Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 14, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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The Judge Thinks More Licenses
Should be Given in the County.
judffe ITagee Declines to Express an Opin
ion on the Subject.
The petition for the granting of more re
tail liquor licenses was heard yesterday
'morning by Judges White and Magee. The
petition, which was the one presented to
Judge Ewing a few months ago, was sub
mitted by Attorneys Kobb, Cohen and
Attorney Cohen argued the matter first,
dwelling on the necessity of more licensed
saloons. Mr. Kobb and Mr. Montooth fol
lowed, making lengthy addresses on the
subject A second petition, asking for the
(granting of the first was also presented. It
had over 12,000 names appended.
When the arguments were concluded
Judge Magee said that as lie was not a
member of the License Court he did not see
what he had to do with the petition.
Judge White immediately said that he
alone was responsible for the number to
which the licenses have been reduced; but
as to whether it is expedient to grant more
licenses at the present time was a matter
upon which all the Judges of the Quarter
Sessions Court of this term would be re
quired to pass. The responsibility did not
rest upon one, but upon all. If the others
agreed he would consent to grant more
licenses. If himself and one other agreed
they would be granted. He concluded by
saving that if he had it to do over again,
with the light he now has, he would grant
more licenses.
The Court took the papers without fur
ther remark.
A Trne Bill Found Asalnst Leo Tor tho Mur
der ofNntcher.
The grand jury yesterday returned a true
Tiill against William E. Lee for the murder
of John T. Hatcher. About three weeks
ago Lee shot and fatally wounded Natcher
in the latter's office on Second avenue. The
quarrel was about some business transac
tion, Lee, who was drunk, having threat
ened Natcher several times.
The other true hills were: Michal Marta
husz, Edward Perkins, George Taylor, ag
gravated assault and battery; Jennie Mc
Cormick, aggravated assault; Thomas
Powers, John McElroy, Burt Tierny, Annie
Wilson, assault and battery; Louis Schaak,
maintaining a nuisance; Paul Weisen
berger, misdemeanor; Philip Wills, ma
licious mischief.
The ignored bills were: Joseph Bern
stein, Philip Moeller, larceny by bailee;
Peter Seibel, larceny and receiviug stolen
goods; Luty McCall, perjury; Andrew G.
McCloskey, felonious assault and battery;
Joseph Pendergist, assault and battery.
Tho Millvale Street Ilnilwny Company Asks
for two Injunctions.
P. W. Seibert, President of the Millvale
Street Bailway Company, yesterday" filed
bills in equity against the Evergreen Ball
way Company and the West Penn Bailroad
Company. It is stated that the Millvale
Bailway Company has been granted a right
of way by the Council of Millvale borough
over Bridge street and the Allegheny and
Butler plank road.
The Evergreen Bailway Company, how
ever, claims to have its line located along
the Butler plank road, and they refuse to
allow the Millvale Company to construct
their line along that road. The West Penn
Bailroad Company also refuses to allow the
Millvale Company to cross their tracks on
Bridge street.
Both companies, it is stated, have threat
ened to prevent the Millvale Company from
constructing its tracks at the points named,
and injunctions are asked for to hinder the
two companies from making any interference
with the work.
Trial Lints.
Criminal Court Surety of tho Peace and De
sertion Cases Commonwealth vs. FredEsgley,
Jennie Dewrey, Terrance Mclntyre. Samuel S.
Eberman James Black, Matilda HetteuDack,
Hugo Wagner, Conrad Messeth,
TVfant Lawyer Have Done.
ffst. Hastings was convicted of larceny.
Lena Siielewttch was found guilty of
Selling liquor without license.
Catiikkde McFaklaxd pleaded guilty to
scllinc liquor in a prohibitory district, Brad
dock township.
The jury is out in the case ot Jerry Maho
ney and Dude Claire, tried for robbing Max
Fmklcpor on June 20.
A."HoKFl.nfO pleaded cuilty to creaking
Into the house of J. W. Cooper. Ho was sen
tenced one year to the workhouse.
Ciikist Backer was found guilty of the lar
ceny of a watch from Uenry Straub. He was
sentenced five months to the workhouse.
Johu Crawtohd was found guilty of enter
ing, with intent to commit a felony, tho build
inc of George Kennitzer. He was sent ten days
to the or k house.
JonK Golden and Edward George were
found RUilty of robbing the house of R. S.
Voorhis. Mike Tracej, tried for tho same of
fense, was acquitted.
Wst McClosket, a 15-year-old boy, pleaded
guilty to tbo larceny of 5 from Mary Ann
Woernle. He had no home or friends and nas
sent to the Huntingdon Reformatory.
Charles Torn jesterday entered suit
against the P..V. 4C. R. R. Co. for $J,000
damages. He states that he owned a house and
lot on Manor street. Twenty-ninth ward. The
railroad company have added another track on
the street and built a retaining wall within
lour feet of Poth's honse. He claims that it
shuts oil access to his property from the front
.and has damaged his property considerable.
A charter was filed yesterday in the Re
corder's office for the Maple Creek Telephone
wind Telegraph Company. The company In
tends to construct a line from Pittsburg to
lwints in Washington county. The capital
is iock is f 3,u00, divided Into 30 shares at $100 per
share. Tho directors are James B. Oliver,
Geo rpe T. Oliver, David B. Oliver, Johrl Phil
lip&iand Horace Crosby.
