V The Musical Wonder, -BY- ERNEST H. NVrittei,- fob rWEITTEX FOU THE DISrATCII.l ENIMOJIE had a lit tle boy who was pas sionately fond of music. The child was scarcely old enough to say papa and mam ma, when his father bought him a flute, and from this instru ment young Fenimore would" evoke the most melodious tones that were ever heard from The Musical Wonder, any Ante. As tne Lot grew older his love lor music increased, and his father, who was very proud of the little musician, did everything to evolve his talent. At 8 years of age Fenimore could plavon anv instrument that'was handed him. and now everybody called him the muvical wonder. The little boy's anxiety fo perfect himelf, however, became greater and greater. He was not satisfied with the praises obtained from the great masters of music in his native village, and he deter mined togoabroad and learn whatknowledge was possessed by the greatest musical men of his time. By this time he could play the most difficult pieces on the piano, the harp, the violin, the flute and the horn. "When Fenimore came to his father, and told him of his resolution to go out and ac quire more musical knowledge, old Feni more n as perfectly satisfied. "Go ahead, mv lad." he said; "make a master of yourself, and bring laurels to an honorable career." Young Fenimore then departed, accom panied bv the best wishes of everybody who knew hiiii, because the boy was a very good Jellow, and everybody liked him. He traveled through many countries, and plaved wherever an opportunity presented itself. Most people who listened to the per formances of the young artist expressed their reat astonishment whenever they heard him. Fenimore himself, however, did not get uiuch satisfaction out of his ..'usic His ambition was insatiable, and his eager anxietv to find a man who could play better than he, left him no rest On and on he went in search ol his musical superior. He had now gone over the whole land, Irom East to "West and from South to Uorth. Still his eflorts were iu vain. So he determined one day to go to the sea and take passage on a ship which might take iiim aw.n into another land. On this journey he one day entered a large and bcautilul lorest, -which was traversed by the road leading to the sea. Fenimore proceeded on his way for sev eral hours, when he was suddenly startled by a wonderlul melody. He stopped, and rooted to the ground as it were, he lis tened. Xevcr had he heard anything in the way of music to equal the sweetness ol those strains which now fell on his ears He realized at once that at last he had found the aim ot his ambition i musical artist superior to himself As lie stood there lis tening his heart and soul almost melted within him with rapturous delight. The instrument which was played was a violin, and as the r.otes fell from the strincs on the air the winds becam the messengers of the sweetest funds that ever emanated from any insttJment, and the very atmosphere sce'med to quiver with joyfulncss. "Oh, how lovely that is!" Fenimore cried, with rapturous excitement. "Who can that musical genins be, who changes this spot into a musical paradise?" Then he turned to the direction whence Vie music seemed to come. Taking the I'Md as his guide, the young musician uaOe his way througn shrubs and bushes, hrongh hedges and thorns. The passage was so.nctimes very much obstructed, but no difficulty could be'great enough to prevent his advance. At last he had gotten through the last inclosure, and he now found him self on a beautiful green bank, which sur rounded a lake like a carpet of the softest verdure. On the lake swam swans and ducks hither and thither, as joyously as if they were trjing to make a dancing floor out'of the suriace of the water. From every branch and twig of the surrounding brush wood birds were seen to hop and skip, up and down, to and (ro. On the ground were squirrels and rabbits, foxes and deer, all jumping around in harmonious steps. For a moment Fenimoie was lost in amazing wonder. Still he had not yet seen the source of the bewitching music, so he turned around and glanced along the bank of the silvery lake. There, beneath some sweetbriar bushes, he at last discovered the figure 01 a beauti ful maiden. She was clad in a garb of gauzy material, which hung loosely over Fenimore Meets the utursc. her body. On her head she wore a golden crown, surmornted by a diamond lyre. In her left hand she held a violin, and with the other she moved the bow across the strings. She had evidently noticed young Feni more, for in the next moment she turned around, and while smilingly looking at him, she changed the music on her instru ment, and a tune, which sounded like Welcome-. "Welcome," seemed wafted toward him like the sweetest greeting he had ever heard. Asthc young man stepped forward toward the lovely musician the tune became more and more fascinating. Feni more forgot himself entirely in the bewitching melody, and he did not notice that the beautiiul maiden slow ly walked backward toward the lake. The young fellow followed her.. unheeding the water s edge. Now the maiden with the diamond lyre reaches the water, steps in, and still she continued to play, more wonderfully than ever. Feni more also stands in the water by this time. Suddenly, as the maiden disappeared under the silvery surface of the water, he also felt himself drawn below. No sooner was he lost under thewater, however, than he be came unconscious, and did not recover his senses until he found himself walking in a beautiful conservatory, in the rear of a mag nificent castle. This structure, he noticed, was built entirely of ivory. In the green house where he was, he observed the finest specimens of a most exquisite flora, whose fragrance made the atmosphere redolent with tbcsweetest perluuie imaginable. Before Fenimore had time to realize where he was, the ladr with the diamond lyre and the violin came to meet him. "Welcome to my home, dear stranger," she said to him, in a voice at sweet as the music of her violin. "Thank vou," replied the young man, "but will yon tell me where I am." "You are in the Castle of the Muses, and I am the Muse of Music" "Will you please tell me where you 3? ill w&Sk HEINR1CHS. the Dispatch. learned to play the violin in such a masterly manner?" asked Fenimore. "I never learned it," replied the Muse, smilingly; "I played just the same thou sands ot years ago, even before David played the harp on the mountains of Palestine. I am a goddess, and it is I who first inculcated the sense of music into the human breast." "Ah! how glad I am I have found you,' cried Fenimore. "I have been passionately fondof music ever since I was born, and I am now even searching lor somebody to teach me the highest perfection of musical knowledge. "Would you consider ttany trouble