sively nearly to tbe flooc Such springs, such
tnfting can onlv result In something an n.
fortable and soothing, that It will be a difficult I
matter to induce the occupant to leave it. Tbe
couch is a most
; appropriate adjunct w
other furniture, although It is a subject oi sur-
prise, that anything more conld have been
added to what was already apparently com
plete. Should this-firm elect to demonstrate
still further their capabilities. It wonld just as
surely prove to be something equally Hand
some and desirable.
Tbe Lending Tea Home of the World.
It is no wonder that this tea? company has
met with such success when one takes into
consideration the energy, enterprise and push
displayed by it from their start in 1S61 to the
present day." The fact that the name of this
firm has been copied in part to a greater ex
tent than any other In the world goes to prove
that its business was a great success.
There haYe, however, been no imitators who
have made a notable success. The reason is
not hard to discover. The Great Atlantic ana
Pacific Tea Company, with its 200 large stores
in different cities oft the United States, has
been able to conduct its business on a scale of
magnitude that enabled It to obtain prices far
below its competitors, and thus sell to Its
patrons at the lowest prices. Everyone should
call and examine their stock of teas, which
include all the choicest varieties known. Most
celebrated among these is the Tnea Nectar,
put up in one-pound boxes, only 00c a pound.
With each pound a special present is given. It
is upon the fine quality and delightful flavor of
this delicious brand of tea that much of tbe
high reputation of the company has been built.
It is worthy a place on any table.
The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
has six stores in Pittsburg and Allegheny,
which have been highly prosperous under tbe
management of MrOwen Jones, doing a very
large business in tbe most satisfactory manner
to its patrons.
Besides teas tbis company handles tbe well
known A. A P. baking powder, which is the
purest and best article of the kind on the mar
ket; they sell thp excellent A dt P. brand of
condensed milk, and their selectiou of coffees
is unsurpassed; The location of their stores is
as follows:
34 Fifth avenne, 1703 Carson street, 4311 But
ler street, 6127 Penn avenue, Pittsburg; 126
Federal street, Allegheny; 128 Fifth avenue,
McKeesport. tusu
Donblo Exhibit Plumbing In Gallery and
Pampi In Blechnnlcnl Hall.
The lovely display In gallery has been the
cynosure of all eyes, as the crowds linger near
this space. Several important pieces have been
added to tbis exhibit, but the Ourney hot
water heater holds its own in tbe estimation of
tbose who are seeking the best method for
making homo warm and comfortable as winter
comes on. Beyond tbo advantages heretofore
Suoted, the fact that this hot water apparatus
oes not require the constant attention neces
sary with steam, as the heater only needs look
ing after two or three times in 24 hours, and an
ordinary domestic is quite competent to take
charge of it.
in Mechanical Hall present many features of
interest. The colors white and gold are symbol
ical of their merits. The white is the emDlem
of purity and simplicity, the gold of their
worth, for is not good water pure, and i not
the pump which procures it worth its weight
in gold for yielding such an imcomparable ele
ment? The Kej stone pump is the best of its
kind; it is shown in many forms, double and
single acting force pumps and one species
triple. The pump which can draw water at
one point and have two outlets acting at tbe
same time, one at tbe spring and the other at
house or barn hundreds of feet away, is tbe
triple acting, and it is a marvel in tbe pump
line. At this exhibit 100 different kinds are
shown, one very simple and effective pump is
nsed for filling the boilers of threshing ma
chines: it can also be used to advantage for
sprinkling lawns. Parties looking for the best
kinds of pnmps extant will find it to their in
terest to consult with Reinecke & Co.
Kramer & Redman, Limited, nnd G.T.Her-
rick & Co., 70S Smilbficld St.
While occupying no regularly allotted space,
these enterprising firms bave specimens of
their beautiful workmanship at tho Exposition
that are a revelation to Pittsburgers of the
power of home manufacturers to produce as
handsome settings for fireplaces as can be
found. In Groetzinger"s parlor display they
bave placed a mantel In the style of Louis
XIV, in white and gold, 'with a hearth or onyx
tiles, the whole trimmed with brass. In J. C.
