ESffW91 Has written for the next issue of the Sunday Dispatch a bright novelette "Andres Nor mainc's Duel" It is decidedly French-American, and is very interesting. FORTY-3TOTJIITH YEAH. OUT OF THE DEPTHS Extent of the Storm Wrecks on the Atlantic Coast Being Developed. MANY VESSELS STRANDED. The Loss of Life Will be Large, but Cannot Kow be Fnlly Told. THE1LLIXG SCENES OF EESCUES. Ulnny Tales of Suffering Related by ifac Survivor The Vicinity of Iietve. Dela ware, the Place Where Jinny Vessels Went Ashore Sailors Cast TbctnselTcs In Desperation Into the Angry Wae The Cruiser Atlanta Slav be Lost The Storm Away From Iho Land Countinc the Damage Alone lite Jersey Coast Tlin first Train Gets Into Atlantic City. The damage done by the great cyclonic storm along the northern Atlantic coast is just now being developed. There has been great loss of life from wrecked vessels along the coast It will take some time yet to tell the full extent of the disaster. IBrECTAL TELEGRAM TO Till DISrATCH.1 Lewes, Del, September 12. It is an other day at Lewes, with the rain falling in a steady down-ponr. The wind is lower, however, and it is not thought that the vessels now bea:hed which are worth any thing to speak of, will suffer any more in jury. There were new tales, both of hope and death, from the bay this morning. The captain and nine men oj the Katie E. Morse, which it was feared had gone down, have been saved after two days and nights of great hardships and are nowsafe at Lewes. They report, however, that the captain, and his crew of seven or nine, of the Philadelphia schooner, Walter P. Parker, were certainly drowned. They say they saw the men go down, one by one, almost before their eyes. No part of the Parker has yet been lound. Captain Peter Nelson, and three men of the barge Casilda, bouud to Philadelphia from Boston, camo ashore this morning in their own dory. ABANDONED THE WRECK. Their barge has probably gone to pieces. They abandoned it this morning after it had become full of water, and great beams were being washed out, imperilling their safety. The men were-Albert Mattson, James "Wil son and W. Dickson, all of Boston. The crew of the barge Towanda, of Phila delphia, are on the tug Argus, which took them after the celebrated old craft had be gun to break up and sink above the Brown shoals. The barge Wallace, belonging to Bartlett & Sheppard, of Philadelphia, and the barge St. Cloud, of Bath, Me., are re ported to have gone to pieces and great anxiety is felt concerning the fate of their crews. They carried five -men each, and it is feared they are lost. The brig Loyalist swung into the pilot boat Whilddia and knocked the bowsprit out of the pilot boat. The damage is not serious. The Loyalist is still afloat and in, good shape. The barge Bondout has weathered the storm splendidly, and is lying at anchor in the harbor. A barge of the Brandywine Granite Company, of "Wil mington, is also safe in the harbor. It was loaded with stone far the Gapway. THE OIL WAS LOST. The fog bell tower and frame on the western end of the breakwater was washed away during the storm, and is now lying on the beach near the hospital. Under the bell tower was kept the supply of oil for the light. The cil also went with the tower and was scattered along the beach. The lighthouse keeper reported that he only had supply enough left to keep the light burn ing last night and to-night. Any inability to keep the light aflame might have had disastrous results. This morning the em ployes of the Maritime Exchange averted that danger by collecting the scattered oil cans, and when opportunity offered launched their boat and conveyed it to the vbieak water. To-night the revolving light still flashes its guiding rays to the mariners seeking a haven of refuge. The crew of the schooner Kate E. Morse were taken offjust in time to save them from deatli. As they tumbled cut of the lifeboat on the beach they were so EXHAUSTED BY EXPOSURE and hunger that they reeled like drunken men and their cheeks were as white as a shroud. The masts, to which they clung, were visible above the shallow water that covers the Hawknest shoals, southwest of the Brandywine shoaL The sea was grind ing the vessel to pieces beneath them, and the mast swung helplessly in the furious gale. Just beyond them the crew of the un happy schooner, W. Parker, were clinging to the rigging of their rapidly sinking craft. The men were fighting with death all Tues day night and were almost hopeless, when new spirit was infused into their despairing souls by sight of a steamer bound down the bay. The vessel proved to be the lied Star 'tug Argus, under command of Captain "William F. Bernard. The tug blew a sig nal to indicate that he recognized their po sition and would do what he could to help them. It was so rough, however, that it was impossible for the tng to go anywhere near the wrecked men. Captain Bernard beaded his tug for the breakwater, where he inlormed Superintendent Clampitt, of the lire saving station, of the distress which he had. witnessed. He volunteered to tow the life boat to the scene of the wreck if the Superintendent would assent LITE BAVEBS "WORN OUT. Captain Clampitt said that his men had been on duty since 3 o'clock in the morning and were nearly exhausted, and as he had more work to attend to at his pesf, he thought it bis duty to remain where he was. Captain Bernard then started to return to the wreck and do what he could himself toward saving the men. In the meantime, however, Luckenbach's tug had arrived at the spot and laid by the wreck allnitfht, waiting and watching for an opportunity to effect the rescue. Finally, at 3 o'clock this morning, he succeeded in getting a line to the wreck, and the men watching their chance jumped one by one into the sea, and were safely drawn on board the tug. The tug turned and carried the men to the breakwater, where they were landed at the life-saving station by the lifeboat In the time between the moment when Captain Bernard, of the Argus, first saw the men in the rigging and his return, the crew of the Walter F. Parker succumbed to the fury of the elements and the weight of their own despair, and fell one by one into the sea and rose no more. It is thought by many expert seamen here that if, when Cap tain Bernard first came to the life saving station, a volunteer crew could have been raised among the pilots and other sea-faring men, the crew of the "Walter F. Parker also NIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. But, alas, no such such suggestion seemed to present itself, although there were fisher men and others near at hand who say they would willingly have gone on so heroic a mission of mercy. Captain Nelson of the barge Casilda, and his crew left for Philadelphia this after noon. The barge belongs to Morse & Co., the big shipping owners of New York. It left Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday last, loaded with coaL It was towed to the breakwater by Morse & Co. 