Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 13, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Bare Activity in Drysoods, and Bed
Eock Trices Reached.
The Advance in Steel Kails a Bonanza to
Braddock Works.
Office of Pittsbueo Dispatch,!
Thcesday, September 12, 16S9. J
A member of one of our principal whole
sale drvqoods firms thus puts the situation
and outlook of this important industry:
"We have bad hut one quiet month in our
trade this rear, namely, June. From Janu
ary to the last of May our business was 10
to20 per cent larger than the corresponding
period of last year. Through June trade
slowed up, hut the first half of the year
made a record greater by 10 to 15 per cent
than the first half of 18SS. Orders for fall
trade begin with July, aud this year it be
gan with a vim. June's quietness was very
quicklv made up in July, and from that
finiBTintil the nresent our goods hare been
coins out more freely than CTcr before for the
same period. We arc now'm the verv height of
the fall trade, and there are no signs of falling
off in sight.
Why Retailers Buy.
"Goods are low, margins close and buyers re
alize that pi ices cannot go lower, and hence
are disposed to lay In heavy stocks in the assur
ance that any change must be an advance.
'Woolen goods are as low as last year, while
the cost of raw materials is 3 to 5c per pound
higher. There Is no prospect for a reduction
in raw materials and oolen mills are down to
bed-rock prices. The retailer cannot go astray
in laying in a good supply at present prices and
the wise ones seem to appreciate this fact,
judging from the great activity of trade. Ger
man and English cashmere goods vary little in
price from last ear. French cashmeres are a
hhade higher. Linen goods also command
Ellglulv better prices. .
The outlook for the jobDing drygoods traae
in Pittsburg was never better, so far as our nnn
is concerned, and I have no doubt that our
volume of business for 1SS9 will show an in
crease of 15 to 20 per cent over ISss.
Strcl Knil Profit".
The advance in steel rails of S2 per ton. re
ported "in a recent issue of The Dispatch.
will add not less than S2.000 dailj to the profits
of the Edgar Thomson works at Braddock, At
the advance the present price is $28 per ton.
In 1SS2. when the tariff on steel rails was in the
neighborhood of $10 per ton. the price realized
by the Edcar Thomson was above S&0 per ton.
For the past few months the price of steel
rails in England has been about SIS per ton.
There has been a recent advance there as here.
Those w ho ought to know say that with the ad
antageof improved machinery and natural
gas steel rails can be produced at Braddock
cheaper than anywhere in the world.
It this be the case, and English manufact
urers have a profit, the Edgar Thomson Steel
"Works must be reaping a rich harvest. The
daily output of the Braddock works is not less
than 1,000 tons. When thetwonew furnaces
now under headway are completed the output
will be increased at least 25 per cent.
An operator in steel expresses the opinion
that the native tost of producing a steel rail at
the Edgar Thomson is not much, if an, above
S15 per ton.
Liberty Live Stock.
The general situation of live stock trade
shows no improvement on last week, but the
reverse. Receipts of cattle were unusually
light, but trade Mas slow on all but medium
and light butcher stock. There were some
prime cattle on the market above 1,600 pounds,
but theie were no buyers at the price fixed by
the shipoer. which was above 4a
fcheep and lambs were in light supply and
active .it a shade better prices. Hogs were in
good supply and slow at lower rates.
The duality of cattle on the market was
above the average for the past few weeks,
bhecp, lambs and hogs were scarcely up to
average in quality.
Following is tne report of the week's work at
the East Liberty Stockyards:
Thro'. Local.
Thursday ..
Friday... .
Saturday.. ...
Monday ......
Tuesday ,
"Wednesday .
J, 190,
3, (S
6. 23
030 :,6o0j 10,450
Lastwcet 4,200
3,;i0 ?t,5 9,570
Thnrsday 4S 1,765
Friday .'... 3 1,553 1.024
baturday. 803 3.706
Monday j,7a 4,ec 1,109
Tuesday as 736 733
Mednesdav ID 1,95; icoo
Total...... ,04S 10.K7 MW
Lastweek .... 3.1S91 1J.S4S 6,157
By Telcarnpli.
Xew Yoek Beeves Xo receipts: no mar
ket: extremely dull for dressed beef at 57c
per pound for native sides, and 45c for Texas
and Colorado do; exports to-dav,"5G0 beeves and
51 sheep. Cable advices from London and
Liverpool quote American lefngeratorbeef Cfc
per pound lower at scantSJJoper pound. Calves
Receipts, 300 head; steady for veals at 5Sc
per pound; easier and c per pound lower for
grasers and buttermilks, with slow sales at
QiGQi0 Per pound. Sheep-Receipts, 5.200
head; firm for sheep at full puces; weak at lie
per pound lower for lambs: common to good
sheep sold at ifiic per pound: common to
good lambs at 57c, and a carload of poor sheen
went at 2Jc per pound. Hogs Receipts, 1,900
bread; quiet for live hogs at U 35JJ4 Toper 100
pounds, with a bunch of choice pigs sold at
Kaksas Crrr Cattle Receipts, 3,633 head;
shipments, none; natives generally common;
market steady, cows strong and 10c higher;
good Texas 10c higher: common steady; stock
ers and feeding steers active and strong; good
to choice corn-fed steers, 54 004 25; common
m medium. $2 90S3 75; stockers and feeding
steers, SI 6003 10; cows. $1 002 00; grass ranee
steers, $1 60g2 7a Hogs Receipts. 3,006 head;
shipments, 8o-3 head: market steady to strong,
in some cases 5j higher; good to choice light,
S4 25Q1 32: beavv and mixed, S3 704 15.
Sheep Receipts, 159 head: shipments, none;
mirket steady; good to choice muttons, S3 25
8 75; stockers and feeders, 52 002 75.
St. Loms Cattle Receipts. 1,500 head; ship
ments. 1,200 head: market lOo to 15c higher
choice heaw native steers, 84 2504 60: fair to
pood do. S3 304 10; stockers and feeders. $1 bO
2 25; range steers, J2 252 75. Hosts Re
ceipts. 2,200 head; shipments, 300 head: market
steady; fair to choice heavy, S4 004 20; pack
ing grades, S3 703 95; light, fair to best, $4 20
4 30. fehcep Receipts. 1,600 head; Shipments,
WW bead; market active and strung; fair to
choice. S3 504 50; common to choice lambs.
3 005 sa
CniCAGC The Drorro' Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 10,000 head: shipments. 3,000
head; market steady: beeves, $4 254 65;
steers. $2 901 25; stockers and feeders. SI 90
3 00; cows, bulls and mixed. SI 102 65: Texas
cattle, SI 502 90; Western rangers, S2 003 5a
Hogs Receipts, 18,500 head: shipments, 7,000
head; market steady: mixed. S3 S0i 35;
heavy, S3 554 10: light, S3 904 70; stockers,
S3 40g,4 35. Sheep Receipts, 9,000 head;
shipments, 2,000 head: market steady; natives.
S3 40i 60: V estern, S3 501 05; Texans. $3 40
4 10; lambs, $4 25o fco.
Baltimore Beef Vattle Market trifl.
more active and values a shade higher: best
beeves, 44 3-10c; generally rated first
quality, 44c; medium,'4g4c; ordinary, 214
3c;most of the sales were from 34Jc- re
ceipts, 1.S78 head; sales, S7S head. The arrivals
of sheep and lambs were 3.632 head; quota
tions: sheep, 8Ji4Jgc; do lambs, 5Kc
BUFFALO Cattle Receipt 15 carloads
through, 5 carloads for sale: market steady.
Sheep strong and unchanged; receipts, 4 car
loads through. 19 carloads for sale, hogs Re
ceipts, 15 carloads through, 2S carloads for sale;
market dull, lower to sell; corn Yorkers. S4 50:
grassers, S4 104 3a.
CISCISSATI Hogs easy: common and
light, S3 254 40; packing and butchers. $4 00
4 20. Receipts, 930 head; shipments, 410
The Drysood Market.
