Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 13, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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01 THORIffl.
Ilie Site Objected to l)y Cen
tral Station Lessors.
Superintendent "Weir Says Ko Satis
iactorj Lease Could be Had.
As Well as a Large. Saving to the City in
Eents and Other Expenses.
George W. Guthrie yesterday went to the
Controller's office and said that having read
the published interviews with Chief J. O.
Brown, of the Department of Public Safety,
regarding the transfer of Central station
from its present position to the Mononga
hela wharf, he thought some mistake must
have occurred. He had not notified the de
partment to move from its present place by
Aprii 1, and was willing to renew the lease
on existing terms. This occasioned some
considerable talk, and as the necessity of re
moval was one ol the reasons urged for the
establishment of a Central station on the
.new site the matter was investigated.
Chief J. O. Brown, when questioned re
garding the subject and informed of Mr.
Guthrie's statement, said: "We cannot
continue in such cramped quarters as these
and pay rent for a number of places to ac
commodate the various requirements of the
bureau. "We require better accommoda
tions, and by getting theta in this way the
city can be saved a large amount of money.
As for Mr. Guthrie's statement I know
.nothing about that, as Superintendent Weir
'is my informant, and of course I place re
liance upon his statement."
Superintendent "Weir said he tried last
-April to secure a lease of the premises for
two years, but it was refused, and he was
told he could not secure one for longer than
year to year. He thought that the city could
liot afford to remain a tenant at the will of a
private landlord, liable to have its rent in
creased or to be ordered out on due notice.
This was all he had to say on the subject.
Chief Bigelow of the Department of Pub
lic "Works was absent from thevcity at Get
tysburg, but questions to various officials
showed that he was known to object to the
whole wharfage of the city being absorbed
Lv buildings. The Baltimore and Ohio
depot, the Exposition, and now the police
station were regarded by those spoken to as
the entering wedges, which would soon dis
courage what shipping trade was left, and
which was formerly the backbone of Pitts
liurg business.
"The only chect we have now," said one
of the speakers, "to the rapacity of railroad
corporations is the river. Close that up and
see how soon the discrimination in freights,
which already exists in many branches of
trade against'Pittsburg, will be increased.
The wharves should be kept clear."
Controller Morrow was asked what he
thought ot the subject, but said he did not
like to express an opinion just now. He
agreed that the Central station should not
alone be centrally located, but much im
proved upon its present condition, and ad
mitted that a saving ol rent would result
from the city owning the property. He
would, however, give no indication of an
approval of the wharf site, nor would he
say one word to condemn it, giving as his
reason that further on he may be required
to act in the matter, and did not wish to
forestall his action.
They Meet After Their Vacation and Talk
on Vnrious Topics.
The Western Historical Society met for
the first time since the summer vacation
yesterday afternoon in their room in the
Court House building. Vice President
Daniel Johnson took the chair, and the
minutes having been read, Dr. G. H. Key
ser was called u,.on for his paper on "Base
ball." The doctor declared that baseball was one
of the great factors in modern society. It
occupied more space in the dailv
press' than any other subject. Some
of the players were paid enormous
salaries. He was, however, in favor of the
game, inasmuch as be considered it a pleas
ant, healthful pastime. The Doctor then
bade goodby to the subject ot his paper, and
after a lengthy discourse on the ancient and
modern poets, coupled with a slight sketch
oftbe immortal Brown-SequarJ, he con
cluded his lecture on baseball.
The paper was highly appreciated, and a
vote of thanks conveyed to the reader.
Mr. J. C. Porter then read a short paper
on Paul Bevere's ride, after which the meet
ing concluded.
The Columbus Club Entertains Its Numerous
Yesterday the Columbus Club held a de
lightful outing on board the Mayflower.
This is the second event of the kind that
lias been held under the anspices of the
club this season, and it was participated in
by 150 couples. The boat first took the
pleasure seekers up the Monongahela as far
as Thompson's Grove, and here a picnic was
held from 1 o'clock in the alternoon till long
alter 5.
A journey was then made down the river
to Davis Island dam, and the party was
finally landed at the foot of Wood street
about 10:30 r. M. Everyone on the excur
sion nrofessed to have had an excellent time.
All the most prominent members of the
club were on the boat, and also many dis
tinguished visitors. Refreshments of the
finest description and the best of music by
Gernert &Gnenthcr's Orchestra left nothing
to be desired in these lines.
Inspector McAleese Begins a Close Watch
on tbo Electric Lights.
Last evening after the calling of the roll
at Central station, Inspector McAleese in
structed the officers to be carelul in the
future and report to their various lieuten
ants the number and location of electric
lights extinguished on their beats, in the
same manner and as minutely as the gas
lamps were formerly remembered by their
lack of that shining quality which guided
the late and weary pedestrian homeward.
The Inspector says the city has to pay a
good round sum tor each of these lights, and
at the end of the month she should know
that s"he gets what she pays for.
Tie Was Going to Carve the Passcnccn
With a Bis Dirk.
Tatem Braden, a passenger on the Lake
Erie train out yesterday evening, claimed to
have lost a revolver on the train, and draw
ing a large dirk, proposed to carve up the
entire crowd of passengers unless it was re
stored. He was finally persuaded to desist
by Officer Cook, of the depot, who took his
.carving knife and himself to jail.
kT? Vtw ftfKnA rA..l- r Ai-- j a i. a 1 t.:- I
m uj v..-t. wu ui me uepuL, wuo wvn. ilia i
,uu iui6 iuit nuu miiisui w jmi. i at tno Anderson yesieroay. i r'EABS'.Boap secures a oeautuut complexion yesieraay, ueiaymg navel, l natl ana unmuion. i . a-wir 1 lewrwy I
Somo Important Kcsolntlons ail Varlons
Subjects Introduced The Slliby Com
pany Secures a Contract.