Schoeneck's display they have a mantel oi oak,
with an Elizabothlau fireplace beneath. Also a
wonderfully handsome wrought iron fireplace.
Other superb pieces of art work in hardwood
mantels, in tiles', and grates in brass, silver ana
The massive doors of Machinery Hall are the
Eroduction of Kramer A Redman, and that
rmmads tha beantlful Exoosition case of
B6ggs& Buhl; while the fireplace and exquis
ite blue tiling in Roenlgk's room display are
from the house of G. T. Herrick & Co.
Enough has been said to indicate that these
firms have made a splendid showing at Pitts
burg's Exposition. They court inspection of
their artistic hardwood mantels and tiling and
at 70S Smithfleld street show as bewildering an
array of these beautiful pieces as can be seen
anywhere. They bave the llnest and most ex
clusive line of novelties in wrought iron grates
and open fireplaces, and in tiles, marble and
ceramic mosaics ever seen here. It is a matter
for congratulation to Pittsburgers to know that
such high class work can be, and is done every
day here in their city.
A Very Significant Display of Pittsburg
Notables in tbe Art Gallery.
The Art Gallery is always crowded, not only
In the main rooms, where oil colors and pastelle
predominate, but crowded where the photo
graphs have been allotted space. Mr. Dabbs,
as the leading photographer of Pittsburg,
holds our Pitts uurg people very close to bis ar
tistic heart, and the result has been that the
best pictures ever seen of many of our first
people are constantly found In his atelier.
Some of these he transferred to tbe Art
Gallery and they are viewed with the greatest
interest by the thousands who have attended
and will no doubt bold as an attraction all
through tbe Exposition season.
The speaking likeness of the late Mr. William
lhaw has been draped in black and is tbe cen
ter of respectful attention by all who enter
these precincts. Others are there who are
well Known to the majority of visitors and each
receives its meed of praise. Mr. Dabbs is es
sentially a portrait-photographer, as he pos
sesses the heaven-born gift of posing his sub
ject so as to produce the best expression. He
does not seek after effects, be reproduces
nature, and all can understand this; hence bis
popularity. No young bride feels that she has
fulfilled all the requirements of her new
position until Dabbs nas photographed her face
and form in bridal costume and made a feature
of the veil. Being in love with his art, he
throws all of his soul Into his work, and the
result is that Dabbs is the synonym of per
fection. DE3IMLER BROS., 526 AND 528 SMITH
Household Furnishings.
Brilliant and striking is this exhibit, filled
with everything useful for the housekeeper's
requirements; the floor, the counters, the four
corner pyramids sbine with articles in nickel,
brass, lacquer ware, steel, glass, agate, granite,
and blue and white wares. There is so much
to see, and oue pair of eyes cannot take it all in
at a glance. Pasteur filters in operation, turn
ing dark, unclean water into limpid, soarMing
streams; New Era clothes washers that cleanse
the clothes without rubbing, the suds being
pumped through them by hydraulic suction;
indurated fiber ware, that can't rust, in all pan
and pail forms; Silver & Co.'s glass rolling pins
that insure flaky, creamy, putty paste, because
the cylinder orpin is filled with cracked ice; "im
perial'' stove hollow ware, inner surface enam
eled on cast iron these are in kettles, spiders,
lipped preserving kettles, and are durable and
desirable; gas laundry stoves, one to four boles,
smallest consumption of gas (an item with the
meter system), John H. Schlag, of Pittsburg,
the inventor. These are only a low of tho arti
cles, and visitors who have seen this exhibit on
main floor will best realize what a herculean
task it would bo to even enumerate tbo items.
And Dining Parlors, Opposite tbe Pittsburg
No more central or convenient location can
be found than this flrst-class restaurant. There
is a large lunch room on tbe ground floor, and
the dining room, equipped with tables, is ou
the second floor. The cooking and service are
the best, and tbe prices are very low. An ex
cellent meal is served for 25 cents, or dishes
may be ordered from the bill of fare if desired.
Visitors will find here prompt attention, good
cooking and a very convenient place to take
meals while visiting the Exposition. Baird &
Co. serve such a large number of meals every
day to their patrons that they know how to
meet the largest demand in the promptest and
best manner.