'a own tug, and was dropped there to wait another tug. The captain had been forewarned of a gale by the newspapers, and anchored at Brandy wine shoals to await the passing of the storm. Captain Nelson said: "The storm was feariul, and we began to show signs of going to pieces. On Tuesdayafternoon at 4 o'clock wc put up signals of distress. The Morse tug came steaming up, and just looked at us. Just beyond us was another barge. I don't know the name of it. She also had signals of distress up. The tng passed away from us and steamed over toward that barge. In a little while a boat was lowered and a woman was taken off the other barge and brought on the tug, and the tug steamed away. It was fast growing dark, and soon we could see no more. The s'orm grew 2IOBE AND MORE TERRIBLE and our barge broke up rapidly. Soon it filled with water, and was almost flush with the sea. "We got into our dory. Still we did not wish to leave the barge. "We hung on astern of her until she seemed about to sint. Then we cast off to save our lives. "When daylight came we could see nothing at all of the barge that had been near us nor of the tug. "We worked our way by degrees through the terrible wind and Bea, and later in the morning we managed to get into the harbor and took refuge in a stranded schooner, and afterward got ashore. "We are pretty well worn out, but we are all right" The condition of the shipping on the beach is much as it was last nizht The handsome three-masted schooner W. B. Grace, which is ashore on the point of Cape Henlopen, is still in possession of her crew, who wouldn't leave her. She is a good deal haggtd. The Atlanta has seven feet of water in her. The Byron M., which was run into by the Unity B" Dyer, and had her starboard quarters cut away, is,in a very bad condition and is not likely ever to be worth much. The Major Tantum also is in bad condition. The four barges, the Tonawanda, Captain Clark, owned by John Schrader, of Philadelphia; the "Wallace, Captain Mclnvy, owned by Bartbel & Sheppard, of Philadelphia, and the St Cloud and Casilda, owned by Morse & Co., that were sunk at the Brown shoals in "the bay, are, of course, completely wrecked. THE PROBABLE" LIFE LOSS. The probable loss of "life on two of the barges may add materially to the roll of mortality. The vessels had crews of five men each. The loss by them would there fore be ten, and this added to the seven in the crew ot the "Walter F. Parker and the five of the crew of the schooner J. & L. Bryant, will make a complete list of 22 lost There is still a hope, however, that some of these, like the crew of the Kate E. Morse, may be rescued. Except for the destruction of the fog bell tower and frame of the Maritime Exchange station, the breakwater is all right. A ves sel was reported to have grounded in the Shears shoal, but that rumor is not verified. At daylight this morning the life-saving crew rescued the steward of the Mira A. Beed, and his wife from the rigging. The two had lashed themselves in the rigging on Tuesday evening and an attempt was made to rescue them then. Darkness closed in, however, before it could be eflected, and they were forced to remain there all night. They had only been married three weeks, and the voyage was their wedding trip. LIST OF THE VESSELS. Following isfi complete list of the vessels that came ashore near Lewes: Italian bark, 11 Salvatori; American schooner, Henry M. Clark; British schooner, Bvron M.; Ameri can schooners, Alena Covert, Gertrude bummers, lx. Jb. uecKer, 11. and L. Bryan, Maud Leonard, Mina A. Beed, Novena, Charles P. Stickney (total loss). Addie B. Bacon, S. A. Budolph, A. and E. Hooper, Emilv B. Dwyer, J. D. Itobinson; Ameri can ship, W.B. Grace; American barge. Timour; Danish bark, Atalanta; American brig, Bichard J. Green; American schooner. Major W. H. Tantum; Nettie Cbarapson; pilot boat, T. F. Bayard; barges "Wallace and Tonawanda and two others, names un known. There is great concern over the crew of the pilot boat Ebe Tunncll. She put to sea on Monday and has not been heard from. Pilots John Barnes, Lewis Bertram and James Bowland, Barry Hickman, son of Harbeson Hickman, and a crew ot eisht men were on board. The New Jersey pilot boat Edmons was blown across the bay and lies grounded on the Jersey coast with her sails into tatters. New York pilot boat No. G was driven in from the sea, but made anchorage safely. An unknown schooner is ashore at Behobotb, and the coast for miles down is reported to be strewn with wrecks. DIED IN- DESPERATION. The schooners Morse and Parker were lying within sight of each other. The men on the Parker took to the rigging several hours before those on the Morse, and late last night by their cries it was evident that they were suffering terribly. Early this morning nearly every man on both ships was almost dumb from exposure and almost stiff from suffering. Finally those on the Parker could stand it no longer, and the crewof the Morse saw one of the men tear away the cords that bound him, and, with a yell, consigned hiniselt to a briny grave. In a few minutes another followed his ex ample, then another and. another, until the last man, the' Captain, was seen to throw himself overboard and disappear in the angry billows. Those on the Morse were horror stricken at the sight they were compelled to view. The impression was forced upon the observers Ihat unless help soon came they would have to put an end to their sufferings in the same way as the other boat's crew. The Captain of the Morse kept his courage, and frequently urged his men to keep up heart as he still had confi dence that some one would come from the shore and render aid. ILL HANDS PKOBABLT LOST. The Tnto of a TbrerOInstcd Teasel on a Massachusetts Shoal. Chatham, Mass., September 12. A sunken vessel has been discovered on Pol- -j lock rip shoaL She is supposed to be a three-masted schooner with main mast gone. ys Jd Ha. - jv B av HFF J . ..l. .A.