NEW York. September 12. Continued stormy
weather moderated activity in drj goods at the
hands of jobbers and restricted spot trans
actions in commission circles. Business was
fair, however, under the circumstances, while
the market was without change in either con
dition or tone. Woolen goods for Jobbers are
cloely sold up, and cotton goods are In ex
cellent shape, In some Instances quite scarce
Metal Olnrket.
New York Copper nominal; lake, Septem
ber, SI 07. Lead doll and unchanged; domestic,-So
A Spurt of Activity In the Wuent Pit Small
Gain All Along the Line Corn and
Onts Lose Ground Fork Easy,
Willi Slight Changes.
Ciucaoo The wheat market was quite ac
tive to-day. and after temporary weakness
early in the session another decided bull turn
was witnessed. Fluctuations, as on the two
previous days, were within a moderate range,
but prices of late appear to advance more eas
ily than they decline. The local crowd got
short a little wheat yesterday, and there was
more selling to-day when December was around
TSJfc, but the bears realized that with stocks of
contract wheat so light they have no leverage
ana they cover speedily on every sign of sub
stantial reactions.
Opening figures were about on a level with
yesterday's closings, to a shade better. Then
followed a temporary feeling of weakness and
Jc declinf. as it was generally believed that a
break wis about due after the bulge that we
have" had. There was a large volume of trade
during the last hour of the session on local and
outside order account, with the bulk of the
trading in December at around 79JS79c
There was a firm close at a net gain for the day
of Jc in all futures and K'b"c Delow the cx"
trenie top.
A moderate business was reported In corn
the eailv part of the day, but as the session ad
vanced the market became quiet and inactive.
The feeling developed v as easier earlier and
trading was at lower prices, the local crowd be
ing lone and the market opened weakatHeVic
below the closing prices of yesterday, and un
der liberal offerings prices declined Jic
Upon the decline a better demand sprung up.
the crowd becoming short and the market
rallied K ruled steady and closed ii&Ac low
er than j esterday. , .
Oats ruled lower. Trading was lighter ana
chiefly for October and JIay.
An easier feeling prevailed in pork, with
moderate trading. October ruled 3010c and
January 510c lower, the market closing tame
at medium figures.
A moderate business was transacted in lard.
Near deliveries were easier with light trading,
while the longer deliveries were steadier and
prices favorable to sellers.
Little interest was manifested in short ribs.
Prices declined 1015c on tne near and 5c on the
deferred deliveries, and the market closed
stead) at medium figures.
The leading: lutures ranged as follows-
Wheat No. Z. October. 777S7778c;
December. 797!?;e78K79c: year, 7778S
76JkT7?c: May. &J!382834c.
Cokn-No. 2. October. 3333M33i
33c; November, 33iS3Hc; December, 33Q
Oats-No. -X October. 19KlBK19&19Jc:
December. 2QK20Kc; May, 23Kc
Mess Pork, per bbL October. S10 8010 SO
10 52K10 70: vear. SS S26S S5; January,
fJ 079 109 02K9 05.
Lard, per 100 ft. October. S5 S7W5 S74',
year,I5 72K5 72K; January.SS 72j5 755 72&
5 75.
Shout Ribs, per 100 Its. October, S4 85
4 S3l 751 M; January, S4 b04 60.
Cash Quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, TTJc: No.
3 sprinc wheat, 65g6Cc; No. 2 red. TTc No. 2
corn. 33c No. 2 oats, 19c. No. 2 rye. 42c
No. 2 barley, nominal. N. 1 flaxseed. 1 31.
Prime timothy seed, SI 301 32. Mess pork,
per bbk S10 7010 75. Lard, per 100 pounds,
S5 92JS5 95. Short rib sides (loose). $4 S0S!4 95:
dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 504 624:
short clear sides (boxed). So 255 37.
Susars unchanged. Receipts Flour. 17,000 bar
rels; wheat, 142.000 bushels: corn. 313,000 bushels;
oats. 180,000 bushels; rye. 17.000 bushels; barley.
49.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 17,000 barrels:
wheat, 53.000 bushels: corn. 457,000 bushels: oats,
244,000 bushels; rje, 1,000 bushels; barley, 12,000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 16c
New York Flour active and steady. Wheat
Spot stroneer, irregular: options moderately
active, Jc hisher and strong; longs buying.
Barlev dull. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot
moderately active and steadv; options quiet,
KMc lower and steady. Oats Snot more
active, t teady and Jc higher; options quiet
and stronger. Hay quiet and easy. Hops
quiet and weak. Coffee Options opened
steady, September 5 points down, others un-'
changed 6 points up, closed irregular, un
changed to 5 points down: sales, 60.000 bacs;
October, 16.0016.50c; November, 16.00l6.20c;
December, 16.0016.25c; January, 16.0016.25c;
February, 16.1016.25c; March, lB.1016.30o:
May, ll516 30; July. 16.15c; spot Rio Arm;
fair cargoes, 19JJC Sugar Riw strong: refined,
firm and quiet. Molasses Foreign, nominal.
New Orleans quiet. Rice steady. Cottonseed
oil quiet and easy. Tallow quiet; city, 4Jc
Rosm steady and quiet. Turpentine quiet and
nominal at 47c Eggs quiet: choice firm; west
ern. 1619c: receipts, 5.5S6 packages. Pork
unsettled and dull: mess, inspected, $12 25
12 50: do uninspected. S12 00: extra prime,
S10 2510 50 Cutmeats steady: pickled bellies,
12 El's.. CJJc; pickled hams, lCllc; pickled
shoulders, 4VJ4c: middles strong. Lard
inactive and easy; sales of western steam,
St 35; options, no sales: September, S6 30; Oc
tober. S6 27; November, S6 17; December, S613
bid: January, 0 13 bid; February, $3 18: March,
S62k Butter Finest strohjrer and in better
demand; western dairy, 9l'Jkc: do creamery,
ll2uc: western factory, 712c Cheese
more active and less firm; western, 657Jc
St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged, but
very firm. Wheat higher; the market weak
ened off Jc early In the day on easier advices
from other points and quiet cables, but after
the noon call turned very strong and advanced
bnoyantly. the demand finding little for sale:
the closing w as at advances of lc for Septem
ber, i for December and c. for Slay over
jesterdav: No. 2 red, cash. 7Sc nominal: Sep
tember, 777Sc closed 78c bid: October, 76
77c, closed at 77c; December. 777SJc closed
at 7Sc bid: May. S2HS3Jic, closed at 83c
Corn lower; No. 2 mixed, cash. 29c; Sep
tember. 29c; October. 30K30c, closed at
303(Hc; December, 30c: year, 29&c closed at
29&c asked; May 3232Kc. closed at Kc Oats
hrm;No. 2cish. lSJc; May. 22Je; September,
18!4cbid. Rve easier: No. 2,38c Barley slow.
Minnesota, 6567c Flaxseed sharply hisher.
with SI 27 bid and SI 30 asked.
Philadelphia iHour very dull and weak.
Wheat opened a shade firmer, btit the market
subsequently lost early improvement, and
closed weak; speculation very tame and millers
holding off: No. 2 red, September. 79179-Kc;
October, 80KS0Kc; November. 8182c: De
cember. 8283c Corn Car lots quiet and
lower; futores neglected and nominal: No. 2
yellow. In grain depot, 42c; No. 2 mixed, Sep
tember. 4112c; October, 4141c; Novem
ber, 4243c; December, 4243c Oats
Car lots barely steady; No 3 white, 24c; do,
choice. 24Jc; No. 2 white, 26Jc; futures quiet
an-i stead ; No. 2 white, September. 262fajic:
October, 274275ic; November, 2SJi28-ic;
December. 20-'9c Eggs firm; Pennsylvania
firsts, 21c
CINCISXATI-Flour easier. Wheat steadv;
No. 2 red. 77c; receipts, 7,000 bushels: ship
ments, C.000 bushels. Corn firmer; No.