The School Review.
Tbo attention of school principals and
teachers is called to the September number
of the Beview, which is now ready. The
Bevie w is a monthly publication uneqnaled
as supplementary reading in the schools,
and of inestimable value to both pupils and
teach en.
With the current number the Beview be
gins its seventh vear. It is brighter and
better than ever before, containing stories
and sketches for both old and yo&Dg by the
most accomplished writers in the countrv.
It is now uiscd in nearly all the city schools
and many other schools throughout the
country as supplementary reading, and it
receives nothing but commendations wher
ever it goes. The snbscription to single
subscribers it 75 cents year year, and 60
cents to school children. Orders sent to
Percy P. Smith, publisher, 55 Virgin allev,
Sample copies sent free on application.
OveEHOLT. Golden Wedding, Large,
Gibson and DDliuger whisky for sale in
large quantities by Geo. H. Bennett & Bro.,
135 First avenue, second door below Wood
Bo Suro to Try Turin.
Pancakes baked Jbeiore your eyes from
famous self-rising pancake flour, at Mar
Tin's stand in the Exposition. Don't
forget to try them wt en you visit the big
.chow. TTSSU
All Further Cut Printing Hns Been
City Controller Morrow yesterday issued
an order to the various departments stop
ping any further orders for printing.
When asked the reason for this course Col
onel Morrow said he wished to see exactly
where the city stood, and that when this
was definitely ascertained measures might
be taken to go on with the work. He would
not at present say any more on the subject
than that the printing appropriation was
about exhausted through the contract for
the assessors' book and he was determined
to find the exact state of affairs belore incur
ring any more indebtedness. Prom the tone
of bis remarks it was apparent that he saw a
way out of the difficulty, but refused to state
what that was until he found what was
George Sheppard, City Clerk, said, in
regard to this order, that such a step had
been taken before, which had partially
had the effect of stopping legislation, so tha't
when people interested in an ordinance
wanted it put through they had to defray
the printing expenses themselves.
The appropriation for printing this year
was $13,500, as against 15,000 last year, and
the ordinances had to be printed three times
in three papers, based on their circulation,
which materially raised the cost, so the ap
propriation should have been larger instead
ot smaller. The assessor's book, he thought,
might reach ?3,500, but this was not all.
There were 50 ordinances passed lately, and
hundreds awaiting. This year there were
60 per cent more ordinances than ever be
fore passed in a single year. This, he said,
showed that unless the contingent fund
could be drawn on or some other means de
vised to tide over the difficulty, the wljeels
of civil legislation would be stopped and
the grinding out of ordinances be merely
the production of chaff from whpat.
There was one exception, he said. Chief
Bigelow had an appropriation for printing
street ordinances which may carry that
species of legislation through. In February
next Councils could clear up business
which had lagged through lack of funds,
and take from the trouble involved a lesson
to make the new appropriations sufficient
to cover the necessary expenses, as well as
probably some indebtedness.
"Co yon think this order ot the Controller
will shut up Councils?" was asked of one
of the Hall officials as he left the building
for the day. "Wish it would, or anything
else would, but I'm afraid it can't," was the
reply, as he stepped out into Smithfield
street and started for his home.
Acnle Palo Seriously Injured by a Little
Little Annie Palo, who lives at Ko. 176
Etna street, Ninth ward, is in danger of
death, owing from attack of peritonitis and
inflammation ot the stomach. Tne child is
about 9 years of age, and her attack was
superinduced by a violent blow in the
abdomen, inflicted by one of her male
On Thursday afternoon Annie returned
home lrom school in a very serious condi
tion. She was racked with pain and was
suffering so terribly that she could not give
any account of her injuries. When Dr.
Hieber was called to attend the child he did
what he could to relieve, and she was then
able to tell the following story:
She had had a quarrel early in the day
with one ot her male schoolmates, and after
school he renewed the quarrel, and during
its progress struck her a terrible blow. She
did not know his name, but she would
recognize him again if she saw him.
Charles Ollgaard Scratched the Bite
Died or Blood Poison.
rBrrcixt, tkleghut to the uisrATcn.1
NewYoek, September 13. Charles Mi
guard, of G9 Willow avenue, Hoboken, died
of blood poisoning. Two weeks ago while
at supper, some insect, a mosqnito, it is
thpught, bit him on the nose. The next day
the spot itched and he rubbed it with his
hand. He was a compositor, and his hands
were black from the lead of type. Kextday
his face began to swell.
Dr. Stcadman lanced the wound and re
lieved the sufferer somewhat. The swelling
disappeared almost entirely until last Fri
day, when it reappeared and grew worse,
and finally caused death.
Tho Everett Clob or Co-Opcratlve Pyslrm
Offers the following inducements, if you wish
to pay cash. By becoming a member you
win save S75 in the price of the piano and
get it at once. If yon cannot spare the cash
you can get your piano any time, on pay
ments of 25 cash and S2 50 per week, no
interest; and still save $75 in the price. If
you cannot pay so fast, by waiting until
your number is drawn you will get your
piano on payments ol ?1 per week, no inter
est, and save 575 in the regular price to our
retail trade. Think of this! Our club is
composed of 350 members, each paving $1
per week. Thus you see the members are
buying for cash, and one piano is delivered
to the member whose number is drawn each
week, until all are supplied, or. if one-half
of the members take their pianos and pay
52 50 per week, we deliver'twice the num
ber, and get double the amount of cash each
week, and it leaves only one-half the num
ber to be drawn on the 51 weekly payments.