Allegheny Councils held a regular meet
ing last night. In the select branch, on the
call of the wards, the following papers were
presented and referred:
A petition by Mr. Brown for water ex
tension on Herr's Island; also a resolution
directing the superintendent of water to
furnish estimate of the cost of 100 wells sim
ilar to the well in the parks at the foot of
Boyle street, to be located in various parts
of the city; a resolution instructing the
"Water Committee to investigate the prob
able effect the United States dam at Herr's
Island will have on the water supply.
An ordinance by Mr. Hartman for the
issue of 51,000,000 worth of 4 per cent bonds
to be used in improving the highways of the
Mr. Langhnrst presented a petition of
organized painters, objecting to firemen
painting their engine houses.
A resolution by Mr. Henricks, transferring
$4,000 from the contingent fund to the road
lund; also proposition of the Pittsburg
Company to lurnish a supply ot pure, water.
Mt. Snaman presented a resolution for
the appointment of a committee to consider
the advisability of dividing the Tenth ward,
which was passed.
Mr. Snaman, from the Finance Commit
tee, presented the Controller's report for
August, showing bills paid to the amount
or $77,554 76, which was approved.
Mr. McAfee, for the Street Committee,
presented a number of ordinances for nam
ing and grading streets and building new
sewers, which were passed.
Mr. Henricks, from the Committee on
Surveys, presented an ordinance for open
ing Superior avenue at a width of 50 feet
from the angle to the New Brighton road,
which was passed also.
In Common Councils, after some discus
sion, the resolution awarding the contract
for a fire engine to- the Silsby Company at
$4,500 was passed by a vote of 15 to 4. Kes
alutions for completing the city code and
investigating the "Watson estate for park
purposes were passed. A resolution to
build boardwalks within the city limits for
the suburban people was ruled by the Chair
to conflict with an act of Assembly.
Holland Will Observe the Solar Eclipse
nnd Collect Fauna and Flora.
Rev. W. J. Holland, President of the
Pittsburg Microscopical Society, has been
appointed naturalist to the Government ex
pedition which is about to sail for the Por
tuguese colonies of the "West African
coast. The object of the expedition is to
observe the total eclipse of the sun which
will occur on December 22. Dr. Holland
himself first originated the idea of sending
an expedition to Africa to make solar
oblervations, and the Hon. John Dalzeli
succeeded in having a bill passed providing
for the expenditure ot $5,000 on the pro
posed journey. This amount now proves in
adequate: but the Secretary of the Navy has
promised to place one of the new cruisers at
the disposal of the expedition, thus remov
ing the cost of transportation
Dr. Holland hopes to have associated
with him many eminent scientists, among
others Trof. Alexander Agassiz, of Harvard
College, as marine zoologist; Harry Brown,
of the Smithsonian Institute, as taxidermist
and anatomist, and Mr. Eben Loomis, of
Washington, as ornithologist.
The expedition will be under the direc
tion of Prof. D. P. Todd, of Amherst Col
lege, who, with Dr. Holland, conducted the
expedition to Japan in 1SS7.
The expedition will probably sail on
October 1, and having touched at St Vin
cent, in the Cape Verdes, will proceed to St.
Paul de Loanda. Landing at this port they
will go inland, most likely to the Portuguese
settlement of Muxima. While the astron
omical party are at work, Dr. Holland will
ascend the Quaza river and collect speci
mens for the National Museum. He will
bring quite a small arsenal with him, and
feels quite prepared to face the mighty
beasts of the Alrican jungles. He will
subsequently visit the Ogove river, upon
the fauna of which he has written exten
sively. The doctor leaves for Washington
next week to conter with Prof. Todd and
Prof. G. Browne Goode, of the Smithsonian
Tbo Executors ot Mr. Thaw's Will Haven't
Commenced Work.
The appraisement of the estate of William
Thaw has not yet been made, .and one of the
executors states that there are so many
items to handle that it will be considerable
time before any appreciable progress will be
made. When matters are gotten into such
shape that order can be obtained, the edu
cational and charitable requests will receive
Said the executor: "I cannot tell how
soon we will begin work, nor can I tell how
long it will take us to get the machinery in
working order. Mr. Thaw's will gives us
two years to do the work in. The coke
trust provided for in the will has not yet
been formed.
A Schemo to Form an Industrial Press
Charles Guy Brown, editorof the Union
Printer, New York, has issued a call for a
convention of editors of labor and trade pa
pers, to be held in New York City, October
11 and 12. The main object of the meeting
is to form a labor pi ess-association, for the
gathering and transmission of industrial
news. The association is to be run on the
same principle as the Associated Press. J.
31. Kelly, of this city, is the temporary
Movements of Pittsburgers and Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
Swithin C. Shortlidge, principal of the
Media Academy, is attbe Monongahela Honse.
He will to-day meet Prof. Eugene Walker, who
will visit the city as the representative of that
institution. Media receives a large number of
young men from Pittsburg.
Bev. N. Luccock, of the First M. E.
Church, Erie, is in the city, stopping at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel. The reverend gentle
man was formerly much esteemed in this vi
cinity lor bis knowledge of the dead languages.
"W. D. Currie, of Laramie, Wyo. T., is
at the Hotel Anderson. He is a large wool
grower of Wyoming, and will to-day go to
Washington county for the purpose of buying
some merinos for his western farm.
Mrs. Strong Vincent and Boyd Vincent,
of Cincinnati, are at the Hotel Duquesne, on
their way home from Gettysburg. Mrs.Vincent
is the widow of General Strong Vincent, who
lost his life on Little Hound Top.
