(THE - i'PTTTSBTTRG- DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER '-11, 1889.-; ' . SPLEKDID EXHIBITS. The Exposition is Beginning to As sume Permanent Form. A COSMOCHRONTKOPE NOW OS DECK .Karnes of Those Who Have Completed Their Handsome Displays. DESCRIPTION OP GENERAL FEATURES The Exposition was visited by several thousand people yesterday. Main Hall is sow in splendid shape. Everything is maintained in apple pie order, and there is not an exhibit which is not interesting to the visitor. Some of the latest arrivals are very pretty and attractive. In the display by Groetzinger is an immense tiger skin with the head attached. The eyes in the head are illuminated by electric light, which gives the head a peculiarly ferocious appearance. In a jeweler's display near the center of the hall is shown a peculiar astronomical apparatus, made by James F. Surratt, of Steubenville, O. It is called a cosmochron trope, which may be interpreted as a universe-time-measurer. This complicated mechanism required eight years of labor by Mr. Surratt It not only keeps the local time, but shows sidereal time,' the move ments of the sun and moon, and the relations of the earth to the constellations. A globe is fixed at the proper angle to the plane of the ecliptic, and it revolves on its axis once in 21 hours. The situation of the sun rela tive to the earth's revolving inclination is also shown, as the seasons pass. The equi noxes are indicated and once in a year the earth returns to the same position in relation to the sun. The globe is snrrounded by a large net-work, representing the heavens, and on this are fixed the principal stars and constellations. These are but a few of the features of this marvelous piece of mechanism, which will prove of great interest to all students of astronomy. MECHANICAL HALL GETTING THERE. Mechanical Hall is rapidly assuming shape. About two-thirds ot the exhibits are in position. The James Bees engine, which runs the northern line of shafting, is in operation, and some of the machines on that line are running. The south line of shafting will be operated by a huge "West- inghouse engine, which will be ready for work to-day. The following are the principal exhibits already in place: Barnes Safe and Lock Companv; Pittsburg Scale Company and Buffalo Scale Company; the IV. F. and John Barnes Company, lathe manufacturers, of Rockford, I1L: the Johnston Harvester Company, of Buffalo. N. Y.: J. Pra- ger, knitting machines, Pittsburg; the J. L ase Threshing Machine Company, Racine, Wis.: the Blssell Plow Company, of South Bend, lnd.; the Standard Oil Company; Ripley A Co., glassware, Pittsburg: Rieble Brothers, mill scale, Philadelphia: the Oil Well Supply Company, of Oil City; Wast, Foos & Co., windmills and pumps, Springfield, O.; J. C. Bartlett ranges and fur naces, Pittsburg; McCormick Agricultural Machine Company, of Chicago: D. 31. Osborne & Co., harvesting machines, Auburn, N. Y.; B. F. Sturtevant, heating furnaces, Boston. Mass.; the Ward Plow Company. Batavia, N. Y.; Hughes & Gawthrop, electric dynamos, Pitts burg; Dick Agricultural Works, Canton, O.: Bucher fc Glbbs Plow Company. Canton, O.; Adnance, Flatt & Co., harvesting machines, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. well-known fact that Oliver McClintock fc Co. carry the largest and best stock of carpets, rugs and floor coverings of all kinds to bo found m Western Pennsylvania, which they sell at the closest prices. A DIFFICULTY SETTLED. Uncle Sam is now doing business in the Exposition from 9 A. si. to 5 P. 21., and any letters to exhibitors or others will be promptly handled. "Visitors from a distance are assured oi accuracy and dispatch in the transmission of mails. Chief J. O. Brown and the Exposition managers have settled the policemen tangle by Chief Brown's appointment of the fol lowing men, leaving only four more to be added later on: John H. McCormick. H. S. Penv, Patrick Pender. John B. White, Charles D. Mackey, Tcrrence Daly, H. A Kirlcpatrick.- Samuel Loy. James Grady, Thomas Flaherty, James H. Long. Henry Cnspens, John J. Davis, John A. Kirlcpatrick. James J. Graham, John Hood and Robert Moore. LIBRARY PARLOR BEDR003L Oliver McClintock & Co. This exquisite suite of apartments is on north side of main floor; the entrances from the aisle are composed of sections of grille work of different designs, otherwise known as wooden portieres, the fashion of the present time for the doorways of the hall floor. In center of the library stands the massive table of Dutch oak, 3msbed in ancient stvle suggestive of valuable family heirlooms. This n,as drawers and cabinets. A secretaire with slanted top of same wood matches, as also the capacious chair covered with gobelin tapestry, the seat of which is a floral design surrounded by arabesques, the back a pair of peasants throwing dice, while admiring friends look on. .Most attractive is a secretary in shaded oak sixteenth century style where the locks and clamps, which apparently bind the furniture, are fastened with great square-headed nails. A pedestal of dark mahogany, with sump tuous carving, has the flat square effect of the .bases or Caryatides, and is suitable for large bronze groups. Statuette pedestals are in marble, gilt, bamboo, etc. A great library chair that not only looks easv. but is easy is covered in plain leather; a rocker has back'of live broad carved slats, and embossed leather seat: another is a Tiarrpi .!,), c nj . bent as to just fit the sitter's back exactly. A jretty 5 o'clock tea table is of straw colored sue; a papier machc hand painted stand is by the entrance. In sharp contrast to these com fortable articles for civilized people are the Indian trophies on side wall, just brought home from the est by Mr. McClintock. 1 he parlor is designed in sixteenth century style, the furniture being either gilt or faintly tinted enamel inlaid or trimmed with gold; the brocatelle covering is of the most delicate shades of peach and fawn, with leaves and fruits indicated in a pale tint that mav be called blue, center table of Mexican onyx haseilt stand: a fi5-enc h. cahmet etagere inlaid in brass has HLS5elTei:d,1Wed about are rapier mache and oak, and gilt stands, one of the latter hav ing a very oddly veined Mexican onyx top, and vZZ?I,?bt:ltr ? Dn,crbrac The carpet is a rtJKL01 "fJ""1"018 to harmonize with the furniture, with, of course, the proper rugs and window draperies; by the way. the portiere holders are a revival of an old English style that permits them to be thrown back and forth like a shutter, saving the draperies from con - tact These are all the rage in New York, but are the very first shown here. A cabinet for ornaments, or for minerals, has plate glass front and sides, mahogany inlaid with brass; a distinctly parlor cabinet has open and closed sections, the latter either of wood inlaid or glass. Great ingenuity has been displayed in making the walls and ceilings ot the apart ments entirely of drapmg materials .JPS bdro,?,m is of shaded oak. but the words """" "" tu"";j no iaea ot the regular gradual changes from dark to light and vice versa; the softness of tone must be seen to be understood. Well, the great bed is heavily carved both on head and footboard-modern style the carvingstronglydeflned: gentleman's shaving stand is like a very narrow chiffonier: the washstand has top of Tennessee marble;the "French Dresser" has shaded oak top huge square mirror, carved frame to match bed stead. Very con venient is the folding crib that is close beside the bed. Not a few have been puzzled to know what it was; notonce while the writer was jotting down these items was the right guess made. Easy chairs, cane and fancy wood chairs, tables, stands, etc., belong to the f nrnisbment of this room. , TbS.K?ot.,l.'1 Pot"ery. of Cincinnati, is found in lavish display in this suite of rooms; it is very beautiful and of lovely forms such as vases, double ears and single handled jars, ewers. Pitchers, Cinderella slippers, quaint sin gle flower holders. Besides the Rookitood, there are Japanese and other imported ware of like nature. Each room has its complement or tasteful pictures,and great surprise is shown at the materials employed; for instance those painted upon matting with decorations of iriugeu rope, auu me ueautltul views of Ilorno & Ward Hold a conspicuous position in center of main floor, where their massive Exposition case, finished in light cherry surmounted by a dome, huge plates of French glass, is seen to an ad vantage. Visitors being able to examine tno wondrous fabrics with perfect ease as they wander