It is a simple business problem. We arc
saving our members the difference in price
by contracting for 350 pianos at one time,
and on a cash basis. We have now enouch
members to guarantee the success of this
plan, and have derided to begin delivering
the pianos on Saturday, September 21. Dp
not wait, but apply for membership at
once. Call and see the piano, or send for
circular. Alex. Boss. Manager,
137 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa.
A Good Thine.
Bead this through and we'll let you into
the secret of a good thing, but you must use
the information to-day. We have on hand a
grand lot of Vicuna cheviot fall-weight
overcoats, which are lined throughout with
a heavy ribbed silk, have satin sleeve
linings, and are finished equal to the finest
custom tailoring work. Our price for them
to-day is 58, 58, a figure which don't repre
sent one-third what the garments should
bring, as 525 and 530 is asked lor .similar
garments elsewhere. Our price to-day, 58.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court Honse.
We Hnvo Now on Hand
A large stock of Piano Onyx tables, '
Lamps in iron Pedestals,
and silver, Candelabras,
And every thing in the way of nice wedding
presents. Hakdy & Hates,
529 Smithfield street.
Pittsbuko beer, brewed by Frauenheim
& Vilsack, is a product of home industry.
Call for it. Drink it.
Telephone 1186.
Haert Alden, formerly of this city,
can now be found at W. H. Holmes &
Son's Chicago House, No. 264 South Clark
street. 120 Water street,
2G4 South Claik st, 158 First avenue,
rrssu Chicago. Pittsburg.
Lndicn' Suit Parlor.
Visitors to the Exposition should not fail
to see the new costumes we are showing for
early fall wear. Paecels & Jokes,
its 29 Fifth ave.
Wall Paper! Wall Paper! Wall Pnprr!
If you want to paper your house this fall
call and see John S. Boberts, 414 Wood si.
He carries all grades, from the cheapest
the finest, and with the aid of experienced
decorators he can assure you satisfaction.
tercstina article on 'Sliells and Sculls." with a
detailed account of the manner m which the i
moatrn oarsman trains tor a race.
No Disposition on the Part of local
Presbyterians to Change.
A Paper of Eev. Dr. Purves on That Point
Heartily Supported.
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church in the United States, ot its last
meeting, sent down as an overture to the
Presbyteries two questions for them to vote
upon: Do you desire any change in the
"Confession of Faith?" If so, to what ex
tent? This overture is the subject which attracts
attention among all Presbyterians, as there
is a sentiment largely prevailing that it
could be improved by certain changes in its
wording, not to affect its doctrines, but to
make plainer to some minds what is meant
to be taught At the meeting of the Pitts
burg Presbytery, in the Hazelwood church,
on Tuesday last, tho Bev. G. T. Pnrves, D.
D., pastor of the First Church, this city,
presented a papor, which, after being discussed
pro and con, was adopted as tho sense- of this
Presbjtery. His paper reads:
"in reply to tho Assembly's overture on the
revision of the 'Confession of Faith,' the Pres
bytery of Pittsburg declares that it does not
deslro revision.
"First We aro sincerely attached to the sys
tem of doctrino contained in the Confession,
and would oppose any movement likely to im
pair tho Integrity of that system.
"Second We deem tho proposal to revise tho
phraseology of the confession, even though
made with the intention of preserving the sys
tem of doctrine unchanged, inexpedient 1.
Because the confession as it stands has proved
through years of strife and growth adequate
for the purposes for which the church needs a
confession: has been found fully consistent
with revivals and missions, and has served hap
pily to unite in an ecclesiastical household Cal
vinists of various types. While not pretendlnjr
that it is perfect we regard it as the most cor
rect complete, moderate and carefully drawn
summary of Scripture doctrine which has been
produced by the church, and fear that changes
in its language might lilnacr rather than help
its future usefulness. 2. Because the possible
Improvements which might be made in Its Ian
cuago do not promise to be worth the risk
which an attempt at revision would incur. 3.
Because popular misunderstandings of one doc
trine are not likely to be removed by the mere
change or omission of peculiar phrases in the
Confession, and. therefore, constitute no suffi
cient reason for Its revisiou, while tho effort to
remove them may lead to supposed or real de
clension from the doctrines themselves, i.
Because, finally, the terms of subscrip
tion required of our office bearers binds
no one to the exact phraseology of the Confes
sion, but allow ample Ubert, within the limits
nf essential Calvinism, for those who dissent
from the details of its statement Revision
could not secure more uniformity of belief than
now exists, for the terms of snbscription would
remain the same. It would in no nay increase,
the practical efficiency of the Church nor make
her testimony stronger to the truths of evan
gelical Christianity, while It might raise serious
obstacles to future union with other branches
of tho Presbyterian family. If any doctrines
seem inadequately expressedby tbo Conlesslon
we are of tbo;opinion that a declaratory state
ment similar to that adopted by the United
Presbyterian Church of Scotland in 1879, would
bo preferable to any revision of our honored
and hereditary symbol."