Echols, Blcllnrray & Co., Pianos and
This exhibit of musical instruments in the
north gallery conveys the idea of the push and
energy of this new firm. The arrangement Is
good and the result attractive. Some ot tbo
specimens shown are ot tbe very best makes
known, and better still they are gaining In
popularity every day. The leading instruments
are from Ahlstrom, Haines Bros., Bush &
Gerts and Jewett. The organs carry such
names as Taber, Waterloo and the celebrated
Mason & Hamlm. Surely an array to meet the
tastes of all lovers of really fine pianos and or-
gans; valid reason for the excellent business,
done by this enterprising firm. Both organs
and pianos are handsomely cased in all tbe
handsomest woods used for the purpose. The
Ecnols A McMnrrav vireronm Is At 123 San
dusky street, Allegheny, in the Telephone
uuuaing, wnere tney win oe nappy to meet
their patrons, both old and new.
Ladle' Fine Farnlahlngs. 612 Penn Avenue."
Though not at the Exposition, this gentle
man desires to call to the attention of visitors
to the city, his excellent stock ot specialties in
all kinds of corsets and kid gloves for ladies,
which are fitted before sold, this insures entire
satisfaction. He also carries a complete line of
fast black and other stockings, and novelties
in ladies' neckwear which will be sold at the
lowest cash prices.
Slovens Chnlr Company.
Our articles of manufacture belong to the in
dustries of Pittsburg. Our combination of an
adjustable folding chair has now been before
the public for 15 years. Our trade has increased
to wonderful proportions in all parts of tbe
world. This wonderful chair has no equal for
convenience, durability and elegance. The
time is not distant when every borne will con
tain one. It combines in one lovely article tho
equal of five plecs of furniture, viz: easy cnalr,
adjustable lounge, child's crib, invalid's re
clining chair and bed. It is neatly finished in
all manner of upholstery, suitable for parlor,
library or sick room. It pleases everybody
old and young alike. As a birthday or holiday
present particularly, it Is the most appreciable
gift that can be made. We hoped to have
had an attractive display at tbe Exposition
but like many other home industries were
barred out, notwithstanding we were among
tha first to place onr names on the roll of life
membership as well as having been one of the
first to assist in tbe pleasing attractions at
every Exposition since 1875.
We feel now that by makinga good display at
our store. No. 3 Sixth street, and offering
special inducements, we can avoid very much
expense which is naturally incurred by an ex
position display, and give our patrons tbe
We also manufacture chairs on wheels for
Invalids, and in fact we carry almost every
thing desired for invalids.
Another of our specialties is office desks of
every description. Largest stock at discount
We are pleased to state that in our special
lines we bave bad a booming trade within the
past 12 months. Right service and just dealing
are the secrets ot success. Please examine our
stock at No. 3 Sixth street
Dealer, Closo & Johns
A notable addition was made to the Exposi
tion yesterday by the completion of this firm's
very fine exhibit, which from tbe elegance
with which all the details bave been carried
out, reflects the greatest credit npon the enter
prise and taste of these gentlemen.
The feature of the exhibit is a Sedan cabinet
from tbe bands of the celebrated Verni Martin,
which Mr. Close was able to obtain through the
good offices of the Garde Meuble of Paris.
Very few of these historic pieces of furniture
are to be found in the United States, and the
firm's placing this beautiful specimen on view
should be highly appreciated by both the pub
lic and tbe Exposition management.
To provide fitting surroundings, Messrs.
Dauler, Close & Johns constructed a sectional
room, furnishing same with draperies, etc., and
other appropriate pieces of furniture.
Goodwin's Restnnrant,
Located in the Fetrolenm Exchange, Fourth
avenue, is one of tbe finest in the city. Its
proprietors know to a nicety now to provide for
the hungry people who are daily served with
food there. They liberally pay to get the finest
viands for tbeir patrons, and have all that is
needful for com Tort. Its central location, ex
cellent appointments and good cooking make
it very popular. A bar attached to this res
taurant is stocked with the finest liquors and
Tho White Sewing Machine.
