Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 11, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Improved Tone All Alon? Com
mercial Lines Beported.
Boom in Carriage Hardware, and an Ex
position Stimulus.
Office of Pittsbubg Dispatch, 1
Tuesday, September 10, 1SS9.
A decided change has come over the busi
ness barometer, and for the better, in the
past ten days. In every line there is an im
proved tone, and it is evident that the worst
is past. Among our merchants there is gen
eral hopefulness and good cheer, and if tee
do not have an extra fall trade, there will
be general disappointment in business cir
cles. Even cereals, which in this region are
more abundant than they have been for
many years, begin to feel the effect of the
improved tone to markets. There never was
a better crop of wheat, oats and hay through
out the territory of which Pittsburg is the
center, and for the past month markets in
cereal lines nave dragged, with a general down
ward drift. Tnis downward tendency has at
last been arrested, and markets show a healthier
tone for tbe past week. It will be seen, by
reference to our domestic market column, that
oats, bay and mill feed bave taken an upward
tnrn within a few days.
Roots nnd Shoes.
A leading jobber in tbis line thus puts tbe
past,prescnt and future of the trade: "Our sum
mer trade in volume was larger than ever be
fore. We sold more goods in the months of Jaly
and August this ear thait we did in tbe same
months of last year. We have not sent out as
many salesmen, having concluded to let the
Southern and far Western trade go. but not
withstanding this our aggregate sales since tbe
1st of January last have been larger than for
tbe corresponding period of last year.
To be sure, margins of profit have
been closer than ever before; but
there is ol late a tendency toward
better prices.. Leather is looking up and shoes
ar following close. There is now very little
city demand lor boots. Concress and lace
iinA. .. ,tin nnri b::ttnn and lace shoes for
ladles and children are all the go of late. ery
few calf boots aie sold as compaied with a
lew years ago. Heavy upper and kip boots for
country trade are the principle article in tbis
line we handle these dajs. The city gentle
man who now wears a calfskin boot is an ex
ception: whereas, a score of years ago, he was
the rule. Boots now are onlv used to any con
siderable extent by tbe country people, who
must needs tramp into swamps, and through
briar patches.
"Tbe rubber trade is better than a year ago
at this time. Rubber boots are moving out
freely. The Candce Rubber Company, of New
Haven, whose goods have been ou the market
for 40 cars or wore, have recently notified us
that thev find a difficulty meeting orders, and
that their supply of rubber boots is exhausted.
If the coming winter makes an early start,
manutacturers of rubber goods will have all
they cau do to meet demands. You may say
for our firm that we bave seen no time when
the fall outlook for the boot and shoe trade was
better than it is right now."
Cnrriaee Unrdware.
There are four firms in this city engaged ex
clusively in handling this line of goods. A
representative of one of these houses, in an in
terview to-day, said: "Our August trade was
larger than any previous month. We were
most agreeably surprised in posting up our
books for that month to find that our volume of
trade was 35 per cent better than for the previ
ous August. September, so far, shows no
signs of a falling off in business. We turned
out m ire good- j esterday than w e ever did be
fore in one day.
"Jobbing trade in winter goods, such as
blankets and robes, is now at its best. Saddlery
and carriage goods hold up unusually well.
The fall outlook for trade was never better.
"Collections, which were slow a few weeks
ago, bave greatly improi ed since the beginning
of the month, especially in rural districts;
the abundant crops are being turned into money
oy the farmer, and we already feel the good
"Besides the Exposition has been a help to our
trade, and will be a greater help further on.
Our mails show that customers are coming,
ard all signs point to tbe largest fall trade we
bave ever had. The little money our firm put
iuto life membership in the Exposition Society
uasaircaay come uacK in increased volume ol
trade, and we will get our own' back manv
times over for that in estment."
The Condition of Business nt tbe East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Tuesday, September 10, ISS9. J
Cattle Receipts, 20J head; shipments. 400
head; market fair; butcher cattle a shade
better; no cattle shipped to Xew York to-day.
Hoos Receipts. 1,100 ncad: shipments, "soo
head; market slow; best light Yorkers, S4 403
4 SO; medium and light Philadelphia, 54 25
4 40: heavy bogs, SI 104 25; 1 car of hogs
shipped to NewYork to-dav.
Sheep Receipts. 2,200 head; shipments, 1,400
head; market firm; prices unchanged.
By Telecrnpli.
CHICAGO Cattle Receipts. 8,500 bead;
shipments, 3,000 head; market slow; 10c lower;
choice to extra beeves, 4 301 65; steers.
12 S04 40; stockers and feeders. S190300;
cows bulls and mixed. 51 203 00. Texas cattle.
SI 303 00: Western rangers, J235380. Hogs
Receipts, 15.000 head: shipments. 5,000 head;
market vronr. closing weaker: mixed. $3 7a
4 40; heavy, WC5g4 15; light, $3 S5470; skips.
3 504 40. Sbecp Receipts. 6,000 head; ship
ments, 1.500 head; maiket steady; natives.
S3 401 60: Western. $3 5034 10;Tcxans. S3 40
4 00; lambs. $4 2J5 U0. The Drover? Journal
special cablecrara from London quotes lighter
Eupplies of cattle and better prices. Medium to
extra American cattle, 1012c per pound, esti
mated dead weight.
New York Beeves Receipts, 320 head, all
for exportation and city slaughterers direct; no
trading in beeves. Market dull for dressed beet
at 5c per pound for native sides, and at 45c
for Texas and Colorados. Exports to-dav 450
beeves and 3,060 quarters of beet Calves--Re-ceipts,
250 head; market slow, but steady at 5
fee per pound for veals, 2$3xc for grassers and
buttermilk calves and at 4i7c lor western
calves. Sheep Receipts, 2,Ouo head: market
firm for both sheep and lambs, and all sold
sheep. S2 50g5 25 per 100 pounds, and lambs
S3 0007 25. Hoes Receii)ts.4.4noiiK!irt- t,ti-o
dull and nearly nominal at $4 304 75 for live
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 6,050 head:
shipments, 2.624 head; market slow, but about
tbe same as esterday; good to choice cornfed
steci, S4 OO34 25: common to medium. S2 80
3 75: etockers and feeding steers, SI 603 10
cows. SI 3d2 50: grass ranee steers, SI 60
2 70. Hogs Receipts. 4.030 head; shipments,
67 bead; market strong to 510c higher, but
closed weak and a shade lower: good to choice
light, S4 17KG1 17K: heavy and mixed, S3 40
64 10. Sheep Receipts. 710 head; no ship
ments: market steady; good to choice muttons.
S3 503 7o; common to medium, S2 003 25.
Poor GrndlnK Favors the Bulls In the Wheat
Fit Melt Cables Lend Additional
Strength and Hither Prices
Established Corn and
Onts Sironeer.
Chicago. Prices were advanced in the
wheat market to-day in tbe face of
sick cables, public and private. The initial
strength and He higher on opening was duo to
the execrable grading of the receipts and the
small -percentage of No. 2 in elevator stocKs
here. Only seven cars out of a total of 338
graded contract, or 2 per cent, the grain regis
trars reporting over the total quantity on hand
a year a,jo. when Hutchinson began his corner,
and that operator is now, on the authority of a
morning paper, between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000
bushels long of the market.
The feeling gradually worked firmer until a
gain of Jlcover yesterday's closings was
established, but a slight reaction just at the
finish left the net gain for the day c. Be
tween 12 and 1 o'clock the market was bullish
on rumors that the Government crop report,
dne this afternoon, would show three points
reduction in the average condition of spring
wheat. The trading to-day was mainly in De
cember and May.
A moderate business was transacted in corn,
and the market was somewhat firmer. It
opened 0 above the closing prices of yester
day and under liberal purchases by one or two
large houses advanced J5c Offerings then
became larger, the local crowd selling freely,
and the market reacted JiSJe'c, rallied when
the estimates for to-morrow came in, and closed
Hiic better than yestefday.