The Allegheny PresDytery also voted on tho
overtures at the same time, and by a vote of SI
to 5 decided that any change is not desirable.
"If wisdom's ways yon wiselv seek,
Five things observe with care;
Of whom you speak, to whom you speak.
And how, and when, and where."
Church Notes.
Rev. John Wesley's weekly average was 15
The Sixth United Presbyterian Church is
closed for repairs.
The Church of Sharon held a delightful
"Harvest Home" last Thursday.
Tub Presbvterians of Beaver expect to erect
a new church at a cost of 25,000.
The corner-stone of a new Methodist
church was laid at Orwell, O., August SO.
Bishop Puelan will dedicate tho new
Catholic Church at Meyersdalo on Sunday.
Pittsburg Conference of the Methodist
churcbos will be. presided over by Bishop Foss.
Bev. D. H. Moore has been elected as editor
of tho Western Adiocalc, to succeed Dr. Bay
less. The Shadyside Presbyterians laid the corner
stone of their new church on Thursday after
noon. AT the Simpson Methodist Church, Eric,
there havo been received lately 82 into its fel
low ship.
Rev. W.F. Brooks has resigned tho pasto
rate of GraceMemorlal Church (Presbyterian),
Bev. Y. H. Millet has been dismissed
from tho Presbytery of Pittsburg to that of
Kearney, Neb.
The Et Rev. C. Whitehead was in Johns,
town yesterday, seeing to the Interests ot the
church there.
Bishop Koss will preside at the Erie con
ference of the Methodist Church. It convenes
at Franklin October 2.
Wesley Chapel, Youngstown. Methodist,
Rev. J. G. Bliss, pastor, has recently received
40 into full membership.
Rev. Dr. Alsop, of Brooklyn, N, Y.. will
S reach at St Andrew's Episcopal Church,
finth street to-morrow.
At Latrobe Methodist Church on Sunday
last 47 were received into full membership,
making a total of about 400.
The pulpit of St Paul M. E. Church will bo
supplied to morrow by delegates to the Primi
tive conference, now In session.
Rev. C. M. Junktss resigns tho pastorato
of the School Btreet Church, Allegheny. Ho
goes to Nebraska in November.
A joint meeting or the W. F. M. and W. B.
M. Societies will be hold in North Aveuuo M.
E. Church Friday, the 27th Inst.
THE First Methodist Protestant Church will
bo reopencdfor services to-morrow, after ex
tensive renovation and decoration.
The pipe organ of Trinity Church, Washing,
ton, is being thoroughly repaired, under direc
tion of James S. Drake, of this city.
A Pbesbyteeian Church in Erio called a
pastor from Canada, but on account of tho
alien labor law they cannot have him.
At Trinity Church, Washington, tho Rev. P.
S. Mesny will preach for tho rector, who will
officiate in Christ Church, Brownsville.
The smallest ennrch in North America is at
the mouth of tho Saguenay river, in Lower
Canada. It has room for only 20 people. '
TnE Canonsburg Presnytenan Church has
called Rev. L. M. Lewis to be its pastor. 1I0
comes from Thomas Station, this State.
Episc opal services will be held in the U. p.
Church, Temperanceville, on Sundav after
noon at 3.3a Bev. C. A. Bragdou will preach.
The Rev. J. C. Young has been invited to
become tne pastor of the Phillipsburg Presby.
tcrian Church. He was formerly In Missouri.
Church, will hold Us regular Quarterly meeting
in the First Church, Pittsburg, on the 21th
The Rt Rev. Boyd Vincent, Bishop of Ohio,
formerly rector of Calvary Chnrch, was in the
city yesterday, on his way home from Gettys
Arrangements havo been mado for re
duced rates with the Central (Traffic Associa
tion for delegates to the Methodist confer
ences. Bishop 'Joyce will preside at the West Vir
ginia Conference of the Methodist Church.
The session will begin on Wednesday next the'
18th Inst.
Bev. D. F. McGIll. pastor of the Sixth U. P.
Church. Allegheny, returns to-day from Atlan
tic City and will resume his regular duties to
morrow. '
The request of tho Rev. J. F. Gibson to be
relieved from the pastorate of the Sbarpsbuig
church was consented to, to take effect after
Mn, W. M. Jiichol, missionary-elect to
Egypt, will be ordained at the meeting of Cone
rnaugh Presbytery next Tuesday evening, at
Indiana. Pa.
Bev. Jakes S. Dennis, D. D., professor of
theology In the seminary of the American Pres
byterian Mission at Beirut is about to return
to his work.
I At the Mt Washington Presbyterian Churqh I
on Thursday thero was a Jug breaking, tho
proceeds of the collections to be used toward
the new edifice.
At the Lawrencevillo Presbyterian Church
on Sunday last 38 were received Into momber
ship. The First Chnrch, Allegheny, received
16 the same day.
The Presbyterian Ministerial Association
will listen to a paper, by Rev. J. J. Beacom, on
Monday next Subject "Whcro We Get the
Material for Our Sermons."
At the meeting of tho Allegheny Presbytery
at Bellevue, in the room where dinner was
prepared for the ministers, is a very appropri
ate sign, "Feed my lambs."