In ard around the sections of the ex hibit. The piece de resistance is the dress of "Duchcsse Lace," floriated design of intense beauty: the filmy, flouncing draperies, and bodice are so deftly posed upon the form, that you cannot tell how it has been done, but simplv know that it is faultlessly perfect the price "of this robe is $1,000. There is another duchesse lace dress, which if perchance jou see first, your verdict will ba that it is perfect, and so it is, until you see the other prico $500. The future fortunate possessor or either is to be envied. Then there are delicious flouncincs in that most adorable of black laces, "Cbantilly," and dropped here and there upon the floor appa rently by accident, are handkerchiefs, fichus, guimpes, bits of "coiffeurs" in the different real thread laces, known familiarly as "point and duchcsse," also narrow Bouncings ot the same by the yard. Something lovely for a debutante is the robe of softest white woolen texture, with rich netted silk fringe as trim ming. There is a charmingly pure and inno cent look about this robe that is very attrac tive. Another section of the case (which, by the way. seems closely to resemble a block capital H) is devoted to high Parisian novelties in dress trimmings, so arranged upon velvet, silk and woolen materials that a clever indication is given as to how they are to be worn, and with which fabrics they should be used. They range from $5 to $50 per yard. Among these marvels are embroideries in silk, silk and gold Slid silver thread, passementeries in parti colored white and black jets, bronze and steel they are in bands and pieces adjustable for bodices and skirts, supcrbeaded fringes for lronts and panels, tinsel embroidered net flouncings ranging from $10 to $20 a yard, and "all over" beaded net in squares, diamonds and diamonds with center design. Casting the eyes upward, you discover the drapery silks, in lovely tints and curious pat terns lor decorating chairs, sofas, pedestals, etc.; these can be most effectively used, and they are in such variety of new colors that something can be found to harmonize with the furnishing of every drawing room. Near these are the plushes for fancy work and decorative purposes. Such lovely shades in all the new shades, with a silvery sheen over them, that plays hide and seek over the solid colors, and in certain lights is as elusive as an ignis fatuus. A small space is allotted to a very select line of the finest gents' furnishing goods, in pure auik, miurji wooi, siik ana wool underwear, hosiery, umbrellas, etc, merely as a suggestion of the extensive business done in this line by florae & Ward in all grades of goods, they having all prices and qualities in stook. bThe entire exhibit will be changed each week, and visitors must see and enjoy the presentone before it is replaced. With the immense stock carried by this firm changes might be made ad infinitum. Messrs. Home t Ward congratulate the man agement upon this imposing and elevating Ex position, all the more remarkable in view of the many and serious discouragements. These eentlemen are most cordial and frank in their expressions of approval, and it seems only fair to them that they should know that the visit ing public is making just such favorable com ments upon their own exhibit. Visitors will find their store a most interest ing place to visit. It is located at 41 Fifth ave nue, Pittsburg. PIANOS AND ORGANS. POLITICS DISCUSSED. The Usual Lively Badinage at the County W. C. T. U. MeetiDg. ANNUAL CONVENTION IN SESSION. A Charge That Kon-Partisan Amendments Are Republican Blinds. MAN! UNIONS ARE KEPKESBKTED. S. Hamilton's Imposing Exhibit. From the moment the visitor enters the 3Iain Hall he knows thai S. Hamilton has a space filled with glorious instruments, for, do not the tones of the unapproachable Decker Bros, permeate the whole building? Tracing the sounds from whichever end of the edifice the visitor may be, the vibrant beautiful toues draw him ou and ou to the entrance gates of the exhibit, where music in another form at tracts attention. The gate posts on the north side and on the south have each a familiar piece of musical notation upon it carved in gilt. On the north are "Star Spangled Ban ner" and '"Then You'll Remember Me;" on the south are, "Old Hundred" and "Home, Sweet Home," a pretty and pleasing novelty. Inside are the instruments which have made this house famous. First is a superb No. 18 Decker Bros, cabinet grand, great in tone and wonderful in action, replete with all the newest appliances; octaves, the case of butternut a wood en tirely new for such purposes; a Knabe baby grand rosewood case, holds the central posi tion; wonderfully advanced are the babv grands from the first one shown at Smoky Is land; a Knabe upright is close beside this, and a J. and C. Fischer, Space would not permit specimens of the other pianos carried bv tins house being shown this week, but changes will be constantly made, and something-sew to per petuate the interest always felt in this exhibit. The pianos are all draped with the new style silk embroidered scarfs, those of plush, velvet and felt having had their day; the new favor ites are so pretty and tasteful that they meet with a gracious reception At all sorts of ancles stand the organs; back to back, sideways, facing evervway possible to give them a chance in the allotted space. A Warren fc Clough church organ attracts in stant attention, for it is a most desirable in strument, rich, beautiful tone, and of great power. A Clough Warren in bird's eye maple has nickel-plated stops, is very hand some; at the same time it is one of the instances where the instruments are unusually fine iu a word, desirable in every sense. Then there are those prime favorites, the Estey organs, always sought after, alwajs satisfactory, and still others which must be told of in the near future Art and genius have made special progress in all the keyboard musical instruments in the past few years; there is a solidity and durability about them far surpassing what used to tniiv Mt;,f public: greater resonance and carrying qualitv; greater evenness and perfection in the action; greater care in the selection of materials greater skill in workmanship.altogether greater results. A Decker Bros.'s grand will give you the fullness of an orchestra, or the unit. hr,n. of a zephyr under a master's hand. Organs that wheeze, creak and wail are things of the past, things not to be tolerated; to-day they are full, soft anu rich in tone, "speak" with the lightest touch, satisfactory to the player and the listener. It is such a matter ot course to find all these things just as you would have them with the stock kept by Mr. Hamilton, that people do not realize how deep a study he has made of the subjects to procure for his patrons the very best pianos and organs made as may be proven by visiting the exhibit or the warerooms, 91 and H3 Fifth are. An amendment to the "W. 0. T. IJ. con stitution, providing that in the future the object of the organization should be non partisan and non-sectarian, as offered by Mrs. Sands, created a lengthy discussion at the afternoon session of the County "W. C. T. TJ. Convention yesterday. "When the proposed amendment had been read Miss McConnell arose to the point of order that there being no constitution an amendment was not possible. The consti tution had, she stated, been lost or mislaid. Mrs. Campbell replied with some warmth that the last speaker must have been mis led. She, Mrs. Campbell, distinctly re membered the adoption of the constitution at a meeting in the Third Presbyterian Church of Allegheny, and that she would be ashamed to belong to. a body that had no constitution. The amendment was then the subject of general discussion. Some were in favor of it as they thought that the TV. C. T. TJ. should be plcdgeless. Mrs. Campbell, in particular, stated that she did not want her actions controlled by any political party. But things took a livelier turn when Mrs. "W. C. Gormley secured the floor. "She maintained that the non-partisan allusion inthe amendment was simply a Republican blind. Mrs. Campbell rapped smartly with her gavel andjstated that Mrs. Gormley was out of order. The gavel became disjointed during the above process, but the President picked up the pieces and went on to state that Mrs. Gormlev's assertion meant to imply that those who offered the amendment did so in the interest of the Republican party, and she called upon Mrs. Gormley to retract or abandon the floor. Mrs. Gormley appealed to the sense of the meeting. Mrs. Campbell