Vli ., r. 5. HOgf i:1 ty& .-. DOUBLE KDMBER. -V, '' - - tvU4 " . J-2. i A 22yuTf3fflH Ww UlJHLlilill 1LULiU -' 3 : '- i FORTY-FOURTH YEAE. FRUITS flTORY , Good Will Result in Many Ways From the Great Lon don Strike. VIRTUE OF TEMPERANCE Has Been Impressed Upon the Work men by Example and Precept. THEIR MANHOOD HAS BEEN KAISED. Cardinal Manning- Did Koblo and Unremit ting Work Influence of Barns and Til lett Paul Du CbalUn Stirs Up the En glish Scientists Herbert Spencer's Biography The Whitechapel Mnrder Mysteries fetlll Pnxzle the Polici! Amelie Rives' Lnst Move Bessie Bel vrood's Sons Too TJIchly Seasoned District Attorney RidKcway and Rev. Br. Cnyler They Did Not Speak While In tbo Same Hottls Bl-Metalllsts Are Qnlet. The settlement of the great London strike Is expected to be of great advantage to the workmen in many ways. They have been taught the virtue of Temperance, and their manhood has been elevated. Paul Du Chaillu stirred up the English scientists with a paper on the Vikings. Herbert Spen cer's biography is being prepared. The last "Whitechapel murder remains a mystery. Amelie Kives and a French novelist are to write a boob together. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, September 14. Copyright. The great strike, after a month of incessant and at times embittered strife, ended to-day. It has cost the parties concerned over $10, 000,000, and in view of the immense bene fits, moral and material, conferred, the price can scarcely be considered ex cessive. For the first time in the industrial history of London un skilled workers have triumphed over capitalists, and the effect has been as in vigorating upon the men themselves as fresh sea breezes sweeping through the slums ot Whitechapel. The lowest class of day laborers have learnt to respect them selves and each other, and there is good ground for hope that the improvement will be real and lasting. V1BTTJE OF TEMrEKANCE. During the long struggle John Burns and Ben Tillett, who are both total abstainers, never wearied of impressing upon the men the virtue of temperance and clean living, and it is on record that no fewer than 1,200 of the strikers have taken the total absti nence pledge One of the most pathetic features of the struggle was Burns' constant appeals to his rough followers to quit wife beating and be kind to the children. And in this respect, also, it is creditably asserted there is already a palpable improvement. Hence forth the laborers will be an organized body, and autonomy will induce self-reliance. They will have better and more certain wages and less of it will go to the tavern keeper. Up till a late hour Thursday night every one, excepts few persons in the inner circles, some half dozen in number, were under the impression that the negotiations were again in a state of suspended anima- tion. DIRECTORS AS DIPLOMATS. The dock directors maintaining their characters as diplomats to the last, carefully fostered this impression even to the extent of deliberate misleading. It was not until nearly midnight that Mr. Soulsby, the Lord Mayor's private Secretary, sent out a para graph which completely altered the whole aspect of affairs, and the newswaper people had to hastily rewrite their pessimistic edi torials. "There was every hope," said Secretary Soulsby, writing in the name of the Com mittee of Conciliation, "of immediate settle ment, all the disputants save the lighter , men being asreed upon the vital points." To-day, therefore, Cardinal Manning, the Lord Mayor and Mr. Sydney Buxton con centrated their pacific efforts upon the lightermen. But for a long time they made little if any progress. The stevedores and lightermen constitute the aristocracy of workmen connected with the port of Lon don, each having a rich and powerful trades union, and the men being comparatively well paid. LIBERAL STRIKE ALLOWANCES. They have from the first received liberal strike allowances, and have not felt the pinch or poverty like less fortunate strikers. Most of the grievances formulated by them after they had joined the strike on princi ple, were well founded, and they were con fident of complete victory. Their, re lations with their employers had been embittered in various ways so that altogether the mediators found the lightermen much more difficult to deal with than the leaders of the dockers. It speaks volumes, therefore, for the patience and tact ot Cardinal Manning and his two colleagues of the Conciliation Committee that they were able to persuade the ag grieved and irritated lightermen to join in thegeneral compromise. The mediators had still to deal with the master lightermen, whose attitude through out the strike has been one oY furious indig nation at the audacity of the men in setting .themselves against the kindest and best of friendand employers. That was the state in which Cardinal Manning found them this morning when he met them in con ference. UNBAYELING THE TANGLES. It took several hours to smooth the tan gles, but the good work was finally accom plished, and at 3 this afternoon the Lord Mayor was able to announce from the Man sion House that the employers, with three dissentients, had accepted the compromise, and that work could be resumed in dock, 'river and wharf on Monday next. The chief credit for the settlement unde niably belongs to the venerable Cardinal ..Manning, when passions on both sides I, were at their highest this prince of the church left his palace in Westminster and went about from one leader to another, coun seling peace. His spare figure and pale, in tellectual face soon became familiar to the strikers, and his gentle, unassuming man ners quickly won their confidence and re spect, amounting almost to veneration, even of the rough fellows who were not of his faith. From the moment the Cardinal in tervened there was a marked DIMINUTION IN THE VIOLENCE of language, antil then habitually used bv the strike leaders when speaking of their opponents, and the dock directors demeanor, till that time insulting and uncompromis ing, underwent a gratifying change. The Protestant Bishop of London and the Lord Mayor joined in the pacific work some days alter the cardinal, but although tardily offered he grate fully accepted their assistance. After the rebuff caused by last Saturday's misunder standing, the Bishop, considering his great ness derided and his dignity offended by the strike leaders, left London in disgust, and took no further part in the negotiations. The