AT tho meeting, of the Presbyterian Minis
terial Association, last Monday. Rev. W, F.
Brooks spoke on the causes tnat led to the de
feat of prohibition in June.
After a short illness there died on Sunday
last the Rev. Father Brennan. He had been
priest of St Luke's Church, Mansfield, for nine
years. Ho was 39 years of age.
The Pittsburg Presbytery ot the TT. P.
Church decided to postpone action on the over
tures submitted to them, as to the use of to
bacco, till their next meeting,
A select company from Curry Institute
will give an ontertalnment at St Paul M. E.
Church, Liberty avenue and Cedar street, on
Thursday evening next, the 19th inst
SrEClAL services will bo held at the Third
Presbyterian Church. Sixth avenno. on
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings of
next week preparatory to the communion.
Eev. W. F. Brooks, colored, who has been
pastor of Grace Memorial Church Presby
terian has been elected as principal of the
Beaufort Normal Academy, North Carolina.
Dk.H. T. McClelland, of tho Western
Theological Seminary, has returned from a live
months' tour abroad. Ho spent most of the
time in Scotland visiting their colleges and
Prof. Trdeman, of Baltimore, Ma., has
been chosen to succeed Prof. J. H. Miller in the
Allegheny College. He is 31 years of age, and
well equipped for imparting instruction In
Latin and Greek,
Eev. Charles H. Pabkhuest, pastor of
Madison Square Church, New York, will de
liver the annual address at the anniversary of
the Y. M. C. A. of this city on tho second Sun
day in November.
The very successful series of Sunday even,
bag services, conducted by Bev. C. V. Wilson,
pastor of the Emory M. E. Church, at Silver
Lake Grove, will be closed to-morrow evening
with a "farewell service." '
Youno People's Society of Christian
E1.DEAVOR, of tho First Congregational
Church, Allegheny, will hold a lawn fete on
thegioundsof JobAblett, Fulton street on
Thursday evening next
There has been placed a baptismal font of
whue marble in the Church of theAsceusion
(Episcopal). East End. This wu thntrirtnf
little girls, the money for Its purchase being
obtaiucd by their own work.
Tub Pittsburg Conference of the Methodist
Protestant Church closed its annual confer
ence at Springdale on Monday, Bev. D. D.
Jones, B. Ji., pastor of the First M, P. Church.
Pittsburg, was its president
Last Sunday evening In the Second U. P.
Church, Allegheny, Prot D. A. McClenahan,
D. D , preachea the opening sermon of the
Allegheny Thoological Seminary. His theme
was "Prophecies as a Study."
The Ministerial Association of the TJ. P.
Church, on Monday morning, will listen to a
paper by Rev. G. W. McDonald, on "What
Methods are Needed for the Proper Training
of Converts from the World."
The cornerstone of the Methodist Episcopal
Church in Nayoga, Japan, was recently laid. It
will be a complete building, to cost $25,000.
This Is tho i llrst Christian house of worship
erected in this city of 20,000 population.
Beaver Valley Presbytery of the U.
P. Church, will meet in New Brighton on Tues
day next, at 9 A. M. The examination of Mr.
J. J. Ralston, the pastor-elect of Mountville
and PortersvUle, will take place at this meet
ing. Rev. A E. Bbownlee, who was well known
in tho Allegheny seminary, married on Tues
day last at Martin's Ferry, 0 a Miss Kerr, of
that place, ilis many friends hero join In
wishiug him bou voyage on the matrimonial
Trinity Episcopal Church has inaugu
rated a mission in Beltzhoover borough which
is proving very successful. Dr. Maxwell bap.
tized nine there a few evenings since. The St
Andrew's Brotherhood has takn charge of the
An organization caUed the "League of the
Thimble," whose badge is a pair of tiny scis
sors, a thimble and a threaded needle, has been
started m England. Its object is to assist
needlewomen 10 get employment at living
The worn at Haysville Presbyterian Church
being very discouraging, Allegheny Presbytery
ordered that the chapel there be sold to the
best advantage, the money obtained thereby to
be applied, it possible, to other work in the
The Pittsburg Conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church will hold its next session in
Emory Church. October 9. The pastor of the
church. Rev. C. V. Wilson, finds tho homes of
the East End wide open for the entertainment
of tho Conference.
There will be service to-day at 630 P. M.,
preparatory to the communion, in the North
Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, which will
be administered to morrow at the morning
service. Tho pastor. Rev. John h ox, will 01
liciato and preach.
The 17 churches in the Prosbytery of Char I
tiers held a union picnic last week. Rev. J. T. '
McCrory delivered the address of the day. Rev
J. H. Timinons. of Cross Roads, and Rev. W.
B. bmiley, ot Canonsburg, also tpuico. AH tho
pastors In the Presbjtery were present
Those interested in the organization of the
Gymnasium and Reading Room Association in
connection with St Mark's Guildhouse, on the
Southside, are requested to be present at the
Guild Hall. South Eighteenth street below
Carson, next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
At Jamestown, there Is considerable feeling
being manifested, in the United Presbyterian
Church. Tho organ, "to be or not to be, that
is the question." Some of tbo Sunday school
bad one put in. but the pastor, not being in
clined that way, had it summarily removed.
