EKS3ls! ' .V'-" .TV 'S rr 5"j!??Sj?"j - THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, .1889: I". I TBL Just 1,300 Cars Tied Up on the Junction Bailroad. TRAFFIC BADLY DELATED. The P. & W. Leaves the Junction and B. & 0. Eoads in the Lurch. MANAGER M'DOXALD EXPLAINS Ana Claims the Coke Strike is Responsible for the Trouble. 20T ABLE TO HANDLE THE BUSINESS Trouble is brewing between the Pittsburg Junction Railroad and the authorities of the Pittsburg and "Western. For some time past freight cars have been accumulating at an extraordinary rate in the yards of the former road, and also along the siding of the Baltimore and Ohio Company. It ie claimed that it is almost impossible to get the Pittsburg and "Western to receive any west-bound freight, and that if the blockade continues to grow in size, as it is now doing, business will be practically suspended over the Junction road. An idea of the size of the blockade can only be gathered from an actual visit to the yards of the interested companies. The Junction is a special sufferer. Long trains of cars filled with various kinds of freight lie on its sidings, cover the bridge and in and around "Willow Grove extend as far as the eye can see. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad has considerable freight laid up at Glenwood and other points in and around Pittsburg. Tne coke men seem to be largely inter ested in this matter, but they are very re ticent. They are unwilling to offend the officials of any of the roads concerned, and while several of them were interviewed none would allow the publication of their names. COKE SlEX FIGHT SHT. They admitted that they had been notified by Superintendent "Ward, of the Junction, of the existence of a blockade, but professed to be ignorant of how far they were con cerned in it One of them stated positively that he had 100 cars of coke lying there for over a week, and with little prospect of getting it to his consignees in the proper time. ""Why!" he said, "cars are coming into the Junction yards at the rate of from 125 to 200 per day. while the Pittsburg and "Western is only taking from 25 to 50 away in the same time. It would be a very nice problem for Eomeone to solve when the blockade will be ended, if this manner of decreasing it continues." The first intimation of the existence of a blockade came from authorities high up in the Junction road. They were highly in dignant at the way in which affairs were being conducted. According to their state ments abont 1,300 cars, loaded with all kinds of freight, are now lying in the yards of the Pittsburg Junction and Baltimore and Ohio roads, and that cars are constantly being received more rapidly than the Pitts burg and Western handles them. The blockade began, they sav, about two months ago, and has been Bteadily increasing ever since. Superintendent Patton, of the B. & O., agreed in placing the number of blockaded cars at 1,300, and places the blame on the Pittsburg and Western officials. He was not inclined to talk very much, stating sar castically that it would take someone thoroughly conversant with freight matters to understand the situation. Something, however, would have to be done, and the sooner a change was made the better it would be for all concerned. H'DOXALD TAKES A HAlfD. When Mr. McDonald, of the P. & W. road, was approached by a Dispatch re porter, he was outspoken In his views. When asked if it was true that they were only handling from 25 to 50 cars per day, he said: "Well, people who make statements like that generally have not much regard for the truth. "i e have been moving nearly 100 cars for the Junction road every day, and have only fallen below that number when some accident has happened along the road. "Of course quite a number of cars are standing on the Junction tracks; in fact, there is always a considerable number there at all times. Some time ago the B. and O. officials reported 750 tied up and there are no more than that tied up at the present time. This shows that we have since this last report been handling the freight as fast as it has been received. We cannot do im possibilities. The grades on onr road are very steep; we can only haul from 18 to 22 cars at a time, and we have only got 13 'engines to attend to this part of the work. We will move these cars as soon as we can, but our own peculiar business is more im portant to us, and we are not going to suffer in the meantime. EESULT OF THE COKE STBIKE. "The real facts in the matter are these: During the strike in the coke regions, quite a number of cars accumulated in these regions. When it became known that H. C. Prick intended to buy up as many coke plants as possible, and the price of coke was, therefore, in danger of going up, con sumers became anxious to lay in a supply of coke. The cars up there were hastily loaded, and they were shipped on us so rapidly that the blockade resulted. During the months of July and August the Junc tion road did a rushing business, and of course the officials of that road are anxious to make an much money as possible. Now the Junction has immense yards in which to store freight while we are very deficient in that respect We could take these cars off their hands and put them on our road, but we would stop utterly all locomotion along the line by such an action. We are not doing any thing rash. "Our rates are one-fifth less on freight this year than they formerly were, and still our profits are much greater than before. This proves that we must have handled an increased tonnage, and the Junction is among the ones benefited.. There is no necessity for this kicking. CABS LOADED WITH TAX BABE. "Many of the blockaded cars are loaded withtanbark for Allegheny City, and it is often the custom to let these cars stand for months before unloading them. Besides we only make switch fees, that is El 50 per car on all freight due Allegheny City, and it would be follv to cxDert us to handle this kind of business to the detriment of better paying freight. We have endeavored to I biac cuiuva hum uMa Juaua, niLliUUl avail. Several new ones are being built for the road, however, and they will be ready in a month or two. When tbat time comes we will be able to handle freight bet ter and will be in less danger ot a block ade." Tbe coke men do not credit the statement that the strike and subsequent events are responsible for the blockade. Besides, the Junction officials state that very few of the cars are loaded with tanbark,and that nearly all the cars are not local but through ones. Again, nearly three-fourths or the profits or the Pittsburg and Western are L,ade on freight brought over the Baltimore and Ohio. It is hinted that this may be the opening of a long-expected strnrirle betwepn the two roads,and if such is the case a lively I Mre iiiaj vv cAjjecteu, FREGH OC MAKING GREAT ARRANGEMENTS. TIio State League of Republicans Clubs to Gel a Roynt Welcome In Pittsburg Attention to Every Detail. The joint committee of the Americas, Tariff and Young Men's Republican clubs met last night to periect the lo'cal arrange ments for the reception of the State League ofEepublican clubs upon the 23th