Lord Mayor sulked for several days, but ultimately had the good sense to return to the work. Cardinal Manning, however, never faltered or grew weary of well doing. He saw the misery that was being caused by the strike, and resolved that it should end. Older than Mr. Gladstone, and with little of the great statesman's physical vigor, Cardinal Manning has all this week been doing an amount of work which would tax the endurance of the youngest priest in his diocese. THE CARDINAL'S GENTLENESS. His friends remonstrated, but he answered all with gentle words and kindly smiles, and to-day, when the last difficulty had been removed and London's greatest Indus trial conflict had come to an end, he re turned calmly to his study and Westmin ster, remarking that he had but done his duty to his fellowmen and his country. As to the disputants themselves the praise and blame must be equally divided. As far as the leaders are concerned, Burns and Tillett and the rest did not fight with rose water, hut if their tongnes were sharp their heads were cool. For weeks past the dock directors have been calling all men to wit ness the terrible intimidation practiced by the strikers, and the Government were im plored to send more police to disperse the strike pickets under penalty of seeing Lon don in the hands of the commune. They lied shamefully, as the records prove during the month the strike has lasted not a dozen cases of intimidation have been tried in the police courts, although the magistrates and police were not disposed unduly to favor the strikers. IN AN OEDERLT MANNER. It cannot be denied, therefore, that no struggle of such magnitude has ever been conducted in a manner so orderly and free from violence as that of which the end has been witnessed to-day. The fact was testi fied to over and over again by Cardinal Manning, the Lord Mayor and other speak ers at a quiet little meeting of the strike leaders and Conciliation Committee, held late this afternoon at the Mansion House. At this gathering Burns expressed like a man the strikers' obligations to the conciliators, assured them of the men's grat itude, and promised that the strike commit tee would, as soorr as they possibly could, pnblish a properly authenticated balance sheet of all moneys received and expended during the long struggle. Then everybody shook hands with everybody else, and after partaking of refreshments Burns, Tillett and others went away to tell the men in meeting assembled all that had taken place. The Associated Press dispatches pub lished in America the 5th instant to the effect that the police had fired on the strikers and one man had been fatally wounded were absolutely false. SURREY DOCKMEN AGREE. The Surrey dockmen have agreed to re sume work on Monday. Their grievances will be submitted on Tuesday at a confer ence of the masters and men" at the Wade Arms. 'Mr. Burns, at the meetinc of strikers. proposed a vote of gratitude for the colonial assistance that had enabled the men to achieve a victory. The action of the colo nial workmen, he said, was the first step toward the formation of a Laborers' Uni versal Federation. The motion was carried unanimously. Subsequently Mr. Burns and Mr. Tillett went to the dock gates to announce the terms of the settlement When the terms were explained there were slight murmurs of dissent among the crowd. Mr. Burns exhorted the men to stick to the union, and Mr. Tillett urged them to abstain from doing violence to the "blacklegs," Finally three cheers were given heartily for "the strike and victory." Mr. Sydney C. Buxton, member of Par liament for the Poplar Division of Tower Hamlets( will preside at a great meeting which will be held at Poplar on Monday. Cardinal Manning, the Lord Mayor and Messrs. Burns and Tillett will also be pres ent and will make addresses. PIECE 'WORK TO SUCCEED. The agreement between the dockmen and the directors of the dock companies in cludes a stipulation that contract work shall be converted on the 4th of November next into piece work. All payments are to be made directly to the men, under the super vision of the dock officials. Laborers who worked during the strike are to be treated as fellow workers by iKe strikers, and the directors pledge themselves not to show re sentment against the strikers. A meeting of the strikers was addressed by Messrs. Burns and Tillett and Cardinal Manning. The latter extolled the self command shown by the strikers during the struggle, and said they had passed through the ordeal with honor. MORE OP A MYSTERY. The Police Can Iienrn Nothing- Abont tho Init Wbltechnpel Murder. I BT CABLE TO TI1E DISPATCH. London, September 14. The latest Whitechapel horror is more of a mystery than any of the others that have occurred in that district The police have found out absolutely nothing, nor are they likely to. They have no clew to the woman's identity, no idea in what district the murder look place, nor how the remains were trans ported to the spot where they; were found. It-iurae of the horrible mysteries of London and Js likely to remain so. Everything at the East End is going along again as though no such demon as Jack the Bipper had ever existed. One of the humors of the situation is that the police solemnly register the age of the murdered woman as 33, not even admitting that she might be perhaps 32 or 34. In view of the circumstance that the lady in question has not been identified and that her head has not been discovered, it would be interesting to know what are the prem ises upon which her age is based. PKOTEST AGAINST EDWAEDS. Berlin merchants Object to the Condnct of the American Consul. Berlin, September 14. A number of merchants here have signed a memorial ad dressed to Prince Bismarck, in which charges of impoliteness and general mis management are matle against Mr. Edwards, the United States Consul at Berlin. Many merchants are not in sympathy with these characterizations, FEOM .THE VIKINGS. Paul Du Chaillu Stirs Up the Britishers by a Paper on Their Ancestors The Scientists Object to His Conclusions. TBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, September 14 Paul Du Chail lu, known in America as the author of sev eral good stories of adventure for young people, has gone in for history instead of fiction, and had a rather unpleasant time of it this week. Du Chaillu jead a .paper be fore the British Association for the Ad vancement of Science, which is holding its annual convention at New Castle, entitled "The Vifeings, the Direct Ancestors ot the English People." The rest of the scientists unanimously jumped on Da Chaillu and declared that his premises were wrong and his conclusions indefensible. The author said that he was best compe tent to form an opinion since be had devoted eight years of research to the subject and wound up by saying excitedly: "Patriot ism is a splendid thing but let us have truth. I belong to the other side of the water, America, and they will not accuse me of being one-sided there." Edward Bates Borsey, of New York, also read a paper before the association his sub ject being "South African Gold Fields" which he has recently visited and to which he returns this month. THEY DIDN'T SPEAK. District Attorney Kldgcway and the Rev. Dr. Cuylerat Outs. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. ' London, September 14. District At torney Bidgeway and Mrs. Bidgeway, of Brooklyn, sailed for New York on Thurs day after a three months' tour in Europe. The Eev. Dr. Cuyler, of Brooklyn, who made the vigorous publio crusade against Bidgeway when he last ran for the District Attorneyship, chanced to put up at the same hotels with his political enemy in London. Paris and Berlin, but there was no outbreak, though the two did not speak as they passed by. Bidgeway "has been extensively enter tained by New Yorkers and Brooklynites in London, and his departure is generally regretted as lessening the total of human gaiety on this side of the water. TOO HIGHLY SEASONED. Bessie Bel-rood's Songs Do Not Suit Bir mingham Audiences. I BY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.) London, September 14. Bessie Bel wood, music hall singer, who earned more fame by thrashing a cabman in defense of Lord Mandeville than she ever has on the stage, has been in the newspapers again this week. This time it was because one of her sones, "The Barmaid," was too highly sea soned for the taste of Birmingham, where she has been singing this week, and she was ordered to omit it from her repertoire during her stay in that virtuous city. Mandeville, by the way, accompanies Miss Bessie on her travels and shares her salary. HERBERT SPENCER'S BIOGRAPHY. It Will be Published Simultaneously on Both Sides the Atlantic. IBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, September 14. Herbert Spencer has returned to London with his auto biography completed up totbe.present time. It is not to be published until after his death, bnt he is making preparations lor it to be produced then on both sides ot the At lantic simultaneously. The manuscript has been put into type, and then proofs only are taken, all of which are sent to him before the type is distributed. Two molds are taken for stereotyping, one of which is to be sent to America, where Spencer is more widely read than here, to be used immediately upon his death. BI-JIETALLISTS QUIET. Trusting; More to a Still Hunt Than to Pub lic Speaking". IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, September 14. The bi-metal-lists in England have been keeping very quiet for some months past In fact since the debate in the House of Commons they have scarcely made any signs of life. That, however, is not because they have less heart in their cause, but rather because their champion, Henry Chaplin, has been made Minister of Agriculture after his re election. The bi-metallists hope to do more by quiet working than they have ever done by public agitation. IT WILL BE RICH. Amelie Rives and a Frenchman to Write a Book Together. IBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, September 14. French news papers announce that Amelie Bives and Catulle Mendes, a Parisian writer of fiction, are to collaborate a novel together. The possibilities involved in the fusion of Bives and the French should be a sufficient warn ing to the public to stand from under. SUIT AGAINST A CHURCH. John G. Cooler Wants the Interest Due Him for a Pew. rSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCn. 1 Ne'W York, September 14. John G. Cooley, of Norwich, is suing the Church of Our Savior, in Brooklyn, commonly Known as the Ciasson avenue Presbyterian Church. Edwin M. Fox, his lawyer, thus explains his client's case: "In 1871 the church put its pews up for sale like so many building lots. The purchaser could nse his pew or not as he pleased. If he did not use it he he was to receive from the church fund 7 per cent upon his investment. In February 1871. Mr. Cooley paid 81,200 for a pew. By the deed of transfer it was provided that in case the owner did not use the pew he might give notice to the proper officers whereupon the church should beat liberty to rent the pew and appropriate the proceeds, in the meantime paying the owner his 7 per cent due the following ApriL Mr. Cooley gave such a notice. For sev eral years he received his interest, the pay ments amounting to a total of $274, but at length payments began to fall off, and he now seeks to recover the interest due, which amounts to $1,098 and compound interest "Mr. Cooley was besought by the church authorities to surrender his pew to the church, but he said he could not afford to do so. The pew has remained unlet for a long time." SEAK0HING TOR TEN YEARS. A Mother Recovers Her Lost Son After Very Protracted Wanderings, Grand Forks, N. Dak., September 14. A pathetic and romantio story is that of Mrs. Gruer, of Otter Tail county, Minne sota, who arrived here to-day. She is 65 years old and has,during the past ten years, been in search of her son, who was stolen by Chippewa Indians when but 4 years old. All possible clwes have been followed without result, until now at last she has re ceived a Communication from a friend at the Turtle Mountain, stating that her son is there, and she is en route to that reservation for the long lost boy, PITTSBURG-, SUNDAY, A SOLKIIG OUTLAW; Holzhay.the Train Robber, Disgusted Willi Prison Life. HE HAS HO CHAKCE TO ESCAPE. Heavily Ironed in His Cell and Guarded Day and Night. A PRETTY FRONTIER SWEETHEART : "" W She is Devoted to Eer Outlaw Lorer, but is Missing' for Sons Reason. Beimund Holzbay, the train and stage robber, in jail at Bessemer, Mich., is be coming very sulky over his imprisonment! He is closely guarded to prevent any at tempt at escape. His pretty sweetheart, who was devoted to him, cannot be found. rSPECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Bessemer Mich., September 14. Beimund Holzhay, the Northern