-.av A , 11 "B .a LWlV lW & kw r sflLW. ' "!Ts'M?'Tr 22B''-SPr53l F 'T3R?r" - ..-" . v - - if ij y .wjwjiwjs 3WWT. It is thought she was southward bound, and was running for the lightship in the thick weather last night It is reared that all hands were lost, as no aid could have reached them. AWAY FBOM THE LAND. How the Bis Oocau Steamers Got Through the Cyclone The Racers Made Good Time In Splto of the Wares. rsrECIAI. TELEGBAM TO THE DISFATCIM New York, September 12. Little by little the story of the disaster wrough by the cyclone at sea is coming in. A small fleet of steamers from foreign parts and along shore arrived to-day, and from their logs can be gleaned the first facts received of loss of life and property by the violence of the storm, as well as important information about the size and progress of the gigantic whirlwind which has made itself felt with such destructive force up and down the coast from New York harbor. Among the arrivals were the giant racers, the City of New York and the Teutonic, each having made a little better time than on their previous race westward, instead of having been delayed by the cyclone, and the City of Borne. The logs of these boats and of the Ham monia as well, show that the weather was remarkably fine all the way over until they passed the Georges banks. Even so far west as off Montauk Point, the weather, though stormy, was not what might be called bad, according to Pilot Shook, who left the pilot boat America there to bring in the City of New York. But not so very many miles off to the south of that point the 'pilot boat "Washington, according to Pilot Peterson, who brought in the Ham monia, was overtaken by such a hurricane on the 10th that, with the wind to the east northeast, she had to run before it to escape its fury for several hours. The steamer Boanoke, of the old Dominion Line, still further defines the limits of the cyclone. She ran into it on Tuesday morn ing at 4 o'clock when eight miles north of Cape Charles Not a sailing vessel sailed from this port to-day, and but one came in, the pilot boat Edward F. "Williams. The "Williams had put out her pilots, and then got a great tumbling as she clawed her way into port. She was the first of the "lame ducks" to show up in port The next was a steamer. Tha Lasselle, Captain Bendle, arrived in from South American ports, having left Bio on August 21. She got into the southerly edge of the cyclone on Sep tember 5, south of the Bermudas, and from that time on has been trying to pound down the seas all the way to Sandy Hook. When she reached quarantine she was a sorry wreck above decks. It all happened on the 9th and 10th. The Boanoke, of the Old Dominion Line, probably made the longest passago of her career. It is a 22 hour passage tip the coast, but it took her 60 hours to get here. Another ship that got a serious shaking up was the England. She sailed from Liv erpool on August 29. She got into the cyclone on Monday night, and had been wallowing through it ever since. On that night William Club, a coal passer, went up on deck, when a sea came on board and swept him overboard. The city of Borne arrived, having passed through 36 hours of the easterly gale. THE MISSIKG ATLANTA. Fcnrs Concerning the Safety of the New Cruiser She Started for Newport Just Before the Hurricane Cmne Not Heard From. JSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCH : New York, September 12. Going to sea in a gale of wind in a staunch vessel that has been tried and not found wanting is a comparatively safe undertaking, but it is far from sate for an untried ship to defy the elements. The United States cruiser At lanta was ordered to proceed to Newport last Monday, and under command ot Cap tain John Howell, she steamed down the bay and out over Sandy Hook bar soon after noon. Under ordinary circumstances she should have arrived at Newport about midnight on Monday, or, at the latest, by daylight on Tuesday. She ran into the teeth of what has proven to be a "northeast hurricane, and she has not been heard of since she passed Sandy Hook. "The officials at Washington who ordered the Atlanta to Newport are becoming alarmed at not hearing from her, but those at the Brooklyn navy yard feel no anxiety. Against the one possible chance of the At lanta's loss there are three very good chances of her being afloat One is that Captain Howell has run her before the gale toward Bermuda, another that he rounded Montauk Point and anchored in Gardiner's Bay, where there is no telegraphic com munication, and third, that she has been safely lying-to off shore, waiting for the storm to subside. "She has a crew of 325 all told, and naturally enough their friends may feel a little uneasy about them," said Commodore Francis M. Bamsay, at the navy yard to day, "but really I don't feel anxious about her, for when I commanded her sister ship, the Boston, we encountered a north east gale in which the ship laid to very easily. Of course she took some water aboard, but not enough to do any damage. There is only one uoint that might prove vulnerable, and that is the superstructure. A heavy sea'migbt carry some portion of that away, but the chances of such an accident are very slipht. I believe that the ship Is all right, and that she will be heard of as soon as the gale is over. Captain Howell would hardly care to make Newport in thick weather when he has plenty of sea room for his ship." Commander Francis M. Green and others said they believed that the Atlanta was either anchored in Gardiner's Bay, or lying to well off shore. They say that while she may be so low in the water forward and aft that the seas sweep her deck, yet she is buoyant enough to ride out any gale when put head to it under easy steam. ATLANTIC CUTS DAMAGE. It Will Not Accrccnte Half ns Largo as Was Supposed. Atlantic City, September 