to teach me?" "No, not at all. Yon may stay with me as long as you wish, and I will give you an opportunity to acquire all I know." Fenimore's heart bounded with delight, and he thanked the Muse for her kindness. From that moment he was daily instructed by the lair Muse, and he soon found that he had to achieve a great many thing6 before he was able to play as well as his instruc tress. After some years, however, he be came homesick, and he had also an anxiety to go torth and show to the world what real music was like. After a great deal of hesi tation on his part he at last told the Muse of his desire. "All right, my friend," she said, "go, but make up vour mind that you will meet with great disappointment. The people of the world do not yet understand the music of the gods, and maybe they will laugh at your efforts. " Hut rcnimore remembered the praise he had received when he was a child, and he said to his friendly hostess that he would venture to brave the critics. So he de parted. The kind Muse accompanied him as far as the lake, and as he went away he heard her play a tune on her violin which sounded very much to him like a song of deepest sorrow and paia. But Fenimore heeded her no longer. He returned to his home, where he was received with great joy and re joicing. The next day he played before his friends some of the music he had been taught at the castle of the Muse. "When he had finished he was astonished to find that, instead of being praised, he was told that he could not play as well as when he left home. Fenimore was amazed, because, in his idea, he thought he had vastly improved. But nobody else seemed to agree with .him. "Wherever he went people shook their heads, and some even laughed and jeered at him for playing before them with the pretense of being a grand musician. Fenimore' mind became troubled, and soon after he fell sick with disappointment One day while he was in bed, suffering with a lever, he suddenly began to dream. He fancied he saw the beautiful Muse from the castle under the lake bei'ore him, beckoning him to come back to her. Then he even thought he heard her speak these words: "Come back to me; wha is fit or the gods cannot be -ippreciatedliy mankind." Fenimore remembered this, and when he awoke from his feverish stupor he left home, once more to return to the beautiful lake in t&e woods. Here the lovely music seemed to be awaiting him. She again led him into the water, and soon both of them disappeared under the lake, never to be seen by mortals anymore. VISIT THE GREAT EXPOSITION, Tfac Grandest That Pitubarc Has Ever Had, And see the magnificent exhibit of pianos and organs at the stand of Mellor & Hoene. They have some elegant pianos of the Hard man, Kraknuer and Kimball makes, also quite a number of organs, among them one of their celebrated JEolian self-playin? or gans in a handsomely polished burl walnut case. With one of these wonderful instru ments anyone can play the finest and most difficult music to perfection this sounds impossible, but is nevertheless true call at their stand or at their spacious warerooms,77 Fifth avenue, and try one of the above or gans yourself and see what you can do. The array of pianos that one sees at the Palace of Music, 77 Fifth avenue, is cer tainlT gorgeous; pianos in cases from the plainest to the most handsomely carved, and in all the rare and costly foreign and do mestic woods. Their stock of organs, comprising the Pal ace, Chase, Chicago Cottage, and Kimball; also the celebrated jEolian, as mentioned above, is simply grand. If you want to get a piano or organ of standard and well-known make, go to Mel lor & Hoene's, 77 Fifth avenue, where you will be sure to get just what you want, and at the lowest price and on the easiest terms. Send for catalogues and full description of their easy payment plan; a postal card costs you but a cent to address Mellor & Hoene, 77 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. tusu EXCURSION TO CHICAGO September 26, Via tho P. & W. Ry. On September 2C the Pittsburg and West ern Railway will sell excursion tickets to Chicago lrom Pittsburg, Butler, New Cas tle, Pa., and intermediate stations, good un til October 6, for 59. su Prima Vera. Our richest native wood. A chamber suit in prima vera, complete in every de tail, will be found at our Exposition display in northwest end ol main building. P. C. Schoenzck, 711 Liberty ave. FOB a finely cut, neat-fitting suit leave your order with "Walter Anderson, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in the market; imported exclusively for his trade. su Business houses who contemplate send ing out circulars for this fall trade should address AY. L. Callin. Wheeling. W. Va.. who is now preparing the namts and ad dresses ot all wen-to-do consumers residing in all towns within 40 miles of Pittsburg. TTSSU Black goods, an elegant assortment in both all-wool and silk wool fabrics for fall. Hugos & Hacke. A Splendid Sewing Machine Given Away. Ladies, register your names at the Singer stand and secure a chance in the drawing, to take place at the close of the Exposition, for a Magnificent Improved Singer Ma chine. Cabinet photos, 1 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. ttsu Fall Snlllno mtd Trouserings. Leave your order for fall suit at Pit. IjCairn's, 434 Wood it, -su French Drap d'Ete, slightly imperfect, $2 50 quality, at $1 25; latest colorings. Hughs & Hacke. Fenimore Returns Home. DECLINE OF A TOWN. The Rivalry That Brownsville Once Struck Up to Pittsburg as A GATEWAY TO THE GREAT WEST. General Jackson's Ambition to Become a Kentucky Distiller. A TOWN MANY GREAT MEN HATE YIS1TED IWrittet ron ran dispatch.j F all quaint stories, that of an ancient little village which once struck up a rivalry to Pittsburg as the gateway to the Unknown West, will be voted the most interesting after you hear it. Its name, nowalmost forgotten, long years ago was as familiar to people along the Ohio and "Old Hickory." Mississippi rivers as Pittsburg's itself. This city is now looked upon as the head of navigation. But it re ceived no such distinction in the palmy days of Brownsville. Then, it was Browns ville from which the beginning of a great river voyage was made. From the mossy levee of that hamlet famous passengers em barked, or valuable freight was loaded on steamboats for all "Western and Southern destinations. That was 60 miles above Pittsburg, and when the wharves of the big city were touched by steamers from Browns ville, travelers merely stepped over the gang-plank from one boat to the other, and were speedily whisked out of sight of the metropolis, which is now really the actual starting point for that same ride. A DECLINE AND FALL. And so it was that SO years ago the head of navigation was 60 miles higher up than it