A stronger leellng developed In oats, and
prices advanced Jfi Jc Trading was more an
imated, but centered chiefly in May, which was
purchased quite freely by several heavy opera
tors. Tho nearby deliveries were not ottered
with any degree of freedom, and prices appre
ciated slightly.
Rather more business was transacted in pork,
and tbe feeling was somewhat unsettled. Prices
ruled 7075c lower early, but rallied to medium
figures, closing quiet. On the other band, Jau
uarv showed more steadiness, ruling at abont
esterday's figures.
An easier feeling prevailed in lard, and trad
ing was onlv moderate. Prices ruled 2K5c
lower, and tbe market closed quiet at meuium
Short ribs were quiet and the feeling easy.
Prices ruled lower for the near, but steady for
the deferred deliveries.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows-
Wheat No. 2. October. 76764'7676c;
December. 77J467t77J78ic: ear, oya
78K75?i765c: Ma. bl&&s2'8182a
Cobs Ho. 2, October, 334&3dK&33
33VCc; November, S33333KGc; JJecein-
oer. MuweC
Oats No. 2. October, 19Wl9KWz
November. ll19Jc; May. 232c
Mess Pork, per bid. October. Sll 50gU GO
11 35li 40: lear. SS 70458 82U(S!8 70(38 B2i:
January, SS S7fi&i 90S 97Jg 05.
Lard, per 100 lbs. October, S5 905 87;
year, $5 Tih 70; January. $5 72 5 755 72
5 75.
Short Ribs, per 100 lis. October, $4 90
4 924 85S4 SO; January. S4 60.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 76Jc: No.
3 sprinc wheat, 64g66c; No. 2 red. 76a No. 2
corn. 33c N a 2 oats, Wiic N o. 2 rye. 41c
No. 2 barley. 60S62c K. 1 flaxseed. Jl 2).
Prime timothy seed, , SI 26. Mess pork,
per bbl, Sll 35ll 40. Lard, per 100 bounds,
to 95. Short nb sides (loose), $0 055 10;
dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 .W4 62;
short clear sides (boxed). So 375 50.
Sucars, cut loaf, unchanged Receipts
Flour, 16,000 barrels; wheat, 125.000 bush
els; com, 513.000 bushels; oats, 241.000 bush
els; rye, 25,000 bushels; barley, 61,000 bushels.
Shipments Flour, 13,000 barrels: wheat, 212,
000 bushels; com. 434,000 bushels; oats, 117,000
bushels; rye, 42,000 bushels; barley, 14,000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was higher: fancy creamery, 2021c;
finest gathered creameries 17218c; finest
dairies. 1516c; fair to good. 910c Eggs, 16c
New York Flour dull and barely steady.
Wheat Spot stronger and dull; options mod
erately actn e, Kc higher and firm Corn
Spot higher and quiet, light offerings; options
fairly active and stronger. Oats Spot firm,
K5c high and quiet; options fairly active and
stronger. Coffee Options opened steady, 5
10 points down, closed firm, unchanged to 5
points up; Bales, 49,000 bags. Including Sep
tember, 15.S0C; October, 15.8015.90c; Novem
ber, 15.8ul5.90c; December, 15.8515.95c;
January, 15.8o16.00c: Februarv, 15.S0
15.95c; March. 15.9016.00c: April, 15.9516.00c:
May, 15.9516.00; August, 15.9516.00c. Sugar
Raw strong and in fair demand: sales of 11,000
bags centrifugals. 96 test, at 16Kc: 350 hogs
heads and 200 bags muscovado,89 test, at 55c;
refined in good demand. Cottonseed oil quiet;
yellow, 4041c Tallow weak; city ( for
packages). 4 13-1 6c. Turpentine quiet and
steady. Eggs firm; western, 1719c: receipts,
7,467 packages. Pork strong. Cutmeats firm;
pickled, 120 lbs.. 6Jc bid; mixed strong. Lard
Spot dull; options active: September and Octo
ber lower: new crop firm: western steam, S635;
sales of September at S6 306 36; closing at
SO 30: October. S6 2S06 30: closing at SB 29
asked; November, S617aked; December. S 10
t" , wiraiui; at cu 10 askeu; January co luirg
0 14, closing at S6 1 asked; February, S6 18;
March, S6 21. Butter firm; western creamery,
1521c Cheese firm; light offerings.
St. Loris Flour steady and quiet. Wheat
higher; early cables were dnll and lower, but
later came in firm: on ocean showed 32,000
bushels, a decrease, and estimates from Europe
were for larger requirements than had been
figured on, all of which tended to advance
prices, and the close was Jfs?Sc above yester
day; No. 2 red, cash, 76&c: September, 76c
closed 76Jie bid; October. 7576Vc closed
76Kc; December, 7677Jc closed 77cbid:
May. 81S2Jic closed 2c asked. Corn
higher; trading light; No. 2 mixed, cash, 30c;
October, 30K30c closed 30?S30c bid; De
cember, SQUMlic, closed DOc bid; Jannarv,
30c, closed 29c bid; May. 32J4c closed 32l
32Jc bid. Oats higher: No. 2 cash. 18c bid;
May, 22?i22Jc closed 22c bid. Rve. quiet
and easy; No. 2, 38c bid. Barley, nothing done.
Flaxseed higher; $1 21. Provisions dull.
Philadelphia rlour dull. Wheat No.
2 red quiet and weak: high grades firm; No. 2
rco, eptemoer,.M(ijac; October, 8080Xc:
November. 81esl:fc; December. 6282S4c.
Com Options steady, but quiet: carlots dull
and a shade weaker; No. 2 high mixed in Twen
tieth stieet elevator, 42?c; No. 2 mixed,
September, 41J12c; October, 4142c; No
vember, 4243c; December, 41li!c Oats
Carlots lower; No. 2 white, 2b'c; futures
quiet but steady; No. 2 white, September,
26426c: October. 2727c; November,
2S&2Sc; December. 2S2!"4c. Butter Fancy
creamcry scarce and firm; poor grades plenty
and dull: prints in good request and firm. Eggs
firm: fair request. Receipts Flour. 700 barrels,
wheat, 10.900 bushels; corn, 10,800 bushels: oats,
28,200 bushels.
But Business Making Haste to Get
Squarely on Its Feet Again.
Activity in the Wool Trade, With Values
About Fixed for the Season.
Cincinnati Flour ip moderate demand.
Wheat firm; No. 2 red, 76c; receipts, 6,000
bushels: shipments, LOOO bushels. Corn firmer;
No. 2 mixed, 35c Oats firm; No. 2 mixed,
2IK21c. Rye scarce; No. 2, 46c Pork quiet:
at Sll 37. Lard easier at So 85. Bulkmeats
dull; short ribs, S5 12. Bacon steady and un
changed. Butter strong and higher; fancy
creamery. 2223c; choice dairy, ll12c. Sngar
steady. Eggs firmer at 14c Cheese strong.
Milwaukee Flour dull. Wheat firm;
cash, T3c: October, 73Kc Com dull; No. 3, 83c
Oats quiet: No. 2 white. 22c Bye easier; No,
1. 42c Barley unsettled; No, 2 September,
555$56c Provisions easier. Pork Cash,
Sll 40; October. Sll 45. Lard Cash, $5 90; Oc
tober, S3 95. Cheese unchanged; Cheddars, S
Balttmore Provisions steady. Batter firm;
Western packed. lOSJMe: creamerv. 17fi)18c
1 Eggs steady at 19c Coffee firm; Rio cargoes.
lair, iac
Toledo Cloversecd steady and dull; cash
and September, SI 3a
A Fourth avenue real estate dealer re
marked yesterday evening: "Business is
in good condition, and gives promise of
great activity during the fall and winter.
Values are very firm, with advances in some
cases, but I do not think they will go much
higher. On the other hand, they will not
decline. I think this is a good time to buy.
There is considerable cheap property on the
market which will soon he picked up. I
am negotiating several important deals, in
cluding two or three business sites, which I
expect to close up in a few days."
More wool was sold last week in the seaboard
markets than for some time past, and prices
were fully sustained on the basis of the re
duced quotations. The outlook for woolen
goods is somewhat better, contracts being se
cured readily, and the manufacturers, to that
extent, are more willing buyers of material.