12. It is estimated that $150,000 will not cover the loss to Atlantic City and her interests; 550,000 is the loss to the Boatmen and Inlet Hotel and pavilion people. The damage to the beach property will aggregate 570,000. The city's loss on board walk, washed streets, wrecked lamps and city property in the main avenue will foot up another 820,000. Fifteen thousand people will leave here to-day and to-morrow. This will, of course, include many of the all-the-year residents. Many houses are in an untenable condition, owing to the had sewerage caused by the flood. FIRE IN MID OCEAN. The Flames Burst Forth on nn Atlantic Passenger Steamer. London, September 12. The White Star Line steamer Britannic, Captain Davison, from New York for Liverpool, which arrived at Qneenstown to-day, reports that on the morning of September B afire broke out in the cotton stowed under one of the port hatches. All the passengers, except a lew sturdy men from the Steerage, were kept away from the fire by lines stretched across the ship. The officers and crew, as sisted by the selected steerage passengers, then worked with skill and energy to extin guish the flames. PITTSBURG, FBIDAT, kABBEDBYTHEBiDr Closing Exercises of Pennsylvania Day at Gettysburg. NO PARADE COULD TAKE PLACE, And All the Exercises Were Held Under the Eoof o'f the Rink. FORMAL TRANSFER OF MONUMENTS. Fears That the Wet Weather May Canse Fatal Eesnlts to the Veterans. The final exercises of Pennsylvania Day at Gettysburg were greatly marred by the heavy rain yesterday. The parade did not take place, and the formal exercises of transferring the monuments took place iu the rink, instead of in the cemetery, as the programme had been arranged. Fears are expressed that the wet weather may cause fatal illness among the veterans. 1FKOM A STAFF COHEESrONDENT.J Gettysburg, September 12, 1889. . . -. 1 J. (IUUi UUUL1UU' I I ous rains have sadly marred the procefd ings during the past two days, but as a whole the celebration has been a success. The dedication and formal transfer of the monuments to Penn sylvania, commands participating in the battle of Gettysburg is over, and the enor mous crowds are dis appearing like mists before the rays of the sun. At least 55,000 persons attended the exercises, and Gettys burg has never had within its limits such crowds of people since the famous three The One Hundred and Second A Trophy Covered Monument. days fight They were happy, good na tured and well-disposed crowds, who bqre smilingly the many discomforts to which they were 'necessarily subjected, and plunged around through mud and rain with a smile of blissful content which was simply seraphic under the circumstances. There is no doubt whatever that the pouring rains of yesterday and to-day will cause much sickness and death among the veterans. Many of them have been wet to the skin for the past 36 hours, and have been unable or too careless of conseqnences to obtain the food and rest they sadly needed. a gloomy view. Major Swoger, of Post 1, and virtual com mander of CamrSam Harper, takes a verv gloomy view of the result of the reunion. In this camp over 7,000 men were quartered. All the tents were floored, but it was im possible to obtain sufficient straw and blankets to insure the comfort and health of the veterans. Major Swoger said to-day that he expected that the hardships ex perienced by many of these gray-haired, decrepit old men would result in many severe cases of sickness which would, in numerous cases, prove fatal. Shortly before noon, the hour set for the parade, rain commenced to fall heavily, and has kept up with a few short intermis sions all day'long. It was thereupon de cided to call the parade off, and the scene of 5. It Was Very Different to Years Ago. the monument transfer was changed from the National Cemetery to the rink in town. At 130 the meeting was called to order by Colonel Nicholson, in the absence of Lieu tenant Colonel George Meade, who was too ill to be present. PENNSYLVANIANS PRESENT. Among the persons on the platform were Governor Beaver, Secretary Stone, Auditor Samuel McCammant, Attorney General Kirkpatrick, General Blake, Lieutenant Governor Davies, the members of the Board of Commissioners and General Dan Sickles. The latter appearance provoked a pro longed outburst of applause from the 20,000 old soldiers present The widow and daughter of Major Samuel Harper were also present. The opening prayer wag offered by Bev. John B. Paxton, of Philadelphia. The transfer of the monuments to the Common wealth as represented by the Governor, was then made by Hon. J. P. S. Gobin, on be half of the Commission, to which was in trusted the duty of expending 250,000 of the State funds for the purpose of erecting monuments to fix the positions of the 86 Pennsylvania regiments participating in the three days' fight at Gettysburg. General Gobin referred in glowing terms to the late Major Samuel Harper, of Pitts burg, one or the members of the Commis sion. Governor Beaver, in accepting the monu ments, said no official duty had devolved Wia llff,"l'i(V,PniVlllLI)iliirai)i!lw i y ff I SEPTEMBER 13, 1889. upon him which wis more pleasant and sig nificant. IN EVERY rORTION. Upon ev.ery portion of this battlefield Pennsylvania played a prominent part, Pennsylvania men were prominent hi the first corps In Sickle's gallant, forward move ment and Pennsylvania men received the shock of PitketVs heroic charge on the third day. The Governor-then referred to the desire of the Pennsylvania Beserve Corps to be al lowed to pool their issues and erect a memo riaPin the shape of a hall. Governor Bea ver sympathized in this'desire,and,would be heartily glad to help the movement for ward. The legislative provision would not 2 "n-.