retorted that no matter how much the speaker might appeal, she (Mrs. Campbell) was President, and that Mrs. Gormley must retract or subside, and then Mrs. Campbell appealed to the delegates to sustain the Chair. A number of voices called out in support of her position. Mrs. Gormley took her seat, but, woman like, fired the following Parthianjarrow: "I will sit down, but I will never retract; non partisan Bepublican every time." Quiet having been restored, the amend ment was voted down. Miss McConnell, as Treasurer, submitted her report for the last year. The receipts were 1,178 82, and the expenditures were $1,395 95. An adjourn ment for supper was then had. At the morning session Mrs. H. C. Camp bell called the convention to order at 10 o'clock, and devotional exercises were con ducted by Mrs. J. "W. Sproull. Mrs. A. F. Brice, corresponding secretary, presented a report showing the growth of the local unions throughout the county. At this juncture the president, Mrs. Campbell, an nounced the standing committees for the convention as follows: Credentials Miss McConnell, Mrs. Hennings, Mrs. Courtney. Resolutions Mrs. Sands, Mrs. Aiken, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Devore, Mrs. Sproull. Time and Place for the next Convention Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Sawhill, Mrs. "Woods, Mrs..CabalI. Plan of Work Miss Gemmill, Miss Monroe, Mr3. Ayres, Miss Sanford, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Foster. Courtesies Mrs. Peoples, Mrs. Sloan, Miss Horr. There were 27 unions represented and 36 either in arrears or without delegates on hand. WITH CONSIDERABLE POMP AN IMPORTANT YEEDICT Rendered on tbo Homestead Steel Explo sion, but One Containing; ImportnntHInts for the Safely of All Iron and Bteel Mills. The Coroner yesterday concluded the in quest on the victims of the Homestead steel mill explosion. Several witnesses told the same story already"1 printed. Coroner Mc Dowell "read the affidavit of "William G. Lane, of Turtle Creek, brother of Isaac Lane. Lane was in his 24th year. He told his brother that the accident was due to a wet bottom. On Sunday Lane told his brother that when the ladle was lilted from the pit water was dripping from the bottom. They had filled a ten-ton mold out of the ladle and half filled another when the ex plosion took place. Coroner McDowell then instructed the jury in their duty, and at 3:35 they retired to the jury room. After an hour's consideration the follow ing verdict was returned: t Andrew Keppler, aged 41 years, came to his death on Friday, August 30. 1S89, about 2 o'clock p. at., from burns and scalds received about 1:35 p.m.. while employed as a pitman in Carnegie, Phipps Jfc Company's Steel works. Homestead borough, by the ladle of steel boil ing up and exploding while being poured into molds, and falling upon him and burning him. And from all the evidence the jury find that said explosion was due to the following reasons: First That tho bottom of the ladle used to pour the said heat was not and had not been given proper time to dry. Second That Isaac Lane, deceased, who was ladleman, and N. W. Shade, smelter of No. 2 furnace, wero negligent in running said beat of steel into this ladle when it was not in proper condition, and should be censured therefor. The jury recommend that said firm have at least one extra ladle, for use around the fur nace, and not allow molds to stand too close to the pit for the safety of workmen in case of accidents of this description. Coroner McDowell said that this verdict covered the deaths of the other victims. Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, ric, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. FOR SEASICKNESS Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. W. W. Blackman, Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "1 am very much pleased with it In seasick ness. Several cases have been brougbt to my attention where it afforded prompt and entire relief." THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For tha accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except whero advertisers already have accounts with Tax dis patch PITTS BUBO. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 35C0 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and FultonsU N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Fend avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLI3TEU.5tSnEllJLEIt,5thT. &Alwoodst SOUTUSIDX. JACOB 8FOHN. No. 2Carson street H. A. BONALUSON, 1T07 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. -A. 3. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEItS. 172 Ohio street. I". H. EGOE1W & SOX, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. BTEVENSOJf. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. U. "W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaveraves. FERRY M. ULEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. MILLVALE BOROUGH. w. W. FLOCKER, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave, -, WANTED. Miscellaneous. WANTED-TYPEWKITER-TO EXCHANGE a new llsmmoncl for Remington or Call graph.. AddressTYFEWBlTER, BOX69J, city. sell--wa -TTrANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES TV paid for second-band furniture, carpets and household goods of allklnds. 1211 FENS AVE- . U au25-2S-Mwr WANTEU-EVERVUODY TO SEND THEIR fnrnltnra needlnir nnhnlitrlne.- rnftlrln and reflnlshlnc to HAUGU KEENAN, S3 and 34 Water at. 'Phone IKS. auu WANTEO-A X.OCATION NEAK TO, BDT ontslde the dry, for maanlactnrlng a specialty. Addres,witlipartIcular,SPECIAI?rY MFG. CO., Dispatch oOce. seU-39 WANTED-PKRSON8TO JOIN AN ELGIN atch Club and to pay tl per week on Sne ?0,A.wttcne' drawn each week: call at once. JOHN MITSCH, 130 Federal St., Allegheny. auii-Mwrsu FOR BALE-LOTS. Cltr Lots. FOR BALE-ON COR. TWEHTIETH AND Wharton su., S. 8., lot 16x120 feet, with bnlldlar: price lowt'sulttble for mannfacturlnr. W.-A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth sve. set-59-MW FOB SALE-LARGE LOT IN FIRST WABD, containing about 5,000' square feet: well suited lor a manufacturing plant or for warehouse Eurnoses: terms very easy IT detlrtd. V. H. O V E, 03 Fourth avenue. sell-H-wrsu mO LMVAT W 88 MO.-A JL hoaseof SnAm Ml or sea4 ftr A. HKKBON X aeiHSj M fMrth mm. SFS31 mO LET-No. 4t SIAJHOK ST. (TBHIf JL or un f nralskeO, 7 r near Forbes K. W. A. Fourth aveaae. 7re(M:HHe naner JlfKBUJI A SOJ 37 East End Lota. TT'OR SALE-(99)-FINEST BUILDIN G SITE IN IJ East End; close to Roup sta. and both cable uuesiiwxauuii.: surrounded dt una residences. 8. W. BLACK, i CO.. 99 Fourth ave. sell-5-wibs WANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a line 'gold watch for each ?.?eJn the clab at J1 per week. Address P. O. upx sol, and I will call and snow you the watch. J.T3-40 ' know that he is making line cabinets at II GO per dozen: photos delivered when promised: lnstan taneons process. mhl2-S3 FOE SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Rctddencea. XjWK SALE-BRICK HOUSE 8 BOOMS: LATE JU improvements: only t.TX; on Bluff, near Chestnut St.. Hl-vth wnrrf low price. W. A. HEBRON avenue. igood property at a A SONS, 60 Fourth ser-63-MWS F ORSALE-S. S. INVESTMENT; 3 FRAME houses (ncW) rentier for seoonervear. with room tobnlld 3 more rin rrar nf int? will he isnlrt t a figure that will make them pay handsomely. BALTENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, 134 Fourth ave. sell-31-wp WANTED. Slole Ilcln- WANTED-A GOOD BARBER-NO OTHER need apply. J13 FERRY STREET, sell-el WANTED-2 GOOD MOLDEKS AT ONCE, BY the NOVELTY MFG. CO., Irwin, Pa7 eell-21 WANTED -French. selMl A TUTOR IN GERMAN AND BEECH ST., Allegheny City. TTTANTED-4 CARPENTER COR. FOURTH Suits and Wraps. Our department is Tery attractive in this line, and the prices have been made the low est at the People's Store. Campbell & Dick. A pure, wholesome and delicious drink is Frauenheim & Vilsack's "Iron City Beer." It is undoubtedly the best in the market. Telephone 1186. Hofv About Cool Evenlnss. A Fall Wrap comes in there most accept ably. Campbell & Dick are ready for you at the People's Store. Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, Wylie ave. Call or send by mail, vsu TV ave. and Grant st. sell-27 BOOTH &FLINN. TtTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS OYSTER AND VV clam opener, at MO. 31)1 AJIOND SQUARE. sell-28 x TITANTED-TWO TINNERS' FOR IN AND V outside work. HEMRYBIEHL, Duller, Pa. se8-2!