Major Robert M. Lyon is so far recov
ered from the injuries received in the wreck on
the West Penn Railway that he is able to be
about the greater part of each day.
Dr. J. H. Clark and wife, of Mt. Pleas
ant: 13. F. Orerholt, tvife and child, of Scott
dale; J. T. McCormick and wife; of Connells
ville, are at the Seventh Avenue.
Captain Adams, of Louisville, an old
Pittsburger. well known among steamboat
circles, is visiting Commodore Kountz, of Alle
gheny. Mrs. W. B. Thomas, of Johnstown, and
tbo Misses Sara and Ida Breniscr, of Ligonier,
are at the Seventh Avenue Hotel.
James Jenkins, the steel Barrow and
coal car manufacturer, of Harrisbnrg, Is stop
ping at the Monongahela.
H. S. White, United States Marshal of
West Virginia, and his daughter are at the
Seventh Avenue.
Ex-Mayor J. D. Patterson and wife, of
Harrisbnrg, are at the Hotel AnCerson.
Florian Mhrchand, a merchant of Al
liance, is at the Hotel Boyer.
Attorney W. W. Hole, of Salem, was
at the Anderson yesterday.
Revealed by the Scottdale
Sullivan Investigations.
The Very Remarkable HistorT of One of the
- Women in the Case.
The arrangements for the hearing of the
defendants in the May Sullivan case from
Scottdale are being pushed on both sides
with vigor. Counsel have been secured on
the part of the defendants, and as far as
known W. J. Brennen will represent Jacob
A. Babbs, the principal in the case, and
William Hunter the accessories, Florenoe
Donelson and Laura Bailey.
Florence Donelson is a woman with a
history. She was a Florence VanFossen,
of East Liverpool, where in February, 1885,
she was arrested on a charge of , poisoning
her whole family. Her father was in the
grocery business and in good circumstances.
The whole family, except three, was taken
ill one evening with symptoms of poisoning
and a 6-year-old child, Laura McBane, a
cousin of Florence, died.
The hired girl was accused of the crime,
but proved her innocence, and a search of
the premises showed the presence of -drugs
in Florence Van Fossen's boxes, which
would produce the symptoms indicated by
the diagnosis of the sufferer's case. She
could not account for the presence of the
drugs, was arrested and placed in jail where
she was held for five months.
The evidence . against her at the trial,
which lasted a week, was that she had pre
pared the coffee on the evening of the
poisoning, and that the symptoms of those
affected were those of arsenical poisoning,
herself being but slightly affected, while
the hired girl and two children, who drank
tea, were unaffected. The remains of the
child who died were exhumed, and traces of
arsenic found in the stomach. Florence
was acquitted a'fter nearly mining her
father financially in paying for counsel and
other legal expenses.
Shortly after her acquittal she started for
Pittsburg, where she entered Ada Criss
well's disorderly house on Second avenue,
where she stayed until March 1887, when
she married W. M. Donaldson, a traveler,
who became infatuated with her. She went
with him to New York, where he went into
business, according to her account at the
corner of Sixth avenue and Four
teenth street. She lived wjth
him for about a year or
so and drifted back into herold ways, living
in New York until some two months aeo.
when she returned to Pittsburg and entered
the house of Lanra Bailey, 111 First ave
nue. Her story is adventurous and roman
tic enough in some respects to furnish Zola
with material for a new and probably worse
novel than he has yet. produced, for in ad
dition to her other 'excesses she admits the
free use of opium.
Inspector McAleese considers this woman
to have been rendered almost irresponsible
through her excesses.
Probably one of the most important wit
nesses in the case when it comes before the
courts will be Frank Hill, who feels keenly
his position, and considers himself aban
doned by Babbs and those who 'should have
taken his Dart. Detective Denimel, of the
Pittsburg police force, is close on the heels
of another man implicated in the case
named Harrington, who has skipped for
Ohio, and a number of other arrests may be
expected to-day or to-morrow, so that it is
unlikely the hearing will take place this
The history of this 15-vear-old victim of a
course of depavity is seldom equaled. May
Sullivan will reveal still more startling dis
closures than any yet made, showing how a
girl still a child in years was first led into
the paths ot iniquity.
A New Arsumcnt Advanced br a Window
Glass manufacturer He Is Sorry He
Started So Early In the Season.
The. work on the second tank in Chambers
and McKee's window glass house at Jean
nette will begin Monday next- It will give
employment to 60 more blowers, and will in
crease the capacity of the works to the
equivalent of 138 pots. It is stated that the
glass made in the first tank is not equal to
pot-made glass, it being "cordy" and
There was no change in the window glass
strike vesterday. A manufacturer, who
also operates a green bottle house, said:
"The statement published yesterday that
all the Pittsburg manufacturers would be
making window glass in one week is prepos
terous. It would take ten days to get the
furnaces in shape, and I know positively
that no work has been done on the furnaces.
There is not the slightest probability that
any glass will be made before October 1.
"This weather is too warm to work, land it
would be a loss to us to start up. Our bottle
factory has been running two weeks, and in
that time the men have not done one full
day's work. It is so hot in a glass house
now that the men cannot put in full time,
and have to loaf around outside of the
factory. We have to pay the gatherers and
other help the same wages as if the blowers
made full time, and this is losing money.
We are now sorrv we started up when we
did." '
A Defaultine Chinaman Caught by Prompt
Action oT His Victim. (
Gold Lip, a Chinaman who has been for
some time well known among his Celestial
brethren in Pittsburg, yesterday went to
Sing Lee and obtained $315, representing it
to -be for another Chinaman who required
the money for a business transaction. The
cash was handed over, and the man with the
specie-basis surname skipped for Newburg,
where he and two other Chinamen were ar
rested last evening on a telegram from
Pittsburg police headquarters.