-fl" A Scene Recalled General O. K. Warren, at Little Round Top's Signal Station. allow the .use of. the State funds in this manner. He thought, however, that some plan might be formulated, and he would be glad to help it along. Governer Beaver then made the transfer of the monuments to the Battlefield Memo rial Association, which acts as perpetual trustee, and Hon. Edward McPherson re sponded in behalf of the "association. THE OTHER FEATURES of the programme were the recital of a poem, entitled "Gettysburg," by Isaac B. Pennypacker, and a description of the first day's fight by Captain J. C. Bosengarten, and of the second and third days' fight by Brigadier General H. H. Bingham. There was a marked absence of Western Pennsylvanians in the audience, which is attributed to the fact that that end of the State had been slighted in selecting orators. There is considerable dissatisfaction ex pressed by members of the Sixtjthird and Seventy-second regiments over the location and character of the monuments, as chosen for them bv the Commission. Meat and Milk Inspector McCutcheon, of the Sixty third, was very emphatic in criticizing the Commissioner's action, and intimated that the regiment would file formal objections, Jenks. JOHN L. MIGHT BLUSH. Old Sports In Boston Say Ho Conld as Well bo Ashamed of Contrress ns Vice Versa A Stand ins Ambition. JSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 Boston, September 12. John L. Sulli van's decision to go to Congress has long been known to the sporting men of this city. His political ambition dates back to the time when Tom Denny was a member of Common Council -from Ward Twelve. When he finally made up his mind to enter politics, his friend Denny had passed over to the great majority, and Sullivan's am bition for several years was smoldering. Councilman William J. Mahone-has long been ariend of the champion, and when asked what reason Sullivan had for going to Congress, said: "Well, Sullivan is an American citizen, and if he so chooses he has a perfect right to try for an office within the gilt of the people. It is a laudable am bition to serve his constituents. If Sullivan went there, Congress would have no more reason to be ashamed of him than John would to feel ashamed of Congress. A season at the capital would just about be rich enough for his blood." Patsy Shepard was the one sporting man who hardly believed Sullivan was serious. Patsy did not see just why John wanted to go to Congress at present. "He shonid travel for the next few years, make a barrel of money, then try for political honors." Tom Drohan was giving lessons to a clergyman who has become very well known of late. He took the gloves off long enough to tell that "Sullivan would make a first class Congressman; he is just the sort of man we want, i am for Sullivan first, last and always, if he means it. I think he does." Isaac O'Neil Weis was not in favor of sending John to Congress, but said: "Why not make him Mayor of Boston?" Captain William Daley, Jr., and Ed Gager, of the last year's Legislature, both agreed that Sullivan would make a good Congressman. ANOTHER SHARON SUIT. Mr.. Burling Will Endeavor to Recover Iinree ums From tho Estntc. ISPECIAl. TELEORAM TO THE DIBrATCIT.l San Francisco, Cal., September 12. It is learned on the best of authority that-a suit will be brought in the Probate Court of this city to-morrow against the Sharon estate which will startle the financial world. The amount involved exceeds 53, 000,000. Mrs. Leonia Burling, widow of William Burling, a noted capitalist, who died in 1875, is the complainant She calls on the executors of Sharon for an account ing, and says that her husband's estate was taken by Sharon, along with the Balston property. Balston was her late husband's executor, and after "Balston's dea'th Sharon came for ward and asserted that Balston. who had been his benefactor, was an embezzler -of the funds of the Bank of California. Sharon took everything in sight belonging to the dead man. The heirs tried to evade pay ment, and the ultimatum was the suit. THE FUNERAL OF SUNSET COX. Many Thousand People Take an Oppor. tnntty of Viewing the Bemnins. . New York, September 12. The body of Congressman Cox lay in state to-night in the vestibule of the First Presbyterian Church, Fifth avenue and Twelfth street, from 4 p. u. to 10 P. M. Over 3,000 people passe'd before the guard of honor and viewed the remains. The Postoffice Clerks' Association, to the number of 300, marched to the church and placed upon the coffin a large floral emblem In the shape of an envelope and postage stamp, and bearing the mark of the New York postoffice. At 10 P. M. the body was taken back to lilr. Cox's house, from where it will be taken to the church at 930 o'clock to-morrow morning. GETTING READY FOE WAR. France and Germany Are Increasing Their Forces on the Frontier, Paris, September 12. The Estafette, M. Ferry's organ, states that Germany is about to place an army corps on the Belgian fron tier' and reinforce the troops in Alsace-Lorraine. The Autorile publishes a report that M. de Freycinet, Minister of War, intedds to double the strength of the army corps sta tioned at Nancy. IT PASSED SMOOTH,! Corporal Tanner's Resignation Did Not Canse a Sensation. HIS LETTER WAS DIG5IFIED. Speculation Concerning as to Who Will Be His Successor. GENERAL WARNER'S qHANCES GOOD. Ur. Tanner Will Be rroTided for, Cat How Is Sot Made Faille let The resignation of Commissioner of Pen sions Tanner did not create so much of a stir in political circles as was expected. The affair passed off very smoothly. Specu lation is now rife as to his successor. Gen eral Warner is thought to have the best chance. rsrECIAI. TELEORAX TO TITB PISFATCH.1 Washington, September 12. The resig nation oi Commissioner Tanner, which was delivered to the President after midnight last night, was all the talhuof the town to day, as it was of the whole country, but it was really only a few hours ot flurry, and then things began to settle back into their accustomed quiet channel. If anybody thinks that there will be any great kick among the members of the Grand Army on account of the enforced resignation of the Commissioner, they will find themselves mistaken, if the" temper of the veterans of this city is to be taken as a basts for judg ment. Messrs. Burdette and Burke, two of the leading Grand Army men of the Dis trict, both say that a little time will heal all the soreness eaused by the treatment of the "Corporal." The Grand Army people say they do not want a man in the office who will be so reckless in his rulings in the in terest of the granting of pensions as to bring the whole pension business into disrepute. THEY WILL BE SATISFIED with any good friend of the soldiers, and