The margin, however, between tbe current
cost of wool and the returns for goods is too
narrow to afford much satisfaction. The
strength of the market is due principally to
the fact that high prices were paid by the
dealers for the staple which they bave in store,
and nothing short of absolute financial neces
sity will induce them to make further con
cessions. The prevailing opinion accordingly
points to a steady trade on about the present
level of values.
The $400,000 deal for manufacturing property,
though still worked for a mystery, is making
progress. About $50,000 has been paid S20.000
yesterday on tbe purchase, and tbe remaining
payments will be made before long. Tbe gen
tleman managing tbe transaction still refuses to
give the details, on the ground that the princi
pals object to the notoriety that publication
would give them. Asked yesterday to locate the
property, he replied: "I am not at liberty to do
so, but I will say this: I could send a ball from a
five-pounder to It from Fourth avenue."
Labor organizations are moving to have Labor
Day made a national holiday. The holiday this
year was very widely observed in many States,
and this observance has acted as an impetus to
the movement for a still more pronounced rec
ognition of the day next year.
The Western mortgage business is being
pushed for all there is in it and perhaps con
siderably more The Honker's Monthly gives
the farm mortgage indebtedness in Kansas as
$235,000,000: Indiana, $035,000,000; Iowa, $567,000,
000; Michigan. $500,000,000; Wisconsin, $357,000,
000, and Ohio, $1,237,000,000.
With the return of investors from their vaca
tions, the business in mortgages improves.
Thirty-nine were recorded yesterday, the two
largest being for $35,000 each. Some of them
were for very small amounts, two being for $50.
two for $75, and one for$S0. There is still
plenty of money seeking this investment, but
rates show a hardening tendency.
The Wall Street Kews thinks Vice-President
McCrea, of the Pennsylvania Company, is a
lucky man, and adds: "In the natural order of
things having reached the Fourth Vice-Presidency
of the Pennsylvania Company, bis pro
motion would have been slow, but John D. Mc
Cullongb, the First Vice-President, is now an
old man, and was many years in getting to that
position. Now William Thaw, the Second
Vice-President, is dead, and Mr. Messier, Third
Vice-President, is ill. Thus the way is paved
for Mr. McCrea to go right to the head of the
company when he is barely 40 years of age. It Is
fortunate for the company, under tbe circum
stances, that the promotion is merited."
Current railway earnings continue to reflect
the growing prosperity of the companies. As
compared with last year the gross earnings of
41 lines for the fourth week in August in
creased 12.91 per cent, and for the month of
August 52 lines increased 9.89 percent, it bile
for the third week in August 87 lines increased
gross 11.66 percent This is certainly a good
exhibit and accounts for the bullish feeling in
Wall street, concerning which Jay Oould said
on Monday: "Each day conditions improve.
The market appears to be in first class trim.
There is no doubt about its going higher."
Owing to the failure of the Baku oil wells
and agricultural depression, the Russian
nobles are rushing to bankruptcy in great num
bers. The credit bank for lending money to
them on mortgage of their land, established by
the Government two or three years ago, has
now no less than 2,000 estates which will have
to be sold by public auction at the end of this
year for the non-payment of interest on loans.
unchanged. Small notes were scarce. The
clearings were 81,568.210 54 and the balances
$335,557 72.
According to BradttreeVt In only five in
stances are decreases in bank clearings reported
for the month of August, and they, with but
one exception, are small, the decreased totals
for the month, amounting in each instance to
less than $5,000,000. The only important In
stance where a decline Is shown Is San Fran
cisco, amounting to L3 per cent. The other
Aufcnstdecl'nes are at Lowell, Grand Rapids,
Topeka, Norfolk and Los Angeles. Denver,
Fort Worth and Dallas show tho largest pro
portionate gains.
The August total at Denver is 64 per cent
larger than tbe corresponding total in 18S8,
and twice as large as the like total two years
ago, and nearly three times as large as the ag
gregate for 1886. Fort Worth and Dallas report
clearings for August about as large again as
in August 18S8. Among the other cities ap
pearing to do remarkably well may be men
tioned Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cincinnati,
Louisville, Chicago. St. Louis and Milwaukee.
Money on call atNewYcjrk yesterday was easy
at 24 per cent, last loan 2: closed offered
at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 57. sterling
exchange quiet but firm at $4 84 for 60
day bills and $4 8S for demand.
Closing; Bond Quotations.
M. K. AT. Gen. 6s .58
Mutual Union 6s.... W1X
N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .113.,
Northern Pac lsts..lHK
Northern Pc. 2ds..HJ
Northw't'n consols. US
Northw'n debens..H5
Oregon ft Trans. 6S.105
St. 1.. 4I.M. Gen. 5s 87
St. L.1SJ. Uen.Jl.l"
Si. Paul consols ....1
U. S. 4s, re 127
U. S. 4a. eoun 12S
U. 8. 4H, re W5
U. 3. 4K3, coup.... luaj)
Plrlflr.tmnrig.'i 118
Loulslanaa tampea Is 83Si
Missouri 6s 10O?s
Tenn. new et. 6s. ...101
Tenn. new set. 5s. ...104
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 733f
Canada So. 2d 3 9b5,
Oen. 1'aciaclsts 1144
Urn. It. ., lsts...lZ2,u
Den. & K. O. 4s llli
I.&K.G.West,lsu. 103
Erle.2ds 104
M. K. &T. Gen. 6s.. 634
Government and State
and dull.
Tx., Pc.L.G.TtKs.SSK
Union Pae. lsts "5
West Shore UBK
bonds were firm
New York Bank clearings, $147,112,674; bal
ances, $5,770,429.
Boston Bank clearings, $13,563,307; balances,
$1,634,091. Money. 23 per cent.
Baltimore Bank clearings $1,022,769; bal
ances. $201,427.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, $10,569,785;
balances. $1,834,416.
London Tbe amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is 21,
000. Bar silver, 42s d per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, 86f for the
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear,
ings, $11,033,000.
ST. Louis Bank clearings, $3,210,797; bal
ances, $724,029.
Pat Oil Up, nnd Realizing Pnt it Down
Brokers Surprised.
Tbe pipe line report posted at the Oil Ex
change yesterday was very bullish, as had been
anticipated. It showed a decrease in round
numbers of 800,000 in stocks and 1,200,000 in cer
tificates. That such statistics should cause an
advance was quite natural, but that a slump of
y& should immediately follow was unex
pected and surprisln g. Tbe market was strong
and higher in the forenoon and weak and lower
in the afternoon.
Based on tbe bullish report, the first quota
tion was 100. Buying here and in the East
soon put the price up to 100 the best of tbe
day. In the atternoon the longs thought it was
a good time to realize, and sold the market
down to 99, tbe lowest and closing figure. The
weakness seemed to come mainly from New
York, though it was helped along by sellng
here and in Oil City.
A broker remarked: "The slump was a str
prise. Nobody dreamed of the market selling
down under the bullish conditions shown n
the pipe line report. To-day's.operations con
firm my belief that there is a power behind tie
exchanges tbat is greater than they. Slumps
when there should be advances, and vice versi,
are proof of it. This leaves ,ug nothing uptn
which to make ca'culations. I am all at sea'as
to what to look forward to to-morrow." i
standing that tbe general feeling still remains,
bullish, became most marked, and many of tbe
traders shifted over to the bear side early in
the day. London to-day seems to bave caught
up u tnis center in tne matter ol strength, ana
the prices from that place were higher for the
first time in many days, but the Influences
above mentioned caused an irregular but gen
erally weak opening here, and among tbe active
stocks tbe declines from last night's prices
eacnea yA per cent, wnue Tennessee coat was
down 1 per cent. London bad large buying or
ders in Reading, and its securities, as well as in
trie and some other of its favorites, but the
pressure to sell in tbe rest of the list soon re
moved what little strength was shown in them.