At the Bellevue Presbyterian Church, the
pastor. Rev. N. Donaldson, will preach at 2.30
this afternoon, preparatory to the communion.
After to-morrow he will bo away till October 6
on his vacation. Rev. J. S Plunier, of Hazel
wood, preached to this congregation on Fridav
THE Rev. Prof. Aimer Comtois, ex-priest a
French Canadian, formerly of Montreal, will
lecture in the Eighth Street Reformed Presby
terlan Church to-morrow evening on the "Er
rors and Evils of Romanism," Ho will also
give his reasons for leaving the Catholic
THE introductory lecture of the Reformed
Presbyterian Seminary will be delivered In the
'Central R. P. Church, Sandusky street Alle
gheny, Tuesday evening next, at 7:30, by Rev.
Thomas Hproull, D. D., LL. D. The subject
will bo "The Witnessing Church, Her Duty and
The United Presbyterian Church at Johns
town held their first communion since the flood
on Sunday. Five were received Into member
ship. Memorial services were held on the Fri
day preceding. The pastor was assisted by tho
Revs. W. H. Milieu, A S. Stewart W. S. Mc
Master and It A Jamison.
New Harmony U. P. Church was dedicated
on tho 4th inst Rev. J. T. McCrory preached
the sermon. Twelve hundred dollars was
raised, so as to dedicate it free of debt In 90
vears they have only had three pastors. Dr.
Kerr, the present pastor, has been thero 37
years. This is its fourth house of worship.
TnE Methodist Church Union, of the Pitts
burg district will hold a meeting on Tuesday
evening in the parlors of the Smithfield M. E.
Church. Rev. C. W. Smith, D. D., will speak
on "Tho Church Union and its Work." Ad
dresses will also be delivered by Joseph Home,
W. B. Brickell, Captain J. A. Wood and J. G.
Holmes. 'r
Alexander Kinteb was received as a'
.licentiate from the New Brunswick Presbytery
'by the Presbytery of Allegheny. Ho has been
called to be pastor of the Providence Church
to succeed Dr. Robinson, who has been its pas
tor for 19 yeirs. He is rotained as pastor
emeritus. The ordination of Mr. Klntcr will
soon take place.
THE Rev. J. Q. Huntington, of New York
City, will visit Pittsburg on the evening of the
30th inst, and will deliver an .address on "Tho
Emancipation of Labor." Ho has lately visited
Spring Valley. Bl., to look Into tbo condition of
the strikers there. His experience in this and
other like circumstances enables him to speak
Intelliireutly on labor troubles and their solu
tion. He comes under the auspices of the
Guild of the Knights of St Martin.
Union Gospel meetings will begin to-morrow
evening in the Skating Rink, between Twenty
second arid Twenty-third streets, Southside.
Major Cole, of Adrian, Mick, the noted evan
gelist win preacn. The Nineteenth Street
uapust. me wanon iy, jj., iuie-HoMhside Prvs-
DVlcriau, me fuurteemn B
; U. P and the
Elgbtecntn street M. p. clu
irebes will nnlte in
evening through the week
tnese services, wnich wi
continue each
H fnnftnnA oith I
Hon. A E.Touzalin, of Chicago. President of
tho Chicago, Burlington ana Northern Railway,
died at his residence at Bennington,' Vt, Thurs
day night
Dr- J. W. Porter, a leading physician and
druggist of Adair, 111., has been arrested for
arson. It is alleged that he set fire to his store
to get the insurance.
A joint committee of the Blackburn, En
gland, cotton masters and mill operatives has
beenjippointed to consider means by which the
ring controlling the prices of cotton may be
Gabriel Eytb, a carpenter, who separated
from bis wife two years ago, on Thursday
visited bis old home at Butler, Pa., during the
absenco of his wife, and took away with him
his two children.
A meeting was held at the City of Mexico,
Thursday night, to protest against Secretary
Windom's action In reference to the dnty on
lead ores. Very few persons were present
Nothing was done.
The latest Government report concerning
the wheat crop of France shows that 7,160,000
hectares were sown this year, against 6,978,134
hectares last year. It is estimated that the
yield will be 111,460,213 hectolitres, against 08,
710,723 hectolitres in 18S3.
The attorneys tor BockHing and numerors
other Chinese claimants resident at Portland,
Ore., have fllea a suit In the Federal Court at
San Francisco against Leon Tslng, Chinese
Consul General, for 17.000 indemnity claims,
which, it is alleged, ho has withheld,
Tho steamer Rothesay, of Klnsston. and
the tug Maria, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., collided
between Brockville, Ont. and Maltland. last
night and three lives were lost The Rothesay
had an excursion party on board. Sho was
beached. The Maria sank Immediately.
During the celebration of a religious festi
val at Rohtak, the Mussulmans and Hindoos
became involved in religious disputes which
led to noting. The police were compelled to
interfere to stop the righting, but before they
succeeded many of the rioters were shot by the
Forest fires which have been raging in the
communicated to the Central Pacific Railroad
bridge at the upper cascades. Thursday, and
destroyed it, together with a mile of snowsheds.
Overland passengers are being transferred
across the canon. ,
Although the report from Borne that tho
Italian Government bad decided to expel from
Italy the venerable patriot Louis Kossuth, is
semi-ofiicially denied at the Italian capital.it
is undoubtedly true that tho Italian Ministry
has been requested to. do so. Bismarck, how
ever, will see that Kossuth Is not molested.