Wiscon sin train robber, highwayman and all round "bad man," is becoming tired of his captivity in a plain, every day county jail, and his feelings of disgust are evinced by sulkiness. He is heavily ironed and an armed deputy sits just outside of the cell. There is no hope of escape, and Holzhay will be tried at the next term of the Circuit Court in November. Holzhay, in a communicative frame of mind, revealed to representatives of the press some of the secrets of his life as an outlaw. He made his home at Pulcifer, Shawano county, and was there much of the time when he was being searched for in the forests by Uncle Sam's detectives. After his first stage robbery he hurried back to the village and was one of the posse that helped chase the highwayman. The robber was not caught that time. CONCEALED BT FRIENDS. When it became definitely known that he was the guilty man he was compelled to stay in hiding nearly all of the time. He was con cealed in the village by friends, but would not give their names. This grew tiresome, and he took to the forest, retiring to the wilderness where fe" but the experi enced "cruiser," orpine-hooker, would dare to venture. While hiding in the depths of the primeval forests, he lived on game brought down by his trusty revolver and the scanty supplios taken with him in his flight from the village. At times he would visit the few rude huts in the forest tenanted by stray trappers and cruisers and secure fresh supplies and a night's rest there. Four Government detec tives were looking for Holzhay last March, April and part of May. Atone time they caught sight of a man who was supposed to be he in the woods, but he eluded them. Shortly after the hunt was given up the Milwaukee and Northern tram was robbed. WANTS MORE BLOOD. Holzhay is a desperate character and swears that if he ever escapes he will mur der Marshal John Glode, of Bepublic, the man who caught him. There is little doubt that he would attempt it if he ever got out side Gogebic county JaiL He has been identified by traveling men, residents of aZZir.ZttZiLrTyZk York- had written to Mr. Gesswein for Shawano wunty and persons that he robbed4.lm.d h h d repVled lhat -r as the author of all the crjeJayMi&f;TES aoor, except two muraers, ana tne victims ot those are not able to identify him. He is accused of murdering a fellow workman near Oconto; Wis., four years ago, and also a cowboy with whom he became en gaged in an altercation in Montana a year ago. Recent movements in his behalf show the outlaw has strong friends, c Oscar Schwartz, the brother of Holzhay's mother, is a resident ot Pulcifer, and Holzhay lived with him before betook to the pathof rascal ity that has landed him in jail here with charges of robbery, murder and other crimes hanging over him. Oscar Schwartz is well-to-do, and Hozhay will have the benefit of the best lawyers and counsel. . ......-.. . . . - .' i HIS MISSING SWEETHEART. The whereabouts of Lydia Huntley, Holzhay's sweetheart, are unknown. It "is Dossible that she is at her home in the'vil- liage of Pulcifer, but if so her presence there is being kept secret This girl is a dashing brunette, 18 years old, of the genuine frontier type. Born in the wilder ness and reared there, she is an expert horse-woman, and shoots the rifle and revolver almost as well as her lover. .Sue has accompanied him about the coun try at various times, and ws with him shortly before the Wisconsin Central train robbery, and again a few days later. It is presumed that she accompanied him to the scene of the crime, and rejoined him after it was committed. She is as daring as the highwayman him self, and even it she is not as hardened in crime, she was cognizant of all his plans, and was near the spot where some of the robberies were committed. She is devoted heart and hand to the fortunes of her outlaw lover. BECAME" TOO BOLD. Had Holzhay been content to stay in the woods it is doubtful if he would ever have been captured. The ease with which he eluded Sheriff1 Foley and the posse with him, who were accompanied by several bloodhounds, shows that he was able to conceal his whereabouts from his pursuers at all times. His reckless daring and a spirit of bravado with which such outlaws, if they are men of genuine courage, are frequently affected, prompted him to show himself in the cities of Ishpeming, Negaunee and Be public but a few days after his robbery of the Gogebic stage and murder of Banker Fleitchbein, when" the crime was on the lips of everyone, and his description was known to all and staring him in the face from dead waifs and newspapers on every hand. ( A RUINED INDUSTRY, i The Sugar Plantations of Queensland Are In Bad Condition. JSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISFATCB.l New York, September 14. Queensland is in danger of being knocked out as a sugar producing country, and although it J is 10,000 miles away, New York sugar people are talking about its future. Most of the information at hand con cerning the matter ' is from a report of a sugar industry commission appointed in November last "To inquire into and re port upon the general condition of the sugar industry in Queensland, and the causes which have led to its present languishing condition, and the best means to be adopted for reviving and maintaining its prosperity." The commission's visit to the plantations shows a startling state of aflairs. A large proportion of the plantations had been aban doned. The causes assigned for a depres sion comprise mismanagement, extrava gancce and inexperience of planters in the early days of the industry, finan cial embarrassment owing to work ing on borrowed capital, Iss through unfavorable seasons, disease, ex haustion ,of the soil, fall in the price of sugar and loss of confidence in the industry, which, it is alleged, is owing to the. abolition of black labor in the near future, a'nd which prevents planters obtaining the necessary advance to carry it on. The bill which goes into effect on Decem ber 31, 1890, prohibiting tbe importation of Pacific Islanders to work on the plantations, is considered tht biggest Wow ofall. SEPTEMBER 15, 1889. WESTERN WATERWAYS. President Harrison .Receives the Report of tbe Special Commission He Is Firm In the Conviction tbe Stages Must .Build Levees. tspEciAi. mmmn to toe dispatch. "Washington, September 14. The reso lutions and memorial adopted by the Con vention on the Improvement of the Western Waterways, held recently in