Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 15, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 13, Image 13

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The Value of the Best Periodicals and
Tapers to the Mechanic
Adaptability of Electric Cars in Cities, and
Their Superiority.
rrr.crARED roit the msrATcn.l
Headers of The DisrATCir wbo desire
information on subjects relating to indus
trial development and progress in mechani
cal, civil and electrical engineering and the
sciences can have their queries answered
through this column.
The value to the mechanic ot good period
icals and papers pertaining to the business
in which he is engaged, is often underrated
by him, and he is apt to consider that he is
none the worse for a lack of knowledge
about the experience, opinions and work of
others. This is a most serious mistake on
his part, aud one which in the end will be
Miicidal to his best interests. One great
reason why so much progress has been made
in recent years lies in the tact that the ease
with which men can give the results of
their labors and experience to their co
temporaries or leave them to posteritv has
resulted in a much greater diffusion of
knowledge. 'It matters not whether he be a
fireman, engineer, machinist, foreman, master
mechanic or superintendent of motive power,
or whether his natural abilities bo great or
small, if he wishes to advance with the rest of
the world he mun krow what is doing, and
this knowledge must he derived from the pages
of papers devoted to mechanical affairs.
Within two years the jasper industry has
been developed, and there are now four quar
ries, emplojing nearly 1,000 men. in operation
about Sioux Fails. The market extends from
Chicago to Kansas City. Sioux Kails' streets
are paved with jasper, and her four-story
buildings are constructed of it. The stone is
susceptible of a high degree of polish, and
when finished looks much like the led granite
of Missouri. The pioneer in the jasper in-dn-try
discovered not long ago that the dust of
the i.ier. which is half as hard as diamonds.
wuuid pjlish the famous petrified wood of
Arizona, aud make of it table tops and orna
ments xuoic beautiful than agate or onjx. The
petrified wood is now brought from Arizona to
fcioux Falls by the carload, and polished in a
variety of forms. To the ja-per industry, the
city has added the manufacture of chalcedony.
Thcie is a scientific mjstery about this so
called jasper. Practically it is all right. Its
utility has been established, but geologically
there i no little uncertainty about it. Those
who know the most arc the least positne in
discussing its character, bomeof the scientific
.fn who have looked at it call it red quartzstc.
Piof. Winchcll sajsit is the hardest stone in
the United States that has been used for build
ing uurposes. Tho trrainisterj close. Tho
only element to whicn it succumbs is fire. It
will stand a good degree, but crumbles liko
sandstone or limestone under too intense heat.
Xeir System ofMoring Grain.
A New York inventor proposes to revolution
ize the present system for the storage of grain
aud food products. If his plan is found to be
feasible, and it is claimed to be so, the elevator
now in use will be permanently done away
with, and each fanner aud producer will be
supplied with a substitute, in which he will bo
able to store his grain for years at small cost
and w ithoat risk. Tne cost of working will
averaro from 4 to 5 cents for each bushel o
their capacity, against 40 to 00 cents now ex
pended on wooden elevators. The system ln
olc the use ot steel tanks, which will be
tiled with grain by a simple and novel process.
When cue of the tanks is tilled a percentage of
the air is exhausted, and a quantit) of carbonic
acid gas admitted. The valves are then closed
and the grain is in a condition tokeepumn-
ured for j cars. There is no decay w here there
is no air, and this principle is the keystone of
the new tjstcni. Food can be preserved, it is
Jaid, by this process. Work is soon to bo com-
tuencea on juacninc snops in onicrrgv lor the
Manufacture of these tanks, and thereby a
new industry w ill be established in that city.
Vood-Ttcmlinc as nn Industry.
There are comparatively few persons outside
the carnage and boat building interest that
know to what an extent the wood-bending bus
iness is carried, and the management that is
necessary in carrying on a well arranged wood
bending establishment. Few know that tho
fine carriagts the ride mare very largely made
of bent wood. The fellies of their wheels are
bent and made in two parts. The framework
of enachesand hcavv carnages is nearlv all
made ot bent stock. They are not oniv better
but more cheaply made. The frames "of most
of our pleasure boats are bent, and so are many
of the frames of sninc of our finest sailing
yachts. Furniture ol many kinds has bent
Irames. Tile obji cts of bending are. saving of
time and stotk. ttauil.ty and strength of work,
and beauty of form. It is a business that needs
to be well understood, however, to make a suc
cess of it. Simple as the work seems to be yet
it is full of little detuils which must be strictly
attended to, else the result is a miserable lail-uie.
smaller bell-mouthed tubes into the car.
Whcneer the car moves a constant current of
air i secured, even when doors, windows and
all other apertures are closed.
American nii'd English Skill.
There is an amicable rivalry between En
glish and American engineers. Tho skill which
thev exhibit is the same, but its application
differs in the two countries. Where American
engineers have been compelled to build for the
day or tho morrow, Kuglish engineers have
been able to build for the next generation and
tho century. Hut the extempore skill of the
American engineer has. in turn, modified the
massive conceptions of their English brethren,
and English structures, such as the Forth
bridge, arc largelv influenced by American
ideas and experience. The rantilevor principle
is borrowed from the United States, and is the
product of American conditions of work and
American fertility of inrontinn and audacity
of construction. Thus the genius and skill of
each country supplements that of tho other.
The English borrow from America and the
Americans borrow from tho English, and both
are better for the exchange.
Ilentinc of Train.
In looking into the subject of heating rail
way trains by steam and investlcating the rec
ords made by the different steam heating com
panies, it transpires that one of the principal
causes of the comparative failures of several
sjstcms in their preliminary stages was the ini
pcriect education of the trainmen in the man
agement of steam heating equipment.. While,
perhaps, none of the present steam heating
sj stems are so perfect that no improvement
will be made in them, it is also true that the
thing most necessary to secure efficiency is a
full knowledge on tho part of employes of the
details of their proper management.
Adaptability of Electric Car in Cities.
In addition to cleanliness, another point in
favor of electrical railways is -the excellent
time that can be made with them, especially in
the suburbs. At a recent meeting of tho West
End Railway Company, of Boston, its Presi
dent stated that tho average speed of tho cars
in tho city was 12 miles an hour, and that when
all of the horse cais were removed from the
road it was expected to be able to run at a
speed of 15 miles an hour. When it is remem
bered that the average speed of elevated roads
isoniyaiittio fver ten miles an hour, the ad-van-age
or electrical roads in tho matter of
time will be appreciated.
tonc Poster Type.
Stone poster type is again talked of. A mix
ture of silica ami other substances is made
which is at first very soft. This is pressed in
molds, and the letter is then dried by the
action of the air.
How Four Persons Made Bis Money
by Investing in Beal Estate.
Business Well on Its Feet, tut Danger
Signals Seen in the Distance.
c. ai. B. A.
A charter was eranted last week for Branch
No. C8, in Austin, Potter county.
A meeting will be held to-day (Sunday) at
Natrona to start a branch.
A. mectinir was held last Sundav at Nobles-
t ow n. Several names w ere signed to an appli
cation for a charter
Friday evening Branch Xo. 6G of the Cath
olic -Mutual Benefit Association was instituted
at St. John's School Hall, Thirty-second street,
bv Grand Deputy J. W. Sullivan, assisted by
District Deputy F. J. Brady and Chancellor J.
A. Burns. The following is the list of officers
for the new branch: Spiritual Advisor, Rev.
C. A'. Neeson; President, James J. Gan
non; First Vice President. Owen McCuskcr;
Second Vice President, J. 11. Boyle; Recording
Secretary. J. E. Larkins; Assistant Recording
Socretary.E. P. Laughrey; Financial Secretary,
Joseph B. Smith: Trcasurcr.Rev. E. P. Gnffen;
Marshal, Edward Jackson: Guard. Daniel Cor
coran; Trustees, Rev. C. V. Necson, John C.
Hillgrove. Owen McCusker.Anthony Bnshn,
W.J. C. Floyd.