Sing Lee, with a constable, left on the
1050 P. M. Lake Erie train to catch and
identify the golden-mouthed defaulter, and
he will" return to have a hearing this after
noon. This is quick work for locating a
man with misappropriated boodle, and
leaves the bank defaulters' records in the
Sirs. Ann Fields Depnrts This Life After
Living a Lone Time.
The death of Mrs. Ann Fields, while ex
pected, will nevertheless bring sorrow to
her many friends. The lady resided at 37
Webster avenue, and at the time of her
death was in her 90th year. She was a
native of Ireland, and came to this country
in 1852.
She leaves four children, all' of them
daughters, and beside quite a host of rela
tives Although she has lived to this old
age, Mrs. Fields' life has been a very indus
trious one, and her death is regretted by all
her neighbors.
Both Lees Crushed.
William Bodgers, aged 55, a stranger in
the city from Philadelphia, while seeking
employment in Bobinson, Bea & Co.'s mill,
Sonthside, yesterday afternoon was struck
by a neavy fly-wheel casting nnd had both
legs crushed." Amputation will probably be
necessary. .
Maggie Moriarty Tells Alderman Doughty
About now Her Father Bent Her She
Prodnces Evidence of Brutality Inflicted.
A case of parental cruelty came before
Alderman Doughty on "Wednesday evening.
Maggie Moriarty, 16 years of age, came to
his office about 9:10 P. x. The 'Squire left
earlier than usual. The girl went to Mrs.
G. O. Newall'j, where she resides as a
domestic, and waited until 11 o'clock, when
she went to the Alderman's residence, No.
402 Taylor street, Bloomfield, and aroused
him from his slumbers.
The Alderman narrated the balance of
the story as follows: "I saw a girl vigor
ously knocking, at my door and I asked who
was there. She was crying bitterly and
said her name was Maggie Moriarty I
went down and let her in. She then recited '
the following pitiful tale:
" 'I have for .the last three years earned
my own living. During this time and pre
vious to my leavinjj home my father has
frequently.thrashed me; indeed his treat
ment has been such as to almost drive me
into the ranks of the abandoned.
" 'While I was outwalking withtwo lady
friends and two gentlemen in the vicinity of
the Indian show my father noticed me. He
ran and took hold of my arm. dragging me
away from my friends and beat me with
great severity "with a strong cane. I cried
lor mercy. He still hit me until I almost
fainted. I never gave him the least provo
cation that warranted this merciless treat
ment. If you will only look at my back
you will see for yourself the marks of the
cruel blows.'
"I said I would call my wife nnd then we
would inspect her back. When my wife
came down stairs the girl removed her
basque. I was horrified to see great welts
almost as thick as one's finger.across her
shoulder-blades and down the middle of her
back. I immediately wrote out an informa
tion for the man's arrest."
The hearing will take pjace next Satur
day between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock.
Michael Dean, the anti-cruelty agent,
yesterday brought suit against Thomas
Moriarty, before Alderman Doughty, for
beating "his two children, both girls aged 14
and 15, with a club. Both children were
badly bruised about the back and arms, and
were'in a pitiable condition. The hearing
will be held on Saturday next at 10 A. 31.
Mnlor IlIcKInley Will Attend as a Repre
sentative From Congress.
Major William McKinley passed through
the city last evening on his way from his
home in Canton to New York, where he will
to-day attend the funeral of Samuel S. Cox.
The Major is a member of the House Com
mittee appointed by Speaker Carlisle to
attend the funeral services. The distin
guished Republican "spoke with evident
affection ot his dead colleague. Congress
had lost, he said, one of its most brilliant
members, and all persons who had been for
any length of time in public life, had lost
one of their dearest friends.
Major McKinley said that he was sorry
to hear of the resignation of Corporal Tan
ner. "He is a man of strict integrity,"
said the Congressman. "I do not believe
that he could do a wrong act. He is not
only honest, but is a thoroughly good fel
low." Of Major William Warner, who is re
ported to be Mr. Tanner's successor, Major
McKinley said: "If he is appointed to the
position he will fill it well. He is a mag
nificent man, and was a good soldier. He is
capable, upright and the possessor of many
The Major said that he knew nothing
whatever about the progress of the Sneaker
ship contest. He has been rusticating in
Ohio and has not seen any members of the
House tor several weeks. He said that he
did not see how the decision to have no ex
tra session could affect the Speakership mat
ter in any way. He was asked for his pref
erence for the World's Fair in 1892,and with
a smile he replied that he thonght Cincin
nati wonld be a good location. The Major
is a warm advocate of the improvement of
the Obio river by Government dams, .and
said that he would aid the movement in
Congress, as far as lay in his power. As to
Ohio politics, he said that the fight was just
beginning. The Democrats are preparing
to make a lively contest on the Legislature,
but have little hope and no chance of de
feating Governor Foraker.
They Are Welding n Discipline nt Their
General Conference.
At yesterday's session of the general con
ference of the Primitive Methodist Churches
in the Holmes street church, Bev. J. H.
Acornley presented the report of the Com
mittee on Church Discipline, which was
appointed in May of last year. The report
is founded on the rules of discipline of the
Eastern Conference of 1883, which the com
mittee has revised so as to make the scope
of the laws sufficiently wide to
cover the increased membership
and jurisdiction of the conference.
The laws winch have been enacted at the
conference meetings held since the publica
tion of the Eastern discipline rules, have
been added to the report, and after being
passed upon will be published in a single
volume. It is expected that this subject
will require the consideration of the confer
ence for a week.