of Sep tember. A full representation Was present from each of the three local organizations when Chairman Y. H. Lambert called the meeting to order. The session of the com mittee was not long, but considerable busi ness was accomplished in the treatment of reports from' sub-committees. There haTe been some changes in the composition of the sub-committees. The list as given out by Secretary James W. Prescott last night is as follows: Reception and Hall A. C. Robinson, George S. Houghton, W. D. Porter. L. Googins and A. J. Edwards. Printing and.Wusic-J. N. Neeb, R. H. Lind say. W. C. Hagan, A. 5. Edwards and W. D. Jones. Transportation and Refreshments H. Ken nedy. T. W. I'aker. J. M. Walker, C. Preston and D. K. McGunnegle. Invitations-!. M. Walker. R. H. Lindsay, George S. Haughton, W. D. Jones and James W. Prescott Finance A. J. Roenigk, John Dalzell, L. Googins, A. C. Robinson and W. C Hagan. Alter some discussion the report of the Printing Committee on the Question of badges was adopted. The delegates wili wear red badges; the Committee of Arrange ments white with silken fringe, and the members of clubs will wear blue badges beavilv gilt. It was also decided to engage the G. A. E. Band of 25 pieces to furnish the music It was stated that the steamer Mayflower had been engaged for the entire day. The subjectof edibles came up, but was laid aside in order to secure an opinion from the proper sub-committee. The matter of decorating Lafayette Hall will be adjusted between the State and local leagues, but as surance is given that it will be hand somely embellished. The admission fee assessed is SI, the only proviso being that the club belongs to the State League. To guard against the possibility of lack of information, Mr. Prescott states that letters sent to P. O. box 135 will receive prompt at tention from the Secretary. Mr. Edwin Stuart, of Philadelphia,Presi dent of the League, sent a letter to Mr. Prescott stating that a number of speakers of national reputation were under promises to be present. The annual meeting bids fair to be a great success. Another meeting of the committee will be held next Wednes day. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of Fittaburgers nnd Others of Wide Acquaintance. Frank McClure, the G. A. E. six footer, who bagged the Burgettstown postoffice appointment recently over 12 competitors, was in Pittsburg Friday last on his way home from Gettysburg, Mr.JlcClure said that Washington county was on the boom; that a lively fair would be inaugurated on October 1, and that the Burgettstown postoffice was doing so large a business that it would shortly be in the category of Presidental postoffices. He also said that it was very foolish far anyone to imagine that the G. A. R. would not resent the treatment of Corporal Tanner by the President and Secretary Noble. He bad heard almost universal comment uon the haste with which Tanner bad been bundled out of office, and the only impression he bad gathered was that the President should have made haste more slowly. J. Friday, the contractor, has begun work on the Smlthfield street bridge to build the cable way addition. The bridge will be wid ened, the additional construction being built along the eastern side. On the eastern side of the bridge the stone piers project over six feet beyond the bridge itself, while on the western side the bridge structure projects a considera ble distance over the tops of the piers. The tops of the piers on the eastern side,tberefore.allow the addition of a width on that side sufficient to accommodate the cable tracks. Stone cutters and masons are now at work and more men will be put on as rapidly as possinle. j -Mrs. J. P. Maeder, sister and three children got homo from Atlantic City yester day. She states that their terror was almost unendurable. They had plenty to eat, but at one of the hotels the guests were forced to lire a whole day on tomatoes. The grocers refused to supply the hotels, as they got their pro visions from Philadelphia, and are of no use to the local grocers, "when descends on the At lantic the gigantic storm wind of the cnuinar. and when. Undward in his wrath, he scourges the toiling surges, laden with seaweed from the rocks," Mrs. Maeder thinks there are pleasauter places than Atlantic City. Adam Trautman, the well-known Soutbsider, is expected home from Europe to day, after a three months' tour of the conti nent. His friends will remember that just prior to his departure from this country for Europe, he was suddenly taken ill, and some alarm was lelt. He subsequently recovered sufficiently to sail for Europe and the hope was entertained that the sea voyage would restore his health. Contrary to this expectation he re turns home in an enfeebled condition. The glorious climate of Pittsburg may do much toward restoring his health. It is said there is no doubt that Vice President J. N. McCullongh, of thr Pennsylva nia Company, will be elected to nil the place In the Pennsylvania Railway directory made vacant by the death of William Thaw. Mr. McCultough states, however, tbat he has not been elected, nor has amcetingof the directory been held lately His visit to Philadelphia gave rise to a rumor that he had been chosen. Hon. A. J. Robertson, who has been across the ocean, and weathered the recent gales, arrived in Pittsburg yesterday morning and: rested himself sufficiently to get back to the Chairmanship of the Committee on Cor porations. Mrs. George Bice, wife of the chief en gineer of the Citizens' Traction Railway, Miss Belle Davies, Mr. H. Hammer, wife and child, all of Pottstown. Pa., are visiting Mr. Rice at the Hotel Anderson. Governor Beaver has approved the plans for a hospital for miners, which will be built at Connellsville. It will cost 20,000 and accommodate 41) patients. Philip S. Flinn, Assistant Superintend ent of Highways and Sewers, departed last evening for Norristown, where he will be for several days on business. Harry W. Myers, of Birmingham.Ala., and Joe K. Montelius, of Piper City, 111., who are touring the country on bicycles, are at the Anderson. Eev. E. Hughes, of Giinnell, Iowa, a brilliant and accomplished orator, will preach at the Butler Street M. E. Church to-day. John L. Dawes, the Third avenue man ufacturer of glass labels and signs, departed last evening for an Eastern trip. Mr. W. M. Granger and wife went West last night on a visit to Indianapolis, Chi cago. Cincinnati and Columbus. A. E. Frank and M. Friedenrich, of the Armor Lithographing Company, have gone to Philadelphia. L. F. Arensberg, who has been attend ing the Gettysburg exercises, returned home yesterday. Mrs. James McDonnell and Miss Mc Donnell, of Brooklyn, are at the Monongahela House. Miss Grace D. Oliver, of Duquesne, was at the Seventh Avenue Hotel yesterday. James A. Hughes and M. Barrett, oil men of Jamestown, arx at the Duquesne. Mrs. William G. Billin and Miss E. N. Billin. of Chicago, are at the Duquesne. Bight Eev. Bishop Phelan will dedi cate a new church atMyersdale to-day. Eev. O. A. Hills and wife, of Wooster, are at the Hotel Anderson. Charles D. Hughes left last evening for a brief visit to New York. Tlicy Manned Too Hard. As Officer Carroll, of the Thirtieth ward station, was patrolling his beat along Carson street, about 7 o'clock last evening, he noticed two young men, George Goldban and John Thomas, of Homestead, annoying four young ladles, Goldban going so far as to put his arm around tbe waist of one of the ladies. He arrested both men and lodged them in the Twenty-eighth ward sta tion. Db. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office. 718 Penn 'street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&stt BIG CITY PROJECTS. A More Than Favorable Answer From Mrs. Schenley Received. THREE YEARS HENCE FOR PARKS. The Carnegie Library Gift With a Tery Stout String Attached. , r WORKS FINISHED OK IN PROGRESS The general publio who read from day to day of such a sewer being commenced, or the paving ot such a street being completed, rarely collates these announcements in the aggregate, and considers what a vast amount of city enterprises are pending or in course of construction. Chief Bigelow, of the De partment of Public Works, when asked yes terday as the nature, number and status of the various municipal enterprises now under way or consideration, said gravely: "That is a question which involves more time on my part and space on yours than either of us can afford. Name the public works you wish information on and I will give you the most and best in my power." This was a staggerer, and feebly ransack ing his memory, the querist, to gain time, asked: "How about the parks?" Chief Bigelow The park projects of Pittsburg are all in good shape and promise well. They will be completed in time. Yon mention the Schenley Park matter. Well, yes; I have received a letter from Mrs. Schenley, and, although I do not care to make it public at present, I shall say that it is favorable, in fact more than favorable, and I am confident that all will be pleased with the outcome. WOBK IN THE HILAND PAEK. TheHiland Park is progressing slowly hut surely, and is even now an ornament to the city, of which the attractions and the benefit are already felt. The park upon the Allegheny, from Third street to the Sixth street bridge, will be an assured fact, and will show a good return for the investment. No, that block of business houses on Du quesne way, back of the river, was some what in the light of a myth, and will have no existence save on the paper on which it was written and printed. TheBedford Ave nue Park will get along quietly but effect ually, and I may venture to say that in three years all the breathing places of the citv now under consideration will be well under way. Ot course they will not be finished, for that is a work of many years, but they will show progress sufficient to war rant any further improvements of the kind which are necessary to be undertaken. "The Center avenue improvements will be taken in hand right away, and are ex pected to be. completed by the'beginning of next July, of course, dependentupon all the vicissitudes attending such undertakings. Yes, it is a big contract, somewhere about 250.000. A "The Negley avenue sewering and grad ing is just completed. It was a pretty big piece of work, but may be classed now among the things of the past. "The big things under way will inclnde Hie Thirty-third street sewer, rnnning from 9 feet in diameter to 3 feet, which will be completed about December 1, or there abouts. That represents some 5300,000 out lay. A BIG JOB TO PAT FOB. "The Negley run sewer, it is supposed, will be completed about the same time. It is another of those heavy contracts, as it runs from 6 feet in diameter down to 4 feet, and costs considerable to construct. "Of the Forbes street pavement I can say nothing, as it is still before the Department of Awards, and of course courtesy and justice to the proposed con tractors prevents any mention of the matter. On the street widening question there is but little to say that is not known. The Diamond street matter is in the hands of the courts precluding all discussion of the project. I am of the impression, how ever, that it will be ultimatelv widened. To the Cecil alley widening there is literally no opposition! so that may be looked upon as a ioregone conclusion. I cannot tell you any thing about the Carnegie Library, as it does not come into my department as yet, and the other matters can be found out from the chiefs of the respective bureaus." Chief Bigelow bowed and the conference was at an end. THAT CAEKEGIE MBEAIIY. Hon. W. E. Ford and George Sheppard, Clerk of Councils, was seen on the Canregie Library status, and the latter said it re mained just where it did two years ago when the enabling act was passed. The donation in the first place of $250,000 looked a good deal like a gift with a string to it, as it re quired a certain commission to run the library and a perpetual guarantee of 515,000 per annum for its support. This represented 6 per cent of an increased indebtedncs's of 8250,000 to the city, and the only remedy was the issue of a perpetual bond to that amount. But at the time the city's in debtedness could not be increased, nor could any Council guarantee legislation which might not be afterward rescinded, any more than the Legislature could guarantee any one of its acts to last as long as the much-favored statutes of 1791; so the matter stood, and still stands. Clerk Sheppord said that, although no pernetual guarantee could be given, there was no likelihood that the appropriation of 515,000 per annum would ever be revoked once the citv had this propertv, which required it. as for example, the Penn avenue market and other citv property upon which money is lost annually. Still there seemed to be no disposition to take the matter up. HIS HEAVY CONTRACTS CLOSED. Superintendent Brown, of the Water Bureau, said he knew of several' big under takings still under way, but the majority of heavy contracts in his bureau had been closed. At present there was the 30-inch main on St. Clair street about two-thirds completed, and which was expected to be done by October, subjecj, however, to weather and other unavoidable hindrances. It would cost 75.000. Just then a ring at the Superintendent's telephone notified him tbat the water em ployes were ready to test the 16-inch main on Penn avenue from Point .Breeze to Hammond street, which was completed on Thursdav, and he was assured it stood the test well on a first trial.'the water under his instructions having been turned on gradu ally and the outlets both direct and on side streets having been opened carelully first. The Webster avenue main from Clarissa street to Thirty-third street is also completed. Among other big jobs in progress is the big gas line, 30 inches in diameter, under course of construction by Booth & Flinn for the Monongahela Construction Com- Iiany on the Southside. This is the same ine on which the fatal accident occurred a short time, ago by the blowing out of a test head. Altogether there are a vast number of big projects on .hand in Pittsburg, many of which are yet incubating either in Coun cil committees or in the brains of the enter prising capitalists who see the way to further wealth through their development. Ililnnd Avcnne 'Basses. The Pittsburg Traction Company yester day morning started its new line of 'busses on Hiland avenue. They are said to be regular parlor cars, as far as the appoint ments and comfort) to the passengers are concerned. ME. Jas. B. Hazen, of Hazeldell, Law rence county, Pa., was hit in the eve with a stone.Iast summer, cutting the ball open from top to bottom, followed by total blind ness. A week after, he was brought to Dr. Sadler. 