To-morrow evening Branch No. 07 will be
instituted in St Andrew's Hall.Beavcr avenue,
Improvement in Brake Gear.
A petition, signed by nearly 10,000 brakemen
for the adoption of automatic brakes and
couplers for freight trains, was sent to Wash
ington last week. The uigency of this petition
is accentuated by the heavy list of fatalities or
the last low years. Too much cannot be said
In condemnation of the dilapidated condition
of the brake gear on many freight cars. It is
especially important that cars equipped with
airbrakes should have the beams, shoes, levers
etc., in good condition, but it is not uncommon
to,eetbcreerseof this. Even on passenger
care, the beams are often bung with careless
ness, and consequently the liability to accident
increased. It is reas-unng to know that an
cltctnc brake has recently been introduced
winch promises to effect a material improve
ment in these matter?. In action is automatic
and it is said to insure the highest safety and
efficiency, and to combine absolute smoothness
with msuntaueousuess of action.
D.nappcnranco or Minor Indnstiles.
Two of the minor industnes of the printing
trade seem to have entirely disappeared. In
every large town there was formerly a work
inau who made a business of suppljmg coi-j.
positora with steel rules. Old saw blades were
preferred for this use, and the rules were cut
as the printer desired, with one or two ears or
lor make-up purpose-. On the side was'en'
graveu the name. Host of these were admira
l.le,bettei than could be obtained from tjpa
founders, and it is a pity that the industry is
lost. Xhe other lost art is that of printin" with
flecks, or woolen rags, cut up to the very finest
and applied on a trummv nr.i7n,ic,,,f, ni. '
form was made ready and the printing done
substantially as it would be for bronzing and
the conimiuutcd woolen rags applied. Ittravp
a very suit vchety surface, but its slowness
and tho necessity of competition with litho
granhic colored w ork ti.ully drovc ,t out ot tu
Improvements in Bookbinding.
Air. Gladstone points out that the greatest
change in regard to books which has lately been
wrought is in the binoings. It is a veritable
revolution. Bookbinding was a trade. It is
now an art, and one of the hnest arts.' One can
almost tell the date of a modern book by its
binding. A few jears ago most of the books
were badly bound. Now nobody will lO0k at a
volume in an ugly cover The publishers vi
wlib one anotbci in producing w orks pleasant
tothcesceasj to handle and m .,, S1
The colors must be good Instead of the garish
cover, which was regarded as beautiful a few
years ago because it was startlin- wp luiV.
cloth bindings of the sweetest hu and if an v
pilt ornament be placed on the front, it must
be designed by an artist. So far as the outside
of books goes, this is our golden a-e. Every
tiling that male a book handsome is chean
now. The old economj will return it is tofi
icared. wuen prices iio again.
Improvement In Uallnny Appliances.
In'S53 the Boston and Providence Railroad
ranaflatcarwitha water tank ahead of its
passenger trains, with which to sprinkle its
track for the comfort or its patrons; this ran
for three or four years. Somewhat later the
Ilonsatonic road put up canvas across from
one end of the car to that of the next one
throughout the entire length of Its train to
fcevpontthc dti-t As a contrast to t,, a
pnu'tH'al test wa3 made last wol. of a new
ventilator, which, it is claimed, will ventilate
earn without letting in dust and cinders. Fans
under the car are operated by the motion of
tho latter, and drive-air through a box contain,
lng water, which filters and cools it, into a cen
tral tube along the roof and thence through
The Heps wero largely represented at the
Jr. O. U. A. M. banquet at the Monongahela
The Allegheny County Degree Corps will
make its first visit for the season to East End
Conclave on Wednesday evening, tho ISth.
The resident supremo officers and many of
the members will visit J. K. Moorohead Con
clave to-morrow evening. A special programme
has been prepared, and several surprises are In
Mifflin Conclave was organized at Duqnesne
on Thursday evening, with a largo charter list,
by S. L. Goldman, Supreme Inspector. The
Supremo Arcbon and a largo delegation from
McKeesport and Demmler Conclaves wer
present and assisted. o
Charles E. Cornelius District Snnremc Rcn-
rcsentatlvc, district Nd.2,and J. A-Langfltt,
of the Sunrcme Committee on Laws and Ap
peals, paid an official visit to Kittanning Con
clave on Thursday evening. The conclave held
a very successful meeting, when a number of
matters were considered to the welfare of the
conclave; after closing, the conclave enter
tained the visitors handsomely.
A. O. K. of HI. (T.
-Star of Liberty Castle No. 102, A, O. K. ot
M. C., held their fifth annual picnic at Rock
Point on Thursday, September 12. Between
500 and 600 persons participated. Tho Commit
tee of Arrangements consisted of A. J. Thomp
son. T. J. May, A. H. Edwards. D. I Hite, II.
H. Ulnch, Thomas Skipp, G. C. Patterson, R.
Gumbert, L. G. Kiehl and Wm. Stroud. All
present appeared to enjoy themselves. The
dancing platform was presided over by Mr. A.
H. Neadhammer and bis able assistants.
Fire at Chicago yesterday morning de
stroyed two three-story buildings and the
Second Baptist Church and damaged tho
Haven public school building. Tho aggregate
loss is about;S3j,000.
Judge Prendergast, of tho Chicago Court,
yesterday ordered that complaints be made
out for tho arrest of James Ruxton, one of the
candidates for alderman in the Twenty-eighth
ward in tho recent election. Tho election
judges produced before tho judge a ballot
with another folded inside and it was thmm
that, according to the poll books, Ruxton had
voted tnis aouuie uauot nimscit. lha vote in
this ward was a tie.
Millard Jones, a druggist of Clayton, Ind.,
fatally stabbed tho Rev. Air. Smith, of the Bap-t-st
church. Smith had been abusing the drug
gists of the town Irom his pulpit and he ami
Jones mot in the postoffice. A quarrel ensued
and Smith attacked Jones with a large caue,
whereupon lones used his pocket knife upon
Smith, making several cuts in the abdomen.
Smith cannot survive. Jonos was arrested, but
the magistrate dismissed him upon the ground
that his acts were justifiable.
During the week past there wero shipped
Irom the Lake Superior mines 227,151 tons of
ore, of which amount 40.4S6 tons went from
Marquette: 91.SS2 from Escanaba; 04,497 froin
Ashland; 23,450 from Two Harbors. 1.704 from
St. Ignace. and 2.129 from Gladstone. The
total for the season is 4,880.690. The volume of
shipinonts,Rhows no diminution, and, but lor
the scarcity of vessels, on account of which
shippers make some complaint, even a larger
quantity would be sent to market weekly, the
mines being anxious to ship all they can.
At Chicago a horrible and probably doubly
fatal accidentoccured yesterday on tho Illinois
Central road at the foot of Eldridgo Court.
Maria SaraU an Italian woman of perhaps SO
years of age, while picking up coal along tho
track was struck by an incoming train and
uunea w leet irom toe ratling, she was
rendered unconscious by the collision. Several
railroad men hastening to the scene were
horrified to discover that the unfortunate
woman had become a mother prematurely
from the shock. Tho dead child and dving
mother were taken to the home of tho later
by the patrol wagon.
The steamshiplMolga. 0 days out from San
Domingo, got to New York yesterday after
having experienced a perilous voyage. She
met the hurricane on the 7th Inst In the Gulf
stream. A gale blew from the northeast, and
the decks of the vessels were washed fore
and aft. In the height of tho storm 12 miles
east of Barnegat, tho officers of the Molga
sighted a large vessel on her beams ends. Tne
vessel looked like a larco iron bark, and was tu
considerably damaged condition. The fore and
mizzen masts wero intact, but her mainmast
was broken off short The name could not be
ascertained. There was no appearance of life
on boaid. The huge waves dashed high over
the derelict's decks, and the captain of the
Molga expected any minute to see the bark
turned over by the force of the wind.