they know 'well enough that the President would not th'ink of appointing any other kind of a person to the vacancy. Nobody talks much about Tanner this evening. Already the speculation is merely as to 'the succession. Poole, the Pension Agent at Syracuse, is supported by Senator Hiscock, and has the advantage of being from the State which now holds the office. This is no mean advantage", as it is always UBedasa strong nrgumenteven in the matter of appointments to far more insignificant offices than the head of the Pension Bureau. Ex-Congressman Brown, of Cincinnati, who was a prominent candidate for the place when Tanner 'was appointed, is already in the held with a strong backing. Ex-Congressman Warner, of Kansas City, - is also strongly urged, and is believed to have the support of the Secretary of the Interior. He was the late Chief Commander of the Grand Army, and it is not to be sup posed that his appointment would leave any great animosity in the minds of mem bers of the organization on account of the removal of Tanner. GENERAL WARNER'S CHANCES. r He is a lawyer of fine abilities and knows the virtue of keeping his'moutbshut except when it isjiecessary to speak; and his utter ances are usually well weighed and given with careful choice of words. It is re ported here that he has left Kansas City for Washington, and this gives the rumor that he is most likely to secure the appointment Ibis assumed that the successor of Tanner was selected previous to the latter's removal. The reasons for the change in the office are those already stated as having Ied to the in vestigation recently begun, namely, careless business methods; making cases special in the interest of certain pension claim agents; reckless mating and pernicious activity with his tongue on the part of the "Cor-, porah" It is to be presumed that the report of the investigating committee will not be given fully to the public, as it is the desire of the President to smooth out the wrinkles of this first disarrangement of his administration as soon as possible. WILL TAKE ANOTHER PLACE. It is believed from the tone of the letter of resignation oi the Commissioner that he has it in his mind to accept another office, and if so, it will not be deemed advisable to have any greater row over his vacation of the pension omce than is absolutely neces sary. Several places are mentioned as hav ing been offered him, but they are mere . guess work. One is the office ot Becorder of Deeds of the district, now held by the col ored man Trotter,' appointed by Cleveland. As Tanner wanted the pension office partly as a matter of ambition, and as this am bition has been crushed, it is inferred that it he accept another office, he will go for salary rather than ambition, and as the office of Becorder pays from 812,000 to $15. 000 a year, it is thought he might have de manded this place as theprice of resigning without attempting to kick up a row in the Grand Army. MIGHT HAVE TALKED. It is fair to assume that if Tanner had not determined to accept another place he would have said something saucy about Noble and Bussey before this. As for the gentlemen last named, they give the most friendly accounts of the relations existing between them and the late Commissioner. They both assert there was no strain put upon the personal feeling between them and him, and Bussev actually declares that all he knows of the trouble is what he has learned from the newspapers. The probabilities are that Tanner will ac cept a satisfactory office, that Noble will get a lriend ofhis in the office of the Commis sioner, and that within a lew days the ad ministration family will be happier than it has been at any time since the row about .tanner began. GENERAL WARNER'S POSITION. General Warner, of Missouri, will reach the Capitol to-morrow morning to confer with the President in regard to the office of Commissioner oi Pensions. Close friends of the General say that he will not accept the office. Tho firm of Hoggaman & Warner simply as counsel for the Missouri, Texas and Pacific railroads, receive $15,000 a year, and they have a lucrative practice beside. General Warner is said to make between 515,000 and 320,000 a year by his law prac tice; on that account he refused a re-election to Congress. It is said by his friends, therefore, that he is merely coming on to consult with the President and smooth things over for the Grand Army. Friends of ex-Congressman Brown are urging on he President the necessity of ap pointing an .Ohio man, who is popular with the veterans, on account of the influence it would have on the election, and there is a pretty general impression late this evening that if Warner reluses to accept the place, Brown will be given the appointment. The President will not leave lor Deer Park until the question of filling the vacancy is settled. DIVERGENT STATEMENTS. In an interview to-day Coporal Tanner said: "The President did not aBk for my resigna tion, nor did ho advise that I reslcn. He as sured me, however, that tho investigation into tho affairs of the Pension Umce had developed nothing that reflected upon my honesty or my good intentions and said that it I remained in ofBce Secretary Noblo would resign. The dis memberment of a Cabinet is a very serious C was better that I snouia resign, since tho reasonable preju- uices oi nir.noDie coal l overcome. Secretarv Noble. there has been no break i : relations with Mr. Tanner. re was nothing personal in the the severance of their ofi to He also denies emnhatlcallr th quarrel with Secret ary Tracy; Private Secretary Maltord are one or two misstatements be corrected. No issue was ever Secretarv Noble to itin President whether he or Mr. Tanner-should go. NeU there was never any formal Cabinet con sultation about the matter, and tbere was no disagreement whatever among the memhers, much less any exchange of incivilities. The question was not at all In the Presi dent's mind whether one of two persons should go." MB.INGALLS-EIGUBES. The Nation la Getting; Wealthy at the Rate of $420,000,000 a Second, andho Soldier Should Have a Share Even Tanner Wae Too Slow to Suit. ' Arkansas City, September J2. The formal opening of the annual reunion of the old soldiers of the Southwest occurred to day at