804 Penn ave.. who has restored the sight sufficiently to read all common print, leaving nut a siignt scar. J BIG COMING EVENT. The Local Knights Templar Will Go to Washington Over the B. & O. Another P. & XV. Excursion to Chlcngo. The Triennial Conclave of Knights Tem plar at Washington in October promises to be a great success. The local Knights are making preparations to be present All of the local commanderies have de cided to go over the B. &O. road, and they will leave at 9 o'clock on the morning of October 7, and arrive at Washington early in the evening. ,Ihe crowd of people to be carried is so great that all the division pas senger agents on the B. & O. lines will meet in Baltimore to-morrow to make ar rangements. The Pittsburg and Western road will turn over the commanderies in Painesville, Youngstown and Akron to the Baltimore and Ohio. Tancred Commandery and Pitts burg Commandery No. 1 will each occupy five" Pullman cars and a baggage car. Ascalon and the Allegheny Commandery will combine and fill one sold train. The Baltimore and Ohio expect, to run four sec tions to Washington that day. This week, in the theatrical line, Eice and Barton will go over'the road to Cincin nati, the Passion Slave Company to the same city, Bric-a-Brac to Philadelphia and the World's Museum to Columbus. General Passenger Agent Bassett, of the Pittsburg and Western, says the requests for an excursion to Chicago are so great that he has decided to run one to the Windy City September 26. The train will leave a't 1:40 P. M., arriving in Chicago at 6:55 next morning. AT BRUNOT'S ISLAND. Coal Men Want to Knovr When the Channel Will be Closed. Coal men express a keen desire to learn the intention of the contractors for the Bru not's Isl'and bridge about closing the river channel for six weeks, to enable them to comnlete the channel span. If the channel is to be closed, the coal men would like to know it some time in advance, so that they can let some of their barges down. A call was made at the office of Drake, Stratton & Co. to learn their intention. The only rep resentative of the firm found in was Mr. Jonathan Wainwright. who said: "The coal men will be given ample notice if it is decided to close the channel. It is a question between the railroad com pany and the coal men. More fuss has been stirred up over the matter in some,of the newspapers than has been warranted. We have agreed to complete the work by a cer tain time, and will do it with the least pos sible obstruction to navigators. I am not personally acquainted with the particular plans of those who are engaged in the work." A HALF MILLION DEAL. The RlcCluro Company Bays 1,400 Acres of Coke Lands Near Uniontovrn. The coke trade is still in the process of evolution, judging by the following letter from The Dispatch correspondent at TJniontown. It says: To-day another movement In coal and coke circles took place in this city, and it is of a nature which indicates no one concern will have undisputed control of the coal and coke market. A secret conference has been in daily progress between the following gentlemen: Gilbert T. Eafferty and Charles Donnelly, of Pittsburg, and P. H. Lfndsav, of TJniontown. executor of tho vast estate of the late Colonel Evans. This afternoon the McClure Coke Company purchased 1,400 acres of coal lands at S350 per acre, in North Union, adjoining the works of the company, the purchase notln cluding surface. It is now stated that the same company is, negotiating lor me purcnase oi aau ovens irom Robert Hagsett in Lemonr. While it is rumored that the purchase was made with a view to reselling, the transaction is certainly bona fide. The acquirement givesthe McClure Company a continuous line of fires from Red stone to Lemont DEE COW WAS ABUSED. Tbo Curious Complaint of a Woman From Bridgeville lo Agent Dean. Agent Dean, of the Anti-Cruelty Society, had delivered to him yesterday a letter ad dressed, "Mr. M. Deem, Youmain society, forth street, pitshbuarg." It was post marked Bridgeville, a town on the Pan handle Railroad. The letter reads as fol lows: t "Sept. 13, 18S9. Sur Mr. Deam. 1 have rea son to complain to you of and about Mr. penn sy handrues of this place for woring and abus ing my cow this morning 13 the cow is a valu beel anmiel her neck is tore and also abusing my effer in hayharvest and all tho naber around us have reason to complaing hoping you will attend to hit yours truley Mrs. Evans." In spite of the bad spelling of the letter, Mr. Dean says that he will go to Bridgeville and investigate the case. LOCAL ITEMS. LIMITED. Incidents of a Dny In Tito Cities Condensed for Itendr Heading. Steady improvement in the coke trade is reported. Over 12,000 ovens Were in operation last week, an increase of 1,000 over the pre ceding week. The price may increase, on Oc tober 1, from Jl 35 to $1 60. The H. C. Frick Coke Company has just built 160 new ovens, most ot which are at Moorewood, and Is build ing 250 at Leisenring No. 2. Tho Central Con nellsville Coke Company is adding 100 ovens to the Tarr plant, and the Calumet Coke Company will have 150 new ovens fiuisbed by the end of the month. Railroad Detective Hotjohton, who went to Coshocton, O., to investigate the arrest of two men there, and who identified the pris oners as the same men who assaulted brake men at Moss Side, has returned to Pittsburg. The Coshocton authorities will be permitted to prosecute the men for an assault on the local Town Marshal. Detective Houghton will, how ever, lodge a detainer in Coshocton, by which he can secure the men after Ohio justice has punished them. Owino to the largely increased attendance at the Allegheny High School, Prof, Dodds. Principal, reported to the Allegheny School Controllers that three additional teachers will be necessary. A gentleman will be elected to take charge of the commercial department, and two ladies will also bo added, "but they must pass an examination before the Superin tendent and Principal. TnE newly incorporated Manufacturers' Bank of the Southsido will open for tho tran saction of business on Monday, September 16. The new bank takes the place of tbe old farm ers' and Mechanics' bank. Tho disused build ing of the former bank has been leased bv the new concern for three years, with the option of purchasing before that time, if desirous of so doing. The man Whipple, arrested in Allegheny as a vagrant, ana lounu io nave 5z,y,o in nis clothes, is still held In tho station, the Mayor awaiting intelligence of the man's frienus. Whipple seems to be partially demented, and it isn't considered safe to let him go about with so much money. Complaints were yesterday made to Agent Dean, of tbe