-wsu TrrANTED-A:PArrERNMAKER. INQUIRE V ofW. W. RANKIN, 84 Irwin ave?, Alle gheny. sell-18 TTTANTED-MEN TO CANVASS. INQUIRE V V of T. R. DUNN, No. 217 Carson sCPltts burg. Sonthslde. sell-30 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER; steady work; married man preferred. P. SEEFORD, Niles, O. se7-82 FOR BALE-AT A BARGAIN-AN ELEGANT new house; 20 minutes1 walk from the post offlce and close to cable line; nine rooms, bath room and laundry, both gases, hot and cold water throughout, finely finished wide halls, high ceil ings, fine slate mantels, fancy tile hearths, fine chandeliers, electric bells'and all modern conven iences; delightfully located, with front and back Sorches. Apply to JOHN MADDEN, Attorney, ! Diamond st. sell-8 FOR BALE - BEAUTTFUly AND LEVEL building lots, 24x25 ft. front, on Homewood ave. and Clawson street. Just at Homewood sta tion. itSfft) nnwjtrri. W A TIFUVflM S- KflKU 80 Fourth avenue. e-66-W8 OR SALE-BOULEVARD PLACE, THOMAS street, lot 50x135 ft. : excellent opportunity for Investment: will sell at a lower price than origin il owner wonld: a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 09 Fourth ave. sell-ig-TWT FOR SALE-EAST END LOTB-W60 AND 58n, desirably located, and within reach of P. B. E. and Fifth STe. cable road, commanding a magnlficentvlew: easy terms. BLACK. &BA1RD, 93 Fourth sve. 3A-210C t se8-72-9.il, 13,17,19, 53,23,3, 27,30 FOR SALE-RIVER AVE . LARGE BUILD ING lots In heart or East End for f2S0 each: uo one should pay rent when tbey can secure homes at these prices on easy payments. MEL LON BROTHERS, 6349Stttlon st, E. E. se8-117-MW FOR SALE BAUM GROVE LOTS. ROUP station, and near Doth cable lines: this is the most desirable and central location In tno East mi; wiuensKsionesioewaixs tnrougn the whole plan. Secure colored plan from MELLON BROS.. East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 612 Smltbfleld street. eS-l02-wsa TO LET PKNN AVE., NEAK N1HTK street. 2 very desirable awl ytsMuttr tr eated dwelling. MiUMefsr B uai dlig f jeVraSw both rases; otty water; lew MM MACS BAIKD. 86 Fourth ave. te-tL rTIO LKT-2 HOUSES OV s JtOOMB OR AL X LAOHER St.; rest. S4S- lMafee so. (Jg OALLAOHEK ST-Allegheny. seU-M-WT rriO LET-TWO MODK8N AND DWtKABLZ A. residences la Sceood wsnL AllSfSH;; mum K- and K7 SO respectively. STRAUK Jfc M&RlUs, corner wood st. aad Third avenue. seti-M rTW LET-2-STORY JMMCK HOtHHC Wria . X. mansard roof, containing 9 roetas, MM. term attle, bathroom, etc.; yard back 4 rsat: aUta nst condition ; narttenlars at pramlm. m TTM MONT ST., Allegheny. fU-X DSvttsTBvB JwCStvCBOvBi mu LET-ELSGANTLY ITJKN I8HBB : X st Edgeworts, P.. Ft. W. V. JCW.: rooms, snisnea attte. w. c Batnrees, sxtm mm of gas: will be rented to respoasIMa )wm fram October 1, 1M9, to April J, MM., Address L.B.X7, Leader office. seU-4-wr Apart meats. TO LZT-4W PENN AVE. LABSX BtMHL second-atorv front. thFM wiBdnwa iMnfr parlor first story, and sta.ilier roaii, aUbasd wmeij ana oewiy luraisaeQ. FOR SALE- NEW FA1KMOUNT AVE.. finest East End building site, Kacdy to cable line and P. R. R.. about 4 acres of land at 83.000 Jeracre, which can he divided Into lots, which or beauty or location and surroundings cannot be surpassed: special terms to anyone taking as a whole. MELLON BROTHERS, 8349 Station, St., E. E. icS-IIJ-wsn Enst End Residences. FOR SALE-3,700-FOK A FEW DAYS ONLY. a very handsome frame dwelling of grooms on Ward St., Oakland, with gas. water, bath, etc.: a bargain to quick buyer. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-73 scb Fc lOB SALE-OAKLAND HOMES MAGNA St.. near Craft ave.: elegant 2-storr and mansard brick dwellings of 8 rooms; all modern improved conveniences: Invite Inspection. BLACK BAIRD, 85 Fourth ave. 2D-81 seS-eu FOR SALE (99) GOOD INVESTMENT; 3 frame dwellings renting for 8528 per year; onlys minutes from East Liberty station and cable cars: only 84.000: -reasonable terms. SAM UEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. sell-i-wrs WANTED-FINE COAT MAKER-STEADY employment and good wages. M. T. FORNEY, Leetonla, O. sell-34 TT7-A.MTKD-A GOOD BARBER: WAGES 87 A weekandboard.atTHOB.DOTTERMAN'S, 36 Chestnut st, Allegheny. sell-13 The Weather Is Fine And our stock of jackets is also fine; ur prices are low at the People's Store. , Campbell & Dick. WELL WORTH A VISIT. Strangers Should Sec Fleming i; Son's Im mense Drug Store While Dolnc the City. A visit to this city and the Exposition is not complete without a call is made at the store of Joseph Fleming &. Son, druggists, 412 Market street, one of the most reliable firms in this line of trade iu the city. A specialtv of fine liquors and wines is made. Recently the senior member of the firm made a trip to Europe and while there entered into an arrangement with makers of wine and liquor whose goods have a world-wide reputation for the direct importa tion of all the famous brands. In addition to these foreign liquors, Fleming & Son have on hand the finest domestic wines and whiskies in the market. They deal largely in California wines, which are bought "directly from the best known proprietors of vineyards on the Pacific coast, whose wines bear the State seal of purity. In this line of goods several varieties can be found, namely, port, tokay. muscatel, sherry, angelica, sneet ana dry catawba, Ries ling, claret and blackberry. These wines are all of the finest grades and their purity is beyond doubt. Fleming's stock of old rye wbiskiesand Holland gin is unequaled in qualit-. Tbese liquors are all put up in convenient package", and are sold at reasonable prices. The con stantly increasing trade of Fleming fc Son is proot that their goods are all that they are rep resented, and that the firm deals fairly with all. Fleming also keeps on hand, preserved in the natural fresh state, the unfermented juice of the Oporto grape for the especial use of churches, hospitals and invalids. The firm's stock of drugs and toilet articles is large, and none but experienced and registered pharmacists are employed in the prescription department. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Will tbo New Turners' Hall la Allegheny be Dedicated. The new Turner Hall now in course of construction on Canal street, Allegheny, will be dedicated with imposing ceremonies on Thanksgiving Day. Arrangements have been made for a grand procession of all the German societies in the county and many from adjoining towns, to precede the dedi catory ceremonies. John N. Neeb has been chosen Chief Marshal of the parade. The procession will form in three divisions Xorthside, middle and Southside, the or ganizations of each to cboose their own di vision marshal. Dr. Herman W. Heckelman will deliver the Oerman oration, and an oration in the English language will be delivered by a gentleman yet to be selected. t Tourists, Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle ot Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually en the Kioneys, uver anu uoweis, preventing levers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading drug gists. J. G. BENNETT & CO., Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden Wedding" the bes. of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," geri: of all family flours. , PROPOSALS. Office of Bobougb: Clerk, i McKkesport, Pa, September 11, 1SS9.I" NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received at tho office of the Borough Clerk, until FRIDAY, September 20, A. D. 18S9. at 12 o'clock noon, for the follow ing sewers and street improvements, viz.: SEWERS. One on Cherry alley, from 150 feet west of Short street to Queen street; approxinate length 210 feet, size IS Inches; thence to Ash strcer. length 550 feet, sizo 20 inches: tbeice to Cliff street and Crooked run, length 600 fiet, size 24 inches. I One of 15-inch and 20-inch diameter Ion Jenny Llnd street, from Fourteenth to Six.1 teenth avenues; approximate quantity of 15-' incu pipe uzo ieet, ana ifu leet 01 zu-incn. One of 15-inch diameter on Walnut street, from Powers' line to Fourteenth avenue; ap proximate length 240 feet. One ot 12-inch diameter on Locust street, from Eleventh avenue to Whigham street; ap proximate length 240 feet. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Grading, curbing and paving with block stone of Jenny Lind street, from Fourteenth to Sixteenth avenues. Plans and specifications of tbo above 11 ork can be seen, and blanks for bidding and all information can be had at the Engineer's office on and after September 17. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond in amount to equal that of the contract, and be probated betore a Notary, and said proposals must be handed in on or before the above specified time. Unless taid require ments are strictly carried out the bid will not be considered. The Council reserves tbo right to reject any or all proposals. GEORGE BOSSART, sell-57-ws Clerk. WANTED-TWO EXPERIENCED PULLERS; steady work: references required. Ad dress C. C, Dispatch office. sell-17 ITfJANTED A TV shirts; SALESMAN FOR CUSTOM owj Kautu iui me riKUhUIBU. JiaQresS J. KNIGHT, Hotel Boyer, Pittsburg. sell-50 TTTANTED-TWO GIRLS FOR GENERAL TV housework. Apply to HARTMAN BROS., Continental Hotel, No. 13 Carson St., S.S. sell-11 VTTJANTED-OFFICE BOY, 17 TO 20 YEAKS TV old. Address In own hand writing, with reference and wages expected, O. B. G.. Dis patch office. sell-20 WANTEO-TWO MEN OF PLEASANT AD ORERS to sell goods In cltv: also two to sell on the road, Room No. 13, PITTS. ART CO., 42Jf Sixth, seii-44 -TTTANTED-TftO BRIGHT. ACTIVE BOYS, TV with fie cash security, to run as news agents on railroad trains. Apply at NEWS SfAMD, P. & L. E. R. H. Depot, Sonthslde. sell-15 FOR SALE-A LARGE 8-ROOMED. MAN SARD roof, frame residence on Grazier St., Dallas, on a lot 48x135 feet; bouse newly painted, with floe porches and shrubbery: price, 84,200. on Ej se8-120-MWF FOR SALE-89, 000-11 PER CENT INVEST MENT. Broad St., near Negley ave., double brick dwelling' 5 rooms eaeh, also four frame houses In rear, with lot 60x187 to a street: one sqr. from cable road. S. TV. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. . sell-47-WThs Fob sale-Oakland ave., 8-room man bard brick, with bath, laundry, h. and c. water. Inside w. c. slate mantels and all modern conventexces: lot 24x100. cor. of street, extending to alley. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO.. 89 Fourth avenue. sell-4-wrs FOB SALE A PIECE OF GROUND ABOUT 2 acres. In the last End, Mulford avenne near Brush ton avenue; about 3 minutes' walk from Brushton station: to be sold at public sale for account of whom It may concern, os Mondav afternoon. September IS. at 8:39 o'clock, on the premises; terms from JA8.W. DRAPE t CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Foorth avenue, Pitts burg; se7-es-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOB SALE-ONE OF THE MOST PROSPER OUS Job printing offices in the city: only (9,000: good reasona for selling. STEVENSON'S AGENC ,100 Fifth ave. sell-23 FOB SALE-FIRST-CLASS SALOON DOING A good business: best location In the city. Ad dress 8. C. WHITTENBEBGER. 179 Market street, East Liverpool. O.. Opera House Block. selO-l RESTAURANTS, grocery stores, notion stores. TTK)B SALE-FIHST-CI.ASS X.1 ooarnmg houses, choice cheap grocery stores, confectioneries, drrgoods and notion stores. furnished house for roomers, very profitable large "wj uu cumecuoaery, cigar stores, oaaenes, feed store, milk depot, shoe stores, drug stoies, printing office, good country newspaper office, butcher shop, and many other business chances. Free particulars. SHEPARD & CO.. 54 Ftfth sve. v au29 Business Stands. FOB SALE-A PAYING INVESTMENT IN business property, No. 619 Liberty st. See W. A.HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth are. sel-59-HVT FOB SALE-CALL OR SEND FOR PLANS and description of those fine new brick houses on Forbes st. and Coltart square, Oakland: the most complete and desirable bouses In the market for the money: 9 to 13 rooms each. W. A. HERRON A SON S, No. 80 Fourth aTe. au6-23-Wfl FOR SALE-84.W- OAKLAND DWELLING, 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, batb. Inside w. c, laundry, etc. ; all modern conveniences, on good street and on line of sew cable loop; Is sure iu cuiiauce iu vaiuc; examine (ins oeiore you ouy. UT . ,V .. D . TUIt. fl- 1 ,1. A, mm - -. - UUft..X Ob PAlill, MIUUIUIXTC 1S-J1 WAiNTED-A MAN TO TAKE AN OFFICE and represent a manufacturer; 150 per week; small capital required. Address, with stamp. Hi A NITlTAfrrTTWVW KatTA W.tt AA.nn M.. MAM UFACTUREH, Box 70, West Acton, lecsu-aw Mass. Corner Wood Street and Fifth Avenue. Bcndett & Co. sell Youman's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Dunlap's bats. Bennett & Co. sell Silverman's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Boston hats. Bennett & Co. sell Christy's English hats. Bennett & Co. sell Lincoln, Bennett & Co.'s English hats. Bennett & Co. sell Heath's English hats. The above makes are known to be the fin est in the world, and can be purchased at a slight cost over the ordinary make of hats at J. G. Bennett & Co.'s, corner Wood' street and Fifth avenue. teriors,"aretheworkofMr. W.A.Davis. who! wearing qualities" and prices that come vVlthin BIcIior & Hocne, 77 Fifth Avenue. In the new Exposition building this firm holds relatively the same position as they used to in the old Smoky Island affair. The instru ments then exhibited were declared to be un rivaled, but now tbey have been conquered by themselves. Th glorious Hardman piano of to-day is the favorite of the artists who will only be satisfied with the very best. And what more could be asked than what they possess' Faultless action, perfection of tone, grand Is in charge and designed thm .ninHi biblt. who has drawn them as souvenirs of art decoration he has previously originated and carried out. low a little secret must be told. Everybody is talking nf the expeusiveness of the McClintock Exhibit, and it transpires that everything In the whole affair has been taken from their regular stock, and all of tbem of most modest prices. It is the artistic arrange ment which la answerable for so much, and that Is thoroughly understood bv O. McClintock A Co. While space was not obtainable for more tnan a furniture exhibit, a full exposition of carpets is displayed In their spacious showrooms. No. S3 Fifth avenue, where everything can be found from the most expensive high class Azmlnster. Wilrtm, Brussels and other carpets to the medium and low grades selected for this teason and mostly in confined styles exclusive ly their own, to which the attention of visitors to the Exposition is cordially invited. 'Tis a the reach of all. Following these atn tho nn. table Krakauer, the Harrington and tbe Kim ball pianos. Then in organs there are the Palace, A. B. Chase, Kimball and Chicago Cottage;all of the best and most durable kiuifs. Then the JEolian organ wins a place to itself, for it is an instrument deservedly popular with organists and with those who would like to mike music, yet have never been taughttbis sounds like a paradox, but is easily explained. Itisreallva full "Key Board Orgau'rfor the musician, but the unknowing ones have simply to touch a stop, work the bellows with their feet and have delicious music as the result Jlellor & Hoene propose adding still further to their already superior exhibit in a few days. A working model of a section of tbe Hardman piano action which stands in one corner, has enlightened many people as to why the touch of these instruments are superior to all others. Both pianos and organs have cases In all the new and fashionable woods ot the present. Excursions to Butler Fntr. The Pittsburg and Western Railway will sell round trip tickets to Butler, September 10, 11, 12 and 13, good to return until Sep tember 14, for ?1 60. Trains leave Alle gheny at 7:40 and 10 o'clock A. m., 1:40 aud 6:30 p. m., city time. Thousands of Ribbons, All sizes, widths and qualities. Cheaper than ever at the People's Store. Campbell & Dick. Exposition. One of the finest displays at the Exposi tion is that of Max Kleinthe "Silver A"e" man. mwp Natural Gns Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. See our new gas fires, gas ranges, gas stoves, etc.; register your orders lor la.ll delivery. The largest, finest and most com plete assortment of any .firm in the world. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co., 34 Fifth ave. Fall Wraps to Be Sold Chenp. At the People's Store no fancy prices prevail. You get your full value for the money paid. Campbell & Dick. Brick. For sale. 2,000,000 good No. 1 building brick delivered at Pittsburg, or along line of Allegheny Valley B. B. Address S. S. Lindsay, Creigbton, Pa. WFSu 81. Until October. $1. Mothers, bring children to Aufrecht's Elite gallery, S16 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator. Cabinets fl per dozen, proof shown. I will pack neatly in a box and ship anywhere lor $5, six bottles of pure Guck enheimer, Gibson, Finch or Overholt, 6 vears old, or one quart for 51. MAX Hxein, 82 Federal st,, Allegheny. MWF All the best stocked bars keep Frauen heim & Vilsack's celebrated Pilsner beer on draught. Ask for it, or order it direct. Telephone 1186. See the finest line of neckwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth aye. PROPOSALS SEPARATE SEALED PRO POSALS are invited up to noon of Sep iciuuer u, ioov. ior me erection ot a hospital building and putting a second floor upon the workshop of tbe lemale department of the Pennsylvania Reform School at Morganza, Pa. Plans and specifications can be seen and bids left at the office of T. D. Evans, architect, Lewis building. Pittsburg, Pa. The right is reserved to reject any or all bias. By order of the BUILDING COMMITTEE. selO-73-MTuWS TTTANTEO-SALESJIAN: YOUNG MAN TO TT ro to Ohio: must be thoroughly posted In hats and gents' furnishing goods, and have good recommendations. Apply to L1PPMAN, 405 Wood street. sell-14 TfTTANTED FIRST-CLAbS, SOBER . PRE VV 8CRIPTION glass blowers; also a few good finishers: union wages; steady work; rare paid; write fullv;-say who yon worked for. , CHICAGO OLASS MFG. CO.. Chicago. anIS-4S-D WANTED-FOR THE UNITED STATES army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 35 years; good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance. Apply at NO. 915 PENN AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. jy21-30-wsu TTTANTED-AGENTS TO SELL THE P1N V LEBS Clothes Line: the only line ever In vented that holds tbe clothes without pins: a per fect success: patent recently Issued; sold only by agents, to whom the exclusive right Is given; on receptof 50 cts. we will send a sample line by mall: also circulars, price list and terms to agents; 6ecuro your territory at once. Address WOR CESTER FINLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass. au23-39-WS TTIOR SALE-A BABE OPPORTUNITY IS NOW 17 offered to any desiring to purchase a home in the choicest location In Oakland, as very lib eral terms can be made In the purchase of the re maining houses on Forbes street ana Coltart square: 9 and 13 rooms, well built, elegantly finished, fine surroundings, quick transit, only IS minutes from postofflce by cable line. For terms. f rices and plans see W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 ourth avenue. se4-64-MWF FO B S A L E-OAKLAND. FOURTEENTH ward, a neW2-story and mansard brick dwell ing, 8 rooms, bath, .w. c... hall, laundry, etc, slate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, fine chandeliers, both gases, city water and house wired for electric lights, plate glass windows, electric bells, good sewerage, street paved with asphaltnm and paid for. beanttfnl shade trees In front of house, a few minutes from cable cars: price 89,500; a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time: Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth are. seS-4-o FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP. .A GOOD BUSI NESS honse on Ohio near Middle t. Alia. gheny; an Investment or only 810,000 required. See W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. 868-98-9.11.14,17 OB SALEADVANCE ROLLER MILLS Newly refitted to Case system, steam power; doing No. 1 work: desirably located OUR.R.; plenty of bard wheat at mill door; terms low. Call or address TAYLOR BROS. ACO., Rogers, CoL Co., O. au22-67-D TO LET-IN HOUSE JTACINU FAME. TOUT desirable large, alrr. well fcislstuil nea. both gases and use of bath, suitaMe tut mm or two gentlemen. Address, PRIVATE FAMILY, Bit- paieu urace. Baaineu Stands. f-po LET-LAKGE 8-STOKY BBJCK WAH, X HOUSE with large elevators; central leea tlon; suitable for storage purposes or carriage factory; Twelfth street Bear Ilnloi. station. Ap ply to T. MELLON 4 SON'S BANK. 54 SmHli field St. s8-MS-hwt Offices. Desk Room, otc rpO LET-DESK BOOM IN OUKMAIN OFFKK jl. wun use or ae. etc : also a small : ciosea in glass. sell-45 a H. LOVE, 98 Fourth ave. TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BU1LM ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two oTSa roomiest and best-lighted oSces to be founor 1b ttte city; rent, Jew and saeo per annum, lnela(Hfig elec tric lights, janitor service and steam beattsc. Apply between-10 x. it. and 1 r. M or betwes zandsr.M. Jy- , rpO LET-STORE OE OFFICE BOOM, "WTIK JL large vault, suitable for insurance oSee or similar business. In Germanla Savings Bask building. No. 419 Wood street: room formerly oc cupied by George Relneman as saloon, aad now. temporarily occupied by the American. .Express Co.; It Is two steps below grade. matlugaH.rH elass basement. Inquire at THE BANK. leH-6S-B miscellaneous. TO LET-SCHOLABSHIP FOR PllTSBUBQ Female College, cheap. Address SCHOLAR SHIP. Dispatch office se9-24 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTER, DEPOT,, late 78 Fifth avenne. removed to 841 Smith Held street: frejh oysters received dally; orders flUed at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMEKLE, Mgr. sel-9E-D PERSONAL BOOKSI BOOKS! BOOKS! New and old. ancient and Kouern. standard, and rare. legal, medical and scientific saosovol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 903 Liberty st. au3-98 FOR SALE-TWO-STOEY BBICK STORE AND dwelling on Frankstown avenue East End. near East Liberty station: a good business loca tion forsale'Iow: by order of the executor and guardian of the estate. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenne. seU-4s-wrsu FOB SALE-A STOREROOM. WAREHOUSE and dwelling, with stock of goods if neces sary, at a point on line of railroad; a good town and fine conntry, and splendid place to reside or for business. Particulars I rom JAS. W. DBAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. se7-62-jrws FOR SALE-PROMINENT CORNER PROP ERTY on Wylle avenue; large lot and good bullalng at less than value to settle up an estate: we wHl sell for less than the city valuation, which is a low one and much less than the pronerty is worth, lr applied for at once. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue. sll-l9-WT8Sn PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they bad not been on tho best of terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing apparel, and which, of course, was done In a bungling manner; is order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send alt their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor. 65 Fifth ave.. corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1568. an30 LOST. LOST THREE PHOTOS' REWARD BT leaving at HIMMELRICH'S, Market st. . sell-54 EDUCATIONAL. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE-ALLEGHENY INVESTMENT; 3 two-story bricks of rooms, hall, bath, etc., in Third wards renting ror 8792 per year. BAL TENSPEKGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. sell-30 Female Help. TTTANTED-A GOOD COOK AND A GIRL VV ror general housework; good wages paid. Call 1137 LIBERTY AVE., city. sell-49 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COOK AND A good chambermaid; best wages paid. In quire at 116 SHEFFIELD ST., Allegheny, sell-62 OFFICIAL- PITTSBURG. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JX report of viewers on the opening of Wil liam street, from Bailey avenue to Browns ville avenue, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court ot Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. SI. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Work. Pittsburg. Pa., September i, 1889. se4-89 Pittsburg. Pa, September 9. 1SS9. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JN report of Viewers on the grading, pavius and curbing of Carnegie street, from Fifty second street to McCandless street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) aavs from date. E. M. BIGELOW. se9-32 Chief of Dep't of Public Works. WANTED--6 TRAINED FEMALE NURSES; must show diploma. Apply DR. SUTTON, private hospital, 170 Ridge ave., Allegheny City. sel9-68 "TTTANTED-A PROTESTANT GIRL AS NUR VV SERY governess, who can do neat sewing, amuse children, assist them with their lessons, and make herself generally useful with the care of them. Address GOVERNESS, Dispatch office, Pittsburg, Pa. se5-55 Olalo and Pcurale Help. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN and saleswomen for dress trimmings; It will be useless to apDlv unless thoroughly competent. FLEISHMAN & CO. sell-9 WANTED-50 LABORERS, STEADY WORK: carriage driver; farm hands, 60 cooks. 