Cincinnati, were to-day presented to the Presi dent by a delegation consisting of Congressman C. H. Grosvenor, of Ohio, ex-Representative W. D. Logan, of Louisiana, and Captain J. W. Bryant, of New Orleans. Having failed to secure a hearing at the White House on account ot the press of business, the delegation boarded the train bearing the President to Deer Park, and accompanying him a nart of the way. secured their interview in that manner. Mr. Logan made the presentation in a few words, after which a general conversation took place. The President said he was. in full accord and sympathy with the people on the ques tion of improved navigation. There was one point upon which he had a decided opinion, and that was that there must be no expenditures of any part of any appropria tion for levee building. The levees mustbe built by the people themselves without Government aid. When the President was told by Captain Bryant that he had read a letier from Judge Taylor before the convention, in which it was stated that of the 8,000,000 expended in levee building since the commission's appointment, $5,000,000 were contributed by the people themselves, tbe President said: "I shall read the commission's report with interest. I am heartily in favor of aiding and nrotecting the commerce upon the river itself, but it must be done by confining the water to the inner channel for the purpose of giving the requisite depth, and I favor also a preventative against caving banks.' After riding a short distance with the President, Messrs. Cheadle, Logan and Bryant returned to Washington, General Grosyenar being en route home. Captain Bryant goes to New York to-morrow to Monfer with the President of the National Board of Steam Navigation in reference to the meeting to be held October 1, at Pitts burg. DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL. Tho Murderer of Jeweler Gesswein Appears to be Stupefied IllsStorv. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! .New Yobk, September 14. The funeral of Frederick W. Gesswein, the manufac turer, of 30 John street, who was shot in his private office by the inventor, Christian J. Deyhle, on Friday, is to take place Sunday at 2 p. M., from the Bedford Ave nue Lutheran Church, Brooklyn. Deyhle was seen in the Tombs by a reporter this afternoon. His knowledge of English is very imperfect, .and a constant, hacking cough racked his frame. "I haven't long to live," he said between fits of coughing. "It's consumption." When asked whether he had anything more to say concerning the shooting of Mr. Gesswein, he said: (,fI worked at my invention on engraver's reflectors for years, and had it patented in 1S80." He then retold the story of Gess wein's infringement and legal victory. "For four years I supplied Mr. Gesswein with reflectors, but little by little he withdrew Bts trade from me. Two weeks ago," continued Deyhle, "I determined to come to, New York. I had written to Mr. Gesswein for a no none?'TAdetermined to see him. The revolver 1 bought on the Bowery. Why did I buy ,it? I don't know. Why did I shoot Gesswein? I don't know that" either only when I asked him for $400 to get me into the Old Men's Home he wheeled around carelessly in his chair and said he would be as big a fool as I was if he gave me any money. "I was desperate; I had been deeply wronged. I felt the last chance had gone, and somehow I imagined he made a quick movement 'toward me, as if to put me out, and my pistol came into my hand. I seemed to be in a sort of dream.. Suddenlv the pistol went off, and Mr. Gesswein fell to the floor. I never really determined to kill him." FOUND THE MUSKET. An Old Soldier Who Was Wounded at Gettysburg Receives His Gun. SPECIAL TELEGEAM TO TDK DI8PATCH.1 Wilkesbarre, September 14. One of the happiest men who returned from the Gettysburg encampment is C. W. Bishing, of Harvey's .Lake, this county. He was a private in Captain Bice's company, Fifty-third Pennsylvania Vol unteers. Bishing was shot twice at Gettysburg, his wounds being ugly ones, a bullet shattering an arm and another entering near 'his right thigh. This occurred near the bloody angle, and not far from the spot on which the regi mental monument stands. As soon as he received the wounds he set to work to bury his musket. He fell near a big rook, and managed to scoop out enough dirt at the base to slip his musket into the hole. Bishing accompanied the surviving mem bers of his old regiment to Gettysburg on the occasion of the dedication of their mon ument. While there Bishing, accompanied by several old comrades, started out to look for the musket. The bloody angle "was easily found, and he soon distinguished the huge boulder at whose base he had fallen hnd where he had hidden the gun. It took but a few moments to dig the earth up, when to his joy he struck the old musket. Bishing brought the musket to Wilkes barre this afternoon. He says he is poor, but no money will buy the musket. A FIGHT FOR THE CAPITAL. Speculation Is Having; a Good Seal of Trouble in South Dakota. St. Paul, September 14. The South Dakota capital fight waxes warmer and in some sections is becoming very bitter, bribery being charged. The opposition to the booming of Pierre by the Woousocket Capitol Investment Company are all argu ing against the location influenced by spec ulators, but at the same time each is doing ail possible to secure the coveted plum. Bedfield has withdrawn from the race, and one reportsays her capitalists have invested at Pierre and will assist that town, while another makes Huron the gainer by the withdrawal. A Yankton paper asserts that Sioux Falls agents have offered political backers $5,000 to influence that county in their favor, but the Yankton sentiment is favorable to Pierre. The latest action is the purchase at Watertown of 320 acres of land by the Farmers' Alliance of the new State, on which to erect their own mammoth manu facturing plants, and they are said to be in the fight as backers of Watertown, whjch makes that place claim the victory. SOMETHING NEW IN THE SKY. An Unprecedented Fact la Astronomy Has Just Been Discovered. TJtica, N. Y., September 14. Prof. C. H. F. Peters, of Litchfield Observatory, Hamilton College, discovered an asteroid on August 25- The ew planet ranks as No. 287 in the asteroid group. The first computations appeared to show an unprecedented fact in astronomy, in that a portion of the new asteroid's orbit was within f portion of the orbit of