Two years ago four persons two preach
ers, a school m'am and a clerk deposited
510,000 with Black & Baird for investment
in real estate at their own discretion, their
only instruction being "Do the best you can
for us." The investment Vas made in un
improved land in the East End. Yesterday
the account was closed, and the investors re
ceived checks aggregating $18,422. They
were ignorant of the amount of their gains
until they learned it from their checks, and
it is needless to say they were agreeably sur
prised. They propose to try their luck again in
the same way. "There is plenty of good
property still on the market," said Mr.
Gloninger, who managed the deal, "and I
think I can do as well by these people as I did
before. The only difference is that it takes a
little more money to make a deal now than it
did two years ago."
The following communication is self-explanatory.
It suggests a way by which real estate
dealers can enjoy exchange facilities without
entering into a separate organization and going
to the expense of putting up a costly building.
PiTTSBtJito. September 14.
To the Financial Editor of the Dispatch:
I have been wondering for some time what
has become of the project for a Real Estate
Exchange, about which a great deal was said
a few mouths ago. Is It dead, or only sleeping?
I hope the idea has not been abandoned, for it
is just what is needed to thoroughly organize
tho business and put it firmly on its feet It
would stop throat-cutting on the part of agents,
and be of great value to owners by enabling
them to market their properties with a small
outlay of money, time and trouble.
An idea occurred to me a few days ago,
which, if carried out, would accomplish this
desirable end at a comparatively small ex
pense. Why not pool issues with the Pittsburg
Petroleum, Stock and Metal Exchange? This
would obviate the necessity of putting up a
costly building. Real estate, stocks and oil
could be traded in on the same floor, or a room
could be set apart for realty, as is done with
grain. Regular hours for buying and selling
could be arranged, without interfering with
other interests. The Exchange needs strength
ening, and from what I have learned from a
few members with whom I have talked, con
solidation with the real estate business would
be welcomed with open arms.
Another thing: From tho condition of tho
oii;markct, it is not improbable that it will
soon cease to exist Real estate would fill the
gap nicely, and the Exchange gain more than
it lost The location of the building could not
be bettered, being in the immediate vicinity of
all the prominent dealers in realty. Member
ships are cheap, and it is not likely, in viow of
the great benefit this acquisition would be to
the Exchange, that the holdets of them would
run up the price. I would like to hear from
prominent representatives of tho three inter
ests involved upon this important subject
A Business Mas-.
The statement originating in the East that
farm lands in Washington county, or anywhere
else in Western Pennsylvania, are decreasing
in value for any cause, finds no credence with
people familiar with this description of prop
erty. A gentleman wbo, perhaps, handles more
farms than any other man In the city, said yes
terday: "The statement that the farming inter
est is playing out is all bosh. It is in a more
prosperous condition now than it has been for
years. This is shown in the large demand for
farms, as well as in tho higher values at which
they are held. Farm lands are at least 25 per
cent higher than they were two or threo years
ago. and I look for them to make another
"Farm buildings are being improved or new
ones erected, fences are being repaired or
made, and the ground is better cultivated than
ever before. Does all this indicate that farm
ers are disgusted with the business? On the
contrary, they are thoroughly satisfied. They
are living like lords and making money. Tho
story of their poverty and dissatisfaction may
do for the marines, but it won't go down with
people who are acquainted with the facts."
enilng failures In clearing petroleum contracts
as provided for In the by-laws of the Pittsburg
Petroleum, Stock and Metal Exchange.
Article 5, Section 1 All other by-laws and
rules now in force relating to stocks which con
flict with the above by-laws relating to New
1 ork stocks are hereby repealed and annulled
so far as New York stocks are concerned, but
all other by-laws and rules relating to stocks
now in force and which do not conflict with the
above by-laws shall bo and remain in full
When a railroad engineer sees a danger sig
nal or an obstruction on the track, ho promptly
thistles ".down brakes." Timely warning fre
quently arrests a catastrophe, or mitigates Its
effects. He would Vo a poor sailor who would
plunge his ship into a storm with all sails set,
and dancing in the cabin.
Crises in business spring from rashness. The
men who bring them about, or are mainly re
sponsible for them, in most cases act on their
impulses instead of their judgment. In their
eagerness to accumulate wealth, they take
desperate chances. Danger signals maybe
flying all around them, but they are unheedod.
They rush on regardless of consequences.trust
ing to luck for success. They may come out all
right but the chances are that they will come
to grief.
While the business of the country is moving
along smoothly, steadily gaining in volume, and
day by day affording fresh evidence of staying
qualities, it needs watching. There is danger
ahead. It may not be visible to the uninitiated,
but veterans in finance, who have breasted
many a storm, discern the elements of trouble .
which, unless promptly counteracted, may lead
to disaster. Chief among theso disturbing
causes is a possible monetary stringency result
ing from over-speculation in fancy stocks of no
intnnsic value and which aro manipulated by
cliques to subserve their own ends, regardless
of who may be the sufferers in the evenfof dis
aster. In such cases the insiders take care to
save themselves, leaving the outsiders to bear
tho loss. It is gratifying to note, howover, that
the question of tight or easy money is not left
entirely in the hands of the wild speculators.
.Secretary Windom's policy in the purchase of
bonds Is to do everything for legitimate busi
ness, but very little for Wall Streot This curb
may keep tho speculative element within
While there is no immediate cause for alarm,
there is reason for caution. Trade of all kinds
exhibits more bullish than bearish features,
affording opportunities for expansion boyond
legitimate demands. With a conservative
policy the country is assured of a long period
of activity, whereas rashness in investments,
large over-production and unduo inflation of
prices would either precipitate a panic or lay
the foundation fir one. It is gratifying to note
that the cool-headed business men of the coun
try are calling attention to these possible dan
gers, and are advising tho public to go slow
to cast an anchor to windward, as it "were so
as to be able to reef sail at a moments warning.
Looked at from a local standpoint, business
is working smoothly, with a fair volume of
transactions and prices thinly held. There has
been a slight stiffening in the rates for money,
but there is no scarcity. Speculative commod
ities are slow, but thereis an active demand
for staples. The Clearing House reports con
tinue to show gains over the corresponding
period of last year.
By adhering to the conservative policy which
has raised her to a high standing in tho busi
ness world, Pittsburg will avoid the shoals and
pitfalls which endanger the prosperity of other
communities and continue her high career,
finding new markets for her products, and
steadily augmenting her population and
Clenrlnc Home Figures Cominuo to Show
Gains Over Lnt Year.
Tho money market was fairly active yester
day, the demand for small loans being good,
and checking and depositing liberal. There
was no change in rates, which were steady at
67, as the extremes. Tho scarcity of currency
was still felt but not so much as earlier in the
week. The gains for the week over the same
time last year, as shown by the Clearing House
report, were S750.000. The record for the day,
week and year is appended:
JJxcnanges s 1,636, 427 84
"alances 304,387 63
Mchanjtes for the week .'. 11,260,130 09
galanccs for the week 1,801,4 iO 85
f-tchanResweekof 1S83 10,613,807 69
liibinces week or 1883 I, HI, 319 58
exchanges previous week 11.2.J0.310 00
I'alanccs previous week 1,736,624 62
rotal exchanges. 1889 445,833.257 55
rotal exchances. 1883 403,611,00126
laln. 18S9overl888. 42,209,356 29
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at3nerrpnt Primn TnawnTitilA nqnar Kf717
Sterling exchange quiet but steady at tl tHhi
f or 60-day bills and 8S for demand.
The weekly statement of the New York
banks, issued yesterday, shows the following
changes: Reserve, decrease. $2,992,600; loans, in
crease, S2.870.V00; specie, decrease, $2,141,600;
legal tenders, decrease, $917,000; deposits, de
crease, SJ63.C00: circulation, increase, J11.200.
The banks now hold 5,134,775 In excess of the 25
per cent rule.
Closing Bond Quotations.
u. S. 4s. re? 127
U. b. 4g. coun 12S
U. 8. 4s. re losy
w. o. -is, conp.... lU-jJi
I'cll!cbsor'9 118
Louislanastampedls 90J
Miosuun os iw4
lenn. new net. (Is. ...106
lenn. new set. 5s. ...101
Tenn. newset.3s.... 74V
iMiaa& do. sas Vi$
Cen. JPaclflclsts lis
JJen. AK.O., lst...123,
J'en. &H. o. 4s 7k
l.&K.G.Westlsts. 105
Jle.Ms 104 .
. &.. 41. Gen. 6s.. 6JH
M. K. AT. Gen. S3 . S!H
Mutual Union 6s. ...102
N. J. C. Int Cert...ll3'4
Northern 1'ac. lsu..ll4Ja
Northern Jfac. 2ds..H4
North Wt'n consols. 146
Northw'n deben's..H6
Oregon & Trans. 6S.105M
St. 1.. 41. JI. Uen. 5a 8'JK
St. I...tb.f. Gen.Jl.119
H:. Paul consols 126
St.FI. Clll Al'c.lBlj.119
Tx., i'c.li. O.Tr Its. 91M
Tx.,lc.K.G.Tr.Kcts 3SJi
union rac. isis.....il4
West Shore 106J,
Visitors to the Exposition are invited
io inspect my immense ftock of diamonds
watches, jewelry, silverware, clocks'
bronzes, etc. The largest stock and lowest
prices in the city. Ko trouble to show
goods. 3T. jG. Coiiet,
533 Smithfield st
Cr.ANand novelty plaids, large assort-mcnt-new
goods for fall now opened.
Cabinet photos, ?1 per u'oz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and Hi Sixth st xisu
Gno. H. Bennett & Bito., 135 First
avenue, Pittsburg, are tho largest holders of
pure rye whisky in tho city.
The following amendments of the by-laws ot
the Pittsburg Petroleum, Stock and Metal Ex
change, governing dealings in New York secu
rities, recently authorized, will ba acted on
next Tuesday afternoon, September 17:
Article 1, Settling Day Section L All stocks
on the New York quotation board, sold "regu
lar," shall be deliverable on the last Wednesday
of each month, but all stocks sold regular on
Tuesdays, Mondays and Saturdays next pre
cading such settling day shall be deliverable
on the settling day of the following month.
Stocks sold on a settling day shall be de
liverable on the settling day of the following
How Cleared Section 2. All transactions
shall be cleared daily under the same rules and
Clearing House regulations which apply to
clearing petroleum. All other transactions
shall be ex-Clearing House, but any stock or
bond may be delivered through the Clearing
House, both parties agreeing.
Article 2, Deliveries. Section 1. When con
tracts for stock in lots less than 100 shares
mature during the closing ot tho books, the
seller or party who has to mako the delivery
need not doliver until tho next cash settling
day after the books open, but if he should elect
to deliver then, the party to receive the stock
must accept tender of the same. This rule
shall not affect 100 share lots, which shall in all
cases be delivered at maturity.
Section 2. All stocks deliverable to members
shall be in ten share lots, unless otherwise
specified, except on contracts maturing on
settling aay, wnen tne seuer or loaner shall
have the right to deliver stocks in 6uch lots as
his Clearing House order shall call for.
Section 3. Written notice must be given by
the purchaser or borrower to tho seller or
loaner. on all or any stock contracts for which
he shall require certificates of stock in settle
ment, on the Saturday next preceding the cash
settling day; such notice for said stock con
tracts to be in writing, by or before 10:SO a. jr.,
on such Saturday.
Section 4. All deliveries and payments shall
be made at the closing prices.
Section 5. Notice slips shall be given to the
Clearing Houso manager in all cases where
members have failed to borrow or loan the
necessary stocks to even their sheets, stating in
said notice the stocks, and their respective
number of shares.
Clearing House Charges. Section I. The
clearing charges shall be made on the basis of
ten shares of stock, being equivalent to 1,000
barrels of oil.
Article 3, Holidays. Section 1. Contracts
falling due on Sundays or such ex-Clearing
House holidays as are observed by the banks
shall be settled on tne preceding day.
Section 2. When two nolidays occui con
secutively, contracts, ex-Clearing House, fall
ing duo on the first of .such holidays shall bo
settled upon the business day immediately
preceding such holiday, and those maturing
upon the second holiday shall be settled upon
the business day next following the same.
Section 3. Should a holiday occur upon
Wednesday, a settling day, then the next busi
ness day following sucn holiday shall be tbo
cash settling day for that month.
Article 4. Defaults Section 1. Should a
member, not financially embarrassed, be una
ble to make his deliveries of certificates of
stock on settling day, then the member who is
to receive the same shall have the option of
extending the time of delivery in the usual way
as loans, or, after giving written notice, shall
close the deals out by selling the required
stocks to the presiding officer for account of
the delinquent at a price 25 cents per share In
excess of tho enrrent price of the time tho pre
siding officer shall make such purchases. A
member thus delinquent shall not be held to
have failed.
Section 2, A failure for Clearing House pur
poses from financial embarrassment shall be
remedied under the rules and regulations cor-
Iiocnl Stocks Dnll Bnt Generally Stendy
Thronshont tho Week.
Captain Barbour returned from Gettysburg
yesterday and conducted the stock call. He
was whitewashed. There was a big array of
figures on the board, in which bank aud insur
ance stocks figured conspicuously, but that was
all. Buyers and sellers were not on trading
terms the latter looking through the big end
and the former the little end of the glass.
There wero a few minor changes m quota
tions, about evenly divided between advances
and declines, but not pronounced enough to
establish precedents. Prices which can bo put
up or down by sales of ten share lets, afford In o
indication of values. The market was dull but
generally steady throughout the week, closing
at about the best prices. Bids and offers were:
Hid. Asked.
Government and Stato bonds were firm and
New TonK Bank clearings, S127.426.100; bal
anccs. S5,37!,l9. For the week-Clearings, J701,
255.721; balances, KA511,373.
Boston Bank clearings. $12,851. 029; balances,
51,307,131. For the week-Clearings, $79,707,918;
balances, 9,630.272. For the corresponding
week last year Clearings. $31,1195,314; balances,
Baltimorb Bank clearings. Sl,tS6,0Sl; bal
ances. 5233,047.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, 19,944,654;
balances. fl,297,6S6. For the week Clearings.
56o.752.790; balances, $9,714,216.
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day is
Pabis Three perccntrentes,86f 47Kc for the
. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, 511,003,000.
St. Louis Bank clearings, $2,870,936; bal
ances. S464.7I& For this week Clearings.
820,170,711; balances. $3,295,904. For last week
Cleanngs. S19.139.756; ba'ances. J3.629.541. For
samo week last year Clearings, 20,003.218:
balances, 53,147,539.
Oil Passes tbo Dollar Lino With Very Utile
The oil market was strong and dull yester
day. It opened at 99, and on light buying in
New York and Bradford advanced to 100,
Local selling at this flguro caused a break to
the opening quotation, from which another
little buying spurt cansed a rally to XXM,
which was tho closing price.
There was considerable noise at times, but
there was very little in the way of business to
show for it In fact more attention was given
to the ticker board than to oil. Friday's clear
ings were 626,000 barrels. There was no field or
other news of importance.
Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey 4 Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Average rnns
ATeraEO shipments
Average charters. ,
Koflned, New York, 7.20c,
Ktnne, jjonnon, nn.
Kenned, Antwtrp. HXt.
Keflned. Idverpooi. 64d.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote:
calls, 51 01jil 01.
Anna Blattery, alter frame two-story, 82x101
feet on corner of Mifflin and Fortieth streets,
Sixteenth ward.
W. A. Kingan, frame two-stonr, 18x30 feet on
Dearborn street-Nineteenth ward.
H. L. Bemer. frame two-story, 17x32 feet on
Euclid street Nineteenth ward.
Emma Kane, frame two-story, 18x28 feet, on
St Andrew street Twenty-first ward.
John E. Williams, three frame two-story,
18x18 feet on Bigelow street Twenty-third
Wifllani Apel, frame two-story, 18x32 feet on
Lydia street. Twenty-third ward.
" Kalite, frame two-story, 22x34 feet, on
Arlington avenue; Thirty-first ward.
John Ruflln, brick two-story, 20x32 feet on
Maple avenue. Thirty-first ward.
Peter Sofel, Jr.. frame two-story, 21x48 feet,
on Virginia avenue. Thirty-second ward.
John Wolstencroft frame two-story, 22x32
feet, on Jnnicus street Thirty-fifth ward.
Conrad Malkins, frame two-story, 20x38 feet
o Freeland street Thirty-first ward.
William Hartlip, frame two-story, 20x60 feet,
onPine street. Twenty-seventh ward.
Frank Smith, frame one-story addition, 12x14
feet, on Gregory street Twentv-seventh .ward.
Isaac McMinn, frame two-story, 19x44 feet
uuc,wiii Btroet. .LwenEy-nrBE wara.
rank Killian. frame two-stonr,. 18x45 feet,
onMeadow street. Twenty-first ward.
E. S. Kiskadden. frame two-story, 20x32 feet,
on Park avenue. Twenty-first ward.
Dr. William Hamilton, brick two-story, 38x
GO feet on Winneblddle street. Twentieth
E. Barry, frame one-story, 24x48 feet on
Penn avenue, Sixteenth ward.
Mrs. E. a. Drumm estate, five two-story
brick.69x32 f eet,on Thlrty-flrst streetFif teenth
ward. f
Frank Laraca. frame two-story, 16x24feet on
Howard's lane. Fourteenth ward.
James F. Shearn. framowo-stqry, 18x28 feet
on Omega street Nineteenth ward.
J. D. Hughes, brick addition. 25x55 feet on
corner of Forty-fifth and Butler streets. Seven
teenth ward.
James Gamon, brick two-story, 20x48 feet,
on 482 Bedford avenno. Thirteenth ward.
Mrs. M. J. Tice, frame two-story, 20x32 feet,
on Belonda street. Thirty second ward.
James Ranssdeu, frame two-story, 18x28 feet,
on Arlington avenue. Twenty-fourth ward.
Mrs. Ann Strong, frame two-story, 16x16 feet,
on Arlington avenue. Twenty-fourth ward.
Daniel Donovan, frame two-story. 22x32 feet
on corner of Hancock and Thirty-third streets.
Thirteenth ward.
M. Sohm. brick two-story, 20x50 feet on
Cliff street Eleventh ward.
Robert Arthurs, two frame two-story, 14x30
feet, on Vera street Thirteenth ward.
Joseph Bamlf, frame two-story, 16x33 feet on
Duff street Thirteenth ward.
J. W. Moore, frame two-story, 20x44 feet on
Rural avenne. Nineteenth ward.
Joseph Exterman, frame two-story, 18x31
feet on Lilac street Twentieth ward.
M Tlmmgnr' fp.ma aha a.nw tlff fut en
Bertha street, Thirty-second wari
John Derring, frame two-story, 17xlfl feet on
Mifflin street Sixteenth ward.
Joseph Seppert frame two-story, 17x46 feet
.on Keystone avenue. Eighteenth ward.
Householder & Jones, two frame three
story 20x41 teet on Broad street Nineteenth
John Schott, frame two-story, 28x45 feet on
Lincoln street Twenty-first ward.
John Schott, frame two-story, 21x48 feet on
Lincoln street Twenty-first ward.
B. F. Benton, brick one-story, 16x16 feet on
Carson street Twenty-fifth ward.
Joseph Welser, frame one-story 10x12 feet on
Scott street Twentv-seventh ward.
D. W. C. BIdwell. three brick and stone two
story, 31x42 feet, on Lilac street, Twentieth
Michael Cooney, frame one-story addition, 12
xl6 feet on Neville street. Twenty-second
George Brooks, frame two-story, 10x32 feet
on Berkheimer street Twenty-seventh ward.
J. M. Graner, frame two-story, 32x24 feet, on
Bingham street Thirty-second ward.
Gay Dinlers, frame two-story. 16x24 feet, on
Howard's lane. Fourteenth ward.
Westinehouse Machine Comnanv. brick- one-
story, 18x16 feet on Twenty-fourth street
Twelfth ward.
Wm. Cohim, brick two-story and mansard, IS
x3ofeet, on Poplar alley, Seventh ward.
Jones & Laughllns. Lira., ono iron-clad addi
tion, 15x20 feet, on Third avenue. Second ward.
keeps up a good demand for that class of secur
ities. Investobs who were hungry for bank stocks
must pay the price to get them. There are no
signs of concession.
Onlt a limited amount ot theFrick Coke
Company bonds remain for sale by the fidelity
Title and Trust Company.
The change of management of the Pittsburg
and Western has so far failed to boom the
stock. Is it another Panhandle dealt
Real estate was active last week so far as
Inquiry wag concerned, butthe amount of busi
ness was slight Business in mortgages was
Nothing has been said lately about a divi
dend on Plate Glass. President Ford's state
ment that they would be few and far between
seems likely to stand good.
There is too much bear at the Stock Ex
change for business to thrive. All want to get
In on the ground floor. One of these days the
bears will find themselves in the soup.
W THE coal mm?
Dangers That Surrourjf the Under
ground Totters,
... OOVII.owest. 99W
...ltWJal Closed loo
Puts, 89Jac;
AllcshcnvNational Bank
Haufc of rittsbunr
Commercial National Hank
Diamond . itlon.il liank
Diiqucsnc National liank
Kxcbanpe National lUnk
Farmers' Deposit National Hank.
Klrst National Bank, Pittsburg....
Fourth .National liank..
Fifth Avenue 434
Freehold 54
Iron Cltv National Bank 90
Iron and Class Dollar havings 131
Keystone Bank of Pittsburg CJ
Masonic liauk 60
Merchants-Manufacturers' K a. Bank. 02
.Metropolitan .National Bank !H
Mononirahela National Bank 110
Odd Fellows' Savinps Hank 07H
I'lltsburgNat. Dank of Commerce 230
People's National Hank 151
feafe Deposit Company 190
Tradesmen's National Bank 160
German National, Alleghcnv 150
Ileal Estate Loan and Inist Co 80
Second .National Hank. Allegheny lSo
'I hlrd National, Allegheny 135
Worklngman's havings 72
Other Oil lUnrltets.
OIL City, September 14. National transit
certificates opened at tWiJc; highest $1 OOK;
lowest, 99e; closed, SI 00. Sales, 197,000 bar
rels; clearances, 268,000 barrels; charters. 80,825
barrels; shipments, 77,227 barrels; runs, 53,031
Bradford, September 14. National transit
certificates opened at 90c; closed at $1 00
h!ghest,$100:loHest,9!c. Clearances, 788,000
TrrusvrLXE, September 14. National transit
certificates opened at 99e: highest SI 005:
low est, 99c; closed at $1 00.
New York, September U Petroleum
opened firm at 99c, and. although there was
some pressure to sell, the price moved up
slowly, closing firm at SL Sales,02,OCO barrels.
Allegheny Insurance Co 51
Allemannla 43
Citizens SGX
Bid. Asked.
Uerman American,
Humboldt ,
Man. Mcr
Union ,
Western Insurance Co,
AllechcnvGas Co. (Ilium. 1
Consolidated Gas Co. (Ilium.)
East End Gas Co. (Ilium.)
1'lttsburg Gas Co. (Ilium.)
boutbslde Gas Co. (Ilium.)
. SI
', 43"
, 50
, 40
Bid. Asked.
... 33
... S3
... C5
... 62
. 118
. 45
. M4
. 29
Allegheny Heating Co...
Chnrtlers Valley Gas Co ,
.Manufacturers Gas Co ,
Natural Gas Co. of W. Va
Ohio Valley
People's Natural Gas Co
People's Nat. (J as and i'lpeage Co....
Pennsylvania Gas Co
Philadelphia Co
fine nun
Wheeling Gas Co
Bid. Asked.
ForestOU Co 105
Bid. Asked.
Central Traction 31 sijjf
Citizens' Traction 09
1'lttsburg Traction 45' 43
Pleasant Valley 19 111V
Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester 23j'
. IS
, 54
Chartlers ltallway 42'
Pitts., Yonngstown & Ashtabula 11. is
Do. nrclerred m
Pitts. & Connellsrtlle 15 25
Pitts. June. It. It. Co 30
Pitts. & Western It. K. Co 12 i;'f
Do, preferred isj$
Bid. Asked.
Monongahela Bridge 20 ....
Pittsburg & Birmingham Bridge 11
Point Bridge....; 314
Do. preferred is'
Union ua
. , . . , Bld- Asked.
Allegheny County Electric. 5"
Wcstinghouse Electric 51 syi
,,,.. BId- Atkc1
La Noria Mining Co IK ii
Luster Mining Co 10
Bilverton Mining Co 1
Yankee Girl Mining Co 4
Granite Kooflnp Co 40
Monongahela Water Co 35
Ne Castle Water Co , 25 ....
Union Switch and Signal Co suf
Do. preferred jo'i
AVcstlnghonse Air Brake Co mC
The total sales ot stocks at New York yester
day were 75.606 shares, including Atchison,
2.773; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
1,600; Erie. 2,000: Louisvilleand Nashville, 9,360;
Missouri Pacific, 2.260; Northwestern, 2,115;
Northern Pacific, 2.105; Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 5.260; Reading. 0,100; St Paul. 9,100;
Union Paciflo, 8,100.
Boainn Stocks.
Kutland preferred.. 45
Wis. Central. com... 29'
Alloucz MeCo ii
y ammei .t necla....2H
rrnnKlin ,
uen -reiepnone
lloslon r.aml ..
Water Power.,
Completion oi n S 10,000 Deal on Ilerr's
Island Other Sales.
W. "W. McNeil & Bro., 105 Fourth avenue.
completed the sale of tho sawmill property,
with four acres of land, on Herr's Island, Alle
gheny, for Robert Woodsido et al., to John H.
Wilson, for S40.000.
Heed B. Coylo & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for tbo Freehold Bank to Charles M. Corbit 19
lots in the R. M. Kennedy plan, at Homewood
station, Pennsylvania Railroad, at a price ap
proximating S8,000.
Ewing & Byers, No. 93 Federal street, sold
for H. P. Blatterbeck, of the East End, to W.
C. Morrison the property No. 242 Lacock street,
Fourth ward, " Allegheny, being a two-story
brick house of seven rooms and hall, with lot
18x44 to a small alley, for S3.350.
Black & Baird,95 Fourth avenue, sold to John
Gantz,Jr., three lots on the cast fide of Roquet
street, Oakland, near Sylvan avenue. 20x120
feet, for S2.400.
Charles E. Cornelius sold last week 17 lots
f rom his nlan at Mnrnint-Ridp. nn fnllnlia. Ton
lots, 20x100. to M. Kappe, for $2,000; four lots. 20
xlOO, to M. M. Wiutcrgreen, for S600; two lots.20
xlOO. to David Williams, for S400; one lot,20x
10O, to P. Guteman, for S300.
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold for the Blair estate five lots on Second
avenue, Hazelwood, having a front of 25 feet
each, and extending back 1G5 feet, for $5,u00.
L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for Samuel Meik lot 55x154 feet,
situated on tho southwest corner of Rebecca
and Harriet street. Twentieth ward, to Mrs.
Anna Hammer, for $2,800 cash. The purchaser
will commence the erection of a fine residence
at once.
W. C. Stewart, 114 Fourth avenne, sold for
Levi DeWolf lot 24 in the McComb's Grove
plan to Geo. Adams for $1,250. He also placed
a mortgage for three years at 5 per cent on Al
legheny City business property.
Railroad Shares Wind Up Tnme After a
Lively Week The Bank Statement,
Being No Hone Than Expected,
Causes a Better Fecl-
lnir at tbo Close.
Nejv Yoek, September 14. The stock mar
ket to-day was dull and in the general list en
tirely uninteresting, the fluctuations In none of
the list extending over a range of 1 per cent
while the heavy tone which prevailed from the
opening almost to the close was more the result
of professional selliing than anything else.
The sudden announcement of the new cut in
rates by the Chicago, Burlington andNorthern,
togetherwith the general expectation of an un
favorable bank statement to-day, led to a
marked indisposition to trade, especially upon
the long side, and while there was no pressure
of stocks for sale outside of the short offerings
of the traders, there was no demand, and the
market naturally became heavy and limited, as
usual under such circumstances.
The opening prices generally showed declines
of from to per cent from last night's fig
ures, and the subsequent dealings in the reg
ular list developed no feature whatever beyond
the moderate decree of animation in Louisville
and Nashville, Reading and St Paul. Read
ing, however, reached its lowest price for the
week. In the unlisted department the manipu
lation inPhcenix Mining was continued, and
me price was run up oj rapid stages irom to to
75, whence it reacted to 60 and closed at 65.
The close showed a little better tone, the de
crease in the surplus reserve being no larger
than expected, and while dullness was the
principal feature, the market was steady to
Bailroad bonds were quiet and without
special feature, and while a general firm tone
existed there was considerable irregularity in
the final changes. The sales reached S421.000.
Sales of bonds for the week $7,372,000, against
$5,06,000 last week.
The following table snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the .New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected daily lor The Dispatch by
WHiTsEY&STEPHEjjsoif, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of .New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave-
The Wheat Clique Wavering, Not Know
lux Which War 10 Turn December
and Dior Higher Other Options
IiOso Ground Corn, (Tats
and PorkFealareloss.
Chicago. The wheat market was strong
and weak by turns to-day. Fluctuations in
prices were not violent and excitement did not
run as high as on some of the earlier days. The
only cause for complaint was the lack of out
side orders. Barring a little buying again to
day for acconnt of New York the business pass
ing was almost entirely local. Three or four
Chicago houses took between them fully 1.0C0,
000 of December when the price was around
7(c. Most of the news was again favorable
for holders. A Minneapolis dispatch said an
unusual number of cable orders for flour had
been received and the foreign flour situation
had improved. The French Government 13
said to have figured out an increase of 33,000,
000 bushels of wheat in the crop this year as
compared with that reported in 1883.
The strongest local feature settled down on
a yield for this country of 480.080,000 bushels as
the stock showing. BradilrceCt London cor
respondent says the weather was bad for the
greater part of a month during harvest and
that probably 68,000,000 bushels will be all that
will be marketable, while 140.000,000 bushels
will be required. The close here for December
and May was a above yesterday's latest bids,
with September, October and year 4fi
Corn ruled active and weak. Trading heavy
and fluctuations active and weak. Trading
heavy and fluctuations within half a a range.
The weakness was due almost entirely to the
fine weather forthe growing crop. Themarket
opened at yesterday's closing prices, was easy
for a time, rallied c in purchases by shorts
and a large local trade, but again became weak,
selling off c, ruled irregular and closed
Jio lower than yesterday.
Oais were quiet and easy, dueto receipts ex
ceeding estimates and also to the weakness and
decline in corn.
Mess pork attracted little attention, tradimr
exclusively in contracts in January. The feel
ing was steadier and prices rather favored
Very little business was transacted in the
lard market, which was steady.
Trading in short ribs was comparatively light
and tho feeling was steadier. Prices averaged
-a trifle higher early, but receded again and the
market closed rather quiet
The leading lutures ranged as follows-
Wheat No. 2. October. 7777K7777Kc;
December. 7879X78i7Mic: year. 77K
77K76K77c: Ma v. 82S2w8282Kc.
COHN No. 2, October. 32e33S2eS2c;
December. 32K32Vf3131c: Mar. 3iHS
Oats No. 2, October. 18191919c:
December. 1918c; May, 225J22c.
Mess Pork, per 1)bL October, $10 90;
November, $3 909 108 909 00; January, 15
9 22K9 12K'J 17K-
LABS, per 100 Bs. October, 15 875 90;
November,S5 77J405 805 77Ko 77; January,
$5 60577k.
Short Ribs, per 100 as. October. $4 85
4 87X 80& 82K; November, $4 604 60;
January, $1 654 o2&
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat 77c: No.
3 sprlnc wheat 6264c; No. 2 red, 77c No. 2
corn.32c. No.2n,its,lSc No.2rye.4242ia
No. 2 barley. 62c. No. 1 flaxseed. 81 2 "
1 23. Prime timothy seed, lower. Mess pork,
per bbh $10 90. Lard, ner 100 nounds. sa 00
6 02. Short rib sides (loose), unchanged:
dry salted shoulders (boxed), $4 955 00;
short clear sides (boxed), unchanged.
Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour. 10,000 bar
rels; wheat 70.000 bushels: com. 291,000 bushels;
oats. 152,000 bushels; rye. 19.000 bushels; barley,
6I,O0Obmhel3. Shipments Flour,.9,000 barrels;
wheat 79,000 bushels: corn. 119,000 bushels; oats,
248,000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels; barley, 31,000
On the Produce exchange to-day the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 16c.
To the majority of tie pablic of tkk
conntry coal mines and seal miners Bare al
ways been a source of interest When a
traveler, out- for a pleasure trip, strikes a
town where coal mines are located hii first
object is to get a permit to visit them. There
is a charm of novelty aad ezelteaeat at
tached to the trip. Xo step into the oar and
be loitered swiftly down the long, dark,
shaft into the very bowels of the earth. A.
feeling of exhilaration, not unmixed with a
nervous dread, as one shoots dewaward
through spaee. The visitor sees oaly tits
wonderful portions of the work, aad gains
only a slight idea of the dangers of the
mines. Not so with the hardy, saeke-bft
grimed miner. He is fully alive to tie eea
stant peril of his position. Explosions frem
fire damp, falling lamps of coal, loosened
by a blast, and, as is often the ease, a cave-,
in of the entire tunnel. These are a few of
the worst enemies of the nadergresad toil
ers. Mr. David H. Brown, trite resides ia
Stowe township, directly back of Cbartlen,
formerly of Tom's Bun, is an overseer in the
coal mines of the Pennsylvania Bailroad,
Company, and gave the writer aa interest
ing acconnt of his experiences as a saiaer.
"My trouble began about 13 years age.
It came on. me gradually, and was caused
by colds, contracted from exposure to the
dampness in the mines. My nostrils be
came clogged up, and X could not breathe
through my nose. My head was stepped
tip, and I had a dnll, heavy paia across my
forehead and in my temples all the time.
There was a buzzing and roaring sound in
my ears. This condition continued for a
long time. Finally my trouble began to ex
tend, and I soon found myself ia a very seri
ous condition.
David H, Brown, Stowe Towruhip.
.. 73
A.4T. LandGr't;s.l07M
Afnfi frl'nn IF IF TO3?
Koston & Albany. ..EM
liosiou & Maine.. ...no
C, It. U i.llili
Clun. -bta. & Clcre. :i
Eastern It. It 10a
l'llntAl'ereM. era. 03
Mexican Uen. com., is
Jlex.C.UtmtF. bds. CTtf
. ?. .Newnir... SIM
Old Colony. 1783
.. 49
.. K'4
Local Building Operations Ilolil Their Own
nnd n Little Morr.
Last week was a good one in the building
trade. Sixty-two permits were issued for
houses, tho estimated cost of which is $126,636.
The largest was taken out by D. W. tJ. Bidwell
for threo brick and stono dwellings on Lilac
street, to cost $18,000. Alfred Moreland was
given permission to erect eight two-story frame
houses on Grandview avenue. They will cost
him $10,000. Mrs. E. L. Edwards will build
three brick and stone dwellings on Moorhead
lane, for which she expects to pay $9,000. The
rest wero small and medium-sized. The fol
lowing is the list:
Mary E. Miller, frame two-story, 18x23 feet,
on Grandview avenue, Thirty-fourth ward.
Ross Miller, framo two-story, 20x44 feet, on
Sjcainore street, Thirty-second ward.
Fred Philpot two frame two-story, 25x38
feet on Brownsville road, Twenty-seventh
A. C. Gumbert, frame two-story, 30x41 feet,
on Shetland street, Twenty-first ward.
. iiromener, frame two-story, loxsa leer, on
Grazier street, Twenty-first ward.
J"lin T. Uerghley, framo two-story, 20x44 feet,
on Itutal avenue, Nineteenth ward.
T. Kilcullen. frame two-story. 18x32 feet, on
Whitney stieet, Fourteenth ward.
If. U. Ilronn, two frame two-story, 24x40 feet
on Boulevard Place, Twenty-first ward.
D. F. McAfee, three brick two-story, 18x48
ffet, on corner Matcheyand Bishop streets,
Ihirty-second ward.
Alfred Morland, eight two-story frame, 18x46
feet on Grandview avenue. Thirty-second
Mrs. E. T. Edwards, one stone and brick
three-story, 30x40 feet, on Moorbe3d lane,
-twenty-second ward.
, W. M. Beech, frame onc-ctorv. 12x20 feet, on
Vebster avenue. Thirteenth waid.
D. S. Davis, two' frame two-storyand man
sard. 32x30 feet, on Frazier street, Fourteenth
Sterrlt fc Thomas, one-story ironclad addl-
Oll. lrVvffWA-f- nn n-An- .F Tht.t .. ..
, 11
Am. Cotton Oil HH
Atch.. lop. & .'.... 39H
Canadian I'jcIBc dd'i
Canada Southern MM
Central of New Jersey.llSK
Central Pacini 38Ji
Chesaneakct Ohio
C. llur. & Oun..:r. ...
C, iln. a at. Paul...
C, aill.&St. P.. pr...
C KocKl. 11'
C. at. L. Al'ltta
C. m. L. & Pitts, nf.
C St. P..J1. so
C. St. P..M.AO.. pr. ....
C. & Northwestern.. ..1133
i;.isnorinwesiern, pi.
U., U., V. K 1 ,
0., C, C. AL, pf.,
Col. Coal A Iron ,
Col. & HocKlnx Vat ,
Del., L. & W ,
Del. Hudson
Denver&Klo a
Denver A KloU.. ut.
E.T.. Va. ilia
K.T..Va. Ua. 1st n.r.
E. T Va. AGa. 2d pr. ZVi
Illinois Central U6j
Lake Krlo X Western
Lake trie & West. pr.. 63
Lake Shore AM. ti 10G
Louisville A Maahvllie. H
Michigan central 83i
Mobiles Ohio
Mo.. Kan. & Texas
Missouri Pacific 76'4
Jew l'ork Central KM
A. Y.. L. E.A W 50
a. 1.. c. a st. i
a. i.. u. 4 st. l. nr.
N.r.. c Ast.L.zd or . ..
N. li.V, is son
ti: r., o. w :... ws
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk Western. Df,
Northern Pacific
Nortnern Pacific nror.
OhloA Mississippi
OreKon Improvement.
Oregon Tran9con
racinc Man
Peo. Dec. AKvans....
Phlladel. A Keadlnr.
1'allman Palace Car.. .132
Klchmona A W. P. T 24
Kicnmond A W.l'.T.nf ....
St. P., Minn. A Man..lv9
bt.L.ASan rran
St. L. A San ran pr.. 62
st.li. A ban '. lbt pr.
Texas Pacific 21tf
Union 1'acina m)i
Wabash preferred 331$
Western Union S61
Wheeling A L. it 71
Sugar Trast 103
National Lead Trnst.. 24
Chicago Gas Trust
High- Low
est, est
WH 39'$
Sf.i 38)$
108 losji
73i 73Ji
115 115
103X 1W
1113 113;
. -.3 75 75
,.1C2 102 101 K
. 33?a 33?9 1
. 13 IS 13
.143 Ui'A 1475f
, Siif
, 35
si H
34 H
ing Hid.
69 K
73 'i
34 i
61 3?
a 4
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office ofPittsbitro Dispatch,!
Satuedat, September 14, 1859.
CATTTE Receipts, 980 head; shipments, 1,100
head; market steady; nothing doing; all
through consignments; 10 cars of cattle shipped
to New York to-day.
Boos Receipts. 1,200 head: shipments. 3,400
head; market active: best light H 054J4 70;
medium and light Philadelphia?, $4 50; heavy
grades, S4 2004 30: grassers, U 254 40; 6 cars
of hogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 1,800 bead;" shipments,
3.000 head; market dull, shade off from yester
day's prices.
Natural Gm Bills Seduced 73 Per Cent.
Seeonr new gas fires.gasranges.gas stoves,
etc.; register your orders for fall delivery.
The largest, finest and most complete assort
ment of any firm in the world. O'Kzepe
Gas Appliance Co., 34 Fifth aye.
"A dry, hacking cough set in, and I had
a constant tickling sensation in my throat
I could feel the mucus dropping back into
my throat, and would wake up during the
night feeling as though I was choking. I
was continually hawking and raising large
quantities of phlegm ot a greenish yellow
color. My eyes became very much, in;
flamed. My throat and tongue were always
"Sharp shooting rains would po throntrli
my chest, extending to the shoulder blade.
Tiiey were so severe on the left side, that
for the last three years I could not lie on
that side at all. My limbs became swollen.
Night sweats weakened me, and I lost flesh
rapidly. I could not sleep. When I got
up in the morning I was more tired than
when I went to bed, and had a dizzv and
faint feeling that would last for several
"I felt hungry, but when I went to the
table the very sight of food took away my
appetite. L grew weaker and weaker, and
Anally had to stop work. Whenever I at
tempted to do anything X became short of
breath and had to sit down. It was when in
the condition described above, that I first heard '
of Drs. Copeland 4 Blair. I had tried so many
physicians that I had lost faith, but deter
mined to see them. They did not promise to
perform any miracles, but I felt they could do
me good, so placed myself under their care.
"I soon found a decided improvement in my
condition. My head and chest ceased to pain
me. My eyes became strong and clear and I
have no more trouble with mifin Thn no in
in my left side has disappeared, aud my throat
is no longer sore. The cough has left me. I
sleep well and feel rested in the mornings, and
can relish my food. I have grown strong and
gained in weight 1 breathe freely, and can do
a good day's work. I owe my recovery to Doc
tors Copeland & Blair, and am grateful to them
for making me a perfectly well man once more.
Mr. Brown lives, as stated, in Stowe township,
back of Chartlers, and his statement can bo
easily verified.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clnng to Castorla,
When she bad Children.she gave them Castorla
Issue travelers' credits through Mcasrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
Tamarack....!"";."lM4 tion, 10x60 feet, on corner of Thlriy-second ana
3auDiego...i....-.. 26i j SmaUman streets, Fifteenth ward.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Phlladplphbi stocks, fur
nished by Whltilev A Stephenson, brokers. No 57
Fourth avenue, alcinbcis New York Stock x-tluuyc.
Pennsylvania ltallroad.
Unttalo. Pittsburg and Western..
Lehigh Valley
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific preferred
Bit Asked.
io2 Jo
M 53JJ
32H a
ft nu
Business Notes.
Hexht M. Lon-o soIdbO shares of Electric
at 52.
Permits for 62 buildings were issued last
week, the estimated cost being $120,638.
A downtown business property was sold
yesterday, but the particulars were refused.
It needs but a small buying movement to
start business in stocks. Wbo will lead off?
The improvement in tho Insurance business
Additional Evidence by Mail.
A Short time airo Mr. John Wrirht of Chics.
go Junction, Ohio, placed himself under treat
ment by mail with Drs. Copeland & Blair.
In writing about bis trouble he said:
"Two years ago I was ill with lune fever and
never fully recovered from It I could noc
sleep at night The mucus would drop back
into my throat, and I would wake up feelmgas
though 1 was choking. Large scabs would
come from my nostrils whenever I used my
handkerchief. Tbov would often be streaked
with blood. My eyes were affected
and wore continually running a watery
substance. I was unable to attend to
my duties, feeling weakand tired all the time.
I had a backing cough and ringing noises In
my ears. Gradually I noticed I was becoming
deaf. I would have dizzy spells and my mem
ory failed me. I bad pains in my chest and
bad no appetite.
"A short time after I commenced treating
with Drs. Copeland & Blair I noticed an im
provement The dropping in my throat stopped,
my cough and the pains in my chest left me.
I can now sleep and eat well. The result has
been a great surprise to me, as I had given up
all hope of ever getting well again."
About tne middle of last May Miss Lottie J.
Forker, or 299 Arch street Meadville Pa
placed herself under treatment by mail with
Drs. Copeland & Biair. In stating her case by
letter just previous to tho date above men
tioned she complained ot terrible headaches,
followed by spjlls of vomiting, which would
compel ber to He in bed for 24 hours, after
which she would bo completely worn out
Sham pain in the breast extending through to
the shoulder blades, and followed by others in
her stomach and side.
On June 9 she wrote: "Your medicine is do
ing me good, 1 do not feel so tired, and my
head has onlvached twice, and that was caused
by a fresh cold I caught"
On July 2 her letter stated that she was feel
ing very wclL
August 28 she wrote: "Ifeel quite liko a
different woman from the one I was when I
commenced yourtreatment"
Some time ago Mr. M. C. Wilson, of Canons
bnrg. Pa., placed himself nnder treatment, by
mail, with Drs. Copeland fc BlM. Xn stating
bis caso by letter early in July.be complained
of a full, heavy feeling in bis bead over the
eyes, a bad taste in the mouth, coughing and
raising phlegm, dimness of sight sharp pains
in the chrst with a tight pinched feeling and
soreness In the lungs, and a weak and shaky
condition of the limbs.
July 23 be wrote: "lam Improving steadily;
commencing Jul v 1. 1804, interest being pajable V' 'If in?,. ,.f ".? ":? i.KT" 'Sf!?"-.
uimi.nnimail .innnarv nnd Tt,ii, ? f .y.1 August 10 he wrote: "I feel like a different
mnnM.nn J being Irom the one 1 1
Ban irancisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex
changes. Loans made at low rates of interest
Established 1876. .89-Weekly Circular FREE.
A. R. CHISHOLM & CO., 61 Broadway, N. Y.
A Home Security,
Five Per Cent Interest, '
The Fidelity Title and Trnst Company ofTers
for sale, at SI 02 and accrued interest a lim
ited number ot iiO-vear first mortgage bonds of
the II. C." Frick Coke Company, the capital
stock of which is 85.0O0.C00. fully paid in.
Theso bond3 are redeemable by a sinking
innu at tne rate oi ;im,wj per annum, at tl 05.
office of this company.
We have carefully examined into the sound
ness of this security, and can recommend it as
one ot the most desirable investments on the
121 123 Fourth avenue.
6015-68 Pittsburg, Pa.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
being from the one I was when I commenced
your treatment and I am quite willing that a
short statement of what your treatment has
done for me should be made in the papers."
Are locate d permanently at
Where they treat with success all curable eases.
OEWhntirs 9 to U A. 5L: 2 to 5 P. 3t;7to9
V. 31. (Sunday included).
Specialties CATARItH, and ALL DIS
Consultation, IL Address all mall to
83" sixth are., Pittsburg, Pa.
ttrtiiilllittilfil- lnttiiHii (fiif li IiH;i:mi lli'intfniii- tj.ll
. -