is to-day. But in these days the 60 miles of upper river is just as navigable, if not more so, than it was then, and a pretty lit tle line of steamers ply between Pittsburg and Brownsville. Why, then, was the 'grand river route of the Ohio and Missis sippi reduced that much? In the answer lies the tale of Brownsville's decline and Pittsburg's glory. And to this narrative there is a sequel the prosperity of the whole Ohio Valley, and indirectly that of the Father of Waters also. From the very commencement of river navigation this town of Brownsville meas ured arms with Pittsburg. Robert Fulton, to Pittsburg to build and launch the first and hisfinancialbacker,Livingston,had come steamboats for experimental steam naviga tion of the western rivers. From the courts ot Louisiana they had secured monopolistic grants of the rights between the shores of the wide Mississippi. Their control of the promised navigation between Pittsburg and New Orleans would compare in our times with X PEINCE'S FRANCHISES. But ere Fulton had launched two vessels from the Pittsburg wharves, a plucky com pany of villagers had been organized in Brownsville, and soon sent past the shop of Jb ulton and Livingston in Jfittsburg the third steamboat that ever plied the western waters. It was the Enterprise. True, Ful ton's good boat "Vesuvius reached New Orleans several months in advance of the Enterp-ise in 1814, but in rounding that far-away finish, the Enterprise return ;d to Pittsburg and Brownsville, the first steam boat to ever successfully ascend the Missis sippi. Fulton was afraid to risk his first vessels to steam alone, and attached sails to them, but the sturdy little company of Brownsville boat-builders depended entire ly upon steam. And still the next boat built and sent out from Brownsville went far beyond the experiments of Inventor Fulton, at Pittsburg, because it carried the first high-pressure engine ever boated on the rivers. Then, to crown the throwing of Browns ville's gauntlet at the feet of the Eastern genius down at Pittsburg, the village's two boats, the Enterprise and the Washington, broke the embargo which FULTON'S MONOPOLY of the Mississippi promised. Fulton had caused the arrest of Captain Shreve com mander and one of the owners of the Browns ville boats, when he was returning North, and had reached a point 200 miles above New Orleans. The arrest was for infring ing upon his exclusive rights of steamboat ing on the Mississippi river. Backed by the farmers of Brownsville, Shreve stub bornly resisted the charge in( the courts, carrying the case up to the Supreme bench, finally winning, and thus securing free navigation ol the Father of Waters. One of the most superb relics of the ante- -railroad period in the United States is the old National Turnpike. The section of it which crosses the Allegheny Mountains is still in excellent condition. Descending the western slope of the mountains, the teamster found himself within ten miles drive of Brownsville, the grand changing place from the rambling old stage coach to the palatial steamboats which made early steamboat riding On the Western rivers memorable. Henry Clay was THE LEADING SPIRIT in inducing Congress to authorize the building of the National road, and in the period of which he was a distinguishing character, there became no more popular route to his home down the riyer than this same road. And before long it gained the name of "the road which lay between the White House, the Capitol, and the homes of the nation's Western statesmen." Browns ville became a sort of general jumping-off place, and it was not uncommon, so it is said by old residents, for members of Con gress to decide among themselves before leaving Washington whether they would stop over at Brownsville for a rest and a sup or two of that old Monongaheli rye. Thus it was that many celebrated person ages visited the town of Brownsvtlle in those early days. There are people still liv ing up there who love to talk of their recol lections of the past. For instance, I am told by one of "the oldest inhabitants" that when a steamboat from Pittsburg and the West came within two miles of the town the Silot blew his whistle as many times as he ad through passengers for the East. The lis teningtavern keepers and stage coach drivers up in town were thereby notified how many people they would have to have accommo dations for. And the signal also served to notify the town that a boat was about due, and by the time it arrived A GREAT CROWD was generally gathered on shore waiting to see who of prominence was among the passengers. Nelson Bowman, one of the oldest of the townspeople, son of a settler, Jacob Bow man, lives in a grand old stone mansion, built over 100 years ago, which sits upon the summit of a small, rounded hill in the center of the village, and which has a tower of Norman stvle of architecture, giving the whole structure a resemblance to a foreign castle. Not only Bowman,but several other aged citizens of the place remember the se ception General Lafayette received there in 1824. He had stopped at Brownsville while en route over the National road from Washington to the home of Andrew Gal latin. Andrew Jackson was a frequent visitor to Brownsville. On one occasion when he stopped over one Monday night to await a morning boat, and only a short time before he became President o? the United States, the Congressman of the distriot, Mr. Craw ford, insisted that together they should at tend Masonic lodge that evening. Jackson agreed, he being a member of the order. They were passed through the first door all right, but by some mistake in giving the password, Jackson barred himself from get THE PITTSBTTKG DISPATCH, ting through the second door into the lodge room. For an hour Crawford had to argue with the countrymen inside about the snub they were offering the greatest warrior liv ing. In the meantime, Jackson's spirit was rising, and he could not help resen tine what he laid' to Crawford's'blame. Bat that gen tleman's eloquence presently prevailed, and Jackson "was admitted. Ample reparation was made for the blunder before the night was over. WANTED A DISTILLER. It is known to but few that Andrew Jack son once contemplated going into the whisky business. On this point informa tion is elicited from a letter which Jac Bowman received from the distinguished statesman only a year belore he established that famous "Hermitage" in Kentucky. Nelson Bowman still has the original let ter, and from it this copy is made: Cnr.tsTiAN Court House, Kt 1 AUGUST 14, 1603. i Jacob Bowman, Brownsville, Pa.: Dear Sir I reached home on the 1st ult, after experiencing a tedious water voyage. I am now on my way to the Saliene, on the north side ot the Ohio, in company with Mr. Dead neck. The object of this voyage is to ascertain at what salt can be made, and tho probable auantitv of water necessary. Should you see Captain Oliphant, be good enough to say to him, as soon as thn thing is known, who is the lessee of 'the salt springs. He shall hear from us. You were kind enough to say to me that you would undertake to promise me a distiller. I wish you would, of the best kind, any ace. Hire hira for two or three years, li one can be promised at sixpence per fallon, you may engage that he shall e furnished with three 8till3 and a sufficient supply of grain. Any contract that you will enter'into with a distiller for and on my behalf will bo completed by inc. I will thank you at as early a day as possible to inform me whether I may depend upon being supplied nith a dis till vfrom j our quarter. My wish is that the distillery bo set running shortly. Oblige the distiller to be at my house as eariy as possible. You can direct him to inquire for me when he gets near Nashville. 