Messrs J. Kevan & Co. have popularized their
very attractive stand through tbe attractions
of a very elegant exhibit of decorative wort
executed on the White sewing machine by
their skillful operators. The butterfly banners,
worked In tinsel, with pictnre of the Exposi
tion, ai a in great demand by tbe crowds who
are always Innnd here. Miss Newton is kept
very busy filling orders for tailor-made gar
ments fashioned by her most excellent system.
The Exposition Cafe
Is tho best equipped and best conducted res
taurant tbat ever graced our expositions. A
most excellent, varied menu is served by the
good-looking waitresses in their picturesque
costume of white Normandy caps, white capes
and aprons. Mr. John Kroger, the host, is a
nrince among his craft and deserves the highest
encomiums for the superior manner in which
guests are entertained at his pavilion.
Smoking Not Allowed In Main Building,
But a most desirable place has been allotted
smokers on the cafe balcony overlooking the
river, and in the space between main and me
chanical balls. Smokers can find an excellent
stock of first-class cigars at tbe entrance to
the restaurant. To try them means to enjoy
Tbe Hotel Hamilton.
This favorite house having been completely
renovated and remodeled at heavy expense is
fully prepared to care for visitors to the
city. Table first class, rates moderate. The
hotel bar is the best stocked in the county.
A Plttsburger In West Texas.
Beackett, Kinney county, Tex., Sep
tember 11, 1889.
A. F. DIgnowity, Esq., Pittsburg, Fa.
Deah Sie Perhaps a few words from
me at this time giving impressions etc.,
may not come amiss. Leaving Fittsbnrg
on the evening of the 31st ult., I made no
stop until reaching San Antonio, which
place I reached (barring several detentions
and a couple of freight wrecks) at 7 P. H,
on the following Tuesday. Your letter to
Mr. J. V. Diguowity 1 was unable to
deliver owing to his absence from the city,
but I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Wm.
.ruriss, witn wnom i naa a long ana pleas
ant talk. I had often heard and read of San
Antonio as being the paradise of sports and
gamblers, and lawlessness generally, but I
must &y that in my two days stay here, and
I think I saw the city pretty thoroughly,
that I did not see a single drunken man, or
any signs whatever of a disturbance. I will
veuture to say that in a New England town
ot equal size, you could not find a
more peaceable state of affairs. The
idea of men going around vith pistols in
their belts looking for blood is absurd.
The day of such men 33 Bud Thompson,
Jack Harris, Billy Simms, etc., is gone,
never to return. I had several pressing in
vitations to stay longer but as I promised
you to go to Brackett, I pushed on and
reached here on Thursday evening last. To
say that I am pleased with tbe country, would
convey but a faint idea of how I like it. After
being so much accustomed to tbe high hills
or Pennsylvania, to be so suddenly trans
ferred to such a vast plain, it did seem rather
odd at first, but the more'l see of the conn
try, the better I like it, and I hope the day
will soon come, when this vast fertile coun
try will be dotted with towns and villages,
which will put to shame the boasted advan
tages of the much talked of West And
there is no earthly reason why it should not
be so. I do not think you have over esti
mated its advantages in the least, and I
am only too glad to add my little mite in
helping to build it np. I had the pleasure
of driving over to your Mariposa ranch last
Sunday, and what a magnificent piece of
property it is. It must be seen to be appre
ciated. With a thorough, earnest and sys
tematic cultivation, could be made equal to
any oithe famous farms of South California.
Hope everything is progressing favorably
with"you, and that the result of your labors
will be that Northern men will see these
things in the right light, and that it will be
to their advantage to come here. Person
ally I have found the people as hospitable as
can be lound anywhere, and as for safety,
where else in the United States can you go
to bed on the ground floor, and leave" doors
and windows open? The idea ot people
going round with their lives in their hands
is a bugaboo, and simply born of preju
dice. With regard to the newspaper busi
ness, matters are progressing favorably and
will be consummated shortly. With kind re
gards, I am yours, very truly.
J. F. Bueton.
Call for a glass of Baenerlein Brewing
Co.'s lager beer when giving your order at
your favorite club, hotel, saloon or restau
rant. It is pure, healthful, palatable and
invigorating. Proprietors and managers
will find it to their interest to keep it on
tap. Telephone 1018. Bennetts, Fa.
For sale, 2,000,000 good No. 1 building
brick delivered at Pittsbnrg, or along line
of Allegheny Valley B. B. Address S. S.