Camp Logan, where the veterans are encamped. On the platform were seated Governor Humphrey, of Kansas; Governor Hovey, of Indiana; Senator In galls, ex-Governor Anthony, of Kansas? Governor Hoyey's staff and several State officers of Kansas. Senator Ingalls was given an ovation when: he was introduced and arose to speak. In the course oi his re marks he said: The wealth of this nation increases $120,000, 000 with every tick ot the watch, and the sol diers have earned it all. Without him there would have been no treasury, no nation, and he is entitled to his percentage of it There were just three things that ought to be done. First, the limitations on pensions onght to be removed. Second, the disability pension bill ought to become a law; and, third, every sol dier who received an honorable discharge ought also to receive pensions. These were the results that Commissioner Tanner had sought to attain in his administra tion of the office of Commissioner of Pensions, and I honor bun for his high desires and brave efforts in behalf of tbe veteran soldier. The only fault I have to find with Tanner is that he did nochave two feet whilo he was in office, so that he could have made more rapid progress in the attainment of his policy. .THE LETTERS. Text of the Resignation and the Replv of the President. Washington, September 12. The fol lowing is Commissioner Tanner's letter of resignation and President Harrison's reply thereto : Department or the Interior, f Bureau or Pensions. Va3HTNGtok, D. O, September 12, 1581 ) To the President : The differences which exist between the Sec retary of the Interior and myself as to tbe policy to be pursued in the administration of the Pension Bureau have reached a stage which threatens to embarrass yon to an extent which I feel 1 should not; call upon you to suf fer, and, as tbe investigation into the affairsjof the bureau has been completed and, I am as sured both by'yourself and by the Secretary of the Interior, contains no reflection on my in tegrity as an individual or as an officer, I here with place my resignation in jour bands, to take e&ect at your pleasure, to tbe end that you may be relieved of any further embarrass ment In the matter. Very respectfully yonrs. James tanner, Commissioner. Executive if ansion. i Washington, September 12, 1889. ( Hon. Jsmes Tanner, Commissioner of Penslony BEABSnt Yonr letter tendering your res ignation of the office of Commissioner of Pen sions has been received and your resignation Is accepted, to take effect on the appointment and qualification of your successor. I do not think it necessary in this correspond ence to discuss the causes which have led to the present attitude of affairs in the pension office. You have been kindly and fully advised of my views Upon most of these matters. It gives me pleasure to add, that, so far as I am advised, your honesty has not at any time been called in question, and I beg to renew the expression of my personal good will. Very truly yours. BzNJAsnN Harbison. TICE PRESIDENT MORTON Is Taking a Hand In Naming a Commissioner of Pensions. rEFECIAI. TE1.EOKAJI TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington", September 12. Vice President Morton arrived hastily from New York late, yesterday afternoon. The visit of the Vice President was surely in the in terest of Corporal Tanner, but he saw Senator Hiscock before he went to the White House at 6 o'clock and made an appointment to dine with the Senator at the Arlington at 8, and it is doubtful if he was quite so fero-. cious for Mr. Tanner's retention as he was' when he left New York. The Vice Presi dent has not been entirely lost in the fight. He stayed with Senator Hiscock until al most midnight, and saw nobody. To-day Mr. Morton and the Senator went to the White House in the interest of Major Pool, ot Syracuse, for Commissioner of Pen sions. PRIVATE DALZELli INDIGNANT. Ho Issues an Open Letter on the Corporal' Politlcnl Death. rSFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCIM Caldwell, O., September 12. Private Dalzell has issued an open letter on Tan ner's removal, in which he says: If Corporal Tanner had been guilty, liko Belknap, of a crime and forced to resign for that cause, no complaint conld have been just ly made; but if his lack of pedigree, college learning, social status or money caused nis ae capitation, tbe soldiers will ayence tbe crime. They aro made to feel humiliated and degraded as a class. Caste has enmo to decide everything against the rank and file. The case is now made up before the American people, and it Is one of low caste and high caste. As the case now stands there is but one voice, and that is the universal indignation and condemnation of this political assasslnatlonias the sum of treachery, perfidy and fraud to the rank and file. A REAL KEIGN OF TERROR. Walker Township Fnnuors Train ns Vigi lantes for Protection. rSFECIAI. TELXOBAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Harrisburg, September 12. A reign of terror, similar to that which existed in the barn-burning district of Adams and York counties last spring, prevails in Walker township, Juniata county, about five miles southeast of this city. About three weeks ago the large barn on the Seiber farm was burned. On Thursday night last David Hettrick's barn was burned, and people began to talk of in vestigating. On Sunday morning the large barn belonging to William Kauffman was set on fire, and the loss was large. Thoroughly alarmed, the residents of Walker township were organizing to watch their properties. To add to their terror, the large barn of Matthew Bodgers was set on fire on Tuesday evening, just before dusk, and was entirely destroyed. The entire crop, nine horses and two calves were burned in the Hettrick barn. All of the burned barns were located within a mile of each other, and that the fires were of Jncendiary origin is beyond dispute. The Countv Commissioners have offered a reward of $500 for he arrest and conviction of the incendiary.