1 live 11 miles above, on tbn Cumberland river. Present mv respects to ypur lady and family and to Mr. Teernan and family, and believe me to be, with high esteem and respect, Your obd. serv., Andrew Jackson. the mails of those dats. This letter, mailed by General Jackson on August 14, 1803, didn't reach Mr. Bowman until September 3, and that was counted extraordinary fast mails! This was iu the period of Jackson's life when he was striv ing, as the head of a trading firm, to build up his wrecked fortuness, which were his relics of a financial failure in 1798. History says that at that time he raised corn, hogs, cattle and boated lumber. This is the first time distilling has been disclosed as one of his ventures. He certainly came to a good place to choose a distiller, for the Mononga hela Valley was full of them, even at that early date. John Quincy Adams visited Brownsville in 1822, or three years before he became President. He made an address in the Episcopal church to the citizens. He was returning from Cincinnati at the time. "Tippecanoe" Harrison was another fre quent visitor in the town on his road to and from Washington. A MARVELOUS BRIDGE. The first tubular iron bridge, a marvelous structure even to-day, was built across Dunlap's creek in the town in 1835 for the National road. It is about 150 feet long. There is but one arch, and the roadway of the bridge is covered with three or four feet of earth. The supports are like huge water pipes, curved in nearly a half circle. This is the oldest iron bridge in the United States, and is kept in repair by the Govern ment. Henry Clay came to Brownsville when the iron bridge was completed. He was deeply interested in this bridge, having urged the passage of the bill in Congress for an appropriation for its erection. The old inhabitants of the town have cause to re member the day that brought Clay there. The body of the stage coach in which he and other prominent men were seated was upset from the running gears just at one entrance of the bridge on account of the deep mud, and the .occupants were thrown out against the abutment. That same evening Clay dedicated the bridge. Among other well-known men of that time who either stopped at Brownsville or passed through on their way to or from Washington were Patrick Henry, John J. Chittenden and President Polk. NOT QUITE THE SAME. But a change has come over the scene. A shiuing pathway of steel rails was worn across the Allegheny Mountains by the tread of progress, and this metal highway diverged from the beaten footprints of those pioneer statesmen, leaving Brownsville far to the southward of the big trail, and itself widening into a grand avenue in the Union depot at Pittsburg. The ttagecoach fell to pieces, the canalboat has long since been dismantled, and the steamboat has been relegated to the wants of a petty freight trade. Presidents and national law makers no longer put up at the quaint taverns of Brownsville, but perchance breathe a heavy snore as silver-mounted Pullman cars roll them through the blazing furnaces of the Iron City at midnight. The old taverns ot the National road are still to-day taverns for "the traveling.pub lic," but the public seldom gets that far above the modern head of navigation. All that remains in Brownsville to recall its intimacy with the "men of the times" is a modest marble monument in the village cemetery marking the graves of both father and mother of James G. Blaine, who, when a boy on his native heath, made one of the gaping crowd on Brownsville's river land ing watching for some of the great faces of the halls of Congress. Jacksonian. He Ilnd Been There Before. Central (to Old Si Low, using the tele phone for the first time to call up his wife at Turniptop) Hello! Did you get her ? Mr. Low (as the lightning strikes the wires) Yes, b'goshl That's her I recon nize her! Puck. A Crusty Relative. Mamma Can't you get Uncle John to go wading with you, Dick? I don't like to trust you alone. Dick I just asked him, and he. said he was wading already; and then he growled out something about "through the market reports." Judge. M. G. Cohen, diamond expert And jew eler, formerly corner Filth ave. and) Market it, now at 633 Smithfield st, Oveeholt. Golden Wedding, Large, Gibson and Dilliuger whisky for sale in InrfrA rtnantitip hv fjln. TT TJonnotl JPV T3w. 135 First avenue, second door below Wood street. III hiiC. flswW tx" SUNDAY," SEPTEMBER A PRECOCIOUS YOUTH Whose Whole Life Was Buined by In judicious Early Training. HE WAS TO BE A WEBSTER OR CLAY The Proper Eegimen as it is Indicated by Shirley Dare. SOME SPECIFIC BEHEDIES ADTISED rWIUTTEN roa THE DISrATCU.l A very saddening letter comes from a Western village, sad with its betrayal of a Jife, physically wrecked through utter ignorance of the laws of bringing up clever children. The writer was naturally a child of nervous, excitable, intellectual sort, very quick to learn, praised by everyone, and, being sensitive and fond of praise, 'this spurred him on to greater efforts. At 4 and 5 years old, he was put up to speak in church, at Sunday school coucerts, doubt less, and always was selected when recita tions were to be made. The story cannot be better told than in words of the penciled letter, held by a hand too nervous to shape the words clearly: "Everybody said I would make my mark some day. In early youth I read the lives of Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln and Garfield. These made me wild with ambition. I resolved to become a lawyer and a great orator. Mv father wasa farmer, and I had to work very hard very early, and at liight I would stay up late and. read and study and dream of the future. My father promised to send me to college if I did not want to be a farmer; indeed, he himself thought I ought to be something higher. But meantime I had to