2 mixed. 35c Oats quiet and firm; No. 2 mixed'
21c Rye quiet; No. 2, 41c Pork dull and
easier at Sll 12. Lard quiet at S575. Bulk
meats steady; short ribs, S5 12. Bacon
steady; short clear, S6 25. Butter steady. Sncar
Milwaukee Flour dnll. Wheat firm
cash, 73Xc: October, 73c Corn dull; No.3,'
33c Oats steadv: No. 2 white. 2222c
Rje quiet; No. 1, 42c Barley fairly active;
No 2 September. 5556c. Provisions easy.
Pork Cash. S10 90; October. $10 95. Lard
Cash, So 90; October, $5 95. Cheese unchanged
Cheddars, 8S?c
liomnn Stock.
AtCh. TOD..lst7. IMS
A.4T. LandUr't7s.l07;
Atcll. 4 Top. It. K. .. X)
liottoujt Albanv...C2)
Boston & Maine.. ...201
C. J5. &U 109
Clun. San. & Cleve. I4!f
Kastern R. It 1CC4
Eastern K. It. 6s ....127
Flint rereil 27
Flint iVereM. era. 93
Little K. & Ft. S. 7s. 100
Mexican Cen. com.. 16
Mcx.C.lstmt?. has. C73g
. X. eir.eni... 51
Old Colony. 178M
Rutland, com 4
Butland prererred.. 45 s
Ul8.Cenirat.com... 30$
Wis. Central pt... 6SH
Ulouez McCo )j
Calumet A Hecla....209
frantun 8
Huron f
Osceola. 9)J
Uuincy ,
Bell Telepnone
Boston Land...,
V aler fower...
... nO
. ..236
... B!
... tx
SanUlego 27
Dlininc Stocks.
New York. September 12 Best A Belcber.
335; Caledonia B. H.. 305: Colorado Central,
100; Consolidated California and Virginia. 100;
Commonwealth. 200: Deadwood Ter., 150; Eure
ka Consolidated, 150; Gould fc Curry, 200; Halo
t Ncrcross, 315; Homestakc 900: Horn Silver,
125; Iron Silver. 200: Mexican. 370; Mutual, 140;
Ontario. 3400; Ophir, 460; Occidental, 165; Sav
age, 225: Sierra Nevada, 265; Union Consoli
dated. 295; Ward Consolidated, 165; Yellow
Jacket, 335.
The Pride of the Old Time Navy Somewhat
Behind the A Br.
San Francisco, Cal., September 12.
The United States man-of-war Iroquois,
wbich was recently repaired at Mare Island
navy yard, was given a trial trip on the bay
this week, preliminary to sending her to
Honolulu. The maximum speed developed
with the tide in her favor was a little over
eight knots, and her average speed was 72-10
knots. The Iroquois was built 30 years ago,
and at that time was regarded as one of .the
finest wooden ships afloat.
She went to Mare Island over a year ago
to undergo expensive repairs, and alter the
wreck or the war vessels at Samoa last
March, her repairs were hurriedly com
pleted. In view of the low rate of speed
developed this week, there is some doubt
expressed as' to whether or not she will be
sent to Honolulu.
The Mills So Rushed They Eefnse
Orders for Quick Delivery.
And Brings Back Some Impressions of
Philadelphia and Chiwzo.
The iron market continues strong and
active. Metal is very firm, partly on ac
count of the advance in coke, and partly
from the heavy demand for all descriptions
of manufactured iron, the mills being so
crowded wjth orders that immediate de
livery is simply out of the question. This
activity touches every branch of the trade.
A broker remarked yesterday: "Business is
more active than for several years. There
has been no additional advance in metal,
bnt it is held with extreme firmness. Fur
nacemen are watching the movement in
coke very closely. If it goes up iron will
"All the mills are rushed with orders. I
tried to get 00 tons of bridge plates yester
day, but was informed that I couldn't get
shipments under two months. The plate
mills are refusing orders right and left on
acconnt of inability to fill them within the
required time. It is the same with the
sheet and pipe mills Tho outlook is very en
couraging for a continuance of activity
throughout the fall and winter."
An Kastern manufacturer says: "Southern
makers have advanced prices to cover an ad
vance of freights of 25 cents to Northeastern
markets; and an advance of 30 cents per ton to
Western markets. All furnaces are well sold
up, and there Is less iron offering in view of the
probability of higher prices later in the season."
An optimistic stock broker said yesterday:
"I think something will break loose one of
these days. The signs are favorable for it
We have been the nnder doc so long it is about
time we were getting on top. Orders are com
ing in. General good ones for Electric, Phila
delphia Gas and a few other properties have
been booked within a day or two. So soon as
buyers make up their minds that values have
touched bottom, as they undoubtedly have,
business will begin. The speculative clement
is as large as ever, and money is abundant.
"All that is needed is a leader to give things
a start; the rest will follow. We offer some of
the best securities in the world at figures far
below their value. It is astonishing to me that
investors pas them by and risk their money in
Eastern stuff, about wbich they know nothing.
Home stocks offer tho advantage of full and
easy investigation. This is a matter of great
importance, and should give local trading the
boom it deserves. I think I can see a change
of opinion in favor of home stocks."
A Fourth avenue real estate broker, who has
just returned from his summer vacation, dur
ing which he visited some of the principal
cities of the country, thinks Pittsburg is ahead
of them all in everything except appearanoe.
Some of them have finer streets and more
splendid buildings than Pittsburg, but they do
not approach her in the solid concerns of busi
ness, nor in the energetic, pushing habits of the
Of Chicago be says; "It is a large, handsome
city, but very dusty and intensely hot in sum
mer, and I was tola very cold in winter. A
calm day there is a rarity. A large business is
done in specialties: beef, pork, grain and lum
ber, but in other lines of trade Pittsbnrgwould
not snffer in comparison. There are many fine
buildings there, but it seemed to me there was
too much money in tbem. It compels dealers
to ask high prices for everything they selL All
kinds of provisions are higher there than here.
Rent is very high, except in the suburbs, and
these are often at such distances fromthebusi
ness center of the city as to be Inconvenient to
He thought well of Philadelphia as a sum
mer resort, or retreat for retired business men.
He said: "Philadelphia is a tine city, and I got
more rest there than at any other stopping
place on my trip. A man in a hurry there
would attract attention. I frequently saw busi
ness men walk half a block or more to get to a
street crossing. The idea of taking a short cat
seemed never to occur to them. Philadelphia
is maintaining her reputation as a city of
homes. Buildings are going up by the thous
ands, it seemed to me, in aHparts of the city,
and 1 was informed that a very large propor
tion of tbem belonged to working people. The
streets are very fine, and are kept in good con
dition, being in the latter respect quite unlike
those of Pittsliurg, which are nearly always
torn up. One thing that struck me was the
poor cable car service, the cars being smaller
and dirtier than those here, and the time much
w m
The Oakland district is holding its own and
more, in the estimation of investors in real
estate. Considerable property out there has
changed hands in the past week or two. Quite
a number of houses have just been finished,
and others are in course of construction. They
cost from $3,000 to 56,000. Ground sells at from
$50 to $60 a foot. Boqnet and Atwood streets
are being prepared for the loops of the Fifth
avenue cable road, which will be completed
about December 1, according to present ar
rangements. Equally favorable reports of ac
tivity in realty come from all other districts
around the city.
An expert in the art of painting chimneys
says for the benefit of steam-users who are
continually annoyed by men soliciting such
jobs: "If, before raising the new chimney, each
section of it, as it comes from the shop, is
Coated with common coal tar, then filled with
light shavings and fired, it will resist rust for
an indefinite period, rendering future painting
unnecessary. In proof of this we have such a
chimney at our works, erected in 1S66. which
was treated as above described, and is to-day
as bright as it was the day it was raised, with
out a particle of paint applied since, while I
can cite several raised since ours and afterward
pointed several times with the kinds of paint
usually employed that have long since been
eaten up with rust,
"Of course, every gang of chimney and roof
artists who strike onr city are anxious for a
job of painting our new stack, and when told it
is 22 years old they stand aghast, as the iron
looks bright and new, showing no signs of ever
having been painted. The theory by which I
account for this result is that the coal tar is
literally burned into the iron, closing the pores
and rendering it rust-proof. Now, while this
may not be new to the scientific world, yet the
plan is simple and has proved so efficient in our
experience that lam induced to submit it to
the readers of your paper who have chimneys
to erect."