The support accorded Reading by tbe for
eigners, however, served to Keep It firm in the
face of tho weakness of the other coalers,
though the decline in Jersey Central .seemed
to be on sufferance only. Louisville and Nash
ville and Manitoba were the most prominent
weak spots in the early trading, and each lost 1
percent. A somewhat better tone was devel
oped toward noon, but except in Northern.
Pacific preferred and Reading the movement
attracted little notice. In the afternoon a
steady, though slow, decline took place, the
only notable exception being Lake Erie and
Western preferred, which suddenly rose to
5. There was some realizing of profits upon
the day's aecllno in the last half hour, and tbe
Closing flo-tirM wArAfL ftharia hpttpr than thft
lowest, the market being about steady at tbe
Lake Erie and Western preferred shows a
gain of 1 per cent, but beside this the final ad
vances are few in nnmber and unimportant.
Railroad bonds were again moderately active,
the business of the day extending to $1,610,000,
of which Reading firsts contributed $519.000 and
the seconds $156,000. The market displayed
none of yesterday's strength, but sagged with
tbe share list throughout.
The roliowlnp table snows tbe prices oractrre
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dallv for The dispatch by
Whitnkt 4 Htephkjjson, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
ing Bid.
Choice Batter, Good" Eggs Higher and
Firm, Cheese Steady.
Coffee3 Firm at tbe Advance-Sugars Active
and Strong.
In r.
Am. Cotton Oil 5254
Atch., Top. &. 8. f.... 40)6
Canadian Pacific 6SM
Canada Southern 544j
Central of tfew Jersey.llDH
CentraiPaelni. 35H
CbesaDcake & Ohio.... 1H
v., Bnr. & gutter. ....109M
C, Mil. & st. Paul.... 74
c, Mit.ast. f.. pr....iu;
c, Kocxi. &e io3
C.. St. L. ft Pitts
c., st. l. ft Pitts, pr.
C. St. P.. M. ftO 38
c., st. rii. fto.. pr.ioo
C ft .Northwestern.. ..11354
Cft northwestern, pr.l43ft
C, C, C ft 1 74
. 18,
.. 18
.. 51Ji
, 10i
ST. Louis Cattle Receipts. 3,900 head; ship
ments. 400 head; market 10c low er; choice beaw
native steers, 54 204 40: fair to good do. S3 75
4 10; stockers and feeders, S2 002 50: range
steers. 52 202 8a. Hoes Receipts. 3,300 bead;
shipments, 2,000 bead; market fairlv active and
steady; fair to choice heavy, S4 001 20- pack
ing grades, $3 703 S: light, fair to best. $4 20
4 33. feheep Receipts. 2.10U head; ship
ments, 2.10O head; market weak; fair to choice.
J3 254 45.
Indias.-APOL.is Cattle Receipts larger
market steadv all round: shippers. 22 50ffM S3
heifers. J2 00O3 00: bulls, 51 o02 25IIom
Receipts, 2,900 head; market continues steadv
bcavies anu meaiums. sj au4 15: mixed. 3 7S
1 25: light, S4 504 45. Sheep-Receipts lp-ht-market
active and firm; lambs. $4 255 75
sheep. K 504 25. ao i0'
BUFFALO Cattle 20 carloads through none
for sale: feeling steady. Sheep and lambs 30
loads through. 3 loads for sale; market steady
and unchanged, hogs 20 loads throu"h 22
loads for sale: market dull and lower to sell '
Wool MnrUets.
St. Louis Receipts. 2.929 pounds: in de
mand and steady, but quiet.
UoSTOJf There has been a good inquiry for
domestic wool thus far this week aud some
fairly good lines of fleeces and territory are be
ing moved. The market has ruled steady and
prices are unchanged. Ohio fleeces have been
sold at 3233c for X, 3334c for XX and 3435c
for XX and above. In Michigan X fleeces
nales can be made at 80c Combing and delaine
fleeces are In stpady demand, with sales of So.
1 combing ntS9I0c of Ohio nne delaine at
85c and of Michigan fine delaine at 34. Terri
tory wools are in good demand, with sales on a
scoured basis ot 5557c for medlnm, 5760c for
fine medium, and (iO62c for fine. Texas and
other unwashed wools are quiet. Pulled wools
remain steady. Foreign quiet
A Bear That Wns Determined to maintain
Family Discipline.
A traveler who was crossing the Eocky
Mountains overheard a teamster tell the
story of a mother bear and her cub, giving
what he called a good example of human
mothers in family government. The team
ster was going up the mountain lor pine
logs, driving a wagon. On the top of a large
rock by the side of the road was a young
bear. The mother had started up the mount
ain as the team aDDroached.
"The cub looked so cute," said the team
ster, "lying there with its paws dropping
over th'e edge of the rock, watching the
horses as they came up. Presently tbe old
bear fame bounding back to the cub, and,
giving it a cudge with her nose, started up
the mountain again, expecting the 'young
one' to follow.
"But the cub made no move. The old
bear then came back the second time. and.
taking up the cub in her arms, gave him
several cufis.
"This time the cub obeyed orders and fal
lowed the old bear in a gallop up the side of
the mountain.
"He knew, that cub did, that he'd better
mind, for that old bear wouldn't stan any
more foolin'."
Bit and Miss.
Philadelphia Press.
The young man who makes a favorable
impression upon a fair maiden is in an an
omalous position. That is to say he has
made a hit with a miss.
The Speculative Market Contlnaes
Tint Values Well Snstnlned.
The majority of the properties handled at tbe
Stock Exchange yesterday were strong and
fractionally higher, showing a continuance of
the upward movement, and dashing the hopes
of those who bave been holding back orders for
lower figures. Nothing was pressed for sale.
Yankee Girl made a spurt,advancing to 3Jbid."
with none offered. Except in one or two in
stances, the close was at the best prices. Tbe
sales were 297 shares, of which La Nona fur
nished 275.
There was no news of Importance, but gossip
was busy with extolling the condition of local
securities and thepiospect of an active mar
ket in the near future. There was considerable
trading in New York stocks under the new rule
of the .Exchange. Bids, offers and sales follow
Pitts. Pet. S. ft M. Ex..
Commercial Na. Bank.
Filth Avenue Bank...
Keystone Bank. Pitts.
Masonic Bant
Mer. i Man. Nat. B'fc.
Mouonirahela at. Bk.
Enterprise savings-...
Citizens' Insurance....
Humboldt Insurance..
Monongancls Ins
Southside lias Co., 111..
Cuartlers Val. (jas Co.
Mat. lias Co. or V. Vs.
People's Mat. Gas
People's . li. ft P. Co
Pennsylvania das
Philadelphia Co
Pine ifuu Gas
Wheelincr Gas Co
PorestOit Co
Hazelwood OH Co
Washington Oil Co....
Central fraction. -
Citizens' Traction......
Pittsburg Traction....
Pleasant Valley
Pitts., Alle. ft Man....
P'g. rou'g't'n ft Ash.
Pitts. June. K. K. Co..
P..11CK.AY.R. R.CO.
P., V. &CK.B.CO...'.
Pitts, ft Western K. K.
P. ft W. It. K. Co. pref
Union Bridge
La Norla Mining Co...
i.uster .Mining co
bllverton Mining Co..
Yankee Girl Jlln. Co..
Westiunhouse .Electric
Granite" Hoofing Co....
Monongahela Water...
U. S. &Slg. Co
U. s. ft big. Co. pref.
Pittsburg Cyclorama..
Sales were 22 shares of Fifth Avenue Bank at
43, and 275 La Noria at IK. Fred Rinehart
sold on Monday 15 shares of Enterprise Savings
stock at 51. George B. Hill fc Co. sold 165 shares
Citizens' Traction at 71
The total sales ot stocks at New York yester
day were 262,353 shares, including Atchison,
6.900; Pelaware, Lackawanna and Western
25,800: Fort Worth. 3,260; Erie. 8,905; Louisville
and Nashville. 19.700: Missouri Pacific t son.
Northern Pacific, 6,600; Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 9,900; Reading, 60,190; St. Eaul. 34,700.
Tuesday's Oil Rnnge.