Judge Van Brunt of the Supreme Court of
New York, has appointed a receiver fur tho
Equitable Reserve Fund Life Association.
The case has been before the courts for some
time. The decision states that the association
has exceeded its powers, has been guilty of ir
regularities, and has conducted its business
An explosion of gas occurred in tho base
ment of A H. Watson's plumbing shop, on Mil
waukee avenue. Chicago, yesterday morning.
The building was 'badly wreckeu. Patrick
Loftus, an employe, received probably fatal in
juries, aud a number of people passing in tne
street were more or less hurt by flying missiles.
The financial loss is about $4,000
The marriage of Miss Blanche Wales,
daughter of ex-Surgeon General Wales, of the
uniteu estates navy, to Minor uoomett, was
made public in Washington yesterday, and
created much surprise. Ifacy were married
over a year ago. The news which is received
from Atlantic City abont the birth of a young
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Goodlett, has been
known to the friends of the family for some
John Gordon, in the employ of the Lake
Georgo Paper and Pulp Company, at Ticonder
oga, N. Y., fell asleep near the machinery. Two
fellow-workmen planned to scare him. They
tied a rope abont his feet and threw it over a
shaft making 125 revolutions a minute. They
could not cut the rope in true and Gordon was
killed, his body being horribly mutilated. One
of the perpetrators of tho Joke has lost his
reason from the shock.
The forest fires which are now raging near
Bangor, Me., have enveloped that city in a
cloud of smoke. Tho country roads are im
passable on account of the beat Tho thriving
cities of Frederlckton and Moncton, N. B., are
surrounded by flames, and the people are fight
ing bravely to save their property. Counter
fires are bemg started all around the cities, and
are burning evert thing which would .be likely
to prove a leeder to the flames when they come.
Four million acres of land in Northern and
and Central'Minnesota aro about to be opened
to settlement Commissioners Bice, Whiting
and Marty got into a quarrel with the redmen
at Leech Lake, and came pretty close to losing
their lives. Finding trie Indians obstinate they
sent for Major Whitehead to come and assist
them. The Major was an Indian agent as far
back as ISoO, and is well acquainted- with the
Indians of tne Northwest and his influence
proved successful.
A race war is threatened at Dexter, Mo.
The people In that section have for years ex
cluded all negroes from among them. A short
time ago a man named Williams settled on a
farm near there, and engaged a dozen negroes
to work for him. Fifty armed white men waited
upon him thero and told him lie must get rid of
the negroes. He said they might kill lilm first
The armed men returned to town, where they
circulated a paper pledging the signers to stand
by the regulators. About 5C0 men signed the
for the vress
don't alxoay s succeed. Sill live dishes vj one
case in aarticular in to-morrow's Dispatch.
I. .L-
j yl f
' "AX hi
f 'III 111 $4
' 1 1
clothes ; soak them, boil them, rinse them, and the job is
done. Thev will be cleaner, sweeter, whiter in half the
time; colors will be brighter, flannels softer, and you
have gotten rid of half the labor.
PEARLINE costs no more than common soap. Mill
ions of women are using it. Five cents will buy enough
PEARLINE to prove to you that every word we say is
true, and if true, a great many times five cents would
be cheap for it.
Beware of neMlrf iritst'" Pr'n ' "- -'. -- - -
ipzcSY rj ge
on i
jt HBHir(riaH hi
Are making a Handsome Display of
Blooker's Dutch Cocoa
and request, all their friends and patrons to
Visit their exhibit and try aBample cup
This Cocoa is imported by us direct from
J. & C. Biooker, manufacturers in Amster
dam, Holland, and it is the finest quality
of Cocoa in the world, being made exclu
sively oat of the ripest Cocoa beans, from
which all the INDIGESTIBLE faU have
been removed. my5-80-'WS
By a thorough knowledge ot the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition,and and by a careful application of the
fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has provided our breakfast tables with a deli
cately flavored beverage which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbytho judicious
use ot such articles of diet that a constitution
may be gradually built up until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever there is a weak point We
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette,
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold
only in half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus:
JaS.EppS &C0. rfomPnaMnn,a:
no3 h-SOrus
Dr. Bhafer, one of the physicians of the
Polypatbic Medical Institute, at 420 Penn ave.
Mr. C. V. Pulpress, of No. 18 liberty street
Allegheny, had for a lone time suffered from a
weak, tired feeling, no ambition, pain across
the small of his back and palpitation of the
heart His complexion was very sallow, and as
the diseased condition of bis kidneys from
which he suffered further progressed, his stom
ach became involved. He had bloatimr. belch
ing of gas anddistress after eating. He lost
flesh, his memory became poor and his mind
became so affected that be could neither read or
think, and was in coustant fear of becoming in
sane. He often felt dizzy, so that everything
seemed to be in a whirl, and he became so
nervous as to entirely unfit him for any busi
ness. Having read In the papers that the
physicians of the PoUpathlo Medical Institute,
make a specialty of kidney and urinary diseases
he began treatment with them. His own words
state the result: "This is to certify that I have
been cured by the phvsicians of the Polypathic
Medical Institute at 120 Penn avenue.