Stock Brokers Beginning to Tabo Interest
in Proceedings on 'Change.
A limited business was transacted at the
Stock Exchange yesterday, but values gener
ally were well sustained, and in several cases
fractionally higher. The strongest stocks were
Wheeling Gas, Switch and Signal, People's
Pipeage. Enterprise Savings Bank and Cyelo
rama, all of wbich scored small advances.
There were no important declines, except in
Pittsburg Traction and La Nona. Yankee
Girl was neglected. There was a good inquiry
for local railroad shares, but buyers and sellers
couldn't be brought together.
There was a larger attendance of brokers than
for some time, and they took more interest in
the proceedings. Indicating that they are almost
screwed up to the sticking point. Bids, offers
and sales were:
piu. abm:u, uia. Asked.
452)4 475
Pitts. Pet. S.AM. Ex..
Commercial M. Uank.
Firth Avenue Bank...
German National
Keystone Bant. Pitts.
Ma'sonic Banc
Mer. AM an. Nat. B'k.
Second Nat. Bank
Enterprise savings....
Allegheny G.isCo.'. Ill
Consolidated U.Oo.,111
Pitts. Gas Co..rll
bouthslde Gas Co., 111..
Manufacturers Gas Co.
Nat. Gas Co. or . Va.
Ohio Valley Gas
People'sJJat. Gas
People's N. G. &P.CO
Pennsylvania Gas
Philadelphia Co
Pine Ban Gai
52 "69
17K ....
,15 ....
S7X S7
... a...
Wheeling Gas Co 30X
Forest Oil Oo 105 ..... 105 ...
Hazelwood Oil Co 49 .... 49
TuuaOilCo....... 68 ...
CentralTracMon. 31 31 SIX "X
Ol tlzens-Traction .... TOM
Pittsburg Traction.... 44 48 45 .."
Pleasant Vallev 19 20)4 MX 2
Pitts.. Alle. & Man 238 ....
P.&Conn'lsvllleE. K. 16 ."
Pitts. June. K. K. Co g
P..McK.&Y.K.R.Co 58 00
Pitts. & Western K. It. 1VA 13 12K ....
P. & W. R. K. Co. pref 18)2 19X 18M WM
Point Bridge !
Union Bridge M ., ;,,
La Norla Mining Co... lit M ' 1 Vi
Bilverton Mining Co.. H
Allegheny Co. Electric .... 98M ....,, -Westinehouse
Electric 5ljf 62 Sltf S3
Granite Hoofing Co.., 50 ....
U. S. ASig. Co. 225f .... S3 ?
V. S. & big. Co. pref. ... 51
VestlnghouseA.B.Co. 1I5X 117
Pittsburg Cyelorama.. 10
The sales were 20 shares of Wheeling Gas at
3 and 60 of People's Pipeage at 17. H. M.
Lone sold 505 shares of Airbrake at 117. and
$5,000 Union Switch and Signal Company bonds
at par. He also bought $1,000 of the latter at
par from Sproul & Lawrence.
The total sales ot stocks at New York yester
day were 233,285 shares, including Atchison,
11,065; Canada Southern. 4435; Pelaware, Lack
awanna and Western, 5,872; Erie. 8,305; Lake
Shore, 10,595: Louisville and Nashville, 21,067:
Missouri Pacific, 16.270; Northwestern, 12,600;
Northern Pacific preferred, 8,810; Beading,
27,700; Richmond and West Point, 7,066; St.
Paul, 14,800; Unidn Pacific, 7,120.
No Particular Chance, bnt Business Con
tinues to Brace Up.
Bankers interviewed yesterday reported
money plentiful, with a fair borrowing move
ment, and rates steady at slight variations
from 6 per cent either way. Depositing and
checkme were active. The clearings were
$2,067,901 08 and the balances $323,599 15. Cur
rency was less strincent, but the supply was
still inadequate to the demand.
Sloney on call atNewl'ork yesterday was easy
at 34 per cent, last loan 3: closed offered
at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 5V7. Sterling
exchange quiet but firm at $4 84J for 60
day bills and $4 SS for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations
U.S. 4s,reg 127
U. S. 4s. coup 128
U. S. 4Kb, reg 105V
H. S. tHs, coup.... X&H
Pacific & of 'So. 118
Loula!anastamped4s 90
Missouri 6s 100M
M. K. AT. Ren. 5s . 58
Mutual Union 6s. ...102 ,
.V. J. C. Int. Cert...lW
Nortnern Pac. Uts..ll4
Northern Pac. 2ds..IH ,
Northw't'n consols. 1453
Northwn deben's.. 1154
Oregon & Trans. 6s. 105
St. 1,. &I.M.Uen.5s 89
St. L.&S.IT. Gen.Jl.llS
bi. Paul consols ....126
St.PL Chi .t Pe.laU.119
lenn. new set. 6s. ...101
Tcnn. new set. 5s.,
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 74S
Canada So. 2ds 9SA
Cen. Pacificists 116
Ben. &K. Q., lsts...I22i
Den. &K. G. 4s 80
D. 11. G. West, lsts. 105
Erie, 2ds 105
U.K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 6Z!i
Tx., PcL. O.Tr Ks. 91X
Tx.,Pc.K.G.Tr.Kcts 3S
union rac. ists m
West Shore 106H
Governments and State bonds were dull and
New York Bank clearings, $128,882,144; bal
ances, $5,533,251.
Boston Bank clearings, $13,235,033; balances,
$1,874 386. Money. 3 per cent.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12,706,896;
balances. 51.757.531.
Baltimore Bank clearings. $1,901,801; bal
ances. $211,109.
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bans of England on balance to-day is
71.000., The bullion in the Bank of Eneland
increased 49,000. The proportion ot the Bank
of England's reserve to liability is now 42.29 per
PARis-jThree per cent rentes. 88f 25c for the
account. The weekly statement of the Bank
of France shows a decrease of 225,000 francs
gold and 975.000 francs silver.
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, $12,750,000.
A Distressingly Dnll market Everywhere,
With Narrow Fluctuations.
The oil market was less interesting yesterday,
if possible, than on the day before. It was abso
lutely devoid of new features. Trading was
light both East and West As to the situation
it can be said that it continues bullish, the
only thing to bear on being the slight increase
of production noted last month. To offset this
the exports this year over 1888 show an excess
of 80,000,000 gallons. The chronic longs are
holding on for a change in their favor, while
the few shorts seem to be satisfied. There are
no new shorts making. It is a toss-up between
them as to which will come ont on top. Dealers
devoted considerable of their spare time yester
day to the ticker board watching the ups and
downs of stocks in New York, and occasionally
trying their luck. It is thonght this novelty
will soon wear off. The highest point reached
for oil was 99. The lowest and closing was
98, showing a very narrow market.
A pessimistic New Yorker says: "The petro
leum market is a misnomer. It is a mere
memory of the past, a lost art. Commission
houses receive no orders in oil and court none.
The c mdition of Inanition and coma into which
tho market has fallen is singular, because at no
time during the big speculation in petroleum
could so strong an array of statistics bave been
marshaled, but they do not arouse the slightest
speculative emotion at preBent With only
about 11,000,000 barrels of merchantable oil
above ground, and that disappearing at the
rate of 750,000 barrels monthly. It would seem
that this unique and splendid product of the
Pennsylvania wells would disappear within a
few years."
Here is a more rosy view from the same
place: "It is evident that in spite of the dull
ness of speculation in crude oil, interesting
movements are promised in the future. The
prosperous condition of the export business
and the paucity of the new supply in the Penn
sylvania fields are bull arguments that need to
be offset by some important occurrence to re
store a lower basis of values or, in fact, retard
a material advance. Tho possibility of a sharp
reaction in crude is opposed by the probability
that good buying would discourage any set
back and would tend to restrain the extent of
the decline." "You pays your money and you
t?kes your choice."