Last evening a missionary meeting was
held in the Butler Street Methodist Church,
at which Kev. T. M. Bateman, of Missis
sippi, Bev. S. B. Chub. Bev. M. Baker and
Bev. J. Challinor spoke.
Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Hemline.
A laws fete was held yesterday at Sharps?
burg on tho grounds of Mr. H. I. Heinz by tlio
Young Men's Christian Association. The
Springdalo Band was in attendance, and illu
minations lent a charm to the fete, which the
presence of the ladies rendered almost too de
licious. Officee Wachtee waived a hearing and
gave S500 bail before Alderman Jones yesterday
on a charge of aggravated assault and battery.
V. Turner alleges that the officer hit him on
the head with his mace while arresting him for
fast driving.
Mes. Annie Eobeino, coming home from
the picnic of tho County Democracy last night,
began to act disorderly on Ninth street. She
was arrested by Officer Keller and lodged in
Central station on a charge of being drunk and
Joseph Obgeli. and Max Hcibell were ar
rested on the information of J. H. Savage,
detective for the Pittsburg Junction Railroad'
for the larceny ol brass journals valued at joo'
Hearing next Monday before Alderman
Joseph Miller, of liberty avenue, made
an information before Alderman Dougherty,
alleging that William Kenney, of tbe;Car
bou Iron Works, struck him in a violent and
uncalled-for manner.
Officer Ciiaei.es Gerry and William
Turner had a row yesterday on Forbes street.
Tho officer tried to arrest Turner for fast driv
ing, when tho latter attempted to trip him.
Turner was arrested.
William Allen alleges that Arthur Knipe
robbed him of a silrer watch and $2 50 in gold
attbe cork factory picnic, held at Hulton last
One new ca6e of typhoid fever was received
at the Mercy Hospital yesterday, making the
total number received this week four.
The hotels all report a good patronage from
Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio visi
tors to the Exposition.
A XAHP exploded in the rear of 91 Logan
street, burning some clothing belonging" to
a Mrs. Lewis.
Many Grand Army
Gettysburg last evening,
mail train.
men returned from
Sixty camo in on the
J. 13. McCain was arrested in Allegheny yes
terday for striking Albert Lincoln on a West
Penn train.
Young Griffin was knocked down on Fifth
avenue by an Excelsior wagon.
A mvtle fell dead on a Rebecca street car
yesterday, delaying travel.
The Pittsburg Lawn 'Tennis CInb
Gaily Urges on the Flying Ball.
All the Matches Hotly Contested in Pres
ence of a Big Crowd.
The Pittsburg Lawn Tennis Club's tour
nament began yesterday, on the Center
avenue grounds, in the'presence of quite a
crowd of spectators. The play was uniform
ly good, and some of the games highly in
teresting. The most notable contest was that between
the Pittsburg champions, 3. A. Moorhead
and B. B. Beed, and thechosen of Altoona,
Messrs. Buch and Whelan. The first
set was fiercely contested, and for a time
wavered between the combatants. At one
moment it seemed as though Whelan's deft
backhand volleys and Bueh's mighty nerve
were about to carry off the v ictory; at an
other the Lawford-like, if somewhat
awkward-looking, play of Moorhead and the
steady strokes of Beed appeared to compel
success. Each side carried off five games
and started iu to decide the set. Both won
vantage games in turn, and in the excite
ment the play became a bit loose. However,
it soon picked up, and after a rilly worthy
of Eenshaw, between Whelan and Moor
head, the games stood 8 to 8.
The next game was sharply played
throughout, and finally ended in favor of
Beed and Moorhead, as also did the final
game, giving the first set to the Pitts
The second set, from start to finish, was a
triumph for the Altoona men. Game after
game was won, until, at 1-5, Moorhead be
gan to serve, and raised the score to 2-5.
However, Buch's slashing service in the
next game destroyed the rising hopes of
Pittsburg, an.d won the set. Score one set
all Dead silence now fell over the field,
and even the gaily apparalled youths who,
all the afternoon, could not resist the tempta
tion of displaying their grace and skill be-
a .l.n .. .. m . ... .. . A...... ... .1 ....... ...a nA......
iu;i: kuc auujiuu cjuvi ...icu.ivc ucau.j,
now threw aside their racquets and hastened
to witness the exciting struggle. Although
the majority of the spectators appeared to
be partisans'of the Pittsburg pair, yet they
were very generous in bestowing merited
applause upon their heroes' rivals.
Keed opened the service, and the first
game fell to Pittsburg. On the principle of
"turn about" being "iair play," Altoona won
the next; and so the fight raged until the
score stood 5-4 in favor of Pittsburg. Every
one expected another case of deuce games,
but the chances of war decided otherwise.
Suddenly the Pittsburgers summoned up all
their remaining strength, and won all be
fore them. A fatal miss of Whelan decided
the battle, and the home team were declared
victors by 2 sets to 1. Loud applause
greeted the conclusion of the game, which
decides the superiority of the Pittsburg
club over that of Altoona.
Another really; good game was played be
tween M. Christy and C. Woods, of Se
wickley nnd two "other Pittsburg racketeers,
Messrs. Barr and Painter. , The Pittsburg
ers got a ''whopping" in this case.
The score of tournaments for doubles ran
a; follows:
In the preliminary ronnd there were two
matches. Painter and Barr defeated Coster
and Hall 0-2, 3-6, 7-5, and Reed and Moorhead
defeated Porter and Childs 6-3, 6-2.
This left eight pairs of contestants for the
first round.
Christy and Woods defeated Osborn and
Way, 6-2, 4-6, 6-0.
Painter and Barr defeated Beed and Matson.
lO-O, O-O.
Beed and Moorhead defeated Landsdale and
Dinger, i-u o-u.
Buch and Whelen defeated Keller and
Brainerd. 6-1, 6-4.
The two matches of the second round were
won as follows:
Christy and Woods defeared Barr and
Fainter-G-l, 3-6. 6-1.
Keed and Moorhead defeated Buch and
Whelan-10-8, 2-C, C-i.
The surviving pairs are now Christv and
Woods, of Sewickley, and Beed and Moor
head, of Pittsburg. Tjhe championship
game between them will come off first thing
to day.
One single game was played yesterday,
between Baird Beed and Wray, the latter
winning by 6-3 and G-4. The day was ex
tremely fine, and the courts in splendid
order. Great things are expected for to-day.
Thirteen of tbo Objectionable BIcn Went
Into the Union.
The ice wagon drivers and helpers have
decided not to strike. At the meeting of L.
A. 7482, Knights of Labor, in Seibert's
Hall, last night, this action was taken.
Thirteen of the men who were not merabew
of the union, and over whom the trouble
was caused, were initiated into the Assem
bly. All the men are employes of the Chau
tauqua Ice Company, but there are others
on the Southside, who have not yet ex
pressed a desire to join L. A. 7482. If these
men do not come a strike may yet result.
Master Workman John O'Shea stated last
night that the men were members of the
order, but in other assemblies. They must
go into L. A. 7482, or a strike will be in
augurated against them.
A committee from the horseshoers' union
was present, and stated that their strike was
not yet settled. All of the master shoers
had not signed the scale, and those who had
not done so were turning their work pver to
the employers who had. A committee of
L. A. 7482 was appointed to work in con
junction with them, and extend all the as
sistance they could toward a satisfactory
settlement ot the strike.
Over 1.000 School Children Como to Tuko a
Last Look at Him.
The funeral of Alexander Hays McCand
less, the young son of Sherifl McCandless,
took place yesterday from the family resi
dence on Center avenue. Probably 1,000
school children and playmates of the de
ceased called at the house during the day
to take a last look at their former school
mate. The services were conducted by Kev. Pat
terson, pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian
Church; Dr. McClelland, of the Western
Theological Seminary, and Chaplain Mc
C.lbc, of the Fourteenth Begiment. The
music was furnished by a select choir, com
posed of well-known vocalists of this citv.
The pallbearers were six boys, playmates'
and schoolmates of the deceased. They
were Walter Kirkpatrick, Emmett Lowry,
George Armstrong, John Hazlett. Jr., Will
McCandless Brown and Charley McVay.
The floral . tributes were handsome and
costly. Among them was a representation
of the State coat of arms from the Four
teenth Begiment
Executive Members Coming.
The members of the General Executive
Board of the Knights of Labor, who are
coming here to investigate the trouble be
tween the M. M..P-TJ. and the-K. ot L.
musicians. Will arrive in the city Tuesday
next, on their way to St. Louis, where a
boardmeeting will be held.
Organizing? Pattern Makers.
President McGonnell, of the National
Pattern Makers' League, of this city, is in
Dayton, O., where he is trying to organize
the town. He established unions in Cincin
nati and Hamilton, "
. r U ' "Sf& - j.-wa
'It Seems to Bather Keflect on Some' People
Hers and Elsewhere Ho Lived In a
Shanty on the fllnff.
George Jones; a man of 60 years or more,
called on Superintendent Dean, of the Anti
Cruelty Society, yesterday and told a tale
of woe. Prom it and other sources it was
learned that Jones inherited some 18 years
ago considerable real estate from his father,
but about that time was injured iu a mill
and has never since been able to take proper
care of himself. The family scattered. A
sister married a son of the late Koddy Pat
terson, another married a New York busi
ness man -named Barbour and George's
brother Edward removed to Warren, O.
Jones says that 'Squire Bichards, of the
West End. was appointed a committee to'
look after him, and did so fairly well, but
never gave him any revenue derived from
the.property two houses on Bluft street,
renting for $21 a month. Jones had also ac
quired some p roper tyin the East End prior
to getting hurt. Jones says that after
'Squire Bichards died a railway company
got possession ot his East End property, and
he never realized a ceut from it and doesn't
know where it went. He says that a man
named George Britsleygot control of him
and his property, and since that time he had
gotten $1 a week until a jaonth ago, when
that failed also.
Some years ago Jones built a two-room
shanty on the Bluff, near the College of the
Holy Ghost, and turned a penny whenever
he could by mending shoes for people. Two
weeks ago, he says, his guardian took him
to Warren, Ov and there deserted him, leav
ing him penniless. George hunted up his
brother, who gave him a ticket to Pitts
burg. When he got back he found his
shanty broken open and his trunk also, and
the deeds for his property abstracted. Since
then a lady named Sloan has given him
Mrs. Sloan states that she saw Jones'
shanty broken into and his property carried
off; told Britsley that if something wasn't
done for Jones she would notify Dean; that
Britsley said he had sent Jones to Warren
to his brother. She learned that the brother
had borrowed $800 of George's money; that
the property had been sold to a man named
Colbert, who wanted to build on it, and re
fused to pay for it until George was re
moved, and that Miss Brickley told her
(Mrs. Sloan) that Britsley ordered Jones'
supplies stopped.
A lawyer has been engaged to right him
if possible.
The Beaver Falls Pauenser Train Rani
Into a Freight No One Hurt.
The Beaver Falls passenger train, on the
Fort Wayne road, due in Pittsburg at 730
r. M., collided with a freight train in the
Allegheny Park last evening. The freight
was pulling across the main tracks from one
siding to another, when it was struck by the
passenger train. Fortunately both trains
were running slow. The tender of the pas
senger engine was thrown from the rails, but
was soon replaced. Ko person was injured.
If you want the finest piano in the mar
ket, at the lowest possible price and easiest
payments ever offered, examine our Everett
Club, or Co-operative System. It offers in
ducements obtainable in no other way. Our
members pay $1 or more dollars per week,
and, at the same time, get the benefit of the
lowest possible cash price, on a contract for
350 pianos.
Even if you want to pay cash, it will save
you $75 in the price of your piano, and you
can get it at once. If yon cannot spare the
cash, we will deliver your piano on payment
of $25 cash and $2 50 per week, without in
terest. ,
If yon cannot pay so fast, come into the
club and pay ?1 per week, and you will get
your piano in a snort time. We deliver one
piano per week to the members on the $1
payments. We are now delivering pianos
on the first and second propositions, and, as
our membership is large' enongh to guaran
tee the success of the plan, we have de
cided to commence delivering one piano
each week to the members who pay $1 per
week on Saturday, September 2L Our
membership is limited to 350, so make ap
plication af once. Come and see us and the
piano, or send for circular.
Alex. Boss, Manager,
137 Federal st.. Allegheny, Pa.
At H. KIcber & Bro's.
Another of those wonderful Vocalion or
gans christened by Gladstone, sold by the
Messrs. Kleber & Bro. to a prominent Pro
testant church for use in their new and ele
gant church building.
The superiority and beauty of the pianos
and organs sold at Klebers' throw all others
completely in the shade, and intelligent,
musical and well informed people prefer to
deal at Klebers', knowing that the choicest
and the cream of musical instruments can
be had only at Klebers', 506 Wood street.
Teemer-Gnndnur Rncr, at McKeesport.
The B. & O. K. E. will sell excursion
tickets at rate of 70 cents for the round trip,
for special train leaving Pittsburg at 2:30
p. M. to-day, returning after the race.
An Item of Interest.
Jot it down in your note book, and if
you're around our store to-morrow come in
and ask for this advertised bargain. We
have now on hand a line of elegant imported
Vienna cheviot overcoats, fall weight. They
are lined throughout with a heavy ribbed
silt, have satin sleeve linings, and are fin
ished equal to the finest custom tailoring
work. The price of these overcoats shonld
be between $25 and $30, but we are going to
use them as the greatest advertisement we
ever had, and shall sell them at the low
price of $8. $8, $8. Come and get one at
the P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond
sts.,opp. the new Court Honse.
Como In Now and Seo the New Wraps
Latest styles now to be seen in our large
cloak and suit department
Jos. Horse & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Astonishikg How our country visi
tors are laying in a supply of winter under
wear, blankets, comforts, girls' dresses and
ladies' wrappers and tea gowns the low
prices attract them to the ever popularBusy
Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
Cheap dress goods! Fine dress goods at
the great bargain sale, come rain or shine,
Friday and Saturday, also Saturday night
Knable & Shustee,
35 Fifth avenue.
Don't Pnas by the Handkerchief Counter.
Great bargains here at 12)4, 15 and 25
cents plain hemstitched, revere and em
broidered, all pure linen.
Jos. Horse & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Pittsburg beer, brewed by Frauenheim
& Vilsack, is a product of home industry.
Call for it Drink it.
Telephone 1186.
Fob indigestion no remedy is so apt to
afford immediate relief as Klein's Silver.
Age Ky itwf
For best brands of pure rye whiskies, go
to Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First
avenue, second door below Wood street
Black goodsl Black goods! Great bar
gain sale, Friday and Saturday, also Sat
urday night. Knable & Shuster,
35 Filth avenue.
Wondebfcl How mothers save money
buying infants' cloaks, slips, caps., etc., at
Busy Bee Hive. cor. Sixth and Liberty.
The most eminent physicians recommend
Klein's Silver Age as a pure stimulant
jd-- -if
Jf- '
Great and Sall Were Preeei&to
thellegtieny Conacils.
The Latest Proposition to Furnish the Citj
liiih Para Water.
) . r: .
A number of the resolutions presented to
Select Councils were also placed before Com
mon Councils. 3Ir. Stayton wanted Coun
cils to declare the Miller oil refinery a
uuisance, but after considerable talk it was
decided to b'e'a question ot the courts, and
his motion was held'over.
Mr. Keeb asked-for a place in the parka
for the Armstrong monument and the vaca
tion of the sidewalks on the east and north
sides of the 'Carnegie Library. Mr. Mc
Donald wanted the Perrysville road from
the head of Federal street to the property of
Jacob'Born condemned.
Mr. Stauffer presented a resolution pro
viding that the City Solicitor be requested
to prepare an opinion for the next meeting
of Councils, stating as to whether the term
of the Mayorexpire in 1890 or 1891.
Mr. McGeary presented a proposition from
the Pittsburg Company to furnish the city
with pure, wholesome water. The company
propose to furnish the city with filtered
water for 20 years at 550,000 per year. They
reckon that it will be cheaper than extend
ing the supply pipe to Uine-Mile Island.
The latter plan at the estimated cost of
?1,500,000 would, bonds being issued at 4 per
cent, cost the city $60,000 peryear. The
matter was. referred to the Water Com
mittee. Mr. Stayton, from the Gas Committee,
submitted the report of the Committee on
Gas recommending the passage of the reso
lution awarding the contract for an electric
light plant to the Westinghouie Electric
Company for $141,158. The resolution was
adopted without discussion.
An ordinance was passed giving the De
linquent Tax: Collector $1,500 a year in ad
dition to the 5 per cent allowed by law.
A Black Diamond Laborer Badly Injured
br a Fellow Workman.
Henry Meyer, a German laborer employed
in the'BIack Diamond Steel Works, was
badly hurt about 'the head yesterday after
noon. The injury was inflicted uninten
tionally by a colored heater, Btchard Doug
las. The latter was engaged in turning
some piles of iron in his furnace, when a
fellow workman nearby accidentally
splashed his face with mud. Douglas be
came enraged, and suddenly withdrew the
puddle bar, with which he .was
working, from the furnace. Meyer
was passing the fnrnace at the
time and, as Douglas, whirled around with
the heavy instrument, he received a blow-on
the side of the head that stretched him on
the ground insensible.
A long, deep gash, extending from the
forehead along the side of the head to the
back, was inflicted by the blow, and the
skull was slightly fractured. The injured
man wis conveyed1' to bis home on Small
man street, near Twenty-sixth. His condi
tion is not regarded as dangerous.
The Arraitronit Monument to be Dedicated
With a Demonstration.
Thanksgiving Day, November 28, has
been set as the date for the dedication oftbe
Armstrong monument, in Allegheny Parks.
The sub-committee composed of J. M.
Kelly, William Margin and James Camp
bell met yesterday alternoon. They will
issue a circularto 'all labor organization!,
asking them to vote as to whether they will
take part in a demonstration on the date of
the dedication. The Cominitteesucceeded
in railing $3,500 for the erection of the mon
ument '
It is proposed to make the demonstration
the greatest turnout of the wageworkers
ever held in Western Pennsylvania. The
Mnsical Mutual Protective Union will give
one of the grandest military concerts ever
rendered in this country at the monument
The hand -will consist of 350 pieces. A
vocal concert, to take in several hundred
voices, will be arranged by the German
Trades Assembly.
Adam Amnion Married.
Adam Ammon, Esq., late of Allegheny,
married Miss Margaret LinnoC San Fran
cisco, on August 27. The ceremony was
performed by the Bev. Harconrt at the resi
dence of Mr. C. D.'Parkins.
Weakness, Indisposltitn to Work,
Headache, Dullness, Heaviness,
Lack of Appetite, Constipation,
all indicate that you need a few doses
of the genuine
Dr. McLane's Celebrated
They strengthen the weak and purify the
They are prepared from the purest
materials and put up with the great
est care by
Pittsburg, Pa.
Be sure you get the genuine Count
erfeits are made in St Louis.
for 23c per pair.
for winter, 50c; jnst came in and are
very comfortable.
Good valne. our
25c per pair.
::: T. T. T. :::
io'o Federal Street,
&mW BIWkO Tksv J
Tw Off BB4 JMM! M Xj?
Jake OfaMfe alHe dealer Hffag i
313 Art street, at tfce bead of Mm -'
tees A street teeHae, eoapkiaed Is tbu.
licekat sight that helwd kft betweea 7M .,
"Wlwre m yen get fte mewy?" arid I.
"Faith, I saved it, sir, fer a good maay
years, asd I came up to-night frees the
atables oa Thirty-third .street aad wet fete
apIaeeonPeflnaveaaeabeve AatwieWl
met a cattle man from BleeeaSeid tbatl
have known for a long time, bat I forget
his name, and he offered to make a bet wife
me on cattle. I forget more aboat oattle
than ever he knew, and I took oat my
ricketbook to show him and he baeke4 evt.
made a mistake and instead of hH(m it
in my inside pocket mast have dropped it
by my seat pocket and It fell, Ineie:
.There was between $700 and $eeojBit,two
$50 bills, five fives and the rest all la teas."
"Wh plaee were you in?"
"I forget .tfee stae of it I am so' beMmei
with the loss aad puizled."
Here Mr. Clancy smiled broadly aad said'"
evasively; "It wed to be ablg ina." Tha1" .
nearing enaea wita tne olfer of .$68 rewatdte
Dy Mr. Clancy to recover his $780.
Tie Ladles of the Two Cities Meet mad Hear
Reports oftbe Work.
The Pittsburg and Aliegheay auxiliary'
'to-the National Indian Associatka met yes, '
terday at 49 Stockton avenae. v
An interesting letter was read from Hisa J''
Emma De Night, of the Otea ageaey, Art, -,
giving a glowing description of tfcecksiBg
ceremonies at the school. ' t
It is expected that Mrs. Quiaton, Presi
dent of the Association, will be in Pittsburg
the latter end or the month to address the
society. Miss La Fileish, an Indian maiden,
has been Invited.
The Jadies are arranging with, the minis
ters of the various churches to hold aa
Indian day. -
The society reports $600 toward hailding
a church at San Jacioto, CaL Money is also
being raised for a parsonage.
- . . . 3e,'
No ordinary stock, but the biggest
and finest More new Dress Goods this'
week the already large variety of
Plaids Is still further increased by more
new ones, so this enormous stock of
sew Fall Dress Goods IS constaatfyl
growing larger. r2
The new Fall Millinery is very taking
and includes the very latest In Pattern
Bonnets and Hats; also all the latest
novelties In untrimmed Hats and Tar- -...
bans. Very pretty styles is Tarn
O'Shanters and other new shapes for-"
children's wear. ,
Stylish novelties in fancy Satin and
Velvet Ribbons, Birds, Feathers ana
other trimming novelties.
New Paris Novelties in Applique
Dress Trimmings open to-day compris
ing the handsomest assortment in the
city and at lowest prices.
All ready now with new Hosiery and
Underwear In medium weights for fall
wear we save you money on these ,
goods and yon get the best
Novelties now coming In dally In the ,
Cloak and Suit department in Cloth
Jackets and Long Garments In medium
weights, colors and black,
Onr display at the Exposition will he
more attractive than ever, many very
handsome new goods being shows.
The largest and most complete ex
hibit in Pittsburg In Silks and Dress
Goods ever seen is here in onr immense
store. By all means come and see this
wonderful free exhibit. i
t' '
mt .,
v -A
v r '
KB t