- Detectives have been employed to ferret out the fire bugs, and every farmer in the neighborhood is watching his property with a gun. thing, and" I decided that, OHHV) I amsiaMssal oniissFaasHMe icinEfitv Kiswmmior avskaHlkikV thatPSssfcjiA . '"y'SSit.TPS."" Is the title of a sanstMaJ artNM by Mk. In' Leslie. It will afpettij te tMiWHim, The. power of good leeteaatf'gstsPare eea trasted in a hovel way. '-' THREE CENTSl ; THE FATE' OF GORDON Was the 'Conseqneace "of Bliad Conff-J dence in His Own fewer. AUTHENTIC limms 0F BTAILIT. Vo SeltkKMt of ti. & Mrt Mm 1st Eeea ArraBf&d. INVESTIGATING TIE AST WMSMttM. Ealfenr Dtat Hat Irish ttmmi MMMln A companion of Geoeral Gordeu 1mm es caped from Khartasai, and telk Mm story of his fate. Stanley la aarW for Mm eastern coast, whieh h will saaek sext month. Germany aad FroM ae Mk busy preparipg for possible; war. JBolfear has engaged in a ooBtrovsrsy wife Glad stone. Berlin, September 12. The last fete t doubt as to the manner of Geaeral.GewieB'j death in the heart of tbe Dark Caeta seat has been removed. A man ...whe saw the deed committed baa aihotad . W escape and is now in Berlin. Jr.Iriake, who accompanied General Gonle to Kiar toum and remained with his angl hi death, says that Gordon had unlimited oan fidence in himself and must have sakled the British as to his critical situation. Gordon's character, says Dr. I'riake, waa as obstinate as it was noble. His blindness, to danger and his deafness to the warnings ofhis friends caused his death. If he had so desired ha might have eseaped two' days before the fall of Kharteaa with all he Europeans in the plaee. ' He was speared by his own soldiers when he came to inspect them. Dr. Ericke, being a Mussulman, managed to escape masting his way down the Nile. During the journey he suffered many privations. He has sJaee traveled in Africa as a merchant Dr. Erlcke speaks well of Captain WW maun, but says that Dr. Peters is totally unqualified for the task he has undertaken. The chief causes oi the failures of the Ger mans in Africa, Dr. Fricke says, are the harshness they display toward the natives luiu- uib uimcuny mey una in suppurating; -the influenct of the Arabs. AflTWEBFSMSASim An Entire Village Has Vanished From the Face of tbe Earth The Offlcla In vestigation No British Tour , Ista Were Lost. Antwerp, September 12. Nothing re mains of the cartridge factory in which the explosion occurred on Friday last. The vil lage of Austruwell, which was situated 200 metres from where the factory stood, and which consisted of about 40 houses, has vanished. The hydraulic machines' used in the dry dock were destroyed, with the exception of tbe cranes. A number of merchandise depots, including the Prussian stores, which were constructed of iron, were overturned by the force of tho explosion and an immense quantity of goods was ruined. Two stained glass win dows in tbe Cathedral were broken by the concussion, hnt the building is intact. For a distance or from COO to 1,000 meters the windows of houses were shattered. Not a" drop of the burning petroleum got into the docks, the depots being surrounded by a high embankment. ' According to the official report, 135" per sons were killed, 20 are missing, 100 were seriously injured and 200 were slightly in jured. The story that several British tourists were killed by tbe explosion is not true. The Judge charged to conduct the In quiry into causes of the explosion has ap pointed experts, under Colonel Devos, to answer questions as to whether M. Cor vilain had conformed to the conditions under which his license was granted; whether "M. Corvilain's or M. Beith's premises exploded first, and what caused the explosion. The Pope has contributed $2,000 to the fund for the relief of the sufferers. STATUS OP THE STRIKE, No Compromise Has "Vet Been Reached. but Both Sides Are Hopeful. London, September 12. The dock com panies have decided to adhere to the offer made by them io raise the wages bf their men on January 1. The Secretary of the Surrey commercial docks has officially re fused to grant the terms demanded by the men's manifesto, bnt it is expected that the matter will be arranged, as the Southern men are only striking out of sympathy with the northern men. Australia sent an additional contribution of 700 to the strikers' fund to-day. The Mansion House Strike Committee announce that a more amicable feeling prevails on both sides, and that only extraneous ques tions now prevent a settlement, which It is hoped will be attained to-morrow. Some city gentlemen, believing that the Austra lian contributions to the strikers' innd have been sent under a wrong impression, have sent a cable dispatch to Australia with the view of preventing further remittances. The Pall Stall Gazette suggests that an organization be formed for tbe purpose of raising the 10,000 necessary to pay the dock laborers 6d per hour from November 1 to January 1. The Gazette says that a lead ing business man of the city has offered to contribute 2,000 for this purpose on. con dition that the remaining four-fifths be sub scribed immediately. STANLEY BOUND FOR THE COAST. He Is Expected to Arrive There Aboat the End of October. Brussels, September 12. A cable dis patch from Zanzibar to the Government of the Congo State says: Henry M. Stanley, on leaving the basin of the Albert Nyanza, endeavored to make his way southward by passing to the west of the Victoria Nyanza. He failed, however, in this attempt. Ha went northward and reached the eastern, shore of the lake. Emia Pasha accompan ied him. After a long stay on the borders of the lake awaiting supplies from Msslsta and Tabora, Stanley, leaving Emin Pasha, marched in the direction of Hombassa. He is expected to reach the eastern seacoast about the ead of October. SALF0UR TO GLADSTONE. He Denies Thnt tho Irish Pollllcal Prison" era nre Improperly Treated. London, September 12. Mr. Balfour has written a letter in reply to Mr. Gladstone's remarks on prison treatment in Ireland, in which Mr. Gladstone commented upon the case of Mr. Conybeare as showing an absence of right judgment and human feeling. Mr. Balfour denies that the prisoner is suffering from a disease that justifies his release. He says that the general treatment of Irish prisoners is more lenient than the treatment of English prisoners, and that of all classes of Irish prisoners, those convicted1 under the Crimes act obtain the largest share of prison relaxations. 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