Thnrsday's Oil Range.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 99JiLowest SB's
Highest INIClosed 9S
Average runs 47,037
Average shipments 81.2U4
Average charters 43,237
Kenned, New York, 7.20c
Kenned, London, 5d.
Refined, Antwerp, 17Mr.
Kenned. Liverpool, 6J4d.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 9SKc;
calls, 99a
Other Oil markets.
Oil Crnr. September 12. National transit
certificates opened at99Je; highest, 99c; low
est, 99c; closed, 99c
Bradford, September 12. National transit
certificates opened at 99c;, closed at 9SJc:
hishest, 99c; lowest, 9Sc
TrrrsviLLE, September 12. National transit
certificates opehed at G9Kc; highest, 99c low
est, 9Sc; closed at 99c
New York, September 12. Petroleum
opened steady at 9Sc, and after some fluctua
tions, became dull, and remained so until the
close, which was dull at 9Sc. Sales, 356,000
A Thirty-Five Thousand Dollar Transaction
In Oakland Other Denis.
Samuel W. Black fc Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold for G. P. McCandless about three and one
half acres of land in -tho Fourteenth ward,
Oakland, bounded by Darrab, Terrace, Lathrop
and Victorii streets, for $35,000. This property
will likely be subdivided into lots at an early
W. AHerron & Sons have had a plot of
ground laid out for the Vandervoort heirs at
Homewood station, Pennsylvania Railroad,
fronting Homewood on Susquehanna and
Clow&on streets, and report the sale of lot 1.
corner Homewood and Susquehanna streets, 26
feet front by 100 deep to an alley, for $1,200.
The lots are level and very near the station.
L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-filth and Butler
streets, sold for Nancy Lemmon lot 20x100 feet
to an alley, sitnated'on the eastside of Edmond
street near Penn avenne. Twentieth ward, to
Patrick Guerin for $600 cash.
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 181 Fourth avenue,
sold to John A Graver lot 96 in the Marion
Place plan, for $500.
Black & Bairo, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold
forJ.H. Friend lot No. 158 in the Bank of
Commerce plan, at Brnshton station, P. R. B-,
size 50x130 feet, for $850.
After a Long Rest They Come to tho Front
With a Show of Activity Cotton
Oil Another Bull Fentnre--Finnl
Cbnngea Show
Fractlonnl Losses.
New York, September 12. The'stock mar
ket was not so active lor the regular list to-day,
t tough the deficiency was partly made up by
renewed Interest in the trusts, which were ac
tive again for the first time since the recent
heavy trading in them. There was a strong
tone generally during the forenoon, but this
disappeared later in the day, and the result of
the day's operations is to leave most of the list
fractionally lower than last eTening. There
was some interruption to the working of the
private wires to-day, and the early dealings
were entirely dependent upon the local opera
tions, wbich accounted for some of the falling
oS in the amount of business done. The move
ments In the list to-day, however, were not of
special importance, and the number of stocks
in which the extreme fluctuation for the day
exceeded 1 per cent may be counted noon the
fincers of one band. ,
The upward movement died away as soon as
the early demand for stocks was appeased, and
the list became less active, and the advance
yas checked toward noon. The features of the
forenoon's business were Cotton Oil and Lead
Trust, the former after dropping JctofiOJgc,
recovering rapidly to52c Lead was strong
on the denial of the story of an increase in the
capital stock. The demand for stocks was not
so urgent in the afternoon and rumors of reali
zations by large interests set the traders to
Belling short again and with tho continued
realizations by weak holders the. market
sagged off slowly, but steadily throughout the
greater portion of the afternori.
The decline was most consp'.cuous In Louis
ville and Nashville, Missouri Pacific and Rock
Island, each of which lost over 1 per cent from
Its best figure, bnt the changes in most of the
others wpre confined Jo small fractions only.
The dealings were devoid of special feature and
the market finally closed quiet and heavy to
weak at abont the lowest prices, though they
were lifted slightly in the lat few minutes'
trading. The final changes are generally frac
tional losses, but Colorado CoaL Lake Erie and
Western preferred and Northern Pacific are
each down 1 per cent.
There was a small, though well distribntod,
business in railroad bonds and the market,
while generally firm, was devoid of feature ot
interest. Among the most important advances
Burlington. Cedar Rapids and Northern lists
rose Kc, Gnir, Colorado and Santa Fe seconds,
3Ji to 7L and Iron Mountain 5s, I to 90. Total
sales were 1.509,00o.
The following table snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected daily for The Dibfatcu by
niHTNXT A STEPHENSON, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York Stocx Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
Low- lng
est. est. Bid.
S2U tax iiM
40 30K 3
70 69 69H
56 b5H 55M
120 120 119K
38 35,V 36H
24K 24 24X
09 109 109
743( 74 71
115) 114 1U
101 I02JS 103
V4 16 16X
39S 3s 38H
38'A 35)6 35M
101 101 100.4
1HK 113 114
1H 144)$ mx
75 74i 74V
102 101 101K
SS'A 32 3214
18 18 17)4
149 143X 148
154 IM 153)4
18 18X 1SH
52)4 ii HH
114 11 IDs
76)4 76 76
24)2 24H 2H
20X 20 18V
66 65 65
106?, I06S4" VXH
T!i 76X 76
93V KUi 93
iix mi 124
78 77 76
109V 109 10SK
30V 30)$ 30)
7I 71V 71)4
17)4 17V WX
51)1 50V 60H
1SX 18V 18
19 19 19
56 55 55)$
35 34)4 34 J,
76)$ 75M 75
24H ZiH 24
35 3414 34
23)$ 23 23
48 47 47
150 180 181
24V 24 24
82V 82k 81
110 WW 1U9
27 27 ilii
62 61 62
21 21 21 i
64 64 St
18 IS 17
34! 83 33
87 86 86
73 72 72
99 109 108
25 24 24
59 58 58
' lne.
Am. Cotton Oil 51H
AtCh.. lop. & 8. F.... 40H
Canadian Pacific 69
Canada Southern 65
Central or .New Jersey .120
Central .raelnt 35f
Chesaoeake st Ohio.... 24
C.. Bur. A Qull.cy. ....lTO
C., Alii, a St. Paul.... 74X
C, Mil.JfcSt. P., pr.,..115
C, KockL tr 103
t. st. L. a ruts i
c, at, l. & puts. Dr.. 39
ti. St. P.. M. &0 36
c. st. r.,11. & o., pr.ioix
C. Northwestern.... 113JJ
C.4 .Northwestern, pr.UHjj
C C, C. &I 75
c., c, o. 41., pr 102
Col. Coal s, iron SSH
Col. 4 Hocking Val .. 18
Bel., L. & v 148
Bel. A Hudson 154
Benver&Klo G 18X
Benver&BloG.. pi... 52
E.T.. Va. 4-Ga - 11
E.T.,Va. & Ga. 1st, pf. 76
E. I-.. Va. Ga. 2d pr. 24K
Illinois central.
Lake Erie ft Western.. 20K
Lake Erie & West. pr.. 64
Lake Shore & M. S 106K
Lontsvllle&Nashvllle. 76
Michigan central S3H
Mobiles Ohio
Mo.. Kan. & Texas.... 12
Missouri Pacific 77Jj
New Kork Central 109
. V.. L. E.& VV 30H
X. Y..L.E. & W.pref.. 7l
a. 1.. C. ft St. L, 17j2
K x C ft St. L. pr.
N.r C. ftSt.Li.2dpf ....
N. Yft.N. E 51
. Y., O. ft W 1S
.Norfolk s Western.... 19
.Norfolk Western. pr. &5VJ
Northern PaclUe 35
Nortnern Pacific nrcf. 76
Ohio ft Mississippi -iX
Oregon Improvement.
Oregon Transcon 35
Peo. DecvaEvans 2JH
Phlladelfft Beading.. 48H
Pullman Palace Car...l80
Kictimono ft W. P. T.. 2(
Klchmond ft W.P.T.pr 825(
St. P., Minn, ft Man.. 110
St. L. ft San Fran 27$;
St. L. ft San Eran pr SIX
St.L. ft San IT. 1st pr.. .. .