Anti-Cruelty Society, in regard to tbe condition of tbe cadaverous mule used to draw about tbe streets the wagon-load of urchins engaged in advertising the World's Museum. Mr. Dean referred the complainants to the Humane Society. A telegram was received by Mayor Pear son from W. S. Rule, of Jacksonville, 111., nho claims to be a brother-in-law of William Whiple, the tramp who was arrested with 53,000 in lus possession, and detained until his rela tives could be found. Mr. Rulo will be here on Monday. Yesterday Sergeant McCurry arrested three more men charged with drinking in the Thirtieth ward tunnel. They cave their names as John William, James Rowland and Michael lleer. Sixteen arrests have been made during the past week for the same offense. Prof. Guttenbekg, the newly elected in structor of biology at the High School, arrives in tbe city to-morrow afternoon, and will com mence bis duties Tuesday morning, Thomas Leonard and Edward De vers were committed to jail for 90 days.f or Insulting Miss Maggie Metzger and Mary Cassiday at the corner of Forty-ninth street. Thomas Morarity was committed to jail for 20 days yesterday by Alderman Doughty for abusing his children . Annie Polo, who was injured by her play, mate last Thursday, Is rapidly improving. The Teachers' Academy will bold Its initial session of the year on September 23. UNCLE SAM'S GUESTS. How Should They 'be Entertained When They Come to Pittsburg? SOME OPINIONS ARE PRESENTED, The American Delegates Will 'ha Cared for in This City. Well AflNE PROGRAMME TO BE PREPARED The coming International Congress of the Three Americas is an event which is attract ing considerable attention. The congress will be held about Octooer 6, and after its adjournment the members will make a tour of the principal cities of the United States for the purpose of seeing the vast resources of this country, and the great magnitude of our industries. The delegates are about 75 in number, and, while an appropriation has been made for their benefit by Congress, the business 'men of the cities visited will be expected to provide for their comfort during their in vestigations. They will arrive hereon the 6th of November, and will remain for two days, inspecting the industrial, establish ments of our cities." Secretary Follansbee, of the Chamber of Commerce, has invited the Mayors of the two citiesfUnd the heads of the Councils to be present at a meeting next Monday afternoon, when arrangements will be made for the reception and the enter tainment of the visitors. With a view of discovering whether the leading men of the two cities thought that the congress would bring about the desired result of extending the commercial rela tions of the United States and the other American nations, a Dispatch reporter called on sseveral of the representative men. Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, said: "I certainly think that the International Con gress will result in creating increased com mercial relations between this country and her sister States. THEY MUST SEE TO LEAEN. "However well informed these representa tive men of the three Americas may be, they can have no adequate idea of the extent of our resources, and the immense facilities of our manufacturing establishments. A visit to our leading cities cannot but convince them that it will be greatly to their ad vantage to drop theli present relations with foreign countries and to start up trade with ns. Of course we should try in every way to make the visit of these men interesting and profitable. No pnblic demonstrations are necessary, as I presume they are here on business and not pleasure. A trip on a boat up and down our rivers would no doubt be very advantageous. The only pity is tbat the members ot the congress do not intend to remain with us longer than two days." John H. Eicketson concluded with these views. "Any step," he said,""which tends to bind closer relations between the United States and te other nations of this conti nent cannot but be of the greatest advantage to them and ns. The visit can do no harm, and may possibly result in very much good. Pittsburg, I believe, would be a great gainer by this step, for even at the present time our trade is steadily increasing with South America. We should offer these visit ing gentlemen every facility for seeing as much of our city as the short space ot their stav will permit." Captain Harry Brown, of the firm of W. H. Brown & Sons, said: "It might be well to charter one of the Brownsville packets, or possibly two of them, to convey the com missioners up the Monongahela and down the Ohio. That would be the best way to i .show them the water commerce and indus tries oi tnis city, jl taint tne coai ana river men wonld assist in defraying the ex penses, and it is probable that the Coal Ex change would assist. The commissioners ought to be taken to visit our principal in dustries. No conference of coal or river men has been held in regard to the matter yet. In fact, all that we have heard about the visit of the commissioners has been very indefinite." THE MAYOE'S .VIEWS. Mayor McCallin That is something im possible for me to say in advance of the Chamber of Commerce Committee meeting on the subject, which takes place next Mon day, nd at which various views will be ventilated on the subject. There will be a great many Spanish-speaking among the visitors, and I suppose the bills of fare should be devised to snit the tastes of the visitors from Olla podrida to Spanish olives and Monongahela water; but I cannot fore cast what will be the course pursued. "As for the importance of the visit, that is apparent to all, as would be the visit of the representatives of any foreign country, more especially those of the South Ameri can countries, whose trade with us is unde veloped and whose commercial intercourse' is to onr interest to cultivate. To encour age manufacturing in countries where the tropical climate encourages indolence the labor-saving machinery is the grand point to develop and " Here, when egg-beaters and apple-corers were suggested the Mayor stopped and said: "Well, the South Americans have no apples, but we want their trade, and if Pittsburg does not make a big effort to se cure a nice slice of it, I am disappointed in the enterprise of our citizens." . THE CORPORATION C0SD1TI0NS. Tho Councils Committee Refers Back Sev eral Ordinances. The Councils Committee on Corporations met yesterday and recommended to Councils the ordinance of the Pittsburg and Bir mingham Traction Company with several amendments, among which were that the road not alone commences constrnction within six months after passage of the ordinances, but also that the work be completed within. 