Lindsay, Creighton, Pa, K tvtsu.
1889 Vt
John McCoy Was Cannht and Charged
With Swearing Falsely An Allegheny
HorseDeaIer Is Prosecutor.
John E. Allen and W. T. Turner, opera
tives of the Gilkinson .agency, returned
from Beaver county 'Friday evening, bring
ing with them as a prisoner John McCoy,
whom they caught after a lively hnnt
through Butler county. McCoy is charged
before Alderman McKelvey, of tbe South
side, with swearing lalsely against John
Campbell, a horse dealer, whp lives on West
Jefferson street, Allegheny. Campbell is
accustomed to visit the neighboring counties
to buy horse.. Some time last month, when
in Evans City, Butler county, he was ar
rested on a charge of robbing John Stewart,
of that town. McCoy was tbe witness
against him. He swore that he saw Camp
bell take a roll of bills from Stewart's
pocket. McCoy swore at first that both
Campbell and Stewart were drank, but
afterward said that only Stewart was intoxi
cated. Campbell proved to the satisfaction
of tbe Court in Butler that he had a good
reputation, bnt he was convicted on McCoy's
testimony. He is now under bail pending
the decision on a motion for a new trial.
The detectives discovered when they
went to Evans City that McCoy had disap
peared from that place immediately after
the conclusion of the trial. It was learned
that he had been seen at Callery, bnt when
his pursuers reached there on Thursday he
was gone. The Butler fair was visited, bat
no trace of him found there. On Friday he
was located at BrushC reek, in Beaver
county, and was arrested while working on
a derrick. He strenuously objected to ar
rest, bnt was pat into a carriage and driven
to tbe nearest depot. On the way he tried
to jump out of the carriage. He was lodged
in tbe conuty jail here. He will have a
hearing on Tuesday, and his bail has been
fixed at $300.
McCoy is abont 20 years old, and is from
Clarion county. It has been reported that
he is wanted in Clarion county on some
charge, bnt Giikinson's agency was enable
to furnish positive evidence on that point.
They wonld like to have it.
The New Wrought Iron Pipe of tho Philn- 4
dclphla Co. Stands the Test.
Superintendent Brown, of the Bureau of
Water, yesterday was present at the test of
the new wrought iron pipe to be nsed by the
Philadelphia Company. It was a 36-inch
tnbe, over a mile long, of steel plate riveted,
and Mr. Brown says it is the tightest gas
line he ever saw. and more secure than any
as yet laid, either in or oat of the city.
Biter & Conley arc the makers, and under
T5 pounds pressure there was no appreciable
leak in a mile or over, which is a most ex
cellent showing.
It carried more gas than anyone wonld
suppose, being fed by two lS-inch, three 10
inch, two 8-inch and two 6-inch pipes, and
would carry more gas than anything he has
ever seen in the shape of a pipe.
He said, further: "This will inaugurate a
new era in the gas pipe business, I have no
donbt, as the diminution of friction is the
great point to be attained; and one pipe of
large diameter, as shown by to-day's experi
ment, will carry more than a great nnmber
of smaller ones."
The new pipe will probably be adopted
for all mains.
Fayette and Cambria Counties Famish
Men for Riverside.
Yesterday Sheriff J. C.Steinman, of Cam
bria county, brought three prisoners to the
Biverside Penitentiary. Morris Knox, for
arson, was sentenced for two years; William
Johnston received the same sentence for a
similar offense, and William H. Lafferty
one year for bigamv.
Sheriff J. O. Miller, of Fayette county,
brought in Allen Hone, who was sentenced
one year and: six months for larceny and re
ceiving stolen goods, and John Bockweli.
two years for larceny by bailee.
To be Reopened.
Christ P. E. Church on Union avenue,
Allegheny, has' been renovated and orna
mented anew. It will be reopened to-day
with services at 10:30 A. M., and 7:30 P. 31.
Bev. Bobert Meech is rector.
That heretofore appeared on
this page of THE DISPATCH
will be found on the Eleventh
Page, in the Second Part of
this issue.