Mars. All asteroids heretofore discovered have their orbits, outside that of Mars. KEADYTOMSTKIBUTE The Belief Commission TVill Divide . $1,600,000 at Johnstown. WILL NOT ADHERE STRICTLY To the Percentage Plan; but Will Use the Committee's figures; THERE WILL BE SOME MONEY LEFT. This Will be Held fa Eeserre for Distribution Where It is Host Needed. The Flood Belief Commission will make the final distribution of $1,600,000 in the' Conemaugh "Valley at once. The plan of the local Belief Committee will be used in stead of adhering strictly to the percentage system. rSFECIAZ. TELEGBA1I TO THE DISPATCH-l Habrisbubg, September 14J The com mission appointed to supervise the distribu tion of the fund for the relief of tbe flood sufferers in the Conemaugh Valley, and other portions of the State, practically com pleted its work early this morning, when it authorized Secretary Kremer to pay to the claimants in Johnstown and vicinity shown to be entitled to relief 51,600,000, at the dis posal of the commission. There had been distributed to the Conemaugh Valley sufferers, prior to this action, 769, 382 70 in cash and necessary articles pur chased with the money contributed from all sections in this country and principal por tions of Europe, making a total of $2,369, 382 70, set aside for the relief of these dis tressed people. This amount does not rep resent all the money allowed them, as the local committee at Johnstown expended for their comfort about 160,000, and other con tributions were sent direct to the scene of disaster, without passing through the hands of the commission. corporations not counted. Without counting the loss of corpora tions, which will receive none of the com mission's relief fund, the losses in the Conemaugh valley approximate $3,000,000. Probably one-third ot this amount will be made up by contributions of various kinds. In addition to the sum appropriated by the commission, Governor Beaver expended nearly $300,000 borrowed by him, for the enforcement of necessary sanitary regu lations. With this money the commission had nothing to do. At the meeting of the commission, which termina ted to-day, $30,000 were also authorized to be given the most needy sufferers in the Jersey Shore district, which makes $37,600 allowed that flood devastated country. Not taking into account the last amount ap priated there were distributed outside of the Conemaugh Valley $169,278 02. The total amount received by the commis sion was $2,605,114 22. The -cash on hand is $1,666,456 50, against which must be set $43,600 on account of outstanding contracts and appropriations not turned over to the places for which they are intended (includ ing $30,000 for the Jersey shore district), making the available cash, including about $84,190 08 remaining of the $500,000 au thorized over amonth since to bettistributed among the Conemaugh Valley sufferers, $1,618,666 49.' This would leave a balance in the hands of the commission of over $18, 000, which, with onycontributions that may come into its possession, will be distributed where it will do the most good. Although nearly three months and a half have elapsed since Governor Beaver re ceived the first donation toward the relief of the flood sufferers, the flow of contributions has not ended. To-day a draft was received from the Lord Mayor of Dublin for 300, in addition to 2,500 previously remitted to the Governor, with a letter in which the Lord Mayopsays: "The people of Ireland have observed witn admiration tne great and strenuous efforts made under your direction to mitigate the effects ol the calamity, and hope that its evil consequences upon tbe prospering energy ot tbe Conemaugh Valley may speedily pass away." AN ARDUOUS TASK. Secretary Kremer, of the Flood Belief Committee, has an arduous task before him in allotting and distributing, with the as sistance of the Johnstown Board of Inquiry and Committee on Finance, the $1,600,000 authorized to be given to the Conemaugh Valley sufferers. The result of the investi gation of the local Board of Inquiry will be taken as a basis for the distribution, and the most needy will receive proportionately the'largest amounts. The allowance of an arbitrary percentage on the amount of loss sustained, Secretary Kremer thinks, would not be just under the circumstances, and would prove imprac ticable. FOUGHT FOR THE GIRL. A Uegular Prize Fight Between Two As plrnnts for Iler Hand. ISPECIAL TELEGBAU TO TUX DISPATCH.! Pittston, September 14. Thomas Moran and Thomas Marion are two young men who belong to the society of the little village of Avoco, three miles from here. Moran is an employe in the Pennsylvania Com pany's mines, and Marion works on his father's farm, at a station called Starks. Belle McCook, a handsome brunette, about 18 years of age, is in fact, as in name, the belle of the village, and her admirers are many. She has never recognize'd but two, Moran and Marion. For the past three or four months they have been paying her court. When remonstrated with, Belle naively replied: "Oh, well, I think just about as much of one as I do of the other. Let them settle it between them." Thus things went on until the rivalry grew too bitter to 'e borne. Moran finally proposed that the issue be staked on a per sonal encounter, in which the winner was to receive the girl as the prize. Marion, who is somewhat of an 'athlete, agreed to settle the dispute by a personal encounter, and the battle took place last night at 9 o'clock. Both men staggered to the scratch for the ninth round. Marion led out witn his right but Moran dodged the blow and clinched, throwing his opponent heavily and falling withliis knee on Marion's stomach. Mike Morrison, Marion's second, grabbed Moran by the throat, shutting off his wind. Mike Hoplins, Moran's second, ran over and attempted to strike Morrison, when the referee declared the fight a draw. The match will be completed as soon as they have regained their wind. HE JDST WENT AWAY. - No Explanation Can be Given for One Trip to Canada. Fort Wayne, Ind., September 14. Mr. Bobert Mackie, who so mysteriously disap peared on the eve of his marriage' to an estimable lady of Cooperstown, N. Y., has been heard from. He'was met on the streets of Montreal, Canada, on Thursday by Mr. Kimball, agent of the Electric Light Com pany. No explanation of hit condnct has Been given. Mr. Mackie was foreman of the-Jenney shops in Fort Wayne, and not the elec trician, as has been rumored. No funds