12 months thereafter. Annmber of ordinances were referred to sub-committees of three, including that of the Pittsburg and Mt. Oliver Eailway Com pany to find out what the company wanted, as it was the most indefinite ordinance pre sented for a long time; the Pittsburg Union Passenger Eailway Company was also re ferred; the Hiland Park Street Eailway Comoanyand the Union Line Street Bail- wav Company went the way of all flesh and rails to be considered for recommendations. THE REFEREE DECIDES. Gnndanr and Teenier Ordered to itow Over Again They Won't Row. The parties directly interested in the Teemer-Gaudaur boat race met at The Dis rATCH omce yesterday afternoon to hear the referee's decision. A detailed account ot the proceedings will be found on the sixth page. Teemermade a statement claiming that Hamm not only was on the course coaching Gaudaur, but he also interfered with him (Teemer). Neither Gaudaur nor Hamm appeared at yesterday's meeting, and Mr. St. John stated that Hamm denied in toto that he had interfered with Teemer. After hearing all the statements the referee ordered the men to row over again on Mon day at 4 o'clock p. M. Subsequently the parties agreed to make a draw ot it and take down their money. Will be Taken Home. JofTn Mynan, the 12-year-oJd boy arrested in Allegheny for vagrany, will be taken to his home in Youngstown to-day. His father is in the city, and says that the boy has repeatedly run away irom home, ana .has traveled quite a distance. Eekcham's Fills cure sick headache. rsAES Hwp, th? puresjiMajKajjyexmade,, THE KACQDET WIELDEES. They Win Farther Fame on the Pittsburg Clnb Tennis Courts. Yesterday the Pittsburg Lawn Tennis Cluffkept the ball a-rolling, and, if it were possible, the sport shown was even better than that of either of the preceding days. It will be remembered that the survivors of the two matches, in the "second round, singles, played on Friday, were L. E. Porter and M. K. Coster. In the round, as contin ued yesterday, the scores were as follows: M. Chrhty beat C. A Christy, M. 6-3, 6-3; S. TV. B. Moorhead beat O. A. Painter, 6-4, 64. In the third round, singles, M. K. Coster beat J. E. Porter, 6-3, 4-6-, 6-1; M. Christy beat S. W. B. Moorhead, 6-2. 3-6, 3. The darkness set in at the close of the third round, leaving Marshal Christv, of Sewickley, and M. K. Coster, the sole owners of the fight. There was just time to play two sets of the championship game between these victorious rivals. Christy won the first set by 6-4: Coster carried off the second by 6-2. The third set will be played off on Mon day, when the winner will be the champion of Western Pennsylvania in singles. He will receive the Crogan cup, which is to be held for one year, and he will be required to contest the cup next year in the annual tournament of the Pittsburg club. Of the second prize doubles, but one match could be played. Seed and Moor head defeated Barr and Painter 6-4, 5,7, 6-4. The consolation prize, a handsome smok ing jacket presented by Jos. Home & Co., was then contested for. In the preliminary round W. H. Coster beat E. V.'Paul by default; H. C. Eoess, of Oil City, defeated W. D.Osborn, of Sewick ley, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4; P. V. Lansdale, of United States Navy, beat Baird Eeed, 6-1, 6-2. In the first ronnd two games out of the four entered for were played. In the first game Thomas Ewing knocked out S. W. Childs, 6-4, 6-1. In the second, which was not finished, Dr. E. G. Matson and F. X. Barr won five games each in the first set. The rest of the games will .be played off on Monday. SO W1SD0W GLASS STEIIE. The Demands of tbe Workmen Conceded by tbe Manufacturers. The dispute between the Window Glas3 Workers' Assembly and the Window Glass Manufacturers' Association was settled at a conference of tbe wage committees of the two organizations, held Friday night in the office of E. C. Schmertz & Co., No. 130 First avenue. The manufacturers agreed to concede the straight advance of 5J per cent asked by the workers.- At the same time there were made some changes in the rules which are considered advantageous to the mannfacturers. Secretary William Loeffler, of the manufacturers, and President James Campbell, of the workers, agree that the workers were granted substantially all they asked. Secretary Loeffler says that the ad vance forced by the workers is not warranted by the condition of the trade. For that reason he expects that a number of the manufacturers will not resume operations until later than usual. By such delay the workers will lose nearly as much as the ad vance amounts to. The Commoner and Glass Worker says that the manufacturers delayed to sign the scale demanded onlybecanse they desired to postpone the opening of the factories. The winnow glass workers of the Eastern district, who work at about 10 per cent less than those of the Western district, will now de mand an advance of 5 per cent, and it is probable that thev will meet their mannfac turers in Philadelphia during next week or soon after. PRIMITIYE METHODISTS. Rales Adopted fortho Procedure of Quarter ly Conferences Yesterday the General Conference of the Primitive Methodists convened at 9 A. m. and remained in session until noon. The consideration of the new discipline was con tinued. Bnles governing station and society stewards were adopted. It was decided that the third quarterly conference should provide for the collection of conference funds, which mnst average at least 20 cents per member. The order of pro cedure of quarterly conferences was formu lated and adopted. At noon the conference adjourned until 9 A. si. During the afternoon the members visited various points of interest in the city. HOT SATISFIED. The Seventy-Seventh Boys Will Hold a Re union Tbemselvef. A meeting of the Seventy-seventh Eegi ment. Pennsylvania Volunteers, was held last evening to prepare for a regimental re union. There was only a scant attendance, owing to the hastiness with which the meet ing was called. Alfred Parsons called the meeting to order. Henry Schultz spoke as follows: "I am in favor of a reunion of the old Seventy-seventh, and to have it take place alone. It is a shame the State could not give more than $50,000 for its defenders." Comrade George Drake said ironically: "I think the Gettysburg affair, a reunion of Home Guards. Another meeting will be held next Saturday." CIRCULARS SENT OUT. The State Aisociailon of Poor Directors Will Meet In Altoona. Secretary W. P. Hunker, of the State Association of the Directors of the Poor, has sent out 250 circulars, announcing the fif teenth annual meeting of that body to be held at Altoona on October 15, 16 and 17. The meeting will be held inthe Opera House in that city, and will be attended by the Di rectors and Overseers of the Poor, Commis sioners of Charity and the officers of alms houses, asylums and other benevolent and charitable institutions. Delegates can ob tain orders for excursion tickets by apply ing to W. P. Hunker, Secretary. The Children's Aid Society will meet in Altoona on September 16 and 17. REPUBLICAN COUNT! COMMITTEE. The Campaign and Finance Committees Authorized to Raise Money. The Eepublican County Committee held a regular meeting yesterday afternoon in Common Council chamber, which was pre sided over by Chairman Porter. The only business transacted was the adoption of the following resolution, offered by S. P. Connor: Resolved, That the Campaign Committee be authorized and empowered, in conjunction with tho Finance Committee, to take such action as may be necessary to raise the funds for tbe conduct of tbe coming campaign. The committee adjourned to meet again September 28. A Woman rounds n Han. James Murray residing between Twenty sixth and Twenty-seventh streets,, on Lib erty street, received a severe pounding from Mrs. Hannah. He quarreled with the lady, and she struck him in the face with her fists. Murray then lodged an information before Alderman Burns, who committed her to jail in default ot bail. Women Have a Fiflit. An information was lodged by Maggie Morton, before Alderman Porter, alleging that Annie Thompson, Maggie Brown and Mary Keller abused her in a shameful manuer. Alt the parties reside on Verl street, Thirteenth ward. They will have a hearing next Saturday. Be May Die. John Alder, the young German who at tempted snlcide by shooting himself through the cheek on Thursday, lies in a very precarious state in the Southside Hospital. 