Texas l'actflo 2I
Union faclflc MK
Wabasn 18J
Wabash prererred St
W3tern Union 87
Whrelmg ft L. . 71
Sugar Trust 109M
National Lead Trust.. 24
Chicago Gas Trust.... 59
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A. Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 53V 54
Beading 23 13-16
Lehigh Navigation 54V ' 54
Itorthern Pacific 34M 34
Northern Pacific preferred 75 75
Business Notes.
' The FricK Coke Company bonds are being
marketed very fast. The entire issue will be
placed in this city.
Me. J. F. Stakk returned yesterday from
his summer vacation, which he spent in West
Virginia and Ohio, and may be found at his
desk as usual.
Tne sale of the Thomas Iron Company's
plant to a syndicate of English capitalists will
not be followed by a change of management.
The stockholders are well satisfied with the
terms of the sale,
Joseph Becker says of Northern Pacific
stocks: "The enormous earnings of the com
pany should be sufficient to put these stocks
higher. Special causes may temporarily influ
ence fluctuations, but I am convinced that
merit alone will be the most pronounced prop
upon which the Northern Pacifies will event
ually stand."
TitAlNS are running regularly oyer the sec
tion of the Pennsylvania. Fougbkeepsie and
Boston Railroad between Angnsta, N. J., and
Campbell Hall. N. Y., a distance of 41 miles
and by November 1 the entire Foughkeepsie
bridgo system will probably bo in full opera
tion. The bridco was built mainly by Phila
delphia capitalists.
As an indication of the wealth of France the
London State 6ays tho deposits in the Govern
ment savings banks are 30,600,000 francs greater
than a year ago, notwithstanding 1,450,000,000
francs has been sunk in tho Panama Canal,
85,000,000 in the Corinth Canal, 201,000,000francs
in the Comptoir d'Escompte and 200,000,000
francs in the copper collapse. At the same
time the Bank of France has increased its gold
holdings 250.000,000 francs, aud is able yet to
draw supplies from the world.
BrlngtngOnt Evidence That Uo Snncttonod
he Use of Tissue Ballots.,
Eichmoni), "Va., September 12. The
Democrats are making it lively for Jfahone
all along the line. They are bringing out
his record for many years past. As he is
claiming to be the exponent of a
free ballot and a fair count, this
part of his platform is put
in strong contrast with his past acts. In
1876 he was Chairman of the Fourth Con
gressional District Committee and President
of the Democratic Campaign Club, with
headquarters at Petersburg. The following
circular letter points directlv to the author
ship of the notorious tissue ballot fraud of
that year in the State:
Roosis op tiie "I ,
Conservative Campaign Club op the 1
Fourtii Congressional District, f
Petersburg, Va., Oct. 4, 1S76. j
Bear Sir: The President directs me to in
form you that all election tickets to be used
by the Conservatives of your county On the
7tli of November next n ill be furnished by this
club, and requests that you will not oDtain or
allow any others to be used. This is done with
the sanction ol the State Commission. Please
notify your Superintendent at once.
John J. Campbell, Secretary.
,The tickets furnished by Malione were a
little larger than a Bostage stamp. His
method of cheating the negroes was simple,
but effective. It was to stuff the
ballot box with tissue ballots, ten
of them being voted by each
of his twenty henchmen. The law
requiring the number of votes to correspond
with the poll he would cause one of the
picked judges to be blindfolded,
who would of course draw out
the large or negro ballots, leaving
the Mahone tissue ballots in the box to be
counted. This was the peculiar conception
of the gentleman who now demands clean
methods at elections.
But tissue ballots were not the only
schemes employed by Mahone to tone down
the black vote. In Chesterfield and Powhat
tan counties, in which there were large coal
mines, extra employment was given to a
small army of negroes. On the eve ol elec
tion day they were hived iu these coal pits
by hundreds and on election 'day the hoist
ing apparatus got out of order until after
the polls were closed.
The third feature was even more effective.
Hundreds of negroes were sent to repair
imaginary railroad damages and the loco
motives became disabled 80 they could not
return in time to vote.
v var,
Butter on the BiseChecse Very
Finn Choice Eggs Steady.'
Floor Quiet and Drift DownwardOther
Cereals Steady.
Thursday; September 12, 1SS9. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
The butter drift lg upward, and our quota
tions are advanced all along the line, in accord
ance with stubborn facts. Cheese is very firm
and most soon go higher, from present appear
ances. Eggs are steady. Potatoes are scarce
and firm. Peaches are plentler and markets
are easier. Sweet potatoes are plenty and dull.
General produce is in light supply, but there
is sufficient for the wants of trade. Apple aro
a drag, and will be until other fruits pass away.
In tropical fruit lines, oranges and lemons are
higher and Arm. Bananas are in over-supply,
and ripe fruit is selling at nominal prices.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2324c; Ohio do,
2122c; fresh dairy packed, 1820c; country
rolls, 1719c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, 82 402 60;
medium, $2 S02 4C,
Beeswax 2S30c ?! S for choice; low grade,
CIDER Sand refined, $6 607 50; common,
J3 504 00: crab cider. J8 008 50 ft barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c fl gallon.
Cheese Ohio, 8Q8c; New York, 10c: Iim
burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 912c;
imported Sweitzer, 22c
Eggs 19620c fl dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, 41 502 00 fl barrel; pine
apples. SI 001 25 fl dozen; whortleber
ries, 75S0c fl pail; watermelons, CO 0025 00
ft hundred; peaches, ?1 502 50 fl bushel box;
erapes, 57c f) pound; Bartlett pears, $5 ft bar
rel. Feathers Extra live geese. 5060c; No. 1,
do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c fl ft.
Podltby Live spring chickens, 4015c fl
pair; old, 6570c ft pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel, S5 60
fl bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, $8 00;
clover. Alsike, $8 60; clover, white, 9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 23, $1 65; blue grass, 'extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blae grass, fancy, 14 lbs, $1 00;
orchard (trass, 14 Bs, 81 05; red top, 14 Ks, SI 25;
millet, 50 9s, SI 00; German millet, 50 Sis,
1 50: Hungarian grass, 60 fts. SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 50 fl bushel of
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, SS 00
6 50; fancy, 57 007 50; oranges, $5 00
b 00: bananas, SI 75 firsts, SI 25 good seconds;
ft bunch; cocuanuts.S4 004 50 fl hundred; figs,
8K9c ft ft; dates. 56c fl ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, SI 5001 60 fl barrel;
tomatoes, bome-grown, SI 251 50 fl bushel;
wax beans, SI fl bushel; green beans, 6075c fl
busbel; cucumbers, home-raised, SI 50 fl bushel;
radishes, 2540c ft dozen; home-grown, cab
bages, 50c ft bushel; celery, 40c ft dozen: South
ern sweet potatoes, S2 75, Jerseys, S3 25.
Coffee options advanced 20 points in Eastern
markets yesterday. Packages are very firm,
and must go higher very soon, from prbsent
outlook. Sugar is firm, and stock at refineries
is reported unusually light.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 22K23Kc;
choice Rio. 2021Kc; prime Rio, 20c:
low grade Bio, 1819c; old Government
Java, 27c; Maracatbo, 23024c; Mocha, 28
29c; Santos, '2023Kc; Caracas, 2123c; pea
berry, Rio, 2325c; La Guayra, 2223c.
Roasted (m papers) Standard brands,
23Kc; hign grades, 25i26Xc; old Government
Java. bulk. 3132c; .Maracaibo. 26Z7c;
Santos, 2123c; peaberry. 26c: choice Rio,
24c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21c; ordinary,
Spices (whole) Cloves 2125c: allspice, 8c;
casiia. 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c:
Ohio. 120. SKc; headlight, 150, 8c; water
white, 10c; globe, 124; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
llc; royaline. He
SYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sncar
syrups, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 80i33c;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup. 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me
dium. 43c; mixed, 4042c
SODA Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bl-carb in s,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 5Ji5c; sal
suda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ft
set, 8f ; paraf&ne, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77c: choice, 64
7c; prime, 5K6t4c; Louisiana, 66Ke.