passed through his hands, so there could be no shortage, and his services were entirely acceptable to his employers.' - LAMTBY DlTOKOfiD. Tbe Jenrfy Lily Freed From Her IsgHsh Husband Her Marriage to Freddy Gebbardt Will Take Flaee at an Early Day. lEPICIALTELiaBAM TO TBI D1STATC8J NewYokk, September 14. Mrs. Lang try has secured a divorce. Although strenu ous efforts have been madejo keep the mat ter a secret, cables which were received -from London to-day left no -reasonable doubt that the irksome ties that bound the Lily to a hus band she had long ceased to care ion lave been severed. It had been the desire and the intention of Mr. Gebhardtto accompany Mrs. Langtry on her voyage, and he had made all his preparations for the trip. Mrs-Langtry was -equally pleased at the prospect of having her wealthy suitor in her train, but a judicious advisor of the Lily is said to have stepped in and counseled her upon the unadvisability of the step. -Mr. Gebhardt changed his plans, and the Lily sailed alone. Since her arrival in London it is said that she has been very quiet indeed. "During the Lily's absence Freddie has made his home at Mrs. Langtry's house in this city. Mr. Ernest Andre Jurgens who is a warm friend of Mrs. Langtry said: ''I have no doubt that she has secured a divorce. She deserves it, as Langtry has not treated her right. Were the facts known there is nobody who would say that Mrs. Langtry is not entitled to the separa tion. I believe that her marriage to Mr. Gebhardt will take place just as soon as it can be arranged." STILL YERY'"SJBI0US. The Race Troubles la Mississippi Are by No Means Ended Several Building Burned by Masked Men A Stock of Firearms. Meridian, Miss., September It The most recent reports of the race troubles in Jasper county shows that they are assuming larger proportions. On Sunday night last a crowd of masked men congregated at a small negro church about seven miles westof Paulding, held a mock service and fired the building. Near this church, was a negro schoolhonse. and this also was fired. The dwelling house of Alfred Los siter and another negro's house were also -visited, and after the discharge of firearms, causing much alarm, these two dwellings were also fired. The dwelling house of Mr. Burnett Hair, a white man, was, also vis ited. Mr. Hair and family were much abused, but no bodily harm offered. Several negroes have been arrested in Newton county-for inciting an insurrection. and are now in jail at Decatur. Two of them confessed that there was an organiza tion of the blacks, and that ther were to unite on Sunday, September 15, and com-- mence tne war. n urtner arrests of some of the leading negroes discloses the fact that there is an organization, but for political purposes only. The white people of the county are or ganizing and arming themselves with the most approved weapons, over 500 guns hav ing been sold at Newton. It is not now ex pected that an outbreak will be made at any time, and matters are quieting-down. FIRE Iff THE EXPOSITION. Damage to tbe Amount of $75,000 In flicted by the Flames. Chicago. September 14. Between 8,000 and 10,000 people rushed, pell melL out-of the Exposition building to-night, falling over eachTother down stairs -and jumping through windows in their hurry to escape. Fire had started in one of the big booths near the cen ter of the huge structure, and the glare Of tne flames and the crash of planks ca used a panic. Men, women and children joined in the mad scramble for the exits, regular and improvised, which fortunately were, numerous enough to nrevent any fatal crushing. Within five minutes the excited thousands of people were safe outside of the structure, the flames were extinguished and one-fourth of the interior of the Exposition was in ruins. Damage to the building itself was slight, and the art gallery wholly escaped. Probably $75,000 will cover the Ioss.which is distributed about equally among a num ber of the largest exhibitors. No person was reported seriously inj ured, though many doubtless suffered minor hurts and others had decidedly disagreeable ex periences. One young lady and her escort were compelled to descend by ladders from the roof, the elevators and stairways having caught fire, and there being no other means of escape. Tbe lady, aided by a fireman,led the way, while hundreds of persons on the street below alternately held their breath and cheered" as each critical point was passed. BICYCLISTS IN BAD LUCK. Bain Prevents the Parade la New York Oncers Elected. ISFXCIAL TXLEOBAH TO THE DISPATCH.! New York, September 14. The weather of the past week seriously interfered with the proceedings of the bicyclists, and to day's parade was finally abandoned. The programme provided for a run through Cen tral Park, Fifth and Madison avenues and Brooklyn to Coney Island, where they were to hfve had dinner, and attended a concert by Gilmore. Perhaps 200 of the wheelmen were on hand at noon at the starting point, bnt the committee in charge declared the parade off. and sent word to tbe starting point an hour or two later. Meantime the board of officers was holding a meeting in the parlors of the Grand Union. Chief Consul Bull got by vote a salary of $600 for office expenses, and the secretary-treasurer $150. . The following were 'elected delegates to the National Assembly: W. S. Jenkins, Buffalo; George B. Bidwell, New York; C. W. Wood. Syracuse; George E. Black bam. Dunkirk; Michael Furst, Brooklyn; E. J. Shriever, New York; Henry Galliar, Albany; F. P. Pnal, New York, and C. C. Alden, Brooklyn. TO WORK IN THE MINES. All of the Tennessee Convicts Are Leased to a Corporation, Nashville, September i4. The con victs of the Tennessee penitentiary were leased at auction at the capitol to-day for a term of six years. The lease was secured by the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Eailroad Com pany, which was the only bidder. The consideration was $100,000 per an num, the minimum allowed by the act au thorizing the lease. Nearly-all of the con victs will be employed in the company's mines where a large number are now at work. ORDER WILL BE PRESERYED If AH the People In the Comity Have to be Shot. Louisville, September 14. Two com panies of State troops, one from Harrods burg, numbering 24, and the other from Lexington, numbering 34, left this morning under command of Adjutant General Hill to go to Hsrlan County Court to preserve order during tbe session of court beginning next week. They will have a 30-mile march through the mountains. OF CMS Ai&st EnirWliarlirtttriMlw His Brotber-io Pkcee WITH 0P IDIDEIOp TIKUSTS They Drank Beer, Freely asd 6)mrole4 0.ver s Gaae of Care"; THE JKUTB SOT YST GAPTUMI, Sot tie Police Are Cbaattg Bis d Ws Baesfe is St. PwaiW. ... , , A most blood-curdliag murder was earn mitted in the East Bed last aigst.' Gio vanni FraBcesehiellostebbedHBretfcer ia the body four times, either of wfeiek was a fatal thrust. They quarreled' over a 4e of cards. The murderer is at large. About five months ago Miiel FraseeW chiello came to Ameriea rem, Italy to join his brother, Giovaaai; -wko had bees m Pittsburg over two years. Last nsgirt Giovanni cat his brother's heart ia twaiay over a game of cards. if The two brothers; with ofter ItaBa, sleep in the house of Fietro 6arsa at.Ne - 623 Archillo street, .near the corner.