7EKTWEIRD SERVICE Held in a FoxDnr;g Church in Honor of a Dead Father and Brother. THE AUDITORIUM WAS DARKENED And the ExerSlses Were Contacted' la the Black Gloom of Highl. SOME LOCAL BINGEE8 WEEE f BESINT L Four Pittsburg singers, M. J. Vogel, MIw Agnes vogel, Jan. uenKler and E. H, Dermitt, took part in a uniqne ana won derfully weird Episcopal memorial service at Foxburg, about 86 miles up the Allegheny river, last Wednesday evening. No such service has been held In this part of the country, possibly not Jn any section of the United States. The only service that ap proaches it, in it oddness, is one held during Holy Week.called the "Tenebra," in the Roman CatbolicJand High Episcopal churches. The -exercises were in honor of the father and brother of C. N. For. The brother was killed where the Episcopal church now stands. At 8 o'clock the service commenced. No lights were allowed, nothing but the mellow light of the moon streaming through the brilliantly stained windows of the sanctuary, which cast a somber color over all. To make the church entirely dark the singers were placed behind some heavy, dark black drapery at the west end. of the auditorium. the chubch dakkened. Lamps were used, but they were shaded so as to cast the light on the music. The clergyman's desk was similarly arranged, and the organist,. Wesley Dermitt, was also covered in like manner. Everything was done to prevent artificial light penetrating the church. When the exercises opened the church was crowded with , visitors, who participated, but' were awed by the mysterious solemnity of the surroundings. A low plaintive interlude from the organ floating across the room announced the commencement of the service, and at the east end of the church a white-robed minis ter emerged from the south transept vestry. He flitted ghost-like across the chancel and took his position behind a screened lectern. When tbe organ ceased its dirge, the minis ter chanted a plaintive psalm and read a prayer. The service was then taken up by the singers. First a hymn in: a minor key was sung, with an organ accompaniment, a little above a whisper. After the hymn a silence pervaded the gloomy place for a minute. The effect was to send a thrill of awe through the worshipers. For an hour alternately a psalm was chanted, or a hymn sung, and then a minute's silence was main tained. A SHOUT ; SEEM ON FBEACHES. After the mournful singing was con cluded the rector, from behind his screen, preached a sermon of abont seven minutes' duration. He spoke about tbe conspicuous events in the life of Mr. Fox's father and the tragical end of his brother. The congre gation filed out while the organist played a solemn march. Everybody was highly satis fied at tbe conelusiOn ot the service, and spoke words of praise -for the singers, who conducted their part in a very efficient man ner. A FIGHT FOR A BABI. Papa Elopes With TouDsETnnn,nndilIaisma Wants Him Back. Last night Mrs. Wm. Evans, a daughter of Alderman Tatem, of Allegheny, consult ed Mayor Pearson as to the best means of recovering her 3-year-old boy. She alleges thatthe child waskidnaped -by her hns band'on Monday,September-3. -Mrs. Evans is abont 22 years old, and has but one child. The couple have lived apart for a year, and the husband has during that time frequently warned Mrs. Evans that he will get possession of his son and keep him. The pair were married nearly four years ago. Some alleged ill treatment by Mr. Eyans caused his wife to return to her father s home on South Dia mond street. About a month ago Mrs. Evens went to Detroit, and when she returned learned that the.child had.been stolen. , On last Labor Day a, little niece of Mrs. Evans took the child np Federal street ,to see the parade paiS.and a man, whom she did not know, came along and begun to talk to them. He said he would take the boy to a better position for seeing, and walked off a few steps with him. A moment after the girl missed him and the child in the crowd, and since then"llttle Evans has not been fonnd. From the description given of the man, Mrs. JUvans nuahana was suspected, and a search resulted in finding that he lived on Lacock street. Mrs. Evans called at the house last night and asked for her child. She was told that the father had taken it out walking. She, however, refused to be lieve this, as she had passed her hnsband alone on Federal street but a few moments before. The Mayor informed her that he was powerless in the matter, and that her only course was to go into court and procure a writ of habeas corpus. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. An Old Lady Breaks Both Her Wrists by a Fall Downstair. Last night Mrs. Julia Howllihan fell down a flight of steps and broke both her wrists. The lady lives at Forty-fifth and Calvin streets, and is nearly 80 years of age. The shock from the injury may prove fatal, and Dr. H. H. Clprk, her attending physi cian, has some fears for her recovery. SELECT .EXCURSION To Norfolk. Fortress Monroe and Virginia Beacb. On Thursday, September 19, special train will leave B. & O. E. E. depot at 8 A.M.,ar riving in Washington City at 6 P. 31.; leave Washington at 6:30 r. M., arriving at Fort ress Monroe. Norfolk and Virginia Beach early the next morning. Eate 810 for the round trip; tickets good for ten days. Charming ride down the Potomac river and Chesapeake Bay. While Waiting- for Cable Car Step into E. P. Boberts & Sons' at the corner of Market street, and enjoy yourself gazing at their superb collection of pottery, silver and bric-a-brac. They are just opening their fall importations and show some exceedingly rare goods. Messrs. Boberts & Sons are always very courteous and obliging and never importnne anyone to buy. See what they have and become acquainted with the new designs for the fall and holiday season. Don't fail tcrspend a day or two at the Oreat Western Pennsylvania Fair tobe held at Washington, Pa., September 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1889. The classes are all full. The finest show of stock ever held in the State. Exciting racing each day. Bicycle tournamen on Thursday forenoon. Good music, beautiful grounds, close to railroad station. Excur sion rates on B. & O. and Chartiers Bail roads. ' Use "Una flour finest spring patent in the world. "GoIdeni"jVedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Horning's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. The most efficacious stimulant to excite the appetite is Angostura Bitters, - sr . - : , l-j-v ft jr-: a cane masses Tsrea iihhw 4 SMr rls frtonWeri He Saya 8mm Mi Hrei Th'roseh' the Wbdevrv Edward Harris, a 13-year-eM boy, was shot in a mysterious maMer o the 'Walk accommodation between Wilkinslmg aad Swismfefeft Bight. Tfce lr, wfcr.k son of Morgan Hams, bs IeMmtat the Edgar Thomson Steel Weki,ws ia company with another bey Msed' Cfcarieii Einard, who is about his' ova age. The boys claim they mn la one end of tie ear. .tMi'ltm I the train was passing a given pent beWeei outside. j.