work as hard as I possibly could." THE NATURAL RESULT. At 16 the face of the boy, overdone bodily and mentally, broke out in pimples and sores, he grew languid and tired. "And they all the time told me," he says, "that I was more good when I was younger. Still I and all the Test thought I was well, and I paid no attention to my health till I was 18, when I used to get severe pain near the heart, when exercising, and very weak spells, which the doctor said was all jay stomach. I had an enormous appetite, and always waB a great coffee drinker. That year I doctored with three physicians, but they did not do me much good, an'd my health was rapidly breaking down. I be came very melancholy. "The winter I was 19 was the time setlfor me to go to college, and though I was very poorly I was determined to go, hoping my health would get better. I went, and my nervous system broke down completely. I could not sleep nor digest, and became so melancholy I nearly despaired, and at the end of my first term the doctor ordered me to go home. It is nearly two years since I went to college. Since then Ihave gone through the greatest spells of melan choly, at times unable to " sleep, with all sorts of noises in my ears, and if I have the least anxiety or cannot decide at once which of tno things to do it nearly throws me off my balance. "The blood rushes to my head, my stomach sinks and fills with gas, and I cannot sleep nor digest. The inability to decide on an oc cupation in such health has been a great source of worry. I am extremely irritable and thenoises and din of a young child is very poison to me. I am all the time craving something to eat or drink " and follows a recital of the worst horrors of dyspepsia, when neither milk, fruit or water can be taken witho.ut fermentation, nausea and acute distress, sleeplessness and restless ness, all the Gehenna which poor Carlyle suffered from the same cause and regimen. BOTH MORAL AND PHYSICAL. I think no one who has tried to take in telligent care of youth can read this without intense pity. It is the story of hundreds and thousands who are originally the best material of our citizens. The wrong is partly moral and physical, and in both cases wrong as can be. The son of a work ing farmer obliged to toil to hold his home stead and mrtke a living; the harm began with the canker vanity implanted in the child, which developed into, cancerous am bition into the growing lad. It will be years before the American public can be persuaded of it, but neither moral nor mental excellence is possible to the child put for ward for public exhibition at any age. The whole system of public display for children is a degradation and a harm beyond description. The few who outgrow the strain do not begin to balance the many injured for life who are feeble in nerves and brain after 20, because they have done a lite work before it, wasting in the effort to do with immature lorce what would have served for good results until 50. Was there no one in church or Sunday school to teach the morbid boy that success in life had a different meaning from the heated pane gyrics of biography, or to tell him what an honest man can deny; that neither Webster, nor Clay, nor any public men out of a thousand could be held models of private worth? If Lincoln deservedly holds the place nearest the nation's heart to-day, if is not for his oratory or his many gifts, but for an unflinching integrity and faithfulness to duty. Alas, where do boys find the teach ing that character alone is the measure of success? I should grieve in all my soul, re fusing to be comforted, if, in the end, my son had no higher success to show than those of the public men whose careers fired the ambition of the Western farm lad whose failure we are considering. NO 'WONDER AT ALL. Whv was not the mother wise enough to send the boy to bed alter his hard day's work instead of letting him sit up late read ing, brooding, dreaming? City dissipation docs not ruin a lad's health more surely than overwork, ambition and sitting up late to study and dre.im. What wonder that the nerve force deserted the stomach when the time of natural 'development came, and the strain of body and brain was not re laxed. The diet of coffee, pork, hot biscuit, fried eggs and pie usual in farmers' families was not suited to a growing boy, and the blotches on the face were a natural re-ult. The over sensitive nervous fiber and the digestive or gans sympathized. The result is, the stu dions, dreaming boy has been subject to a condition verging on nervous insanity, not uncommon iu youth. It is, however, not difficult of cure, if strict care is kept up. The condition of health and usefulness the retof his life must be this strict regimen in all personal habits. He should not work like a full grown man. Ten hours a day of moderate exertion is a limit he should never exceed. To those who know how farmers often work, 14 hours a day, this advice is not superfluous. Any idea ol college or profession should he given up for two years to come. .It will not betime lost. The outdoor work, the gain in health, the general information gained by reading an hour at a time, even more, will quite balance anv extorted gain in study. A quiet mind, faying its am bitions aside, sure of gain in experience in the end, will do much for health. EARLY TO BED. No late hours should be tolerated, and the sleeping room should be ventilated by a wide-open window. For the dyspepsia nothing is better than the old-fashioned remedy of a quart of boiling water poured on half a pint of wood ashes and a spoonlul of soot, stirred and kept all together in a close jar. A tnblespooufnl ot the clear liquid in a teacup of boiling water,cooled to be just drinkable, shonld be taken half an hour beiore -eating. AH fluid should be sipDed. with intervals between shallowing. The ash tea. dilnted with water, boiled and cooled, should be taken at the first symptoms of acidity, the teeth well brushed and mouth rinsed with ash water belore and after eat ing each meal, an important direction for dyspeptics. Assuage thirst by a wet cloth on the 15, 1889. throat and by splinters of ice swallowed be fore melting, which cools the gastric in flammation. Avoid all food that distresses, if one has to eat soft eggs for two years. But this can be varied with juice of beef irom any common necc pieces, baked in a close jar, cooled, skimmed from the slight estfat, and taken slowly, a small cupful at a time. Game soup from prairie chicken is also good. Parched corn, ground with a little cream, is often well borne All bread should be graham or whole meal, made with sour milk and soda, or baking powder in stead of yeast, well baked and crusty, eaten with little butter. Nutrition may be aided by rubbing sweet oil ou the stomach and abdomen