-a Shetland aveane, East End. They" ImAr been, working for some cofltraotor aa4 re ceived their pay yesterday. Last eveeiag' a party of them gathered at CanaM's house and spent the evening SrinkiBg beer, playing cards and .singing seags. Six of the men were engaged aboet 9 o'clek. in playing cards for beer, aad as G-Hea as a, game concluded one was sent for tSe bever age. After awhile, as they grew iatexi cated, one of the men. suggested" that they play for money. The stake; was made $1 a game, rather high for laborers. Gievaaw, the men who were present say, was rather fan Tifldiv InfnTiMta irk nlaw, .waI THEHE -h -, vv.. .- rji -"f r : ana ne lost several dollars, wsttse his brother won. Giovanni grew yery aagrr, and jumping from his stool, pulled, from, aa inside pocket a broad-bladed dirk knife of exceeding keenness. Before, anyeae oobM interfere he stabbed his brother, Mieae-le,. in the heart, cutting the heart almost ia' twain. As Michele sprang to , his feet a second vicious cut went deep and long: thrdugh his abdomen, and as ike victim fell to the floor, Giovanni stabbed him twioe is the back. - THE MXTRDEREB'S FLIGHT. The Italian Cain waved his knife at the four other Italians who were in the room, and retreated down the stairway. Carsaro ran for a revolver and followed Fraaees chiello into the yard. The murderer ran at the landlord with his knife uplifted, and. the valiant Carsaro retreated to the hoase. Giovanni then darted away into the dark ness. He was without hat, coat or shoes,, but his bloody knife prevented any of the frightened Italians from following him. Word was soon conveyed to the Nine teenth ward police station, which is oa Frankstown avenue, only about three blocks from the scene of the murder. In spector Whitehouse and Detective Jfc Laughlin at once went to Gaisaro's honse. Thedead man lay tiponther floor where he had fallen. A physician was called, bat he was sot needed. The corpse was a terrible sight. It was covered witb-blood,.whj'oii had raa about in a great pool on the naEedfioor. -The body was left there during the night, and a police cusrd was put on the hoase. The revolver which Carsaro had been'afraid, to use was taken from him. It is a splendid double-action weapon, of 32-calibre, and every chamber is loaded. The police throughout the Second district were warned, and all the available men were set to searching the neighborhood for the murderer. Word of the affair was tele phoned to the down town police stations, and by 11 o'clock Assistant Superintendent O'Mara, Inspector McAleese and nearly all the Central station detectives had departed for the Fast End. JOINING IN THE SEAECH. A large number of Italians, who live near the place where the tragedy occurred, joined in the hunt. By midnight there must have been over 100 men, police officers and others, searching the gardens, groves and ravines within half a mile every way from Archillo street The country there is rough and, in places, is heavily timbered- It is on the very edge of the populated district, and tho search for the murderer was a difficult .one. Tbe detectives tramped through streams, felL into holes and climbed over fences. Some of them were nearly covered with mud, and at times were forced to desist from exhaus tion. Assistant O'Mara remained at the Nine tenth ward station house and directed the search. About 1 o'clock many of the officers! were called into the station by a report that the fugitive had been caught. Some .of the officers brought in two hatless and coatlesa Italians, who were found to be two of ther men who were engaged in the carousal at Carsaro's house when the mur der occurred. They gave their names as Lano Navenelli and Dominco Scelluco. They stoutly asserted that they had not been parties to the quarrel between the brothers, and that Michele had done nothing to provoke tbe attack. Both men were locked up, to be held as witnesses, at least. They appeared to be still smsewhat under the influence of liquor, bnt were badly frighteced. The search was then resumed with vigor, and the police are sangnine that they wilt secure the villain by daylight. 1IAH0NE IS HUSTLING. He Is Seeing That Every Eepnbllcan Toler is Registered. ISPXCTAL TXLEGSAU TO THE DISPATCH.! Bichjiond, September 14. Mahone is flooding the State with circulars telling his colored cohorts what they are to do. Ha offers each negro who shall hunt up voters and have them registered, 75 cents a day and 5 cents for each voter registered, and is willing to pay three negroes at a single voting place. The following is a copy ot a circular letter sent out by Mahone to all parts of the State: PxncBSBUBQ, Va, August 23, IIS). Sib: Please send me the names of the pas. tors of the different churches of your county, their postoffice address, and state whethei white or colored, in each case. Yours truly, WrtLiAJi Mahone. His object is to make the negro preacher! responsible for every voter in their congro gations. ONLY SEYEN SATED. The Captain and Five of the Crew of tin Schooner Caterina It. Lost. ISrECIALTELEOEAUTO THE DISPATCH.! Boston, September 14. A thrilling tal of death and rescue daring the recent hurri cane was brought to this ,port to-day by thi Norwegian steamer Dana. On Wednesday; in the height of the gale, the Italian bars Caterina B., of Genoa, was seen dismasted and at the mercy of the waves. Seven of th crew were clinging to the foremast head. They were rescued with great difficulty. The men had remained 48 hours in th rigging without food or water. Captain Mori tola and five of the crew were swept over board. onri A t&h &i