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch; 56c; gloss
starch, 57c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
52 50; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,910c;
sultana, 8Kc: currants, 45c: Turkey prunes,
4K5c; French prunes. 8K13c: Saloniea
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, fl 100,
53 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap., 12Q15c; Sicily
filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1216c: new dates,
56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, fl ft, 1314c; orange
peel, 12Hc
Dried Fruits Apples, sheen, per ft 60
apples, evaporated, 66c: apricots, Califor
nla, evaporated, 1215c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unputed. 56c: raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 78e; huckle
berries, 1U4512C
Sugars Cubes, Sc; powdered, 8c: granu
lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8c; standard
A. 8c; soft whites. 8SJc: yellow, choice,
7jic; yellow, good, 77ic; yellow, fair, 7c;
jellow. dark. 1 c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), SI 50; medi
um, half bbls (600), S2 75.
Salt No. 1, ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, ft bbl, SI 05,
dairy, ft bbl. SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, $1 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80, Higglns'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches S2 00
2 25: 2ds $1 501 65; extra peaches, J2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, 811 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cgl; Lima beans,
SI 10; soaked do, S5c; string do do, 7585c; mar
rowfat peas. SI 101 15: soaked peas. 7075c;
pineapples, SI 40Q$1 50; Bahama do, S2 75, dam
son plums, 95c: greengages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, S2 50; do grt-engages. $2; do,
egg plums, S2; extra white cnerries, S2 SO: red
cherries, 2 fts. Wo; raspberries, SI 401 50;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40;
tomatoes, S2K92c; salmon. 1-ft, $ 752 10;
blackberries, bOc: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
99c; do creen. 2 fts, SI 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft
cans, 2 05; 14-ft cans, S14 00; baked beans. SI 45
150; lobster. 1-ft. SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, Droiled. SI 50: sardines, domestic, i,
51 504 60; sardines, domestic, Ks, "SS 258 50;
sardines, imported, lAs, $11 50012 50, sardines,
imported, Ks, S18; sardines, mustard, S4 50; sar
dines, spiced, S4 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 ft
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess. S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
$36: No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Kc ft ft: do medium, George's cod,
6c; do lame, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in Blocks, 67c Herring
Round shore, S5 00 ft bbl; split, $7 00; lake,
52 00 ft 100-fi half bbl. White fish. $7 00 f! 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout. So 50 ft hall bbL
Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
fl ft. Pickerel, K barrel, S2 00; K barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, So 00 fl barrel. S2 50 ft K
Oatmeal SO 306 60 ft bbl.
Mixers' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557c
ft gallon. Lard Oil, 75c.
Grnln, Floor and Feed.
Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
26 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago,
2 cars of corn, 2 cf oats, 3 of hay, 3 of flour, 1
of barley, I of middlings. By Pittsburg, Cin.
cinnati and St Louis, 4 cars of oats, 1 of flour,
2 of bran, 1 of hay, 1 of wheat, 1 of rye, 1 of
corn. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of hay.
By Pittsburg and Western. 2 cars of oats.
Tncre were no sales on call. Cereal markets
are steady. Flour Is at a standstill, with a
tendcucv toward lower prices. Buyers are fol
lowing the hand-to-mouth policy in the belief
that a lower level w ill be reached. Minnesota
patents can be laid down here fully 25c per
barrel lower than a week ago. Though our
quotations were reduced that amount last
week, there is still some editing going on. The
buyer with cash can do better than our quota
tions, and it is not at all improbable that our
quotations will be reduced another 25c within
a few days. Prices below are for carload lots.
Wheat-New No. 2 red, 8182c; No. 3. 77
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear,4445c; high mixed
ear. 4042c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 40K41c;
high mixed, shelled, 4040c: mixed, shelled,
Oats No. 2 white. 26K27c; extra No. 3,
2ig25c; mixed. 216 c.
, Rye No: I Fennsylvanit. and Ohio, 50351c;
No. 1 Western. 4849c;ne rye No. 2 Ohio,
Flour Jobbing prices fancy winter and
spring patents, So 255 75( winter straight,
84 50(34 75; clear winter, M2S450; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 7501 CO Rye flour, S3 So
4 75.
Millfeed Middlines, fine white, S15 50
16 00 fl ton; brown middlings S13 00(313 50; win
ter wheat bran, Sll 0011 25; chop feed. Slo 50
IB 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, S14 25M 50;
No. ldo, S13501400; No. 2 do, S13 0O1260;
loose from wagon, Sll 0013 00, according to
quality; No. 1 upland prairie. S8 509 CO; No. 2,
tl 007 50; packing do, S3 767 00,
Bmiwln,!, ma en.vi.M. j .! .
M&, van, ev w, wsnn am ii. ra..
66860Q. ;
Sugar-cured bams, large, IIKc; sugar-cared
hams, medium, 12c, sugar-cured hams, small,
12Xc; sugar-cured breakfaatbacon.lOKc; sugar
cured shoulders, 8c; sugar-cured- boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California bams.
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 10c; sugar
cured dried beet sets, lie; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders. 6Kc; bacon
clear sides, 7JSe: bacon clear bellies, 7&c; dry
salt shoulders. 53ic; dry salt clear sides, 7c.
Mess pork, heavy, $12 60; mess pork, family.
113 00. Lard-Refined in tlerees. 6Kc; half
barrels. 6Jc; 60-ft tubs. 63c; 20-lb palls, 7c: 60-m
tin cans, (c: 3-ft tin pails: 7Jc; o-B tin pails.
7c; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin pails. 7c; 10-ft
tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large,
5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, $150; quarter barrel,
2 00.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650
fts, 5c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, &i
7c Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c ft 3b. Hogs, ea
Fresh pork loins, 8c
The first snow of the season has fallen at
Hope, Dale
The Bartletts, Cat, stage was robbed by one
masked man near Loosville yesterday. The
wells, Fargo express box was taken, but it is
stated there was nothing in the box.
At Terre Haute, Inct, a tailor named Louis
Superior was refused 10 cents by his wife and
went into an adjoining room and banged him
self. He was in the habit of frightening bis
wife into giving him money by pretending to
commit suicide, and it is supposed that was his
purpose, but the light twine that he used was
stronger than he thought and did not break
under his weight.
The Master Car and Locomotive Painters'
Association at their session at Chicago elected
the following officers: President, A. E. Barker,
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, Chicago;
First Vice President, William Lewis. Michigan
Central and Canada Railroad. St. Thomas,
Ont: Second Vice President, E. L. Felling,
New York and New England Railroad. Nor
wich. Mass.; Secretary and Treasurer, Robert
McKeon, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio
Railroad, Kent, O.
The leading wholesale fruit dealers of St.
Louis are at present considering the advisa
bility of going into a combination with similar
houses throughout the larger markets of this
country for the purpose ot controlling the
Florida orange crop. Early developments in
the matter are to be expected, so theNew York
end of the proposed combination is pushing
things vigorously and' has already secured co
operation in other cities. Investigation among
St, Louis houses shows that a gigantic "Orange
Trust" is under progress.
The President yesterday made the follow
ing appointments: Richard C. Kerr, of Missis
sippi, to be Register of the Land Office at Jack
son. Miss.; Joseph W. McClurg, of Missouri, to
be Register of the Land Office at Springfield,
Mo.; Scott Sweetland. of Washington Terri
tory, to be Receiver of Public Moneys at Van
couver. W. T.; Walter L. Stobles. of Washing
ton Territory, to be Agent for the Indians of
the Yakimi Agency in Washington Territory;
Warren D. Bobbins, of Idaho, to be Agent for
the Indians of the Nez Perces Agency in In
dian Territory.