three times daily and at night, using three tablespoon fuls at a time, protecting the clothes by oiled silk over the skin. The oil is ab sorbed and strengthens the system, without taxing digestion, and lessens the terrible cravings for food which must not be eaten in quantity. A small amount may be taken five times 9, day, eaten slowly, with out distress, when the'same, quantity taken in three meals would cause torment. ANOTHER IDEA. To ease the craving for food chew a little liquorice root, or lovage, not more than a bit an inch long, after each meal. Chewing, pure spruce gum is of advantage to dyspep tics in strengthening the stomach, andaid ing digestion by increase ot secretion, and the aromatic taste satisfies morbid hunger. Needless to say, this is a habit for solitude only. A dyspeptic must abandon the habit of reading at meals, a habit in which many of them indulge. Laughter, jokes, change of scene and diversion should be sought, and made much of. A joKe is as good as a dose of medicine, but the only medicine I shall prescribe is the charcoal and pepsin lozenge, three to half a dozen a day! An emulsion of gum arabic dissolved in boiled water, beaten up with pure sweet olive oil, is often well.borne by dyspeptics, and supplies a concentrated and needed nutriment; dose, a tablespoonful at a meal. A lew doses of rhubarb and castor oil will be of use, but the whole meal crusts, and careful diet, will regulate all symptoms in time. Bead for, fresh information, lively travels, the Scientific American and Popu lar Science, train pets, and raise flowers or study music; in short, seek every diversion, and healthy interest, and the disappoint ment of early ambitions may be the greatest blessing in life. Shirley Dare. THE SUM IK HARNESS. Something Abont the Best Pictures Made In Pittsburs. For some time past observing men and women have noticed that the finest photo graphs made in Pittsburg have come from the galleries under the supervision of Mr. James B. Pearson. The struggle for supremacy among thephotographers of Pitts burg was a long and hard fight. It brought about an overhauling of galleries and the introduction of all the latest inventions in the art that has made longer strides than any.other in the last decade. Now the ques tion is practically settled, and it is admitted that when a photo bears the name "Pear son," it has the strongest indorsement that can be-.lacedupon it. It : tasily understood how the Pearson Galleries have attained the high measure of popularity they now enjoy. In the first place a picture that comes lrom Pearson is marked bv two characteristics fidelity in the reproduction of the features of the sub ject and beauty of finish. There is nothing harsh about these pictures, and they are at tractive in every sense. This is true about cabinet photographs, about the large photo graphs, the crayons and the water colors that have done so much to make these gal leries noted. These results are not ob tained by chance. They come because the most skillful of workmen are engaged' on them and the merr are furnished with a per fect plant to do their work. In the reception rooms polite attendants are always in waiting, competent to suggest ideas to those who choose to depend on the photographers experience and quick to catch the notion of those who want their pctures marked by individuality. Their general aim is to give each sitter the stvle of picture he may desire; their particular aim is to see that none leave the galleries dissatisfied. If one sitting does not procure what is wanted, a second may and after that comes the third, the fourth, or as many as may be necessary. A specialty of the Pearson galleries is the pictures of babies. Many photographers dread this branch of the work. Mil Pearson has had such marked success in this line, that what is a task to others is a pleasure to him; so much so that no visitor is more wel come than a little one. Mr. Pearson's galleries are at 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 and 45 Federal street, Allegheny. Both are well equipped. Both are full of skilled artists and both are under the personal supervision of Mr. Pearson. Call at either and you will get a Eicture of which you and your friends will e proud. And remember his prices are within the reach of all. DO YOU WANT A FINE FIANOt The Everett Clnb or Co-Operative System Offers the following inducements, if you wish to pay cash." By becoming a member you will save $75 in the price of the piano and get it at once. If you cannot spare the cash you can get your piano any time, on pay ments of $25 cash and S2 50 per week, no interest; and still save $75 in the price. If you cannot pay so fast, by waiting until your number is drawn you will get your piano on payments ot $1 per week, no inter est, and save 875 in the regular price to our retail trade. Think of this! Our club is composed of 350 members, each paying ?1 per week. Thus you see the members are buying for cash, and one piano is delivered to the member whose number is drawn each week, until all are supplied, or, if one-half of the members take their pianos and pay ?2 50 per week, we deliver twice the num ber, and get double the amount of cash each week, and it leaves only one-half the num ber to be drawn on the $1 weekly payments. It is a simple business problem. We are saving our members the difference in price by contracting for 350 pianos at one time, and on a cash basis. We have now enough members to guarantee the success of this plan, and have derided to begin delivering the pianos on Saturday, September 21. Do not wait, but apply for membership at once. Call and see the piano, or send for circular. Alex. Soss, Manager, 137 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. - "- FAIU AT WASHINGTON, PA. Excursions Tin the Pnnhnndlo Rome. Excursion tickets, including admission to the fair, will be sold from Pittsburg to Washington at fate of 1 60 from Septem ber 17 to20, good returning until Septem ber 21. On September 18, 19 afad 20 a special train will leave here at 7:10 A. M., central time, returning leave Washington at 5 P. m. Panhandle trains stop at the fair grounds. tts CnKISTY'S DANCING ACADEMY, 1010 and 1012 l'cnn Avenue. Grand reopening Monday evening,-September 23. All old pupils and their iriends are cordially invited. Academy open for inspection 'all next week. Circulars are now ready. Apply at the academy. Prluin Tern. Our richest native wood. A chamber suit in prima vera, complete in every de tail, will be found at our Exposition display in northwest end of main building. P. C. Schoeneck, 711 Liberty ave. We make a specialty of repairing, refur nishing and upholstering furniture of all kinds. Packing of household goods for storage or shipment carefully done. Haugh & Keenan, 33 and 84 Water st. '.Phone, 1626. Jackets, all colors, new fall styles, now ready. Hugus & Hacke. Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, Wylie ave. Call or send by mail, wsu AS0CIALRET0LUTM Advocated by a Widely-Advertised , Author in Her Latest Book. SOME WATS TO CHECK DIVORCE. Why Women Too Often leap Before They Look Into Matrimony. HOTELS AS STJNDAI SCHOOL PEJZES rWBITTZN TOB Tffil DISPATCH.! ' Mona Caird, the daring Englishwoman, who precipitated the question "Is Marriage a Failure?" upon a startled world, has now written a book upon the same subject, which has been recently published, and is entitled, hThe Wing of Azrael." Although Mrs. Caird started the discussion of marriage in the pulpits and in the heavy magazines, she now amplifies her views in a novel, which clergymen and Sunday school superintend ents should carefully examine before it is placed upon the shelves, of Sabbath school libraries, or is selected for prizes for the little girls and boys who recite tne most Bible verses or commit to memory the most hymns and gospel songs. "The Children 'of the Abbey," "The Scottish Chiefs," and "Thaddeus of Warsaw," which have lately been dug out of the dust of antiquity for use as such prizes, are very, very mild as novels go in these days but when published in a former generation they were as vigorously denounced, by the truly orthodox, as "Eob ert Elsmere" or those of even the Amelie Biyes, or Laura Jean Libber school of to day. It availed nothing with the good old brethren of that day that the"Children of the Abbey" only illustrated the old proverb of Shakespeare that "The course of true love never did run smooth," or that in life "The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love," for, notwithstanding, all the good old mothers BEGABDED IT WITH HOBBOB, and put it in the hottest part of the fire with the tongs, when they found it in possession of their voung daughters. It availed nothing with the fathers that "Thaddeus of Warsaw" and "The Scottish .Chiefs" incul cated the pure passion of patriotism and gave to the world history in its most attrac tive form; they were as unhesitatingly con demned as though they were in truth the fruit of "the evergreen tree of diabolical knowledge,'' by which name Sir Anthony Absolute condemned the circulating libraries. The pulpit, even until late years, con demned novels, and hardly 25 years ago in religious and respectable families they were, held in abhorrence and duly confiscated and burned wherever found, while young peo ple were talked to and reasoned with as to their deadly and unholy effect, with un tiring zeal. But mark the change. Every Sunday school library is now stuffed with novels, both standard and freshly written, while the old sentimental ones of the early part of the century once under the ban o? the Church and burned at the stake by the forefathers are now used as prizes bv Sunday school teachers for proficiency in Biblical knowledge and regu lar attendance upon the means of grace. But while novels in the olden time were considered a great moral evil and a device of the devil for the most powerful mischief, they are now showing with all their ad mitted influence and forces for good that the fears then entertained were not wholly unfounded, in one respect at least, since some novels are nqw becoming in certain particulars antagonistic to the Church. AIBS HER IDEAS. In "The Wing of Azrael." Mrs. Caird keeDS to her special Hne of attack on the subject of marriage, though she airs her notions very freely on other social difficul ties. She distinctly, however, asserts in the preface that "its object is not to convince or to convert, but to represent." If the pic ture she paints be true to nature, as shown in English society, it is a most repulsive one to contemplate. It is a blackly drawn tragedy 'throughout, and might be pro nounced unreal and overstrained, if the daily papers did not teem with just such cases of marital infelicity, often ending in murder, though it is usually the man who murders and then commits suicide. Most of these are doubtless from the same cause from the fact that women rush blindly into marriage for a home, for a living, or to please their friends. They take upon themselves a sol emn contract, and are then not prepared to live up to its conditions. But it is not too much to say that women who have attained years ot discretion should be prepared for the consequences, and griu and bear the result ot their follr as best they can, or get out of it gracefully as best they may. Men have to stand by their contracts under the law, whether for better or for worse, and women who go into a bargain with their eyes open can hardly have the face to claim exemption. , JUMPING AT CHANCES. Women, through ignorance and the cus toms of society, are much more apt to enter upon the solemn contract of marriage unad visedly and loolishly than men. It opens to them "deluded souls who dream of heaven," as the hymn goes freedom, inde pendence, release from the sordid condi tions of their lives and an entrance upon the promised land of love, with all its fond en dearments and sweet possessions. But, alas, unless, not only love, but congenial compan ionship exist, the many are disappointed. The beautiful dreams of even the fondest love vanish oftentimes before the stern real ities of life. House rent and taxes and gro cer bills have no poetry in them and have a tendency to send love flying' out of the win dow. But still, alter all and amid all, The heart that has truly loved never forgets. But as truly loves onto the close As the sunflower turn on her god when he sets. The same look which she turned when he rose. Mona Caird's idea of reform in marriage seems to be a social revolution an out-and- out change in the conventional accepted terms of the matrimonial contract an en tire revival of the marriage laws of En glandand truly they need it. The very use of the word '"obey" in the church ser vice is resented by'intelligent women, as suggestive of the condition of master and slave. But most women, in this country at least, regard such promise as merely a form of words, tbat like many obsolete laws, society has outgrown, while men, on the average, are better than the laws. It is only when a man gets very low down that he calls on the law to regulate his matri monial affairs and enforce his power over his wife. A r.OSSIBLE BEMEDT. The remedy for the evil of the marriage laws seems to lie in a recognition ot the in dependence of women, and their equal re sponsibility. When a man tries to main tain the position of himself as master, and his wife as subject, it is the same barbarous appeal of the savage to force and coercion that distinguished an uncivilized age. No married couple stand more prominently be fore the world than grand old