Corrected dally by John M. Oasiey & Co.,'t45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petr
leum Exchange.
Opened 1MH I Lowest si
Highest lOOKlciosed gc
Average runs 4J.U7
Average shipments 73,t74
Average charters 41,: 16
itcflned. New York, 7.20c
Kenned, London, Si.
Befined, Antwerp, 17fiT.
Kenned. Liverpool, 6d.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 9SHc;
calls, 99Jc.
Other Oil OInrket. I
TxrusYixx.E, September 10. National transit
certificates opened at SI 00; highest, 1 00?.';
lowest, 9SKc; closed at 99c.
Bradford, September 10. National transit
certificates opened at SI 00; closed at 99c:
highest, SI 00j; lowest, SSJic Clearances, 352,
000 barrels.
On, Citt, September 10. National transit
certificates opened at SI 00; highest, SI 00:
lowest, 99c; cloed. 99c Sales, 347,000 barrels:
clearances, 472,000 barrels; charters, 44,762
barrels; shipments, 116,555 barrels.
New York, September 10. Petroleum
opened steady at 99c, and, after advancing to
SI 00, became weak, and declined to 99c The
market then became quiet, and remained so
until the close, which was steady at 99c. Sales,
792,000 barrels.
c.,c, c&i., pr.
jvu liu&i a iron......
Col. ft HocKlng Val .
fei.. L. ft VV.
Del. ft Hudson
Denver Klo a
Denver ft Bio (J.. M..
E.T.. Va. Ga
E.T..Va. &Oa. 1st nf. 75
K- T.. va. ft Ga. 2d pr. 24M
Illinois Central.
Lake Erie ft Western.. 191f
Lake Lrle ft West. pr.. 64
Lake Snore ft M. a IDS
Louisville ft.Hajhvllle. 75
Mlcblgan Central 92
Mobiles Ohio 14
Mo., Kan. & Texas
Missouri Pacific 76V4
Kew Ifort Central 108J4
. Y.. L. E. 4 W 29H
N. V..L.E. 4 W.pref.. S3
21. 1.. C A St. Li
i. i.. o. ft st. l. pr.. 70
M.X.. C. ftbt.Li.2d pr . ..
X.X&N. E 51
a. r., o. ft w ism
.Norfolk ft Western.... is
Norfolk Western, nf. 54
Northern Paeinc 35W
Hortnern pacific pref. 78!j
Ohio ft Mississippi 23H
Oregon Improvement
Oregon Tranacon 35S
PacineMall 345
Peo. Dec. 4 Kvans 23H
Phtladel. 4' Keadlnir.. IH
Pullman Palace Cor
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 24
Kichmond W.P.T.pf ....
St. P., Minn, ft Man..lllK
St. L. 4San Fran
St. L. A San Kran pf.. 61
St.L. ft San P. 1st pr.
Texas Pacific
Union Pacme 63
Wabasn VH
Wabash preferred 33H
Western Union 06H
Wheeling ft L. j, 73
Sngar Trust 107H
National Lead Trnst.. 23K
Chicago Gas Trust.... 59
High- Low-
esL. est.
40Jt, S9'4
5414 54H
3ZU .ToS
24J 24
lOtt mx
74 73
lmi UA4
van mx
100 100
113M 1I3K
um HW
75 73H
1011 1015
32 31H
IS 17
149.S 143
1544 153
mu i8K
5i;J st
107a 10X
75 75
24M 24K
'iaii i9if
65H 64
106 105M
75 74
921 91M
14 H .
764 75Ji
10S)i 10SW
294" 2314
60 Ji
34 H
23 ji
50 a
Boston Stocks.
Atch. ft Toe.. 1st 7s. u;l
aico. sxop. u. K. .. 39;
xiosion & .niaany...2UJ
Boston ft Maine 203
CD. 4 0. 103
Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 24
Eastern K. it 101
Eastern R. K. 6s ....126
xuniAreresi. pra. 92
Little K. ft Ft. S. 7s. S3
Mexican Cen. com.. 15
Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. 67
. y. ticwUnc... sox
LM. Y. ft N. E. 7....123
1 Omt.ftL.Cham,com. Ma
uiauoiony lis
Office of the Pittsbtjeo Dispatch, J
Tuesday, September 10, 1889. i
Country Produce Jobblns Prices.
Butter and eggs are higher and firm. Cheese
is steady. Potatoes are In light supply and prices
are a shade better. The shortage, however, is
only temporary. The crop of Western Penn
sylvania and Eastern Ohio was never better,
and an abundance will be in the market befora
many days. Sweet potatoes are plenty and
slow. The quality of grapes coming to market
of late is none the best. Choice peaches are in
light supply and find ready sale at outside
quotations. An inspection of the books of cue
of our leading jobbers of butter and eggs dis
closes the fact that his creamery butter Is 3c
lower than at this date a year ago. The grades
that are selling to-day at 21c were 24c this time
last year. Eggs are lc higher than this time
last year and going up.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 23c; Ohio do,
2021c; fresh dairy packed, 17019c; country
rolls, 16lSc.
Beans Navy band-picked beans, S2 40Q2 60;
medium, 82 302 4a
""Beeswax 2S30c $ & for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, 56 507 50; common,
S3 604 00: crab elder, 8 008 50 fl barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c 1 gallon.
Cheese Ohio, 868kc; New York, lOcj Lim
burger, 89c; domestic Sweitzer, 012c;
imported atveiizer, $a
Eaos 19620c 3) dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, SI 502 00 fl barrel; pine
apples. SI 001 25 $1 dozen: whortleber
ries, 75S0c ? pail; watermelons, S200025 00
$1 hundred; peaches. $2 503 50 $ bushel box;
grapes, 57c fl pound; Bartlett pears, So fl bar
rel. Fexthees Extra live geese, 6060c; Na 1,
do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c fl ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 404ocf)
pair; old, 6570c f) pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 s to bushel. So 60
ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 &s, S3 00;
clover, Alsike, S3 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 lbs, SI 65; red top, 14 lbs. SI 25;
millet, 50 As, SI 00; German millet. 50 lbs,
SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 60 fl bushel of
14 lbs.
Tallow Country, 4Jc; city rendered, i
Tkopical FecitS Lemons, common, S6 00
6 50; fancy, S7 008 00; oranges, $5 00
6 00; bananas, SI 75 firsts, SI 25 good seconds,
fl bunch; cocuannts. H 004 50 fl hundred; figs,
8K9c fl ft; dates. 5K8Kc V ft.
v egetables Potatoes, $1 5001 60 ft barrel;
tomatoes, home-grown, SI 251 50 ft bnshel;
wax beans, SI ft bushel; green beans, 6075c ft
busbel; cucumbers, home-raised, SI 50 ft bushel;
radishes, 2540c ft dozen; home-grown, cab
bages, 50c ft bushel; new celery, home-crown,
40c ft dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, S3 00
3 25, Jerseys, SI 004 50.
ter wheat bran, f U 0611 36; chop feed. $to 59
IS 00.
HAT Baled timothy, choice, $14 2614 56;
No. 1 do, $13 50011 00; No. 2 do,, $13 0812 69;
loose from wagon, $11 00013 00, according to
quality; No. I upland prairie. $8 6000 06; No. 2,
$7 007 GO; packing do, S 757 00.
oiujlw utu, jo ou; wneas ana rye straw
$5 606 00.
Sugar-cured hams, large, Uc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c, sugar-cured hams, (mall,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, lOJc; sugar
cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California bams.
8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 10c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders, eke; bacon
clear sides. 7c; bacon clear bellies, T$ifi dry
salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, heavy. $12 50; mess pork, family,
$13 00. Lard Refined in tierces, (jko; half,
barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs, 6c: 20-ft pails, 7 60-ft
tin cans, 6c: 3-ft tin pails: 7c; S-ft tin palls,
7c; 10-H. tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin pails. 7c; 10-fi
tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large,
5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 CO; quarter barrel.
Dressed Heat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550
lbs, 5c: 650 to 650 lbs. 6e: 850 to 760 fts, 69
7c. Sheep, 8c fl ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. HogsvcVe.