The Wants, For Sales, To
Lets, Business Chances, Auc
tion Sales, etc., are placed
under their usual headings on
the Eleventh Page. Adver
tisements handed in too late
for Classification will be
found on the Sixth Page.
To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and sbe suffered
on for 13 years. The aches and pains which she
experienced in almost .every part of her body
were simply terrible. Tbose sharp, cutting
pains across the small of her back and lower
part of her body were almost unbearable. Jn
fact, she suffered with all those diseases and
conditions peculiar, to women. For three
months her mind was unbalanced, and for
months she was confined to her bed. She be
came very weak and emaciated, so tbat she
onlv weighed 98 pounds. No one expected her
to live, much less get entirely cured. After re
ceiving three months' treatment from the phy
sicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute,
323 Penn avenue, she says: "The condition of
my rase was much worse than has been de
scribed. It is over five months since I became
cured, and no trace of tbe disease has since ap
peared. I now enjoy good health and am very
glad to testifv to my permanent cure bv the
physiclins of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia In
stitute." Mrs. Thomas Hatton,
Putnam, Pa.
MRS. DR. CR0S8LEY, ladies' consulting
physician at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti
tute, 823 Penn ave. They cure Catarrh, Dys
?epsia and Diseases ot women. Consultation
ree to all. Office hours, 10 A. K. to 1 P. x., and
6 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 13 to 1 p.m. se!5-l&5
. "YV
Began Their Talk
and the Connfty at Large .
In some form or other the talk
ever'we may bave written, we can
of TRUTH from first to last and
to this 'quality we can attribute the
Clothing, Hat, Furnishings-
Shoe Business,
Not only in Pittsburg, but'in this
of those who patronize us increases
th'at we were headquarters in this
to male attire. That we could, m
itors and go them one better. We
hence it is most gratifying to us
also believe it increases daily.
We Have Fall Goods for Everybod
. Rich and Poor! Business or Professional
Men! Workingmen or Mechanics!
Old or Young!7 , -
... .
ment Look here, look there, look
holdlv disDlaved. eoods which vou
suppose could only be obtained at
An air of freshness, Deaury, gooanes.styie 'pervades .eyery aepart-
exclusive furnishing goods stores, exclusive shoe stores and' we state ar$
indisputable fact when we say that in every instance our j, ,
Price is But One-Half That Asked by the
Exclusive (?) Houses.
We want everyone to know that strangers and citizens alike aret
welcome to the freest use of the full facilities of our far-famed Cloth-
ing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods establishment, welcome to come
rieht in our store ' and ask to
checked and call for them at their convenience. We make no chargest .
and none need feel obligated to buy unless they choose. We want ou'
store to bring to your mind one of the pleasantest places in Pittsburg
We want you to think of our store as the handiest place whenever Pitt
burg comes to your mind. .
You Can Come From Any Part of the Country
within a hundred miles of Pittsburg and by investing a few dollars ir
clothing for yourself, bpys or children, save enough money to not only
pay your expenses to and from here;
you to have a good time while m this
No Dealer Can Duplicate Either Onr
Goods or Onr Prices.
We have a wealth of pleasing surprises. Everything that brains
and experience could suggest and enterprise secure. By offering the
most liberal of inducements from time to time and living squarely up to
what we advertise we have established a reputation for liberality and j
veracity unequaled in any similar establishment in this city. Nor ara
we recognized alone as liberal and progressive. Our aggressive methods
as well as our progressive style of business, together with ourt wonderful
and ever increasing popularity is without a parallel in mercantile life.
Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to;. '
:) -
to This Community
has been daily ever since. . What
sincerely aver that it had the qaality ,
we think, nay we are
that.it kj
respect that all our annoaaceaeatt'
A-& '
a '
section of the country. The
T' -
daily. We have all along 'dawaed -
section for EVERYTHING pertaining .
sporting language, "see ,our compet
claimed this 'because we believed 'it 0
that the number of th'ose who-
4 -,
..... . "Tf-a. n
anywhere. You'll see, in our store, ,
have hitherto been accustomed to'
merchant tailors, exclusive hat stores
have their bags, bundles, wraps, etc
but also have enough left to enablei '
city of ours.
iiUU to 4UU 'Market street,
H15-TTSM r,i
-a ,