Gladstone and Mrs. Gladstone, and his testimony as to their 50 years of golden love and happiness is that when she holds a conviction, and stands firm, he gives way, and when he holds a conviction, and stands firm,she gives way; and this mutual concession is their rule, and happier would it be for many if they followed their example. Those studying the subject of divorce and devising ways ot lessening the evils connect ed with it, must first discover the cause, and they will findthe greatest factor of all in matrimonial infelicities to be the doctrine of the supremacy of sex so long and relig iously held, but now giving way bei'ore the intelligence ot the age. As Herbert Spencer somewhere says: "Love and coercion can not flourish together. The one grows oat of our best feelings; the other has its root in ourworst," Bessie Bbamble. Special bargains in diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware, clocks, bronzes, etc., at M. G. Cohen's, 533 Smithfield at. .15! Mfht Cat Too Mack. f 'wSk Friend Halloa, Billy. Haven't sees yoa. since you got that city appointment. , Mr. Switzei' No. Friend Ain't you going fo shake hands 7 Mr. Switzer Depends on what it's goinir to cost. Each hand I've shaken for a month has been an expense to me all theway from one beer to $100. Judge. , - Ja laver of ' I Dr. Byers' Method of Treatment by Pneumatic Cabi- net MR. CHARLES A. 8TAYN0R, of McKeesport, Gives His Experience. . ' Mr.Staynorsays: "t always enjoyed good health up to a little over a year ago, when I took a heavy cold which settled on my chest, causing an aggravating cough, and so impaired mygeneal health that I lost strength and flesh rapidly. Last March I tqok another cold on top of this which aggravated all my former symptoms, and In addition my nose became ff b liHf I .M stopped up so I could scarcely breathe through & either nostril. I lost my appetite ana became so weak and languid I could hardly get about, t- X coughed incessantly, raising a frotny mucus, -and at times had spells of suffocative breath ing. I tried numerous doctors and medicines recommended by my friends without avail. "in this condition I became quite despondent, particularly as my mother and several ot my maternal aunts had died of consumption. About this time I met a friend, whom I knew la tho old country, and be advised mo to go -to sea Drs. Logan and Byers, who bad cured him ot pretty much the same symptoms several years ago, and he is now in perfect health, weighing more than he has for years. Well, about the first week in June I called at the offlce, 270. 4ZL Fenn avenue, and was courteously received by Dr. Byers. He gave me a searching examina tion, and said he thought he could have me all right in a few months. His manner impressed me favorably, and as his charges were quite reasonable, I put myself under treatment at once. I seemed to improve from the first treat ment, and have only had two slight attacks of difficult breathing and coughing since. I eat well, sleep well, can breathe through my nos trils as well as ever, am gaining steadily In flesh and strength, and can work all day and walk home at nicht without feeling the least fatigued. I feel very grateful to .Dr. Byers for bis careful treatment and the interest he took in my case." Dr. Byers says: "This is only one of numer ous cases we have had during the past few years, and shows the advantages of continuous treatment. Mr. Staynor visited the office for cabinet treatment at first twice a week, after ward but once a week, and took his medicine regularly, and the result is as statid above. These results are always had when the patient takes enoueh interest In himself to follow up-,, the treatments regularly. Hope for Consumptives. During the past few months Dr. Byers has had more cases of lung trouble under treatment than during any period for several years, and his success nas been remarkable, not a single case but is showing improvement. He attrib utes this marked success in part to his being alone, and therefore able to map out a regular line of treatment in each case and follow it up without interference, as he sees, treats and pre scribes for every patient himself. One patient, who could not lie on his left side, his sleep was disturbed by paroxysms of coughing, could not walk two squares without resting, now sleeps through the entire night without coughing, can lie on the left side as comforta bly as on the right, and can walk all over the city without fatigue. Another patient who had paroxysms of coughing till ce vomited, could not retain anything on bis stomach, for three days previous to coming under treatment had vomited every meal, had relief after first treat ment and has not vomited since. Two weeks after nrst treatment he says "have not vomited since first treatment, have no soreness of stom ach, only an occasional cough, feel as if I could cat a horse." Another pattent bad chronic cough for three months, had tried two physi cians, taken numerous patent cough medicines fl till nis stomacn was nauseated. Alter second treatment in cabinet cough left him and has never returned. Other cases more'remartable than the above could be cited, nut tbev are un willing to appear In the papers, even though It may point some person similarly afflicted the road to a speedy aDd permanent cure. Permis sion is had to refer to them, however, and any one wishing to further investigate this method' of treatment can call at office. WM. C. BYERS, M. D., SUCCESSOR TO DRS. LOGAN & BYERS. Office and iNHALABrcx: . No. 421 Penn Ave. seisss GUN WA isa Chinese physician; owIdc to Amerlcanlawa . ho cannot practice medicine, so he has pre pared a line of Chinese vegetable and herb remedies, new to America, but old in China, which effect cures tbat are considered miracu lous. He charges nothing for examination, con sultation or advice. A friendly talk with Gun Wa costs nothing, and be charges but a small sum for his remedies: they are pleasant to take, quick to act. harmless in effect and certain to cure. All blood, nervous or chronic diseases yield quickly. Young, middle-aged or old men suffering from follies or excesses, qnlckly re stored to perfect physical and sexual health. Gun Wa nas hundreds of testimonials from those who hare been cured by bis remedies, of various diseases. If you cannot call, write him. All interviews or correspondence strictly confi dential. Send for large history of his life or his ' circular on Cancer.Tumors, Tape Worm, Rheu matism, Catarrh, Female Weakness, Piles, -Blood Diseases nr his book (for men only) on nervous and private diseases. No letters an . swered unless Inclosing its stamps. Call on or address G-TTILSr W.A., 40 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg. . , Office hours 9 a. JC to 12 if.; 1 to 5 and7to"t' auU-76wsa - ,