Office hours, 10 A-jr. to 4 P. SC, and 6 to 8 P. JC
Sundays, 1 to 1 p. x Consultation free.
One of the Most Complete
Institutions In America for
the Education of Young
Mv 7AiBlvflS ion oi jour case.
t jt- fA -n. -.j- Sii - f AnE3M3 nv easy treatment "
Circulars sent on application. , , i.ijl l irm-i
REV. E. N. ENGLISH. M. A., Principal. vMEiSSgilsESSSEMfc
The Clothes Pin is the finishing touch
in washing. A fine piece of linen is
hung over the line ; the clothes pin is
jammed down to hold it; the wind blows
and a constant wrenching is going on
until the article is taken down. A hole
appears where the clothes pin was. It
is difhcult to see how
you are croinef to get rid
of the clothes pin ; but
there are things which make more
holes than clothes pins ; for inj
stance" Mie rubbing up and down
I on a board a necessity when an
article is washed with common
soap will rub more holes into fine
clothes or coarse, than can ever
be charged to clothes pins. Therfi
is a way out of this dilemma, '
Use Pearline.
You do not have to rub vouf
t h bj n-
KBW ABVB&.TJfiflMHfTCt'r V j
.-" -- V .
Reliable Qualitl
Isn t it singular howVanajp
maker & Brown talk .'aboot
quality, day after day? 'Tsnft
there anything else tqiro
thought of? Yes. ReliaW
qualityand low price .'igP-
But it jsn't needful forWfo;'
make a big splurge over prices'
Wanamaker and Low nce
are tied; "if you know the oh
you're sure of the other. "4&
Most clothing advertised
nothing about itself but-tlc
extravagantly low pnces.V
What sor of Jow prices ? For
inferior goods, dear even at
sucn prices, or solid and good
clothing, that is being sold, at
a toss r c?
- . - .jE
You get Wanamaker clotli?
ing at a low price any timelSf;
mP Yff331 Uaaln'
.w ;"" iicuil
t raise&a
shout over it now.
Tailoring to order with best
skill: i.ooo styles of goods.
is (
& Brown,
Sixth street and Fein ave
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patanta.
131 Fifth avenue.above Hmithfleld.nextLeadat
omce. iixoaeiay.j .Established zu years.
Attending the Exposition don't forget to visit
17 Ohio street Allegheny, and see one of the
greatest tree exhibits in the two cities over
20U specimens of the parasites that infest the
human family. Forty-three tapeworms re
moved from patients In nine months, all but
three living in Aileghenvconnty;
Remember DR. BURQOON, who has his
office at 17 Ohio street treats not only for tho
parasites tnat mien ine numan system, ont
also treats all chronic troubles with great sao- ?
irsretto calLaalt will cot T-raasMH
nothing to consult the doctor and get htm oyfft-jPSr
Catarrh cured by a new and
Bold by all stove dealers. Manufactured by
632 and 631 LIBERTY STREET.
Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing"
Italian and American Hemp Packing;
Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines.
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hid
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc.
WORKS East street Alleghenv City, Pa.
ttsburg. Telephone No. 1370. mv3-HWg
Royal acd United States Mall Steamers.
"Teutonic, SeptlS, noon"Tenton!c,Oe.l, 10:30am
Germanic, Sept.,2pm Uerrnanle, Oct. 23, 3pm
llritsnnic. Uct.2. 11am Britannic, Oct 30, 10 am
Adriatic, Oct J, saop in 'Adriatic Nov. 0. 3pm
From White Star dock, footor West Tenth st
second cabin on these steamers, fealoon rates,
ISO and upward, bceond cabin. S3S and onward,
according to iteamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on ravorable terms, steerage, tsa.
White Star drarta payable on demand in all the
principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap-
"lttsburir, orJ.BKliCEiSMAi. General Aeent
It IJroadway,
NewYore. sei2-D
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia,
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway. Swe
den, Denmark, etc.
G23e.ri1 enti 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia.
Futl information can be had of J. J. McCOR
JIiS?a?',0.ni?n..vTen,le ai"l 8mithfleld street
LOUIS MOESEB, 610 Smlthfteld street
-tUNAllD LINE. "
pallia, Sept. It :30A MiUmbrta, 8eptS8.7:30AK
Ktrnrla, Sept 14. 9 AM ServtaToct. 5. 2- r H
Auranla.Scpt.Sl.SiSIPH.'Gallla, Oct. 9. Si30 X K
Bothnla,Sept.23,5.WAM,Etrnrla. Oct. It tiXJLit
Cabin passage. $60, 80 and 1C0: Intermediate
(35. steerage tickets to and from all parts of
En rope at very low rates.
ViKNON H. ilKOW N A CO., General Agents,
4 Bowling Ureen. New York.
J. J.McCOKMlUK. Agent
Fourth ave. and Smithfield st. Pltubnrf.
To Glasgo.w, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
From Pier Columbia Stores, South Ferry.
Brooklyn. N. Y., EVERY THURSDAY.
Cabin bassage SK to SSO. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion S5 to ISO.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rites,
AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO.. General Agent,
wuroaaway, new ior.
J. J. MeCORMrCK. Aosai. PitUbsro. Pi.
2 raagg DENVER
iT'Tf '- I Wmtiml '
: ft