Fresh pork loins. 8c
d. Asked. Bid. Asked.
K 500 ....
" :::: . .
64 ;
60 ""
61 es'A .... ...
110 .... ....
52 .... 55 "5
36 40 ....
49 ....
37 :: ::;
.-. .... .... 25
78 ....
" .... 17 ::::
1 .... IS
37Ji Si va V'A
9S .... 93
30 so,1 30 ....
- 48 ....
31 "ji "31 "31
:i. $ ::iJ 2
240 .... 239
1 zz m
30 .... 3t)
' 58 60
;; 45
13 .... 12V
20 .... 19
14 ....
Itf 1 1 1
"i :::: :::: "
3 ...'.
51 52 1 si ...:
SO .... ft)
22 .... 22 ....
51 .... ....
3 .... .... ::::
Good Denis In Allegheny City, Oakland,
Boulevard Place nnd Elsewhere.
Ewing & Byers. No. 93 Federal street, sold
for Mrs. E. L. Wallace to E. Stewart the
property No. 2SI Beaver avenue. Sixth ward,
Allegheny, being a two-story brick house of
seven rooms, hall and attic, with lot 22x125,
to an alley, for 15,000.
Reed B. Coyle fc Co., 131 Fourth avenue,
sold for Joseph Loughrey to Philip Dornberger
and R. C. Oebmler, a piece of ground on the
corner of Boquet and Wilmot streets, Oakland,
size 180x220, for S9.000.
Samuel W. Black & Co., sold to 'William
Sundas, for $700, a lot 50x135. situate on
Columbia avenue, Swissvale Place plan of lots,
Swissvale station, Pennsylvania Railroad.
As a special inducement to start sales the
owners of this desirable plan propose to sell
25 lots at a remarkably low figure.
W. C. Stewart, 114 Fourth avenne, sold to
Mrs. Ida M. Cappeau, lot 50x165, on Dithndge
street, for 3,750 cash. Mrs. Cappeau Intends
building a fine stone honse at once.
Black & Bai'd. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to the
Rev. W. s. Williams, lot No. 87 on Thomas
street. Boulevard place, 54x190 feet, for a price
approximating S70 per foot front. The pur
chaser will at once commence the erection of a
residence on tbo lot.
Rutland, com
Kntland preferred.
Wis, Central, com,,,
Wis. Central pt..
Allonez MgCo
Calumet 4.Hecla...
Huron U
Osceola. .. 9
I'ewa&lc z
Qulncr 50
Bell Telephone 239
Boston Land 654
Water Power... SJfi
Tamarack 100
San Diego , 27
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing Quotations of Philadelphia stocks, rnr-
tished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
jiemoers jew lort Block lix-
Tonrth avenne.
Pennsylvania Railroad 54
Beading 23
Uufialo. Plttsbure and Western 10)3
Lehigh Valley 54
Lehigh Navigation 54
Northern Pacific '. 3U4
Northern Pacific preferred 7Sj
Mining Stocks.
NEW YORK. September 10. Belcher, 280;
Best & Belcher. 350; Caledonia B. If., 300; Choi
lar, 195; Crown Point, 300; Colorado Central.100;
Consolidated California and Virginia. 762;
Commonwealth. 280: DeadwoodTer.,150; Eureka
Consolidated, 150; Oould fc Curry, 200; Hale t
Nercross, SOO; Horaestake, 900: Horn Silver, 125;
Iron Silver, 200: Mexican. 365; Mutual, 140; On
tario. 3400: Ophir, 460: Occidental, 150; Plv
mouth 200; Savage, 210: Sierra Nevada, 260:
Union Consolidated. 280; Ward Consolidated.
170; Yellow Jacket, 325.
Business Notes.
Wholesale drygoods dealers report the
largest business for several years.
Petroleum made an effort to get out of the
rut yesterday, but struck an obstruction and
fell back.
Oakland and Squirrel Hill continue prime
favorites with buyers of real estate. Sales
there are frequent.
Wokk on California boulevard is progressing
as fast as possible. When completed It will he
a magnificent thoroughfare.
The earnings of the Pittsburg and Western
Railroad for August show an increase of
S24.292 over the previous mouth.
The Pittsbure, Yonngstown and Ashtabula
Railroad Company has declared a 3Jf per cent
dividend on its preferred stock.
Boulevard Place continues to boom. A
number of loty there have been sold recently,
and several fine houses are going up.
A SALE of SS.000 Allegheny Valley 1st 7 30s
is reported in Philadelphia at 112. and S7.0O0
Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis 7 tao-. at
Mount Washington property is in greater
demand than ever beiore. Those who have
bought there recently are delighted with the
Ovee S2.000,000 of the Frick Coke Company
bonds have been sold by the Fidelity Title and
Trust Company. The price is 102K ana inter
est. Less than 5500.000 remain for sale.
Senator Riddleberger has taken the stump
in Virginia, and declared for the whole Demo
cratic ticket.
The President yesterday appointed Henry
C. Warmoutb, of Louisiana, to be Collector of
Customs for the District of New Orleans.
The bond offerings yesterday aggregated
$124,330, as follows: 4 per cents registered, 50,
000 at 120 and interest; 58,000 at 128 flat; 4 per
rents registered, $50,000 at 100 and interest;
516,350 at 105.
In the Washington Democratic State Con
vention Samuel Wheelwright, of Tacoma, and
Tbomas C. Griffith, of Spokane, were placed in
nomination for Congress. Griffith was chosen
on the first ballot. Ex-Governor Eugene
Semple, of Tacoma, was .nominated for Gov
ernor by acclamation.
Tho number of killed in the Golden, Cal.,
mine disaster nnmber 11. Following are their
The package coffee advance reported yester
day Is fully sustained by facts. Green coffee
advanced 15 points in New York on top of the
rise in the roasted article. Sugars lose noth
ing of their firmness. As will be seen our
quotations on green coffee are advanced lc
all along the line, in accordance with irresisti
ble facts.
Green Cojtee Fancy Rio, 22X23Kc;
choice Rio, 2021Kc; prime Rio, 20c:
low grade Rio, 1819Kc; old Government
Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2S
20c: Santos, 2023c; Caracas, 2123c; pea-
Berry, mo, sb;ssc; La uuayra, 2223c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23Kc; high grades, 25)26c; old Government
Java, bulk, 3132ic; Maracaibo. 2627c;
Bantos, 2123c: pcaberry, 26c: choice Rio,
24c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21c; ordinary,
spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassia, 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 70S0c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) U0 test, 7c:
Ohio, 120. SXe; headlight, IWP, bc; water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
llc; roraline, 14c.
syrups Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar
syrupy, ooiawoc: prime sugar syrup, axsic;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 4Sc; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c.
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bi-carb in Ks,
6c; bi-carb, assorted "packages, 556c; sal
soda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ft
set, 8Kc; paraffine. ll12c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 6J
7c; prime, 6&6Vc: Louisiana, 66Kc
Starch Pearl, 3e; cornstarch, &6c; gloss
starch, 57c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
$2 50; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels,
81 85: Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,93i10c;
sultana, 8K currants, 4X5c: Turkey prunes,
4J45c; French prunes. 8K13c; Salonica
Prunes, in 2-lb packages. Re: nnrnannta S9 lm
S6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft. 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap., 12(315c; Sicily
filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12ai6c: new dates,
5Ji6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, fl ft, 1314c: orange
peel, 12Hc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per lb 6c
apples, evaporated, 6W6Kc: apricots, Califor
uiit, evaporaicu, i2?fgioc;peacues, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpiiteu. 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2124Kc; blackberries, 7KSc; huckle
berries. 10012c
Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c: granu
lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8c; standard
A. 8c: soft whites. 88c; yellow, choice,
TJic; yellow, good, 77$c; yeUow, fair, TVc;
yellow, dark. 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), S4 50; medi
um, half bbls (600), tZ 75.
8ALT-N0. 1, ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. ft bbl, $1 05,
dairy, ft bbl. $1 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, $1 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80, Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 lb pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peacbes S2 ooffl
2 25; 2ds 31 501 65; extra peaches, S2 4002 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, 8I1 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cJl; Lima beats.
iu: soaKeu uo, roc; string do uo, 7o85c; mar
rowfat peas. $1 101 15: soaked peas. 7075c;
pineapples, SI 40SS1 50; Bahama do, $275, dam
sonplums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
$-; California pears, $2 60; do greengages, $2; do,
egg plums, S2; extra white cherries, $2 90: red
cnerries, a as. wb raspnemes, si 401 50:
A Boy Preferred tbe Latter to the President,
to Bide With.
Krom the Philadelphia InqulrerJ
A good story is being told of President
Harrison, which illustrates how the head of
the nation can adapt himself to all circum
stances in which he may be placed. "When
the President was returning from his Bar
Harbor visit last month in company with
Private Secretary Halford, their special car
upon reaching Philadelphia was attached to
the 3:58 express for 'Washington over the
Pennsylvania Eallroad. Shortly after the
train had left tbe city, the conductor, who is
one ot the oldest employes of the road and
well known in this city, went into the car
where the President and Mr. Halford were
conversing. The President noticed tbe
Grand Army button on the conductor's coat
and immediately gave the military salnte.
"Mr. President, I have a favor to ask of
yon," said the conductor.
'Well, what is it?" said tbe President,
with tbe old, weary and office-seeker look on
bis face.
"I want yon to let me bring in my little
boy, Harry, who is on the train, and intro
duce him."
The Chief Magistrate's face brightened in
stantly, and he replied: "Bring him in by
all means."
The boy, a bright little fellow of abont 11
years, was brought into the private car and
duly introduced. The President pnt his
arm affectionately abont the boy and, draw
ing him to him, said:
"Now, Harry, you must sit right down,
and ride the rest of the way to "Washington
with me."
Harry didn't exactly know how to receive
this proposition at first, and then, looking
np info the President's face, he said inno
cently, in his childish treble:
"I'd rather ride with the baggage mas
ter." The President and Mr. Halford both
roared, and as the child left the car the
President remarked: "That's the first time
since I've been in office tbat a baggage mas-
Ia.'. amw.. t-M l.- e a . ;
w vvuijaujr uaa uceu preierrcu 10 mine.
Swift's BDealflc eatireir cured me of a
case of blood uoteoa whleh obttaatrir saaUBjJ ?
and refused to be cared for over 2 jean. Ilka
regular medfeal rasaediM'of' atefwai? ami
potash only added fuel ta ske feme. I mtatmi
during most ot this losff- Usm wtsh nlsett,
blotcbjs and seres of tbe iMSt oaailve ohM
acter, aad wasforaleeg ttssie prat(e(jl(yis
invalid. In leas than 39 days two of 8.S.S.I
was all cleared ud souBd asd mO. This baa
Pbeen nearly a year ago, aad m s4f o re
turn 01 tee 01a enemy.
Joks & 'WrmB,'
87 Clark street, Atlanta, Ga.
Swift's Specific eared me of teuiMe Tetter,
from, which I bad sobered for 38 leaf yea.! ,1
have sow been entirely weH fer Ave yean, asd
no sign of any return of tbe disease;
Rogers, Arfc, May J, Be. yrJL Wmhcx,
t. " ,
Treatise on Hood aed SfclalHtsnisewsMia
The Swxrr Spscrrict Co., Drawer 3, At
lanta, Ga. aaK-K-xWi' '
An Army of Renters Seeking Hmmc .
and Business Howee at
Wilmerding. " ,,'
The East Pittsburg Improvement Ceesaay
has invested large sums of mosey is ktyieg ot"
the town of
And in famishing it with the mast
aud extensive system of nubile fcasroveneaai
In Allegheny county, outside the cities, teefctsV
lng sidewalks, sewers, water, natural gas aad-:
electric lights, and it now takes pleasure ia
ealling tbe attention of wide-awake boHAew
and Investors to the opportunity afforded taesa
by the great and growing demand for rest
dences and business bouses at "WMmmiHin.''
Tbis demand comes especially from young and.
enterprising men and firms who have set taffl
cient capital to both build and stoek Usfga'
stores, but who are able and witting to pay a
handsome rent for adequate facilities, or par
chase buildings outright on long time. Many
houses aro no w in course ot construction, bat
not enough to nil 10 per cent of tbe require
ments. Information as to the kind and size of bosses
In greatest demand cheerfully furnished by
the company, and special prices given oa lots
sold for immediate improvement;
For further particulars call on or address
East Pittsburg Improyemeiit Coi
Westinghouse Building, '
Tbe Dryffoods Market.
New York. September 10. Business in dry
goods was very active with jobbers, all descrip
tions of fabrics receiving a fair share of the at
tention extended. With agents tbe demand
was fair, some articles being active, as low
grade bleached cottons, woolen dress goods and
wide prints. There was a good demand also
for fancy prints, line brown cottons and cotton
flannels, while some large orders wern placed
for fine dress cottons, curtains, fancy damasks,
etc., for next spring. The market was un
changed In tone, prices being firm all along the
Metal Market,
New York, September 10. Copper dnll and
nominal; lake, Sentember, SI 07; Straits, S2 18.
Lead easier; domestic, $4 02.
Whisky Market.
The market Is strong and firm at SI 03 for
finished goods.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week is
For largest assortment and lowest prices oaH
and see us.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she bad Children.she gave them Castoria
This is now conceded to be the best in the J
market, is witnessed bv the fact that we bave
iust secured the DIRtOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held In Philadelphia.
And with tbe bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
Transact a General BanMn Bnsiess,
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all pai ts of tbe world. Also Issue
For use In this country, Canada, Mexico, Wert
Indies, South, and Central America.
names: Johnny Murphy, single; William strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI S01 40;
Collins, married, leaves wife and four children; I tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon. 1-B, $ 752 10;
Jack Collins, wife and four children; Joseph I blackberries, Sue; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
Allen, married, one child; Joseph Hutler, J 9i; do green, 2 Its, 81 251 50; com beef. Z-ft
who. c uo; jf jd cans, 31 ou; oaKea oeans, fl 40
1 50; lobster, 1-B, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-tt
Locnl Financial Matters in Good Condition,
Bat Borrowers Unther Tardy.
There was only a moderate movement at the
local banks yesterday. Tbe offerings of paper
were light ana chocking showed a diminution
as compared with previous days. Still there
was a gain'in all departments over tbe average
of last month, which was encouraging. Busi
ness Is at tbe edge of the woods, and will soon
be out of them. Money was plentiful and rates J
Quite a Reaction Felt Throughout the New
York Stock Market London Bnjlnc
Brnces Up a Litile on
Some of the Lines.
New York, September 10. The stock mar
ket to-day felt the effect of the growing opinion
tbat a reaction is due, and except for a portion
of tbe first hour and the last 30 minutes, it was
a sagging one throughout. Tbe declines estab
lished, however, except in a few stocks, were
generally for small fractions only. The pressure
was specially severe against the G.angers, the
Chicago people having selling orders in allfof
them on the unsettling news In regard to the
rate situation, the refusal of the trunk lines to
pro-rate being added to the fear that the Chi
cago, Burlington and Northern will make) a
heavy reduction in tbe through rate In order
to pay Its expenses. 4
The disposition to realize profits, notwifh.
iAJJLL'ist. -- ii'isiifi r .jSiiiWr-'- - ifmrifritt
I 4 , t jtt 1
married, four children: William Bowden.
married: David Lloyd, single; John Morgan,
single; Henry Huseman, wife and five children,
Richard Rowe, and one other man whose name
has not yet been learned.
The New Jersey Democratic State Con
vention to nominate a candidate for Governor
met in Trenton yesterday. Frederick Marsh
was inado temporary Chairman. In his speech
he i dorsed tbe tariff record of President
Cleveland, at the mention of whose name the: e
was loud cheering. After the appointment of
the usual committees a recess until 2 o'clock
was taken. Upon reassemblingthe committees
reported, alter which Leon Abbott was re
nominated for Governor by acclamation and
the convention adjourned.