20 chambermaids, 100 nurse girls, pantry girl and dishwasher, housekeeper and sewing girl, store girl. MEEHAVS, 545 Grant St. se9-D FOR SALE-TWO-STOEY BRICK HOUSE IN Second ward. Allegheny, near park, con taining hall, 7 rooms, bathroom, lanndry and w. c. ; lot 20x110 to 20-foot alley: property In excellent condition: very desirable for residence or as In vestment: price low; terms easy. WM. A. SIPE, 93 Diamond st. seS-68-MWS FOR SALE-IKWlN AVE., ALLEGHENY. A 2-story and attic dwelling of 11 reoms, bath, w. c. marble mantels, both rases, lanndrr nrf all modern conveniences: good stableand carriage bouse, large lot: this Is one or the most desirable places facing the parks and very reasonable price and terms. For further particulars call on BLACK A B A1KD, 95 Fou rth ave. 2B-110, seS-70-irwT none. Vehicles. Live Stock. fec FOR SALE-FAMILY HOBSE AND SECOND HAND barouche la rood condition; owner has no further use for them. Csn be seen at THOS. S. O'NKIL A CO.'S, 5821-5825 Pennare. seil-55 machinery and metals. TTIOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS NEW JU and refitted: repalringpromptlv attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACHlNECO.,LIM., below Suspension bridge Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 TT'OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes and stvles keot In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. tall refitted; good as new, at lowest R rices; mouuieu ponauie engines, 5 to San. p. Ja3-92-JIWT J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Suburban Residences. T7IOB 8ALE-CHEAP-3 ACRES OF GROUND jl' wun aweiung, aDunaance or rrults, at Se wlckley. avenue. W. auuuuauuc ui irun. ac ri A. HERRON & SONB. 80 Fourth SU31-3-WS FOR SALE-AT A VERY REASONABLE prl;e, on account of removal -or owner, at Bellevue. well located, a dwelling of 9 rooms: lot 80x176 feet. W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. sel-59-MW FOR SALEONLY 82.300 IF SOLD QUICK a neat dwelling; 5 rooms In fine order: lot 40x 176 It: this Is a great reductlonln price, and cheap; centrally located In Bellevue, P.. Ft. W. A C. B. R. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. selO-SS-TWTB WANTED-AT BERNARUl'S. 1302 CARSON street Southside. one experienced dry goods salesman and window trimmer: a saleslady that has experience In cloaks, and two salesladies for drygoods department; all must have a thor ough knowledge of goods. sell-25-WF SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVEDatthe office of City Controller until FRIDAY, the 13th "day of September, at 2 P. 31.. for the furnishing and delivering of twelve (12) flatloads of good straw manure. Flats to measure not less than .50.ft.xl6 ft.x3 ft. 0 in. Six (G) flatloads to bo delivered at Citv J arm landing, Mpnongahela river. Six (6) flatloads to be delivered at Negley Run land ing, Allegheny river. The Department of Awards reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. R. C. ELLIOT, se9v)l Chief of Department of Charities. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE L reports of Viewers on the opening of Loyal alley, from Allen street to Beltzboovcr avenue: Allen street, from Washington avenue to Mc Lain street: Copeland strecr, from Ellsworth avenue to Walnut street; Mahogany alley, from Essex alley to Laurel street: Walter street, from Washington avenue to Lillian street, and Home street, from Plummer street to Butler street, navo Deen approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal Is filed in tho Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days irom date. E. M. BIGELO VV, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsburg, Pa. September 9, 1SS9. se9-32 WANTED - 825 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, maleorfcniale. In every community; goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight; no ucuuiiug, taiary jiaiu pruinpiiy, ami expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Just what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. Jel4-70-D Situations. "TTANTED-A TOSiriON BY A YOUNG MAN tt In a grocery or clothing store; furnish reference as to ability; pleasant address. C H. A., Dispatch offlce. sell-10 WANTED-FOSITION 1). E. BOOKKEEPER; competent to take charge of set of books rormfg. or other concern: salary (900 to 81,20c; Al reference. Address BOOKKEEPER, SMElcventh ave.. Alioonn, Pa. sclO-3 Pnrmers. TTfJANTEIl-TWO (2) ACTIVE, ENF.KGnTIC TV men with 8500 each to Join the subscriber in the purchase or an old-established and well known real estate business. For particulars ad dress MO RTU AGE, Dispatch offlce. sclO-62 FOR SALE LOTS. FOR SALE HOISTING ENGINES. NEW and second hand; wire and raanllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tabs and cars, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegbenv. anS-17-uwr OX. GEORGE'S HALL FOR BOYS AND O young men, St. George's, Md., near Balti more, Prof. J. C. Klnear, A. 1L, Principal. Col lege or business. Unsurpassed m advantage, comfon and situation. J200 to $273 a year. aul-92 CHOOL OF DESIGN. PENN BUILDING, Pens ave.,above Seventh. St. The fall term will open on Monday. Sept. IS, 1889; classes In, drawing and painting from tbe cast and from life: special class on Saturday. A. W. HEN-' PERSON. Principal. sel-3-MW? BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE A CD1 LEGIATE school for young ladles, cor- ner Penn ave. and Fourth street, Pittsburg. Tbe next session begins Wed., Sept. IL Send, for register giving full Information. Address the rector, REV. R. J. COSTER, A. M. JyI4-S3-W3 miscellaneous. FOB SALE-ONE GOOD SODA FOUNTAIN with 8 syrups and 3 draught tubes; also one automatic tumbler washer. Inquire JOHN DIMLING. 409. 411 Market st. sell-3S AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. TANNEHILL'S BRIC-A-BRAC. September 16 Denman Thompson's "Old Homestead." se9-15 BIJOU THEATER-TO-NIGHT, W. J. SCAN LAN. SHANE-NA-LAWN. September 16 C. L. Davis in "One of the Old Stock." seS-48-D THE STEUBENVILLE, O., YOUNO Ladies' Seminary opens September 17, with best of advantages in social, English, music and art departments, and with an ex perienced native French teacher. Address REV. DR. AND MRS. A. M. REID, Princi pals. Mrs. Sanford, Co-Principal. an31-30-31-8e3,,H PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACAD EMY. Chester. Pa. Twenty-eighth year opens September 18. A MILITARY COL LEGE. Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Archi tecture, Arts. Thoroughly organized, prepara tory courses. Circulars of Mr. F. G. PAUL-, SON, 441 Wood st, city. CoL CHAS. E. HYATT. President. Jyl062-ws TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS 8HORTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY for young men and boys only. IIBROOKJ5 HALL for girls and young ladle only. Address SW1THLN C. SHORTLlDGE, A. M. (Harvard gpaduate). Media, Pa., or call on E. WALKER. Monongahela House, for full In formation FRulAY, (10 A.M. to 4?.x.) this week. se8J6S Glenwood Lots. FOB SALE-LOIS AT GLENWOOD, NEAK the station: graded streets, sidewalks, city wstcr.houscs and lots lor sale. 81,350. SI, 750. SiOCO, ten per cent cash, balance on monthly payments: Second Ave. Electric Rallwav will pass In front of these lots; B. AO. Railroad fare monthly tickets, SH cents per trip; 12 minutes from Smltbfield st. GEORGE C. BURGWIN, 150 Fourth ave. Jy24-l!-arwsu Suburban Lots. FOR HALE "EMSWORTH BUILDING LOTS, 60x100 rect. J400and 8500 eaeh; these are bar gains and will not standlong. BLACK & 1IAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. 2H-68 SC4-57-D FOR SALE-SUBURB AN SITES, 3 ACRES TO 10 acres, at Oak Grove, adjoining Young station, between Parnassus anu Valley Camp, about 90 acres laid off In 3 to 10 acre plots and Fircsent many of tbe most desirable residence sites or suburban homes to be found along anv of the Tallroads; will be offered at public sale on Thurs day afternoon, September 19, at 3 o'clock on the premises or on the arrival or the 2 o'clock ex press train at Young station: plans and fuller In fortnatlon from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. Agents aud Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. se7-64-MiVTbS H ARRIS' THEATER EVERY AFTER NOON and evening. ( PASSION'S SLAVE. Week September 16, WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN. se6-D TXARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdav, ROSE HILL'S ENGLISH FOLLY CO. se9 mHE NEW WORLD'S MUSEUM JL Allegheny City. This week the ereat WORLD'S MINSTRELS. 32 in number, all artists. Next, Big Eliza, weight 900. seS-5-D Eugewortli BflaTuini aM Day Scbool For girls, 122 West Franklin street, Baltimore. Md.. Mrs. H. P. LEFEBVRE, princIpaL Tnls school will reopen on Thursday, tbe 19th of September. The course of Instruction em braces aU tbe studies included In a thorough English education, and the French and Ger man languages are practically taught jy30-68.ws ElITTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE FULL aud special courses of studv in Literature, nguage. Natural Science, Music, An and Elocution. Unsurpassed home comforts and care. Buildings large: facilities ample. Health ' ratio not surpassed anywhere. Location cen tral; Eighth street, near Penn avenue. Tuition, and boarding very reasonable. Next season opens September 10. For catalogue and full information send to PRESIDENT A. H. NORCROSS, D. D., JylO-23-ws Pittsburg. Pa. w Finnncinl. ANTED MORTGAGES OX CITY PROF- ftUii,.overH(X; rer cent; no tax. " T iitkl A uvea n,wu, i;b UCi tCUb, UW V. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. tCFourth avenue. uiu-azD T7"ANTED-MORTGAGES-8I.COO,OOOTOLOAN TT in large and small amounts at 4k. 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. Ri v-uii.je;s CO., 131 Fourth ave. itEED B. my21-C0 SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the offlce of the City Controller until SEPTEMBER 13,1889. at 2 P. M., for putting new prison cells in Police Sta tion Nos. 2 and 3, also for repairing said police stations. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of bids must ac company each proposal. Said bonds to be pro bated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, se4-88 Chief Department Public Safety. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Xl reports of Viewers ou tbe construction of sewers on Dresden alley, from Stanton avenue to Fifty-second street; Dithridge street and Forbes avenue, from Fitth avenue to a point on Forbes avenueSOOfeet westot Dithridge street; Atwood street from Bates street to Louisa street; Wrlghtsallev.from South Twenty-third street to South Twenty-fourth street, and Howo street from Ivy street to Aiken avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be Anal, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within (10) ten days from date. . E. M. BmELOW Chief of Dep't of Pnblic Work TV 63 tale. In Laropiromnll Amminf nt ALEXANDER i LEE, 313 Wood st, TANTED-MORTGAGES ON PITTSBURG. Allegheny or suburban improved real lowest raies. se7-49-MWS "VT7ANTED-TO LOAN SJ0O,0TO. IN AMOUNTS TV of 83,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)4 percent free or tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK & BAIRD, 85 1 ourth a cnue. se21-d.x-D TVTANTED MORTGAGES-il, 000, OOOTO LOAN T T on city and suburban properties at Hi, Sand "percent and on larms In Allegheny and aala cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCK A, SON, 10 Fourth avenne. ap7-Hl TtTANTED-TO LOAN 8201000 ON MORT T GAGES; (100 and upward at 6 per cent; 40,000 at 4)4 per cent on residences or business Property; also In adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D Fornis. TTIOR SALC-A GHEAT BARGAIN A FARM X? of 500 acres; 100 cleared, balance timber: new house, barn, etc.: farm well watered: fronts for one mile on the Potomac river: No. 1 situation for ashing clnbtprlce only 85,000. J. B. 11RISTOR, seio-74 fishing clnbiprlce oi Martlnsburg, W. Va. FOR brl SALE-FARM 125 ACRES. 2-STORY brick dwelling 10 rooms, large barn, fruit shrubbery, snrlngs: soil, lav of land, location lor summerand winter, and price, has not Its equal; excellent location for physician. ED. IT T1SH. 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. Pa. se7-D PU W..Vf Pittsburg, PA, Beptemberp, 1868, e!W2 vK-W. Quantity and Price. Miscellaneous. "TtTANTED BARBERS FOR CITY AND TV countrv situations. Also all barbers to tin aerstand distinctly that we are not the proprietors ot any barbershop, nor do we Intend to oppose pur patrons In their legitimate business by becom ing such, as we devote our time and attention ex clusively to the manuracture aud sale of chairs lr . barbers' supplies generally. ROSS W. 01.ACK, No. 80 Diamond street. The largest ujnuracturerorand dealer In barbers' supplies. Jot the successor of any arm. Twelve years In tne present location, No. 80 Diamond street three Jloors above Smlthneld street Pittsburg. All the leading barber-shops and first-class hotels are supplied by us. No scab labor employed nor any &-cent shops furnished with supplies at any price. A cordial invitation is extended to all barbers to can and examine our stock aud be convinced as to sen-jo-jnvr Miscellaneous. IOR SALE-RKAD THIS THROUGH, YOU win find crest bargains in real estate on tne southside. Kuoxvllle, Homestead, etc.: frame bonse, 9 rooms aud three-story brick or 3 rooms anil basement, corner Twentieth and Jane streets, 81.500: corner Twenty-eighth street and Fox alley, 2 brick and 2 rratne houses, each containing 4 rooms and attic 87.500: Nos. 2014 and 2U16 Sidney street each having 6 rooms and attic, only 82.500 each; Breed street, corner Uxor alley, 3 brick houses and 2 rows or frame buildings, monthlv income1 8101, the entire place cheap, 83,000; frame dwelling. 5 rooms, head Fifteenth street 81,800: frame house. 5 rooms. No. 1708 Mer rlmans street 81.509: No. 53 South Flitecnth street lot 40x80. large dwelling. 82.8G0; No. 219 Plane avenue, near Ml. Oliver Incline station, house. 10 rooms, store rooms and large hall, only 11,500: house. 4 rooms with 4 lots, Charles street Knoxvllle: will sell lots senaratelv or the cntlrn place cheap, at 83,350; lots on Carson street 81.000 each: lots near Twenty-second Street Incline. fJ00; row or frame bouses Third street, near Ann street. Homestead, only 81.350; beautiful house, 7 rooms, 2 acres oriand at Howard station. P.. V. A C. R. R., near Homestead, very cheap. 84.250. Look at this large flue house, 8 rooms, bay win dows, etc, with about 1 acre ofland, at Industry, Scott Haven station. P.. ilcK. & Y. B. R., line location, only 8J, 000: and have lot 50x150, with a stable near house, cheap, at 8600; two houses con taining 16 rooms, store room, good water, near Homestead station, both cheap, for 83,500; flue lot Carson street centrally located, 85.500; frame house. 5 rooms. No. 1709 Josephine street 82.000; elegant house. 8 rooms, all modern improvements, Carson street'lot 25x120, very low at 81,000. I have a great many other properties ror sale in al most any locality at bargains and on easy terms. Apply to O. R. ToUDY. 1721 Carson street Pitts burg, Southside, fa. ielO-82 CHAS. SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St REAL ESTATE. Choice and cheap, large and small, im proved and unimproved properties throughout both cities and suburbs. Call and see us. Telephone No. 1013. NOTICES. WE. THE PARENTS OF THE LATE Richard H. Thomas, extend our moss sincere thanks to the Arm of Sankey Brothers and their employes, also to the members of tbe Eighteenth Street M. P. Sabbath school, for their kindness and condolence in onr be reavement of our lamented son. Respect fully. JOHN R. THOMAS. seIl-7 MARTHA THOMAS. BIEET1NGS.1 se4 T O LET-OFFICES TO RENT- WESTINGHOUSE BUILDING. A BU. ipply to ILDING. SUPERINTENDENT OF THE au25-22-MWF A E. LINKENHE1MEK, ARCHITECT, 545 Smithfleld street, Pittsburg, Pa. Frelhelta Freund Buildinc second floor. mb24-80-t wr T) RIDGE NOTICE-U. S. ENGINEER OF r PICE, Louisville, Ky.. August 10, 1SS9. The Board of Engineers on tbe Louisville bridge will meet In public session at Major A. Stickney'a office, Louisville. Kyou September 12.18S9. at 11 A. M.. local time, to bear argu ments for or against the plan and location of the bridge proposed by the Louisville and Jet fersonville Bridge Co. C. B. COMSTOCK, Colonel of Engineers, President of the Board. anl3-28-13-U-15-16-sel0-U AUCTION SALES. UOTION SALE 133 Eureka street near East street Allentown, SATURDAY, September 14. 1SS9. at F. it. on the premises. A good new three-story and mansard brick dwelling of eight rooms, ball, vestibule, bard wood mantels, natural gas, city water: lot Mr 150 feet Positive sale. On terms. BLACK & BAIRD. se8-73-MWTS 95 Fourth avenue. LEGAL NOTICES.. P iIANOJs, ORGANS. S. HAMILTON, 81 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-D A. WH1TELEY. 128J4 THIRD AVE., UPSTAIRS. Gents' shoes soled and heeled in 15 minutes for 75 cents. Finest work In the city. ,u23-30-wT JNO. A. WILSON, Attorney at Law, 119 Fourth ave. TESTATE OF GEORGE GLASS, DE Jll CEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of George Glass have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. MARY A. GLA-S and DAVIS GLASS, executors. No. 57 Wylle ave.. PlitsLnrg. Pa. se-l-13-w rrfflEPITISBURGPHOTO-ENGRAVINGCOH- FANY.!ncorporatedl8S3.D13PATCHBUILD ING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond st Engravings of buildings, machinery, portraits, cuts for cata logues, etc; reproductions orpen and Ink draw-. Jugs, wood cut prints, manuscripts, etc.: print, lug, binding, blank books, etc, scj-frwa 4lBBHKllflBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBillllllllllllll