r mgw&?Wl?FfW&m ,12 THE1 PITTSBURG DISPATCH, S dNDAY; ' -' SEPTEMBER r' 15,' 18897 X.- ir IN THE SOCIAL SWIM. I often think wliat a -pity it is that wom an's sphere in life is principally to please and look pretty. Some of us can't do both, you know and some of us can do neither. Sometimes a very plain girl can make peo ple believe she is pretty just because she is mi clever and pleases them so much; but when a plain girl can't do this, what is there left for her to do but to call in the assistance of art to nullify these defects which nature lias given her or to supply those which she Las not given her? "Why will we girls destroy ourselves for ever, jnst for a little momentary heighten ing of the charm of nature by art? ' I am afraid I will have to give it up un less I acknowledge that "we girls" 3re fools which I, of course, emphatically refu se to do. SET O.NE. She was a rustic and gav coquet. Ana he was a youngster just from town; Together they stood by the tennis net As the summer sun was sinking down, She in a flimsy, snowy gown Dotted with patterns of violet "While he in a blazer gold and brown Explained the points of a 'vantage set SSLe was a knowing and fair coquet. And missed the ball with a shameless face; "With the faintest blush ber ripo lips met And "love" was called with charming grace, Till the jouth forgot to "cut" and "place," And played close up to the tempting net; And one could tell 'twas a simple case The moment tho youth had called her "pet." He was a youth with a tender flame And she was a pretty and bright coquet; And who in the world should bear the blame, And who in the world should fume and fret? There was never arword of "play" and "let," And each of them held an equal claim While she avers he won the set; He frankly admits she won a game. Social Events, r The Carroll Club will give their first recep tion at their club rooms. Penn avenue. Thurs day evening, September 19. The committee is composed of S. Lanigan. T. SI. Hughes, W. A. Kaue, John 13. JIcKulty, E. K. Baker. There was a surprise party given at tho home of Miss Jcnuie Iteese, of the West End, in bonor of her birthday. Among those present were: Misses Jennie Wilson, Mamie Berger, 8. Harrison, Ivy Leech. Birdie and Jennie Reese, Iaa Lightenhill, Laura Fhilipps. Blanche Bohland; Masters Ralph Graham, John Molber, 3Jobert illume. Joe Richards, Prank Andrews, John It. Hamilton. A surprise party was given at the residence" 5f Mr. ar.d Mrs. Leonard Eegg, of Somerset street, Allegheny, Friday night by their friends. Among those pres-ent were: Misses Selma Kcuaffer. Ida Schaller, Emma Erdner, Mr. and 3'rs. WiUard, Mr. and Mrs. Wormley. Mr. and Jirs. Otto Schiller Mr. and Mrs. AlFechtner; Measrs. Philip Lippert, Charles Schaffer, Will lam Underwood, Dick Williams, and many others. A very enjoyablo party was given at the resl uence of Miss Minnie Carle, of fcouth Fifteenth rrect, on Wednesday evening in honor of her birthday. Among those present were: Stella Ilnnzler, Emma Unks, Ida Cuddy, Melia Campbell, Mayne Taylor, Delia Smille, Miss O'Biicu, Miss Houston, Mrs. Klages; Messrs. J. Craft. C. Smille, J. Haberman, Ed Campbell. Krank Woodward, J. Smith, Georce Wolf, Mr. Iiumel, Mr. Klaces, William Carle. A pleasant surprise was tendered Mrs. H. Heed, No. 35 Ninth street, last Wednesday evening, by her friends. Among those present were Misses L. Dufly, M. Fitzpatrick, N. Duffy, M. Morton, A. Cannon. G. Sellers, M. Giblin, K. Buss, K. Kates, K. Garrison, Mrs. Grace, Mrs. Kates, Mrs. Morrow; Messrs. A. Vandvke, W. Adams, 1L Willis. M. Barry. It. Liddell, C. Cannon, F. Osborn, Y. Kates, L. Flanncry, S. Flannery, F. Xeeham, C. Solan, G. Grace, C. Blocu and H. Heed. A brilliant affair wa3 held at the residence of Mr. Geo. Xlorman, of Mlllvale, Tuesday even irg, and a large and joyful crowd attended. Among those pi csent were Misses Lillian and Mary Dorman, May Lynch. Hagan, Wallace, Elders. Hassinger, Emma and Cora Marshall, Burchiield. Unis, Kines, Leseman; Messrs. George Dorman. Walter McCorinack, Ben Hooker, Scott, Briner. Wallace, Hierst, Gilles pie, Kieser. Majors, Ben and Elliot Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner, and Mr. and Mrs. Crouthers. One of the pleasant events of the week was the surprise party tendered Miss Stella Curtm at the residence of ber parents. No. 21 Wilson street. Various games were played until mid night, when refreshments Tere served. Among . those present were the Misses Kitty Lundy, Delia McAndrew. Clara fehortell, Maggie Mc Garr, Fannie Dnran Mame Seency, Kate Sweeney, Mame Curtin Lizzie Lundy; "Masters None Mawhinncy. Willie Keefe. Harry Dun kclL Louie Westermau. Eiloie Shorten, Will Taylor, Fred Keyscr, Ed Doran, Joe Lundy, Jim McGarr. Personal Gossip. Mrs. C. Wcier and her niece. Miss Mary Heboid, left last nightfor New York. Mis Gertrude Clark has gone to Buffalo, N. 1, to accept a position as stenographer. Mrs. J. E. Emerson, of Beaver Falls, left on Tuesday for Kansas City, to visit friends. Miss Carrie Eagle, of Chicage, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. J. Eagle, of the Hotel Duquesne. Miss Nettie Bray, of Hazelwood, is visiting her brother, Mr. Charles W. Bray, of Youngs town. Mrs. J. M. Gusky and family have returned from their summer trip to Saratoga and Spring Lake, N. J. Miss Maggie Forse, of Mount Washington, is Visiting Hits Clara Kurtz, of Allegheny avenue, Allegheny. Miss Blanche Oswald, of Washington street, returned home Thursday from a very pleasant Eummer trip. Mis Mattie Bead, of Liberty avenne. re turned home Saturday after a two months' Etay in Cleveland, O. Mrs. Riddle and Miss Jennie Faulkner, of Arch street. Allegheny, are homo again after a pleasant visit to Eric. Mr. Frank Young ana sister. Miss Llbbie, are visiting their cousin. Mrs. Ellsworth Davidson, of Newburg, New York. Miss Katie Biehl, of Chicago, who has been visiting friends in Lawrenceville, left last Wednesday for her home. Miss Jennie Fisher, of Coraopolis, is visiting ber friends, the Misses Florence Forster and Annie Brant, of Allegheny. Mr. E. W. Carter, who has been visiting his family itt Oakland from Leadville, Cal., for the last three weeks, lias returned home. Miss Nella Flack, of Allegheny, who has been spending the summer in the Allegheny Mountains, returned home last week. Miss Emma Elccssur, of Allegheny, who has been visiting at Alliance. O., and Logansport, Pa, for the past six weeks, has returned home. Mrs. T. J. Bray and family have rctnrned from Nelson Ledges, 0 where they have been spending the summer months at the Cascade House. Mrs. Harry Logan, of Huntingdon, Pa., sister of the late managing editor. F. M. Higgins, of this city, is visiting relatives on Oakland avenue. Mr. Henry Landgraff, of Allegheny, with his wife and family, has returned from a very pleasant trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Canada. Miss Bertha Evans, of Ward street, Oakland, and her cousin. Miss Gertrude Hughes, of Arizona, left Friday morning for an extended visit witli Eastern friends. Miss Allie G. Emerson, of Beaver Falls, has gone to Boston to linit-n her music, at the New England Conservatory of Music. Miss Laura Wagner, of W nona. Minn., who has been visit ing Miss Allie Kmerson.lelt with Miss Emerson to complete her musical course. An engagement announcement which will be received with considerable interest, is that of Miss Blanche McMorran, of Lawrenceville. to Mr. Lee L. Dagron, of New York. Miss Blanche is a great lavorite in society and an artiu of considerable ability. The date of the wedding has not yet been announced. Sewickley Society Notes. Mrs. W. W. Cunningham, of Clinton, la., is visiting relatives in the valley. Miss Anderson, of New York City, and Miss Mitchell, of White Plains, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Joseph Craig. The dancing party given by the Misses War den Friday evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the largo number present. Miss Beggs and Miss Words, who have beon Mis. Sharp MacDonalrt's guests during the summer, left last-Friday for their home in New York City. The Sewickley Tennis Club was represented in the Pittsburg Tennis Club tournament last week bv Messrs. Marshall Christy, Charles Words, William Way and William Oabnrn. The Park Place Hotel was the scene of a brilliant assemblage last Thursday evening, the occasion being the dancing party given by Miss Cochran. Miss Cochran was assisted in her duties'as hostess by her sister. Mr.s. Mans field Cochran, Miss Kelly, of Allegheny, and Miss Guerin, of Norristown, N. J. Sewickley lost a number of its young people last week, college duties taking them away. Among th.e number were Messrs. George Hutch inson, Chris Shannon, Arthur Jones and John Semple. who left last Monday for Lehigh. Mr. Frank Nevin left the same day for Williams College; Mr. Arthur Nevin left Wednesday for Boston, where he will spend tho winter studying music, and Miss Rebecca Campbell left early in tho week for Wells College, New York. The meeting held in Choral Hall last Tues day evening to reorganize the Dramatic Club for the season was w ell attended and interest ing. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: President, Mr. L. H. Williams; Vice Presi dent. Mr.T.W.Nevin; Recording Secretary, Mr. It. P. Nevin; Corresponding Secretary, Mr. David Warden; Treasurer, Mr. James Chaplin; Amusement Committee, Miss Dickson, Miss Whiting, Mr. E. Richardson, Mr. James Chap lin and Mr. E. Y. Carpenter. Brnddock Personals. Miss May Tishet. of Confluence, is visiting Miss Lottie Leighton. Mr. J. A. Russel and wife are homo from an extended trip through the Western cities. Miss LnluB. Fa wcett left for Beaver Tues day, where she will attend the Beaver College. Miss-Elsie St. Clair has entered the Pitts burg Female College to take a musical course. Mr. E. T. Brackmver, assistant cashier of the Braddock National Bank, is on a few weeks fishing trip to the great lascs. A jolly crowd of yonng folks rode to Irwin Tuesday night in a hay wagon. They had a merry ride until midnight under the September skies. Rev. E W. Gordon and wife, of Bethany, W. Va., are guests at the home of the lattcr's Sarcnts, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph McCnne, of North raddock. A ploasant party was tendered Miss Clara Rankin at her home Wednesday before leaving for the State Normal School. A large circle of friends paid their respects. A fashionable wedding occurred Thursday at the residence of Mr. J. N. Griffith, of Talbot avenue. It was the marriage of Mr. Griffith's daughter, Elsie, to Mr. S. S. Geohring. An agreeable select picnic was teld by the Misses Sue Kinney, Dot Hudson, Lulu Hnd son, Hannah Sherwin. Lillie Grannis and Ida Davis, at Kinney's Grove. Fridav. About 12 couples were present during tho afternoon and evening, and all expressed themselves highly satisfied with the enjoyment. BKDSH AND PALETTE. Tho Exposition Art Gallery Catalogue Complete About 800 Pictures on Ex liibilion Medals and Prizes for Fntare Expositions Some New Works of Art. After many long and wearisome hours of labor Mr. Clarence Johns, manager of the Ex position Art Gallery, has at last completed the catalogue of the art works on exhibition. It shows an apparent total of 7C9 pictures, but as there are many half numbers, the actual number of works amounts close to SOQ. The use of the split number was resorted to on ac .count of the many difficulties which prevented Mr. Johns from hanging tho pictures earlier, giving him more time to classify from the works on the walk As itwas he was compelled to copy the inscriptions from the picture, while scattered about in every direction, and thus it was that ho in some cases lett out from their proper places works which he afterward en deavored to place properly by the method above mentioned. The neatly printed pamphlet includes about 60 pages of closely printed mat ter. European, American and local artists have each a special department, likewise tho exhibit of tho ladies of the School of Design and tho interesting collection from the Century and other publishing com panies. Mr. Johns, anticipating unusual Interest in the latter has given special pains to the enumeration of each sketch, the artist and the name of the magazine and time of publica tion, so that thoso interested can look each work up if they feel so disposed. As predicted, these sketches are attracting thelion's share of interest, although there aro quite a number of the oil paintings which have always a crowd of admirers surrounding them, especially that magnificent work of Thomas Moran, called "A Pastoral." This is said to be Mr. Moran's best work, and as an example of landscape art it de serves to take a place among masterpieces. To the student it should be an object of the ut most interest, since in its composition it enun ciates the most thorough knowledge, and em bodies, with its truth to nature, all of the most perfect principles of art. Turner's "Puritan Wedding," and that interesting bit of realism, "The Christian Martyr," usually come in for considerable attention, although the entire gallery is so filled with excellent works that one finds but little space unoccupied by inter esting material. Judging from a conversation with Mr. Johns concerning the future of the art gallery, if that gentleman receives encouragement enough to carry out the ideas he has in view, the people of Pittsburg may look forward to interesting developments in art shortly. It is that gentle man's intention to endeavor to put future ex hibitions in such shape that medals and prizes will be offered for art works of various kinds. Mr. Johns has not as yet put the matter in perfect form; in fact, he is and will be too busy until the present Exposition is over to give it much consideration, but the success that he has met with in the present exhibition and the ability which he has shown to evolve a really first-class display from a condition of chaos, leaves it to be inferred that if ho makes up his mind to place future exhibitions on that foot ing, he will do it. If he succeeds its importance as regards the artistic interests of Pittsburg cannot be overestimated. The offering of prizes .will be a certain means of bringing to this city first-class art works from all parts of the country. This will mean a wonderful re vival of interest here. The people will gain in knowledge; our students will find in them op portunities for study, all ot which in the end cannot but result in unending good to Pitts burg art. Some New Pictures. Of the very few works recently placed on exhibition. Mr. D. B. Walkley's three water colors are no donbt tho most interesting and worthy of note. It seems as if there is no limit to tho improvement shown in Mr. "Walkley's pictures of this charactei; every succeeding work is better than the last. This is as it should be, and there is no donbt that if the artist continues to do as good work in the fu ture as is shown in the two Holland pieces and the Chartiers creek sketch his fame will spread far beyond tho precincts of Pittsburg. The Fisher Maiden," a salon picture, by Salanson, a French artist, is the latest addition to the uillespie gallery. It is a quiet, unas suming production, uniting with its interesting composition the desirable quality of harmoni ous and pleasing color. The "woodland Pool," a new artist's etch ing, is the latest candidate for popular favor in works of this class. It is an unusually good thing of the kind. It shows one of tho-o pic turesque little nooks occasionally met with in the woods, in which tbequietstream passes for a moment in a shady pool before pursuing its wav to the lar ger streams. In it, as pictured by Mr. Moran, a number of cows have halted for the moment to quench their thirst and cool limbs fevered by the heat of the daj. The trees and foliage surrounding the pool, not withstanding a little flam ess and regularity in outline, are, as a whole, well drawn. The etch ing itself is one of the very best of recent works. Mr. George Hetzel has once more settled down in his home studio refreshed and Invig orated physically, and his store of sketches largely replenished. The large sketch, as yet in an unfinished stage, which he was commis sioned to paint for a gentleman of Saltsburg, is now well under wav. The score of smaller sketches from tho vicinity of Eidenan show the results of the artist's work in a new field. Some of them are very pleasing in color and effect. Visitors to the Exposition are invited to inspect my immense stock of diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware, clocks, bronzes, etc. The largest Etock and lowest prices ia the city. No trouble to show goods. M. G. Cohen, . 633 Smitbfield st. Novelties in Paris robes, our own im portation; handsomest line that will be shown this season. HUGTJS & HaCKE. Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st TXSu BREENRDDM GDBBIP. 'jgggf ' f B BlJOUTHEATEn "One of the Old Stock" HABltlS' THEATin.. " oman Against Woman." ACADEMY OP MUSIC. Australian Novelty Co. Woklp's MirsEOM. . . lllndrcadlnR. Cariosi ties, etc. Tho abovo are tho theatrical attractions for this week. V Tho improvements in the Brjou Theater and tho Opera House this season aro very well in their way, but there are still some more to be made. Why cannot we have programmes which will fulfill their primary function, and givo tho public at a glance a correct idea of the scenery and the characters of the play? For instance, when the "Shane-na-Lawn" was per formed on Monday night last at the Bijou there was not a word about tho scenes; not a hint ai to the tlmo tho Shane-na-Lawn flourished, and as a consequence it is certain that tho audience was not a little befogged. It costs no more to have programmes printed so as to inform the audience than to have them arranged so as to misinform or not inform at all. The fault with the Opera House programme is that itB skimpy form and mean appearance are unworthy a theater claiming to be first-class. The theaters are still ieeling the effect of tho warm weather, though the managers are not complaining very much. "Bric-a-Brac" en joyed about as much success as it deserved, and that was nothing tremendous. Mr. Scan lan's Irish plays attracted very large audiences at the Bijou, and ho has created a very cood impression in Pittsburg. The Dispatch has already spoken in high terms of Mr. Scanlan as a delineator of the sunny sido of Irish charac ters, and only one word of advice to him shall ba added here. Mr. Scanlan will do well to re member the stage more and the audience less. It is a natural failing in Mr. Scanlan. induced by his personal popularity, that he should for get at times that ho is impersonating a char acter in a drama. But it is a failing that is apt to grow dangerously big if not checked. V Once again it has been proven that the sing ing of songs in a drama supposed to picture real life is detrimental to dramatlc.continulty and dramatic art. The Irish plays Mr. Scanlan gave last week were neither of them remark able in a positive way, but such dramatic inter est as theyposscssed was blemished and broken almost every time Mr. Scanlan sang. You see a man in real life doesn't stop to sing a ballad at critical points in his career for the songa usually como before or after a climax. And yet we would not ask Mr. Scanlan to omit tbe songs. Though his voice is no great shakes, he sings with feeling and a certain buoyant sympathy with his subject, and to the average man and woman his singing is delight ful. We only record our impression that songs are out of place in dramas that pretend to picture life as it is or was a hundred years ago. Enough ,has been said about tho "D". 8. Mail" for tho present. Mr. Jenks, the author, came back to Pittsburg yesterday, and says it is now running smoothly, and every night im proving in some new feature or other. It ought to bo in perfect condition when it reaches Pittsbnrg next week. . The company which brings "Woman Against Woman" to Harris' Theater this week con tains two or more actors of considerable abili ty. Miss May Wheeler, who plays the leading female character, starred with success in Harry Miner's "Zitka" last season, and it is hardly needful to say that Edmund Collier is an actor of power, who has been leading man to John McCullough and Mary Anderson, and lately a star himself. Hefbcbk Johns. Tho Procramme. Mb. Chaiiles L. Datis, who has obtained wonderful popularity in the character of Alvin Joshn, will appear at tho Bijou Theater this weekina new comedy drama called "One of the Old Stock.'1 The play is entirely new, though tho character of Alvin Joslin is re tained. "One of the Old Stock" is described as a play full of interest, and, of course, par ticularly strong in its humorous elements; in deed, there are no less than six comedians in tbe cast. It is to be staged in a manner we do not often expect in comedy. Mr. Davis carries all his scenery, furniture, bric-a-brac, carpets, etc etc, with him in a special car. They rep resent a very large sum, probably 850,000. With these aids he is able to give in one place a per fect picture of a New England farm house, in another an equally truthful presentation of a a rich man's parlor in New York. The plush and embossed velvet curtain and draperies are a work jf art imported from,and manufactured expressly for this grand production in. Pans, Enzland and Japan. They are embroidered in gold and silver bullion. Mr. Davis also carries 40 trunks full of China, etc, used in this grand production from the finest potteries in Europe, consisting of Satsuma, Canton, Royal Worces ter, Doulton, Capa de Monta, Hungarian, Cloisonne, Minton, Wcdgewood, Royal Dres den, selected from the private collection of Mr. Davis. The oil paintings, water colors and re marked proof etchings used in "One of the Old Stock" are from the brush of America's repre sentative best artists: William Hart, Frank Hart, Percy Moran, William Moran, J. G. .Brown, William Gay, Paul Brenner, Arthur Quartly and Hamilton Hamilton. This beauti ful selection of pictures is from the private collection of Mr. Davis. Another special scenic feature aro tho fur rugs used in Act HI., con sisting of Polar bear, tiger, leopard, black bear, silver fox, Russian sable and seal skins, artist ically mounted with beads and claws. Mr. Davis' company is said to be a good one, and its strength is supplemented by the Boston Quarter, said to be tbe best-cultured voices in America, who will appear in each act of the play in a choice selection of soIob, duets, trios and quartets, introducing the latest and most popular ballads and operatic selections. An orcnestra of soloists is also furnished by Mr. Davis, and Messrs. Gulick & Co. are required to give nothing beyond the stage, the gas and the auditorium. Mr. Davis is very popular in Pittsburg and will no doubt do well. The actual amount of capital invested by Barnum and Bailey, who are equal partners in the "Greatest Show on Earth," is $3,000,000, and the daily average exoenses of running the tremendous affair is 6,800 rain or shine. Nothing but the most moral features are ex hibited, wlnle the children's entertainment is varied enough to delight every child in Christ endom. The whole mammoth affair will be here on September 23 and 21, and the parade will take placo in the morning at 0 o'clock. All tne tents will remain up until 9 o'clock in the evening, and tbe night entertainment is guar anteed to be the same as the afternoon per formance. It is a royal bill at tho Academy of Music this week. Enough stars to furnish out three companies are to be found in the Australian Novelty Company. The extraordinary trapeze acts of tbe Austin sisters will be supplemented by tho work of such artists as J. G. Fletcher, Capitolla Forrest, Southern Quarter, Von Leer and Barton, Harry Constantlne, Mnlvey and Clifton, Mile. Almee, Sam Dearin, Ward and Lvncn, Gns Richards, Garnelia Bros., Acme Four. With all the advantages of careful staging and a good company Miss May Wheeler and Mr. Edmund Collier will appear In Frank Harvey's drama, "Woman Against Woman," at Harris' Theater this week. The, play is full of well drawn pictures of exciting life, and with two such artists as Mr. Collier ana Miss Wheeler it cannot fail to be very attractive. Besides the usual number of sterling curios ities and freaks. Including the Big Eliza, Mr Seymour, who claims to Do one of the greatest mind readers in tbe world, will be at the World's Museum this week. Mr. Seymour sajs be can do all the mind reading tricks that his predcccssois have done here, and doubtless be will attract a great deal of attention. Stage WliUpen. Lawbekce Baeeett's glandular trouble, to which is due an. unfortunate deformity in the region of the neck, has not yielded to the treat ment which he underwent while abroad. It is as bad as ever. Minnie Maddebn opened her season In Buffalo with "Featherbrain" to a largo house on Monday night. In a few weeks sbo will pro duce a one-act play, that is intended to" serve as a curtain-raiser during the tour. Grace Filkins, who made a pronounced success ia the leading comedy role with Sol Smith Russell's company at Daly's Theater, re cently sent her photograph to Effie Ellsler, with the modest inscription, "To a Star from a Cloud." It is related of a Rio de Janeiro manager that he engaged in Paris three tenors for the same operatic roles. The three artists being intro duced to each other on tho high seas naturally demanded an explanation ot the manager. "Gentlemen." said tho Brazilian impressano, "in a week after landing, two of you will be dead of yellow fever. The survivor gets the parts and draws the salary." Me. Charles L. Davis telegraphed as fol. lows to The Dispatch yesterday: "Have heard it is reported in Pittsburg that my prop erties, scenery and bric-a-brac are a steal from tho 'Old Homestead.' It is a malicious false hood. Everything I use is entirely original, and the finest in tho world. Let the public seo and judgo for itself. Please make the fact known that this is not a, No. 2 show, but the original production, with the New York com pany and myself in the cast." Monday evening will be quite an eventful one for Manager Rudolph Aronson, as it will witness tho production of "Tho Drum Major," the new opera at the New York Casino, and the first production of "The Brigands." at the Hollis Street Theater, Boston, where Mr. Ru dolph Arnnson inaugurates a season of four weeks. Tho total number of people in the two operas will number nearly 300, and the number of costumes, which includes three changes in "Tho Drum Major," and four in "The Bri gands," 900. Pittsduro was out strong at Albangh's Theater, Washington, D. C on Thursday last. In one of tho boxes were Congressman John Dalzell and Mrs. Dalzell, Mrs. M. 8. Quay and Miss Quay. Among the audience also were all the members of the Pittsburg ball club. The Arthur Rehan Company gave "The Surprises of Divorce," and tho Pittsburgers were pleased to see what a hit their townsman, Mr. Burr Mcintosh, is making in that play. Mr. J. H. Rjloy and Miss Madeline Lucetti have achieved groat success in legitimate comedy. A GOOD many people, says the Mirror, after reading Gunter's popular story. "Mr. Potter of Texas," wondered why W. J. Florence hadn't got hold of a dramatization for the purpose of appearing in tho cnaracter of tbo eccentric Texan, which by general consent would fit him down to the ground. Tho novelist and the actor met for the first tlmo on Saturday night at the Broadn ay, and somebody suggested tho Idea. Florence said a score of people had advised him to take up Jlr.- J'otter, but, strange to relate, he had never even read the book. But he is reading it now, and there Is a strong probability that Gunter's dramatization which, I believe, was in existence before the novel came to bo written will introduce Florence to us in a new characterization next season. In that event, it is pretty safe to predict that Mr. i'oMerwili be come as famous a stage creation as the Son. Bardtvell Slolc, of pleasant memory. The Dramatic Mirror says: When she is fully recovered, Mrs. James G. Blame, Jr., will begin the season that Manager Frohman has been obliged to postpone on account of her severe illness. The statement that a family reconciliation has taken place, and that Mrs. Blaine will, therefore, not undertako her theat rical project, is denied with a vigor that leaves no room for doubt that the story was started without the slightest foundation. The physicians say that it will be fully two months before young Mrs. Blaine can leave her house. Man ager Frohman has had a consultation of prac titioners who speak doubtingly of her speedy recovery from her severe attack of inflamma tory rheumatism. H. B. Conway, the English leading man, sailed last Wednesday from Liv erpool. He was to have been tbe chief support in young Mrs. Blaine's companv. As her con tinued illness changed the original plans, be will bo seen in tho chief comedy part in "Our Fiat." which succeeds the present engagement of Mr. Sotbern at the Lyceum. Mr. Conway has been a conspicuous figure in England in old comedies. Last season ho enacted tbe role of Captain Swift. Fboji a thoroughly reliablo source it is learned that Bronson Howard's new play, "Shenandoah," is a great success. Nym Crinkle, in this week's Afirror, wrote: "But it must bo borne in mind that the play of 'Shenan doah' does not rest on this realism. Its merits, as I see them.are on the great effectiveness of a story which is plausiblo and is told with genu ine sentiment and humor, and brings before us in strict comedy attitude a number of vividly outlined characters who live and move, and havo their being, just as men and women livedj aiiu uiuveu uuuug iue war uiuus. lb was excel lently well played, and here, more than any where else, perhaps, we saw Mr. Howard's painstaking hand. There was an unmistakable thrill in the second act which brought us so soon from the holiday bluster of Charleston to the sad and serious business of war in the Shenandoah Valley, ind tbo approach of our dismounted cavalry singing one of tho best known of the war songs, accompanied only by their clanking sabers, steeped tbo audienra at once into the memories of tbe actual conflict. All this was done with an illusion that was ad mirable, because it was but the preservation of the illusion by suggsstion." HALF DAI SESSIONS. The Subject of an Interesting Debate at tho Teachers' Institute. The general meeting of the Pittsburg Teachers' Institute yesterday morning at the Ralston school was noteworthy for its large attendance and the interesting manner iu which the discussions were handled. Out of 622 teachers employed in thecity, COO were present. VicePresidentS. A. Andrewsopeaed the meeting by complimenting the teachers on the great number present, bat the "wise teachers," who know too much to attend edu cational meetings, received a scoring at tho professor's hands. Principal W. A. Proudflt, of tho O'Hara Scbool, then opened the question dn what proved to be a very interesting discussion. "Resolved. That single daily sessions of school in June are not desirable." The speaker thought it an evil in our schools owing to its lack of uniformity that it creates dissension in both pupils and teachers who do not have tbo privilege. He contended it is injurious to havo pupils, particularly of the primary grades, to be held down to ihowork of a single session lasting over four hours. The practice had originated in an East End scbool some ten years ago, and now over one fourth of the schools of the city has followed in its wake. It ought not to be a question of locality He thinks tho better plan would be for school boards to invest principals with the discretionary power to dismiss school in the afternoon when the heat is oppressive, whether it be in June or September, but not to call school any earlier. Principal L. H. Eaton followed, and Is also oppnsedto tbe half-day session. Principal L. P. Greves, of the Lincoln school, stated he believed tbo half-day session was in augurated at his scbool 15 years ago. and that ever since they have thought it a positive ad vantace. Coming at 8 o'clock, uright and early, the children can learn more. In his opinion, the school children of Pittsburg are overworked, and that it is more economy to the school to give the afternoons of June for plav. Prof. H. W. Fisher was opposed to the half day session, and stated that tho old cry of "overwork" in the schoolroom that has been going tho rounds lor the past ten years was not duo to the scbool system, but to the social svs. tern of tbe day, and tho way children ero trained at home. Then Prof. J. SI. Logan followed in his amus ing vein, and thought the whole questiouwas one of taste and opinion, tho children ought to have a chance to enjoy themselves, and that all who could get tho half-day session by all means take it. And his audience indorsed his opinion, for, when a vote was taken on the sub ject, the teachers almost rose in a body. Prof. King, in tho absence of Prof. Wissman of Curry University, delivered many instruct ive points on "Primary Readinc." "What amount of homo work, if anv, should be required in the primary grade?" was the subject opened by Prof. J. M. Logan, who was opposed to giving night work for anv other purpose than to finish work that could "not be finished during the school session. Prof. C. A. Riddle handlod the subject, "The Spelling Book, Should it bo Abolished?" He bitterly opposed its use. Prof. Burgoyne indorsed the concert Bystem of teaching reading. Superintendent Luckey opposed it and thought it a useless and injuri ous method, principally for its monotonous drawl that follows this method. There will be another general institnte on Oc tober Hand 12. Superintendent Luckey has arranged to have the principals of all the State Normal i-chools present, who make 13 In num ber. A brilliant institute is expected. Educational Notes. Dub to the Increased attendance at the St. Clair school, No. 2 building, Miss Blanche L McGinnig has been elected additional teacher Miss Daisy Fagan and .miss Mary Thomas were eiected substitutes. The problem uf having the pupils who are preparing for High School not so overworked is a question that has been agitating the minds of the school principals and their assistants for many a long day. All concede the necessity of some change to make the work of these pupils lessarduons. The question that is agitating them is how it can best be done. An idea as to the best method formulated yesterday that seemed to be well received. It is to do away with the preliminary examination in December, and instead to have tho pupils enter, the preliminary course one year earlier than they now are doing, or in step 13 to begin preparation, to continue all year for this preliminary High School examination which shall take place in June. If tnccessful they can then prepare for the final examina tion, having a whole year for the four hard studies, instead of six months' preparation as at present. BRAND ARMY ECHOES. W.-JfJ - vv J r t -v.nriv - '"1A . AT WORK IN EARNEST. Important Mcetlne of tbo Grnnd Army Dar Commltteo Progress Reported Froe Admission to tho Exposition for Veter ans A Big Batch or Interesting; News Items. A meeting of the Grand Army Day Com mittee was held in Select Council Chambers yesterday afternoon. Comrade Joseph P. Dennison presided and H. E. Bengough was Secretary. A large amount of import ant business was transacted. The Commit tee on Invitation reported progress in its work. The committee appointed to see the mana gers of tho Exposition in regard to the free ad mittance of veterans, on Grand Army Day, 're ported that the managers bad treated them very kindly and would admit veterans that day free of charge. Tickets will be issued and dis tributed as the parade passes the reviewing stand. Veterans will be required to have one of these tickets and be in uniform to gain free admittance Tho following lcttor of acceptance was re ceived and read: Allegheny Citt, September 10, 16S9. II. B. Bengough, Esq., Secretary: Deab Sin and Comrade I am In receipt of your letter of tho 7th Inst., informing me that I have been unanimously elected Com mander of tho parade on Grand Army Day. In reply I will say tlfat I thank your committee for this distinguished honor conferred upon Post 162 and myself, and will give my best ef forts in co-operation with your committee to make tho parade a success. Yours in F. C. and L., W. T. Beadbebbt. Comrade Wm. McClelland who, at tbe meet ing previous to yesterday's, was elected Com mander of the Middle division, sent a letter to the Secretary thanking the committee for the honor conferred, but stating that as he would be out of the city on Grand Army Day he could not act. The resignation was accepted, after which Comrade T. J. Hudson, of Post 259, was elected to fill the vacancy caused by Com rade McClelland's inability to serve. From the Commanders of the Northside and Soutbside divisions the following were received and read: Headquabtebs Northside Division, 1 Grand army Day Parade, Allegheny, September 11, 1889. J General Order No. 1: 1. Having been elected Commander of tbe Northside division, I hereby assume command, and have appointed John S. Nichol. of Post 162, Assistant Adjutant General, and Wm. Greena walt, of Post 83, Chief of Staff. 2. Appointment of aids and formation will be announced in future orders. Geo. Schad, Commander Northside Division. Pittsburg, September M, 1SS9. General Order No. 1. Having been elected Commander of the "Southside Division" Grand Army Day parade thanking the comrades of the General Com mittee for the saine,I hereby assume command. The Assistant Adjutant General. Chief of Staff and other staff appointments will be an nounced in luture orders. J. C. Thomas, Division Commander. An offer of the finest silk flag to tbe post that will turn out tho largest percentage of members was made by Captain w. R. Jones, of iiraddocb;. A commltteo was appointea to select the flag. The matter of campfires and the matter of the securing of bands were referred to the Ex ecutive Committee It was decided that a meeting of tbe Execu tive Committee should be held on next Tues day eveninc in the City Treasurer's office. The Division Commanders will be present to confer with the committee. A movement to have the Secretary compile a history for publication in pamphlet form of the proceedings of the Grand Army Day Com mittee, and the day was carried. It was decided to invite tbe Mayors of the two cities and the Presidents of Councils to participate in the parade. Carriages will be provided for these personages. A communication from the Central Board of Education was read. It stated that the request of committee would be complied with and the schools dismissed on Grand Army Day. Adopted with thanks to tho Board. The following general orders from the Com mander of the Day were read: Allegheny City, September 12, 1889. General orders No. 1. 1. Tho Grand Army Day Committee have elected me Commander of the parade on Grand Army Day, October 1, 18S9. I hereby accept the honor. 2. Comrade W. O. Russell, of Post 151, is appointed Adjutant General, and Comrade H. H. Beneough, of Post 157, Chief of Staff. They will bo obeyed and respected accordingly. W. T. Bbadberey, Commander of the Day. Headquartees ) Commander Grand Abmy Day Parade. Allegheny, September 14, 1889. J General Orders No. 2: 1. Tho column will form with right resting at corner of Smitbfield and Water streets, where headquarters will be establihed at 1 P. M. on October 1. which will be designated by a flag of red, white and blue. The staff of tho Com mander will be known by a badge of like colors. Commanders and their Adjutants General and Chiefs of Staff will wear service belts, but no side arms. 2. The column will move promptly at 2 p. M., the signal for which will be the firing of a can non located on tho wharf near the Smitbfield street bridge. a Tho Northside division will be known as the First, the colors of which shall be red, and will be formed by the posts located north of tbe Allegheny riv'er, and the visiting posts arriving at the railroad depots in that city. This divi sion will form in Allegheny at a point to be desig nated by tho commander of the division, and will report in line at 1:45 r. M., Sharp, moving over the Federal street bridge, thence to Water street by way of Ferry street, with the right advanced to corner of Smitbfield street. 4. The Middlo division will bo known as the Second, the colors of which shall be white, and will be formod by the posts located between the rivers, and the visiting posts arriving attbe Union and the Baltimore and Ohio depots. This division will form on Wood street, ngkt resting on Water street, the formation to be complete at 1:50 r. M., sharp. 5. The Southside Division will be known as the Third.the colors of wnicn snail oe Diue.ana will be formed by the posts located south of the Monnngahela river and visiting posts arriv ing at railroad depots on tbe Southside. This division will form at a point to be desig nated by the commander of tbe division, and will report with right resting at south end of Smitbfield street bridge at laO P. M. sharp. 6. The Sons of Veterans will constitute the Fourth Division, and form on Market street, right resting on Water street, the formation to be complete at 1:45 r. M. sharp. 7. Carriages containing invited guests will take position on Water street, right resting on Smitbfield street, left extending east. 8. Each division commander will appoint an ambulance officer, whoso duty it shall be to take charge of vehicles containing members of their respective divisions, and assisn all such to tho left of their commands. Division com manders will also detail the proper number of aids for duty at tbe depots to receive and es cort visiting posts to their headquarters and to their nositions in line. 1). The column will march, where practica ble, in sections of eight, moving along Smith field street to Second avenue, to Grant street, to Fifth avenue, to Market street, to Liberty street, to Seventh street, across Seventh street bridge to Church avenue, to Cedar avenue, to North avenue, to Federal street, passing in re view at the Diamond. 10. Whon passing in review the uqnal saluto rlll 1o fivnn bv nnmmantlftrs onlv. and tlm dipping of colors by color bearers. ( 1L The Commander feels assured that the high discipline and soldiery bearing' maintained by tbe comrades taking part in the parades of the past will again prevail, to the honor and credit of our organization, liy command of Official: V. T. Bbadberry, Commander of the Djy, W. O. Russell, Adjutant General. H. H. Bkngough, Chief of Staff. The committee adjourned to meet in the game place next Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Snrvlvors of the 13Dlb. The reunion held at Gettysburg on Wednes day last was largely attended by the survivors of tho One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsyl vania Volunteers Judge Codicr's regiment. About 150 of the survivors of the regiment were present, including Colonel Collier, Lieu tenant Colonel Monroe, Major James McGregor, Adjutant D. L. Crawl or J, Chaplain Rev. R. McPberson, tbe three snrcoons. Dr. 8, F. Chapin, ot Eric, Dr. S. B, Sturtevant, of rar;NM .7 JttA-v. rJr Wilkesbarre, and Dr. Patton, of Huntington, Captains Herbert. -Snodgrass, Warner and Helber. The officers elected for the ensuing year are John B. Gordon, Mercer, President; L. 8. Jack, Pittsburg, First Vice President; W. L. Harbison. Pittsburg, Second Vice President; Wesley George,' Warren, Pa., Third Vice Pres ident; R. W7 McK.ee, Pittsburg. Treasurer: James S. McKean, Mercer, Recording Secre tary: W. S. Leech, Ohio. Corresponding Secre tary: Gns Schwann, Pittsburg, Chairman of Executive Committee. A Grand Reunion. Tbe eleventh annual reunion of the Ono Hun dred and First and One Hundred and Third Regiments, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, will be held on next Tuesday. It will be held on board the steamer Mayflower, which will take the veteran reunionists and their friends up the beautiful Monongabela valley while the reunion is in progress. A beautiful invitation has been issued. Post 162 Grand Army Band will accompany tbe excursionists. The boat will leave the foot of Wood street at 10 A. M., returning about 9 or 10 P. M. The business meeting will be held on tbe boat after. dinner. Grand Army Notes. Post 151's fair will commence at Salisbury Hall, Southside, on October 15. Post 155 was tendered a reception on Its re turn from Gettysburg by the ladies of the G. A.R. Post 3 will hold its regular monthly muster to-morrow evening. During tbe master tbe sciopticon views will be exhibited. Post 259 keeps up its good work oX muster inc. Its gain in membership since the first of the current year is about SO per cent. The Armstrong monument in tne Allegheny parks will be' dedicated on Thanksgiving Day, N ovember 28, with, imposing ceremonies. An evening paper at Boston tried to find oat who was tbe best known man in the Hub. It found that General Ben Butler was that man. Saturday, October 25, will be Grand Army Day at Reading. Pa. A large number of posts in surrounding counties are expected to partic ipate. Hon. Charles E. Griffin, of Iudiana.was elected Commander-in-Chief by the Sons of Veterans at their annual encampment, held at Faterson, N. J., last week. Abbangements have been completed for tbe grand reunion of soldiers and sailors of the late war and Sols of Veterans to be held at Reading, Pa., on Saturday, September 28. THE Inter-State Reunion Association of ex Union soldiers residing in Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri will bold Its first reunion atCamp Sheridan, Sabitha, Kan., September 17, IS, 19 and 20. A reunion of Union and Confederate soldiers was held at Ft .Worth, Tex., com mencing on Wednesday, September 4. It lasted three days. Thousands of people were present, and a good time was bad. ' Duquesne Post No. 259 was well represented at Gettysburg this week. About 25 of Its members were there, including Comrades Sla gle, Morgan, McClelland, Herbert, Ewing. Phillips, Schwann and other prominent mem bers. During the reunion of tho Ninth Corps on South Mountain, Md., yesterday the Reno monument was unveiled. General O. B. Will cox. United States Army, retired, delivered the address. General Willcox at one time com. manded the Ninth Corps. Eveby veteran in the country will be pleased by the appointment of Judge W. C. Veazey to the Inter-State Commerce Commission' Judge Veazey was a prominent candidate before the National G. A. R. Encampment for Commander-in-Chief, but he withdrew in favor of ueneral Alger. , The Society of the Army of the Cumberland will bold a reunion at Chattanooga, Tcnn.,, September 18, 19 and 20, the twenty-sixth anni versary of the battle of Chickamauga. The battlefield will be visited, and many prominent generals on both sides will be present to take part in the exercises. Comrades Thomas J. Gist and J. T. Wells, of Post 59, McKeesport, left the city on Tues day evening for Hot Springs Ark. Both the comrades are suffering terribly from wounds received in the service, and by advice of physi cians co to the springs with hope of relief from excruciating pain and torture. The many friends of Comrade D. A. Jones, who was injured in a railroad accident while returning from the reunion of his regiment at Butler recently, will be pleased to know that he is again back at his desk in the assessor's office. He has nearly recovered from the acci dent, and bis wife is also getting along nicely. Or tbe 16 Fast Commanders-in-Chief of the G. A. R. four Hurlbut, Logan, Burnside and Earnshaw are dead. Of tho IS Past Senior Vice Commanders-in-Chief one Joshua T. Owen, who served in 1868 is dead. Of tbe 18 Past Junior Vice Commanders-in-Chief three William Earnshaw, George Bowers and W. H. Holmes aro dead. Geore H. Thomas Circle No. 24, Ladies of tbe G. A. R., met at the hall, corner of Eigh teenth and Sarah streets, Southside, Thursday evening. As there were quito a number of ladies present who bad been absent for some time at the summer resorts, and who but re cently returned, the meeting was both a large and pleasant one. The circlets in a prosperous condition. PennsylvaniaJDays, last Wednesdayand Thursday, at Gettysburg, were duly celebrated. Many monuments were dedicated. It was tbe greatest occasion Gettysburg has ever known. Over 60,000 veterans were there. There was a great deal of rain, which seriously marred the programme mapped out: but notwithstanding this each veteran was, as a rule, well pleased with bis trip. Comrade George F. Steahlin, of Or wigsburg. Pa., Secretary of the Seventh Penn sylvania Cavalry Association, announces that all tbe details are complete for the reunion of that organization at Danvdle, this State, on October 22 and 23 next. Many of the com rades of that regiment reside in the western part of the State, and can well feel proud of the record of the famous Seventh horsemen. jr. G. Cohen, diamond expert and jew eler, formerly corner Fifth ave. and Market st., now at 33 Sniithfield st. Frlmn Vera. Our richest native wood. A chamber suit in prima vera, complete in every de tail, will be found at our Exposition display in northwest end of main building. P. C. SCHOENECK, 711 Liberty ave. Two toned brocade velvets, $3-qnality, at 75c a yard, an unprecedented bargain. Htjous & Hacke. Geo. H. Bennett & Bbo., 135 First avenue, second door below Wood street, for pure rye whiskies. New ruects in combination patterns. See the immense line we are showing for fall 57 to ?2j each. Hugtjs & Hacke. eEMEFVIBER to SAVE YOURSELF money at this opening up ol the WINTER goods of this BANK- RUPT STOCK Federal street, DAD BJ.UCb.OI J. it. AJN-D-TiKOUIM, at JdO as they are AILY OPENED, having been packed in camphor all summer, to be ready tor YOU IN SEASON. Blankets, Flannels, Cloths, Underwear and Wraps, WIM- 0,1100 Yards Carpeting. T, II, LATIMER, ' 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. seil-Mwran NATIONALiGUAED JfofisA- " ; The Eighth Regiment of this State took, part in the celebration of the defense of Bal timore, at Baltimore, last Thursday. Captain O. C Coon, of Company l,iZe- Keesport, went to Creedmoor last Thursday to take in tbe big inter-State shoot now going on there. Mb. W..JF. Reed, formerly a member of one of the local companies, was married in Denver, Col., last Thursday to a prominent young lady Drills In most of the local armories at present are poorly attended, and in some they nave peen almost suspended. This state of affairs will probably continue until the colder weather sets. In. Lieutenants Samuel l. gbahax ad John A. Rodgers, both of the United States navy, are the latest arrivals in Pittsburg as steel inspectors, on tne plates lately ordered by tbe Government for the new cruisers. Battery B had a largely attended drill last Monday night. A number of applications to enlist were handed in. but the organization is full. Sergeant Johnson, the inspector of rifle practice of the battery, who has been visiting in the East for some time, arrived home last Thursday. The date for the election caused by the ex piration of tbe commission of Colonel Smith, is set for Tuesday evening, October L It will probably be conducted by Colonel Hawkins, of the Tenth Regiment, as Colonel Smith bad tbe pleasure of officiating at tbe re-election ol that gentleman a few weeks ago. Blunt'S rules on rifle practice for 1889, pro hibits tiring on tbe Dack at 600 yards, but allows that position at 600 yards. This change will make quite a difference in theshooting of some of the local shots who have been practicing that position lately. It also gives some very useful information on rifle practice, which new marksmen should study. Several members of the Fourteenth Regi ment are arranging a nfle tournament to take place on tbe "Saltworks range in the near fu ture. It is proposed to open the contests to members of the guard In this vicinity only. As rifle practice is about the only point of interest at present in military circles, no doubt the tournament would be a success. The big veranda in front of the armory of Company I, of McKeesport, came in handy during tbe boat race last Friday. It was just opposite the, end of the coarse, on tbe river bank, and the boys had erected a number of seats, for which an admission price was charged. Several hundred people took ad vantage of tbe plan, and tbe company reaped a snug little sum by the operation. The next meeting o'f the Second Brigade Examining Board Willie Interesting, from the fact that three of its own members will be up for examination. Colonels Hawkins, Kreps and Smitb. Each will no'donbt be prepaied with a nice little list of crack questions to fire at the others in a friendly manner, as tbey have been members of tbe board since its origin. Another peculiar point is that all of them are oldcav alrymen.havlng been members of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry in the late war. Captain A. P'. Shannon, of- the Washing ton Infantry, has Issued an order assembling the company on Thursday morning next at 7:1 5 o'clock to proceed to Manor station for target practice and a general field day. Tbe members are expected to be in full uniform. Three company medals will be shot for, and a good time is expected, as a delegation of the resi dents of the station with the Manor Brass Band will meet them on their arrival and con duct them to the grove, where things will be in readiness. , In tbe shoot for the championship of the United States and tbe President's watch, at Creedmoor last Thursday, J. J. Mountjoy, ot Pennsylvania, .was beaten by three points by captain John, Mccauley, of New York. Thirty seven men shot, and the scores were all below the average, as heavy rain fell during the en tire match. In addition to a strong wind. Con siderable interest is shown in the guard this year over tbe match for tbe Hilton trophy, as the team entered by Pennsylvania is a strong one. a number of the members being from tbe western portion of the State. Among tne competitors for the trophy will be tbe .famous Massachusetts team, which returned a short time ago from its victorious trip abroad. Lieutenant Bbottn, of Battery B, received a letter during the past week from Captain Hunt, who has been sojourning in Europe for several months. In it Captain Hunt gives many interesting points about the mflitarr forces that ho has come in contact with, especi ally the volunttcr artillery companies of En gland. Through the friendship of tbe officers of one of tbe batteries in London, he was given command of tbe organization for two days, and had a chance to compare the English artillery tactics with thoso of the United States. without discredit to the latter. Captain Hunt further states that, on bis return, be will in augurate a number of now ideas in his own command, wbiah wlU be -a,.beneflciAl char acter. Wasted Efforts. Detroit Free Press. 1 A Green Bay man who wanted the public to erect a monument over his grave, trained a bullfrog to do 17 different things, bat just as he was readr to claim public- adoration the irog turned over and died and seut the man back to obscurity. Alice an Bonnets. Boston Herald.l Stuffed mice on bonnets, this winter, in deed! The dear girl who wears a moose on hers need never shriek again at the live creature, no matter where it hides itself. She will get no sympathy, nor help either, mind that? lllllfclilf The success of every business depends wholly on the wav it is managed. A. good many merchants will bay lots of goods without regard to QUALITY and STYIE. Others will buy goods that are reasonable and adapted to the wants of the trade and sell them at popular prices. The first is the wrong way; the last is the proper way, and the only road to gain the confidence of the people and thereby achieve success. Oar motto has always been THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT TIME AT THE LOWEST PRICES I "WE ABE SHOWING THIS SEASON THE NEWEST SHAPES OF FELT HATS AND BONNETS! NEWEST STYLES OF TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS! - HIGHEST NOVELTIES IN BIRDS AND WINGS! Newest Shades of Velvets and Ribbons to Match in Immense Variety,' in Fact in Larger Assortments Than Any Other House. Examine them, even if not ready to buy, it will give you an idea of the new styles. ISTEAT CLOAKS AT BARGAIN PRICES! Although our business in this department doubled daring last fall, we are tryins to TREBLE it this season, and we know that COBKECT stvles and iOWEST PEIGE3 will do so. Bnv now, as we are selling at SUMMER PRICES the following: Genuine Seal Plush Jackets, satin lined, S10. $12, 15; worth 50 per cent more. Genuine Seal Plush Saeques. 516 50. $18 75, $23 50; worth 50 per cent more. Long Striped Newmarkets, $5. 56, $7 50. $0. All-wool Stockinette Newmarkets, $9 75; worth $18. All-wool Beaver Newmarkets, $8, $8 75, $13, $12. Tine All-wool Stockinette Jackets, $2 75, $3 50; $4, S5 and up. Our Eine, Cream, Fancy Front Jerseys reduced to 75c. Oar Fine Cream Cashmere Jerseys reduced to $1 25. 800 Fine Imported Jerseys, $1 75 to $2 85j worth doable. New Dress Trimmings. Dress Fronts, Gimp Sashes, Sarah Sashes, Crochet Gimps, Crochet Edgings. Steel Ornaments, Gimps, Black and Colored Fringes. Directoire Buttons, Crochet Buttons. Full lines of Gilbert's Celebrated Linings, and everything kept in a first-class Trimming Department. . iICITHDO the Exposition always welcome at our establishment. Toucanhave H lul lU IIJ your satchels and small packages checked free of charge. ROSENBAUM&CO. 510, 512.514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. N. B. A grand line of Chatelaine 3ags from 18s to $3 each, just opened. DE. E. 0. ELOWEB. ASTONISHING CURES IN BIS HfeALTH PALACE. Dr. Flower's Wonderful Power of XHacaoa Ids; Disease A BfacBlSeeBt Gift Pre seated to Readers af this Paper. The Boston correspondent ot the Hartford (Conn.) Times says: "1 visited Boston a few days since, and while there stopped at Hotel Flower, it being by all odds the most comfortable as well as superb hotel ia the Hub. Indeed, this great health palaeo is one of the features of Boston, being the most magnificent and palatial boae for in valids in the world. It has already become a resort for many of the most eminent citizens in both public and private life. The cures that are being fierformed are in many cases of a raost'start JZ T?.atnre- Not " ki however, than Is Dr. Flower's marvelous power f diagnos ing disease; a power which enables him to instantly detect the most obscure disease, to describe the progress of the trouble, the at tending symptoms, and the remote causes that led to the sickness, as no other physi cian has yet been able to do. The posses sion of this wonderful gift, coupled with the vast amount of, scientific information ac quired after years of profound study, has placed him in the front Tanks of the great physicians of the nineteenth century. The superior skill of Dr. Flower's treatment is evinced by the kind and character of his patients, who come to him from all parts of the Union and are enthusiastic beyond measure whenspeaking of Dr. Flower. "He Is," said EX-GOYEETOB JU M. BISHOP, Ol" CDT- CIKlTATr, who has been spending a few weeks at Dr. Flower's health resort, "the most wondertul physician in the world, and his treatment ia making me feel like a new man.". Tho Hon. C. 0. Sweeney, who for the past fear years has been collector of the port at Gal veston, and who has also been at Hotel Flower for the past few weeks taking treat ment, said: "I am feeling better every day under the treatment of Dr. Flower- Ha has done for my wife what bo other phy. sician seemed to think possible, sub stantially overcome chronic troubles that have for the past 23 yean rendered her life miserable. Yes, she is with me, and though, business will compel me to return to Gal veston in a few days. Mrs. Sweeney willre main at this magnificent health palace for some months." An ex-Governor of one of the North western States, who with his wife has been under Dr. Flower's professional care for some time, declared that the treat ment had done them so mnch good, and the palace was so delightful and homelike, they proposed to make it their home for several months to come. These are a few examples of the general praise heard on every side from his patients. DB. FXOWEB TO VISIT THE "WEST. The Doctor has jnst completed arrange ments which will enable him to visit sev eral points in Kentucky and Ohio shortly, tbns affording his host of patients and friends an opportunity of seeing him near their own homes. A STPEEB OOT FKEE. All readers of this paner who promptly send their names and address, or that of any invalid friend, or friends, together with a 2-cent stamp for postage for such package, will receive free and post-paid a copy of the last edition of Dr. Flower's superb health papers, the retail price of which alonetis OO cents, together with a large, riohlr illus trated pamphlet giving a graphic descrip tion of Dr. Flower's great health palace. Those wishing to avail themselves of this great offer must write immediately to the R. C. Flower Medical Company, 417 Co lumbus avenue, Boston. A Splendid Sewloir .Machine Given Avrny. Ladies, register your names at the Singer stand and secure a chance in the drawing, to take place at the close of the Exposition, for a Magnificent Improved Singer Ma chine. Cabinet photos, 51 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 13 Sixth st irsa Fall Sultlnui. The largest stock at Pitcairn's, 434 'Wood street. "wsn MILLINERY! THE TWO WAYS The Right and the Wrong-Way ! W