- The story Is hardly eredible, HiWk, thought tbe boys had sr pistol of Huirjvnl' and while examiainj' it it went oC Tfce "mil was located by Dr.W. A. Sandler. It ruioi in oa the top of the right shoulder. AUur, uic uecp isevti uatter useieit SSOOloer D&&6V Abe wound is serious. The boy moved to his heae at Beeseaer. , : --r A MY $WI f A TMm H1KSHELL. THE CASH QKBnTKJ" f. WW Save Tea OTeaey. . V Come and see ns ia oht new stews. Tteti some time past we hare had toe largest re tail grocery bade la "Western Peyl vania and now we nave the krgett sak roora used in this business ia this pert' of the State. . We have all oar goods arrsweefia de partments First comes onr tea departawat, 20x45 feet, in charge of Wm. MwaTii acknowledged to be the best bleadec o Jbm in this section: Mr. Shaw served ah tiau ? .'7,"". lraae ln one o ne oldest esteb. lished tea houses of Belfast, and ie always glad to meet "Old Country" people and draw them a cup of tea. Then comes our cracker dewateeflt, sugar, cereal, canned goods, spiee, .coffee, provision, soap and general grocery depart ments. Each department has over it aa appropriate sign, so that customers can go at once to the counter for the goods they wish to purchase. We have 6 windows ' along the aide of the store oa Sandusky, it, insuring aa abundance of light. Two "A main entrances on Ohio st. and two in the rear, so that no matter how large the crowd, customers caa come in, he waited oa and pass out in comfort. We new have 30 clerks in our eaploy aad have several ad. aiuoo&i ones engages, wao will commence work during the coaling week. Oar bade has increased so fast that we have had great difficulty in delivering goods promtMj, biV-. in a few days we will-have 3 addtrfeaalf delivery wagons, making seven ia. all, afliK' can attend to orders promptly. , J ' We have issued a hew price list, 'fear "L times the size of our old one. It is the most S complete and comprehensive priee list ever' issued in either eity. Our contract eaUa far not less than 6,000 each weefc It will pay -you. to have one. Orders amounting to $10 without counting sugar, packed and shipped, free of charge, to any point within 200 miles. MATtswrrr.T., 79 & 81 Ohio st.,cor. Sandusky, Allegheny. H. KLEBER Sc BRO'd. Wonderful Showing; at the Zxposhlea. " Kleber & Bro.'s stand at the big show throws all others in the shade fot. beauty, variety and exquisite taste of Its exhibits. The Klebers are the only dealers wflo have nearly all the first-class instruments ia their control, to-wit: The great Steinways, won derful Conovert, the lovely Opera and Em erson and Gabler Ss Bro. pianos, as well as the phenomenal vocation church organs, and the popular Burdett organs, all at won derfully low prices and easy long-time pay ments. Kleber &Bro. are nerhana the nnlv 'music firm in this country who are intrusted great experience, musical judgment and un questioned honesty, causing the great ma jority of buyers to accept Mr. SUeber's se lection ratner than leave it to their own taste. Call at Klebers. 506 Wood street; , hear and see their goods and you'll never , wins: oi aeaiing eisewnese. SELECT "EXCURSION To Norfolk, Fortress Monroe and Virginia. Beach. On Thursday, September 19, special train will leave B. & O. E. E. depot at 8 A.M., ar riving in Washington City at 6 P. M.; leave Washington at 6:30 P. at, arriving at Fort ress Monroe, Norfolk and Virginia Beach early the next morning. Bate $10 for the round trip; tickets good for ten days. Charming ride down the Potomac river and Chesapeake Bay. LADIES. SEE The Grand For Display at Exposition. Seal parlor set consisting of sofa, chairs, umbrella stand and hatrack. The royal bengal tiger, The royal bengal tiger mat, The white polar bear mat, . The largest French plate showcase in the country, filled with novelties in fancy furs, worth double the price of admission. Exhibit of J. 6. Bennett & Co.. Hatters and Purriers, cor. Wood stand Fifth are. A GREAT BARGAIN. A Fine Upright Piano. A magnificent 7) octave upright piano (good as new) with all improvements, ex- ' cellent tone and handsomely carved rose wood case. A $500 instrument will be sold, fully warranted, for $200, including cover andstool. A great bargain at the mnsio store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smith field street Also an excellent Mason & Hamlin or gan for $50. Rare Opportunity far Ladles. Mr. J. J. McKenna, ladies' tailor, of 35 East Twentythird street, New York, will be af the Hotel Anderson on Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, September 16, 17 and 18. He will have samples and designs of the latest importations ot fall and winter cloths suitable for ladies suits, long coats, jackets, ulsters and riding habits. His cloths have been carefully selected from the best English and French manufac turers and will give thorough satisfaction. A call solicited; all orders promptly at tended to. A perfect fit guaranteed. Excursion to the Washington, Pa., Fair. The B. & O. E. B. will sell excursion tickets during the continuance of the fair at Washington, Pa., next week.at rate of $1 50 for the round trip for all trains. Visitobs. Note. Special reduction sale this week Of ladies' muslin underwear, calico and cashmere wrappers, tea gowns, corsets and children's dresses, jerseys, etc Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. PrrTSBUBO beer, brewed by Frauenheim & Vilsack, is a product of home industry. Call for it .Drink it Telephone 1186. Woxdebottl How mothers save money buying infants' cloaks, slips, caps, etc a't Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty, Take Notice. Our 75c double rein forced nnlaundred shirts at 48c each, or six for$2 75. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. In Spite, Although prices have ad vanced, we are now selling comforts, blank ets and wool underwear at last year's low prices. Bny this week at Bnsy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. pHEAP EXCURSIONS SEPT. 10 AND 21 AND OCT. 8. The Pittsburg and Western Railway will sell round trip tickets to all points in Kansas, Ne braska, Texas, Dakota, Colorado. Iowa and Minnesota at tbe fare one way. Good thirty, days. For full information apply to JAMES AIKEN., r , Ticket Agent, P. fc W. Depot; se7-3i-aa Allegheny, Pa, , ' X - W. "? Liflf t ! I V ' Jv., ? iISjl sssaamTAz " vB. j J a iXtUlSfSmliK A 1i. vx . Mjj5jftj' , Jfj"-atfjagS'i n aasfet tit aatfmaaTaTJsiiii f ssW t a4a.ll