Since Thursday last the Braidwood, III.,
mines have been operated full blast, the men
returning to work at the 72 ce"nts offered by
the operators. Yesterday a new difiiculty
arose. Previous to tho strike, the 1st of May,
-'. uitvera, pusuers ana aay nanus uau worKea
nine and one-half hours, but since tbe re
sumption of work the operators have com
pelled them to work ten hours. This they ob
ject to, and last night informed Superintend
ent Zoller tbat unless the company conceded
"10 nine ana one-iiait nours tney wouiu strike,
lie informed them tbat be bad no option m
the matter, and as a consequence they bave
Information has been received of one of the
fiercest and most destructive forest fires yet
reported in Montana. The fire occurred Sun
day night In tho St. Regis district, Missoula
county, and the Cokeley ranch was made a bar
ren waste in less than 50 minutes. Cokeley and
the hostess of the ranch mounted horses and
barely escaped with their lives to the river, less
than a quarter of a mile away, and reached the
water after having their clothes nearly all
burned from their bodies. They remained in
the water over two hours, and even here the
heat and smoke were almost suffocating. A
Swedish prospector named Anderson tied his
horse in the gulch about halt a mile from the
Cokeley ranch and went up the hillside to his
claim. Both horse and man perlsned in tho
fimes- J. C. Veeder, who has returned from
the St. Regis country, says be feels certain that
several men" perished in the flames higher up
the mountains. Tbe destruction of proporty
will aggregate fully S1,000,000.
cans, broiled. SI 50: sardines, domestic ,
S4 504 60; sardines, domestic. Us, ,'S8 258 50;
sardines, imported. Us, Sll 50(812 60, sardines,
imported, s. S18; sardines, mustard, S4 50; sar
dines, spiced, $4 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess. S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ty ft: do meuium, George's cod.
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7a Herring
Round shore, $5 00 fl bbl; snlit, S7 00; lake.
$2 00 W 100-ft half bbl. White" fish. S7 00 M lotf
& half bbl. Lake trout. So 50 1 halt bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c $1 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
?3 ft. Pickerel. barrel, $2 00; i barrel, $1 10;
Potomac herring, S3 00 barrel, $2 60 fl J
Oatmeai-S6 30Q8 60 bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter
V gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
strained, 5557c
Children Perish In ibe Finnic."
Dodge Centee, Mctk., September 10.
Henry Churchward's barn burned this
morning. Two of bis'cliildren perished in
,mw unuics.
Grain, Floor and Feed.
Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
33 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago,
1 car of corn, 1 of rye, 3 of oats, 1 of flour, 2 of
hay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis,
1 car of hay, 2 of bran, 5 of corn, 5 of oats, 1 of
mill feed, 1 of middlings. By Baltimore 'and
Ohio, 3 cars of hay, 2 of oats, 1 of wheat. By
Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of flour. 1 of
bay. Sales on call, 2 cars y. s. corn, 39c, 5
days, P. R. R; 1 car 2 y. e. corn, 44c, 5 days. P.
R. R; 1 car No. 2 red wheat, 81c, 10 days, P.
R.R. The cereal situation has undergone no
changes since our last report. There is a firmer
tone to oats, mill feed and hay. Corn is easier.
Wheat and flour are quiet. Markets are un
changed, but situation in most cereal lines is in
buyer's favor.
Wheat New No. 2 red, 8182c; No. 3, 77
Corn No.2yellow, ear,4145c; high mixed
ear, 4042c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 40K41c:
high mixed, shelled, 4040Kc: mixed, shelled.
Uats No. 2 white. 2627c; extra No. 8.
2125c; mixed. 2122c
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60051c;
No. 1 Western, 4819c; ne rye No. 2 Ohio.
4546c. '
Flour Jobbing prices-Fancy winter and
spring patents, 85 25S5 73; winter straight.
u, uci winter, .uq-iOu; straigus
-1DNAKD t,lNE.
Gallia, Sent. 11, 6:30 A MlUmbrla, 8ept.M.7:30 AM
Etrurla, Sept. 14. 8 AUIServla, Oct. 5. 2:30 p M
Auranla,Sept.21,2i30ru Oallla, Oct. 9. 5:30 A Jt
Bothnla,Sept.2S,5:30 AMlEtrnrla. Oct. 12, 7i30ax
Cabin nassaee. IGO. ISO and 1100: lntermedlata.
3S. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of
x.nrope at very loir rates.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL
Morgan fc Co., New York. Passports procured,
KOU N A CO., General Agents,
A Bowllnsr Green. New York.
3. J. MCCORMICK. Agent.
Fourth ave. and dmlthSeld st., Pittsbure,
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
From Pier Columbia Stores, South Ferry,
Brooklyn. N. Y., EVERY THURSDAY.
Cabin nassasre $35 to foo. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion (65 to fx.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUbTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
S3 Broadway, XewYort.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa.
Royal acd United States Mall Steamers.
1 bakers', S3 754 CO- Rye flour, S3 SO
MlLLFEED Middlings, flue white. 115 KX3
18 00 V ton; brown middlings, f 13 C013 50; win-
Adriatic, Oct. a, 5:30 p m
Teutonic, Oe.lS, 10:30a m
Germanic, Oct. 23, 3 p m
Britannic, Oct. 30,10 am
iootoi iv est Tenth st.
Adriatic, Sept. 11. 7a m
Teutonic, Sept.18, noon
Germanic, Bept.25,2pm
Britannic. Oct. ill am
From White Star dock.
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
30 and upward. Second cabin. (33 and upward,
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, po.
White Star drafts payable on demand In all the
principal hanks throuchont Great Britain. Ad
plyto5oHN J. JICCOKM1CK, 401 Smlthfleld St.,
Pittsburg, orJ.'BKHCElSMAr, General Agent,
41 Broadway, New York. ei-D
Atlantic Express Service;
Clip "CITY Of HOME," from New Yi
ivtu.iMUAi. sept is, oct. is.
dteamshlp "CITY Or'
Saloon passage, MO and upward: second-class, tx.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Glasgow. Londenderrv, Liver
pool, (50 nnd (Ou. Second-class. (30.
Steerage passage, either service, $3).
Saloon exenrslnn tltVet at rrlnri1 t!m.
Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established
and most prominent physician in tbe city.de-
Totinc sprciai attention to au enronic diseases.
fib?empreennsN0 FEE U NTILCU RED
MCP'nilQ!lnd mental diseases, physical
L. li V U UOdecay, nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust, basbfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely ana privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 RIM AR V Sidney and bladder derange
Unllinn I jments. weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. TVhittler's life-long, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. 3f. to 8 P. M. Sun
day, 10 A. If. to 1 P. It. only. DR. WHITTIER,
Sll Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
sel0-40K-DSuWk .
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
Ktvirtlv confidential. Office
t.n- a n a and 7 to 8 v. M.: Sundavs. 2 to 4 P.
M.Consult them personally, or write. DoctobS
Lake. 328 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Full particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The renulne Gray's
Specific sold by druajrlsu only in
yellow wrapper. Price, (I per
package, or six for (5, or by mall
on receipt of price, bv address-
. sold In Pittsburg hyS.S. HOLLAND, corner
Smlthfleld and Liberty sts. apl2-SJ
tfiVUrSr r
for any amount lssned at lowest enrrent rates.
doom or tours, tlcKets or Information
rf, i. aitjAiuiii;ii, rourui ana nmunneia: a. is.
SCORER & SON, 415 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg; W.
HEiUfLE, Jr., US j-edenlit., Allegheny.
o33z's Oottoa soot
noted of Cotton Boot. Tans? ssd
Pennvroval ft recent discovery bv aa
'nlrl nhvslclan. Ii tUCCOftfuD.il Ulltci
moruMn Safe. Effectual. Price $L by mall, .
sealed. Ladles, ask your druzglst for, Cook's -Cotton
Root Compound and take no substitute, ,
or lnolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad-, .
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 JlssYNT 1
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, Mlev-i-