J. Patterson, superintendent of the Ron
over mine. Seggett, Cal., was knocked oft his
horse between that place and Calico, and rob
bed of $5,000 in gold coin by Parry Dodson
last Monday. The robber then took Patterson's
horse and escaped with the money. Several
parties. Including the victim, started in. pursuit
and Dodson was overtaken by Patterson and
John Ackerman near Coyote Hole. He was
lying behind some brush when tlfey came upon
him, and he commenced shooting at them at
once. They returned the fire, hitting Dodson
nine times, killing him instantly. The stolen
money was found on him.
Detectives are scouring San Francisco for
the murderer of Captain Daniel Logan.f or many
years a dock captain for the Pacific Coast Steam;
ship Company. A stranger came to a salotn
Tuesday nieht where Logan was drinking with
a friend. He couldn't see Logan and his com
panion because they were behind a compart
ment, and, evidently thinking the coast clear,
he drew a pistol and ordered the old French
proprietor in the backroom. Logan immedi
ately came to the saloonkeeper's' aid and a des
perate struggle followed. Two shots were fired
at Logan but missed, while a third struck
Logan in the heart and he dropped dead. The
assassin was joined bya confederate and both
escaped. This is the boldest crime committed
bere in years, as the vicinity swarmed with
people and escape was almost miraculous.
A Chicago detective is In Winnipeg search
ing for a trunk snpnosed to have been taken
there by Martin Burke. This trunk, it is sus
pected, contains the mysterious tin box which
Burke had so carefully sealed soon after Dr.
Cronin's death. The trunk, it is thought, is
either in Winnipeg or Montreal, as Burke was
in a Canadian Pacific train bound for Montreal
when arrested. It is also asserted that a book
ot records of Camp 20, Clan-na-Gael, contain
ing the minutes of the meeting of February 8
last, at wbich a committee to try Dr. Cronln lor
treason was appointed, nas oeen louna. -xnese
minutes, it is asserted, were written by the
then Secretary, John F. O'Connor, an em
ploye of Adams & Westlake. O'Connor has
identified the record, and. It is said, asserts
that it is a true one.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children.jhe gave them Castoria
Transact a General Banians Bnsiness.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available in all paits of the world. Also issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
Royal and United States Mall Steamers.
Teutonic Sept.18, noon
Germanic Sept23,2pm
Britannic. Oct. 2. 11am
'Adriatic. Oct. 9.5:30 d m
Teutonic, Oc.lS, 10:30a m
Germanic, Oct. 23, 3pm
Britannic Oct 30. 10 if m
'Adriatic, Nov. 8, 3pm
Prom White btar dock.
loot 01 west leuiasc
"second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
830 and upward. Second cabin. 833 and upward,
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. 820.
White btar drafts payable on demand In all the
principal banks throughout Ureat Britain. Ap
ply to JOHN J. MCCOHMICK, -Ml Smlthfleld st.,
Plttsburp. or J. BKliCEiSllAl, General Aftent,
41Broadwny, Mew Yore. scri-D
Atlaniie Express Service;
Steamship "CITY OP KOilE," from Hew York,
WEDNESDAY. Sept. 18, Oct. 16.
Saloon passage, K0 and npward: second-class, 830.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver
pool, 850 and (60. Second-class. 830.
Steerage passage, either service, f.
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts
for any amount Issued at lowest current rates.
For books of tours, tickets or information.
J. J.VcCORMlCK. Fourth and Smlthfleld: A. U.
SCORER-4 SON. 415 bmitlilield St., Pittsburg; W.
SE11PLE, Jr., 18S Federal St., Allegheny.
Gallia, Sept. It, 6:30 A H'Umhrla, Sept.2S,7:30AK
Etrurla, Sept 14. 9 AXjServla, Oct. 5, 2:30 F H
Auranla,Sept.:i.:i30riI Gallia, Oct. 9. 8:30 A M
Bothnia, Sept.2.5:30 AM. Etrurla. Oct. 17,7:30A1I
Cabin passage. 860, SO and 1 100; Intermediate.
835. Steerage tickets to and from all parts ot
Europe at very low rates.
VERNON B. BROW N & CO., General Agents,
4 Bowling Green, New York.
Fourth avc and smlthfleld st,, Plttsborg.
To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
From Pier Columbia Stores, Sontb Ferry,
Brooklyn, N. Y., EVERY THURSDAY.
Cabin passage 838 to $50. according to locatlca
of stateroom. Excursion G5 to too.
btcerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
- AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
83 Broadway, Hew Yorfc.
J. J. McCORMICK, Afloat, Pittsburg, Pa.
1. Ill & SONS' Bill,
li'-ri5 jmzmt tauer
- WssW,,AslBgWsgWsJyBfc SgJjT
a? ,
Ulood OPolson-
I AH of the opinion S. S. S.swWstaa4
the head ot the list ot Mood- remedies. I ar
rived arf this conclusion from the ttMmony ot
scores ot nersons who have teM ae at the '
good results from its use. I have bee fesssg
8. S.S. for years, and it has won a Vwfe sale.,, ,
O. A. GMJiTrH, Maywer, .' "
Treatise on Blood and Skis Diseases asHeA
The 8 wtjt SPECino Co., Drawer syAWa,-
Ga. aalexw "
This Is now conceded to be the beet'is th '
market, u witnessed by the fact that weaave -just
LENCE at the Pure FoodExposJtioB.MWbo-i
ine held in Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetlslBC flavor ot free.
ly roasted beef.
Cor. Wood and Liberty S&,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this weefcis
For largest assortment and lowest prises ea&$
and see us. , .
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports proemred,
As old residents Know and back flies of Pitts-,
burg papers prove, is the oldest established,
and most prominent physician in the city, de
votinc special attention to all chronic diseases.
ML"DnilOand mental diseases, bhysical
IM t tt V U U Odecay, nervous debility, lack ot
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood,-failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting: tbe person for business, society and mar-'
riage, permanently, safely ana privately cured.
blotches, tailing bair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDIMARV Kidney and bladder derange-.
Ullllinil 1 jments. weas: Dace, gravei, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. WhittlePs life-long, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and Tellable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as it here. Office hoars 9 a. it. to 8 P. sf. Bun--day,
10 A. M. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814" Penn avenue. Pittsburg; Pa.
How Lost! How Regained,
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous
aud Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting from Folly, Vice, Iguorsnce, Ex
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, the ilar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo.
eautlful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only SI by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, if yon
apply now. The distinguished antbor. Wm. H.
Parker. M. D., received the GOLD AND JEW.
ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corps of Assistant Physicians may he con
sulted, confidentially, by mail or in person, at
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston, Mats., to
whom all orders for hooks or letters for advice
should be directed as above. aulST-Tuvsuwk
Pnll particulars la pamphlet
tent free. The genuine Gray's
bpeclflc sold by druggists only In
yellow wrapper. Price, 81 per
package, or six for 85, or by mall
on receint of nrlce. bv address-
ng rut uitAi Ji-Liuiri5 tu., uuuaio. ri. r
Sold In Pittsburg byS.S. HULLA3D. corner
Smithfleld and Liberty iu. apUS-33
SPECIALISTS in all casesre
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. S is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
tbe city. Consultation free and.
strictly confldentiaL Office ,
Tinnra'a tn A and 7 to 8P.X.I Shnda3. 2 tO 4 P.
M.Consult them personally, or write. D0CT0B3
Lake. 328 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
look's Cotton, -KOOtJ
i- j rAfnH "Onrtt Tnnf n9
LJold physician. Istuccessuttu utei
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute,
or molose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY No. 3 Rshac
Block, 131 Woodward aveDetroit, Mlch,
Bed Cross Diamond Brand.
Tbe flolr rcUsbl plU for isle. Safe sod
mt. Ladieo, uk Droxsist for tin I)lj
vond Brand, In T4suUloDoiei,Mmll
vi,hhlnribbon. Takenoother, SeDd-lo.
(umpi) for particular! ul "Relief for'
t -JIm Aft batr. bT malL JtMM4 F9Br
CUehestcr ChemlesI Co, JUdUoa So PhlUds. Ps
rG "A.
"m ?$